cRPG => Suggestions Corner => Game Balance Discussion => Topic started by: rufio on February 14, 2012, 07:31:56 am

Title: archery..
Post by: rufio on February 14, 2012, 07:31:56 am
archery is ruining this game again , ty
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Dravic on February 14, 2012, 07:33:50 am
y u no dodge mah arrow?
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Malaclypse on February 14, 2012, 07:48:56 am
I don't have fun unless I get either shot or bumped to death 5 times on a map!
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: _Tak_ on February 14, 2012, 07:51:58 am
 I think overall the ranged is balance now, no need to buff it or nerf it :D
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: El_Infante on February 14, 2012, 11:24:46 am
archery is ruining this game again , ty

Hi. I am Rufio, a 2hander guy that don't want to spend points on shield skill and I cry when archers shoot me. When a full loomed archer shoot me with 6 dedicated gens, I come to forums to whine a bit. I know that archers dont top the scoreboard ever, but I want archery nerfed to the ground.

Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Siiem on February 14, 2012, 11:31:41 am
I know that archers dont top the scoreboard ever

Well that is just the biggest lie I ever saw.
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Old_Sir_Agor on February 14, 2012, 11:39:44 am
Well that is just the biggest lie I ever saw.

yea we have couple archers , and they can top scoreboard if it is good map for they and it is no rain, but ususally cav and some inf top scoreboard and not archers, and rly  most crying people just dont waste 1-2 skill points on shield, shame on you!
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Siiem on February 14, 2012, 11:41:57 am
yea we have couple archers , and they can top scoreboard if it is good map for they and it is no rain, but ususally cav and some inf top scoreboard and not archers, and rly  most crying people just dont waste 1-2 skill points on shield, shame on you!

Oh yeah? Well your mother is a furry!
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: _Tak_ on February 14, 2012, 12:49:43 pm
archery is ruining this game again , ty

you change the sentense, before it was something like archery seems fine, ty. Now you change the opposite way lol
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Leshma on February 14, 2012, 02:15:53 pm
Hey, I wanted to make this thread. Damn you, Rufio :mad:
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Gravoth_iii on February 14, 2012, 02:58:29 pm
Get a shield.
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: BlackMilk on February 14, 2012, 03:02:01 pm
Get a shield.
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Teeth on February 14, 2012, 03:20:16 pm
Get a shield.
Uuggh, nope, can't be arsed to type the same reply to this for the fifteenth time. Nevermind.
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Old_Sir_Agor on February 14, 2012, 03:25:47 pm
you dont have shield-> ranged shoot you-> you die

it is how it shoud be in my opinion, btw we have pretty good amount of shielders on server, look on dalhi he is fine he allmost never died, and had good score allways, i think ranged is not problem for him.
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Gurnisson on February 14, 2012, 03:28:21 pm
Remove unsheatheable tag from all weapons and then tell me to get a shield.

(click to show/hide)
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Mala on February 14, 2012, 03:35:49 pm
archery is is op :P .
even though a lot of archers say that it is impossible to hit someone behind the buckler they still shoot at me.
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Miwiw on February 14, 2012, 03:43:49 pm
Get a shield.

This. Seriously.
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: BlackMilk on February 14, 2012, 03:45:53 pm
This. Seriously.
Shield   7   3 agility per level

Title: Re: archery..
Post by: PanPan on February 14, 2012, 03:48:01 pm
archery is is op :P .
even though a lot of archers say that it is impossible to hit someone behind the buckler they still shoot at me.
lol Buckler is the most little shield and IRL Archers would be able to shoot you...

Maybe get a bigger shield?

@ Topic It's not the Archery wich is OP its the OP Archers mostly.
And a nice tip dont run into Archers with Long bows and bodkins they (mostly) go heavy builds
(like: 27/15 ;9 pd) so even with a lordly Kuyak (most mainstream Armor from cRPG)
you die after only a few shots
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Penitent on February 14, 2012, 03:54:07 pm
u dont need a shield.  You can:

Also, stick by a teamie with a shield [q][f][f]KEEP YOUR FORMATION. <GASP, Teamwork!?>
Also, use cover (trees, walls).
Also, bring a seige shield and make your own cover.
Also, practice dodging
also, wear heavier armor

The possibilities are endless.

That's it, I'm going to make a "archer defense guide" for all the noobs.
Oh wait....I just did!   :o
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Fartface on February 14, 2012, 03:56:29 pm
Step 1 : go to eat icecream outside.
Step 2 : Think about what a beautifull day it is.
Step 3 : ignore a red light.
Step 4 : Get hit by a truck.
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Tzar on February 14, 2012, 04:05:16 pm
archery is ruining this game again , ty

Yeah well... what can we do... the ranged lobby performs the best head / oral pleasure around here so even if they made archery take skill which they did the ranged lobby will gather their finest oral experts in to change the devs mind in the last sec..

The moment when chadz an the devs decide to remove spray n pray archery he felt a disturbance in the force... it was like... a million 12 year old cs kids all cried out at once and were suddenly silenced by being rewarded with deadly braindead body shot dmg.
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Leshma on February 14, 2012, 04:09:36 pm
It's not the Archery wich is OP its the OP Archers mostly.

Not anymore. Now every nub can get his "lucky" headshot. I'm wondering how kill stats for the past month look like. I bet that number of headshots has skyrocketed.
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: [ptx] on February 14, 2012, 04:10:28 pm
I am having trouble remembering what happened, after a single 2h animation got changed by about 0,1 sec? Did that involve a lot of bloo-blooo-bwaaaaahahahaaaaaa? :rolleyes:
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: MrShine on February 14, 2012, 04:12:55 pm
Uuggh, nope, can't be arsed to type the same reply to this for the fifteenth time. Nevermind.

Old Board Shield
weight: 5
difficulty: 1
hit points: 200
speed rating: 89
shield height: 94
shield width: 27
Can't use on horseback

Old Heater Shield
weight: 4.5
body armor: 2
difficulty: 1
hit points: 160
speed rating: 96
shield height: 89
shield width: 23

Old Kite Shield
weight: 4.5
body armor: 1
difficulty: 1
hit points: 175
speed rating: 97
shield height: 92
shield width: 22

Very minor skill point investment, 1 slot investment, insignificant repair cost.  Probably will save you from ~5 arrows/bolts a round.

Archery is still nerfed from what it was in .260.

The moment when chadz an the devs decide to remove spray n pray archery he felt a disturbance in the force... it was like... a million 12 year old cs kids all cried out at once and were suddenly silenced by being rewarded with deadly braindead body shot dmg.

Tzar is an expert on how archers actually work and play, so I listen to and respect his opinions concerning ranged in cRPG.
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: [ptx] on February 14, 2012, 04:14:52 pm
The "get a shield" argument is so lame and sooooooo very much 2010. Really, we've been over that one many times, you can even add the slot argument nowadays. :rolleyes:
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: PanPan on February 14, 2012, 04:16:31 pm
get a shield then.
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: MrShine on February 14, 2012, 04:16:36 pm
The "get a shield" argument is so lame and sooooooo very much 2010. Really, we've been over that one many times, you can even add the slot argument nowadays. :rolleyes:
An oldie but a goodie ;)
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Leshma on February 14, 2012, 04:19:27 pm

Dude, I have 1 shield skill and I've used Old Heater shield. It's useless against archers. Problem isn't bad protection because I have just one shield skill, that's more than enough. Problem is something else. I hold it up while going after them and just when I'm near them, I still get shot because changing to weapon takes longer than it takes them to shoot at me. Make archers strong at distance and remove retarded shotgunning and I'll gladly use my shield every round.

Archery is this mod is complete opposite to what archery was during middle age.
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: PanPan on February 14, 2012, 04:21:07 pm
well then give us our ''middle age'' missile speed.

but no others would cry. :(

EDIT: Leshma try to kick teh archer or try to run around him to m-mh-m-mindfuck him.
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Leshma on February 14, 2012, 04:24:35 pm
I'm all for it, missile should travel faster but you should fire a lot slower and in volleys like archers used to. Not this Legolas bullshit we have from the day one.

Also reloading the xbow sure takes longer IRL than in this game...

Archers aren't supposed to be strong on their own, they need infantry to protect them. In c-rpg everything is backwards to what it should be.
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Penitent on February 14, 2012, 04:24:52 pm
I made a real guide in the guides section.

[GUIDE] How to Defend against Archery and not Become a Statistic,26128.0.html

Learn well my padawans!  A guide by a 2h'er for 2h'ers.
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Leshma on February 14, 2012, 04:27:37 pm

Like I need your guides. Geeze :rolleyes:

Don't make me challenge you to a duel to prove how bad player you in fact are.
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: PanPan on February 14, 2012, 04:33:07 pm
I'm all for it, missile should travel faster but you should fire a lot slower and in volleys like archers used to. Not this Legolas bullshit we have from the day one.

Also reloading the xbow sure takes longer IRL than in this game...

Archers aren't supposed to be strong on their own, they need infantry to protect them. In c-rpg everything is backwards to what it should be.
Well then Headshots would be normal cause when the arrow flies where you aim it's like no skill and it would end like Cod or CS . I agree with you they should decrease the draw speed of bows below long bow.

The Long bow is fine.
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Penitent on February 14, 2012, 04:35:49 pm

Like I need your guides. Geeze :rolleyes:

Don't make me challenge you to a duel to prove how bad player you in fact are.

Everyone who is having trouble with archers needs my guide.  Check it out, with an open mind!  Everyone has weak points, lesh, even great veteran players.  We all have room for improvement, myself most of all.  My skills are lacking in defending against spear users and cav...but I usually don't have too much trouble with archers as some people seem to have.  Let us all learn from each other!
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: PanPan on February 14, 2012, 04:40:45 pm
I'm an Archer and I mostly rage on better archers.
I made a specific build with a 0 slot shield helps me to survive Archer spam of pretty good archers.

The Build:

(click to show/hide)
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Dravic on February 14, 2012, 04:48:40 pm
Guys I have an idea.

If they want to nerf archery sooo much...

... and you, archers, don't want smaller dmg (even I think it would be stupid)...

... then nerf the thing that doesn't have to do with direct stats of bows nor arrows:

Removing stun from arrows when they hit!

No other nerfs involved, simply as that.

Note: it would be only removed from archers, but bolts and throwing would still stun enemy.

Second note: I am not for nerfing archers, but those stupid pole/2h-and-no-shield-guys whining makes me sad.

PS If you don't know what stun am I talking about, it is the stun after being hit with an arrow that stops you from running and keeps you in one place for like a second. You lose whole speed gained thru acceleration and you have to accelerate again which makes kiting archers a sick work. While this would NOT nerf archery directly, it would encourage archers to move a bit more and to not waste time for kite&run technique unless they have a really good timing to not getting catched when they shoot. And even if they do shoot you and kite, you are not stunned which also allows much smoother dodging vs multiple archer units at once. Simply and working.


Also I would please devs to comment if it is even possible to code.
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Miwiw on February 14, 2012, 04:54:17 pm
Yes, I get an arrow in my chest as Im wearing my nice tunic, but I do not die nor I feel any pain. I just run and run and do not care about that thingy in my chest that went in there with amazing speed? Nah, who cares. But if a bolt hits me with even more speed and greater pain, I cannot do anything?

If a horse charges me, why should I fall down? If I get hit by an axe, why should I give a shit and not hit directly back? Yes...
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Siiem on February 14, 2012, 04:56:19 pm
Yes, I get an arrow in my chest as Im wearing my nice tunic, but I do not die nor I feel any pain. I just run and run and do not care about that thingy in my chest that went in there with amazing speed? Nah, who cares. But if a bolt hits me with even more speed and greater pain, I cannot do anything?

If a horse charges me, why should I fall down? If I get hit by an axe, why should I give a shit and not hit directly back? Yes...

How about you run off a cliff?
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Miwiw on February 14, 2012, 04:58:48 pm
I can fly. I no care about a cliff...

but seriously, all that whining about archery is hilarious. They already got nerfed, better take a look at the 2handed sword spammers, as those are the guys who dominate the battlefield anyway, yep, the melee classes are the leader ones. I wouldn't nerf them or change anything there, but rather them than the archers who are fine as they are now.

Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Siiem on February 14, 2012, 05:04:35 pm
I can fly. I no care about a cliff...

but seriously, all that whining about archery is hilarious. They already got nerfed, better take a look at the 2handed sword spammers, as those are the guys who dominate the battlefield anyway, yep, the melee classes are the leader ones. I wouldn't nerf them or change anything there, but rather them than the archers who are fine as they are now.

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Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Gnjus on February 14, 2012, 05:16:22 pm
I hope that all dedicated archers in this mod die in terrible pain in real life and go straight to hell where shovel with their name on it awaits for 'em to start throwing coal from one pile to another for the whole eternity.
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Mala on February 14, 2012, 05:34:11 pm
lol Buckler is the most little shield and IRL Archers would be able to shoot you...

Maybe get a bigger shield?

Naa, it is not about that archers are able to hit me, but that they claim it is impossible to hit someone behind the buckler and still try to shoot at you.
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: _Sebastian_ on February 14, 2012, 06:01:48 pm
well then give us our ''middle age'' missile speed.
I would say give us our realistic air friction back and lower missile speed :!:

MW Longbow shotspeed; (tested ingame)
cRPG air friction = 0.003
43m/s +  6pd = 67.67m/s  max range = 243.4m
43m/s + 10pd = 76.54m/s  max range = 278.5m

Native air friction = 0.002
43m/s +  6pd = 67.67m/s  max range = 285.3m
43m/s + 10pd = 76.54m/s  max range = 332.4m

Ah I love you for being so impartial :lol:
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: BlackMilk on February 14, 2012, 07:07:34 pm
I would say give us our realistic air friction back and lower missile speed :!:

MW Longbow shotspeed; (tested ingame)
cRPG air friction = 0.003
43m/s +  6pd = 67.67m/s  max range = 243.4m
43m/s + 10pd = 76.54m/s  max range = 278.5m

Native air friction = 0.002
43m/s +  6pd = 67.67m/s  max range = 285.3m
43m/s + 10pd = 76.54m/s  max range = 332.4m
and this should be implemented because?
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Leshma on February 14, 2012, 07:22:31 pm
Because he sux at everything else besides archery.
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Lichen on February 14, 2012, 07:34:01 pm
I have an archer alt which I actually play a lot. I think the last archer re-buff was a bit too much. Previously (when body damage was 67%)  they might have been a bit too nerfed....but not by much. Maybe instead of increasing damage across all bows the high tier bows should just have their individual stats buffed to create a much bigger difference in power between the small and big bows. I think melee who invest in good armor should have good protection from fast firing archers with weaker bows. If it's too easy it feels 'cheap' and makes me NOT want to play my archer anymore.
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Dravic on February 14, 2012, 08:23:15 pm
Guys I have an idea.

If they want to nerf archery sooo much...

... and you, archers, don't want smaller dmg (even I think it would be stupid)...

... then nerf the thing that doesn't have to do with direct stats of bows nor arrows:

Removing stun from arrows when they hit!

No other nerfs involved, simply as that.

Note: it would be only removed from archers, but bolts and throwing would still stun enemy.

Second note: I am not for nerfing archers, but those stupid pole/2h-and-no-shield-guys whining makes me sad.

PS If you don't know what stun am I talking about, it is the stun after being hit with an arrow that stops you from running and keeps you in one place for like a second. You lose whole speed gained thru acceleration and you have to accelerate again which makes kiting archers a sick work. While this would NOT nerf archery directly, it would encourage archers to move a bit more and to not waste time for kite&run technique unless they have a really good timing to not getting catched when they shoot. And even if they do shoot you and kite, you are not stunned which also allows much smoother dodging vs multiple archer units at once. Simply and working.


Also I would please devs to comment if it is even possible to code.

Reposted for people to see it.
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: MrShine on February 14, 2012, 08:41:48 pm
Removing stun goes against how damage is received from every other source in the game.  I appreciate the effort but I don't think that's a great solution.
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Rumblood on February 14, 2012, 08:45:15 pm

Like I need your guides. Geeze :rolleyes:

Don't make me challenge you to a duel to prove how bad player you in fact are.

Sounds good. Only you two duel while I shoot arrows at you  :lol:
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: justme on February 14, 2012, 09:44:35 pm
i got shield, and still got shooted :O
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Leshma on February 14, 2012, 10:43:24 pm
I agree with Tzar, this is useless :(
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Gnjus on February 14, 2012, 10:46:50 pm
I agree with Tzar, this is useless :(

Tzar & Leshma, a new dynamic duo that replaces Michael & Kesh.  :wink:
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: El_Infante on February 14, 2012, 11:02:37 pm
Easy guide to counter archery:
1. Take cover.
2. Begin to play as a team. This is called "teamwork"
3. Let shielders to push archers out of his firing zone.
4. Charge them.

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Easy guide of crying & whining:

1. Take a 2h sword.
3. Take a nick: Tzar, Leshma, Rufio.. or something similar.
2. Learn the way of randomspam.
3. Buy a keyboard with only one key. "W".
4. Buy a mouse button with one button. "Left click".
5. Go straight into the battle thinking you're playing on godmode.
6. Get your e-penis bigger and stronger killing 22 peasants in a row.
7. Get shot in the face while you was climbing a ladder where a kitty archer was running from you.
8. Create a post. Rage and whine.
9. Make El_Infante laugh a lot. Thanks.

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Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Leshma on February 14, 2012, 11:03:47 pm
Weren't you in Bandits at some point?
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Arrowblood on February 14, 2012, 11:10:31 pm
lulz :D  leshma, rufio, tzar and gnjus : (
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: El_Infante on February 14, 2012, 11:13:55 pm
Weren't you in Bandits at some point?

I was at the point were Gnjus was a 24/7 roof xbower/mauler/delayer.
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Leshma on February 14, 2012, 11:14:13 pm
Tzar & Leshma, a new dynamic duo that replaces Michael & Kesh.  :wink:

Keep going on, I'm sure many people still find you amusing...

Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Old_Sir_Agor on February 14, 2012, 11:15:07 pm

Easy guide of crying:[/b]
1. Take a 2h sword.
3. Take a nick: Tzar, Leshma, Rufio.. or something similar.
2. Learn the way of randomspam.
3. Buy a keyboard with only one key. "W".
4. Buy a mouse button with one button. "Left click".
5. Go straight into the battle thinking you're playing on godmode.
6. Get your e-penis big and stronger killing 22 peasants in a row.
7. Get shot in the face while you was climbing a ladder where a kitty archer was running from you.
8. Create a post. Rage and whine.
9. Make El_Infante laugh a lot. Thanks.

hehe true
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: _Tak_ on February 14, 2012, 11:17:10 pm
All people who whine about ranged should all be banned permanently, all they do is just to whine so that it will have advantage to his "Class" in CRPG
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Leshma on February 14, 2012, 11:17:53 pm
I was at the point were Gnjus was a 24/7 roof xbower/mauler.

Yeah, he was. Now he's something worse than that.
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Kirman on February 15, 2012, 12:11:41 pm
At least remove range on rageball they really ruin that mod
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: BlackMilk on February 15, 2012, 02:21:52 pm
Easy guide of crying & whining:[/b]
1. Take a 2h sword.
3. Take a nick: Tzar, Leshma, Rufio.. or something similar.
2. Learn the way of randomspam.
3. Buy a keyboard with only one key. "W".
4. Buy a mouse button with one button. "Left click".
5. Go straight into the battle thinking you're playing on godmode.
6. Get your e-penis bigger and stronger killing 22 peasants in a row.
7. Get shot in the face while you was climbing a ladder where a kitty archer was running from you.
8. Create a post. Rage and whine.
9. Make El_Infante laugh a lot. Thanks.
Tzar is/was a 1hander. Just saying...
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Lactose_the_intolerant on February 15, 2012, 04:03:29 pm
i probably made a gimp build because I'm a polearm thrower.... Can't afford to spend in shield skill and have no slots for a shield unless i sacrifice a slot of my throwing stuff(I would then end up with 3 throwing axes ->lol). If i'd do that, it means iv wasted skill points in throwing

buff throwing  :P  8-)
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Teeth on February 15, 2012, 08:13:16 pm
Ah, found three replies of me against the 'get a shield' derps. Posting one will suffice.

No, just no. First of all, it costs points, now that would be worth it if a shield would be effective. As a 2h meleer with a shield you will have to put the shield away to fight, which is 80% of the time, after the initial run to the fray.

When youre not fighting missiles are pretty easy to dodge anyway, just spasm with your mouse. I mostly get hit while fighting, when I would have holstered my shield.

Also you can get caught off guard with your shield out at close range, which will grant the enemy a hit when you switch.

Overall a shield for arrows as a 2h is detrimental to your performance. Being a 1h shielder is just plainly boring.

Not even talking about this yet
ever had 2 archers crossfire you? shield sucks dick in that situation
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Gravoth_iii on February 15, 2012, 08:23:26 pm
Get a shield is the best arguement ever.

If you have a shield and still get shot you are doing something wrong.
If you dont have a shield and whine for nerfs because you dont feel like spending 1 skillpoint & slot you are also doing it wrong.

Archery is pretty damn weak as it is, whenever i get hit it barely does any difference to me unless the stun fucks me up.

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Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Teeth on February 15, 2012, 08:24:37 pm
What use is a shield when youre fighting as a 2h or polearmer? Its on your back all the time! Only slowing your dodging down.
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Leshma on February 15, 2012, 08:24:49 pm
Well, I'll have to use it just for protection. Chasing archers is out of the question at this moment. Even dedicated shielders die if they decide to go after archers. Only cav can kill them and only from behind. Was playing last night on EU1 with bunch of very skilled archers, it was truly scary what they are capable of.

Also, there isn't a single archer left in crpg who respect his teammates a slightest bit. Without exception every one of them will shoot and keep shooting into melee even if they had hit their fellow teammate couple of times...
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Leshma on February 15, 2012, 08:29:50 pm
Archery is pretty damn weak as it is, whenever i get hit it barely does any difference to me unless the stun fucks me up.

Which server are you playing and at what time. I want to play with/against such archers myself. Will do anything to avoid the likes of Zerobot, Nelo, Inhumane, Slv and crew...
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: PanPan on February 15, 2012, 08:31:32 pm
Which server are you playing and at what time. I want to play with/against such archers myself. Will do anything to avoid the likes of Zerobot, Nelo, Inhumane, Slv and crew...
Leshma you always (almost) play with light armor dont wonder if a 9pd archer with 40 cut damge longbow shots you.
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: MrShine on February 15, 2012, 08:32:33 pm
No, just no. First of all, it costs points, now that would be worth it if a shield would be effective.
1 point.  Easily worth it over 2 hp.
As a 2h meleer with a shield you will have to put the shield away to fight, which is 80% of the time, after the initial run to the fray.
In the fray use bodies or other shielders for cover.  Leave the shield on the back most of the time, but when you are alone or charging archers bust it out.  Simple.
When youre not fighting missiles are pretty easy to dodge anyway, just spasm with your mouse. I mostly get hit while fighting, when I would have holstered my shield.
I also get hit the most by other melee when I'm teamed up on.  Funny how that works, this crazy teamwork thing :D
But really you can take steps to avoid this. If I'm in a melee fight while archers are shooting at me I try to position myself "behind" the enemy so archers will have a hard time hitting me.  Otherwise work on adjusting your footwork and sticking close to the enemy melee - the archer will be forced to reposition/stop firing lest they risk hitting their teammate in which case you get a free hit.

As an archer the easiest time to hit people tangled in melee are when they are backing away or moving forward for a swing.  If you focus on circling or sticking close I don't even bother risking it.

Also you can get caught off guard with your shield out at close range, which will grant the enemy a hit when you switch.
Don't... be... off guard?  I don't know why that's part of your argument.

Overall a shield for arrows as a 2h is detrimental to your performance. Being a 1h shielder is just plainly boring.
I'd rather be alive and worry about that problem, than being dead to ranged.  Besides there are plenty of 2h weapons that can be used with a shield.. of course that would only be a temporary thing but this also allows you to fully push onto ranged with the shield up and still be ready to kill them without having to sheath the shield.

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Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Leshma on February 15, 2012, 08:39:27 pm
Leshma you always (almost) play with light armor dont wonder if a 9pd archer with 40 cut damge longbow shots you.

Last night I was using armor with 47 body rating. I wouldn't call that light. In such armor, those archers hit me for about 40% of my 65 HP which isn't that scary. Scary is their power to hit me multiple times in few seconds and my inability to dodge them anymore. I was very good at dodging archers, that's not the case anymore. It's not that I lost my touch, it's much harder than before, almost impossible.

It's a bit shameful but out of my 12.5k kills about 8k are archer kills. Even when they did a lot more damage I was able to slaughter them. Right now going after average archer is like signing a death sentence, going after skilled ones is...

Even that British teenager who is famous archer himself admitted that archer is too easy right now.

I don't know what they've changed in last two patches apart from damage changes but my paranoia tells me that they messed with size of hitboxes. They are good archers, there is luck but number of headshots is staggering and I won't buy the story that they are always hitting what they are aiming for or that they are just that lucky...
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Gravoth_iii on February 15, 2012, 08:40:04 pm
What use is a shield when youre fighting as a 2h or polearmer? Its on your back all the time! Only slowing your dodging down.

It... blocks arrows? which is why you use it? It just slows you down by a small bit, you can drop it before going into melee fights and only use it when you are pushing forward if you really need that movement speed.
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Leshma on February 15, 2012, 08:44:03 pm
You'll die from arrows in melee fight just as much as you'll die in the open. Greed of players who play this mod had hit the limit. No one gives a fuck about their teammates anymore, everyone wants to KILL!

Archers (both friendly and enemy) will shoot a group of you poor sobs who are fighting in melee, they'll rip you all to shreds and after you are all dead you'll see on scoreboard that only archers got kills.
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: justme on February 15, 2012, 08:52:07 pm
It... blocks arrows? which is why you use it? It just slows you down by a small bit, you can drop it before going into melee fights and only use it when you are pushing forward if you really need that movement speed.

if u dont have high shield skill, you can be shoot in head in foot even through shield... not to mention 270 degree which shield doesnt cover (and guess what, there is never one archer shooting you)
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Dravic on February 15, 2012, 08:53:28 pm
You'll die from arrows in melee fight just as much as you'll die in the open. Greed of players who play this mod had hit the limit. No one gives a fuck about their teammates anymore, everyone wants to KILL!

Archers (both friendly and enemy) will shoot a group of you poor sobs who are fighting in melee, they'll rip you all to shreds and after you are all dead you'll see on scoreboard that only archers got kills.

Let's think about your post Leshma:

Greed of players who play this mod had hit the limit. No one gives a fuck about their teammates anymore, everyone wants to KILL!

I'd say this part "screams" to my mind (as a reader of your post), that you DON'T want people to care only about kills.

And then we have:

they'll rip you all to shreds and after you are all dead you'll see on scoreboard that only archers got kills.

This part "screams" to my mind that you are getting mad cause it's not you who got the kills from the fight.

Being a hypocrite is so sweet.
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Teeth on February 15, 2012, 08:54:46 pm
It... blocks arrows? which is why you use it? It just slows you down by a small bit, you can drop it before going into melee fights and only use it when you are pushing forward if you really need that movement speed.
No it doesn't. I said when im fighting. When I'm fighting its on my back and it does completely nothing. The amount of time that its safe to get my shield out is very little and when its safe to get my shield out I can also focus on dodging, which works quite well and keeps me moving fast.

1 point.  Easily worth it over 2 hp.   
My point exactly is that it isn't.

In the fray use bodies or other shielders for cover.  Leave the shield on the back most of the time, but when you are alone or charging archers bust it out.
Which is like 30 seconds in the 4 minutes a round usually takes. Might aswell dodge those few times I could get my shield out

Simple.I also get hit the most by other melee when I'm teamed up on.  Funny how that works, this crazy teamwork thing :D
No idea what this has to do with what I said. My point was, I mostly get shot when I am fighting, couldn't use a shield during fighting anyway. When I'm not fighting I can dodge, which works quite well

But really you can take steps to avoid this. If I'm in a melee fight while archers are shooting at me I try to position myself "behind" the enemy so archers will have a hard time hitting me.  Otherwise work on adjusting your footwork and sticking close to the enemy melee - the archer will be forced to reposition/stop firing lest they risk hitting their teammate in which case you get a free hit. As an archer the easiest time to hit people tangled in melee are when they are backing away or moving forward for a swing.  If you focus on circling or sticking close I don't even bother risking it.
Not sure if my brain has enough space to think about hiding behind people during fighting, but sure this can help, as long as there are no pikes in the enemy squad which force you to stay at range.

Don't... be... off guard?  I don't know why that's part of your argument.
As you seem to think that you can get your shield out whenever youre alone, imagine passing a corner and theres an enemy right after it who immediately attacks you. Shit like that happens and can really fuck you over.

I'd rather be alive and worry about that problem, than being dead to ranged.  Besides there are plenty of 2h weapons that can be used with a shield.. of course that would only be a temporary thing but this also allows you to fully push onto ranged with the shield up and still be ready to kill them without having to sheath the shield.
I am a polearmer and don't start on me with warspears etc.

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Gee, I wonder why, maybe because it blows?

Also, two archers from different directions and youre still toast with a shield

Commented in red. Please note that I am not really whining about archery when they are just doing what they do and occasionally kill me. The only thing that pisses me off is them always being the last guys left and then they just run and crossfire you. That just wants to make me kill puppies. Oh and the amount of ranged whores on the server. Thats why the class needs to be shit, to keep the number of archers to playable levels.
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: BlindGuy on February 15, 2012, 09:00:02 pm
Yeah well... what can we do... the ranged lobby performs the best head / oral pleasure around here so even if they made archery take skill which they did the ranged lobby will gather their finest oral experts in to change the devs mind in the last sec..

The moment when chadz an the devs decide to remove spray n pray archery he felt a disturbance in the force... it was like... a million 12 year old cs kids all cried out at once and were suddenly silenced by being rewarded with deadly braindead body shot dmg.

Tzar your so stupid sometimes it hurts MY brain...

Look: If an archer is spraying, hes not doing dmg. If he is doing dmg, he is not spraying, he is taking time and care. If he is handing out a LOT of dmg fast, it is because he is 10th Dan, Black Belt arrow chucker, with +3's all over shit, and probs lvl 33.

I dont like being shot, I really hate it. But it is STILL crossbows that are OP. The only range option that requires no hybridization. OBVIOUSLY with 150 wpf in xbows you shoot faster/ more accurate. But with 0 skill points spent and 0 wpf on Xbows I can still pick one up and kill people reliably, the accuracy is decent and the dmg is unnafected.

Xbows need a controlling skill, accuracy nerf: Medieval crossbows are not modern hunting/sporting goods, they are dodgy, innacurate, and prone to mechanical failure.
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Zerran on February 15, 2012, 09:17:28 pm
I don't see any gamebreaking issue with ranged damage right now (perhaps slightly too high, but I'm likely biased in the matter so I'll leave that discussion for elsewhere). The issue is that they don't need any support to play well. Due to light armor and medium-high agi they can outrun almost all melee.

Melee could get lighter armor to chase down archers, but then they die almost instantly from the arrows, not to mention they become less effective in melee (you know, their class?).

Melee could also get heavier armor and survive more shots, but then they become so slow that they absolutely CANNOT catch archers.

Assuming you don't use an unsheathable weapon, and have an extra slot, you can spend a few points and get a shield, but that, once again, doesn't work. All having a shield out does is make you slower while blocked, again can't catch the archers, and if you aren't using a 1H and turn a corner with your shield out and meet an enemy melee, you are dead. I carried a shield for a gen to try this, and I did far worse against archers than I do now, simply because they can kite you without any effort if you have to block every time they turn around, as due to their light armor they have very high acceleration.

I've said this a few times, but what we need to do is drastically reduce movement speed if someone has a bow equipped, and also somewhat reduce movement speed of people with an xbow equipped. Lastly, make ranged only deal full damage if their target is a certain distance away from them, if the target is closer, they deal increasingly less damage. Say, 10 meters is the minimum for 100% damage, every meter closer reduces damage by 10-20%. This way, archers need melee support, as they can't run without dropping the bow, and they can't shotgun.
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Leshma on February 15, 2012, 09:49:12 pm
This part "screams" to my mind that you are getting mad cause it's not you who got the kills from the fight.

Of course I think that people who fight in melee deserve kills more than those who stand at distance and shoot at people who are fighting. You don't?

Same goes for cavalry who bump half of a group just to couch some poor sob from behind (enemy or teammate, you never know who's gonna die in those situations).

Essence of this game is melee fighting, it saddens me that so many of you don't get that.

But I would like removal of kill/death count. That would do wonders for teamplay and would balance players between various game modes a lot better.
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Gravoth_iii on February 15, 2012, 09:59:24 pm
Of course I think that people who fight in melee deserve kills more than those who stand at distance and shoot at people who are fighting. You don't?

Same goes for cavalry who bump half of a group just to couch some poor sob from behind (enemy or teammate, you never know who's gonna die in those situations).

Essence of this game is melee fighting, it saddens me that so many of you don't get that.

But I would like removal of kill/death count. That would do wonders for teamplay and would balance players between various game modes a lot better.

Dont think removing k/d would change teamwork much, people would still get the rush from killing someone.
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Leshma on February 15, 2012, 10:02:50 pm
Yeah, it wouldn't change things completely but it would certainly "cure" situations where half of a server see that Chase dude on top with 30/2 and instantly want to do the same as he does by shooting, hitting, couching recklessly.

There was a time when players of this mod didn't act like monkeys, I'm kinda said it's gone.
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Gravoth_iii on February 15, 2012, 10:36:54 pm
Yeah, it wouldn't change things completely but it would certainly "cure" situations where half of a server see that Chase dude on top with 30/2 and instantly want to do the same as he does by shooting, hitting, couching recklessly.

There was a time when players of this mod didn't act like monkeys, I'm kinda said it's gone.

There was? cool, guess i missed it then... all i remember is robocop archers, and after that just pure robocops still and still same amount of teamwounding.
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Penitent on February 15, 2012, 11:47:25 pm
Of course I think that people who fight in melee deserve kills more than those who stand at distance and shoot at people who are fighting. You don't?

Same goes for cavalry who bump half of a group just to couch some poor sob from behind (enemy or teammate, you never know who's gonna die in those situations).

Essence of this game is melee fighting, it saddens me that so many of you don't get that.

But I would like removal of kill/death count. That would do wonders for teamplay and would balance players between various game modes a lot better.

Lesh, your post is full of fallacies.  No one class deserves more kills than the other.  The essence of the game is not melee fighting.  The essence of the game is multiplayer medieval combat.  That requires balance, not melee favoritism.  The essence is melee, ranged, and mounted fighting all together, creating different scenarios where tactics and teamplay should be employed.  Melee might be the essence of the game for you, but that doesn't make it the essence of the game for everyone.
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Tzar on February 16, 2012, 12:26:21 am
Lesh, your post is full of fallacies.  No one class deserves more kills than the other.  The essence of the game is not melee fighting.  The essence of the game is multiplayer medieval combat.  That requires balance, not melee favoritism.  The essence is melee, ranged, and mounted fighting all together, creating different scenarios where tactics and teamplay should be employed.  Melee might be the essence of the game for you, but that doesn't make it the essence of the game for everyone.

Make archery have the same killing ability as melee an you have a full server of archers because the risk vs reward senario is stupid compared to melee inf...

Also if you don't know what risk vs reward means

“No pain, no gain.” How many times have you heard that cliché to describe something you really didn’t want to do? Unfortunately, building your character carries a certain amount of risk and with that risk can come some pain, but also some gain.
You must weigh the potential reward against the risk of your build to decide if the “pain is worth the potential gain.” Understanding the relationship between risk and reward is a key piece in building your character.

Now if someone can gain the same amount of kills an die alot less hes more likely to chose that build be it Archer / Cav / Crossbow / 2h / 1h ect ect...

Now some people love their build / class an stick with it no matter what. But there will always be the people who pick the easy way to gain the reward an that´s where cav an archers comes to mind both classes can pick their own fights an run off if the situation doesn't favor them.

Im not saying ranged is the best class there is or the one with the biggest killing potential but the class is able to target their enemy from range which dons't involve much risk unless hes team mates are all dead..
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Lactose_the_intolerant on February 16, 2012, 12:27:57 am
I was playing my HA stf alt recently and doing really well!
came back to my inf character, got shot in the arm, lsot half my hp, i was like : wuuuuuut?
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: isatis on February 16, 2012, 12:40:58 am
time for a short guide in ten step to save your char from arrow.

FIRST: stay calm and don't move, they'll ignore you!

SECOND: insult them in chat so they will be disturb

THIRD: bringin a shield would encourage them to kill you, use reverse psychology and get a shield on your back

FOURTH: Teamkill all archer in your team to make archer in other team dread you

FIFTH: Stay away from shielder at all cost! they are arrow magnet!

SIXTH: If an archer disturb you, walk in straight line to him, he will be confused!

SEVENTH: never, ever, take cover, if you let those archer time, they may plan an ambush!

EIGHTH: Archer are a plague, if you see a mob of them, charge!!

NINTH: use the sun at your advantage! wear your heaviest shiny armor, add a torch so teamarcher won't tk you, and walk directly to enemies archer, they get blind!

TENTH: To avoid archer FF when your fighting, place yourself between the archer and your fighting bro on other team, and spamm ''m'' do that 5 time and you'll never be tw again by that archer!

Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Penitent on February 16, 2012, 12:49:59 am
Make archery have the same killing ability as melee an you have a full server of archers because the risk vs reward senario is stupid compared to melee inf...

I see what you mean, but I think all classes have, (and should have) the same killing potential.  The advantage for archers is they can kill from a range.  The disadvantage is that they are killed easier.  As a melee 2h player, I LOVE getting close to an archer.  :twisted:  Soft meat.

Of course it is more nuanced than that, but that's the gist.  There is still risk for the reward of ranged.  Same with cav...they can 1 shot pretty easy with a couch...but they can also BE one shot pretty easy with speed bonus.  I think the game is largely balanced right now.
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Tzar on February 16, 2012, 12:54:02 am
I think the game is largely balanced right now.

Agree just need cmp to find out how to remove pole stagger an maybe tune down the insta pike thrust an remove heirlooms completely..

But like i pointed out if you read carefully is that most players tend to pick the safe way to get the reward an if that involves a bow n arrow you get too many of em on the server an it just fucks up the overall balance of the other classes...

Try playing on EU-4 the new pecores server.... you have 23vs22 fx  out of the teams there are 10 archers on each which kinda proves my point.. an the server becomes unplayable..

But on EU1 the teams are more mixed an it plays out well so yeah balance is archived ill give you that but it all depends on how many people are playing on the server to fill out their roles...

Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Gurnisson on February 16, 2012, 01:49:28 am
I've always found you a good and smart player Gravoth but this...

Archery is pretty damn weak as it is, whenever i get hit it barely does any difference to me unless the stun fucks me up.

...makes me think. I get two-hit, three-hit at best by those fully loomed archers that in addition to being extremely powerful easily run away from me too (bagge, Zerobot etc.). I have 21 strength 5 IF and 50 body armour. Explain to me how you receive little damage to ranged again.
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: BlindGuy on February 16, 2012, 03:50:35 am
I always roll out the same argument without actually thinking about what it is I'm typing!

Risk versus reward: 2 scenarios;

1. Encased in steel, with a sword longer than most japanese ppl, with enough STR and WPF to be able to 1hit anyone without heavy armour, you are THE LORD OF WAR! You can strike down your enemies as you reach them, you can survive multiple hits from big weapons, a handful of arrows, even the odd couched lance. Striding around the battlefield, you are the 2hander.

2. Wearing an old sack vest, and armed with a piece of bent wood and some string, you sally forth to fight the metal behemoths. If any of them reach you, you are dead. If another archer shoots you, you are dead. If a crossbowman sees you stand still, you are dead. If a horse, wether friend, foe, or runnin wild, bumps you, you are dead. Sometimes random throwers get within range, and if you dont look sharp: YOUR DEAD. All of this so that occasianally your arrows will ACTUALLY FIND A HITBOX!! And one shot in 10 might find the right hitbox, so some games you might even get a possitive KDR, if you are REALLY lucky. The Joys of being an archer.

SO: Who is REALLY taking the risks. I know it FUCKING SUCKS to get shot when you are having fun in a fight, but dont use stupid arguments to back YOUR OPINION.
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Leshma on February 16, 2012, 04:08:44 am
And one shot in 10 might find the right hitbox, so some games you might even get a possitive KDR, if you are REALLY lucky. The Joys of being an archer.

So you enjoy randomness? That's strange, I thought most players like to have their destiny under their control like most twohanders have when server isn't overpopulated by either ranged or cav.

Funny thing about you, so called "dedicated archers", is that more you "argue" the dumber you seem. Please, keep it up.
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: BlindGuy on February 16, 2012, 05:25:41 am
So you enjoy randomness? That's strange, I thought most players like to have their destiny under their control like most twohanders have when server isn't overpopulated by either ranged or cav.

Funny thing about you, so called "dedicated archers", is that more you "argue" the dumber you seem. Please, keep it up.

You whats ironic? Your post.

You know why?

1. I hate how random the hitboxes are


2. Im not an archer, dedicated, concentrated, 100% fat free, nothing, Im a bamboo spear fairy.
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Gnjus on February 16, 2012, 08:52:29 am
I've always found you a good and smart player Gravoth but this...
 Explain to me how you receive little damage to ranged again.

You see Gurni - Gravoth is a Black (Dark Skinned) Paladin with a level 20 Defiance aura so he can survive more shots then anyone else. When he's on the server his aura works on his teammates as well (36 yards radius if I'm not mistaken) so naturally he finds archers weak and laughs in their faces because in his eyes they are weaklings who can't kill anyone.
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Lactose_the_intolerant on February 16, 2012, 10:27:52 am
I dont think gravoth has played since last patch  :?
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Dezilagel on February 16, 2012, 12:16:36 pm
2. Wearing a tight leather vest, and armed with the ability to fart custom-made armor-piercing rainbows, you sally forth to fight the metal behemoths. If any of them reach you, you run away. If another archer shoots you, you run away. If a crossbowman sees you stand still, you run away. If a horse, whether friend, foe, or runnin wild, bumps you, you jump out of the way, and then run away. Sometimes random throwers get within range, and if you don't shoot back: YOU RUN AWAY. All of this so that you can stand away from the actual battle, lob arrows into the melee blob, hit, stun and kill your friendlies and being a general pain in the ass for the other players!! One shot in 10 might actually find an enemy player, so some games you might even get a possitive K:TK, if you are REALLY lucky. The Joys of being an archer.
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Gurnisson on February 16, 2012, 12:31:37 pm
18 strength, 0 IF, 40 body armour on an alt. 80 % damage from one shot at  medium range while not running towards the archer. Yes, archery is 'viable' again. :lol:
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Spawny on February 16, 2012, 01:21:53 pm
18 strength, 0 IF, 40 body armour on an alt. 80 % damage from one shot at  medium range while not running towards the archer. Yes, archery is 'viable' again. :lol:

I like playing on the siege server better. Far fewer archers there  8-)
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Old_Sir_Agor on February 16, 2012, 01:27:20 pm
I run in no loomed lamellar vest and no loomed leather gloves with 15 str 0 IF lvl 30, and archer shoots take less then half of mine hp. so if you talking here abpout some 8pd and more archers, then they miss alot, and they have slow shoot speed, and btw inf also have some 9-10 ps build who allways 1 hit kill many people in melee.
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: rufio on February 16, 2012, 01:32:11 pm
i forgot i made this thread,,,,,  im lvl 34  , 21/21, 7if , 48/59/50 armor and 1 shield skill,  dont tell me to take a shield you scrubs, dont tell me how to dodge archery maggots,  and i will say once more archery has never been nerfed in this game, theyve jsut switched between ballanced and op the whole time, i dont understand, finaly wiht this build i could take 6 body shots and 1 headshot (buffed ) , a week later boom 3/4 shot in body 1 shot in head,, i got these fuckin light geared snipers hitting me harder then lancing cav paying shit money on upkeep, kiting and hshotting. terrain abbusing , and plz dont let me start about archers who decide to work together... and by archers i mean 2 of them..  only 2 of them is already enough for a fuckin stunlock powerhit nightmare. for all who decided to share your experience and try to describe how you think archery is fine , stop being a pub wanker , get in a clan , start learning teamplay, watch archery thrive beyond belief, come back to me , and say sorry.
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: MrShine on February 16, 2012, 01:44:47 pm
i forgot i made this thread,,,,,  im lvl 34  , 21/21, 7if , 48/59/50 armor and 1 shield skill,  dont tell me to take a shield you scrubs, dont tell me how to dodge archery maggots,  and i will say once more archery has never been nerfed in this game, theyve jsut switched between ballanced and op the whole time, i dont understand, finaly wiht this build i could take 6 body shots and 1 headshot (buffed ) , a week later boom 3/4 shot in body 1 shot in head,, i got these fuckin light geared snipers hitting me harder then lancing cav paying shit money on upkeep, kiting and hshotting. terrain abbusing , and plz dont let me start about archers who decide to work together... and by archers i mean 2 of them..  only 2 of them is already enough for a fuckin stunlock powerhit nightmare. for all who decided to share your experience and try to describe how you think archery is fine , stop being a pub wanker , get in a clan , start learning teamplay, watch archery thrive beyond belief, come back to me , and say sorry.

pics or it never happened

Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Gurnisson on February 16, 2012, 01:56:22 pm
I run in no loomed lamellar vest and no loomed leather gloves with 15 str 0 IF lvl 30, and archer shoots take less then half of mine hp. so if you talking here abpout some 8pd and more archers, then they miss alot, and they have slow shoot speed, and btw inf also have some 9-10 ps build who allways 1 hit kill many people in melee.

No, I know the one who shot me. He has 6 PD
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Gravoth_iii on February 16, 2012, 02:03:22 pm
I've always found you a good and smart player Gravoth but this...

...makes me think. I get two-hit, three-hit at best by those fully loomed archers that in addition to being extremely powerful easily run away from me too (bagge, Zerobot etc.). I have 21 strength 5 IF and 50 body armour. Explain to me how you receive little damage to ranged again.

Well fully loomed archers can maybe 2-3 shot me but the thing is i always avoid them, sure it happens that i get hit by them maybe once during the round but if i notice them doing alot of damage or focus on hitting me i just back off and take a different route or i bring my shield up and stick with a large group hoping that he will switch target.
But like i said most of the time i get hit it barely damages me, yesterday i got hit by just a few arrows, those i remember did around 1cm of dmg, and the other maybe 3-4cm.
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Fluffy_Muffin on February 16, 2012, 02:33:06 pm
Remove all weapons from the game, buff heavy gauntlets dmg
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Angantyr on February 16, 2012, 02:58:10 pm
Though some were sober enough in their arguments I was somewhat amazed at how dishonest many of the ranged players in this community was after the 0.260 patch; wild claims about how many projectiles it took to kill someone were rampant and nowhere consistent with what I saw for myself as an infantry player who plays many hours a day on many different servers. I know Western teenagers traditionally thinks their whole life is destroyed over the simplest things (mom and dad won't let me come home later than 12 on friday, my life is over!!), and no one likes to be nerfed, but some of the numbers being thrown around were just ludicrous.

The current status that is the fruit of all this (variably) shameful lobbying is a tad too much, in my opinion. Considering the inherent unfair nature of ranged combat vs close combat numbers ranging somewhere between what they are now and what they were then seems more reasonable so as to not make the game really frustrating for other classes (to me it sounds fair that it takes at least a shot or two more to kill at range than up close). Or in the least the added armor penetration for ranged should be lowered for heavier armors to be a more viable counter (though I'd personally not want tincan or loom crutchers to have an even greater advantage some basic medium-heavy armor should perhaps make for more of a difference against ranged than what they do now), or - which seems more reasonable to me - if they are to keep the very high, long range damage output they should not be able to just outrun anyone (which would also add more teamwork and prompt all ranged to train some basic M&B mechanics).

Fact of the matter is that currently I get one-shot with full health by arrows, bolts or (most) throwing to the face (50 head armor), one-shot by an arbalest bolt to the torso (55 torso armor) and one arrow or xbow bolt often takes more (sometimes alot more) than 60% of my hp (5IF), and usually two-shot me (plus bumping or wounding me gravely which can mean my quick death in a melee) which is about the same it takes for me to kill a similarly medium armored opponent with my MW Danish, even when aiming for the head.
The difference being of course that the ranged can do this from a long distance and I cannot block it without a shield (which I have but cannot use when I'm fighting which is when I mostly get shot), and it only takes two ranged working together to bypass a shield. Not only that, these one-shot arbalests or two-shot archers and xbows can even run from me (I have 7ath), and always do, so they can just keep their distance and point and click - any fool can do it with the right character and equipment. Even a shot to the limbs can still take almost half my health, despite it supposedly being lowered.

This is not at all a rant at the ranged classes in general, they have their place on the battlefield and I definitely want these classes to be playable. This is not about k/d ratio either; the obvious problems when you have ranged and melee classes in the same game lies elsewhere.
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Leshma on February 16, 2012, 03:18:16 pm
Does anyone know what kind of armor/hp combination you need to survive headshot from average archer at medium distance?
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Teeth on February 16, 2012, 03:27:22 pm
Does anyone know what kind of armor/hp combination you need to survive headshot from average archer at medium distance?
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Title: Re: archery..
Post by: [ptx] on February 16, 2012, 03:30:15 pm
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Which is basically your average ez-mode str/if 2h crutcher. When playing on my archer alt, people routinely survive headshots from my +3 longbow and +2 bodkins at 6PD. That is at close distance though. Likewise i survive headshots on my 2h alt with 8 IF and 47 head armor, losing ~ 2/3rds of my health.
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Leshma on February 16, 2012, 03:32:38 pm
How do you know those were headshots?
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: [ptx] on February 16, 2012, 03:34:23 pm
Arrow goes into your head, no arrow sticking out of you, head all bloody? Body shots i generally ignore. Playing with alts in various classes gives perspective, something you lack.
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Leshma on February 16, 2012, 03:35:39 pm
What is the name of your archer alt?
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: [ptx] on February 16, 2012, 03:37:27 pm
YetAnotherDayAtTheBeach? Generally have positive K/D, have occasionally topped scoreboards, especially after some nerfs, where other archers declared archery dead.
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Angantyr on February 16, 2012, 04:05:59 pm
Some screens I've taken since last patch. All are before any other damage taken, melee or otherwise, limb and torso shots (have yet to survive a headshot), and all shots where you can clearly see the projectile itself. All are of course including a probably substantial speed bonus because only fools don't move around in midst battle. High level and well-geared arbalest not included either as they also one-shot on torso.

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Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Rubicon on February 16, 2012, 04:13:28 pm
Let me guess, no IF?
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Angantyr on February 16, 2012, 04:41:56 pm
5IF, as I mentioned in my previous post.
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Gnjus on February 16, 2012, 04:48:42 pm
Does anyone know what kind of armor/hp combination you need to survive headshot from average archer at medium distance?

The other day i got a bolt to the face and survived, too bad i failed to take a screenshot of that bolt sticking parallel to my nose.  :wink:

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Title: Re: archery..
Post by: MrShine on February 16, 2012, 05:07:21 pm
Some screens I've taken since last patch. All are before any other damage taken, melee or otherwise, limb and torso shots (have yet to survive a headshot), and all shots where you can clearly see the projectile itself. All are of course including a probably substantial speed bonus because only fools don't move around in midst battle. High level and well-geared arbalest not included either as they also one-shot on torso.

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In some of those pics you are coated with blood, it could be other people's but there is no way to confirm that all that damage is being dealt by arrows... you could have taken a little damage in a melee and not realized it.

But regardless it's hard to say where that damage is coming from and what the build of the archer is, where they hit you, how close etc.  I'm not going to lie and pretend that 50% arrow hits don't happen when you have a high end bow and some healthy PD - they do occasionally, and with bodkin piercing damage and MW equipment it's going to put some hurt on heavily armored people as well. 

But just because you took a high damage shot doesn't mean that all archers can do that, or that the archer was accurate, or how many other shots were dodged.   

I occasionally take a 40-50% shot, but most of the time it's small 15-20% shots that I can essentially shrug off.

For the record I suppose I could be considered part of the "archer lobby", but I've also made no attempt at deception.  Check out my videos on recorded damage if you don't believe me.
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: v/onMega on February 16, 2012, 05:22:59 pm
Rufio is on spot.

Rest is useless defending, lobbying.

As long as random armor calc exists, this archery dmg is op.

They had a good idea about archery before, did it too harsh....and reverted it, again too harsh.
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Rumblood on February 16, 2012, 05:44:53 pm
Some screens I've taken since last patch. All are before any other damage taken, melee or otherwise, limb and torso shots (have yet to survive a headshot), and all shots where you can clearly see the projectile itself. All are of course including a probably substantial speed bonus because only fools don't move around in midst battle. High level and well-geared arbalest not included either as they also one-shot on torso.

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Are these screens of every torso shot you've taken from an arrow? If not, the don't mean much by themselves. It just means that there is an archer with a build and equipment and a given situation that can do that much damage. Nothing more.
Damage varies widely based up on the bow you are using, the arrow you are using, how many times those items have been heirloomed, the level of the archer, the build of the archer, whether he is above you or below you in terrain, whether it is raining or not, and the movement speed difference between the two of you.

When you can post  the screenshots including the information above that is required to have an actual conversation about whether the damage was justified, we might move closer to actual agreement on where tweaks need to occur.
The current trend regarding archers and indeed all ranged that wants to lump them into a one nerf fits all category makes as much sense as lumping 2 handers, polearms, and shielders all into one category when making changes to how thrusts or swings or blocking  work, or how much damage the weapons do. You wouldn't nerf the katana because the bec de corbin is OP, or nerf the sickle because the longsword is too good.

It's time for rational, in-depth looks at balancing.

Title: Re: archery..
Post by: MrShine on February 16, 2012, 05:47:50 pm
They had a good idea about archery before, did it too harsh....and reverted it, again too harsh.

And the constant complaining from melee about ranged isn't lobbying?  Please... ranged is still nerfed from where it was in the past.  Archery took a 33% body damage reduction last patch and some people still weren't satisfied.  I don't think any hard numbers have been given as to where damage stands right now, but it is still worse than it was in the past. 

Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Angantyr on February 16, 2012, 05:48:24 pm
All very true, these pics are just that, random examples from day-to-day fighting - I thought this was obvious and never argued differently. However, they do paint a picture that is contrary to what some archer lobbyists here have claimed, if nothing else proving that these damage values do occur and quite frequently.

And yes, it naturally takes longer before an archer character becomes feasible in regards to damage output, when I argue against the current values I'm thinking mainly high-end characters.
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Leshma on February 16, 2012, 05:53:59 pm
Please... ranged is still nerfed from where it was in the past.

You're right. Thankfully for us, you have no idea how strong archery once was. I bet your lobbying abilities would gain aditional three levels if you knew :lol:
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Angantyr on February 16, 2012, 06:03:32 pm
I will say that coming from Native where ranged is overpowered by any definition of the word I think that ranged is pretty balanced here (and pretty hardcore for low and medium leveled archers), my main gripe is arbalests one-shotting people in expensive armor and generally high-level ranged being able to deal high damage over long distance while staying out of reach simply by continuously running away.
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: MrShine on February 16, 2012, 06:08:26 pm
You're right. Thankfully for us, you have no idea how strong archery once was. I bet your lobbying abilities would gain aditional three levels if you knew :lol:

I'm gen 21 and have been playing this game for over a year.  I've played archer at least 5 or 6 gens.  Even if I wasn't here from "the beginning" I think I have a pretty good grasp on what the general balance of the game looks like.
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Lactose_the_intolerant on February 16, 2012, 06:20:58 pm
I will say that coming from Native where ranged is overpowered by any definition of the word I think that ranged is pretty balanced here (and pretty hardcore for low and medium leveled archers), my main gripe is arbalests one-shotting people in expensive armor and generally high-level ranged being able to deal high damage over long distance while staying out of reach simply by continuously running away.

Yes but in native, anyone can wield a 1h and shield, and a polearm and some throwing at the same time. And a shield is actually useful and you can't pew pew around it (or through it when i come to think of it).

also the : I't been constantly nerfed through the past therefore its balanced is another argument commonly used by the archer lobby...
Yea right, it's really cool to live in Iran because it's better then north Korea  :rolleyes:

Title: Re: archery..
Post by: rufio on February 16, 2012, 06:25:30 pm
I'm gen 21 and have been playing this game for over a year.  I've played archer at least 5 or 6 gens.  Even if I wasn't here from "the beginning" I think I have a pretty good grasp on what the general balance of the game looks like.

nevertheless your na , na's dont have a grasp on reality nowerdays is what i conclude from muuuuuuuurica politics news and policies.  :otrolololo
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Angantyr on February 16, 2012, 06:40:32 pm
Yes but in native, anyone can wield a 1h and shield, and a polearm and some throwing at the same time. And a shield is actually useful and you can't pew pew around it (or through it when i come to think of it).
But ranged completely dominates inf anyway. I also only say 'pretty balanced' as in random battles on random servers without a majority of ranged (as you sometimes see on S4), if cRPG clans did what they do in Native and go 80%, or just 50%+ for that sake, ranged the game is effectively broken; any kind of organized mass ranged is obviously the strongest setup in as good as all situations.
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: [ptx] on February 16, 2012, 08:26:21 pm
Alright, here is the best balance suggestion ever on forums - make it a requirement for every posted on this board to have played each major class in the game through at least 1 gen. Preferrably without picking the easiest, most overused crutch-weaps.

Oh, but that would disqualify a lot of you, wouldn't it? :rolleyes:

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Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Arrowblood on February 16, 2012, 08:56:21 pm
Remove pierce from nonlongbowpewpewshitbows and its solved :D
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Rumblood on February 16, 2012, 09:16:45 pm
I will say that coming from Native where ranged is overpowered by any definition of the word I think that ranged is pretty balanced here (and pretty hardcore for low and medium leveled archers), my main gripe is arbalests one-shotting people in expensive armor and generally high-level ranged being able to deal high damage over long distance while staying out of reach simply by continuously running away.

If your main gripe is about arbelests, then complain about them in a Xbow thread, NOT an archery thread! Learn the DIFFERENCE  :rolleyes:

If you are being shot by anyone over a long distance and can't avoid it, try using the WASD keys because they make you move. There is not a single archer build that can hit someone over a long distance that doesn't want to be hit, period. The only people I hit are the ones who get hit, think to themselves "he can never make that shot again, its too far", don't move, and then get hit again, only to come here and whine about how much long distance shots need to be nerfed  :shock: Not to mention, that an archer that can hit with PD 8 can't have over 5 athletics, and generally will have less. If you can't be assed to have an average amount of athletics, I can't be assed to feel sorry for you that you can't catch anyone. This idea that an archer can be both hard hitting and an olympic runner is pure heavy infantry propoganda.
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Penitent on February 16, 2012, 09:18:23 pm
I've played at least 1 gen of shielder, 2h, and cav.  I think archery is balanced fine.  It was nerfed really hard 2 patches ago (causing imbalance issues like too much cav and completely useless throwing), and the most recent patch did not revert it...limb damage is significantly less.  Now its pretty much perfect.  Arrows hurt, but they are not devastating.  Xbow and throwing still work well.
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: BlackMilk on February 16, 2012, 09:22:30 pm
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Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Teeth on February 16, 2012, 09:26:13 pm
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Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Lactose_the_intolerant on February 16, 2012, 09:33:55 pm
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I am sceptic about that pic...

but isnt that because he got shot in the leg, and the horse legs are more vulnerable since last patch?
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Penitent on February 16, 2012, 09:39:59 pm
I am sceptic about that pic...

but isnt that because he got shot in the leg, and the horse legs are more vulnerable since last patch?

Yes, that's right.  Coursers are not particularly strong horse either.  18 body armor.  If anything, that calls for a buff for horses.  I'm ok with that. 
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: BlindGuy on February 16, 2012, 09:54:16 pm
Yes, that's right.  Coursers are not particularly strong horse either.  18 body armor.  If anything, that calls for a buff for horses.  I'm ok with that.

Needs to be a way to diffentiate: ranged should not do extra dmg to horse limbs, only mellee: arrow cannot chop the legs off like a sword...
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Angantyr on February 16, 2012, 10:03:23 pm
Again with the strawmen, Rumblood?

If your main gripe is about arbelests, then complain about them in a Xbow thread, NOT an archery thread! Learn the DIFFERENCE  :rolleyes:
I will say that coming from Native where ranged is overpowered by any definition of the word I think that ranged is pretty balanced here (and pretty hardcore for low and medium leveled archers), my main gripe is arbalests one-shotting people in expensive armor and generally high-level ranged being able to deal high damage over long distance while staying out of reach simply by continuously running away.

