Strategus => Diplomacy => Topic started by: BlackxBird on June 30, 2015, 12:13:41 pm

Title: Black Bird's NA Invasion
Post by: BlackxBird on June 30, 2015, 12:13:41 pm
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Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Dutchydave on June 30, 2015, 12:15:44 pm
I support this 100%! Death to ACRE and their Vassels!  :lol:
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Voncrow on June 30, 2015, 12:34:06 pm
Now what exactly does this mean? That NA is being drafted by EU?

God wills it!
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Dynamics_BRD on June 30, 2015, 12:42:14 pm
This is going to be fun.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: BlackxBird on June 30, 2015, 12:55:10 pm
It depends what you guys will do. If u give us roster support and are taking action against the HCE you will be accepted by us. We don't want to "destroy" NA. We will give u the chance of gaining TONS of money and do as many fun battles u want to do ;)
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: BlackxBird on June 30, 2015, 01:32:58 pm
The desert will be a anarchistic trading heaven for everyone who wants to get money. There won't be any restrictions about buying/selling S&D. The only rule will be: U have to be in New Libere Equites. ;) Than you can get troops, eq them with ur money and do as many fun battles u want :P Get full plates and pikes or lederhosen and flamberges xD Do whatever you want as long as it will be funny ;)

Edit: If you join us right now, u can take a village and manage it, so basically trade in the desert and every time u pass u can take the money out of it ;)
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Balikar on June 30, 2015, 03:04:02 pm
About time this hammer is falling.  The 'Sword of the South' ran away from the South at a 'good' time. 

Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: BlackxBird on June 30, 2015, 03:09:19 pm
Death to the West! (I mean HCE)

Too long have they dominated the map, also they told me that Eques were totally lame.

Uxhaul is full of sexy discount war gear, cos it's always a good time to BUY!!!!

Want ladders and siege sheeet? BUY AT UXHAUL!!!
Want sexy golden plate? BUY AT UXHAUL!!!

Limited time offer, come buy at Uxhaul, and I will give you 19794 Exotic Tents ABSOLUTELY FREE!!!!!!!!!!!!!

For now is the summer of our discount tents...

20 k goods? :D We got like **k eq for troops which has to be transfered to NA and only **k rounceys... :P xD no time for gettin ya goods bro :D
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: BlackxBird on June 30, 2015, 03:30:22 pm
hmm when there is only one trader in the faction that teritory is not that op xD
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: njames89 on June 30, 2015, 05:11:22 pm
Blah blah blah. Get in line.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: BlackxBird on June 30, 2015, 05:25:42 pm
King James seems to be mad :( U still stuck? :o
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: njames89 on June 30, 2015, 05:37:29 pm
Just boring.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Novamere on June 30, 2015, 05:40:11 pm
LOL i was about to attack your 2 armies in the dessert with 6000 troops abut then saw this

Our NA Supporters:
Wardens of the North
Hounds of Chulainn

And couldnt do it cause im a neutral faction haha so welcome to NA for now
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: cup457 on June 30, 2015, 05:52:40 pm
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: BlackxBird on June 30, 2015, 05:58:35 pm
As it seems u fuck up ur troops with crime so there must be something scary u're trying to aviod :*
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: elvis1325 on June 30, 2015, 06:46:46 pm
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It appears more Cooperation scum have landed on American soil. Time to use that second amendment: The right to bear arms and kick commie ass. We can't just let the slavic shit stains rub their ball sacks on us, we have to retaliate. They threaten our freedom!

When Jesus and his squadron of jet fighters cleansed the North American continent of any brown people, he created a new land and entrusted it into the hands of the wealthy, land owning whites. He knew that only we could preserve the peace and freedom of this earth. I'll be damned if I let baby Jesus down now...

Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Yoshi on June 30, 2015, 06:55:57 pm
Even though Acre or HCE or whatever have been our sworn enemies for almost two days now, Yoshi will forgive past grievances to defend America, the best damn country in the United States and we encourage all true Americans to do the same. God bless.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Tristan_of_Erzoth on June 30, 2015, 07:03:45 pm
A Call to Arms

Brothers and Sisters of NA, I come to you under the flag of peace to suggest that we unite as one to repel these horrid invaders. I see that brave NA soldiers have already signed up to help them such as the Wardens of the North and the Hounds of Chulainn. To them I ask, would EU dominion really be better? Do you really believe that after the HCE falls you will be spared? Only if we unite together will we have any hope of pushing back this Euro invasion force. I ask that we put aside our differences for the time being to show these EU bastards what NA is made of. Then after that all go back to killing each other. Lets fight together, not under the flag of the HCE, or WOTN, or HoC, or any other faction. But under the flag of the United States of America(And also Canada).
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Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: njames89 on June 30, 2015, 07:49:01 pm
That's a little bit more what i'd been hoping for, a little fighting spirit, rather than:

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Forgive me Heskeytime. I'm no longer in charge of diplomacy, and I find it tiresome that a massive eu group would come backstab one side of a world war in NA. Especially one that had been having good fights with even rosters.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: cup457 on June 30, 2015, 08:05:08 pm
Lord Cup had woken up on a Teusday by a loud knocking on his door. "Sir, an emissary from King James has arrived." Lord Cup tries to sit up but a massive hangover prevents him from being able to do anything coherent. "OI YOU my old friendET STOP THAT NOISE!" says Cup, while he tries to remember what happened the night before. "But Sir, This is an important message from King James. says Harold Crumb, Cups faithful servant. "Ok Harold, I'll Be right there." Lord Cup dons his Nord Noblemans Outfit™ and opens the door to his chambers. "alright Harold what does this message say?" "My lord it says that a horde of communist barbarians from the EU lands have managed to group up and are now invading North America. It seems that they have a special hatred for our Empire ,and they are with help from our NA enemies.""SCUM" Cup shouts "REDS IN MY COUNTRY? Gather all the men we can, We must march to stop this disgusting plague! We must ride at once to war!
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: W0LF on June 30, 2015, 08:06:24 pm
A few months ago we would've all loved for an NA/EU war,
A few months ago there wasnt world war NA
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: W0LF on June 30, 2015, 08:11:46 pm
But this'll be bigger, this has the potential to nearly even maybe possibly fill rosters for one last time!

A year worth of unspent EU gear and troops vs an all-star cast of NA with the home ping and defensive advantage!
Their rosters will be full due to merc support, but ours will most likely stay the same
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Tristan_of_Erzoth on June 30, 2015, 08:12:36 pm
But this'll be bigger, this has the potential to nearly even maybe possibly fill rosters for one last time!

A year worth of unspent EU gear and troops vs an all-star cast of NA with the home ping and defensive advantage!

all-star cast of NA? You mean besides the 50% of NA that is siding with EU right? But regardless, they couldn't take us before, having a million 200 ping warriors wont help them at all  :wink: :wink:
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Bronto on June 30, 2015, 08:21:46 pm
EU invasion really isn't an EU invasion though, when you have the majority of NA clans, minus HCE helping. Should be called pussies invade NA with one EU faction and the rest of NA strat.

What a bunch of pussies. Should just invade all of NA but you're pussies.

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Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: mcdeath on June 30, 2015, 08:31:22 pm
If the hated/loved Kesh can get a full roster then so can you.

But whoever is running HCE propaganda either seems determined for HCE to look like asses that dont want the support of the rest of NA, or they're willing to let non-propaganda people do that for them.

If noone wants to help HCE after this thread it's hardly surprising. Eques havent even tried hard to do divide and conquer tactics, HCE has done that to themselves - largely in this thread. Pull out the RP quick, it's your last hope, it's where EU can never compete with you.

You do realize that prime time NA1 only has on average 35-40 people. A full roster would be 51v51 and that is not possible with the current player base.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: BlackPanda on June 30, 2015, 08:32:56 pm
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Either your with NA or a commie.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Mr.K. on June 30, 2015, 08:34:49 pm
What a bunch of pussies. Should just invade all of NA but you're pussies.
Nice try.

Official statement from the Ministry of Truth of the Kalmar Union:
There are no Kalmar Union troops on NA and any armies carrying the lovely yellow banner that might or might not appear must be some European pro-CALAMARI supporters and nothing to do with us.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: CALAMARI on June 30, 2015, 08:35:21 pm
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Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Bronto on June 30, 2015, 08:37:12 pm
Nice try.

Official statement from the Ministry of Truth of the Kalmar Union:
There are no Kalmar Union troops on NA and any armies carrying the lovely yellow banner that might or might not appear must be some European pro-CALAMARI supporters and nothing to do with us.

I can use Italics and bold font too. Maybe you didn't see the first post:

Our Alliance:
The Kalmarunionen

Our NA Supporters:
Wardens of the North
Hounds of Chulainn

Extra roster support:
Grey Order

Love the 'can do' attitude, maybe in a few hours some of the more ballsy players will be online.

See above. Such balls.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Tristan_of_Erzoth on June 30, 2015, 08:37:21 pm
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Surrender is for people without spines. Like squids...
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: BlackPanda on June 30, 2015, 08:37:40 pm
(click to show/hide)
Nice to know your ready.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: StonedSteel on June 30, 2015, 08:38:32 pm












picnic time is over lads, uve enjoyed your sunny days and beautiful the EU's have come, to turn all your beautiful places, into ash and dust...and i will help them! no more smiles and sunshine... nothing but grey skies are coming.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: mcdeath on June 30, 2015, 08:38:56 pm

Wonder where the 55 players from this NA strat battle yesterday all came from...!?page=strategusinfobattleroster&id=4464

Or the 70 from this better-sized battle on the 27th:!?page=strategusinfobattleroster&id=4459

Love the 'can do' attitude, maybe in a few hours some of the more ballsy players will be online.

There was almost 70 people playing at once last night. It was a statistical outlier. I am basically saying that there isn't really anyone else that plays on a regular basis.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Mr.K. on June 30, 2015, 08:39:54 pm
I can use Italics and bold font too. Maybe you didn't see the first post:

Propaganda posted by Angela "BlackBird" Merkel. Obviously.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: BlackPanda on June 30, 2015, 08:43:44 pm
This thread should get all NA like this.

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Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Tristan_of_Erzoth on June 30, 2015, 08:48:53 pm
Love the positivity coming out of HCE right now. Just surrender and start burning troops in high-crime fiefs out of protest already if you dont want a fight. Or if you do plan to fight, there are already several people making awesome RP posts about repelling EU, and i'm sticking with the NA faction i'm in through all this so whatever they do i'll support on the map. But wassat? If James and Tristan say it's a lost cause i guess i'll just hand over my troops and keys to Uxhaul to Eques right?

Where did I say it was a lost cause? Literally every post on this thread by me has been saying "stand and fight, we can win this".
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Tristan_of_Erzoth on June 30, 2015, 08:57:16 pm
Whilst saying you wont get a roster :P

That tends to be a self-fulfilling prophesy in this game.

Exact quote of what I said "all-star cast of NA? You mean besides the 50% of NA that is siding with EU right? But regardless, they couldn't take us before, having a million 200 ping warriors wont help them at all  :wink: :wink:".

Where in that is "this is pointless"?
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: njames89 on June 30, 2015, 09:00:05 pm
Blah blah blah. Get in line.

Just pointing out this constant anti HCE/Acre sentiment is...

Just boring.

Forgive me Heskeytime. I'm no longer in charge of diplomacy, and I find it tiresome that a massive eu group would come backstab one side of a world war in NA. Especially one that had been having good fights with even rosters.

I never said the fight was lost, it is far from it. But I am saying it will be boring if the number one feature of this conflict is completely skewed rosters.

That being said we will never surrender. Acre will never fail, we will never go away.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: ARN_ on June 30, 2015, 09:02:56 pm
I saw this thread and thought it was quite a coincident as I myself had plans to invade NA. Now my crusade has started death to the infidels!!?page=strategusinfobattledetail&id=4477 (!?page=strategusinfobattledetail&id=4477)
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Tristan_of_Erzoth on June 30, 2015, 09:22:15 pm
The determination to be the little guy fighting the evil gankers, in conjunction with the other posters from your faction saying that you wont get a roster, in that context you state that 50% of NA is siding with EU. Feels like the prelude to some lame surrender, not some rallying call.

Forget it, i was hoping for some enthusiasm for the war and excitement around it, something to get me grinding more troops and leaving my city with sweet-ass gear. If instead we're just going to get moping then this topic is going to provide entertainment for all the wrong reasons.

Whats to be excited about? Being at war with 7 factions instead of 4? Truth is, this isn't even an interesting development in strat.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Tristan_of_Erzoth on June 30, 2015, 10:04:32 pm
HESKEY's right. Seriously. Kesh and Daruvian built empires out of nothing but rabid shitposting.

Acre, get yourself a proper diplomat. Someone who can create a cult of personality and change the vibe from "oh wow, you guys are attacking us? Literally 50% is allied against us and we are the other 50% but WE can't fill a roster, wow this is lame this game sucks" to something your guys can get behind and have fun with.



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Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Lt_Anders on June 30, 2015, 10:08:48 pm
Fucking EU Pricks. I was on the Fence about Whether to Sign for or against HCE, and then their first battle is at 2PM EST.


Fuck You EU bundle of stickss. I declare war on You. I Side for HCE. Long live America!
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Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Tristan_of_Erzoth on June 30, 2015, 10:11:41 pm
Fucking EU Pricks. I was on the Fence about Whether to Sign for or against HCE, and then their first battle is at 2PM EST.


Fuck You EU bundle of stickss. I declare war on You. I Side for HCE. Long live America!
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Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: ARN_ on June 30, 2015, 10:17:39 pm
Fucking EU Pricks. I was on the Fence about Whether to Sign for or against HCE, and then their first battle is at 2PM EST.


Fuck You EU bundle of stickss. I declare war on You. I Side for HCE. Long live America!
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Well I wanted to attack in a good time for both sides but Axemin put his night time so that won't happen. Viceroy_Idi_Axemin_of_Acre Night time:20:00 to 03:00 (this is what I see so it is cet) which basicly means that either it's to early for NA or to late for Eu, so please Acre put your night time on a reasonable time for both sides and we will do the same. Let's have some good fights and sorry for the bad time for the first battle.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Lt_Anders on June 30, 2015, 10:19:20 pm
Well I wanted to attack in a good time for both sides but Axemin put his night time so that won't happen. Viceroy_Idi_Axemin_of_Acre Night time:20:00 to 03:00 which basicly means that either it's to early for NA or to late for Eu, so please Acre put your night time on a reasonable time for both sides and we will do the same. Let's have some good fights and sorry for the bad time for the first battle.

That's like Perfect night for NA. Fuck off EU cunt.

You come to NA to hang, Play by NA rules or Leave the game.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: elvis1325 on June 30, 2015, 10:19:56 pm


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You are beginning to understand. I recommend doing this though:

Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: ARN_ on June 30, 2015, 10:29:18 pm
That's like Perfect night for NA. Fuck off EU cunt.

You come to NA to hang, Play by NA rules or Leave the game.
Our we could attack in our prime time and not give a shit about NA but that is not fun, I want the time to be good for both sides. Same as you don't want to fight so early I don't want to fight at 03:00
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Dionysus on June 30, 2015, 10:32:00 pm
But I am saying it will be boring if the number one feature of this conflict is completely skewed rosters.

Oh my God, the irony is delicious.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Lt_Anders on June 30, 2015, 10:33:54 pm
Our we could attack in our prime time and not give a shit about NA but that is not fun, I want the time to be good for both sides. Same as you don't want to fight so early I don't want to fight at 03:00
Any NA can fix that.

Just move our Night times to your good times.

Prick. Stay in EU. EU is dead.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: mcdeath on June 30, 2015, 10:41:22 pm



Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: mcdeath on June 30, 2015, 10:44:58 pm

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Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Tristan_of_Erzoth on June 30, 2015, 11:01:44 pm

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Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: mcdeath on June 30, 2015, 11:07:28 pm

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Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: ARN_ on June 30, 2015, 11:13:19 pm

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Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: BlackxBird on June 30, 2015, 11:13:50 pm
So now we got 2 times a shit battle where no EU ppl can apply for. GG u motherfuckerz.

I was on their ts. Asked them to keep this friendly and at a time which is good for both sides.

While I was on their teamspeak someone IN THE CHANNEL changed his night time so that we got a battle at 3 AM. SO WHILE I WAS ASKING THEM TO KEEP THIS IN A PROPER WAY HE WAS CHANGING HIS NIGHT TIME.

So you blame us to be stronger and have better rosters?

U really wanna see a full pro EU roster?  We will see if the time is still that retarded tomorrow. We'd rather to attack at our prime time even though this would be fucking unfair. Cuz we can't attack at a time which is good for u and us CUZ U FUCKERS CHANGED NIGHT TIME IN THAT TIME WHICH WAS OKAY FOR BOTH OF US.

took the wrong post xD
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: poonerplox2 on June 30, 2015, 11:15:20 pm

I have been bored out of my mind with these Na wars. I was going to invade you guys, but I guess this works out for me.

America will not bow to Eu scum.
I will put everything I have against you

Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: mcdeath on June 30, 2015, 11:18:55 pm


Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Mr.K. on June 30, 2015, 11:20:45 pm
And I thought I was being clever with my 1984 and Putin references, but apparently NA diplomacy is all about big words, as in literally big words, and no substance. Acre - our former allies - are so scared to face us on the battlefield that they set their night time settings to force me to fight at 4AM. I know I am scary, just didn't know I'm that scary.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: ARN_ on June 30, 2015, 11:21:45 pm
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There's no picture to go along with this.

I'm highly skeptical this is true.
Better now?
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Tristan_of_Erzoth on June 30, 2015, 11:24:34 pm
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Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: BlackxBird on June 30, 2015, 11:27:02 pm
And 90 % of the guys writing that retarded propaganda shit are overweight. fact.

And 100 % of the people writing in blue got a little penis. fact.

75 % of the guys writing in 36pt got no balls.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: elvis1325 on June 30, 2015, 11:34:21 pm
And 90 % of the guys writing that retarded propaganda shit are overweight. fact.

And 100 % of the people writing in blue got a little penis. fact.

75 % of the guys writing in 36pt got no balls.

90% of all World Wars have been won by America. Fact.
Dropping the nuke on Berlin and Moscow were the best decisions we ever made. Fact.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Mr.K. on June 30, 2015, 11:34:43 pm
And 100 % of the people writing in blue got a little penis. fact.

I can confirm this fact. I actually shrank 37% while writing the previous post. Still got more balls than Acre tho'.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: BlackxBird on June 30, 2015, 11:37:50 pm
Probably u're proud about nuking japan too, are u? 150k ppl + got nuked. I wouldn't really make jokes about something like that.

It's like I would talk about getting u to the gas chamber.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: mcdeath on June 30, 2015, 11:38:41 pm
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Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Casimir on June 30, 2015, 11:38:58 pm
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Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Casimir on June 30, 2015, 11:39:40 pm
FACT: 60% of all the Jews were killed by Europeans.

So we're winning?
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: elvis1325 on June 30, 2015, 11:42:28 pm
おそらくu'reも日本のニューキングについて誇り、 uがありますか? 150K PPL +は被爆ました。私は本当にそのようなことについてのジョークをすることはないだろう。

I see we didn't finish the job...
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: BlackxBird on June 30, 2015, 11:46:15 pm
U remember trying to get some players on ur side? This won't work by personifying America as a dumbass retard that does not think about anything, at least as long as u try to get americans on ur side.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: BlackxBird on June 30, 2015, 11:47:52 pm
I did not see that you were German before I posted that, and frankly and honestly, I apologize if I offended you or your people.

I do know everything about german history and I got no problems with fun about chocolate chip cookies :P It's just making me angry when ppl really think germany is still dominated by chocolate chip cookies.

for those ones who don't know - the website changes n a z i s into chocolate chip cookies :)
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: mcdeath on July 01, 2015, 12:01:24 am
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: BlackxBird on July 01, 2015, 12:06:13 am
You probably did not get the sense of that song.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: elvis1325 on July 01, 2015, 12:11:46 am

Edit: Shit Havelle beat me to it pages ago.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: mcdeath on July 01, 2015, 12:26:57 am
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 ( (
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: BlackPanda on July 01, 2015, 01:03:25 am
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Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: CALAMARI on July 01, 2015, 01:27:37 am
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Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: njames89 on July 01, 2015, 01:43:54 am
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Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: BlackPanda on July 01, 2015, 01:55:16 am
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Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: cup457 on July 01, 2015, 01:56:53 am
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Lt_Anders on July 01, 2015, 02:02:05 am

Remove the s in https.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: cup457 on July 01, 2015, 02:07:17 am
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: StonedSteel on July 01, 2015, 02:32:07 am
sigh...sometimes i hate being "that guy" but eh, its my role.

Havelle man, kesh \ daru didnt build rosters out of shitposting alone. forum persona is not enough to create die hard loyalists. the fact is, NA DONT need a diplomat, and im not trying to rub this in anyones face by saying this, but current leadership commanding wise...isnt really on par with the old players now is it?

again, im not trying to throw people under the bus by saying ur bad, the old players simply have that much more experience than most of the NA commanders aside from the war-torn-battle tested Dutchy, who will prob fight with EU on this one.

Kesh, Matey, Bale, Wes, Aldo, Arrowine, Daru\Sandy, Rob, Jack1, fucking RHALZO,... etc etc, each of these people either have a charisma rating through the fucking charts, or are extremely tactically sound, built through a life time of extreme egotistical nerdyness honed through endless hours of warfare the likes of which puts us mere regular nerds to shame.

no lads, these people, were what most of u lame asses here dream of being....The Super Nerd.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Bronto on July 01, 2015, 02:51:58 am
To make things interesting for people that fight for NA, I will hopefully be retiring my character post battle. If you're in America's TS of freedom I will pick and change my name to the most American themed name we can think of. Put your thinking caps on, I'm doing this for America. The best goddamn country in the world!!!!!!
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Bryggan on July 01, 2015, 03:01:05 am
And now, a word from our Emperor:

Today, June 30, 2015—a date which will live in infamy—the Holy chadzian Empire of America was suddenly and deliberately attacked by  the land forces of the Strat map of Eu, a continent we were at peace with.  The reason for this attack is unknown, though it is supposed it is because Euro strat died long ago, and Euros hate fighting each other.

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The threat they pose could be a great one, as they have had eons to build up, while we of North America have been having our petty wars constantly, generally attacking whenever we considered we had enough men to do so. They claim to have the support of LL, the Wardens and the Hounds.  This is a lie that I will never believe, for the Wardens and the Hounds that I know and respect would NEVER EVER EVER EVER IN A MILLION YEARS ACCEPT FOREIGN OVERLORDS! (they won't even accept domestic ones).

All the Eu horde offers is slavery.  "Join them or be rekt!"  "Join them and they will allow you to trade (strat version of hard labour) for them".  Do not demean yourself by becoming their chattle.  Be a man!  Fight for freedom!

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Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: W0LF on July 01, 2015, 03:10:13 am

Well said m'lord
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: mcdeath on July 01, 2015, 03:22:47 am
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Talanarsis on July 01, 2015, 03:26:03 am
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Ehhhh, The US kinda jumped into both World Wars at the end when the German soldiers were exhausted and sick of fighting. I'm sure that if a fresh German army fought against the US during WWII they would have won.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: mcdeath on July 01, 2015, 03:33:23 am
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Ehhhh, The US kinda jumped into both World Wars at the end when the German soldiers were exhausted and sick of fighting. I'm sure that if a fresh German army fought against the US during WWII they would have won.

Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Bryggan on July 01, 2015, 03:35:10 am
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Ehhhh, The US kinda jumped into both World Wars at the end when the German soldiers were exhausted and sick of fighting. I'm sure that if a fresh German army fought against the US during WWII they would have won.

You are not allowed to play forum wars anymore.  You suck at it.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: njames89 on July 01, 2015, 03:38:20 am
New and completely to scale artist renderings of Emperor Bryggan, near the front with stunning innovative +3 siege equipment.
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Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Behemoth_ on July 01, 2015, 04:57:47 am
ayy lmao
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Sharpe on July 01, 2015, 05:31:21 am
See attached picture for Novgorod Republic's stance

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Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: CALAMARI on July 01, 2015, 06:36:21 am
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Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: mcdeath on July 01, 2015, 06:56:57 am
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Didn't you quit crpg because
once trolls are given credit over legitimate players; It marks an end for me for this game.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: CALAMARI on July 01, 2015, 06:58:08 am
Didn't quit the forums; dick wrangler.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: mcdeath on July 01, 2015, 07:00:44 am
Didn't quit the forums; dick wrangler.

fair enough
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: njames89 on July 01, 2015, 07:03:33 am
Didn't quit the forums; dick wrangler.

Or Strat, I see you inking around the desert from my keep.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Talanarsis on July 01, 2015, 07:08:15 am

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Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Mr.K. on July 01, 2015, 10:13:16 am
North America have been having our petty wars constantly, generally attacking whenever we considered we had enough men to do so.

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Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Tristan_of_Erzoth on July 01, 2015, 10:32:25 am

Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: ARN_ on July 01, 2015, 11:15:03 am
Lol so you don't have 40k troops? We come from eu and here having 40k troops is nothing special but I guess na lowbies have other standards...
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Tristan_of_Erzoth on July 01, 2015, 11:21:33 am
Lol so you don't have 40k troops? We come from eu and here having 40k troops is nothing special but I guess na lowbies have other standards...


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Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Dutchydave on July 01, 2015, 01:28:04 pm
And now, a word from our Emperor:

Today, June 30, 2015—a date which will live in infamy—the Holy chadzian Empire of America was suddenly and deliberately attacked by  the land forces of the Strat map of Eu, a continent we were at peace with.  The reason for this attack is unknown, though it is supposed it is because Euro strat died long ago, and Euros hate fighting each other.

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The threat they pose could be a great one, as they have had eons to build up, while we of North America have been having our petty wars constantly, generally attacking whenever we considered we had enough men to do so. They claim to have the support of LL, the Wardens and the Hounds.  This is a lie that I will never believe, for the Wardens and the Hounds that I know and respect would NEVER EVER EVER EVER IN A MILLION YEARS ACCEPT FOREIGN OVERLORDS! (they won't even accept domestic ones).

All the Eu horde offers is slavery.  "Join them or be rekt!"  "Join them and they will allow you to trade (strat version of hard labour) for them".  Do not demean yourself by becoming their chattle.  Be a man!  Fight for freedom!

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Forgive me if I am wrong but: You are Canadian, so is King James of Acre, the main two leaders of HCE. Every other day of the week we have to listen to you whine about how much better you are then American's  :rolleyes: The calling for freedom in the American way from you really makes me laugh :rolleyes:

God Wills the biggest war of Strat ever, well at least in most active players time. Bring your blades and bows all warriors of strat and prepare yourself for a shit ton of epic battles that lie in your path!

Every other day of the week we have to listen to you whine about how much better you are then American's  :rolleyes:

And when I say this I just mean Bryggan and James whine, that's why I deleted james from steam, really annoyed me  :lol:

请原谅我,如果我错了,但:你是加拿大人,所以国王詹姆斯英亩,主要以HCE领导人。本周我们每一天听你抱怨你好多都是那么美国人的: rolleyes :调用在美国自由的方式从你真的让我笑: rolleyes :


本周我们每一天听你抱怨你好多都是那么美国人的: rolleyes :


Just so the yoshis could understand what is happening  :wink:
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: elvis1325 on July 01, 2015, 01:40:21 pm
請原諒我,如果我錯了,但:你是加拿大人,所以國王詹姆斯英畝,主要以HCE領導人。本週我們每一天聽你抱怨你好多都是那麼美國人的 :rolleyes: 調用在美國自由的方式從你真的讓我笑 :rolleyes:

I think I found one of those God damn Chinese commie fucks again. Looks like he is trying to dictate what is American and what's not, I don't think chinamen even know what freedom  looks like.

Edit: sweet just saw the pre translation.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Rewolwerowiec on July 01, 2015, 02:26:11 pm
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Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Rewolwerowiec on July 01, 2015, 02:26:58 pm
So ?
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Balikar on July 01, 2015, 02:46:55 pm
Or Strat, I see you inking around the desert from my keep.

Wait, wait... hold the phones...

James is hiding inside a keep???
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Bronto on July 01, 2015, 02:47:14 pm
So ?

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Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: BlackxBird on July 01, 2015, 03:06:41 pm
Okay I gonna show you something now:

We attacked you guys 6 times.

In every single battle tonight we got plate armors and the best weapons you guys could ever want.

We will play with the highest amount of discipline and with the best tactics u guys have ever seen.

We will come in unstoppable waves followed by thousands of arrows, bolts and catapult shots.

We will come over siege towers, ladder up at the back side, shoot your wall down or just look scary so you guys will retreat.

We will bring down your flags or we will rape you all.

Show us what you got.

Have fun by being rekt.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Bronto on July 01, 2015, 03:25:54 pm

We will come in unstoppable waves
We will come over siege towers, ladder up at the back side
we will rape you all.

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Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Bronto on July 01, 2015, 04:10:33 pm
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Double post because AMERICA!

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Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: elvis1325 on July 01, 2015, 04:26:43 pm
We will play with the highest amount of discipline and with the best tactics u guys have ever seen.

We will come in unstoppable waves followed by thousands of arrows, bolts and catapult shots.

I wont lie, whoever came up with those tactics is a strategic retard. Send in huge human waves THEN use the arrows and catapults to wear the defenders down? Holy fucking shit. Might as well have the whole of EU slit their wrists while you're at it.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Mr.K. on July 01, 2015, 05:19:53 pm

Pretty sure all of those NFL clips were illegal tackles by your rules :rolleyes: Not in European rugby tho'.

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4 hours to the first battle, let's see what you guys are made of!
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Casimir on July 01, 2015, 05:54:24 pm
Double post because AMERICA!

You do know the difference between RUGBY football and Association football right?

Less of this:
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More of THIS:
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Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: StonedSteel on July 01, 2015, 05:55:17 pm
Pretty sure all of those NFL clips were illegal tackles by your rules :rolleyes: Not in European rugby tho'.

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4 hours to the first battle, let's see what you guys are made of!

lol its NA bro, they are made of autism and little else...
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: BlackPanda on July 01, 2015, 06:18:33 pm
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We beat those Germans twice, a third time will be a peace of cake
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: BlackxBird on July 01, 2015, 06:42:00 pm
One piece of cake? U fattys would kill each other if there was only one piece of cake. Ud better get some other ideas :)
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: BlackPanda on July 01, 2015, 07:21:25 pm
One piece of cake? U fattys would kill each other if there was only one piece of cake. Ud better get some other ideas :)

Me no speak broken English. Do you speak fluent American?
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: njames89 on July 01, 2015, 07:24:38 pm
One piece of cake? U fattys would kill each other if there was only one piece of cake. Ud better get some other ideas :)

We will release actual cannibal Shia Lebeouf(Sitvek) upon thee.

Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: mcdeath on July 01, 2015, 07:34:41 pm
Okay I gonna show you something now:

We attacked you guys 6 times.

In every single battle tonight we got plate armors and the best weapons you guys could ever want.

We will play with the highest amount of discipline and with the best tactics u guys have ever seen.

We will come in unstoppable waves followed by thousands of arrows, bolts and catapult shots.

We will come over siege towers, ladder up at the back side, shoot your wall down or just look scary so you guys will retreat.

We will bring down your flags or we will rape you all.

Show us what you got.

Have fun by being rekt.



Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Yoshi on July 01, 2015, 07:44:03 pm
Blah blah blah terrible English overused American fat joke
You know what's weird? All the Americans in this thread are posting about how proud they are of their country but the Euromy old friends only try to insult us. Maybe EU has nothing to be proud of?
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: ARN_ on July 01, 2015, 07:59:47 pm
You know what's weird? All the Americans in this thread are posting about how proud they are of their country but the Euromy old friends only try to insult us. Maybe EU has nothing to be proud of?
Free health care, free schools and university, top in the happiest countries on earth, great culture(it is also longer then 200 years), great living standard, very low percentage of poor and the list go's on and on

Proud Scandinavian here
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Tristan_of_Erzoth on July 01, 2015, 08:14:41 pm
Free health care, free schools and university, top in the happiest countries on earth, great culture(it is also longer then 200 years), great living standard, very low percentage of poor and the list go's on and on

Proud Scandinavian here


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Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: BlackxBird on July 01, 2015, 08:30:59 pm
we got a full roster and u have 45. Stop raging about the roster u tards.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: BlackPanda on July 01, 2015, 08:32:51 pm
we got a full roster and u have 45. Stop raging about the roster u tards.
When did we rage, stop being a commie.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Voncrow on July 01, 2015, 08:33:36 pm
When did we rage, stop being a commie.

You've been raging about rosters for a while  before they started invading.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: ARN_ on July 01, 2015, 08:41:44 pm
Free health care, free schools and university, top in the happiest countries on earth, great culture(it is also longer then 200 years), great living standard, very low percentage of poor and the list go's on and on

Proud Scandinavian here
Actually I lied a bit there school/university isn't free, we actually get paid to go to it not much but still 1000sek/100euro a month but still
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: elvis1325 on July 01, 2015, 09:26:55 pm
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Singing and Dancing greasers vs shitty slavic, Turkish (turkoslav?), terrirtory.
Obvious winner here.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: W0LF on July 01, 2015, 09:36:15 pm
50 vs. 36 and you couldnt even beat us until we ran out of ticks... GG
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: BlackPanda on July 01, 2015, 09:36:44 pm
We may have lost the 900 v 1900 but we killed 1000 troops and we had half your roster. Get gud EU pussies.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: ARN_ on July 01, 2015, 09:37:12 pm
50 vs. 36 and you couldnt even beat us until we ran out of ticks... GG
Well played guys keep the good fighting up
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Bronto on July 01, 2015, 09:40:29 pm
If you were NA fighting for EU during this war, for shame. What kind of freedom loving American signs for EU? They treat you all on forums like they're superior and here you are sucking their dicks and stuffing your butts with their cocks. GG.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Talanarsis on July 01, 2015, 09:43:52 pm
Forgive me if I am wrong but: You are Canadian, so is King James of Acre, the main two leaders of HCE. Every other day of the week we have to listen to you whine about how much better you are then American's  :rolleyes: The calling for freedom in the American way from you really makes me laugh :rolleyes:

God Wills the biggest war of Strat ever, well at least in most active players time. Bring your blades and bows all warriors of strat and prepare yourself for a shit ton of epic battles that lie in your path!

And when I say this I just mean Bryggan and James whine, that's why I deleted james from steam, really annoyed me  :lol:

请原谅我,如果我错了,但:你是加拿大人,所以国王詹姆斯英亩,主要以HCE领导人。本周我们每一天听你抱怨你好多都是那么美国人的: rolleyes :调用在美国自由的方式从你真的让我笑: rolleyes :


本周我们每一天听你抱怨你好多都是那么美国人的: rolleyes :


Just so the yoshis could understand what is happening  :wink:

Technically James and Bryggan ARE American because they live in north AMERICA. They just don't live in the United States.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: BlackPanda on July 01, 2015, 09:47:07 pm
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Talanarsis on July 01, 2015, 09:48:14 pm
Free health care, free schools and university, top in the happiest countries on earth, great culture(it is also longer then 200 years), great living standard, very low percentage of poor and the list go's on and on

Proud Scandinavian here

Free health care? Free school? No poor? Sounds like the government just gives you whatever you want and you have to work for nothing. Damn communists... I hope the nationalists take over!
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: njames89 on July 01, 2015, 09:54:33 pm
If you were NA fighting for EU during this war, for shame. What kind of freedom loving American signs for EU? They treat you all on forums like they're superior and here you are sucking their dicks and stuffing your butts with their cocks. GG.
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Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: xxkaliboyx on July 01, 2015, 10:02:55 pm
We may have lost the 900 v 1900 but we killed 1000 troops and we had half your roster. Get gud EU pussies.

What are you guys talking about? EU had only like 10 NA players sign up for them and all of EU had 100+ ping. Some of them even had 200!. Don't over hype yourself, but still a good battle.

Illusions of grandeur? French word, fits you perfect  :D
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: BlackPanda on July 01, 2015, 10:05:36 pm
You had like 15 NA. While the EU scum threw their plate at us the traitors got kills. EU meatshields OP.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: ARN_ on July 01, 2015, 10:16:28 pm
Thank you for the 65k goods, will come to good use
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: njames89 on July 01, 2015, 10:20:08 pm
Fight with the Holy chadzian Empire to defend all that is American and Good.

Take it from Tommy,

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Look at that smile, he loves it.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Talanarsis on July 01, 2015, 10:26:26 pm
Actually I lied a bit there school/university isn't free, we actually get paid to go to it not much but still 1000sek/100euro a month but still

luls, your yearly income must me like 1,000Euros
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: BlackPanda on July 01, 2015, 10:43:40 pm
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NA must stay strong, this will be a long war against those cum sucking commies.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Prinz_Karl on July 01, 2015, 11:27:03 pm
I hoped for better raging on EU. All I hear is how europeans get called slavic and communist, really lowers my expectations. Just showing how much they know what they're fighting for and who they're fighting for. Americans have never been good at that though, have they?
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: BlackxBird on July 01, 2015, 11:41:33 pm
we don't have admins on our side :D

And if I was posting something like a pic with my helmet on einsteins body I would probably get banned imo cuz of some buthurt retard admins.

So no need to talk. We gonna show you what we got. We gonna kill one by one.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: LordBerenger on July 01, 2015, 11:52:22 pm
Maybe u can show them chadzianity is heresy and spread real Christianity in their lands.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Jaren on July 01, 2015, 11:59:02 pm
Hi. I like Catapults, you should give me them to rain hell.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Casimir on July 02, 2015, 12:04:49 am
Maybe u can show them chadzianity is heresy and spread real Christianity in their lands.

Watch it heretic.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: njames89 on July 02, 2015, 12:15:03 am
This one is for you Blackbird. Stay the hell away!

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Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: BlackPanda on July 02, 2015, 12:28:30 am
Silly butthurt german this wont end well for you. The last German to invade this much land won at first, but in the end FREEDOM ALWAYS WINS.

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Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: mcdeath on July 02, 2015, 12:46:47 am



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Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: jtobiasm on July 02, 2015, 12:53:07 am
Easy win, NA have shit ranged players
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: elvis1325 on July 02, 2015, 01:05:31 am
I hoped for better raging on EU. All I hear is how europeans get called slavic and communist, really lowers my expectations. Just showing how much they know what they're fighting for and who they're fighting for. Americans have never been good at that though, have they?

In all fairness, I have provided 95%-100% of all slav related comments.
I'll try something new though:

The dollar is better than the eur- oh wait nevermind...
We have better healthca- wait, not that either.

Fuck it, we have
 freedom and capitalism!
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: ARN_ on July 02, 2015, 01:23:31 am
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Skooks on July 02, 2015, 01:32:46 am
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keep fighting the good fight boys
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: POOPHAMMER on July 02, 2015, 02:34:34 am
I do not suggest signing up for the EU side. I signed up for the latest battle against rando and I was accepted. Then they deny me last moment before battle. Class act guys, never signing for the EU side again.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: gallonigher on July 02, 2015, 02:47:24 am
Yeah, I don't even play strat so the whole situation to me is meh but why am I seeing a lot of NA players on the EU side?  Do they just hate Acre that much?  You would think if a foreign invader showed up on our doorstep, the people would set aside their petty differences and unite against a common enemy.  Seeing well-known NA players on the side of the "invaders" takes away from its desired affect.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: POOPHAMMER on July 02, 2015, 02:50:16 am
Yeah, I don't even play strat so the whole situation to me is meh but why am I seeing a lot of NA players on the EU side?  Do they just hate Acre that much?  You would think if a foreign invader showed up on our doorstep, the people would set aside their petty differences and unite against a common enemy.  Seeing well-known NA players on the side of the "invaders" takes away from its desired affect.

I signed up against Rando because he tried to defend his right to be a 12 year old racist. He is an immature shitbag that deserves no victory. Too bad EU declined me last moment, they are probably gonna lose this anyway.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Bronto on July 02, 2015, 02:55:39 am
NA people put your hatred of each other aside. EU is invading NA. Are you going to sign for foreign powers or band together for our country?
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: W0LF on July 02, 2015, 03:00:32 am
I just find it funny that NA think they will be safe if HCE is defeated and wiped. What makes them think that EU wont just conquer them next?
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: POOPHAMMER on July 02, 2015, 03:04:03 am
I just find it funny that NA think they will be safe if HCE is defeated and wiped. What makes them think that EU wont just conquer them next?

I have a good reason.

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Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: ARN_ on July 02, 2015, 03:54:34 am
I do not suggest signing up for the EU side. I signed up for the latest battle against rando and I was accepted. Then they deny me last moment before battle. Class act guys, never signing for the EU side again.
Were you in ts? If not then it's your fault, we get more people applying then we have spots for it's not sure that you will get in if you are not in ts
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Voncrow on July 02, 2015, 03:56:55 am
I just find it funny that NA think they will be safe if HCE is defeated and wiped. What makes them think that EU wont just conquer them next?

Whose says we aren't expecting them to try and conquer us? You guys are a great meat shield to bleed them on before we take them on.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: POOPHAMMER on July 02, 2015, 03:57:19 am
Were you in ts? If not then it's your fault, we get more people applying then we have spots for it's not sure that you will get in if you are not in ts

I did not see any TS requirement in the description. I woulda joined if I saw that but no, I did not see that so I was just gonna join and listen to music while killing.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Nightingale on July 02, 2015, 04:10:48 am
Were you in ts? If not then it's your fault, we get more people applying then we have spots for it's not sure that you will get in if you are not in ts

Forgive us NA folks we lost the requirement of joining teamspeak when we were unable to fill rosters about a year ago.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Sharpe on July 02, 2015, 04:16:31 am
Forgive us NA folks we lost the requirement of joining teamspeak when we were unable to fill rosters about a year ago.

How does one, fill a roster?
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Bryggan on July 02, 2015, 04:34:37 am
“Good morning. In less than an hour, mercs from here will join others from around the world. And you will be launching the largest strat battle in the recent history of America kind. America kind; that word should have new meaning for all of us today. We can’t be consumed by our petty differences anymore. We will be united in our common interests. Perhaps it’s fate that today is the 1st of July and you will once again be fighting for our freedom. Not from tyranny, oppression, or persecution, but from annihilation. We’re fighting for our right to live, to exist. And should we win the day, the 1st of July will no longer be known as a Canadian holiday, but as the day when America declared in one voice: ‘We will not go quietly into the night!’ ‘We will not vanish without a fight!’ ‘We’re going to live on!’ ‘We’re going to survive!’ Today we celebrate our Dominion Day!”*

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Europeans usually top the 'Happy Index' because they are the descendants of those who were content to put up with the poverty, disease and class oppression of pre and post industrial Europe.  The ones with moxy, the ones with nerve, the ones who hated servitude gave up all that they knew and ventured to the untamed New World.  Once there, many died in the harsh wilderness.  But those who survived were the toughest, roughest meanest mo-fos the world had seen.  While their cousins sat in tamed Europe, licking the boot straps of their overlords and getting beaten when they accidentally coughed up some blood on their master's socks, these gents were fighting bears and chopping down forests with their bare hands.  Our fore fathers died of malnutrition due to harsh winters and locust plagues, while Euros died of malnutrition because their lord's sold all their food to buy a new race horse or hunting dogs.

So this tells us Euros are pussy bundle of stickss who are happy driving tiny cars along tinier roads, happy living in tiny houses and eating in tiny restaurants.  They are happy dealing with the still prevalent class system.  So while the average Euro seems to be content eating shit, the ones who are truly content are the ones who order the lesser ones to say they are happy: the upper classes.

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Now I'm not suggesting these alien invaders are from the upper classes- for all their flaws, the European upper class generally has good manners and some sophistication.  I just think they RP as such, and seek to find a virtual escape from their miserable, grovelly lives by virtually enslaving Free Americans.  It makes them feel important, and, sadly, several Americans do fight for their cause.  I suppose the genetic strain of servility does not die out that easily.

With drums and swords, and swords and drums
The enemy nearly slew ye;
My darling dear, you look so queer,
Och, Doom Carrot, I hardly knew ye


So yeah, any NAers fighting for a foreign power when you had been doing a good job of foiling us on your own (much like the War in the North ended- villages taken and retaken (back when we were stronger actually (but less interested (strat was supposed to be dead)))) I feel are low life scoundrels who would sell their mother to the devil.  And yes, I will name names:  Moonshine, who confessed he was part of the begging that brought Eu to NA - though he always was a low life scoundrel, and just wanted us to fight a mega enemy so as our men go to fight for freedom he can rob our villages and rape** fondle our goats.

And that is the only North American who confessed to me.  If Thalion or Jona or Finnian or Largos or any other NAer confesses to me that they invited these overpowered scum our way, I will lose all respect for them and call them names too.


Oh, and my good citizens of the Holy chadzian Empire:


*Will quote the same again on July 4 with minor changes
**moonshine says he's too old, and his goat raping days are behind him
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Bryggan on July 02, 2015, 04:40:01 am
Ok, read the posts made while I spent hours on that last stupid one.  I think our dream came true- roster calls again!  i wonder if anyone remembers how to do them?

But seriously.  While I like a good fight, I am surprised how many NAers are signing against me.  When Eu invaded Kesh he got massive NA support.  Perhaps I should abdicate in his favour; and maybe he will bring the NAers together again.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Rando on July 02, 2015, 04:49:44 am
I signed up against Rando because he tried to defend his right to be a 12 year old racist. He is an immature shitbag that deserves no victory. Too bad EU declined me last moment, they are probably gonna lose this anyway.

You're a fucking retard, the right to freedom of speech is sacred. There's nothing immature about it.

"Y-your rights end where my feelings begin!  :cry:"

I'm not even racist, but if someone is, I can get over it and just agree to disagree. Your tumblr-shit attitude is annoying, someone like you doesn't deserve to be an admin.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: BlackPanda on July 02, 2015, 04:50:02 am
I agree with gallonigher. It dosent help that they can get 50 and we get around 35. Do it for NA.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: BlackxBird on July 02, 2015, 05:17:26 am
Polepoop I wrote:

Best eq for all classes, like flamberge, plate armorz, tons of glbs and poleaxes becs^^ we got throwing lances too, so if u wanna use them... apply :)

TS will be: Join 20 minutes before the battle starts.

"Join 20 minutes before the battle starts."

really? u really serious? :D

We had 60 applicants. What should we do? Accept the first 50 that apply?
If you really just didn't see it, well u just fucked it up. But no reason to be like fuck EU and fuck Eques, but well yes! Go apply for HCE. They need everything they can get.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: woody on July 02, 2015, 05:20:20 am
This is not Eu versus NA. This is a couple of EU clans who cant fight in EU since its bugged looking for a few fights because thats what all the trading etc is to build up for.

Lots of battles, some lols and some fun - cant see the problem.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: BlackxBird on July 02, 2015, 05:21:38 am
Oh and btw.

WE GAVE U 45 vs 45 battles. They were balanced. U can't fucking regred that, it's not our fault u got worse eq.

No idea how you guys can be still angry about something that awesome. That's the best what happened to u guys the last 1 year I guess.

Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Bryggan on July 02, 2015, 05:31:00 am
This is not Eu versus NA. This is a couple of EU clans who cant fight in EU since its bugged looking for a few fights because thats what all the trading etc is to build up for.

Lots of battles, some lols and some fun - cant see the problem.
Um, its a couple Eu factions attacking an NA one.  If they wanted to have lols and fun, they could have fought each other here at Eu times.  These gents were begged to come here by some NA factions who feared us (yes, inside information), despite the fact they haven't had much problem fighting us off.

But it's all good.  Makes for great Rp, which I'll do when I sober up.  Happy Canada y'all!
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: BlackxBird on July 02, 2015, 05:39:49 am
It is only Kalmarunionen and Libere Equites coming

Kalmar is supported by eques, so with troops/eq. So we would fight our own stuff by doing the battles over here ;)
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Balikar on July 02, 2015, 05:58:51 am
The rosters for tonight's battles were pretty even.  I'm failing to see the issue.  HCE overcame a 7 man disadvantage for a win, but were unable to overcome a 4 man for the second.  What's the issue?  You guys were on defense, so the numbers balanced out a bit from terrain.

I seriously am having trouble figuring out what everyone's panties are in a bunch about.  We have EU guys fighting in some of the battles, which push up the numbers, and remind me of 50 vs 50.  I'd rather have 4-5 battles a day, with EU help, than 1 battle every few nights.  Plus, I bet we may start seeing some of the veterans return IF we can keep the battle numbers up.  That's a good thing, isn't it?
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Albus on July 02, 2015, 06:42:38 am
This thread world has to much negativity! And that's why Albus is inviting all our new visitors to a grand feast at Halmar! Now this feast is not to end the war but make some friends! NA+EU (Insert heart here) This feast will have some of the most delicious imaginary food ever. Come on down and make some friends, maybe we can turn this friendly again!

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Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Bryggan on July 02, 2015, 06:43:12 am
Nobody's panties are in a bunch. We accept this European invasion supported by their Na Eurominions. While many would falter in the face of such overwhelming gear and troops, the Holy chadzian Empire will stand tall and proud, and when we go down, it will be after the last drop of blood flees our body, yet on our corpse there will be a smile: a smile that says we never cowered before a stronger enemy. And even if there was an Asian server with a billion active members, we would never call on foreigners to protect us.

I guess it's a bit of pride and a bit of enjoying the game for the game itself, not just a 'needing to win at any cost' attitude. So go on, kill us you Euros and your NA Uncle Toms.

We RPed a dark age High Kingdom, then a 13th century holy empire- should your vast amounts of foreign gear and troops overwhelm our iron resolve, we already have our next RP figured out.

Cuz there is no shame in a well fought defeat. There is only shame when you give up before the fighting starts.

(Sorry, the last paragraph may seem I implied Mithrim and the Wardens were cowardly for accepting EU domination rather than risk losing to us. I will try be less transparent in the future).
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Voncrow on July 02, 2015, 06:44:35 am
Um, its a couple Eu factions attacking an NA one.  If they wanted to have lols and fun, they could have fought each other here at Eu times.  These gents were begged to come here by some NA factions who feared us (yes, inside information), despite the fact they haven't had much problem fighting us off.

But it's all good.  Makes for great Rp, which I'll do when I sober up.  Happy Canada y'all!

Which faction, and who's this insider?
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Jona on July 02, 2015, 06:47:05 am
If Thalion or Jona or Finnian or Largos or any other NAer confesses to me that they invited these overpowered scum our way, I will lose all respect for them and call them names too.

Well, we didn't invite them. Basically Gondor was fighting back hordes of smelly orcs and noticed that Rohan managed to light Gondor's own beacons to announce their imminent arrival. Maybe you shouldn't have gotten into a tangle with half of the NA map, and then go and declare war on the rest that you weren't already at war with in the first place?
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Bryggan on July 02, 2015, 06:48:45 am
And Albus, stop being nice and try be a little more dramatic. The virtual fate of this virtual world is in the balance!

Which faction, and who's this insider?

Well, I like to protect my sources, but I can tell you they are leaders of their factions.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Bryggan on July 02, 2015, 06:56:09 am
Well, we didn't invite them. Basically Gondor was fighting back hordes of smelly orcs and noticed that Rohan managed to light Gondor's own beacons to announce their imminent arrival. Maybe you shouldn't have gotten into a tangle with half of the NA map, and then go and declare war on the rest that you weren't already at war with in the first place?

We went to war against the Hounds because you were nearby and we thought there was no way Mithrim could fight us alone. And we knew you had big armies sitting in your castles doing nothing.  So rather than being a big faction picking on little factions, we became a big faction taking on all factions. Sorry about that, but we like a challenge. And now we are facing our greatest challenge. Exciting, eh?  Wish us luck.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: BlackxBird on July 02, 2015, 07:08:27 am
This thread world has to much negativity! And that's why Albus is inviting all our new visitors to a grand feast at Halmar! Now this feast is not to end the war but make some friends! NA+EU (Insert heart here) This feast will have some of the most delicious imaginary food ever. Come on down and make some friends, maybe we can turn this friendly again!

(click to show/hide)

We did not try to do that EU vs NA shit and we don't really enter it either. If they wanna be propagandapandas, do it. You made the whole world laugh at u. Good job!
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Albus on July 02, 2015, 07:17:14 am
We did not try to do that EU vs NA shit and we don't really enter it either. If they wanna be propagandapandas, do it. You made the whole world laugh at u. Good job!

I'm not sure what you you're trying to say but all I wanted to do was invite people to a feast!
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: BlackxBird on July 02, 2015, 07:18:22 am
wasnt anything bad against u :O  I agreed with u :o

or well, what faction are u in? xD
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Skooks on July 02, 2015, 07:32:48 am
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pull ur shit together na
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: BlackxBird on July 02, 2015, 07:48:22 am
So we just got a battle. King James GTXted cuz there were 30 vs 7. We played all the important battles tonight. It was 2 AM to 5 AM for us to fight. And still King James of Acre blames me to be a retard. Even though it was their FUCKING NIGHTTIME WHICH MADE ME STAY AWAKE TILL NOW. FUCK U MAN. U'RE THE MOST STUPID PERSON I'VE SEEN SO FAR IN THIS GAME. btw. it's almost 8 AM here.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Tristan_of_Erzoth on July 02, 2015, 08:25:40 am
So we just got a battle. King James GTXted cuz there were 30 vs 7. We played all the important battles tonight. It was 2 AM to 5 AM for us to fight. And still King James of Acre blames me to be a retard. Even though it was their FUCKING NIGHTTIME WHICH MADE ME STAY AWAKE TILL NOW. FUCK U MAN. U'RE THE MOST STUPID PERSON I'VE SEEN SO FAR IN THIS GAME. btw. it's almost 8 AM here.

"It was their night time settings set during the American work hours on the American servers that caused me the European player playing on the American servers to stay up late"
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: pepejul on July 02, 2015, 09:34:23 am
True americans are native.. all others are europeans... (Asians maybe ?)

Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Moncho on July 02, 2015, 09:57:43 am
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What are you saying? They are now all French flags!
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Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Bryggan on July 02, 2015, 10:10:10 am
wasnt anything bad against u :O  I agreed with u :o

or well, what faction are u in? xD

This is depressing.  if you do not know who Albus is, then you know nothing about recent NA strat history.  He is one of the 13 Knights.  In fact, his getting attacked by LCO while on a peaceful trading run led the 13 Knights (of which he was the third member) to their current position.  Oh, and he is also the first in line to inherit the imperial crown because he is one of NSIV and my twins.  Not sure if he is the oldest, but he is the favourite.  Sitvek on the other hand... well, he has his qualities... and tries hard.. and may have won a battle or two for us... but you know.

But you are barbaric Barbarians, who care nothing of the history or the culture of NA strat map.

So we just got a battle. King James GTXted cuz there were 30 vs 7. We played all the important battles tonight. It was 2 AM to 5 AM for us to fight. And still King James of Acre blames me to be a retard. Even though it was their FUCKING NIGHTTIME WHICH MADE ME STAY AWAKE TILL NOW. FUCK U MAN. U'RE THE MOST STUPID PERSON I'VE SEEN SO FAR IN THIS GAME. btw. it's almost 8 AM here.

Damn, you bitch a lot.  You are making the trolliest of our trolls seem like perfect gentlemen.

When I went to Europe I was not offended when my friends and cousins and such didn't want to go do stuff at 4 am- even though I was wide awake.  I was polite, and understood that people have different time zones, and, well, when one travels to another continent one must conform to local times.

But I have a solution: (6 second video, but it says it all)

PS- what does 'GTX' mean?
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Mr.K. on July 02, 2015, 01:36:53 pm
a GTX is "funny" autocorrect for rage-quitting.

Had a lot of fun in yesterday's battles, even though the ping is an obvious issue for some of us. Some open field battles we can't dictate, but what we'd like to do is have the battles from around 23CET to 03CET, which would be 17EST to 21EST if I'm not mistaken. I know it's not perfect for NAs, but it's not horrible is it? Now some of the Acre night times are forcing us to choose between attacking at EU prime time or late NA prime time. We could be dicks about it and attack at EU prime, but we won't be. Hopefully Acre will rethink their night time settings.

I saw and heard a few NAs complain about the rosters and being taken off, but you guys need to understand that that's the way we've handled it so far on EU side. With the EU support we seem to have more than 50 applicants for most battles and the small ones have only 42 slots so we need to take some people out. The guys in TS will be the priority, just because they give enough shits to join us and hear our glorious European accents while we complain about anything and everything. If you want to make sure to be accepted, just join the TS and even idle mute and that's enough for us.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Lt_Anders on July 02, 2015, 01:58:41 pm

EU can get full rosters cause of Traitor NA. HCE Can't even do Roll call cause they don't have enough applicants(they just hire everyone).

Painfully Evident in all the battles yesterday.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Schoi on July 02, 2015, 02:19:58 pm
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Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Bronto on July 02, 2015, 02:21:39 pm
We have no one to blame for crappy rosters except for these shitbag un-American pussies right here helping EU:

Our NA Supporters:
Wardens of the North
Hounds of Chulainn

If you're in one of these clans, you're no longer American.

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Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: karasu on July 02, 2015, 03:08:56 pm
Interesting, might even care to play some battles on the underdog side as usual.  :D
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Harpag on July 02, 2015, 05:14:17 pm
BlackBird +1


Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Jaren on July 02, 2015, 05:28:53 pm
I do not suggest signing up for the EU side. I signed up for the latest battle against rando and I was accepted. Then they deny me last moment before battle. Class act guys, never signing for the EU side again.

This happened to me as well, what the fucks ts?
Back in my day we just strapped a few planks of wood together and let me fire Catapults.
I even possess the magical ability to convert planks instantaneously to hurling boulders.
I am diassapoint EU, for all you know I'm deaf and mute.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: BlackxBird on July 02, 2015, 05:36:34 pm
is it really that hard to get on ts? When there are 45 players in ts and ppl promised us 6 will come I won't accept somebody I don't know and nobody tells me about.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Jaren on July 02, 2015, 05:49:38 pm
is it really that hard to get on ts? When there are 45 players in ts and ppl promised us 6 will come I won't accept somebody I don't know and nobody tells me about.
Ah! Why didn't you say so... Well, let me introduce myself then. I am Jaren, I have been an Engi for various NA homies for years now. I enjoy long walks on the beach but also firing catapults.
I can post pics for references but NA can attest to my statements.
I won't jump on ts's because they end in general rabble, but I will make my pseudonyms very catapulty if it's a siege.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: woody on July 02, 2015, 05:50:28 pm
Its not discriminatory against NA or even deaf mutes.

It applies to EU guys, and deaf mutes can type in TS chat Im here and they will be in.

Its simply because we dont want to turn down guys who are there for those that are not. Its really that simple.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: njames89 on July 02, 2015, 05:56:34 pm
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Jaren here in the USA we can provide you a catapult...
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: BlackxBird on July 02, 2015, 06:01:11 pm
lol just stop it james. It's just not funny anymore^^
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: njames89 on July 02, 2015, 06:13:08 pm
lol just stop it james. It's just not funny anymore^^

I disagree.

Having to fight 11am battles , use 15 player merc advantage, all because you are so scared to really fight.

I think it is pretty funny.

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Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: BlackPanda on July 02, 2015, 06:30:13 pm
The HCE will ride to battle outnumbered and out gunned but we will put up a fight.

