Well who should adapt to who?
Buff swashbuckler !
No.. wait... wrong topic. Nerf archery !
It doesn't matter that they get one hitted by 1h cav, by lance cav, and most of the times by triple heirloomed sniper xbow, the first two due to wearing crappy headgear, and the other one depending on luck.
It doesn't matter that the amount of ammo is limited, and that it's a pain to pick up different kind of ammos since it makes you drop your melee weapon, or loose all ammo.
It doesn't matter that one single quiver of tatar arrows weights twice as much as a bastard sword.
It doesn't matter that arrows sometimes just go through the target, for unknown reasons. (hitboxes)
It doesn't matter that it's THE long range weapon that you can effectively dodge at long range, due to a splendid missile curve, unlike the bolts.
It doesn't matter that any person with a melee weapon can "auto-kick" an enemy archer when closing in, resulting in a free melee hit.
It doesn't matter that archery is one of the only class where max wpf is needed to be viable, whereas i can have 100 in 1h and still own.
What matters is that they can kill my arabian horse in 4 shots, even when i'm trying to run away after having killed two of them. The fact that i'm still full health doesn't compensate my wounded heart after hearing the last mourn of my honorable horse.
What matters is that they sometimes get lucky and hit me when i'm fighting their melee teammates, resulting in me being stunned and their ally finishing me off. The fact that they need to aim very well, and can still hit their ally in such situation is irrelevant.
What matters is that they're all AGI whore who run away, just because they can and have 8-9 athletics. The fact that they have no IF nor PS is no excuse, take out your 0 slot hammer and fight my maul.
What matters is that i laugh when i get shot and loose 5% of my heath, when the next shot from the same archer makes me loose a total of 40%, when both are body shots. It's not that i got lucky first time, only getting 5% damage, it's that i got so unlucky the second time.
What matters is that i never lowered myself to play as an archer, and don't want others to.*
If i miss something, please point it to me.