If you are being shot by anyone over a long distance and can't avoid it, try using the WASD keys because they make you move. There is not a single archer build that can hit someone over a long distance that doesn't want to be hit, period. The only people I hit are the ones who get hit, think to themselves "he can never make that shot again, its too far", don't move, and then get hit again, only to come here and whine about how much long distance shots need to be nerfed  :shock: Not to mention, that an archer that can hit with PD 8 can't have over 5 athletics, and generally will have less. If you can't be assed to have an average amount of athletics, I can't be assed to feel sorry for you that you can't catch anyone. This idea that an archer can be both hard hitting and an olympic runner is pure heavy infantry propoganda.
Long distance as in not up close like melee - did you really build all those lines of pseudo-argument up around your interpretation of that one word? I have 7 athletics as previously stated and all archers are in light armor. Bla. bla. bla. I seriously cannot be bothered replying to this, you obviously haven't really bothered to read any of my posts anyway.

Also spare me the WB lesson  :wink:
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: BlackMilk on February 16, 2012, 10:03:32 pm
Pic was taken at the 31th of January 2012 btw.
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: BlindGuy on February 16, 2012, 10:05:41 pm
Again with the strawmen, Rumblood? :P
Long distance as in not up close like melee. I have 7 athletics as previously stated and all archers are in light armor. Bla. bla. bla. I seriously cannot be bothered replying to this, you obviously haven't really bothered to read any of my posts anyway.

Also spare me the WB lesson  :wink:

Well, here is a crpg lesson: decent build catches archers, tanky build does not catch archers. Your choice bud.
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Angantyr on February 16, 2012, 10:08:43 pm
So 7 athletics is a tanky build in your eyes?
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Leshma on February 16, 2012, 10:09:54 pm
Maybe 9 ATH build can catch archers, if the player is wearing light armor. I can't...
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Sniger on February 16, 2012, 10:11:48 pm
imo archers are currently OP.

and yes ive played archer. i dont anymore, because i think its boring and i think archers are weak. i had the choice of rolling an archer with lots of running and wpf or roll an melee inf. here i am as inf. i dont like the run style. before, archers were forced to stick in group as any other support class. now archers are soloing. every single map have AT LEAST 5 Wilson Kipketer's ( frankly, its pretty silly with these archers, running running running running running (and running) around making 360 ollie + 1shots to the leg.

look at how archers are played now and then think of how you want them to play.

Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Rumblood on February 16, 2012, 10:16:43 pm
running) around making 360 ollie + 1shots to the leg.
The ollie is a skateboarding trick where the rider and board leap into the air without the use of the rider's hands

Go ahead and tell us all again the last time that this archer was jump shotting you? Really? How long ago was that nerfed and you still are whining in an archery thread that archers are jump shotting you??
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Angantyr on February 16, 2012, 10:21:43 pm
Are you kidding, Rumblood, can you seriously not differentiate between a serious argument and such an obvious hyperbole?

Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Penitent on February 16, 2012, 10:28:24 pm
imo archers are currently OP.

I'm going to take that as hyperbole too.  I've tried playing archer, its not easy to be an asset to the team.
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Sniger on February 16, 2012, 10:28:51 pm
meh. :rolleyes: exaggeration promotes understanding.

archers are OP = current patch/balance wise

archers r weak (imo) = overall "style" wise. (usally no armor, usally short melee wep and no high PS) besides i actually do think its sorta weak to rely on running rather than actual aiming/swing.

i refuse to comment on the fact that you actually think my 360 ollie examble were serious

edit: in my world, an archer is and will always be a support class. they are not suppose to run around solo. their job should be to, in a group with other range, keep enemy pinned and to shoot enemy range. currently, they do not need a group in order to survive - unless the map is dunes i guess :p
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Rumblood on February 16, 2012, 11:00:38 pm
Are you kidding, Rumblood, can you seriously not differentiate between a serious argument and such an obvious hyperbole?

If there was actually a serious argument about it to be made, you wouldn't NEED to resort to exaggeration and hyperbole now would you?

Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Lactose_the_intolerant on February 17, 2012, 01:11:01 am
Well, here is a crpg lesson: decent build catches archers, tanky build does not catch archers. Your choice bud.

no ath modifies your accelaration and(therefor your zizag capabilities) not your overall speed.
you'll start faster then the low ath guy but on the overall the lighter guy will go faster

so someone with 7 ath and decent gear (yea we aint gonne go in melee naked right?) wont catch up a 2 ath archer on really light gear .

(correct me if wrong)

Title: Re: archery..
Post by: v/onMega on February 17, 2012, 08:26:12 am
MrShine....huh...I perfectly remember me, being gen4, lvl 45.

They nerfed me hardcore since then.
But who do you think safely stopped me after a 10 kill run at that time?

Archers, right.

Archery always was a huge factor on the field, it went from op, to ok, shit and now is op again....the only reason ppl. think it is balanced is:

The huge amount of braindead fucktards playing this class without a clue.

Watch zerobot, tenne etc etc.
These ppl show u the mostly unused potential of this class....

Thank god there isnt more of them...
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: rufio on February 17, 2012, 12:29:01 pm
blackbow, bagge, adalwolf, cupid, and the list goes on...

srsly i am actually playing an archer alt atm, lvl 28 atm, and shit , i can just run run, eazymod melee block myself out of trouble with my wooden stick (ok im probably better at blockin then the average player ) and shoot motherfucker the fuck uppp har har har , im sticking to this , its so fun, pew pew pew
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Aleta on February 17, 2012, 01:22:58 pm
On low levels (below 20) archers suck extremely hard. They don't have the athletics yet run be able to run away from all melee players. However, above level 20 they have. I think that the way things are now with high level archers being able to one shot anyone with a headshot and someone with 40ish armor with a body shot, is actually fine. That they have extreme accuracy and insane damage is actually fine, as long as they keep their weakness: crap in melee. However, they do not. Due to archers not needing any armor and all they really need is agility (after 15 or 18 STR depending on bow) they can just run away from any situation. That is also what we see in game. Hordes of archers not being killed since they just run away from any melee encounters. I don't really know how we can fix this though. Make all bows weigh 5 times as much as they do now? (it's not realistic, but it will balance things out)
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Arrowblood on February 17, 2012, 01:49:57 pm
i can run away with no athletics and 24 agi :shock:
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Gravoth_iii on February 17, 2012, 01:59:28 pm
blackbow, bagge, adalwolf, cupid, and the list goes on...

srsly i am actually playing an archer alt atm, lvl 28 atm, and shit , i can just run run, eazymod melee block myself out of trouble with my wooden stick (ok im probably better at blockin then the average player ) and shoot motherfucker the fuck uppp har har har , im sticking to this , its so fun, pew pew pew

Good for you  :)
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Penitent on February 17, 2012, 02:03:33 pm
I just respecced to archer, and I struggle to maintain 1:1 kdr.  I get plenty of hits to assist teamies, but much fewer headshots and kills.  Half my kills come from melee.  I wear light armor (tribal warrior and only 50 hps) and other archers have to 2 or 3 shot me with arrows.  Last night I took 4 arrows from a further distance and lived.  It's not too powerful.

I'm very squishy and dies lots when I'm surprised, double teamed, or overwhelmed by long and powerful weapons.  2 melee hits pretty much always kill me.

Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Teeth on February 17, 2012, 03:37:49 pm
I just respecced to archer, and I struggle to maintain 1:1 kdr.  I get plenty of hits to assist teamies, but much fewer headshots and kills.  Half my kills come from melee.  I wear light armor (tribal warrior and only 50 hps) and other archers have to 2 or 3 shot me with arrows.  Last night I took 4 arrows from a further distance and lived.  It's not too powerful.

I'm very squishy and dies lots when I'm surprised, double teamed, or overwhelmed by long and powerful weapons.  2 melee hits pretty much always kill me.
Kills are not representative for skill with archery. Because your target is not within an arm length of you as it is when you're melee, they can get out of your way much more easily. Still you deal a lot of damage across the entire team, not only against a handful of targets like melee.

On my archer alt I have gotten oneshot and twoshot by archers so far. As a melee I can mostly take 3-5 archery bodyshots with 60 body armour and 64 hp. I have gotten 80% of my hp shot away by a single bodyshot. Archery is very powerful at times.

Not to mention the amount of times it fucks you over in melee when you have your upblock readied for an enemy great long axe, but then just get shot before it hits you.
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: MrShine on February 17, 2012, 04:23:54 pm
Kills are not representative for skill with archery. Because your target is not within an arm length of you as it is when you're melee, they can get out of your way much more easily. Still you deal a lot of damage across the entire team, not only against a handful of targets like melee.

On my archer alt I have gotten oneshot and twoshot by archers so far. As a melee I can mostly take 3-5 archery bodyshots with 60 body armour and 64 hp. I have gotten 80% of my hp shot away by a single bodyshot. Archery is very powerful at times.

Not to mention the amount of times it fucks you over in melee when you have your upblock readied for an enemy great long axe, but then just get shot before it hits you.

Yes an 'unseen' strength of archery (or ranged in general) is their ability to deal damage to multiple targets that is not recognized in the scoreboards.

However something that never seems to be said yet is still very important in practice is this damage doesn't always matter.  In battle someone with 1% hp is just as dangerous as someone with 100% hp, there is no benefit from weakening people other than making them easier to kill later.  If you wound 5 different people but those 5 people end up surviving and your team loses, you effectively made very little difference to the round even if you ended up doing enough 'total' damage to kill one or two people.

It's also important to note that if you hit someone and they go on to get couched by some cav dude later in the round, you again effectively did nothing to contribute, because that person would have died to the couch with or without the arrow in their chest. 

Melee is susceptible to this scenario as well, but not nearly as often because typically when someone is in a melee battle someone is going to emerge the victor having killed the other. 

Just something to take into account.
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Memento_Mori on February 17, 2012, 04:55:15 pm
Another thread about those pesky 10 athletics, 10 pd and 10 wm archer builds. Damn them all, they're so OP.
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: BlindGuy on February 17, 2012, 05:00:30 pm
Yes an 'unseen' strength of archery (or ranged in general) is their ability to deal damage to multiple targets that is not recognized in the scoreboards.

No, thats always been the very obvious strengh of ranged. That's why threads about this archer or that archer being OP, look his score! get LOL'ed into the ground: The archers with high KDR are just the ones who run the most, since they are alive at the end of the round to kill all the guys with 1hp left. Doesnt make em good, or deadly, or even a realistic threat untill you are already mortally wounded.
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: _Tak_ on February 17, 2012, 05:20:41 pm
You need to understand that not all archer deal the same damage. Some are with 10 PD, some with 10 ATH that deal little damage and some people deal insane damage (Bagge, Zero Bot, Tiborur)
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: v/onMega on February 18, 2012, 12:05:39 am
Gettin two shotted constantly with 50 bodyarmor, 18 str and 2 if.


Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Remy on February 18, 2012, 12:12:59 am
You need to understand that not all archer deal the same damage. Some are with 10 PD, some with 10 ATH that deal little damage and some people deal insane damage (Bagge, Zero Bot, Tiborur)

Others are poor HA and have a PD of 5, are too poor to afford bodkin arrows and do significantly less damage.  :oops:
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Aleta on February 18, 2012, 02:02:09 am
I generally think that high level archers are too good, while low level archers are too crap. In melee it's more about blocking, timing, sticking with your team and strategy which evens things out. Archery is like playing WoW, if you have no wpf you can't hit shit no matter how skilled you are.
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: BlindGuy on February 18, 2012, 04:56:29 am
Gettin two shotted constantly with 50 bodyarmor, 18 str and 2 if.


says it all ;)

Had to edit:

When you chase archers, listen:

Its like a game!
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: _Tak_ on February 18, 2012, 10:13:54 am
Others are poor HA and have a PD of 5, are too poor to afford bodkin arrows and do significantly less damage.  :oops:

I am gonna be a HA next gen and see how many damage i am going to do  :P
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: FRANK_THE_TANK on February 18, 2012, 10:26:40 am
buff cav, solve all problems. Then finally joo poo faced inf will be driven from the field by our thundering hooves!

TBH I just use my horse as a Frank delivery device. Dump my self into the centre of a cluster fuck and see how long I can stay alive.
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Gravoth_iii on February 18, 2012, 11:55:22 am
Change so that Str doesnt give 1hp each point, and instead iron flesh gives 3 or 4 per point, this way archers would be turned VERY squishy unless they put points in ironflesh which would make their build less focused on running and gunning and a bit more on survival. Or remove arrow stun, other than that i dont mind the damage they deal.
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Lactose_the_intolerant on February 18, 2012, 03:08:28 pm

says it all ;)

Its like a game!

lol, manipulate pictures to show what you want...pic has clearly been taken on duel serv, after each duel health resets but arrow stay. nice attempt

if it's irony, sorry but i didnt grasp it.

remy, i use barbed arrows and i do very fine on my HA :)
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: BlindGuy on February 18, 2012, 04:38:46 pm
lol, manipulate pictures to show what you want...pic has clearly been taken on duel serv, after each duel health resets but arrow stay. nice attempt

if it's irony, sorry but i didnt grasp it.

remy, i use barbed arrows and i do very fine on my HA :)

OBVIOUSLY thats not a battle pic man, Ppl are claiming they get 2 hit bodyshot with 50 armour, THATS A FUCKING LIE, unless they have run into a  39 STR archer with a MW longbow and bodkins, and there are not many of those about.
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: MrShine on February 18, 2012, 04:59:40 pm
OBVIOUSLY thats not a battle pic man, Ppl are claiming they get 2 hit bodyshot with 50 armour, THATS A FUCKING LIE, unless they have run into a  39 STR archer with a MW longbow and bodkins, and there are not many of those about.

Well, I think it is possible with bodkins and a low hp target, provided you are using a higher tier bow.  Since bodkins are pierce hp is the thing that helps survive those, not armor as much.

But it's not common, and downright rare with anything other than a longbow or maybe a rus.  The thing is people will get 2 shot and that will stick in their memory, not the times where it took 5 or 6.
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Angantyr on February 18, 2012, 05:08:15 pm
As you can see from the screenshots I've posted in this thread projectiles are able to two-shot a 47 torso armor guy with a decent amount of hitpoints - as long as it has a good speed bonus.

It is of course true that it doesn't happen all the time, as MrShine touches upon, and without a speed bonus (as when you for example test it on a duel server without the infantry running towards the archer) the damage output is much lower, in the case of my main inf character about 4-6 arrows from a decent archer.
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Dravic on February 18, 2012, 06:35:07 pm
As you can see from the screenshots I've posted in this thread projectiles are able to two-shot a 50 torso armor guy with a decent amount of hitpoints - as long as it has a good speed bonus.

It is of course true that it doesn't happen all the time, as MrShine touches upon, and without a speed bonus (as when you for example test it on a duel server without the infantry running towards the archer) the damage output is much lower, in the case of my main inf character about 4-6 arrows from a decent archer.


When an archer shoots at you and you don't know how to dodge and you are sure he WILL land a hit on you, step back to get negative speed bonus. Should help.
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Tzar on February 18, 2012, 06:39:35 pm
Pro tip: dont get into a balance Discussions with Ranged since its pointless trying to make sense to someone who cant use the melee features of the game an depends on being able to shotgun people in 2 shots to gain some kdr..  :lol:
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Remy on February 18, 2012, 06:56:58 pm
Pro tip: Pro tips are silly.
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Angantyr on February 18, 2012, 08:40:50 pm
Even when you are being forthcoming to arguments from 'the other side' you are being patronized by nåbs who've not only played the game much less than yourself, but who are also in no position whatsoever to presume they know how you play  :lol:

Thank you MrShine for at least having a reasonable debate culture  :wink:
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Meow on February 18, 2012, 09:23:23 pm
I played an archer for 1 1/2 gens now after about 3 gens of throwing and 9 gens of pure 2h/polearm.

If you bitch about archers you need to learn to play or play on the melee only server.

It's the most frustrating class I played so far but I enjoy the support role especially when it comes to taking down cav and staggering enemies during melee fights.

Sorry to destroy your melee hero dreams =(

Games like this require more than just twitch reflexes and to be skilled at the game you will need to learn to just deal with it and adjust your tactics.

On my melee builds I was everything from 21 agi to 6 agi as in 18str to 33 str.
Never did I have any serious problems with ranged.
Maybe with the throwing lances for a short time but those are now super gimp :mrgreen:
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Tzar on February 18, 2012, 09:29:12 pm
Herp derp derp i fail at melee so i use a str build derp derp tried archer cant aim either derp derp derp...

PS: if u had some awareness you wouldn't have been such an easy kill playing as archer  :lol: killing you when your on your archer alt was like stealing candy from a little kid
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Lactose_the_intolerant on February 18, 2012, 09:47:36 pm
OBVIOUSLY thats not a battle pic man, Ppl are claiming they get 2 hit bodyshot with 50 armour, THATS A FUCKING LIE, unless they have run into a  39 STR archer with a MW longbow and bodkins, and there are not many of those about.

well no its not a lie, happens to me, of course its not 80% of the time but yes it does happen, better, losing half hp for an arrow shot to the arm...
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Memento_Mori on February 18, 2012, 10:37:38 pm
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Meow on February 18, 2012, 10:54:11 pm
herpderp I can not read and try to make everything but my class look shitty because I have no skill to adjust.

Glad you called me out on the awareness instead of realizing that you lack it if you get shot all the time.
But yeah, I think we all got it by now, you want this to be a sword hero duel game and you are butthurt it is not.
Sadly repeating that over and over again will not make you a better player.

Might just wanna stop crying if you are incapable of understanding what other people are writing.
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Tzar on February 18, 2012, 11:03:52 pm
hmn... i seen how you play an you cant really call me out for not being able to tell you lack awareness you practicably stand still with your archer while i mow you down unlike blackbow who dogde me like its the matrix an pew pew my 135 hp an 31 armor pony in 4 shots.. not counting headshots..

offocurse i get shot half the time i cant dodge 21 archers focusing me plus they can just hold their draw an run around me an avoid my shield if they wish too..

playing on eu4 with 23 players on the enemy team 13 of em are archers i let you think about why its such a popular class your the dev i take it you have some insight as to how it works...

i never said i want the game to be a sword hero game but if you find the game to be any fun spending half the time playing chasing kiting archers or gettin shotgunned then by all means ignore people complaining  :lol:

Tenne is the only archer i know who dont kite an carry a decent melee weapon rest is just a bunch of cs players who depend on shotgunning their victims an avoiding melee at all cost..
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Meow on February 18, 2012, 11:12:16 pm
Thanks for proving my point of you being incapable to understand of what people write.

Start reading stuff more careful and think about what people tried to tell you before you type down a reply that does not even scratch what the other person said.

So what's your 135hp build?
Not even gonna keep arguing about the whole archer thing with you, just wondering how 135hp work out.
Sounds like an epic build.
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Tzar on February 18, 2012, 11:14:30 pm
geezz forgot to write pony

also yeah that would be an epic build..

I didn't comment your post i just tried to explain why you might find archery so hard since you don't seem to be arsed dodging or kiting like all the others..

also the rest i wrote was regarding the whole archery thingy thread i didn't see the thread was named debate with meow about archery wtf are you some kind of a attention whore? you played with your archer alt for what? a week ? :lol: yet you seem to know everything there is about archery..

i just posted my own experience take it as trash talk or valid points idc lol

Regarding the dmg well most of us with balanced builds do get 2 shotted by body shots we arent all str stacking like lets say meow..
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Teeth on February 18, 2012, 11:40:14 pm
OBVIOUSLY thats not a battle pic man, Ppl are claiming they get 2 hit bodyshot with 50 armour, THATS A FUCKING LIE, unless they have run into a  39 STR archer with a MW longbow and bodkins, and there are not many of those about.
Happens to me occasionally with 60 body armour.
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Leshma on February 19, 2012, 12:35:26 am
Heh, what to do. To tell the truth or to continue being Meow's spokesperson? :D
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Siiem on February 19, 2012, 09:55:32 am
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Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Zerran on February 19, 2012, 10:45:01 am
Happens to me occasionally with 60 body armour.

Indeed. I've got 56 body armor, 21 str and 6 IF. Not too uncommon for me to have 60% of my health taken away from a single body shot, if it's at close range with one of the 2 slot bows.
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Dravic on February 19, 2012, 10:53:30 am
Thanks for proving my point of you being incapable to understand of what people write.

Start reading stuff more careful and think about what people tried to tell you before you type down a reply that does not even scratch what the other person said.

So what's your 135hp build?
Not even gonna keep arguing about the whole archer thing with you, just wondering how 135hp work out.
Sounds like an epic build.

Level 30 (4 420 577 xp)

Strength: 39
Agility: 3
Hit points: 100
Skills to attributes: 14
Ironflesh: 13
Power Strike: 4
Shield: 0
Athletics: 0
Riding: 0
Horse Archery: 0
Power Draw: 0
Power Throw: 0
Weapon Master: 0
One Handed: 1
Two Handed: 1
Polearm: 111
Archery: 1
Crossbow: 1
Throwing: 1

Not THAT far. But still, 35 is missing. Maybe such build, then:

Level 36 (284 556 896 xp)

Strength: 45
Agility: 3
Hit points: 110
Skills to attributes: 14
Ironflesh: 15
Power Strike: 8
Shield: 0
Athletics: 0
Riding: 0
Horse Archery: 0
Power Draw: 0
Power Throw: 0
Weapon Master: 0
One Handed: 1
Two Handed: 1
Polearm: 111
Archery: 1
Crossbow: 1
Throwing: 1

Only 25hp missing.

Title: Re: archery..
Post by: [ptx] on February 19, 2012, 05:46:05 pm
Thanks for proving my point of you being incapable to understand of what people write.

Start reading stuff more careful and think about what people tried to tell you before you type down a reply that does not even scratch what the other person said.

So what's your 135hp build?
Not even gonna keep arguing about the whole archer thing with you, just wondering how 135hp work out.
Sounds like an epic build.

2. Write in Tzar, click Add
3. ...
4. Profit!
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Tzar on February 19, 2012, 06:04:26 pm
2. Write in Tzar, click Add
3. ...
4. Profit!

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You would be doing me a favor
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: _Tak_ on February 20, 2012, 01:06:28 pm
Indeed. I've got 56 body armor, 21 str and 6 IF. Not too uncommon for me to have 60% of my health taken away from a single body shot, if it's at close range with one of the 2 slot bows.

that's not true, i have 30 body armor and i got shot by zerobot and i still have my 50% hp left. As many people have said here some archer do go for 7+ Power Draw which can do some serious damage. Stop complaining about ranged, they nearly have been nerf to the ground (Aka HA), i think its time to nerf infantry and let see how many dumbass will complain again
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Leshma on February 20, 2012, 01:11:57 pm
I have 24 body armor and I don't die from one arrow, sometimes not even from two. I think that they reverted the change they did, it's not the stats what makes archery strong its ability to ignore armor. Dezilagel first found it in code, I bet they first "nerfed" archery by tweaking that part and then decided to revert it. There isn't much difference between HP loss of my 69 body armor and my light armor (24 BA).

All pierce weapons ignore armor to some point but that part was a bit excessive when it comes to bows and arrows.

Edit: Btw. mighty fine forum posting and lobbying. Worthy of a Great Kunt. Chagan will be proud of you :)
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Gurnisson on February 20, 2012, 01:16:40 pm
I have 24 body armor and I don't die from one arrow, sometimes not even from two. I think that they reverted the change they did, it's not the stats what makes archery strong its ability to ignore armor. Dezilagel first found it in code, I bet they first "nerfed" archery by tweaking that part and then decided to revert it. There isn't much difference between HP loss of my 69 body armor and my light armor (24 BA).

All pierce weapons ignore armor to some point but that part was a bit excessive when it comes to bows and arrows.

It's like that from native too. You usually took 3 arrows in leather, and maybe four in the highest armour. :lol:
That's why a team losing 3-0 in a 5-round match usually went with a lot of ranged and crossfires to ignore the armour the other team had afforded by winning three rounds.
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: _Tak_ on February 20, 2012, 03:07:50 pm
If ranged deal less damage = less damage to shield = Arbalest no longer shoot through shield = shielders has 200% advantage
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: duurrr on February 20, 2012, 11:45:40 pm
It's like that from native too. You usually took 3 arrows in leather, and maybe four in the highest armour. :lol:
That's why a team losing 3-0 in a 5-round match usually went with a lot of ranged and crossfires to ignore the armour the other team had afforded by winning three rounds.
not really they just went ranged because its the only way someone with lower skill can kill someone with higher skill
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: BlindGuy on February 23, 2012, 04:09:33 am
LETS BE REALISTIC: top dmg archers have 3/4 slot weapon, that cost more than any other weapon.

This is Warbow/longbow + bodkins (1 or 2)

I must channel all my WPF into this weapon, or I will endlessly kill my teammates beside/behind me.
I must keep faith when arrow go thru your chest/face/butt and into teammate/horse/wall/tree behind you.
I must keep trying after I see many arrow stuck in air above/below buckler. (How is this not fixed yet?)
I must make accurate and instant predictions as to the movement of teammates and enemy players/horses.
I must plan each move since my dmg output has long cooldown, and large speed debuff.

This weapon does NOT allow me to block.

This weapon does NOT allow me to chamber.

This weapon does NOT allow me infinite DMG output (Sword dont run out of ammo).

This weapon does NOT allow jump attacking.

This weapon does NOT allow use of heavy armour effectively.

This weapon does NOT allow use on horseback.

YOU STILL DONT GET IT: Archery is not OP, if you think so you havent understood the game yet = An archer's main weapon is not his bow, or his 1/0 slot sidearm, just as a 2hander's main weapon is NOT his sword. USE YOUR FUCKING HEAD.
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Dezilagel on February 23, 2012, 04:21:49 am
LETS BE REALISTIC: top dmg archers have 3/4 slot weapon, that cost more than any other weapon.

This is Warbow/longbow + bodkins (1 or 2)

I must channel all my WPF into this weapon, or I will endlessly kill my teammates beside/behind me.
I must keep faith when arrow go thru your chest/face/butt and into teammate/horse/wall/tree behind you.
I must keep trying after I see many arrow stuck in air above/below buckler. (How is this not fixed yet?)
I must make accurate and instant predictions as to the movement of teammates and enemy players/horses.
I must plan each move since my dmg output has long cooldown, and large speed debuff.

This weapon does NOT allow me to block.

This weapon does NOT allow me to chamber.

This weapon does NOT allow me infinite DMG output (Sword dont run out of ammo).

This weapon does NOT allow jump attacking.

This weapon does NOT allow use of heavy armour effectively.

This weapon does NOT allow use on horseback.

YOU STILL DONT GET IT: Archery is not OP, if you think so you havent understood the game yet = An archer's main weapon is not his bow, or his 1/0 slot sidearm, just as a 2hander's main weapon is NOT his sword. USE YOUR FUCKING HEAD.


Title: Re: archery..
Post by: MrShine on February 23, 2012, 05:22:00 am
Dammit, I knew I was doing something wrong.

To be fair though, arrows are blockable (shield duh) and stun happens with any damage.
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Aleta on February 23, 2012, 08:55:36 am
I liked you post Dez :)

It really seems when the archers are "responding" to things people say about their class type, they tend to just say: "It's not op", "archery is fine", "stop whining noobs" and "l2p". They don't actually come with any arguments. I have never said directly that archery is op, however I think archery needs a few fixes. These are:

<-(This is just the silliest thing ever, extremely annoying and makes HA look honourable)
(Then longbow will be the heaviest hitting bow, which is suiteable with it's speed. I know a lot of people with small machine gun bows who instakill on headshots and 2shot kill on body ones, who has massive athletics to run from anything and wpf to hit people in the eyes from a kilometer away will whine about this)

And that I think will "fix" archery. Longbow will hit hard as fuck, but be a bit slower than the others. For people who can't see it this change will buff the longbow quite a bit (since one can have piercing and +5 dmg, giving it 36 pierce), while nerfing the other bows slightly.
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: BlindGuy on February 23, 2012, 09:26:34 am
Range isnt unblockable, shield. And it doesnt stun for longer than some things...............dezi......
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Tzar on February 23, 2012, 09:30:23 am
Range isnt unblockable, shield. And it doesnt stun for longer than some things...............dezi......

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Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Bobthehero on February 23, 2012, 09:54:09 am
Get 1 pt and throwing daggers, always hilarious to throw them in the back of kiter, you can even get a lucky headshot sometimes.
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: RiPLeY_II on February 23, 2012, 12:24:23 pm
Seriously, why do we all sill bother answering to rufio, leshma and all of the other lame dedicated 2handers  threads about archery???

PD: i want axes nerfed ... they break my shield ... thus disallowing me to own the game!
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Old_Sir_Agor on February 23, 2012, 12:35:16 pm
you dont like archers- then go make your own only melee server and play there
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Xant on February 23, 2012, 12:55:53 pm

Blocking and chambering are essential when you're attacking things at range, yes. Buff archery.
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: MrShine on February 23, 2012, 01:14:20 pm
It really seems when the archers are "responding" to things people say about their class type, they tend to just say: "It's not op", "archery is fine", "stop whining noobs" and "l2p". They don't actually come with any arguments. I have never said directly that archery is op, however I think archery needs a few fixes. These are:
I think archers have responded well to plenty of posts/threads in the past, but it gets tiring to have to constantly defend yourself from the army of whiners.

If you go from native to cRPG you'll see how many nerfs archers have endured in the past.  Some of them were good, but it doesn't seem to matter how many times they get nerfed because some people seem to be unwilling to either learn or endure the fact that ranged will have the ability to kill non-shielded infantry at range.  We just got out of the worst ranged patch ever (watch my videos to see the relative uselessness of archers in last version:,25190.msg363970.html#msg363970) and ranged has been reverted slightly, but still nerfed in damage from what it was before. 

When you have people who are suggesting that archery damage doesn't stun opponents (..wut?) and people who will take 50-70% damage from one level 33 MW longbow MW bodkin user and come crying onto the forums with their 'proof' archery needs to be nerfed (ignoring or ignorant to the fact that they took negligible damage from 20 other arrows from different people in a map before that one high damage shot)... then what else can you say as an archer? 

It's mostly people who refuse to change or adapt to the fact they can't run out into the open like heroes who want to see archery nerfed into nonexistence and who will never be happy until archery is removed or made so trivial it can effectively be ignored.  I don't consider those people to have an educated opinion on how game balance works since their mindset is so one dimensional, so I (and I'm sure others) am/are not willing to waste their time arguing with them...thus the 'archery is fine' one liners.

Regarding your suggestions, archers kite because slot system & skill point demands force them to go full archer and wield a 0-1 slot weapon often with low PS and no wpf.  They simply aren't going to be able to win many melee fights even if they have melee skills.  I know kiting can be annoying but if it was more possible to have a successful hybrid I bet we'd see more archers willing to engage in melee.  15/21 build is the only good one I can come up with.  Fun fact though - a 2 slot bow user will typically have no more than 6 athletics, and often the dedicated level 30 ones only have 3... that's hardly mega kiting ability.

Longbows used to be the only ones that could do pierce damage, but that was changed (imo for the better) to allow for some versatility.  Forcing all the other bows to have cut will be another overall nerf to the majority of archers and effectively force many to switch to the 2 slot longbow.
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Gurnisson on February 23, 2012, 01:26:35 pm

40 body armour, 18 strength, full health. One-hit by arrow. Enough said.
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Cosmos_Shielder on February 23, 2012, 01:29:12 pm
Did you take the arrow in the eye ?
Because that's pretty common
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: MrShine on February 23, 2012, 02:14:07 pm
40 body armour, 18 strength, full health. One-hit by arrow. Enough said.

and people who will take 50-70% damage from one level 33 MW longbow MW bodkin user and come crying onto the forums with their 'proof' archery needs to be nerfed (ignoring or ignorant to the fact that they took negligible damage from 20 other arrows from different people in a map before that one high damage shot)... then what else can you say as an archer? 
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Gurnisson on February 23, 2012, 02:22:21 pm
Didn't get the point

I wouldn't have mind 50 - 70 %. But 18 strength, 40 body armour and full health, one-hit to the body. How can you defend that? It's way too silly. If an arbalest had one-shot me, no problem, they have high reloading time and all. Archers get too many positives for too few negatives.
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Old_Sir_Agor on February 23, 2012, 02:35:10 pm
I wouldn't have mind 50 - 70 %. But 18 strength, 40 body armour and full health, one-hit to the body. How can you defend that? It's way too silly. If an arbalest had one-shot me, no problem, they have high reloading time and all. Archers get too many positives for too few negatives.

give us the videos or i will never believe in that, i with mw arb and mw steel bolts only have little chance to 1 shot 40 body 18 str, and probably it was some sebastian with all loomed lvl 34 archer woth 10 pd .
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Tzar on February 23, 2012, 02:38:02 pm
I wouldn't have mind 50 - 70 %. But 18 strength, 40 body armour and full health, one-hit to the body. How can you defend that? It's way too silly. If an arbalest had one-shot me, no problem, they have high reloading time and all. Archers get too many positives for too few negatives.

Gurnisson you know it don't matter how much sense you make they will not agree with you...

Remmeber how people with barmaces an morningstars defended their crushrough ability´s  :?:  :lol: even though it was obviously bullshit they still used the most braindead ways of trying to make it sound fair...
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: MrShine on February 23, 2012, 02:47:37 pm
I wouldn't have mind 50 - 70 %. But 18 strength, 40 body armour and full health, one-hit to the body. How can you defend that? It's way too silly. If an arbalest had one-shot me, no problem, they have high reloading time and all. Archers get too many positives for too few negatives.

One gen I went 21/18 polearm build.  I had 70 hp (21 str/7 IF) and was wearing 48-50 body armor/40 head armor. 
I usually could survive a decent amount of hits, but I distinctly remember that I was one shot in melee a total of 2 times that entire gen - once by Goretooth and his MW bec, and one by... I don't remember who, just the fact I got instagibbed.

Claiming archery needs to be nerfed because you got 1 shot once is like if I claimed melee needs to get nerfed because I got 1 shot a few times.  You need to take a bunch of other stuff into account (who shot you/what was his build/what arrows did he use/were his items masterworked/how close were you to the archer/did speed bonus apply to him/ did you take the maximum amount of damage from the randomness of archery damage).

Since I remember you saying you didn't have ironflesh, that is a total of 53 hp dealt... certainly possible if everything happened in the right way.

But happening once and happening consistently are two separate issues.
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Wraist on February 23, 2012, 02:48:32 pm
When you have people who are suggesting that archery damage doesn't stun opponents (..wut?) and people who will take 50-70% damage from one level 33 MW longbow MW bodkin user and come crying onto the forums with their 'proof' archery needs to be nerfed (ignoring or ignorant to the fact that they took negligible damage from 20 other arrows from different people in a map before that one high damage shot)... then what else can you say as an archer?

In low armor, there is no such thing as a negligible arrow. Most of the time they two/three shot me [Hirlock who uses a 9str build three shots me], with some able to one shot me fairly consistently. For comparison, I was hit by a +2 throwing lance from a guy with 8 PT and it did <70% of my life, and I'd probably need to hit myself two-four times.

My main issue, however, is how much range that currently exist, although, ironically, my next build is going to be a throwing lance hybrid.
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Gurnisson on February 23, 2012, 03:08:54 pm
Claiming archery needs to be nerfed because you got 1 shot once is like if I claimed melee needs to get nerfed because I got 1 shot a few times. 

Again, archery is a completely different thing from melee, and different from crossbows and throwing too. I can live with getting one-shot by cav, in melee, by a throwing lance or by an arbalest, but not by an archer. An archer has too many pros to be able to one-shot medium infantry. Crossbows has high reloading time, throwing has low ammo, melee must be in the danger zone to even have a slight chance of making a one-hit. The archer can run and gun, have good kiting abilities, can easily dodge cav with their movement while still being able to shoot.

You need to take a bunch of other stuff into account (who shot you/what was his build/what arrows did he use/were his items masterworked/how close were you to the archer/did speed bonus apply to him/ did you take the maximum amount of damage from the randomness of archery damage).

Low to medium range, not running towards him. He was not at an elevated position. I don't know his build though. However with mail hauberk, mail mittens , 18 strength and full health you should be able to survive one arrow.

But happening once and happening consistently are two separate issues.

Yes, it is, but archers should in no circumstances one-shot medium infantry except for headshots of course.
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Gravoth_iii on February 23, 2012, 03:21:43 pm
Again, archery is a completely different thing from melee, and different from crossbows and throwing too. I can live with getting one-shot by cav, in melee, by a throwing lance or by an arbalest, but not by an archer. An archer has too many pros to be able to one-shot medium infantry. Crossbows has high reloading time, throwing has low ammo, melee must be in the danger zone to even have a slight chance of making a one-hit. The archer can run and gun, have good kiting abilities, can easily dodge cav with their movement while still being able to shoot.

Low to medium range, not running towards him. He was not at an elevated position. I don't know his build though. However with mail hauberk, mail mittens , 18 strength and full health you should be able to survive one arrow.

Yes, it is, but archers should in no circumstances one-shot medium infantry except for headshots of course.

I have 18 str 6 IF and 53 body armour, i dont remember ever being oneshot by a body shot. I would say 40 body armour and no IF is a pretty squishy build, and getting one-shot wouldnt be way too surprising.
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: MrShine on February 23, 2012, 03:34:16 pm
I entered some numbers into the cRPG calculator.

Assuming a 18/21 6 PD 7 WM longbow build, with a masterwork longbow & masterwork bodkins (36 pierce damage before bonuses) shooting a target with 40 body armor, the MAXIMUM damage listed is 52 damage.
    * Minimum: 27
    * Average: 39.5
    * Maximum: 52

Someone with 18 strength and no IF has 53 hp.  Based on numbers alone you shouldn't have been one shot unless something else was going on... maybe there was speed bonus involved, or maybe the archer had even more PD (going 21/18 with 7 PD 6 WM would net the archer a max damage of 54 damage).

Either way, my point is it would take someone with fully masterworked bodkins and a masterworked longbow and dealing maximum damage to you in order to have a chance at oneshotting someone with about 50 hp & 40 armor.  And 18 strength no IF isn't a lot... you can make 15/27 melee builds with more hp than that.

Meanwhile let's look at a melee dude with 18 str/ 6 PS and a masterwork flammy hitting someone with 40 body armor:
    * Minimum: 23
    * Average: 39
    * Maximum: 55

Not to mention held attacks can do bonus damage on top of this.  Melee still wins in raw damage (as it should), all while requiring less looms (1 MW item as opposed to 2) while having a bunch more flexibility with the build... someone with a 18 str melee build will have extra skill points to add into ironflesh, shield, even riding... while the archer has to sacrifice a lot of that in order to focus on PD and WM.
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Okkam on February 23, 2012, 04:13:42 pm
Yes, it is, but archers should in no circumstances one-shot medium infantry except for headshots of course.

40 body armor is not medium infantry. This is even not a light infantry. It's possible to have this armor with loomed nomad robe and mail mittens, with overall weight 6.6. Peasant in rags on the other word.

Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Memento_Mori on February 23, 2012, 04:19:37 pm
40 body armour, 18 strength, full health. One-hit by arrow. Enough said.

Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Gnjus on February 23, 2012, 04:30:33 pm,26589.msg386631.html#msg386631

(click to show/hide)
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Gurnisson on February 23, 2012, 04:45:50 pm
I have 18 str 6 IF and 53 body armour, i dont remember ever being oneshot by a body shot. I would say 40 body armour and no IF is a pretty squishy build, and getting one-shot wouldnt be way too surprising.

Like I said. Tolerable by melee, cav, arbalest and throwing lances. Not the epic kiters that run and gun.

40 body armor is not medium infantry. This is even not a light infantry.

Yes, fully clad in mail is definitely not even light infantry. This mod has obviously turned into a bunch of armor crutchers


Take your arrogance someplace else. Like I said earlier, the one-shots from melee, cav, arbalest and throwing lances don't bother me. I know it's not the most armored build out there and accept those, however the archers shouldn't because they have enough pros already. Being able one-shot light to medium inf in addition to the reload speed and kiting is just bullshit.
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: MrShine on February 23, 2012, 04:58:38 pm
Take your arrogance someplace else. Like I said earlier, the one-shots from melee, cav, arbalest and throwing lances don't bother me. I know it's not the most armored build out there and accept those, however the archers shouldn't because they have enough pros already. Being able one-shot light to medium inf in addition to the reload speed and kiting is just bullshit.

Taking a MW horn bow, MW bodkin arrows, and a 15/24 5 PD/8 Ath/8 WM "machine gun" archer, here's how much damage he would do to you in your 40 armor:

    * Minimum: 18
    * Average: 28.5
    * Maximum: 39
(click to show/hide)
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Memento_Mori on February 23, 2012, 05:12:37 pm
I'm 15 strength in 52 body armor with no IF and I've yet to get one shot by an archer other than a HS.

I will now take my arrogance else where I guess lol  :rolleyes:

Maybe you got hit by a pure ranged lvl 30 build with a decent speed bonus, 24/18. Either way, 18 str 40 body armor and you died in one shot to something... Really? Go figure.
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Tears of Destiny on February 23, 2012, 05:17:03 pm
Adds thread to folder of Why I Hate The c-RPG Community.

I wonder if people remember that elevation can drastically change how arrows work, or that armour has a 50% variable.

This is level 33 me, PD 8 with 166 wpf against a 40 armour target, naked so I don't have armour penalties. Due to my high power draw:
Effective WPF: 54
WPF penalty: 67%

I use a MW Rus Bow with MW Bodkins.

Due to being level 33 and fully decked out in MW gear, I am significantly more dangerous then the average archer. There are almost no archers who can do more damage and with greater accuracy then me, besides the extremely small handful of other 33+ archers. Consider this a top level look, worse case scenario. The average archer has just 6 PD and 7WM, or the other way around, if you need a baseline.

Against 40 armour
Damage values
Minimum: 28
Average: 41
Maximum: 54

Against 50 body armour
Minimum: 22
Average: 35
Maximum: 48

Against 60 body armour
Minimum: 16
Average: 30
Maximum: 44

Against 70 body armour
Minimum: 12
Average: 25.5
Maximum: 39

Hit Points
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Gurnisson on February 23, 2012, 05:34:23 pm
Either way, 18 str 40 body armor and you died in one shot to something... Really? Go figure.

Like I said earlier, the one-shots from melee, cav, arbalest and throwing lances don't bother me.
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Son Of Odin on February 23, 2012, 05:42:52 pm
visitors can't see pics , please register or login
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Tears of Destiny on February 23, 2012, 05:45:09 pm

You have only 40 armour (average is about 50) which is low end for a melee user, and 18str with no IF so hardly expected to be durable. You probably got shot by an archer on an elevated position, closerange, moving towards him, and he got lucky with your sub-par armour chance.

EDIT: Likely a PD 7 Long Bow or Rus Bow archer, 6wm, to be specific.
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: _Tak_ on February 23, 2012, 05:48:22 pm
Yes, it is, but archers should in no circumstances one-shot medium infantry except for headshots of course.

40 body armor is not called medium infantry, should be light-medium.  Also who shot you? Is it bagge? (Please do not include him in any list)
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Dezilagel on February 23, 2012, 06:00:57 pm
40 body armor is not called medium infantry, should be light-medium.  Also who shot you? Is it bagge? (Please do not include him in any list)

Bagge is his clanmate dude.... And he "only" has like 6 PD.
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Siiem on February 23, 2012, 06:05:29 pm
MW rus bow and MW bodkin is like what? 33 pierce = you shoot an awlpike per arrow, yes yes... buff archery please, especially so that archers with loomed shit can start shooting throwing lances. Pjupju.
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Tears of Destiny on February 23, 2012, 06:07:28 pm
MW rus bow and MW bodkin is like what? 33 pierce = you shoot an awlpike per arrow, yes yes... buff archery please, especially so that archers with loomed shit can start shooting throwing lances. Pjupju.

Never said buff it, my point is him being oneshot while in sub-par hp and armour was a freak occurence.

Though if anything, headshot damage from range really should be nerfed, or helms buffed against range.
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Siiem on February 23, 2012, 06:08:15 pm
Never said buff it, my point is him being oneshot while in sub-par hp and armour was a freak occurence.

Not really, I've been one shot by awlpikes a lot, so archers with the same damage potential it's not that odd it would happen.
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Tears of Destiny on February 23, 2012, 06:09:43 pm
Not really, I've been one shot by awlpikes a lot, so archers with the same damage potential it's not that odd it would happen.

Almost no archer can output my level of damage, most have 6 or 7 PD and could not have one shot him unless using speed bonus, copious amounts of luck on the armour varience, and being shortrange/elevated.

Awlpikes can gain one hell of a speedbonus just from the melee user spin stabbing (range does not get speed bonus from the firing unit)

Archers have the same base damage if using two slotters, not the same damage potential. Base and potential are two different things.

Also, you just compared a MW rus and MW bodkins to a standard unheirloomed awlpike, so how many of those awlpikes have oneshotted you thatwere heirloomed? Stop comparing apples with oranges here.
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Gurnisson on February 23, 2012, 06:14:48 pm
You probably got shot by an archer on an elevated position, closerange, moving towards him, and he got lucky with your sub-par armour chance.

Low to medium range, not running towards him. He was not at an elevated position. I don't know his build though. However with mail hauberk, mail mittens , 18 strength and full health you should be able to survive one arrow.

You have only 40 armour (average is about 50) which is low end for a melee user, and 18str with no IF so hardly expected to be durable.

Like I've said thousands of times already, I don't expect to be durable. I don't mind being one-shot by melee, arbalest, cav etc. and don't mind being two-shot by an archer (however getting two-shot on my main with 50 body armor 21 str and 5 IF is dumb), but getting one-shot by an archer in that is quite ludicrous. I can't see why you can defend an archer one-hiting a mail-clad infantry with full health. Two-shot? Sure thing. One-shot? I say bullshit.
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Siiem on February 23, 2012, 06:19:03 pm
Your main Gurni is an awlpiker that gets two shot by MW rus MW bodkin arrows with similar damage potential, I must say I find it rather amusing :) however also disgusting that archers can get such a stupidly high amount of pierce damage.
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Okkam on February 23, 2012, 06:19:16 pm
Yes, fully clad in mail is definitely not even light infantry. This mod has obviously turned into a bunch of armor crutchers

Yes. This mode always have bunch of armor crutchers with sword of cookies and arbalest\xbow. So what?

So, you wanna have lightest nonloomed armor, 0 IF and be effective against fully loomed (bow\arrows) archer? Find noob archer without looms and kill him for pleasure.
Really, your suggestion slowly demote to Michael, Leshma and other professional weepers level.
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: [ptx] on February 23, 2012, 06:19:53 pm
Yes, bullshit indeed, Gurnisson, stop making it up.
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Siiem on February 23, 2012, 06:22:45 pm
Stupid Gurnisson thinking that this mod could possibly be about anything else than LOOOOOOMS!!!!!11!
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Tears of Destiny on February 23, 2012, 06:28:50 pm
Stupid Gurnisson thinking that this mod could possibly be about anything else than LOOOOOOMS!!!!!11!

What a dumb mod, if six heirloom points from a high PD can defeat a low-spectrum 0 heirloomed mail outfit protecting a non-durable melee build.

Mod is dead.
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Gurnisson on February 23, 2012, 06:53:06 pm
Your main Gurni is an awlpiker that gets two shot by MW rus MW bodkin arrows with similar damage potential, I must say I find it rather amusing :) however also disgusting that archers can get such a stupidly high amount of pierce damage.

Haven't used awlpike in like... months?

So, you wanna have lightest nonloomed armor, 0 IF and be effective against fully loomed (bow\arrows) archer?

Yes, mail is clearly the lightet non-loomed armor.  :rolleyes: All I've ever said is that I don't think archers should one-shot and I stand by that. Any non-retarded archer can get in two shots :)

What a dumb mod, if six heirloom points from a high PD can defeat a low-spectrum 0 heirloomed mail outfit protecting a non-durable melee build.

Missed the point yet again. I expect to die from projectiles and I do that a lot, but one-shot without speed bonus, nor from an elevated position, now really? Two shots on that build is okay, no problem.
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: [ptx] on February 23, 2012, 07:01:54 pm
Nevermind my previous post, Gurnisson, i believe you now, my 50 body armor/8IF/24str guy just got onehit by a lvl6 peasant armed with a stick! NERF PEASANTS! NERF STICKS!
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Old_Sir_Agor on February 23, 2012, 07:09:27 pm
i think it is normal if archers can easy kill some 2h or poledude, because archers cant do much vs shielders, so o think you want be protected against archer  then take more armor or shiled, shield on back reduced range dmg in your back anyway, archers have pretty crap dmg to arms and legs. so in danger will stay only head and body, come on stop cry then, btw ranged have DMG PENALTY in rain .
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Gravoth_iii on February 23, 2012, 07:10:56 pm
I think being oneshot in light armour is okay, it seems like it doesnt happen often either. Which is why light infantry should have shields or atleast some IF. Medium + should always be 2shot+ tho, except for headshots.
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: BlindGuy on February 23, 2012, 07:15:29 pm
Your main Gurni is an awlpiker that gets two shot by MW rus MW bodkin arrows with similar damage potential, I must say I find it rather amusing :) however also disgusting that archers can get such a stupidly high amount of pierce damage.

awlpike: 2 SLOTS

warbow/longbow: 3 SLOTS

warbow/longbow + bodkins: most expensive weapon ingame.

You pay the price: 3 slots, can run outa ammo, slow attack speed, cant block melee, cant rear horses.

Also, MW warbow and +2 arrows: Shot playername INSANE HORSE 7 times upper body. He say he have 1 hp left, so lets assume 8 arrows was the amout needed: ANYONE EVER SURVIVE 7 AWLPIKINGS? All solid hits no bounces. Maybe sometimes ppl do...not that I see tho.

BEFORE YOU RAGE: I like melee fighting, up untill this Gen all my looms were swords/shields/spears. I just dont feel that ranged ever dominated me, or was even very hard to defeat 1v1.

1 vs many: GANK is GANK when its done properly, noone can survive GOOD gank from any classes (and I DONT mean when over nine thousand nubs crowd around you in EU1, they are easykill, I mean GOOD gank, 2 guys close, pincer, synchronise attack, noone can block front and back at once). So when a zillion archers shoot me dead: its a GANK, same thing most likely happen when 5 melee guys close on you nicely, you die. Its shit, it feels unfair, but it happens.

If any of you think GANK is NOT gank, regardless of class, then they living in dream world where they are god's gift to online gaming.
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: [ptx] on February 23, 2012, 07:16:03 pm
Except that you *don't* onehit people even in light armor, except for extraordinary circumstances. That just doesn't happen, lol.
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: _Sebastian_ on February 23, 2012, 07:17:14 pm
give us the videos or i will never believe in that, i with mw arb and mw steel bolts only have little chance to 1 shot 40 body 18 str, and probably it was some sebastian with all loomed lvl 34 archer woth 10 pd .
I dont think it was me.
I didn't played crpg for 3 weeks, but yesterday I started it again and now I am able again
to 1shot light armored guys with a body shot... but I still deal less damage like it was in prepatch.
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Dezilagel on February 23, 2012, 08:04:16 pm
Medium + should always be 2shot tho, except for headshots.


Getting 2-shot by anything not a max PD build is insane. Do you have any idea of how much effort it takes to get past some people's blocks nowadays?
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Gurnisson on February 23, 2012, 08:11:49 pm

Getting 2-shot by anything not a max PD build is insane. Do you have any idea of how much effort it takes to get past some people's blocks nowadays?

I think (and hope) he meant 2+ shots
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: MrShine on February 23, 2012, 08:23:42 pm
Some things to take into account with the damage calculator and therefore all the average damage numbers in this thread pulled from there:

1) Ranged damage decreases depending on how far the projectile traveled.  I believe the numbers that show up on the calculator are basically point blank shots
2) I don't believe the damage calculator is updated from the recent head shot/body shot changes, ie the actual current damage dealt would be lower than posted (confirmation would be nice)

So basically even our discussion about how much PD & damage it takes to 1 shot someone is being generously optimistic.

Gurnisson, I understand your point that you don't think arrows should be dealing 53 hp body shots to 40 armor.  My point is that they hardly ever do.  Like, ever.

    * Minimum: 32
    * Average: 46.5
    * Maximum: 61

According to the calculator (again, best case scenario and likely outdated) this is the most damage you can deal with MW longbow, MW bodkins, and a 27/15 build with 3 athletics, 9 PD, 5 WM (aka a completely shitty build).  So even against the hardest hitting level 30 archer possible (you can go PD 10 at higher levels but just barely) you will most of the time take 2 hits to kill, sometimes taking 1.

You had a blue moon freak occurrence, not something worth demanding nerfs over.
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Leshma on February 23, 2012, 09:05:51 pm
I think that we all agree that achery needs one heathly nerf.
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Gravoth_iii on February 23, 2012, 09:05:55 pm

Getting 2-shot by anything not a max PD build is insane. Do you have any idea of how much effort it takes to get past some people's blocks nowadays?

Yes 2shot+ xD my mistake!
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Lactose_the_intolerant on February 23, 2012, 09:13:45 pm
i think it is normal if archers can easy kill some 2h or poledude, because archers cant do much vs shielders, so o think you want be protected against archer  then take more armor or shiled, shield on back reduced range dmg in your back anyway, archers have pretty crap dmg to arms and legs. so in danger will stay only head and body, come on stop cry then, btw ranged have DMG PENALTY in rain .

and ath is nerfed when rain i think
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Arrowblood on February 23, 2012, 09:16:49 pm
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Christo on February 23, 2012, 09:17:43 pm
The "get a shield" argument is so lame and sooooooo very much 2010. Really, we've been over that one many times, you can even add the slot argument nowadays. :rolleyes:

It sucked in 2010 even.

True story.
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Old_Sir_Agor on February 23, 2012, 09:24:42 pm
and ath is nerfed when rain i think

Then i prefer reload time longer for me, then to have crap dmg when it is rain, because inf has still same dmg.
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Gurnisson on February 23, 2012, 09:58:31 pm
Then i prefer reload time longer for me, then to have crap dmg when it is rain, because inf has still same dmg.

Inf lose speed bonus so overall lower damage there too. Rain is bullshit anyway. :)
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: BlindGuy on February 23, 2012, 11:09:49 pm
It sucked in 2010 even.

True story.

No, it didnt. In 2010 high shield skill gave Jedi Force Shield.

My last gen, I only had 2 shield skill, with Plain Round Shield, no loom, on my back for when facing arrows. Result: eat archers for breakfast. But like anything else, it is a skill, takes awareness and timing.

Few gens ago I had Masterpiece Round Shield, and with that baby and 7 Shield skill I didnt get shot at all unless already fighting: But then, what does it matter if the guy who hits your back uses an arrow, a pike, a 2hander, getting hit in the back while you are attacked in the front, YOU DIE.

Most Pole and 2handers are just butthurt that when they DO get ganked, if a gankist is an archer they cannot ROFLCOPTER their mouse around while they attack, hoping to catch someone in their swing, wether they are aware of their location and action or not.
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Penitent on February 23, 2012, 11:20:17 pm
Most Pole and 2handers are just butthurt that when they DO get ganked, if a gankist is an archer they cannot ROFLCOPTER their mouse around while they attack, hoping to catch someone in their swing, wether they are aware of their location and action or not.
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Aleta on February 24, 2012, 07:48:42 am
I think that we all agree that achery needs one heathly nerf.

Well, the only problem is the piercing imo. (and kiting though, but that's just fixing something that is fucking annoying, silly and stupid, not really nerfing) Right now I can take about the same amount of arrows whether I'm in 45 armor or 25. It's always 2 body shots or one head shot. I think it should be a difference there. So, just make bodkins do 6 cut and it's all fixed.
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: BlindGuy on February 24, 2012, 12:01:19 pm
Well, the only problem is the piercing imo. (and kiting though, but that's just fixing something that is fucking annoying, silly and stupid, not really nerfing) Right now I can take about the same amount of arrows whether I'm in 45 armor or 25. It's always 2 body shots or one head shot. I think it should be a difference there. So, just make bodkins do 6 cut and it's all fixed.

I dont use bodkins myself, but:

They definitly pierce.
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Casimir on February 24, 2012, 12:40:53 pm
Most frustrating element is that archers can easily 1 or two shot at range while 1 or two shotting in melle is rare, even when using a high damage weapon such as a flamberge or a morningstar.

Why should an arrow to the face get a higher damage buff than any melee weapon? This is a complete failure of both logic and balance.
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: BlindGuy on February 24, 2012, 12:43:53 pm
Most frustrating element is that archers can easily 1 or two shot at range while 1 or two shotting in melle is rare, even when using a high damage weapon such as a flamberge or a morningstar.

Why should an arrow to the face get a higher damage buff than any melee weapon? This is a complete failure of both logic and balance.

I actually agree. Headshots are boss now: Pierce weapon to head hitbox should rape with melee weapons too.

If anything, it is harder to hit a head with an overhead melee attack than an arrow, cause I cant speak for everyone, but for me, half my overheads seem to go straight thru my enemies...
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Gravoth_iii on February 24, 2012, 01:01:27 pm
Most frustrating element is that archers can easily 1 or two shot at range while 1 or two shotting in melle is rare, even when using a high damage weapon such as a flamberge or a morningstar.

Why should an arrow to the face get a higher damage buff than any melee weapon? This is a complete failure of both logic and balance.

Then i would say melee needs a buff, since the new armour soak system was introduced 1 hitting people in melee became very rare. Id say melee needs more onehit kills, would make the game a tad bit faster paced and imo that is a good thing.
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Dezilagel on February 24, 2012, 01:05:07 pm

I think melee should be more fast-paced and while I'm for an increase in damage 1-shotting in melee or ranged shouldn't be standard imho. Increasing the stats/speed of weapons and such is a change I'd welcome.
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: MrShine on February 24, 2012, 01:51:57 pm
Most frustrating element is that archers can easily 1 or two shot at range while 1 or two shotting in melle is rare, even when using a high damage weapon such as a flamberge or a morningstar.

Why should an arrow to the face get a higher damage buff than any melee weapon? This is a complete failure of both logic and balance.

First off, hitting the head in melee is far, far easier than hitting the head at ranged.  Hitting the head at ranged is mostly luck.

Second, since when do archers easily 1 or 2 shot at range?  I thought we just went over 'best case' numbers with the cRPG calculator.

Melee damage far outpaces archery in raw potential, and usually in practice too.
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: PanPan on February 24, 2012, 02:13:45 pm
I 3-hit Archers with 18 str no If with a Mw Long Bow and normal barbed arrows wich do cut damage already.

(Mw Long Bow 34 c + barbed arrows 3c = 37 c)

not mentioning the bonus of wpf and pd.
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Arrowblood on February 24, 2012, 02:17:36 pm
1hits are only possible to farmers with under 18 bodyarmor.
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Casimir on February 24, 2012, 02:48:18 pm
With the highly increased damage range receive for headshots they are far more likely to get a 1 hit kill with a headshot than melee has the potential too.

In reality, while focussing in melee, coordinating footwork, blocking, timing, range control, chambering, feinting and situational awareness it is far less easy to reliably achieve headshots.

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I'm in no way advocating 1 hitting for melee, it spoils the game play and makes it generally less fun. In fact i agree that there should be a faster speed with a distinction between polearms and 2hs which offers a real difference.  E.G one holds superior damage the other superior speed.

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It seems my game play experience is very different to yours, but that might be the NA / EU divide shinning through?  I believe (very generally speaking) NA favours Str / IF while EU Agi / Ath?

The damage calculator is a tool which really needs to be used with caution, as there are many extraneous variables that the raw damage calculator doesn't accurately represent.

Considering the more beneficial position archers can take, away from the mass of incoming attacks they posses a far greater ability to focus their attacks than the melee player base.

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My experience of playing with you arrowblood is that you 2 shot with body shots while i roam around in my Lordly Brigandine, so i think your comments may be a bit unfounded.
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: BlindGuy on February 24, 2012, 03:30:33 pm
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Rational and resonable posts have no place in this ragethread.
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Son Of Odin on February 24, 2012, 03:48:14 pm
I have a solution!!! Make all bows unsheatable (not crossbows). If archer gets into trouble and wants to use his side weapon to block hits, he has to drop his bow to the ground. No more running---> shooting---> blocking few hits---> runnin again---> repeat. They would be forced to pick up that bow again if they want to go back into shooting mode.
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Dezilagel on February 24, 2012, 04:12:36 pm
You archers don't see it but quite often I take 85-90% dmg bodyshots.

Naturally I'm going to scramble for cover after such a massive hit and while you register it as "he didn't die" most of the time it kinda kills the rest of the round for me as I'm forced to play extremely defensively since a destrider bump kills me.

The other case after such a hit (most often if I'm close) is that I just pretend it didn't happen in an attempt to scare the friendly archer off or force him on the defensive, and maybe mess up his aim. It's quite a successful
tactic at times, but still I'm half-dead and that is not to be sneezed at.