Silly euros and their NA slaves

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Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: xxkaliboyx on July 02, 2015, 06:38:02 pm

I saw and heard a few NAs complain about the rosters and being taken off, but you guys need to understand that that's the way we've handled it so far on EU side. With the EU support we seem to have more than 50 applicants for most battles and the small ones have only 42 slots so we need to take some people out. The guys in TS will be the priority, just because they give enough shits to join us and hear our glorious European accents while we complain about anything and everything. If you want to make sure to be accepted, just join the TS and even idle mute and that's enough for us.

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Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: BlackxBird on July 02, 2015, 06:38:53 pm
we fought mainly in your prime time. yesterday we had a battle at 7:30 AM.... And the other one, the important ones were after midnight. When we were done with the big battles it was 5 AM.

oh yeah I noticed that, seems like the last great commander in NA left ages ago^^ Had to tell u everything 3 times before everybody noticed what to do^^
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: ARN_ on July 02, 2015, 06:39:42 pm
Ah! Why didn't you say so... Well, let me introduce myself then. I am Jaren, I have been an Engi for various NA homies for years now. I enjoy long walks on the beach but also firing catapults.
I can post pics for references but NA can attest to my statements.
I won't jump on ts's because they end in general rabble, but I will make my pseudonyms very catapulty if it's a siege.
Just stay muted then, if we see your name there we will know that you are coming :P
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Balikar on July 02, 2015, 07:05:54 pm
Do you want to know what's really funny about all this?  When Grey Order attacked Kesh, Acre didn't take the field for Kesh... nope.  They did however, fight on the side of the EU contingent.  True story, look at the history. 

Hypocrites?  I'll let you decide on that one...

Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: njames89 on July 02, 2015, 07:14:57 pm
Do you want to know what's really funny about all this?  When Grey Order attacked Kesh, Acre didn't take the field for Kesh... nope.  They did however, fight on the side of the EU contingent.  True story, look at the history. 

Hypocrites?  I'll let you decide on that one...

Actually we tried to make those battles even roster too. Even rosters make for fun fights!
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: BlackxBird on July 02, 2015, 07:20:25 pm
pathetic. Time ago DRZ and grey had more than 150 active players. like 2 years ago? And they had even more about 3 years ago. U really wanna tell us they were in need of roster support? They were able to fill EU 2 on their own.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: njames89 on July 02, 2015, 07:23:58 pm
They did against Kesh, they got rekt. Blackbird you know nothing.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: BlackxBird on July 02, 2015, 07:25:37 pm
Dunno need to know anything for beating you :) btw thx for the incoming armies :3 more field battles yay :3
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: BlackPanda on July 02, 2015, 07:38:36 pm
That sentence is so autistic it hurt.
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Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Balikar on July 02, 2015, 07:49:32 pm
Actually we tried to make those battles even roster too. Even rosters make for fun fights!

Even rosters make for fun fights... when it's convenient for Acre.  If it's against Acre, then those who sign up for EU are traitorous scum.

Also... if memory serves, I recall claims that you forbid your team from signing for Kesh.  You didn't discount those claims.  So your 'evening the rosters' bullshit is just that, bullshit. 
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: njames89 on July 02, 2015, 07:58:51 pm
Even rosters make for fun fights... when it's convenient for Acre.  If it's against Acre, then those who sign up for EU are traitorous scum.

Also... if memory serves, I recall claims that you forbid your team from signing for Kesh.  You didn't discount those claims.  So your 'evening the rosters' bullshit is just that, bullshit.

Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Tristan_of_Erzoth on July 02, 2015, 08:14:13 pm


Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Lt_Anders on July 02, 2015, 08:18:42 pm
Even rosters make for fun fights... when it's convenient for Acre.  If it's against Acre, then those who sign up for EU are traitorous scum.

Also... if memory serves, I recall claims that you forbid your team from signing for Kesh.  You didn't discount those claims.  So your 'evening the rosters' bullshit is just that, bullshit.!?page=strategusinfobattledetail&id=1681

EU TO BUSY signing EU. They only signed 10ish NA.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Balikar on July 02, 2015, 08:25:00 pm!?page=strategusinfobattledetail&id=1681

EU TO BUSY signing EU. They only signed 10ish NA.

0 Acre on Kesh's side of things.

Followup battle had 3 Acre guys on Grey's roster.  I looked at them both Anders.  ;-)
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: karasu on July 02, 2015, 08:33:35 pm
Silly Yuropeenz, they never care for some even odds fun.  :mrgreen:
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Balikar on July 02, 2015, 08:46:03 pm
>>Quote from: Keshian on July 02, 2014, 04:01:55 pm

P.S.  And James forbidding your players to fight for us and only for UIF (or be kicked out of the faction) and getting best xp NA strat has seen since the beginning and basically fucking over your ally kalmar unionen - things like that are why people left your faction.  By the way haven't done anything to you since you permabanned me from ts for asking why you were giving allers grief for not signing for LCO - everything after that is your own paranoia - i've been busy playing other games, haven't even talked to anyone from acre since i can't join the ts - they left of their own volition... <<

The above Quote was pulled from my response.  Kesh took this piece out.  It's interesting though, isn't it Anders?  Kesh was complaining that not a single Acre person signed up for him.  It's easy to say that the above quote may not be accurate... it's Kesh, and it's James, but the mere fact that zero Acre members signed for him is quite telling, given the events of today.  This is a year ago, to the day.  ;-)'catch-a-kesh'/90/

In case you want to look for yourself.  Reply number 93.

The wheel turns.  We've gone full circle.  Only this time, it's Acre complaining they aren't getting the NA mercs.  Guess this time next year, I'll be the one complaining? 

Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Guray on July 02, 2015, 08:49:04 pm
Hi. I like Catapults, you should give me them to rain hell.
Haha  8-)
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Voncrow on July 02, 2015, 09:24:51 pm
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Actually Britain also has a 100% win rate in world wars and France has one. BTW Hce has long been establish as the most hypocritical faction so no need to debate that moonshine.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Mr.K. on July 02, 2015, 09:29:19 pm
Offtopic but,!?page=strategusinfobattledetail&id=1681

EU TO BUSY signing EU. They only signed 10ish NA.

Kalmars and Coorporation who at that point weren't exactly small applied for Kesh, although most of us weren't accepted due to high amount of NA applicants. And yes that attack didn't flagcap the castle, but it was a decent result and if they wanted to they could have grinded Kesh down in a week. However that war was not planned by the GO, they just got bored a bit and sent a few armies, one of which was attacked at late NA prime time outside the castle, just to give no roster for the Greys. A coordinated attack would have been completely different story even with the huge issues with ping (Majority of the Greys and Druzhinas are from Eastern Europe and have around 160-180 ping on NA).
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Thalion_Menelvagor on July 02, 2015, 10:23:53 pm
I'm just in it for the wine and cheese.

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Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: LordBerenger on July 02, 2015, 11:18:28 pm
Last time i played Strat some years ago and was preparing my jihad/invasion against EU from NA there were some EU lovers in KUTT clan who attacked me while my forces were running out of troop tickets (a'la Stannis) near the borders. NA are no better than EU. Don't know if CHN have strat but if they do i'd rather support China. China stronk.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: BlackxBird on July 02, 2015, 11:39:16 pm
You guys really wanna fuck with us? Make a battle for us at 5 AM? REALLY?! IT WILL BE A SHIT TIME FOR U TOO!

The "friendly" shit is over now. I won't do another battle at 5 AM while I gotta go to work the next day. No idea why u guys want to have a battle past midnight...

We changed to raid now. We don't want to play there. And you don't want too.

If you change the night time, We can give u back the gear and attack the fief again. It is only ur decission. Wanna give ur players fun? Or stay being retards?
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Lt_Anders on July 02, 2015, 11:49:49 pm
You guys really wanna fuck with us? Make a battle for us at 5 AM? REALLY?! IT WILL BE A SHIT TIME FOR U TOO!

The "friendly" shit is over now. I won't do another battle at 5 AM while I gotta go to work the next day. No idea why u guys want to have a battle past midnight...

We changed to raid now. We don't want to play there. And you don't want too.

If you change the night time, We can give u back the gear and attack the fief again. It is only ur decission. Wanna give ur players fun? Or stay being retards?

5 AM?

I see
6,7,8,9,11 and 4 pm next day. I like those times.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: W0LF on July 02, 2015, 11:58:44 pm
Couldve been a fun war... But turned into people pointing fingers and constant bitching. Oh and Blackbird please do understand that NA does have quite a few battles at midnight. It is not unusual to see a midnight NA battle. We just dont like battles at times when people have work.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Jona on July 03, 2015, 12:02:29 am
Those work hours that end at 11pm EST?
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: W0LF on July 03, 2015, 12:03:45 am
No i am saying that towards the 3pm-5pm battles we have been having. I was pointing out also that midnight battles happen quite often.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Lt_Anders on July 03, 2015, 12:06:44 am
Those work hours that end at 11pm EST?

I used to work till 11. Not uncommon in some industries in the US.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: ARN_ on July 03, 2015, 12:09:25 am
No i am saying that towards the 3pm-5pm battles we have been having. I was pointing out also that midnight battles happen quite often.
Those 3pm-5pm happen as we need to attack you before your night time setting turns on. We are happy to attack at like 5pm-7pm est as that is a decent time for us as well but we can't as your night time setting prevents us. Some battles are also us attack some random guys running trough the war zone... don't do that and expect to not get attacked
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Voncrow on July 03, 2015, 12:12:33 am
I used to work till 11. Not uncommon in some industries in the US.

So should we extend the beginning of primetime towards after 11? Also why should these guys be understanding of you if you aren't understanding of them? They need to be awake for managing the battle and most na players say fuck off at 5am and so maybe you should be understanding of that.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Bryggan on July 03, 2015, 12:12:49 am
We tried really hard to get primetime battles.  The faction leaders worked together on this as the mod was dying and we thought 'gentlemen's agreements' would work.  Accidents happened and we had a few shitty timed battles- and field battles happen when they happen (we had considered the promise of stopping if pretty much captured then waiting til the next primetime to attack, but that wouldn't work with reinforcements and such).

So we tried to cater to the masses, and it seemed to work- strat was steadily growing.

And now the Europeans want to wreck what we built.  They want battles on 'their' time.

Well do what you gotta do to win Eques.  Attack whenever.  Your NA minions can fight for you during our primetime, and your Euros can crush us with barely a fight during yours.  Feel free to raid too.  It seems half of NA has sold their souls to be rid of us, so no sense in making them wait.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: njames89 on July 03, 2015, 12:13:42 am
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Think I'm joking?!?page=strategusinfobattleroster&id=4487
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Lt_Anders on July 03, 2015, 12:20:08 am
So should we extend the beginning of primetime towards after 11? Also why should these guys be understanding of you if you aren't understanding of them? They need to be awake for managing the battle and most na players say fuck off at 5am and so maybe you should be understanding of that.

Tsk tsk. Voncrow, The ONLY battle time that is Prime time for both sides is 6 PM est. Otherwise it's to early for NA or To late for EU. Since they are on NA, Favor comes to the NA players. Oh, and further more, the EU factions are mostly CET time, so for them, it's actually 5 PM est or earlier. If they can't handle our times, then they can fight each other to their hearts content on their own times. They have No right to bitch about bad battle times when the Primary enemy and Primary Server are both 5 hours Behind them.

When Both factions are on the same Primary Server, then the pain is felt equally and is mutual to both to not do that. BTW, Prime time is From, generally 6-12 EST. SO yes, we do extend it past 11.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Balikar on July 03, 2015, 12:24:55 am

Think I'm joking?!?page=strategusinfobattleroster&id=4487

Quit your whining.  You guys do it too. 
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Jona on July 03, 2015, 12:25:17 am
I used to work till 11. Not uncommon in some industries in the US.

I know that. But is all of HCE in the same industry?
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Voncrow on July 03, 2015, 12:34:36 am
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You have 49 applied, just like the other side, maybe you should get your shit together instead.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Lt_Anders on July 03, 2015, 12:34:43 am
I've worked jobs and shifts like that in the past, but typically if you work those shifts you acknowledge that your prime time is going to be totally different from that of the people around you. Pretty sure i even played strat at one time when i worked hours like that, i aimed my battles for prime time regardless.

I have a lot of sympathy for NA wanting good times for NA, but if you work a weird shift in NA dont try and make it even harder for battles to happen. 7PM EST is probably the best both sides could hope for without having work/sleep ruined or have one side miss the battle en mass.

Oh, I know that. I was always angry cause I missed the good battles. I got a solid 8-4(6 more often) shift now so most of these battles are now way way worse than then. But you see, my point is, all of the battles EU bitches about, Hesky, is that they are 1-5 AM, yet every single one of those battles is before 10 EST(Perfect NA prime Time).

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You have 49 applied, just like the other side, maybe you should get your shit together instead.

Actually, they don't ever have enough applicants that they just hire everyone.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Voncrow on July 03, 2015, 12:59:04 am
Maybe you should stop deflecting with the easier target and talk about how you're just trying to look cool in front of the CRPG cool kids club now that they're finally "accepting" you.

Deflection? It's a direct response to what he was saying. He says he's right, I say he's wrong. If you disagree, you should just say so.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: mcdeath on July 03, 2015, 01:24:52 am
Honestly, this isn't fun for me anymore. Strat was about shitposting and 50 v 50 battles. HCE can't fill a roster and you are saying it's their fault.
It's like I said earlier in this thread to HESKEYTIME there is a limit to the active playerbase.

On top of that you Eu guys are complaining about battle times when you are trying to attack around 2pm est. claiming that you are trying to give a good battle time for both sides. You are attacking three time zones. I don't know where you are but I'm on the east coast of America and I'm not out of work until 6pm.

I'm not in HCE anymore because I wanted to do my own thing with a small group of people and have a good time but you guys are turning this into a chore and to me that is what really killed this strat (not to mention that it was supposed to be reset months ago)

This isn't me about to go out and stop playing. I'm still going to go out and do my own thing but I seriously can't handle the autism or childish behavior here after dealing with it at work all day.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: BlackxBird on July 03, 2015, 01:41:26 am
I talked to tristan of erzoth.

I cant change the raid anymore.

So tristan will change his night time and we will give him back his equipment.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: njames89 on July 03, 2015, 01:53:05 am
I know that. But is all of HCE in the same industry?

We do not have our night times collectively set to 11.

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Though we respect and fight for the right of American farmers to farm at whatever hour they want.

How else could our loyal American farmers fuel our hun crushing war machine?
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Harpag on July 03, 2015, 02:05:25 am
Reconciling EU primetime with NA primetime is impossible, so if u gonna be dumb you gotta be tough  :mrgreen:
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Lt_Anders on July 03, 2015, 02:23:35 am
Reconciling EU primetime with NA primetime is impossible, so if u gonna be dumb you gotta be tough  :mrgreen:

Grey Order still pays?

Also, EU can't bitch about Night time setting anymore...(Well, he's a NA player under their faction, but...)
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Schoi on July 03, 2015, 02:32:13 am
When your mother walks in your room at 3 AM during a strat battle vs the eu's and says "get off the computer", so you reply with "not today mom! I'm saving the world" and proceed to grab a dorito from the nearest location while taking a bite of a McDonald's double meat burger and wipe the grease off your forehead and take a sip of mountain dew.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: HappyPhantom on July 03, 2015, 02:33:43 am
There is a difference I forgot to mention. The majority of Acre didn't rage quit when everyone was mean to them. They also made something of themselves despite coming from the same DEPENDENT-ON - FCC cloth.

I would correct you and say that Bryggan and 13k and the Starks made something of themselves.. Acre,  meh,  not so much. And now they collectively pay the price for having James as their figurehead.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Rando on July 03, 2015, 02:34:52 am

America's first line of defense, New Bardaq, remained unsullied by the cuckoldry of EU after their first wave of emasculated mongoloids.

Although many more waves of well-armed cucks are coming towards the Free World, one thing is for certain:

Tomorrow at Wrestlemania Bardaq II, Hulkamania is gonna run wild on EU's shaved asses.

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Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Schoi on July 03, 2015, 02:39:12 am
I would correct you and say that Bryggan and 13k and the Starks made something of themselves.. Acre,  meh,  not so much. And now they collectively pay the price for having James as their figurehead.

"Sounds like you need a good beating" - I_Beat_Women

One of the few cRPG players that didn't ask for nudes.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: BlackxBird on July 03, 2015, 02:58:37 am
It's not our fault u gotta play after midnight.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Kadeth on July 03, 2015, 03:01:06 am
not patriotic enough, get good
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Voncrow on July 03, 2015, 03:06:23 am
God bless the most American faction lead by Canadians.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Bronto on July 03, 2015, 03:07:39 am
God bless the most American faction lead by Canadians.

Sorry Voncrow couldn't hear you with that EU dick in your mouth!
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Skooks on July 03, 2015, 03:08:57 am
Sorry Voncrow couldn't hear you with that EU dick in your mouth!
i believe they call those croissants
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Voncrow on July 03, 2015, 03:12:31 am
Sorry Voncrow couldn't hear you with that EU dick in your mouth!

Excess is an american pass time.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Voncrow on July 03, 2015, 03:33:04 am
I'm not going to argue any of that except restate my point that Acre received as much, and now much more shit as Third RL(and to a lesser extent,  Beserks and other nooblet factions fostered by FCC) by myself and most of the community, stuck around, attracted more members, and became one of the bigger strat players.

They made a faction of brocoders, trolls, cheaters and hypocrites. The only reason EU has so much support from NA players is because of how hated hce is. They made somethings of themselves, but not for the good.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Voncrow on July 03, 2015, 03:40:20 am
No, Voncrow. They get the hate they get for the reason your old clan got all the hate they got and you know it you spineless shit.

No Havelle, my faction didn't cheat, blatantly placing siege equipment on flags every strat battle. Or maybe they're just idiots and never learn. My faction weren't full of blatant hypocrites that bitch and moaned about raids and roster on the forum blaming the community. My faction wasn't known for brocoding at the end of each round when population was at it's lowest(not just because they didn't play then). Although my faction did enjoy it's fair share of trolling. So I guess you got me there.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Sharpe on July 03, 2015, 04:09:48 am
Sorry Voncrow couldn't hear you with that EU dick in your mouth!

Where the Marshall Plan failed, Voncrow can make it right.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Voncrow on July 03, 2015, 04:16:20 am
You deflected again.

They hated Third RL because they were new and noobs and had members who haven't play as long as everyone else.

Now you're here kissing EU ass and talking shit on Acre because you left that noob clan and are unsure of your place in our hierarchy. You are pathetic.

Of course I did, I'm kissing eu as in the same way you are kissing acre ass. The saddest part about this is the person defending acre right now is one of biggest trolls who still play this mod. Knowing that anything you have to say is irrelevant since you just trying to make me mad. Even funnier is you're the one deflecting by defending acre by insulting me and my current and pass clans. Well what ever, continue saying what you're going to say and I'll continue saying it's wrong if I disagree with it.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Tristan_of_Erzoth on July 03, 2015, 05:05:08 am
I know that. But is all of HCE in the same industry?
Actually weirdly enough I work the same jobs as both General_Swagathor and Tanzo(same hours too)

God bless the most American faction lead by Canadians.

Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Schoi on July 03, 2015, 05:08:35 am
They made a faction of brocoders, trolls, cheaters and hypocrites. The only reason EU has so much support from NA players is because of how hated hce is. They made somethings of themselves, but not for the good.

Everyone in cRPG brocodes. Cheaters? I thought they were known to be bad. Hypocrites? Maybe just James. Trolls? Hell yeah dude, everyone is a troll in cRPG.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: cup457 on July 03, 2015, 05:43:31 am
I may be a little drunk. but still. YOu do not belong here. You will never belong here. You are not American. You will not succeed here. We will defy you until the end no matter what happens.
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Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Built on July 03, 2015, 05:48:23 am
See attached picture for Novgorod Republic's stance

(click to show/hide)

Offical Novgorod Declaration of Neutrality

As you can see, in this Image, Theodore Roosevelt is simply taking care of a prime concern to his people, Big foot. As Teddy Roosevelt cared for the concerns of the American people, so much so that he ran for president under like three parties , so to do we care for the concerns of ours. Our people are generally concerned with our stability and security, and thus would like to remain neutral, such as many Americans did during World War One (fuck you Wilson you stupid sack of shit I would piss on your grave if I could find it)

We wish to remain neutral during this conflict, and shall continue our tradition of trade even in these dark times.

Thats all.

Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Sharpe on July 03, 2015, 05:56:28 am
Offical Novgorod Declaration of Neutrality

As you can see, in this Image, Theodore Roosevelt is simply taking care of a prime concern to his people, Big foot. As Teddy Roosevelt cared for the concerns of the American people, so much so that he ran for president under like three parties , so to do we care for the concerns of ours. Our people are generally concerned with our stability and security, and thus would like to remain neutral, such as many Americans did during World War One (fuck you Wilson you stupid sack of shit I would piss on your grave if I could find it)

We wish to remain neutral during this conflict, and shall continue our tradition of trade even in these dark times.

Thats all.

The only Fourteen Points I'm focused on right now, is the 14 production points I want to spend.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: CALAMARI on July 03, 2015, 06:37:16 am
Canadian fuck called me a troll!
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Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Torben on July 03, 2015, 07:35:54 am
damn blackbird, look at it go.  this shit is the best thing that happend to crpg for a while!

thanks man : )
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Talanarsis on July 03, 2015, 08:01:11 am
Canadian fuck called me a troll!
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Hmm, I don't recall you ever trolling... But if Bryggan is saying it then... TROLL! YOU ARE THE TROLLIEST OF ALL THE TROLLS! YOUR MOTHER WAS A HAMSTER AND YOUR FATHER SMELLS OF ELDERBERRIES!
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: mcdeath on July 03, 2015, 08:03:37 am
Canadian fuck called me a troll!
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Dude do you want to fuck me? You are so infatuated with me and I worry about you. I don't roll that way just so you know.


Grow the fuck up already or get off the internet because I'm not sure if you can even handle the real world.

Edit: drunk as fuck

Edit part two: I'll be the first to admit I'm a piece of shit. We used to chill in ts all the time and you had no problems with me (as far as I knew) Whatever I did that hurt you or offended you I'm not sorry. This is only because you responded in the worst way possible. If you talked to me like a man we could have worked things out, but no, you didn't.

If you want to talk things out add me on steam at McDeath or send me a pm on the forums

Edit part three: Why does your night time end at 2 am est? Eus are talking about shitty night times but you are a part of their faction with a worse one then Hce's

Edit par four: [youtube][/youtube]
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Jona on July 03, 2015, 08:48:10 am
I got trashed off cheap wine at work

How have you not accomplished your goal of getting fired yet?  :P

Ever wonder if this job might be a keeper, seeing how they let you show up smashed?
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Teeth on July 03, 2015, 09:06:56 am
I don't understand though, over the past few battles the rosters have been pretty clearly stacked in favour of EU. I personally always sign for the underdog to get more even fights and to have a challenge, but honestly the way it looks now, fighting the battles is a pretty moot point. Do people really enjoy roflstomping a team with 5-20 players less so much? Surely there are some NA/EU freelancers that could just as well sign up for HCE, so we would have actual battles. Anyway, I'm going on vacation, but it just sucks if a promising Strategus shake-up gets decided solely by uneven roster support.

Think I'm joking?!?page=strategusinfobattleroster&id=4487
Huh, not bad actually, considering the ridiculous circumstances.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: CALAMARI on July 03, 2015, 09:38:41 am
I think I found a video of Havelle driving to work
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: mcdeath on July 03, 2015, 09:41:55 am
(click to show/hide)

I am pretty sure that is from American History X and that guy is also too fat to be Havelle.

Nice response to my post by the way.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: pepejul on July 03, 2015, 10:13:41 am

24 bullets in his gun ? What is the name ? LOL
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Torben on July 03, 2015, 10:14:35 am
Unless an employee reports on me to a higher up, I'm pretty much in the clear. But the best is our informal holiday parties. The last few holidays that this soulless corporation made us work I brought in twelve-packs, ordered some pizzas, and told them to blast Screwdriver over the speaker system.

I'll miss White Power Christmas and White Power Easter, really. White Power Fourth of July should be fun, though.

I shouldn't be in charge of a store.

hire me. drink together. win.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Kidduis on July 03, 2015, 10:55:16 am
I may be a little drunk. but still. YOu do not belong here. You will never belong here. You are not American. You will not succeed here. We will defy you until the end no matter what happens.
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Ah so you posted a band that comes from Norway and sings about Vikings...

Like a true Fat american would do...

I bet you cant even pronouce the name correctly as well.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Schoi on July 03, 2015, 11:54:00 am
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It was all James.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Schoi on July 03, 2015, 12:13:28 pm
Ah so you posted a band that comes from Norway and sings about Vikings...

Like a true Fat american would do...

I bet you cant even pronouce the name correctly as well.

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Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: W0LF on July 03, 2015, 01:21:33 pm
How many times has this fat Americans joke been used in this thread? Cmon guys do something original and edgy not just the same thing over and over.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: ARN_ on July 03, 2015, 01:27:28 pm
How many times has this communist European joke been used in this thread? Cmon guys do something original and edgy not just the same thing over and over.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Casimir on July 03, 2015, 01:28:28 pm
How many times have yanks mentioned the world wars or 'freedom'. Cmon guys you are the biggest broken record of all time (biggest cos you're fat).
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Tristan_of_Erzoth on July 03, 2015, 01:38:14 pm


Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Algarn on July 03, 2015, 01:49:54 pm
I don't understand though, over the past few battles the rosters have been pretty clearly stacked in favour of EU. I personally always sign for the underdog to get more even fights and to have a challenge, but honestly the way it looks now, fighting the battles is a pretty moot point. Do people really enjoy roflstomping a team with 5-20 players less so much? Surely there are some NA/EU freelancers that could just as well sign up for HCE, so we would have actual battles. Anyway, I'm going on vacation, but it just sucks if a promising Strategus shake-up gets decided solely by uneven roster support.

I'm enjoying the most incredible thing I ever saw : grey order, kalmar, eques, and other europeans putting themselves together and attacking america. Hell, even a shitton of gold for every battle isn't worth the kurwa macs allied with the fittas and the scheisses on one ts  :lol:

10/10 strat, 5 pages of drama everyday, a shitload of XP, THAT'S THE STRAT I MISSED.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: ARN_ on July 03, 2015, 01:51:42 pm



Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Tristan_of_Erzoth on July 03, 2015, 01:55:52 pm
You do know schooling in america is free right?
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Schoi on July 03, 2015, 01:58:15 pm
How many times has this fat Americans joke been used in this thread? Cmon guys do something original and edgy not just the same thing over and over.

I don't see any Europeans doing anything related to humor. I guess Americans just like to have fun.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: ARN_ on July 03, 2015, 01:59:44 pm
You do know schooling in america is free right?
University as well?
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Tristan_of_Erzoth on July 03, 2015, 02:04:29 pm
University as well?
If you play your cards right, yeah you can. Plenty of people I know got free college/university
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: ARN_ on July 03, 2015, 02:06:21 pm
If you play your cards right, yeah you can. Plenty of people I know got free college/university
We get paid for it lolololololololol
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Schoi on July 03, 2015, 02:12:38 pm
We get paid for it lolololololololol

Dang d00d ur rly kool
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: ARN_ on July 03, 2015, 02:13:25 pm
Dang d00d ur rly kool
I know right
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Mr.K. on July 03, 2015, 02:17:19 pm
The late EU prime time battles for us have been stacked heavily towards us, which is a bit unfair, but at the same time fun to see people like Hetman, Harpag, Danior, Guray and so on fighting with us for once :oops: The NA prime time battles haven't been as stacked as James is letting you guys believe. Mostly four or five mercs more on the EU side, but  10 EU players on that side as well with high ping. Surely a well oiled machine like the HCE should be able to overcome a few euro advantage. Or could it be that your armies have no boots, castles no bows and that's why you've lost a couple of battles?

We've been there against the Druzhina and learned from our mistakes. Learn from yours.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Tristan_of_Erzoth on July 03, 2015, 02:24:15 pm
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Lets all take a quick second break from the shit posting and prodding fun at each other to appreciate that in ~4 days we have hit 3000 views and over 300 replies. Strat more alive then its been probably all strat. Good work guys
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: LordBerenger on July 03, 2015, 02:37:03 pm
How many times have yanks mentioned the world wars or 'freedom'. Cmon guys you are the biggest broken record of all time (biggest cos you're fat).

The irony
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Harpag on July 03, 2015, 03:11:23 pm
damn blackbird, look at it go.  this shit is the best thing that happend to crpg for a while!

thanks man : )

lol but true and +1

I'm enjoying the most incredible thing I ever saw : grey order, kalmar, eques, and other europeans putting themselves together and attacking america. Hell, even a shitton of gold for every battle isn't worth the kurwa macs allied with the fittas and the scheisses on one ts  :lol:

10/10 strat, 5 pages of drama everyday, a shitload of XP, THAT'S THE STRAT I MISSED.

eunoblesse obligé  :mrgreen:

This is a late decadent phase of the game so enjoy every battle and every drama! This may be your last in life hehe
The end is coming. The last chance to have a good time. To arms brave McDonalds!

Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Bronto on July 03, 2015, 03:34:47 pm
Dude I was at the first battle on Wednesday at 255 est and EU, because of NA support, had at least 15 more mercs than Acre and I can't imagine that's changed. You guys even said there was another battle that was 30 vs. 7. Sure seems fair but again it isn't EU's fault. The fault lies on the NA clans supporting them. You fucking cunts can't even put aside your petty nerd squabbles to repell EU under the blanket of NA because you let pixels on a screen control your feelings. Poor widdle guiz did HCE really create that much butthurt deep in your vaginas that you turn your back on NA? Don't bother answering because 20 pages later you're still shedding tears over James and acre. Get over it for now and help NA fight EU. Is that too hard of a concept to grasp?

When EU does defeat HCE and comes after the other NA clans who's going to support your rosters? Not true Americans you've already turned your backs on that's for sure.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: oguz on July 03, 2015, 03:38:15 pm
wish ı can come like this
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but only thing ı can do is that
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Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Mr.K. on July 03, 2015, 03:47:59 pm
Let's put it here as well then:!?page=strategusinfobattleroster&id=4488 <-Six player advantage due to Acre not bothering to fight for a village!?page=strategusinfobattleroster&id=4485 <-Five player advantage with 20 euros on the Eques side!?page=strategusinfobattleroster&id=4489 <-One player advantage for Acre!?page=strategusinfobattleroster&id=4492 <-Five player advatage for Eques again in a village battle

There's been a couple of stacked battles at EU prime time which Acre could avoid with either not moving their traders/reinforcements in EU prime time, or setting their night time to cover most of it instead of most of NA prime time which they've done in some cases.

Balanced rosters are hard to get when people apply to whomever they are more familiar with or hate less. I wouldn't mind seeing some more EU players fighting for the Acres as well.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Casimir on July 03, 2015, 04:20:59 pm
The irony

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Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Bronto on July 03, 2015, 04:22:55 pm
Let's put it here as well then:

Guy you keep posting this and I'm impressed by your copy and paste skills but you're missing the point. I'm asking the NA people in clans like HoC, Wardens, KUTT, LL, etc. to put aside the bullshit and unite as NA and make this an NA vs. EU war but they aren't. They'd rather help EU eliminate HCE then get eliminated by EU themselves. Makes perfect sense, if you're mentally challenged.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: BlackxBird on July 03, 2015, 04:22:57 pm
We have allready seen more than 40 ppl in the enemy roseter.

Before every single battle, I do:

Go to all EU teamspeaks and poke people to apply.
I write to every single person I got in my steamfriendlist to apply^^

I added 50 + muricans to my steam friendlist!

I ask all the leader of other clans, mainly our close NA Allies to tell their members to come.

So it is no miracle that we have 30 vs 7 in a village defend.

We are actually working in EU for our rosters. We try to make it as comfortable as possible for the ppl who apply for us.

Dunno how it is for u HCE guys. But I gotta plan 1 hour before a strat battle for getting mercs. Before every.

Oh and btw if you want an NA vs. EU war we would not play at your prime time with our shit ping. We would play at our prime time, but cuz this is not possible we play united with some NAs.

But it's really funny that u tards come to the forum and shitpost dafuq outa u instead of talking to OLD people to COME BACK TO THE GAME.

It's now 4 days ago that we attacked and Im pretty sure u guys didnt even contact one.

btw. I got 50 + chats atm open in steam to not forget who Im talking to... I accidentally allready asked a HCE to apply for us xD
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Voncrow on July 03, 2015, 04:34:20 pm
How many times has this fat Americans joke been used in this thread? Cmon guys do something original and edgy not just the same thing over and over.

Can't the same be said about what you guys are posting? Or maybe posting America is the Greatest propaganda is always original.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Bronto on July 03, 2015, 04:34:58 pm
You should never assume you know. I have been in contact with older players and your perceived superiority wasn't enough to make them come back. Sorry but most of them didn't think you were that special. On the other hand, I did get some to come back and help out but it'll take some time cause of how long it takes to get from point A to B on the map.

Also, voncrow, why are you even helping EU shit stomp your own NA players? It doesn't make sense to me. I'm helping acre because they are an NA faction. I would do the same for you if you weren't helping EU regardless of any Internet pixel beef we may have had prior. I guess that's the difference between making a decision based on action rather than emotion.

Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: CALAMARI on July 03, 2015, 04:53:39 pm
I'm helping acre because they are an NA faction.

Word on the street is that Byzantine Guard sold themselves into Acre slavery over a TS spot. #LiberateBent_Priest2015
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: cup457 on July 03, 2015, 05:50:30 pm
Most of these battle happen during the day or when people are getting home from work. I miss most of them because I usually dont get home until 7-8 and then i still have to eat. I spam NA1 telling people to sign for HCE before the battle but still many people do not. These battle have more people signing up for them than have in the past,  but people just do not care anymore.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Warlord_of_Acre on July 03, 2015, 05:55:46 pm
Word on the street is that Byzantine Guard sold themselves into Acre slavery over a TS spot. #LiberateBent_Priest2015

halp i am prisoner
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Voncrow on July 03, 2015, 06:03:18 pm
You should never assume you know. I have been in contact with older players and your perceived superiority wasn't enough to make them come back. Sorry but most of them didn't think you were that special. On the other hand, I did get some to come back and help out but it'll take some time cause of how long it takes to get from point A to B on the map.

Also, voncrow, why are you even helping EU shit stomp your own NA players? It doesn't make sense to me. I'm helping acre because they are an NA faction. I would do the same for you if you weren't helping EU regardless of any Internet pixel beef we may have had prior. I guess that's the difference between making a decision based on action rather than emotion.


The Kalmar and Liberes guys are cool, so I don't mind helping them out that much. Especially since they're attacking HCE, the second they attack some faction not aligned with HCE is the second they lose almost all their NA merc support. Which is also when they pretty much cease to function. I may be wrong about this, but I'm confident that at that point we could push them back then even if all of NA is in a weakened state. It's an invasion sanction by most of NA on a faction they are at war with. I wouldn't quite call that an EU invasion. Then again, it's not the first time I've been wrong, so we'll see how things go.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Bryggan on July 03, 2015, 06:21:18 pm
I would like to know what I did to get so many NAers hate me so much. I tried getting Strat going again with RP and some good battles. We tried making to avoid ganking and night time battles, though of course both sides naturally failed at that sometimes.

The way things were seemed pretty even to me. The average prime time battles had relatively even rosters. We probably had more ticks, but those would have been eaten up fighting population. The castle we took was quickly taken back, and the ones we assaulted now have more gear and are their populations are growing back faster than our ticks.

So what did we do?  Do you still hate Acre for some things in the past? Did you want them to quit, cutting the NA population by a quarter?  This hate, which is strong enough to make you fight for euros is baffling to me.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: BlackxBird on July 03, 2015, 06:28:10 pm
Hate makes ppl happy
Hate is the reason why this game is still alive
Hate is the way you show ur enemy you respect him
Hate keeps strat going
Hate is the reason why this thread allready got 24 sides
Hate is the reason why we won't stop attacking
Hate is the reason why we won't stop reinforcing NA
Hate is the reason why HCE will die.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: cup457 on July 03, 2015, 08:21:02 pm
Hate makes ppl happy
Hate is the reason why this game is still alive
Hate is the way you show ur enemy you respect him
Hate keeps strat going
Hate is the reason why this thread allready got 24 sides
Hate is the reason why we won't stop attacking
Hate is the reason why we won't stop reinforcing NA
Hate is the reason why HCE will die.
Urshit #rekt
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: mcdeath on July 03, 2015, 08:29:00 pm
Would you guys mind not attcking or having any battles for tomorrow? It's a national holiday in USA and I would like to not have to think about what is going on in strat or crpg.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: BlackxBird on July 03, 2015, 08:35:47 pm
ure not even a member of HCE are u? :D
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: ARN_ on July 03, 2015, 08:37:14 pm
Would you guys mind not attcking or having any battles for tomorrow? It's a national holiday in USA and I would like to not have to think about what is going on in strat or crpg.
It will soon be known as the unindependence day, so just bend over and get it over with
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: cup457 on July 03, 2015, 08:46:29 pm
Ey bitchboi Im a member of CUP CLAN™  and I do what I please. At the moment its fighting with HCE against you huns
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: mcdeath on July 03, 2015, 08:47:58 pm
You're not even a member of HCE are u? :D

Fixed that for you. And no, I'm not a member of HCE but that doesn't mean I won't try to help them get a full roster to have some fun battles.

It will soon be known as the unindependence day, so just bend over and get it over with

Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: StonedSteel on July 03, 2015, 08:58:17 pm
fuckin lunch breaks man, an hour ( a hour? fuck off with ur grammar ) is too long, 30 mins would be perfect, but an hour...too long,

2 sandwiches and some fapping later, i have like 10 fuckin mins to sit around, i could walk the dog...hes already pissed, and its fucking hot outside ( im not lazy, my dog is pitch fucking black and gets overheated, and U arnt the one who has to clean the puke, so dont fuckin judge meh )

so instead, even though ill tell my self "DO NOT COMMUNICATE WITH THESE PEOPLE, DONT EVEN LOOK AT THEM!!!"
i find myself communicating with u...i mean damn, will noone else sort the bullshit into at least semi believable piles?

fuck, here goes. its not A EU invasion ( i said A over AN u happy now>? ) and trust me, NA should be happy its not, THEY DONT WANT IT.

instead we have a handful of EU mercs coming to fight in NA ( again, be fucking grateful that they dont all come, they have nothing to do in EU land and NA is ripe for the taking...why the fuck WOULDNT they come to NA? )

a handful of EU mercs with shit pings doesnt make that big of a diff, if HoC fought it themselves, they would be under 5-10 mercs vs HCE

instead they are now 5-10 mercs more then the HCE...

if u think thats unfair bronto UR retarded bro, 10 more mercs, ALL with shit ping...vs a castle to hide behind...HMMM

sorry, but unless u planned on sallying out and meeting us in the field...that 10 merc advantage dont mean shit compared to good ping and castle walls to hide behind

i agreed to fight for EU when i first heard about this, WAY WAY WAAAAAAAAAY B4 acre was the confirmed target.
but thats me, and my reasons, Voncrow is correct, against someone other than HCE, EU would not have nearly the same NA merc pool.

Brygg, you and HCE are pretty much hated for the same reasons MB was hated are not building an empire...u have one...go do something with it...i once told aldo what i tell u now

"this aint a civilization game, war is thee only way to win, like it or not, you are going to have to fight eventually, u really want to be that clan that sits around and waits to get attacked? wouldnt look so bad if u were still building an empire, but ur not, u already have one"

correct me if i am wrong, but against ACTIVE enemies, what has HCE done offensively? attacked lumetta? i mean he had it coming to him for attacking what he viewed as the weakest u HCE lads not have it coming to u?

TLDR...fuck ur lies and propagandalf bullshit.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: BlackxBird on July 03, 2015, 09:06:11 pm
well written :)

but you'd better change the beginning of your posts. They make 90 % of the ppl not read the whole post :P

Unindependece day seems great.

But as you guys maybe allready notice we are no assholes :) Go out tomorrow. Don't worry about strat. Every one who tries to move troops will get attacked. It's your decission.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Mr.K. on July 03, 2015, 09:14:33 pm
But as you guys maybe allready notice we are no assholes :) Go out tomorrow. Don't worry about strat. Every one who tries to move troops will get attacked. It's your decission.

Kalmars won't be attacking either if we don't see armies/traders moving around. Have fun and enjoy your independence for a day more Acre! Oh wait, James is from Canada.....
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Bryggan on July 03, 2015, 09:24:48 pm
I agree- but Plumbo, we had just begun attacking.  No one wanted to fight Dutchy because of his night time settings, and it seemed to much trouble to plan things for the weekend.  No one wants their army to sit for days waiting for the weekend.  Plus, sometimes Dutchy 'forgets'* to change his NTS on weekends. So, we sat there.

But once Mithrim attacked us, and we declared war on the Hounds people suddenly wanted to attack.  Two attacks on Reindi, which they recaptured, and one on Slekzh, which was supposed to have a follow up but someone wandered off then attacked a small army without looking at said army's NTS.  And got destroit.

So we were gonna push as hard as our tick generation could handle, and we figured us against the combined forces of Hounds and Wardens would be fair- we saw the troops they had in their castles.  Plus we thought Dutchy would attack us sooner or later.

So we were convinced we had a level playing field.  Our supposed greater amount of ticks would be countered by fighting populations, and, if we did take it, our enemies would just have to fight our troops, not the population.

But my original point was that we had started having battles once we found an enemy in the same time zone as us, but this new era of active strat war was cut short by the Eu invasion.

*Quotation marks added just to annoy Dutchy.  Dutchy, did it annoy you?
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Bryggan on July 03, 2015, 09:26:19 pm
Kalmars won't be attacking either if we don't see armies/traders moving around. Have fun and enjoy your independence for a day more Acre! Oh wait, James is from Canada.....
As am I- and yet you attacked on Canada Day!  I meant to fight yesterday, but was too hungover and my 2 hour nap stretched into a 12 hour nap.  But I am forgiving, so we will not attack you on the 14th.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Schoi on July 03, 2015, 09:44:41 pm
Word on the street is that Byzantine Guard sold themselves into Acre slavery over a TS spot. #LiberateBent_Priest2015

Is your street called Lame Memes Avenue?
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Bronto on July 03, 2015, 10:03:15 pm
Word on the street is that Byzantine Guard sold themselves into Acre slavery over a TS spot. #LiberateBent_Priest2015

You sir, are an idiot. Not sure how one would sell themselves for a free TS channel, when I asked multiple clans for one and everyone but James ignored me. That's a testament to the culture of NA. Zero solidarity and plenty of ignorance.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: CALAMARI on July 03, 2015, 10:14:15 pm
Is your street called Lame Memes Avenue?

No, It's Calamaris Big Fat Cock Boulevard and it intersects with Bronto and Schoi Gaping Asshole Avenue.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Bronto on July 03, 2015, 10:35:01 pm
No, It's Calamaris Big Fat Cock Boulevard and it intersects with Bronto and Schoi Gaping Asshole Avenue.

People who have big cocks don't brag about them. So how's that micropenis going for you?
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: CALAMARI on July 03, 2015, 10:38:21 pm
People who have big cocks don't brag about them.

Speak for yourself...
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Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Talanarsis on July 03, 2015, 10:40:10 pm
Speak for yourself...
(click to show/hide)

I'd brag about it if I had one. But then people would fry it up and eat it....
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Bryggan on July 04, 2015, 12:34:03 am


Thank you in advance.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: LordBerenger on July 04, 2015, 01:05:34 am
If CRPG was more active and not nerfed as hell and I still wasn't lazy to grind troop tickets I'd start a real crusade to spread the word of Christ in NA and EU lands in Strat and to slay the infidels. I bet that would get me automatically DRZ support as well.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Kidduis on July 04, 2015, 01:06:57 am
Ey bitchboi Im a member of CUP CLAN™  and I do what I please. At the moment its fighting with HCE against you huns

Lol never heard of it
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: BlackxBird on July 04, 2015, 01:12:37 am
If CRPG was more active and not nerfed as hell and I still wasn't lazy to grind troop tickets I'd start a real crusade to spread the word of Christ in NA and EU lands in Strat and to slay the infidels. I bet that would get me automatically DRZ support as well.

check the drz part on the EU map :P
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Schoi on July 04, 2015, 01:41:24 am
No, It's Calamaris Big Fat Cock Boulevard and it intersects with Bronto and Schoi Gaping Asshole Avenue.

How did you know my asshole is gaping? I have never shaved it, my ass hairs are about four inches each in length. Literally impossible to get past or even wipe my ass because of it. Are you the anus inspector?
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: LordBerenger on July 04, 2015, 01:41:47 am
check the drz part on the EU map :P
CBA, gimme screenshot. Did UIF finally get pushed out? Lol
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: BlackPanda on July 04, 2015, 03:29:48 am
Another EZ win for team America.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Talanarsis on July 04, 2015, 03:31:22 am
Another EZ win for team America.

Another? Isn't this the first time we won a battle?
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Bryggan on July 04, 2015, 03:37:16 am
Another? Isn't this the first time we won a battle?

Seriously Tal, you CANNOT play our forum war stuff anymore.  If you want to play, twist the truth, make mountains out of molehills, never admit to wrongdoing, and accuse your enemy of everything!
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Voncrow on July 04, 2015, 03:38:14 am
Another EZ win for team America.

Need easy wins, HCE can't win anything else. I mean why else would they only attack ungeared fiefs and outnumbered field battles.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Tristan_of_Erzoth on July 04, 2015, 03:42:16 am
Need easy wins, HCE can't win anything else. I mean why else would they only attack ungeared fiefs and outnumbered field battles.
If people cant gear fiefs thats their fault not ours(same when we dont gear, its our fault not the enemies)
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: zapocket on July 04, 2015, 03:43:46 am
Need easy wins, HCE can't win anything else. I mean why else would they only attack ungeared fiefs and outnumbered field battles.

Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: elvis1325 on July 04, 2015, 03:43:58 am
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Yoshi clan best mercs NA
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Bryggan on July 04, 2015, 04:08:22 am
Need easy wins, HCE can't win anything else. I mean why else would they only attack ungeared fiefs and outnumbered field battles.

Seriously VonCrow, what's up with the hate?  We have always had gankings on both sides.  Shit happens, and the leaders of the faction are ok with it.  Talk to Thalion and Finnian, and see what they think.  Battles go up and down, but the war stays steady.

So what the fuck is up with your hate?  Most posts are just jolly trolling, spitting on your enemies, cursing their mothers.  But you seem like a venom filled hater that will scream about anything that we do!  Why the hate?  Did an Acre member inappropriately touch you when you were a child?
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: mcdeath on July 04, 2015, 04:13:13 am
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Lol I'm a traitor now? Wtf? I'm American as fuck bro
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Dutchydave on July 04, 2015, 04:28:41 am
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Yoshi clan best mercs NA

Well I engineered all map and killed myself 3 times when I wanted a new item of need quick  :rolleyes:
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Talanarsis on July 04, 2015, 04:34:01 am
Seriously Tal, you CANNOT play our forum war stuff anymore.  If you want to play, twist the truth, make mountains out of molehills, never admit to wrongdoing, and accuse your enemy of everything!

Just trying to be truthful, sorry...
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Bryggan on July 04, 2015, 04:44:27 am
Lol I'm a traitor now? Wtf? I'm American as fuck bro

Saying anything complimentary about the enemy is considered treason in some parts.  I myself think our European enemies are down right deadly.  They don't let things like ping slow them down.

I respect the Euros and their will to fight.  The people who invited them... not so much.  Asking for superior foreign powers to save them is not original: Vortigern asked the Saxons for help.  And Hengist and Horsa 'helped' him.  Then, within a few years, Britain became 'Angle-land', and the Britons became the Anglo-Saxons of today.

But we will fight them for all we're worth.  And, should they overwhelm us with their vast numbers, perhaps we will seek peace- once the last village is taken from our bloody hands.  And once their armies are firmly established in NA territory, perhaps we will re-gauge our anti-Euro feelings.  I mean they just want some fun fights, right?  To be honest, we are sort of enjoying our battles.  We expect to lose, so when we win it feels ten times better than a regular boring NA vs NA  fight.

We would not want to deny our NA enemies that awesome feeling.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: BlackPanda on July 04, 2015, 04:56:18 am
Another? Isn't this the first time we won a battle?
It was our second large win.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Rando on July 04, 2015, 05:42:33 am
The EU turbocucks sucked on Hulkster's 24 inch biceps once again.
Hulkamania did well as the first line of defense from the dirty, smelly Yuropoor invasion, but all good things must come to an end, even the strongest castles can't hold forever.

But as always,

It ain't ogre, til it's ogre.

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(Below is real life footage of EU sucking hulkster's massive dong at the New Bardaq siege)
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Desire at His/Her/Xer official interview on why He/She/Xe didn't kick the suicide leecher from HCE's side, clearly enjoying the "attention".

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Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Tristan_of_Erzoth on July 04, 2015, 05:48:32 am
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Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Jona on July 04, 2015, 06:08:23 am
(click to show/hide)

Sorry but macho man randy savage is trademarked by the HoC clan, please find a different icon to rally behind before we bring in our lawyers.

Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Talanarsis on July 04, 2015, 06:09:41 am
Sorry but macho man randy savage is trademarked by the HoC clan, please find a different icon to rally behind before we bring in our lawyers.

Its alright guys, i'm his lawyer. I'll do a sh!tty job in the case.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: mcdeath on July 04, 2015, 06:58:04 am
Sorry but macho man randy savage is trademarked by the HoC clan, please find a different icon to rally behind before we bring in our lawyers.

Dude he is dead. Show some respect.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Jona on July 04, 2015, 07:03:15 am
We respect him every holiday season.

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Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Schoi on July 04, 2015, 07:11:09 am
EU Logic

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NA Logic

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Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Talanarsis on July 04, 2015, 07:12:57 am
We have God on our side!

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Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Bryggan on July 04, 2015, 10:50:24 am
I would like to thank the Euro's for respecting the American's Holiday.  The Fourth of July is very important to the United States, and to fight on that day would be like pissing on the Stars and Stripes.  So thank you again, Libere Equites and Kalmarunion.  It is good to know that some people have respect for Independence Day.

On another note, please sign up for our defense against the Wardens of the North tomorrow.  They have initiated two battles for the fourth of July.  So if you were planning on eating hot dogs and watching fireworks in the park, please cancel that.  "Evil never takes a day off", and nor do the Wardens.  If you are American and choose not to show up because you are celebrating your country's independence, that's ok.  For some people 'love of country' is more important than strat.  And I respect that.  Us Canadians and those Americans who's outrage outweighs their own personal desire to have a fun time will defend the best we can.

And Happy Fourth of July, my Murican friends.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Bryggan on July 04, 2015, 11:14:37 am
The desert will be a anarchistic trading heaven for everyone who wants to get money. There won't be any restrictions about buying/selling S&D. The only rule will be: U have to be in New Libere Equites. ;) Than you can get troops, eq them with ur money and do as many fun battles u want :P Get full plates and pikes or lederhosen and flamberges xD Do whatever you want as long as it will be funny ;)

Edit: If you join us right now, u can take a village and manage it, so basically trade in the desert and every time u pass u can take the money out of it ;)

Just a reminder to everyone. You can leave our faction and trade peacefully- provided you join Libere Equites.  If you do not join Libere Equites they will crush you.  The benefits of joining Libere Equites is that they will give you permission to host 'funny' battles.  Serious battles will not be tolerated.  So anyone in my faction who feels they can entertain the Libere Equites with 'funny' battles, feel free to leave.  Anyone who wishes to leave my faction because they think by doing so they can escape the Euro's sword... think again.

You all stood by me when things were good.  Let's see who stands by me now that things are falling apart.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Moncho on July 04, 2015, 11:29:37 am
So fighting for your freedom against the foreign invader would be amiss on the day when you celebrate how proud you are of fighting for your freedom against the foreign power?
Top kek murican logic right there.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: mcdeath on July 04, 2015, 12:40:31 pm
So fighting for your freedom against the foreign invader would be amiss on the day when you celebrate how proud you are of fighting for your freedom against the foreign power?
Top kek murican logic right there.

Straight up dude, why would I care about a foreign invader in pixels when we have freedom and independence?

If our Founding Fathers wanted us to care about the rest of the world, they wouldn't have declared their independence from it.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: BlackxBird on July 04, 2015, 01:18:10 pm
I don't really know if you guys read that but:


We don't have to do this pussy war. We could have taken the whole desert by loosing only 4-5 armies. Fucking show A LITTLE BIT OF RESPECT TO US CUZ WE GIVE U EVERYTHING YOU WANT AND DON'T WANT TO HAVE ANYTHING BACK.


Edit: Bryggan is at least one of our enemies who gets what is going on atm here. Thank you for being no retard :P
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: BlackxBird on July 04, 2015, 01:26:23 pm
400 + replies on only this post within 5 days :D
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Moncho on July 04, 2015, 01:28:14 pm
Yet it still is utter crap compared to actual oldschool cRPG drama. Not even Christo worthy...
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Sharpe on July 04, 2015, 01:28:22 pm
This thread is the greatest thing to happen to NA since the

Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Keshian on July 04, 2015, 03:08:10 pm
If only we had his leadership now...

Or does anyone have a Kesh Reborn card?

+10 to rage with stampede, power-up

I'm getting a new laptop, but only GTX 950, so not sure how well its going to handle anything.  Plus I am working a lot more, I may check in and check out the battle server someday if I am feeling especially bored and my wife is busy studying.  Haven't played a single game since January - kind of wondering if its like riding a bicycle and you never forget.

Just wanted to check in and wish you guys a happy 4th of july - AMERICA, FUCK YEAH!!
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: ARN_ on July 04, 2015, 03:39:19 pm
Fuck the battles, just turn up in TS
I remember "Kesh" led one of our battles glorious
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: ARN_ on July 04, 2015, 03:52:30 pm
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What I feel when we invade NA :rolleyes:
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: traxits on July 04, 2015, 04:18:26 pm
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What I feel when we invade NA :rolleyes:
being retarded is our only advantage
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Thalion_Menelvagor on July 04, 2015, 04:54:56 pm

Can you print that and sell it to me as gift wrapping?

We respect him every holiday season.

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Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Balikar on July 04, 2015, 09:11:35 pm
I would like to thank the Euro's for respecting the American's Holiday.  The Fourth of July is very important to the United States, and to fight on that day would be like pissing on the Stars and Stripes.  So thank you again, Libere Equites and Kalmarunion.  It is good to know that some people have respect for Independence Day.

On another note, please sign up for our defense against the Wardens of the North tomorrow.  They have initiated two battles for the fourth of July.  So if you were planning on eating hot dogs and watching fireworks in the park, please cancel that.  "Evil never takes a day off", and nor do the Wardens.  If you are American and choose not to show up because you are celebrating your country's independence, that's ok.  For some people 'love of country' is more important than strat.  And I respect that.  Us Canadians and those Americans who's outrage outweighs their own personal desire to have a fun time will defend the best we can.

And Happy Fourth of July, my Murican friends.

I chastised one of them last night.  I believe my wording was, 'leave it to NA to fight on the 4th.'  It was in reference to the HCE early AM battle, and the two later in the night initiated by Wardens.  Supposedly... you were still moving forces up north to either use up SnD, reinforce a city, or some such.  IF this is true, then I sorta kinda support the attacks.  You can't hide behind the holiday and run through blockades at your whim.  If that was the case, then you're each 50% dicks.  If it's not, then all the dickness is theirs.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: mcdeath on July 04, 2015, 09:29:20 pm
I chastised one of them last night.  I believe my wording was, 'leave it to NA to fight on the 4th.'  It was in reference to the HCE early AM battle, and the two later in the night initiated by Wardens.  Supposedly... you were still moving forces up north to either use up SnD, reinforce a city, or some such.  IF this is true, then I sorta kinda support the attacks.  You can't hide behind the holiday and run through blockades at your whim.  If that was the case, then you're each 50% dicks.  If it's not, then all the dickness is theirs.

The early AM battles were cause by the shitty night time settings of Calamari. As far as I know HCE attacked around 6 PM est and the battles got pushed to 2 and 2:50 AM respectively.

In before everyone says 'HCE complains about night time settings' Yeah, I am making a comment about his night time settings. No, I am not in HCE or HCE vassal putie scum. Yes, I have a wicked pumped to go blow shit up in a few hours. Yes, I have a wicked huge boner for America. No, you Canadians can't take part in the festivities.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: cup457 on July 04, 2015, 09:32:20 pm
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: BlackxBird on July 04, 2015, 09:41:07 pm
but the difference in ours and their battles was that they knew what night time calamari had. We did not know it. cuz we were mainly doing sieges.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: mcdeath on July 04, 2015, 10:20:31 pm

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Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Schoi on July 04, 2015, 10:25:37 pm
but the difference in ours and their battles was that they knew what night time calamari had. We did not know it. cuz we were mainly doing sieges.

What's night time? I just stay up for 2 days straight playing cRPG on a regular basis with my McDonalds.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Skooks on July 04, 2015, 11:27:15 pm

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Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: BlackPanda on July 05, 2015, 12:07:33 am
Schoi is 2 cool 4 sleep.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Dutchydave on July 05, 2015, 12:47:23 am
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Jaren here in the USA we can provide you a catapult...

James you are Canadian mate :rolleyes:

Saw this today, thought you might want your Euro friends to throw it on the EU invasion thread

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Lol nice one  :idea:
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: BlackPanda on July 05, 2015, 01:21:10 am
North America = American in my heart. Atleast hes not a  AU commie.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Schoi on July 05, 2015, 03:31:11 am
What if Dutchy's son is Calamari?
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Mr.K. on July 05, 2015, 06:13:16 pm

Before unseen footage of Rando rallying troops for tonights battle:

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Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: BlackxBird on July 05, 2015, 06:55:21 pm
Seems like the great HCE starts to crumble :D

The first allready left their homes and want to start a new life under the great coverage of Libere Equites and Kalmarunionen.

For sure we bid welcome that <3
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: BlackPanda on July 05, 2015, 08:02:08 pm
Traitors are to be expected, i just never imagined we would lose ***** and ******.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Bryggan on July 05, 2015, 09:22:15 pm
Deserters are to be expected. As for ***** and ******, they did ask to leave. I just thought they'd wait til the bitter end.

But a sinking ship will lose its rats, but that will leave us the fanatics. Then you'll see some intense resistance. You'll probably see a lot more pseudonyms on our rosters too.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: woody on July 06, 2015, 12:42:34 am
For fucks sake so fucking pathetic its embarrassing
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: StonedSteel on July 06, 2015, 12:51:52 am

i fucking told u guys lol.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Schoi on July 06, 2015, 01:19:25 am

i fucking told u guys lol.

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Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: BlackxBird on July 06, 2015, 01:23:22 am
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: ARN_ on July 06, 2015, 01:24:26 am
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Kadeth on July 06, 2015, 02:26:52 am
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Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: BlackxBird on July 06, 2015, 02:28:30 am

You Sir are a liar.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: mcdeath on July 06, 2015, 03:00:01 am
USA woman's national team just won the world cup.

Too bad it was woman's sports and not something meaningful like men's sports.
I do have to say, they played quite well.

Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: BlackxBird on July 06, 2015, 03:35:53 am
Someone called real american gets no support from his faction and takes tons of lost eq from us and runs away?