Regarding archer damage as a whole (I might have said this earlier), while testing HA damage with mtemko (or whatever his name is) it was found that damage taken seemed to increase if you moved, almost regardless of direction. Running straight away caused minimum damage though, but standing still I took way less damage than if I was running perpendicular to the archer. Weird shit.
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Arrowblood on February 24, 2012, 04:32:44 pm
1 hitting is still not possible to medium armor with a mw longbow and sharp bodkins.
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Casimir on February 24, 2012, 04:52:53 pm
Bet it is if you headshot, and is much easier than 1 shotting someone in the same armour with a mighty morningstar?
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: BlindGuy on February 24, 2012, 05:11:39 pm
I have a solution!!! Make all bows unsheatable (not crossbows). If archer gets into trouble and wants to use his side weapon to block hits, he has to drop his bow to the ground. No more running---> shooting---> blocking few hits---> runnin again---> repeat. They would be forced to pick up that bow again if they want to go back into shooting mode.

I have been thinking something like this for a while: make all bows 1slot, the top 2 unsheathable. Although this will probbaly make the 21 agi and 24 agi archers run EVEN MORE
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Tears of Destiny on February 24, 2012, 05:24:46 pm
Bet it is if you headshot, and is much easier than 1 shotting someone in the same armour with a mighty morningstar?

Your last post was sensible, this one however is not.
I can oneshot far more often in melee from striking the head with my morningstar character with 8PS or my miaodao 7PS then I do as an archer with 8PD, unless fighting a tin can, and even then scoring headhits in melee is substantially easier (especially if playing as a one hander, I hit the head with my steel pick about 70% of the time).

How about we return to the subject of bodyshots?

(Though helmets should protect against range more... Alot more)
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Casimir on February 24, 2012, 05:27:01 pm
But one of the currently unbalancing factors of archers is the damage buff they receive through headshots.

I might not be a very good player, but i know how often my morningstar one hits people.
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Son Of Odin on February 24, 2012, 05:54:02 pm
I have been thinking something like this for a while: make all bows 1slot, the top 2 unsheathable. Although this will probbaly make the 21 agi and 24 agi archers run EVEN MORE
Yes, but if archers are kept this powerful then they should have bigger risks. High gain -> high risk, just like any other class. One thing would be nerfing their running speed and make them think more because they wouldn't be outrunning everyone so easilly. I'm talking about small tweaking here. If they are able to oneshot people, then there is no reason to give them immortality by letting them run as they please in the field. Just like cav (regardless horse leg hit bonus) is effective when the player knows what to do, so would archers be even if the values are adjusted.
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Tears of Destiny on February 24, 2012, 06:10:48 pm
But one of the currently unbalancing factors of archers is the damage buff they receive through headshots.

I might not be a very good player, but i know how often my morningstar one hits people.

Indeed, and I can say the same but with my bow. Headshots do indeed produce too much damage on a hit for range, but it is far easier to hit someone in the head with a melee weapon then at range, in my opinion, that is all I am saying.
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Zaren on February 24, 2012, 06:14:17 pm
so basicly what your saying is NERF archery to the point where it cant kill you. Yeah thats sooo balanced. Heres a hint, learn to dodge
(I have and never will be an archer or any type of range. Im just tired of all the shit complaints about all the classes. What your ultimately saying is if it can kill me its OP)
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Zaren on February 24, 2012, 06:18:37 pm
I think that we all agree that achery needs one heathly nerf.
not at fucking all
i guarantee you you die more from the other classes than from archery and if you die the most from archery...well then thats kinda sad
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: MrShine on February 24, 2012, 07:01:41 pm
But one of the currently unbalancing factors of archers is the damage buff they receive through headshots.

I might not be a very good player, but i know how often my morningstar one hits people.

I don't know what the damage values are now for head damage and body damage (they seem to be a jealously kept secret), but as an archer I would trade the head damage bonus away in a HEARTBEAT if it meant increased damage to body shots.  I'll reiterate that headshots are very inconsistent and usually not worth the effort.  Yes hitting the head in melee can be hard, but it's not nearly as hard as trying to pinpoint a shot at a continuously moving target, accounting for arrow drop, elevation etc.  I made a bunch of videos with a pin-point accurate tatar bow archer that you can view below: This is really the best case accuracy, longbows for example are nowhere NEAR this in terms of accuracy, but maybe this will give you a taste of what goes into headshots.
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Putting it in this perspective, I would probably end up dealing more total damage firing 100 shots aiming for the body, than I would firing 100 shots aiming for the head.  Sure my body shots would each deal less damage, but I'll hit with them far more often.

I think we would see a lot more whine threads if body shots were increased and head damage shots normalized though  :wink:
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Penitent on February 24, 2012, 07:05:59 pm
Archery is balanced right now.
Headshots are really powerful, but they are really hard to get so its not that big of a deal.

The only reason I ever die from archers is if I already got battered up badly in melee and an archer finished me off.
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: [ptx] on February 24, 2012, 07:32:12 pm
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And now imagine this, but with a 3X or 4X (i am piss poor at estimating things) as long drawing time and about half the time that the arrow can be held accurately + a slight delay on release. That is the oh so feared (and still nowhere near 1-hitting) longbow.
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: _Tak_ on February 24, 2012, 07:34:22 pm
Playing as HA it's very very hard and it's boring as hell. Your won't be able to kill anyone as a HA , 8/10 of my kills come from bumping. I am back to lancer it seems, after i am back to lancer nerf archery to the ground so that i can take about 25 arrows before i die. now thats balance
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Adalwulf on February 24, 2012, 07:39:45 pm
what rufio is mad about is not that archery is too strong. It's that when i'm on I always just aim at him and i'm sure other archers do as well just to piss him off :O
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Rextard on February 24, 2012, 11:33:18 pm
    I can shoot most (65-85%) of my usual 35 arrows (17 bodkin, 18 tatar) into enemy horses in a round, sometimes without a single horse going down. WITH 8 PD. I stopped playing today when, after doing that, a guy on a chain-mailed horse killed me. Mind you, this is after I plugged that horse 3 times with bodkins, and then got a point blank shot on its throat as it charged at me.  So, the horse keeps running, and I get one shotted, despite ultimately dodging it several times, and shooting it much more than I got hit. Bodkins were developed to rip through lesser mails, whether or not a horse or human is wearing the mail. Of course my example leans towards an extreme of the current condition, but you get the idea.

If horses are gonna continue being as fortuitous as they are, can we at least make arrows reduce their max speed by 5 or 10% per connect? I mean, cavs can still ride on -thatched- rooves, and yet archers have lost most roof access across the board.

The fact that xbows can still get 1shot kills, with low or no wpf, as well as no skill point investment, is also a testament to my point.

Archery is balanced right now.
Headshots are really powerful, but they are really hard to get so its not that big of a deal.

The only reason I ever die from archers is if I already got battered up badly in melee and an archer finished me off.
for success.

That is not an indication of balance, it's an indication of unfair and imbalanced expectations on archery as a class.

I agree with [ptx] MrShine. I'd rather have body shot damage back, and reward archers for skill moreso than luck. Consistently hitting a target anywhere, is more skillful imo, than hitting once on a specific part, once in a while. Cuz unless the build is balanced mostly for precision shooting, headshots are just not a fair expectation of archers to fulfill regularly.

My question to the devs: Is archery ever going to be balanced around effort and investment, or will it continually be balanced by the whining of people who don't even care to play it?

I don't feel this question is unfair, and I think I deserve an answer considering:
1) of my 675 warband hours, literally like 670 were spent playing crpg.
2) Of that time, at least half or more has been spent on archery. My archery skill has gotten greater over that time, and yet my impact with that skill has become consistently less due to nerfs.
3) You seem to be patching archery based on this ideal: (
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: [ptx] on February 25, 2012, 12:33:45 am
Wrong guy, Rextard, i never said that.
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Rextard on February 25, 2012, 12:35:54 am
Right you are, I fixed it. Sorry to misquote you.
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Son Of Odin on February 25, 2012, 12:52:44 am
670 hours of crpg and whinning like a boss :rolleyes:
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Rextard on February 25, 2012, 01:02:51 am
No, I was trying to contribute to this discussion. Quit whining about my opinion.

PS. Whinning isn't a word.
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Gurnisson on February 25, 2012, 01:10:26 am
I'd rather have body shot damage back

You got it, as well as a buff to headshot damage. However, you lost damage on the limbs.
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Rextard on February 25, 2012, 01:16:35 am
Thank you kindly for the clarification. I rescind my previous question about patch progression.
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Son Of Odin on February 25, 2012, 01:17:04 am
Whinning isn't a word.

Link for you (
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: MrShine on February 25, 2012, 01:48:15 am
You got it, as well as a buff to headshot damage. However, you lost damage on the limbs.

Compared to the patch before .261, I believe archers have a slight buff to headshot damage and a slight nerf to body damage, and a different nerf to limbs (limb damage is across the board I think for melee as well as ranged).

So really archers are still worse off in general against people than they were in .260. I haven't been an archer since though so I haven't been able to get a feel for it lately except on the receiving end (which seems to be lower in general).
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Leshma on February 25, 2012, 01:58:35 am
670 hours of crpg and whinning like a boss :rolleyes:

~1500 hours here. Whining like a Lord :D
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Son Of Odin on February 25, 2012, 04:46:47 am
~1500 hours here. Whining like a Lord :D
~1100 here. Whining like a peasant for getting archerbukkake every round :mrgreen:
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Cup1d on February 25, 2012, 12:11:56 pm
what rufio is mad about is not that archery is too strong. It's that when i'm on I always just aim at him and i'm sure other archers do as well just to piss him off :O

Yes, to be honest I like to hunt Rufio too. It's double pleasure, kill enemy and hear how he is distressed. And he got quality whimpering.
Just be a little bit coldblooded mate.
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: BlindGuy on February 25, 2012, 10:14:18 pm
if you have less than 2k hours on crpg you REALLY need to l2p
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Son Of Odin on February 25, 2012, 10:17:31 pm
if you have less than 2k hours on crpg you REALLY need to l2p
Btw are you NA or EU? Just asking.
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: BlackMilk on February 25, 2012, 10:21:30 pm
if you have less than 2k hours on crpg you REALLY need to l2p
I have like 900 lol
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: rufio on February 25, 2012, 11:05:35 pm
i forgot i made this thread,,,,,  im lvl 34  , 21/21, 7if , 48/59/50 armor and 1 shield skill,  dont tell me to take a shield you scrubs, dont tell me how to dodge archery maggots,  and i will say once more archery has never been nerfed in this game, theyve jsut switched between ballanced and op the whole time, i dont understand, finaly wiht this build i could take 6 body shots max or 1 headshot (buffed ) , a week later boom 2/3/4 shot in body 1 shot in head,, i got these fuckin light geared snipers hitting me harder then lancing cav paying shit money on upkeep, kiting and hshotting. terrain abbusing , and plz dont let me start about archers who decide to work together... and by archers i mean 2 of them..  only 2 of them is already enough for a fuckin stunlock powerhit nightmare. for all who decided to share your experience and try to describe how you think archery is fine , stop being a pub wanker , get in a clan , start learning teamplay, watch archery thrive beyond belief, come back to me , and say sorry.

this is what its about,

and yes adal and cupid and rest of you bastards, i know i get targeted more then most, and that is  also why i feel that i am allowed to make this thread, since i believe myself to be one of the freakin best adapted archer dodging , tree hiding, ladder flanking (i miss that) mofos out there.(~1700hours) i personally think that the comment about armor being broken: since ive experienced the same damage received in mail hauberk vs lordly brown rus lammelar might be an awnser to my frustration, on the otherhand , dont get me wrong, i like archery being strong, and morraly feel it should be , i want all to enjoy the game ofc. but receiving this crazy ammount of body damage + chance of being 1shot hs in my gear with my stats, is unacceptabruuuh . well thats all cYA  soon ingame, unless your NA witch means ur a scrub enyways.

Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Adalwulf on February 26, 2012, 12:20:15 am
well in all honesty 1 shotting for headshots should only be for those with open face helmets like the open face sallet or onion top for example. If he's wearing a full metal head armor like the great helm then it's pure retarded to even get 1/3rd damage cuz the arrow would bounce off :P
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Leshma on February 26, 2012, 02:23:13 am
My mask is made of titanium so if I get hit there it should always bounce no matter which arrow it is. If arrow hits me in mail bellow the mask, okay its kewl I'm ok with dying.
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Tears of Destiny on February 26, 2012, 09:06:30 am
I blame it on the whiplash doing damage to your neck, or the gun-power lined helmets trigger firing with the magnetic charge that the arrows have.
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: XyNox on February 26, 2012, 01:17:57 pm
Dunno if it has been posted yet:

Arrows have a range penalty, the longer they fly the less damage they deal. Those numbers you get from your calculator are only applying when you shoot your enemy from inside of them. A few meters are all it needs to cut this damage in half.

K thx bye
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Zerran on February 26, 2012, 06:11:50 pm
Dunno if it has been posted yet:

Arrows have a range penalty, the longer they fly the less damage they deal. Those numbers you get from your calculator are only applying when you shoot your enemy from inside of them. A few meters are all it needs to cut this damage in half.

K thx bye

This is actually one of the PROBLEMS with archery, imo. It's balanced such that it deals reasonable damage at long distance, so when an archer shotguns it hurts like hell, regardless of armor and regardless of PD. Additionally it's nearly impossible to dodge at that range, so if the archer times their shot right they basically get a free hit that can easily take out half or more of an inf's health, even with just 6 PD.
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: rufio on February 26, 2012, 06:24:47 pm
Dunno if it has been posted yet:

Arrows have a range penalty, the longer they fly the less damage they deal. Those numbers you get from your calculator are only applying when you shoot your enemy from inside of them. A few meters are all it needs to cut this damage in half.

K thx bye

so you think this makes it alright??  you think commenting this is in favour of archers ? if ever it only shows how bs it is: basicly long>hard>shots dont do alot of damage... but short>eazy>shots do tons of damage.... ooh weeee that makes it all ok , and cool , yeeeessssssssssssss!!!

this is it : archers sticking close to infantry, getting protected by infantry, while moving though the map , will... rape.... everything....
               archers holding up on a safe spot ( cliff side or some other terrain advantage) will get some hits in maybe some kills,, till people get close to them and then.. will... rape.... everything.....
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Aleta on February 26, 2012, 08:13:58 pm
Just nerf archery to the ground, and everything will be fine  :lol:

*raises shield to block incoming flaming responses*
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: _Tak_ on February 26, 2012, 08:50:25 pm
k I am back to lancer, nerf them now!
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: MrShine on February 27, 2012, 01:19:25 am
so you think this makes it alright??  you think commenting this is in favour of archers ? if ever it only shows how bs it is: basicly long>hard>shots dont do alot of damage... but short>eazy>shots do tons of damage.... ooh weeee that makes it all ok , and cool , yeeeessssssssssssss!!!

this is it : archers sticking close to infantry, getting protected by infantry, while moving though the map , will... rape.... everything....
               archers holding up on a safe spot ( cliff side or some other terrain advantage) will get some hits in maybe some kills,, till people get close to them and then.. will... rape.... everything.....

Yes archers rape everything, which is why they are always topping scoreboards everywhere with their super damage 1-shot melee range kills.

The irony is if something changed to make archers more damaging at distance instead of close range, people (like you) would be raging when you take lots of damage from "that archer a million miles away that could sit on his hill and destroy us".

Close range does more damage but is far more dangerous for the archer.
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: vgamedude on February 27, 2012, 02:47:04 am
Yes archers rape everything, which is why they are always topping scoreboards everywhere with their super damage 1-shot melee range kills.

The irony is if something changed to make archers more damaging at distance instead of close range people (like you) would be raging when you take lots of damage from "that archer a million miles away that could sit on his hill and destroy us".

Close range does more damage but is far more dangerous for the archer.
This. Very much this. The gist of what I hear in this thread is "hi im a 2h pure please nerf archery to the ground so i can be even more powerful than I am already kthnx XD". Most of the people don't even have numbers or proof they just spout idiocy every chance they get and "claim" to be one shotted from 9001 yards away in the pinky toe with a short bow.

Archery does not need nerfs. It is a good support role, yes, but hardly ever will you top scoreboards as archer. Not to mention how well you do as an archer differs between games very drastically and maps and other things affect you hugely, more so than melee in my opinion. Thus I can go one round and be like 8 and 1 and get a good K/D, and the next round I'll go like 3/3 and so on. I realize alot of classes face this but in my experiences it is amplified as archer. Of course it could just be my skill level as archer, but I felt like saying that.

Either way archery is fine at the moment and doesn't need ANY nerfs. It's a good support role and while I would like to have more killing power and be less of an arrowstunner and horse hunter it's probably not going to happen.
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: XyNox on February 27, 2012, 09:52:36 am
so you think this makes it alright??  you think commenting this is in favour of archers ? if ever it only shows how bs it is: basicly long>hard>shots dont do alot of damage... but short>eazy>shots do tons of damage.... ooh weeee that makes it all ok , and cool , yeeeessssssssssssss!!!

this is it : archers sticking close to infantry, getting protected by infantry, while moving though the map , will... rape.... everything....
               archers holding up on a safe spot ( cliff side or some other terrain advantage) will get some hits in maybe some kills,, till people get close to them and then.. will... rape.... everything.....

No Rufio, I didnt want to say any of this. I just wanted to point out that the damage values you get from the calculator are total bs unless your shooting from 0.01 meters, as there are some people going "OMG one arrows does the same damage as flamberg hit".  And even after this range penalty we have altered damage modifiers for ranged. I keep reading people get one shotted by archers all the time which is uber-complete bs.

I have 8 PD, +1 longbow and +3 bodkins. All there is to get even more damage are 2 PD and +2 looms in longbow. Then it would be the absolute maximum damage output you can get as an archer, which means 0 IF 0 PS 0 wpf for melee and maybe 3 ath. Even though Im somewhat close to that maximum, yesterday I was fortunate enough to have an enemy long enough in my line of sight to shoot 4 times at him at medium-long range (which takes about a year with longbow) and was also lucky my bow didnt decide to headshot myself (only 4 wm at that point) leading to 4 consecutiv hits. This guy had some mail stuff and was just refusing to die. Dunno if he would even have survived a 5th shot. And I doupt 2 pd and 2 looms more would have put down this guy in one arrow.

Yesterday I got oneshot by an archer the first time EVER ( after being peasant of course ). I gotta say that I have 0 IF and like 7 bodyarmor though and this guy has a +3 longbow. If you think you got oneshotted by a bow with 40 armor or more you maybe should reduce your drug consumption, that might help getting rid of the pink flying horses too. The bs of range QQers ( dont feel adressed by this if you dont think you are one ) is just repeating over and over and over again. And when someone supposes that melees should try archery for at least 1 gen to get the basics and undestrand their weaknesses more, no one seems to have the balls to do it.
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: rufio on February 27, 2012, 10:21:37 am
im just gonna ignore these na players for now, since they seem to be playing a dif game. xynox you should play melee for abit, i think as an archer you get shot more while standing still, it seems that getting hit while moving sometimes really spikes the damage in weird ways.. ah well im still hoping for a slight ballancing , archery is close to being right this time thow. just seems dif armors dont really matter on damage received to hp, and the overall body damage is still slightly to high. thats m/o ,and its based on exessive playing of all classes (except throwing havent played that alot)
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: XyNox on February 27, 2012, 10:41:54 am
im just gonna ignore these na players for now, since they seem to be playing a dif game. xynox you should play melee for abit, i think as an archer you get shot more while standing still, it seems that getting hit while moving sometimes really spikes the damage in weird ways.. ah well im still hoping for a slight ballancing , archery is close to being right this time thow. just seems dif armors dont really matter on damage received to hp, and the overall body damage is still slightly to high. thats m/o ,and its based on exessive playing of all classes (except throwing havent played that alot)

Im an EU player, if you were refering to me. Funny thing is I used hybrid build some time ago. 6 pd 6 ps 6 ath 5 if. And I found killing way easier with my 1h melee weapon than with my bow. In all honesty I think melee is a lot more fun, a lot less frustrating and a lot easier than archery. I have a mate who is not playing very much and he never used to get more than 3 kills on average a map with an archer build. Now he went shielder and is one of the top players every now and then.

I pretty much didnt rage quit the class till now because of solidarity. I will not accept being forced to change the class only so some people who still havent learned how to deal with archers can own without putting much work into it. I wouldnt be suprised if in a few versions from now arrow speed, bow damage, and ammo capacity will be cut in half so even the poor peasants will not have to fear archers anymore. Id still stick to archery as the joy of headshotting people at long ranges or horseriders at full speed at a 90° angle is simply too satisfying.
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: rufio on February 27, 2012, 11:01:27 am
im getting more and more the feeling that im discussing with people who are not yet fully experiencing this game as it should be experienced, you all seem to be talking from a single perspective, while im talking from a team play perspective, and yes xynox i know ur eu. i think il just have to make a fraps movie to show you guys how overly op archers are once you start playing like a team, and sorry i dont think you scrubs have that experience of being on ts with 3/4 archers and 4/5 melee, ( or bigger numbers)  . i can tell you once the melee start defending the archers, and holding / pushing pursuers back, oh my god then you start to open your eyes, and ofc it should be like this,, it should be effective! but right now its to extreme. and sorry once again if i offend you by saying this, but i have not had eny of you lobbying fellas come with eny arguments that werent selfcentered. or seemed to be concluded from experience in eny team play or tactics, i just see some nobody public loners shouting out claims and preaching while they havent even played this game at its fullest potential
(this goes specially for those na's).
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: [ptx] on February 27, 2012, 11:19:08 am
So, this is not about archers, it is about teamwork?
Also, not experiencing the game "as it should be experienced"?
And, lol, lobbying? You are talking about yourself, right?

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Title: Re: archery..
Post by: rufio on February 27, 2012, 11:22:04 am
its about archers , but specially  about archers when teamwork is implemented, this has been my first post on archery in a long while ptx, yes i see multiplayer games as games that should eventually consist of teamplay ( dous this game have a deathmatch mode .. no no current working one, what dous this game have? battle: team vs team . rageball team vs team, siege team vs team. here from i do conclude that if u play this game to its fullest you should have coordinated teamplay ) now read your post again, and maybe even delete it, since it ads nothing to this thread, wanker
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: [ptx] on February 27, 2012, 11:24:29 am
archery is ruining this game again , ty

Yeah, there is a lot to add to this, moron.
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: rufio on February 27, 2012, 11:29:19 am
i do concur that this thread started off, as  a simple statement being made without backup in the post itself,  however the thing that made me post this wasnt me not  feeling supreme and op and qqing about my counter class, it was made after realising that after hs damage buff, and reverting the bodydamage nerf, archery became even more op in teamplay, to the point that  it becomes a dreading game of hide and seek.
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: [ptx] on February 27, 2012, 11:32:48 am
And the proof here is? I barely am ever bothered by projectiles in the air these days, even on EU_1, unless they are thrown.
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: rufio on February 27, 2012, 11:42:02 am
guess il have to make a movie then :: oh btw , the proof of you not being bothered by ranged isnt there either.. your still a wanker
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: [ptx] on February 27, 2012, 11:43:44 am
And you're still a moron. My, what an impasse.
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: rufio on February 27, 2012, 11:47:33 am
created by yourself if you read back abit. since you add nothing to the discussion.
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: [ptx] on February 27, 2012, 11:55:43 am
Well, neither do you, huh?
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: rufio on February 27, 2012, 11:58:26 am
time to /ignore, non of your responses have been more then 1 scentence, or counter responding to my awensers to you on topic. bye
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: XyNox on February 27, 2012, 12:00:59 pm
... i think il just have to make a fraps movie to show you guys how overly op archers are once you start playing like a team, and sorry i dont think you scrubs have that experience of being on ts with 3/4 archers and 4/5 melee, ( or bigger numbers)  . i can tell you once the melee start defending the archers, and holding / pushing pursuers back, oh my god then you start to open your eyes, and ofc it should be like this ...

On that part I can only approve. IF melees WOULD cooperate with archers = eternal x5. Sadly, on a public game this happens almost NEVER. Im not even kidding. The moments I can remember melees doing something in favor for archers, I can count them on one hand. 99% friendly melees will just aimlessly run at targets you are shooting at and start spazzing around, making clean shots almost impossible, in fact helping the enemy team. If they would just backpaddle and block, ideally with a shield, the chance of getting a clean headshot rises from about 5% to 90%. Everytime they just charge like lemmings I can almost hear them thinking "L4WLZ, STUP1DE my old friendCHA TRYING TO SHOOT, IMA STEEL HIS KILLZ WOLOLOLO, my old friendCHA DOEZ NOT DESERVE MA K1LL" and then they fuck up. This is especially critical with enemy shielders. Once a shielder rises his shield in the ruff direction of an archer, he wont be able to hit him anymore at all. So when your melee mate dies in a duel you lost the game. The only thing you can do is to hope that your mate wins the duel or you take the risk and shoot into melee. With coop although = insta win.
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Gurnisson on February 27, 2012, 12:42:45 pm
Yesterday I got oneshot by an archer the first time EVER ( after being peasant of course ). I gotta say that I have 0 IF and like 7 bodyarmor though and this guy has a +3 longbow. If you think you got oneshotted by a bow with 40 armor or more you maybe should reduce your drug consumption, that might help getting rid of the pink flying horses too.

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Well, it's not a joke. Bagge with takes 80 % on my 40 body armor, 18 str character and he's got 6 PD. Considering the one-shots I've received has been from a long bow I guess it's a loomed guy with 7-8 PD. He didn't have any leverage advantage or serious speed bonus (running sideways) so I dunno. Being one-shot on that character is a freak thing though I'll admit, but I can't remember the last time I had two arrows in me and still running. Paying the price for 0 IF. :P

On that part I can only approve. IF melees WOULD cooperate with archers = eternal x5. Sadly, on a public game this happens almost NEVER. Im not even kidding. The moments I can remember melees doing something in favor for archers, I can count them on one hand. 99% friendly melees will just aimlessly run at targets you are shooting at and start spazzing around, making clean shots almost impossible, in fact helping the enemy team. If they would just backpaddle and block, ideally with a shield, the chance of getting a clean headshot rises from about 5% to 90%. Everytime they just charge like lemmings I can almost hear them thinking "L4WLZ, STUP1DE my old friendCHA TRYING TO SHOOT, IMA STEEL HIS KILLZ WOLOLOLO, my old friendCHA DOEZ NOT DESERVE MA K1LL" and then they fuck up. This is especially critical with enemy shielders. Once a shielder rises his shield in the ruff direction of an archer, he wont be able to hit him anymore at all. So when your melee mate dies in a duel you lost the game. The only thing you can do is to hope that your mate wins the duel or you take the risk and shoot into melee. With coop although = insta win.

People are stupid, it's that simple. I often try to help good archers and I appreciate help to fend off cavalry on my archer alt. Just the other day I had Mustikki following me with an awlpike which made the job a lot more easier. I didn't have to worry about cav and the incoming infantry would get an awlpike as well as an arrow to the face/body. Good times. :)
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Cup1d on February 27, 2012, 12:52:53 pm
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Well, it's not a joke. Bagge with takes 80 % on my 40 body armor, 18 str character and he's got 6 PD. Considering the one-shots I've received has been from a long bow I guess it's a loomed guy with 7-8 PD. He didn't have any leverage advantage or serious speed bonus (running sideways) so I dunno. Being one-shot on that character is a freak thing though I'll admit, but I can't remember the last time I had two arrows in me and still running. Paying the price for 0 IF. :P

People are stupid, it's that simple. I often try to help good archers and I appreciate help to fend off cavalry on my archer alt. Just the other day I had Mustikki following me with an awlpike which made the job a lot more easier. I didn't have to worry about cav and the incoming infantry would get an awlpike as well as an arrow to the face/body. Good times. :)

I can show you my character with 39 bodyarmor and 4-5 arrows. Yes, with triple loomed mail mittens and tribal warrior outfit. And I have mighty 55hp.
And even more - I was shooted many times by Sebastian with his 10pd build, and his shots take 50-80% of my health.
Are you sure that it was bodyshot? Because you can get headshot with arrow in neck or shoulder.
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Gurnisson on February 27, 2012, 12:56:23 pm
I can show you my character with 39 bodyarmor and 4-5 arrows. Yes, with triple loomed mail mittens and tribal warrior outfit. And I have mighty 55hp.
And even more - I was shooted many times by Sebastian with his 10pd build, and his shots take 50-80% of my health.
Are you sure that it was bodyshot? Because you can get headshot with arrow in neck or shoulder.

I know about the glitchy hitboxes for headshot, but no, it was a bodyshot. I always look in the bottom left corner to see if I die from a headshot or a bodyshot when I die to projectiles. :mrgreen:
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: _Tak_ on February 27, 2012, 01:53:44 pm
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Well, it's not a joke. Bagge with takes 80 % on my 40 body armor, 18 str character and he's got 6 PD. Considering the one-shots I've received has been from a long bow I guess it's a loomed guy with 7-8 PD. He didn't have any leverage advantage or serious speed bonus (running sideways) so I dunno. Being one-shot on that character is a freak thing though I'll admit, but I can't remember the last time I had two arrows in me and still running. Paying the price for 0 IF. :P

Please don't include Bagge is any list, you know why
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Leshma on February 27, 2012, 03:31:01 pm
Dunno about Bagge's damage, seems regular to me. However, yesterday I was playing on one of the smaller servers and there was one archer, Coldblooded_Revenant or something like that. Dunno what's his PD but he hits like a truck and is very precise as well. Although I have just one shield skill and use Old Heater shield I'm able to block plenty of arrows with it (even the best archers have problems hitting me when my shield is up). This guy first hit me in the face while I was holding my shield as high as possible, next thing he ruined my shield in just two shots (can usually take 10 or more, he must have 10 PD) and 2 hit raped me most of the time (69 body armor). He should either deal damage or be precise. Having both at the same time is silly.

This isn't just regular archery whine, this is nerf STR whine. It seems that STR builds work very well with archery, again...
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: [ptx] on February 27, 2012, 03:33:45 pm
You can't really assume he has good accuracy, just because he hit you. He probably just got lucky.
Hitting above shield with a longbow (longbow, right?) = pure luck, unless it was at point-blank.
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Leshma on February 27, 2012, 03:39:29 pm
He raped everyone with his arrows, not just me. And then came that particular map and archers grew gills...

Free wpf simply has to go. I'm sick of being a fool with 8 points in WM and having just 40-50 more wpf than someone who didn't put anything in WM. That's bullshit.
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: BlackMilk on February 27, 2012, 03:46:37 pm
He raped everyone with his arrows, not just me. And then came that particular map and archers grew gills...

Free wpf simply has to go. I'm sick of being a fool with 8 points in WM and having just 40-50 more wpf than someone who didn't put anything in WM. That's bullshit.
a-ha. Your fault that you didn't put 100 wpf into Polearm.
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: XyNox on February 27, 2012, 04:37:32 pm
Dunno about Bagge's damage, seems regular to me. However, yesterday I was playing on one of the smaller servers and there was one archer, Coldblooded_Revenant or something like that. 1. ( Dunno what's his PD but he hits like a truck and is very precise as well. ) Although I have just one shield skill and use Old Heater shield I'm able to block plenty of arrows with it 2. ((even the best archers have problems hitting me when my shield is up)). 3. ( This guy first hit me in the face while I was holding my shield as high as possible ), next thing he ruined my shield in just two shots (can usually take 10 or more, he must have 10 PD) 4. ( and 2 hit raped me most of the time ) (69 body armor). 5. ( He should either deal damage or be precise. ) Having both at the same time is silly.

This isn't just regular archery whine, this is nerf STR whine. It seems that STR builds work very well with archery, again...

1. I know he has +3 longbow and +3 bodkins, I could imagine that grants him the abillity to not skill massive powerdraw and put more points in wm for better accuracy, not sure though. But dont assume itll be sniper-like.

2. I cant tell at what shield lvl the forcefield protects the whole body but when even good archers have problems hitting you when your shield is up lvl 1 shieldskill might be enough to give the old heater arrow godmode.

3. This is a bug. Probably the same bug that causes arrows to pass through players without dealing damage. In this case it was passing through your shield without colliding i guess.

4. Now tell me the range. And dont tell me it was from miles away please.

5. This is exactly the case right now for archers who dont have loomed only stuff. You have to decide weither you want to deal damage, which means you get no melee capability, no ath, no agi, no ps, very low accuracy and very slow firing speed which is only usefull for point blank shooting. You could basicly get rid of the bow, put a few points in powerstrike and youd be more helpful for the team. Or you can go with a fast bow, high ath and mashinegun-kite melees. Same thing here: You dont get +6 loomed gear and youll probably need 10 arrows on med-heavy inf, if they wont even bounce.

Edit: Lvl 35 archers who can do all of the above simultaniously are not considered obviously.
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: MrShine on February 27, 2012, 06:39:01 pm
im just gonna ignore these na players for now, since they seem to be playing a dif game.

It's funny you say that because if you look through the last pages of this thread I've been one of the few people who have actually brought numbers/some actual evidence to the discussion with video testing that I took and numbers from the calculator, all you've done is complain about archery (and teamwork, which is a different issue entirely).

Anyways I encourage you to post video about archery, it's always useful to see evidence to progress discussion.

To try to discredit me because I'm NA is insulting and stupid though.  I'm looking at the same cRPG version you are, the calculator gives me the same numbers that it does you.  The only difference is the meta game and preferred player builds.   I've been to the EU rageball server a few times, and while rageball is probably a terrible example I have noticed lighter armor and probably higher agi builds than a typical NA server. 

...but just because the meta game might favor one thing over another doesn't mean there is an inherent balance problem.  Meta games shift all the time and before long a unit that was once considered 'OP' suddenly becomes much less relevant.
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: rufio on February 27, 2012, 07:20:50 pm
im not sure but i think remembering hearing coldblood reveneant is 10 pd , and also a high lvl like blackbow and hetman.

and shine, ive indeed complained about archery in teamwork yes you are right for if i didnt take teamwork into consideration that would mean i wasnt seeing the big picture.
i will infact take time to make a video when i get back to holland on wednesday, im in england atm. it wont be a vid about showing archery being op, but it will be a teamplay vid with tactics and such ( if i would make it to show archery is op i think my archer buddys wouldnt want to collaborate in the movie :D ) but i think il be able to show in it the effectivness of sertain tactics, and how to make archers near untouchable. it will be a vid with experienced players thow :3 il keep you updated in this thread i guess.

*edit btw rageball isnt really a good place to look , since people make builds to play rageball as its supposed to be played >> minimal killing , light gear>> maximal passing scoring.
and you shouldnt take internet insults to serieusly:) specially not eu vs na :3
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Bonze on February 27, 2012, 10:01:56 pm
Archer patch history since 2010 ..

And this is the 1.000.000 topic about  ranged (machinegun) gayness  :rolleyes:

Fail devs fail ...
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Arrowblood on February 27, 2012, 11:46:16 pm
Leshma: Coldblood is the only archer who is getting  alot of kills with high pd. hes lvl 33 i think ,full mw. He deserves it to kill heavy my old friends cos hes inaccurate like hell. Hes just überskilled.
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: rufio on February 27, 2012, 11:53:11 pm
the question is is accuracy really random or can it be timed..
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Arrowblood on February 27, 2012, 11:54:50 pm
it is definatly random.
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: XyNox on February 28, 2012, 12:48:29 am
the question is is accuracy really random or can it be timed..

When using a bow you can either hold your mousebutton or click it. When clicked it will release the arrows as soon as possible = max accuracy. While clickshooting with a longbow, missing stationary targets at mid range is something you cant prevent, no matter how much wpf you have. Its just some sort of gamble sometimes. This also applies to other bows of course, but the longbow is the one most affected by this randomness because of the additional animation-bug-debuff.
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: BlindGuy on February 28, 2012, 04:10:08 pm
When using a bow you can either hold your mousebutton or click it. When clicked it will release the arrows as soon as possible = max accuracy. While clickshooting with a longbow, missing stationary targets at mid range is something you cant prevent, no matter how much wpf you have. Its just some sort of gamble sometimes. This also applies to other bows of course, but the longbow is the one most affected by this randomness because of the additional animation-bug-debuff.

Clickshooting isnt the most accurate, its about half a second after that. But still, I can tell you: With over 160 wpf on a +3 longbow, even point blank shots miss sometimes, similar but not so bad with warbow. You can be stood still, not having fired recently so your Xhair is small, and pull back and release an arrow at an enemy so close they COMPLETELY fill your reticule several times over, and it is STILL not guaranteed hit.

Combine that with: mid-animation hitboxes not being anywhere near the model, arrows sometimes passing completely through players, bucklers and shields that intercept arrows in the air, the odd random arrow that goes into warp drive and vanishes: Melee have it MUCH easier than it should be; archers sometimes get lucky, but always get whined at by players who think because they can block and attack they know how to play the game.

EDIT: I remember a time, after the wpf - weight reductions and the slot system, I could play as attacker on siege without even using a melee weapon, shooting everything that came at me as I walked to flag, and there was STILL only half as much WHINE about it. Then all the crying got worse so I traded for melee weapons: The only ranged that is bothersome is throwing, because nowadays the accuracy on pure thrower isnt that much worse than archers, and their DPS is ridiculously higher. And crossbows ingame are the same as real life: So bundle of sticksy that the Pope banned them from being used to shoot Christians, they are just SO gay, why would u spend half your time in a fluid combat sim, standing still, bent over? makes no sense.
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Gravoth_iii on February 28, 2012, 05:29:41 pm
Clickshooting isnt the most accurate, its about half a second after that. But still, I can tell you: With over 160 wpf on a +3 longbow, even point blank shots miss sometimes, similar but not so bad with warbow. You can be stood still, not having fired recently so your Xhair is small, and pull back and release an arrow at an enemy so close they COMPLETELY fill your reticule several times over, and it is STILL not guaranteed hit.

Combine that with: mid-animation hitboxes not being anywhere near the model, arrows sometimes passing completely through players, bucklers and shields that intercept arrows in the air, the odd random arrow that goes into warp drive and vanishes: Melee have it MUCH easier than it should be; archers sometimes get lucky, but always get whined at by players who think because they can block and attack they know how to play the game.

EDIT: I remember a time, after the wpf - weight reductions and the slot system, I could play as attacker on siege without even using a melee weapon, shooting everything that came at me as I walked to flag, and there was STILL only half as much WHINE about it. Then all the crying got worse so I traded for melee weapons: The only ranged that is bothersome is throwing, because nowadays the accuracy on pure thrower isnt that much worse than archers, and their DPS is ridiculously higher. And crossbows ingame are the same as real life: So bundle of sticksy that the Pope banned them from being used to shoot Christians, they are just SO gay, why would u spend half your time in a fluid combat sim, standing still, bent over? makes no sense.

You think throwing does more damage than archers? id say they do less most of the time, and archers dont do much damage at all. Imo throwing should get a small buff but that is just what i think, and i'd expect a shitload of whine if that happened x) Throwing may be pretty accurate but they are also pretty damn weak, atleast that is what i have noticed...
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: rufio on February 28, 2012, 05:59:05 pm
seems that alot of archers use ''longbow'' specificaly to say archers are ballanced... but most archers use horn or rusbow... making argument pretty much irrelivant imo, but ye cant wait to start shooting movie and have evidence to wave in yo smug faces :3
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: XyNox on February 28, 2012, 06:55:06 pm
Clickshooting isnt the most accurate, its about half a second after that.

Well that is interesting. When I hold my longbow drawn for half a second my reticule has already opened up significantly. I dont have any official data to back up my claims, but as it has been said sometimes, the reticule, especially for the longbow starts openeing before you are even able to release an arrow, what might explain that even on clickshooting some arrows are dead accurate and some miss stationary midrange targets by 2 feet. I could imagine that holding your bow drawn gives you better accuracy on very fast bows and builds, where you are able to release arrows before the reticule is fully closed. But with the low firing speed compared to native I doupt this will be possible with an ordinary build. And I didnt notice anything controvercial in 5 archer gens. So is there any confirmed data that clickshooting is not the most accurate way to shoot, especially for slow bows ?

seems that alot of archers use ''longbow'' specificaly to say archers are ballanced... but most archers use horn or rusbow... making argument pretty much irrelivant imo, but ye cant wait to start shooting movie and have evidence to wave in yo smug faces :3

I for my part dont think the longbow is the best bow overall, I just use it for the looks and for maximum damage. In terms of efficiancy I still think the hornbow is the king. You might get a bit less damage but it just feels way faster, you can run a little faster and you can carry a 1 slot melee weapon. In some situations the additional draw speed is extraordinarily vital. When cav is close for example, a fast horse can bump you on the run, stop, turn around and bumb you again before you are able to get out one shot. With the hornbow whatsoever you get the chance to shoot one time, which is basicly the difference between life and death. Also in archer duels the winner usually seems to be the one with the faster bow, if there are no massive unequalities in skill of course. And the hornbow is more accurate of course although the numbers in the item description state otherwise.
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: kono yaro! on March 01, 2012, 10:48:59 pm
atm the team with the most/best archers wins
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Gravoth_iii on March 01, 2012, 11:16:33 pm
atm the team with the most/best archers wins

Really? I have lost alot of battles because we had too many archers and infantry got overrun instantly.
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Arrowblood on March 01, 2012, 11:31:26 pm
25% good archers and 75% ... i dont know... shield and bow ueber knights?...and people who just cant aim...
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Remy on March 01, 2012, 11:32:42 pm
Really? I have lost alot of battles because we had too many archers and infantry got overrun instantly.

As cavalry(HA) I have also lost several times due to the infantry dieing, with our team having more cavalry or archers but not enough infantry.
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: BlindGuy on March 02, 2012, 06:48:30 am
As cavalry(HA) I have also lost several times due to the infantry dieing, with our team having more cavalry or archers but not enough infantry.

Doesnt mean anything when you say that: Once everyone has spawnd and is not afk, GK cannot get any kills anyway.
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Remy on March 02, 2012, 01:50:26 pm
We try not to kill anyone these days, we have realized that only through pacifism can we truly defeat our enemies.
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Lorenzo_of_Iberia on March 02, 2012, 02:01:12 pm
Peace and Love will guide us to a victory of harmony !
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Siiem on March 02, 2012, 05:13:28 pm
Funny guys you GK. It's more like you can't win any battle because in a real battle the enemy won't just stay idle in spawn ready for you to couch them.
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Remy on March 02, 2012, 09:19:06 pm
Win?  :?

Wow, man, it's all about spreading the love.

There are no winners and losers.

Battle is simply about communicating on a deeper spiritual level.

It is why I try to hug my enemy now instead of killing them, I no longer have to listen to people complain about the manner in which they died. :D

Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Leshma on March 02, 2012, 11:26:19 pm
What's the record for archer running away? Tonight me and Elio followed some Fallen guy, Sjanta for more than 2 minutes I think.
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Xant on March 03, 2012, 03:13:30 am
Game needs archer balance instead of autobalance, ffs.
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Logen on March 03, 2012, 04:21:08 am
Stop whining, wasnt it fun slaughtering archer after an archer after an archer after an archer  after an archer  after an archer  after an archer  after an archer after an archer after an archer  after an archer  after an archer  after an archer  after an archer  after an archer  after an archer  after an archer  after an archer?
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Xant on March 03, 2012, 04:59:31 am
Yes, but it wasn't fun looking to the right and going "oh shit, 5 archers.." then running to the left and looking behind a building to see 10 archers
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Arrowblood on March 03, 2012, 12:04:05 pm
its the pierce damage on the mg bows .
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Overdriven on March 03, 2012, 06:28:16 pm
Funny guys you GK. It's more like you can't win any battle because in a real battle the enemy won't just stay idle in spawn ready for you to couch them.

Hmm bet they thought that before the massive multi clan tourny.
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Tears of Destiny on March 04, 2012, 12:32:06 am
What's the record for archer running away? Tonight me and Elio followed some Fallen guy, Sjanta for more than 2 minutes I think.

I currently have a record of dehorsing a guy before even the first tick at 30 seconds, and him chasing me until shot at the back at round end with only a little over a minute left on the timer.
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Logen on March 04, 2012, 12:40:32 am
Now thats something to be proud of.
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: XyNox on March 04, 2012, 02:47:29 am
I currently have a record of dehorsing a guy before even the first tick at 30 seconds, and him chasing me until shot at the back at round end with only a little over a minute left on the timer.

I managed to pull Atas from one border of the map to another and back for straight 48 seconds ... IN RAGEBALL ... HAH !
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Siiem on March 04, 2012, 06:51:06 pm
I managed to run after an archer for 2 seconds, then some my old friend with  longsword chambered overhead attack was waiting around a corner... the rage, my my.
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: _Tak_ on March 14, 2012, 12:31:03 pm
Did ranged got buff again? They are pretty dangerous against me now, a jarid took 90% of my hp in 1 throw and sometime I get one throw- perman death. 2 arrow from longbow / rus bow can kill my courser and just 1 steel bolt from an arbalest will kill  95% of my horse hp. Did they got buff after this newest patch?
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: MrShine on March 14, 2012, 02:58:10 pm
Did ranged got buff again? They are pretty dangerous against me now, a jarid took 90% of my hp in 1 throw and sometime I get one throw- perman death. 2 arrow from longbow / rus bow can kill my courser and just 1 steel bolt from an arbalest will kill  95% of my horse hp. Did they got buff after this newest patch?

Throwing weapons now cause perma-death? 

Holy shit nerf throwing!
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Chasey on March 14, 2012, 03:31:33 pm
Just respecced to archer last night and i have come to the conclusion that archery is very hard and dosn't need any nerfs

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Sarcasm intended
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: MrShine on March 14, 2012, 03:44:50 pm
I don't play EU but I hear you are an average player with average skill who isn't level 30+ and who doesn't have some skilled teammates as backup, nor the ability to succeed in melee when approached, so I take this one screenshot as proof archery needs to be nerfed

sarcasm intended

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Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Chasey on March 14, 2012, 03:48:58 pm
level 28 with 0 ps, so my melee skills and level dont come into it . I was 2 shotting most people, with the str builds taking 3 hits. But dont nerf its pretty balanced
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: MrShine on March 14, 2012, 03:58:25 pm
Ok well now we are up to three high score photos from archers.  Stacked against... about a billion similarly high scores from melee and cavalry players.
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: _Tak_ on March 14, 2012, 03:58:32 pm
Throwing weapons now cause perma-death? 

Holy shit nerf throwing!

Not all the time perma-death. I am a horseman you see throwers is like anti-cav now. If you cahrge at them you can get 1 hit killed by their throwing weapons. 1 guy with 7 PD throw a non-loom lance at me and i died from it. (lose 100% hp) i had 18 str and 3 iron flesh and carrying a sheild. (Wearing mongol armor and golden horde helmet non-loom, but my mail gauntlets are loom +3)

i went to NA yesterday because i keep crashing on EU server, some naked guy from hospitaller that uses throwing axes nearly top the score board, he is a agi axe thrower, which means he don't have much power throw but i forgot his name.

level 28 with 0 ps, so my melee skills and level dont come into it . I was 2 shotting most people, with the str builds taking 3 hits. But dont nerf its pretty balanced

It is true that i can die from 2 arrow, one arrow will took 70% of my hp and thats why i need my shield , horn bow took 30% of my hp but seriously longbow and rus bow deal tons of damage :shock:

a player called Jambi top score board with 28 kills and 3 death i remember from yesterday after the patch, i should have taken a screen shot back then.
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: PanPan on March 14, 2012, 03:59:40 pm
Just respecced to archer last night and i have come to the conclusion that archery is very hard and dosn't need any nerfs

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Sarcasm intended
He has my bow :)
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Chasey on March 14, 2012, 04:43:16 pm
Ok well now we are up to three high score photos from archers.  Stacked against... about a billion similarly high scores from melee and cavalry players.
I suppose the point i was trying to make is that ive played a 2h and other melee class's for a very long time and i have never had problems with range. Yes i would die to them and rage sometimes but i never really thought of them as op or game changing. But since ive actually played archer and seen how easy it is for a supposedly support class to get such easy kills i can see how they are considered to be a bit op.
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Teeth on March 14, 2012, 04:46:10 pm
I am suspecting a ninja buff to ranged, they are heavily fucking me up, seems more than it used to be. Even though I now use a heavier armor.
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Lactose_the_intolerant on March 14, 2012, 06:03:28 pm
i get the impression my throwing was improved, getting a kill for every axe i threw

on my crossbow alt(no looms) i was one shotting people

placebo effect? maybe...
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Leshma on March 14, 2012, 06:07:44 pm
Many people are trying out new armor, unloomed...
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: XyNox on March 14, 2012, 06:44:37 pm
Im still suprised everytime when I read people get one/two shotted by bows n stuff when I need 5 loomed bodkins from a longbow per target with 8 PD on average. How to get this hidden +200% dmg hack ?
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Vibe on March 14, 2012, 06:49:55 pm
Im still suprised everytime when I read people get one/two shotted by bows n stuff when I need 5 loomed bodkins from a longbow per target with 8 PD on average. How to get this hidden +200% dmg hack ?

Fucking bs
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Laufknoten on March 14, 2012, 06:55:27 pm
Im still suprised everytime when I read people get one/two shotted by bows n stuff when I need 5 loomed bodkins from a longbow per target with 8 PD on average. How to get this hidden +200% dmg hack ?
Perhaps you are an fail archer and only 1 out of 5 arrows hits?
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: XyNox on March 14, 2012, 07:17:44 pm
Perhaps you are an fail archer and only 1 out of 5 arrows hits?

Perhaps you should uninstall the game and go to school instead ?
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Tears of Destiny on March 14, 2012, 08:45:16 pm
Im still suprised everytime when I read people get one/two shotted by bows n stuff when I need 5 loomed bodkins from a longbow per target with 8 PD on average. How to get this hidden +200% dmg hack ?

I don't think this is ordinary.

I deal massive amounts of damage. 8PD, 7WM, MW Rus Bow, MW bodkins. Only if shooting in the rain, uphill, long range, at some STR stacking nutjob in loomed transitional or more and or shooting him in the limbs do I need a rediculous figure like that.

Go for more bodyshots, it sounds like you are hitting the limbs too much and shooting heavily armoured STR stackers.

I personally need 3 body shots to take out a heavily armoured guy, sometimes four if he is tough or riding away on a horse (speed bonus cuts both ways). Anyone ordinary I can two shot usually. Very rarely do I need 5 or more, and I'm using a weaker bow then you.
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Rumblood on March 15, 2012, 01:24:18 am
Screenshots of a decent ranged score don't mean shit.

I can take my Tatar bow with 6 PD, shoot and hit 30 times. Here are the scores you will get:


and everywhere in between.

You know what it depends upon? Everything.  :idea:

Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Adalwulf on March 15, 2012, 02:44:28 am
This whole thread is rufi-oh's fault and tears don't aim at body aim at the face! Pew Pew
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: BlackMilk on March 15, 2012, 07:46:12 am
are you kidding me a horse archer just took 80% of my hp with 2 arrows. 18 str, 3 if and 54 body armor here.
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Gisbert_of_Thuringia on March 15, 2012, 09:27:44 am
are you kidding me a horse archer just took 80% of my hp with 2 arrows. 18 str, 3 if and 54 body armor here.

Screenshot? If not it's Bullshit or you've been naked and he was at full speed and luckily hit you.

I need 3, sometimes 4 shots now for people with 43 body armour with 7pd, 8wm, mw longbow and mw bodkins. It's crap that a horsearcher takes so much of your life if the above stated situation didn't occur.

Stop complaining about archery all day, it's enough already. Damage is crap now and arrows are so slow that even an incoming horse has no problems do dodge them anymore. Even some cav players admitted that

Im still suprised everytime when I read people get one/two shotted by bows n stuff when I need 5 loomed bodkins from a longbow per target with 8 PD on average. How to get this hidden +200% dmg hack ?

Same crap as what Blackmilk writes :rolleyes:

@Tears: You can't really call the rusbow weaker than longbow :P
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Leshma on March 15, 2012, 11:38:14 am
Thanks to TheStig I have no idea how much damage my old friendchers deal per shot. Life is good again.

PS. All archers can drop dead, that goes for every bow lover, even you two, Chase and Tori
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Gurnisson on March 15, 2012, 01:45:33 pm
I need 3, sometimes 4 shots now for people with 43 body armour with 7pd, 8wm, mw longbow and mw bodkins.

Im still suprised everytime when I read people get one/two shotted by bows n stuff when I need 5 loomed bodkins from a longbow per target with 8 PD on average.

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Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Tennenoth on March 15, 2012, 01:56:24 pm
Kill this thread because all it is is archers sitting there going "omg, I need x shots to kill" and infantry going "omg, you only need 1/2 shots to kill! Stop making it up".

Truth of the matter is, all I can see is both sets taking the worst case scenarios, the only times that they actually notice that something is "different", the average, i'm sure you'll find will be somewhere in between those two quotes. Nothing you can say can dispute the fact that people will always notice extremes more than the averages, if there is a change from the norm, be sure that it'll stick in the mind much longer than something that happens on a regular day.

You don't notice the new hair cut of a co-worker if they've just had it cut short, but you'd bloody well notice if they dyed it pink! That's all this thread has been for the last couple of pages and i'm sure you can all agree that the only way to get the truth is to get statistics from a credible source and from a large pool of data. No two ways about it.

Now quit whinging and go play! D:
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Jambi on March 15, 2012, 02:29:16 pm
Just respecced to archer last night and i have come to the conclusion that archery is very hard and dosn't need any nerfs

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Sarcasm intended

25-0 well done Chase.

Altho nobody in the opposite team is realy worth noting. And i dont se any dedicated archer hunters in that team either :-)

Try producing such scores on primetime, and without some random player topping scoreboard on enemy team hehe.

If even Royanns could get a 19 / 3 score.... well. fail team is fail :D

Anyways, ill hunt you down next time i see you :D
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Teeth on March 15, 2012, 03:19:55 pm
If even Royanns could get a 19 / 3 score.... well. fail team is fail :D
Although the whole post is kinda sad, Royanns is a very consistent top scoring player on EU_1. Such scores are quite normal for him.
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Lactose_the_intolerant on March 15, 2012, 03:22:41 pm
Royaans get those kind of scores primetime...

i actually know no 1h cav that even gets close to what he does except reyiz a bit when he was 1h cav.
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Jambi on March 15, 2012, 03:29:16 pm
I dont see him do those scores when im playing trough. Guess in like hunting cav too much  :mrgreen:

I wish more archers would hunt cav and plate, instead of going for easy kills.

Think Lizardman used too be a very good 1 handed cav.
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Lactose_the_intolerant on March 15, 2012, 03:36:16 pm
oh yea forgot about lizard
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Tears of Destiny on March 15, 2012, 03:47:28 pm
Why do I have the feeling that the 43 body armour mentioned earlier is loomed to be really 48 and even this is not counting gauntlets  :| I'm confuzzled.
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: _Tak_ on March 15, 2012, 06:12:42 pm
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Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Tears of Destiny on March 15, 2012, 06:22:38 pm
I got 52 armor and got 1 shot kill by an arbalest just today

I never heard of that bow  :P
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Bulzur on March 15, 2012, 06:34:08 pm
Only good thing about this topic is seeing cav players coming here to tell us how hard it is for them.

We did it dudes ! Keep up the good work !  :mrgreen:

If only the team would understand that one of the top priority is protecting the good archers, then battles would be easier.

I also feel that ranged damage is slightly better (ujuki told me i managed to take away 2% of his hp with one shot. That's twice as much than before patch), and i can see it since i usually only have headshot kills (what do you expect, with an hornbow and tatar arrows... and 5 PD... only good for killing horses, archers, and heads.)
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Rumblood on March 15, 2012, 06:54:33 pm
[This comment has been remove]

Ha! Too late!

Quote from: AlexTheDragon on Today at 16:12:42

    I got 52 armor and got 1 shot kill by an arbalest just today

By the laws that govern internet forums, you are now forever discredited on this topic  :twisted:
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Gisbert_of_Thuringia on March 15, 2012, 09:10:16 pm
Btw, Chase is using rusbow, just like wonder they reach such scores :rolleyes:
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: PanPan on March 15, 2012, 09:22:04 pm
Yeh Long Bow is for the pro Archers :) You need to be good and concentrate.

One time I dropped my Long Bow took up a Rus Bow and made 3 headshots in a row...

And The Long Bow should be the ''accuratest'' bow. It isn't.
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Gisbert_of_Thuringia on March 15, 2012, 09:48:17 pm
Of course not. I can get as many or even more kills with nonloomed rusbow than with my loomed longbow :rolleyes:
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Gurnisson on March 15, 2012, 10:28:35 pm
Always whining about rus bow, eh? I prefer both long bow and horn bow over it tbh. Maybe a small(!) buff to long bow missile speed would even it more out... along with a small nerf to all bows :wink:
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Remy on March 15, 2012, 11:34:54 pm
arrows are so slow that even an incoming horse has no problems do dodge them anymore. Even some cav players admitted that

It was one of my favorite parts of being horse archer, looping in random circles to dodge the arrows of three or more archers trying to hit you. :lol:

It reminds me of a Spitfire or Hurricane, hit the loop button to win.
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: [ptx] on March 15, 2012, 11:36:42 pm
Well, been playing a lot of siege lately with my 24str/8IF 2her, that has 59 body armor. 3 hits from a longbow (dunno if loomed) quite reliably deal me 90% damage. It is generally easy to dodge archers arrows though, unlike bolts.
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Gisbert_of_Thuringia on March 15, 2012, 11:47:41 pm
Always whining about rus bow, eh? I prefer both long bow and horn bow over it tbh. Maybe a small(!) buff to long bow missile speed would even it more out... along with a small nerf to all bows :wink:

Sure I do whine about it. Until a bowintern balance will be done :O
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: rufio on March 16, 2012, 12:41:39 am
one funny thing this thread has made me notice = alot of archers click shoot,,, lololololololol, and then talk about arrchery, ,,, these people havent even found out about hold attacks > increased damage, and that on second sweetspot in hold the arrow goes fuckin straight even thow your crosshair is wider.... dum dum dum...  i dont know if i have brought hell upon the rest of crpg now, maybe this enlightenment is needed sothat archers play like fuckin real gamers, and finally we can nerf lobby without being counterlobbyd , oh damn i posted before even finishing my archery movie, ah well
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Son Of Odin on March 16, 2012, 12:44:35 am
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You just brought Hell on Calradia... Please don't tell the noobs how to shoot ye arrows :(
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: MrShine on March 16, 2012, 01:01:47 am
yeaaaa I don't think the "sweetspot" works quite like that, but sure continue to be delusional and think archers are some sort of sub-gamer group.
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Patoson on March 16, 2012, 01:13:11 am
Nerf archers back to the state where only the longbow dealt pierce damage!
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Adalwulf on March 16, 2012, 01:34:38 am
No because it's the arrow head that determines the type of damage whether cut or pierce. Everything could be solved in crpg with the so calld dreaded stamina bar....all bows same draw speed but make the longbow require more stamina like it actually did in history. Would also stop noob 2h spammers woops I said it  :evil:
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Angantyr on March 16, 2012, 01:35:39 am
no u
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Gisbert_of_Thuringia on March 16, 2012, 01:36:23 am
Well I doubt that all bows could be drawn with same speed :/
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Son Of Odin on March 16, 2012, 01:42:01 am
No because it's the arrow head that determines the type of damage whether cut or pierce. Everything could be solved in crpg with the so calld dreaded stamina bar....all bows same draw speed but make the longbow require more stamina like it actually did in history. Would also stop noob 2h spammers woops I said it  :evil:

Actually could be interesting to make a new skill called stamina. It would be 1 per every 3 str/agi points (meaning that it wouldn't be tied to either one, because it would be shitty if only agi builds would get stamina or only str builds would get stamina.) However this would require to balance every goddamn weapon in the game again... Too much work me thinks...
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Adalwulf on March 16, 2012, 02:01:48 am
Actually could be interesting to make a new skill called stamina. It would be 1 per every 3 str/agi points (meaning that it wouldn't be tied to either one, because it would be shitty if only agi builds would get stamina or only str builds would get stamina.) However this would require to balance every goddamn weapon in the game again... Too much work me thinks...

yes but would make the mod so much better in my opinion, you would see then who really has skills and who just knows how to lmb with polestun.
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Son Of Odin on March 16, 2012, 02:21:33 am
Hmm this stamina system would have the potential to change cRPG as we know it to something completely different. It is interesting consept yes... I don't know what to think about it yet but I would like to give it a try... Any dev opinions?
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: rufio on March 16, 2012, 03:24:04 am
yeaaaa I don't think the "sweetspot" works quite like that, but sure continue to be delusional and think archers are some sort of sub-gamer group.

im getting the hang of it on my archer char....

and adal stamina bar sounds nice in theory, but will take extreme amounts of time to implement and ballance, (i think, not sure you talking about hits only or about running and sprinting to)
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: BlindGuy on March 16, 2012, 10:28:56 am
im getting the hang of it on my archer char....
ROFL you like dragonforce. When you got grownup musical tastes you can have growup opinions too! Im being mean, but your silly nonsensical shit about archery is a big LOL.

Actually could be interesting to make a new skill called stamina. It would be 1 per every 3 str/agi points (meaning that it wouldn't be tied to either one, because it would be shitty if only agi builds would get stamina or only str builds would get stamina.) However this would require to balance every goddamn weapon in the game again... Too much work me thinks...