You guys calling each other real americans and blame us for being not "fair" - QQ - are the funniest thing I've seen so far in this game. You're even harder trolls in my opinion than Krems. I don't wonder about that. You got James as a leader^^

But the funny thing is, everyone I talked to from the HCE told me that James is a fucking dumbass retard and has no rights at all. His own clanmates moved him out of the channel when I tried to start a diplomatic discussion with HCE xD

So plz someone: Tell that fucker to stop QQing all the time. This is so fucking embarrising for him and your whole clan and annoying for everyone in the enemy team. But well those ppl who belive what he says are not any better than him.

Good games so far that night. won 5/5 battles. Just wodering if you guys even have something you can defend with... but let's hope for Durquba.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: BlackxBird on July 06, 2015, 03:44:59 am
fail post lol  :oops:
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Schoi on July 06, 2015, 03:52:08 am
Black bird, this is a serious question, do you have asperger syndrome?
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Tristan_of_Erzoth on July 06, 2015, 03:53:45 am
Dude for like the millionth time, I'm not in fucking Acre. I was the one who was doing diplomacy with you, and again I'm not in acre.  So stop saying only acre sucks when theres like 3 other groups in the faction. Give me credit, I suck too.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: BlackxBird on July 06, 2015, 04:08:20 am
well the point is, that I like the people who are not in acre. I was talking to bryggan and u and I especially enjoyed the conversation with bryggan. BUT I'm contantly getting insulted by Acre guys.

But do you really think doing diplomacy is when there is one retard in the channel falming and rageing about how fucking unfair and rude we EUs are and how damn hard I suck?
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: njames89 on July 06, 2015, 04:11:09 am
No idea what you are on about Blackbird. I maintain its shitty to fight 50v30 battles, more fun for all when rosters are balanced.

Took some pics while I was up north this weekend.

To all the players fighting with us against the EU and NA Traitors.
(click to show/hide)

To Blackbird and his benedict arnolds.
(click to show/hide)

Celebrations honoring the glorious dead of New Bardaq, held at the Durquba Oasis. There is actually a lot more forest in the desert than you would think. Happy Canada Day and 4th of July!
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and finally look at this fucking moth holy shit i thought it was a hummingbird at first.
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Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: BlackxBird on July 06, 2015, 04:17:44 am
y u can't be normal all the time?
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Rando on July 06, 2015, 04:38:30 am
I don't understand - were you trying to say you were upset that I didn't leave tons of gear in a castle that only had 390 ticks, and was getting no reinforcements (largely due to the fact that you've invaded with 10+ 1600 man shiny armies and covered the entire desert with them)?

Well, stay mad then. I don't understand why you would be mad though, you got a great castle out of it. It served me well - even in its downfall.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: BlackxBird on July 06, 2015, 04:43:59 am
Im angry about me cuz I didn't notice u left till u left ur faction. Well and I'm angry about you guys that u broke our "pact". We said we are not gonna have battles on the 4th july and for that you guys don't move. Finally I learned it. my fault. Nvm. We won't give u guys anything from now on.

Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Rando on July 06, 2015, 04:49:17 am
Im angry about me cuz I didn't notice u left till u left ur faction. Well and I'm angry about you guys that u broke our "pact". We said we are not gonna have battles on the 4th july and for that you guys don't move. Finally I learned it. my fault. Nvm. We won't give u guys anything from now on.

I adhered to the pact, not my fault you didn't notice me.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: BlackxBird on July 06, 2015, 04:52:21 am
hmm but the fact that you left your faction is funny. You guys must think I got spies in your faction :D
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Tristan_of_Erzoth on July 06, 2015, 05:02:52 am
Im angry about me cuz I didn't notice u left till u left ur faction. Well and I'm angry about you guys that u broke our "pact". We said we are not gonna have battles on the 4th july and for that you guys don't move. Finally I learned it. my fault. Nvm. We won't give u guys anything from now on.
The deal was that for no battles on the 4th we wouldn't move on the 3rd. He waited until 12am July 4th the leave his castle(I know because I made him wait)
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Schoi on July 06, 2015, 05:19:01 am
y u can't be normal all the time?

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Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: BlackxBird on July 06, 2015, 05:21:17 am
there is a big difference between a insult and a joke.

And Tristan may you check ur steam chat again. U may missunderstood something, but I count it high that u waited till 12 AM even though that's total bullshit. But nvm. Im off, gn.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Schoi on July 06, 2015, 05:33:49 am

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Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: traxits on July 06, 2015, 06:08:27 am
No idea what you are on about Blackbird. I maintain its shitty to fight 50v30 battles, more fun for all when rosters are balanced.

Took some pics while I was up north this weekend.

To all the players fighting with us against the EU and NA Traitors.
(click to show/hide)

To Blackbird and his benedict arnolds.
(click to show/hide)

Celebrations honoring the glorious dead of New Bardaq, held at the Durquba Oasis. There is actually a lot more forest in the desert than you would think. Happy Canada Day and 4th of July!
(click to show/hide)
(click to show/hide)

and finally look at this fucking moth holy shit i thought it was a hummingbird at first.
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i want to downvote this just because of the clamato...
fuck dude do you even have a soul???
those things legit taste how i would imagine period blood to taste
you are nasty as fuck man dude ew
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Dutchydave on July 06, 2015, 08:22:15 am
Dude for like the millionth time, I'm not in fucking Acre. I was the one who was doing diplomacy with you, and again I'm not in acre.  So stop saying only acre sucks when theres like 3 other groups in the faction. Give me credit, I suck too.

Yes sorry Blackbird I should of linked you this thread for a bit of history, Tristan wasn't ever in Acre he was in House Stark an Acre Vassal. Read this thread for a quick run down:
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Tristan_of_Erzoth on July 06, 2015, 08:41:18 am
Yes sorry Blackbird I should of linked you this thread for a bit of history, Tristan wasn't ever in Acre he was in House Stark an Acre Vassal. Read this thread for a quick run down:

I was vassal of NSIV, who apparently was a vassal of James. I'm a vassals vassal, can I get lower on the food chain?
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Bryggan on July 06, 2015, 08:48:32 am
Traxits, you have no idea of the healing powers of a Ceasar ( ) during a hangover Sunday Brunch.  In fact, it can make a Sunday afternoon feel like a Friday night.  Which admittedly is a bad thing.

But Blackxbird: While I have a very strict rule not allowing King James to be part of diplomacy, it does not mean we have no respect for him.  He runs and maintains the largest active C-Rpg clan, and brings in new players constantly.  The reason for this is that he is actually a great guy.  If he was the ass-hat everyone claimed him to be, do you think he would have such a large clan that is completely loyal to him?

I don't allow him any say in diplomacy is because he can get very pissy when he feels people are 'ruining the game'.  When I attacked Acre I got a full taste of it, but fortunately I have a sense of humour so I didn't let it get to me.  And now Acre is a part of my empire.  Obviously the most loyal clan in my empire.  And when James speaks, I listen.  And when I disagree, James feels the need to let me know how stupid I am.  But when all is said and done, most people who know James like him.  Plenty of people who are his enemies said they would hang out with him for beers in real life.

So 90% of this James hate is fear-mongering.  The remaining 10% is because we owned too much land, and looked ready to get more.  I folded the Kingdoms of the North because some people would not get along with James.  Even though I separated the kingdoms so they would never have to work together.  And now they invite Europeans into the Na map and fight along with them to get 'James'.  This is unheard of.  This seems like hysteria.  When they attack the Holy chadzian Empire, they call it 'Acre'.  When they attack me, they call it 'James'.

So, BlackxBird, we hold nothing against you and your faction.  This is a war game, and it is designed for war.  Capture territories.  When you see an opportunity to expand your lands, go for it.  If we had a chance to get lands in Europe, we would have done so too.

Just lay off this anti-James bullshit.  There have been many shit-heads in this game, but fortunately they don't last long.  At least not as leaders.  But James has lasted, so apparently he's not quite the shit-head people try to claim he is.

But he's still not allowed to participate in diplomacy.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Bryggan on July 06, 2015, 08:51:59 am
Good games so far that night. won 5/5 battles. Just wodering if you guys even have something you can defend with... but let's hope for Durquba.

Good sportmanship, ol boy.  Try not be such a dick.  While we shit post, we don't gloat.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Bryggan on July 06, 2015, 09:01:48 am
Did you take some pictures of the rosters too before the battles showing that HCE have 50 applicants? Should Eques not fill their rosters when they see you have a full roster, just cos they assume 20 wont show up? It would be easier to argue whatever you're trying to argue if you did a roll call and only accepted people who were present, then your enemy would know you had roster problems, otherwise what, you think they'll just retreat from the battle when it starts cos not everyone you added turned up?
We don't bitch about rosters.  It is what it is.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Schoi on July 06, 2015, 09:03:26 am
We don't bitch about rosters.  It is what it is.

James does tho lol #gotm
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Talanarsis on July 06, 2015, 09:39:09 am

and finally look at this fucking moth holy shit i thought it was a hummingbird at first.
(click to show/hide)

There are hummingbird moths, ya know.

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Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Talanarsis on July 06, 2015, 09:40:22 am
I was vassal of NSIV, who apparently was a vassal of James. I'm a vassals vassal, can I get lower on the food chain?

I was never James' vassal. We were allies.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Schoi on July 06, 2015, 09:59:15 am
Mind blown
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Talanarsis on July 06, 2015, 10:00:10 am

fixed ^^^

Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Schoi on July 06, 2015, 10:02:06 am
fixed ^^^

I don't even know what type of computer I have
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Talanarsis on July 06, 2015, 10:23:02 am
I don't even know what type of computer I have

Okkkk.... what does that have to do with anything?
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Bryggan on July 06, 2015, 10:42:53 am
Of course it's a royal 'we'.  But, except for some times when some of our members are feeling the duress they get angry at the injustice of the world.  But then I sing them the old bardic song, and they are reinspired.  It kinda goes like this:

I wake up in the morning
And I raise my weary head
I got an old coat for a pillow
And the earth was last night's bed

I don't know where I'm going
Only God knows where I've been
I'm a devil on the run
A long sword lover
A candle in the wind

When you're brought into this world
They say you're born in sin
Well at least they gave me something
I didn't have to steal or have to win

Well they tell me that I'm wanted
Yeah I'm a wanted man
I'm colt in your stable
I'm what Cain was to Abel
Mister catch me if you can

I'm going down in a blaze of glory
Take me now but know the truth
I'm going down in a blaze of glory
Lord I never drew first
But I drew first blood
I'm no one's son
Call me young nub
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Mr.K. on July 06, 2015, 12:52:00 pm
Come on BlackBird dude, don't go full retard over some lost plates :rolleyes: And HCE give the guy some slack, he's doing most of the stuff alone; politics, getting people to merc, commanding battles, building armies, telling people where to go and then fighting every single battle from 23 to 04 in the morning. People get tired and frustrated, don't take offence on some comments.

Yesterday the first couple of sieges got really boring due to somewhat overwhelming numbers on our side. Not the 50vs30 James is trying to imply, but still 50v40. The EU guys that we've had from Grey Order and so on have done extremely well, easily doing better than 1:1 against mostly NA rosters even when we've had similar sized rosters. It's tough because we don't want to tell anyone to go and fight for the enemy, but at the same time we'd rather fight some better balanced battles...
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: BlackxBird on July 06, 2015, 01:53:52 pm
What he tried to say is:"Get moar plates nubs." Oh well I remember you guys got 1,5K plates from us^^

Btw. finally forum drama continues.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Schoi on July 06, 2015, 02:24:55 pm
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Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Voncrow on July 06, 2015, 02:34:39 pm
I'm a vassals vassal, can I get lower on the food chain?

James is a King, his Vassal would be a Duke or Earl. NSIV being a leader of a smaller faction would be a Duke. You being the Vassal of a Duke would make you an Earl or Baron, which is better than being a peasant or artisan. Plus you own your own fiefs(more than one) which makes you a super earl and more than the bottom of the Food Chain.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Voncrow on July 06, 2015, 03:11:00 pm

Well i'm from Buenos Aires and I say kill 'em all!!!!!!!

The only good Bug is a Dead Bug!
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: LordBerenger on July 06, 2015, 04:38:50 pm
NA be like

Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: BlackxBird on July 06, 2015, 05:27:22 pm
well in this war you can't personalize HCE with America in the second world war.

HCE tries to conquer their continent - they got tons of enemies - they are the biggest faction - they have a H itler (fucking forum changes H i tler to Einstein) (I think you guys know who I mean) - they already wasted tons of resources in this war.

Than they get attacked from another continent by tons of troops and than (/now) they get rekt.

Sort of really funny how that fits :D Stop saying you guys are americans. START TO BE PROUD GERMANS AND FIGHT TILL THE END :D

the only difference is that germany didn't cry. not at all.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: BlackPanda on July 06, 2015, 06:17:54 pm
We sign the U.S National Anthem on teamspeak sometimes before big battles. Its pretty amazing getting like 30+ people signing it.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: ARN_ on July 06, 2015, 06:22:43 pm
We sign the U.S National Anthem on teamspeak sometimes before big battles. Its pretty amazing getting like 30+ people signing it.
To bad you can't get that many in your battles...

Then again I guess you are better singers than fighters, not that it says much :rolleyes:
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: woody on July 06, 2015, 06:32:54 pm
This is a game with war between factions.

The nationality thing is irrelevant, you end up playing with guys you get on with irrespective of where from.

Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Yoshi on July 06, 2015, 07:44:35 pm
well in this war you can't personalize HCE with America in the second world war.

HCE tries to conquer their continent - they got tons of enemies - they are the biggest faction - they have a H itler (fucking forum changes H i tler to Einstein) (I think you guys know who I mean) - they already wasted tons of resources in this war.

Than they get attacked from another continent by tons of troops and than (/now) they get rekt.

Sort of really funny how that fits :D Stop saying you guys are americans. START TO BE PROUD GERMANS AND FIGHT TILL THE END :D

the only difference is that germany didn't cry. not at all.
Wait but you are actually a German irl and you said that Acre should be proud Germans and fight to the end... Blackbird = secret Acre vassal confirmed?
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: BlackxBird on July 06, 2015, 07:52:28 pm
I am indeed. Those battles are just expensive fief transfers :P
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Talanarsis on July 06, 2015, 08:50:27 pm
James is a King, his Vassal would be a Duke or Earl. NSIV being a leader of a smaller faction would be a Duke. You being the Vassal of a Duke would make you an Earl or Baron, which is better than being a peasant or artisan. Plus you own your own fiefs(more than one) which makes you a super earl and more than the bottom of the Food Chain.

Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: BlackxBird on July 06, 2015, 09:06:34 pm
bro nobody cares. What I've seen from so far everybody thinks james rules everything and u guys are just his slaves :D. only those ones who are involved as a leader or sth know what's going on there. But well, the "King" tag is confusing :D
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: njames89 on July 06, 2015, 10:54:11 pm
bro nobody cares. What I've seen from so far everybody thinks james rules everything and u guys are just his slaves :D. only those ones who are involved as a leader or sth know what's going on there. But well, the "King" tag is confusing :D

Moronic propaganda, HCE is a cooperative between 6 primary leaders.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: ARN_ on July 06, 2015, 11:19:43 pm
Moronic propaganda, HCE is a cooperative between 6 primary leaders.
And 90% of the players are acre and you are king of acre so...
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Schoi on July 06, 2015, 11:32:39 pm
And 90% of the players are acre and you are king of acre so...

Where'd you come up with 90%? That seems highly unbelievable.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: BlackxBird on July 06, 2015, 11:44:13 pm
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Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Guray on July 06, 2015, 11:54:49 pm
Did you take some pictures of the rosters too before the battles showing that HCE have 50 applicants? Should Eques not fill their rosters when they see you have a full roster, just cos they assume 20 wont show up? It would be easier to argue whatever you're trying to argue if you did a roll call and only accepted people who were present, then your enemy would know you had roster problems, otherwise what, you think they'll just retreat from the battle when it starts cos not everyone you added turned up?!?page=strategusinfobattleroster&id=4505
They had 1 more person on their roster!!!!
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Kadeth on July 07, 2015, 12:45:33 am




(click to show/hide)
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Balikar on July 07, 2015, 12:48:57 am
We sign the U.S National Anthem on teamspeak sometimes before big battles. Its pretty amazing getting like 30+ people signing it.

I have to tip my hat to this.  I'd be impressed if you sang it, but you sign it?  Video please!  I want split screens so I can see everyone signing!  Seriously, the hearing impaired must love you.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Bronto on July 07, 2015, 02:11:07 am
I can confirm the singing of the national anthem. We did/do this in the battles I've been in. It's that American spirit that lives within us all. Usually mcdeath finishes it with the screeching of a bald eagle and then we thank obama. True story.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: BlackxBird on July 07, 2015, 02:23:35 am
is mcdeath mcmasshole? Cuz he just applied for us  :shock:
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: mcdeath on July 07, 2015, 03:06:26 am
is mcdeath mcmasshole? Cuz he just applied for us  :shock:

Whats good fam
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: ARN_ on July 07, 2015, 03:08:42 am
is mcdeath mcmasshole? Cuz he just applied for us  :shock:
He probably wants to get on good terms with his new eu overlords
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: W0LF on July 07, 2015, 03:10:34 am
Did EU Strat get fixed?  :oops:
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: mcdeath on July 07, 2015, 03:16:27 am
He probably wants to get on good terms with his new eu overlords

Nah dude, fuck y'all. I just want don't like getting fuck in the ass.

Also it is to kind of prove a point.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: BlackxBird on July 07, 2015, 03:32:09 am
Even if it was fixed we won't turn arround and safe our fiefs in EU cuz:

1st. We still got 30 k + troops over there
2nd. We got peace/No attack pact with Grey Order (which was our only enemy)
3nd. It was not fixed. It is bugged again. Nobody will waste his troops by trying to bring a real battle unless someone tells us what is going on there.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Schoi on July 07, 2015, 03:39:36 am
To bad you can't get that many in your battles...

Then again I guess you are better singers than fighters, not that it says much :rolleyes:

me play video gam
me gud fiter
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Bryggan on July 07, 2015, 03:49:42 am
well in this war you can't personalize HCE with America in the second world war.

HCE tries to conquer their continent - they got tons of enemies - they are the biggest faction - they have a H itler (fucking forum changes H i tler to Einstein) (I think you guys know who I mean) - they already wasted tons of resources in this war.

Than they get attacked from another continent by tons of troops and than (/now) they get rekt.

Sort of really funny how that fits :D Stop saying you guys are americans. START TO BE PROUD GERMANS AND FIGHT TILL THE END :D

the only difference is that germany didn't cry. not at all.

Well come now, I wouldn't compare myself to H itler- If I was to be a German I'd be Frederick Barbarossa.  First off, I do have a red beard (look left), and second I am trying to build an empire.  And yes, I got a little aggressive.  When I proposed we attack the Hounds, James and Not So Innocent Virgin were against it, Axeman was indifferent and Tristan supported me.  As Blue was not there, I voted for him.  This made it a tie, and as Emperor I cast a final deciding vote, and so we went to war (turns out Blue was totally against the idea, but whatever- he was offline at the time).

So while we can be compared to Europeans, we are still all North Americans.  On a North American map.

That being said, I have unfortunately been sent up north again, so I won't be on too much.  Plus I forgot my mouse.  But I'll buy a new one, and will be on for the later battles still.

Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: BlackxBird on July 07, 2015, 03:56:13 am
I do not compare the guy I was talking to (like one hour) in a really friendly and a kind mood who seemed to like me too :D

I do compare it with someone rageing and crying all the time.

PS: If you remove S E M A J and add R E L T I H his name would be H itler.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Bryggan on July 07, 2015, 04:48:37 am
No, I am an evil dictator bent on world domination!  And you and I screamed at each other hatefully in TS!  So get back into character and call me a fat stupid American't and I'll you an arrogant cowardly Europenis.

Thank you for your cooperation.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: BlackxBird on July 07, 2015, 04:51:06 am
stfu damn chocolate chip cookie. l2 block and don't even try to mess with eques, you won't suceed :*

(got the message <3)
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Schoi on July 07, 2015, 05:08:23 am
stfu damn chocolate chip cookie. l2 block and don't even try to mess with eques, you won't suceed :*

(got the message <3)

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Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: BlackxBird on July 07, 2015, 05:10:10 am
Fuck you sir now im hungry. Unfortunately it's 5 AM here
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Schoi on July 07, 2015, 05:23:35 am
Fuck you sir now im hungry. Unfortunately it's 5 AM here

Become an American, call McDonalds and have them deliver.

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Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Talanarsis on July 07, 2015, 07:29:53 am
Well come now, I wouldn't compare myself to H itler- If I was to be a German I'd be Frederick Barbarossa.  First off, I do have a red beard (look left), and second I am trying to build an empire.  And yes, I got a little aggressive.  When I proposed we attack the Hounds, James and Not So Innocent Virgin were against it, Axeman was indifferent and Tristan supported me.  As Blue was not there, I voted for him.  This made it a tie, and as Emperor I cast a final deciding vote, and so we went to war (turns out Blue was totally against the idea, but whatever- he was offline at the time).

So while we can be compared to Europeans, we are still all North Americans.  On a North American map.

That being said, I have unfortunately been sent up north again, so I won't be on too much.  Plus I forgot my mouse.  But I'll buy a new one, and will be on for the later battles still.


If Bryggan and James won't be H1tler can I be him? I wanna be someone!
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Sharpe on July 07, 2015, 01:44:39 pm
If Bryggan and James won't be H1tler can I be him? I wanna be someone!

Shut up Eva Braun.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: BlackxBird on July 07, 2015, 05:03:37 pm
If Bryggan and James won't be H1tler can I be him? I wanna be someone!

this is a real question: who are u? :D
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Schoi on July 07, 2015, 05:41:00 pm
this is a real question: who are u? :D

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Lurn how 2 read duder
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: njames89 on July 07, 2015, 05:46:29 pm
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Lurn how 2 read duder

I think his first language is turkish
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: BlackxBird on July 07, 2015, 05:49:32 pm
I mean in what clan is he/she leader... tards

And btw James there are tons of turkish players who are playing strat.

Those ppl would follow me into death :)

Oh and just sayin, 5 armies of them are coming atm, I should let them attack Durquba u racist shithead.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Schoi on July 07, 2015, 06:02:15 pm
I mean in what clan is he/she leader... tards

And btw James there are tons of turkish players who are playing strat.

Those ppl would follow me into death :)

Oh and just sayin, 5 armies of them are coming atm, I should let them attack Durquba u racist shithead.

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Lurn how 2 read duder
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: BlackxBird on July 07, 2015, 06:05:25 pm
what the fuck is house stark
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: ARN_ on July 07, 2015, 06:06:31 pm
what the fuck is house stark
Don't mind them I think they are all dead
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Schoi on July 07, 2015, 06:07:40 pm
what the fuck is house stark

Game of Thrones fan made a clan.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Tristan_of_Erzoth on July 07, 2015, 07:28:47 pm
House Stark were the glorious slayers of the AFK factions of NA. Together like 5 of us stole half the map from inactive players. Shit was pretty cash. Basically half the reason HCE had so many fiefs was because we took em all from AFK dudes.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: elvis1325 on July 07, 2015, 07:38:53 pm
Ev Stark ne böyle ?

I guess they don't have Televisions where you live, no matter. One day America will westernize your inferior and pathetic excuse for a wonderful country.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: StonedSteel on July 07, 2015, 08:00:34 pm
House Stark were the glorious slayers of the AFK factions of NA. Together like 5 of us stole half the map from inactive players. Shit was pretty cash. Basically half the reason HCE had so many fiefs was because we took em all from AFK dudes.

House Stark were a bunch of pussies who refused to attack anything that looked even remotely active, Starks were pretty much Tala, and w.e. cutsi friends she had in Starks at the times. If everyone had known they would later join Acre and give them her easily-won fiefs, i doubt she would have had so many easy fights, basically noone bothered signing against her...cuz shes Tala. and everyone loves Tala.

The moment HCE ran out of afks to attack, was the moment they stopped attacking altogether...this wouldnt stop them from bitching at others who attacked afks, for by now they had grown into a DO-AS-I-SAY-NOT-AS-I-DO mega faction. no biggie, most small decent honorable factions, usually put their good qualities aside the day they turn into a empire, HCE is just another in a long line of hypocritical mega factions.

The current problems HCE is facing that other mega factions didnt have to deal with, was that other mega factions who have the same  hypocritical cuntish worldview was generally put aside and labeled "acceptable" by their enemies who remember all the hard fought battles it took to earn their factions. bunch of cunts they were ya, but they earned their fiefs and the loyalty of their mercs.

You have a empire ( HCE ) made out of AFKS' that turns into a AFK empire, who bitches at others for attacking afks, all the while bragging and beating their chest that their empire is made out of afks...then wonders why "traitors" fight against them.

its cuz we dont see it as an empire, we see this exactly how it is, and to be honest, im one of many out there, that feels Acre has been givin one chance to many, how many times must we wipe these evil creatures, only to allow them to resettle, reform their BRYGGAN, YOU ARE THE TRAITOR!

Brygg, u once wrote that u allowed Acre to resettle in the dessert because if you didnt "James and his men would have quit the game" Brygg, you had this one chance to destroy evil for ever...but the hearts of weak men, are weak, and evil has been allowed to endure.

and will continue to endure, until the day comes, when we brave lads who fight for our homeland and will not bow to this "James" and his tyranny, wipe these evil trading afk bastards from the earth, once...and for all...

( lack of italics cuz im not RPING,,,that is the official TRUE fucking story of whats going down here )
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: StonedSteel on July 07, 2015, 08:05:27 pm

pfff they all fucking die...and find out, they all fucking dont, jon's alive, stannis alive, Sandor alive, Gregor alive..(kinda), fucking, Obryn alive ( okay, not him THAT NIGGA'S DEAD ) fucking Catelyn stark still alive, fucking Eddard ( in my memories..IT FUCKING COUNTS OKAY!!)

but the best...Aegon still alive,,,or is he? maybe he's not Aegon, maybe he's really Illyrios son, which would make him a blackfrye, Vary's nephew to be exact

( lol just a heads up to you show watchers that think you will be spoiling things for book, the books may not be out, but we know whats gonna happen, there is nothing you lads will ever spoil for us, and we could spoil things for you...that would blow ur mind )
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: BlackPanda on July 07, 2015, 08:06:10 pm
lol I know what house stark is in GoT but I did not know what it is in crpg. btw for all those who haven't allready seen the 5th season: I'm a huge cunt. There you go

And now you see why no one likes your fugly german ass.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: BlackxBird on July 07, 2015, 08:11:14 pm
you are the germans. Don't forget that.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: BlackPanda on July 07, 2015, 08:12:29 pm
you are the germans. Don't forget that.
no, you are actually german. Retard.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Tristan_of_Erzoth on July 07, 2015, 08:13:33 pm
you are the germans. Don't forget that.

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Then explain THIS!
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Voncrow on July 07, 2015, 08:24:31 pm
Nein, sind Sie tatsächlich Deutsch. Retard .

My poor german translating skills lead me to believe he is shit talking you blackbird.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Tristan_of_Erzoth on July 07, 2015, 08:34:02 pm
My poor german translating skills lead me to believe he is shit talking you blackbird.

Wow good job stealing the Yoshi's joke 10/10
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Voncrow on July 07, 2015, 08:36:44 pm
Wow gute Arbeit stehlen die Yoshis Witz 10/10

It seems he disapproves of my attempts to translate.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: BlackxBird on July 07, 2015, 08:40:40 pm
don't fuck with germans voncrow, they will come home to you and rape your mother and kill your father :o shh let's hide in bardaq till they calm down :o
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: BlackPanda on July 07, 2015, 08:40:54 pm
Im tatsächlich verzögert und Liebe Hahn.
Oh Voncrow, i am ze better german translator here.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Voncrow on July 07, 2015, 09:16:57 pm
Zumindest meine mutter sehen nicht wie ein schwein. That took all my remaining knowledge of german to muster sadly.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Rando on July 07, 2015, 10:27:20 pm
Zumindest meine mutter sehen nicht wie ein schwein. That took all my remaining knowledge of german to muster sadly.

Hello m'Sir, I see you are a student of language too! I would take this moment to tip my fedora to you and your clear mastery of Google Translate.

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Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: BlackxBird on July 07, 2015, 10:52:33 pm
okay 230 replies to go. Than this thread has the most replies in the diplomatic forum. GO GO. I trust in you guys.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: mcdeath on July 07, 2015, 10:55:27 pm
okay 230 replies to go. Than this thread has the most replies in the diplomatic forum. GO GO. I trust in you guys.

HCE get your first victory over Eu and stop posting in this thread.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Tristan_of_Erzoth on July 07, 2015, 10:58:27 pm
HCE get your first victory over Eu and stop posting in this thread.
We've beaten them twice at Bardaq. 2:15 is about the average HCE members K/D so overall pretty good war for us
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Sharpe on July 08, 2015, 12:01:04 am
We've beaten them twice at Bardaq. 2:15 is about the average HCE members K/D so overall pretty good war for us

Wait 2 Kills for every 15 deaths? I don't think thats a good K/D. I do hope you mean 1.5 deaths.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Schoi on July 08, 2015, 12:02:18 am
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Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: StonedSteel on July 08, 2015, 12:08:43 am
We've beaten them twice at Bardaq. 2:15 is about the average HCE members K/D so overall pretty good war for us

this is the one and only time i enjoy Anders antics...idk if hes still around or still number crunching and im not about to do the actual math myself...but ill give u a quick bit of info to help you break out of w.e. delusional fantasy you live in.

your down 2 cities and 3 castles, ( soon to be 4-5 castles?) 1 city you did not lose from conquest...but still, you are down two cities then u started with ...thats fucking huge...haha i mean, HUGE bro, and again, im not gonna do all the numbers...but you lost a castle siege and only killed off 300 tickets...u also lost a city siege A FUCKING only 700 tickets of ours...these are NOT good numbers bro, i have not seen such one sided kd rapes since Jack1 put Occ\Hosp to shame at the now infamous Derchios battles.

youve "defended" Bardaq twice. taking a castle in 3 attacks, is pretty good. taking a city in one fucking try losing under 1000 very very VERY bad for defenders.

i mean, its perhaps thee most embarrassing city loss, possibly ever, idk, its pretty fucking bad though.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Tristan_of_Erzoth on July 08, 2015, 12:12:36 am
this is the one and only time i enjoy Anders antics...idk if hes still around or still number crunching and im not about to do the actual math myself...but ill give u a quick bit of info to help you break out of w.e. delusional fantasy you live in.

your down 2 cities and 3 castles, ( soon to be 4-5 castles?) 1 city you did not lose from conquest...but still, you are down two cities then u started with ...thats fucking huge...haha i mean, HUGE bro, and again, im not gonna do all the numbers...but you lost a castle siege and only killed off 300 tickets...u also lost a city siege A FUCKING only 700 tickets of ours...these are NOT good numbers bro, i have not seen such one sided kd rapes since Jack1 put Occ\Hosp to shame at the now infamous Derchios battles.

youve "defended" Bardaq twice. taking a castle in 3 attacks, is pretty good. taking a city in one fucking try losing under 1000 very very VERY bad for defenders.

i mean, its perhaps thee most embarrassing city loss, possibly ever, idk, its pretty fucking bad though.

Thats what happens when mercs dont show up and the sides are literally ~100 vs 30. And bro you've been going barely 1:1 kd in every battle you've been in so dont brag too hard
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: StonedSteel on July 08, 2015, 12:24:35 am
Thats what happens when mercs dont show up and the sides are literally ~100 vs 30. And bro you've been going barely 1:1 kd in every battle you've been in so dont brag too hard

100 vs 30 huh...ya okay,,,first off, use the real numbers, and second, dont bitch that ur unpopular, if you cant get good rosters, thats really not our problem now is it?

and, tris just lol, i havent been playing or trying in nearly a month kid, when was the last time u saw me with a non troll char? i gave up trying, this game is bad and lame, and im done trying to be "great" at it...still, even without trying im better than most acre players lol, so predicable to easy to block \ kill, the fact i can even get a positive KD at lvl 30 is good enough for me.

and trust me tris, u want me this way, retiring instead of playing, lol i look for people to talk shit with and compete with...maybe i wont retire this time...and stay grinding past 34...

i mean the last time i fought u lads when i was actually AT lvl 34

i went bout dem plum's?
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Voncrow on July 08, 2015, 12:25:44 am
Hello m'Sir, I see you are a student of language too! I would take this moment to tip my fedora to you and your clear mastery of Google Translate.

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Fun fact, google translate is a good way to show you don't know a language. Clear to anyone who speaks the language.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: BlackxBird on July 08, 2015, 12:26:20 am
In Ahmerad you guys had only 10 less players TO DEFEND A FUCKING CITY

Under my command I defended cities with 15 players less against Grey Order and greys were/are better players than we are and they had better gear.

It is not our fault you guys go full retard and CAMP IN A FUCKING TOWER. no idea who gave u that order, but that's the last thing you guys should do in a siege. No, you should not ever do that, no matter what.

At all there should be no way in taking a castle/city if the enemy has gear. NO FUCKING WAY. And we allready took many from you, but I won't judge you till we come to Durquba.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: BlackxBird on July 08, 2015, 12:29:16 am
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I had by far the best K/D even though I was fighting with a fucking cracked two handed axe and a -2 armor on me. It was almost positive. So don't fucking wonder why we fuck you guys when there are tons of players like me in the enemy team. It is not the roster we got. We got the skill, even though our shit ping and for sure our NA supporters are really great players too
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Tristan_of_Erzoth on July 08, 2015, 12:37:07 am
I had by far the best K/D
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wut literally every player on the enemy team had a better K/D then you
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Lt_Anders on July 08, 2015, 12:43:49 am
100 vs 30 huh...ya okay,,,first off, use the real numbers, and second, dont bitch that ur unpopular, if you cant get good rosters, thats really not our problem now is it?

and, tris just lol, i havent been playing or trying in nearly a month kid, when was the last time u saw me with a non troll char? i gave up trying, this game is bad and lame, and im done trying to be "great" at it...still, even without trying im better than most acre players lol, so predicable to easy to block \ kill, the fact i can even get a positive KD at lvl 30 is good enough for me.

and trust me tris, u want me this way, retiring instead of playing, lol i look for people to talk shit with and compete with...maybe i wont retire this time...and stay grinding past 34...

i mean the last time i fought u lads when i was actually AT lvl 34

i went bout dem plum's?

I'm still here. I don't do the number crunching anymore. You can do it real easy now from the site.
(Search Libere here to see the numbers. HCE has lost only 49% of their troops.)



(Actual links don't work, only goes to general list. Search Libere in EU and Holy in NA and look at the bloody Difference.)

Basically, Libere Equites have 15X the gold and 5 times the troops as the HCE just in EU alone. Why I want EU to fuck off. You can't attack them and they can just keep doing whatever(and I mean it. You can't attack at all in EU, so their fiefs are completely safe from any retribution), and as was said earlier, the only other EU faction is allied to them basically.

So, Pointless war. Always has been.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Schoi on July 08, 2015, 01:49:28 am
I had by far the best K/D even though I was fighting with a fucking cracked two handed axe and a -2 armor on me. It was almost positive. So don't fucking wonder why we fuck you guys when there are tons of players like me in the enemy team. It is not the roster we got. We got the skill, even though our shit ping and for sure our NA supporters are really great players too

I'm not saying you're bad or good. I'm just saying you caused 9/11
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: W0LF on July 08, 2015, 01:51:35 am
GG fun siege!
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Voncrow on July 08, 2015, 01:52:11 am
I'm still here. I don't do the number crunching anymore. You can do it real easy now from the site.
(Search Libere here to see the numbers. HCE has lost only 49% of their troops.)



(Actual links don't work, only goes to general list. Search Libere in EU and Holy in NA and look at the bloody Difference.)

Basically, Libere Equites have 15X the gold and 5 times the troops as the HCE just in EU alone. Why I want EU to fuck off. You can't attack them and they can just keep doing whatever(and I mean it. You can't attack at all in EU, so their fiefs are completely safe from any retribution), and as was said earlier, the only other EU faction is allied to them basically.

So, Pointless war. Always has been.

Do you think HCE would attack EU? I've barely seen them attack in NA.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Schoi on July 08, 2015, 01:56:25 am
Do you think HCE would attack EU? I've barely seen them attack in NA.

Based on the previous battles and amount of Acre people leaving, and rarely ever playing this mod. Do you think so?
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Tristan_of_Erzoth on July 08, 2015, 01:56:44 am
Do you think HCE would attack EU? I've barely seen them attack in NA.

The bezerks have done what, 2 attacks? According to the charts that confirms it. HCE has done 39 attacks. Literally almost half the attacks WOTN has done.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: BlackxBird on July 08, 2015, 02:03:32 am
Tristan I wanted to say that I got the best kd in my team. By far.

And just saying: We did not expect HCE to win in this war.

And the reason why we brought Grey Order with us is:

If we go to NA and EU gets fixed ---- Eques gets rekt by Grey Order
If we go to NA and EU gets fixed ---- Grey would apply against us

We are players. We are conqueror. We are fucking no honor bitches doing whatever's needed to win.

Some ppl allready came to NA and fucked it up cuz they tried to get too much. That's what I learned from H itler:

1. Never go full retard
2. Don't go 1 vs all
3. Don't kill jews cuz god will judge ya.

We are probably the first clan that comes here without the wantage of conquering the whole world. We will take the desert and the northern part. The rest is uppon our allies to do
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Voncrow on July 08, 2015, 02:09:38 am
The bezerks have done what, 2 attacks? According to the charts that confirms it. HCE has done 39 attacks. Literally almost half the attacks WOTN has done.

I just look through your 39 attacks. Wanna guess how impressive they were? Most of them is 1000+ armies attacking villages or field battles of 300  or less. You've done 4 serious battles as far as I can tell. When you besieged Nova Slezkh and New Reindi are the only relevant sieges you actually done. So maybe you besiege more than two castles before you start patting yourself on the back about how aggressive you are.

More than that Berzerks isn't exactly the most fearsome strat machine and I'd hate to even compare myself to them if I was the biggest faction NA, but hey, that's just me.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Tristan_of_Erzoth on July 08, 2015, 02:20:05 am
I just look through your 39 attacks. Wanna guess how impressive they were? Most of them is 1000+ armies attacking villages or field battles of 300  or less. You've done 4 serious battles as far as I can tell. When you besieged Nova Slezkh and New Reindi are the only relevant sieges you actually done. So maybe you besiege more than two castles before you start patting yourself on the back about how aggressive you are.

More than that Berzerks isn't exactly the most fearsome strat machine and I'd hate to even compare myself to them if I was the biggest faction NA, but hey, that's just me.
We sieged Sungetche, Nova  Uhhun, and Durrin(like 5 times). So sure we've only sieged 2 castles
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: njames89 on July 08, 2015, 02:22:07 am
I just look through your 39 attacks. Wanna guess how impressive they were? Most of them is 1000+ armies attacking villages or field battles of 300  or less. You've done 4 serious battles as far as I can tell. When you besieged Nova Slezkh and New Reindi are the only relevant sieges you actually done. So maybe you besiege more than two castles before you start patting yourself on the back about how aggressive you are.

More than that Berzerks isn't exactly the most fearsome strat machine and I'd hate to even compare myself to them if I was the biggest faction NA, but hey, that's just me.

You are wrong.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Schoi on July 08, 2015, 02:32:57 am
James I wanted to say that I got the best kd in my team. By far.

And just saying: We did not expect HCE to win in this war.

And the reason why we brought Grey Order with us is:

If we go to NA and EU gets fixed ---- Eques gets rekt by Grey Order
If we go to NA and EU gets fixed ---- Grey would apply against us

We are players. We are conqueror. We are fucking no honor bitches doing whatever's needed to win.

Some ppl allready came to NA and fucked it up cuz they tried to get too much. That's what I learned from einstein:

1. Never go full retard
2. Don't go 1 vs all
3. Don't kill jews cuz god will judge ya.

We are probably the first clan that comes here without the wantage of conquering the whole world. We will take the desert and the northern part. The rest is uppon our allies to do

Probably one of the worst posts I've ever seen. In any forum, in any game.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: BlackxBird on July 08, 2015, 02:38:17 am
I'm sorry :(

teach me

Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Schoi on July 08, 2015, 02:51:48 am
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Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: StonedSteel on July 08, 2015, 02:53:11 am
I'm sorry :(

teach me


right so, basically, just make up a bunch of random shit, and when you get called out on it, just say "nou"

again, im no expert at troll \ mmo speak, its an interesting language, and took me ages just to get the understanding of how NOU works.
there is plenty more though, an entire dictionary of made up words and terms ranging from sperglord to QQer.

you see, when a species DEvolves, they no longer understand how real words work or how to make them, and are, unfortunately brought back to their base primitive language, which is not truly a language, but rather a serious of differentiating grunts, used in rhythm to project various sounds, which are understood only by the primitive apes encountered within that particular region.

for more information about these fascinating creatures visit NA 1 today and observe them in their natural habitat.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: sLaughterino on July 08, 2015, 02:54:58 am
ITT: self-important nerds jacking off over their make-believe empires and conquests.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: cup457 on July 08, 2015, 03:57:45 am
I wonder whats worse, Schois bundle of sticksy maymays or plumbo slamming his hands repeatedly on his keyboard until letters come out
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Bryggan on July 08, 2015, 04:06:34 am
A quick history lesson:

Strat was supposed to end.

I was rebuilding my merc army when Goretooth of LCO attacked the third member of my 3 man faction, thinking he was going to reinforce Jack_1.  I went for revenge, but Goretooth quit by the time I got there.  We took villages trying to draw him out, and finally found him in a crime fief with 100 men.  I attacked and took his gear.

The Wardens of the North kept on attacing LCO, even though they were AFK.  I found that boring, so I attacked Acre, the only remaining active faction.

The Starks went on an AFK attacking Rampage, thinking strat was finished and thought it would be funny to grab a lot of lands.

Acre surrendered, and joined my 'Kingdoms of the North' faction.  We attacked Dutchy, and he surrendered and joined us.

We attacked the Wardens, the last strong faction (Starks were just dicking about).

Dutchy and sJimmy rebelled with big clump of armies donated by the euros, so I rage quit (as I promised sJimmy I would do).  I do kind of regret it now.  After that, Acre got kicked out of the steppes.

Starks start playing more seriously, get attacked by the Wardens while Dutchy declares 'eternal war' on Acre.  Starks surrender, I marry Not So Innocent Virgin, and I bring Acre, Merchants of Curaw, Starks and C-Bots into one empire.  We fight Dutchy, but with his weekday NTS and sometimes forgetting to change it on the weekends, no one wants to attack him much.

The Curaw incident happens, and HCE goes to war with the Wardens.  To make things more interesting, I bully the council into going to war with the Hounds as well.


And most castles or cities were taken with one or two sieges, except that hell hole Durrin.  And yes, we have always admitted our average fighter isn't as good as most of our enemies.  But we won some and we lost some.  And we had fun.

Plus we would have attacked more, but it takes a while to build up armies.  Especially when NA autobalance was fucked up and people couldn't handle more than two or three rounds before they left in disgust. Plus I was against the idea of people having to hand over their hard earned troops to other people.  Anyone who built an army should be able to use it.

Remember, we were trying to get people into strat, so we thought we'd try make it fun for them.  So we ran our faction a lot more casually- for us people enjoying the game was more important than winning.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Sharpe on July 08, 2015, 04:32:58 am
A quick history lesson:


Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: StonedSteel on July 08, 2015, 04:49:11 am
a whole bunch or words

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Brygg, i dont see how u dont get this...we've BEEN over this, and if u lads are gonna blame WOTN for my actions ( which u did )...then it should go without saying that the sins of your faction mates are yours as well

lol, i KNOW the whole history of it all, if you can find me a post that i said wrong or incorrect things, id love to see it.

Starks are part of HCE? yes or no?
HCE ( fief wise ) is a empire built out of Stark fiefs that were gained almost ENTIRELY from afk fights. yes or no?
HCE ( player wise ) is a empire built out of mostly Acre players IE the majority of the empires active player base, is from one clan. yes or no?

so again, what you have, is basically an entire empire made up of fiefs that were earned by attacking afks, which is slowly yet surly ( once again ) being dissolved due to one clan.
Acre has been given enough chances, you yourself gave them one more chance then you really should have Brygg, and i told you WAY WAY back when you first allowed Acre to join you.
I wrote to you then, as a friend, begging you, for the fun times we had running with Jack, i begged you not to join\ let Acre join u....and i DID fully warn you, what would happen if that came to pass...
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: cup457 on July 08, 2015, 04:53:52 am
im glad im not sober enough to read all this shit posting
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Voncrow on July 08, 2015, 05:09:48 am
What I said was true of the faction the Holy chadzian Empire, you guys have said that the actions of your members previous to your forming was irrelevent, I guess that doesn't include attacks.

Sorry, misread the battle archives, although above is true for some of the battles tristan pointed out and what others might.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: cup457 on July 08, 2015, 05:13:35 am
Lord Cup looked around. The smells was disgusting, and there were many bodies piled everywhere. "Too many bodies," he thought "many of my servants died today, too many." More of the battle were of Lord Cups enemies but his allies were piled too. On the walls, in the streets. Nova Curaw would not quite be the same and it would be a while before it recovered. Lord Cup stood on the walls looking at the sunset. In the distance he could see many people moving, maybe more enemies? However the fighting was over for today and since so many died, there was more than enough wine to go around and he had a quota to meet. Cup turned around, only thinking of the taste of the wine that awaited him....
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Schoi on July 08, 2015, 05:45:04 am
y u guys typ rly long stooped shit stoof?
me no wan 2 read dat shit, iz ghei
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Balikar on July 08, 2015, 05:48:05 am
The bezerks have done what, 2 attacks? According to the charts that confirms it. HCE has done 39 attacks. Literally almost half the attacks WOTN has done.

Given the number of your active player base, the number of your attacks is quite poor over such a large time base. 
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Jona on July 08, 2015, 06:03:02 am
We sieged Sungetche, Nova  Uhhun, and Durrin(like 5 times). So sure we've only sieged 2 castles

Don't go confusing what you've accomplished as separate entities with what you've accomplished as an empire. As the HCE, you've only sieged Durrin once. You never attacked Uhhun (save for a fief transfer), nor did you siege Sungetche. Maybe those things were done by Acre or the Starks, but not by the HCE.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Bryggan on July 08, 2015, 06:09:44 am

lol, i KNOW the whole history of it all, if you can find me a post that i said wrong or incorrect things, id love to see it.

Starks are part of HCE? yes or no?
HCE ( fief wise ) is a empire built out of Stark fiefs that were gained almost ENTIRELY from afk fights. yes or no?
HCE ( player wise ) is a empire built out of mostly Acre players IE the majority of the empires active player base, is from one clan. yes or no?
Um, yes, yes, and I'd guess maybe yes- could count them I guess.  But at least half.

But Tristan admitted they attacked AFK fiefs.  They did it because, what the hell, strat was over.  But my point is that whenever I was in command, it rarely happened.  Starks as a faction and Acre as a faction are different than HCE as a faction.

And, yes, I know you begged me to reconsider.  And you meant me well.  But I wanted to do what was best for the game.  Fighting with Acre brought many people back to the game- mainly to try kill them.  But it brought people back.  And on average, the sides have been even.  And we all had fun (when we weren't raging). So I won.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: sJimmy on July 08, 2015, 07:06:48 am
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Dutchy and I told you if James didn't quit with his BS, we would rebel.  Besides, he disobeyed your order and became a traitor at the handover of Nova Curaw. And you let the traitor live and thus we rebel. And the army's we had where ours. Nothing was donated from the EUs.  You are right we did have eternal war on Acre. But when HCE was formed that war ended. We told you that. HCE started most of its wars. They attacked LL, Squids aka Calamari attacked a village or something of HCE due to it once belonged by Squids, Breserks attacked HCE due its homeland but HCE got them back, then HCE declared war on HoC, and entered WoM land without asking and got attacked. Most of these events where transgressions that you or HCE started.

And Plumbo hit it head on the nail. You have an Empire that was built by Stark's that attacked AFK fiefs, And Acre has been almost wiped this is now the 3rd or 4th time due to factions giveing mercy, well Now they are going to get wiped. Its like they kind of had this coming eh?
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: njames89 on July 08, 2015, 03:03:42 pm
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Dutchy and I told you if James didn't quit with his BS, we would rebel.  Besides, he disobeyed your order and became a traitor at the handover of Nova Curaw. And you let the traitor live and thus we rebel. And the army's we had where ours. Nothing was donated from the EUs.  You are right we did have eternal war on Acre. But when HCE was formed that war ended. We told you that. HCE started most of its wars. They attacked LL, Squids aka Calamari attacked a village or something of HCE due to it once belonged by Squids, Breserks attacked HCE due its homeland but HCE got them back, then HCE declared war on HoC, and entered WoM land without asking and got attacked. Most of these events where transgressions that you or HCE started.

And Plumbo hit it head on the nail. You have an Empire that was built by Stark's that attacked AFK fiefs, And Acre has been almost wiped this is now the 3rd or 4th time due to factions giveing mercy, well Now they are going to get wiped. Its like they kind of had this coming eh?

lol you backstabbed us in Kingdoms of the North because you are a greedy selfish cunt, and you didn't want to work for your gains in strategus.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Dutchydave on July 08, 2015, 03:22:48 pm
lol you backstabbed us in Kingdoms of the North because you are a greedy selfish cunt, and you didn't want to work for your gains in strategus.

That is a pretty damn hypocritical statement to say the least  :shock:
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: njames89 on July 08, 2015, 03:25:16 pm
It is sad that you would throw your faction mates efforts for months in strategus down the drain, for a little personal gain.

I would say glory but it is impossible to achieve glory by the route you have chosen.  :lol:
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: StonedSteel on July 08, 2015, 03:28:37 pm
maybe...i mean, it seems plausible...greed is greed after all...but there is a flaw in ur argument, and it goes all the way Kesh


there are people on this list that absolutely hate each other, and wouldnt agree on anything.

how many people broke off their relations with Acre "for reasons of greed and gain"

theres a post ya, way way back, of James presenting Kesh with a medal for all that he did to help acre...interesting how it all turned out.
then unholy turned out the exact same way, and said the exact same things about you james.

...what makes more sense, that there is some great james conspiracy and we all lie and make shit up about him?

or is it more likely that the reason different people are saying similar things, is because its true?

i used to get along with u...but u refused to see your clan for what it was, a bunch of trolls, \ internet bullies.
and idc that ur lads mock me for the shit i do, what u have to understand is some do, sugar for instance.

so, u have a clan of assholes, and a leader that has worked with multiple people, and every single one of those people, have said the same mean things about u and ur clan...i dont think they are being mean, and i dont think they're being greedy, i think they are telling the truth

and the truth is, imo, Acre is getting what was coming to them...
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Dutchydave on July 08, 2015, 03:32:05 pm
It is sad that you would throw your faction mates efforts for months in strategus down the drain, for a little personal gain.

I would say glory but it is impossible to achieve glory by the route you have chosen.  :lol:

Jimmy took glory when he transferred Curaw to Bryggan and took Tulga in one wave in the final minute in arguably the most epic battle of Strat 5. Hardly what anyone would call "back stabbing"  :rolleyes:
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: njames89 on July 08, 2015, 03:33:53 pm
Long generic plumbo propaganda

No matter how much BS all the haters spew. Acre is a clan focused on helping people play crpg and get started, and being loyal to one another after. I get a lot of hate for leading this group, but I don't care. You will never get rid of me, and you will never stop Acre.

Jimmy took glory when he transferred Curaw to Bryggan and took Tulga in one wave in the final minute in arguably the most epic battle of Strat 5. Hardly what anyone would call "back stabbing"  :rolleyes:

Jimmy is a vulture, like yourself dutchy. You could never kill us on your own. But maybe if you have everyone else do your fighting you can come find some rotting scraps.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: njames89 on July 08, 2015, 03:39:51 pm
No matter what everyone that isn't Acre has to say, Acre is perfect and blameless and much-loved by everyone

There is literally nothing any of us can do about the propaganda you guys hear, and whether you fall for it. Come talk to me anytime in ts.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: BlackxBird on July 08, 2015, 03:43:12 pm
lol you blame others to make propaganda?

I could quote atleast 50 replies only in this thread where you guys went full retard and were like "MURRRICAAAA".
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: njames89 on July 08, 2015, 03:44:16 pm
lol you blame others to make propaganda?

I could quote atleast 50 replies only in this thread where you guys went full retard and were like "MURRRICAAAA".

In america it is called a joke
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: BlackxBird on July 08, 2015, 03:52:02 pm
the funny thing is:

If I was posting einstein shit you guys wouldn't understand it's an joke, so why should I take that retard shit as an joke? It wasn't funny and it did not help you guys at all.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: njames89 on July 08, 2015, 03:52:50 pm
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Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: BlackxBird on July 08, 2015, 03:58:09 pm
james you should really thing about joining Krems or Hobos.

btw. they have no skill requirement ;)
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: njames89 on July 08, 2015, 04:03:52 pm
james you should really thing about joining Krems or Hobos.

I would think* about it but I already have a great clan full of awesome people  8-)

It isn't going anywhere so I imagine I will stick around.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: karasu on July 08, 2015, 04:12:56 pm
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Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Tristan_of_Erzoth on July 08, 2015, 04:46:46 pm
Black bird you do realize Einstein was an American right?
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: BlackxBird on July 08, 2015, 04:56:14 pm
forum changes H I T L E R to einstein.

and btw einstein was german u fool.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Schoi on July 08, 2015, 05:25:43 pm
james you should really thing about joining Krems or Hobos.

btw. they have no skill requirement ;)

Just like Eques, all you have to do is agree to fight with them against HCE. No skill required
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Bronto on July 08, 2015, 05:30:12 pm
Just like Eques, all you have to do is agree to fight with them against HCE. No skill required
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Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Tristan_of_Erzoth on July 08, 2015, 07:27:12 pm
forum changes H I T L E R to einstein.

and btw einstein was german u fool.

Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: BlackxBird on July 08, 2015, 07:37:07 pm
He was born in Germany, and in this time I wouldn't be proud being a german either.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: njames89 on July 08, 2015, 07:40:59 pm
He was born in Germany, and in this time I wouldn't be proud being a german either.

You don't have to hide your true self blackbird we know.

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Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: ARN_ on July 08, 2015, 07:49:24 pm
You don't have to hide your true self blackbird we know.

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(click to show/hide)
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Tristan_of_Erzoth on July 08, 2015, 07:57:42 pm
He was born in Germany, and in this time I wouldn't be proud being a german either.

Someone coming from Europe and renouncing their old countries citizenship and getting an American one is like as American as it gets dude.

(click to show/hide)

That movie was fuckin great
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: BlackxBird on July 08, 2015, 08:06:49 pm
Well he had to do the decission:

1. Gas Chamber
2. America

Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: xxkaliboyx on July 08, 2015, 08:08:27 pm
No matter how much BS all the haters spew. Acre is a clan focused on helping people play crpg and get started, and being loyal to one another after. I get a lot of hate for leading this group, but I don't care. You will never get rid of me, and you will never stop Acre.

Jimmy is a vulture, like yourself dutchy. You could never kill us on your own. But maybe if you have everyone else do your fighting you can come find some rotting scraps.

I respect this post. I can only imagine how difficult it must be to be a leader of individuals. I hope Acre does not go anywhere. When it all comes down to it, we all have a common love/hate relationship with Crpg. It is expected to have a difference in views by such a wide range of personalities from both sides of the world. James, take it as fear and respect. It comes with being number 1 usually.
I been fighting Acre since my TKoV/Squid days and I could say they have come a long way. I remember they not being thought of as a threat. Great respect for you guys and enjoy fighting against you guys for so long. Glad to hear you guys will stick around for a while. Wouldn't want it any other way.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: StonedSteel on July 08, 2015, 08:42:18 pm we go ( yup, its lunch time ) seriously...James, take it as fear and respect. ya man, its true bro, u are thee most feared player out, and ur clan full of amazing players is truly terrifying to face on the battlefield.
also...heres the thing about people actively looking for recruits, its one thing if someone is looking for a clan and u offer them a spot...its a complete diff story to aggressively recruit people...i used to do it TOO! anyone who looked new "HEY! u wanna join a clan!"

this is cuz i got a huge kick out of being leader of a 70 man clan.

ROFL. ^ that one i could be completely wrong about, its possible...what fallows however is not debatable, u cant debate facts, if something is a fact, its 100% unarguably true.

how many fucking times am i gonna have to make the same post twice, plz look up wtf propaganda means...i i gonna have to YES OR NO? u fucks on everything?

you were once allies with kesh, unholy, and dutch....yes or no?
your allies all ended up saying pretty mean hateful things about u...yes or no?
even though its all from completely different people, they all say the exact same thing about james...coincidence...yes or no?

acre was\ is a clan of bullies...yes or no? ill give u a hand with this one...the night u non stop bitched at me for attacking godwin, we pretty much settled our differences that night after u asked me politely "stop hating on my clan for no reason"

do u remember the VERY NEXT THING THAT HAPPENED???? lol it couldnt have been timed more perfectly...Joan jumps on, and starts mocking Asheram like " how can u play this for so long and be so bad" and he didnt stop with just one comment.

"stop hating on my clan for no reason" thats like saying "there is no reason to hit a women" i fucking get that u dont do it...BUT TO SAY THERES NO REASON???!?!

bro, people dont just wake up like "huh, its tuesday, the official i hate acre day" action reaction bro, nobody hates nothing, for NO REASON. u know my reasons, and u can call them propaganda all u want, that doesnt make my points any less true
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: elvis1325 on July 08, 2015, 08:48:21 pm
bro, people dont just wake up like "huh, its tuesday, the official i hate acre day" action reaction bro, nobody hates nothing, for NO REASON.

That is Yoshi foreign policy in a nutshell.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: BlackxBird on July 08, 2015, 09:18:14 pm
Well Red and Prince Matthew are coming now for Jameyyed castle. Go, bring it on. Show us if you guys can actually attack something.
Let's do some field battles  :twisted: :twisted:
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: BlackPanda on July 08, 2015, 09:44:42 pm
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Plumbo typing his response.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: BlackxBird on July 08, 2015, 10:01:34 pm
Could plz prince matthew change his night time settings?
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Goretooth on July 08, 2015, 10:09:25 pm
No matter how much BS all the haters spew. Acre is a clan focused on helping people play crpg and get started, and being loyal to one another after. I get a lot of hate for leading this group, but I don't care. You will never get rid of me, and you will never stop Acre.

Jimmy is a vulture, like yourself dutchy. You could never kill us on your own. But maybe if you have everyone else do your fighting you can come find some rotting scraps.
Having been allied in the past with dutchy, Sjimmy, and james i gotta say this is spot on. Give those traitors and backstabbers hell James.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: xxkaliboyx on July 08, 2015, 11:04:43 pm we go ( yup, its lunch time )


That my AOL screen name. Hit me up on AOL IM Plumbo. We can gossip about crpg players and what is hot or not this week.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: sJimmy on July 08, 2015, 11:12:56 pm
James if I was such a greedy person, they why did I make sure Nova Curaw was in Bryggan hands and armed to the tooth. If I'm such a backstabbing person I would of kept it and then rebel and attacked.

And I don't think anyone is full on hating the clan Acre. It has some goods members some bad members but so does every other clan. I think its more of your choices as leader has led your clan down this road to what has happen in strat.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: StonedSteel on July 09, 2015, 01:40:51 am
ROFL Deserter!!! my bad man, somehow i didnt notice ur name, but ya, i know ya now, ma bad.