YAY! Stamina bar! Tie it to both STR and AGI! Then 18/21 build get 13! 15/24 build get....13! 21/18 get....13! YAY WE ALL GET THE SAME! So lets save ourselves the bother and not have one! WOO! Already we have made progress. Honestly, 2dimensional pole spammers need to think before they type! WOOOOO!!

Also: As to drawing bows and stamina: Drawing smaller compound bows uses a lot of stamina in comparison to longer, slower draws. I can fire longbow all day (well, thats a lie, untill my fingers and shoulders give out, but I bet its longer than your wrists hold out feinting with zweihanders), but firing compounds is tiring and irritating, they dont have much range or power and need great excersion to max out.

To Balance archery a bit: Both gameplay and realism wise: Give the horsebows (Nomad, Horn, etc) the Tag: Unusable On Foot. They are already overpowered for their puny size and draw. They are not meant to be used on foot, else why they all have horse sheaths?

1/ HOW does it take less slots to carry a leather bow sheath than a weapon slung on back.

2/ HOW does a bow + large leather case weigh MORE than just a bow? Horn bow 1.2, longbow 1.7.....WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU SMOKING chadz!

OR: Make all large 2hander and poles 3 slot: Large bows already are 3 slot, and cost more. Balance, or GTFO. This thread is pointless, one sided, unrealistic, and is just the ramblings of butthurt heros wanting to spam massive weapons to compensate for lacking social skills. If not, prove me wrong: agree with me that currently archery is DICKED massively, SPITROASTED in fact by this endless, pointless bigotry.
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Son Of Odin on March 16, 2012, 10:54:00 am
Yeah... I must start thinking before posting... But where to place this new skill? Maybe make it use WPF points so yes it becomes agi dependable, and you strength whores will finally learn to appreciate the power of weaponmaster. Maybe it even shouldn't affect on running speed etc, but only to weapon swing speed. Then it wouldn't be neccessary to make a separate "stamina" wpf section, but give stamina according to certain weaponclass the guy put wpf in... Also maybe give everyone the same stamina. It really isn't that bad idea either!

Blind Guy you have to stop trying to troll people.. It is just sad how hard you try.
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Casimir on March 16, 2012, 11:01:07 am
remove all ranged.

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Title: Re: archery..
Post by: BlindGuy on March 16, 2012, 11:02:53 am
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Read my post for balance ideas. Stamina would ruin game for shielders, spammers, wouldnt affect archers tbh, since repeated attacks and extended blocking and running are not part of archery. This is a thread called Archery...if you read my post you would see balance ideas, instead of adding another mechanic to an already unreliably overburdened engine.

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This. xD

Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Son Of Odin on March 16, 2012, 11:26:29 am
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YAY! Stamina bar! Tie it to both STR and AGI! Then 18/21 build get 13! 15/24 build get....13! 21/18 get....13! YAY WE ALL GET THE SAME! So lets save ourselves the bother and not have one! WOO! Already we have made progress. Honestly, 2dimensional pole spammers need to think before they type...
I stopped reading right there...

What I should have done is stopped reading after this:
ROFL you like dragonforce. When you got grownup musical tastes you can have growup opinions too! Im being mean, but your silly nonsensical shit about archery is a big LOL.
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Gurnisson on March 16, 2012, 11:35:45 am
BlindGuy at his best. yeah, high tier bows use three slots and are clearly the most expensive weapons in the game. Biased and ignorant this one :lol:
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Cup1d on March 16, 2012, 01:16:15 pm
BlindGuy at his best. yeah, high tier bows use three slots and are clearly the most expensive weapons in the game. Biased and ignorant this one :lol:

I'll immediately pay you 1 million gold Gurnisson, if you kill someone with  two slot Longbow\warbow without arrows.
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Son Of Odin on March 16, 2012, 01:28:30 pm
BlindGuy at his best. yeah, high tier bows use three slots and are clearly the most expensive weapons in the game. Biased and ignorant this one :lol:
Yeah seems like someone else needs to think before posting too :D. And...


is not the question. The question is WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU SMOKING?!

I'll immediately pay you 1 million gold Gurnisson, if you kill someone with  two slot Longbow\warbow without arrows.

... or whatever this guy is smoking... Dunno where that came from
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Casimir on March 16, 2012, 02:10:49 pm
Well all bows take up at least one slot, and all arrows take up one slot.  The top tier bows take up two slots. 

1 slot bow + 1 slot arrows = 2 slot weapon

2 slot bow + 1 slot arrows = 3 slot weapon

Dont get many three slot melee weapons. Maybe one or two right? 25% of all Bows a Three slot weapon choice.

Best nerf ranged.

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Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Ronin on March 16, 2012, 02:30:07 pm
What you want archers to be? Not shoot arrows at all? You need to remember, archers are there to shot you.
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: rufio on March 16, 2012, 03:10:33 pm
ROFL you like dragonforce. When you got grownup musical tastes you can have growup opinions too! Im being mean, but your silly nonsensical shit about archery is a big LOL.

fyi i dont own enydragon force music, that link is still there from the one time i listened to all theyr songs in a row, still i dont think dragonforce sounds bad tbh, on the otherhand i bet you listen ''to grown up music'''


im sorry other sir's sometimes you need to shout at ignorent fairyboys

*edit: one day you might learn to not care much about peoples music taste, for most ''mature'' people dont have a taste , but rather a large mixture of different ones. and yet again i show tomuch mercy to the less fortunate. your still a cunt

Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Tears of Destiny on March 16, 2012, 03:11:42 pm
After 29 pages, I'm not surprised that the thread has turned into a circus  :lol:
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: rufio on March 16, 2012, 03:19:53 pm
this thread will prevail till the day archery sees its first nerf, yes i said FIRST NERF , and by nerf i mean nerf, and not a failled ballancing attempt that still kept archery on the OP side.
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Tears of Destiny on March 16, 2012, 03:23:06 pm
You are so adorable.
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Okkam on March 16, 2012, 03:25:47 pm
This guys with permanent arrow in the head is incredible funny:)
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: rufio on March 16, 2012, 03:30:30 pm
well if you join our teamspeak you will see im a pleasant person, this isnt an invite thow, since people who decide to join a thread and say someones funny in a slightley ridiculing and condesending sence without even adding enything on topic , are airheaded wanderers whos last resort to feeling good is , well slightley ridiculing and condesendingly making fun of people on forums,,, aaw shit i do that to sometimes  :shock:

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Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Tears of Destiny on March 16, 2012, 03:31:46 pm
I stopped adding things of meaning to this thread when it went in a full circle for the fourth time. Now it has devolved into common amusement for me. I don't think I can say anything new in this thread that I have not already said.
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: rufio on March 16, 2012, 03:32:55 pm
this thread dous need some of that, but fear not , sometime in the near future shit will hit the fan on topic again,, i will keep my frankenbaby alive!!

*edit : heres a nice picture to imitate in the mirror till i return to this abomination, cheers

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Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Adalwulf on March 16, 2012, 04:04:18 pm
Roughi-Oh the window licker, it's not your it's you're. As in you're (you are that is) a cunt!
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Leshma on March 16, 2012, 05:30:08 pm
I think that accuracy and damage archers deal should be limited, somewhat standardized. That way they could be encouraged to put points in melee. Also archers should be able to use fast two handed swords like Longsword, HBS and Katana. Make them one slot.

1) Machine gun, two stacks of arrows and a longsword/katana/hbs or any one handed weapon or
2) Stronger bow, one stack of arrows and longsword/katana/hbs or any one handed weapon or
3) Stronger bow, two stacks of arrows and zero slot weapons

I'm not huge fan of min-maxing and extreme builds. I do believe that we should be put into fixed classes with predefined stats and skills.
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Leshma on March 16, 2012, 05:35:10 pm
Stamina would ruin game for shielders, spammers

They could buff shielders afterwords.

About spammers... they can die in a fire.
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Tears of Destiny on March 16, 2012, 05:45:43 pm
That way they could be encouraged to put points in melee.
This would probably just encourage me to make as specialized of an archer build as possible to be honest.
Part of the problem is Strategus, in that it encourages specific role characters, unlike battle servers where "I can also do something else" characters shine (because there is no coordinated TS or strategy, and usually a giant clusterfuck).
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Leshma on March 16, 2012, 05:48:29 pm
Yeah Strat...

Strat should have it's own rules imho but that's probably too much work for devs.
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Dezilagel on March 16, 2012, 05:56:36 pm
That's a load of bull tears, and you know it.

Being a runner is so much more effective than staying and fighting, and I wholeheartedly agree that archers should be better in melee.

But to be fair, the problem has a lot to do with the min-maxing, which on the other hand is just not mentality but also a product of the slot system/the fact that having melee capabilities as an archer is fairly useless, especially if you suck.
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Tears of Destiny on March 16, 2012, 05:57:23 pm
That's a load of bull tears, and you know it.

Nope. I'm too scatterbrained, sorry.
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: MrShine on March 16, 2012, 06:48:27 pm
I said before but again I find it ironic people are suggesting archers gain more ability to perform in melee, when the slot/sheathing system was a key nerf to the melee abilities of archers, partly brought about because people were complaining that an archer could bust out a bigass sword while still being effective at ranged.

I understand the idea behind suggesting archers get more melee abilities - less incentive to run - but in reality what is going to happen is twofold:

- archers will continue to do what gives them the best chance at success, ie shoot first melee second.  Running will still occur in many situations if the archer has low powerstrike/armor and runs into a tincan.

- players will continue to whine, because now they will call archers OP due to their effectiveness at range and in melee.
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Dezilagel on March 16, 2012, 06:50:21 pm
I said before but again I find it ironic people are suggesting archers gain more ability to perform in melee, when the slot/sheathing system was a key nerf to the melee abilities of archers, partly brought about because people were complaining that an archer could bust out a bigass sword while still being effective at ranged.

I understand the idea behind suggesting archers get more melee abilities - less incentive to run - but in reality what is going to happen is twofold:

- archers will continue to do what gives them the best chance at success, ie shoot first melee second.  Running will still occur in many situations if the archer has low powerstrike/armor and runs into a tincan.

- players will continue to whine, because now they will call archers OP due to their effectiveness at range and in melee.

We would of course want increaed melee capability to come with massive nerfs to kiting and smaller nerfs to ranged attacks.
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Tears of Destiny on March 16, 2012, 06:52:42 pm
I said before but again I find it ironic people are suggesting archers gain more ability to perform in melee, when the slot/sheathing system was a key nerf to the melee abilities of archers, partly brought about because people were complaining that an archer could bust out a bigass sword while still being effective at ranged.

This honestly does irritate me. I remember the forums full of constant whine over archers being able to melee, and people mixing up Pure Archers with Hybrids and thinking that everyone could shoot as fine as a Pure and melee as well as the PS-heavy hybrids at the same time...

I actually had a sizeable amount of PS, held my ground when approached, and used a Miaodao before the endless whining caused melee to be nerfed from archers due to the slot system. Now I am 100% pure, and happy.
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Adalwulf on March 16, 2012, 07:04:08 pm
This honestly does irritate me. I remember the forums full of constant whine over archers being able to melee, and people mixing up Pure Archers with Hybrids and thinking that everyone could shoot as fine as a Pure and melee as well as the PS-heavy hybrids at the same time...

I actually had a sizeable amount of PS, held my ground when approached, and used a Miaodao before the endless whining caused melee to be nerfed from archers due to the slot system. Now I am 100% pure, and happy.

I can agree to this for the most part. I'm tired of having to change how I play archer every major patch and adapt to a new style. Archery more then any play style has been changed the most.
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Rumblood on March 16, 2012, 07:04:37 pm
This honestly does irritate me. I remember the forums full of constant whine over archers being able to melee, and people mixing up Pure Archers with Hybrids and thinking that everyone could shoot as fine as a Pure and melee as well as the PS-heavy hybrids at the same time...

I actually had a sizeable amount of PS, held my ground when approached, and used a Miaodao before the endless whining caused melee to be nerfed from archers due to the slot system. Now I am 100% pure, and happy.

Yep yep.

"Archers shouldn't be able to stand and fight! Take their weapons away!"
"Now stand and fight you cowards!"
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Leshma on March 16, 2012, 07:10:02 pm
This honestly does irritate me. I remember the forums full of constant whine over archers being able to melee, and people mixing up Pure Archers with Hybrids and thinking that everyone could shoot as fine as a Pure and melee as well as the PS-heavy hybrids at the same time...

I wasn't playing when that happened. I did however whine about archer's melee prowess but at that time I was still noobish (like 14 months ago).

Main problem is that devs look at us like we're nothing but numbers. Twenty idiots come on forums and start lobbying for something and for devs that's exactly the same if twenty experienced players who understand how game works suggested some changes to game mechanic. I do understand why things work like that but that doesn't make it right.
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Lichen on March 16, 2012, 07:46:20 pm
Yep yep.

"Archers shouldn't be able to stand and fight! Take their weapons away!"
"Now stand and fight you cowards!"
Also game needs new maps! *cool interesting new maps added* 'downvote this shit new map so we can play the same old boring map over and over again!'*

Here's a melee /archer build:

Level 30 (4 420 577 xp)

    Strength: 18
    Agility: 21
    Hit points: 57

    Skills to attributes: 8

    Ironflesh: 2
    Power Strike: 5
    Shield: 0
    Athletics: 3
    Riding: 0
    Horse Archery: 0
    Power Draw: 6
    Power Throw: 0
    Weapon Master: 7

    One Handed: 101
    Two Handed: 1
    Polearm: 1
    Archery: 146
    Crossbow: 1
    Throwing: 1
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: rufio on March 16, 2012, 08:21:37 pm
only prob is that with hybrid archers i still get kited, but then the archer can unexpectedley turn arround and 1shot me with a timed headslash,, ofc you can say, well you should block then, but somewhere in my heart i think its unfair, not unballanced
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Patoson on March 16, 2012, 08:27:07 pm
Maybe the problem relies in players only. Back when Tenne used to play here a lot, he was the only one who stood and fought with a sword, unlike all other archers, who just flee until they can shoot again. It's a pathetic playstyle, but still deadly...
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Tears of Destiny on March 16, 2012, 08:45:38 pm
only prob is that with hybrid archers i still get kited, but then the archer can unexpectedley turn arround and 1shot me with a timed headslash,, ofc you can say, well you should block then, but somewhere in my heart i think its unfair, not unballanced

So, wait...


only prob is that with hybrid archers i still get kited, but then the archer can unexpectedley turn arround and 1shot me with a timed headslash,, ofc you can say, well you should block then, but somewhere in my heart i think its unfair, not unballanced

You know that any class can do that, right? It is perfectly balanced if Every Single Melee Class has the same potential to do so.
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: rufio on March 16, 2012, 08:52:34 pm
read till the end of scentence my dear child
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: XyNox on March 16, 2012, 09:59:33 pm
To sum up this and the bazillion other threads, archers should ...

NOT be allowed to be effective at range, because its unfair that they dont have to get into melee range
NOT be allowed to be effective at melee combat, because they are already effective at range
NOT be allowed to run fast, as their ranged and melee capabilities are more effective than enough to attack and defend them selfes
NOT be allowed to wear heavy armor as they already can run fast
so in fact
NOT be allowed to be good at ANYTHING because they are already OP at EVERYTHING
... right ?

Wait ... something seems to be wrong here ?!

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Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Tears of Destiny on March 16, 2012, 10:19:06 pm
read till the end of scentence my dear child

You said it was unfair, and not unbalanced, seems a bit contradictory.
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Camaris on March 16, 2012, 10:21:41 pm
The only problem i have with archers is that the counter for melee is shield. If you were are shield you are to slow to catch them.
So you have 2 options:
1. Dont carry a shield and be able to kill the archer but you will probably be shot down.
2. Carry a shield and protect vs archers but then you are no more able to catch them cause you are to slow. ;)

Archers could be much stronger if they wouldnt be able to kite so much.
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Dezilagel on March 16, 2012, 10:26:14 pm
Mechanics can be shit without being unbalanced.

Like runners. It's lame as fuck, but that doesn't necessarily make it unbalanced. What it is though is un-fun (imho ofc) and I'd like to see it replaced by something better.

Now, there is the obvious problem with archer melee; they will always and constantly backpeddle since they have no interest in pushing forward and melee you and as such you're forced to chase them. No archer in his right mind (from a purely game-winning perspective) will "stand and fight", regardless of melee capability (assuming his opponent isn't complete shit ofc, but then that goes for most situations).
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: XyNox on March 16, 2012, 10:34:28 pm
Id have no problem with arrows being chamberblockable
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Rumblood on March 17, 2012, 12:37:25 am
Id have no problem with arrows being chamberblockable

They already are. In fact, I have chamber blocked an arrow with my bow and then headshot the other archer.

Maybe melee should get good.

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This is the final word on these topics:

To sum up this and the bazillion other threads, archers should ...

NOT be allowed to be effective at range, because its unfair that they dont have to get into melee range
NOT be allowed to be effective at melee combat, because they are already effective at range
NOT be allowed to run fast, as their ranged and melee capabilities are more effective than enough to attack and defend them selfes
NOT be allowed to wear heavy armor as they already can run fast
so in fact
NOT be allowed to be good at ANYTHING because they are already OP at EVERYTHING
... right ?

Wait ... something seems to be wrong here ?!

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Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Adalwulf on March 17, 2012, 01:17:35 am
The only problem i have with archers is that the counter for melee is shield. If you were are shield you are to slow to catch them.
So you have 2 options:
1. Dont carry a shield and be able to kill the archer but you will probably be shot down.
2. Carry a shield and protect vs archers but then you are no more able to catch them cause you are to slow. ;)

Archers could be much stronger if they wouldnt be able to kite so much.

silly Neresto tha'ts why you get a few points into throwing like Guard_Dlion has. He gets me enough of the time when I try to turn tail and run. If the throwing axe doesn't kill me it will stun me and he can catch up for another throw or go into melee mode  :rolleyes:
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Dezilagel on March 17, 2012, 01:19:25 am
silly Neresto tha'ts why you get a few points into throwing like Guard_Dlion has. He gets me enough of the time when I try to turn tail and run. If the throwing axe doesn't kill me it will stun me and he can catch up for another throw or go into melee mode  :rolleyes:

So your suggested counter to ranged is... Ranged?
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Adalwulf on March 17, 2012, 01:24:47 am
So your suggested counter to ranged is... Ranged?

This is for shields, for 2 handers i'd suggest hiding behind the shielder. Problem with crpg is the whining and the lack of teamwrok that would reduce the whine :O
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Aleta on March 17, 2012, 01:26:26 am
arrows are chamberblockable? is that a stab attack one is chambering then?

@XyNox' summarizing post, I think those things are just different solutions to archery put together all at once. I think the only change archery needs is a loss of the ability to kite like that. A lot of people think archers have too much damage and accuracy on high levels, but as long as they can't kite and shoot and kite and shoot it's really ok that they can 2 shot 95% of the players or 1 shot on lucky head shots. Just make athletics reduce the archery wpf or something. Then they would always stay slightly slow, and they can keep their accuracy and high damage. Then people could go for HA if they wanna kite and shoot.
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Adalwulf on March 17, 2012, 01:30:03 am
arrows are chamberblockable? is that a stab attack one is chambering then?

@XyNox' summarizing post, I think those things are just different solutions to archery put together all at once. I think the only change archery needs is a loss of the ability to kite like that. A lot of people think archers have too much damage and accuracy on high levels, but as long as they can't kite and shoot and kite and shoot it's really ok that they can 2 shot 95% of the players or 1 shot on lucky head shots. Just make athletics reduce the archery wpf or something. Then they would always stay slightly slow, and they can keep their accuracy and high damage. Then people could go for HA if they wanna kite and shoot.

athletics causing lower wpf for archers would be bullshit because we already lose per point in PD, heavy armor(varies based on whether hands or head) and lets not add rain that caldaria seems to always have fucking London weather.
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Dezilagel on March 17, 2012, 01:33:38 am
This is for shields, for 2 handers i'd suggest hiding behind the shielder. Problem with crpg is the whining and the lack of teamwrok that would reduce the whine :O

How does hiding behind a shielder that cannot catch the archer kill the archer for the 2h?
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Patoson on March 17, 2012, 02:38:01 am
How does hiding behind a shielder that cannot catch the archer kill the archer for the 2h?
Lol +1.
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Rumblood on March 17, 2012, 04:28:31 am
Why is this a problem, when cavalry can run away forever? Been a number of times I've seen a single lancer ride around refusing to engage the 3 or 4 melee with spears and without ranged, they can't touch him.

So, what is the difference?

Melee needs to get over their sense of entitlement.
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Jambi on March 17, 2012, 04:58:17 am
*collects the community tears*

*Grows stronger*

More tears gna gna gna!
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: FRANK_THE_TANK on March 17, 2012, 06:58:39 am

Jambi is like a gremlin. Don't put water on him something something blah blah STOP CRYING!
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: BlindGuy on March 17, 2012, 01:38:17 pm

2. Carry a shield and protect vs archers but then you are no more able to catch them cause you are to(sic.) slow. ;)

You built it wrong bro. Nuff said about that completely.
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: rufio on March 17, 2012, 06:53:39 pm
stay out of my thread you bridge lurking cunt
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Jambi on March 17, 2012, 09:46:35 pm
stay out of my thread you bridge lurking cunt

manners rufio manners
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Juhanius on March 18, 2012, 01:59:58 am
I thought all the nerfing: retarded shooting animation, smaller quivers, slower missile speed, lower arrow damage and changing arrow dmg type wasn´t enough!!!  Today I actually thought retairing my dedicated archer build and go hybrid 1hander/archer. But after reading all these whiny comments about archery ruining game, I just cant.
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Lactose_the_intolerant on March 18, 2012, 02:56:25 pm
I believe damage output from archery is ok but sometimes I'm astonished by losing 75% hp to a limbshot! how come?
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Rumblood on March 18, 2012, 06:27:53 pm
I believe damage output from archery is ok but sometimes I'm astonished by losing 75% hp to a limbshot! how come?

Speed bonus most likely. Either player on a horse can make damage vary wildly. If they are firing from above you, they also get the speed bonus.

Or it was an Arbalest  :P
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Lactose_the_intolerant on March 19, 2012, 08:39:52 pm
no definitly an arrow sticking out and one "noise"

insane amount of archers on eu 1 :/
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: MrShine on March 19, 2012, 08:48:30 pm
insane amount of archers on eu 1 :/
Per cmp's stats:

EU damage:
Bow                 5,200,246   9.87% 

NA damage:
Bow                 3,644,565  9.62% 

Looks like archers account for about the same % of damage on EU as they do NA.

If there are more archers in EU than NA, then they are doing less damage on average than their NA counterparts.
If there are about the same amount of archers in EU than NA, then there is simply a greater amount of whine coming from the EU side  :wink:
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Gisbert_of_Thuringia on March 21, 2012, 01:31:30 am

insane amount of archers on eu 1 :/

Same goes for cav :/
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: _Tak_ on March 21, 2012, 01:43:28 am
Same goes for cav :/

the amount of archers are obviously more than CAV, just because you got raped by GK in siege you shouldn't really rage  :lol:
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Gisbert_of_Thuringia on March 21, 2012, 12:02:25 pm
the amount of archers are obviously more than CAV, just because you got raped by GK in siege you shouldn't really rage  :lol:

I'm not raging because a little kid on a horse managed to kill me ONCE on siege :rolleyes:

I've been counting numbers of horses on eu1 a couple of times when being in spec. And the amount of people on a horse is currently often higher than the amount of people with a bow
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Lactose_the_intolerant on March 21, 2012, 06:39:37 pm
Same goes for cav :/

kind fo ture

so if you could get your buddies firing on cav, both lobbies would be happy! agree? :p
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Bulzur on March 21, 2012, 07:31:59 pm
kind fo ture

so if you could get your buddies firing on cav, both lobbies would be happy! agree? :p

Get your buddies to provide the longspear cover, and we have a deal. :mrgreen:
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Lactose_the_intolerant on March 21, 2012, 08:22:33 pm
Get your buddies to provide the longspear cover, and we have a deal. :mrgreen:

mmm pikers have a lot of hate against you guys, wont be easy but I'll give it a try!  8-)
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: BlindGuy on March 22, 2012, 02:00:20 am
Why is this a problem, when cavalry can run away forever? Been a number of times I've seen a single lancer ride around refusing to engage the 3 or 4 melee with spears and without ranged, they can't touch him.

So, what is the difference?

Melee needs to get over their sense of entitlement.

Dont even mention the guy on a cataphract with a hunting crossbow...
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Rumblood on March 22, 2012, 03:37:25 am

Dont even mention the guy on a cataphract with a hunting crossbow...

Well that poor bastard is the first guy I shoot off his horse  :lol:
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Son Of Odin on March 22, 2012, 11:32:10 pm
I was playing on EU_1 and EU_4 and and and... Then my head got filled with rage and I smell a secret ranged buff minipatch AAAAAA! Then I came here because I'm so angry!!! FFFFFFUUUUUU!!! You got me again rangers.. (I bet my grinding to get lvl 30 again is making me like this...)
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Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Gisbert_of_Thuringia on March 23, 2012, 12:20:15 am
I was playing on EU_1 and EU_4 and and and... Then my head got filled with rage and I smell a secret ranged buff minipatch AAAAAA! Then I came here because I'm so angry!!! FFFFFFUUUUUU!!! You got me again rangers.. (I bet my grinding to get lvl 30 again is making me like this...)
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Unless you get an extra birth control pill yesterday :D  (arrow_to_the_knee)

Ahahahaha! Someone of the chiefs here must have put a sentence blocker in so you can't say the nice arrow sentence from Skyrim^^
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Tears of Destiny on March 23, 2012, 03:52:23 am
Gisbert used to be able to make Skyrim Retirement jokes, but then he took an arrow to the knee.
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: BlindGuy on March 23, 2012, 10:29:09 am
Gisbert used to be able to make Skyrim Retirement jokes, but then he took an arrow to the knee.

The door. Use it.
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Gisbert_of_Thuringia on March 23, 2012, 10:39:23 am
Gisbert used to be able to make Skyrim Retirement jokes, but then he took an arrow to the knee.

It was my first time writing it but it just fit to son of odin ^^
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Leshma on March 23, 2012, 05:08:09 pm
Actually, I think that archery has been ninja-nerfed in one of the latest patches/hotfixes.
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: rufio on March 24, 2012, 05:44:18 pm
visitors can't see pics , please register or login
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Adalwulf on March 27, 2012, 04:22:23 am
lol roughi-oh. That just made my night.
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Lactose_the_intolerant on March 28, 2012, 07:23:15 pm
guyz why you at? there's an insane amount on cav lately and no archer to be seen! did you all respec cav or what?
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: rufio on March 28, 2012, 07:39:59 pm
no archer to be seen .. are you serieus  :shock: if eny ive only seen more and more lately
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Lactose_the_intolerant on March 28, 2012, 07:40:40 pm
yea but strangely, i see ahrdly any and cav everywhere, join eu1
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Gisbert_of_Thuringia on March 28, 2012, 08:26:21 pm
guyz why you at? there's an insane amount on cav lately and no archer to be seen! did you all respec cav or what?
yea but strangely, i see ahrdly any and cav everywhere, join eu1

That comes from a person who hates ranged and loves horses, maybe now people consider it true :/
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Lactose_the_intolerant on March 28, 2012, 08:38:41 pm
come on, i dont hate archers...
and i dont love cav either...
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Rumblood on March 28, 2012, 10:00:04 pm
Well I went to siege. Imma hafta come back to battle on occasion to keep my anti-cav skills up though  :o
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: XyNox on March 29, 2012, 02:16:13 am
Not too enthusiastic about battle myself atm. I would play it more often when some inmy old friendtry would finally learn that standing motionless next to friendly archers watching them die is not the best way to prevent the whole team getting gayvalry'd after. Sadly most of the time this seems to be the case.
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Son Of Odin on March 29, 2012, 03:04:57 am
Not too enthusiastic about battle myself atm. I would play it more often when some inmy old friendtry would finally learn that standing motionless next to friendly archers watching them die is not the best way to prevent the whole team getting gayvalry'd after. Sadly most of the time this seems to be the case.
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Title: Re: archery..
Post by: XyNox on March 29, 2012, 11:30:57 am
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Lack of teamplay really makes me butthurt. But you sure your not butthurt because I kept 2 shotting you off your pony in your loomed armor as you QQ'ed the other day ? You should just not come at me like this brahw.
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Son Of Odin on March 29, 2012, 12:07:39 pm
Lack of teamplay really makes me butthurt. But you sure your not butthurt because I kept 2 shotting you off your pony in your loomed armor as you QQ'ed the other day ? You should just not come at me like this brahw.
Lack of teamplay sucks.. Agreed. Dunno who was 2 shotting me the other day but it was so gay! Just wait until I reach lvl 30 and get more ironflesh...
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: XyNox on March 29, 2012, 12:28:44 pm
Lack of teamplay sucks.. Agreed. Dunno who was 2 shotting me the other day but it was so gay! Just wait until I reach lvl 30 and get more ironflesh...

It was me. You had no shield, the terrain worked to my advantage yet you still charged me upfront. But just wait until I go 10 PD +3 longbow +3 Bodkins next gen.
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Rumblood on March 29, 2012, 05:42:51 pm
Not too enthusiastic about battle myself atm. I would play it more often when some inmy old friendtry would finally learn that standing motionless next to friendly archers watching them die is not the best way to prevent the whole team getting gayvalry'd after. Sadly most of the time this seems to be the case.

Hey, I've seen them stand there watching and get killed themselves. "Ohhhh, the pretty arrows.....*LANCE*"

Why should they protect archers when they can't be bothered to protect themselves?  :lol:
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Herkkutatti on March 29, 2012, 05:55:55 pm
To many of them,OP, and killing the fun.
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Son Of Odin on March 30, 2012, 05:18:16 pm
You had no shield, the terrain worked to my advantage yet you still charged me upfront.

My archer hate sometimes grows so huge I just go all OOOODIIIINVALHALLLAAA BERSERK- style against you all. Can you blame me?
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Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Son Of Odin on March 30, 2012, 10:56:08 pm
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Arrowblood on March 30, 2012, 10:59:39 pm
stop crying please.
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Son Of Odin on March 30, 2012, 11:02:53 pm
stop crying please.
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: XyNox on March 30, 2012, 11:56:48 pm
My archer hate sometimes grows so huge I just go all OOOODIIIINVALHALLLAAA BERSERK- style against you all. Can you blame me?
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I like your attitude. More people should think like you when it comes to shields.

And the HA was probably Black_corsair. I remember trying to take him down first but then again with no friendly melee support I was just too busy defending myself against waves of grunts approaching me from 3 different sides.
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Son Of Odin on March 31, 2012, 02:11:55 am
Dunno if it was him tho.. He only wrote cyrillic and I couldn't understand shit...
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: XyNox on March 31, 2012, 04:22:38 am
It was EU4 then I guess ...
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Son Of Odin on March 31, 2012, 04:53:05 am
It was EU4 then I guess ...
Offtopic continues:

I'm not sure but it feels like shit to die into a situation like that after you successfully kill Kinngrimm and some other guys in melee who tried to gank you... I had 1hp left because the fight was pretty intense and I probably would have died if someone punched me once. Only me and HA left at that point so I camped behind tree, waiting for flags. Flags came right where I was, but then the evil horsearcher came to harrass me with the arrows he had collected for quite some time already :(. I struggled couple minutes and dodged his every arrow and when the final minute was closing in he charged and managed to have a lucky shot after ~20 unsuccessful ones... Can you imagine how much it sucks to die like that after you just slaughtered 3 skilled men ganking on you and felt like the king of all crpg and then some random no skill delayer HA beats you and there is nothing you can do about it!? :D

Sorry if someone recognises himself from this story... I just think HA must have been poorly skilled, having lags or low level because he couldnt hit anything... It was a LUCK SHOT! There you have it... I just had to write this somewhere...
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: XyNox on March 31, 2012, 06:32:39 am
Offtopic continues:

I'm not sure but it feels like shit to die into a situation like that after you successfully kill Kinngrimm and some other guys in melee who tried to gank you... I had 1hp left because the fight was pretty intense and I probably would have died if someone punched me once. Only me and HA left at that point so I camped behind tree, waiting for flags. Flags came right where I was, but then the evil horsearcher came to harrass me with the arrows he had collected for quite some time already :(. I struggled couple minutes and dodged his every arrow and when the final minute was closing in he charged and managed to have a lucky shot after ~20 unsuccessful ones... Can you imagine how much it sucks to die like that after you just slaughtered 3 skilled men ganking on you and felt like the king of all crpg and then some random no skill delayer HA beats you and there is nothing you can do about it!? :D

Sorry if someone recognises himself from this story... I just think HA must have been poorly skilled, having lags or low level because he couldnt hit anything... It was a LUCK SHOT! There you have it... I just had to write this somewhere...

Yes Odin, I know how you feel. Getting shot by an unreachable noskiller from a horseback is a pain obviously and most dishonorable. Not so much for me of course as I can gun down the horse. But the root of all this anger are the continueing archery nerfs.

Melee is 100 % skill based. Given the correct skill, build and equip you could win 100% of all melee fights. Imagine you could see everything 10 times slower to correct for human reaction time and you would own everyone as there are no random factors appart from glitches that might occur. Nerf after nerf however brought a lot of random factors to archery, limiting your efficiency and you cant do ANYTHING about it. You never know if your shot will miss the target one foot to the right or hit dead center unless you aint got a lvl 33 build with a +3 rusbow and crutch massive archery wpf. You never know if in the 1 - 2 seconds the slow moving arrow takes to reach its destination your target-movement follows as predicted. Even if you could see everything 10 times slower and have a computer in your head instead of a brain, you still have to rely on pure luck sometimes, or just hope that your enemy has no clue how to effectivly dodge projectiles (which many dont have thankfully). All that combined with the fact that projectiles lose tons of damage over travel time, thus making them most effective as a form of melee weapon are a few of the reasons that lead to the thing we know as shotgunning.

With these pityfull archery mechanics, plus the fact that you cant kill anyone in a melee fight it was only a matter of time people began to construct their builds around running away from the enemy and kiting instead of fighting them. Dont assume we actually LIKE running away from the enemy, the game simply does not offer any other option to us. There is simply no point in hitting you with my 0 PS 0 slot weapon just to watch it bounce off your mid-armor. Yet we cant affort putting points into PS as this would mean even less accuracy or even less damage and missile speed. Pure archers are simply useless at melee and are not devastating at range either unless fully loomed and extremly high skilled. But they are there and that means with the current mechanics, the only way to counter them is to defent your own ranged which almost NEVER happens.

I even went kind of hybrid this gen with a HBS to my hip so I can shoot and slice up things alike to make up for the general lack of melee support, but due to the build limitations im not very accurate nor hard hitting at range and in melee almost everyone can outspam me. And then again I cant carry enough ammo with me to give range support everytime its needed or shoot down horses. Im not expecting to get a build that is superior at close and long range fighting simultaniously but archers sure need anything that gives them the abillity and a fair chance to FIGHT instead of DELAY when enemies get close like it is the case right now or give them more accuracy and missile speed at range but make em dead meat when someone gets close so its more about strategic positioning. You will see once there is an actual gain from power draw again, people will stop whoring ath to run away, as their bow is not a reliable tool for killing at range anyway right now.

So in conclusion Odin, if you and your kind will stop to complain and call for nerfs there might be archers in the future that die happily in a fight instead of getting stabbed in the back with a tear in their eyes :cry: And now that our differences are solved lets be best friends and watch rainbows together while the sun is setting.
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Gurnisson on March 31, 2012, 07:18:29 am
You never know if your shot will miss the target one foot to the right or hit dead center unless you aint got a lvl 33 build with a +3 rusbow and crutch massive archery wpf. You never know if in the 1 - 2 seconds the slow moving arrow takes to reach its destination your target-movement follows as predicted. Even if you could see everything 10 times slower and have a computer in your head instead of a brain, you still have to rely on pure luck sometimes, or just hope that your enemy has no clue how to effectivly dodge projectiles (which many dont have thankfully).

You're an archer stacking PD, right? I had no problem hitting people with an 18/21 build and it still inflicts severe damage. Complaining about not having great accuracy while going for power? Shouldn't be able to have your cake and eat it too (but you already get that if you loom a rus/horn with an 18/21 build. Great damage and great kiting abilities in one build) PD over 6 is quite bad, I would say.

With these pityfull archery mechanics, plus the fact that you cant kill anyone in a melee fight it was only a matter of time people began to construct their builds around running away from the enemy and kiting instead of fighting them. Dont assume we actually LIKE running away from the enemy, the game simply does not offer any other option to us. There is simply no point in hitting you with my 0 PS 0 slot weapon just to watch it bounce off your mid-armor. Yet we cant affort putting points into PS as this would mean even less accuracy or even less damage and missile speed. Pure archers are simply useless at melee and are not devastating at range either unless fully loomed and extremly high skilled. But they are there and that means with the current mechanics, the only way to counter them is to defent your own ranged which almost NEVER happens.

You make a stupid build to get some milliseconds faster draw and almost not noticeable better accuracy. 18/21 with leather, 5 ps, 5 ath, 7 wm at level 30 rocked. Held my ground in melee if I wanted to, ran and gunned if I wanted to, killed easily at range if I wanted to. Don't blame the game for your own choices.

I even went kind of hybrid this gen with a HBS to my hip so I can shoot and slice up things alike to make up for the general lack of melee support, but due to the build limitations im not very accurate nor hard hitting at range and in melee almost everyone can outspam me. And then again I cant carry enough ammo with me to give range support everytime its needed or shoot down horses. Im not expecting to get a build that is superior at close and long range fighting simultaniously but archers sure need anything that gives them the abillity and a fair chance to FIGHT instead of DELAY when enemies get close like it is the case right now or give them more accuracy and missile speed at range but make em dead meat when someone gets close so its more about strategic positioning. You will see once there is an actual gain from power draw again, people will stop whoring ath to run away, as their bow is not a reliable tool for killing at range anyway right now.

Grab a langes messer/fighting axe instead of a HBS for more arrows. You won't be outspammed by people with a HBS if you have semi-decent footwork, even with 1 wpf. I've used 1 wpf weapons a lot on my archer and it's never the lack of WPF that makes me get hit by a double-attack. As I mentioned above, 18/21 with 5 ps, 5 ath and 7 wm at level 30 gives you good melee capabilities but also makes you deadly at range.

Archers are strong, by all means, but they're not really deserving of a great nerf. Maybe a bit of a weight increase on bows to have the 18/21 and 18/24 builds not covering everything. Also, please don't blame the game for your choice. I see so many archers whining about not being able to be effective in melee which is a joke, it's perfectly viable. Cupid is a decent example of an archer that does it effectively.
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Rumblood on March 31, 2012, 07:22:47 am
You're an archer stacking PD, right? I had no problem hitting people with an 18/21 build and it still inflicts severe damage. Complaining about not having great accuracy while going for power? Shouldn't be able to have your cake and eat it too (but you already get that if you loom a rus/horn with an 18/21 build. Great damage and great kiting abilities in one build) PD over 6 is quite bad, I would say.

Remove the WPF penalty from having higher PD. It doesn't make sense anyhow. You have to have +3 Strength for each point in PD already. How many Strength builds would there be if every point in PS slowed down your weapon speed? Or slowed down how fast you can turn?
Why can melee have their cake and eat it too? Not to mention that Athletics was nerfed so much as to eliminate the advantage an Agility build used to have in a melee fight.

Fair and balanced. Not the Fox version  :lol:
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: XyNox on March 31, 2012, 09:26:10 am
You're an archer stacking PD, right? I had no problem hitting people with an 18/21 build and it still inflicts severe damage. Complaining about not having great accuracy while going for power? Shouldn't be able to have your cake and eat it too (but you already get that if you loom a rus/horn with an 18/21 build. Great damage and great kiting abilities in one build) PD over 6 is quite bad, I would say.

You missed the point:
The paragraph just points out that archery in general with relatively low accuracy and slow missile speeds in this mod is more luck dependent than melee due to many random factors. Technically your statement is correct to some degree but the arrangement of skillpoint and their given effects is not to be discussed in this context, as this part is but a premise to why shotgunning is more effective than using archery as an actual ranged fighting class. What you write again is the very root of the problem; there is no way to achieve high PD without making yourself ineffective in the same move because of the huge drop in accuracy. If I can choose between a build that can kill the target in 1 hit but only hits on every 5. shot or a build that can hit the enemy 5 times in a row but needs 5 arrows to kill and is also faster, why would anyone go the first one when you can just kite them ( simplyfied, not a real world example, also rhetorical question ) ?

You make a stupid build to get some milliseconds faster draw and almost not noticeable better accuracy. 18/21 with leather, 5 ps, 5 ath, 7 wm at level 30 rocked. Held my ground in melee if I wanted to, ran and gunned if I wanted to, killed easily at range if I wanted to. Don't blame the game for your own choices.

What happened here ? Who made a build with milliseconds of faster draw ? And who were all the people you destructinated in every possible situation, in melee and ranged combat alike ? I dont understand any of this but I think you are missing the point:
Again your skilltree is not the matter here. Ill repeat: "Pure archers are simply useless at melee and are not devastating at range either unless fully loomed and extremly high skilled". Maybe you just didnt read carefully. I am speaking of putting every aviable point into archery related skills to gain the maximum ranged combat effiency to your disposal by skillpoints. This means low PS if any. If you are telling me you can defeat an 45+ armor person with no or low PS and a 0 slot weapon ( granted you want some arrows to shoot and a nice bow ) and 1 wpf you should probably stop talking about singleplayer. And now we are back the beginning -> pure archer = dead meat in melee BUT not devastating at range also due to all the random factor and all the other things you can read in my original post, again giving more advantages to the shotgunner.

Grab a langes messer/fighting axe instead of a HBS for more arrows. You won't be outspammed by people with a HBS if you have semi-decent footwork, even with 1 wpf. I've used 1 wpf weapons a lot on my archer and it's never the lack of WPF that makes me get hit by a double-attack. As I mentioned above, 18/21 with 5 ps, 5 ath and 7 wm at level 30 gives you good melee capabilities but also makes you deadly at range.

Again the pure archer thing. 6 PD is not deadly though unless you can look into the future for headshotting people at longer ranges or you find a lot of fools who like standing motionless or walking in straight lines much.

Archers are strong, by all means, but they're not really deserving of a great nerf. Maybe a bit of a weight increase on bows to have the 18/21 and 18/24 builds not covering everything. Also, please don't blame the game for your choice. I see so many archers whining about not being able to be effective in melee which is a joke, it's perfectly viable. Cupid is a decent example of an archer that does it effectively.

Strong is relative in this case. A smart person can very much influence whether he loses to an archer or not. Melee combat although lets the person win who is more skilled, given appropriate builds, which pure archers cant achieve. Unless arrows are hitscan with laser accuracy there will always be a little randomness of course. Im not talking about giving archers native-like accuracy, reload times and missile speed but in crpg its way to easy for a person to avoid and hunt down archers once known how its done correctly. I for my part cant remember having problems with other archers shooting me all day.
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Gurnisson on March 31, 2012, 02:17:36 pm
You missed the point:
The paragraph just points out that archery in general with relatively low accuracy and slow missile speeds in this mod is more luck dependent than melee due to many random factors. Technically your statement is correct to some degree but the arrangement of skillpoint and their given effects is not to be discussed in this context, as this part is but a premise to why shotgunning is more effective than using archery as an actual ranged fighting class. What you write again is the very root of the problem; there is no way to achieve high PD without making yourself ineffective in the same move because of the huge drop in accuracy. If I can choose between a build that can kill the target in 1 hit but only hits on every 5. shot or a build that can hit the enemy 5 times in a row but needs 5 arrows to kill and is also faster, why would anyone go the first one when you can just kite them ( simplyfied, not a real world example, also rhetorical question ) ?

Yes, I agree that it's a bit too luck-dependant. Missile speed is okay, but I wouldn't mind a decent increase in accuracy.

What happened here ? Who made a build with milliseconds of faster draw ? And who were all the people you destructinated in every possible situation, in melee and ranged combat alike ? I dont understand any of this but I think you are missing the point:

You complainmed about pure archer's effectiveness and I just replied to it. People are not forced to going pure archers but a lot of them still has the nerve to complain about their melee effectiveness when they do. Hybriding is very much possible and I don't understand why not more people do it.

Again your skilltree is not the matter here. Ill repeat: "Pure archers are simply useless at melee and are not devastating at range either unless fully loomed and extremly high skilled". Maybe you just didnt read carefully. I am speaking of putting every aviable point into archery related skills to gain the maximum ranged combat effiency to your disposal by skillpoints. This means low PS if any. If you are telling me you can defeat an 45+ armor person with no or low PS and a 0 slot weapon ( granted you want some arrows to shoot and a nice bow ) and 1 wpf you should probably stop talking about singleplayer. And now we are back the beginning -> pure archer = dead meat in melee BUT not devastating at range also due to all the random factor and all the other things you can read in my original post, again giving more advantages to the shotgunner.

I've killed a lot of guys with 0 ps alts but it's not recommended to go for it though since one bounce is mostly enough to get one killed. You have to hold your attacks for max damage all the time and do headhits too. However, what you're saying about fully loomed archers not being devestating at range and/or in melee is way off. Just look at cupid and bagge for example. Deadly accurate at range and pulls out a good melee weapon afterwards and can easily win over their already damaged opponent. Depends on your build how effective you are at range, 18/21 and 18/24 builds are good at range sniping while high pd builds are good at firing into the enemy blob.

Again the pure archer thing. 6 PD is not deadly though unless you can look into the future for headshotting people at longer ranges or you find a lot of fools who like standing motionless or walking in straight lines much.

This is a joke, right? 6 PD is by far enough to make a very viable archer. If you got heirlooms too I would see no reason at all to go for more PD since you're gimping accuracy and kiting abilities for a too low gain in damage. I would rather just stack WM for accuracy. bagge with his loomed gear and 18/24 build was a two-shot machine. That's 6 PD for you.

Strong is relative in this case. A smart person can very much influence whether he loses to an archer or not. Melee combat although lets the person win who is more skilled, given appropriate builds, which pure archers cant achieve. Unless arrows are hitscan with laser accuracy there will always be a little randomness of course. Im not talking about giving archers native-like accuracy, reload times and missile speed but in crpg its way to easy for a person to avoid and hunt down archers once known how its done correctly. I for my part cant remember having problems with other archers shooting me all day.

True, the accuracy is a bit to luck-dependant, I've already stated that I agree with that. Skill-based archery > Luck-based archery. You can say that it's easy to avoid an archer focusing you, but it depends at what range. It's true that shotgunning is strong, like you already mentioned, but it can be hard to dodge arrows at range too depending on bow/PD etc.
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: rufio on March 31, 2012, 02:54:49 pm
18/21 archer is already immensely op without looms atall, play in teamplay and you will have the real potential of your class revealed to you, lets sayif we had a 10 man squad with 1 to 3 archers with this build, andinfantry protects, archers will shoot all down eazely.  ( to eazely also because archers seem to do way more damage then melee 6pd > 6ps) you might find this overexacherating, but i tell you in team ballance archery is O the fuckin P and when i spend my rounds protecting archer nests i hardly ever lose 

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Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Overdriven on March 31, 2012, 05:24:32 pm
Sorry if someone recognises himself from this story... I just think HA must have been poorly skilled, having lags or low level because he couldnt hit anything... It was a LUCK SHOT! There you have it... I just had to write this somewhere...

Tbh you can dodge an HA's arrows all day on foot if you are aware of them. People just don't do it very well most of the time. It makes shooting someone very very difficult if they are dodging around.  It probs was a luck shot but still.

I've been playing lancer recently so I'm getting used to raging at HA. Not that's it's going to adjust my play style as HA at all when I switch back. But it's nice to get a different perspective.

Yes Odin, I know how you feel. Getting shot by an unreachable noskiller from a horseback is a pain obviously and most dishonorable. Not so much for me of course as I can gun down the horse. But the root of all this anger are the continueing archery nerfs.

Lol. Having played both HA and foot archer, HA is a lot more challenging and skillful than foot archer.

Anyway, I have no problems with archery at the moment. Wearing heavy Yawshan it took 4 arrows from a warbow to kill me. Which is more than fair in my opinion.
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: XyNox on March 31, 2012, 05:43:28 pm
You complainmed about pure archer's effectiveness and I just replied to it. People are not forced to going pure archers but a lot of them still has the nerve to complain about their melee effectiveness when they do. Hybriding is very much possible and I don't understand why not more people do it.

And this the whole problem about it. You can freely choose between maximum power and maximum speed melee builds with no significant drawbacks. There is no skill that effectly gives you a disadvantage when you skill it. On archery however its different. Who thought it would be a good idea to let PD do something against your efficiency ? Of course you shouldnt be able to be fast, accurate and powerful all at once but even with a longbow, the most expensive peace of archery equipment you cant go over 6 PD without losing tons of accuracy at lvl 30. What the hell is the skill for then ?? If I would be new to the game Id think this is a bug and not balance. Is it too much to ask to be able to hit what you are aiming at considering arrows already fly quite slow, reload time are high and you cant hold your bow drawn for more than a second without it shooting yourself in the face ?

So actually YES, they ARE forced to go around 6 PD in order to play a viable build that is capable of dishing out damage consistently.

I've killed a lot of guys with 0 ps alts but it's not recommended to go for it though since one bounce is mostly enough to get one killed.

Sure ive done that too. But when you need about 12 hits for your opponent ( not counting glances ) where he needs 1 - 2 hits, hits faster, does not glance and has at least the same skill level as you, you will probably loose 95% of all duels.

However, what you're saying about fully loomed archers not being devestating at range and/or in melee is way off. Just look at cupid and bagge for example.

Well I can understand your reaction. There are archers who topscore quite often, not to mention jambi. This is a very touchy topic. I will not question the skill of these top tier archers but even they are not as OP as they seem. A good archer may be able to compute arrow flight time and distance to target better, out of a habbit so to speak and can therefore adjust elevation and leading faster. But even for these people the same rule applies, the longer the range the more luck dependent shots get. Ive played with and against Cup1d, bagge, jambi, Blackbow, Revenant, arrowblood, zerobot, robinhood and all the other famous archers at least some time now. No one of these people ever owned me in a ranged duel. Sure Ive been headshotted a few times by some of them but then again I headshotted them a few times when they were unaware but no one of these people were able to shoot me to pieces so far.

The point is archery is just as effective as your opponent lets it happen to be. No matter if Bagge or Jambi or Cup1d is shooting at me, when they do I can see where their bows are pointing and once an arrow is airborn I see it and I can dodge it, which only works if I afford enough situational awareness at that moment of course. If you are a melee trying to hunt me down and you are using the good ol zigzag approach chances are about 80% I shoot you in the face as it is a repeating movement pattern. If you are using the "lightspeed mousespin" dodging technique chances are about 90% I send a missile in your body, as many melees dont seem to know that turning at very fast speeds does not make you move at all because there still is a tiny bit of inertia. If you jump at me chances are 99% I hit your leg or your crotch. If you walk in a straight line for more than 3 second within a 40 feet radius of me chances are about 80% I put an arrow in your head. ALL of these things can be influenced by your movement, dropping the chances to be hit drasticly, yet many people just refuse to learn how to dodge (this is a good thing actually). But IF the person you are going to shoot at has played as an archer for some time himself and knows the weaknesses therefore, chances are high this person can even touch top tier archers without getting hit more than once ( which is the reason archer duels are boring, everyone just dodges ... ).

If you are one of these persons who expose their heads on siege for more than 1 second, who charge at the castle in straight line, who try to sneak up on my teammate with an overhead ready in a straight line, who take their shield down infront of me without bumping me first, who charge me with a horse without a shield, who know im shooting at you but just refuse to dodge because im far away, who use predictable and repeating dodging patterns, who are sneaking up behind me although I noticed you a long time ago due to free look, thinking I didnt, who dont look around every now and then to check for enemy ranged, AND if on this particular shot my arrow goes where I want it to go, then dont get supprised or mad when you lie on the ground dead with in arrow in your body. You wouldnt get if you didnt block an incoming blow. Not dodging arrows is the same as not blocking swings. Sure a lot of times you will succeed even with the most basic techniques but there is alway a chance that at your next try his arrow will actually go where he aimed.

Then again you see a lot of famous archers that scored 15 - 3 in the first round going 2 - 6 in the next round just because random factors kicked in which is pretty disgusting. So well, they can be devastating, yes. But when they are it could be pure skill as well as it could be pure luck. I still think the degree of devastioned you can achieve is far inferior to melee and far more capped, not really rewarding you for all that time you invest into training it. I can imagine someone having the same skill in melee combat as Jambi has in archery ( hard to compare I know ) could end up with over 40 kills a map quite often.

This is a joke, right? 6 PD is by far enough to make a very viable archer. If you got heirlooms too I would see no reason at all to go for more PD since you're gimping accuracy and kiting abilities for a too low gain in damage. I would rather just stack WM for accuracy. bagge with his loomed gear and 18/24 build was a two-shot machine. That's 6 PD for you.

I claim not deadly as missile speed is not suitible for hitting moving targets at long ranges consistently, also with 6 PD damage you deal at ... lets say 100m shots ( how long is the rageballfield for example ? ) is laughable. For shotgunning and close range headshots it works of course. The 2 shotting thing works for me at very close range on medium armor at most and I have a +2 longbow with +3 bodkins, so already dealing more damage than a +3 rus can achieve. Maybe 2 shotting machine was prenerf. On heavy armored people I still need up to 5 body shots every now and then at mid range.

For the last part, range is an important factor of course when it comes to dodging ...

Sorry for wall of text. Long story short, make archery more skill based, just as you said before.


18/21 archer is already immensely op without looms atall, play in teamplay and you will have the real potential of your class revealed to you, lets sayif we had a 10 man squad with 1 to 3 archers with this build, andinfantry protects, archers will shoot all down eazely.  ( to eazely also because archers seem to do way more damage then melee 6pd > 6ps) you might find this overexacherating, but i tell you in team ballance archery is O the fuckin P and when i spend my rounds protecting archer nests i hardly ever lose 

I think no one doupts archers are OP once melee cooperate with them and vice versa. This is correct of course and therefore I take this as granted. But teamwork on a public game in this mod is just SO uncommon, especially between ranged and non ranged players, and then again between archers and melees. I think its in fact that rare its just negligible.

Also the gif is funny


Lol. Having played both HA and foot archer, HA is a lot more challenging and skillful than foot archer.

Anyway, I have no problems with archery at the moment. Wearing heavy Yawshan it took 4 arrows from a warbow to kill me. Which is more than fair in my opinion.

No offense intended. Please dont get me wrong, I didnt mean to say that HA is a class for skillless people. I was choosing this word to better reflect Odins feelings about the situation as I could have imagined it.
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Rumblood on March 31, 2012, 08:32:30 pm
In this thread we take extreme examples and pretend they are common. We also pretend that we are talking about current builds and not some mechanic from a year ago. We also pretend that archers weren't nerfed out of the archer/melee hybrid business and blame the archer because they are making pure archers and not an archer/melee hybrid.

Nerfing WPF in archery for every point in PD would be akin to nerfing the WPF and turn speed of melee for every point they take in Power Strike. In this thread we also pretend that statement isn't true.
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: rufio on April 01, 2012, 05:16:54 pm
we also pretend that archery dousnt have the rest of the game on theyr side: slow movement in general , specially on slopes, stun when hit by eny arrow,  no diversity in cover or the ability to take cover, the ability to block as effectively as eny melee character, higher body damage then melee with same builds, extremely higher headhit damage. the priveledge to chosse your fighting ground,  the potential to have a near constant damage out put, the potential to pick off targets together. the general advantage of being ranged.

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Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Rumblood on April 01, 2012, 06:58:50 pm
we also pretend that archery dousnt have the rest of the game on theyr side: slow movement in general , specially on slopes, stun when hit by eny arrow,  no diversity in cover or the ability to take cover, the ability to block as effectively as eny melee character, higher body damage then melee with same builds, extremely higher headhit damage. the priveledge to chosse your fighting ground,  the potential to have a near constant damage out put, the potential to pick off targets together. the general advantage of being ranged.

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Title: Re: archery..
Post by: rufio on April 01, 2012, 07:17:18 pm
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Title: Re: archery..
Post by: BlindGuy on April 02, 2012, 12:16:41 pm
we also pretend that archery dousnt have the rest of the game on theyr side:

Here we go, random bullshit time.

...slow movement in general , specially on slopes, stun when hit by eny arrow...

Its true, when carrying bow and arrows you do go slow, they very heavy, combine that with no armour so as to not loose 100% of our wpf, archers take big damage from projectiles. diversity in cover or the ability to take cover...

Yeah, it DOES suck, there being no trees, walls, fences, teammates, buildings, shields, hills...

...the ability to block as effectively as eny melee character...

True, love blocking with my bow, its so good.

...higher body damage then melee with same builds, extremely higher headhit damage.

Yeah its true, 1 hit every 30 seconds is actually MORE dmg than being able to spam a melee weapon, not drastically less like common sense tell you.

...the priveledge to chosse your fighting ground...

Yeah I totally forgot how when you equip GLA they keyboard turns off, and your toon auto walks towards rangers...

...the potential to have a near constant damage out put, the potential to pick off targets together.

Yeah I forgot how melee can only attack once every 3-5 seconds, and 50% of your attacks just randomly fly off to the side or travel directly through your target, and how melee is not able to gank like ranged can...wait...what? You make me rofl as usual Rufio ;D good job.
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: rufio on April 02, 2012, 12:22:31 pm
yes and you again succeed in totally interpeting the arguments mentioned in your own way, and giving the most retarded awnsers possible , good sir i applaud you for keeping up your consistansy in looking like an idiot, good day
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Vibe on April 02, 2012, 12:29:59 pm
nerf archery
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Logen on April 02, 2012, 12:49:31 pm
nerf archers
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Old_Sir_Agor on April 02, 2012, 01:08:08 pm
last week on eu1 mostly we play infantry city maps or cav fields, and last week I see same or even more cavalry on server then ranged.(at evening)
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Gravoth_iii on April 02, 2012, 02:16:37 pm
I see lots of 2h'ers on here  :rolleyes:
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Herkkutatti on April 02, 2012, 02:19:04 pm
OP as hell , nerf nerf nerf!!
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: rufio on April 02, 2012, 02:30:31 pm
I see lots of 2h'ers on here  :rolleyes:

il just go in this thread and post a comment i think is pretty witty, hihi, but i wont post enything near relevence because i dont want people to realise im not such a witty person afterall.
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Gravoth_iii on April 02, 2012, 05:45:36 pm
il just go in this thread and post a comment i think is pretty witty, hihi, but i wont post enything near relevence because i dont want people to realise im not such a witty person afterall.

Title: Re: archery..
Post by: XyNox on April 02, 2012, 06:25:01 pm
I recently noticed a few archers who Ive never seen before or who were playing melee classes as far as I can remember. I took pleasure of running up to them and bumping them with bow in hand or killing them with point blank shots while dancing around them to show how OP bows really are. I think I got killed only once before touching them out of dozents and dozents of approaches. And that was because a tree was blocking me that I thought I could step over.
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: HUSTLER on April 04, 2012, 02:46:05 pm
Achery is fine...  :?

Its the fact that they can run an shoot people with no problems that makes the class obnoxious an disgusting  :rolleyes:

If they changed it so you cant draw while running or if they changed the weight on bows the problem would be gone.

Its a known fact that most archers dont carry melee weapons because they only need a crappy 0 slot weapon to block if they get caught unaware.. they then block 2 hits an starts running an kill their victim while its trying to catch him :(
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Gisbert_of_Thuringia on April 04, 2012, 04:20:02 pm
Achery is fine...  :?

Its the fact that they can run an shoot people with no problems that makes the class obnoxious an disgusting  :rolleyes:

If they changed it so you cant draw while running or if they changed the weight on bows the problem would be gone.

Its a known fact that most archers dont carry melee weapons because they only need a crappy 0 slot weapon to block if they get caught unaware.. they then block 2 hits an starts running an kill their victim while its trying to catch him :(

Maybe you should get your facts right before posting crap...

Archers take a 0slot weapon cause it is the only thing they can wear if they want to have more than 17 or 20 arrows with a 2slot bow  :rolleyes:   And those who use a 1slot bow usually have a melee weapon with which they can fight
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: HUSTLER on April 04, 2012, 04:55:46 pm
Maybe you should get your facts right before posting crap...

Archers take a 0slot weapon cause it is the only thing they can wear if they want to have more than 17 or 20 arrows with a 2slot bow  :rolleyes:   And those who use a 1slot bow usually have a melee weapon with which they can fight

Most of em use the horn bow why would they use a melee weapon if their bow does x10 times more dmg an is easy to abuse while running an gunning at their targets..

Tenne is the only archer i know who carry a decent melee weapon an use it when caught up in close combat an he use a 2slot bow..

Fact is that archers could use a decent 1 slot melee weapon if they wanted too..

but they prefer to out run their opponents an kill em by kiting which is more effective an imho is what makes people so pissed about archery its a troll class people cant deal with it because lets face it.. its looks retarded watching someone kill 5 people by running an turning around an shooting em without them being able to fight back.
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Memento_Mori on April 04, 2012, 06:38:38 pm
its looks retarded watching someone kill 5 people by running an turning around an shooting em without them being able to fight back.