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Plumbo typing his response.

goddamn it...always with this GIF...i mean, i wouldnt care so much..BUT THEY NEVER SHOW MY FUCKING FEET!!!

i start stamping and stomping so fucking autistically, it puts hard core drummers to shame...y...y must they always show the arms...never the legs, the fucking legs thrashing about wildly is just as symbolic with nerd rage as the wailing of arms onto keyboards


( somewhere out there, Arms\Legs the player, is giggling softly )
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: StonedSteel on July 09, 2015, 01:41:25 am
now back to acre

fuck acre

now off to soup

cuz im hungry.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Bryggan on July 09, 2015, 03:03:14 am
James if I was such a greedy person, they why did I make sure Nova Curaw was in Bryggan hands and armed to the tooth. If I'm such a backstabbing person I would of kept it and then rebel and attacked.

And I don't think anyone is full on hating the clan Acre. It has some goods members some bad members but so does every other clan. I think its more of your choices as leader has led your clan down this road to what has happen in strat.

I don't think it was because you were greedy.  Yes, you did give Curaw back, which was decent.

And I was always ready for a rebellion- I asked the Wardens for peace in case I convicted James of treason as I expected a civil war.

What bugged me was that I could do nothing to keep the peace between you guys.  In hindsight, I realize that you were going to rebel no matter what for the simple fact that you refused to be in a faction with James.  I was pissed that people just couldn't put stupid ingame hatreds behind them.  We all gotta work with dick hats sooner or later; just get over it and move on.

And I know what James is like when you don't do what he expects.  Remember, I left Acre, and then later I attacked it.  Can you imagine all the messages I got?  But rather than get all pissy, I just chuckled and said, "Oh, that James," and left it at that.  We all get pissy, and I know I wrote some shit posts (usually when I was drunk and just lost an important battle or things didn't quite go my way).  So when people do it to me, I get over it.

So I rage quit that time not so much because you rebelled- which we could have turned into some good RP; plus there was a good chance we could have won (you didn't have 30,000+ shiny troops I believe).  No I rage quit because you hated James more than you loved me :cry:

And, speaking of RP:

The sun had set, yet the column of riders plodded on.  Their shiny armour was blackened with soot, and the horses' hooves were muffled with rags

"I tell you, this is the life," Bryggan said cheerfully, "I remember back in the Squid and Acre war, while most of the traders went all the way around through Acre's allied lands, past Sargoth and Ismirila Castle, I was one of the few that dared risk the Squid blockade."

"This seems like an unnecessary risk", his companion said, "and at that time you were just a mercenary.  Now you are Emperor.  A bit more of a prize should you be captured."

"Nonsense," Bryggan laughed, "Did we have any trouble getting to New Weyyah castle?"

"We were too late- it was already besieged.  Plus you were lucky.  There were two armies camped there, and a Hound army very close.  Any one of them could have easily captured you."

"But they didn't," Bryggan laughed, "and I got us all the way to Yruma castle with no incidents."

"We should have stayed there," the other replied, "got over our exhaustion from our quick march.  Plus its safer travelling during the day.  We are small enough and have enough horses we can dodge any enemies we see."

"Pah," Bryggan sneered, "chadz is on my side.  And at this hour only fools are awake.  Speaking of which, it is a good idea to learn how to sleep in the saddle."  And with that he slumped forward and snores were soon heard.

He was rudely awakened by a loud, "Halt, who goes there!", followed by the sounds of trumpets and men yelling.  "Damn," he thought.

Sorry for the horribly timed battle.  It was stupid of me, but I thought Rostham would be asleep (how else can he maintain that vibrant healthy look he always has?), and I didn't feel like checking my phone every twenty minutes the next day.  So because I was a dick, I will be the only one to show up for this battle.  Rostham, I think if you only sign two or three people that should be enough.

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Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: StonedSteel on July 09, 2015, 04:28:20 am
wait what>?

bro, dont be derailing the hate train...




Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: mcdeath on July 09, 2015, 04:35:41 am
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Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Dutchydave on July 09, 2015, 05:53:56 am
wait what>?

bro, dont be derailing the hate train...






Just thought I would add to that mate  :twisted:
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: mcdeath on July 09, 2015, 06:03:49 am
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Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: elvis1325 on July 09, 2015, 06:07:12 am

Just thought I would add to that mate  :twisted:

I mean, if you say so.

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Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Dutchydave on July 09, 2015, 09:39:52 am
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Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Bronto on July 09, 2015, 02:14:22 pm
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Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: StonedSteel on July 09, 2015, 03:03:59 pm
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hmm, i tuink that might be our new nickname for acrelings infact

little dicks.

Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Bronto on July 09, 2015, 03:19:38 pm
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Plumbo, I'm not saying that you're biased or anything but you're biased. You go extremes either way man and it's evident in all your posts. Also, don't forget, weshouldservebeer killed the mod, acre sucks, and calamari quit playing the game............except for strat..........and forums..........which is still playing the game.

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Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: StonedSteel on July 09, 2015, 03:56:12 pm

OF COURSE I HAVE A BIAS lol, a terrible bias tbh.


weshouldservebeer DID kill the mod ( well, the NA strat part of it, clearly mod's still alive, but NA strat...kinda dead ) Acre does suck ( im not batshit dumb though they have a lot of newer players and newer players are shittier then older players...kinda like when HoC used to get owned alot...but they stopped recruiting any and everyone they could and finally built a decent clan of good friends )

and cali...hmm...okay u got me on that one. i think...what about cali?

in fact


im not sure what the actual point of ur post is?
i am biased...and am extremely, EXTREME.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: BlackxBird on July 09, 2015, 06:43:10 pm

If you attack something in EU you will be frozen for ages and you will loose the battle :)

But well thx :) One less we gotta take care of :)
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Bronto on July 09, 2015, 06:44:22 pm
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How I imagine Plumbo when he reads forums and posts:
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Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: elvis1325 on July 09, 2015, 06:49:29 pm

If you attack something in EU you will be frozen for ages and you will loose the battle :)

But well thx :) One less we gotta take care of :)

Just a test to see if this is true or not, right now I think it is just an EU conspiracy to keep NA out of EU. I have nothing to lose from this.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: BlackxBird on July 09, 2015, 06:53:25 pm
omg if you guys want to attack us go go go :D

We will destroy about 4-5 k troops/population today and you guys really think it would be intelligent to try shit in EU :D
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: mcdeath on July 09, 2015, 07:15:35 pm
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Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: StonedSteel on July 09, 2015, 08:26:25 pm
k, first off, Mcdeath bro...u fucking WISH u were me bro, they call me BIG dick, ur just a mcdick, who used to fight for little dicks. pfff owned ( i think )

and bronto

DAMN BRO...bronto man, u fucking nailed didnt know what Phosphorescence stood for, and naturally asuming it was some grand weshouldservebeer conspiracy, i just had to research it...i shouldnt have, its lame, but its what us insane gemstones do...ahh ehmm.

Phosphorescence is a specific type of photoluminescence related to fluorescence. Unlike fluorescence, a phosphorescent material does not immediately re-emit the radiation it absorbs. The slower time scales of the re-emission are associated with "forbidden" energy state transitions in quantum mechanics. As these transitions occur very slowly in certain materials, absorbed radiation may be re-emitted at a lower intensity for up to several hours after the original excitation.

Commonly seen examples of phosphorescent materials are the glow-in-the-dark toys, paint, and clock dials that glow for some time after being charged with a bright light such as in any normal reading or room light. Typically the glowing then slowly fades out within minutes (or up to a few hours) in a dark room.

The study of phosphorescent materials led to the discovery of radioactivity in 1896.

Ironically, white phosphorus (from which phosphorescence takes its name) does not actually exhibit this property, but rather chemiluminescence.

In simple terms, phosphorescence is a process in which energy absorbed by a substance is released relatively slowly in the form of light. This is in some cases the mechanism used for "glow-in-the-dark" materials which are "charged" by exposure to light. Unlike the relatively swift reactions in fluorescence, such as those seen in a common fluorescent tube, phosphorescent materials "store" absorbed energy for a longer time, as the processes required to re-emit energy occur less often.
Jablonski diagram of an energy scheme used to explain the difference between fluorescence and phosphorescence. The excitation of molecule A to its singlet excited state is followed by intersystem crossing to the triplet state  that relaxes to the ground state by phosphorescence.
Quantum mechanical
After an electron absorbs a photon of high energy, it may undergo vibrational relaxations and intersystem crossing to another spin state. Again the system relaxes vibrationally in the new spin state and eventually emits light by phosphorescence.

Most photoluminescent events, in which a chemical substrate absorbs and then re-emits a photon of light, are fast, in the order of 10 nanoseconds. Light is absorbed and emitted at these fast time scales in cases where the energy of the photons involved matches the available energy states and allowed transitions of the substrate. In the special case of phosphorescence, the absorbed photon energy undergoes an unusual intersystem crossing into an energy state of higher spin multiplicity (see term symbol), usually a triplet state. As a result, the energy can become trapped in the triplet state with only classically "forbidden" transitions available to return to the lower energy state. These transitions, although "forbidden", will still occur in quantum mechanics but are kinetically unfavored and thus progress at significantly slower time scales. Most phosphorescent compounds are still relatively fast emitters, with triplet lifetimes on the order of milliseconds. However, some compounds have triplet lifetimes up to minutes or even hours, allowing these substances to effectively store light energy in the form of very slowly degrading excited electron states. If the phosphorescent quantum yield is high, these substances will release significant amounts of light over long time scales, creating so-called "glow-in-the-dark" materials.

    S_0 + h\nu \to S_1 \to T_1 \to S_0 + h\nu^\prime\

where S is a singlet and T a triplet whose subscripts denote states (0 is the ground state, and 1 the excited state). Transitions can also occur to higher energy levels, but the first excited state is denoted for simplicity.
Main article: Chemiluminescence

Some examples of glow-in-the-dark materials do not glow by phosphorescence. For example, glow sticks glow due to a chemiluminescent process which is commonly mistaken for phosphorescence. In chemiluminescence, an excited state is created via a chemical reaction. The light emission tracks the kinetic progress of the underlying chemical reaction. The excited state will then transfer to a dye molecule, also known as a sensitizer or fluorophor, and subsequently fluoresce back to the ground state.

Common pigments used in phosphorescent materials include zinc sulfide and strontium aluminate. Use of zinc sulfide for safety related products dates back to the 1930s. However, the development of strontium aluminate, with a luminance approximately 10 times greater than zinc sulfide, has relegated most zinc sulfide based products to the novelty category. Strontium aluminate based pigments are now used in exit signs, pathway marking, and other safety related signage

the more u know...
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: StonedSteel on July 09, 2015, 08:31:59 pm
also...good luck tonight...i cant make any of the battles :(
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: gallonigher on July 09, 2015, 08:43:35 pm
k, first off, Mcdeath bro...u fucking WISH u were me bro, they call me BIG dick, ur just a mcdick, who used to fight for little dicks. pfff owned ( i think )

and bronto

DAMN BRO...bronto man, u fucking nailed didnt know what Phosphorescence stood for, and naturally asuming it was some grand weshouldservebeer conspiracy, i just had to research it...i shouldnt have, its lame, but its what us insane gemstones do...ahh ehmm.

Phosphorescence is a specific type of photoluminescence related to fluorescence. Unlike fluorescence, a phosphorescent material does not immediately re-emit the radiation it absorbs. The slower time scales of the re-emission are associated with "forbidden" energy state transitions in quantum mechanics. As these transitions occur very slowly in certain materials, absorbed radiation may be re-emitted at a lower intensity for up to several hours after the original excitation.

Commonly seen examples of phosphorescent materials are the glow-in-the-dark toys, paint, and clock dials that glow for some time after being charged with a bright light such as in any normal reading or room light. Typically the glowing then slowly fades out within minutes (or up to a few hours) in a dark room.

The study of phosphorescent materials led to the discovery of radioactivity in 1896.

Ironically, white phosphorus (from which phosphorescence takes its name) does not actually exhibit this property, but rather chemiluminescence.

In simple terms, phosphorescence is a process in which energy absorbed by a substance is released relatively slowly in the form of light. This is in some cases the mechanism used for "glow-in-the-dark" materials which are "charged" by exposure to light. Unlike the relatively swift reactions in fluorescence, such as those seen in a common fluorescent tube, phosphorescent materials "store" absorbed energy for a longer time, as the processes required to re-emit energy occur less often.
Jablonski diagram of an energy scheme used to explain the difference between fluorescence and phosphorescence. The excitation of molecule A to its singlet excited state is followed by intersystem crossing to the triplet state  that relaxes to the ground state by phosphorescence.
Quantum mechanical
After an electron absorbs a photon of high energy, it may undergo vibrational relaxations and intersystem crossing to another spin state. Again the system relaxes vibrationally in the new spin state and eventually emits light by phosphorescence.

Most photoluminescent events, in which a chemical substrate absorbs and then re-emits a photon of light, are fast, in the order of 10 nanoseconds. Light is absorbed and emitted at these fast time scales in cases where the energy of the photons involved matches the available energy states and allowed transitions of the substrate. In the special case of phosphorescence, the absorbed photon energy undergoes an unusual intersystem crossing into an energy state of higher spin multiplicity (see term symbol), usually a triplet state. As a result, the energy can become trapped in the triplet state with only classically "forbidden" transitions available to return to the lower energy state. These transitions, although "forbidden", will still occur in quantum mechanics but are kinetically unfavored and thus progress at significantly slower time scales. Most phosphorescent compounds are still relatively fast emitters, with triplet lifetimes on the order of milliseconds. However, some compounds have triplet lifetimes up to minutes or even hours, allowing these substances to effectively store light energy in the form of very slowly degrading excited electron states. If the phosphorescent quantum yield is high, these substances will release significant amounts of light over long time scales, creating so-called "glow-in-the-dark" materials.

    S_0 + h\nu \to S_1 \to T_1 \to S_0 + h\nu^\prime\

where S is a singlet and T a triplet whose subscripts denote states (0 is the ground state, and 1 the excited state). Transitions can also occur to higher energy levels, but the first excited state is denoted for simplicity.
Main article: Chemiluminescence

Some examples of glow-in-the-dark materials do not glow by phosphorescence. For example, glow sticks glow due to a chemiluminescent process which is commonly mistaken for phosphorescence. In chemiluminescence, an excited state is created via a chemical reaction. The light emission tracks the kinetic progress of the underlying chemical reaction. The excited state will then transfer to a dye molecule, also known as a sensitizer or fluorophor, and subsequently fluoresce back to the ground state.

Common pigments used in phosphorescent materials include zinc sulfide and strontium aluminate. Use of zinc sulfide for safety related products dates back to the 1930s. However, the development of strontium aluminate, with a luminance approximately 10 times greater than zinc sulfide, has relegated most zinc sulfide based products to the novelty category. Strontium aluminate based pigments are now used in exit signs, pathway marking, and other safety related signage

the more u know...

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Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: mcdeath on July 09, 2015, 08:53:59 pm
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Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: StonedSteel on July 09, 2015, 08:57:22 pm
holy shit

i didnt think Gallo ever visited diplomacy.

I know u didnt care much for strat Gallo, u should give it another shot man, honestly, strats pretty much all i play now ( well, i play the forums i guess, shits way more intense than battle )

its fun, go play it bro, ud do well at it and enjoy it i think, its more up ur alley, i always viewed u as more of a try hard fighter than a rping troll. fuck NA 1 Gallo, strats where u belong my man
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: cup457 on July 09, 2015, 10:23:48 pm
I dont understand why it matters how HCE GOT THIER FIEFS. Fuck typing on this phone ucks. Most of eu justvoted into their fief and formed a mega alliance and raped the rest of the small factions. Remember kinngrimm stop playing strat because it was impossible for him to do abythng. But still HCE has tjeir fiefs and in warall that matters is winning so you can cry all you want
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: ARN_ on July 09, 2015, 11:07:33 pm
I dont understand why it matters how HCE GOT THIER FIEFS. Fuck typing on this phone ucks. Most of eu justvoted into their fief and formed a mega alliance and raped the rest of the small factions. Remember kinngrimm stop playing strat because it was impossible for him to do abythng. But still HCE has tjeir fiefs and in warall that matters is winning so you can cry all you want
Well kinngrimm is kinngrimm and it is impossible to do anything with him
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: woody on July 09, 2015, 11:17:51 pm
Kinngrimm is a good guy he just played it in a game of thrones way.

Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: BlackxBird on July 09, 2015, 11:19:09 pm
U mean at one point he HAD to die? :D cuz chadz and his crew told him to? :D
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: xxkaliboyx on July 10, 2015, 02:32:33 am
I have a big problem with those few players with their Screen Names being about Dynamics offing himself. That is way to personal and some of the shit they were saying in Chat? Forget that. Not cool at all. This is a freaking game. You don't make this stuff personal at all. I say that is grounds on ban.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Novamere on July 10, 2015, 02:35:57 am
I have a big problem with those few players with their Screen Names being about Dynamics offing himself. That is way to personal and some of the shit they were saying in Chat? Forget that. Not cool at all. This is a freaking game. You don't make this stuff personal at all. I say that is grounds on ban.

Did dynamics kill himself irl?
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: xxkaliboyx on July 10, 2015, 03:14:54 am
Did dynamics kill himself irl?

So you really find that acceptable? Trolling , talking smack. Heck in my line of work we are the worst. But I say that was boarderline bullying.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: mcdeath on July 10, 2015, 03:40:30 am
I have a big problem with those few players with their Screen Names being about Dynamics offing himself. That is way to personal and some of the shit they were saying in Chat? Forget that. Not cool at all. This is a freaking game. You don't make this stuff personal at all. I say that is grounds on ban.

So you really find that acceptable? Trolling , talking smack. Heck in my line of work we are the worst. But I say that was boarderline bullying.

Have you met Kesh? I am not saying Kesh is a bad person but when it came to strat and crpg that dude got wicked personal.
All in all he was a fun dude to hang out with when strat wasn't the conversation.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: BlackxBird on July 10, 2015, 03:41:02 am
Did you guys ever fight a field battle before we attacked u?

Cuz it doesn't seem like.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Bryggan on July 10, 2015, 03:55:04 am
Bryggan woke to screams, yells, and trumpets sounding.  He had fallen asleep on his horse, and the sudden cacaphony caused him to fall out of his saddle.  Most of his men had fallen asleep, and now the enemy was tearing through them.  Through the slight moonlight piercing the overhead branches, Bryggan could see nothing but chaos.  The few who had remained awake were vastly outnumbered and were being cut down, while those slumbering were murdered in their sleep.  Bryggan tried to scramble up and grab his sword, but suddenly was aware of a great pain in his chest.

'Damn, a crossbow bolt got me,' he thought.  He grasped around his chest, but could find no bolt and no blood.  His chest felt constricted, like an elephant was sitting on him.  'Fuck this', he thought, 'I gotta fight!"  Summoning all his will power, he stood up and brandished his sword.  He tried to yell a battle cry, but he could not breath.  Through his blurred vision he saw Snicklez, Magafox, Conrad and Steve Rogers frantically trying to defend their sleeping comrades.  Damn good men those- true heroes.  And he could have sworn he seen his wife, the Empress, fighting as well.  He had to help them.

He ran several paces before the dizziness overcame him, and he crashed down in some brush unconscious.

He sort of came to some time later.  He was being dragged through the underbrush by someone he could not make out.  Whoever was pulling him was not a friend- they were taking no care for his comfort, and this was damned uncomfortable.  'Must be Rostham', he figured.  Pulling him out of the battle to slit his throat so he won't have to deal with the political aftermath of killing a prisoner- a regal prisoner.  Or maybe a bandit.  The forests were full of them.  Either he would be killed and stripped of his armour, or perhaps his captor would recognize him and ransom him.  Though who would pay the higher ransom?  His friends or his enemies?

Bryggan tried moving again.  He couldn't.  He was so damn weak.  His chest was giving him occasional stabbing pain, and he felt ill.  But no blood.  Had someone hit him in the chest with a hammer?  Whatever it was, he felt this was the end.  Either a slit throat or a slow death.  He felt this should bother him, but it didn't.  He had had a good life.  More adventures than most men- a peasant, a vassal, High King, a trader, and finally Emperor.  Though an ignominious death did not suit him.  He had meant to die gloriously on the battle field, surrounded by slain enemies, knowing that his heirs would take his place... ooh, more pain in his heart.

He could no longer open his eyes.  The figure dragging him pulled him through a shallow forest stream.  The water was cold, filling through the cracks in his armour.  He could feel the rounded rocks sliding under his armour.  'Must be easier for him, pulling me through this,' was his last thought before oblivion overtook him.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: xxkaliboyx on July 10, 2015, 03:55:57 am
Did dynamics kill himself irl?

Idk man, did I overreact? I guess I just saw it in bad taste. Talk mess all you want but telling people to kill themselves?

I'll just wag my finger really angry....shame!!!
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: mcdeath on July 10, 2015, 04:01:19 am
Idk man, did I overreact? I guess I just saw it in bad taste. Talk mess all you want but telling people to kill themselves?

I'll just wag my finger really angry....shame!!!

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Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: woody on July 10, 2015, 04:02:54 am
Someone accused us of shit talking NA in the last battle. A few points:

1. There were only 5-6 EU there of which I know their voices and I cannot recall anyone shit talking NA.
2. The abuse I think the guy got was from NA players he teamshot in melee, not sure about this but the shit talk I heard was versus individuals not NA.
3. These battles are arranged at a time that is predominantly NA versus NA so where the fuck does shittalking NA come into it?
4. Comments questioning the capabilities of James/acre is not shittalking NA its is shittalking them and not unusual in strat battles.
5. If anyone does shittalk NA in general pull it up in TS immediately and they will be shut up.
6. This is not EU versus NA, the eq/troops come from EU because lets face it EU is bugged so we cant do anything there, however the bulk of our rosters are NA as mentioned above. Surely more active NA strategus is not a bad thing?

Its also an insult to the 30 odd NAs there who if NA was being shittalked would surely have said something. In one or two of the earlier battles the odd comment was made and the NA allies stamped on it quick, even though these comments were 99% jokey wind ups.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Dynamics_BRD on July 10, 2015, 04:09:20 am
Did dynamics kill himself irl?
I almost did those damn trolls can sure be convincing.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: mcdeath on July 10, 2015, 04:13:13 am
I almost did those damn trolls can sure be convincing.

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Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: BlackxBird on July 10, 2015, 04:44:22 am
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So, bryggan you dead? At least it sounds like  :?: or u gave up?  :?

Gonna try one of those too

huge eques army comin to a city.
gud players ladderspam walls
black bird builds a siege tower on a tower
black bird hs james
james dead.

btw just sayin we destroied 4,5 k troops again only in one day :3
so todays kd: 4554:3178
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: StonedSteel on July 10, 2015, 05:30:30 am
...4.5k troops, typical acre vs dynamics, EU vs NA, NA vs acre, acre vs anyone, NA on the field vs NA behind castle walls,


im pretty opinionated, and i rarely keep my opinions to myself.

this sounds like one of those nights, where it was probably a good thing i stayed away.

shieeeeet, i will say this though.

actually, haha i just spent like 10 mins, typing and rewording and retyping rant after rant, i think im just gonna say SHAME and go to bed. ( u know who u are )

Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: mcdeath on July 10, 2015, 05:40:28 am
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Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Quiksilver on July 10, 2015, 05:44:27 am
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do you have a random file of hundreds of memes and vines?
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: mcdeath on July 10, 2015, 06:12:14 am
do you have a random file of hundreds of memes and vines?

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Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Yoshi on July 10, 2015, 06:36:55 am
I come back from vacation and I see Eques wasting their time attacking the one fief of a three (four?) man faction. Typical tryhard EU. Pls sign up for Yoshi we love you Acre.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Tristan_of_Erzoth on July 10, 2015, 06:40:08 am
I come back from vacation and I see Eques wasting their time attacking the one fief of a three (four?) man faction. Typical tryhard EU. Pls sign up for Yoshi we love you Acre.
Already did fam
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Schoi on July 10, 2015, 07:10:42 am
Did you guys ever fight a field battle before we attacked u?

Cuz it doesn't seem like.

Nope they just always play runescape. They've never played cRPG before. What are land battles? Can you sell them on the grand exchange?
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Schoi on July 10, 2015, 07:18:41 am
(click to show/hide)

So, bryggan you dead? At least it sounds like  :?: or u gave up?  :?

Gonna try one of those too

huge eques army comin to a city.
gud players ladderspam walls
black bird builds a siege tower on a tower
black bird hs james
james dead.

btw just sayin we destroied 4,5 k troops again only in one day :3
so todays kd: 4554:3178

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Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: xxkaliboyx on July 10, 2015, 01:28:57 pm

I missed your call. Call me back!
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: BlackxBird on July 10, 2015, 02:11:57 pm
Nope they just always play runescape. They've never played cRPG before. What are land battles? Can you sell them on the grand exchange?

well I gotta admit the last one we did wasn't even that bad. You guys finally understood that if you cap our flags, you win. But y u no try it by facing us and pushing us back? xD whoever told you to camp the flag is the worst commander in this game. We got u by flags now I think every single time we had a field battle, even though when we had equal rosters and equal gear. But well, keep it going :D I got no real problem with that, just wanted to say it :D
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: karasu on July 10, 2015, 02:22:43 pm
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Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: BlackxBird on July 10, 2015, 02:45:44 pm
just check the last field battle

It was 32 vs 32.
And we again brought ur flags down.
With loosing 450 troops we destroied 950 of yours.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: StonedSteel on July 10, 2015, 03:03:57 pm
but but...ur players are better though...


g fucking g acre, u were just a couple weeks ago, a massive empire. after tonight, u will have only a couple stronghold monday...u may have none...nothing but a stream of useless villages.

so ends the empire...The End of Acre, indeed.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: StonedSteel on July 10, 2015, 03:25:28 pm
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Plumbo the old and autistic sat at his chair fapping furiously, and then it hit him. Not his Jizzem of course, but a thought. "Fuck mcdeath, with a archive of GIFS such at that, surly he will make it to king before I" And that was when it really hit him...and after wiping his face another thought came to his mind. "fuck his gif's, all i need to do is hire a forum assassin to downvote all his shit"

But with chosen one gone, who could he turn to? there are very few forum assassins left, for it is a hard life to be such a lifeless lame bundle of sticks that does nothing but downvote people...still, surly there must be other assassins out there. 

Witchcraft awoke to the awful sound of someone repeatedly bangin on her door, always more curious than cautious she jumped up to see who it was, but as she opened the door, excitement turned to shock and disbelief. "Plumbo? is that you? what are you doing here?" 

"I need a favor Witchcraft", her eyes dilated and a small stream of saliva formed in the corners of here mouth, "uhh, its not sexual" he said. "Oh..well, what is it then" Witchraft responded, clearly disappointed by what she was hearing. Plumbo grabbed her about both shoulders and screamed in her face as loud as he could "I NEED RANDO TO ASSASSINATE SOMEONE! U FUCKING KNOW WHO!!!

Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Novamere on July 10, 2015, 04:33:13 pm
I almost did those damn trolls can sure be convincing.

LOL you pissed someone off who cares its a name showing how butthurt someone was!
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Dynamics_BRD on July 10, 2015, 07:35:57 pm
LOL you pissed someone off who cares its a name showing how butthurt someone was!
It's amazing what Persistent World mod can do to people.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: njames89 on July 10, 2015, 09:11:04 pm
It's amazing what Persistent World mod can do to people.

Do you get looms from that?
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Schoi on July 10, 2015, 10:24:33 pm
Do you get looms from that?

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Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: BlackxBird on July 10, 2015, 11:22:41 pm
congratz. na is bugged too.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Tristan_of_Erzoth on July 10, 2015, 11:23:53 pm
congratz. na is bugged too.

Why are you saying congrats like this was something we tried to do? None of us wanted strat to end even though we were losing lmao.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: njames89 on July 10, 2015, 11:23:58 pm
congratz. na is bugged too.

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Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: BlackxBird on July 10, 2015, 11:30:20 pm
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: njames89 on July 10, 2015, 11:33:25 pm
Relax sir foreign invader. I was royally facepalming at the status of our servers.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Lt_Anders on July 10, 2015, 11:45:57 pm
EU's brought the plague here. GG game over.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Casimir on July 10, 2015, 11:56:20 pm
Well it worked the first time conquering the Americas, so why wouldn't it work again?  :wink:
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Novamere on July 10, 2015, 11:58:54 pm
EU's brought the plague here. GG game over.

Ive been here the whole time bro  :D
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Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Schoi on July 11, 2015, 01:27:33 am
Well it worked the first time conquering the Americas, so why wouldn't it work again?  :wink:

Because we deported and killed most of the Native Americans, now we're a mixture of ethnicities instead of tribal nabs.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: woody on July 11, 2015, 04:09:43 pm
So bugged siege happened randomly at some time?

Are the bugged battles being unwound?

Or lets face it does anyone care anymore?
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Novamere on July 11, 2015, 04:22:44 pm
Id say get fucked EU for invading NA but i liked the XP we were getting and they were fun battles =/ hope they rollback yesterday so you dont lose all those troops and gear but i think we all know how much they care haha.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: traxits on July 11, 2015, 04:40:12 pm
why am i fighting for hce
the few mercs they do get to come suck massive amounts of chadz dick
fuck these guys
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: StonedSteel on July 11, 2015, 04:41:12 pm
...i told uuuu
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: traxits on July 11, 2015, 04:42:09 pm
...i told uuuu
you did indeed tell me many times. i'm sorry bae.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Mr.K. on July 11, 2015, 05:19:14 pm
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Real_Hunter on July 11, 2015, 08:28:04 pm
I just wonder where is your 40k troops:D

we will come na but ı do not see enemy..

easy win):
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Tristan_of_Erzoth on July 11, 2015, 08:42:31 pm
I just wonder where is your 40k troops:D

we will come na but ı do not see enemy..

easy win):

Please go back and read the previous 45 pages of shit posting before you bring up shit we already discussed like 30 pages ago
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Schoi on July 11, 2015, 09:32:51 pm

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Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Nightingale on July 12, 2015, 04:13:53 am
Please go back and read the previous 45 pages of shit posting before you bring up shit we already discussed like 30 pages ago

As if all of us have time to read all 46 pages of bullshit.  :rolleyes:
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Tristan_of_Erzoth on July 12, 2015, 04:36:51 am
As if all of us have time to read all 46 pages of bullshit.  :rolleyes:
Then dont bother bringing up shit and trying to seem "smart" when someone already brought that point up a week ago and we've all gotten past it
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Sharpe on July 12, 2015, 05:55:29 am
Then dont bother bringing up shit and trying to seem "smart" when someone already brought that point up a week ago and we've all gotten past it

Well clearly not everyone has gotten past it if its being brought up.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: StonedSteel on July 12, 2015, 06:07:11 am
meh, the war is almost over now...
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: cup457 on July 12, 2015, 11:21:33 am
all of  u r my old friendets
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Rando on July 12, 2015, 01:49:42 pm
meh, the war is almost over now...

The good part is just beginning. I think we all knew Durquba/Curaw were going to be the big fights here. Shame about Ahmerrad getting fucked due to lack of mercs.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: StonedSteel on July 12, 2015, 03:28:09 pm
...more like, the end is beginning? "I think we all knew Durquba/Curaw were going to be the big fights here"

those are gonna be big fights...umm, those didnt have to wait till the end to happen though. Ahmerrad was supposed to be a big fight as well, and there is no guarantee Durquaba wont go the same way.

i mean, any castle siege is a "good part" of any war, and poor HCE, has very few "good parts" left of its empire.

its not even an empire, its pretty much over now man, now its all a matter of hunting down the remaining rebels?
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Talanarsis on July 12, 2015, 09:09:02 pm
now its all a matter of hunting down the remaining rebels?

Were rebels now? Who did we rebel against?
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: ARN_ on July 12, 2015, 09:32:54 pm
Were rebels now? Who did we rebel against?
Your eu overlords maybe :P
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: mcdeath on July 12, 2015, 11:03:09 pm
Your eu overlords maybe :P

Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: chesterotab on July 12, 2015, 11:33:25 pm
"It was the worst of times"
-Charles Dickens

Reset strat
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: StonedSteel on July 13, 2015, 01:09:50 am

pretty much sums it up. strat 5 was a disaster from the start.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Schoi on July 13, 2015, 01:55:59 am

pretty much sums it up. strat 5 was a disaster from the start.

Let's blame Gaycre
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: W0LF on July 13, 2015, 02:29:04 am
Dat 1250 v 55 win tho
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: StonedSteel on July 13, 2015, 03:25:30 am
Let's blame Gaycre

? y? this entire round has been bad, way back when superfriends were still around it was bad then. and gaycre isnt the only faction that wasnt providing battles, there a couple factions were plenty of resources to make assaults, y we waited till EU came to do them consistently...well, we still arnt attacking very consistently haha, they are though.

1250 v 55...ya man, good players, are not enough. idk how many battles ciri has commanded guessing not that many.

there is something to be said about commanders, especially good commanders. no matter their personality or fighting skill, the ability to have every properly prepared, ( from the briefing, to the gear, to the rosters, to the overall plan of action ) and the ability to adapt when a plan fails, is worth so much more than good players on your roster. armies need commanders, and good commanders, greatly affect the outcome of the battle.

Arn and Blackbird...were not there...
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Schoi on July 13, 2015, 04:03:54 am
? y? this entire round has been bad, way back when superfriends were still around it was bad then. and gaycre isnt the only faction that wasnt providing battles, there a couple factions were plenty of resources to make assaults, y we waited till EU came to do them consistently...well, we still arnt attacking very consistently haha, they are though.

1250 v 55...ya man, good players, are not enough. idk how many battles ciri has commanded guessing not that many.

there is something to be said about commanders, especially good commanders. no matter their personality or fighting skill, the ability to have every properly prepared, ( from the briefing, to the gear, to the rosters, to the overall plan of action ) and the ability to adapt when a plan fails, is worth so much more than good players on your roster. armies need commanders, and good commanders, greatly affect the outcome of the battle.

Arn and Blackbird...were not there...

Just stfu already and post dank memes instead of trash
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: StonedSteel on July 13, 2015, 05:14:19 am
Just stfu already and post dank memes instead of trash


Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Talanarsis on July 13, 2015, 05:25:21 am
Your eu overlords maybe :P

Not really a rebellion if we were independent when the war started
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Schoi on July 13, 2015, 06:45:51 am
Not really a rebellion if we were independent when the war started


1. open, organized, and armed resistance to one's government or ruler.

But it is a rebellion. We are resisting to be taken over by the EU rules/government in this case.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Talanarsis on July 13, 2015, 08:01:17 am

1. open, organized, and armed resistance to one's government or ruler.

But it is a rebellion. We are resisting to be taken over by the EU rules/government in this case.

But they aren't our government/ruler. They just want to kill us.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: poonerplox2 on July 13, 2015, 08:13:21 am
So do we own anything besides durquba and my Curaw anymore?
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Schoi on July 13, 2015, 08:20:52 am
But they aren't our government/ruler. They just want to kill us.

They're their own government/ruler trying to deploy themselves in the bottom of the NA strat 5 map. They want to replace your rulers with their own and you're attempting to stop them. It's a fucking rebellion.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Tristan_of_Erzoth on July 13, 2015, 08:30:35 am
So do we own anything besides durquba and my Curaw anymore?
Asugan+Bardaq and some poopy villages
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Talanarsis on July 13, 2015, 09:08:52 am
They're their own government/ruler trying to deploy themselves in the bottom of the NA strat 5 map. They want to replace your rulers with their own and you're attempting to stop them. It's a fucking rebellion.

Trying to conquer someone isn't a rebellion. That's an invasion. If it were a rebellion they would have had to already be our rulers when the war broke out.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Schoi on July 13, 2015, 09:11:36 am
Trying to conquer someone isn't a rebellion. That's an invasion. If it were a rebellion they would have had to already be our rulers when the war broke out.


2. resistance to or defiance of any authority, control, or tradition.

Sorry what I just think a dictionary is better than what you have to say.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: BlackxBird on July 13, 2015, 11:15:01 am
Asugan+Bardaq and some poopy villages

Not sure if "King_Black_Bird_of_Eques" is a part of the HCE^^
Cuz that's what it says when I klick on Bardaq Castle.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Tristan_of_Erzoth on July 13, 2015, 11:51:38 am
Not sure if "King_Black_Bird_of_Eques" is a part of the HCE^^
Cuz that's what it says when I klick on Bardaq Castle.
I meant Unuzdaq.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: BlackxBird on July 13, 2015, 12:13:42 pm
And you got Yruma Castle bro....
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Schoi on July 13, 2015, 02:24:35 pm
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Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: cup457 on July 13, 2015, 05:09:33 pm
schoi you contribute nothing here please leave it just takes me longer to read all this shitposting
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: BlackxBird on July 13, 2015, 05:10:19 pm

Instead of shittalking let's start shittalking about shittalking again!
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: BlackxBird on July 13, 2015, 07:26:20 pm
okay gentleman the day has come.

Let's test the walls of Durquba.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: poonerplox2 on July 13, 2015, 08:18:24 pm
Double post, -1 from me
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: BlackPanda on July 13, 2015, 08:23:28 pm
okay gentleman the day has come.

Let's test the walls of Durquba.
We are prepared.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: BlackxBird on July 13, 2015, 08:30:17 pm
btw I hope James has a good nighttime, otherwise black bird sad and than HCE mad cuz black bird raid.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: W0LF on July 13, 2015, 08:46:46 pm
btw I hope James has a good nighttime, otherwise black bird sad and than HCE mad cuz black bird raid.
So if you dont get what you want you will raid?
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: ARN_ on July 13, 2015, 08:49:11 pm
So if you dont get what you want you will raid?
You better give him what he wants then,  it's not like you have any say in it
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: StonedSteel on July 13, 2015, 08:56:09 pm
"now that HCE is big and strong, they are able to dictate terms rather than beg for them"

not so big these days...

best get out ur cups lads...its begging time again...
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: BlackxBird on July 13, 2015, 09:57:08 pm
Well it is ur decission.

You got 4 minutes if you want to still change it :D
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: BlackxBird on July 13, 2015, 10:20:18 pm
If you would have changed it to one hour earlier I'd be happy but I expected it to be 5 AM for me, not 1 AM^^ so it's kinda ok
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: BlackPanda on July 13, 2015, 10:39:08 pm
sucks, thats our prime time. 1 less army for EU.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Noodlenrice on July 13, 2015, 11:56:46 pm
sucks, thats our prime time. 1 less army for EU.
lol as if they don't have a million more
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: BlackPanda on July 14, 2015, 01:26:09 am
lol as if they don't have a million more
And we will slowly destroy them all. This war has cost EU about 10-15k troops. Ez
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Voncrow on July 14, 2015, 01:28:37 am
And we will slowly destroy them all. This was has cost EU about 10-15k troops. Ez

Sad that half of those troops lost weren't even you guys destroying them.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: BlackPanda on July 14, 2015, 01:29:33 am
Sucks to suck. Ty Bent for showing uo to those battles and winning.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Voncrow on July 14, 2015, 01:35:46 am
Sucks to suck. Ty Bent for showing uo to those battles and winning.

Yeah, guess you guys needed a crutch anyway.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: BlackPanda on July 14, 2015, 01:36:45 am
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Schoi on July 14, 2015, 01:54:37 am
schoi you contribute nothing here please leave it just takes me longer to read all this shitposting

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Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Noodlenrice on July 14, 2015, 02:04:42 am
Well, Acre is going to lose anyways lol. Euros OP Nerf pls
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: BlackPanda on July 14, 2015, 02:20:54 am
Well, Acre is going to lose anyways lol. Euros OP Nerf pls
Want to bet?
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: BlackxBird on July 14, 2015, 02:34:47 am
Want to bet?

I would like to.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: StonedSteel on July 14, 2015, 02:39:29 am
Want to bet?

wait wot? like...for gold? HELL YA ILL BET!!! damn...thats even easier money then the Dupri-buy-a-loom-cheap-sell-it-later-4profit deal going on.

seriously though...noone knew what time the servers would come back, it could have just as easily gone down the other way...overall, wins\losses due to a bug( not really a bug, but u get the idea) and not to a faction. the one battle where EU did show up, it was even for most of the fight, and it was a EU vs NA roster...EU won.

bent priest or who ever it was, fucking mercilessly raped us with a claymore...but we still won.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: BlackxBird on July 14, 2015, 02:51:03 am
well even in the equal rosters and equal gear battles our EU rosters beat the HCE roster by far!
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Noodlenrice on July 14, 2015, 03:37:08 am
well even in the equal rosters and equal gear battles our EU rosters beat the HCE roster by far!
Cuz Half of HCE's rosters are Acre.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Behemoth_ on July 14, 2015, 04:42:54 am
Noodle youre really starting to rustle my jimmies with this "Acre this, Acre That" malarky
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Voncrow on July 14, 2015, 04:57:38 am
Noodle youre really starting to rustle my jimmies with this "Acre this, Acre That" malarky

The truth hurts.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: mcdeath on July 14, 2015, 05:03:00 am

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Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: mcdeath on July 14, 2015, 05:03:40 am
Noodle youre really starting to rustle my jimmies with this "Acre this, Acre That" malarky

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Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Behemoth_ on July 14, 2015, 05:05:26 am
And what truth is that Voncrow? That you're a fucking parasite of a person that clan hops once a week because nobody likes you?
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Noodlenrice on July 14, 2015, 05:06:22 am
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And what truth is that Voncrow? That you're a fucking parasite of a person that clan hops once a week because nobody likes you?
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Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Talanarsis on July 14, 2015, 05:15:26 am
Can't we all just be friends and get along???
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Noodlenrice on July 14, 2015, 05:17:52 am
Can't we all just be friends and get along???
This ain't strat crpg without shit talk
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: StonedSteel on July 14, 2015, 06:07:40 am
And what truth is that Voncrow? That you're a fucking parasite of a person that clan hops once a week because nobody likes you?


why would other clans take him in if they didnt like him? like, uhh, not for nothing, but if ur able to clan hop, then theres a bunch of people that like u...and they arnt all from one clan.

u on the other hand...hmm

what fucking clan BUT acre would take u?

Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: traxits on July 14, 2015, 06:11:19 am
And what truth is that Voncrow? That you're a fucking parasite of a person that clan hops once a week because nobody likes you?
i think u meant me

i've had 16 different banners
and i don't even play
i win.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Noodlenrice on July 14, 2015, 06:33:12 am
i think u meant me

i've had 16 different banners
and i don't even play
i win.
Peep down Kesh
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: traxits on July 14, 2015, 06:34:00 am
Peep down Kesh
shouldn't you be studying for next year's first test? you fucking asian weeb.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Voncrow on July 14, 2015, 06:42:39 am
shouldn't you be studying for next year's first test? you fucking asian weeb.

Calm down Taxtros, ain't no reason to be hostile.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: traxits on July 14, 2015, 06:54:31 am
Calm down Taxtros, ain't no reason to be hostile.
i hate you guys.
killing you two is the only reason i'm mercing for hce.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: mcdeath on July 14, 2015, 07:39:41 am
i hate you guys.
killing you two is the only reason i'm mercing for hce.

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Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Holiday203 on July 14, 2015, 09:38:56 am
Want to bet?
I'm pretty sure any NA strat faction could wipe HCE
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Tristan_of_Erzoth on July 14, 2015, 09:47:55 am
I'm pretty sure any NA strat faction could wipe HCE
In the current 7v1 piledrive against HCE yeah probably. 1v1? nah.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Holiday203 on July 14, 2015, 09:50:34 am
In the current 7v1 piledrive against HCE yeah probably. 1v1? nah.
Lol must be your terrible diplomacy and constant crying. I'm pretty sure if Calamari the Great One was still playing, he could solo all of HIV
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Tristan_of_Erzoth on July 14, 2015, 10:17:11 am
Lol must be your terrible diplomacy and constant crying. I'm pretty sure if Calamari the Great One was still playing, he could solo all of HIV
Nah cuz McDeath 1v1'd him and he lost and QQ'd
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Schoi on July 14, 2015, 10:41:10 am
Lol must be your terrible diplomacy and constant crying. I'm pretty sure if Calamari the Great One was still playing, he could solo all of HIV

I found a photo to represent you and Calamari at melee.

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Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: bruttus on July 14, 2015, 01:27:29 pm
I'm following this for a whille, and I'm back in to the game for a few weeks after an absence of a few years.

I'm from EU, but I always have played on the NA side, some people knows that in the early day's of strat, that 1 side was for EU and the other side NA, now we have 2 maps, 1 for EU, and the other map is NA.

Now I see and talked to some people from NA that atleast 50% of NA players decided to fight for EU, whille the other 50% is neutral or wants to fight for NA.
Then I was shocked that the Hounds are fighting for EU, maybe i'm wrong now, but I took the time to read atleast the 20 first pages of this threat.
Now I was shocked, becouse when I was a member, every time when an EU faction was trying to get a foothold in NA lands, the hounds stopped fighting and joined forces to kick EU out of NA lands
Back then in TS, songs about America, fuck yea was being sung, but what now, Does evey NA faction that joins the EU faction, thinks that they are safe from them?
Is that what NA stands for, to lick the Invaders Butt, just to keep a village, castle or city?
Don't you think that I haven't seen so many factions have collord theyre factioncollors in black, the same collor as that EU invaders?

When HCE  is wipped out, does HOC thinks that they are safe? Does anny NA faction thinks that they are safe
Anny1 of you could be the next target of EU, And they have already beaten out the biggest NAfaction out, but I direct me straight to the hounds itself, becouse I see that they are also 1 of the biggest NAfactions is in strat, they could make a change in this invasion, and I don't believe that they like to live under EU lords.
And what I predict, mostly comes out
(I'm sorry, but after 20 pages, I stopped reading the rest of this threat, and the fact that english isn't mine native language)
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Mr.K. on July 14, 2015, 02:12:38 pm
A full page of no one talking shit about EUs, WE ARE STILL HERE! :oops:

Bruttus, EU side has had 30-60% of the NAs on the enemy roster, so about 20-40% of the total NA based strat players. Recent small battles we've had 3-5 NA mercs fighting for us, as they seem to mostly care about XP and not the actual Strat. The difference to previous EU invasion attempts is that the average player skill on the Acre roster is much worse than what NAs used to have. I'm guessing lots of these players are quite new which is partly the reason it's been easy for us in most battles to just stomp them. Also I'm guessing if we lost the first couple of battles, people would have lined up behind Acre in numbers as that's the way things usually go..

The other reason for them losing is the passive leadership of the Acre in battles. We know from experience that with a subpar roster it's hard to counter almost any tactic, but there's been a few battles where you guys have started to defend on the flags, without building a defensive forward spawn and not organizing pushes to take down ours. This is what people talk about when they say that NA is more relaxed than EU in Strat battles, but that's mostly an excuse. The mercs on our side have been excellent at listening orders, much better than some of our EU battles which has been fun for the commanders as well. As far as I can tell the mercs have enjoyed the different style as well even though it's still not near the levels of teamwork and organization that we had two or three years ago. And it's not like we have the best and most battle hardened commanders on this side either, Arn started doing any of that late last Strat and Blackbird hasn't even played the game that long...

What I'm trying to say is git gud and give us a challenge. Not talking about the rosters here, but surprise us in the battles. Move proper armies on the map (1.5-1.8k shiny, not some 1k shit that can be grinded down) or outnumber us. We're like 5 active players from EU, shouldn't be too hard to beat that... Welcome the challenge and learn from it! :rolleyes:
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Sharpe on July 14, 2015, 02:24:11 pm
A full page of no one talking shit about EUs, WE ARE STILL HERE! :oops:

Fuck EU. I am a Real American, Fight for the Rights of Every Man.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Schoi on July 14, 2015, 02:41:29 pm
Fuck EU. I am a Real American, Fight for the Rights of Every Man.

"Fuck EU" *Is in a clan that mercs for the EU teams*
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: BlackxBird on July 14, 2015, 02:48:48 pm
What I don't understand is:

There are big factions in EU and in NA.

The biggest difference is that in EU clans are like:

Drz - Russians
Grey - polanish
Eques - german
S Guards - turkish
WoT - turkish

Most of the international clans have been wiped already. For sure clans like grey don't have 100 %ly polish, but the 90 % are.

Or what really happened:

When the russians came up to us^^ When they had 4 times more lands and 10 times more troops and equipment. When they had always full rosters.

And still Eques defended as good as we could. (not cuz we had the better players, cuz we had a unbeatable tactic. Everybody who played under my command knows it. BEST TACTIC EU+NA. You can't loose a city with it, unless ur tickets fuck up.)

In this strat we got wiped out of the map 2-3 times, I'm actually not sure xD. But we always came back, retook our lands and sent those russians back to their caves. But as it seems you guys gave up already on that day when I came to your ts.


Oh and just btw, for everyone who thinks that Eques will try to conquer the map: We will stay in this area.

(click to show/hide)

And that's what I told my NA friends.
Kalmars got rekt by that Server upfuck and got only 3 armies left, so they will probably just attack some villages, but if you think you can attack them, we equipped every single army we lost again and can equip them once more.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Bronto on July 14, 2015, 03:08:04 pm
We're like 5 active players from EU :rolleyes:

Yep just 5 guys........

Our Alliance:
The Kalmarunionen

Our EU Supporters:

Warriors of Tengri
I cant list all of them :)

Our NA Supporters:
Wardens of the North
Hounds of Chulainn

Extra roster support:
Grey Order
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: ARN_ on July 14, 2015, 03:38:23 pm
To HCE, now is your best time to strike as I am on holiday at my summer house and can't play any battles. And seeing as I am the bestestest commander ever that is a big loss.

I have only been away a few days and by that time we have lost more battles than we did when I was home. FFS K GET YOUR SHIT TOGHETER!!!
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: BlackxBird on July 14, 2015, 03:40:00 pm
lol u weren't here? :D

I was on a festival from friday till monday morning xD

No wonder we fucked it up in that time xD
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: StonedSteel on July 14, 2015, 03:43:19 pm
i consider the fall of Durquaba, The End of Acre. something i dreamed of, conspired for, joined a faction for, left a faction for, betrayed na for...i have dreamed a dream, and now that dream is before me.

when the walls of that city and its defenders fall. my war with them is over.

Best of luck tonight HCE.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Sharpe on July 14, 2015, 04:01:14 pm
"Fuck EU" *Is in a clan that mercs for the EU teams*

Is in a clan that mercs for EU teams, but is in a Strat Faction that is neutral in the whole ordeal. Learn the difference fgt.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Schoi on July 14, 2015, 04:08:08 pm
Is in a clan that mercs for EU teams, but is in a Strat Faction that is neutral in the whole ordeal. Learn the difference fgt.

"neutral in the whole ordeal" *Is in a strat faction that also attacks other NA strat factions*

^ *while being attacked by EU's*
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Sharpe on July 14, 2015, 04:10:34 pm
"neutral in the whole ordeal" *Is in a strat faction that also attacks other NA strat factions*

^ *while being attacked by EU's*

*Our strat faction hasn't attacked any NA strat Factions*

(click to show/hide)
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Schoi on July 14, 2015, 04:32:42 pm
*Our strat faction hasn't attacked any NA strat Factions*

(click to show/hide)

You attacked our feelings, fucker.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Sharpe on July 14, 2015, 04:51:07 pm
You attacked our feelings, fucker.

I'm sorry

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Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: BlackPanda on July 14, 2015, 07:15:04 pm
We have been getting alot more support and mercs. I honestly think that we can win this war.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: BlackxBird on July 14, 2015, 07:33:59 pm
Well the thing is, you would need all the NA troops to destroy us, but at least 50 % of them would rather to fight for us than for u atm :D
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: StonedSteel on July 14, 2015, 08:20:41 pm
We have been getting alot more support and mercs. I honestly think that we can win this war.

lunch time....time for the cold hard truth.
...ur crazy. and one of the reasons i fight for eu...
stop saying wild crazy things.

the war is pretty much won already lol, uve yet to win a single is it u think you'd a war uve already lost?

i mean...if we dont take durquaba in one try...u know we'll just keep trying...i mean...u do know that right?

holding onto curaw and ymura isnt winning a war...acre has simply been pushed out of their homes, and allowed by other useless NA factions to own fiefs in their territory...its the exact same war, exact same outcome every time, acre gets wiped...NA allows them to reform


so u get wiped from desert, get to stay in north, but prob wont do anything, prob make a new alliance, but drag them down too, the next time u are wiped and allowed to relocate ( if other NA factions werent so godawful useless they would learn from this and not allow u to reform at all, but meh, NA is NA after all, with no Squids\FCC, u are all pretty much one big useless afk faction. )
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: BlackxBird on July 14, 2015, 08:30:54 pm
let them rebuild their empire!!

i think most didn't already get what's going on here.

Eques will take a main part of the map.

And than END.

We will defend if it is needed, but u'd better not try.

Eques territroy will be safe area.

To trade, do everything you want.

As I already wrote we don't want to destroy the NA map, we will just make it smaller.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: njames89 on July 14, 2015, 08:36:20 pm
More boring propaganda

Truth is we are doing great. We have had awesome battles lately.

Some shots from recent fights!

Nova Curaw
(click to show/hide)

New Unuzdaq
(click to show/hide)

There is not much we can do about EU backstabbing us during an even war with thousands more troops than we have.

We just fight as hard as we can and try to make the battles fun!
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: ARN_ on July 14, 2015, 08:42:21 pm
Truth is we are doing great. We have had awesome battles lately.

Some shots from recent fights!

Nova Curaw
(click to show/hide)

New Unuzdaq
(click to show/hide)

There is not much we can do about EU backstabbing us during an even war with thousands more troops than we have.

We just fight as hard as we can and try to make the battles fun!
Backstabbing? Backstabbing?!?!?!?!? How is it backstabbing when we didn't have an alliance or a NAP. Stop talking bullshit. Thx.Bye.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: StonedSteel on July 14, 2015, 08:53:56 pm
how many of those awesome battles lately are against blackbird and arn?

u clearly have a different idea of what "doing great" means...but hey, its nice to see u in such high spirit, after losing ur empire...again.


tbh i kinda miss captain chosen one, i mean...u think there are just some people that CANT be replaced...nope, totally replaceable. and ur daily commitment to as impressive as chosen one was. well done...hahaha i suppose u are doing great at something....
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: njames89 on July 14, 2015, 08:54:06 pm
Backstabbing? Backstabbing?!?!?!?!? How is it backstabbing when we didn't have an alliance or a NAP. Stop talking bullshit. Thx.Bye.

You stabbed us in the back when we were already fighting a war. (
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: StonedSteel on July 14, 2015, 08:58:13 pm
You stabbed us in the back when we were already fighting a war. ( asked for downvote...they mean alot to me, and help keep me honest. im actually dead serious...too many upvotes is a bad thing...people stop speaking their mind and start saying only agreeable things, like racist frenchmans.

fuck that, DOWNVOTE plz, so i can keep speaking my mind\

like...its not takes gold to move armies,,,u really think they would march past desert and go attack hoc?

u are the closest AVAILABLE target...u are in the right place at the wrong time is all.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Noodlenrice on July 14, 2015, 09:10:30 pm
I remember when James did the same thing to the Marauders and claimed it was not backstabbing. Be consistent with accusations.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: njames89 on July 14, 2015, 09:23:52 pm
I remember when James did the same thing to the Marauders and claimed it was not backstabbing. Be consistent with accusations.

If that was pistachios faction, he was going around telling everyone how we was going to attack us. I seem to remember some good battles.

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Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: BlackPanda on July 14, 2015, 09:27:53 pm
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Thanks for free gear and Xp.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Noodlenrice on July 14, 2015, 09:53:48 pm
If that was pistachios faction, he was going around telling everyone how we was going to attack us. I seem to remember some good battles.

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Meh that war was pretty fun and I'm not mad about any part of it. I don't get any part of that picture though m8
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: BlackxBird on July 14, 2015, 10:01:41 pm
It's not like I sort of announced in the forums to attack u guys...

Or the first ppl already joined us 1 week before we came to NA.

You had enough time to prepare.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: StonedSteel on July 14, 2015, 11:57:35 pm
It's not like I sort of announced in the forums to attack u guys...

Or the first ppl already joined us 1 week before we came to NA.

You had enough time to prepare.

more than enough, they have been "at war" for some time now. Dutchies stream of attacks have apparently died down, but they have been under the threat of attack for a long time now, months and months. going back to when hoc and wardens were one faction.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Schoi on July 15, 2015, 01:51:24 am
It's not like I sort of announced in the forums to attack u guys...

Or the first ppl already joined us 1 week before we came to NA.

You had enough time to prepare.

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Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: BlackxBird on July 15, 2015, 02:33:42 am
Schoi nominated for the biggest bundle of sticks in the universe.

Btw nice battle today! Hope you guys gonna keep it up!
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Noodlenrice on July 15, 2015, 03:19:50 am
Bloodbath. Thank god I had the foresight to turn off bodies or else my computer would have exploded
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: ARN_ on July 15, 2015, 09:52:28 am

(click to show/hide)
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Schoi on July 15, 2015, 11:04:26 am

(click to show/hide)

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Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: ARN_ on July 15, 2015, 11:17:13 am
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I am happy to bring you the feels
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: njames89 on July 15, 2015, 09:09:35 pm
Wow Eques. Gear bombing the fief. That is unbelievably low. Even for you.

This clan put over 100 shitty broken item types into the fief, using a broken mechanic to stop us from being able to use construction equipment and ranged gear.

(click to show/hide)

Please don't support this type of play or it ruins the game for people. Shame on you eques.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: W0LF on July 15, 2015, 09:17:22 pm
I guess they didnt like all our xbow snipers  :cry:
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Voncrow on July 15, 2015, 09:29:33 pm
Wow Eques. Gear bombing the fief. That is unbelievably low. Even for you.

This clan put over 100 shitty broken item types into the fief, using a broken mechanic to stop us from being able to use construction equipment and ranged gear.

(click to show/hide)

Please don't support this type of play or it ruins the game for people. Shame on you eques.

I'd have to agree, Golden Crusader Face Plates are a pretty shitty item. I'm sure all that gear is from a direct transfer as opposed to the game mechanic where you get their shit at the end of the battle.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: njames89 on July 15, 2015, 09:33:29 pm
I cleared the fief out completely of gear after we won the battle. So i can confirm 100% this is from an enemy player (eques). Because they lost in the last battle.

Ruins the game and excludes ranged players. Cancel the battle if you have any decency left BlackBird.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: BlackxBird on July 15, 2015, 09:58:54 pm
I will kill 1500 troops just cuz u retard fucked something up? no. y didn't u fucking check the gear? You knew we will attack
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: W0LF on July 15, 2015, 10:01:29 pm
Did you read his above post? He said he cleared out the junk gear and made sure it wouldn't be gear bugged.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Casimir on July 15, 2015, 10:04:09 pm
Any evidence for that or should people just accept the honourable word of 'king' James?
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: W0LF on July 15, 2015, 10:07:26 pm
What evidence would he be able to show? I wasn't able to think of any way unless he took screenshots of his gear before and after, but he didn't and I don't think anyone does. So for now all we have is his word.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: BlackxBird on July 15, 2015, 10:07:44 pm
if it is only the gear he shows in the sc you guys will have no problems with taking anything, it is just not enough.

And why would I give u that "good" gear, if I could just sell it and buy some real shit? Like the 20 cheapest one handed, two handed and polearms?
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: njames89 on July 15, 2015, 10:33:13 pm
I will kill 1500 troops just cuz u retard fucked something up? no. y didn't u fucking check the gear? You knew we will attack

 I did check the gear. There was nothing in there until you guys tried to gearbug us with 100+ item types of shit broken gear.

Regardless we will prevail. You should know that gearbugging a fief in order to stop the other side from getting their equipment, is against the rules.

What evidence would he be able to show?

I have screenshots of the gear. Admin is looking into it.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: njames89 on July 15, 2015, 10:46:35 pm
Set ranks on the gear to get around this issue, or does that not work?

I have done this. Hope it works. Never relied on it before.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: BlackxBird on July 15, 2015, 11:35:31 pm
there are still admins who can check strat shit? who is that? We had so much trouble already with bugged shit and nobody cared about it and now *_*

Oh and btw as long as u can't 100 % tell us that it was me or one of my clanmates you got nothing. Cuz somebody of you could have done it too just to ban one of us and maybe u tried that ranking shit before just to fuck us up now.

Oh and btw if you're not sure if this ranking shit works u'd better not do it, cuz than only some of u can waste the stuff and it will take ages for the others to get their bows/shields or whatever they want
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Lt_Anders on July 16, 2015, 12:16:39 am

Contact me on Steam. I teach you some tricks for this.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: StonedSteel on July 16, 2015, 12:27:02 am

i dont see james lying about this or making it up.

i dont see eques cheating because they dont need to in any way shape or form.

its not plausible that you've messed up someone how? or a clan mate? or a random fucking guy dropping his shit gear in there?
i mean...u dont have to be in someones clan to transfer sargoth i gave them ALL my gear, the good, the bad, and the ugly.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: mcdeath on July 16, 2015, 02:41:51 am

Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Casimir on July 16, 2015, 03:47:59 am
What evidence would he be able to show? I wasn't able to think of any way unless he took screenshots of his gear before and after, but he didn't and I don't think anyone does. So for now all we have is his word.

Well you know burden of proof sure can be a bitch.  Hope the admins can check the logs for this and tell everyone what the hell happened.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Dutchydave on July 16, 2015, 04:23:27 am
I did check the gear. There was nothing in there until you guys tried to gearbug us with 100+ item types of shit broken gear.

Regardless we will prevail. You should know that gearbugging a fief in order to stop the other side from getting their equipment, is against the rules.

I have screenshots of the gear. Admin is looking into it.

Gear bugging a fief should only be illegal after an attack has been made(well actually that is not what the rule states but that is just common sense, but that rule was made a long time before the fix was made for this strat and yes i agree that common sense and these devs dont normally go hand in hand :lol:) if the items where dumped into the fief long before an attack then it is hardly against the rules. Also I would like to add that you know how to rank items(as I told you how when you where crying to me when we attacked this city) and it is impossible to gear bug someone who is inside their fief now with the fix they made at the begining of strat 5.

Also good luck with getting any of the admins who have the power to see who and when this so called gear was dumped in as none of them give a fuck, they are all to busy working on a game that will fail. 8-)


Contact me on Steam. I teach you some tricks for this.

I already taught James months ago :wink:
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Balikar on July 16, 2015, 04:40:44 am

I already taught James months ago :wink:

Takes him a few times.  I don't think Eques would do it though.  They don't need to.  Hopefully the next fight won't have such dense fog though... 
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: woody on July 16, 2015, 03:55:50 pm
Gear bombing is arsehole work.

However a photo of gear is irrelevant, surely theres some log of when its was dumped in and by who. Whether it was Eques (I doubt it), Acre trying a frame up (I doubt it) or some random troll shit stirring (possible) or just gear left from Sieges (not that likely) or a bug (not convinced) whoever did it must be traceable.

I personally believe it is the evil lizards running the planet who faked the moon landings.

Rather than insulting each other lets try and get someone to see what actually happened. Oh and get my army and gear back from bugged siege at the same time.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Torben on July 16, 2015, 06:42:40 pm
Not that it matters,  but I am quite sure that Blackbird wouldnt gearbomb.  He wants a real war,  after all thats what this game is about.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: BlackxBird on July 16, 2015, 06:53:47 pm
We gave u guys gear back, we gave u ur independence day free... And still I'm the son of bitch.

I tried to keep that friendly and to not wipe u of the map after we got our territory, but that seems to be not even that bad :3

Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: bruttus on July 16, 2015, 06:55:26 pm
So does that means that the entire EU is moving to NA?
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: BlackxBird on July 16, 2015, 06:56:22 pm
no, they are just bored and sent us some support, not that we need it, but Asugan castle is still not ours so... :D it will be soon.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: bruttus on July 16, 2015, 07:01:16 pm
so the answer is yes

O well, can't wait when I'm on the move
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Bronto on July 16, 2015, 07:09:17 pm
Basically EU strat is frozen, so they are coming to NA because it's not. I believe that is the only reason but we should all quit being cunts and just embrace the xp. NA players I really hope you start fighting EU and not each other. Let my words ease the pain of your hurt butts. It'll all be over soon. Band together and make it last a little longer. Embrace each other NA and repel these foreign invaders!

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Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: ARN_ on July 16, 2015, 07:09:49 pm
So does that means that the entire EU is moving to NA?
Nope, Na wouldn't be able to support all the Grey troops
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: BlackxBird on July 16, 2015, 07:29:13 pm
Nope, Na wouldn't be able to support all the Grey troops

Defend 75 k troops bitches :P Just sayin, when we left EU and came to EU we had 60 (with the turks), so imagine how many we still got and how many greys have and than think about what would happen when greys would attack... :D
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: bruttus on July 16, 2015, 07:39:22 pm
Basically EU strat is frozen, so they are coming to NA because it's not. I believe that is the only reason but we should all quit being cunts and just embrace the xp. NA players I really hope you start fighting EU and not each other. Let my words ease the pain of your hurt butts. It'll all be over soon. Band together and make it last a little longer. Embrace each other NA and repel these foreign invaders!

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That will never happen
But what well gonna happen is this
EU comes in a massive force to NA
The NA factions that decided to Alliance themselfs with EU, stay, until they are not needed, the rest will be wiped out.
The NA factions that have decided to fight against the EU threat, will be wipped out
The Alliance between EU and the allied NA will not last, becouse of the massive migration from EU to NA
Those NA clans will be wipped out, becouse they will have no full rosters, becouse of well its war, the wiped NA factions will join the EU in theyre battles,becouse of the grudge and well its war, and EU need NA merc's whille the other NA factions, that decide to stay allied with the EU, are forced to give up theyre freedom, so that they can keep theyre fiefs
From then on NA have to fight EU wars, meaning that they have to do what theyre EU overlords say.

Now there is 1 posibility, and that is if there are some EU factions, that consider freedom an earned right, that they join the NA factions that are fighting against the EU invasion, I think that they are more then welcome by the NA community.

Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Balikar on July 16, 2015, 08:50:56 pm
You underestimate NA.  If the NA clans unite, it will be an interesting war.  EU may gain ground in the day, but at night, the seesaw may balance out. 
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: StonedSteel on July 16, 2015, 08:52:03 pm
We gave u guys gear back, we gave u ur independence day free... And still I'm the son of bitch.

I tried to keep that friendly and to not wipe u of the map after we got our territory, but that seems to be not even that bad :3




Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: StonedSteel on July 16, 2015, 08:58:00 pm
You underestimate NA.  If the NA clans unite, it will be an interesting war.  EU may gain ground in the day, but at night, the seesaw may balance out.

i fucking hate seesaws, they allure u into thinking its all fun and games, and seems fun and safe when u first start!

BUT IM TELLING U THEY ARE TORTURE DEVICES!!! one sec, ur launched into the air so fast ur head spins, then boom, u hit the top with such velocity, u smash ur own teeth together and bite ur cheek...and the horror doesnt end their, after that u plummet back to the earth with such momentum...BOOM, trust me...when that paddle hits the ground...its like being ass hurt for days...and i still dont walk right

take it from me lads...u see a evil seesaw...FUCKING RUN M8, KEEP RUNNING, DONT LOOK BACK, JUST RUN AND GET AWAY AND SAVE URSELF!!!!!!

(today...was a good lunch break)
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: bruttus on July 16, 2015, 09:29:11 pm
You underestimate NA.  If the NA clans unite, it will be an interesting war.  EU may gain ground in the day, but at night, the seesaw may balance out.

Correct me if i'm wrong, but this is what I see on the stratmap
New Libere Equites ---> thats the EU Faction -----> Color is Black
Lost Legion-----> NA Faction -----> allied with the EU faction---> Color is Black
Libere Equites----> NA faction----> Allied with the EU faction---> Color is Black
Wardens of the North-----> NA faction------> allied with teh EU faction---> Color is Black
So they are already asking to the EU overlords what buttcheek they have to kiss, and When.

HoC----> NA faction----> Allied with the EU faction------> Color is Green
Is the biggest NA faction a.t.m. and prolly the next target when the next EU invasion wave comes, becouse HoC has to many fiefs, according to the EU overlords
But maybe the only NA faction that NA has to convince to swap sides, with that maybe other NA factions will join the fight

Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Schoi on July 16, 2015, 11:01:47 pm
You underestimate NA.  If the NA clans unite, it will be an interesting war.  EU may gain ground in the day, but at night, the seesaw may balance out.

We have our secret weapon. Because in the USA, McDonald's delivers 24/7
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: BlackxBird on July 16, 2015, 11:36:13 pm
why would we attack HOC. They were marvelous partners of us and I personally trust their leaders and their clan/faction. And WoM is not eques, but LL is. LL joined us cuz Dutchy trusts in me like I trust in him.

Germans never break friendships.

Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Schoi on July 16, 2015, 11:57:13 pm
why would we attack HOC. They were marvelous partners of us and I personally trust their leaders and their clan/faction. And WoM is not eques, but LL is. LL joined us cuz Dutchy trusts in me like I trust in him.

Germans never break friendships.


What about when H1tl3r decided to break friendship with the Jews?
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: BlackxBird on July 17, 2015, 12:03:14 am
I sort of studied that shit so don't write full retard shit like that.

Nobody should make fun about second world war, especially not those ones who watched millions dying and than when there was one attack on one trading ship they declared war.

I learnt of that what my grand-grand parents did, but as it seems some didn't.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Balikar on July 17, 2015, 12:25:55 am
I sort of studied that shit so don't write full retard shit like that.

Nobody should make fun about second world war, especially not those ones who watched millions dying and than when there was one attack on one trading ship they declared war.

I learnt of that what my grand-grand parents did, but as it seems some didn't.

It shows.

The Americans joined World War 2 after the bombing of Pearl Harbor. 
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: bruttus on July 17, 2015, 12:48:10 am
The fact is that you are scared as hell, when NA is Teaming up, to kick your faction and those NA traitors back to EU
you are defending youre self, and act like a prophet

But in the mean time, whille you are talking, you made tactical mistakes
1) You are bragging about the troops, gold and equipment that you have and can trow in to the war
2) You are telling that you don't need anny reinforcements, but still you cheer like a cheerleader when a Turkish clan/faction is bringing reinforcements.
3) You showt us the map what area you wanna have, 1/3 or 1/2 of the map
4) You are telling when the Grey's are coming, that NA wouldn't stand a chance, so that means, that you are just the first wave of the EU invasion, so its possible that you keep that area that you wanna have so that other EU clans can push in to NA country

So, its the NA community that fight against you and your NA traitors that joined under your factioncolor (Black) to convince HoC to switch sides, and that makes you worried that with theyre help, you will be pushed back to EU country.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: BlackxBird on July 17, 2015, 12:58:38 am
omg I don't care what u think and I don't even give a single fuck on who u are.

If you think u can change the mind of those ppl who would follow me into death, yes. Try. Good luck with it.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Lt_Anders on July 17, 2015, 01:15:56 am
The fuck was that? L2Siege geez. :twisted:
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: BlackxBird on July 17, 2015, 01:17:42 am
So 5 Kalmar armies and 1 eques army destroied by the server upfuck, we gave back the gear after a nighttime was totally shit and we changed to raid,

but I'm pretty sure it does not matter how kind we are, HCE won't give a fuck, just asking, you won't give us back the gear will u?
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Lt_Anders on July 17, 2015, 01:20:59 am
So 5 Kalmar armies and 1 eques army destroied by the server upfuck, we gave back the gear after a nighttime was totally shit and we changed to raid,

but I'm pretty sure it does not matter how kind we are, HCE won't give a fuck, just asking, you won't give us back the gear will u?

You didn't properly Equip siege gear. Therefore, they have no obligation to give you the gear back.

EU has been fucked forever. I don't/didn't hear this complaining when server broke back then...
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: BlackxBird on July 17, 2015, 01:23:18 am
well nvm than
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Voncrow on July 17, 2015, 02:00:03 am
You didn't properly Equip siege gear. Therefore, they have no obligation to give you the gear back.

EU has been fucked forever. I don't/didn't hear this complaining when server broke back then...

I remember them complaining about broke servers then, after and still. Maybe you shouldn' be such a twat, or has mercing for HCE made lying to commonplace for you?
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Balikar on July 17, 2015, 02:05:43 am
You didn't properly Equip siege gear. Therefore, they have no obligation to give you the gear back.

EU has been fucked forever. I don't/didn't hear this complaining when server broke back then...

Actually Anders, gotta disagree with you on this.  The EU folk have been very giving in this war.  After the server froze, and unfroze with no notice, a rollback should have occured.  It didn't.  The proper action would have been to give back gear for all armies that got hosed.  The troop count was hurt enough, but to lose it all... meh.  Look at it this way.  Would HCE have caused an uproar if roles were reversed?  You betcha. 

I don't expect them to give the gear back for any of them though.  That would mean they'd have character... ;-)
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Voncrow on July 17, 2015, 02:09:09 am
I don't expect them to give the gear back for any of them though.  That would mean they'd have character... ;-)

People still wonder why there is an abundance of NA mercs with the Euros.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Lt_Anders on July 17, 2015, 02:37:44 am
Actually Anders, gotta disagree with you on this.  The EU folk have been very giving in this war.  After the server froze, and unfroze with no notice, a rollback should have occured.  It didn't.  The proper action would have been to give back gear for all armies that got hosed.  The troop count was hurt enough, but to lose it all... meh.  Look at it this way.  Would HCE have caused an uproar if roles were reversed?  You betcha. 

I don't expect them to give the gear back for any of them though.  That would mean they'd have character... ;-)

Really? Roll back? What a disgrace. In the history of Strat, the only time a roll back has ever occured was from a significant bug that caused sever problems.(usually at the time a patch is released that causes a bug and they revert back before the bug) Lets just completly ignore nearly 20+ times this shit has happened before and never been "fixed" like that. Plz, get a grip.

I remember them complaining about broke servers then, after and still. Maybe you shouldn' be such a twat, or has mercing for HCE made lying to commonplace for you?
Kalmars got rekt by that Server upfuck and got only 3 armies left, so they will probably just attack some villages, but if you think you can attack them, we equipped every single army we lost again and can equip them once more.

Not asking for gear and bragging they have so much gear. Probably from Months of Farming on the EU side that doesn't allow you to get attacked(but you can still move, trade and everything else)

No, they didn't complain until they couldn't attack anymore. In fact, he just laughed at someone threating to attack him in EU, telling them to "go ahead."
omg if you guys want to attack us go go go :D

We will destroy about 4-5 k troops/population today and you guys really think it would be intelligent to try shit in EU :D


If you attack something in EU you will be frozen for ages and you will loose the battle :)

But well thx :) One less we gotta take care of :)

If anything, the little kraut should be pegged down. Not only can you not actually attack his fiefs and his real armies, he brags about it when he attacks you.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: BlackxBird on July 17, 2015, 04:34:35 am
You want to attack us? Try it. We would flagcap every single siege you try, like we did it in the field battles.

You blame us being safe in EU, but I haven't even seen one real attack on something we have in NA, so why would u seriously attack us in EU when we got more troops there than here?
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Bryggan on July 17, 2015, 07:46:15 am
Moonshine, don't even try be the 'voice of reason'.  You were one of the ones who begged Eques to come because you felt HCE was too powerful.  VonCrow... um, wtf, I don't even know you?  Why all the hate?

BlackxBird, I admire you for your martial ways in a fucking war game.  You have armies, you conquer.  Try that in NA.  You either get shit for attacking or not attacking enough.  People whine, whine, whine.

But you are an arrogant prick.  I talked to your followers and asked what made you such a great commander.  And it was not how you said, "nice green' or 'too much red gents'.  It was the fact that you used siege equipment.

When we did our damnedest to revive Strat, we were happy with 15 vs 15 battles.  And with 15 men defending a castle, siege equipment was a waste of resources.  Forward spawns could be wrecked after a bad push due to respawn time, castle walls could not be watched over, so ladders always did the job.  By the time it took to build a siege tower the battle was over.

But we learned lots.  We are getting our shit together.  The dark ages are over, and we may have entered a renaissance.  It's no longer 'let people play whatever way they want, cuz we'll never ever use all our ticks."  I think our people see the need to be serious.

And I quote:

"I fear all we have done is to awaken a sleeping giant and fill him with a terrible resolve."

Fuck yeah!  You may feel you are an Odoacer trying destroy then take over our empire, but this time the empire will stay true.  This is not some weak Roman Empire, but the Holy chadzian Empire... based on the Holy Roman Empire.

So whether we debase ourselves like the Wardens or Hounds and beg for Euro interfence, or fight you fuckers off like the mad dogs we are; we will win.  And don't ever, ever, ever bitch about Night Time Settings.  You come to our word and force 5 pm fights on my continent.  I'm lucky if I get home by 5:45.  So I miss all the big battles.  Which sux.  I will stay up late, but I won't miss work.  So play our primetime, or fight other Euros on our map.


*oh will continue my RP tomorrow I hope
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Voncrow on July 17, 2015, 08:08:00 am
  VonCrow... um, wtf, I don't even know you?  Why all the hate?

All entirely because you always spell my name VonCrow
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Bryggan on July 17, 2015, 08:43:21 am
Oh, I apologize Vander Crow.  But it just seems like you're an annoying creature who pops up to feed on garbage... kinda like that bird... oh what's it called... oh yeah, a seagull!  But while most of us bash each other with a bit humour, you just seem bitchy.  Do you need a hug?  Did that teacher touch you in a bad way, and make you feel estranged from the rest of the world?  It's ok, bud.  We're all friends here.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Schoi on July 17, 2015, 09:01:41 am
omg I don't care what u think and I don't even give a single fuck on who u are.

If you think u can change the mind of those ppl who would follow me into death, yes. Try. Good luck with it.

You talk like a kid from a ghetto elementary school.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: bruttus on July 17, 2015, 09:22:58 am
Actually Anders, gotta disagree with you on this.  The EU folk have been very giving in this war.  After the server froze, and unfroze with no notice, a rollback should have occured.  It didn't.  The proper action would have been to give back gear for all armies that got hosed.  The troop count was hurt enough, but to lose it all... meh.  Look at it this way.  Would HCE have caused an uproar if roles were reversed?  You betcha. 

I don't expect them to give the gear back for any of them though.  That would mean they'd have character... ;-)

Actually, I have not completly agree with you
The fact is that he is bragging on the forums that he has a shit ton of troops, gear, gold, so he shouldn't care about the lose of a compleet geared up army WITH NO SIEGE EQUIPMENT
If he didn't do that in the first place, I would completly agree with you about giving theyre gear back, but in this case, wel screw him
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Voncrow on July 17, 2015, 10:08:52 am
Oh, I apologize Vander Crow.  But it just seems like you're an annoying creature who pops up to feed on garbage... kinda like that bird... oh what's it called... oh yeah, a seagull!  But while most of us bash each other with a bit humour, you just seem bitchy.  Do you need a hug?  Did that teacher touch you in a bad way, and make you feel estranged from the rest of the world?  It's ok, bud.  We're all friends here.

Wasn't I suppose to be the one to take things too seriously Baggan? But more to topic, maybe you're right. Maybe I am taking this diplomacy thread too seriously, I mean who takes strat seriously?
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Bryggan on July 17, 2015, 10:54:50 am
Yes, it is you who takes it too seriously.  Nuff said?
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Nightingale on July 17, 2015, 12:23:17 pm
I quite honestly believe wardens and hounds had nothing to do with EU interference on the NA map... to me it just seems like another EU invasion planed and brought to us by... you guessed it... EU.

Can't believe this thread is almost to page 60... maybe someday ill come back and read it all.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Tristan_of_Erzoth on July 17, 2015, 12:30:36 pm
I quite honestly believe wardens and hounds had nothing to do with EU interference on the NA map... to me it just seems like another EU invasion planed and brought to us by... you guessed it... EU.

Can't believe this thread is almost to page 60... maybe someday ill come back and read it all.

They knew about it before hand and asked them to join. Thats why the first post had them listed as supporters when it was first posted. Because they worked with Dutchy to bring them over. Faction leaders from both have confirmed this
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: bruttus on July 17, 2015, 01:06:49 pm
omg I don't care what u think and I don't even give a single fuck on who u are.

Actually you should, or even better, you gonna regret that you crossed mine pad.

If you wanna know who I am, just ask the Hounds, becouse I am a former Hound member
prolly they are gonna say that I am a worthles peasant, etc..., but for me what happend between me and them is in the past. If they still have a grudge about it, so be it.

But I hope what HoC back then apreciated, and now Bryggan, was/is mine ability of tactical thinking in the stratmap, mine ability to be sneaky and suprise you when you don't expect.
If I tell you that I was in HoC area, after the split between me and HoC, even when I know that they where searching me in strat, I avoided theyre patrols, and even when they saw me, it was already to late to intersept me, and that for weeks, until I left CRPG, 1.5years ago.

I have received full freedom to do what I can do best, making the enemy's difficult
I'm not a person that waits until the enemy forces come knocking on mine door, I attack them first, even if I lose that battle, heck I will keep your siege army busy, so that the city has more tome for to put more defences in theyre fief.
So be glad that I'm not leading an army, yet, but be worried when you see mine name coming to your fiefs, becouse when you see it, its to late to react

About HoC, I have more respect about them them then about you
Becouse I know what they can do
They don't brag about how manny troops, how manny gold they have or how awsome theyre gear is, we see those things most of the time when it is to late
In mine day's as an HoC member, they where asked allot, first as merc's, then as an faction
Back then, when the enemy saw the GREEN SHIELDWALL, they knew that HoC was there, and they knew to conquer that city or village, or even when HoC was attacking a fief or having a fieldbattle, the enemy knew that they where screwed, that they would lose a shitload of tickets and gear. That was the HoC that I knew.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Mr.K. on July 17, 2015, 02:08:47 pm
They knew about it before hand and asked them to join. Thats why the first post had them listed as supporters when it was first posted. Because they worked with Dutchy to bring them over. Faction leaders from both have confirmed this

We rode to NA on our own donkeys, but what BlackBird did was try and make sure we have roster support from some people on NA so we wouldn't get completely annihilated like in the past.

This is hardly a big campaign from the mighty EU factions that it may look like. Yes, Eques has the troops and the gear (we Kalmars lost ours already in the server fuck up), but neither of us have the active members to actually do something big. A bit more than a year ago Kalmars alone would have been able to move 15 armies at the same time, Eques another 10-15. Right now we're maybe one third of that at best. As I said before Acre should use this to their advantage but have failed to do so so far, just sitting inside castles and waiting to be grinded down.

Acre is paying 600k per battle for their mercs which I find insane. Strat battles should be about big, fun, coordinated battles that we usually don't see on EU1/NA1, not pay to win. It's annoying when after all your hard work fixing up the gear (sometimes even siege gear :rolleyes:) people won't apply for the battles, but there's not much you can do about it and we won't go that route. What's been positive so far in this war has been that both sides have had decent sized rosters and the battles have had some of that oldskool Strat feeling that I miss. Hopefully we'll see that continue to evolve in the next few battles as well. Acre showed much better coordination in the last siege already with healing tents, attacks on forward spawns, crossbow spam and so on that really caught us off guard. Thanks for that, it means that we need to step up our game a lot to take that city.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: BlackxBird on July 17, 2015, 02:09:42 pm
Just to make that clear: Stop calling our allies beggars.

We came here and the first persons people told me to speak to was Dutchy and Calamari. I talked to them and decided to attack u. That was 2 weeks before the invasion started.
4 days before it started I took part in a siege battle and talked to jona afterwards, he accepted my offer of an alliance cuz I didn't want anything, but the roster support.
I told him to not come to the south and attack anything, cuz we will handle that things down here and give them free run in the north
The Wardens are kind people too, Dutchy mainly talked to them.
And than one by one I talked to other ppl, after the war has started. Those ones who don't have big factions, those ones who would be alone.
Than I though let's talk to our enemy about the conditions of this war. Well, after being insulted the first 5 minutes in your teamspeak, I was about to leave, but than fortunately somebody moved James out^^. So I talked to some of u and than somebody in the channel changed his night time while I was talking about it - rq.

I'm the one who begged for roster support and I'm the one who does it before every battle. So blame me, call me pathetic or whatever, but leave them.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: njames89 on July 17, 2015, 02:25:46 pm
I am sorry you think us wanting to fight in NA primetime and not the middle of the day is insulting Blackbird. The reality is the majority of our guys are not home during the day.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: BlackxBird on July 17, 2015, 02:30:18 pm
lol u deny rageing and insulting me when I came to your ts? You did not talk about the night time at all. You were simply insulting me.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: njames89 on July 17, 2015, 02:32:26 pm
lol u deny rageing and insulting me when I came to your ts? You did not talk about the night time at all. You were simply insulting me.

I wasn't raging lol. When you came in you said to change our night time settings and we said no.

I will admit I did point out some of the bullshit you were saying, if you find that insulting.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: BlackxBird on July 17, 2015, 02:35:42 pm
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I should have recorded that... Couldn't really talk cuz I had to laugh because u were QQing like a lil kid xD
The funny thing is, ur clanmates heard it and moved u out like a, well yes a little kid xD
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: njames89 on July 17, 2015, 02:36:40 pm
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I should have recorded that... Couldn't really talk cuz I had to laugh because u were QQing like a lil kid xD

You came in and were threatening us to try and get us to change our night time setting  :lol:

I'm sorry blackbird... I can't take you seriously right now, no one moves me in my ts. That said I did leave when I was done listening to your idiocy.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: BlackxBird on July 17, 2015, 02:38:24 pm
U. KING JAMES. got moved like a 10 years old. It was like: now the parents talk, better go play in the sandbox.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: njames89 on July 17, 2015, 02:39:05 pm
U. KING JAMES. got moved like a 10 years old. It was like: now the parents talk, better go play in the sandbox.

All right buddy :)
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: BlackxBird on July 17, 2015, 02:42:05 pm
I don't care if those ppl in the forum here who read that know it.

I know that the people in your clan/faction know how great u are. Someone of u guys (one of the most infulential ones) told me you wouldn't be allowed to talk about diplomac at all xD

Can't u guys send a real forum warrior? one who has actually rights?

btw. can't stop laughing atm xD (Im out for now, rl :( )
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: njames89 on July 17, 2015, 02:44:48 pm
As usual no idea what you are on about. Should be a fun fight tonight!
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: BlackxBird on July 17, 2015, 02:47:44 pm
u´r that fucking pathtic xD Laughing now since we started to write xD
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: njames89 on July 17, 2015, 02:50:15 pm
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Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: StonedSteel on July 17, 2015, 03:36:40 pm
" I can't take you seriously right now, no one moves me in my ts."
"So whether we debase ourselves like the Wardens or Hounds and beg for Euro interfence, or fight you fuckers off like the mad dogs we are"
"whine whine whine"

fucking disgusting, a disgrace to old strat players and a bad look for NA in general, u lads, are prob the whinest, most hypocritcal pathetic pussies who beat ur chest over every battle, and yet, never attack anything ur the new Relit\Raven clan, take ur honor and glory and lies and shove it.

thats exactly what i WOULD say to ur face in ts in i still cared about strat or crpg in general.

im trully glad that i dont care anymore and we can be friends again, brygg too...

because if i did care about strat, id call u out as the hypocritical lamos that u are.

like brygg...i like u less and less every post post u make.

and i like blackbird more and more with every post.

but meh, im a keshian loyalist, he played the game the way EU players play the game,,,and all he got from NA was hate for it.

fuck u guys. ( NA crpg players in general )
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: BlackxBird on July 17, 2015, 04:02:14 pm
cmon u can't say NA sucks

For sure I've seen some ridiculous shit from our side also, but in general the Anti HCE is just not used to our standarts. NA strat wasn't that good populated for a long time and now everything starts - nobody was ready for that.

But really, after I gave some tips to some of my friends shit worked pretty good! And as it seems the strat playstyle is there.

- somewhere -

ppl gotta search for it, but what I've seen so far even HCE is getting better. Still far away from being good, but they learnt from us.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Lt_Anders on July 17, 2015, 04:06:00 pm
" I can't take you seriously right now, no one moves me in my ts."
"So whether we debase ourselves like the Wardens or Hounds and beg for Euro interfence, or fight you fuckers off like the mad dogs we are"
"whine whine whine"

fucking disgusting, a disgrace to old strat players and a bad look for NA in general, u lads, are prob the whinest, most hypocritcal pathetic pussies who beat ur chest over every battle, and yet, never attack anything ur the new Relit\Raven clan, take ur honor and glory and lies and shove it.

thats exactly what i WOULD say to ur face in ts in i still cared about strat or crpg in general.

im trully glad that i dont care anymore and we can be friends again, brygg too...

because if i did care about strat, id call u out as the hypocritical lamos that u are.

like brygg...i like u less and less every post post u make.

and i like blackbird more and more with every post.

but meh, im a keshian loyalist, he played the game the way EU players play the game,,,and all he got from NA was hate for it.

fuck u guys. ( NA crpg players in general )

NA never liked Power blocks and Kesh always made a GO/DRZ alliance Powerblock forcing a 2 side 100+ v 100+ faction war. NA hates, and always has hated that.

HCE formed big block: Everyone shits on them cause it's fucking stupid.
Same with the big WOTN(or w/e the northern block was). Same with Squids. NA hates blocks, EU's love BIG Alliances(look at Blackbird's posts. He mentions, multiple times 4-5 EU factions in his little group/alliance)

Can't you whine less?
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: xxkaliboyx on July 17, 2015, 04:23:33 pm

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Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: cup457 on July 17, 2015, 05:53:40 pm
if you look at all the old strat maps, on NA all the large clans had maybe 2- 3 cities or whatever, and whenever a faction would start gathers more land everyone would start to declare war on them, and it happened several times. First with (I think) with Hospitaller, then HoC, FCC. NA allainces have always been small amount of land allied together, up until enough people went afk, Factions could take over entire sections of the map. When factions got large they fought, i suppose its just an (American?)(NA?) where we dont like following something thats sure to win, we want and much as possible for ourselves.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Novamere on July 17, 2015, 06:44:48 pm
Hope the battle tonight sheds some good XP cause it had been dry as a grannys pussy lately boys!
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: bruttus on July 17, 2015, 06:48:34 pm
Hope the battle tonight sheds some good XP cause it had been dry as a grannys pussy lately boys!

Lets then hope that they bring siege equipment with them :)
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: BlackPanda on July 17, 2015, 07:07:49 pm
cmon u can't say NA sucks

For sure I've seen some ridiculous shit from our side also, but in general the Anti HCE is just not used to our standarts. NA strat wasn't that good populated for a long time and now everything starts - nobody was ready for that.

But really, after I gave some tips to some of my friends shit worked pretty good! And as it seems the strat playstyle is there.

- somewhere -

ppl gotta search for it, but what I've seen so far even HCE is getting better. Still far away from being good, but they learnt from us.
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Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Bronto on July 17, 2015, 07:13:36 pm
NA never liked Power blocks and Kesh always made a GO/DRZ alliance Powerblock forcing a 2 side 100+ v 100+ faction war. NA hates, and always has hated that.

This right here Plumbo. Shove this up your ass. Maybe it's cause you're new in terms of the mod, or you did really drink the kool-aid, but this is why NA started/did/does hate your boyfriend kesh. He was always doing some shady shit up in strat like pretending to be a chaos member in our TEAMSPEAK because he thought that would work to get information. It didn't work........or did it........maybe he's the reason weshouldservebeer killed the mod!!!!!!!!! FUCKING SHIT!!!!! IT ALL MAKES SENSE NOW!!!!!!!!!!!PLUMBO YOU'RE A GODDAMN IDIOT GENIUS!!!!!!!!!!

I'm not going down this road again, if you want to, go back to old diplomacy from previous threads and you may learn a thing or two. Probably not though, because you are one of those people that no matter how wrong they might be, is always going to perceive themselves as right.

Also, for as much as you hate NA, strat, and the game, you sure do post a lot about it.

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Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Bryggan on July 17, 2015, 07:20:03 pm

Than I though let's talk to our enemy about the conditions of this war. Well, after being insulted the first 5 minutes in your teamspeak, I was about to leave, but than fortunately somebody moved James out^^. So I talked to some of u and than somebody in the channel changed his night time while I was talking about it - rq.

I'm the one who begged for roster support and I'm the one who does it before every battle. So blame me, call me pathetic or whatever, but leave them.

I don't recall you trying to contact me at all.  I suppose Dutchy told you James was the leader of the faction.  He knew how well that would go.  But, a little english lesson here: Emperor outranks King.  Yet when I talked to you, you didn't seem to know who I was.

But it doesn't matter, diplomacy would have done nothing.  By that time all our enemies had bowed to you and offered you NA earth and water.  You needed someone to fight, and even if we had cowed like everyone else and begged for your protection, you needed lands to take.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Jona on July 17, 2015, 09:25:35 pm
Posting on behalf of... well, I bet you can all guess who:

guess what bronto...UR DUMB...and i like u...i just dont care what dumb little kids have to say ( brain isnt developed yet and all that )

anders...stfu, at least Kesh did shit with his Mega alliance,,,unlike some racist frenchmans ( again...looking at u there bronto, hmm, lets see, how many wars did kesh create...hmm, how many did weshoulddonothingbutdrinkbeer? HMM, hey, anders is ur number guy....have him fill u in on the details )

also..."Can't you whine less?" -campers ( its actually spelled anders...but wtf does he do but camp...hmm )

omg, cant U put a fucking bayonet on a goddamn rifle?

also..."100+ v 100+ faction war. NA hates, and always has hated that."

ur NA FFS of COURSE u hate that...u fucking lamos HATE war, hate fighting, LOVE whining, LOVE making excuses, i love kesh cuz he put u all in your fucking place...and u hate kesh, cuz u could never fucking touch him

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Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Tristan_of_Erzoth on July 17, 2015, 09:35:40 pm
Everyones bitching about HCE for not doing shit, but lets be 100% real here. No faction has done shit for at least the last 6 months up until like a few weeks ago. WOTN? Hasn't done shit since that last war against the Starks. HoC? They have done a small amount since leaving WOTN but it was mostly all counter battles vs HCE. LL? Dutchy does shit I'll give him that. Bezerks? Got pooped on and haven't done anything since besides sit in a castle and shit post on the forums. Plumbo all you've done all strat is attack one AFK guy and then sell the castle. I mean I haven't done a whole lot myself either, but come on nobody has done shit. We all got what we got because no one was there to stop us. But with EU coming and a TON of new players coming in/old players coming back(proof of this is look at the price of banners, shits gone up to 200k+ because of people trying to get banners for themselves) thats all going to change. The strat map is going to get a whole lot smaller and everyone will actually have to fight for their lands. Inactivity is over boys, lets go out there and do something.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: BlackxBird on July 17, 2015, 09:42:31 pm
Omg omg omg omg omfg



Just this. Plz this. Do it.

Im really so damn happy atm, I cant believe it <3
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: BlackxBird on July 17, 2015, 09:50:22 pm
And when there are new ppl who want to join strat they can camp in theeques territory and build their amry and attack ppl than
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Voncrow on July 17, 2015, 09:55:02 pm
Honestly I'm waiting to see if HCE will attack in a battle that they don't outnumber 2 to 1 in a field. I doubt it though, even after EU lost 7000 ticks to server crash.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Bronto on July 17, 2015, 10:13:19 pm
LOL at calling me a kid with an underdeveloped brain; or was that self deprecating? Either way, it's a terrible waste of an insult. Also our teamspeak server was a server for teamspeak. It did not have a mind of it's own, therefore, it could create no battles. Rhalzo and I fought plenty, ask Bruvantas and anyone else we attacked. Hell even Remnants fought us after they joined FCC, they were too big of pussies to fight us alone. Two guys vs. an entire clan must've seemed intimidating for them.

I could be your dad Plumbo and if I was.......I'd be just as disappointed.

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Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: xxkaliboyx on July 17, 2015, 10:30:41 pm
NA Strat died after Squids/AoW left to fulfill long life dreams, cure cancer, and fight terrorism.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Lt_Anders on July 17, 2015, 11:40:07 pm
guess what bronto...UR DUMB...and i like u...i just dont care what dumb little kids have to say ( brain isnt developed yet and all that )

anders...stfu, at least Kesh did shit with his Mega alliance,,,unlike some racist frenchmans ( again...looking at u there bronto, hmm, lets see, how many wars did kesh create...hmm, how many did weshoulddonothingbutdrinkbeer? HMM, hey, anders is ur number guy....have him fill u in on the details )

also..."Can't you whine less?" -campers ( its actually spelled anders...but wtf does he do but camp...hmm )

omg, cant U put a fucking bayonet on a goddamn rifle?

also..."100+ v 100+ faction war. NA hates, and always has hated that."

ur NA FFS of COURSE u hate that...u fucking lamos HATE war, hate fighting, LOVE whining, LOVE making excuses, i love kesh cuz he put u all in your fucking place...and u hate kesh, cuz u could never fucking touch him

You're such a damn broken record. Can't you properly learn to spell or use grammar? Reading your posts is like completing the Special Olympics.

As for your comments.
Kesh played, and always has, played dirty. He made the largest faction, forcefully threatened people(smaller factions) into doing things his way and abandoning them the moment he could for more dirty antics.  3/4 of what made NA factions hate strat was Kesh. The only thing he ever brought to strat was the ability to willingly abuse a mechanic and win at all costs.

Now, for his war record? Sure, it's easy to start wars when you have a faction of 80+ people, and own 1/4 of the map. How many wars did Kesh start this strat with his paltry 10 ish members? 2. And he spent the first part if it attacking EU clans who migrated over here cause of the massive EU alliance at shit times and flag capping them after outnumbering them significantly.

Kesh was the GO/DRZ equivalent in NA. Spamming mass numbers of active players(or getting larger newer clans into his "alliance block") and thus fighting everything, because strat isn't about skill, it's about nothing more than shear numbers.

(as for the bayonet reference, if you knew anything about rifles, you would know that that bayonet didn't belong on that rifle. Course, you'd rather autistically try and make an insult at everything you can because all you know how to do is troll. Troll and troll.)

NA Strat died after Squids/AoW left to fulfill long life dreams, cure cancer, and fight terrorism.

See above. It's easy to start wars when you own a large portion of player base.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Schoi on July 18, 2015, 12:37:35 am
Early EU vs NA strat battles be like
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Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Clockworkkiller on July 18, 2015, 07:29:25 am
i NEED a big favor from u of u...will do this for me

im muted...please post this on diplomacy...kk thx. uhh under the eu invasion thread...u know the one.

"guess what bronto...UR DUMB...and i like u...i just dont care what dumb little kids have to say ( brain isnt developed yet and all that )

anders...stfu, at least Kesh did shit with his Mega alliance,,,unlike some racist frenchmans ( again...looking at u there bronto, hmm, lets see, how many wars did kesh create...hmm, how many did weshoulddonothingbutdrinkbeer? HMM, hey, anders ir ur number guy....have him fill u in on the details )

also..."Can't you whine less?" -campers ( its actually spelled anders...but wtf does he do but camp...hmm )

omg, cant U put a fucking bayonet on a goddamn rifle?

also..."100+ v 100+ faction war. NA hates, and always has hated that."

ur NA FFS of COURSE u hate that...u fucking lamos HATE war, hate fighting, LOVE whining, LOVE making excuses, i love kesh cuz he put u all in your fucking place...and u hate kesh, cuz u could never fucking touch him

Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Tristan_of_Erzoth on July 18, 2015, 08:02:31 am
i NEED a big favor from u of u...will do this for me

im muted...please post this on diplomacy...kk thx. uhh under the eu invasion thread...u know the one.

"guess what bronto...UR DUMB...and i like u...i just dont care what dumb little kids have to say ( brain isnt developed yet and all that )

anders...stfu, at least Kesh did shit with his Mega alliance,,,unlike some racist frenchmans ( again...looking at u there bronto, hmm, lets see, how many wars did kesh create...hmm, how many did weshoulddonothingbutdrinkbeer? HMM, hey, anders ir ur number guy....have him fill u in on the details )

also..."Can't you whine less?" -campers ( its actually spelled anders...but wtf does he do but camp...hmm )

omg, cant U put a fucking bayonet on a goddamn rifle?

also..."100+ v 100+ faction war. NA hates, and always has hated that."

ur NA FFS of COURSE u hate that...u fucking lamos HATE war, hate fighting, LOVE whining, LOVE making excuses, i love kesh cuz he put u all in your fucking place...and u hate kesh, cuz u could never fucking touch him


Jona already posted this. Also why did Plumbo get muted?
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Jona on July 18, 2015, 08:18:16 am
Cuz mods be mute-happy. Why did you get warned?

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Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Tristan_of_Erzoth on July 18, 2015, 08:27:35 am
Cuz mods be mute-happy. Why did you get warned?

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I got warned for shit posting in an unban thread.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: BlackxBird on July 18, 2015, 08:30:15 am
We don't like the way the diplomacy subforum is being used right now - most threads derail into offtopic within page 1. We want to see more roleplaying and in-character conversation. This doesn't mean hardcore roleplaying, but you should write stuff with your character in mind.

Therefore, we will announce some rules that you should read closely before posting:
- no one liners - if you have something to say, put some effort in it.
- complete sentences, proper grammar - as above, put some effort in it.
- stay on topic
- no links to outside pictures, unless they really fit (ok: strategus map screenshot, not ok: link to 4chan images)
- same for youtube videos - unless you've done one yourself, it's most likely inappropiate.
- refrain from using "modern talk" - comparing a battle with the invasion of the iraq doesn't really help setting the mood
- think of it as people with messages that are getting sent to all of the lords.
- keep it in the timespan - so no talk about last strategus rounds, if possible

We did it right I suppose  :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: BlackxBird on July 19, 2015, 03:45:53 pm
Short announcement for everyone who wants to be "neutral" in this war:

You got to take a decission, so if you want to be neutral or our enemy.

If you want to be neutral, you have to support our rosters, than we will accept your neutrality. If you apply against us you are an enemy.

Sounds harder than it is. Btw this is the decission Knightmare chose, so for everyone who wonders why neutral players always apply for the same faction ;)
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Dutchydave on July 19, 2015, 04:05:18 pm
lol u deny rageing and insulting me when I came to your ts? You did not talk about the night time at all. You were simply insulting me.

Typical James, his impulsive outbursts of insults to many people is the main reason Acre has so many enemy's :rolleyes:
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Bryggan on July 19, 2015, 04:09:42 pm
So you're saying if people want to be neutral they gotta support you.    Um, neutral in German is "Neutralstellung", according to my translator.  Must have been some confusion there..

The Holy chadzian Empire accepts people's neutrality based on A: They don't attack us.  B: That's it.

So sign for whoever you want, though once again I beg all neutrals to consider aiming for roster balance.  But you might want to consider using pseudonyms for some battles, as some people consider 'being neutral' to mean being a vassal.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: BlackxBird on July 19, 2015, 04:16:50 pm
not saying they have to support us, just saying if they are in the enemy roster it´s the same as a declaration of war. Just common EU shit, but seems to be new in NA.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Lt_Anders on July 19, 2015, 04:17:24 pm
not saying they have to support us, just saying if they are in the enemy roster it´s the same as a declaration of war. Just common EU shit, but seems to be new in NA.

Wow, talk about some retarded diplomacy.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: ARN_ on July 19, 2015, 04:27:58 pm
Wow, talk about some retarded diplomacy.
Wow,  look the acre vassal is talking again...
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Lt_Anders on July 19, 2015, 04:29:47 pm
Wow,  look the acre vassal is talking again...

Lol. Acre vassal? WTF u smoking, cause I need some of that.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: ARN_ on July 19, 2015, 04:31:16 pm
Lol. Acre vassal? WTF u smoking, cause I need some of that.
You support them so you are a vassal. NA logic ftw!

Edit* Maybe not Na logic, more like acre vassal logic. Sorry all decent Na players for mixing you up with those scums
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Bryggan on July 19, 2015, 04:42:42 pm
And here I thought George W. Bush was the only one stupid enough to say something like, "If you are not for us, you are against us."

In NA, we respect the right for neutrals to suck up some of that delicious XP.  Most factions split the rosters, or sign for the lower one.

And now you'll be saying something like, "“There's an old saying in Bavaria — I know it's in Prussia, probably in Bavaria — that says, fool me once, shame on — shame on you. Fool me — you can't get fooled again.”
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: StonedSteel on July 19, 2015, 04:47:26 pm
Jona already posted this. Also why did Plumbo get muted?

i said fuck a bunch of times to someone that A: is easily offended by words, and B: is addicted to and cant help reading words she is offended by...i didnt have to write what i said, she didnt have to read it...meh internet logic

she started to cry, i asked her if i could use her tears to fill my irl pond.

apparently telling people they suck and to go fuck themselves is perfectly okay...but the moment u ask for free water...


whats with this?
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Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: mcdeath on July 19, 2015, 04:50:28 pm
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: BlackxBird on July 19, 2015, 05:03:10 pm
I´m not saying if you´re not for me, you´re against me.

I´m saying if you´re against me, you´re against me.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: cup457 on July 19, 2015, 07:56:13 pm
if people that were neutral didnt merc against people they didnt want war against na would be 5v5 castle sieges.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: bruttus on July 19, 2015, 08:06:58 pm
I´m not saying if you´re not for me, you´re against me.

I´m saying if you´re against me, you´re against me.

With that attitude, you will not get allot of support of your NA players.
Also, you are bragging around about your EU support, what I have to say, Almost none of the EUplayers joins your attacks in NA, except of those Druzina Guy's and maybe 1 or 2 of the Equis, for the rest its all NA people that wanna have fun with strat sieges and battles.
Where are your Grey support? Haven't seen them in the Durquba sieges, where you lost wave after wave tickets
Sure, you need NA support for your battles, but threat the neutral factions/players like that, and they join together with HCE to kick your german arse back to EU country
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: BlackxBird on July 19, 2015, 08:45:33 pm
All of our sieges were at 1 AM in the morning. If you want to see EU players in our roster tell james to change his night time or we will attack at 4 PM for us.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: ARN_ on July 19, 2015, 08:46:52 pm
All of our sieges were at 1 AM in the morning. If you want to see EU players in our roster tell james to change his night time or we will attack at 4 PM for us.
18:00-21:00 would be better
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: bruttus on July 19, 2015, 09:11:43 pm
All of our sieges were at 1 AM in the morning. If you want to see EU players in our roster tell james to change his night time or we will attack at 4 PM for us.

I'm from EU, and I stay at 1 AM
But you can orgenise fight at 5 or 6 AM it ist better for every 1
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: ARN_ on July 19, 2015, 09:13:09 pm
I'm from EU, and I stay at 1 AM
But you can orgenise fight at 5 or 6 AM it ist better for every 1
Better for everyone my ass...
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: BlackxBird on July 19, 2015, 09:13:26 pm
I could organize a fight at 4 PM for us. That would be great for me too.

And we allready did battles at 5 AM and still won them.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Mr.K. on July 19, 2015, 10:21:24 pm
And here I thought George W. Bush was the only one stupid enough to say something like, "If you are not for us, you are against us."

This. As long as the mercs apply for one side in one battle and the other side the next I really fail to see the problem. On EU the problem was the Druzhinas who saw it in the GWB way, the Greys seem to care much less about it as do we.

The lack of EU support is just due to late battle times and people not wanting to stay up all night waiting to fight with 170 ping. The Greys are mostly polish, so the Durquba battles start at 2AM and end 3:30AM. Can't really fault them for not being there, can you? I still counted like 12 EUs in the previous battle, so just be happy we have some EU mercs at least making the rosters bigger.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Bronto on July 20, 2015, 01:57:28 am
Can we all agree to stop crying about the details? 50 pages of this thread is just that. I come here to insult and be insulted not to read salty nerd tears. EU flat jokes and pro American words is all this thread should be. If we're  playing by forum rules then "ye hast forgone many conclusions and thou shalt feel the smite of yon boots of HCE. Thou has cast a stone into a castle made from vigorously heated sand, and shall face fearsome reprecussions. The like of which has been imagined yet n'er a day goes by which we n'er converse of."

Tl;dr: cunts.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Bryggan on July 20, 2015, 02:28:09 am
We kinda ran out of "Murica First' memes, and Eu doesn't play that game.  Just hear you me! We will crush the foreign devils, and send them back to the socialist, free education and assigned housing they came from (won't bash medicare or metric or lack of death penalty: WTF is up with you United Statsians?  All the civilized world accepted these years ago!  I don't care if you only know your car gets 30 rods to the hogshead, move forward gents!).

BUT I will never concede to their battle times.  Even James' battles are too early for me.  5 pm my time. 4 pm on the coast.  Despite our drivel, we are not all neckbeards living in our parent's basement.

So, once again:  When I go to Europe I do not insist my relatives cater to my time- I eat breakfast at their time, though it should be supper to me.  As a visitor, I conform.  You Euros are visitors to our map.  Accept it... or the next time I go to Europe I will be a total dick, and insist bars open at 4 am, and everyone be quiet at 11 am... and so forth.  Oh yeah, I will!
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: ARN_ on July 20, 2015, 09:49:16 am
We kinda ran out of "Murica First' memes, and Eu doesn't play that game.  Just hear you me! We will crush the foreign devils, and send them back to the socialist, free education and assigned housing they came from (won't bash medicare or metric or lack of death penalty: WTF is up with you United Statsians?  All the civilized world accepted these years ago!  I don't care if you only know your car gets 30 rods to the hogshead, move forward gents!).

BUT I will never concede to their battle times.  Even James' battles are too early for me.  5 pm my time. 4 pm on the coast.  Despite our drivel, we are not all neckbeards living in our parent's basement.

So, once again:  When I go to Europe I do not insist my relatives cater to my time- I eat breakfast at their time, though it should be supper to me.  As a visitor, I conform.  You Euros are visitors to our map.  Accept it... or the next time I go to Europe I will be a total dick, and insist bars open at 4 am, and everyone be quiet at 11 am... and so forth.  Oh yeah, I will!
The most powerful factions sets the rules and that ain't HCE. If you want good times for you better get down on your knees and start begging. Tho I don't think anyone here wants to give you lowbies anything you want. Better be thankful for us not attacking in even worse times for you. Shut up and play!
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: bruttus on July 20, 2015, 10:01:56 am
No problem for me, if you don't have anny respect for NA, then why should NA have that for you, Or do you feel youreself superior
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: ARN_ on July 20, 2015, 10:09:56 am
No problem for me, if you don't have anny respect for NA, then why should NA have that for you, Or do you feel youreself superior
I have respect for Na players but only the non - scrub ones(read as everyone except acre/acre vassals) and that is why we are not fighting on the shitisest of shit times for Na. But I as attacker will never make a battle at a time when I can not attend. Deal with it 8-)
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: bruttus on July 20, 2015, 10:18:15 am
Sorry, I am also from EU, and when I attacked a village with mine army, it was not only the faction, but entire NA that was knocking on mine door and complaining about the hour that I was attacking.
That was around 5 PM at EU time.
So yes, the people from NA demands a bit that when EU is attacking NA side, that they do it on NA time.
That was unspoken an agreement from other strat maps, and if NA attacks EU country (if that will ever happens) They do attacks at EU time.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: ARN_ on July 20, 2015, 10:25:17 am
Sorry, I am also from EU, and when I attacked a village with mine army, it was not only the faction, but entire NA that was knocking on mine door and complaining about the hour that I was attacking.
That was around 5 PM at EU time.
So yes, the people from NA demands a bit that when EU is attacking NA side, that they do it on NA time.
That was unspoken an agreement from other strat maps, and if NA attacks EU country (if that will ever happens) They do attacks at EU time.
And that is why we try to attack bettwen 21:00-02-00 cet. That way it won't be total shit for both sides. Ofc sometimes  we need to attack at other times like when an army is running away. But we could attack earlier and bring a full eu roster but we don't as we are not cunts and unlike you. EU scrub attacking so early MURICA DECLARED JIHAD ON THIS INFIDEL!!!!! HE DOESN'T RESPECT YOU!!!!!
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Schoi on July 20, 2015, 10:45:01 am
And that is why we try to attack bettwen 21:00-02-00 cet. That way it won't be total shit for both sides. Ofc sometimes  we need to attack at other times like when an army is running away. But we could attack earlier and bring a full eu roster but we don't as we are not cunts and unlike you. EU scrub attacking so early MURICA DECLARED JIHAD ON THIS INFIDEL!!!!! HE DOESN'T RESPECT YOU!!!!!

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Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Moncho on July 20, 2015, 10:52:34 am
You truly have a large selection of pictures of yourself and NA, Schoi.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: ARN_ on July 20, 2015, 11:00:21 am
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Awww you are actually quite quite when you are upset. Come to daddy and I will cheer you up :D
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Tristan_of_Erzoth on July 20, 2015, 12:12:51 pm
This thread has gotten rather boring. People need to step their shit posting game up. Should i bring out the 36 point font again?
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: ARN_ on July 20, 2015, 12:35:04 pm
This thread has gotten rather boring. People need to step their shit posting game up. Should i bring out the 36 point font again?
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: bruttus on July 20, 2015, 01:16:33 pm
Well, I just made a small list about the recent attacks by  EU factions

first the 2 main EU factions
--Eques -> holding fiefs in NA
--Kalmarunionen-> holding fiefs in NA

Some other EU factions that wanna have a piece of the pie
--Blood (Faction of princes_Ciri and Cannibal_Goku)
--Warriors of Tengri

Who does NA have to expect for invading NA
--The Grey's 

For the people that still thinks that EU is not invading NA, good luck thinking that
But lett me know how the buttkissing of your EU overlords taste like :p
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Kidduis on July 20, 2015, 01:41:13 pm
Come on there is no need to post a picture of your future betrothed on this forum...

Edit: ffs somebody or schoi himself removed his picture of a turd in a diaper...
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: ARN_ on July 20, 2015, 01:44:22 pm
Well, I just made a small list about the recent attacks by  EU factions

first the 2 main EU factions
--Eques -> holding fiefs in NA
--Kalmarunionen-> holding fiefs in NA

Some other EU factions that wanna have a piece of the pie
--Blood (Faction of princes_Ciri and Cannibal_Goku)
--Warriors of Tengri

Who does NA have to expect for invading NA
--The Grey's 

For the people that still thinks that EU is not invading NA, good luck thinking that
But lett me know how the buttkissing of your EU overlords taste like :p
Greys would never be arsed with going to NA they tried it once and failed and I doubt that they will try it again. Most don't enjoy to fight with the high ping. All the other clans are just minor except Eques. But oh we are so big and scary. I will tell you a secret, it is not our size that made us rwkt the biggest faction on NA it is that we know how to play strat and they don't.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Schoi on July 20, 2015, 01:47:53 pm
Greys would never be arsed with going to NA they tried it once and failed and I doubt that they will try it again. Most don't enjoy to fight with the high ping. All the other clans are just minor except Eques. But oh we are so big and scary. I will tell you a secret, it is not our size that made us rwkt the biggest faction on NA it is that we know how to play strat and they don't.

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Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: mcdeath on July 20, 2015, 01:55:54 pm
Every time Schoi posts something I want to carve my eyes out with a spork.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: ARN_ on July 20, 2015, 01:56:02 pm
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Yes you are cute we know it
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Schoi on July 20, 2015, 02:16:16 pm
Every time Schoi posts something I want to carve my eyes out with a spork.

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Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: BlackxBird on July 20, 2015, 03:04:45 pm
No problem for me, if you don't have anny respect for NA, then why should NA have that for you, Or do you feel youreself superior

Well if you want to know why all of my allies and those ppl who apply for me have respect for me, just ask them.

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If you think we are that dangerous, ATTACK US WITH UR ARMY BRUTTUS  :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: And get all of your powerfull friends together and kill us  :twisted:
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: bruttus on July 20, 2015, 03:33:10 pm
Well if you want to know why all of my allies and those ppl who apply for me have respect for me, just ask them.

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If you think we are that dangerous, ATTACK US WITH UR ARMY BRUTTUS  :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: And get all of your powerfull friends together and kill us  :twisted:

That wasn't for you, but for your friend ARN_

the other1, be patience, Rome isn't build in 1 day
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: BlackxBird on July 20, 2015, 03:34:53 pm
hmm no, but the desert will be equipped in the end of this month and Durquba will be ours ;)
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: bruttus on July 20, 2015, 03:42:40 pm
Maybe, maybe not, but Acre is is doing a good job with the defence of Durquba :)

Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: BlackxBird on July 20, 2015, 03:45:21 pm
yes gotta agree there. But they could do way better^^ Just saying, Eques is no "conquer-faction". Nobody of us played one of the earlier strats and in this one we were only defending against tons of red armies :P

If grey did what we did, they would probably flagcap Durquba xD
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: StonedSteel on July 20, 2015, 08:31:46 pm
thats what ive been trying to, its not a EU vs NA thing...fuck i wish it was, lol, weve had one battle at EU time with a lot of EU people.

let me remind u NA's something, the greys may have failed against the unified NA that was here last year.

but the fact is: NA is not so unified this time, and the last time Varadin, Hetman and the greys came in force...we took almerrad in one try.

which begs the question: blackbird...y are u so fucking nice, not just to ur mercs, but to ur enemies...u could already have the city by now if u were a lil more, y 7pm prime time on a weekday? NA is alive enough on the weekend for a 2pm battles, which is far better for EU, and far more EU players will come...we need more EU's blackbird...


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Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: BlackxBird on July 20, 2015, 09:13:39 pm
Well it wasn´t only the greys who did great in that battle(28 14 isn´t that bad with a 140 ping :P)... I didn´t really command this one, I said fuck it and just told them to grind their tickets down, cuz the ladderspam worked n´stuff.

It wasn´t me winning against ahmerad. It was a gift of the HCE, or atleast of that nice guy telling his guys to stay in this tower. Thank u really much there! Taking a city with 500 troops is great :)
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Lt_Anders on July 20, 2015, 09:38:33 pm
Truth be told, I think I was providing most "command Input" in the Durquba siege(s).

You guys built that FB right there and James was like: Stay in wall, camp. Same as some of the others. I told him to rush the FB and break it(and he listened) and we did it, almost every time I told him to. (I broke all ur FB's later)

I also told him that is was a good idea to try and Cav sally to hit your catapults. Sadly, I suck balls at hitting catapults when defended from horseback. Did 5X better FB killing and lancing archers in back.

I got some new idea's I think I'll pitch to James tonight for defense.