Those 5 people got pwned, I suggest trying a new approach.. Chasing kiting archers with 5 shieldless armored friends is not the correct approach to the situation obviously.
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: rufio on April 04, 2012, 09:52:01 pm
i dont have a big prob with the kiting, its that archers do way more damage then melee, and glance way less.
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: XyNox on April 04, 2012, 10:48:50 pm
i dont have a big prob with the kiting, its that archers do way more damage then melee, and glance way less.

Longbow, strongest bow aviable to archers, loomed 3 times, shooting bodkins, the most damage dealing arrows against armored targets, also loomed three times.
Base damage: 36 p

Unloomed morningstar: 38 p

Longbow with loomed tatars, highest cut damage archers can achieve.
Base damage: 41 c

Unloomed Flamberge / Great Long Bardiche: 46 c


Chambering/Holding damage modifiers:

Archery: 50 %

Melee: 120 % - 150 %


Archery: Loss of accuracy

Melee: None


Damage modifiers:

PD: 14 %

PS: 8%

Maximum damage modifier aviable at lvl 30:

9 PD = 126 %

13 Ps = 108 %


Archery: Accuracy not existent

Melee: None


Attackspeed / Damage per second:

Archery: Slow

Melee: Fast


Speed damage modifiers:

Archery: Static, as shooting while moving is not practical

Melee: Usable to your advantage


And most important losing a ton of damage over range.

More damage than melee ? Interesting then that I only ever saw melees destroying doors and gates on siegemaps. Perhaps we should start positioning walls of archers in front of gates to gun them down in no time.
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Old_Sir_Agor on April 04, 2012, 10:59:25 pm
we have so much cavalry on eu1 - so it is pretty hard to run and shoot for archers)
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Gravoth_iii on April 05, 2012, 12:12:11 am
(click to show/hide)

Agree with most of it but a 13 PS has the drawback of nonexistant movementspeed, you get hit once in a big group and you are pretty much stuck there.
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Tears of Destiny on April 05, 2012, 12:13:08 am
This is a great thread, you all keep bringing up things I would never have thought of, and post things I would never even dream of posting.


Would read again, can't wait to see the next phase of debates.
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: XyNox on April 05, 2012, 12:42:39 am
Agree with most of it but a 13 PS has the drawback of nonexistant movementspeed, you get hit once in a big group and you are pretty much stuck there.

True ... bad wording, drawback was meant as a penalty for the skillpoint itself.

... can't wait to see the next phase of debates.

3 ... 2 ... 1 ...

Make arrows hitscan !

Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Herkkutatti on April 05, 2012, 12:48:37 am
Interesting then that I only ever saw melees destroying doors and gates on siegemaps. Perhaps we should start positioning walls of archers in front of gates to gun them down in no time.
i can do damage to the doors/gates with for example wooden stick(17b). I think arrows just can't do any damage to doors/gates , its not that the amount of the damage is too low but its just coded like that,just think how stupid it would  be if  small arrows could break doors...
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Tears of Destiny on April 05, 2012, 12:49:20 am
i can do damage to the doors/gates with for example wooden stick. I think arrows just can't do any damage to doors/gates , its not that the amount of the damage is too low but its just coded like that.

They do, I've even broke ladders that way. They do damage, there just might be some kind of reduction, not sure.
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: rufio on April 05, 2012, 03:46:26 am
there is a reduction, this is also why arrows dont break siege shields like melee dous.
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Farrok on April 07, 2012, 03:20:15 pm
i can do damage to the doors/gates with for example wooden stick(17b). I think arrows just can't do any damage to doors/gates , its not that the amount of the damage is too low but its just coded like that,just think how stupid it would  be if  small arrows could break doors...

and a wooden stick can? :D

yeah doors can be detroyed with arrows but you need to shoot some quivers out and it takes time...much time
i want explosion arrows :twisted:
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: BADPLAYERold on April 09, 2012, 06:16:27 am
ranged = low risk high dmg
cav = low risk high dmg
infantry = high risk high dmg

dont see any problems hEre..
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Okkam on April 09, 2012, 09:46:45 am
ranged = low risk high dmg
cav = low risk high dmg
infantry = high risk high dmg

dont see any problems hEre..

Cool. So you need to couch 4-6 times to kill someone? Cavalry is clearly up.
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: FRANK_THE_TANK on April 09, 2012, 09:54:26 am
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: BlackMilk on April 09, 2012, 09:56:20 am
just got 2shotted by a HORSE ARCHER are you kidding me

51 body armor 4 if
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: BADPLAYERold on April 09, 2012, 02:30:57 pm

Cool. So you need to couch 4-6 times to kill someone? Cavalry is clearly up.
what are you even talking about
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Okkam on April 09, 2012, 02:52:33 pm
ranged = low risk high dmg
cav = low risk high dmg

Mouhhhahaa, yes 3 arrows to kill someone in armor bigger than 40 and 6+ arrows for 60-70 armor.
Couche = 90% kill

I like how you compare damage output. Nothing more.
I think we must make a donation fund for helping our underpowered cavalry, and humble ask developers for buffing lances little more.
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: BADPLAYERold on April 09, 2012, 06:52:17 pm
Mouhhhahaa, yes 3 arrows to kill someone in armor bigger than 40 and 6+ arrows for 60-70 armor.
Couche = 90% kill

it takes 2-4 arrows to kill the vast majority of people if using a rus bow. likewise it takes cav 2-3 stabs to kill most people on foot and headshots 1shot too like couches.
plus cav have to get close to their targets to kill people even if they can get away fast after hitting them.

my point really was just that cav and ranged have massive advantages over melee and both deserve to be nerfed.
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: zagibu on April 09, 2012, 06:54:30 pm
The most important things you forgot, XyNox:

- range > 50m
- can only be blocked with shield

- range < 2m
- can be blocked with almost anything
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: BlindGuy on April 11, 2012, 12:07:31 pm
No, afraid not:

Archery: AT BEST ESTIMATE --> Two or three BODKIN arrows to kill armoured player. Bodkin stacks 15, thats 5 kills max a around if you nail every shot, despite teh fact that: Blockable by shield, avoidable by spamming mouse directions while jamming sidestep, hitboxes just are not there. So lets say, you nail half your shots. 2 kills a round.

Cav, you cant beat 2 kills a round? Sounds like maybe the argument is backward, seems problem is Badplayer is....just that. A bad player.
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Lactose_the_intolerant on April 11, 2012, 12:18:40 pm
seriously, that shield argument is really strating to piss me off.

So yea, lets get a shield, invest one or two points, but seriously that shield wont last at all.
Ok then lets invest 4 shield points.....oh wait a second i dont want to go 1h build!!!!

Archery is kind of easy even with a longbow. I play tenne style, a longbow 15 bodkin and a langes messer 1slot that can be used as a 2h. And i do very well
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Old_Sir_Agor on April 11, 2012, 12:22:56 pm
being ranged is not easy-1) most melees have shield or throw weapons 2) bad map rotation(most maps are cav friendly) 3) very big cav population
4)i dont know what you speaking about arrows , because i run 42 armor 15 str no if, and i can take 3 arrows usually.
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Vibe on April 11, 2012, 12:25:24 pm
being ranged is not easy - yes it is
1) most melees have shield or throw weapons - lol no
2) bad map rotation(most maps are cav friendly) - cav maps are often archer maps as well
3) very big cav population - lol no
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Old_Sir_Agor on April 11, 2012, 12:30:42 pm

you spend very little time in game, i dont see you at evening on eu1. so i think you dont know about stuff on eu1.
and how some open field can be archer frienly too? ranged maps are some with towers and other stuff, so cav and ranged friendly maps are different stuff
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Gurnisson on April 11, 2012, 12:37:25 pm
and how some open field can be archer frienly too? ranged maps are some with towers and other stuff, so cav and ranged friendly maps are different stuff

Good archers have an easy time on open plains. Crossbowmen, not so much. Crossbows are great for urban maps with hiding places, towers etc. while archers are great on plains.
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Vibe on April 11, 2012, 12:41:34 pm
you spend very little time in game, i dont see you at evening on eu1. so i think you dont know about stuff on eu1.

Apparently I know EU1 a lot more than you, even though I don't play 24/7 on it.
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Meow on April 11, 2012, 12:42:15 pm
So after 4 gens of archery I went back to melee, went for the lol str build and instantly got a positive K:D.

For some weird reason, people are not raging half as much if I oneshot them with my GLA as they do when I put 5 arrows into them until the finally die.

Saying ranged is easy is just the usual melee view on it.

I am now half way through level 30 got 421 death and actively remember dying to ranged about 25 times.
Would have said 3 times but I remember some throwing kills and being finished off by a bolt or an arrow or two during melee fights.

Yes, you can say "BUT YOU ARE A STR BUILD" and will I will say "Why are you not?"
Not adjusting to the way the battlefield changes is not exactly a sign of skill.

It's cool if all the elite duelists think they are the better players but sadly being a good player also includes being flexible and not stuck with your high agi low health low armor builds...
If you fail at evading - train it or get more armor.

Crying for other classes to be nerfed so your class can dominate is no sign of skill.

If I don't get an archer armor during the next few days I'll get some medium armor and go for a 18/21 build to check out if it's really that bad...
I just don't see it right now.

Don't run in straight lines, ever.
Will spare you from half the ranged hits :mrgreen:
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Herkkutatti on April 11, 2012, 12:46:49 pm
people are not raging half as much if I oneshot them with my GLA as they do when I put 5 arrows into them until the finally die.
I don't usually rage if i get oneshotted by melee because i can block swings or run away :mrgreen:, but when archer is shooting me i can't block the arrows and sometimes i can't hide(RAGERAGE)
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Old_Sir_Agor on April 11, 2012, 01:04:28 pm
So after 4 gens of archery I went back to melee, went for the lol str build and instantly got a positive K:D.

For some weird reason, people are not raging half as much if I oneshot them with my GLA as they do when I put 5 arrows into them until the finally die.

Saying ranged is easy is just the usual melee view on it.

I am now half way through level 30 got 421 death and actively remember dying to ranged about 25 times.
Would have said 3 times but I remember some throwing kills and being finished off by a bolt or an arrow or two during melee fights.

Yes, you can say "BUT YOU ARE A STR BUILD" and will I will say "Why are you not?"
Not adjusting to the way the battlefield changes is not exactly a sign of skill.

It's cool if all the elite duelists think they are the better players but sadly being a good player also includes being flexible and not stuck with your high agi low health low armor builds...
If you fail at evading - train it or get more armor.

Crying for other classes to be nerfed so your class can dominate is no sign of skill.

If I don't get an archer armor during the next few days I'll get some medium armor and go for a 18/21 build to check out if it's really that bad...
I just don't see it right now.

Don't run in straight lines, ever.
Will spare you from half the ranged hits :mrgreen:

meow for president!
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: BlindGuy on April 11, 2012, 01:15:17 pm
(click to show/hide)

Your speaking to deaf ears, Meow, I have been saying this for months. But players would rather change the game than change their style. Cause, afterall, they are HEROS! pfffffffft
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Vibe on April 11, 2012, 02:09:46 pm
There's always Native if you want OP archery :*
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: BlindGuy on April 11, 2012, 03:14:50 pm
There's always Native if you want OP archery :*

And OP polearms. And OP throwing. And OP lolstabs. And OP cav. And OP shields...wait...everything in native is massively powerful, and everything has a counter, when used effectively, just as here.
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Vibe on April 11, 2012, 03:16:33 pm
And OP polearms. And OP throwing. And OP lolstabs. And OP cav. And OP shields...wait...everything in native is massively powerful, and everything has a counter, when used effectively, just as here.

But nothing as OP as archery/xbows.
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Herkkutatti on April 11, 2012, 03:16:48 pm
Don't lie, only all kind of archery is op  (bows/xbows) in native.(throwing useless like in cRPG)
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Cup1d on April 11, 2012, 03:26:56 pm
In cRPG you guys receive better armor rating, better weight\armor ratio, longest 2handed weapons from fantasy, ability to wear all armor what you want and still have money, your natural counters was nerfed countless times. But it's not enough - river of tears still flow.
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: BlindGuy on April 11, 2012, 03:45:53 pm
... in native.(throwing useless like in cRPG)

Noob, throwing is ridiculously powerful, your post shows that like a large % of crpg players, you have not put much time into native. Throwing in native is NEVER absent from highskilled clan matches, since it is invaluable, and a guy with 2 stacks of throws with shield and sword is an archer rapist. Also destroys any nonshield cav, horse archers, and can reliably hold up the advance of enemy powerhouse classes, like swadian infantry and nord huscarl.

Not to mention in public, if you got Serranid team, the "Streetsweeper" bamboo spear with 3 stacks of javelins rolls over all 2handers, since they mostly spend their killcash on armour once they have their weapon bought.
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Herkkutatti on April 11, 2012, 03:51:11 pm
well, one thing in native is better than in crpg. Archers have less ATH than inf.
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Tears of Destiny on April 11, 2012, 07:04:57 pm
Good archers have an easy time on open plains. Crossbowmen, not so much. Crossbows are great for urban maps with hiding places, towers etc. while archers are great on plains.

This is probably one of the few sane on topic posts in this entire thread. I agree.
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Tzar on April 11, 2012, 07:06:22 pm
Nerf Archery Nerf Archery Nerf Archery

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Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Lactose_the_intolerant on April 11, 2012, 07:18:09 pm
Ok so before i start, I will state a few things :

i don't often come debate if archery is op in this thread, i jsut post sometimes my 2 cents about things that annoy me when i read some shit that goes on in this thread.
-I'll agree that the 2h lobby is the most retarded one we have in crpg
-That archery isnt amssively OP eventhough i have my very own griefs (such as loomed archery gear, epic headshot and some other stuff)
-That everyone should play at least archery one gen or two on main or an alt an to get some positive kd ratio before being all pro on forums about archery

But followind this (i read nearly every post of this forum since 2011 -Yes, I get bored in law classes) thread annoys the fuck out of me. I realise that in the arhcery lobby there are a few specimens that are as retarded as some 2h lobbyist, and yes I'm thinking of you Blindguy

But first I wish to answer to Meow post who posted his opinon and i thank him for that because he is the only member of dev team that does it (except maybe Paul who throws in some stats times to time to watch us fight like starving sharks over a piece of an australian surfer's leg).
Sadly enough you just get your ass licked by some here that take your words as truth just because you are part of the dev team. I beleive you wont take it against me if i'm opposed to your opinion and don't lick your ass ( the only thing we have in common is my mw heavy throwing axe you have in your face that I'm still waiting to retrieve from you!)

First of all trust me, when you one hit people with GLA it does create rage, like i rage when i get one hit by a morning star. rage is issued from anything that is unexpected,irrisistable...and does fuck loads of damage. Like when i throw a jarid at leshma running away that told me i did 75% damage (eventhough my testing on a clanmates alt, a plain 18/21 in medium armor  with no looms caused at best 50% damage) and comes on the thread "throwing is broken" jsut to say throwing is perflectly fine and very powerful. Or even when badplayer nearly gets his horse one shot by a thrower
But the fact you can block the axe with a block causes less rage and the player victim knows he can only blame himself (or is fucking stupid team mate for backslashing him when he was about to block.)

I dont want to seem all pro, 133t and other shit like that but I'v witnessed your playstyle very often meow on eu 1 or even pecores server, it consists of a strength build with a gla and rushing enemies lines. By doing that you create an insane clusterfuck around you where you swing your axe madly while the enemies try to gank you. While you dont care who you hit the opposing gankers oftenf ace two situations :

- or they dont give a fuck and swing as madly as you and risk team hitting or worse teamkilling
- or they are consciencious and try not to teamhit and wait for the occasion jsut to get slashed by a friendly or you when you turn around unexpected to them

result is, the damage dealt to you when you die is far inferior to the damage that you'v inflicted or that firendlies have done amongst themselves due to this chaos.

you say you take 5 arrows to kill someone, i say you cant generalise like that, all depends on the enemies build, looms etc. In average it takes me 3 to 5 arrows to kill someone
The very nature of melee gives it the opportunity of getting more kills, going "spamad" (spam-mad) in clustefucks (the number of people who jsut fail a simple block in those clusterfucks is impressive)
archery is a distance game where you dont put yourself in danger from the melee therefore the damage output isnt the same.

now this is the first thing that makes me go : "errrr no" in your post. saying to adapt to the game. I am sorry but no, this is a game, im not going to have the archery dictate what i should play, a strength build or a one hander. Even though i deeply agree that agi build are completly useless for battles and any one that makes one for battle is plain retarded, we are not going to make archery do reasanable damage to strentgh build and, oh, lets fuck the rest cuz who cares? they are cry babies anyways! Strength builds are amde to resist to damage and do good damage but lose versatality and speed (maybe the trade off isnt fair but that's another thread about "STR is imba").
Does it come to your mind that not every person that doesnt go pure strength isnt a 2h duelist my old friend that gets high on his own farts just because he owns on the duel serv?
i have loomed medium armor im not an agi build but more a balanced one and still take some heavy damage from archery.

range is easy, you just point and click take in account some elevation loss and speed travel of the target. but the main thing that makes me say that it's easy mode is you dont have someone in front of you to directlyc ontest your skill.
In melee it's very different, you have to be aware of attacks blocks chambers distance etc and when you fall on Chase the only thing you can do is hope someone is going to save your ass (or hold down block because he's jsut respecced to a piker)

I hope you wont take any of this eprsonnaly meow but somethings jsut annoyed me

And this is not talking about blindguy, you, my good sir, are one of the biggest arrogant prick this forum has, one of those guys that just gets high on your own farts, your the archer version of those 2h duelist that get high on kicking ass on duel server. you say that they are all whiners and elistest morons, but you are exactly at their level.
but your "prickness" doesnt limit itself to this thread (yes, i already said i read nearly every thread on this forum) you can find on another thread that has nothing to do with balancing.

and i see you are all pretending to be all native "connaisseurs" but i would like to recall that any 2h can also wear a shield and be an effective one hander AND shields actually have a forcefields, something you dont get here




Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Gurnisson on April 11, 2012, 07:26:30 pm
Noob, throwing is ridiculously powerful, your post shows that like a large % of crpg players, you have not put much time into native. Throwing in native is NEVER absent from highskilled clan matches, since it is invaluable, and a guy with 2 stacks of throws with shield and sword is an archer rapist. Also destroys any nonshield cav, horse archers, and can reliably hold up the advance of enemy powerhouse classes, like swadian infantry and nord huscarl.


Throwing is extremely powerful when used right. The only problem with throwing in crpg is that you have a bit too few throwing weapons in each stack. It should be a way to adjust the amount of throwing weapons to the amount of players on the servers. 3 axes in each stack in a 120 man server just limits it way too much. In native, 4 axes in each stack with a typical 8 vs. 8 or 10 vs. 10 is deadly. Vaegir archers might be the best units in native mp but getting javs/throwing axes counters them quite well and limits their effectiveness. I don't understand why there's so many dedicated shielders on crpg when you can get 3-4 PT and 60-70 wpf in throwing to chuck at archers when needed. They may not deal as much damage as those from dedicated throwers but every hit slows down the archer, and you can always loot back your missed axes/javs.
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Tears of Destiny on April 11, 2012, 07:28:40 pm
I read it all, well done lactose.
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: HUSTLER on April 11, 2012, 07:34:17 pm
Well spoken Lactose Meow should be muted in the balance section for all i care hes just random eu1 str behemoth with no idea how any other sorta build works  :lol:

But i guess we should all be str stacking since thats how the devs thinks melee builds should be.... Yawns...  :rolleyes:
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Tears of Destiny on April 11, 2012, 07:38:20 pm
Well, STR stacking works great in NA and even in singleplayer  :mrgreen:

To be fair, I think Meow does have a firm grasp on other classes, he posted a very food post a mnth or so ago on the various skills involved in classes, and compared them nicely.
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Vibe on April 11, 2012, 08:01:35 pm
Ok so before i start, I will state a few things :

i don't often come debate if archery is op in this thread, i jsut post sometimes my 2 cents about things that annoy me when i read some shit that goes on in this thread.
-I'll agree that the 2h lobby is the most retarded one we have in crpg
-That archery isnt amssively OP eventhough i have my very own griefs (such as loomed archery gear, epic headshot and some other stuff)
-That everyone should play at least archery one gen or two on main or an alt an to get some positive kd ratio before being all pro on forums about archery

But followind this (i read nearly every post of this forum since 2011 -Yes, I get bored in law classes) thread annoys the fuck out of me. I realise that in the arhcery lobby there are a few specimens that are as retarded as some 2h lobbyist, and yes I'm thinking of you Blindguy

But first I wish to answer to Meow post who posted his opinon and i thank him for that because he is the only member of dev team that does it (except maybe Paul who throws in some stats times to time to watch us fight like starving sharks over a piece of an australian surfer's leg).
Sadly enough you just get your ass licked by some here that take your words as truth just because you are part of the dev team. I beleive you wont take it against me if i'm opposed to your opinion and don't lick your ass ( the only thing we have in common is my mw heavy throwing axe you have in your face that I'm still waiting to retrieve from you!)

First of all trust me, when you one hit people with GLA it does create rage, like i rage when i get one hit by a morning star. rage is issued from anything that is unexpected,irrisistable...and does fuck loads of damage. Like when i throw a jarid at leshma running away that told me i did 75% damage (eventhough my testing on a clanmates alt, a plain 18/21 in medium armor  with no looms caused at best 50% damage) and comes on the thread "throwing is broken" jsut to say throwing is perflectly fine and very powerful. Or even when badplayer nearly gets his horse one shot by a thrower
But the fact you can block the axe with a block causes less rage and the player victim knows he can only blame himself (or is fucking stupid team mate for backslashing him when he was about to block.)

I dont want to seem all pro, 133t and other shit like that but I'v witnessed your playstyle very often meow on eu 1 or even pecores server, it consists of a strength build with a gla and rushing enemies lines. By doing that you create an insane clusterfuck around you where you swing your axe madly while the enemies try to gank you. While you dont care who you hit the opposing gankers oftenf ace two situations :

- or they dont give a fuck and swing as madly as you and risk team hitting or worse teamkilling
- or they are consciencious and try not to teamhit and wait for the occasion jsut to get slashed by a friendly or you when you turn around unexpected to them

result is, the damage dealt to you when you die is far inferior to the damage that you'v inflicted or that firendlies have done amongst themselves due to this chaos.

you say you take 5 arrows to kill someone, i say you cant generalise like that, all depends on the enemies build, looms etc. In average it takes me 3 to 5 arrows to kill someone
The very nature of melee gives it the opportunity of getting more kills, going "spamad" (spam-mad) in clustefucks (the number of people who jsut fail a simple block in those clusterfucks is impressive)
archery is a distance game where you dont put yourself in danger from the melee therefore the damage output isnt the same.

now this is the first thing that makes me go : "errrr no" in your post. saying to adapt to the game. I am sorry but no, this is a game, im not going to have the archery dictate what i should play, a strength build or a one hander. Even though i deeply agree that agi build are completly useless for battles and any one that makes one for battle is plain retarded, we are not going to make archery do reasanable damage to strentgh build and, oh, lets fuck the rest cuz who cares? they are cry babies anyways! Strength builds are amde to resist to damage and do good damage but lose versatality and speed (maybe the trade off isnt fair but that's another thread about "STR is imba").
Does it come to your mind that not every person that doesnt go pure strength isnt a 2h duelist my old friend that gets high on his own farts just because he owns on the duel serv?
i have loomed medium armor im not an agi build but more a balanced one and still take some heavy damage from archery.

range is easy, you just point and click take in account some elevation loss and speed travel of the target. but the main thing that makes me say that it's easy mode is you dont have someone in front of you to directlyc ontest your skill.
In melee it's very different, you have to be aware of attacks blocks chambers distance etc and when you fall on Chase the only thing you can do is hope someone is going to save your ass (or hold down block because he's jsut respecced to a piker)

I hope you wont take any of this eprsonnaly meow but somethings jsut annoyed me

And this is not talking about blindguy, you, my good sir, are one of the biggest arrogant prick this forum has, one of those guys that just gets high on your own farts, your the archer version of those 2h duelist that get high on kicking ass on duel server. you say that they are all whiners and elistest morons, but you are exactly at their level.
but your "prickness" doesnt limit itself to this thread (yes, i already said i read nearly every thread on this forum) you can find on another thread that has nothing to do with balancing.

and i see you are all pretending to be all native "connaisseurs" but i would like to recall that any 2h can also wear a shield and be an effective one hander AND shields actually have a forcefields, something you dont get here




Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Logen on April 11, 2012, 09:24:28 pm
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Herkkutatti on April 11, 2012, 09:32:19 pm
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Piok on April 11, 2012, 09:53:20 pm

Nerf Archery and also Xbow :!:
Cause if you nerf only archery there will be more xbowers.
And nothing is worser then sneaky Mw arbalester.
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Havoco on April 11, 2012, 09:57:37 pm
A fallen member wanting an archery nerf..... UNHEARD OF
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Tears of Destiny on April 11, 2012, 09:59:36 pm
A fallen member wanting an archery nerf..... UNHEARD OF

I can think of 5 from the top of my head *shrugs*
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Tzar on April 11, 2012, 10:03:02 pm
Nerfing Archery is like stealing a wheelchair from a disabled child ^ ... just because archers have no skills they should still be able to participate somewhat on the same level with the rest of us  :lol:
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Herkkutatti on April 11, 2012, 10:05:30 pm
 :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Paul on April 11, 2012, 10:48:37 pm
Polestagger might get reworked once archer discrimination in this forum stops.
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Lactose_the_intolerant on April 11, 2012, 11:00:22 pm
Polestagger might get reworked once archer discrimination in this forum stops.

i translate

Paul to 2H lobby :

"Heeeeeere little doggy, here little boy, I'v got a bone for you, who's a good boy? whoooo's a good boy? you are!"
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Tzar on April 11, 2012, 11:19:28 pm
Polestagger might get reworked once archer discrimination in this forum stops.

visitors can't see pics , please register or login
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Tears of Destiny on April 11, 2012, 11:23:42 pm
Polestagger might get reworked once archer discrimination in this forum stops.

So, never, basically.  :lol:
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: rufio on April 11, 2012, 11:25:07 pm
Polestagger might get reworked once archer discrimination in this forum stops.

stop lieing paul, you are probably one of the main reasons archery is still op
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Lactose_the_intolerant on April 11, 2012, 11:27:23 pm
for all the people who just concluded "nerf archery" after my post, that wasnt the goal.

but now im in this thread, this is what i think should be done :
reduce ubr headshot damage and turn loom arrows into extra arrows and not damage then archery would be fine for me and i would still be raging when i get shot  8-)

ps oh yea, and some love for longbow
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Vibe on April 11, 2012, 11:38:22 pm
for all the people who just concluded "nerf archery" after my post, that wasnt the goal.

but now im in this thread, this is what i think should be done :
reduce ubr headshot damage and turn loom arrows into extra arrows and not damage then archery would be fine for me and i would still be raging when i get shot  8-)

ps oh yea, and some love for longbow

so what you're saying is... nerf archery?
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Lactose_the_intolerant on April 11, 2012, 11:43:46 pm
so what you're saying is... nerf archery?

I give up  :evil:
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: BlindGuy on April 11, 2012, 11:52:25 pm
I can think of 5 from the top of my head *shrugs*

I think you encountered the deployment of sarcasm, its new thing. Youll get used to it.
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Spanish on April 12, 2012, 12:00:50 am
I miss murdering all those fallen archers from horseback now I can only find two or three compared to the time  when i could have sworn that half the enemy team was fallen archers :/

I don't see anything wrong with bow right now except killing an enemy quickly with on eludes me even when my shots connect with heads i swear ppl are immune to arrows
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Havoco on April 12, 2012, 12:05:08 am
I miss murdering all those fallen archers from horseback now I can only find two or three compared to the time  when i could have sworn that half the enemy team was fallen archers :/

I don't see anything wrong with bow right now except killing an enemy quickly with on eludes me even when my shots connect with heads i swear ppl are immune to arrows
This... fallen used to be almost all archers.
Polestagger might get reworked once archer discrimination in this forum stops.
LOL.... +100 for paul
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Tears of Destiny on April 12, 2012, 12:05:48 am
turn loom arrows into extra arrows and not damage then archery would be fine for me and i would still be raging when i get shot  8-)

What do you think of this?,17322.msg247132.html#msg247132

This... fallen used to be almost all archers.LOL....

Note that as the Fallen Archers decreased, my time spent in game decreased and my presence on the forums increased... Food for thought.
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Lactose_the_intolerant on April 12, 2012, 12:17:47 am
What do you think of this?,17322.msg247132.html#msg247132

Note that as the Fallen Archers decreased, my time spent in game decreased and my presence on the forums increased... Food for thought.

iv got a 4 h law lesson tomorrow, ill read all that tomorrow, thank you for bringing it up, it should occupy my morning, right now im f***** and going to bed  8-)

edit : apparently i +1 your post when i read it (octobre 2011, told ya i was everywhere  8-))
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Son Of Odin on April 12, 2012, 02:56:32 pm

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Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Lech on April 12, 2012, 04:15:32 pm
stop lieing paul, you are probably one of the main reasons archery is still op

Yeah, he is, but it's not that simple. Many things are broken engine-side and he can't fix them.
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: BlindGuy on April 12, 2012, 04:28:08 pm
No Lech, also a lot of things ARENT broken, and he doesnt change them, because archery is pathetic, ubernerfed, and UP. Spammy shielders are the most unnerfed at the moment, but you cant seem to accept that.
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Tears of Destiny on April 12, 2012, 05:48:10 pm
I don't see archery as UP, I think it is in a good place. When I'm not distracted by TS, I'm usually in the top 7 of the leaderboard, and I'm an okay player who is level crutching. Considering the majority of the top scoring players are not bowmen, I think it is not OP either. The damage dealt statistics recently released also seemed pretty reasonable too.
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Meow on April 12, 2012, 06:15:30 pm
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saying to adapt to the game. I am sorry but no, this is a game, im not going to have the archery dictate what i should play, a strength build or a one hander.
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I actually read most of it and you summed up my charge and havoc tactic pretty well :mrgreen:
You do not know my alts though.

The part I did not spoiler is a bit weird since by nerfing archers further you are dictating how they have to play.

Oh god plate archers ---> WPF penalty ---> lower armor ---> omg melee archers! ---> Slot system ---> fleeing archers due to lack of melee capability.

You guys forced them into their current role and now it's a problem...
Don't get it.
But totally going back to archery in 500k xp =)

It's just a game let's just keep it as it is and feel free to play what you like but if you fail to adept to the battlefield then you will be a bad player.

Also dumbing down ranged to point and click is not exactly how it works but I figure you know that.

I also like how you say everyone who agrees with me is a brown noser, massive fail understanding that your opinion is also just an opinion like mine.
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Teeth on April 12, 2012, 07:21:54 pm
Probably said this in here already, but I'll repeat myself. Changes that have been made to archery made the archer with melee capabilities almost extinct. Furthermore, if you would for example give archers a less steep wpf curve, no one would put the extra wpf into melee, they'd rather put some more into archery. Why is that? Because they can run away. An archer with melee capabilities is completely possible and viable, but they all want that 2 slot bow, those 2 stacks of arrows and as much accuracy as they can get.

I would much rather see archers as most of them were historically. Wearing quite a bit of armor and armed with a melee weapon. They fire volleys into the enemy ranks, but if they get catched in the fray, they are able to defend themselves.

Running away as an archer should be made less viable. They tend to have quite a bit of agi and barely any armor so they can outrun pretty much all infantry.

A good start to fix this would be to disable archers with their bows in hand to reach sprint speed. After 2-3 seconds of running your character suddenly speeds up to his maximum speed. If archers can't do that anymore, running away while being chased is not an option, while still being able to sidestep after every shot. They can switch weapon and sprint, but no more run/turn/shoot shenanigans.

Also prevent archers from taking 2 stacks of arrows, so they always have room for a proper melee weapon.

To compensate for the loss of mobility, the wpf decrease for wearing armor should be reduced a lot. Armor just does not decrease archery capabilities much. Arrow stack size should be increased and break chance should be reduced. Splitting proficencies for archers should be encouraged and be made more viable. Give them considerably more melee capabilities, without nerfing their current range capabilities much. Enable battle archers, no actually, force archers to be battle archers. As long as the possibility is there to get more accuracy and damage by being a wpf whoring cowardly archer, most will do it.

The archer in peasant garbs, that runs away when anyone comes close, should be changed into an uneffective gimmick build, that trembles in fear of his mighty armored and brave battle archer brethren.

These are proper archers
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Oh, implement deployable stakes, doesn't matter if they don't damage horses if they run into them, stopping them is good enough.

tl;dr version:
Nerf running away capabilities to the ground, force melee capabilities on archers while leaving their ranged capabilities mostly untouched.
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Lactose_the_intolerant on April 12, 2012, 07:27:56 pm
The part I did not spoiler is a bit weird since by nerfing archers further you are dictating how they have to play.
if you read well my post my meow, i never said they were really overpowered, i just believe some tweaks could be in order!
But i see you just stick me into the anti archery lobby... i really like playing archery

It's just a game let's just keep it as it is and feel free to play what you like but if you fail to adept to the battlefield then you will be a bad player.

I am sorry but no, this is a game, im not going to have the archery dictate what i should play, a strength build or a one hander. Even though i deeply agree that agi build are completly useless for battles and any one that makes one for battle is plain retarded, we are not going to make archery do reasanable damage to strentgh build and, oh, lets fuck the rest cuz who cares? they are cry babies anyways! Strength builds are made to resist to damage and do good damage but lose versatality and speed (maybe the trade off isnt fair but that's another thread about "STR is imba").

You talk about adapting, yes of course, when  game mechanics change. I was cav when the lance angle got changed, we all had to adapt, some more easier then others. But there is, imo, a difference between forcing all players to adapt to one class. And this is what you seem to put forwards, go STR or shielder or dont play battle....great...
now question is, was 2h dictating their game just because they didnt want to see archers? or was it justified nerfs?

you speak like i asked for all these archery nerfs...

I also like how you say everyone who agrees with me is a brown noser, massive fail understanding that your opinion is also just an opinion like mine.

I said this because the only reaction we got after your thread where :
meow for president!

Your speaking to deaf ears, Meow, I have been saying this for months. But players would rather change the game than change their style. Cause, afterall, they are HEROS! pfffffffft

there was no one that made a real response and no one came to really argue with you
But first I wish to answer to Meow post who posted his opinon and i thank him for that because he...

i know my opinion is just as valuable as yours...wasnt treating you like if you were a retard or elsewhat...

ps : saying archers cant fight inst true, i beleive in the tenne's school of archery : longbow 15 bodkins and a langes messer 1 slot that i use as a two hander. i get kills with both weapons.

ps 2 : i support your idea tears (i loled at the overdramatic posts, "YOUR KILLING ARCHERY QQQQQQQQQQQQ)
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Tears of Destiny on April 12, 2012, 07:29:58 pm
I would much rather see archers as most of them were historically. Wearing quite a bit of armor and armed with a melee weapon. They fire volleys into the enemy ranks, but if they get catched in the fray, they are able to defend themselves.

See, I used to do just that, but then this happened:
Oh god plate archers ---> WPF penalty ---> lower armor ---> omg melee archers! ---> Slot system ---> fleeing archers due to lack of melee capability.

So I am playing the exact class that the community forced upon me.

I used to use a Miaodao, now I use a stick.
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Teeth on April 12, 2012, 07:30:46 pm
So I am playing the exact class that the community forced upon me.
The community is a bunch of retards, don't listen to them.
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Lactose_the_intolerant on April 12, 2012, 07:32:36 pm

Running away as an archer should be made less viable. They tend to have quite a bit of agi and barely any armor so they can outrun pretty much all infantry.

i looked at archer builds, they all seem to invest like 6 or 7 ath. i invested 5 ath and got 4 ps 50 wpf in 2h and 150 in archery.
I of course avoid combat but at least i can help a friend instead of stiking an arrow in its back. Or when i get in a fight, it goes on, he backpeddals and then  :mrgreen:

I would much rather see archers as most of them were historically. Wearing quite a bit of armor and armed with a melee weapon. They fire volleys into the enemy ranks, but if they get catched in the fray, they are able to defend themselves.

I'd support this, but dont make it like in native where an archer can also be an elite meleer  8-)
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Lech on April 12, 2012, 07:37:53 pm
No Lech, also a lot of things ARENT broken, and he doesnt change them, because archery is pathetic, ubernerfed, and UP. Spammy shielders are the most unnerfed at the moment, but you cant seem to accept that.

Spammy shielders are broken in their own special way. They are broken thanks to game engine. Are they most unnerfed ? No, there are few less nerfed classes around. And archers aren't up, they are op in battle mode actually.
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Tears of Destiny on April 12, 2012, 07:40:18 pm
Wait, Shields are now considered OP?

What the...
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Gurnisson on April 12, 2012, 07:52:28 pm
So you can't use any good melee weapon because of the slot system? I call bullshit on that one. Iberian Mace, Espada, Military Pick/Sickle, Langes Messer are all very good 1-slot weapons that can easily be used next to a bow of some sort.

However, the thing is that if you loom your bow and bodkins all the way your damage with 6 PD is faaaar superior to that of the melee weapon. And the funny thing is, with 6 PD you can easily get enough athletics to always run and gun. Why use the less powerful and more dangerous option which is the melee weapon? Smart archers do run and gun, but it doesn't change the fact that it's silly both silly and overpowered. Wouldn't mind making the two top bows 1 slot and severely increase the weight of all bows
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Rumblood on April 12, 2012, 09:36:18 pm

See, I used to do just that, but then this happened:

Quote from: Meow on Today at 15:15:30
    Oh god plate archers ---> WPF penalty ---> lower armor ---> omg melee archers! ---> Slot system ---> fleeing archers due to lack of melee capability.

So I am playing the exact class that the community forced upon me.

Exactly. They asked for it, they got it, now they can live with it.  :idea:
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: rufio on April 13, 2012, 12:30:36 am
yes yes you guys are making sense , true true true

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Title: Re: archery..
Post by: XyNox on April 13, 2012, 12:51:40 am
fackin cant believe the shit pouring out of this thread[/spoiler]

It seems to keep reseting itself once all the bullshit has been posted just to start over and again.
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: rufio on April 13, 2012, 12:54:20 am
the circlejerk will continue, in this eternal battle, but i have faith one day the god of ;;nerf op archery;; will awnser our prayrs, and drive out the devil of ';;archery is ok it isnt op its actuall up;;
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: XyNox on April 13, 2012, 12:55:56 am
the circlejerk will continue, in this eternal battle, but i have faith one day the god of ;;nerf op archery;; will awnser our prayrs, and drive out the devil of ';;archery is ok it isnt op its actuall up;;

You are aware you just hit the reset button, are you ?
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: rufio on April 13, 2012, 01:02:10 am
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Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Meow on April 13, 2012, 11:36:23 am
So you can't use any good melee weapon because of the slot system? I call bullshit on that one. Iberian Mace, Espada, Military Pick/Sickle, Langes Messer are all very good 1-slot weapons that can easily be used next to a bow of some sort.

However, the thing is that if you loom your bow and bodkins all the way your damage with 6 PD is faaaar superior to that of the melee weapon. And the funny thing is, with 6 PD you can easily get enough athletics to always run and gun. Why use the less powerful and more dangerous option which is the melee weapon? Smart archers do run and gun, but it doesn't change the fact that it's silly both silly and overpowered. Wouldn't mind making the two top bows 1 slot and severely increase the weight of all bows

Haha faaaar superior where?
Maybe at 8 PD with a long bow when you hardly can hit a building at range...

If anything increase weight of arrows and make them deployable.
Then again that would force archers to spawn camp since they won't arrive in combat before the enemy infantry does.

But hey why think about consequences just do random nerfs and give people another reason to whine :mrgreen:

I agree, there are ok melee weapons. I personally used a mace.
This gen I will go 9 ath and run like a bitch with 3 stacks of bodkins :mrgreen:
Why? Because I can not wear decent armor and need all my wpf in archery to be effective.
Why? Because people cried for nerfs alllll the time :mrgreen:

Everyone here play an archer from 1 to 31 (screens or it never happened) I will do the same with an 18/21 2h build next gen.

Then we talk.
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: _Tak_ on April 13, 2012, 12:04:27 pm
Do any of you think crossbowery is fine? All of you just whine about archery but never crossbow lol.
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Cup1d on April 13, 2012, 12:23:19 pm
Do any of you think crossbowery is fine? All of you just whine about archery but never crossbow lol.

Crossbowery in cRPG is ridiculously buffed in comparison with Native.

However, the thing is that if you loom your bow and bodkins all the way your damage with 6 PD is faaaar superior to that of the melee weapon.

Please justify this with some formula and examples. Or I'll take this as another «best joke of the day» about archery
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Gurnisson on April 13, 2012, 12:35:12 pm
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Title: Re: archery..
Post by: SirProto on April 13, 2012, 01:21:34 pm

Crossbowery in cRPG is ridiculously buffed in comparison with Native.

Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Herkkutatti on April 13, 2012, 01:32:35 pm
Do any of you think crossbowery is fine? All of you just whine about archery but never crossbow lol.
Xbows are fine
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Cup1d on April 13, 2012, 02:22:58 pm
Crossbows are weak compared to native.

Maximum damage output with crossbows in native multiplayer = 65pierce
Maximum damage output with crossbows in cRPG = 100 pierce or literally oneshot.

I can tell you more - you can have same 65pierce with MW Light Crossbow and MW Steel bolts. And Light Crossbow reloads much faster than native Siege crossbow. Also you can use Light Crossbow on horseback.

So what? Where did you find «weak crossbows» here?

Sorry Gurnisson, but you are degrade to LeshMichael level.
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Vibe on April 13, 2012, 02:26:38 pm
Maximum damage output with crossbows in native multiplayer = 65pierce
Maximum damage output with crossbows in cRPG = 100 pierce or literally oneshot.

I can tell you more - you can have same 65pierce with MW Light Crossbow and MW Steel bolts. And Light Crossbow reloads much faster than native Siege crossbow. Also you can use Light Crossbow on horseback.

The armor formula is different in cRPG, so is the damage loss over distance, so is the wpf effect on crosshair size. These are all better in native.
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Cup1d on April 13, 2012, 02:29:31 pm
The armor formula is different in cRPG, so is the damage loss over distance, so is the wpf effect on crosshair size. These are all better in native.

Yes. In Native you can equip Siege crossbow, grab a horse and make point-blanc shots in the enemy face as horsecrossbowman. Indeed.
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Vibe on April 13, 2012, 02:30:25 pm
Yes. In Native you can equip Siege crossbow, grab a horse and make point-blanc shots in the enemy face as horsecrossbowman. Indeed.

That's a different matter
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Cup1d on April 13, 2012, 02:34:06 pm
Also you can have troll char in Native with 65pierce damage xbow and 12 athletics for example.
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Vibe on April 13, 2012, 02:39:39 pm
Also you can have troll char in Native with 65pierce damage xbow and 12 athletics for example.

ur mom
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Cup1d on April 13, 2012, 02:44:14 pm
ur mom

It's good time for all of you to unite and make another QQclan
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Lactose_the_intolerant on April 13, 2012, 03:48:30 pm
xbows reload 3 times slower then in native.

Selective memory  :rolleyes:
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: XyNox on April 13, 2012, 07:44:11 pm
Jeez rufio cant you see what you are doing ?

Put this thread out of its misery already !

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Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Gurnisson on April 14, 2012, 12:31:20 pm
Maximum damage output with crossbows in native multiplayer = 65pierce
Maximum damage output with crossbows in cRPG = 100 pierce or literally oneshot.

I can tell you more - you can have same 65pierce with MW Light Crossbow and MW Steel bolts. And Light Crossbow reloads much faster than native Siege crossbow. Also you can use Light Crossbow on horseback.

So what? Where did you find «weak crossbows» here?

Sorry Gurnisson, but you are degrade to LeshMichael level.

True that, crossbows are buffed from native, that's why everyone's using the overpowered +3 light xbow with + 3 steel bolts. And no one's using +3 Rus/Horn with +3 bodkins because they're that nerfed from native. Wait a second... :rolleyes:

Rain fucks up crossbows 50 % of the maps, the 100 pierce arbalest takes ages to reload while the siege xbow from native with 65 pierce takes almost no time at all. Higher possible damage output from a native siege xbow by far. The horrendous missile speed of the light xbow coupled with lower accuracy makes it that much better than the siege xbow in native too, right?

Go pure xbow with light xbow on cRPG, then do a few rounds as a rhodok xbowman on native and tell me that cRPG xbows were buffed. If you tell me that, Michael Cup1d, I know you'll be lying. :)
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Bobthehero on April 15, 2012, 01:49:56 am
But we all agree that we should buff Swashbucklers... right?
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Vibe on April 16, 2012, 07:36:49 am
But we all agree that we should buff Swashbucklers... right?

By nerfing archery swashbucklers will be buffed!
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Son Of Odin on April 16, 2012, 06:40:56 pm
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Ronin on April 16, 2012, 06:57:25 pm
But we all agree that we should buff Swashbucklers... right?
I'd love to see a swashbuckler buff. Though; If you want a swashbuckler buff, you should be focusing on other aspects of the game and come with a brilliant idea. "Not using a shield that can protect you from arrows" is not the idea you should be focusing on. Since this is also true for 2hander/pole as well. Simply, this is not the thread you're looking for :lol:

I think xbow and archery is balanced, and has it's different uses. If you are a crossbow and when you encounter an archer. You have only one chance for success. After you shoot, you won't be able to shoot again unless there is a place you can hide. Even after you hide, you will only have one chance again that most likely archer is very near to you know. What I'm trying to say is, they are very similiar in native when it comes to play (only shield difference). But it is more different in cRPG. I mean the difference is more bigger than that. crossbowman has to rely on one-shot killing, while the archer is having his/her strength from being able to release arrows repeatedly. And boy, their arrows do hurt if they use a loomed set.

Basically they both have power and in my opinion they are close to being balanced among each other. But surely, a crossbowman would think an archer can fire arrows all the time. So he must be overpowered. And an archer would think a crossbowman/crossbowwoman can shot down enemies easier. That is because both classes suffer from different kind of weaknesses, and feel them in their arses all the time. Which is something unlike native. That you never think you are weak as an archer or crossbowman/crossbowwoman.
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: kono yaro! on April 17, 2012, 04:24:30 am


Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Paul on April 17, 2012, 08:17:52 am
Ranged kills(EU1) in cRPG over the course of time:

June 2011
[21:07] <Fasader> Bow: 9274 (9.62%)
[21:07] <Fasader> Crossbows: 4035 (4.18%)
[21:07] <Fasader> Thrown: 439 (0.46%)
[21:07] <Fasader> Headshot: 4162 (4.32%)

July 2011
[17:43] <Fasader> Bow: 24489 (7.38%)
[17:43] <Fasader> Crossbows: 13357 (4.02%)
[17:43] <Fasader> Thrown: 3612 (1.09%)
[17:43] <Fasader> Headshot: 12158 (3.66%)

September 2011
[18:19] <Fasader> Bow: 3512 (7.91%)
[18:19] <Fasader> Crossbows: 1741 (3.92%)
[18:19] <Fasader> Thrown: 621 (1.40%)
[18:19] <Fasader> Headshot: 1666 (3.75%)

December 2011
[21:17] <Fasader> Bow: 11064 (7.91%)
[21:17] <Fasader> Crossbows: 7808 (5.58%)
[21:17] <Fasader> Thrown: 2399 (1.71%)
[21:17] <Fasader> Headshot: 5212 (3.72%)

April 2012
[21:41] <Fasader> Bow: 7316 (4.45%)
[21:41] <Fasader> Crossbows: 5400 (3.29%)
[21:41] <Fasader> Thrown: 1978 (1.20%)
[21:41] <Fasader> Headshot: 5206 (3.17%)

When I joined the battle servers lately as melee guy without a shield, the ranged pressure was very low compared to earlier times. It is a joke that people still complain about (foot) archers. If there is a problem with HA or HX then it probably comes from the lack of ranged footmen that keep them in check.
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Arrowblood on April 17, 2012, 11:48:51 am
+1 Finally
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Bulzur on April 17, 2012, 03:34:55 pm
April 2012
[21:41] <Fasader> Bow: 7316 (4.45%)
[21:41] <Fasader> Crossbows: 5400 (3.29%)
[21:41] <Fasader> Thrown: 1978 (1.20%)
[21:41] <Fasader> Headshot: 5206 (3.17%)

When I joined the battle servers lately as melee guy without a shield, the ranged pressure was very low compared to earlier times. It is a joke that people still complain about (foot) archers. If there is a problem with HA or HX then it probably comes from the lack of ranged footmen that keep them in check.

(foot) archery is dangerous if you have backup. Else, you're bound to get lanced failing to hear the horse. Horse archery is just better than foot archery, even if it's a bit more expensive, it's totally worth it. Not to say that you can even do nice melee kills thanks to your horse speed bonus.

HA is the "evolution" of foot archers, so of course, you'll see fewer and fewer of thoses, thus more and more complain about HA and HX.

Unfortunately, this is the truth.
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: F i n on April 17, 2012, 03:51:11 pm
You charging in without shield or care and dying to arrows is not a reason to nerf archers!
Get a shield or use those of your mates. Use the cover on the maps and work together with your team-ranged.

Im saying this as a thrower which is frequently killed by archers. But when i get shot its either my own fault not taking cover or the archer's skill's just too high. And i still think both doesnt justify a nerf.

Get a shield or use those of your mates. Use the cover on the maps and work together with your team-ranged.

Open a cry-thread in offtopic instead... and dont spam the game balance discussion with 2h ppl crying.

And by the way... Archers don't complain about the 2h advantage in closecombat either...

Don't expect your class to be superiour in every game situation. Thats just stupid.

Defend the catapult,

Title: Re: archery..
Post by: F i n on April 17, 2012, 03:52:21 pm
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: MrShine on April 17, 2012, 04:40:23 pm
(foot) archery is dangerous if you have backup. Else, you're bound to get lanced failing to hear the horse. Horse archery is just better than foot archery, even if it's a bit more expensive, it's totally worth it. Not to say that you can even do nice melee kills thanks to your horse speed bonus.

HA is the "evolution" of foot archers, so of course, you'll see fewer and fewer of thoses, thus more and more complain about HA and HX.

Unfortunately, this is the truth.

Horse archery is better than foot archery?  A much more expensive, much more skill point intensive, much less damaging, much less accurate, much more weapon restricted, much more maneuverable horse archer is better than foot archery?

I disagree, I think they are a completely different type of archer, and certainly not the "evolution" of foot archers.
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: narref on April 17, 2012, 04:50:18 pm
Ranged kills(EU1) in cRPG over the course of time:

June 2011
[21:07] <Fasader> Bow: 9274 (9.62%)
[21:07] <Fasader> Crossbows: 4035 (4.18%)
[21:07] <Fasader> Thrown: 439 (0.46%)
[21:07] <Fasader> Headshot: 4162 (4.32%)

July 2011
[17:43] <Fasader> Bow: 24489 (7.38%)
[17:43] <Fasader> Crossbows: 13357 (4.02%)
[17:43] <Fasader> Thrown: 3612 (1.09%)
[17:43] <Fasader> Headshot: 12158 (3.66%)

September 2011
[18:19] <Fasader> Bow: 3512 (7.91%)
[18:19] <Fasader> Crossbows: 1741 (3.92%)
[18:19] <Fasader> Thrown: 621 (1.40%)
[18:19] <Fasader> Headshot: 1666 (3.75%)

December 2011
[21:17] <Fasader> Bow: 11064 (7.91%)
[21:17] <Fasader> Crossbows: 7808 (5.58%)
[21:17] <Fasader> Thrown: 2399 (1.71%)
[21:17] <Fasader> Headshot: 5212 (3.72%)

April 2012
[21:41] <Fasader> Bow: 7316 (4.45%)
[21:41] <Fasader> Crossbows: 5400 (3.29%)
[21:41] <Fasader> Thrown: 1978 (1.20%)
[21:41] <Fasader> Headshot: 5206 (3.17%)

When I joined the battle servers lately as melee guy without a shield, the ranged pressure was very low compared to earlier times. It is a joke that people still complain about (foot) archers. If there is a problem with HA or HX then it probably comes from the lack of ranged footmen that keep them in check.

But what's with January, February, March cause the fact that the amount of bow kills have been reduced in a single moth (wich hasn't finished already) doesn't mean much, statistically speaking
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Kafein on April 17, 2012, 04:51:12 pm
The number of kills don't matter that much.

What matters is that killing the best players of the enemy team is much easier with a ranged weapon than with anything else. They all have good melee defense and cav defense skills. Ranged defense skill ? There is no such thing. Dodging is cool, but only works when you stay far enough, which is a problem for melee characters. The protection angle of shields is so small you can actually bypass it if you move around at facehug range with a bow so they are out too.

The number of times I've seen top players killing 4+ melee enemies alone at round end is huge. The same with 4+ archers ? That never happens.

Also, projectiles kill horses and that isn't tracked.
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Moncho on April 17, 2012, 05:34:25 pm
The number of times I've seen top players killing 4+ melee enemies alone at round end is huge. The same with 4+ archers ? That never happens.

Also, projectiles kill horses and that isn't tracked.

I do that a lot, if I ever am near the top of the scoreboard it is usually either because of teamplay or because I managed to ninja around the archers and get 4-5 of them, so I disagree strongly with this. Ok, I am a shielder, but still, I disagree strongly with you

But what's with January, February, March cause the fact that the amount of bow kills have been reduced in a single moth (wich hasn't finished already) doesn't mean much, statistically speaking

The number is not the important bit, but the percentage. wich has reduced significantly (to half in archers, slightly in crossbows, tripled in throwing :O ) since june. I honestly doubt that ranged play more toward the end of the month.
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: MrShine on April 17, 2012, 05:34:43 pm
The number of kills don't matter that much.

What matters is that killing the best players of the enemy team is much easier with a ranged weapon than with anything else.

And are you suggesting that all archers decided that April was the month where they ignored peasants and focused only on the best players, accounting for the reduction in kills?

Is that how you are justifying this?

Also you say that there is no "ranged defense" skill... um I'm sorry but that's exactly what dodging is.. oh yeah and those wooden things that you can carry in your left hand.
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Leshma on April 17, 2012, 05:37:23 pm
I support archery buff.
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Tears of Destiny on April 17, 2012, 05:38:10 pm
I feel like the only person who can play this game, lol when I die, and keep playing without raging on the forums.

Feels good to be able to play c-RPG and have massive fun. Last time I raged was because the siege server was making me teleport every 2 seconds and a half (which is no fault of the mod).

This is all just sad...
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Cup1d on April 17, 2012, 05:50:09 pm
Also you say that there is no "ranged defense" skill... um I'm sorry but that's exactly what dodging is.. oh yeah and those wooden things that you can carry in your left hand.

I also heard that armor can help a bit. If you wear armor this bastards need 8-10 arrows to kill you, not 2-5.
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Kafein on April 17, 2012, 05:57:49 pm
I do that a lot, if I ever am near the top of the scoreboard it is usually either because of teamplay or because I managed to ninja around the archers and get 4-5 of them, so I disagree strongly with this. Ok, I am a shielder, but still, I disagree strongly with you

I doubt you ninja around archers when you are the last player of your team.

The number is not the important bit, but the percentage. wich has reduced significantly (to half in archers, slightly in crossbows, tripled in throwing :O ) since june. I honestly doubt that ranged play more toward the end of the month.

When I was saying "number", I was referring to percentages. Absolute numbers have no use in this discussion and that seemed evident to me.

I do think there are (relatively to the cRPG population) less ranged chars around than pre-263, though, and more or less the same decrease in ranged kills, but my point that they do have a very important power in battle mode still stands.

And are you suggesting that all archers decided that April was the month where they ignored peasants and focused only on the best players, accounting for the reduction in kills?

Is that how you are justifying this?

No. But even terrible archers that always aim for whom they think they can kill in one shot will eventually end up targetting the gamechangers.

Also you say that there is no "ranged defense" skill... um I'm sorry but that's exactly what dodging is..

That is exactly what dodging is, and dodging is utterly UP. Compare the effectiveness and reliability of blocking a melee attack and dodging a ranged attack. Blocking is reliable, if you do it right it can't end up bad for you and doesn't lose it's effectivity when you actually want to kill your opponent. Dodging is random and becomes more and more ineffective if you try to come closer to the ranged character.

oh yeah and those wooden things that you can carry in your left hand.

I have described how UP shields are as a ranged protection in my previous post so maybe you should refer to it and develop specific arguments about them. If you want more material I can add that the protection becomes hardly useful against 2 archers and definetly non-existent against more, which isn't the case when a shielder fights a melee blob.
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Lactose_the_intolerant on April 17, 2012, 05:58:30 pm
just love it when paul posts his stats, it gives more steam to the train and i get more to read  8-)
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Vote on April 17, 2012, 06:02:39 pm
I support archery buff.

Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Cup1d on April 17, 2012, 06:03:05 pm
Kafein, I remember how some shielder Olwen constantly made 50kills\2death at every map in august-december 2010. When every archer has 300 wpf in archery, and Olwen has only 5 in shield skill and 5 athletics.

So, it's not about shields, it's about ability to play good.
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Leshma on April 17, 2012, 06:14:08 pm

Because archery is underpowered and only the best players are able to top scoreboard as archers. Same can be said for 1H.
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Vote on April 17, 2012, 06:21:36 pm
Because archery is underpowered and only the best players are able to top scoreboard as archers. Same can be said for 1H.

An archer can one shot you with a head shot or 2 shot your body armor around 50 with +3 rusbow and bodkins.
Archery is a support class and should not top the scorer boards, low risk = low reward.
The problem of archers is the big number of horsemen.
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Gurnisson on April 17, 2012, 06:26:49 pm
An archer can one shot you with a head shot or 2 shot your body armor around 50 with +3 rusbow and bodkins.

The problem imo. Regular archers are underpowered if anything, but same can't be said about the fully heirloomed ones who are overpowered if anything.
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: narref on April 17, 2012, 06:29:37 pm
The number is not the important bit, but the percentage. wich has reduced significantly (to half in archers, slightly in crossbows, tripled in throwing :O ) since june. I honestly doubt that ranged play more toward the end of the month.

And are you suggesting that all archers decided that April was the month where they ignored peasants and focused only on the best players, accounting for the reduction in kills?

Is that how you are justifying this?

What i meant is that you just can't say that the "average mean" has actually gone lower and it isn't just a consequence of the normal variation because that mean variates every month so you cant say it's gone significantly lower just with just a so little information.
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Leshma on April 17, 2012, 06:30:39 pm
Archery is a support class and should not top the scorer boards, low risk = low reward.

Same can be said for pikemen, yet I see them on top more than I see ranged classes.
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Lactose_the_intolerant on April 17, 2012, 06:33:03 pm
Same can be said for pikemen, yet I see them on top more than I see ranged classes.

problem is, pikes are more then a viable duel weapon for the ones who know how to wield it.

dunno who was talking about shields, but i beleive shields had bigger forcefields back then no?
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Cup1d on April 17, 2012, 06:37:02 pm
Same can be said for pikemen, yet I see them on top more than I see ranged classes.

That's because Pike has comparable with bows range, better speed, more damage, cheaper, team friendly, and you can hit while doing 360° spinstab.

Also pike can hit enemy through the wall
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Rumblood on April 17, 2012, 06:40:42 pm
Archery is a support class and should not top the scorer boards, low risk = low reward.

Funny, I don't see "support class" listed in the c-RPG manual anywhere  :?:
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Gurnisson on April 17, 2012, 06:41:11 pm
That's because Pike has comparable with bows range, better speed, more damage, cheaper, team friendly, and you can hit while doing 360° spinstab.

Hello Michael
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: MrShine on April 17, 2012, 06:42:24 pm

That is exactly what dodging is, and dodging is utterly UP. Compare the effectiveness and reliability of blocking a melee attack and dodging a ranged attack. Blocking is reliable, if you do it right it can't end up bad for you and doesn't lose it's effectivity when you actually want to kill your opponent. Dodging is random and becomes more and more ineffective if you try to come closer to the ranged character.

I disagree, dodging is a fantastic way to avoid most ranged damage. No you can't (and shouldn't) be 100% effective at dodging, but if you end up taking 1 arrow when closing on an archer instead of taking 3 or 4, you just reduced the archer's damage to you by 66-75%.  Dodging is like anything else, the more you practice the better you will be at it.

I have described how UP shields are as a ranged protection in my previous post so maybe you should refer to it and develop specific arguments about them. If you want more material I can add that the protection becomes hardly useful against 2 archers and definetly non-existent against more, which isn't the case when a shielder fights a melee blob.

I did read what you wrote about shield, but I reject the argument.  If you have your shield centered and facing an archer, they are almost never going to be able to shoot over/under it unless you fuck up. If you see them aiming low, you can also slightly adjust your block lower to cover you feet, vice versa for the head.   Discounting shields from being the great ranged protection they are is absurd IMO.
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Tears of Destiny on April 17, 2012, 06:43:00 pm
Archery is a support class and should not top the scorer boards, low risk = low reward.

If archers are low risk then they would last a lot longer, as of right now in NA the majority of end of round survivors are not a solid mass of range. From playing on EU, this seems to be the same.

Nvm, carry on everyone.
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Cup1d on April 17, 2012, 06:44:21 pm
Gurnisson-Michael - you can use your pike and continue to use pike's glitched animations, I don't care.

Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Kafein on April 17, 2012, 06:44:37 pm
Kafein, I remember how some shielder Olwen constantly made 50kills\2death at every map in august-december 2010. When every archer has 300 wpf in archery, and Olwen has only 5 in shield skill and 5 athletics.

So, it's not about shields, it's about ability to play good.

What is your point ? That shields are not less effective than... something else against archers ? Well yes that is completely true, I would prefer a 1h+shield over a polearm or 2h if I had to fight archers, but that is not what we are arguing about.

Lots of balance changes occured and now archers are generally weaker but shields also got weaker, especially against range, and that is what really bugs me. The class balance works because everyone has a more or less clear counterclass not depending on the situation. Cav has pikes and other long weapons, shields have crushthrough and axes, 2h/poles have ranged .The "shield counters range" one is possibly one of the weakest, because that counter is entirely defensive, with a very limited power to protect allies. Of course cav can kill archers, of course shieldless melee can kill archers, but they only do so in very particular situations such as a lack of awareness and bad positioning.

Back in the olwen times, when you had a shield and holded it in the general direction of the enemy team, you were guaranteed to catch what was shot at you. Also the movement speed wasn't such a problem because people tried to fight you instead of fleeing. Dying in the right spot was the main concern, not delaying as much as possible.

Btw : it doesn't matter but your numbers are exaggerated.
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: MrShine on April 17, 2012, 06:53:13 pm
You say the counters to archery have been reduced, and only lack of awareness and bad positioning leads to archery death.

And yet...

April 2012
[21:41] <Fasader> Bow: 7316 (4.45%)
[21:41] <Fasader> Crossbows: 5400 (3.29%)
[21:41] <Fasader> Thrown: 1978 (1.20%)
[21:41] <Fasader> Headshot: 5206 (3.17%)

(click to show/hide)
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Leshma on April 17, 2012, 06:54:29 pm
What is your point ? That shields are not less effective than... something else against archers ? Well yes that is completely true, I would prefer a 1h+shield over a polearm or 2h if I had to fight archers, but that is not what we are arguing about.

Depends. Good archers know how to avoid being bumped by shield and to shoot beside it. Which is wrong.
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Kafein on April 17, 2012, 07:03:44 pm
I disagree, dodging is a fantastic way to avoid most ranged damage. No you can't (and shouldn't) be 100% effective at dodging, but if you end up taking 1 arrow when closing on an archer instead of taking 3 or 4, you just reduced the archer's damage to you by 66-75%.  Dodging is like anything else, the more you practice the better you will be at it.

You seem to forget that a kiting archer can shoot much more than just 3 or 4 arrows. Also, if you are nimble enough to reach the 3m range alive, you are pretty much dead if you are hit by the arrow. Chasing an archer as a shieldless melee means the round has been going on for a few minutes, so you probably lost a few hp here and there, not to mention that a single arrow hit is enough to be automatically hit by anyone that was aiming at you or chasing you, the projectile stun rivaling in lenght with the polestagger. If you have a lot of armor and can withstand a lot of arrows, then you'll never reach the archer anyway and you will be easily shot down, it will only take a longer time.

I did read what you wrote about shield, but I reject the argument.  If you have your shield centered and facing an archer, they are almost never going to be able to shoot over/under it unless you fuck up. If you see them aiming low, you can also slightly adjust your block lower to cover you feet, vice versa for the head.   Discounting shields from being the great ranged protection they are is absurd IMO.

I don't know if you did, but I've seen countless archers baiting shielders, strafing to the side and forward, turning 90 degrees towards the shielder and basically releasing their arrow into the shielder's head. This makes zero sense from a realism point of view but that's not the problem. The biggest problem here is that the bump that is supposed to happen when a melee facehugs enemy ranged, what should be the weapon of choice of shielders, is a sick joke, together with the shield coverage.

Shields offer great ranged protection, for as long as the shield user stays the heck away from the enemy ranged troops.
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: XyNox on April 17, 2012, 07:06:14 pm
That is exactly what dodging is, and dodging is utterly UP. Compare the effectiveness and reliability of blocking a melee attack and dodging a ranged attack. Blocking is reliable, if you do it right it can't end up bad for you and doesn't lose it's effectivity when you actually want to kill your opponent. Dodging is random and becomes more and more ineffective if you try to come closer to the ranged character.

And this is exactly what Im talkin about for decades. I dont know how many times I posted this but in fact I think every archery rage thread can be reduced to this very point. And I never was sarcastic here.

Dodging is very much like blocking in melee fights. Who does not block/dodge properly gets hit, easy as that. If you know what you are doing it is easy to dodge arrows, but I can honestly tell 95% of all melees Ive shot so far dont have a damn clue what they are doing when they try to dodge arrows. You might not have a 100% chance not to get hit at point blank range, but as your reward for getting into melee range you pretty much get a free kill.

I am not raging here but I dont know how to explain this to players who havent tryed archery for at least 2 gens and probably I cant as you have to experience it yourself. I as an archer myself barely have problems avoiding being shot from 2 standard archers shooting at me simultaniously, at 3 my multi task skills begin to fail though. I have had tons of close quarter archer duels with archers of every kind, even with the famous ones and some lasted until 10 - 15 arrows have been sent off in total, because we both knew how to fool and evade the enemy, even at point blank range.

I trained a few newcomer archers and gave some advise to melees on the duel servers every now and then. 10 minutes of training and some tips regarding dodging can make the life of an archer a lot more difficult. But ( thankfully ? ) people didnt put much effort into concentrating on that so far. People now a days can block like vets but dodge like MnB was released 3 days ago. I was thinking about writing a tutorial/guide about this from time to time but I feared once the weaknesses of archery would have been made public for non ranged players I would just reward people for crying for nerf instead of getting famillier with the game mechanics themselfes ( on the other side nobody would read it anyway ).

Again Im not ranging here, nor being sarcastic. If people show honest interest I am willing to spend a few minutes on the duel servers with them and giving a tip or two. You probably wont believe how many times archers fool around with you, just making you think that they can hit you, when they are bluffing in reality.

The best way of course is to do it yourself. It has been suggested dozents of times. Play a gen or two as an archer yourself. I am at my 7. gen of archery and still learn something new every now an then. It might have been the builds I tryed out in a specific order, but I think you should play at least 4 gens of archery to get a relative precise picture on what it is all about.

And now I probably say this for a 4. time, repeating myself again because I cant stress this enough. We all know we like to get our arch-enemy-class mad. But there is no rage or sarcasm or intentional false testemony involved here.
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: MrShine on April 17, 2012, 07:17:15 pm
Kafein I've had people who are predictable dodgers and I can blast them almost every time.  I've also had dodgers who I can't touch even after getting 4-5 shots off before I have to run or stand and fight.

Saying "you die by 1 arrow because you are hurt during the round" means nothing as far as balance is concerned, that can apply to anyone and anything.  What is true is the chance to hit someone with an arrow increases as they get closer... but it's also waaay riskier to the archer!  I can't count how many times I've been able to leap and murder an archer who thought they had time to get a shot off.  Sometimes I mess up and end up taking a shot to the face, but the archer is really testing their luck with shots like this.

The sidestep shot for shielders is the shielder's fault for not being attentive.  I dunno maybe this happens to more shielders but I hardly ever have this happen to me.
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Leshma on April 17, 2012, 07:45:59 pm
I know a perfect way how to kill 3 flies at once, or how to buff archery, agility builds and WM at the same time.

First, change base value that is multiplied by WM level from 10 to 15. Example:

Weapon Mastery

lvl 1 - 35   wpp
lvl 2 - 50   wpp
lvl 3 - 65   wpp
lvl 4 - 80   wpp
lvl 5 - 95   wpp
lvl 6 - 110 wpp
lvl 7 - 125 wpp
lvl 8 - 140 wpp

That's 180 more wpp for MW 8 which is around 15 more points, for pure 2H 190 instead of 175 for example.


Next thing would be to raise weight limit for full wpf from 7 to 10.

I think this makes sense, what do you guys think?
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Lactose_the_intolerant on April 17, 2012, 10:01:35 pm
I find archery pretty balanced except for max out loomed archery equipment. I'm getting sick and tired of losing 75% health to a handshot

(yes it was an arrow, not it wasnt a bolt, no i didnt get shot two rounds at the same time, yes i was 100%, yes i have lordly gearn, no im not an agi spammer)
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Kafein on April 17, 2012, 10:13:07 pm
And this is exactly what Im talkin about for decades. I dont know how many times I posted this but in fact I think every archery rage thread can be reduced to this very point. And I never was sarcastic here.

Dodging is very much like blocking in melee fights. Who does not block/dodge properly gets hit, easy as that. If you know what you are doing it is easy to dodge arrows, but I can honestly tell 95% of all melees Ive shot so far dont have a damn clue what they are doing when they try to dodge arrows. You might not have a 100% chance not to get hit at point blank range, but as your reward for getting into melee range you pretty much get a free kill.

I am not raging here but I dont know how to explain this to players who havent tryed archery for at least 2 gens and probably I cant as you have to experience it yourself. I as an archer myself barely have problems avoiding being shot from 2 standard archers shooting at me simultaniously, at 3 my multi task skills begin to fail though. I have had tons of close quarter archer duels with archers of every kind, even with the famous ones and some lasted until 10 - 15 arrows have been sent off in total, because we both knew how to fool and evade the enemy, even at point blank range.

I trained a few newcomer archers and gave some advise to melees on the duel servers every now and then. 10 minutes of training and some tips regarding dodging can make the life of an archer a lot more difficult. But ( thankfully ? ) people didnt put much effort into concentrating on that so far. People now a days can block like vets but dodge like MnB was released 3 days ago. I was thinking about writing a tutorial/guide about this from time to time but I feared once the weaknesses of archery would have been made public for non ranged players I would just reward people for crying for nerf instead of getting famillier with the game mechanics themselfes ( on the other side nobody would read it anyway ).

Again Im not ranging here, nor being sarcastic. If people show honest interest I am willing to spend a few minutes on the duel servers with them and giving a tip or two. You probably wont believe how many times archers fool around with you, just making you think that they can hit you, when they are bluffing in reality.

The best way of course is to do it yourself. It has been suggested dozents of times. Play a gen or two as an archer yourself. I am at my 7. gen of archery and still learn something new every now an then. It might have been the builds I tryed out in a specific order, but I think you should play at least 4 gens of archery to get a relative precise picture on what it is all about.

And now I probably say this for a 4. time, repeating myself again because I cant stress this enough. We all know we like to get our arch-enemy-class mad. But there is no rage or sarcasm or intentional false testemony involved here.

This is all well and good, but what matters is what happens in the game. I don't know about you, but in the game I play people die of failed dodging all the time, no matter how skilled they are in other aspects of the game. The existence of a great secret about dodging isn't relevant if it has not been revealed. With such logic you could justify a nerf to daggers because theoritically you can learn to chamberblock any attack on purpose. And even if someone actually does that, there's still no reason to include this in balance considerations until it sees widespread use.

I personally experienced it was much easier to dodge projectiles playing an archer or thrower simply because I didn't had to come up close to do damage. Also, at close ranges there's no way someone can react at the moment the shot is fired. The best you can do is guessing that moment or just doing an unpredictable zigzag, it's no mystery melee centric players aren't interested in that "skill". Roulette is more thrilling.
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Leshma on April 17, 2012, 11:26:08 pm
I find archery pretty balanced except for max out loomed archery equipment. I'm getting sick and tired of losing 75% health to a handshot

(yes it was an arrow, not it wasnt a bolt, no i didnt get shot two rounds at the same time, yes i was 100%, yes i have lordly gearn, no im not an agi spammer)

You only take huge damage if you move forward. That's how ranged damage works, stay still or go backswards and damage will be minimal. Go full speed in a straight line and arrows will hurt like a bitch.

It's not the best idea going fellowing archers without shield.
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Lactose_the_intolerant on April 17, 2012, 11:31:27 pm
You only take huge damage if you move forward. That's how ranged damage works, stay still or go backswards and damage will be minimal. Go full speed in a straight line and arrows will hurt like a bitch.

It's not the best idea going fellowing archers without shield.

ah shit visibly i forgot one thing : was not following archer or actually moving come to think about it

and even a non loomed archer when i move forwords with an arrow to the chest does at best 50% damage and thats ok for me

but 75% to the hand, plz no
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: XyNox on April 17, 2012, 11:41:02 pm
This is all well and good, but what matters is what happens in the game. I don't know about you, but in the game I play people die of failed dodging all the time, no matter how skilled they are in other aspects of the game. The existence of a great secret about dodging isn't relevant if it has not been revealed. With such logic you could justify a nerf to daggers because theoritically you can learn to chamberblock any attack on purpose. And even if someone actually does that, there's still no reason to include this in balance considerations until it sees widespread use.

I personally experienced it was much easier to dodge projectiles playing an archer or thrower simply because I didn't had to come up close to do damage. Also, at close ranges there's no way someone can react at the moment the shot is fired. The best you can do is guessing that moment or just doing an unpredictable zigzag, it's no mystery melee centric players aren't interested in that "skill". Roulette is more thrilling.

I cant disagree with your reasoning here. But still how can you justify nerfing something only because you dont want to put effort into learning how to exploit its natural weaknesses ? It's as rediculous as demanding to nerf melee damage because blocking is too hard but we knew what would happen then. Of course this is not the case. The case is melee players complaining about ranged attacks and not vice versa. This again should mean something is right with melee mechanics but something is wrong with ranged mechanics.

If this would be another community and there would be other devs I would probably agree. But right now I see 2 main problems.

First, hate amongst different classes in this community ... its a phenomenon. Sometimes I can imagine people are sitting in a 2H knight costume in front of their computers irl when they spit out another rant. Not only do people hate each other for using ez mode classes, while their class is the most UP (ofcourse), but first and foremost they go insane when it comes to archers.

Archer-hating in this game is the equivalent of calling other kids gay when you go to elemantary school even if you dont even care, just so the mean kids wont bully you and you still belong to the cool kids on the schoolyard. The amount of bullshit you read regarding ranged topics is just enormous and obviously a sign of mass hysteria/puberty/peer pressure/general butthurtness as rational and logical arguments are scarce at the con side in general. I am pretty certain that a majority of people complaining about archery here in fact know that it is mainly their own fault when they die to ranged at longer ranges/avoidable shots, or they are just newbies.

Also the melee lobby is undeniably a lot bigger than the ranged lobby. A bowman killing the heroic 2h knight is just inacceptable for the majority of those people, just like it was considered in history. These are my observations and lead to more complaining/lobbying in the first place of course due to the sheer amount of potential "victims" for ranged attacks. But people complaining about this and that is a granted factor and will not be changeable. Not everyone has the intelligence and foresight to act as an appropriate balancer thankfully, thats what the devs are for, which gets me to the next point.

The fact that this is a mod, an indie game if you will, there is a somewhat personal relationship between devs and regular players. Usual games developed by big, coldharted gameindustries can be good, but even if there is something that annoys you you cant just post on their forums and expect to get anything changed. This however is the case in cRPG. I cannot exactly prove how many changes have been applied to the game just as a cause of player criticism, if at all. The impression that you can change something by just ranting about it is there whatsoever.

So what does that mean ?

The reason behind all the ranged hate is that even the most average player who cannot perfom very well with his generic 2h build and does not have a very deep understanding of the advanced game mechanics will still rage about archers because the fact, that people who are better, thus more famous than him are doing so as well and the fact that calling for nerfs, simply not putting any effort into inventing strategies to outsmart your opponent is always easier to admit your own faults and to get the brain working. Massive lobbying will get the job done as well probably. Furthermore dying by ranged simply does not fit the picture of the heroic knight riding on his shiny horse and the mere amount of people approaching the game with this picture in mind seems to be much bigger than all archers combined.

This is how I see it. And although I cant take these people amiss as what we are talking about are subjective impressions here, simply no complaints of this kind qualify as a valid argument in a balancing discussion.

/Dr. XyNox out
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Rumblood on April 17, 2012, 11:52:29 pm
ah shit visibly i forgot one thing : was not following archer or actually moving come to think about it

and even a non loomed archer when i move forwords with an arrow to the chest does at best 50% damage and thats ok for me

but 75% to the hand, plz no

Speed bonus also comes into play with elevation. Shooting from a wall or hill does more damage than on the ground. There is also a random factor in all damage that causes widely varying amounts of damage from a similar swing/shot.
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: zagibu on April 18, 2012, 12:02:52 am
I think with a slight 30% damage nerf, archery will be well balanced.
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Lactose_the_intolerant on April 18, 2012, 12:03:26 am
Speed bonus also comes into play with elevation. Shooting from a wall or hill does more damage than on the ground. There is also a random factor in all damage that causes widely varying amounts of damage from a similar swing/shot.

i know that, and i visibly mentioned to say we were on flat ground, it was that snowy map completly flooded with this akward small field in the middle

I think with a slight 30% damage nerf, archery will be well balanced.

i jsut believe loomed archery needs a tweak
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: BlindGuy on April 18, 2012, 12:14:25 am
i jsut believe loomed archery needs a tweak

True it needs a buff, good call man.

A side note: Shielders who get killed MORE than once by an archer who sidesteps and headshots them at the last second, in a 1v1 scenario, are fucking retarded and deserve what they get. This happend to me 1month after warband was released, when I first installed it. I had played MnB for years and years, but obviously not seen this, cause multi was brand new.

I thought, HEY, thats pretty sneaky, better watch out for that in future. Since then, it has never happend, cause when I make a mistake, I try to learn from it, but that doesnt seem to be the case. Players STILL rage about ranged, even though, I CANNOT stress this enough: GET A SHIELD.

There are some shields that are good for fighting. The big round ones are not the best for this. But with 6 shieldskill, and a round shield, heavy round shield, even with Plain Round Shield, if you get shot its YOUR OWN FUCKING FAULT.

If you are too badass to use a shield to block arrows, its also exceedingly easy to dodge arrows, they are quite slow in crpg, the archers dont have some hitscan sniper rifle, and even BEYOND dodging or blocking arrows: USE YOUR BRAIN--> seldom do we play on random steppe, there is almost ALWAYS a way to play your archer opponent into a position he cannot escape from. But, unfortunatly, if you do not have a shield, you are an archers natural prey.

Scissors does not complain when rock beats it, but in turn rock must not complain that paper is OP. There is a counter for everything, but one character cannot and SHOULD not be able to counter EVERYTHING, or we would all play as that character, and have done with it.
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: zagibu on April 18, 2012, 12:36:37 am
True it needs a buff, good call man.

A side note: Shielders who get killed MORE than once by an archer who sidesteps and headshots them at the last second, in a 1v1 scenario, are fucking retarded and deserve what they get. This happend to me 1month after warband was released, when I first installed it. I had played MnB for years and years, but obviously not seen this, cause multi was brand new.

I thought, HEY, thats pretty sneaky, better watch out for that in future. Since then, it has never happend, cause when I make a mistake, I try to learn from it, but that doesnt seem to be the case. Players STILL rage about ranged, even though, I CANNOT stress this enough: GET A SHIELD.

There are some shields that are good for fighting. The big round ones are not the best for this. But with 6 shieldskill, and a round shield, heavy round shield, even with Plain Round Shield, if you get shot its YOUR OWN FUCKING FAULT.

If you are too badass to use a shield to block arrows, its also exceedingly easy to dodge arrows, they are quite slow in crpg, the archers dont have some hitscan sniper rifle, and even BEYOND dodging or blocking arrows: USE YOUR BRAIN--> seldom do we play on random steppe, there is almost ALWAYS a way to play your archer opponent into a position he cannot escape from. But, unfortunatly, if you do not have a shield, you are an archers natural prey.

Scissors does not complain when rock beats it, but in turn rock must not complain that paper is OP. There is a counter for everything, but one character cannot and SHOULD not be able to counter EVERYTHING, or we would all play as that character, and have done with it.
I agree, archer damage nerf is really needed.
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Son Of Odin on April 18, 2012, 04:35:38 am
Tell me to get a shield and I will shove one of them up your arse...
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Title: Re: archery..
Post by: BlindGuy on April 18, 2012, 05:00:50 am
Tell me to get a shield and I will shove one of them up your arse...

I dont want your GLA to hurt me when you swing it, but I dont want to block it, or avoid it, can you just have the damage from it brought down and down and down pls, and make it so when you swing it sometimes it just misses the air infront of you, like swings around your head in a helix upwards, pls.

Good argument mate.
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Son Of Odin on April 19, 2012, 01:15:03 am
I dont want your GLA to hurt me when you swing it, but I dont want to block it, or avoid it, can you just have the damage from it brought down and down and down pls, and make it so when you swing it sometimes it just misses the air infront of you, like swings around your head in a helix upwards, pls.

Good argument mate.

Atleast you didn't tell me to get a shield dude... But I gotta tell you to stop before I start picking the right shield to fit your...

Just make it so that your hornbow shoots only flowers and candy at me.
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But to be serious I now say what I was trying to say differently in my previous post:

People should be able to play this game even without shield. If ranged is well balanced, you are not going to be arrowraped to your GTX every time you connect the server. (Not the case currently... Luckily)
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: kono yaro! on April 19, 2012, 02:26:00 pm
its not as much their damage as it is their kiting ability. imo any kind of movement should cancel the nocking and there should be a bigger and longer movement penalty after shooting (making it easier for chasing inf to catch up)

archers should be able to shoot or run
not both

edit: canceling the nocking might be a bit drastic but movement speed with a nocked arrow should be drastically reduced, more than it already is.
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Rumblood on April 19, 2012, 08:41:59 pm
If you move while aiming, your reticule opens so wide that you can't accurately shoot unless infantry is 5 feet away, and they auto-stun you closer than that. Archers can't run away from a horse, and a shielder's magnet keeps most foot/head shots from working. Get a horse or get a shield, or get agility and athletics, or hide behind the buildings and trees that are all over nearly every map, or even (shocking concept), stay with YOUR ranged and protect them from infantry and backstabbing couched cavalry while they focus on ENEMY ranged. Whatever you choose, quit crying in your gruel.  :rolleyes:

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Title: Re: archery..
Post by: kono yaro! on April 20, 2012, 01:06:26 am
If you move while aiming, your reticule opens so wide that you can't accurately shoot unless infantry is 5 feet away, and they auto-stun you closer than that. Archers can't run away from a horse, and a shielder's magnet keeps most foot/head shots from working. Get a horse or get a shield, or get agility and athletics, or hide behind the buildings and trees that are all over nearly every map, or even (shocking concept), stay with YOUR ranged and protect them from infantry and backstabbing couched cavalry while they focus on ENEMY ranged. Whatever you choose, quit crying in your gruel.  :rolleyes:

yes ofc. any criticism of archery is obviously because we all suck so much. got it. brilliant argument.

Title: Re: archery..
Post by: BlindGuy on April 20, 2012, 02:34:35 am
yes ofc. any criticism of archery is obviously because we all suck so much. got it. brilliant argument.


Noone is debating your muscle memory skills at blocking and attacking, but Rumblood is correct: If melee camp 5 paces behind ranged and sit there, waiting to negate threats from cav and enemu inf. then you allow your ranged to be superffective. Unfortunatly most infantry zergs like a twat forwards, gets shot and cries. There are 5 minutes a round, dont be in such a hurry :D
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Rumblood on April 20, 2012, 07:39:44 am
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Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Herkkutatti on April 20, 2012, 07:44:43 am
arrowraped to your GTX every time you connect the server. (Not the case currently... Luckily)
i RQ and switch server 200 times a day because of this.
nerf archery
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Herkkutatti on April 20, 2012, 09:45:13 am

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Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Ronin on April 20, 2012, 11:07:32 am
I support a slight archery buff as well. That way, the shielders will be buffed and cavalry will be nerfed a bit automatically and everything will be fine. What I mean is, for non-loomed archery. Loomed archery seems balanced enough to me already.
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Moncho on April 20, 2012, 12:00:46 pm
A slight point you guys might be missing:
Can it not be that what you feel as loomed archery is not really overpowered, but to get those items you need to be an archer for around 6 gens and thus have a lot of xp and be able to shoot decently?
Example: a MW rus bow does no the same damage as a long bow, but with better accuracy and shoot speed, according to The total damage increase is of +5 (+3 from bow, +2 from arrow). Melee weapons receive +3 damage (unless very powerful, such as great maul (+4).
However, a bows accuracy increases only by +2, so it effectively increases by -1 from the bow damage (i dont know if arrow damage reduces accuracy as well, if it does this is -3!).
So you get a more damaging, less accurate, with slightly higher missile speed (+3).
To do this, however, you have to spend twice as many gens as any melee (maybe shielders not) to get a slightly higher advantage. In this 3 gens, the melee can get a +3 armor, which, for mail and above (what most people use) is +5 (at least, maybe more for plate).
Using the calculator above and 6 PD, 163 wpf (18/21 build, the runner) and rus bow + bodkins (28 p) v 30 armor gives 4/5 less damage than against 35 armor with MW rus and MW bodkins. This is at the cost of the slight accuracy (balanced by the higher missile speed i think) and loss of speed bonus from higher missile speed (This is why if you charge an archer head on you get hit much harder, so dont run straight at him...).
EDIT: this damage increase is only the difference between consistently needing one less arrow when before the archer let you with a few hitpoints, now he actually kills you, which is what looms should do imo

And one last point: Even with high end equipment and barely breaking even goldwise (rus + 2 bodkins, the archer only gets 34 shots and running, whereas the melee gets unlimited hits.
And you say now that loomed archery is OP? I dont think so, I just think after 6 gens (or more) as an archer, youve learnt enough to shoot properly and actually damage. This is the reason why "loomed archery is OP" blab la bla.
Also, less QQing, more raiding!
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Son Of Odin on April 20, 2012, 06:47:47 pm
Loomed archery seems balanced enough to me already.
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Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Ronin on April 20, 2012, 09:31:22 pm
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Whiners gonna whine
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: zagibu on April 20, 2012, 09:40:44 pm
It's strange that everyone agrees archery has to be nerfed, but the devs never do it.
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Tears of Destiny on April 20, 2012, 09:44:33 pm
It's strange that everyone agrees archery has to be nerfed, but the devs never do it.

Please define "everyone" as well as "never."
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Arrowblood on April 20, 2012, 10:15:13 pm
It's strange that everytime  everyone agrees archery has to be nerfed, and the devs always   do it.
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: XyNox on April 20, 2012, 11:21:46 pm
I think it would be a smart move to change archery mechanics back to native values for a week once QQ-convergences exceed critical levels and then change them back to the initial values. This way the average melee player will flame more of course in the beginning but after the reset we can take advantage of their raised subjective perception. I am aware that this is a treatment relying on the placebo effect and will not likely get rid of the pathogen in the long term but lets face it; there is no adequate cure for this sort of whining syndrom at the moment. Placebos might be the only therapy we have aviable at the moment to make their lives a bit less miserable.
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: BlindGuy on April 20, 2012, 11:22:49 pm
It's strange that everyonecrymores agrees archery has to be nerfed, butand the devs neveralways do it.

Free fix for you, thank me later.

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Xynox, I always read your posts and WOW. You somehow manage to keep your cool in the face of the rampant stupidity you are faced with, and manage to present your arguments in a lucid and erudite way. It amazes me that you still have patience with this community of children waving sticks complaining because rather than change their style they want to change the game.
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: XyNox on April 20, 2012, 11:51:40 pm
Xynox, I always read your posts and WOW. You somehow manage to keep your cool in the face of the rampant stupidity you are faced with, and manage to present your arguments in a lucid and erudite way. It amazes me that you still have patience with this community of children waving sticks complaining because rather than change their style they want to change the game.

I appreciate your compliment. But somehow, I dont know why I didnt think of it earlier, I just realised that in fact I am not the victim of their rage but they are.

Im not a fan of catchy lines like that but think about it:
Although in this thread everything has been said about archers e.g. how to counter them, how to avoid them, what their weaknesses are, how their mechanics can be exploited etc. people are still not happy with the situation. You basicly always read "nerf archery" instead of a sophisticated retort. People also dont seem to be able to counter any arguments you bring up in order to prove that archery is not OP. And this pretty much reveals that those people still complaining here simply cant handle the task of applying the information gathered in this thread to the game. Im sure this lack of abillity would depress you too, which again results in rage.

It does not matter if an average person would be able to deal with the situation, fact is some people here cant and therefore they are not happy. So I think we should focus more on solutions that will help both parties, which cant be achieved by nerfing random things. We simply have no instant cure for this so the next step should be thinking about measurements that gain success over time e.g. the one week reset posted above.

Although this might sound like sarcarsm, sadly this seems to be the last resort as negotiations so far have not brought any considerable results.
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Old_Sir_Agor on April 20, 2012, 11:59:35 pm
I think it would be a smart move to change archery mechanics back to native values for a week once QQ-convergences exceed critical levels and then change them back to the initial values. This way the average melee player will flame more of course in the beginning but after the reset we can take advantage of their raised subjective perception. I am aware that this is a treatment relying on the placebo effect and will not likely get rid of the pathogen in the long term but lets face it; there is no adequate cure for this sort of whining syndrom at the moment. Placebos might be the only therapy we have aviable at the moment to make their lives a bit less miserable.

+1 ))
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: BlindGuy on April 21, 2012, 12:37:16 am
While it is true that we must continue to be patient and counter ragenerf arguments with helpful solutions, there are MANY "archers" that exasperate the problem. Long ago I realised that I could build 18/21 or even 18/24 and kite, and shoot. I realised that approx 20 gens ago...god knows how long. But I also love this game, I love the mechanics of blocking/attacking and 2hander will always be my "home" and I refuse to ever make that kiteing archer build, everyone who has fought me knows that even as an archer, I will back off and shoot, but once you reach me, I will fight, because that is the essence of this game. Archers who cannot even begin to block, and continue to kite and shoot even when they have no hope of winning just piss me off. They need to get some self respect. The point to the game in MY personal opinion is to have fun, and counter enemies with skill and bravery, daring moves, lightning reflexes. But making MY fun a priority over everyone else's enjoyment is a cunt move. Many ppl call me mean, nasty, w/e, all the time, because of my posts, stuff I type ingame etc, but one thing I wont ever do is make a hornbow archer with 24 agi, make a horse xbow, etc, because it is EVIDENT to anyone with a crumb of common sence that these are NOT what the game devs and the mod devs intended when they created the game.

Realistically, currently, archery in this mod is so far from overpowered, and there are SO many actual problems, that it makes ME counterrage when I see ppls reasoning why archery needs nerfing.

BTW incase of accusations of bias: I'm currently a 1hander. No range option of any kind.
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Son Of Odin on April 21, 2012, 01:26:38 am
Whiners gonna whine
Loomed archery is OP.
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Ronin on April 21, 2012, 01:28:17 am
Loomed archery is OP.
Shut up already, or come up with an argument.
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: zagibu on April 21, 2012, 02:20:38 am
I think we can close the thread as everyone has the same opinion, which is not a surprise, since ranged is gay, and the only people playing ranged classes are actually bots (it's an elaborate prank by chadz). Seriously, try it once, you can't even buy ranged weapons on the website (of course, nobody noticed yet, because who would spend gold on something like this?). I only noticed this when I misread Rus Blow and thought I'd get some cheap oral action, but then an error message popped up: "You can't buy this item, it's only for gay people."
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Gurnisson on April 21, 2012, 02:23:38 am
Loomed archery is OP.

and non-loomed is underpowered
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Son Of Odin on April 21, 2012, 03:11:31 am
and non-loomed is underpowered
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You are quite right. Exactly what I think about the subject too.
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Leshma on April 21, 2012, 11:26:26 am
We need more archers. Someone has to stop those courageous pikemen who are killing everyone in their path (good in duels, great in groups, epic against cavalry)
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Okkam on April 21, 2012, 12:03:39 pm
We need more archers. Someone has to stop those courageous pikemen who are killing everyone in their path (good in duels, great in groups, epic against cavalry)

add maulers to this list, and HA\HX and Plated Bumpers and 2Hagiwhorekuyakdanishrunner - all of them flourish without  good counter.
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Vibe on April 21, 2012, 01:35:36 pm
Buff bow/arrow stats in general and nerf archer looms. Voila, now even an archer that doesn't have everything loomed can actually kill someone.
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Ronin on April 21, 2012, 02:30:46 pm
Buff bow/arrow stats in general and nerf archer looms. Voila, now even an archer that doesn't have everything loomed can actually kill someone.
Shouldn't it?
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Gurnisson on April 21, 2012, 02:48:14 pm
We need more archers. Someone has to stop those courageous pikemen who are killing everyone in their path (good in duels, great in groups, epic against cavalry)

lol'd. Go use 'pike' in duels and I'll laugh at you when you fail every time. Long spear users are also easy to take down, but so many idiots believe that they can spam one even if it's a good player (Warlord, Chase, Crafty etc.) and fail horribly when they get hit while spamming. They only have one attacking direction, so if you block down until you hear the block sound every time, you can't lose (unless you go into kick-range). With the giant thrust-stun on the pike every chamberblock gives a free hit too, so that's a good way to take down a piker.

Also, epic against cav? There's no good cav that ever charge anyone in the protection range of pikes. If people stuck together pikes would fend the enemy cav away from archers/xbowmen/other inf but it's useless because of dumb teammates. I tried to play anti-cav role with pikes, but cav just picks off the ones outside your reach while you can't do shit. Pikes don't counter cav, they fend them off, they're not good in duels against anyone who are decent at the game. However, they're insanely good at supporting and very vulnerable to ranged units like you stated too.
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: zagibu on April 21, 2012, 04:22:19 pm
Come on, devs, we almost have 50 pages of posts supporting archery nerf now, DO SOMETHING!
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Cup1d on April 21, 2012, 04:57:28 pm
Do you think that any sane developer wanna stop this Klondike of fun? All this «Nerf» and «Buff» threads is delicacies for our merry devteam.
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Herkkutatti on April 21, 2012, 04:58:01 pm
Come on, devs, we almost have 50 pages of posts supporting archery nerf now, DO SOMETHING!
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Tavuk_Bey on April 21, 2012, 05:17:23 pm
buff my arbalest please, tnx bye
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Herkkutatti on April 21, 2012, 05:22:42 pm
buff my arbalest please, tnx bye
Yes buff xbow damage, it's ridiculous how rus/horn bow does more damage than mw xbow with steelbolts.... and bows are even so much faster so it makes it even more ridiculous.
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Leshma on April 21, 2012, 07:15:42 pm
lol'd. Go use 'pike' in duels and I'll laugh at you when you fail every time. Long spear users are also easy to take down, but so many idiots believe that they can spam one even if it's a good player (Warlord, Chase, Crafty etc.) and fail horribly when they get hit while spamming. They only have one attacking direction, so if you block down until you hear the block sound every time, you can't lose (unless you go into kick-range). With the giant thrust-stun on the pike every chamberblock gives a free hit too, so that's a good way to take down a piker.

Also, epic against cav? There's no good cav that ever charge anyone in the protection range of pikes. If people stuck together pikes would fend the enemy cav away from archers/xbowmen/other inf but it's useless because of dumb teammates. I tried to play anti-cav role with pikes, but cav just picks off the ones outside your reach while you can't do shit. Pikes don't counter cav, they fend them off, they're not good in duels against anyone who are decent at the game. However, they're insanely good at supporting and very vulnerable to ranged units like you stated too.

I'll just say this, I fear most pikemen. Especially the likes of you and Chase. Even when we're alone fighting. I also fear you when you're using any other polearm.

I have no fear when I encounter one or more players using two handed swords, no matter how good they are.

You might kill a lot of people using 2H but that doesn't mean I'll go down easily.
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Herkkutatti on April 21, 2012, 09:59:19 pm
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Leshma on April 21, 2012, 10:08:25 pm
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Ronin on April 22, 2012, 12:07:39 am
I'll just say this, I fear most pikemen. Especially the likes of you and Chase. Even when we're alone fighting. I also fear you when you're using any other polearm.

I have no fear when I encounter one or more players using two handed swords, no matter how good they are.

You might kill a lot of people using 2H but that doesn't mean I'll go down easily.
That is because pikes can be tricky weapons to use, but that works only on the chaos of the battlefield. Once it becomes 1v1 when there are two above average players, there is nothing that pikeman can do. I didn't understand why you are talking of pike either. It is because pikes are good anti-archer weapons do the their enormous range? Well yeah, they can be good anti-cav as well as anti-archer sometimes; but that case is something does not happen very often. I think we should be focusing on archery in this thread.

What I see is you guys act like bows should not kill anyone on the battlefield. Perhaps they should not do damage at all. Perhaps archery should not even exist? Well there are melee servers to keep you whiners happy. Go and play there as you want.
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Moncho on April 22, 2012, 12:13:22 am
What I see is you guys act like bows should not kill anyone on the battlefield. Perhaps they should not do damage at all. Perhaps archery should not even exist? Well there are melee servers to keep you whiners happy. Go and play there as you want.

And thats it, youve just hit the root of the problem:
What whiners think archery should be like:

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Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Logen on April 22, 2012, 01:05:03 am
I have no fear when I encounter one or more players using two handed swords, no matter how good they are.
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Overdriven on April 22, 2012, 03:16:26 pm
I'll just say this, I fear most pikemen. Especially the likes of you and Chase. Even when we're alone fighting. I also fear you when you're using any other polearm.

I have no fear when I encounter one or more players using two handed swords, no matter how good they are.

You might kill a lot of people using 2H but that doesn't mean I'll go down easily.

When I see chase approaching with an awlpike I pretty much crap myself. It took 6-7 PL hoplites to pen chase in and kill him. That guy is ridiculous with an awkpike. He knows how to exploit groups. 2h, even the best ones, don't scare me nearly as much (talking about when I play with my alts).
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Hellfrag on April 22, 2012, 03:57:44 pm
Yes buff xbow damage, it's ridiculous how rus/horn bow does more damage than mw xbow with steelbolts.... and bows are even so much faster so it makes it even more ridiculous.

In what game? :|
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Son Of Odin on April 24, 2012, 10:17:55 pm
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Title: Re: archery..
Post by: BlindGuy on April 25, 2012, 07:14:47 am
Can we have a balance AND realism change: If the bow has a sheath, it needs labelling "Unusable on foot", cause its fucking ridiculous, visually AND why do those sheaths have 0 weight?

Title: Re: archery..
Post by: rufio on April 25, 2012, 09:49:28 am
spend 3 min chasing an archer in eu1 yesterday,  he kited me broke my shield, and killed me in 3/4 shots, fu op shit nerf!
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Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Son Of Odin on April 25, 2012, 09:52:59 am
spend 3 min chasing an archer in eu1 yesterday,  he kited me broke my shield, and killed me in 3/4 shots, fu op shit nerf!
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I made a thrower for situations like these. If I feel I can't play cav or normal footman, I take my thrower alt. Yeah yeah the archers and probably everyone else laughs at me for saying this, but in many maps it's highly effective counter against archers. They have light armor, I have high cut damage throwing axes... IT WAS MEANT TO BE! :O
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: rufio on April 25, 2012, 10:12:45 am
nerf throwing!
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Son Of Odin on April 25, 2012, 10:14:03 am
nerf throwing!
U MAD BRO!?visitors can't see pics , please register or login
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: rufio on April 25, 2012, 10:24:51 am
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Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Ronin on April 25, 2012, 11:06:17 am
Nerf my arse. I have thrown 2 heavy axes to an archer and he still survived.
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Rumblood on April 25, 2012, 06:56:16 pm
I was shooting at this pole user the other day and he ran behind a building to avoid being killed.

Nerf buildings!
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: rufio on April 25, 2012, 07:03:55 pm
you do know cover is a joke in this game, like really a big ass joke
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: MrShine on April 25, 2012, 07:05:46 pm
you do know cover is a joke in this game, like really a big ass joke

This thread is a joke.
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: rufio on April 25, 2012, 07:08:33 pm
this thread is truth and truth will prevail
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Old_Sir_Agor on April 25, 2012, 07:16:29 pm
i know rufio has shield, but never have seen he use it lol)
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Tears of Destiny on April 25, 2012, 07:19:20 pm
Rufio, what is your build out of curiosity? I thought it was an AGI build.
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Memento_Mori on April 25, 2012, 07:26:28 pm
spend 3 min chasing an archer in eu1 yesterday,  he kited me broke my shield, and killed me in 3/4 shots, fu op shit nerf!
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lol way to know how to play your role.
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Moncho on April 25, 2012, 07:28:59 pm
QQ  :cry:  :cry:  :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:
Have I already said what this thread (and mod in general) is so filled with?
Man up, archers are fine.
But hell, yeah, the guys with the big weapons get butthurt because a guy
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shoots him 3-4 (10% of his total gameplay with 2 stacks of bodkins) and kills him.
So yeah, poor 2h, who can not have spent 3-4 shield skill (i think rufio has 1, and a shield that breaks in 2-3 arrows), who only has 21 agi, but since he uses a danish greatsword and a kuyak is slower, etc.
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Gurnisson on April 25, 2012, 07:29:44 pm
lol way to know how to play your role.

Yes, no person with a shield should be able to kill an archer! Oh wait..
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Herkkutatti on April 25, 2012, 07:31:39 pm
slow, inaccurate shooting
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Memento_Mori on April 25, 2012, 07:32:57 pm
Yes, no person with a shield should be able to kill an archer! Oh wait..

lol are you serious? He's using a cardboard box as a shield obviously.

& since when did SHIELDS counter RUNNING ARCHERS lol all I see is a stalemate.


Plz add INT attribute so we can close this thread down finally.
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: POOPHAMMER on April 25, 2012, 07:33:12 pm
I personally feel like melee is ruining the game. I can not count how many times I have gotten killed by melee weapons. When I am on my archer alt, it baffles me how OP melee is, they have the ability to knock down, crush through, rear horses, spam polestun, and do ludicrous damage while doing so. Then on top of all of that, they do not even need to invest a single point into agility! Pumping up the power strike has no effect on their ability to swing! They also can stack on sickening layers of plate padded with ironflesh on top of the absurd HP bonus from strength stacking!

Nerf melee, buff archery.
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Gurnisson on April 25, 2012, 07:35:27 pm

lol are you serious? He's using a cardboard box as a shield obviously.

& since when did SHIELDS counter RUNNING ARCHERS lol all I see is a stalemate.


Plz add INT attribute so we can close this thread down finally.

Throwing and xbows which are both very weak compared to archers. Buff throwing and buff xbows, or nerf archers. 8-)

Nah, can't really care too much about this. If they had buffed the missile speed but nerfed their kiting abilities I would've liked that. And buff non-loomed archery a wee bit.
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Moncho on April 25, 2012, 07:38:40 pm
Go to native

lol are you serious? He's using a cardboard box as a shield obviously.

& since when did SHIELDS counter RUNNING ARCHERS lol all I see is a stalemate.


Plz add INT attribute so we can close this thread down finally.

As a shielder I disagree, as an archer alt, I disagree even more.
If I am the last one in my team on my archer alt and there are 2-3 2h/pole guys, ill run and shoot them, but if theres a shielder, I might be able to kill the non-shielded, but ill probably lose overall, so i just engage and die.
As a shielder, you have to remember to put that wooden thing in between the arrows and your body, its not that hard, its holding the rmb. You might not get to him, but he cant shoot you around it (unless you mess it up). Eventually, unless he is an ass and draws, he will risk it more than necessary and youll hit him, or youll release your precious rmb and get shot, so no.
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Tears of Destiny on April 25, 2012, 07:41:14 pm
Yes, no person with a shield should be able to kill an archer! Oh wait..

Well see this part confuses me.

Rufio wears no heavy armour and is even on the bit side of light for a front-line melee (previously stated that his total body armour was 40), and he even has lower HP then normal (not even 60) for a front-line infantry.
Our Fallen_Smiling_Daemon managed to make a shielder that had low HP (50), wore decent armour (totaled around 50, very respectable), and still managed to be able to catch and consistently kill archers (or at the very least be fast enough that they could never turn around and shoot with any effectiveness). Smiling proved that a shielder could be able to kill archers and still be deadly against normal infantry, just as Matey did when he was still that irritating Huscarl speed build from hell.

So the question is, if Rufio has low HP and low Armour, then how does he also have low enough athletics to not ward off archers and/or low enough shield skill that his shield breaks against a simple bowman?
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Memento_Mori on April 25, 2012, 07:54:11 pm
Throwing and xbows which are both very weak compared to archers. Buff throwing, buff xbows, nerf archers. 8-)

True lol

You could throw some cav in there too but they have to be smart and wait for the archer to start running away or be completely off guard (tunnel visioned)

Personally on my melee infantry character (with no cardboard box to protect me) & 0 iron flesh, ranged is my bane and I have to play accordingly. But unlike Rufio here, I enjoy it.

As a shielder I disagree, as an archer alt, I disagree even more.
If I am the last one in my team on my archer alt and there are 2-3 2h/pole guys, ill run and shoot them, but if theres a shielder, I might be able to kill the non-shielded, but ill probably lose overall, so i just engage and die.

Yeah I was being over dramatic trying out my silly-wit :P Especially with the "WHAT KILLS THESE RUNNING BASTARDS" lol
I have no issues with archers I find them annoying when they run away from me, but yeah what can you expect them to do? just stand still and let you kill them? lol.
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: XyNox on April 25, 2012, 08:03:57 pm
Well see this part confuses me.

Rufio wears no heavy armour and is even on the bit side of light for a front-line melee (previously stated that his total body armour was 40), and he even has lower HP then normal (not even 60) for a front-line infantry.
Our Fallen_Smiling_Daemon managed to make a shielder that had low HP (50), wore decent armour (totaled around 50, very respectable), and still managed to be able to catch and consistently kill archers (or at the very least be fast enough that they could never turn around and shoot with any effectiveness). Smiling proved that a shielder could be able to kill archers and still be deadly against normal infantry, just as Matey did when he was still that irritating Huscarl speed build from hell.

So the question is, if Rufio has low HP and low Armour, then how does he also have low enough athletics to not ward off archers and/or low enough shield skill that his shield breaks against a simple bowman?

I could imagine he stuffed everything into riding, and this is why:

Steadily going crazy because of archery, rufio was trying to find new ways of outsmarting his ranged foes. As neither dodging, using cover, tactics nor shields achieved the desirable effect he spent all his points on riding as a last resort, though he has no horse. I guess out of insanity he was illusionating that once your riding skill is high enough you can hop on an incoming arrow right before it hits you and fly to the skies on its back. To a foreign land where clouds are pink and archers are shooting marshmallow arrows.

Plausible ?
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Leshma on April 25, 2012, 08:14:34 pm
We need two things.

1) 10 and less total weight limit for maximum active wpp (instead of 7 weight)
2) more 1 slot two handed weapons and polearms and more 0 slot one handed weapons

It's buff for ranged classes but also to AGI chars.

Do it!
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: PanPan on April 25, 2012, 08:25:02 pm
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Yea less running Archers. (wich is guud  8-))
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Tzar on April 25, 2012, 09:14:34 pm
Archery is fine stop crying like little girls  :!:

1. learn to live with Archery is counter for cav 2h/pole/1h/xbow/Thrower

2. Its your own fault for not goin archer to counter other archers

3. Get a shield noob!!!

Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Rumblood on April 25, 2012, 09:28:02 pm
Well see this part confuses me.

So the question is, if Rufio has low HP and low Armour, then how does he also have low enough athletics to not ward off archers and/or low enough shield skill that his shield breaks against a simple bowman?

One does wonder. Perhaps he should stop respeccing back to level 10 after every round  :idea:
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: rufio on April 25, 2012, 09:53:19 pm
to clear things up im 21/21 7if7ath7ps7wm 167 in 2hander 1 shield soon to be 4 shield in 54mil xp, 48h55b48l

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Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Rumblood on April 25, 2012, 09:59:55 pm
7 athletics and not being able to catch an archer, while being riddled with shield breaking arrows?

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Title: Re: archery..
Post by: POOPHAMMER on April 25, 2012, 10:31:26 pm
7 athletics and not being able to catch an archer, while being riddled with shield breaking arrows?

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I am sure he was much more heavily armoured than the archer was, and I am sure the weight of the shield didnt help either
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: rufio on April 25, 2012, 11:04:13 pm
the thing is we started chasing him with 4 people of whome i ended up being the last surviving one QQ
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: XyNox on April 25, 2012, 11:17:56 pm
Why didnt you guys just call for ranged support yourself ? You were supporting your ranged, not being busy with cheap killhunting did you ? DID YOU ? I HOPE YOU DID !

E: Herkku doesnt like teh teAMplayZ I guess
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Old_Sir_Agor on April 26, 2012, 12:17:55 am
Archery is fine stop crying like little girls  :!:

1. learn to live with Archery is counter for cav 2h/pole/1h/xbow/Thrower

2. Its your own fault for not goin archer to counter other archers

3. Get a shield noob!!!

wow Tzar , never expeted this post from you.
btw im arbalester, what i do in 1 way=i kill enemy archers
2) i kill enemy horses, thats what i do most the time.
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Rumblood on April 26, 2012, 01:19:53 am
I am sure he was much more heavily armoured than the archer was, and I am sure the weight of the shield didnt help either

The problem with that idea is that archers don't shoot arrows out of their arse, and so had to turn around several times. So I guess they started chasing across an open field 200 yards away? For 3 minutes? Reminds me of that ball of 10 melee chasing a HX around for 4-5 minutes while their own team's ranged was slaughtered by the enemy melee that wasn't quite as.......<fill in the appropriate term>
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: POOPHAMMER on April 26, 2012, 06:43:58 am
The problem with that idea is that archers don't shoot arrows out of their arse, and so had to turn around several times. So I guess they started chasing across an open field 200 yards away? For 3 minutes? Reminds me of that ball of 10 melee chasing a HX around for 4-5 minutes while their own team's ranged was slaughtered by the enemy melee that wasn't quite as.......<fill in the appropriate term>

I am well aware that archers do not fire arrows out of their asses :P but its the only logical explanation I could think of if a 7 shield 7 athletics shielder managed to get killed chasing an archer, and I do agree with the picture you posted and not being able to make sense of how it happened, I was simply trying to make SOME sort of sense of how that coulda even worked out, and an archer with higher athletics (them damn EU players do love their agi builds), just kept running, turning around and taking shots until the job was done, which I have seen pulled off a few times by speedy archers on NA when they are the last alive.
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Tzar on April 26, 2012, 08:10:39 am
wow Tzar , never expeted this post from you.

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Title: Re: archery..
Post by: rufio on April 26, 2012, 11:45:59 am
The problem with that idea is that archers don't shoot arrows out of their arse, and so had to turn around several times. So I guess they started chasing across an open field 200 yards away? For 3 minutes? Reminds me of that ball of 10 melee chasing a HX around for 4-5 minutes while their own team's ranged was slaughtered by the enemy melee that wasn't quite as.......<fill in the appropriate term>

makes me remember off that post where i said it was 4vs1,, i dont remember mentioning enyone else allive or anything like that, i think na should get theyr own forums where they can talk with theyr own  kind, since they play a totaly different game enyways.
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Kafein on April 26, 2012, 12:31:28 pm
Archery is fine stop crying like little girls  :!:

1. learn to live with Archery is counter for cav 2h/pole/1h/xbow/Thrower

2. Its your own fault for not goin archer to counter other archers

3. Get a shield noob!!!

Sig worthy.

Also, it baffles me how archer enthusiasts are unable to understand the problem with shielders that are stronger vs other melee than ranged troops.

An archer with a decent build can basically shoot while moving nearly non-stop. In a way, they do fire arrows out of their arse, unless they got a fail STR build of course, or armor heavier than peasant clothes. All of this makes him the hardest class to kill for any other class if he has half a brain, except maybe HA that inherently have this kiting ability. But HA got big horses that can be safely lanced or shot, besides they can't dodge cav during the last 500 ms like foot archers can.

Shielders need a significant buff to their ability to kill archers, and to survive while approaching 2 or more of them. This whole "there are two of us we kite in different directions while shooting, you die !" mechanic is absurd.
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Paul on April 26, 2012, 02:25:18 pm
Wow, this reached a new level of retardism.
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: MrShine on April 26, 2012, 03:14:26 pm
Shielders need a significant buff to their ability to kill archers, and to survive while approaching 2 or more of them. This whole "there are two of us we kite in different directions while shooting, you die !" mechanic is absurd.

"Mechanic"? You mean, teamplay and being outnumbered? A skilled player going up against two other skilled players is almost always going to lose unless the team of two make a mistake.

But if you insist I've found the perfectly (balanced) shielder change that should help them with running archers:
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Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Rumblood on April 26, 2012, 03:50:39 pm
Shielders need a significant buff to their ability to kill archers, and to survive while approaching 2 or more of them. This whole "there are two of us we kite in different directions while shooting, you die !" mechanic is absurd.

Now it isn't good enough for you if you can run down and auto-kill a single archer, oh no. You want to be able to auto-kill however many archers might be shooting at you without being touched.

Why not just have archers auto-die on spawn?  :rolleyes:

Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Tzar on April 26, 2012, 04:04:57 pm
just have archers auto-die on spawn?

Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Ronin on April 26, 2012, 04:53:58 pm
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Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Leshma on April 26, 2012, 05:03:29 pm
I wanna make post filled with pictures like news headlines with Tzar and Rufio saying QQ Archery OP!!, Nerf friendly archery!, I had 8 kd then archer ruined it, nURF! and stuff like that. But I'm too lazy.
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Tzar on April 26, 2012, 05:11:30 pm
I wanna make post filled with pictures like news deadlines with Tzar and Rufio saying QQ Archery OP!!, Nerf friendly archery!, I had 8 kd then archer ruined it, nURF! and stuff like that. But I'm too lazy.

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Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Rebelyell on April 26, 2012, 05:33:59 pm
That thread is so pointles then I want cry beacause of that 52 pages.......

Where is op??? How???

Archers shoot to kill, and they kills
QQ more you shieldless poor whiners
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Old_Sir_Agor on April 26, 2012, 05:53:54 pm
Till melee players cry so hard on forum about archers, devs dont look on melee,And melee at this time run in tincan armors with lightning speed, have so much str that they kill everything with 1-2 hits, have bigass stun polearms, and can survive like 5-10 arrows. Thats why they cry, they are OP and they hide it by crying about archery.
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Tzar on April 26, 2012, 05:59:44 pm
and can survive like 5-10 arrows.

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Title: Re: archery..
Post by: rufio on April 26, 2012, 06:18:10 pm
yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah buddy
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Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Kafein on April 26, 2012, 06:27:27 pm
"Mechanic"? You mean, teamplay and being outnumbered? A skilled player going up against two other skilled players is almost always going to lose unless the team of two make a mistake.

As a shielder, when I fight two skilled melee I still have a very far from ridiculous chance of winning. As a shielder, my chances of winning against two skilled archers are less than 0.5%

Now if you don't see the problem here, I don't think we can progress in this discussion.

Now it isn't good enough for you if you can run down and auto-kill a single archer, oh no.

I don't know whether it would be enough or not as that simply does not happen in the general case. What happens is that I chase an archer (as a shielder, so please make it clear whether this is "extremely dumb" or not, I remember some archers argued shielded melee had to hide from range too), so I run. Then I block an arrow and keep on running. Then I release my block so I run faster. Then I see the archer moving sideways while nocking an arrow, so I block again. Then I block an other arrow and keep on running. Then I release my block so I run faster. Then I see the archer moving sideways while nocking an arrow, so I block again. Then I block an other arrow and keep on running. Then I release my block so I run faster. Then I see the archer moving sideways while nocking an arrow, so I block again. Then I block an other arrow and keep on running. Then I release my block so I run faster. Then I see the archer moving sideways while nocking an arrow, so I block again. Then I block an other arrow and keep on running. Then I release my block so I run faster. Then I see the archer moving sideways while nocking an arrow, so I block again. Then I block an other arrow and keep on running. Then I release my block so I run faster. Then I see the archer moving sideways while nocking an arrow, so I block again. Then I block an other arrow and keep on running. Then I release my block so I run faster. Then I see the archer moving sideways while nocking an arrow, so I block again. Then I block an other arrow and keep on running. Then I release my block so I run faster. Then I see the archer moving sideways while nocking an arrow, so I block again. Then I block an other arrow and keep on running. Then I release my block so I run faster. Then I see the archer moving sideways while nocking an arrow, so I block again. Then I block an other arrow and keep on running. Then I release my block so I run faster. Then I see the archer moving sideways while nocking an arrow, so I block again. Then I block an other arrow and keep on running. Then I release my block so I run faster. Then I see the archer moving sideways while nocking an arrow, so I block again. Then I block an other arrow and keep on running. Then I release my block so I run faster. Then I see the archer moving sideways while nocking an arrow, so I block again. Then I block an other arrow and keep on running. Then I release my block so I run faster. Then I see the archer moving sideways while nocking an arrow, so I block again. Then I block an other arrow and keep on running. Then I release my block so I run faster. Then I see the archer moving sideways while nocking an arrow, so I block again. Then I block an other arrow and keep on running. Then I release my block so I run faster. Then I see the archer moving sideways while nocking an arrow, so I block again. Then I block an other arrow and keep on running. Then I release my block so I run faster. Then I see the archer moving sideways while nocking an arrow, so I block again. Then I block an other arrow and keep on running. Then I release my block so I run faster. Then I see the archer moving sideways while nocking an arrow, so I block again. Then I block an other arrow and keep on running. Then I release my block so I run faster. Then I see the archer moving sideways while nocking an arrow, so I block again. Then I block an other arrow and keep on running. Then I release my block so I run faster. Then I see the archer moving sideways while nocking an arrow, so I block again. Then I block an other arrow and keep on running. Then I release my block so I run faster. Then I see the archer moving sideways while nocking an arrow, so I block again. Then I block an other arrow and keep on running. Then I release my block so I run faster. Then I see the archer moving sideways while nocking an arrow, so I block again. Then I block an other arrow and keep on running. Then I release my block so I run faster. Then I see the archer moving sideways while nocking an arrow, so I block again. Then I block an other arrow and keep on running. Then I release my block so I run faster. Then I see the archer moving sideways while nocking an arrow, so I block again. Then I block an other arrow and keep on running. Then I release my block so I run faster. Then I see the archer moving sideways while nocking an arrow, so I block again. Then I block an other arrow and keep on running. Then I release my block so I run faster. Then I see the archer moving sideways while nocking an arrow, so I block again. Then I block an other arrow and keep on running. Then I release my block so I run faster. Then I see the archer moving sideways while nocking an arrow, so I block again. Then I block an other arrow and keep on running. Then I release my block so I run faster. Then I see the archer moving sideways while nocking an arrow, so I block again. Then I block an other arrow and keep on running. Then I release my block so I run faster. Then I see the archer moving sideways while nocking an arrow, so I block again. Then I block an other arrow and keep on running. Then I release my block so I run faster. Then I see the archer moving sideways while nocking an arrow, so I block again. Then I block an other arrow and keep on running. Then I release my block so I run faster. Then I see the archer moving sideways while nocking an arrow, so I block again. Then I block an other arrow and keep on running. Then I release my block so I run faster. Then I see the archer moving sideways while nocking an arrow, so I block again. Then I block an other arrow and keep on running. Then I release my block so I run faster. Then I see the archer moving sideways while nocking an arrow, so I block again. Then I block an other arrow and keep on running. Then I release my block so I run faster. Then I see the archer moving sideways while nocking an arrow, so I block again. Then I block an other arrow and keep on running. Then I release my block so I run faster. Then I see the archer moving sideways while nocking an arrow, so I block again. Then I block an other arrow and keep on running. Then I release my block so I run faster. Then I see the archer moving sideways while nocking an arrow, so I block again. Then I block an other arrow and keep on running. Then I release my block so I run faster. Then I see the archer moving sideways while nocking an arrow, so I block again. Then I block an other arrow and keep on running. Then I release my block so I run faster. Then I see the archer moving sideways while nocking an arrow, so I block again. Then I block an other arrow and keep on running. Then I release my block so I run faster. Then I see the archer moving sideways while nocking an arrow, so I block again. Then I block an other arrow and keep on running. Then I release my block so I run faster. Then I see the archer moving sideways while nocking an arrow, so I block again. Then I block an other arrow and keep on running. Then I release my block so I run faster. Then I see the archer moving sideways while nocking an arrow, so I block again. Then I block an other arrow and keep on running. Then I release my block so I run faster. Then I see the archer moving sideways while nocking an arrow, so I block again. Then I block an other arrow and keep on running. Then I release my block so I run faster. Then I see the archer moving sideways while nocking an arrow, so I block again. Then I block an other arrow and keep on running. Then I release my block so I run faster. Then I see the archer moving sideways while nocking an arrow, so I block again. Then I block an other arrow and keep on running. Then I release my block so I run faster. Then I see the archer moving sideways while nocking an arrow, so I block again. Then I block an other arrow and keep on running. Then I release my block so I run faster. Then I see the archer moving sideways while nocking an arrow, so I block again. Then I block an other arrow and keep on running. Then I release my block so I run faster. Then I see the archer moving sideways while nocking an arrow, so I block again. Then I block an other arrow and keep on running. Then I release my block so I run faster. Then I see the archer moving sideways while nocking an arrow, so I block again. Then I block an other arrow and keep on running. Then I release my block so I run faster. Then I see the archer moving sideways while nocking an arrow, so I block again. Then I block an other arrow and keep on running. Then I release my block so I run faster. Then I see the archer moving sideways while nocking an arrow, so I block again. Then I block an other arrow and keep on running. Then I release my block so I run faster. Then I see the archer moving sideways while nocking an arrow, so I block again. Then I block an other arrow and keep on running. Then I release my block so I run faster. Then I see the archer moving sideways while nocking an arrow, so I block again. Then I block an other arrow and keep on running. Then I release my block so I run faster. Then I see the archer moving sideways while nocking an arrow, so I block again. Then I block an other arrow and keep on running. Then I release my block so I run faster. Then I see the archer moving sideways while nocking an arrow, so I block again. Then I block an other arrow and keep on running. Then I release my block so I run faster. Then I see the archer moving sideways while nocking an arrow, so I block again. Then I block an other arrow and keep on running. Then I release my block so I run faster. Then I see the archer moving sideways while nocking an arrow, so I block again. Then I block an other arrow and keep on running. Then I release my block so I run faster. Then I see the archer moving sideways while nocking an arrow, so I block again. Then I block an other arrow and keep on running. Then I release my block so I run faster. Then I see the archer moving sideways while nocking an arrow, so I block again. Then I block an other arrow and keep on running. Then I release my block so I run faster. Then I see the archer moving sideways while nocking an arrow, so I block again. Then I block an other arrow and keep on running. Then I release my block so I run faster. Then I see the archer moving sideways while nocking an arrow, so I block again. Then I block an other arrow and keep on running. Then I release my block so I run faster. Then I see the archer moving sideways while nocking an arrow, so I block again. Then I block an other arrow and keep on running. Then I release my block so I run faster. Then I see the archer moving sideways while nocking an arrow, so I block again. Then I block an other arrow and keep on running. Then I release my block so I run faster. Then I see the archer moving sideways while nocking an arrow, so I block again. Then I block an other arrow and keep on running. Then I release my block so I run faster. Then I see the archer moving sideways while nocking an arrow, so I block again. Then I block an other arrow and keep on running. Then I release my block so I run faster. Then I see the archer moving sideways while nocking an arrow, so I block again. Then I block an other arrow and keep on running. Then I release my block so I run faster. Then I see the archer moving sideways while nocking an arrow, so I block again. Then I block an other arrow and keep on running. Then I release my block so I run faster. Then I see the archer moving sideways while nocking an arrow, so I block again. Then I block an other arrow and keep on running. Then I release my block so I run faster. Then I see the archer moving sideways while nocking an arrow, so I block again. Then I block an other arrow and keep on running. Then I release my block so I run faster. Then I see the archer moving sideways while nocking an arrow, so I block again. Then I block an other arrow and keep on running. Then I release my block so I run faster. Then I see the archer moving sideways while nocking an arrow, so I block again. Then I block an other arrow and keep on running. Then I release my block so I run faster. Then I see the archer moving sideways while nocking an arrow, so I block again. Then I block an other arrow and keep on running. Then I release my block so I run faster. Then I see the archer moving sideways while nocking an arrow, so I block again. Then I block an other arrow and keep on running.