Wasn't there for Ahmerrad. Probably could have held it if I was. Had to slap acre Silly for trying to camp just the keep on that 1 castle map(until much later). I think they are learning some strat tricks now. Don't need to really say much to them anymore.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: BlackxBird on July 20, 2015, 09:44:33 pm
you were the one who made ur team push out? Thank u kind sir! That was great! :D Plz do it again tonight ;)

After Durquba I´ll tell u if this was ironic or serious ;)
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: BlackPanda on July 20, 2015, 09:45:59 pm
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Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Lt_Anders on July 20, 2015, 10:19:38 pm
you were the one who made ur team push out? Thank u kind sir! That was great! :D Plz do it again tonight ;)

After Durquba I´ll tell u if this was ironic or serious ;)

You would easily have killed far more tickets had we not slowed you down(you got stopped by nearly 5 minutes because of that.)

After the first, I didn't give a "command." As I said, I just gave James advice, but he gave the orders for everything.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: njames89 on July 20, 2015, 10:35:26 pm
These battles have been great. We couldn't ask for a bigger bunch of cunts to fall on our swords. Na bitches and their eu cucklords.

Also, much appreciated on the command help Anders, tough to see the commands that are needed while gutting germans left and right  8-).
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: BlackxBird on July 20, 2015, 10:39:09 pm
You would easily have killed far more tickets had we not slowed you down(you got stopped by nearly 5 minutes because of that.)

After the first, I didn't give a "command." As I said, I just gave James advice, but he gave the orders for everything.

I´ll tell ya afterwards ;) There is a reason why we were able to defend against DRZ :D We know all the sluttly defender tricks :P
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: BlackxBird on July 21, 2015, 02:54:28 am
Really? U guys want EVEN rosters?

Than u accept only 30 so neutral will think it´s okay to apply for u

And 10 minutes before the battle starts u accept the rest?

 :shock: :shock:
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Schoi on July 21, 2015, 03:29:49 am
Really? U guys want EVEN rosters?

Than u accept only 30 so neutral will think it´s okay to apply for u

And 10 minutes before the battle starts u accept the rest?

 :shock: :shock:

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Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Tristan_of_Erzoth on July 21, 2015, 04:09:50 am
Really? U guys want EVEN rosters?

Than u accept only 30 so neutral will think it´s okay to apply for u

And 10 minutes before the battle starts u accept the rest?

 :shock: :shock:

I feel like this was a joke so I'm not going to respond seriously
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: StonedSteel on July 21, 2015, 05:10:24 am
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Ironically this is actually spot on 100% accurate.

The 5 people easily knocked down by their superior foe, represent of course  the 5 strongholds HCE has lost to EU.

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Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: njames89 on July 21, 2015, 05:19:34 am

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I was gonna say the 8 waves of attackers that have died at Durquba.

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Another great fight tonight.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: BlackPanda on July 21, 2015, 09:33:13 pm
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Americans never waiver. The quality of shit post has decreases so i will take it personally to make each of my post a 9/11 quality shit.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: njames89 on July 21, 2015, 09:38:02 pm
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Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: BlackxBird on July 22, 2015, 07:24:16 pm
Ironically this is actually spot on 100% accurate.

The 5 people easily knocked down by their superior foe, represent of course  the 5 strongholds HCE has lost to EU.

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We got 6 castles and 1 city of them, so at all 7 strongholds :P
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: njames89 on July 22, 2015, 10:09:09 pm
We got 6 castles and 1 city of them, so at all 7 strongholds :P

Backstabbing a faction that was already fighting a great balanced war as hard as it could. Nothing more than a vulture and your accomplishments mean nothing.

On the flip side we are holding out against an large, rich, and douchey group of foreign invaders, as well as our enemies in NA. Every victory for us means 100 times more, and our fighters gain great reknown with every EU cuck that is slain.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: njames89 on July 22, 2015, 10:27:17 pm
They attacked us when we were already engaged in an even war, from behind. Hence backstab. No real challenge when the first battles were completely unbalanced and our armies were already engaged. Therefore of course they took some territories.

We are no doubt making a glorious last stand for HCE.

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Looking forward to more battles!

Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Schoi on July 22, 2015, 10:46:11 pm
Backstab implies you were allied or on good terms before, seems more like they just came and attacked the biggest closest faction that owned nearly the entire map and had a pathological need to talk about how their current war is incredibly well-balanced and fair every post.

For the blind, their accomplishments mean that you have fewer fiefs, which is surely good for the rest of the map to enjoy.

Backstab = stab in back.
Let's use some common sense here
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Voncrow on July 22, 2015, 10:51:06 pm
Can't argue with fanatics.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Tristan_of_Erzoth on July 22, 2015, 10:55:03 pm
Can't argue with fanatics.

Luckily everyone whose posted in here is either a "Fanatic" for HCE or a "Fanatic" for EU so we're really all just yelling at brick walls here. But isn't that the fun of cRPG?
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Schoi on July 22, 2015, 11:01:17 pm
Looks like they stabbed HCE in the front with a very public declaration and HCE immediately got salty as hell saying that it was better with 15 man rosters

Let's see you argue with this
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Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: njames89 on July 22, 2015, 11:04:44 pm
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Where Havelle was the Michelangelo of our world you Schoi are the Picasso.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Noodlenrice on July 22, 2015, 11:26:31 pm
Let's see you argue with this
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great drawing
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: arowaine on July 23, 2015, 12:23:26 am
Well now The french frog will come into the game LET FUCK SOME EU CHESSBURGER GG GF EQUES SUCK IT BOYYYYYYYYYYYYY
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: njames89 on July 23, 2015, 02:30:56 am
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Ufoinsky on July 23, 2015, 02:35:56 am
How dare you attack my villagers of New Shibal Zumr They were such a peaceful folk now they must be conscripted into my army to crush your "blitzkrieg". Ufoinsky has been awoken.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Rando on July 23, 2015, 02:37:46 am
How dare you attack my villagers of New Shibal Zumr They were such a peaceful folk now they must be conscripted into my army to crush your "blitzkrieg". Ufoinsky has been awoken.

A stellar debut shitpost from Ufoinsky. Welcome to the thread!
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Schoi on July 23, 2015, 02:53:53 am
A stellar debut shitpost from Ufoinsky. Welcome to the thread!

His profile picture though, fucking great.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: poonerplox2 on July 23, 2015, 03:20:57 am
The people of Curaw have never seen an eques scumbags, so obviously, they are the most blessed people throughout the world of strat.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Noodlenrice on July 23, 2015, 03:37:50 am
fucking french (canadian) bastards
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: BlackPanda on July 23, 2015, 03:38:45 am
Atleast I'm an American.
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God Bless the USA
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: njames89 on July 23, 2015, 03:43:09 am
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The more you know.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Ufoinsky on July 23, 2015, 06:19:48 am
Australian cav cant siege. Polish infantry cant ladder. French Knights cant swim, and most importantly Holy Chazdian Empire Longswords CAN pierce
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: BlackxBird on July 23, 2015, 02:26:47 pm
could cassander plz change his night time to 2 hours earlier?
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Schoi on July 23, 2015, 02:34:54 pm
could cassander plz change his night time to 2 hours earlier?

Could someone give me a live tutorial with teamspeak and teamviewer on how to even setup night time settings for my stupid ass?
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: xxkaliboyx on July 23, 2015, 03:35:27 pm
Could someone give me a live tutorial with teamspeak and teamviewer on how to even setup night time settings for my stupid ass?

Why do I get the feeling Scoliosis is like the guy from Mr. Robot?
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Dutchydave on July 23, 2015, 03:57:06 pm
Well now The french frog will come into the game LET FUCK SOME EU CHESSBURGER GG GF EQUES SUCK IT BOYYYYYYYYYYYYY

Well it is hard for me not to notice Arowaine take a forward position right in the frontline of the war 8-) Is Arowaine the "True American Hero" here to put up a real fight for HCE or is he just having a little fun?  :idea:
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: cup457 on July 23, 2015, 07:10:29 pm
I don think cassandrr can read english so it might be hard for him to setit up but ill try
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Bryggan on July 23, 2015, 07:20:52 pm
could cassander plz change his night time to 2 hours earlier?

Could you start attacking an hour later? Tired of getting home from work just to watch the last 15 minutes.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: BlackxBird on July 23, 2015, 07:21:55 pm
Just asking. Well it´s ur decission.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Noodlenrice on July 23, 2015, 07:36:14 pm
Well it is hard for me not to notice Arowaine take a forward position right in the frontline of the war 8-) Is Arowaine the "True American Hero" here to put up a real fight for HCE or is he just having a little fun?  :idea:
The french canadians are the real americans?
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: ARN_ on July 23, 2015, 08:55:03 pm
Could you start attacking an hour later? Tired of getting home from work just to watch the last 15 minutes.
Could you attack? Öh wäit I förgöt yöu äre töö nååbish för thät.  When you attack you can decide the time but as you don't  just stfu
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: bruttus on July 23, 2015, 09:18:03 pm
Could you attack? Öh wäit I förgöt yöu äre töö nååbish för thät.  When you attack you can decide the time but as you don't  just stfu

Arn, your a dickhead, and a coward.
Every time when we lost something, you start to post, and you feel suddenly superior.
When Its mine turn to move, start whining, becouse I will use the settings of NA, and I don't even care if you can play or not.

Don't forget that HCE is fighting against an EU invassion, helped by some NA factions who liked to be boned from behind by the EU overlords
And to NA slaves from EU, I wanna say this, I really don't think that anny NA faction is gonna help you out when it is your turn to be wipped out by EU
Becouse it is reality, EU is invading NA, and your helping them to do it so that you can keep your fiefs
But at an certain moment, that will not protect you, becouse you will be in theyre way for it.
In sept. the entire NA will be EU
have fun with kissing EU butts guy's
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Noodlenrice on July 23, 2015, 09:39:30 pm
Arn, your a dickhead, and a coward.
Every time when we lost something, you start to post, and you feel suddenly superior.
When Its mine turn to move, start whining, becouse I will use the settings of NA, and I don't even care if you can play or not.

Don't forget that HCE is fighting against an EU invassion, helped by some NA factions who liked to be boned from behind by the EU overlords
And to NA slaves from EU, I wanna say this, I really don't think that anny NA faction is gonna help you out when it is your turn to be wipped out by EU
Becouse it is reality, EU is invading NA, and your helping them to do it so that you can keep your fiefs
But at an certain moment, that will not protect you, becouse you will be in theyre way for it.
In sept. the entire NA will be EU
have fun with kissing EU butts guy's
Aren't you EU?
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: ARN_ on July 23, 2015, 10:00:13 pm
Arn, your a dickhead, and a coward.
Every time when we lost something, you start to post, and you feel suddenly superior.
When Its mine turn to move, start whining, becouse I will use the settings of NA, and I don't even care if you can play or not.

Don't forget that HCE is fighting against an EU invassion, helped by some NA factions who liked to be boned from behind by the EU overlords
And to NA slaves from EU, I wanna say this, I really don't think that anny NA faction is gonna help you out when it is your turn to be wipped out by EU
Becouse it is reality, EU is invading NA, and your helping them to do it so that you can keep your fiefs
But at an certain moment, that will not protect you, becouse you will be in theyre way for it.
In sept. the entire NA will be EU
have fun with kissing EU butts guy's
Bla bla bla I am an acre slave and I'm mad cause they suck
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: BlackxBird on July 23, 2015, 10:33:25 pm
Arn, your a dickhead, and a coward.
Every time when we lost something, you start to post, and you feel suddenly superior.
When Its mine turn to move, start whining, becouse I will use the settings of NA, and I don't even care if you can play or not.

Don't forget that HCE is fighting against an EU invassion, helped by some NA factions who liked to be boned from behind by the EU overlords
And to NA slaves from EU, I wanna say this, I really don't think that anny NA faction is gonna help you out when it is your turn to be wipped out by EU
Becouse it is reality, EU is invading NA, and your helping them to do it so that you can keep your fiefs
But at an certain moment, that will not protect you, becouse you will be in theyre way for it.
In sept. the entire NA will be EU
have fun with kissing EU butts guy's

Did u already recognize u´re the only one who thinks that this would happen?
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Tristan_of_Erzoth on July 23, 2015, 10:43:30 pm
Could someone give me a live tutorial with teamspeak and teamviewer on how to even setup night time settings for my stupid ass?

Here's a handy guide HESKEYTIME!

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reposting the guide i made forever ago for heskey time
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: BlackxBird on July 24, 2015, 12:44:16 am
The Holy chadzian Empire
Help us remove kebab.

Really?  :shock: U damn motherfucking assholes should all burn in hell for being such racist and retarded dickheads :evil:

Grand Uncle Adi would be proud of u.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Lt_Anders on July 24, 2015, 12:52:06 am
The Holy chadzian Empire
Help us remove kebab.

Really?  :shock: U damn motherfucking assholes should all burn in hell for being such racist and retarded dickheads :evil:

Grand Uncle Adi would be proud of u.

Go win a world war German scum.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: BlackxBird on July 24, 2015, 12:54:08 am
Go win a world war German scum.

you would really support that? U support them saying those things?
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Noodlenrice on July 24, 2015, 01:18:14 am
you would really support that? U support them saying those things?
It's what Americans do
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: cup457 on July 24, 2015, 01:26:48 am
Fuk tha turks o wait i forgot germany is 25% ruskie bastards and 25% turks now
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Lt_Anders on July 24, 2015, 01:42:22 am
you would really support that? U support them saying those things?

Really? Remove Kebab is truly racist? Holy...

You really have some over the top racist views. Guess 60 years of non-stop nazisim gets to everyone(even if it was really only 5 years)
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Tristan_of_Erzoth on July 24, 2015, 03:34:33 am

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Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Schoi on July 24, 2015, 03:38:03 am

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Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Noodlenrice on July 24, 2015, 03:49:00 am
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: BlackxBird on July 24, 2015, 05:21:36 am
Great fights tonight!

Well done there with the flagcap, when the black bird sleeps on the desk, the james runs to his flag  :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: njames89 on July 24, 2015, 05:48:06 am
Mostly good fights ya! That village was a bloodbath and the fight at Asugan was pretty great. Nice castle that one, all those rounds of siege way back when paid off  :lol:.

Village Defense Tonight!

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Shame that the ESports guys lost their battle because they only had 5 mercs v 20. Weren't able to sign people before the battle I think.

Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Voncrow on July 24, 2015, 06:14:43 am
Went into Berserk ts to hang. Heard from Lumetta how James blamed their lost on the Berserk players. Nice one laying the blame on new players James.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Noodlenrice on July 24, 2015, 06:20:11 am
Jeez that village battle was savage.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: njames89 on July 24, 2015, 06:35:21 am
Went into Berserk ts to hang. Heard from Lumetta how James blamed their lost on the Berserk players. Nice one laying the blame on new players James.

Looked like they could easily have been trying to throw it. Sorry to hear they are just new players.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Lumetta on July 24, 2015, 06:45:07 am
Looked like they could easily have been trying to throw it. Sorry to hear they are just new players.

BonBons was the only one that you could blame for doing bad, Being completely new and not knowing how to block. Edamir the low power strike ARCHER couldn't get any kills since your gear bug blocked all ranged. I don't see a 2ps archer getting any kills against full heirloomed str build plate guys.

(Edit) So one guy made you lose that battle? Not the fact that they had more mercs than you and you were gear bugged. Those 2 That ONE berserk wasnt the only mercs on your side that did bad
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Tristan_of_Erzoth on July 24, 2015, 07:55:45 am
BonBons was the only one that you could blame for doing bad, Being completely new and not knowing how to block. Edamir the low power strike ARCHER couldn't get any kills since your gear bug blocked all ranged. I don't see a 2ps archer getting any kills against full heirloomed str build plate guys.

(Edit) So one guy made you lose that battle? Not the fact that they had more mercs than you and you were gear bugged. Those 2 That ONE berserk wasnt the only mercs on your side that did bad

Didn't BonBon get banned like 4 months ago for being a troll and teamkilling/leeching on NA1(or was it DTV?) and you made like 50 threads shit posting about it? If you haven't learned how to block in 4 months and go 5:42 then yeah I'd see that as someone deliberately throwing a match. Bezerks count for almost 300 tickets of death between 4 of you so I'd say his suspicions were warranted if ultimately unfounded.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Voncrow on July 24, 2015, 08:32:44 am
Didn't BonBon get banned like 4 months ago for being a troll and teamkilling/leeching on NA1(or was it DTV?) and you made like 50 threads shit posting about it? If you haven't learned how to block in 4 months and go 5:42 then yeah I'd see that as someone deliberately throwing a match. Bezerks count for almost 300 tickets of death between 4 of you so I'd say his suspicions were warranted if ultimately unfounded.

Holding suspicions and accusing someone of the deed are two different things.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Lumetta on July 24, 2015, 08:41:52 am
Didn't BonBon get banned like 4 months ago for being a troll and teamkilling/leeching on NA1(or was it DTV?) and you made like 50 threads shit posting about it? If you haven't learned how to block in 4 months and go 5:42 then yeah I'd see that as someone deliberately throwing a match. Bezerks count for almost 300 tickets of death between 4 of you so I'd say his suspicions were warranted if ultimately unfounded.
Yes, the player that has gotten on probably 4 times since then.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: ARN_ on July 24, 2015, 08:47:23 am
James... first you complains that you dosen't get any support form nas and then you blame you loss on those who fight for you. What a glorious leader, no wonder people don't like to fight for you. I feel sorry for those who still follow him I truly do.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Schoi on July 24, 2015, 09:09:31 am
James... first you complains that you dosen't get any support form nas and then you blame you loss on those who fight for you. What a glorious leader, no wonder people don't like to fight for you. I feel sorry for those who still follow him I truly do.

ya dud he rly gud leadur guy lik he play dis gam cal crpg an he hav fwends da play wit him. he own a clan cal Acre an othur ppl join!!! rely glorius!!!
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: njames89 on July 24, 2015, 09:43:26 am
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Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Noodlenrice on July 24, 2015, 10:11:20 am
ya dud he rly gud leadur guy lik he play dis gam cal crpg an he hav fwends da play wit him. he own a clan cal Acre an othur ppl join!!! rely glorius!!!
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Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Bronto on July 24, 2015, 03:57:13 pm
James... first you complains that you dosen't get any support form nas and then you blame you loss on those who fight for you. What a glorious leader, no wonder people don't like to fight for you. I feel sorry for those who still follow him I truly do.

Now I know why your name is just Arn. Judging by the mental capacity it takes for you to write a forum post, Arnold is just too hard for you to spell.

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Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: arowaine on July 24, 2015, 04:52:12 pm
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is that kesh red hair ?
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: BlackxBird on July 24, 2015, 05:09:20 pm
lol just btw the glorious king james wasted more tickets than anyone else :D Second most is another acre called Marcus, he wasted 51 lives for 20 kill xD and than another acre, and than

Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: cup457 on July 24, 2015, 05:35:54 pm
If someone has 2 ps they arent an archer they are a shitty troll and even if youcant kill anyone you can still not die
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Noodlenrice on July 24, 2015, 06:42:26 pm
If someone has 2 ps they arent an archer they are a shitty troll and even if youcant kill anyone you can still not die
could they have been low level archer?
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: ARN_ on July 24, 2015, 06:55:37 pm
Remember it is not all about kd, some players can have a shit kd and still be more useful than those with a great kd. I know some players who always get like 10/50 but destroy at least 3 forward spawns every battle. Or they might be building, going first up ladders or doing something else that is helpful for the team and not just their personal kd
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: njames89 on July 24, 2015, 07:03:35 pm
We watched people spawn in without weapons and not move. Several of them had a couple kills and 45+ deaths. There are shit KD's and then there is standing around and not doing anything for large portions of the fight. It looked a little suspicious.

We also ask people to come in ts and they did not.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: ARN_ on July 24, 2015, 07:04:36 pm
We watched people spawn in without weapons and not move. Several of them had a couple kills and 45+ deaths. There are shit KD's and then there is standing around and not doing anything for large portions of the fight. It looked a little suspicious.

We also ask people to come in ts and they did not.
Then why do you accept them?
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: njames89 on July 24, 2015, 07:05:12 pm
Then why do you accept them?

Was the first time and they said they were going to help us.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: ARN_ on July 24, 2015, 07:10:42 pm
Was the first time and they said they were going to help us.
Why didn't you just kick/ban poll them? Oh wait I forgot that nas can't handle that responsibility so they disabled it...
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: WITCHCRAFT on July 24, 2015, 07:58:04 pm
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Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: njames89 on July 24, 2015, 08:20:39 pm


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We made it guys

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Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: cup457 on July 24, 2015, 10:09:07 pm
Eventho i miss most of the battles due to work
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: BlackxBird on July 24, 2015, 10:58:24 pm
I told you, you should change the night time. Now we attack at 7 PM for us. Ordniary this battle would be at 3 AM. Just to show u guys that u can´t abuse our goodness forever. GL there.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Lt_Anders on July 25, 2015, 12:24:53 am
I told you, you should change the night time. Now we attack at 7 PM for us. Ordniary this battle would be at 3 AM. Just to show u guys that u can´t abuse our goodness forever. GL there.

It's a Saturday. It doesn't matter.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: traxits on July 25, 2015, 01:37:06 am
It's a Saturday. It doesn't matter.
Some of us have social lives. Fuckin nerd.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Lt_Anders on July 25, 2015, 02:32:30 am
Some of us have social lives. Fuckin nerd.

My weekends I sleep. I overwork myself on weekdays.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Dutchydave on July 25, 2015, 02:41:48 am
We watched people spawn in without weapons and not move. Several of them had a couple kills and 45+ deaths. There are shit KD's and then there is standing around and not doing anything for large portions of the fight. It looked a little suspicious.

We also ask people to come in ts and they did not.

Well James didn't the Beserks get the flag cap at the siege before this battle for you? Lumetta was second best killer in this battle and you got killed more then anyone else on the team , so where you trying to throw the battle?

Lumetta has got a lot of new players into the game and they are actually learning quick. I consider it completely hypocritical of you to  blame the Beserks for losing this battle as how many battles have your Acre noobs lost? Millions and the difference is they had years of playing compared to these few Beserks you point out who have only been playing a few week :rolleyes:

Also Beserks fight in their own ts even for Blackbird but I would suggest when they fight for you they really don't feel like listening to your impulsive outbursts. Which  makes me ask: Have you ever been tested for Bi-polar?  :lol:
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: BlackxBird on July 25, 2015, 03:14:13 am
well even though they were on an other ts, but they had one in ours. So they were able to listen to me and that´s all a normal commander wants. They were following the orders perfectly and did a great teamfight there.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Behemoth_ on July 25, 2015, 03:21:20 am
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 Knock Knock potato farmers
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: cup457 on July 25, 2015, 03:39:18 am
idk where all you my old friends got the idea that james goes full kesh in teamspeak he bans me for being rude every once in a while
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Noodlenrice on July 25, 2015, 03:40:22 am
idk where all you my old friends got the idea that james goes full kesh in teamspeak he bans me for being rude every once in a while
thats cuz you deserve it
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Lumetta on July 25, 2015, 04:27:30 am
well even though they were on an other ts, but they had one in ours. So they were able to listen to me and that´s all a normal commander wants. They were following the orders perfectly and did a great teamfight there.

On top of that, If i saw one of my guys standing around, I'd tell them to get back into the fight. If they pushed up too much I'd call them out by name and tell them to get back with the group. Around 300 troops left, acre almost got capped. Guess having 6 more guys spawning in didn't help out much with that right? But it's okay, acre will be down 6 more mercs. Voncrow warned me that James is a shit head but I didn't believe him.

(Also when the SAME berserks merced for Black bird's siege, I heard james was butt hurt about it. When they merc for him, he blames them for a lose.)
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Noodlenrice on July 25, 2015, 04:54:21 am
On top of that, If i saw one of my guys standing around, I'd tell them to get back into the fight. If they pushed up too much I'd call them out by name and tell them to get back with the group. Around 300 troops left, acre almost got capped. Guess having 6 more guys spawning in didn't help out much with that right? But it's okay, acre will be down 6 more mercs. Voncrow warned me that James is a shit head but I didn't believe him.

(Also when the SAME berserks merced for Black bird's siege, I heard james was butt hurt about it. When they merc for him, he blames them for a lose.)
Is ok bb, we all love you
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Tristan_of_Erzoth on July 25, 2015, 05:32:11 am
Well James didn't the Beserks get the flag cap at the siege before this battle for you? Lumetta was second best killer in this battle and you got killed more then anyone else on the team , so where you trying to throw the battle?

I'm 99% sure it was Matthew and Zulu who capped the flags at the siege and then I killed the 3 of them that were trying to retake flags, dont know where the bezerks factor into that.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Holiday203 on July 25, 2015, 08:03:34 am
Acre hypocrites, been saying it for a while now.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: BlackPanda on July 25, 2015, 10:17:40 am
Acre are better than me, been saying it for a while now.
Ik man, ty. If you want ill give you some melee lessons, no charge just for you.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: cup457 on July 25, 2015, 08:16:25 pm
James haters internet defense force out in full force todaywatch out!
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Lumetta on July 26, 2015, 01:07:13 am
If someone has 2 ps they arent an archer they are a shitty troll and even if youcant kill anyone you can still not die

Sorry just talked to him, he has 0 ps
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Noodlenrice on July 26, 2015, 01:13:33 am
Sorry just talked to him, he has 0 ps
how to be pro
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Lt_Anders on July 26, 2015, 03:29:28 am
Sorry just talked to him, he has 0 ps

Pure archer takes balls in this mod. Nerf you to fucking hell.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: cup457 on July 26, 2015, 06:15:37 am
Sorry just talked to him, he has 0 ps
oops i meant pd but my phone is shit and i cant read what i type
Acre hypocrites, been saying it for a while now. the longer i keep repeating myself the more true it becomes
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: xxkaliboyx on July 26, 2015, 06:36:22 pm
Really fun battles guys. Keep up the work on both sides and remember Panda, back off my long spear. You can't handle the Long 1D  :P :P

When Black Panda tries to duel my Long Spear
(click to show/hide)
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: mcdeath on July 26, 2015, 06:53:44 pm
I stopped paying attention to this thread about 15 pages ago. Why are you guys still so involved in so much sperg nonsense? There was some mediocre shit posting at the start but it turned into a full out autism fight between schoi and a few acre guys against the super nerdy and serious Eu guys.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: BlackPanda on July 26, 2015, 06:58:31 pm
Really fun battles guys. Keep up the work on both sides and remember Panda, back off my long spear. You can't handle the Long 1D  :P :P

When Black Panda tries to duel my Long Spear
(click to show/hide)
Nudges are my friends. You are 2 good at blocking mate.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: xxkaliboyx on July 26, 2015, 07:03:48 pm
Nudges are my friends. Your are 2 good at blocking mate.

Nudges are Pikemen's best friend and its all about the jump spin stab
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Noodlenrice on July 26, 2015, 08:00:39 pm
Nudges are Pikemen's best friend and its all about the jump spin stab
the roflcopter
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Tristan_of_Erzoth on July 26, 2015, 10:30:31 pm
Nudges are Pikemen's best friend and its all about the jump spin stab

Don't worry, I'll just keep shooting you with my crossbow  :D :wink:
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Talanarsis on July 26, 2015, 11:51:35 pm
Nudges are my friends. Your are 2 good at blocking mate.

Your are 2 good at blocking mate.

Your are 2 good

Your are

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Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: BlackxBird on July 26, 2015, 11:55:31 pm
this thread..... it´s unstoppable....
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Noodlenrice on July 27, 2015, 02:36:59 am
Wow, I actually went positive on a siege. Good fight to acre.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Yoshi on July 27, 2015, 04:01:09 am
I stopped paying attention to this thread about 15 pages ago. Why are you guys still so involved in so much sperg nonsense? There was some mediocre shit posting at the start but it turned into a full out autism fight between schoi and a few acre guys against the super nerdy and serious Eu guys.
I only come back here for Schoi's shitposting tbh
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: njames89 on July 27, 2015, 04:40:22 am
Another bunch of good fights today. RIP Arowaines Elite Baguette Army. Death by no one online to sign roster because work vigorous group orgies is a hell of a way to go.

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Couple screenshots from the battle at Durquba.

(click to show/hide)

(click to show/hide)
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: BlackxBird on July 27, 2015, 04:47:17 am
I could really imagine u being that guy on the picutre!

James in rl be like:

Mother: "what ya doing with that gun?"

James: "Murica"

Mother: "You´re canadian, fucker. Go eat pancakes and throw away that weapon."
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: ARN_ on July 27, 2015, 04:48:01 am
Another bunch of good fights today. RIP Arowaines Elite Baguette Army. Death by no one online to sign roster because work vigorous group orgies is a hell of a way to go.

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Couple screenshots from the battle at Durquba.

(click to show/hide)

(click to show/hide)
Nice manboobs there
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: traxits on July 27, 2015, 05:16:26 am
I quit cRPG for 6 months and lost 20 pounds but now all this shitposting and drama is getting me addicted again.

time to get fatter than a texan over summer.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: BlackPanda on July 27, 2015, 05:22:25 am
I could really imagine u being that guy on the picutre!

James in rl be like:

Mother: "what ya doing with that gun?"

James: "Murica"

Mother: "You´re canadian, fucker. Go eat pancakes and throw away that weapon."
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Canada and America go hand-in-hand with kicking some EU ass.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Noodlenrice on July 27, 2015, 05:25:31 am
I quit cRPG for 6 months and lost 20 pounds but now all this shitposting and drama is getting me addicted again.

time to get fatter than a texan over summer.
you still are fat kesh
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: mcdeath on July 27, 2015, 06:17:57 am
I only come back here for Schoi's shitposting tbh

Schoi's "shitposting" isn't even shitposting. It is literally just posts that are shit.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: njames89 on July 27, 2015, 06:20:00 am
Schoi's "shitposting" isn't even shitposting. It is literally just posts that are shit.

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Artist rendering of the Durquba Sieges.
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Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Schoi on July 27, 2015, 06:39:37 am
Schoi's "shitposting" isn't even shitposting. It is literally just posts that are shit.

My sense of humor is clearly different than yours. You don't have to keep telling everyone that.

Here's a shitty post.

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Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: BlackPanda on July 27, 2015, 06:48:41 am
Schoi inspires me to be a better shit poster tbh. He drops some quality dank shit.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Noodlenrice on July 27, 2015, 06:58:56 pm
Where is daruvian the shit talker that his community needs?
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: arowaine on July 28, 2015, 12:59:21 am
Where is daruvian the shit talker that his community needs?

Daruvian die in a chesseburger Orgie! rip daruvian Goblin King.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Tristan_of_Erzoth on July 28, 2015, 01:34:21 am
Daruvian die in a chesseburger Orgie! rip daruvian Goblin King.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Talanarsis on July 28, 2015, 03:15:14 am
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: njames89 on July 28, 2015, 03:46:36 am
As James walked to the Oasis sky was clear and the temperature cool, a nice reprieve from the heats during the days battle. Thinking of the ferocious combat he had recently seen and knew would in the coming day, he set his sword in the sand and prayed.

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"Our Father chadz who art in programming

Hallowed be thy code

Thy patches come, thy will be done

On Calradia as it is in Austria

Give us this day our daily ticks

and forgive us our Team kills

as we forgive them that team kill us.

And lead us not into trolling

but deliver us from puties

For thine is the Strat Map,

The E-Peen and the Glory,

For ever and ever,


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Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: chesterotab on July 28, 2015, 06:25:17 am
A bunch of attacks on a Tuesday in the middle of the day, this is why EU should go home. Can't make any of them.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: BlackxBird on July 28, 2015, 07:35:06 am
tell cassander to change his night time and those battles will be playable for both :) As I told u guys, it´s his decission ;)
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Tristan_of_Erzoth on July 28, 2015, 03:06:06 pm
Its 5:50am I've been up for over a day and it's been a few months since my last rage post so here you boys go:

What the fuck NA? Fucking EU my old friends are attacking at 8-11AM on a fucking TUESDAY workday and you retards still sign up for them in the later sieges? You're going to be that big of massive fucking cucks? God damn I can already hear Voncrow with his autistic "REEEEEEEEE HCE IS SCUM ITS BETTER TO SUCKLE THE NUTS OF GAYLORD EU'S THEN HAVE THEM ON THE MAP REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE" and then the broken english from the rest of their supporters going "shut up acre scum" or whatever. At least back when we were shitposting it was mildly entertaining instead of "LMAO FUCK ACRE LOLOLOLOLOLOL" like wow thats never been said 100000x before.

Anyways I digressed there a bit, back to my original point: What the fuck are you guys doing? Do you honestly think that after durquba falls the EU's will be all "WOW NA my old friends are such cucks, might as well let these pussies who have to call in other continents to defeat their singular enemy we will let them keep their land" fuck no they're going to fuck your shit up and take all your fucking land. And guess who will be mercing for them when they've lost all their land to you guys being bundle of stickss? I sure as hell wont merc for you retards you deserve to lose your shit as well. So it will be EU and HCE(the faction you couldn't even beat 5v1) vs you... Yeah good luck you idiot. I mean i expect this level of retardation from the Beserks but Wardens and HoC? I guess sitting in your city/castle's not doing anything for MONTHS must have fucking made you stir crazy. Seriously you guys go "LOL HCE HASN'T DONE ANYTHING" but what has WOTN done? Literally nothing. They attacked Curaw and lost once. They attacked some unarmed HCE armies and fucked us over with night time settings. Wow good work you guys 10/10 some fucking solid shit going on there. HoC has done nothing besides like 2 battles at Reindi or whatever idk i couldn't make it and that one time they attacked Tornkik and also they attacked some villages.

Basically TL;DR everyone is retarded because they can't realize that EU has basically already won. HCE wont ever merc for you because you guys were too stupid to realize the threat and they want to fuck you over as well. You guys wont merc for HCE because you're terrified of losing your shitty castles and precious armies you spent months arming perfectly so you can jack off to the equipment on the website while it collects dust ingame.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Kadeth on July 28, 2015, 03:16:32 pm
generic tristan rage post, only just a 9/11
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: BUS_STOP_14 on July 28, 2015, 03:17:36 pm
Its 5:50am I've been up for over a day and it's been a few months since my last rage post so here you boys go:

What the fuck NA? Fucking EU my old friends are attacking at 8-11AM on a fucking TUESDAY workday and you retards still sign up for them in the later sieges? You're going to be that big of massive fucking cucks? God damn I can already hear Voncrow with his autistic "REEEEEEEEE HCE IS SCUM ITS BETTER TO SUCKLE THE NUTS OF GAYLORD EU'S THEN HAVE THEM ON THE MAP REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE" and then the broken english from the rest of their supporters going "shut up acre scum" or whatever. At least back when we were shitposting it was mildly entertaining instead of "LMAO FUCK ACRE LOLOLOLOLOLOL" like wow thats never been said 100000x before.

Anyways I digressed there a bit, back to my original point: What the fuck are you guys doing? Do you honestly think that after durquba falls the EU's will be all "WOW NA my old friends are such cucks, might as well let these pussies who have to call in other continents to defeat their singular enemy we will let them keep their land" fuck no they're going to fuck your shit up and take all your fucking land. And guess who will be mercing for them when they've lost all their land to you guys being bundle of stickss? I sure as hell wont merc for you retards you deserve to lose your shit as well. So it will be EU and HCE(the faction you couldn't even beat 5v1) vs you... Yeah good luck you idiot. I mean i expect this level of retardation from the Beserks but Wardens and HoC? I guess sitting in your city/castle's not doing anything for MONTHS must have fucking made you stir crazy. Seriously you guys go "LOL HCE HASN'T DONE ANYTHING" but what has WOTN done? Literally nothing. They attacked Curaw and lost once. They attacked some unarmed HCE armies and fucked us over with night time settings. Wow good work you guys 10/10 some fucking solid shit going on there. HoC has done nothing besides like 2 battles at Reindi or whatever idk i couldn't make it and that one time they attacked Tornkik and also they attacked some villages.

Basically TL;DR everyone is retarded because they can't realize that EU has basically already won. HCE wont ever merc for you because you guys were too stupid to realize the threat and they want to fuck you over as well. You guys wont merc for HCE because you're terrified of losing your shitty castles and precious armies you spent months arming perfectly so you can jack off to the equipment on the website while it collects dust ingame.
*Stands up and claps*
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Tristan_of_Erzoth on July 28, 2015, 03:40:19 pm
Pffff, any NA honestly think HCE would have merced for them if situations were reversed?

And people can see your nighttimes before they attack you, if your night time is set so that they can only attack you at a shit time for them or a shit time for you, the choice is obvious, any NA strategus player would make the same choice if presented with those options. Or you just expect them to go 'hmmm, night time over the only time our peak hours overlap? Guess i'll just ignore this fief then'?
8 am has never and will never be peak hours for NA lmao but sure whatever you think. And as a former HCE member yes I would've have merced for HoC and WOTN as they both know from the like 10,000 messages I sent to them trying to get them to accept peace with us and fight with us.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Lt_Anders on July 28, 2015, 04:27:57 pm
Pffff, any NA honestly think HCE would have merced for them if situations were reversed?

And people can see your nighttimes before they attack you, if your night time is set so that they can only attack you at a shit time for them or a shit time for you, the choice is obvious, any NA strategus player would make the same choice if presented with those options. Or you just expect them to go 'hmmm, night time over the only time our peak hours overlap? Guess i'll just ignore this fief then'?

In NA, We'd attack at 9PM or later so every NA player can join the fun. EU's can't hang with that time, then they need to fuck off.

Oh, and a FYI, Dutchy basically did/does this. So, no one attacks him during weekdays, but he modifies it for Weekends(sometimes he forgets), so that everyone can get good battles(himself included). We can do agreements on things like this during weekends, but apparently, EU cunts don't have a balls for this. It's "their way or the highway."
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Ufoinsky on July 28, 2015, 04:45:49 pm
It is just geam why u heff t2 be mad?
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Ufoinsky on July 28, 2015, 04:49:05 pm
Also if you EU shitlords fucking start a fight make sure you have some people show up to end it. Otherwise i have no problem with free gear :lol:
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: ARN_ on July 28, 2015, 04:49:54 pm
In NA, We'd attack at 9PM or later so every NA player can join the fun. EU's can't hang with that time, then they need to fuck off.

Oh, and a FYI, Dutchy basically did/does this. So, no one attacks him during weekdays, but he modifies it for Weekends(sometimes he forgets), so that everyone can get good battles(himself included). We can do agreements on things like this during weekends, but apparently, EU cunts don't have a balls for this. It's "their way or the highway."
You want shit time or acceptable decent time? You can choose one option and if you don't like you can just fuck off or attack us so you can decide the time
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Ufoinsky on July 28, 2015, 04:54:57 pm
You want shit time or acceptable decent time? You can choose one option and if you don't like you can just fuck off or attack us so you can decide the time
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: ARN_ on July 28, 2015, 05:00:51 pm
Sorry I don't speak murican
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Ufoinsky on July 28, 2015, 05:04:34 pm
Sorry I don't speak murican
Good thing im Swedish  :lol:
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: BlackxBird on July 28, 2015, 05:07:46 pm
I asked like 5 times to change it only to the time for Durquba.

And well I don´t want to fight at 3 AM every night, so I told them to attack at 19:00. lol
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Ufoinsky on July 28, 2015, 05:10:26 pm
I asked like 5 times to change it only to the time for Durquba.

And well I don´t want to fight at 3 AM every night, so I told them to attack at 19:00. lol
People are dont listen neither do u get rekt
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Schoi on July 28, 2015, 05:11:31 pm
People are dont listen neither do u get rekt

Shit, your English is almost as bad as Black Bird's.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: BlackxBird on July 28, 2015, 05:12:41 pm
pff, tryharder
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: ARN_ on July 28, 2015, 05:24:33 pm
Good thing im Swedish  :lol:
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Ufoinsky on July 28, 2015, 05:35:58 pm
you want me to prove some thing on the internet? you sir are living in your own fucking world
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Tristan_of_Erzoth on July 28, 2015, 05:38:28 pm
If your shit post isn't at least 2 paragraphs of decent length with 1 or 2 smaller ones please fuck off and stop wasting my time with your kindergarten level shit
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: xxkaliboyx on July 28, 2015, 05:52:40 pm
Its 5:50am I've been up for over a day and it's been a few months since my last rage post so here you boys go:

What the fuck NA? Fucking EU my old friends are attacking at 8-11AM on a fucking TUESDAY workday and you retards still sign up for them in the later sieges? You're going to be that big of massive fucking cucks? God damn I can already hear Voncrow with his autistic "REEEEEEEEE HCE IS SCUM ITS BETTER TO SUCKLE THE NUTS OF GAYLORD EU'S THEN HAVE THEM ON THE MAP REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE" and then the broken english from the rest of their supporters going "shut up acre scum" or whatever. At least back when we were shitposting it was mildly entertaining instead of "LMAO FUCK ACRE LOLOLOLOLOLOL" like wow thats never been said 100000x before.

Anyways I digressed there a bit, back to my original point: What the fuck are you guys doing? Do you honestly think that after durquba falls the EU's will be all "WOW NA my old friends are such cucks, might as well let these pussies who have to call in other continents to defeat their singular enemy we will let them keep their land" fuck no they're going to fuck your shit up and take all your fucking land. And guess who will be mercing for them when they've lost all their land to you guys being bundle of stickss? I sure as hell wont merc for you retards you deserve to lose your shit as well. So it will be EU and HCE(the faction you couldn't even beat 5v1) vs you... Yeah good luck you idiot. I mean i expect this level of retardation from the Beserks but Wardens and HoC? I guess sitting in your city/castle's not doing anything for MONTHS must have fucking made you stir crazy. Seriously you guys go "LOL HCE HASN'T DONE ANYTHING" but what has WOTN done? Literally nothing. They attacked Curaw and lost once. They attacked some unarmed HCE armies and fucked us over with night time settings. Wow good work you guys 10/10 some fucking solid shit going on there. HoC has done nothing besides like 2 battles at Reindi or whatever idk i couldn't make it and that one time they attacked Tornkik and also they attacked some villages.

Basically TL;DR everyone is retarded because they can't realize that EU has basically already won. HCE wont ever merc for you because you guys were too stupid to realize the threat and they want to fuck you over as well. You guys wont merc for HCE because you're terrified of losing your shitty castles and precious armies you spent months arming perfectly so you can jack off to the equipment on the website while it collects dust ingame.

*puts down Miller lite, stands up from lawn couch, places trucker hat over heart, eyes get watery and yells MERICA!*

I been mercing for EU because I have ties with Deserters and MERCs when I lived in Germany but bob damn that was a good ol' fashion Americans speech. Makes me proud to be a American.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: BlackxBird on July 28, 2015, 05:54:00 pm
QQ if I would start with german nationalism I´d be banned in 5 seconds.  :mrgreen:
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Noodlenrice on July 28, 2015, 06:13:41 pm
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Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Ufoinsky on July 28, 2015, 06:16:20 pm
If your shit post isn't at least 2 paragraphs of decent length with 1 or 2 smaller ones please fuck off and stop wasting my time with your kindergarten level shit
You sir need to fuck off. it is my deepest concern that your autism needs to be fixed, and i do not have the means to do so. So please sir eat some decaying rats and die in a foxhole slowly eating your comrades shitty shit intestines full of shit and die from E-coli.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Ufoinsky on July 28, 2015, 06:16:56 pm
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your moms an autism.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Jack1 on July 28, 2015, 07:12:59 pm
Europeans? More like euro pee ons.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Lt_Anders on July 28, 2015, 07:39:24 pm
You're a Peon? :twisted:
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Relit on July 28, 2015, 08:26:58 pm
Well, I spent a good hour reading this thread at work. Real sad that EU came to NA to do this shit, wish they could have stayed where they belong. Even sadder that some NA clans/players encouraged this nonsense. What I would give to have the Central Confederacy back to push these shitheads out... fuck real life and jobs!

James and the NA loyalists, keep up the good work, you are doing NA proud resisting this horseshit.

(click to show/hide)
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: woody on July 28, 2015, 08:48:16 pm
So someone read this thread and cant work out that we cant fight in EU because its broken? Good grief.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: BlackxBird on July 28, 2015, 08:53:26 pm
yes fuck that fucker who gave u full rosters,

Fuck that retard who gave in all of his battles probably more than 40 mio xp already.

Fuck that asshole who made NA strat active again.

Everyone who thinks this attack is something bad should just shup up and get his own army and attack something. 39 attacks of Eques and 19 of Kalmar.

U don´t like it? All those retards who don´t play strat on their own do not fucking know how much a army is. How much work and how much time someone has to spend to build one.

And if you don´t fucking want us on the map, go, tryhard against us and rekt us, but fucking do something.

So as long as u have no idea what is going on here, and you don´t fucking want to do something on ur own STFU.

"yeee, this is bad cuz they are eu, we are na, plz go back, we don´t want u here" go fuck urself relit
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: ARN_ on July 28, 2015, 08:58:03 pm
Well, I spent a good hour reading this thread at work. Real sad that EU came to NA to do this shit, wish they could have stayed where they belong. Even sadder that some NA clans/players encouraged this nonsense. What I would give to have the Central Confederacy back to push these shitheads out... fuck real life and jobs!

James and the NA loyalists, keep up the good work, you are doing NA proud resisting this horseshit.

(click to show/hide)
Damn acre vassals everywhere(except on the map and the battles)!
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Relit on July 28, 2015, 09:04:08 pm
blah blah blah...  U don´t like it? All those retards who don´t play strat on their own do not fucking know how much a army is. How much work and how much time someone has to spend to build one.

I do not know much about you, and apparently you do not know anything about me, so for simplicities sake, lets just say I know exactly what it takes, time/effort wise. You EU guys make me laugh, makes me wish I could do strat again versus Kesh, atleast he would have been a challenge (again).

So someone read this thread and cant work out that we cant fight in EU because its broken? Good grief.

No, I am quite aware of that, hence why I said 'I wish they could have stayed where they belong'. NA and EU should be separate maps entirely. I have always felt this way.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Torben on July 28, 2015, 09:05:06 pm
Well, I spent a good hour reading this thread at work[/spoiler]

obviously best job ever!  :P
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: cup457 on July 28, 2015, 09:25:36 pm
Relit kept fucki g pages and pages of xcel spreadsheets for all his bundle of sticksy strat shit and sometimes he would give me shit and i would do stuff
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Noodlenrice on July 28, 2015, 09:56:35 pm
Relit kept fucki g pages and pages of xcel spreadsheets for all his bundle of sticksy strat shit and sometimes he would give me shit and i would do stuff
cup, you are still trash
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: BlackPanda on July 28, 2015, 10:58:36 pm
Silly EUs
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Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Moncho on July 28, 2015, 11:00:50 pm
What are you saying? They are now all French flags!
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Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Relit on July 28, 2015, 11:06:02 pm
No, I am quite aware of that, hence why I said 'I wish they could have stayed where they belong'. NA and EU should be separate maps entirely. I have always felt this way.

*for an hour and missed that point lol

Reading is hard.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: njames89 on July 28, 2015, 11:27:51 pm
Big battle tonight defending NA from these EU invaders and their benedict arnolds!

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The HCE needs you to defend America!

100k to top 5 kills, 30k to top 5 kdr

Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Schoi on July 29, 2015, 12:01:20 am
Big battle tonight defending NA from these EU invaders and their benedict arnolds!

Too bad they always attack while most of us are still at work or are eating dinner with our families. Shit they even attack at 6 AM so I can't get any sleep until the battle, thanks Obama.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Bryggan on July 29, 2015, 02:36:45 am
We do know how long it takes to build an army.  And to raise men and gear to defend fiefs.  That's why we don't want to have battles while we are at work or.  I used to like the Warriors of Tengri because they had battles I could actually make, but now that's over.  TBH, those of us who can make it are enjoying the battles since us NAers could only afford small battles or a siege every month or so.  And we would be very happy having you here if it wasn't for the different time zones. 

If you wanted battles in Eu time, why don't you start fighting each other on the NA map.  Bad ping for everyone, but you get your XP.  But that's not gonna happen, is it, cuz all Euros are the ultimate bro-coders.  Instead you force us to conform to your times, and we end up losing millions of hard earned silver and thousands of troops in battles we can't even play in.

If 'Django Unchained' taught us one thing, it's don't let a German into your place.  At first its all smiles and promises of riches, then the next thing you know you got a Derringer bullet in your chest and your house gets blown up.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: BlackxBird on July 29, 2015, 02:37:57 am
Too bad they always attack while most of us are still at work or are eating dinner with our families. Shit they even attack at 6 AM so I can't get any sleep until the battle, thanks Obama.

finally someone who got it! Don´t blame me, blame obama.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Bryggan on July 29, 2015, 02:40:57 am
finally someone who got it! Don´t blame me, blame obama.

Wait- you're awake right now!  So why don't you attack at this time?
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: ARN_ on July 29, 2015, 02:47:02 am
Wait- you're awake right now!  So why don't you attack at this time?
We just finished a battle but we don't want to stay awake another 2 hours...
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: BlackxBird on July 29, 2015, 02:52:51 am
it is 3 AM here atm
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Behemoth_ on July 29, 2015, 04:36:56 am
Eu players trying to block.

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Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Schoi on July 29, 2015, 04:54:12 am
it is 3 AM here atm

Only 3 AM? Wow what a fucking pussy, I go on EU between 3-10 AM all the time.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Ufoinsky on July 29, 2015, 05:17:43 am
We just finished a battle but we don't want to stay awake another 2 hours...
wait you wanna fuck me?
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Ufoinsky on July 29, 2015, 05:38:50 am
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Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Dutchydave on July 29, 2015, 06:32:49 am
Wait- you're awake right now!  So why don't you attack at this time?

Well Bryggan one thing for sure is you have lost your right to say anything about my night time setting which are set to 12am est  :rolleyes:
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: traxits on July 29, 2015, 06:50:25 am
but why have we been talking about nighttime settings for the last 20 pages

caitlyn jenner tho.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: BlackPanda on July 29, 2015, 07:11:49 am
I think defenders should have right to put whatever night time settings they want. Attackers complaining about it should really use common sense. Dont enter our house and tell us what to do.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Noodlenrice on July 29, 2015, 07:32:59 am
I think defenders should have right to put whatever night time settings they want. Attackers complaining about it should really use common sense. Dont enter our house and tell us what to do.
I mean they are not complaining. If anything, some NA mercs for both sides are complaining about the time.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: BlackPanda on July 29, 2015, 07:45:05 am
Some of our guys dont have night time settings on for a good time, hence the 1pm battles.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Dutchydave on July 29, 2015, 07:59:28 am
I think defenders should have right to put whatever night time settings they want. Attackers complaining about it should really use common sense. Dont enter our house and tell us what to do.

Yeah well explain that to the HCE leaders who continually complained about my night time settings, look all i'm saying is "Fucking Hypocrites"  :rolleyes:
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: BlackPanda on July 29, 2015, 08:03:05 am
Well am not a leader and I stand by my opinion. Also you are Australian and that time is bad for NA and EU, only good for you and CH.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Torben on July 29, 2015, 08:10:01 am
any chance you guys come to an agreement to do the big battles on weekends only? 
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Dutchydave on July 29, 2015, 08:33:57 am
Well am not a leader and I stand by my opinion. Also you are Australian and that time is bad for NA and EU, only good for you and CH.

Um yeah mate your all over this, my settings are 12am for the enemy and HCE settings are 3am for their enemy. Now that I have made this clear do you see why your leaders are hypocrites?

And it is horrible for China and really bad for Aus also as its 2pm, so go study some facts before you dribble anymore shit that you clearly have no idea what your saying. I actually have to leave work to make a battle if attacked as this is the earliest time I can offer and suits NA better then any other nation  :rolleyes: Like is 12am est really that bad? Which is actually prime time for west coast  :wink:

So how about tomorrow at 12am est you have a look who is on what server and on adverage you will find:

Aus = 0
China = 0
EU = 10
NA = 50+
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: BlackPanda on July 29, 2015, 09:48:05 am
People on NA dosent mean they will come to strat battles. Some people have a job in the morning or summer school so they cant stay up late.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Moncho on July 29, 2015, 10:05:30 am
More people on NA than on any other server means its a much better time for NA than for the other regions.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Tristan_of_Erzoth on July 29, 2015, 11:21:57 am
A shitty RP post i just found on my computer that I wrote awhile back after the fall of New Weyyah Castle. Decided to post it for you nerds anyways. Here it is, the death of Tristan of Erzoth.

The sun beat down hard on the parapets of the sand colored walls of New Weyyah Castle. I could smell the sweat and feel the anticipation of my fellow soldiers all around me as we prepared for the oncoming siege of Kalmar soldiers. "Sir! The enemy approaches! What are your orders?" I looked over and the reflection of their plate armor in their sun made me squint. "Great, we're outnumbered." I mumbled to myself. "Have the crossbowmen and archers begin firing immediately. The rest of you get ready to push back any assaults from the enemy". In a few short minutes the enemies had begun to ladder up onto the walls and the battle had begun. The sound of swords clanging together sounded throughout the air mixed with the screams of the injured and dying. Pulling down the visor to my helmet I picked up my great sword and began to move towards the melee. I charged into the fray and brought my blade to meet the first enemy I could find. After exchanging a few blows I managed to run my opponent through before turning and killing another one from behind. However try as I might, I could not keep focused on the combat infront of me. Everywhere around me my men were being put to the slaughter. Eventually as I was dueling another opponent a bolt came out of nowhere and struck me in the chest. Stumbling backwards I fell to the ground as my opponent was about to finish me off. I heard a vague shout and sword on flesh before blacking out...

A few minutes later I awoke to the screams of panic and the sounds of metal smashing on wood. I sat up and immediately regretted my decision as pain lanced through my side. Looking around me, I took in my surroundings. The interior of the keep at New Weyyah Castle, with its sand stone walls and the musty hot smell that accompanies being in such a place in high heat. There were only three others in the room with me and two were trying valiantly to hold the door shut against whoever was trying to get in and the third was testing a bow string. I recognized them as my three loyal brethren; Helvetius, General Swagathor, and Furnavi. Hearing me groan, Furnavi turned to look at me. "See you got us into another stupid situation and there's no way out this time. And to top it all off you managed to get yourself shot, so good work there. Swagathor and Helvetius are trying to hold the door but the enemy will be upon us in a few moments. Maybe surrender might be a good idea now?" I looked at him and tried to stand as my world started to shake. I must have lost a lot more blood than I originally thought. Grabing my sword and proping myself up with it I managed to rise to my feet and look Furnavi in the eyes. "You know surrender was never an option. Helvetius! Swagathor! Get over here. If we must die we will meet these foes as a group." Helvetius opened his mouth as if to argue but then closed it. Picking up their swords they ran over to me. As they reached me the door splintered and gave in and a group of men dressed in full plate stormed into the room.

"Erzothians! On me! We charge!" I shouted holding my sword high before running forward.
"Never falter!" Shouted Helvetius as he ran in behind me
"Never fail!" took up Swagathor as he was a step behind
"Forever strong my ass" Furnavi muttered as he knocked an arrow and drew.

In a few short moments it was over. Never being the greatest fighters and injured as we were we couldn't even put up much of a fight. Before I went down I remember seeing Helvetius take a bardiche to the face as Swagathor went down in a hail of blows somehow getting more than his fair share in as well. Furnavi was halfway out a window preparing to try and escape when a bolt took him in the chest and he fell out. A bec de corbin, I believe that is what got me. A man dressed in black full plate stabbed me in the stomach. As I coughed up blood and fell to my knees I looked up and vaguely recognized him, as if I'd seen him somewhere before a hundred times. He looked down on me and said in a thick accent "Sad it had to end like this mate, but i fakin warned ya didn I? No hard feelings yeah?" As he put his boot to my shoulder and pushed me off his bec as my world faded to black...
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Lt_Anders on July 29, 2015, 02:04:13 pm
Um yeah mate your all over this, my settings are 12am for the enemy and HCE settings are 3am for their enemy. Now that I have made this clear do you see why your leaders are hypocrites?

And it is horrible for China and really bad for Aus also as its 2pm, so go study some facts before you dribble anymore shit that you clearly have no idea what your saying. I actually have to leave work to make a battle if attacked as this is the earliest time I can offer and suits NA better then any other nation  :rolleyes: Like is 12am est really that bad? Which is actually prime time for west coast  :wink:

So how about tomorrow at 12am est you have a look who is on what server and on adverage you will find:

Aus = 0
China = 0
EU = 10
NA = 50+

Yea, but Dutchy, you don't have a million EU recruits to fund your rosters. You had to rely on NA's. Thus a bad NA time was bad for both sides.

And that 12 EST isn't bad, but for a large battle it can be.(as it lasts up to 1:30 AM).

7PM est are at 1AM EU time, but cause the battles are and hour or more long it pushes it to 3AM. To bad HCE don't know how to revolving door their nighttime. If they Did EU would never be able to get a good attack in without getting screwed in the time. Why can't we just have weekend battles since EU want's decent battle times. Do it during the weekend.

Dutchy always did(or planned attacks for decent times it was weekdays). Course, EU's being cheaters won't ever change, so guess that's not much to hope for.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: ARN_ on July 29, 2015, 02:30:34 pm
Yea, but Dutchy, you don't have a million EU recruits to fund your rosters. You had to rely on NA's. Thus a bad NA time was bad for both sides.

And that 12 EST isn't bad, but for a large battle it can be.(as it lasts up to 1:30 AM).

7PM est are at 1AM EU time, but cause the battles are and hour or more long it pushes it to 3AM. To bad HCE don't know how to revolving door their nighttime. If they Did EU would never be able to get a good attack in without getting screwed in the time. Why can't we just have weekend battles since EU want's decent battle times. Do it during the weekend.

Dutchy always did(or planned attacks for decent times it was weekdays). Course, EU's being cheaters won't ever change, so guess that's not much to hope for.
Either you attack yourself or stop complaining. I don't understand why you complain all the big battles have had 40-50 guys so clearly people can fight at those times and from what I understand you had 20vs20 battles before we came
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: woody on July 29, 2015, 03:44:34 pm
Battles only at weekends make castles/towns almost untakeable due to reinforcement and population recovery.

Plus for who is Friday/Saturday night a convenient time to play a computer game?
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Torben on July 29, 2015, 03:46:07 pm
Battles only at weekends make castles/towns almost untakeable due to reinforcement and population recovery.

thats unfortunately true...
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: xxkaliboyx on July 29, 2015, 03:58:59 pm
Inspire by Tristain post and events of 28/07/2015 Equites Siege on HCE New Durquba.
I don't read fiction and this is the first time I have ever done anything like this. Any excuse to skip leg day =)
PS: did this on my phone. Sorry for English, English is my first language.

He can see all his friends at the table. Jaren and Pulse sharing a ale singing songs while having their arms around each other swaying left to right. Ryan sharpening his sword, Bongloader in the corner smoking on his pipe. Latvian and Idzo laughing at everyone. Skinboat, Holiday and Calamari turn around and look at him. "Well are you going to join us?"

Then he hears a distinct but faint yell , "get up, get up". "I know that voice " he think to himself. is that Dynamics...

Overlooking New Durquba you can see the exotic sand that they are world renown for, but why is it red? Surely it had something to do with the countless of sieges it had endured. It would be almost beautiful if it wasn't tainted with thousands of fathers, brothers, and sons.

Deserter_Merrrica looks in awe of the unbeatable castle known as New Durquba. Some say it has the protection of a sorceress known as Elderly_ Women. "I don't even want to know what kind of wicked sacrifice she has done" he mutter to himself. He looks to his left and his right and sees some great among the ranks. So much lore and legend surrounds Deserter that it almost intimates him. "Is my long spear be able to do its part?"

He remember back when he was sold into slavery when TKoV had their civil war. Deserter_Merrrrica has been a casualty of war in the way of they needed money to fund their internal dispute. He was sold to the MERC faction and then passed on down to the DESERTERS after they were done abusing him. He was in a strange land that took him a long time to understand. That is when he first met Latvian. Deserter_Merrrrica was broken and any will he had left was long gone. Latvian build him back up slowly. Thought him the art of polearm and duel. Took about 6 months to finally pay off.

"Get ready!" Yells Blackbird. Deserter quickly snaps out of his daydream, Heart pounding, palms sweaty gripping his long spear. "Go!" Said Blackbird in a German accent.

"Shit what do I do?" He Hesitated for about 5 seconds then his instincts kicked in and he is in a dead Sprint to the gate, dodging left, right, left. He sees 2 other fighters going towards the gate, Noxious Inpector and Hetman. SWOOSH a bolt almost off his ear. It must of felt like an eternity on the way to the gate. He sees Noxious Inspector take a arrow in the eye and drop, he looks at Hetman the Grey and he has about 6 arrows in his chest when he finally went down. He notice he is the only one at the gate. Breathing heavily he is hiding in the side of the gate. " Ok, you made it. Get yourself together" he told himself. That is something he would do to gather composure during stressful situation. It had helped him during the UIF wars of Strat 4.

He is still the only one at the gate, it was a erry quiet at the gate, no one was shooting at him, nobody was at the gate then thats when he felt the cold breeze and sees King James (cue dreadful music) walks by the gate. He stops and looks through the gate like he knows someone was there. The air was unnaturally cold and musty. He seem like a giant among men in his plate armor. He gave Deserter_Merrrica the chills and was glad when he walked away but that's when it happened. 10 Cavs showed up led by the undead Anders. Legend says he can resurrect after death. He isn't particularly scary looking or even great or hell even a good fighter but you do have worry about a man that can come back a 100 times.

Deserter gets his long spear ready still noticing he is the only one there, gates open slowly, he rushes forward catching the first few by surprise. Immediately 3 cav and 1 soldier go down and then he gets overwhelm and trampled. He sees a fighter rushing him, gets up nudges, jumps and thrust. The man goes down. Sees a strange marking on his armor of a Panda crest. He now has back up with Voncrow being first in the fight. He was fearless, he weapon of giant magnitude.

That is when Arn, a captain of the EU army yells "everyone to the breech now!" Walls knock down already?" Deserter thought, and rushes to the crumbling wall. He stands next to the likes of Lumetta and Largos. "HOLD" yells Dutchy, not a leader as far as Deserter_Merrrrica is aware but his reputation presides him that he knows better than not to listen to him. He sees a wall of Godfrey shields and a pike with the tip so shinny that it almost blinding. "That's Relit" no one seems to care but Deserter_Merrrica knows better to ignore a legend from childhood lore that he grew up listening too.

Relit was last heard in the Strat 4 wars and have been thought of as retire since then. Deserter_ Merrrrica looked up to Relit like a kid looks up to their personal heroes, in awe. He has fought with Relit side by side during scrimmages here and there and Relit have even acknowledge Deserter_Merrrrica existence. Relit has personally thought a few lessons to Deserter _Merrrica and now he was here in the battlelines. What has this war come to? Brother verus brother, student versus teacher, kid versus hero...

And wham! Crash of swords and shield colliding. Sound like thunder and lighting all at once. Thrust, thrust, thrust. One by one people are going down then all of a sudden a giant emerged. It's Prince Nathan. He is built like a castle and swings as hard as a catapult but he is slow.  He swings and Deserter_Merrrrica blocks, he's hands vibrating as Nathan swing almost breaks through the Long Spear,  Prince Nathan swings again and this time Deserter_Merrrrica dodges and tries to push Prince Nathan back but he might of moved him a inch. The beast is filled with rage, a fury of left swings, as Deserter holds his block, ducks under , jumps, trust and gets the giant in the head. Prince Nathan goes down slowly on his knees with his helmet off. Deserter is about to trust into Nathan's heart when he gets cut into his left arm. Deserter looks around and nobody is by him, looks behind Godfrey shield wall and he sees a pike.....

Prince Nathan is dragged back behind Godfrey shield wall by Gyphter and Behemoth and that was when Relit came out. Everyone stared at at Deserter_Merrrrica and Relit. Deserter was bloody, exhausted gasping for air and dirt covering his armor. If Relit was tired, you couldn't tell looking at him. Armor and Pike clean as a princess but the pike was blood stained at the tip. "Deserter, you got this" he mutter to himself as he always does to give himself a boost. Both are waiting for the other to make the first move, its Deserter, fake thrust and trust, Relit blocks it with ease and pushes Deserter down. Deserter gets back up, fake thrust, ducks, jumps and trust. What just happen? "Relit is hit? someone says from the crowd. Blood drips from Relit's leg onto the exotic sand of New Durguba. "is he hurt?" Deserter ask himself. Relit takes up his stance, with his eyes just showing through the armor and now he is attacking, thrust, thrust, spin trust. Deserter is falling backwards trying to block and that is Tristian comes from behind and swings. Deserter blocks, nudges, Tristain goes down by a arrow that must of been a mile away, its was Druzhina Boss Eldar. Deserter_Merrrica turns around sees Relit charging, both jump, thrust and........................

Deserter_Merrrrrica hears faintly "Get up!, Get up!" by Dynamics
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Lt_Anders on July 29, 2015, 04:32:11 pm
Either you attack yourself or stop complaining. I don't understand why you complain all the big battles have had 40-50 guys so clearly people can fight at those times and from what I understand you had 20vs20 battles before we came

I'll gladly go back to 20v20 battles to get good, solid matches at times everyone in NA liked, entitled cunt. In fact, the really big battles (!?page=strategusinfobattledetail&id=3994) were ( getting (!?page=strategusinfobattleroster&id=4412) near (!?page=strategusinfobattleroster&id=4414) 30V30 (!?page=strategusinfobattleroster&id=4459) before you came over (!?page=strategusinfobattleroster&id=4458). All you did was add EU mercs to the pool, and nothing more, to allow the 40V40 battles(still can't do roll calls cause not enough mercs).

Also, the Fact that it's summer and people have more free time,but nope, it's all the EU's coming over that brought everyone back. Yes, totally all EU's who did it. If not for EU, we'd still be fighting with pitchforks and cudgels and totally killing afks. James would still be a fucking cunt and HoC would be relevant.

Continue believing that you were the great cause of this "increased battle rosters." It wasn't you, but the mere fact that it's a good time for strat, several factions came back(before you came over) and a war was actually happening.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: ARN_ on July 29, 2015, 04:43:42 pm
I'll gladly go back to 20v20 battles to get good, solid matches at times everyone in NA liked, entitled cunt. In fact, the really big battles (!?page=strategusinfobattledetail&id=3994) were ( getting (!?page=strategusinfobattleroster&id=4412) near (!?page=strategusinfobattleroster&id=4414) 30V30 (!?page=strategusinfobattleroster&id=4459) before you came over (!?page=strategusinfobattleroster&id=4458). All you did was add EU mercs to the pool, and nothing more, to allow the 40V40 battles(still can't do roll calls cause not enough mercs).

Also, the Fact that it's summer and people have more free time,but nope, it's all the EU's coming over that brought everyone back. Yes, totally all EU's who did it. If not for EU, we'd still be fighting with pitchforks and cudgels and totally killing afks. James would still be a fucking cunt and HoC would be relevant.

Continue believing that you were the great cause of this "increased battle rosters." It wasn't you, but the mere fact that it's a good time for strat, several factions came back(before you came over) and a war was actually happening.
If you want us gone then come and kick us out
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Torben on July 29, 2015, 04:45:02 pm
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didnt read it yet but +1 because idzo ^^
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: BlackPanda on July 29, 2015, 05:00:24 pm
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I enjoyed it.  9/10 RP shitpost
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: xxkaliboyx on July 29, 2015, 06:05:16 pm
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I enjoyed it.  9/10 RP shitpost

Were you the man with the Panda plated crest?
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: BlackxBird on July 29, 2015, 06:54:19 pm
We do know how long it takes to build an army.  And to raise men and gear to defend fiefs.  That's why we don't want to have battles while we are at work or.  I used to like the Warriors of Tengri because they had battles I could actually make, but now that's over.  TBH, those of us who can make it are enjoying the battles since us NAers could only afford small battles or a siege every month or so.  And we would be very happy having you here if it wasn't for the different time zones. 

If you wanted battles in Eu time, why don't you start fighting each other on the NA map.  Bad ping for everyone, but you get your XP.  But that's not gonna happen, is it, cuz all Euros are the ultimate bro-coders.  Instead you force us to conform to your times, and we end up losing millions of hard earned silver and thousands of troops in battles we can't even play in.

If 'Django Unchained' taught us one thing, it's don't let a German into your place.  At first its all smiles and promises of riches, then the next thing you know you got a Derringer bullet in your chest and your house gets blown up.

If you think we don´t belong in NA, start attacking us. You had more than 5K troops in Durquba, instead of fighting defensive you could have tried to kick our asses outta here before we even take the first castle, but as it seems King James' City is more important than every other fief his soldiers had. I kinda think he only wants the renown... And well yes, thanks for all the great XP. You guys are great enemies!
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Casimir on July 29, 2015, 07:27:18 pm
opening this thread be like

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Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: ARN_ on July 29, 2015, 07:27:38 pm
If you think we don´t belong in NA, start attacking us. You had more than 5K troops in Durquba, instead of fighting defensive you could have tried to kick our asses outta here before we even take the first castle, but as it seems King James' City is more important than every other fief his soldiers had. I kinda think he only wants the renown... And well yes, thanks for all the great XP. You guys are great enemies!
Enemies more like punching bags as they don't hit back...
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Bronto on July 29, 2015, 07:45:45 pm
opening this thread be like

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I AM SO CONFUSED! Opening this thread is like cutting bags of salt and long grain rice?
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: ARN_ on July 29, 2015, 07:48:52 pm
I AM SO CONFUSED! Opening this thread is like cutting bags of salt and long grain rice?
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: njames89 on July 29, 2015, 08:30:27 pm
The first bunch of battles you guys were attacking us at god awful times and had 15 more mercs than us for most battles. Hence we held back and have killed as many eu as we can.

I must say it has been an honour to defend Durquba with the HCE and the true American heroes fighting with us.

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With rosters evened out a bit and half decent times for NA the fights have been glorious!
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Casimir on July 29, 2015, 08:54:26 pm
I AM SO CONFUSED! Opening this thread is like cutting bags of salt and long grain rice?

I thought it was just the explosion of salt, now I look like a tit.

Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Jona on July 29, 2015, 09:50:29 pm
I'll gladly go back to 20v20 battles to get good, solid matches at times everyone in NA liked, entitled cunt. In fact, the really big battles (!?page=strategusinfobattledetail&id=3994) were ( getting (!?page=strategusinfobattleroster&id=4412) near (!?page=strategusinfobattleroster&id=4414) 30V30 (!?page=strategusinfobattleroster&id=4459) before you came over (!?page=strategusinfobattleroster&id=4458). All you did was add EU mercs to the pool, and nothing more, to allow the 40V40 battles(still can't do roll calls cause not enough mercs).

Thanks for pointing out how unbalanced strat was before EU showed up. 27v36 and 25v35 do not make for fun battles, especially when the side with 10 more mercs is defending a castle/city.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Lt_Anders on July 29, 2015, 09:58:43 pm
Thanks for pointing out how unbalanced strat was before EU showed up. 27v36 and 25v35 do not make for fun battles, especially when the side with 10 more mercs is defending a castle/city.


The First set of battles int he War between HCE and WotN were heavily in favour of HCE merc pool. Just before the EU shitlord arrival, you would outnumber them by a small majority easily. Funny how you only remember the times that you guys were outnumbers(only 3 of the linked battles) rather than the 2 battles you outnumbered them.(and 2 equal battles)
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Jona on July 29, 2015, 10:15:44 pm
So quick to presume I "forgot" the other battles? What does it matter if HCE got outnumbered a little during some awful non-primetime field battle of no real significance while they outnumbered everyone else (not just WotN, LL, and HoC as well) for most of the important fights. Not to mention we never severely outnumbered them with the additional advantage of thick walls between us and them (probably cuz they have attacked anything larger than a village only once or twice).
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: njames89 on July 29, 2015, 10:22:39 pm
On the 7th day our lord chadz spoke,

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Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Lt_Anders on July 30, 2015, 12:01:15 am
NA stepped up its game and learned how to siege defense and use siege again after just a few battles

We always knew how(at least If I'm around) to use siege gear. There's a few Engineers, just not very many left.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Noodlenrice on July 30, 2015, 12:15:38 am
We always knew how(at least If I'm around) to use siege gear. There's a few Engineers, just not very many left.
There is always Wix_the_Engineer
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: BlackPanda on July 30, 2015, 12:44:31 am
Were you the man with the Panda plated crest?
Maybe  :rolleyes:
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: xxkaliboyx on July 30, 2015, 12:58:48 am
Jaren, best engineer NA
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: cup457 on July 30, 2015, 01:02:53 am
every single day i get home from work 5 minutes after the battle starts.

but today i had some frozen pf changs orange chicken for lunch. I have a half hour lunch and the bag says it takes 15 minutes to cook. I say fuck it yolo i want some chinese food. I open the bag and pour it into a normal bowl but there is just a little left over. What the fuck do these gook base these serving sizes off of? so now i have two moutfuls in a bag and my bowl is overflowing.  I microwave the chicken for 10 minutes and its boiling hot. Once its done I scarf it down and burn my mouth. I then realize that this shit fake chinese bullshit is 90% vegetables. Who the fuck eats vegetables? I finish the 5 pieces of chicken and throw the rest out just in time to go back to work. TL,DR: P.F. Changs is shit ass bullshit
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Noodlenrice on July 30, 2015, 01:44:30 am
every single day i get home from work 5 minutes after the battle starts.

but today i had some frozen pf changs orange chicken for lunch. I have a half hour lunch and the bag says it takes 15 minutes to cook. I say fuck it yolo i want some chinese food. I open the bag and pour it into a normal bowl but there is just a little left over. What the fuck do these gook base these serving sizes off of? so now i have two moutfuls in a bag and my bowl is overflowing.  I microwave the chicken for 10 minutes and its boiling hot. Once its done I scarf it down and burn my mouth. I then realize that this shit fake chinese bullshit is 90% vegetables. Who the fuck eats vegetables? I finish the 5 pieces of chicken and throw the rest out just in time to go back to work. TL,DR: P.F. Changs is shit ass bullshit
Go get real asian food
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Schoi on July 30, 2015, 02:31:29 am
Go get real asian food

He should get Panda Express, shit is amazing.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: cup457 on July 30, 2015, 02:44:57 am
it was free from a neighbor who was moving
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Noodlenrice on July 30, 2015, 03:20:10 am
it was free from a neighbor who was moving
he is trying to poison you
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Ufoinsky on July 30, 2015, 04:36:08 am
He should get Panda Express, shit is amazing.
Schoi the fat asian boi
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Ufoinsky on July 30, 2015, 04:46:31 am
The desert will be a anarchistic trading heaven for everyone who wants to get money. There won't be any restrictions about buying/selling S&D. The only rule will be: U have to be in New Libere Equites. ;) Than you can get troops, eq them with ur money and do as many fun battles u want :P Get full plates and pikes or lederhosen and flamberges xD Do whatever you want as long as it will be funny ;)

Edit: If you join us right now, u can take a village and manage it, so basically trade in the desert and every time u pass u can take the money out of it ;)
shut the fuck up black bird
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Relit on July 30, 2015, 04:47:59 am
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Excellent writing, I'm honored. Use the pike more, become my mini-me
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Noodlenrice on July 30, 2015, 05:59:17 am
shut the fuck up black bird
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Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Schoi on July 30, 2015, 07:40:40 am
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Cyber bullying OP, pls nerf
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Ufoinsky on July 30, 2015, 11:08:18 am
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you can bait deez nuts
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Ufoinsky on July 30, 2015, 11:24:36 am
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Declaration of War

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to the Holy chadzian Empire
and all of their alliances

Reason for the war: EU is bugged and we are bored.

Everyone who will support the rosters of the HCE will get rekt on the map.

Everyone who is in our way without a faction of 4+ castles/Cities has to join us. Otherwise he will get rekt. (exeptions are possible

Everyone with armies close to the HCE teritorry without writing me  (Eques_Black_Bird) the reason of his presence will get rekt.

If you are trader and in the desert you should better GTFO or you will get rekt (But if you want to trade for us you are welcome. You can get troops and equipment.)

You wanna show those "holy" donkey lover that they are'nt good enough to compete on the strat map? Join New Libere Equites and march with us!

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King James of ACRE will have some trouble coming to the battles cuz he is stuck in there :(

Our Equipment
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Our Alliance:
The Kalmarunionen

Our EU Supporters:

Warriors of Tengri
I cant list all of them :)

Our NA Supporters:
Wardens of the North
Hounds of Chulainn

Extra roster support:
Grey Order

I hope I can talk with you about the conditions of this war.

With a blood lustfull sword and a new plate armor we gonna come to bring fire and blood to those who deserve it.
Valar Morghulis

Shut the fuck up blackbird
please shut the fuck up
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Mr.K. on July 30, 2015, 12:05:16 pm
Who is this retard and why isn't he muted yet?
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Schoi on July 30, 2015, 12:38:00 pm
Who is this retard and why isn't he muted yet?

I'd rather read his lame jokes than two paragraphs about night time settings and shitty roleplay.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Tristan_of_Erzoth on July 30, 2015, 02:02:37 pm
I'd rather read his lame jokes than two paragraphs about night time settings and shitty roleplay.

Jokes imply humor. Everyone contributes to making this thread shitty though <3 <3 <3
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Dutchydave on July 30, 2015, 02:14:28 pm
Who is this retard and why isn't he muted yet?

 LOL he is actually the only person who has a perm bann on LL ts ;)

His bann was based on his "kick a player why they are down attitude" Lol not that it worried me I just have no respect for that sort of shit :lol:
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: BlackxBird on July 30, 2015, 03:02:34 pm
okay. I apologize for being the reason why NA strat just started.

This is turning in a fucking great ... erm, no idea what I should call it, but it will be fucking interresting to see what happens when little factions actually have the chance to do stuff without being wiped off imo :D MOAR FORUM DRAMA AND MOAR BATTLES. WOOOH.

It´s like waiting for the new series of GoT :3 nobody knows what will happen, and all the time someone dies and someone else appears :D old friends make war, ex-friends find back together. Old alliances disband and fight each other, new alliances will be built, people will be wiped off the map. I´m so fucking curious :D
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: xxkaliboyx on July 30, 2015, 06:21:05 pm
I'd rather read his lame jokes than two paragraphs about night time settings and shitty roleplay.

Is that a shot at my post?! I pour blood and sweat into that post!?! Lol. I suggest less typing and more biceps workouts. Alpha in Crpg but a beta IRL. oOooooo  :P

Jayjrod, put me against this lady in the tourney!
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: BlackPanda on July 30, 2015, 06:54:55 pm
Is that a shot at my post?! I pour blood and sweat into that post!?! Lol. I suggest less typing and more biceps workouts. Alpha in Crpg but a beta IRL. oOooooo  :P

Jayjrod, put me against this lady in the tourney!
I would love to see you fight and lose to schoi.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: cup457 on July 30, 2015, 07:17:02 pm
Why is there nothing interesting to read here
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: BlackxBird on July 30, 2015, 07:28:32 pm
if you´re bored just read the last 78 sites again
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Schoi on July 30, 2015, 08:26:29 pm
Is that a shot at my post?! I pour blood and sweat into that post!?! Lol. I suggest less typing and more biceps workouts. Alpha in Crpg but a beta IRL. oOooooo  :P

Jayjrod, put me against this lady in the tourney!

Lol ok, nice fatcep dude.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Knitler on July 30, 2015, 08:42:41 pm
It´s like waiting for the new series of GoT :3 nobody knows what will happen, and all the time someone dies and someone else appears :D old friends make war, ex-friends find back together. Old alliances disband and fight each other, new alliances will be built, people will be wiped off the map. I´m so fucking curious :D

The weird thing is, where do they get all the ppl from? Shouldnt they be dead by now?
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: BlackPanda on July 30, 2015, 08:43:33 pm
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Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: njames89 on July 30, 2015, 08:44:51 pm
This is what we are fighting for NA.

Moustaches, Motorcycles, and MURICA! Americans don't relent stop this blitzkrieg!

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Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Behemoth_ on July 30, 2015, 08:48:30 pm
Gaycre Pt1
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Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: BlackxBird on July 30, 2015, 09:05:01 pm
Shut the fuck up blackbird
please shut the fuck up

actually I like his profile picture  :twisted:
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: njames89 on July 30, 2015, 09:07:28 pm
I did na zi that coming.  :lol:
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: BlackxBird on July 30, 2015, 09:59:28 pm
racist, ban him.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Schoi on July 30, 2015, 10:01:13 pm
racist, ban him.

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Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Voncrow on July 30, 2015, 10:14:32 pm
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So was the colonizing of america a mistake in his opinion?
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: njames89 on July 30, 2015, 10:22:12 pm
So was the colonizing of america a mistake in his opinion?

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Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Voncrow on July 31, 2015, 12:18:22 am
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Coming from the faction claiming colonization was a mistake.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: njames89 on July 31, 2015, 12:24:34 am
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Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Voncrow on July 31, 2015, 12:50:42 am
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Wow, what an intelligent response. This will make me think about what I say next time. Also I heard they are dethroning King James soon, getting the autistic off the throne and what not. Good move I think.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Schoi on July 31, 2015, 02:17:11 am
Wow, what an intelligent response. This will make me think about what I say next time. Also I heard they are dethroning King James soon, getting the autistic off the throne and what not. Good move I think.

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Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: W0LF on July 31, 2015, 03:57:10 am
Wow, what an intelligent response. This will make me think about what I say next time. Also I heard they are dethroning King James soon, getting the autistic off the throne and what not. Good move I think.
Not dethroning him. He merely had been planing to step down for a while, even before the war with EU started. However you may think what you want. He shall still play a crucial role in Acre along with Axeman. And he shall continue to shitpost all he wants  :twisted:
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: njames89 on July 31, 2015, 05:55:59 am
He shall continue to shitpost all he wants  :twisted:

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Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Behemoth_ on August 01, 2015, 04:49:11 am
Convenient how Dutchy attacked so the battle will be during the NA 1v1 tourney
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Dutchydave on August 01, 2015, 06:37:58 am
Convenient how Dutchy attacked so the battle will be during the NA 1v1 tourney

Well I attacked 1.5 hours before and HCE nighttime settings pushed it to the tour time, so before you blame me take a look in the mirror about this battle time :rolleyes:

Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Tristan_of_Erzoth on August 01, 2015, 02:03:08 pm
Well I attacked 1.5 hours before and HCE nighttime settings pushed it to the tour time, so before you blame me take a look in the mirror about this battle time :rolleyes:

Gonna call bullshit on this, you cant set a night time setting to end at 4:19 PM PST. You can only set it to be even hours.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: ARN_ on August 01, 2015, 03:11:38 pm
What I think happened is that the battle before is pushing the siege forward. So everyone blame those who are making the fife transfers
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: BlackxBird on August 01, 2015, 03:22:13 pm
Gonna call bullshit on this, you cant set a night time setting to end at 4:19 PM PST. You can only set it to be even hours.

bullshit on those who have no idea how strat works
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Lt_Anders on August 01, 2015, 04:35:41 pm
bullshit on those who have no idea how strat works

But you can't have nighttime settings end on a non hourly number. It's impossible for that to happen.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: cup457 on August 01, 2015, 04:43:28 pm
I assume to battle timer for knightmares fief transfer faction push the battle from an even hour to 7:19 EST. Although i dont know if a 600 v200 is a 40 some minute timer
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: ARN_ on August 01, 2015, 05:22:56 pm
I assume to battle timer for knightmares fief transfer faction push the battle from an even hour to 7:19 EST. Although i dont know if a 600 v200 is a 40 some minute timer
It is always the attacking army that decides how long the battle will be so 40min seems reasonable for 600 troops
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Schoi on August 01, 2015, 10:20:15 pm
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Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Tristan_of_Erzoth on August 02, 2015, 02:02:11 am
Its always the beserks fault lol, amirite James?
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: cup457 on August 02, 2015, 03:01:46 am
Its always the beserks fault lol, amirite James?
everytime you post I stare at your avatar for a few minutes and then realize that none of it makes sense

every timeim crying inside
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Tristan_of_Erzoth on August 02, 2015, 03:11:29 am
everytime you post I stare at your avatar for a few minutes and then realize that none of it makes sense

every timeim crying inside

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Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Behemoth_ on August 02, 2015, 05:54:20 am
Today I learned Dutchy is some what an honorable man
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Noodlenrice on August 02, 2015, 09:38:28 am
What the hell happened?
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: BlackPanda on August 02, 2015, 11:13:26 am
What the hell happened?
Something no one saw coming.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Lt_Anders on August 02, 2015, 04:47:47 pm
Something no one saw coming.

Not really. Dutchy always wants good battles, not to win(like shitty EU). Fun > Winning.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: ARN_ on August 02, 2015, 05:48:53 pm
Not really. Dutchy always wants good battles, not to win(like shitty EU). Fun > Winning.
Battle=fun so battle>no battle
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Jona on August 02, 2015, 05:53:25 pm
Dutchy has always been an honorable guy when it comes to actual battles. It's kinda sad when people start to believe their own propaganda.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: BlackxBird on August 02, 2015, 07:04:54 pm
Not really. Dutchy always wants good battles, not to win(like shitty EU). Fun > Winning.

how fucking stupid are u? Talk with dutchy about WHO suggested to attack with more than 2K troops to take Durquba and ask him who told him that's bullshit cuz when Durquba falls the battles would be over.

Like I already said:" If you have no idea what is actually going on, STFU"
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Bryggan on August 02, 2015, 09:18:23 pm
I think all of strat knows Dutchy would never try win dishonourably.  When I attacked Sungetche castle back in the day, he asked if we could make it an XP battle.  I agreed, even though it cost me a lot of men, gear and loot because I am just that fucking awesome.  So he asked around for people to show up, and found out a lot of guys would support him.  He could have defended, but gave up the castle anyway because he had promised.

No, Dutchy's douchebaggery lies in the fact he refuses to accept me as overlord.  I'm sure we can all agree on that.

As for pre Eu strat, the number of mercs was growing, as were commanders.  But we couldn't build armies fast enough to have regular battles, so that kind of sucked.  But as for the ganking- us outnumbering Hounds/Warden by ten is not a gank.  Look at the kills.  Our extra ten guys were just fodder for their polearms.  I think a gank is when one team out powers the other one too much, and numbers don't mean anything.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Bryggan on August 02, 2015, 10:36:41 pm
I am the Party:

(EDIT: I had no idea how stupid that song was until I watched the video.  And thanks McDeath, got it now.)
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: mcdeath on August 02, 2015, 10:48:06 pm
I am the Party:

(can't figure out how to imbed still).

When you get a link remove the s from https:// and then throw this [youtube][/youtube] on your link.

It really is not that hard.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Tristan_of_Erzoth on August 03, 2015, 12:10:11 am
Dutchy has always been an honorable guy when it comes to actual battles. It's kinda sad when people start to believe their own propaganda.
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Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: BlackxBird on August 03, 2015, 06:51:51 am

just wanted to let u know what's really going on :P
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: BlackPanda on August 03, 2015, 06:57:15 am
Song is pretty racist but funny.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: BlackxBird on August 03, 2015, 07:17:01 am
that's not racist.. that's racist

that one is pretty racist too :)

Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: BlackPanda on August 03, 2015, 08:51:17 am
I love r.r.a, hes racist against everyone.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: njames89 on August 03, 2015, 06:47:22 pm
Dutchy did something honourable? chadz how long have I been away.

Beautiful weather up at camp this weekend. I appreciate you guys delaying the fights for me!
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Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: BlackxBird on August 03, 2015, 07:06:21 pm
y u post rl photos? become better and post picutes of ur kd's n'stuff nub.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: njames89 on August 03, 2015, 07:25:13 pm
You so graciously postponed battles for me. I thought you might want to see how nice the weather was.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: BlackxBird on August 03, 2015, 07:35:16 pm
it's summer in germany, we got 30 ° every day. I'd like to see some pictures of inuits fishing ice cream and pooping cold beer.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: cup457 on August 03, 2015, 07:47:02 pm
30 degrees c = 86 fahrenheit. Only europoors complain about 86 being hot. Supposed to be 100 tomorrow   :lol:
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Bryggan on August 03, 2015, 07:50:09 pm
Canadians find that hot too.  Just people who use the archaic Fahrenheit find 30/86 not bad.  That is the US, Liberia and Burma.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: mcdeath on August 03, 2015, 08:15:16 pm
it's summer in germany, we got 30 ° every day. I'd like to see some pictures of inuits fishing ice cream and pooping cold beer.

30 is below freezing dude. How is that a nice summer?
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: ARN_ on August 03, 2015, 08:35:17 pm
30 is below freezing dude. How is that a nice summer?
It is in Scandinavia + Finland :P You don't wanna be here in the winter :S
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Bryggan on August 03, 2015, 08:45:54 pm
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Though you can come to Northern Canada in the winter.  -40 is the same both in Celsius  and in Fahrenheit.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Dutchydave on August 03, 2015, 11:23:16 pm
We get 45 degree days here every summer, celsius  8-) its a little warm
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: njames89 on August 04, 2015, 03:49:08 am
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Keep up the good fight NA we are doing the lords work. Great fight again tonight at Durquba!
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: BlackxBird on August 04, 2015, 03:51:24 am
well yes thx for the battles :) Oh and btw it's now one month, and HCE splitted up, acre is left alone, even that guy in Curaw asks black bird for help :3 Gf Acre and nice try and thx for the tons of xp battles at durquba!
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: njames89 on August 04, 2015, 03:54:16 am
well yes thx for the battles :) Oh and btw it's now one month, and HCE splitted up, acre is left alone, even that guy in Curaw asks black bird for help :3 Gf Acre and nice try and thx for the tons of xp battles at durquba!

You will never stop us but by all means keep trying. I would counsel against a no retreat order as well :lol:.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: BlackPanda on August 04, 2015, 06:32:49 am
HCE is still alive , stop assuming its only Acre. If any other NA faction would have been declared on by EU and the majority of NA, they would have crumbled in a few weeks. Also we do have supporters by the shit tons now. But thanks for xp and free gear.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Voncrow on August 04, 2015, 06:43:55 am
HCE is still alive , stop assuming its only Acre. If any other NA faction would have been declared on by EU and the majority of NA, they would have crumbled in a few weeks. Also we do have supporters by the shit tons now. But thanks for xp and free gear.

Any other faction is a fraction your size in number of fiefs and players, so go ahead and take pride in that, that and how strong you are defending in your cozy cities. Most the time spent was crushing you under their boot and any faction with as much could have lasted longer. Then again that's my opinion and you think anyone who disagrees is obviously an idiot so their opinion is irrelevant anyway.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: njames89 on August 04, 2015, 06:55:24 am
EU propaganda.


Voncrow there is a reknown ladder.

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I see a lot of Acre and our Allies on there. Where are you?
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Voncrow on August 04, 2015, 07:07:33 am
Acre Propaganda

I just got back from my vacation in EU, was sent there because some acre vassals got butthurt over a game mechanic they didn't like others using.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: njames89 on August 04, 2015, 07:09:48 am
I just got back from my vacation in EU, was sent there because some acre vassals got butthurt over a game mechanic they didn't like others using.

You attacked us and we attacked you back. Big surprise.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: BlackPanda on August 04, 2015, 07:12:10 am
12 people on that list are/ex HCE members. Am sorry HCE worked harder and faster to build an empire than everybody else. You can also say " dey wer afk so itz not fair!!1!!1!" But if we didnt take them do you think other people would have left them alone? 
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Voncrow on August 04, 2015, 07:34:41 am
12 people on that list are/ex HCE members. Am sorry HCE worked harder and faster to build an empire than everybody else. You can also say " dey wer afk so itz not fair!!1!!1!" But if we didn't take them do you think other people would have left them alone?

Because strat ticks generate faster based on your effort. More bodies to run trades, more bodies to generate ticks and bodies to attack with the gear and troops you get from the previous two benefits of having more players. And my response to James would be a response made already so I'll just leave it be as is.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: njames89 on August 04, 2015, 07:41:20 am
You are trying to say that HCE has more players than all of these factions?

Our Alliance:
The Kalmarunionen

Our EU Supporters:

Warriors of Tengri
I cant list all of them :)

Our NA Supporters:
Wardens of the North
Hounds of Chulainn

Extra roster support:
Grey Order

We have maybe 20 guys playing seriously to not so seriously. Don't build us up in your head too much  :lol:

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Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Voncrow on August 04, 2015, 08:03:08 am
20 players is more than Legionaries, Wardens and Hounds I believe. Which was the point I was trying to make.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: njames89 on August 04, 2015, 08:05:26 am
How many thousands of troops have you slain Voncrow? I see a lot of EU guys that you sold your soul to for a chance to fight with the big boys.

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HCE has done a glorious job of fighting EU and all the NA groups working with them. We are no doubt pulling the weight of a lot of NA in this conflict.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Voncrow on August 04, 2015, 08:12:11 am
HCE has done a glorious job of fighting EU and all the NA groups working with them. We are no doubt pulling the weight of a lot of NA in this conflict.

Damn those neutral factions not involved in the war, they don't fight with us at all!
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: njames89 on August 04, 2015, 08:13:43 am
Well Voncrow if you ever stop getting mindfucked by EU into fighting against NA. Maybe your soul can be saved.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Voncrow on August 04, 2015, 08:17:19 am
Well Voncrow if you ever stop getting mindfucked by EU into fighting against NA. Maybe your soul can be saved.

But then my mind would be scrambled by Acre tards. So mindless either way but at least with the mind control I can enjoy it.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: njames89 on August 04, 2015, 08:19:06 am
But then my mind would be scrambled by Acre tards. So mindless either way but at least with the mind control I can enjoy it.

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Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: BlackPanda on August 04, 2015, 08:42:39 am
At this point hating Acre is like smoking 50 years ago, everyone does it so why not.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Bryggan on August 04, 2015, 09:49:49 am
I am surprised Acre was able to withstand this onslaught this long.  But they really got their shit together.  The first few battles were terrible, and most of us thought the HCE was dead.  Myself included.  I rushed to plan B, while to my everlasting shame certain members of the 13 Knights (my own clan) were the first to scarper.  For this, I have gotten rid of the 13 Knight clan, a clan that I ran (in other games) since 2005ish.

The HCE, much like the HRE, was basically a loose confederation of Warlords.  Their loyalty was based on promises of rewards.  And the odd thing here is, Acre has proved the most loyal.  This was a clan I attacked when they were down.  They surrendered, and people got mad at me for accepting that surrender.  And since then they have always stood by my side while others, who had supported me, said 'fuck ya', and attacked me.

So, whether I'm Emperor or not, I will continue to support the last remaining clan of the HCE.  The rest ran away, and I hope they will be treated in the future as a bunch of opportunists (heh heh- like I'm one to talk) though I appreciate the fact that those who are closest to me choose not to fight me, but prefer to fight by my side.  Thanks guys; I won't say names for fear of future repercussions, but I'm glad you're on my side fighting next to me (watching me die pathetically).


The question is: is Bryggan is alive or dead?  Stay tuned for the conclusion of "That tard Bryg,; WTF".
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: BlackPanda on August 04, 2015, 09:55:24 am
Drunk Bryggan post are the best. Long Live HCE! Long Live Acre!
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Bryggan on August 04, 2015, 09:56:35 am
But then my mind would be scrambled by Acre tards. So mindless either way but at least with the mind control I can enjoy it.

"VonCrow!" (say this in your best Batman voice), "I can save you from being an Acre Tard!  Become a 13 Knight Malleum um, something latin or other.... tard.  So, same Tard, different stew.  But whatever, you get to go kill people with armies and shit.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Bryggan on August 04, 2015, 10:16:43 am
well yes thx for the battles :) Oh and btw it's now one month, and HCE splitted up, acre is left alone, even that guy in Curaw asks black bird for help :3 Gf Acre and nice try and thx for the tons of xp battles at durquba!

Listen here, you've shaken the tree.  Some plums fell out; no worries.  But what I hear from the gents coming back is that you are a bitch! (well, douchebag is the term they used).  So while I'm sure Old World gents love being screamed at (reminds them of the seigneurial days I guess), most New World guys like being treated as equals.  While we do get a little excited at overly bloodthirsty mates who charge in madly (and get a little jealous of them), we smile politely and ask their leaders to rein them in.  Ticks, we say, save em; the enemy will come back.

But yes.  Blue was and is the Merchant of Curaw.  He had several members, but I believe they all left before you came (which is why I kept him on the council, but voted for him... kind of a 'rotten borough').  But help yourself to that faction hopper.  Just remember to give him silver- that fella loves the silver... bloody merchant!
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: bruttus on August 04, 2015, 10:17:26 am
This what I daily hear from mine Emperor, Bryggan

We shall go on to the end, we shall fight in NA,
 we shall fight on the seas and oceans,
 we shall fight with growing confidence and growing strength, we shall defend our land, whatever the cost may be,
 we shall fight on the beaches,
 we shall fight on the landing grounds,
 we shall fight in the fields and in the streets,
 we shall fight in the hills;
 we shall never surrender, and even if, which I do not for a moment believe, this land or a large part of it were subjugated and starving, then our Empire beyond the seas, armed and guarded by Acre, would carry on the struggle, until, in God’s good time, the New World, with all its power and might, steps forth to the rescue and the liberation of the old.”
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Bryggan on August 04, 2015, 10:41:37 am
20 players is more than Legionaries, Wardens and Hounds I believe. Which was the point I was trying to make.

Sure bud.  Cuz 20 players equals mega-active players.  Um, take a look at Liberes, the French faction attacking us.  54 fiefs and 34 members.  And that is just the Euros... a land of plenty where this is no wars.  And I noticed most of the cities had low or no crime, and most of the castles too.  You have many people earning ticks, tick which will be transferred to you.   And um, wtf are the Greys doing?  Sending men into NA.. and for what purpose?  I doubt they will attack Dutchy.

Eu wants us dead or subjugated, and while we fight, they just keep breeding troops and money.

[imghttp://visitors can't see pics , please register or login

(oh yeah, they are all shiny).

So quit telling us that us NAers are pussies!  We'd love to attack, but we can't generate the forces you can.  And we had no time to save up.  But, FYI, more people are coming.  And we will eventually kick your ass!
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Dutchydave on August 04, 2015, 10:54:44 am
Well Voncrow if you ever stop getting mindfucked by EU into fighting against NA. Maybe your soul can be saved.

That is one of the most hypocritical sentences I have ever read in my life, without even considering the context it is written.  :rolleyes:
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: bruttus on August 04, 2015, 11:11:38 am
To form an Empire of this scale and complexity is a serious undertaking in itself, but it must be remembered that we are in the stage of one of the greatest battles in Strat., that we are in action at many other points in Nord Calradia, that we have to be prepared in the Dessert, that the battle is continuous and that many preparations, such as have been indicated by Acre, have to be made here at home. In this crisis I hope I may be pardoned if I do not address the Emperor Bryggan or other members of HCE at any length today. I hope that any of my Clanmembers or factionmembers of HCE, or former HCEmembers, who are affected by the political reconstruction, will make allowance, all allowance, for any lack of ceremony with which it has been necessary to act.
I would say to the Emperor, as I said to those who have joined the Holy chadzian Empire: “I have nothing to offer but blood, toil, tears and sweat.”

We have before us an ordeal of the most grievous kind. We have before us many, many long months of struggle and of suffering. You ask, what is our policy? I can say: It is to wage war, with all our might and with all the strength that God can give us; to wage war against a monstrous tyranny, never surpassed in the dark, lamentable catalogue of human crime. That is our policy.

You ask, what is our aim?

I can answer in one word: It is victory, victory at all costs, victory in spite of all terror, victory, however long and hard the road may be; for without victory, there is no survival. Let that be realised; no survival for the Holy chadzian  Empire, no survival for all that the Holy chadzian Empire has stood for, no survival for the urge and impulse of the ages, that mankind will move forward towards its goal. But I take up my task with buoyancy and hope. I feel sure that our cause will not be suffered to fail among men. At this time I feel entitled to claim the aid of all, and I say, “come then, let us go forward together with our united strength.”
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Bryggan on August 04, 2015, 11:14:17 am
That would be AMAZING wouldn't it, how awesome would Strat be if you had *all* of NA supporting you and rosters were like 51/30 in your favour! Mmmm, that'd be the most fun ever... for you.

You just pushing buttons, boy?

We pretty much all agreed the battles were amazing.  Great fun for everyone.  And we had also agreed, in pre-Eques days, that ganking sucked- both for the victor and the.. um... not so victorious.  And we had agreed ganking happened to both.


All these fun and games were paid for by my people.  Most of us tried to play serious, and the fights we had were pretty even.  We took a castle, they took it back.  We waited patiently til we could attack again, then we did so.  Then Eques comes and tries to stomp us.  No 'Cassus Belli', no nothing.  And I don't care what you think, if it had happened to the Wardens or the Hounds, we would have joined them and ganked them.  Ask any Warden or Hound if they think I am lying.  Ok, our wars were pathetic.  Took us forever to build a castle/city taking army, and our rosters were uninspired.  But at least the battles were ours.  These were armies built by active players that we knew and... mostly liked.

But apparently the 'like' was one sided, and they let me and my peoples get crushed by guys who had nothing else to do but build armies.  While I have my issues, such as that of taking all of NA under my protective wing and enslaving said population (nothing personal).

But it was an NA thing.  When I rigged the elections to let us attack the Hounds as well as Mithrim, it was for two reasons: 1) Their lands were closer to us 2)Like Mithrim alone could fight us off.  I mean really!  Like 6 active members?

But love me or hate me (fuck that- just love me you bitches), anyone who knows me I just play to make Strat interesting.  I vassalled for Acre, and attacked more than anyone else.. I merced for Acre's nemesis, the Squids right after, I attacked LCO for accidentally attacking a 13K caravan; after that I attacked Acre with Warden support... once I won that I fought the Wardens.  And the list goes on. Wherever there was conflict, there I was.  But I tried keeping the game interesting.  And that was always my first consideration.  And currently I'm finding this invasion interesting.  'Overwhelming odds, half of NA become collaborators... will our heroes win?'  Stay tuned for the next installment of blah blah blah..

So fuck'yall who are against me; gonna crush you before Christmas.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: bruttus on August 04, 2015, 01:39:43 pm
But even with all the shittalking in the world, who would honestly want to try and make supporters of the 'EU roster' defect to the NA one? The attitude in TS was great on the attacking side, where the focus was on kills and not taking the city since it's brought so much joy to strat having this conflict over Durbuqa, and at least most of the defenders seem to be enjoying themselves.

I have to disagree with you on this one.
Myself, I have noticed that during the sieges, that I'm being focused hard by the same group of people ( they know who they are)
I noticed that those people break up a fight, just to kill me, so that they can brag about it in theyre TS.
So for me thats not really fun, to be killed by the same people over and over again, not that I don't mind to be killed, but being focused and followd where ever I go by the same people that are fighting the opposite, that breaks out of the fun, and mine KD really sucks (not that i'm a very good player, but I try )

Now, I tell you some story what happend ( mine side)
1.5 years ago, I left in full anger a certain clan, with allot of grudge, and did what they never expected it.
Becouse I was 1 of theyre high rankend officers, I knew everything, from battles plans and strategy, merchantruns and the route they take, and with who they trade in the EU.
I warned the clans that they wanted to attack, etc... Even in battles, when I knew who was leading the fight, I knew how they react and what they will do
Now, What I did was wrong, but when 1 of theyre high rankend  officers, who I still have in steam, told me why I did this, I told what happend.
That person asked what happend to that clan, and after that he told me what happend, and who was responcible about it.
1.5 years, those same people are still focusing me in strat

they know who they are, and if they wanna talk they can add me on steam
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: mcdeath on August 04, 2015, 01:48:57 pm
Kesh: The king of start and exclusive provider of fun.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Mr.K. on August 04, 2015, 01:51:01 pm
I have to disagree with you on this one.
Myself, I have noticed that during the sieges, that I'm being focused hard by the same group of people ( they know who they are)
I noticed that those people break up a fight, just to kill me, so that they can brag about it in theyre TS.
So for me thats not really fun, to be killed by the same people over and over again, not that I don't mind to be killed, but being focused and followd where ever I go by the same people that are fighting the opposite, that breaks out of the fun, and mine KD really sucks (not that i'm a very good player, but I try )

Not sure I should even bother to reply, but... Change your face, change your armor, change your name if you have to (pseudonym) and most importantly move with your team and stop complaining about getting singled out. I doubt there's a big conspiracy out there to get you...

Acre had a 7 man roster advantage yesterday while defending a city. WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH :rolleyes:
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Lt_Anders on August 04, 2015, 02:22:54 pm
Not sure I should even bother to reply, but... Change your face, change your armor, change your name if you have to (pseudonym) and most importantly move with your team and stop complaining about getting singled out. I doubt there's a big conspiracy out there to get you...

Acre had a 7 man roster advantage yesterday while defending a city. WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH :rolleyes:

Ended on even rosters bout midway to the end. Just a lot of late shows.(early roster advantage only)
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: BlackxBird on August 04, 2015, 04:36:44 pm

Voncrow there is a reknown ladder.

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I see a lot of Acre and our Allies on there. Where are you?

you're there cuz we brought u there, and many others too...

Oh and btw, for all those who really think Acre stood great in this war, they defended what they have and tried to pull us back.

Erm, no. I know 2 attacks of acre, those were at 7 AM for me. They retook Jameyyed and outnumbered Calamari in a fight with 700 vs 500.

You guys just fell back, you lost all the important field battles, we even took geared castles/cities in one try, well if we wanted to probably Durquba too, but y would I?

This is no war. Those fights are XP battles. You guys don't even know how to fight war. You are doing NOTHING on the strat map.  The only thing you are doing was reinforcing and defending durquba. WOW. You are able to defend 1,5 k attacks, even though you get pushed far with 7 players less in the beginning.

We destroied now more than 10 K troops at durquba (with population) and lost less than 15K even though that fail attack. So basicly you guys had 9 k troops which u did not want to use to defend your fiefs. You just wanted to get rekt as it seems. Instead of fucking doing real damage with armies, you just sit back and waste all of ur troops in one fucking retard fief.

GREAT WAR. We don't even have to defend what we take, cuz nobody comes to attack it wtf. And you don't try to attack us on the field cuz you know that you would get rekt that fucking hard if you attack... pussies. pathetic pussies. But well still, thank u for donating your troops to our xp battles. Great thing, my alt is almost lvl 37 :3 got like 40 mio xp already in this war^^

oh and btw, stop calling me a chocolate chip cookie. Don't forget, you are the germans in this war, even though u don't act like them. oh well you are racist, but the rest, so like everything good in a chocolate chip cookie ...
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: njames89 on August 04, 2015, 05:11:26 pm

BlackBird you are german, named your offensive the Blitzkrieg, came into our ts making demands and threatening us, and are trying to hunt down Acre.

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As far as attacking on the map you guys made sure we would have little chance to do that by outnumbering us with sheer player size. If anyone here isn't fighting a war Blackbird it is you...

Inspirational music for true americans only
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Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: BlackxBird on August 04, 2015, 06:04:42 pm
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Knitler on August 04, 2015, 06:13:35 pm
And um, wtf are the Greys doing?  Sending men into NA.. and for what purpose?  I doubt they will attack Dutchy.

[imghttp://visitors can't see pics , please register or login

(oh yeah, they are all shiny).

We are everywhere and nowhere before you notice. Blood for the Bloodgod i guess?
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: njames89 on August 04, 2015, 06:32:42 pm
Oh Heskeytime  :lol:

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Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: njames89 on August 04, 2015, 07:00:01 pm
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Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Jona on August 04, 2015, 08:25:58 pm
Lol, citing the renown leaderboards as proof that your faction is accomplishing something is pretty sad. It's also especially sad when you cite them and don't even seem to know how they work, or how exactly renown is calculated. That would be like believing that just because you're a high-ranked duelist you are the best player NA.

You can also stop deluding yourselves into thinking that you're the real Americans here. You guys tried to enslave the entire NA map long before EU invaded, making you the traitors here. In the Revolutionary War the Americans had to accept the help of some Frenchies in order to win the war. That is all that the true Muricans are currently doing. The only thing Acre has in common with America is the fact that by pure happenstance it shares a few of the same letters, big whoop.

Also Bryggan, of course Acre is "the most reliable" faction in the HCE. It is merely due to their presence that the entire empire got attacked. No one had any sort of beef with the other factions of it, and that is why they are currently being left alone on the map since their departure.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Voncrow on August 04, 2015, 09:43:30 pm

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As far as attacking on the map you guys made sure we would have little chance to do that by outnumbering us with sheer player size. If anyone here isn't fighting a war Blackbird it is you...

They aren't germans, they're terrorist, got it.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Tristan_of_Erzoth on August 05, 2015, 12:03:28 am
Lol, citing the renown leaderboards as proof that your faction is accomplishing something is pretty sad. It's also especially sad when you cite them and don't even seem to know how they work, or how exactly renown is calculated. That would be like believing that just because you're a high-ranked duelist you are the best player NA.

You can also stop deluding yourselves into thinking that you're the real Americans here. You guys tried to enslave the entire NA map long before EU invaded, making you the traitors here. In the Revolutionary War the Americans had to accept the help of some Frenchies in order to win the war. That is all that the true Muricans are currently doing. The only thing Acre has in common with America is the fact that by pure happenstance it shares a few of the same letters, big whoop.

Also Bryggan, of course Acre is "the most reliable" faction in the HCE. It is merely due to their presence that the entire empire got attacked. No one had any sort of beef with the other factions of it, and that is why they are currently being left alone on the map since their departure.

HoC complaining about no one doing anything in strat is pretty laughable. Since they've never done anything since like the first 3 weeks. Have you ever even left Sargoth Jona besides to attack Tornkik once? You're almost as bad as the Wardens except at least they attack armies at 3am and then lose them(lol @ plaurgee)
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: BlackxBird on August 05, 2015, 12:35:27 am
now u can make them doing something. If you're inactive you can't hold a fief from now on.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Jona on August 05, 2015, 01:51:23 am
HoC complaining about no one doing anything in strat is pretty laughable. Since they've never done anything since like the first 3 weeks. Have you ever even left Sargoth Jona besides to attack Tornkik once? You're almost as bad as the Wardens except at least they attack armies at 3am and then lose them(lol @ plaurgee)

Reading comprehension, you should practice it. Not once did I mention that the HCE was inactive in that entire tirade. But thanks for bringing that up, since as you said, "HoC is just sitting in their fiefs doing nothing but trading." Sounds kinda familiar, don't it? The only difference between the HCE and HoC is that we're the ones knocking on some people's doors (hint: some people = HCE) while the HCE just sits in their fiefs and answers. It ain't hard to have every member of your massive faction afk in a city and transfer some tickets every now and again. You seem to entirely forget that up until recently HoC was part of the Wardens, and during that time we did plenty (like our early skirmishes with Astralis, teaming up with Black Company to fight against the Squids then Acre, removing MB from the map, among other things). Considering our faction's relatively young age, we've done far more than plenty of others. 12 attacks in 5 weeks ain't at all bad considering the number of active members we've got.

Not sure what you're trying to prove, because yes, I've left Sargoth plenty of times. However I wouldn't be so foolish as to go advertising that fact whenever it does occur, so you can't be blamed for not noticing.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Bryggan on August 05, 2015, 02:41:55 am
It is stupid to complain about either HCE, HoC or WotN's activity.  I think we all did the same- built our armies til we thought we were strong enough to do some damage with them, then use them til they are dead.  Then start all over again.  The last time I used an army over 1000 troops was against Sungetche castle, and I have had ten battles since then.  We don't have many troops breeders.

And of course we are sitting in our castles.  We were expecting 30-60,000 troops to attack.  When we wear that down to somewhat equal numbers with us, we will counter attack.

And lastly I'm getting tired of being called a Tyrant who wanted to wipe all the other NA factions.  I just wanted to subjugate them all, and lead them not as a cruel dictator, but as a kind father-figure with their best interests at heart.  I wanted to bring in an era of peace and prosperity; where everyone got along, and those who didn't would disappear in the middle of the night.

Is that so wrong?
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: mcdeath on August 05, 2015, 04:31:55 am
Hey Black Bird your visitor visa has expired.

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Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Dynamics_BRD on August 05, 2015, 04:44:34 am

And lastly I'm getting tired of being called a Tyrant who wanted to wipe all the other NA factions.  I just wanted to subjugate them all, and lead them not as a cruel dictator, but as a kind father-figure with their best interests at heart.  I wanted to bring in an era of peace and prosperity; where everyone got along, and those who didn't would disappear in the middle of the night.

Is that so wrong?
So what you're saying is that you didn't want to wipe all of NA but you wanted to enslave all of NA into being under you forcing everyone to play trade simulator...
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: cup457 on August 05, 2015, 04:45:39 am
wh yis everyone so mad. lets just drink some more
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Tristan_of_Erzoth on August 05, 2015, 04:48:07 am
So what you're saying is that you didn't want to wipe all of NA but you wanted to enslave all of NA into being under you forcing everyone to play trade simulator...

Silly Dynamics. There's only two kinds of people in strat; Bryggans vassals and Bryggans vassals who dont realize it yet
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: BlackxBird on August 05, 2015, 06:39:31 am
Thx for attacking james! In 2 days I'll be in NA again with 2 k troops :)
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: njames89 on August 05, 2015, 07:32:52 am
Bring them BlackBird we are ready. Your Blitzkrieg will meet its doom in the deserts around Durquba.

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You can take solace in knowing we are giving even your invading EU men a good burial.


Now for your Heskeytime approved chadz mandated American Freedom and Liberty awareness material.

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Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Dutchydave on August 05, 2015, 08:51:55 am
Thx for attacking james! In 2 days I'll be in NA again with 2 k troops :)

That was James 1st ever attack in strat, you took his virginity mate, you should feel proud!  :lol:
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: BlackxBird on August 05, 2015, 10:22:31 am
well my troops die in a war we won 36 days ago, still you guys don't even try to attack for example my 400 troops army outta durquba. I told eragen to wait, cuz I was like, cmon, let's see if that bird guy is a pussy. But yes. DaBirds was afraid of a 400 men army when he had 600. Actually eragen should have attacked him, we would have flagcapped after 150 tickets anyways, soo...

Oh and btw^^ This was supposed to be a blitzkrieg. We just noticed it is so funny to rekt u guys so that we did not attack with the big ones anymore. But fuck it, this time it weren't 18 days, it will be something like ~40-42. Still a great number for destroying a faction which owned 40 % of the map^^
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Aldogalus on August 05, 2015, 05:10:58 pm
So HoC was part of WoTN, when WoTN removed MB from the map? This is news to me, and I'll take your word for it that it happened. I honestly couldnt tell you if its true or not... because before all of our land got taken, we stopped playing. Either way though, I wouldn't really chalk up removing an inactive clan from the map as an achievement of war. Kind of silly.

Also every choad chafing bundle of sticks and their gay-ball cousin teamed/teams up against acre. It's not that hard to jump on the Acre-gang-bang train and act like you are really good at the game, and quite frankly blackbird, you seem like a massive tool. LETS CALL A SPADE A SPADE HERE PEOPLE.

Props for coming to NA to start a war, thats definitely a ballsy move. However attacking one of the least reputable factions in NA(who are already hated by so many simply because they are "bad-lol") successfully, doesnt really earn you any renown in my book. Any decent sized faction in EU has the capability to create massive well equipped armies with great gear, and I cant think of more than 5 or so NA factions who were blessed with this capability - acre hasn't been one of them. Sure you could say something like "NA is full of pingers---we play with 100+ ping and still win!!!!", but the truth is you have 60% of the NA players signing up for you, and within that 60% happens to be the majority of the high skilled NA players.

Acre is probably the most resilient faction on the NA map. They have recovered from being wiped or at least severely diminished on several occasions, and James/crew just won't give up the fight. For this reason, they have earned my respect, and my support in this shitstorm of a playground gangbang. To see acre grow and actually raise quite a few players from brand spanking new crpg-shitbabies, into well skilled players, amidst all of the defeat/belittling that people love to assert upon them, leads me to believe that Acre is full of true champions, and an unmovable moral.

It's so easy to jump on the Acre hate train, and kick a downed dog(after all i talked a bunch of shit to acre back when they first reformed into a heavy cav/plate wearing clan on NA-1. Annoying as fuck), but I personally have a fucking backbone and will stand for the righteous, and fight the wicked.

I'm kind of coming back to strat, and a few others are involved(we are fucking lazy), and if I happen to be around outside of real life, I'll do a few things on the strat map, or fight in a battle here and there. It honestly sucks to feel like we basically have to support Acre, or join the rest of the nutless Acre combatants, but I don't think there is much choice in the matter. No guts, no glory. See you on the field
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: BlackxBird on August 05, 2015, 05:26:04 pm
So HoC was part of WoTN, when WoTN removed MB from the map? This is news to me, and I'll take your word for it that it happened. I honestly couldnt tell you if its true or not... because before all of our land got taken, we stopped playing. Either way though, I wouldn't really chalk up removing an inactive clan from the map as an achievement of war. Kind of silly.

Also every choad chafing bundle of sticks and their gay-ball cousin teamed/teams up against acre. It's not that hard to jump on the Acre-gang-bang train and act like you are really good at the game, and quite frankly blackbird, you seem like a massive tool. LETS CALL A SPADE A SPADE HERE PEOPLE.

Props for coming to NA to start a war, thats definitely a ballsy move. However attacking one of the least reputable factions in NA(who are already hated by so many simply because they are "bad-lol") successfully, doesnt really earn you any renown in my book. Any decent sized faction in EU has the capability to create massive well equipped armies with great gear, and I cant think of more than 5 or so NA factions who were blessed with this capability - acre hasn't been one of them. Sure you could say something like "NA is full of pingers---we play with 100+ ping and still win!!!!", but the truth is you have 60% of the NA players signing up for you, and within that 60% happens to be the majority of the high skilled NA players.

Acre is probably the most resilient faction on the NA map. They have recovered from being wiped or at least severely diminished on several occasions, and James/crew just won't give up the fight. For this reason, they have earned my respect, and my support in this shitstorm of a playground gangbang. To see acre grow and actually raise quite a few players from brand spanking new crpg-shitbabies, into well skilled players, amidst all of the defeat/belittling that people love to assert upon them, leads me to believe that Acre is full of true champions, and an unmovable moral.

It's so easy to jump on the Acre hate train, and kick a downed dog(after all i talked a bunch of shit to acre back when they first reformed into a heavy cav/plate wearing clan on NA-1. Annoying as fuck), but I personally have a fucking backbone and will stand for the righteous, and fight the wicked.

I'm kind of coming back to strat, and a few others are involved(we are fucking lazy), and if I happen to be around outside of real life, I'll do a few things on the strat map, or fight in a battle here and there. It honestly sucks to feel like we basically have to support Acre, or join the rest of the nutless Acre combatants, but I don't think there is much choice in the matter. No guts, no glory. See you on the field

Pleeeeeeeeeeeease stop QQing about Acre being rekt. It is how it is. Just because we are a stronger faction it does not mean we have to win that war! And yes, I agree with u in some of ur arguments. They earn respect, they tried their best as it seems, the thing is just they could have done way better! WAY BETTER!