Then I catch the archer, now two things can happen :

Case 1 : he takes a melee weapon and we start fighting. I attack first, he blocks then attacks. I block and I do some feints to get my hit in. He blocks an attacks normally again. I block that and do some more complicated feints or hold and that's exactly the moment he decides to run away. I chase him again in a similar way until I catch him again. I attack first, he blocks then attacks. I block and I do some feints to get my hit in. He blocks an attacks normally again. I block that and do some more complicated feints or hold and that's exactly the moment he decides to run away. I chase him again in a similar way until I catch him again. I attack first, he blocks then attacks. I block and I do some feints to get my hit in. He blocks an attacks normally again. I block that and do some more complicated feints or hold and that's exactly the moment he decides to run away. I chase him again in a similar way until I catch him again. I attack first, he blocks then attacks. I block and I do some feints to get my hit in. He blocks an attacks normally again. I block that and do some more complicated feints or hold and that's exactly the moment he decides to run away. I chase him again in a similar way until I catch him again. I attack first, he blocks then attacks. I block and I do some feints to get my hit in. He blocks an attacks normally again. I block that and do some more complicated feints or hold and that's exactly the moment he decides to run away. I chase him again in a similar way until I catch him again. I attack first, he blocks then attacks. I block and I do some feints to get my hit in. He blocks an attacks normally again. I block that and do some more complicated feints or hold and that's exactly the moment he decides to run away. I chase him again in a similar way until I catch him again. I attack first, he blocks then attacks. I block and I do some feints to get my hit in. He blocks an attacks normally again. I block that and do some more complicated feints or hold and that's exactly the moment he decides to run away. I chase him again in a similar way until I catch him again. I attack first, he blocks then attacks. I block and I do some feints to get my hit in. He blocks an attacks normally again. I block that and do some more complicated feints or hold and that's exactly the moment he decides to run away. I chase him again in a similar way until I catch him again. I attack first, he blocks then attacks. I block and I do some feints to get my hit in. He blocks an attacks normally again. I block that and do some more complicated feints or hold and that's exactly the moment he decides to run away. I chase him again in a similar way until I catch him again. I attack first, he blocks then attacks. I block and I do some feints to get my hit in. He blocks an attacks normally again. I block that and do some more complicated feints or hold and that's exactly the moment he decides to run away. I chase him again in a similar way until I catch him again. I attack first, he blocks then attacks. I block and I do some feints to get my hit in. He blocks an attacks normally again. I block that and do some more complicated feints or hold and that's exactly the moment he decides to run away. I chase him again in a similar way until I catch him again. I attack first, he blocks then attacks. I block and I do some feints to get my hit in. He blocks an attacks normally again. I block that and do some more complicated feints or hold and that's exactly the moment he decides to run away. I chase him again in a similar way until I catch him again. I attack first, he blocks then attacks. I block and I do some feints to get my hit in. He blocks an attacks normally again. I block that and do some more complicated feints or hold and that's exactly the moment he decides to run away. I chase him again in a similar way until I catch him again. I attack first, he blocks then attacks. I block and I do some feints to get my hit in. He blocks an attacks normally again. I block that and do some more complicated feints or hold and that's exactly the moment he decides to run away. I chase him again in a similar way until I catch him again. I attack first, he blocks then attacks. I block and I do some feints to get my hit in. He blocks an attacks normally again. I block that and do some more complicated feints or hold and that's exactly the moment he decides to run away. I chase him again in a similar way until I catch him again. I attack first, he blocks then attacks. I block and I do some feints to get my hit in. He blocks an attacks normally again. I block that and do some more complicated feints or hold and that's exactly the moment he decides to run away. I chase him again in a similar way until I catch him again. I attack first, he blocks then attacks. I block and I do some feints to get my hit in. He blocks an attacks normally again. I block that and do some more complicated feints or hold and that's exactly the moment he decides to run away. I chase him again in a similar way until I catch him again. I attack first, he blocks then attacks. I block and I do some feints to get my hit in. He blocks an attacks normally again. I block that and do some more complicated feints or hold and that's exactly the moment he decides to run away. I chase him again in a similar way until I catch him again. I attack first, he blocks then attacks. I block and I do some feints to get my hit in. He blocks an attacks normally again. I block that and do some more complicated feints or hold and that's exactly the moment he decides to run away. I chase him again in a similar way until I catch him again. I attack first, he blocks then attacks. I block and I do some feints to get my hit in. He blocks an attacks normally again. I block that and do some more complicated feints or hold and that's exactly the moment he decides to run away. I chase him again in a similar way until I catch him again. I attack first, he blocks then attacks. I block and I do some feints to get my hit in. He blocks an attacks normally again. I block that and do some more complicated feints or hold and that's exactly the moment he decides to run away. I chase him again in a similar way until I catch him again. I attack first, he blocks then attacks. I block and I do some feints to get my hit in. He blocks an attacks normally again. I block that and do some more complicated feints or hold and that's exactly the moment he decides to run away. I chase him again in a similar way until I catch him again. I attack first, he blocks then attacks. I block and I do some feints to get my hit in. He blocks an attacks normally again. I block that and do some more complicated feints or hold and that's exactly the moment he decides to run away. I chase him again in a similar way until I catch him again. I attack first, he blocks then attacks. I block and I do some feints to get my hit in. He blocks an attacks normally again. I block that and do some more complicated feints or hold and that's exactly the moment he decides to run away. I chase him again in a similar way until I catch him again. I attack first, he blocks then attacks. I block and I do some feints to get my hit in. He blocks an attacks normally again. I block that and do some more complicated feints or hold and that's exactly the moment he decides to run away. I chase him again in a similar way until I catch him again. I attack first, he blocks then attacks. I block and I do some feints to get my hit in. He blocks an attacks normally again. I block that and do some more complicated feints or hold and that's exactly the moment he decides to run away. I chase him again in a similar way until I catch him again. I attack first, he blocks then attacks. I block and I do some feints to get my hit in. He blocks an attacks normally again. I block that and do some more complicated feints or hold and that's exactly the moment he decides to run away. I chase him again in a similar way until I catch him again. I attack first, he blocks then attacks. I block and I do some feints to get my hit in. He blocks an attacks normally again. I block that and do some more complicated feints or hold and that's exactly the moment he decides to run away. I chase him again in a similar way until I catch him again.

At some point he misses a few blocks and I kill him.

Case 2 :

The archer nocks an arrow, and draws his bow into my shield. At that moment I expect (well I don't even count on it anymore tbh) the bump to happen that will stop his draw. If I release my block, I'm dead the instant I do it. The archer then proceeds to glide around me with his bow drawn into my body, taking advantage of his peasant clothes that somehow reduce his weight to a few kilograms without affecting his leg muscles. This whole movement is aimed at trying to go around my shield and shotgun me. Even though most archers can't do this properly, it still is 100% unsafe to stop blocking, and only stops being so after the shot is released or in the unlikely event of it being interrupted. It's also notable that while I block it's totally possible for a good agi archer to start running away again.

So if this is what you call an autokill, I would gladly trade it for a not-so-probablekill that hopefully wouldn't take more than 1 minute.

Let's compare that to what happens when I have to kill a 2h.

We both go towards each other because we have no way of harming each other from far away. Let's assume he's the worst 2h ever so when we are more or less at 2m range he starts thrust feinting while going forward and backward back and forth. At some point he releases an attack and I block, when I try to attack back he backpedals or runs away from my reach so I have to block another attack. But usually now I'm so close he can't really get away without putting himself in danger. We fight each other more or less equally then there's a winner about 10 seconds later (in battle of course, people don't fight the same way in duel).

My chances clearly aren't as good as with the archer, but I didn't had to chase him for a century, and that is more important in battle than actually killing people. While chasing an archer I'm a sitting duck for cav, other ranged or even fast infantry, resulting in the chase actually being the worst choice for survival.

And before you try to divert the debate towards irrelevant subjects, this is my experience as a 15/21 shielder/lance cav, chasing archers with a KAS, an elite cav shield, heraldic mail, mail mittens, leather boots and a solak helmet (and nothing else). I changed my build and equipement around mid-March.

You want to be able to auto-kill however many archers might be shooting at you without being touched.

No, but having reasonable chances against 2 archers would be... expected for the melee class that is supposed to be an anti-ranged force.
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Tears of Destiny on April 26, 2012, 06:29:30 pm
I don't care what anyone else says, that was an epic post.
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Kafein on April 26, 2012, 06:33:15 pm
I don't care what anyone else says, that was an epic post.

I can't put it in my sig though :(
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Dezilagel on April 26, 2012, 06:42:08 pm
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Kafein on April 26, 2012, 06:44:43 pm
Achievement : Joker86
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: BlindGuy on April 26, 2012, 07:02:13 pm
Kafein, stop whineing. I just did gen as 2hander, NO problem dodging, NO problem catching most archers, some I couldnt catch but they couldnt escape far enough to pull back either, I just press w+t and wait till the kid gets bored.

Sure, sometimes your not paying attention, you get shot. Before that I was shielder, with round shield. Was shot....once? Two times maybe, caught all archers, killed all archers.

Now, in a 2v1 situation, if your enemy IS NOT a noob, your dead. You say you have a better chance vs 2 melee than 2 ranged. YOU DONT. You have EQUAL chance against 2 noobs, but you fight 2 decent players, YOUR DEAD. Your not especially good, you dont think much when you play, infact....your pure pecores. Im done here, this thread is pure farce.
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Kafein on April 26, 2012, 07:07:45 pm
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Btw : I quit pecores. And you should duel takeo, cadage, coin or jeanne some day. Pecores got good players just like any other clan, but they don't play as much as the bad ones  :lol:

Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Rumblood on April 26, 2012, 07:13:00 pm
I don't care what anyone else says, that was an epic post.

Except that he/she isn't a shielder. I have zero sympathy for dehorsed cavalry. QQ elsewhere.

And before you try to divert the debate towards irrelevant subjects, this is my experience as a 15/21 shielder/lance cav,
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: rufio on April 26, 2012, 07:14:57 pm
stay out of here na scum, you are below us!
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Tears of Destiny on April 26, 2012, 07:16:04 pm
stay out of here na scum, you are below us!

It feels good to be below you, considering we apparently have significantly less problems against range then you do, despite you having supposedly more archers on your servers and the same "damage dealt" statistic that was posted.

Get on our level  8-)

(click to show/hide)
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Kafein on April 26, 2012, 07:18:13 pm
Except that he/she isn't a shielder. I have zero sympathy for dehorsed cavalry. QQ elsewhere.

Anything else to say ? I had 7 ath, 6 shield skill and 120 1h wpf with that guy. The fact that I was cav too is irrelevant.

Unless you bring some actual argument, my point stands...
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Rumblood on April 26, 2012, 07:20:35 pm
The fact that you are cavalry is all the argument needed.

Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Kafein on April 26, 2012, 07:22:41 pm
The fact that you are cavalry is all the argument needed.


Okay I think I need that image again.

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The other party being unable to answer any of the points being made, I think I won. Thank you for your participation.
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Tears of Destiny on April 26, 2012, 07:23:24 pm
Hmm, to be fair, he does have the athletics and shield skill to properly participate in this argument. If he was a 6 shield 0 athletic cavalry then yes I would understand ignoring him, but considering his build I have to take him in consideration.

Cavalry builds are usually ignored due to not having the prerequisite skills to mimic a shielder, but in this case due to his abnormal level/build he can mimic a normal level 30 shielder for the intents of this discussion.

That is just my opinion from an objective viewpoint though.
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: rufio on April 26, 2012, 07:24:58 pm
poke her in the eye,  poke her in the eye, blind the female dog , blind the female dog
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: MrShine on April 26, 2012, 07:28:43 pm
As a shielder, when I fight two skilled melee I still have a very far from ridiculous chance of winning. As a shielder, my chances of winning against two skilled archers are less than 0.5%

Now if you don't see the problem here, I don't think we can progress in this discussion.

The wall of text was funny, but DAMN are you a big whiner.

Steps to deal with 2 archers:
-Chase the archer who seems to be slower/has the bigger bow. 
-Use '~' and only raise your shield when one of them has the bow drawn.  Be ready to do a 180 turn to catch arrows in your back.

If your shield is in good condition it's going to take a lot of time for their arrows to break it.  If it's towards the end of the round one/both will likely be out before your shield breaks.  In either case there is going to be plenty of time for one of them to make a mistake, or perhaps you might even catch the one behind you with their pants down if you quickly change targets if he gets too close.

I've had plenty of success in the past in 2v1 situations like this.  Of course the odds are stacked against me and if there are more than 2 left or my shield breaks I'm usually screwed, but boo hoo.

In conclusion: Sack up and stop whining.

Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Dezilagel on April 26, 2012, 08:08:22 pm
Kafein, stop whineing. I just did gen as 2hander, NO problem dodging, NO problem catching most archers, some I couldnt catch but they couldnt escape far enough to pull back either, I just press w+t and wait till the kid gets bored.

Sure, sometimes your not paying attention, you get shot. Before that I was shielder, with round shield. Was shot....once? Two times maybe, caught all archers, killed all archers.

Now, in a 2v1 situation, if your enemy IS NOT a noob, your dead. You say you have a better chance vs 2 melee than 2 ranged. YOU DONT. You have EQUAL chance against 2 noobs, but you fight 2 decent players, YOUR DEAD. Your not especially good, you dont think much when you play, infact....your pure pecores. Im done here, this thread is pure farce.

Oh god.

Firstly, you are a horrible melee player. Really. The personal attacks are weak, but coming from you it's just downright pathetic.

Secondly: 2v1 vs. melee is a very common situation and one that is very much doable. 1v2 vs. shitty/mediocre players is easy, 1v2 vs. good players is hard, but most certainly doable.

2v1 vs. archers of ANY skill level is just complete pain though, provided the archers have an IQ >50 and decide to move apart.

There is no real comparison between fighting melee and "fighting" archers. If you kill an archer it's because you have enough ath/light enough armor/good enough shield... etc. Skilless, and boring.

If you fight and kill a melee player though it's because you beat him straight up in a fight. The fight is essentially what I play M@B for, it's fun, exciting and you're actually fighting someone on equal terms rather than forcing him to chase you in a long sequence of complete boredom while you try to pepper him using a 2003-ish aiming system of epic fail.

I honestly don't care about you archer and your "but archery takes skill!!!!!11111oneoneone". Yeah there are good archers and there are bad ones but whereas fighting good players is enjoyable the only thing that increases with the skill of the opposing archer is the amount of annoyance.

Granted, you might say the same about melee players, but shouldn't we really be playing different games then? And if fighting other archers is what you're after then why are there hardly any archers on the duel server?

+ I often get from archers "but archery is so tough, you have to be lv 25 to do any real damage". And you''re right. Archery REALLY sucks at low levels. And why is that? Because it's so incredibly stat-based! There's a reason for the whine about the performance difference of high lv + fully loomed archers vs. normal ones. Also: I once dueled and beat 11 people on a battle server at round end, at level 12! With peasant clothes and a spear! Could I do that as an archer? No way. And why is that...? Make what you want out of it.

Okay time to /endrant

The wall of text was funny, but DAMN are you a big whiner.

Steps to deal with 2 archers:
-Chase the archer who seems to be slower/has the bigger bow. 
-Use '~' and only raise your shield when one of them has the bow drawn.  Be ready to do a 180 turn to catch arrows in your back.

If your shield is in good condition it's going to take a lot of time for their arrows to break it.  If it's towards the end of the round one/both will likely be out before your shield breaks.  In either case there is going to be plenty of time for one of them to make a mistake, or perhaps you might even catch the one behind you with their pants down if you quickly change targets if he gets too close.

I've had plenty of success in the past in 2v1 situations like this.  Of course the odds are stacked against me and if there are more than 2 left or my shield breaks I'm usually screwed, but boo hoo.

In conclusion: Sack up and stop whining.

And what if the archers are non-retarded ones and actually time their shots?
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Tears of Destiny on April 26, 2012, 08:09:32 pm
And what if the archers are non-retarded ones and actually time their shots?
Then you will die just as easily as if you are fighting two melee who are timing their strikes so you literally don't have any time to counter attack.
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Kafein on April 26, 2012, 08:12:36 pm
The wall of text was funny, but DAMN are you a big whiner.

Steps to deal with 2 archers:
-Chase the archer who seems to be slower/has the bigger bow. 
-Use '~' and only raise your shield when one of them has the bow drawn.  Be ready to do a 180 turn to catch arrows in your back.

If your shield is in good condition it's going to take a lot of time for their arrows to break it.  If it's towards the end of the round one/both will likely be out before your shield breaks.  In either case there is going to be plenty of time for one of them to make a mistake, or perhaps you might even catch the one behind you with their pants down if you quickly change targets if he gets too close.

I've had plenty of success in the past in 2v1 situations like this.  Of course the odds are stacked against me and if there are more than 2 left or my shield breaks I'm usually screwed, but boo hoo.

In conclusion: Sack up and stop whining.

That's usually what I do and sometimes it works. When archers don't sync properly or when the one I'm not chasing stays too far away for example. The problem with the 1 minute chase still stands though. But what happens really often is that I don't even bother attacking multiple archers until I'm forced to. I'm not whining as this problem doesn't really ruin my game (I'm 18/18 1h cav now with much more armor) in any way, but I do think shielders need some love against range, and some nerf in melee to balance it.
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Dezilagel on April 26, 2012, 08:31:01 pm
Then you will die just as easily as if you are fighting two melee who are timing their strikes so you literally don't have any time to counter attack.

Okay, Dezi's quick guide to avoid getting fucked in 2v1 in melee vs people who hold and time their strikes:

First you need to realize that in order to get into a situation where two people have you completely cornered they must be in almost perfect position. If your melee positioning isn't completely retarded and you don't have an NA build they are going to have to work a little to get there.

What usually gets me in that position is that one guy holds his strike allowing for his friend to get into position and then stagger you to hell. To avoid this you must act quickly. Try to bait the swing by doing a fake attack. If he bites? Well then you have the advantage and a chance to attack him/move into a better position/surprise his friend. if he doesn't bite? Try a few more times and then for a quick, aggressive strike. Or just go for the attack directly, if you feel lucky. Noone has the reflexes to fully counter this bait/attack tactic, provided you are quick enough.

Of course, getting an attack off just once isn't going to cut it for most fights, but then you have to realize the massive advantage being the one who's "attacking" in a groupfight is, and you need to make the most out of it. When being in the "attacking phase" you're free to move without your opponent unleashing a held strike on you (that's why 2v1 can be so dangerous, you don't need very quick reflexes to release a held strike on someone who is trying to spam his way out).

Also there's the standard groupfighting tips such as making sure to be very aggressive and keep the pressure up so they make mistakes but I'm sure you're familiar with that.

That being said, a 2v1 is considerably harder than a 1v1, for obvious reason. Vs good players it's really hard but not in any way impossible. And it's actually a load of fun once you get the hang of it.
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Moncho on April 26, 2012, 08:41:35 pm
phew 1 day without checking the forums and 4 new pages in this senseless thread???? omgwtf
And quit QQing biatches, its not that hard to at the beginning of the round make a kinngrimm (go around, flank, get those archers from where they like it, get 5/6 almost free kills, profit!)

Also, what about using some teamplay and one person attacks frontally, and when the archer tunnelvisions him, you attack from the side/back?
What about not going head on as some blind rhino?
Would you attack a sniper/tank in a modern fps? No, you go around and put a mine below it!, you knife him from the back, etc.
Also, the side shoot is a move only doable by a few archers properly, the good ones. Probably if you face a skilled 2her your chances are small.
I repeat: Man up, quit the fucking QQing, im tired of QQing at your useless stupid QQing...
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: zagibu on April 26, 2012, 08:42:50 pm
Another 10 pages of supporters for archery nerf and devs sit by idly.
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Ronin on April 26, 2012, 08:46:31 pm
Another 10 pages of supporters for archery nerf and devs sit by idly. I am too lazy to read. Oh look! There has been 10 more pages=Archery is OP.
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Leshma on April 26, 2012, 08:47:53 pm
Archery is weak, very weak. Dedicated archer hunter speaking here. I've probably killed more archers than all of you who posted in this thread.
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Tzar on April 26, 2012, 08:48:54 pm
Archery is weak, very weak. Dedicated archer hunter speaking here. I've probably killed more archers than all of you who posted in this thread.

Cool story you should write a book about your adventures im sure we would all read it...
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Moncho on April 26, 2012, 08:53:53 pm
Cool story you should write a book about your adventures im sure we would all read it...

With comments like this, no wonder the devs dont take whiners seriously
Oh wait...

And kafein, I steal this from you, it just fits him soooo well

Okay I think I need that image again.

(click to show/hide)
The other party being unable to answer any of the points being made, I think I won. Thank you for your participation.

Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Rumblood on April 26, 2012, 08:58:37 pm
The other party being unable to answer any of the points being made, I think I won. Thank you for your participation.

Yes, unable to answer to it as long as you ignore the 55 pages telling you where you are wrong.

 :rolleyes:  :shock:  :rolleyes:  :lol:
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Tears of Destiny on April 26, 2012, 09:04:41 pm
Cool story you should write a book about your adventures im sure we would all read it...

I think you should, considering you might learn a thing or three from Leshma who despite having no shield manages to usually not get shot to crap and skill score kills and even kill some archers in the process.
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Dezilagel on April 26, 2012, 09:08:11 pm
you might learn a thing or three from Leshma

(click to show/hide)
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Logen on April 26, 2012, 09:08:14 pm
Archery is weak, very weak. Dedicated archer hunter speaking here. I've probably killed more archers than all of you who posted in this thread.
Compared to what it was like before? yes.

and I surely killed more archers
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Paul on April 26, 2012, 11:46:19 pm
Another 10 pages of supporters for archery nerf and devs sit by idly.

I am more for an archery buff if those "supporters" keep it up with the their current quality of argumentation.
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Tzar on April 26, 2012, 11:55:03 pm
I am more for an archery buff if those "supporters" keep it up with the their current quality of argumentation.

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Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Kafein on April 27, 2012, 12:01:24 am
Yes, unable to answer to it as long as you ignore the 55 pages telling you where you are wrong.

 :rolleyes:  :shock:  :rolleyes:  :lol:

Okay you surely have some good points in those 55 pages but I'm not going to read that, sorry. Besides, those 55 pages also contain good points made by archery nerf supporters.

You might want to get rid of that attitude though. As you probably read in my previous post, I do not want any massive change made to archery. I just strongly advocate for a small change.

I am more for an archery buff if those "supporters" keep it up with the their current quality of argumentation.

May I kindly ask what would qualify as a compelling argument ?
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Paul on April 27, 2012, 12:06:29 am
Not using gifs for example.
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Kafein on April 27, 2012, 12:44:04 am
Not using gifs for example.

At least I didn't. And I couldn't find a better way than that awesome image which is still full text to describe my feelings about the ad hominem.
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Leshma on April 27, 2012, 02:38:19 am
Archers can't use any armor with higher rating than 20 if they want their whole wpp to be active, can't wear better gloves, can't wear head armor, limited boot choice...

On top of that they can't use many weapons because of slot system. Actually they can but in that case they don't have much arrows to shoot. Therefore most use crappy 0 slot weapons with little or no PS due to a fact that archery unlike xbows has special skill where you need to put points.

Damage they deal is good only if they have everything loomed and "victim" is moving towards them. It's not archery that deals such huge damage in some cases, it's speed bonus. Same goes for xbows, cav, throwing and melee. They all profit from speed bonus.

Now tell me that archery isn't gimped atm, will all these facts I've written here.
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Bobthehero on April 27, 2012, 03:24:04 am
I can shoot okay-ish in black armor and co on my archer, use a hornbow + 2 stacks of arrow and a top tier 1 hander.
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: karasu on April 27, 2012, 03:50:20 am
What was this thread about? Got lost in the flame war and e-peen competitions.
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Tears of Destiny on April 27, 2012, 06:19:31 am
What was this thread about? Got lost in the flame war and e-peen competitions.

It is about people saying that they should not adapt to fight a certain playstyle, so they want the other playstyle to adapt instead.
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Bobthehero on April 27, 2012, 07:09:29 am
Well who should adapt to who?
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Rumblood on April 27, 2012, 07:49:02 am
It is about people saying that they should not adapt to fight a certain playstyle, so they want the other playstyle nerfed out of existence instead.
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Kafein on April 27, 2012, 08:08:12 am
Archers can't use any armor with higher rating than 20 if they want their whole wpp to be active, can't wear better gloves, can't wear head armor, limited boot choice...

On top of that they can't use many weapons because of slot system. Actually they can but in that case they don't have much arrows to shoot. Therefore most use crappy 0 slot weapons with little or no PS due to a fact that archery unlike xbows has special skill where you need to put points.

Damage they deal is good only if they have everything loomed and "victim" is moving towards them. It's not archery that deals such huge damage in some cases, it's speed bonus. Same goes for xbows, cav, throwing and melee. They all profit from speed bonus.

Now tell me that archery isn't gimped atm, will all these facts I've written here.

They are gimped in some specific way that makes fighting archers an unnecessary annoyance. It could be much more fun if archers weren't forced to be peasants totally dedicated to their bow and nothing else like some kind of asian kid that trained during 8 years to play harmonica with his feet. Why isn't archery wpf like melee wpf ? That is, with extremely diminishing returns from stacking it. Why are archers forced to wear peasant clothes ? Why is PD considered useless above 6, 5 or even 4 for most people ? All in all, the central problem is that archery depends too much on wpf. If the wpf curve was sharpened in a way that gives the advantage to hybrid and medium-armored archers (what they should all be in the first place), then you'd see a lot less complaints from people that are sick of chasing flies with bazookas.
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: zagibu on April 27, 2012, 08:17:49 am
I am more for an archery buff if those "supporters" keep it up with the their current quality of argumentation.

I wouldn't be surprised. You have already proven that you are a great mod balancer, so this archery buff would perfectly fit your current track record. Maybe also buff cav while you're at it?
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Leshma on April 27, 2012, 01:01:10 pm
I can shoot okay-ish in black armor and co on my archer, use a hornbow + 2 stacks of arrow and a top tier 1 hander.

You can cheat crosshair, you can shoot with low wpf but your damage will suffer a lot.
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Bulzur on April 27, 2012, 01:07:54 pm
Well who should adapt to who?

Buff swashbuckler !

No.. wait... wrong topic. Nerf archery !

It doesn't matter that they get one hitted by 1h cav, by lance cav, and most of the times by triple heirloomed sniper xbow, the first two due to wearing crappy headgear, and the other one depending on luck.
It doesn't matter that the amount of ammo is limited, and that it's a pain to pick up different kind of ammos since it makes you drop your melee weapon, or loose all ammo.
It doesn't matter that one single quiver of tatar arrows weights twice as much as a bastard sword.
It doesn't matter that arrows sometimes just go through the target, for unknown reasons. (hitboxes)
It doesn't matter that it's THE long range weapon that you can effectively dodge at long range, due to a splendid missile curve, unlike the bolts.
It doesn't matter that any person with a melee weapon can "auto-kick" an enemy archer when closing in, resulting in a free melee hit.
It doesn't matter that archery is one of the only class where max wpf is needed to be viable, whereas i can have 100 in 1h and still own.

What matters is that they can kill my arabian horse in 4 shots, even when i'm trying to run away after having killed two of them. The fact that i'm still full health doesn't compensate my wounded heart after hearing the last mourn of my honorable horse.
What matters is that they sometimes get lucky and hit me when i'm fighting their melee teammates, resulting in me being stunned and their ally finishing me off. The fact that they need to aim very well, and can still hit their ally in such situation is irrelevant.
What matters is that they're all AGI whore who run away, just because they can and have 8-9 athletics. The fact that they have no IF nor PS is no excuse, take out your 0 slot hammer and fight my maul.
What matters is that i laugh when i get shot and loose 5% of my heath, when the next shot from the same archer makes me loose a total of 40%, when both are body shots. It's not that i got lucky first time, only getting 5% damage, it's that i got so unlucky the second time.
What matters is that i never lowered myself to play as an archer, and don't want others to.*

If i miss something, please point it to me.  :mrgreen:
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: MrShine on April 27, 2012, 01:39:56 pm
They are gimped in some specific way that makes fighting archers an unnecessary annoyance. It could be much more fun if archers weren't forced to be peasants totally dedicated to their bow and nothing else like some kind of asian kid that trained during 8 years to play harmonica with his feet. Why isn't archery wpf like melee wpf ? That is, with extremely diminishing returns from stacking it. Why are archers forced to wear peasant clothes ? Why is PD considered useless above 6, 5 or even 4 for most people ? All in all, the central problem is that archery depends too much on wpf. If the wpf curve was sharpened in a way that gives the advantage to hybrid and medium-armored archers (what they should all be in the first place), then you'd see a lot less complaints from people that are sick of chasing flies with bazookas.

So now you want to buff archers? 

You can't have it both ways - archers are at the point they are because they've been nerfed to where they have to sacrifice a ton in order to be viable.  If you make them easier to hybrid people will continue to go full archer (and be stronger), there will just be more part-time archers.

Really what it sounds like to me is you want archers who don't play like archers...I think you may be playing the wrong game.

I wouldn't be surprised. You have already proven that you are a great mod balancer, so this archery buff would perfectly fit your current track record. Maybe also buff cav while you're at it?

You know,I gave a +1 to some of your earlier posts because I thought they were so clearly exaggerated and absurd you had to be trolling.  Now I'm not so sure.

Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Leshma on April 27, 2012, 01:46:29 pm
What are part time archers? Players who shoot until someone gets near and then don't run for 5 minutes, but fight them with their weapon (which is supposed to be decent)!

Seems to me that only definition of archery by you is kiting and running.

Yes, I want to buff archer's melee side. Not because I want to see them fighting instead of shooting, I just don't like cowards like Legio archers for example who don't even have any melee weapon in their inventory...
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Ronin on April 27, 2012, 01:49:33 pm
So now you want to buff archers? 

You can't have it both ways - archers are at the point they are because they've been nerfed to where they have to sacrifice a ton in order to be viable.  If you make them easier to hybrid people will continue to go full archer (and be stronger), there will just be more part-time archers.

Really what it sounds like to me is you want archers who don't play like archers...I think you may be playing the wrong game.
I think the problem here is, archers have crappy melee. But they can run fast. Because they can run fast, they make their distance and continue to shoot. When the enemy comes near, they go run away and repeat the same. That's what drives people mad. My suggestion would be:
... their melee capabilities. Not as a pure melee, but make them decent.
...their running speed. Increase the weight of all bows to compensate their high agility/athletics.

So there will be no reason for them to shoot, run, shoot, run, shoot, run.
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Cup1d on April 27, 2012, 02:04:00 pm
Make all bows 1slot. Double quantity of arrows in quiver, double weight of quiver and make all quivers 2slot. This way you can limit overall quantity of arrows for pure runnin archers\ha (bow and arrows only) and leave place for decent backup weapon. So archer will have chance to participate in melee too.

Anyway, the root of «runchers» problem is slot system, and all this «running» was predicted weeks before slot system was implemented.

Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Cup1d on April 27, 2012, 02:08:41 pm
Or just limit amount of quivers by 2, and make bows 1slot.
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Ronin on April 27, 2012, 02:08:53 pm
Make all bows 1slot. Double quantity of arrows in quiver, double weight of quiver and make all quivers 2slot. This way you can limit overall quantity of arrows for pure runnin archers\ha (bow and arrows only) and leave place for decent backup weapon. So archer will have chance to participate in melee too.

Anyway, the root of «runchers» problem is slot system, and all this «running» was predicted weeks before slot system was implemented.
It's more because of 0 ps and 1 wpf in melee I think and the possibility of running away. But yes that has an effect too.
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Cup1d on April 27, 2012, 02:33:02 pm
It's more because of 0 ps and 1 wpf in melee I think and the possibility of running away. But yes that has an effect too.

It's more because you can have 6PS, but this do not make 0 slot weapons viable choice.
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: rufio on April 27, 2012, 04:09:21 pm
ive decided to make my alt an archer ''again'' after this gen, and then buy fraps, and proceed with that movie i was boasting to make early in this thread. then you will c me rufio on my archer alt trolling crpg eazymod (0 archerlooms)
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: MrShine on April 27, 2012, 04:33:16 pm
ive decided to make my alt an archer ''again'' after this gen, and then buy fraps, and proceed with that movie i was boasting to make early in this thread. then you will c me rufio on my archer alt trolling crpg eazymod (0 archerlooms)

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Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Kafein on April 27, 2012, 04:57:06 pm
So now you want to buff archers? 

Not a general buff. They are globally balanced but IMO aren't the right way, like ninja cavalry (but that's not what this thread is about).

You can't have it both ways - archers are at the point they are because they've been nerfed to where they have to sacrifice a ton in order to be viable.  If you make them easier to hybrid people will continue to go full archer (and be stronger), there will just be more part-time archers.

Archery depends too heavily on wpf. What I want is 100 effective wpf archers that would only be marginally less accurate and fast compared 160 wpf archers. Diminishing returns is where it's at. This would :

- Reduce the need of going pure archery.
- Reduce the need of using peasant armor

Both would be very good thing for archers. If 100 effective wpf is enough and going any higher doesn't really improve anything, why bother ? You are better wearing more armor and being able to kill people in melee. If what I wanted was implemented, full archers would be weaker than now and hybrid archers would be a lot stronger than now.

Really what it sounds like to me is you want archers who don't play like archers...I think you may be playing the wrong game.

No. Playing an archer isn't about hit & run. It actually is in cRPG currently because it's optimal for cRPG archers, but it shouldn't be like that. In cRPG the archers we got are peasants doing hunt as a sport, not soldiers facing death. True archers have a proper light melee weapon such as a 1h sword and wear medium armor because they die otherwise. They don't run, they fight. And their chances in melee aren't that bad at all.

I think cRPG corrupted your view of what an archer is so much that you forgot about the basics.

You know,I gave a +1 to some of your earlier posts because I thought they were so clearly exaggerated and absurd you had to be trolling.  Now I'm not so sure.

Exaggeration is a weapon like any other. I just wanted to get my point through.

Finally, and I know some people will disagree on that like if I was raping their grandfather in law, the speed and acceleration of nude/lightly armored characters is both unbalanced and unrealistic. Adding a fixed weight to the character's body would prevent people in cloth armor to be some sort of mix between Usain Bolt and a mosquito, partly fixing the running archer problem.
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: MrShine on April 27, 2012, 05:08:38 pm
My last comment about exaggerated/absurd posts was directed at Zagibu, not you.

There already is diminishing returns for archery wpf, just like melee.  It's just that wpf does so much more for ranged than it does melee (increases draw speed accuracy & damage, as well as a requirement per power draw) that it is important to get as much of it as you can.  100 wpf archers are marginally less accurate and fast compared to 160 wpf archers, it's just that every little bit helps so archers try to min/max.

If what I wanted was implemented, full archers would be weaker than now and hybrid archers would be a lot stronger than now.
Exactly, you don't want archers to be strong as archers, you want them to be a melee oriented class that can shoot (we already have that -> crossbowmen & thrower hybrids).  As was mentioned before in this abortion of a thread the slot system was implemented so archers couldn't be as good in melee.  Go figure, people were butthurt about archers who could perform in melee.

In pretty much any multiplayer game ever that I can recall of the top of my head ranged class types tend to try to stay at range.. kiting isn't new and certainly isn't unique to cRPG.

Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Leshma on April 27, 2012, 05:13:29 pm
In pretty much any multiplayer game ever that I can recall of the top of my head ranged class types tend to try to stay at range.. kiting isn't new and certainly isn't unique to cRPG.

This game has nothing to do with those games you've played. It's unique.
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: MrShine on April 27, 2012, 05:20:00 pm
I'm not quite sure how to respond to that.
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Tzar on April 27, 2012, 05:21:40 pm
I'm not quite sure how to respond to that.

Let me translate...

This aint fuckin battlefield 3 or Counter strike
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Leshma on April 27, 2012, 05:25:31 pm
No GIF this time :shock:
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: MrShine on April 27, 2012, 05:26:33 pm
Let me translate...

This aint fuckin battlefield 3 or Counter strike

You don't kite in battlefield 3 or counterstrike... I'm saying in games where there are melee classes and ranged classes the ranged classes tend to -you know- avoid getting in melee and kiting is common.  That applies everywhere, crpg is certainly not unique to that.
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Leshma on April 27, 2012, 05:28:26 pm
You mean MMORPGs like WoW. Yeah we have something in common with those, unfortunately. But what I'm trying to say is that we shouldn't have anything in common with MMORPGs because those games suxxx.
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: MrShine on April 27, 2012, 05:35:09 pm
I'm saying pretty much every multiplayer game where there are different ranged classes and melee classes fighting each other. 
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Dezilagel on April 27, 2012, 05:42:19 pm
Yep, there are always those who like to stay out of the actual fight and just be huge annoyance while promoting camping and defensive boring gameplay (snipers i.e archers in M@B) and those lamers who like stealth mechanics and backstabbing (Theif/Rouge styles, cav in M@B).

I will never understand some people.
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Moncho on April 27, 2012, 05:58:13 pm
Classes which of course are not the holy knight in shiny armour, but which can be more effective, and useful to the team than those.
It is so much easier to conquer something by stealth (a tunnel and collapse the walls, poison the king, get a guy to open the gates, etc) than it is to charge the walls with plated guys that will get tossed down as soon as they get to the top.
So yeah, a lesson in life: life is not fair, its not the honourable (altough in this case the one who pretends to be has no problems with lolstabs, hitslashing, etc, how ironical) that wins, but the smart one, the one who adapts and outsmarts the enemy. Thats why humans got over the rest of species, we arent stronger, or faster, but we developed tools, we used their speed against them, we hid and got them from afar, we thought.
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Dezilagel on April 27, 2012, 06:10:29 pm
Yep, but this isn't life; this is a game and games are just meant to be fun right?
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: MrShine on April 27, 2012, 06:39:39 pm
Yep, but this isn't life; this is a game and games are just meant to be fun right?

Well, to state the obvious, what is fun to you might not be fun to someone else.
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Dezilagel on April 27, 2012, 07:03:31 pm
Well, duh. Read my first post in this little "argument".

They may sure have fun, I just don't understand how.
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Moncho on April 27, 2012, 07:26:15 pm
They may sure have fun, I just don't understand how.
Ill try to explain:
In native, point and shoot takes most of the fun away.
In cRPG, you dont have perfect accuracy, you have a big arrow drop, there is a guy there who may or may not know youre shooting at him:
If he doesnt know, and goes in a straight line, calculating the trajectory and the "chof" when you hear the arrow impact, thats, what gives you a bit of fun.
However, if he knows youre aiming and shooting at him, he will dodge, or he will be behind a shield. If he dodges, being able to calculate the trajectory so that they intersect at a point in space, and hearing that "chof", knowing you got him, thats the fun. If, in addition, its a headshot, and you see him die, thats the big fun.

If you play melee, when you miss a block, get spammed, or just get hit, you get frustrated, if you miss a clear arrow, the same.
If you hit the enemy by spamming: first situation
If you hit the enemy in an intense fight with blocks, holds, feints, etc, then its like the second one.

If you are cav, backstabbing is the first one, getting someone aware is the  second one, and if you get outreached, its the frustration.

In all cases, getting shot while attempting anything else, is frustrating, but so is facing someone and getting backstabbed... So everything has a counterpart in their other parts, and thats why people have fun playing archer (same as with any other class)
again, not everything in the game are the holy shiny armored big sword/pole wielders, there is also a lot of room for other things
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Bobthehero on April 27, 2012, 09:34:28 pm
Buff swashbuckler !

Aaaah now someone gets it.
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Kafein on April 27, 2012, 11:24:37 pm
Exactly, you don't want archers to be strong as archers, you want them to be a melee oriented class that can shoot (we already have that -> crossbowmen & thrower hybrids).  As was mentioned before in this abortion of a thread the slot system was implemented so archers couldn't be as good in melee.  Go figure, people were butthurt about archers who could perform in melee.

This is more or less what I wanted to say, but you miss the subtlety : I don't want archers to be melee oriented. They have a bow and they are here to shoot, that's not the question. Their strongest characteristic as a soldier is the bow. I certainly don't want archers to be like 2h that take a crossbow as sidearm.

The slot system wasn't only directed at archers. Besides, it doesn't prevent them to use the weapon they should be using. It only prevents them to use those they should not. Like pikes, mauls or flamberges. I don't know whether that particular change affected the archer metagame that much tbh. There are plenty of other potential reasons, and it occured on a quite long timescale. The only thing I remember for sure is that in pre-upkeep cRPG, archers were OP due to wpf stacking through retirement, old archery animation, and being able to snipe across the map. Most archers didn't had to run at all.

In pretty much any multiplayer game ever that I can recall of the top of my head ranged class types tend to try to stay at range.. kiting isn't new and certainly isn't unique to cRPG.

Yes but it is still lame for the melee player. Melee vs melee combat is not constantly awesome, but it can't get as lame as melee vs kiting. That's why when I see this :

Well, to state the obvious, what is fun to you might not be fun to someone else.

I can't help thinking about something called irony. You can't get a full review of the issue without taking how asymmetrically lame kiting is for one of the players into account.
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Rumblood on April 29, 2012, 01:38:33 am
I can't help thinking about something called irony. You can't get a full review of the issue without taking how asymmetrically lame kiting is for one of the players into account.

And yet we don't see 1hand shielders making a 58 page post on lancer cavalry that they can never catch and that have an insurmountable weapon length advantage. Perhaps you feel that war is already lost, and 15 archery nerfs could easily lead to 16-20?
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Tears of Destiny on April 29, 2012, 01:58:11 am
I'm sleepy. I wonder if archery would be easier if I drank more coffee. We should discuss archery tips in this thread, it might liven things up so we stop repeating what has already been said.

I like to shoot people. Shooting people is fun. I like it when the enemy falls to the floor dead, that makes me happy.

I like arrows.

I also like shooting at cav. Trying to shoot a horse that is coming straight at you is fun too.
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Wraist on April 29, 2012, 02:04:21 am
And yet we don't see 1hand shielders making a 58 page post on lancer cavalry that they can never catch and that have an insurmountable weapon length advantage. Perhaps you feel that war is already lost, and 15 archery nerfs could easily lead to 16-20?

Most lancer cavalry suck to the point I could take them out with a scottish :)
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Havoco on April 29, 2012, 05:12:09 am
I'm sleepy. I wonder if archery would be easier if I drank more coffee. We should discuss archery tips in this thread, it might liven things up so we stop repeating what has already been said.

I like to shoot people. Shooting people is fun. I like it when the enemy falls to the floor dead, that makes me happy.

I like arrows.

I also like shooting at cav. Trying to shoot a horse that is coming straight at you is fun too.

Protip #1 always take the shot

Yes but it is still lame for the melee player. Melee vs melee combat is not constantly awesome, but it can't get as lame as melee vs kiting. That's why when I see this :

I can't help thinking about something called irony. You can't get a full review of the issue without taking how asymmetrically lame kiting is for one of the players into account.
Well, the game can't be perfect. If u want archers to stop kiting you'd have to take out the slot system or increase bow and arrow weight. If the latter happens then youd basically have to take out archery altogether because archer would simply be nerfed into submission and not be a viable class.
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Wraist on April 29, 2012, 06:24:03 am
If u want archers to stop kiting you'd have to take out the slot system
or increase bow and arrow weight. If the latter happens then youd basically have to take out archery altogether because archer would simply be nerfed into submission and not be a viable class.
How so?
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Havoco on April 29, 2012, 07:46:49 am

Well, before the slot system was introduced I used a rus bow, 2 bodkin quivers, and an elegant poleaxe. I loved this build but I wasn't able to use it after the slot system. Now I know there are people that will still go pure archer if slot system was taken out, but with the freedom of being able to have a 2 slot bow and a weapon that isnt a garbage 0 slot weapon may give archers the tendency to engage in melee.

Btw I doubt you'd find any archer using just one quiver in this game b/c the number of arrows per quiver isn't large enough to comepensate for having to take 1-2 slots just for the bow.

How so?

Well with the factors currently for archers in crpg, of u take out their running speed through increased weight the only real chance the archer would have is to shoot from a hill at targets until the enemy infantry gets close to them. At that point There isn't any other thing to do for the archer other than to fight in melee (unless the archer has really high ath and/or the pursuer has low ath and high weight.)

How many kills would the archer get in this time?
Not many. Not even the best archer is accurate 100 percent of the time. And with the current reload speed and missile speed, archers would get maybe 6-8 arrows off from max effective range to melee range( assuming the enemy was charging straight at them.)

But what gets me is that any good melee player knows how to evade arrows. It isn't hard in a 1v1 situation. Even in a 2v1 situation. Granted archers may still hit u, but its a lot harder for them to hit u if u evade.

Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Wraist on April 29, 2012, 11:17:00 am
Well, before the slot system was introduced I used a rus bow, 2 bodkin quivers, and an elegant poleaxe. I loved this build but I wasn't able to use it after the slot system. Now I know there are people that will still go pure archer if slot system was taken out, but with the freedom of being able to have a 2 slot bow and a weapon that isnt a garbage 0 slot weapon may give archers the tendency to engage in melee.

Btw I doubt you'd find any archer using just one quiver in this game b/c the number of arrows per quiver isn't large enough to comepensate for having to take 1-2 slots just for the bow.

A rus, bodkins and poleaxe doesn't seem excessive to you? I could see running away if you're a strength archer, but if you're an agi archer, a 1slot bow, two quivers and you still have room for a 1her, the mace or a few polearms.

How many kills would the archer get in this time?
Not many. Not even the best archer is accurate 100 percent of the time. And with the current reload speed and missile speed, archers would get maybe 6-8 arrows off from max effective range to melee range( assuming the enemy was charging straight at them.)

Everybody's so uptight about kills for some reason  and that's why archers piss me the fuck off. I've noticed that wearing heavy armor makes me die from arrows less. While the cause is that I am wearing heavy armor, the reason is that archers target me much less, and in heavy armor, I should be more of a primary target since I could do shit like break lines, make somebody glance and get a lucky hit [if I absolutely suck], etc. I admit that I shot at peasants if I couldn't get a clear shot at a heavy [although to be fair, I have a very unhealthy fear of peasants :(, maybe that's why I like dressing as one?]

But what gets me is that any good melee player knows how to evade arrows. It isn't hard in a 1v1 situation. Even in a 2v1 situation. Granted archers may still hit u, but its a lot harder for them to hit u if u evade.

For evasion, you could just do the sensible thing and shoot into melee; I've noticed that I either missed completely or hit the enemy significantly more than I hit an ally, and only did so when they did something significantly different from their usual pattern, which makes me wonder why friendlies hit me all the time [Compared to the times I see an enemy staggered from an arrow]. I forgot what I did when somebody was trying to evade me, I probably shot at their average position once and then charged them [One advantage about hybrids is that you're still decent at both things, so I spent half of level 30 pretending to be pure melee].

Then again, I sucked at aiming, until I started using a tatar (Testing to see how fucked I would be at archery if I used my thrower build, then I got carried away with seeing why people rarely went to 9PD... and probably would've done better if I played like I intended to do or actually maximized my build). Playing as an archer for a gen didn't make me appreciate the class for its difficulties, but instead, made me hate them for forcing me to archer duels. Oh and xbowers.

One thing that I don't get is why is there this topic, but not one about xbows? Fuck, xbowers [deleted a lot of rage filled experiences :(]

Hell, an archer generally spends maybe 3ish+ points in WM, which meleers would typically spend differently, so I could kindof see the get a shield argument [although I guess the reverse would be I have to get a shield to approach you so pull out your fucking weapon when I get there].

I'm starting to rage about xbows now...
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Dezilagel on April 29, 2012, 12:34:32 pm
I'm sleepy. I wonder if archery would be easier if I drank more coffee.

Americans talking about coffee?

(click to show/hide)
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Zlisch_The_Butcher on April 29, 2012, 01:34:01 pm
Well with the factors currently for archers in crpg, of u take out their running speed through increased weight the only real chance the archer would have is to shoot from a hill at targets until the enemy infantry gets close to them. At that point There isn't any other thing to do for the archer other than to fight in melee (unless the archer has really high ath and/or the pursuer has low ath and high weight.)

How many kills would the archer get in this time?
Not many. Not even the best archer is accurate 100 percent of the time. And with the current reload speed and missile speed, archers would get maybe 6-8 arrows off from max effective range to melee range( assuming the enemy was charging straight at them.)

But what gets me is that any good melee player knows how to evade arrows. It isn't hard in a 1v1 situation. Even in a 2v1 situation. Granted archers may still hit u, but its a lot harder for them to hit u if u evade.
Well, arrows would need a speed increase to make insane random turning not that insanely effective I guess, but only if devs could change the arrow arch to still be the same.
Considering that I never run from melee on my archer alt and that I often use my entire quiver (use a oneslot tatar bow, a tatar quiver, and a dadao) I personally don't think you should be afraid of not being able to shoot many arrows, 'cuss you often will be, just stick near a small group of melee, but never the actual blob, and unless your small group is heavily outnumbered draw your melee weapon and attempt to help your teammates (if you are outnumbered badly then run like a bitch while the enemies and allies fight and try to find a new group of people to stay near), and if you're the last guy alive 'cept for a few scattered players then yeah, you're gonna get caught, which is good.
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Kafein on April 30, 2012, 12:18:08 am
And yet we don't see 1hand shielders making a 58 page post on lancer cavalry that they can never catch and that have an insurmountable weapon length advantage. Perhaps you feel that war is already lost, and 15 archery nerfs could easily lead to 16-20?

You are making things easier pointing out the 1h vs lancer thing. There are few threads about that simply because that one is far from being one sided. Although the lancer has a range advantage, he lacks maneuverability to be sure to hit a footman. And in this case since any melee cav is forced to come up close to deal damage unlike ranged classes by definition, not hitting means there is a chance you are hit yourself. As a shielder you can block a lance thrust, or you can chamberblock it and attack the horse or rider. You can also dodge a couched lance and kill the horse at the same time.
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Crazywolfman on May 03, 2012, 02:48:30 am
I know everything's probably been said already, but I just want to throw my opinion into the mixing pot anyway. It's cathartic if anything. Anyway, I started playing a little while back as an archer and went for several hours before getting a single kill with a bow. I might add that I'd got a fair lot with a club, and even more with a pitchfork, even though I used them a lot less. Assuming it's just one of those cases where archery only gets remotely useful when you get better gear and skills (fair enough) I figured I'd wait it out and see how it goes when I reach a higher level. Since getting a longbow, bodkins and some 140 points into archery I've concluded that in spite of comments from irate two-handed types archery really never gets good.

All in all, the damage isn't my main gripe though. Instead it's largely about the accuracy. In any encounter with melee weapons, usually the better player wins, but with archery it's all about the lucky shot. By the time you have a bow which is physically capable of killing even peasants the aiming reticule is so obsenely large that it's as good as rolling dice to see what happens. No matter how well I position myself, how accurately I target enemies, or how well I lead shots and compensate for range, it's all a huge waste of time because fundamentally any hits I get are 'lucky shots'. On the other side of the coin, doesn't it bug players on the recieving end that exactly no skill was required to put that arrow into their head? Except at close ranges dodging shots is pretty pointless too. Walking in a perfectly straight line gives the same chance of getting hit as dodging around or moving irratically. Of course, don't get me wrong, damage is always a factor, but even with damage as it is, if I could have a realistic hope in hell of headshotting someone intentionally that'd change everything.

So yeah, overall archers struggle to hit targets consistently due to the weapon's inaccuracy, are especially poor against moving targets, and are very, very bad against armour. They are good against lightly armoured, stationary targets. Therefore, they are good against peasants, evenly matched against other archers, a little bit outmatched by horse archers (unless you're in good cover, which more than evens things up), and abysmal against everything else. My question therefore is, 'what's the point at all'? If archers just fight out their own private battle and have no influence on anything else besides the occassional stagger (if you're reckless enough to fire into a melee which includes friendly troops - I'll roll some dice to see who gets hit), then why even have an archer class?

Instead wouldn't improved archery develop a situation where teamplay is encouraged between classes? By making archers better than useless it would mean that seeking shelter behind a buddy's shield until you close the gap and give them hell is sensible, shield walls would be functional and using siege shields wouldn't be a waste of slots. It would also mean that cover would become important, predicting and dodging shots would be a useful skill and overall a castle would become more than a decorative piece of level design. I've occassionally seen good stuff happen of course, like when four guys were battering at a door and I fired at them from an upper level, two immediately shielded the others which meant I couldn't do a thing to stop them. Simple, coordinated teamwork. Even though I got killed horrifically it still felt like their minor act of badassery was rewarded. I just want more stuff like that in the game, and less of everyone milling around trying to Rambo their way to the top of the leaderboard.

Dammit, I shouldn't care about this, I should really just quit whining and stop playing, but other aspects of CRPG are so good that I genuinely want it to improve.
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Arrowblood on May 03, 2012, 04:38:24 pm
Its easy to get 30+ kills on  siege as archer but saying that archery is just luck based is just herpderp,  get wpf and dont  build hybridshit. everything undr 160 wpf is quit useless if  you dont have 8+ pd. Archery is balanced.atm.

Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Crazywolfman on May 03, 2012, 06:00:01 pm
Anyone can get 30+ kills if they're on a server long enough so that's not exactly a measure of anything. Compared to two-handers the archers will still be way down in the leaderboards though. As for 'hybridshit', I never even hinted that was the case, I've gone pure longbowman with 6 Power Draw and everything else into Weapon Master and archery. Even with no points in melee it's easier for me to just pick up an axe off the floor and go kill people than it is to try and shoot them.

On the other hand, if you reckon it's just a matter of throwing more points into archery then OK, I'll reserve judgement until I'm level 30 then, though I don't suspect anything will change. No offense, but your avatar has a trollface on it. Not sure how I should take that. :D
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Cup1d on May 04, 2012, 08:07:36 am
Arrowblood mean 30 kills on one map. It's quite possible with good position, good aim, good gear and bit of luck.

Anyway, if you expecting same effectivity as in Native, you choose wrong mode dude.
Also archer with loomed gear have more comfortable gameplay, so, if you do not have any looms your archer experience can be very dissapointing.
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Arrowblood on May 04, 2012, 01:16:26 pm
Anyone can get 30+ kills if they're on a server long enough so that's not exactly a measure of anything. Compared to two-handers the archers will still be way down in the leaderboards though. As for 'hybridshit', I never even hinted that was the case, I've gone pure longbowman with 6 Power Draw and everything else into Weapon Master and archery. Even with no points in melee it's easier for me to just pick up an axe off the floor and go kill people than it is to try and shoot them.

On the other hand, if you reckon it's just a matter of throwing more points into archery then OK, I'll reserve judgement until I'm level 30 then, though I don't suspect anything will change. No offense, but your avatar has a trollface on it. Not sure how I should take that. :D
sorry but you are just bad then :D
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Ronin on May 04, 2012, 04:54:46 pm
sorry but you are just bad then :D
No. This only proves that he is good in melee. Can't talk about his ranged abilities, as this post does not contain much clues about his ranged skills.

I feel the same way. It is just easier to kill dozens of weak players with a sword, rather than trying to aim for them with a bow.
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Arrowblood on May 04, 2012, 05:01:12 pm
so now we see, archery is for people with skill :D
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Ronin on May 04, 2012, 05:15:47 pm
so now we see, archery is for people with skill :D
Again, there has no clue about his ranged skills dear trollface.

Back in the day; when I was both a good cavalry, good infantry and good archer in native I was feeling that there was an exact balance in the game. After starting cRPG, I saw that it is easier to kill lots of people with a melee twohander rather than ranged. After all, the mod was enabling and encouraging to play as a twohander; in the opposite of native.

In fact, this luck factor in cRPG had a bad impact on my native-archery. Due to the reason that, you have to rely on your luck no matter how skillful you are sometimes. So this, leaded to lazyness in my playstyle. Yes, this irrelevant about the discussion we have here. But it is something to consider I believe. Yes, it is still very skill based but also includes some luck factor. But the truth is:
When we consider archery and melee (non-shielder of course) individually.

-Archery is very very ineffective compared to native. Because of,
Lesser accuracy, lesser missile speed, lesser fire rate, lesser damage (?)

-Two Handed is a bit more effective compared to native. Because of,
Armor weights are halved, it is possible to have better stats (ath, if, ps etc.), possibility of better armor, possibility of better weapons.

When we think them in the macro game: less useful archery --> better non-shielder melee. Which makes ranged feel even worse, and twohander even better.

So yeah, it is easier to kill dozens of people with melee but not with ranged. What actually ranged is capable of is, being able to sharpshoot some individual targets. In this case, it is best to shoot those hollywood stars (twohanders); which makes some of this hollywood protagonist-wannabes complain at forums. So, as an archer it is best to aim for people with a good K/D ratio. If possible, try to assassinate the top players of the opposing team. So you will carry your team to the victory. In my opinion, archery is useful and balanced in a way. After all, there has to be pure twohanders in the game so an archery nerf was completely needed. But not now, it is fine as it is.
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Xant on May 04, 2012, 06:55:47 pm
No. This only proves that he is good in melee. Can't talk about his ranged abilities, as this post does not contain much clues about his ranged skills.

I feel the same way. It is just easier to kill dozens of weak players with a sword, rather than trying to aim for them with a bow.

No, you're wrong. If he has 0 PS and 1 wpf in melee weapons and yet he finds it easier to kill people in melee than with 6 PD and 160 wpf in ranged, then it clearly proves he's an awful archer.
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Jambi on May 04, 2012, 07:02:00 pm
so now we see, archery is for people with skill :D

Skill ? pfft you dont know what your talking about .. ne ne ne neeee  :wink:
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Ronin on May 05, 2012, 09:10:59 am
No, you're wrong. If he has 0 PS and 1 wpf in melee weapons and yet he finds it easier to kill people in melee than with 6 PD and 160 wpf in ranged, then it clearly proves he's an awful archer.
Na :D
I am not really really sure, but a good blunt weapon allows you to fight against everyone. Also couple that with high athletics, it is possible to fight properly. What archery suffers is, it requires a lot of concentration; where melee may require less of this for some people. I'm not saying he's the best archer there, but what he said is the reality. I am a horse archer as well. In rageball, trying to slash everyone on my path with a gigantic bar mace truly feels easier than trying to kill them one by one with my bow.
After all, there a lot of bad players out there. Being a bad player makes them extremely vulnerable to melee. Whereas, it is almost same to kill a bad player or a good player with a bow. This, is what makes archers feel less valuable and effective to their team. Which is something correct if those archers do not benefit from their "cheap" shots and try to eliminate good opposite players from a distance; in my opinion.

Also note that, non-loomed archery is truly weak.
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: rufio on May 05, 2012, 04:09:01 pm
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Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Arrowblood on May 05, 2012, 06:04:34 pm
Skill ? pfft you dont know what your talking about .. ne ne ne neeee  :wink:
yes for rusbow and 170+ wpf and shittons of agi of course not.
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Jambi on May 05, 2012, 07:42:26 pm
Ooh mad cuz bad, mad cuz bad lol  :wink:
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Herpderp on May 07, 2012, 06:16:58 am
1.5 years ago when archery was fine I used to able to actually get kills, now at level 30 I get about 1 kill average per MAP with my bow, mostly headshots. However I average one kill per round as I actually manage to kill people with my melee more. Bodyshots do close to nothing unless you use bodkins, but 15 bodkin arrows cost as much as a rouncey for upkeep????!!! You can do the math for yourself, hornbow (what I use) I get about 15-20% accuracy at medium range ( about 50% close range, it's more than possible to miss horses that are standing right in front of you with your bow because of how gimped accuracy is) , 30 really hard to afford arrows to shoot, and each of them do an extremely low amount of 24p base damage. Compare that to throwing weapons and crossbows and it's pretty damn easy to see how bad it is. I also have a thrower and a crossbow character, with throwing axes I hit usually 50% of the time and each time killing someone in 1-2 hits. No matter what armour I wear I don't have to pay upkeep because I only wear light. I also break shields and can easily pick back up my axes. With crossbows you don't even need wpf to score 5x more kills then with archery, I get 3 kills per round average just by going horse + xbow (imo horse xbowing is currently pretty OP) without having any crossbow or HA related skills or wpf. You see my point, there are 0 reasons to play archer, no amount of skill required or can be applied to archery because of accuracy, and trust me on this as someone who has played more then a gen as archer up to now it's not worth spending time to loom anything.
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Bobthehero on May 07, 2012, 06:32:25 am
1.5 years ago when archery was fine


You does your name justice, 1.5 years ago archery was horribly OP.
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Arrowblood on May 07, 2012, 07:06:41 am
Ooh mad cuz bad, mad cuz bad lol  :wink:
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Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Gurnisson on May 07, 2012, 01:16:59 pm

Considering that you think archery was fine for you when it was grossly overpowered and that you average 1 kill per map now that it's more balanced, you've not realized yet that you're a terrible archer? You were able to get a lot of kills because of the easiness of the class back in the day but now that it requires an ounce of skill you're doing horrible. Do the math. :)
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Vibe on May 07, 2012, 02:05:25 pm
I have carefully read all the posts in this thread again and deduced that archery needs a nerf.
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Old_Sir_Agor on May 07, 2012, 02:18:32 pm
I have carefully read all the posts in this thread again and deduced that archery needs a nerf.

I play shielder like 1 month allready, what i can say it is pretty easy, much more easy then archery( i speak about eu1) So what i think noloomed archers need a bit buff
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: MrShine on May 07, 2012, 04:17:29 pm
so it's settled then; archery should be buffed and nerfed simultaneously.

Good work team
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Herpderp on May 07, 2012, 10:00:28 pm
Considering that you think archery was fine for you when it was grossly overpowered and that you average 1 kill per map now that it's more balanced, you've not realized yet that you're a terrible archer? You were able to get a lot of kills because of the easiness of the class back in the day but now that it requires an ounce of skill you're doing horrible. Do the math. :)

Yea I'm a terrible archer because someone can take 5 arrows to the chest and sometimes the arrows even glance with 6pd as a dedicated hornbow archer, but I can hit him over the head 3 times with my mace and it kills someone wearing heavy armour? You can't say "well just headshot lol" because of how inaccurate you are even with 7 wm. If I wanted to just close range shoot I'd go crossbow, which requires no wpf and does a ton of damage per shot, someone spec'd in xbow can reload faster then a longbow with a light xbow and do twice as much damage.... in piercing. Even throwing is a better option. That brings it to what someone said earlier how the bow sucks too much to have as a primary weapon, which is what it should be. Not only because that's how bows are supposed to work but that you can't even go hybrid with a bow because of how much worse off you are unless you go dedicated archer.

The only people who saw bows as overpowered were the same people who agreed with all the other patches. "Lets make agi builds not viable since bows suck now anyway, now we can crutch on STR builds with reduced armour prices while archers need to spend their entire upkeep on a bow and bodkins that do barely any damage and are inaccurate." Congrats your QQing has removed all skilled archers from the game now you can complain about something else that effects STR builds more like cav or throwers. I'm not going to tell you my in game name either, but a long time ago I was definitely one of the better if not the best archers. One with actual gamesense, aim, and who knew how to pick targets. Too bad all of that now is pointless, because people would prefer to have archer being a spam class with the only skill being in how well you can run away from a fight.
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: XyNox on May 07, 2012, 10:04:34 pm
Did missile speed get nerfed the last weeks ? I was taking a break and now my Longbow feels like a slow hornbow ... Also hitboxes and ghost arrows are now fucked up as never before.
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Ronin on May 07, 2012, 10:08:44 pm
Did missile speed get nerfed the last weeks ? I was taking a break and now my Longbow feels like a slow hornbow ... Also hitboxes and ghost arrows are now fucked up as never before.
You were just headshotting everyone on the rageball server 1-2 hour ago, so shut up :P

Yea I'm a terrible archer because someone can take 5 arrows to the chest and sometimes the arrows even glance with 6pd as a dedicated hornbow archer, but I can hit him over the head 3 times with my mace and it kills someone wearing heavy armour? You can't say "well just headshot lol" because of how inaccurate you are even with 7 wm. If I wanted to just close range shoot I'd go crossbow, which requires no wpf and does a ton of damage per shot, someone spec'd in xbow can reload faster then a longbow with a light xbow and do twice as much damage.... in piercing. Even throwing is a better option. That brings it to what someone said earlier how the bow sucks too much to have as a primary weapon, which is what it should be. Not only because that's how bows are supposed to work but that you can't even go hybrid with a bow because of how much worse off you are unless you go dedicated archer.

The only people who saw bows as overpowered were the same people who agreed with all the other patches. "Lets make agi builds not viable since bows suck now anyway, now we can crutch on STR builds with reduced armour prices while archers need to spend their entire upkeep on a bow and bodkins that do barely any damage and are inaccurate." Congrats your QQing has removed all skilled archers from the game now you can complain about something else that effects STR builds more like cav or throwers. I'm not going to tell you my in game name either, but a long time ago I was definitely one of the better if not the best archers. One with actual gamesense, aim, and who knew how to pick targets. Too bad all of that now is pointless, because people would prefer to have archer being a spam class with the only skill being in how well you can run away from a fight.
Exactly my thoughts. Can't agree more.
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: OpenPalm on May 07, 2012, 10:16:43 pm
Yea I'm a terrible archer because someone can take 5 arrows to the chest and sometimes the arrows even glance with 6pd as a dedicated hornbow archer, but I can hit him over the head 3 times with my mace and it kills someone wearing heavy armour? You can't say "well just headshot lol" because of how inaccurate you are even with 7 wm. If I wanted to just close range shoot I'd go crossbow, which requires no wpf and does a ton of damage per shot, someone spec'd in xbow can reload faster then a longbow with a light xbow and do twice as much damage.... in piercing. Even throwing is a better option. That brings it to what someone said earlier how the bow sucks too much to have as a primary weapon, which is what it should be. Not only because that's how bows are supposed to work but that you can't even go hybrid with a bow because of how much worse off you are unless you go dedicated archer.

The only people who saw bows as overpowered were the same people who agreed with all the other patches. "Lets make agi builds not viable since bows suck now anyway, now we can crutch on STR builds with reduced armour prices while archers need to spend their entire upkeep on a bow and bodkins that do barely any damage and are inaccurate." Congrats your QQing has removed all skilled archers from the game now you can complain about something else that effects STR builds more like cav or throwers. I'm not going to tell you my in game name either, but a long time ago I was definitely one of the better if not the best archers. One with actual gamesense, aim, and who knew how to pick targets. Too bad all of that now is pointless, because people would prefer to have archer being a spam class with the only skill being in how well you can run away from a fight.


My main was originally an archer, I have an archer character that I've gotten to level 29 twice and respecc'd twice and is currently 24 and a HA.  Archery as it is is functional, but it's not balanced to get as many kills as other classes.  It's pretty much a support class to the infantry. 
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Son Of Odin on May 08, 2012, 02:36:56 pm
Drink menu of the day:
(click to show/hide)
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Tomas_of_Miles on May 08, 2012, 03:58:06 pm
Hahaha all of those looked legit except Sperm.


"Excellent, naughty."
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Ronin on May 08, 2012, 06:12:07 pm

My main was originally an archer, I have an archer character that I've gotten to level 29 twice and respecc'd twice and is currently 24 and a HA.  Archery as it is is functional, but it's not balanced to get as many kills as other classes.  It's pretty much a support class to the infantry.
You don't need to say that, your avatar explains it all.
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: XyNox on May 08, 2012, 09:21:04 pm
I just played some DTV then switched to rageball. Something is really fucked up here. You devs messed with the missile physics in rageball didnt you ? It feels like a general - 30 % arrow speed nerf on rageball.
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Siberian_Wolf on May 09, 2012, 10:11:22 pm
   Melee just suck now. Theyre so used to being the most powerful that they panic when they are against a good ranged. They are used to taking 5 7 arrows and tanking them while still running them down and slaughtering them. Although melee is a fun class, its hardly for the intelligent. No thought needs to be put it when your fighting, mostly muscle nemory, intuition. Melee requires attaking and blocking skill.
   Archery involves muscle memory, intuition, placement, distance, arrow drop, enemy speed... yadayadayada... Archery requires different skill that most melee are incapable of understanding.
   As it seems to me, they are whining because they want this game to be brainless, there have been many solutions to beating an archer, most havent tried them and still cry. The few that tried the new techniques need to practice them.


+1 for melee intelligence buff
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Bobthehero on May 09, 2012, 10:16:23 pm
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Siberian_Wolf on May 09, 2012, 10:25:57 pm
This is why archery will not be nerfed.

Pro nerf arguement:  :rolleyes:

While I, who is for Archery staying the same, Acually put an arguement.

Bobthehero is pro melee.

PS: I dont want an Archery buff. I just want them to not be nerfed.
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: XyNox on May 09, 2012, 10:32:51 pm
This is why archery will not be nerfed.

Pro nerf arguement:  :rolleyes:

While I, who is for Archery staying the same, Acually put an arguement.

Bobthehero is pro melee.

PS: I dont want an Archery buff. I just want them to not be nerfed.

I think he posted that smiley because everything you wrote are well known facts, which actually do not need to be written down ever again because everyone already knows it. Its like writing that you can block with rmb. But you did a nice job on summarizing again none the less.
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Siberian_Wolf on May 09, 2012, 10:36:54 pm
I think he posted that smiley because everything you wrote are well known facts, which actually do not need to be written down ever again because everyone already knows it. Its like writing that you can block with rmb. But you did a nice job on summarizing again none the less.

A stubborn nail must be hit repeatedly.
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Leshma on May 09, 2012, 10:44:34 pm
I think he posted that smiley because everything you wrote are well known facts, which actually do not need to be written down ever again because everyone already knows it. Its like writing that you can block with rmb. But you did a nice job on summarizing again none the less.

Good players are good at everything. Chase is great archer, probably way better than you, for example.

So no, archery doesn't take more skill than melee. It's just that some archers are terrible at melee so they think that. Bagge for example is good at everything.
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Bobthehero on May 09, 2012, 11:07:12 pm
I play archer don't find it all that difficult.

 :rolleyes: was not an argument, if you can figure out what it is, then your intelligence level is low and you must be a terrible archer.
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: XyNox on May 09, 2012, 11:18:43 pm
Actually I dont care anymore what "arguments" people come up with here. I just wanted to get some fresh air in this thread. It is embedded in my daily portion of amusement.

I do however agree with Siberian_Wolf for the most part.
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Bobthehero on May 09, 2012, 11:25:07 pm
And I think melee has other sets of skills you need to have, especially regarding who to hit with which attack, trying to stay within your range of your weapon while either outranging the enemy or avoiding to be outranged, placemenet is pretty important.
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Siberian_Wolf on May 10, 2012, 01:02:26 am
Good players are good at everything. Chase is great archer, probably way better than you, for example.

So no, archery doesn't take more skill than melee. It's just that some archers are terrible at melee so they think that. Bagge for example is good at everything.

I beg to see where I wrote one takes more skill then the other.

I said there are:

Different circumstances
Different intelligent requirements

I'll say it again, pressing block + attack doesn't require much intelligence, just muscle memory + intuition.
Putting into account of placement, release time, arrow drop, enemy direction* (not speed) and all that, requires intelligence.

Funny how you just prove my point by ignorantly putting text together in an answer to a post that is far from what you thought it was. Go back and read it again.
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Bobthehero on May 10, 2012, 01:06:07 am
Using the right attack for the right situation, seeing if you're properly placed to do an effective attack, using speed bonus to your advantage, knowing how long is your window to do damage.

But yeah hur dur I am melee player huuuur can't play archer uheuheuhe.
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Tzar on May 10, 2012, 01:08:23 am

Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Adamar on May 10, 2012, 01:08:36 am
Same old skill discussion eh? It's not so much about skill as it is about build, you people should know by now(but genneraly dont care) that archers are inherently bad in melee. A guy has to be 2 or 3 times a better fighter to kill an average meleer, thats why we often end up dieing like retards.
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Bobthehero on May 10, 2012, 01:09:41 am
Same old skill discussion eh? It's not so much about skill as it is about build, you people should know by now(but genneraly dont care) that archers are inherently bad in melee. A guy has to be 2 or 3 times a better fighter to kill an average meleer, thats why we often end up dieing like retards. running and gunning, leaving no chance to the melee player most of the time.

Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Adamar on May 10, 2012, 01:15:07 am
Well, I do it the other way, running is boring.
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Bobthehero on May 10, 2012, 01:32:15 am
Well props to you then.

And I am serious.
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Leshma on May 10, 2012, 01:50:44 am
Same old skill discussion eh? It's not so much about skill as it is about build, you people should know by now(but genneraly dont care) that archers are inherently bad in melee. A guy has to be 2 or 3 times a better fighter to kill an average meleer, thats why we often end up dieing like retards.

I have few ideas how to fix that issue but Paul isn't listening to me.
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Pappus on May 10, 2012, 08:27:12 am
I have two options in mind to rebalance archers:


Reduce the movement speed of archers by 50%.
The reasoning is to put an stop to prolonged, turn around, shoot, run, shoot. Or swiftly dodging cavalry couches. By allowing them that kind of movement speed you leave them without a counter.

A shielder is not a counter, because due to the shield he is likely to not catch up for a very long time. Hell I even have problems catching up with medium armor, no shield and 8 athletics.


Decrease their dmg below a certain amount of meters by huge degree. At least 80%. I prefer this method, because it actually increase the usefulness of cavalry. It is simply idiotic to charge on the back of an archer just for him to realize it like 5m away turn around headshot your horse and demount you in a single blow, which is true for coursers and rounces and if he can aim for the legs a couple of the warhorses will be in severe danger aswell. I realize people hate the idea of buffing cavalry, but they actually dont have a role other then striking unaware people, bumping into dueling ones or attacking other lancers/1h cav - certainly not HA's. This is why I like idea 2  more, because it also stops an end to HA nonsense e.g. bumping a shielder and then shoot or running away from other cav for as long as it takes to get two shots out to drop the enemy horse.

However it also helps 2h guys to get the kill done, archers can still run and run and run, but at least they have to get to the threshold to do any reasonable amount of dmg.
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Paul on May 10, 2012, 09:23:42 am
Interesting ideas Pappus. We could also hand out wheelchairs to archers but with an automatic brake so they can kite downhill which would be unfair.

Also, only melee damage profits from the armor ignore on hitting horse legs.
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Ronin on May 10, 2012, 09:29:44 am
I have two options in mind to rebalance archers:


Reduce the movement speed of archers by 50%.
The reasoning is to put an stop to prolonged, turn around, shoot, run, shoot. Or swiftly dodging cavalry couches. By allowing them that kind of movement speed you leave them without a counter.

A shielder is not a counter, because due to the shield he is likely to not catch up for a very long time. Hell I even have problems catching up with medium armor, no shield and 8 athletics.


Decrease their dmg below a certain amount of meters by huge degree. At least 80%. I prefer this method, because it actually increase the usefulness of cavalry. It is simply idiotic to charge on the back of an archer just for him to realize it like 5m away turn around headshot your horse and demount you in a single blow, which is true for coursers and rounces and if he can aim for the legs a couple of the warhorses will be in severe danger aswell. I realize people hate the idea of buffing cavalry, but they actually dont have a role other then striking unaware people, bumping into dueling ones or attacking other lancers/1h cav - certainly not HA's. This is why I like idea 2  more, because it also stops an end to HA nonsense e.g. bumping a shielder and then shoot or running away from other cav for as long as it takes to get two shots out to drop the enemy horse.

However it also helps 2h guys to get the kill done, archers can still run and run and run, but at least they have to get to the threshold to do any reasonable amount of dmg.
Why don't we just remove every item from the game but only leave twohanded greatswords and light/heavy kuyak?
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Pappus on May 10, 2012, 09:48:43 am
You guys need to put the classes into perspective.

What is the advantage of a thrower over a crossbowman or archer? That he can still melee as a hybrid? Archery/Crossbowing does very comparable damage (easily more), over greater distance, at smaller risk, at higher accuracy with more ammunition.

By introducing one of the two nerfs I suggested for you, we would also alleviate the position of throwers, who badly need it.

You have no realistic counters other then other archers, especially in the bigger battles.

What is so bad about idea 2 for you? Can't turn around and oneshot a courser anymore? Is that bad for you? Of course it is, you can still dodge him though.

With idea 1 you can still oneshot the horse, but not outrun the rider so easily anymore. You are trying to justify a position, where your opponent is helpless against you.

This is never the correct approach. If a 2h makes it near you, then you deserve to die just as I deserve to die when I charge a spearguy straight on a horse.

Archers should not be able to 1on1 melees in close range with their bow (indication for that is what happens when a melee guy touches you while you aim), nor should they be able to defend themself against cavalry that is very close to striking range.

By denieing this you actually suggest to delete all other items then bows.

You still have the ability to kite a 2h guy even with idea 2, you just need to start running and shooting earlier.
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Cup1d on May 10, 2012, 01:31:00 pm
Pappus, if you wanna whine a little about throwing - make your own «pool of throwers sorrow» thread.
This is the place where dedicated twohanders crying about archery, so do not pollute their pure rivers ot tears with your dirty throwers insinuations. Do not spoil our fun.
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: MrShine on May 10, 2012, 02:22:48 pm
Pappus do people really need to explain to you why a suggestion to reduce running speed by 50% and close range damage by 80% is retarded?
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Pappus on May 10, 2012, 03:31:07 pm
It is not retarded. The archer mechanics are inherently flawed by design and there is a reason why in hundreds of games archers are prone to be weak against melee classes or cavalry among all genres.

You can even go into MOBA games and find those fundamental balancing measurements.

You are also paying a price for your close quarter shotguns on your true ranged ability. How can you justify reasonable long range damage, when you deal then even greater damage when someone manages to gap the distance?

I would like to see their true range damage increase if counters are availible, but in their current state they are annoying as hell and frustrating.

You can go through all 'classes' and find a real counter to them.

Shielder -> Axe
2h-> range/shielder(this includes throwers somewhat)
cav-> Archer,spears
Archers-> ???

The fast ninja, that will need half the round to chase you down?
The warhorse, which you can dodge reasonably due to his low speed?
The 2h guy, that you will simply kite?
The shielder, that you will most likely outrun other then builds like Leokings, who leaves his feet unprotected?
The lightcav that you can dishorse with one well placed arrow or two even if he goes sideways?

The funny stuff is, that those that can catch you on foot have likely less HP then you do.

Tell me what really beats you, if you are so weak.

There is no justifying logic to give you more dmg on easier shots due to lower range.

We aren't talking about stuff like getting on a mountain even fueling those advantages. They are all true on plain terrain.

Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Paul on May 10, 2012, 03:39:25 pm
Did you play an archer recently? Sometimes I really wish we could force players to actually play the classes they bullshit about until they choke on it.
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: _Tak_ on May 10, 2012, 03:44:22 pm
HA 's damage is far too low compare to normal archers on foot. With 5 PD as a HA its really useless and you have to shoot 8 arrows in to people to kill 1 person (Without bumping, with fully loomed Tatar arrows and horn bow, tested it myself and then respec into Mesut_Ozil because of that)
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Siberian_Wolf on May 10, 2012, 03:46:32 pm
It is not retarded. The archer mechanics are inherently flawed by design and there is a reason why in hundreds of games archers are prone to be weak against melee classes or cavalry among all genres.

You can even go into MOBA games and find those fundamental balancing measurements.

You are also paying a price for your close quarter shotguns on your true ranged ability. How can you justify reasonable long range damage, when you deal then even greater damage when someone manages to gap the distance?

I would like to see their true range damage increase if counters are availible, but in their current state they are annoying as hell and frustrating.

You can go through all 'classes' and find a real counter to them.

Shielder -> Axe
2h-> range/shielder(this includes throwers somewhat)
cav-> Archer,spears
Archers-> ???

The fast ninja, that will need half the round to chase you down?
The warhorse, which you can dodge reasonably due to his low speed?
The 2h guy, that you will simply kite?
The shielder, that you will most likely outrun other then builds like Leokings, who leaves his feet unprotected?
The lightcav that you can dishorse with one well placed arrow or two even if he goes sideways?

The funny stuff is, that those that can catch you on foot have likely less HP then you do.

Tell me what really beats you, if you are so weak.

There is no justifying logic to give you more dmg on easier shots due to lower range.

We aren't talking about stuff like getting on a mountain even fueling those advantages. They are all true on plain terrain.

You're obviously wrong here, but instead of me bashing you let me tell you this.


This is Mostly for shieldets, back peddle to shelter And wait for flag... then camp flag.
This is how I beat rohypnol, this is how melee beat ne on my archer alt.

on another note. If your going to suggest to nerf archers 50% speed and 80% close range damage then I say nerf melee 50% swing speed and 80% damage when facehugging.

Also, I stull suggest a 400% buff on melee intelligence.
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Gurnisson on May 10, 2012, 03:49:00 pm
Archers-> ??? Shield + throwing hybrid

Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Cup1d on May 10, 2012, 03:57:11 pm
visitors can't see pics , please register or login

I think you must play this mode for a while, and then spend your precious time for less stupid uncommon ideas

BTW, thanks to chadz there are no «Classes» in this mode. There are weapons and builds. If you wanna play game with «classes» you choose wrong game.
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Pappus on May 10, 2012, 04:14:46 pm

Not true by a long shot. Throwing is too inaccurate for that and even if you hit, you need to do it a couple of times like 3 sometimes even 4 jarids/throwing axes with PT 7 and 120 WPF. Are not unheard of specially without the speedbonus or maybe even a negative one, since you will standing still prior to the impact it swiftly goes up to 4, if you get 2 good hits in movement, then that would kill them, but you have to drop a good amount of ammunition and the maximum ammunition you have would be 6 or 8 depending if you go with a seperate 1h or not.

How good throwing is working we can see when we take a glimpse at the throwing thread or the insane amount of throwers per game. 2 out of 60?

Edit: This mod =/= this game and this forum registration date =/= time playing this mod. Btw this game has classes. It doesnt matter if you call it build they all fit well into archetypes.
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Cup1d on May 10, 2012, 04:30:15 pm
ok. Please name me this «Class»

Level 30 (4 420 577 xp)

Strength: 15
Agility: 18
Hit points: 52
Attributes to skills: 2
Ironflesh: 1
Power Strike: 5
Shield: 6
Athletics: 6
Riding: 6
Horse Archery: 0
Power Draw: 0
Power Throw: 5
Weapon Master: 6
One Handed: 100
Two Handed: 1
Polearm: 100
Archery: 1
Crossbow: 1
Throwing: 105
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: rufio on May 10, 2012, 04:48:06 pm
visitors can't see pics , please register or login
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Pappus on May 10, 2012, 04:53:34 pm
ok. Please name me this «Class»

Level 30 (4 420 577 xp)

Strength: 15
Agility: 18
Hit points: 52
Attributes to skills: 2
Ironflesh: 1
Power Strike: 5
Shield: 6
Athletics: 6
Riding: 6
Horse Archery: 0
Power Draw: 0
Power Throw: 5
Weapon Master: 6
One Handed: 100
Two Handed: 1
Polearm: 100
Archery: 1
Crossbow: 1
Throwing: 105

Despite that it is beside the point: Gladiator
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Arrowblood on May 10, 2012, 04:55:57 pm
ok. Please name me this «Class»

Level 30 (4 420 577 xp)

Strength: 15
Agility: 18
Hit points: 52
Attributes to skills: 2
Ironflesh: 1
Power Strike: 5
Shield: 6
Athletics: 6
Riding: 6
Horse Archery: 0
Power Draw: 0
Power Throw: 5
Weapon Master: 6
One Handed: 100
Two Handed: 1
Polearm: 100
Archery: 1
Crossbow: 1
Throwing: 105
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Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Arrowblood on May 10, 2012, 04:57:43 pm
we have no gladiators in crpg
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Pappus on May 10, 2012, 05:05:13 pm
If you want it to be more precise: Hoplomachus or Eques is the specific.

Now that I have proven my point, lets get on and think about rebalancing archery.
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Teeth on May 10, 2012, 05:16:26 pm
If you want it to be more precise: Hoplomachus or Eques is the specific.

Now that I have proven my point, lets get on and think about rebalancing archery.
Wow, great description you've got there. You just called it a horseman, you really needed Latin for that to sound intelligent.
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Cup1d on May 10, 2012, 05:18:36 pm
Where you've seen gladiator on a horse? Where you've seen Gladiator as a battle class? Сan you point me a State or period when someone use Gladiators as military force? Please.
Looks like we found another «historian» and «clausewitz» in one person.


You forgot about shield mate. He can be 1hcav too.
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Cup1d on May 10, 2012, 05:28:47 pm
Doubt that this guy try to be serious though. At least I cant take his «suggestions» serious. But it's good reinforcements for our exhausted 2Hinfantry team.
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Angantyr on May 10, 2012, 05:29:11 pm
This thread  :lol:
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: XyNox on May 10, 2012, 05:35:06 pm
I think this was a severe misunderstanding. Pappus was clearly talking about native archery.
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Pappus on May 10, 2012, 05:50:35 pm
Wow, great description you've got there. You just called it a horseman, you really needed Latin for that to sound intelligent.

From wiki
A Hoplomachus (pl. hoplomachi) (Greek: ὁπλομάχος) (hoplon meaning "shield" in Greek) was a type of gladiator in ancient Rome, armed to resemble a Greek hoplite (soldier with heavy armor and helmet, a round shield, a spear and a sword). The hoplomachus would wear a bronze helmet, a manica on his right arm, loincloth (subligaculum), heavy padding on his legs, and a pair of high greaves reaching to mid-thigh. His weapons were the spear and a short sword.

Eques, indeed is a horse in latin, but that is just one meaning. They would open up the gladiator fights on horseback, however you wouldn't know that, because the english wikipedia doesn't contain that information. The German wiki does and I will use the google translator for you, because I am not willing to translate myself.

The equites opened its struggle with the gladiatorial games. They were with a brimmed helmet with visor, a flat round shield, a lance and a short sword gladius armed. Were in contrast to all other categories of gladiators, who dressed only in a loincloth subligaculum, they wore tunics. They began to fight on horseback, dismounted and then put him away with their swords. In pictorial representations, they are mostly represented in the final phase of the struggle, that is descended from a horse and on foot with swords fighting.

In retrospec you should have remained silent, because it doesn't make you look very 'intelligent' if you argue with nameroots when there is more to the word, especially since Hoplomachus doesn't have anything to do with 'Horse'.

Although I cannot comprehend how it is relevant in NAMING a build, a class so to speak if that perticular type was used in an military army. However bringing up that argument will net you another slap to your face:

There was a gladiator army, not for rome, but against rome. You can even watch a show: Spartacus: Blood and Sand + sequels. In case you didn't know it is a representation of what information we have of that era, and we know, that those gladiators formed an army by giving training to slaves as they received as gladiators. So gladiators train more gladiators until they reach army size.

Of course they also trained archers and such, but their frontline consisted of  gladiators.

Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Teeth on May 10, 2012, 05:58:53 pm
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I'm talking about the Eques part. You described the build as either Hoplomachus or Eques, now I have no idea what a Hoplomachus is, werent that you just described it, but Eques just means horseman. Which is a shitty description and the fact that you say it in Latin doesn't make it any smarter. Horse is Equus.
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Moncho on May 10, 2012, 06:03:24 pm
So cRPG is now set in ancient rome/greece...
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Tears of Destiny on May 10, 2012, 06:04:40 pm
See, back in my day we just called that build a cavalry hybrid.

Stop making up stuff.
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Cup1d on May 10, 2012, 06:07:24 pm
dude, do not try to substitute social status «gladiator» with gladiator's gear. Or you really think that gladiator's army used gladiator's weapons\armors?

And I like wiki citation as arguments, use it more.
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: _Tak_ on May 10, 2012, 06:08:05 pm
HA seriously needs a buff, try 15/24 even with loomed arrow + tatar its impossile to kill anyone, the strange thing is that you will find most of your kills comes from bump
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Arrowblood on May 10, 2012, 06:09:06 pm
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edit: Deutschritter, Pappus, Arn_Magnusson, Cup1d, Rumblood, BlackMilk, SgtTeeh, Leshma, Paul, rufio (+ 2 Hidden) and 2 Guests are viewing this topic.

Lets start with talking.
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Pappus on May 10, 2012, 06:10:42 pm
I'm talking about the Eques part. You described the build as either Hoplomachus or Eques, now I have no idea what a Hoplomachus is, werent that you just described it, but Eques just means horseman. Which is a shitty description and the fact that you say it in Latin doesn't make it any smarter. Horse is Equus.

Dude what part don't you understand? Eques is a gladiatortype. What meaning does it hold that equus is a horse in latin? You know why I used a latin word ? Because gladiators were named in latin, in rome, latin metropolis.................

Eques might be called eques because he started his fight on horseback or because many of them were former members of the equestrian order (cavalrymen). I don't know that, but your type of argument is still flawed. And if Eques meant archers are overpowered and need to be nerfed in latin - it doesnt matter as it would just be one meaning.

And actually I would still call it gladiator, but I specified to prevent people saying stuff like: ZOMG Gladiator AND HORSES? or ZOMG Gladiator SWORDZZZ only!!!1

Gladiators are commonly referred to as master of many weapon arts, including riding.
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Tears of Destiny on May 10, 2012, 06:13:47 pm
This whole thread is just pointless anyways.

You always have people yelling to nerf archery, it always gets nerfed in major patches (besides the headshot buff, which was entirely not needed and rarely noticeable by the majority of players anyways only the armoured HP stackers), people yell that it was not enough, and the cycle continues... Regardless of anyone's opinions.

Also I am suspecting that the majority of the people here never played any archery in recent times. It is frustrating as all hell.

Archers rarely dominate scoreboards.

They don't need nerfs, they don't need buffs, they just need to be left alone ffs (imo) before someone (like cmp) fucks everything up again.

But yes, do go on discussing this bloated topic and thread like anyone who can change things actually gives a damn, wait patiently, and await another small tweak to archery/nerf while blithering on about a class you have never played.
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Arrowblood on May 10, 2012, 06:14:20 pm
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Moncho on May 10, 2012, 06:18:32 pm
+1 Tears, and i am an archer atm and sometimes top the scoreboards, though only when i drop my bow and use my heavy bastard sword with 50 wpf!
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Pappus on May 10, 2012, 06:20:26 pm
This whole thread is just pointless anyways.

You always have people yelling to nerf archery, it always gets nerfed in major patches (besides the headshot buff, which was entirely not needed and rarely noticeable by the majority of players anyways only the armoured HP stackers), people yell that it was not enough, and the cycle continues... Regardless of anyone's opinions.

Also I am suspecting that the majority of the people here never played any archery in recent times. It is frustrating as all hell.

Archers rarely dominate scoreboards.

They don't need nerfs, they don't need buffs, they just need to be left alone ffs (imo) before someone (like cmp) fucks everything up again.

But yes, do go on discussing this bloated topic and thread like anyone who can change things actually gives a damn, wait patiently, and await another small tweak to archery/nerf while blithering on about a class you have never played.

Tears, the scoreboard doesn't hold a lot of information. Just finishing blows on you or by you. You can't take that as basis to gauge the effectiveness of a class as such.

I don't want to gimp archers, I would love to see them a hell of a lot more dmg on ranged hard shots, but when someone is close they need to drop. You say it yourself, archering is currently frustrating even if you do it and that is a good telling that it needs a rebalance.

If you gimp their kiting capabilities and give good counters to them you can justify to increase their dmg on the more skill demanding shots, or more accuracy. I think that it would be a better tradeoff.

For you it might be frustrating, but those 2h guys, cav etc are certainly frustrated aswell if their courser/rouncey/arabian gets oneshoted or if a HA is doing his kite thing and it takes like 5 opposing cavs to take him down. I want to eliminate that frustration and change it to a more enjoyable situation for everyone.

But balancing needs a step at a time and I think we all see a lot of rangekiting going way over the top.
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Teeth on May 10, 2012, 06:35:32 pm
Archers rarely dominate scoreboards.
Kills are not representative for skill with archery. Because your target is not within an arm length of you as it is when you're melee, they can get out of your way much more easily. Still you deal a lot of damage across the entire team, not only against a handful of targets like melee.

They don't need nerfs, they don't need buffs, they just need to be left alone ffs (imo) before someone (like cmp) fucks everything up again.
They need a fundamental change in their mechanics. Allow me to repeat myself.

Probably said this in here already, but I'll repeat myself. Changes that have been made to archery made the archer with melee capabilities almost extinct. Furthermore, if you would for example give archers a less steep wpf curve, no one would put the extra wpf into melee, they'd rather put some more into archery. Why is that? Because they can run away. An archer with melee capabilities is completely possible and viable, but they all want that 2 slot bow, those 2 stacks of arrows and as much accuracy as they can get.

I would much rather see archers as most of them were historically. Wearing quite a bit of armor and armed with a melee weapon. They fire volleys into the enemy ranks, but if they get catched in the fray, they are able to defend themselves.

Running away as an archer should be made less viable. They tend to have quite a bit of agi and barely any armor so they can outrun pretty much all infantry.

A good start to fix this would be to disable archers with their bows in hand to reach sprint speed. After 2-3 seconds of running your character suddenly speeds up to his maximum speed. If archers can't do that anymore, running away while being chased is not an option, while still being able to sidestep after every shot. They can switch weapon and sprint, but no more run/turn/shoot shenanigans.

Also prevent archers from taking 2 stacks of arrows, so they always have room for a proper melee weapon.

To compensate for the loss of mobility, the wpf decrease for wearing armor should be reduced a lot. Armor just does not decrease archery capabilities much. Arrow stack size should be increased and break chance should be reduced. Splitting proficencies for archers should be encouraged and be made more viable. Give them considerably more melee capabilities, without nerfing their current range capabilities much. Enable battle archers, no actually, force archers to be battle archers. As long as the possibility is there to get more accuracy and damage by being a wpf whoring cowardly archer, most will do it.

The archer in peasant garbs, that runs away when anyone comes close, should be changed into an uneffective gimmick build, that trembles in fear of his mighty armored and brave battle archer brethren.

These are proper archers
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Oh, implement deployable stakes, doesn't matter if they don't damage horses if they run into them, stopping them is good enough.

tl;dr version:
Nerf running away capabilities to the ground, force melee capabilities on archers while leaving their ranged capabilities mostly untouched.

Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Pappus on May 10, 2012, 06:39:59 pm
They need a fundamental change in their mechanics. Allow me to repeat myself.

Disabling sprint or reducing their running speed are both valid option, although I like your idea more, but it doesn't help against the crap HA's do against pursuers, that is why I took option nr. 2. It might be less severe for HA's, but it is still garbage as it is.

Title: Re: archery..
Post by: MrShine on May 10, 2012, 07:07:03 pm
Pappus if you're trying to troll you're doing it wrong, with those humongous walls of text/effort.

If you aren't trolling, might I suggest you give the game more than a week before thinking you know what you're talking about.
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Pappus on May 10, 2012, 07:18:20 pm
Pappus if you're trying to troll you're doing it wrong, with those humongous walls of text/effort.

If you aren't trolling, might I suggest you give the game more than a week before thinking you know what you're talking about.

Might I suggest you give your reading abilities another go, especially if people give you a clear hint. I am about 2 mil xp away from gen 3, which you should know takes more then a week of playing.

You register in the forum when you chose to. It doesn't mean I started playing then.

And even if I would only be playing for a week that does not invalidate my argument. You are like one of the guys telling young adults, that their argument is invalid due to their age.
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: MrShine on May 10, 2012, 08:04:24 pm
You ask me to work on my reading abilities when this thread has rehashed your idea probably 10 times?

And your argument most certainly is invalidated if you don't know how the mechanics of the game work.  If I log in as a peasant and get bump killed by a horse in 2 hits, then come crying on the forums about how OP horses are, that's a pretty poor argument to make, isn't it?

Forgive me for assuming you've played for only a week, but a suggestion as absurd as the one you presented tells me that you are someone who has not played an archer before, and certainly hasn't given the game enough rounds to see how archers really aren't that much of a problem.  If archers were so overpowered and always able to kite everyone to death wouldn't archers constantly clutch the end of rounds and dominate the scoreboard?

It happens sometimes, but individual archers are very rarely the end of round heroes.
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Teeth on May 10, 2012, 08:05:59 pm
wouldn't archers constantly clutch the end of rounds and dominate the scoreboard?
They do clutch the end of the rounds constantly and

Kills are not representative for skill with archery. Because your target is not within an arm length of you as it is when you're melee, they can get out of your way much more easily. Still you deal a lot of damage across the entire team, not only against a handful of targets like melee.
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: MrShine on May 10, 2012, 08:37:23 pm
They do clutch the end of the rounds constantly and
Pics or it never happened.  They do sometimes of course, but nowhere near the amount of times the hero ends up being a melee player.


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Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Pappus on May 10, 2012, 08:40:54 pm
You ask me to work on my reading abilities when this thread has rehashed your idea probably 10 times?

And your argument most certainly is invalidated if you don't know how the mechanics of the game work.  If I log in as a peasant and get bump killed by a horse in 2 hits, then come crying on the forums about how OP horses are, that's a pretty poor argument to make, isn't it?

Forgive me for assuming you've played for only a week, but a suggestion as absurd as the one you presented tells me that you are someone who has not played an archer before, and certainly hasn't given the game enough rounds to see how archers really aren't that much of a problem.  If archers were so overpowered and always able to kite everyone to death wouldn't archers constantly clutch the end of rounds and dominate the scoreboard?

It happens sometimes, but individual archers are very rarely the end of round heroes.

Your argument is not validated by exagerating it. Peasant time holds a whopping 10-12 rounds.

If you go into spectator mode and check how most archers die it is by being distracted or not aware of an immediate danger. If they are aware they rarely die and they kite others to death.

Very skilled archers even kill shielders by drawing, turning, and move past the shield in a quick move, but that is rather uncommon. Most of the time if a shielder is after them they will kite them and attack other targets.

You cannot possibly think, that the kiting garbage that is going on is enhancing the gaming experience or balance.

I for one would like to see them way more vulnerable to close infantry and cavalry in general, leading to a need for them to be protected and at the same time (some tweaks later) see the need for 2h guys to be shielded by teammates instead of rushing straight in.

Oneshotting any unarmored horse charging them? How does that enrich the balance and gaming experience? How can you justify that it happens? Is it a hard shot? Mostly oneshotting good armored cav close to impact?

I have around 60ish HP and have light kuyak + gauntlets and I get oneshotted to the chest? Obviously not always but often enough that if I see an archer being aware of me I will turn and ride away ASAP. So even if I would switch to those armored horses I am still in grave danger of dieing to a single arrow without the need of a headshot.

Grave enough of a threat, that I run away like a mad men when an archer is even looking in my general direction.

I have 8 riding and when there are a couple of HA's in the enemy team I usually try to get them on their arabian horses you know what happens? 9 out of 10 I end up dead without a chance of striking him down.

We ride in the same direction and I am faster, obviously I try to stay right side behind him so he cant shoot, which lasts about half a second until he just turns a bit to give me a shot. The damage to my horse or myself is considerable more then I do to him by scraping his horse, which is all I can realistically do every 30ish seconds. My horse or I am long dead before that happens.

Now you might say, why do you go after the HA if you cannot beat him? What do you think happens if the HA decides to go after me? He would be behind me and there is no way in hell to do anything about it but pray that he oversees another player charging him or run back into the thick of my teamates. The only difference is, that if he chases me he needs more arrows for my horse while I can do 0 about it. If I chase him the positive speed multiplier goes for his arrows and they pack a huge punch to horses. It is even worse if they do a quick turn into stop to shoot me because then he only needs one or two arrows to drop my horse.

I mean why don't you make an STF character get on a horse and try to take down Corsair. Or some other notorious archers/HA's. Just go after them and then express your feelings about it.

Even if the buff hits I won't be a cavalry by then anymore and I don't mind terribly much I just do what most cavalry players do now, couche early dehorse someone, play a bit with your new prey. Then go into the battleline and search for unaware targets unprotected by spears of any kind.

It all boils down to: Archer beats crossbowmen, 2h and cavalry, unshielded thrower.
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: MrShine on May 10, 2012, 09:11:33 pm
Your argument is not validated by exagerating it. Peasant time holds a whopping 10-12 rounds.

If you go into spectator mode and check how most archers die it is by being distracted or not aware of an immediate danger. If they are aware they rarely die and they kite others to death.

Very skilled archers even kill shielders by drawing, turning, and move past the shield in a quick move, but that is rather uncommon. Most of the time if a shielder is after them they will kite them and attack other targets.

You cannot possibly think, that the kiting garbage that is going on is enhancing the gaming experience or balance.

I for one would like to see them way more vulnerable to close infantry and cavalry in general, leading to a need for them to be protected and at the same time (some tweaks later) see the need for 2h guys to be shielded by teammates instead of rushing straight in.

Oneshotting any unarmored horse charging them? How does that enrich the balance and gaming experience? How can you justify that it happens? Is it a hard shot? Mostly oneshotting good armored cav close to impact?

I have around 60ish HP and have light kuyak + gauntlets and I get oneshotted to the chest? Obviously not always but often enough that if I see an archer being aware of me I will turn and ride away ASAP. So even if I would switch to those armored horses I am still in grave danger of dieing to a single arrow without the need of a headshot.

Grave enough of a threat, that I run away like a mad men when an archer is even looking in my general direction.

I have 8 riding and when there are a couple of HA's in the enemy team I usually try to get them on their arabian horses you know what happens? 9 out of 10 I end up dead without a chance of striking him down.

We ride in the same direction and I am faster, obviously I try to stay right side behind him so he cant shoot, which lasts about half a second until he just turns a bit to give me a shot. The damage to my horse or myself is considerable more then I do to him by scraping his horse, which is all I can realistically do every 30ish seconds. My horse or I am long dead before that happens.

Now you might say, why do you go after the HA if you cannot beat him? What do you think happens if the HA decides to go after me? He would be behind me and there is no way in hell to do anything about it but pray that he oversees another player charging him or run back into the thick of my teamates. The only difference is, that if he chases me he needs more arrows for my horse while I can do 0 about it. If I chase him the positive speed multiplier goes for his arrows and they pack a huge punch to horses. It is even worse if they do a quick turn into stop to shoot me because then he only needs one or two arrows to drop my horse.

I mean why don't you make an STF character get on a horse and try to take down Corsair. Or some other notorious archers/HA's. Just go after them and then express your feelings about it.

Even if the buff hits I won't be a cavalry by then anymore and I don't mind terribly much I just do what most cavalry players do now, couche early dehorse someone, play a bit with your new prey. Then go into the battleline and search for unaware targets unprotected by spears of any kind.

It all boils down to: Archer beats crossbowmen, 2h and cavalry, unshielded thrower.

1) HA & ground archers are very different from each other

2) Archers already are most vulnerable up close.  They generally die in about 2 hits.  If you get the jump on them they are dead before they can get a weapon out to block.

3) Archers already are cavalry food.  Cavalry shouldn't charge archers from the front (unless they have a shield or are heavy cav), but archers are generally stationary and often busy aiming somewhere else. 

4) If you are cavalry and you are trying to attack horse archers you are doing it wrong.  HA's best target is enemy cav.

5) With 60hp & a naked light kuyuk (42 armor) even a 8 power draw archer with a +3 longbow & +3 bodkin arrows the max an archer will deal (ie point blank) is 56 hp.  You said you're cav though, speed bonus is a double edged sword so that could account for the occasional 1 shot.  Still we're talking perfect storm conditions, aka not worth balancing around.  Feel free to prove me wrong though

6) I don't mean to come across as haughty, but I've played this game a lot longer than you have. I've played cavalry archer 2h 1H/shield polearm crossbowman many different times and have seen the game from many different perspectives.  I'm not saying I know everything about the game or that everything I think should happen for balance is always right, but I'm pretty confidant I know much more about how archery actually works than you do.  If you tell me to use a STF alt to see how it feels from your perspective, let me tell you I've been there done that.
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: XyNox on May 10, 2012, 09:13:49 pm

Although this has been discussed dozents of times I agree that we are talking about a very sensitive topic here which needs further attention. The circumstances we are witnessing at the time are unacceptable. Balancing such vastly different mechanics is not easy however. Ill just qoute an essay I wrote some time ago describing the problems in detail.

Put in spoiler due to excessive lenght.

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Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Tears of Destiny on May 10, 2012, 09:59:27 pm
Alright, well if we are saying that Kills don't mean anything, then what is everyone's answer to the posted total damage dealt stats released a month or so ago that showed archery (specifically bows) dealing about 9% of the total damage for both EU and NA... How are you interpreting that?
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Adamar on May 10, 2012, 10:25:25 pm
"Numbers dont count" That was their new argument. That stats thread + what we see in scoreboards, brings it all out in the open. But people dont like ranged, plain and simple, so bullshit shall fly.
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Cup1d on May 10, 2012, 10:42:09 pm
Alright, well if we are saying that Kills don't mean anything, then what is everyone's answer to the posted total damage dealt stats released a month or so ago that showed archery (specifically bows) dealing about 9% of the total damage for both EU and NA... How are you interpreting that?

It's clear that there was a misprint. Archers do 90% of damage, 3% go to postaggers and lancers, 2% to xbows, 1% to 1handers, 0,5% for throwers, 0.2% go to 2H cavalry. Did I forget someone?
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Moncho on May 10, 2012, 11:14:23 pm
Noone important
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Rumblood on May 10, 2012, 11:54:17 pm
"Numbers dont count" That was their new argument. That stats thread + what we see in scoreboards, brings it all out in the open. But people dont like ranged, plain and simple, so bullshit shall fly.

Exactly, they just make up shit.

I like the crap about an archer that will get close to a shielder and then step around the shield and kill them.

Bullshit! There is an "auto-stun" that disrupts and STUNS the archer automatically when someone is close to them. They can't even switch to a melee weapon. So NO, you can't draw, turn, and move past the shield in a quick move because you get auto-kick stunned. Oh wait, I guess you could from 5 feet away if the shielder is AFK....

All these kiting bullshit claims are coming from over a year ago. You can't "kite" someone and shoot at them without them gaining on you unless you are the 27/6 builds with 0 athletics running around in plate or if the archer is already 100 yards away. That's not KITING. That's shooting your dumb, can't be arsed to get athletics, dodge or use terrain adequately ass at range. You deserve to be shot for being a strength crutching no athletics whiner baby  :lol: I'm sure you use crutchthrough too  :P
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: XyNox on May 11, 2012, 12:01:52 am
Nah I think its 9 %. Thing is everyone using a bow right now just sucks massive dick. EVERYONE. As we all know bows are the most destructing force this game has to offer but all archers we have atm are, without a doubt, noobs. Melee players who complain about archery COULD EASILY pick up ranged weapons and dominate the battlefield 24/7 if they WANTED TO. But they dont because its boring and too easy. They dont even do it in strat because even when they could conquer whole landscapes just with bows in hand, they just dont, because its not fun to own everyone without any effort. So the only reason archers dont top the scoreboard right now is because they are all gay nub my old friends, OBVIOUSLY !!!!

I mean if they would make arrows hitscan no one would notice really because it already is like this right now anyway. You also need to keep in mind that archers have no counter. NO COUNTER. A shielder might have godmode as long as he is smart enough to hold down rmb but otherwise they have just no counter. Archers can even fuck with your mind, so even when you know the worst time to lower your shield is when they just have drawn their bow, you still do it, because they apparently can play some jedi mind trick shit on you and you will lower your shield anyway. How fair is that ? And also what the fuck is up with them being able to run faster than tincans although they just wear some cloth ? I mean bows are AT LEAST as heavy as 3 plated chargers ... pfff nerf balance that shit already.

After all I think my 2h-hero-actionbundle of sticks-build should be able to own everyone and when archers shoot at me its no fair !!!

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Title: Re: archery..
Post by: kinngrimm on May 11, 2012, 12:17:56 am
Are you all blind, Rufio has always a shield with him. (Mostly on his back but when targeted he draws it)

Thing is i wouldn't nerf archery on its own either. But considering that 50-70 % of the players are either dedicated ranged or hybrid with sorts of ranged, at times it is just a joke to see it.

Anyone who doesn't see that, again are you blind or blindly ignorant?

1. Xbows are my favourit: i come closer then ten feet and shots go straight through the shield ...
2. followed by an armada of archers hording somewhere on a hill and as soon as one of them runs crying away"inf from behind" they spread out like wildfire and are all over you
3. the close combat throwers: close like within 5 feet only to get out of range of your weapon and you need to focus on the other dude in his company ... bam another throwing stuff in your side or back

(1. is in my eyes OP and needs to be changed, 2-3 are depending on the player and his personal skill level)

So again in terms of balancing i believe most things concidered ranged seems ok atm, but still there are sooooo many of you dudes playing "pew pew" that at times it is just not fun anymore.

.... wtf i just noticed 65 pages ... no i wont read all that ... nooooooooo

edit: 4th the close combat head shot archers ... unsettling
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Leshma on May 11, 2012, 12:19:41 am
Many things are OP in your eyes...
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: kinngrimm on May 11, 2012, 12:27:39 am
Many things i have to say without saying anything...
corrected that for you
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Miwiw on May 11, 2012, 12:35:26 am
1. Xbows are my favourit: i come closer then ten feet and shots go straight through the shield ...

You are using Elite Cavalry Shield, right (I also guess its loomed)? In native it was/is possible to get close xbow shots through normal and bad board shields, though a heavy crossbow was needed. So I guess there is a chance that a Heavy Crossbow and Arbalest is able to get shots through a shield on a close distant sometimes.
Didn't know it was possible with that shield though...
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: XyNox on May 11, 2012, 12:39:35 am
I just thought ...

All these people complaining about being unable to counter everyone in the game and then complaining on the forums, what do these people do in other games ? If they play a generic shooter like e.g. battlefield, are they running up to a tank as a medic and try to destroy it with a knife ? And when they get killed in the process do they send hatemails to dice, demanding knifes being able to destroy tanks because tanks have NO COUNTER and its no fair ?
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Adamar on May 11, 2012, 12:43:34 am
Rumblood and Xynox, not sure if serious.

1. Xbows are my favourit: i come closer then ten feet and shots go straight through the shield ...
2. followed by an armada of archers hording somewhere on a hill and as soon as one of them runs crying away"inf from behind" they spread out like wildfire and are all over you
3. the close combat throwers: close like within 5 feet only to get out of range of your weapon and you need to focus on the other dude in his company ... bam another throwing stuff in your side or back

1. Weird, maybe it was a forcefield flicker, or he hit you in the foot.

2. Yep, 1 shielder should tottaly be able to own several archers.

3. Again, it's tottaly unfair that you're getting killed by a pair of coordinated players.

Title: Re: archery..
Post by: San on May 11, 2012, 12:49:07 am
I sure do wish I can try to attack archers as shielder though. I mostly rely on protection against them while I focus on fighting other infantry.

At least more than 1/2 of the time when I am left against an archer, he shoots my shield (knightly heater) enough for it to break (usually half hp by then usually if things go well). It's better for me to hide than chase.

I think archery is pretty good at rewarding high skill when the need calls for it. I would find it very odd for ranged to get anywhere near melee damage when you aren't going to be in the heat of the fight most of the time, and a single sword slash damage > bow damage usually.

I do wish there was some reasonably light, very durable and fast shield with great coverage. Sometimes I feel like it'll be easier to dodge arrows with the increased agility rather than hold my knightly heater and get hit slightly to my sides/over my shoulder and on my foot all day while I move very slowly.
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Tomas_of_Miles on May 11, 2012, 12:51:09 am
I remember once on Port Assault I was on the docks and Jacko was in a boat (level beneath me) and I held my board shield up (PROPERLY UP) and he shot me IN THE HEAD somehow as if the bolt went over my shield.  :shock:
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: San on May 11, 2012, 02:00:59 am
Hitting around the shield thing can be a really tiresome argument since shielders will focus on times where they were hit over their shield, and archers will focus on times where they thought an arrow should have hit and the shielder blocked.

I for one thinks it's already annoying enough to get hit on the sides, so I don't want to use too much effort moving my shield (and in effect my camera) every which way to block arrows in front of me or slightly off. But you can also say that if one gets higher shield skill than 5, like 6-7+ that problem occurs less so in the end I accept getting hit around shield sometimes.
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: H3ADSH0T on May 11, 2012, 02:14:29 am
Archery is treated too numerically in my eyes. An arrow fired from any bow is going to FUCKING KILL YOU. All too often I hit a guy for the 3rd time and he's still rampaging. inb4 crpg hero simulator.
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: MrShine on May 11, 2012, 02:23:16 am
Rumblood and Xynox, not sure if serious.

1. Weird, maybe it was a forcefield flicker, or he hit you in the foot.

Crossbows can legitimately punch through shields if they are strong enough.  Generally it happens in close range when the xbowmen aims at the center of the shield.

The bolt does reduced damage though.  I've never seen it happen for a bow, but xbows yeah.
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: kinngrimm on May 11, 2012, 02:45:34 am

1. Weird, maybe it was a forcefield flicker, or he hit you in the foot.
cute but no, it were direct hits on the shield, happens on a regular base

2. Yep, 1 shielder should tottaly be able to own several archers.
see response to 3.
3. Again, it's tottaly unfair that you're getting killed by a pair of coordinated players.
see response to 2.

look at my post again and get what you said out of the brakets ... yawn ... a what the hack isn't that difficult here we go only for you mate
(1. is in my eyes OP and needs to be changed, 2-3 are depending on the player and his personal skill level)
so your answers to 2,3 are pretty much copied from me, love it when people have to say something
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Pappus on May 11, 2012, 03:45:24 am
Alright, well if we are saying that Kills don't mean anything, then what is everyone's answer to the posted total damage dealt stats released a month or so ago that showed archery (specifically bows) dealing about 9% of the total damage for both EU and NA... How are you interpreting that?

Thanks for the heads up on those numbers, but how are they meaningful or useable? It is just total damage dealt, we have no idea how many archers there were.

What we would need is such a statistic that gets it down damage per round per class per amount of players, because from my observation a team of 40 players doesnt have 20 archers, but likely 20 melees.

We can do some aproximation though. From what I have seen there is 1 archer per 6 players ~~

That would boil down to:
1 archer/crossbowman does 2,25% of the total dmg
1 of ANYTHING else does 2,55% of the total dmg.
(aproximation used a 40 man battle)
I included HA,HX,HT into the latter, The stats sample I was able to find were a bit small for them anyway. In total 5ish percent.

It would translate into: Same effectiveness, less danger.

Can't some server admins to some controlled logging? Gettint 80 players, clear the log, count the classes and let them wreac havoc for e.g. 10 rounds?

Even then I don't want the dmg of them to drop to 1% of whatever, that is not the point of this, they deserve to enjoy their gaming time as much as everyone else does. There is jsut a need to cut away the sheningans and then, if effectiveness/playability drops to low, buff them on the high range dmg again.

Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Pappus on May 11, 2012, 03:59:56 am
I just thought ...

All these people complaining about being unable to counter everyone in the game and then complaining on the forums, what do these people do in other games ? If they play a generic shooter like e.g. battlefield, are they running up to a tank as a medic and try to destroy it with a knife ? And when they get killed in the process do they send hatemails to dice, demanding knifes being able to destroy tanks because tanks have NO COUNTER and its no fair ?

BF has a counter for everything implemented. Take out the SAM's and watch how the mood about flying stuff changes rapidly.

Close to them, you refer to touching them, because it happens only if you try to walk through him. So yes a good movement will allow you to pull it off.

And I will tell you again, that most of the archers on EU_1 run as fast as me. I use no shield, only a lance as weapon, light kuyak, nord helm, rus splintered boots, 0.5 weight gauntlets and I have 8 athletics. Not that it matters once he draws I have to switch to erratic movement and he can backpaddle a bit and gain distance. I will die like 9 times out of 10 starting from 3m away after being unhorsed right next to them.

Oh and MrShine, draw a ticket and get in line, because melees die often enough in two well placed hits aswell.

Btw occasional storm condition? You mean turn left press strg + j, aim for my chest and get those 56 dmg on my chest doubled? Or the less risky variant, outmaneuver stand still wait for me to come around and then aim for the chest for increased dmg?
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: MrShine on May 11, 2012, 05:53:27 pm
Oh and MrShine, draw a ticket and get in line, because melees die often enough in two well placed hits aswell.

Btw occasional storm condition? You mean turn left press strg + j, aim for my chest and get those 56 dmg on my chest doubled? Or the less risky variant, outmaneuver stand still wait for me to come around and then aim for the chest for increased dmg?

A ticket?  A ticket for what?  I don't get where you are going with that.

That max 56 HP damage example I posted was with a +3 long bow a +3 bodkin 8 PD no archer armor to reduce wpf further and a near point blank shot since ranged damage drops off considerably from the max as you get further away.  AKA a perfect storm, something that will hardly ever happen and you trying to use that as a reason to nerf archery is silly.
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Rumblood on May 11, 2012, 06:32:19 pm
People win the lottery every week. That needs to be nerfed. It should be much harder to win millions of dollars like that.  :P
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Arrowblood on May 11, 2012, 08:19:56 pm
Title: Re: archery..
Post by: Havoco on May 14, 2012, 01:58:01 am
BF has a counter for everything implemented. Take out the SAM's and watch how the mood about flying stuff changes rapidly.

And I will tell you again, that most of the archers on EU_1 run as fast as me. I use no shield, only a lance as weapon, light kuyak, nord helm, rus splintered boots, 0.5 weight gauntlets and I have 8 athletics. Not that it matters once he draws I have to switch to erratic movement and he can backpaddle a bit and gain distance. I will die like 9 times out of 10 starting from 3m away after being unhorsed right next to them.

Oh and MrShine, draw a ticket and get in line, because melees die often enough in two well placed hits aswell.

Btw occasional storm condition? You mean turn left press strg + j, aim for my chest and get those 56 dmg on my chest doubled? Or the less risky variant, outmaneuver stand still wait for me to come around and then aim for the chest for increased dmg?

There's ur reason right there, ur playing what archery counters. Also, ur using a lance without a horse?!?!

Regarding the amount of Range users....this is one of my pet peeves because xbows don't have any skill contribution like PD, all they need to do is stack WM which in turn makes them a better hybrid. However, throwing seems to be designed to be a hybrid weapon in crpg as well because of it's small ammo amount.