And stop calling it something like the "acre hate train", because it is not us QQing about acres being twats, it is Acre hating other ppl, cuz of like everything. Like "oh you are unfair, stop that, we can't deal with u" or "WHAT?! After 20 sides of pure murica propaganda you think we should stop? Fuck u." "You don't agree with me?! WTF. FUCK U" And when somebody hates you, you don't like him either.

And for some reason they change their minds in like every single post. At first they are like omg we have no chance, and than they are like omg you have no chance. And if you read the previous 5000 sides you will notice it is allways one of the HCE side writing shit and one of our side disagreeing.

Oh and just saying, the amount of troops we brought in the beginning was 30K. By using them we destroied more than 30K even though we lost about 7 to the server upfuck... So maybe finally someone accepts the fact that our tactics are maybe a bit superiour...
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: BlackxBird on August 05, 2015, 05:53:59 pm
btw after this war we have to make a top 10 retarded posts, top 10 of epic posts and top ten of complete offtopic n'stuff for this thread. Will be probably pretty amusing :D
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: BlackPanda on August 05, 2015, 06:12:51 pm
Your tactic isn't some welll thought off plan to destroy HCE, its literally keep throwing troops till HCE has none left.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: W0LF on August 05, 2015, 06:14:51 pm
When I read BlackBird's posts I feel like i'm reading one of Plumbo's. Hurts to read.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: ARN_ on August 05, 2015, 06:34:22 pm
Your tactic isn't some welll thought off plan to destroy HCE, its literally keep throwing troops till HCE has none left.
And what is yours? Just stand there and take it till you have nothing left? I have seen you move 2, 1k armies and that is it. Quite pathetic considering how many players you have... But I guess it is all a part of a grand master plan of some sort that my tiny eu brain can't grasp
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: BlackPanda on August 05, 2015, 06:38:01 pm
You see, HCE only has like 10-15 semi active players, so fuck off with that "you have more people" shit. We are going against like 1234567345676895435678976543 troops.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: ARN_ on August 05, 2015, 06:45:56 pm
You see, HCE only has like 10-15 semi active players, so fuck off with that "you have more people" shit. We are going against like 1234567345676895435678976543 troops.
10-15 is way more then eques and kalmar combined, so don't blame it on your "low" amount of players. Also even tho you have less troops you can do a lot of damage with more armies moving than the enemy, ask any experienced strat player. Kalmar has done this a lot and to great success. But you are just to incompetent to do anything on the map.
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Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Rando on August 05, 2015, 06:49:02 pm
"our tactic are superiour" -German autist who surprise attacked a faction that was already at war against everyone, with gear and troops amassed from EU being dead.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Bronto on August 05, 2015, 06:52:47 pm
What Aldo said is 100% true and accurate. If I was gay I'd bend over and spread em for you m8.

Arn, did you even read your allies list on the first page of the thread. There's like 5 or 6 clans supporting you and unless they're all your accounts it's reasonable to assume you have more than 10 or 15 people you shitlord.

Blackbird, you know nothing of NA except it's location on a map....hopefully....might be giving you too much credit. What Aldo was saying is that Acre has been ridiculed relentlessly by the NA community for years pretty much and so has HoC. It's easy to support anyone who isn't them and feel like you've got huge balls and are the besssssssss. In reality though it takes more balls to stand up for the person that gets shit on constantly. Props to Acre for not giving a shit about what people say to them in game. Props to HoC too. I'd support either one of you guys til the end but I'm forced to support Acre in this matter because HoC chose to side with EU.

Tl;dr: I had sex with your mom.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Jona on August 05, 2015, 07:14:05 pm
Not gonna lie, we didn't "wipe MB" until you guys went inactive. I merely threw that up there with some of our other "accomplishments" since our enemy's only claim to fame is wiping out the afk squid faction, so if they're using that as proof that they accomplished something, we might as well do the same. It isn't anything to be proud of at all, but according to acre, it is something to be immensely proud of, and even if it is your only "accomplishment" over the past year and a half of strat, then you're still doing something productive! Also no one is hating on acre "cuz they are bad lel." That might be what people who only play NA1 would think, but the actual strat "diplomacy" aspect of it is far more in depth.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: njames89 on August 05, 2015, 09:20:20 pm
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Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Voncrow on August 06, 2015, 12:20:25 am
Nice to see all these Godfrey players signed up for EU. Unless they plan to unsign for EU at the last second, that would be scummy. They wouldn't do that would they?
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: njames89 on August 06, 2015, 12:33:57 am
Please guys that is something you would try not us.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Tristan_of_Erzoth on August 06, 2015, 01:15:55 am
Imagine what a shitty tactic that would be if they did it *against* Acre, boy those guys should be blacklisted from all battles for any faction if they behaved like that.

Let's just hope that they do it to the EU roster cos then it's fine.

Heskey aren't you the guy who messaged me one time and begged me not to show up to a battle so you could win?
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: njames89 on August 06, 2015, 02:16:56 am

Another great fight guys.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: BlackxBird on August 06, 2015, 02:19:06 am
you sooo cute <3 Thank you for being that predictable <3
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Voncrow on August 06, 2015, 02:23:18 am

Another great fight guys.

Does this mean you are finally gonna fight back? Or are you just trying to make it look like you aren't just defending.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: BlackxBird on August 06, 2015, 02:28:47 am
I'm posting here a awesome german song. Even though I'm the only german takeing part here.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: njames89 on August 06, 2015, 02:47:03 am
Does this mean you are finally gonna fight back? Or are you just trying to make it look like you aren't just defending.

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We are indeed  8-). Eques attack wave 14 died like the rest.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Aldogalus on August 06, 2015, 02:56:16 am
I'm posting here a awesome german song. Even though I'm the only german takeing part here.

Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Ufoinsky on August 06, 2015, 03:05:36 am
Dear, BlackBird

THanks for all the free shit i appreciate if you'd just give up and stop attacking durquba so i can stop getting massive amounts of XP. Thank you.

From Ufoinsky, the autistic kid
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: njames89 on August 06, 2015, 03:09:51 am
Dear, BlackBird

THanks for all the free shit i appreciate if you'd just give up and stop attacking durquba so i can stop getting massive amounts of XP. Thank you.

From Ufoinsky, the autistic kid

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Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Voncrow on August 06, 2015, 03:22:47 am
Dear, BlackBird

THanks for all the free shit i appreciate if you'd just give up and stop attacking durquba so i can stop getting massive amounts of XP. Thank you.

From Ufoinsky, the autistic kid

You do seem like the kind of person who would complain about the xp.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Ufoinsky on August 06, 2015, 03:24:12 am
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Seriously Stop with the free shit
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Ufoinsky on August 06, 2015, 03:25:29 am
You do seem like the kind of person who would complain about the xp.
Sarcasm. on the internet. For you and most people it must be so hard to comprehend. Congrats on Asperger syndrome 
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Voncrow on August 06, 2015, 04:07:04 am
Sarcasm. on the internet. For you and most people it must be so hard to comprehend. Congrats on Asperger syndrome

Sorry it's hard to hear over your down's syndrome. I mean you people have done nothing but complain about this attack.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: BlackPanda on August 06, 2015, 05:10:40 am
How dare we complain about being invaded in the middle of war!! Gosh we are such assholes and we should just submit to EU. "Ery ting I say is tru" -voncrow
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: njames89 on August 06, 2015, 05:17:56 am
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Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Voncrow on August 06, 2015, 07:09:56 am
How dare we complain about being invaded in the middle of war!! Gosh we are such assholes and we should just submit to EU. "Ery ting I say is tru" - any acre

Oh god they declared war on you in a war game, ur magurd. They attacked the biggest faction on the NA side, would you rather attack a smaller faction? But go ahead and keep bitching how someone attacked you in a war game.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Tristan_of_Erzoth on August 06, 2015, 08:19:09 am
Oh god they declared war on you in a war game, ur magurd. They attacked the biggest faction on the NA side, would you rather attack a smaller faction? But go ahead and keep bitching how someone attacked you in a war game.
I'd rather they attack us then sit around shit posting on the forums while doing literally nothing in the so called war games besides shit talk on the forums. Good thing no one we know does that right?
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Voncrow on August 06, 2015, 08:46:27 am
I'd rather they attack us then sit around shit posting on the forums while doing literally nothing in the so called war games besides shit talk on the forums. Good thing no one we know does that right?

Sounds like acre.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: BlackPanda on August 06, 2015, 10:21:55 am
Oh, you mean when i attacked a city with no gear cos everyone was afk and you troll signed as defender and i realised i couldnt attend the battle and added some randomer in my place?

Yeah, that time. WHAT A SHITTY STRATEGY, that afk faction must've been furious at me.

That is an exactly comparable example to signing up in bulk for one side and switching at the final minute after they've done roll call or something.

It's retarded comments like this that absolutely convince me this is something your faction would do, since you clearly cant tell the difference between that and 'dude why are you signing up for defense in an afk fght?'

- Also love have shitty HCE are taking the high ground about being super active and awesome on the map because they're sitting in a single fief and defending it after losing everything else without a fight. You know any faction in the game can sit in a single fief right? Funny how you take the moral high ground for being so active as to sit on your asses and accept people to your roster, whilst simultaneously bitching about the fact you're at war every single day! That's some Acre badassery right there! 'waaaaaaaah we're at war and havent done anything in it yet, but at the same time you guys suck for not being active like us!'
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Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Dutchydave on August 06, 2015, 11:55:13 am
Dear, BlackBird

THanks for all the free shit i appreciate if you'd just give up and stop attacking durquba so i can stop getting massive amounts of XP. Thank you.

From Ufoinsky, the autistic kid

The city will fall when Blackbird chooses  :rolleyes:
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Tristan_of_Erzoth on August 06, 2015, 12:43:34 pm
The city will fall when Blackbird chooses  :rolleyes:
TBH i wish he'd just "take it" already. It'd be better than this "you should be grateful that the great and powerful BlackBird hasn't decided to do it yet after 15 failed attempts"
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Tristan_of_Erzoth on August 06, 2015, 01:19:56 pm
You're basically calling the kettle black since you've done nothing either
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: BlackxBird on August 06, 2015, 01:23:52 pm
TBH i wish he'd just "take it" already. It'd be better than this "you should be grateful that the great and powerful BlackBird hasn't decided to do it yet after 15 failed attempts"

Failed attacks? You guys really think we fail at Durquba? You tards try to get there everything you have. So basicly I just have to grind you down. When u have nothing at Durquba left, the HCE is dead. Totally. But yes, try to defend instead of searching for something else to settle and regroup and try to retake ur shit, but no no no, stay in the fief! And btw, I've never seen someone being that retarded to destroy the whole attacking army. Funny. Really.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Lt_Anders on August 06, 2015, 01:58:48 pm
Failed attacks? You guys really think we fail at Durquba? You tards try to get there everything you have. So basicly I just have to grind you down. When u have nothing at Durquba left, the HCE is dead. Totally. But yes, try to defend instead of searching for something else to settle and regroup and try to retake ur shit, but no no no, stay in the fief! And btw, I've never seen someone being that retarded to destroy the whole attacking army. Funny. Really.

1.5 KD easy.

Just like the Wehrmacht.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: BlackxBird on August 06, 2015, 02:03:21 pm
lol u notice we are attacking and got almost allways positive k/ds in the battles? For sure we loose the troops we don't use, but YOU ARE DEFENDING. And we have the positive kds. Would think about that.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Tristan_of_Erzoth on August 06, 2015, 02:12:28 pm
lol u notice we are attacking and got almost allways positive k/ds in the battles? For sure we loose the troops we don't use, but YOU ARE DEFENDING. And we have the positive kds. Would think about that.
I've gone positive in every single durquba defence I've been in besides 2 when i was below level 30. I've been in every single one but 3.

Edit: Here's a pic of the top K/Ds

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Libre Eques the side with "all the positive k/ds" has 6 people going positive and HCE the side with all the bad K/Ds has 19 people going positive one who went 48:3.
Overall you guys have lost 21431 ticks attacking Durquba, HCE has lost 13831 so you're not even "positive" in that regard.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: BlackxBird on August 06, 2015, 02:25:26 pm
Wow :o Yes, after 10 attacks I attack with total shit gear and now u proud of being good? Yes. U are great Tristan!
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Tristan_of_Erzoth on August 06, 2015, 02:27:24 pm
Wow :o Yes, after 10 attacks I attack with total shit gear and now u proud of being good? Yes. U are great Tristan!
I wasn't even at the battle today lol. And why do you attack with shit gear if you guys have(according to you guys) more plate than you know what to do with.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: BlackxBird on August 06, 2015, 02:30:56 pm
Omfg y would somebody attack with +1 gear? Think about it.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Tristan_of_Erzoth on August 06, 2015, 02:36:26 pm
Omfg y would somebody attack with +1 gear? Think about it.
Because they dont have enough money to buy +3 gear or dont know how to merge?
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: BlackxBird on August 06, 2015, 02:45:39 pm
now think about what u said. About HCE killing our whole army and loosing 1K troops by that, and than about me saying that James or whoever leads the battle is predictable and than about the kds of the battle.

This is my first strat, but you guys play already for ages. Y do I have to teach you how strat works?
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Tristan_of_Erzoth on August 06, 2015, 02:48:53 pm
now think about what u said. About HCE killing our whole army and loosing 1K troops by that, and than about me saying that James or whoever leads the battle is predictable and than about the kds of the battle.

This is my first strat, but you guys play already for ages. Y do I have to teach you how strat works?

This is my first strat too, I started like in December 2014 lol.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: BlackxBird on August 06, 2015, 02:52:57 pm
This is my first strat too, I started like in December 2014 lol.

me too :D Didn't really do strat things before, only lead the battles. Like the first 10 battles I did I didn't even know how to build something with a construction site :D

Everything I know from attacking I know from the greys/drz. And finally you guys have someone who teaches you how to attack... be fucking thankfull about it, like I am about UIF:D

But they didn't tell us what we did wrong. We fucking noticed it. You guys don't....
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Bronto on August 06, 2015, 03:33:07 pm
This thread has me like:

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Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Bronto on August 06, 2015, 04:51:21 pm
Who's impressed you on the map Bronto, what are your highlights?

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Best map.

The most maptastic dot movers in the beginning of this strat which should have ended by now I mean jesus fucking christ reset this goddamn shit already would go to the Squids on NA side. I don't pay attention to EU strat much since I've only ever fought a handful of battles there. Usually I sign up but no one accepts me because I'm terrible too fucking pro for those loser nerds. Right now the best battles in my opinion are normally the field battles. Yeah sieges are fun, but there's nothing like a good ol' shield wall field battle. One of the best fights I was ever in was for FCC/Kesh, it was a field battle. He had been item bombed and we had to use, what felt like, 3 million useless broken items to get to the ranged weapons and we did. Field battles are so much more unpredictable than sieging a castle or city and it's that randomness for me that does it. Also, I like village battles for the same reason. They're basically just field battles with some obstructions in between you and the enemy. Pretty much all of strat 2 was awesome. What strat are we on now? Is this 4 or 5? I don't know, I've done all of them. I still think the best feature was when you had to wear the shit you wanted to make for cheap and All thyne hard work actually meant something. Those armies were so much more dapper. I'm rambling. I'm a rambling man.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: HarryCrumb on August 06, 2015, 04:52:51 pm
me too :D Didn't really do strat things before, only lead the battles. Like the first 10 battles I did I didn't even know how to build something with a construction site :D

Everything I know from attacking I know from the greys/drz. And finally you guys have someone who teaches you how to attack... be fucking thankfull about it, like I am about UIF:D

But they didn't tell us what we did wrong. We fucking noticed it. You guys don't....

is all of europe retarded or is it limited to just you?
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: BlackxBird on August 06, 2015, 05:00:16 pm
is all of europe retarded or is it limited to just you?

Fuck you  :wink:
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: BlackxBird on August 06, 2015, 05:04:54 pm
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Best map.

The most maptastic dot movers in the beginning of this strat which should have ended by now I mean jesus fucking christ reset this goddamn shit already would go to the Squids on NA side. I don't pay attention to EU strat much since I've only ever fought a handful of battles there. Usually I sign up but no one accepts me because I'm terrible too fucking pro for those loser nerds. Right now the best battles in my opinion are normally the field battles. Yeah sieges are fun, but there's nothing like a good ol' shield wall field battle. One of the best fights I was ever in was for FCC/Kesh, it was a field battle. He had been item bombed and we had to use, what felt like, 3 million useless broken items to get to the ranged weapons and we did. Field battles are so much more unpredictable than sieging a castle or city and it's that randomness for me that does it. Also, I like village battles for the same reason. They're basically just field battles with some obstructions in between you and the enemy. Pretty much all of strat 2 was awesome. What strat are we on now? Is this 4 or 5? I don't know, I've done all of them. I still think the best feature was when you had to wear the shit you wanted to make for cheap and All thyne hard work actually meant something. Those armies were so much more dapper. I'm rambling. I'm a rambling man.

ye field battles are awesome! We try to get as many as possible, unfortunately they are allways hiding.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: BlackxBird on August 06, 2015, 05:21:13 pm
hmm eques hadn't many, actually we had only one real one, when hetman attacked me and got rekt, than the only 3 active eques in the strat battles got banned and we lost the second attack xD
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: njames89 on August 06, 2015, 06:55:21 pm
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Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Tristan_of_Erzoth on August 07, 2015, 12:43:39 am
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Best map.

The most maptastic dot movers in the beginning of this strat which should have ended by now I mean jesus fucking christ reset this goddamn shit already would go to the Squids on NA side. I don't pay attention to EU strat much since I've only ever fought a handful of battles there. Usually I sign up but no one accepts me because I'm terrible too fucking pro for those loser nerds. Right now the best battles in my opinion are normally the field battles. Yeah sieges are fun, but there's nothing like a good ol' shield wall field battle. One of the best fights I was ever in was for FCC/Kesh, it was a field battle. He had been item bombed and we had to use, what felt like, 3 million useless broken items to get to the ranged weapons and we did. Field battles are so much more unpredictable than sieging a castle or city and it's that randomness for me that does it. Also, I like village battles for the same reason. They're basically just field battles with some obstructions in between you and the enemy. Pretty much all of strat 2 was awesome. What strat are we on now? Is this 4 or 5? I don't know, I've done all of them. I still think the best feature was when you had to wear the shit you wanted to make for cheap and All thyne hard work actually meant something. Those armies were so much more dapper. I'm rambling. I'm a rambling man.

This is no longer Strat 5, its now Strat Infinity
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Tristan_of_Erzoth on August 07, 2015, 04:16:30 am
Omfg y would somebody attack with +1 gear? Think about it.

oooooh wait i think i get it now, because then we have shittier gear to defend with since we've been mostly using gear looted from you guys? I think actually sleeping made that make a lot more sense
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Noodlenrice on August 07, 2015, 10:50:48 am
Vacation rocks guys. Try it some time
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: BlackxBird on August 07, 2015, 11:03:12 am
I'm just came back from my vacation in NA :D Was pretty fun there :)
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Ufoinsky on August 08, 2015, 08:09:48 am
TIP FOR NEW PLAYERS: Attack a polish player at 1pm EST and you will give him one free vacation and you will gain a shiny army
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: njames89 on August 08, 2015, 09:55:41 pm
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Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Mr.K. on August 09, 2015, 12:42:16 am
Thread is too quiet.

Yes, fight for the the Canadian while he shoots with his crossbow behind you shouting "for MMMMURICA!" Don't fight for the scummy EU who lead their troops from the front, putting their life at the risk for some hard earned XP! The HCE needs YOU to do their fighting for them, because the backstabbing EUs and Aussies are too stronk. Help them, for the love of chadz, help them!
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: njames89 on August 09, 2015, 01:07:38 am
Mr. K gets mad about losing the last god knows how many battles and wants to take it out on his champagne.

Silly euro can't even defeat a bottle of champagne
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: njames89 on August 09, 2015, 07:40:14 am
Good fight tonight guys! You almost pulled a fast one on us. Thank chadz for our South American Brazil Squad.

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Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Behemoth_ on August 09, 2015, 07:50:00 am
Blackturd you sound like a 13 year old girl posting on facebook
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Bryggan on August 09, 2015, 10:22:00 am
Thread is too quiet.

Yes, fight for the the Canadian while he shoots with his crossbow behind you shouting "for MMMMURICA!" Don't fight for the scummy EU who lead their troops from the front, putting their life at the risk for some hard earned XP! The HCE needs YOU to do their fighting for them, because the backstabbing EUs and Aussies are too stronk. Help them, for the love of chadz, help them!

What does this even mean?  Canadians are part of MMMMMMMurica (look on the northern bit of the map), and the Jamesnado, as we all know, fires a few bolts then charges crazily in like a mad man.  Hence his nickname.  And the HCE needs you to raise troops for us, because we do not have 30+ players on the Eu map breeding troops and trading in non-attackable areas.  So yes, Eus and Aussies (supplied by Eu troops) are too damn stronk.  Stronk referring to numbers and gear.  They got that.  But we got Murrican fighting spirit (and I say that as a Canadian), cuz New World individuality kicks on Old World Hive mentality.

So quit pissing about,and help us keep NA all Murican.

Please donate troops  to the 'Fuck off and Die, you scuzzy Euro-bastards and your Euro-peons' factions.  All it takes is for you to give up you real lives.  Is that too much to ask?
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: BlackxBird on August 09, 2015, 12:01:32 pm
we are too strong? I mean, really? Finally I pretty much know about like 50 % what is going on in NA. U guys got no idea what is going on in EU, so stfu. And u wanna attack us? oh well, go for it. you can retake ur fiefs if you want to try, but no no no. Keep camping and loose all of ur troops, by doing no real dmg to us.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: bruttus on August 09, 2015, 01:03:04 pm
Its called strategy.

Reason, HCE is the ONLY FACTION that is fighting against EU
All of EU is attacking a dying monster, but atleast HCE is giving a fightingchance to the OTHER NA factions that are collaberating with EU, becouse maybe you have no intention to attack youre allied NA factions, but the other EU factions will be, becouse for the simple reason, EU map is stuck and you are all bored.

About the camping, you have wright, but you BlackxBird, have to admit, you lost a shitload of troops.
I just did a counting about the sieges of Durquba.
With LL and Eques with an average of 1500 shiny troops with very good gear, you both have attacked 15 times all together.
so if you count 1500 troops * 15 times Durquba siege, its a total of 22500 troops that you have lost
So I believe how many times attacked LL Durquba? 2 times so they lost an average of 3000 troops
You where bragging about 60k troops, that can be true, but you lost already 1/3 of your army by besieging Durquba

Then about how much silver/stratgold did you have spent and lost for equiping the attacking army's?
4 milj. or 5 milj. silver/stratgold for your 15 shiny army's to attack Durquba?
I have taken the 5 milj. and counted it * 15 times Durquba.
Thats a total of 75 milj. silver/stratgold that you have lost.

So I start to understand why you are becomming angry, becouse you thought that taking NA would be an easy task, especially when all of EU are attacking 1 faction.

At the other factions that allied themselfs with EU, I wanna say that eventually your time will come.
At a certain moment EU will come in full force, and you will have no Allies left
People of NA that openly supported the EU invasion, What will you do, when suddenly other EU factions are knocking on your door?
Going to Eques and beg for them to help?
If you don't believe, count everything up by youreselfs how many troops and silver/stratgold they have lost, becouse when HCE is whipped out, Eques will be in a weakend state.
They already lost 1/3 of theyre army, just to get 1 city, named Durquba.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: BlackxBird on August 09, 2015, 01:49:05 pm
u funny. 5 mio is a good guess. - with 3 and u got the real price. When u actually do war, you will get enemy eq. We 50 % attacked u with eq we looted, cuz we won't ever defend with this shit. Every armor but the gothic, the gotland and the mail shirt were enemy armies. so actually for this war atm we paid about 30 mio. We will earn about 10 mio only with trading in a week when our trading fiefs are all up. just by the tax.

And really.... REALLY?!

U count 15 attacks on durquba. Than u say on ur own that we weren't the only ones attacking Durquba. Than u count 15 * 1500. Than u say we lost 1/3 of our troops. 10 * 1500 = 15000. 60 / 15 = 4 ----> 1/4. Due to the fact that HCE lost 50K at all and we lost only about 23 is that okay. And don't forget we are also making troops...
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: bruttus on August 09, 2015, 02:36:50 pm
Ow, its 8 mil. per shiny army that you lost, so I wasn't far off with mine 75 milj. Its actually 80 milj. that you lost by youre 10 attacks on Durquba
15000 troops, well its about 4500 troops lesser then I thought, so mine counting isn't that bad. but about 60000 - 15000= 45000 troops that you have left
So its still 1/3 of your 60k troops, no mather how you see it
And yes your recruiting tickets, and prolly buying troops from other factions.
And earning silver also, becouse What you in EU have and What NA doesn't have are safe traderoutes, or having the fear to be attacked, becouse everything is stuck in EU, only you can trade there.
So 80 milj. is prolly nothing for you.
You claim atleast 10 times attacking Durquba, I thought 13 times, so I made a mistake of 3 attacks of Durquba, can't count them all, mostly its your faction that is attacking. Sorry for that, then its atleast 4500 from other factions that wanna try to take the city. And you are complaining why HCE or Acre is camping? If every other faction wanna take that city, I can't say that this is a bad decision, I would do it also.

So yeah, I believe your pissed off becouse you had thought that by last week, you would have the region, and you lost more then you had in mind. You didn't expect that Acre and HCE would defend.
And like I said to the other NA colleberateurs, your time will come. Think about it, you all know i'm wright.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: W0LF on August 09, 2015, 03:36:46 pm
Due to the fact that HCE lost 50K
We had 50k troops? Where did we get 50k troops? XD
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Lt_Anders on August 09, 2015, 04:32:50 pm
(click to show/hide)

I'm selling 450(ish) troops if you can come get them at Tilbaut.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: njames89 on August 09, 2015, 07:17:10 pm
We had 50k troops? Where did we get 50k troops? XD

Don't you remember when chadz flew down from Austria  and gave us the holy 50k?

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Twas a glorious day.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: bruttus on August 09, 2015, 08:09:30 pm
u funny. 5 mio is a good guess. - with 3 and u got the real price. When u actually do war, you will get enemy eq. We 50 % attacked u with eq we looted, cuz we won't ever defend with this shit. Every armor but the gothic, the gotland and the mail shirt were enemy armies. so actually for this war atm we paid about 30 mio. We will earn about 10 mio only with trading in a week when our trading fiefs are all up. just by the tax.

And really.... REALLY?!

U count 15 attacks on durquba. Than u say on ur own that we weren't the only ones attacking Durquba. Than u count 15 * 1500. Than u say we lost 1/3 of our troops. 10 * 1500 = 15000. 60 / 15 = 4 ----> 1/4. Due to the fact that HCE lost 50K at all and we lost only about 23 is that okay. And don't forget we are also making troops...

Sorry, I lost track with u funny. Sorry, its a click in mine head when I'm gonna read bullshit.

You are so bragging about your gold, 10 mil. a week
Please stop bullshitting me, Last week I was in your country in EU side, @ the Nordside, all of your fiefs had 100% crime + S&D are high
So stop bullshiting me.
Becouse if it is like you say, then you won't have any crime in any of your fiefs + and S&D would be very low
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Zeus_ on August 09, 2015, 09:17:33 pm
EDIT: TLDR WOULD ONE OF U LADS KINDLY POST THIS FOR ME? ON DIPLOMACY, WORLD WAR..MAYBE U CLOCK? ur always hungry for upvotes ya...and this shit...holy fuck...seriously, post it clock, or someone

if one of u wants to post this shit in diplomacy feel free, im done communicating with the retards that play this shit mod

im soo fucking glad im done posting on the forum...the fucking people that make up this community...are bat shit fucking bonkers man

blackbird is the new kesh, provides most of the xp for everyone, and gets nothing but hate. and, no THAT guy says the most bogus shit...acre is resilient? does constantly getting wiped, threatening to rage quit the game unless someone bails them out...thats resilient?

acre is like the fucking banks in america, constantly bailed out at the cost of others.
lets see, got rekt in strat 4, bailed out by kesh\ fcc\kesh hates him

was getting rekt by squids in strat 5, untill helped by BC\ unholy hates him

brygg and a small crew rekt them, then let join their new empire, ll couldnt take anymore of it, and broke off, pushing acre out of the north...acre once again gets bailed by brygg...acre bites the hand that feeds them, and there is a fucking trial?

they were pretty much wiped...until poor starks decided to bail them out, letting them join THEIR empire , HCE was built by starks out of afks fiefs.

then EU came , cuz EU is dead in EU, and attacked the largest, closest faction.

within no time at all the empire started to fall, with such embarrassing losses that will go down in history as some of thee worst losses of all time, lose a castle to 300? a city to 500? thats very very bad

so where are we now? HCE is run by two canadians chanting murica murica, both so full of their own shit im surprised they dont choke on it.

then are down to 5 fucking fiefs, their empire is destroyed...and they STILL think the war is going on...WHAT FUCKING WAR? i stopped playing for blackbird because im A: disgusted by what he is doing to them, and B: it drives me crazy that HCE doesnt see what Blackbird is doing

by the 5th assualt on Durq i was fairly the 7th...i was convinced, blackbird was\is sabotaging his own battles for xp gains. i confronted him, and he didnt deny it...i am a soldier, i fight in wars...not fucking xp events

when EU didnt fight on weekend...doesnt do fallow up attacks...Durq could have been taken a LONG time ago...but blackbird is using HCE for xp, grinding them like WoW boars.

and none of this would bug me...but HCE doesnt see it lol, they really think they are getting bailed out again by the community, and now that they get 50 player rosters, they think they are still in "the war"? WHAT FUCKING WAR?

if blackbird really wanted durq he would do a attack on the weekend, and then do a immediate fallow up, attack it right after the last battle....but no, HE WANTS THEM TO REINFORCE, so he can keep grinding them for xp.

im not mad at blackbird anymore, we've talked, and i understand his reasons for doing what he is doing...but its really cruel to not lock that thread...its cruel to let these kids keep dreaming that, "they are having good fights, and are defeating EU, and it takes EU like 15 tries to get a city"

COME FUCKING ON, how can you be so fucking delusional, i even tried to wake them up, i flat out told Tris they were being used for xp, the war is over...he doesnt get it, none of those lads fucking get it...i suppose pawns are rarely aware they are being used.

i once accused blackbird of being too kind and not being vicious enough...i didnt realize then, that he was using me too, i helped fight a war...broke an empire, then got frustrated at my commander...making all these odd decisions, not listening to sound advice.

i didnt realize he wasnt trying to win...this shit is like Vietnam, it could have been won, but was purposely sustained for profits...disgusting, 50 k americans died in that war, they thought it was a worthy cause.

Blackbird is more vicious and cruel then i first thought, and while im still pissy he used me like that, all of us like that...i understand his reasons...the war ended to fast, EU did not expect a 20+ fief empire to fall like it did...

EU could own Durq any fucking time they want...but with EU dead...the only xp they get is in shitty fucking NA...they HAD to STOP the war, just to get the projected XP out of it...thats how fucking much NA sucks ass, and now...they are letting Durq stay on the map for as long as they can build and reinforce ( which is forever, as blackbird WANTS them and ALLOWS them to reinforce...all so he can grind them for xp more and more, fucking disgusting, but when u want xp...what can u do? NA is hoplessly useless, will not attack EU, will not try to take their fiefs back...all HCE can do \ has the same as most NA clans, camp camp camp. )

fucking shame...on all of u, EU u guys are dicks toying around with NA, they think its a war still, this costs EU silver and troops and gear only...u know how much gold HCE has speant trying to get help them in a war? if they knew they were paying 500k+ per battle for a fucking xp event ( like seriously...its a win win for EU, if they take Durq, the best thing for them to to give it back and keep farming u NA losers)
and NA? u suck, i mean u really fucking suck at this game...whats worse is you are all delusional as fuck to what is actually going on.

i said i wouldn't quit until HCE ( acre ) was wiped...i had my reasons, and i fought very hard for blackbird and did my best to command when i saw opportunities.

i dont care about xp, i dont care about gold, i care about winning, and xp events dont mean shit to me, i wont play them unless people pay me too. the problem is, not everyone knows or sees it as a xp event, so i end up getting paid to sit uselessly behind a wall, and ended up rage quiting while playing with a team that can play this mod 4 FUCKING YEARS and not realize, those who hold, will get crushed by those who push.

the only reward or title HCE deserves is being the new Ravens, complete trash, completely delusional, all the while beating their chest to the war chants of "murica" not even realizing they make america look completely fucking retarded to the rest of the civilized world.

you lads, seriously, fuck ur make-belief honor,ur fucking overzealous hypocrisy, u guys, seriously fucking suck at this game, sooo bad, is embarrassing to be a NA player, fuck, if was ever a game that made me wish i lived in E fucking U.

BLACKBIRD...stop being such a dick bro, im not asking you to stop toying or fucking with these people, but u are such a dick for letting them dream up these wild fantasies all the while u toy with them for xp, fucking disgusting of u

and HCE, ur even worse, u guys are literally the Monty Python Black Knight, u know the one?
Where the guy loses his arm, then his other arm, then his leg...but "keeps fighting the good fight?"

Black Knight basically gets decapitated, ALL THE WHILE THINKING HE IS WINNING, and even with no arms or legs left, the Black Knight still thinks the fight is going on, and that he can win.

HCE, you are, the Black Knights or CRPG. fucking loonies, delusional fuckin nutters the lot of ya.

man that felt great, ahh, sometimes...u just need to get the truth off ur chest ya know?

Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: BlackxBird on August 09, 2015, 09:36:02 pm
retarded james propaganda post in 3....2....1...

oh and bruttus. As long as you don't know how strat works, stfu okay? Not meant to be mean, but I'm done with strat teaching.

oh and stonedsteel, I told ya to post that after we took durquba. They got reinforced by like 5 k troops or something, shits gonna continue ;)

Btw sorry matthew for being a bit confused yesterday. Smoked more pot than ever before in my life xD
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Voncrow on August 09, 2015, 09:52:57 pm
Plumbo should be an author.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: cup457 on August 09, 2015, 10:07:40 pm
Plumbo should go back to school and learn how to write complete sentences in english.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: njames89 on August 09, 2015, 10:10:21 pm
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Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: BlackxBird on August 09, 2015, 10:11:56 pm
their homeland? Why would HoC or the wardens defend your homeland?

Oh and btw, you guys keep -1ing my posts when I say u can attack us. So, I'm curious. Why don't u guys attack us? Would be actually more xp by once cuz we can have like about every day a big battle!

But well, actually james will probably just minus this post again and post something retarded.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: njames89 on August 09, 2015, 10:13:44 pm
2/10 generic blackbird propaganda not even interesting

HoC and wardens are made up of NA players I would have assumed they would accept our offer of peace / a ceasefire to defend NA, our homeland, from you the foreign invaders.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: njames89 on August 09, 2015, 10:14:29 pm
Oops accidental post. Ill have to find some glorious HCE motivational material to put here

edit: lol i love these things
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: BlackxBird on August 09, 2015, 10:15:25 pm
in EU everybody is a foreign, but nobody cares. Stop being a twat and accept that this is a game where ppl can actually play with each other? U dunno wanna be attacked by others than NAs? Get a minecraft server with pass.


I'm off. Burn in hell HCE... whatever. gn gentleman and twats
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: njames89 on August 09, 2015, 10:20:35 pm
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Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Zeus_ on August 09, 2015, 10:22:06 pm
i can see you two are competing for the most infamy.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Voncrow on August 09, 2015, 10:22:47 pm
I mean the only offensive acre will take is on the forums, they need to be brave somewhere Blackbird.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: njames89 on August 09, 2015, 10:34:38 pm
To Bruttus, Aldo, Bronto, Arowaine, the Frisians, the Brazilians, our Honorary Americans and all the other heroes fighting with us against the EU invasion:
(click to show/hide)

To Voncrow:
(click to show/hide)

Quite the skill you have voncrow.

Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: W0LF on August 09, 2015, 11:49:46 pm
I mean the only offensive acre will take is on the forums, they need to be brave somewhere Blackbird.
Why would we go on the offensive when they have plenty more armies streaming in? Our armies will just be wiped. Just a waste at that point. It is better to use them to defend a town than to throw them into the field and lose them.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: BlackxBird on August 09, 2015, 11:57:36 pm
ohh, so you're afraid. Well, guessed that.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: cup457 on August 09, 2015, 11:57:51 pm
(click to show/hide)
also just because you say we are pussy does not mean we are stupid enough to give you more advantages. No one hates chopas for sitting inside of Dhirim while FCC endlessly seiged them. I say you just suck big dong and cant win
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: BlackxBird on August 10, 2015, 12:00:21 am
that's what real americans would do! Let's run and regroup at one place. Let the rest die, yolo!
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: njames89 on August 10, 2015, 12:10:10 am
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Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: BlackPanda on August 10, 2015, 12:26:52 am
Here you go Plumbo
(click to show/hide)

Since you never passed middle school thought you might need it.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: cup457 on August 10, 2015, 12:43:25 am
(click to show/hide)
please someone save me from my autism, I dont even play the game im only level 21 all I do is explore pls sav me
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Voncrow on August 10, 2015, 01:37:50 am
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Funny since you seem to give the most fucks of all of us here James.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: njames89 on August 10, 2015, 01:44:30 am
Not sure what you mean voncrow. I do love Acre and HCE. The battles have been a lot of fun.

I just meant that your generic bullshit propaganda is kinda boring after a few years.

I'm having a great time making motivational material for NA are you not enjoying it  :(?

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Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Voncrow on August 10, 2015, 02:19:51 am
So it's ok for you to care about your faction and what others say about it, but when others not in your faction do they are mad nerds who give all the fucks? Sounds like acre logic.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: W0LF on August 10, 2015, 03:09:50 am
So it's ok for you to care about your faction and what others say about it, but when others not in your faction do they are mad nerds who give all the fucks? Sounds like acre logic.
Pretty sure everyone does this when someone doesn't think the same as them. It's just what people do.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Dutchydave on August 10, 2015, 07:35:19 am
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Come on james I know your a bitch and just lost your viginity, but please that cartoon bitch is heaps better looking then you  :rolleyes:
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Tristan_of_Erzoth on August 10, 2015, 07:41:14 am
i can see you two are competing for the most infamy.
someone who isnt me should go through and see whose gotten the most renown and who got the most infamy
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: bruttus on August 10, 2015, 08:32:19 am
Do not worry, BlackxBird, I played CRPG before you where born.
I know the famoust and the retarded players, from NA and EU
Or the most famoust clans, like LLJK or Druzina, Some people play, but they have no faction in CRPG annymore. or maybe the Hospitallers, and KUT, or maybe the 22nd.
I know them all, and I have seen them rise and fall.
I was only busy the last 1.5y to get a LIVE, you know what that is BlackxBird, having a Live?

I have to admit, that crime thingy, thats a bit lame, If I knew that before, I would have atleast a huge army, but I lost more troops, becouse I was visiting youre country's, and selling stuff
But for the rest, I'm gearing up, and hopefully, by next week, you gonna regret that you where in NA.
Becouse I will not hide after walls

Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Voncrow on August 10, 2015, 09:15:51 am
I was only busy the last 1.5y to get a LIVE, you know what that is BlackxBird, having a Live?

Do not worry, BlackxBird, I played CRPG before you where born.
I know the famoust and the retarded players, from NA and EU
Or the most famoust clans, like LLJK or Druzina, Some people play, but they have no faction in CRPG annymore. or maybe the Hospitallers, and KUT, or maybe the 22nd.
I know them all, and I have seen them rise and fall.
I have to admit, that crime thingy, thats a bit lame, If I knew that before, I would have atleast a huge army, but I lost more troops, becouse I was visiting youre country's, and selling stuff
But for the rest, I'm gearing up, and hopefully, by next week, you gonna regret that you where in NA.
Becouse I will not hide after walls

I find this pretty funny.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Voncrow on August 10, 2015, 09:36:18 am
More along the lines that he is calling blackbird out for being a no life nerd while bragging about his extreme knowledge of old crpg clans/ players and crpg history. Him talking about live is just an added bonus.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Lumetta on August 10, 2015, 10:51:06 am
BlackPanda offered me 50k and a blowjob on LL's siege. Didn't take the offer and instead killed 80 acre then got 150k from Dutchy (And a blowjob but he wont admit).
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: BlackxBird on August 10, 2015, 12:40:59 pm
:O I was making something to eat this evening. About 11 PM or something. Than I went to the couch and after about 5 minutes I fell asleep xD. 5 minutes after the battle (which started at 1 AM) I woke up :3

btw bruttus nominated for the person who knows people.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: bruttus on August 10, 2015, 12:47:55 pm
More along the lines that he is calling blackbird out for being a no life nerd while bragging about his extreme knowledge of old crpg clans/ players and crpg history. Him talking about live is just an added bonus.

Ow, I didn't call BlackxBird a nerd, you did.
And yes, A few years ago, I was playing CRPG on daily base, almost 24h a day. I get up and started to play crpg, and after work, I played further, until I was to tired to go on further.
So aye, I can say that I have some knowledge about the game.

But Unlike you Voncrown, I have heard that you where kicked out of Acre, becouse you where telling strategy's from Acre in other clans TS, even when in support of an other clan during a strat. battle or strat.siege, you couldn't keep your mouth shut.
Thats what I have heard.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: BlackxBird on August 10, 2015, 12:57:17 pm
bruttus go play with ur rl friends, the nerds wanna talk about their game without being disturbed by a noname retard who has obviously no idea how this strat works.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: njames89 on August 10, 2015, 03:57:40 pm
Why don't you guys go out and get a life and play volleyball? You guys are such nerds for sitting here and talking about playing this game and not playing volleyball and talking about volleyball. Why don't you guys just get a volleyball and this could be a volleyball forum?

Get ready to be jealous. I got to watch womens volleyball at the toronto panam games. Was wonderful. It really is a great sport.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: BlackxBird on August 10, 2015, 03:57:52 pm
Dislocated my right sholder 2 times by volleyballing this year, and 2 times last year.

No matter what happens. You won't get a better chance to see tons of wet boobs jumping than there.

I'd fucking give my whole right arm for volleyball :D
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: bruttus on August 10, 2015, 05:24:38 pm
Don't be angry at me, I can't do a thing that you have no reall live.
I will think about you when I drink mine first beer of the evening, heck I will even toast for you
I will then say Ich habbe das nicht gewust, and everybody is ein Berliner, I do that special for you :)
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: njames89 on August 10, 2015, 05:28:08 pm
Don't be angry at me, I can't do a thing that you have no reall live.
I will think about you when I drink mine first beer of the evening, heck I will even toast for you
I will then say Ich habbe das nicht gewust, and everybody is ein Berliner, I do that special for you :)

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Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: BlackxBird on August 10, 2015, 05:35:24 pm
so we start braging about our real lifes now?

no matter what happens. Nobody can beat dutchies profile picuture in ts!
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: njames89 on August 10, 2015, 05:51:58 pm
Again you have missed the point entirely Blackbird. Good fight this morning! Nice to see NA can resist even 7-10am shitbattles from you cowards.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: BlackPanda on August 10, 2015, 06:09:43 pm
BlackPanda offered me 50k and a blowjob on LL's siege. Didn't take the offer and instead killed 80 acre then got 150k from Dutchy (And a blowjob but he wont admit).

Offers still valid and ill trow in a nude pictures of Tristan.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Bryggan on August 10, 2015, 07:13:20 pm
Damn you, Thalion!  You attacked the army I was going to destroy Eques with (as for my death, I'll RP the story soon).  Oh well, it'll be just like old times.

And somebody was trying to tell me they have men's volleyball too. I call bullshit on that- why would anyone watch that?
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: BlackxBird on August 10, 2015, 07:30:39 pm
ppl with vaginas? heard of them  :shock:
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Voncrow on August 10, 2015, 07:51:58 pm
But Unlike you Voncrown, I have heard that you where kicked out of Acre.

If you want to call mean crone you spelled it wrong, Crown is more of a compliment.  Also why do I keep hearing I was kicked out of acre, I thought I left on good terms, even though I'm not on good terms now. And I can assure you I didn't tell any acre secrets to anyone.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: bruttus on August 10, 2015, 08:09:34 pm
Get ready to be jealous. I got to watch womens volleyball at the toronto panam games. Was wonderful. It really is a great sport.

Sorry, but I like women tennis
I love the sound of moaning when they hit the ball :)
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: BlackxBird on August 10, 2015, 08:57:36 pm
this thread goes full retard now.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Jambi on August 10, 2015, 09:28:54 pm
this thread goes full retard now.

Welcome to NA. regrets? :P
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: BlackxBird on August 10, 2015, 10:12:22 pm
1 minute before our fief transfer is over, the servers go down. All of them. 1500 troops down, again.


If I don't get it when the servers are up again we will loose 1,5 k

I mean, it's not like we lost already 7k. YOLO. LET'S LOOSE 1,5 K MORE

oh yes and our main fief is frozen for the time it needs till the server are up again. OMFG I LOVE THIS GAME

Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Zeus_ on August 10, 2015, 10:17:52 pm
1 minute before our fief transfer is over, the servers go down. All of them. 1500 troops down, again.


If I don't get it when the servers are up again we will loose 1,5 k

I mean, it's not like we lost already 7k. YOLO. LET'S LOOSE 1,5 K MORE

oh yes and our main fief is frozen for the time it needs till the server are up again. OMFG I LOVE THIS GAME

i think you'll keep the troops because the 3 of us were there, but defense will win

nvm, the attacking team lost the troops, gg
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: cup457 on August 10, 2015, 10:18:16 pm
Volleyball isnt even good
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Voncrow on August 10, 2015, 10:44:50 pm
Volleyball can be fun, too bad I've barely played outside of P.E. where most people don't even care enough to try to hit the ball.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: BlackPanda on August 10, 2015, 11:40:23 pm
Another EU army smited down by chadz.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Voncrow on August 10, 2015, 11:45:12 pm
Another EU armie smited down by chadz.

I mean you guys won't do it, so chadz does your work for you.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: BlackPanda on August 10, 2015, 11:51:30 pm
I mean you guys won't do it, so chadz does your work for you.
I'm fine if chadz smites strat itself.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: arowaine on August 10, 2015, 11:51:38 pm
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Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: BlackxBird on August 11, 2015, 12:59:06 am
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Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: mcdeath on August 11, 2015, 01:50:36 am
Volleyball isnt even good

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Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Bryggan on August 11, 2015, 02:23:38 am
1 minute before our fief transfer is over, the servers go down. All of them. 1500 troops down, again.


That is shitty.  While I eagerly anticipate the horrible deaths of all your troops, I'd prefer it was by our swords.  Sometimes I feel guilty about being chadz' Chosen One.  I mean, sure, smite my enemies, but not by having the servers down- that sucks- more like magical buffs that let us slaughter all you guys with no losses.  Much more fun.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: njames89 on August 11, 2015, 03:14:34 am
You know, I've never actually watched professional volleyball. How was it?

It's definitely a jiggle sport.

Ouch. I fucked up my right arm swimming a few years back actually, doctor called it an AC separation.

I tend to "pop" my shoulder playing quite often. I have to sort of snap it back into place. Used to hurt like hell and for a long time. I'd be laid up for weeks with my "pop". Now its like nothing. I'm out for five mins tops.

I watched Canada vs Uruguay. One of our girls was a solid foot taller than the others and dominated. Great fun to watch.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Schoi on August 11, 2015, 03:24:30 am
I watched Canada vs Uruguay. One of our girls was a solid foot taller than the others and dominated. Great fun to watch.

Why watch sports when you can watch bangbros
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: mcdeath on August 11, 2015, 03:49:46 am
Why watch sports when you can watch bangbros

Dude Brazzer's Theme is a sick track

Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: njames89 on August 11, 2015, 05:37:12 am
1 minute before our fief transfer is over, the servers go down. All of them. 1500 troops down, again.

Is it our fault you offended chadz?

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Go beg his forgiveness heathen.

Another EU armie smited down by chadz.

I mean you guys won't do it, so chadz does your work for you.

Lol Voncrow please turn off the bullshit tap before you drown. Or were you talking about your armies other than the 16 at Durquba and the several at Bardaq, Halmar, Yruma, Unuzdaq, Asugan...  :lol:
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Dynamics_BRD on August 11, 2015, 09:21:11 am
Why watch sports when you can watch bangbros
Speaking of Bangbros I got an account if anyone needs to relieve their stress from strat.
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Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: BlackxBird on August 11, 2015, 01:02:08 pm
If I want to relive my stress I go out, get drunk and fuck the most drunken girl on the toilet.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: bruttus on August 11, 2015, 01:24:19 pm
If I want to relive my stress I go out, get drunk and fuck the most drunken girl on the toilet.

Want to react on it, but mine better judgment tels me not to response.

And yet again I reacted on this
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: cup457 on August 11, 2015, 02:07:00 pm
Blackbird m8 dont forget to wrap it. We dont want you to die of aids on us
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: BlackxBird on August 11, 2015, 02:12:54 pm
If I would get aids, I'd share it cRPG. Every single player. Just checked the forum. that would be about 20K :o
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: cup457 on August 11, 2015, 02:43:28 pm
warning to all the men blackbird approches!! he has aids!!!
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: woody on August 11, 2015, 03:44:43 pm
I think maybe a bit of mellowing is in order. This strat is only still going because no developer can be arsed to turn it off. Maybe the bugs are due to the strat engine not meant to have this much data in it?

Blackbird has orchestrated a load of fun battles which I at least have enjoyed when there was nothing happening in strat.

I know strat can get really consuming and frustrating if you let it, (such as allies misunderstanding instructions and rostering for the enemy while thinking why???), but troops disappearing are very annoying but in the end its a game thats a bit of fun. In the name of entertainment it would be nice if troops lost could be used for more battles, I wouldnt care if enemies got the same number as well, at least lets have some battles. Wont happen though.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: BlackxBird on August 11, 2015, 03:56:47 pm
I think maybe a bit of mellowing is in order. This strat is only still going because no developer can be arsed to turn it off. Maybe the bugs are due to the strat engine not meant to have this much data in it?

Blackbird has orchestrated a load of fun battles which I at least have enjoyed when there was nothing happening in strat.

I know strat can get really consuming and frustrating if you let it, (such as allies misunderstanding instructions and rostering for the enemy while thinking why???), but troops disappearing are very annoying but in the end its a game thats a bit of fun. In the name of entertainment it would be nice if troops lost could be used for more battles, I wouldnt care if enemies got the same number as well, at least lets have some battles. Wont happen though.

if you tell ya friends to apply, and they accidently apply for the wrong side. And one actually remembers how grey order fucked us at this castle.... and brought ladders for the roofs....... could still kill granny irl for that....
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: bruttus on August 11, 2015, 04:25:35 pm
I think maybe a bit of mellowing is in order. This strat is only still going because no developer can be arsed to turn it off. Maybe the bugs are due to the strat engine not meant to have this much data in it?

Blackbird has orchestrated a load of fun battles which I at least have enjoyed when there was nothing happening in strat.

I know strat can get really consuming and frustrating if you let it, (such as allies misunderstanding instructions and rostering for the enemy while thinking why???), but troops disappearing are very annoying but in the end its a game thats a bit of fun. In the name of entertainment it would be nice if troops lost could be used for more battles, I wouldnt care if enemies got the same number as well, at least lets have some battles. Wont happen though.

You're right
Its for the fun of the game, but like you said, its sometimes frustrating, sometimes so hard, that people are forgetting that this is a game.
Its not that I'm badmouthing at Blackbird, that I hate him, heck no, he has earned some degree of respect on mine side, but hating him, why should I, he try to invade NA, brought some fun battles or sieges, and he respect the timezone, so that the people of NA could have fun also and having full rosters on both sides.
So, I have said some friendly words to Blackbird, but now its again back to trolling him :)
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Bronto on August 11, 2015, 07:56:53 pm
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Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: xxkaliboyx on August 11, 2015, 08:09:55 pm
If I want to relive my stress I go out, get drunk and fuck the most drunken girl on the toilet.

Can confirmed as I lived in Germany for 4 years total, too easy to get a girl on the toilet in Germany for even someone as ugly as BlackBird
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: njames89 on August 11, 2015, 09:37:38 pm
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Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Jona on August 11, 2015, 11:22:29 pm
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The irony.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: njames89 on August 12, 2015, 04:51:17 am
No matter what your problem with me is Jona I forgive you. Accept chadz into your heart and release your ill will.

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Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Schoi on August 12, 2015, 04:55:40 am
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Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: BlackxBird on August 12, 2015, 03:12:00 pm
I've skinned those knees in defense of that sweet ball.

Also my favourite way to serve is the upwards Falcon Punch so that it loops into the air and curves down like a mortar.

nah I don't like that special shit. I can fucking kill a ant by hitting the ball with that down to up move ^^ best is to hs the ones who are talking with others who are not playing xD
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Bronto on August 12, 2015, 03:41:40 pm
You should know by know from seeing me play cRPG, I don't want to win I want to look awesome

We know by know heskey. you know? I've spent so much time knowing by know I now know all the things to know, know what I mean? Know by know, the more you know. Know?

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Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: njames89 on August 12, 2015, 07:19:42 pm
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Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Tristan_of_Erzoth on August 12, 2015, 08:21:28 pm
You should know by know from seeing me play cRPG, I don't want to win I want to look awesome
Wait you play cRPG? I thought you just posted on the forums.

Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: njames89 on August 13, 2015, 03:12:16 am
the besiegers of Durbuqa last week will so quickly forget the contribution of my catapulting skills

Aha so you are the reason I have been praying for cheeto storms  :lol:
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: mcdeath on August 13, 2015, 07:04:18 am
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Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Mr.K. on August 13, 2015, 01:06:22 pm
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That's sexist! Women are more than welcome to fight for us and not for this bigot! Come to think of it, I haven't heard a girly voice in our battles since Phase stopped playing cRPG.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: BlackxBird on August 13, 2015, 01:09:45 pm
Koniiija, Illu, Shelly, Asca and someone from NA but I dunno remember her name :3. All fighting for us :3
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Ufoinsky on August 13, 2015, 01:09:56 pm
so much free shit to much gear bug omg all of the 300% goods ftw
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Ufoinsky on August 13, 2015, 01:10:22 pm
Koniiija, Illu, Shelly, Asca and someone from NA but I dunno remember her name :3. All fighting for us :3
shut the fuck up
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: BlackxBird on August 13, 2015, 01:12:56 pm
shut the fuck up

who are u and why do they give mentally retarded people in psychiatry internet?
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Ufoinsky on August 13, 2015, 01:14:55 pm
who are u and why do they give mentally retarded people in psychiatry internet?
im a physical mass of autism here to steam role your steamy pile of shit
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Zeus_ on August 13, 2015, 02:42:42 pm
Koniiija, Illu, Shelly, Asca and someone from NA but I dunno remember her name :3. All fighting for us :3

Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Schoi on August 13, 2015, 09:10:11 pm
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Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: njames89 on August 13, 2015, 10:29:53 pm
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Great fights so far today guys! We have been blessed with some good hills by chadz today.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: njames89 on August 14, 2015, 03:06:29 am
The hour was just after dusk, and the personal guard of Old King James was just arriving at the battle encampment of Emperor Bryggan. Already two fierce battles had been won that day, by Viceroy Benjamin and by the new and steadfast Knight of the HCE Sir Bruttus. The morale of the men was already high when James spotted a startling sight in the sky.

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The light was nearly blinding, illuminating the countryside as far as the eye could see. Recognizing the holy symbol of our lord chadz James clutched his chadzifix and prayed. Seeing this sign James and the HCE forces became galvanized by zealous faith. The men knew the battles of the day had already been won. chadz had determined the fate of the EU armies.

Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Ufoinsky on August 14, 2015, 03:09:54 am
The hour was just after dusk, and the personal guard of Old King James was just arriving at the battle encampment of Emperor Bryggan. Already two fierce battles had been won that day, by Viceroy Benjamin and by the new and steadfast Knight of the HCE Sir Bruttus. The morale of the men was already high when James spotted a startling sight in the sky.

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The light was nearly blinding, illuminating the countryside as far as the eye could see. Recognizing the holy symbol of our lord chadz James clutched his chadzifix and prayed. Seeing this sign James and the HCE forces became galvanized by zealous faith. The men knew the battles of the day had already been won. chadz had determined the fate of the EU armies.

every hot girl above the gae of 18 should be gifted to james. also blowjobs
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Zeus_ on August 14, 2015, 03:11:01 am
a startling sight in the sky.

The light was nearly blinding, illuminating the countryside as far as the eye could see.

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Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Schoi on August 14, 2015, 07:58:06 am
NA be like

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and dis guy b all lik

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Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: BlackPanda on August 14, 2015, 09:01:01 am

North America= American

Central America= American

South American= American

HCE/supporter= American

People who accepted my 50k and blowjob: American

HoC= cucks but American Cucks <3

EU cucks= fgts irl get gud
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Voncrow on August 14, 2015, 09:47:28 am
HCE = Mad
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: njames89 on August 14, 2015, 11:15:43 am
HCE = Madly in love with America

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Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: bruttus on August 14, 2015, 12:24:58 pm
The hour was just after dusk, and the personal guard of Old King James was just arriving at the battle encampment of Emperor Bryggan. Already two fierce battles had been won that day, by Viceroy Benjamin and by the new and steadfast Knight of the HCE Sir Bruttus. The morale of the men was already high when James spotted a startling sight in the sky.

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The light was nearly blinding, illuminating the countryside as far as the eye could see. Recognizing the holy symbol of our lord chadz James clutched his chadzifix and prayed. Seeing this sign James and the HCE forces became galvanized by zealous faith. The men knew the battles of the day had already been won. chadz had determined the fate of the EU armies.

Ofcourse, I have told to the Emperor Bryggan with these exact words.
"" Here we will stand and fight; there will be no further withdrawal. I will not listen to your plans and instructions dealing with further withdrawal, Those plans and instructions are to be burned, and at once. We will stand and fight here. If we can’t stay here alive, then let us stay here dead. And when mine turn comes, I will advance, I'm not intrested in holding mine positions, or I do not wanna hear a command from anny one, ‘ hold you're position.’ We are not holding a goddamned thing. Let the German Warmachine and his Allies do that. We are advancing constantly and I am not interested in holding onto anything, except the enemy’s balls. I am going to twist his balls and kick the living shit out of him all of the time. Mine basic plan of operation is to advance and to keep on advancing regardless of whether I have to go over, under, or through the enemy. Becouse this war, mine Emperor Bryggan, is one of life or death for the Holly chadzian Empire, for the peoples of NA. The issue is whether the peoples of NA shall remain free or fall into slavery . . . There must be no room in our ranks for whimperers and cowards, for panic-mongers and deserters. Your soldiers of the Holly chadzian Empire must know no fear in fight and must selflessly join the war of liberation against the European enslavers and His NA. allies”"

"" So, mine Emperor Bryggan, King Louie, Old kings of Acre and all the other Members, from the lowest to the highest rank of oure Glorieus Empire,  I ask this: "“Shall we allow our audacious enemies to violate with impunity the territory of the Empire? Will you permit the army to escape which has carried terror into your families? You will not. March, then, to meet him. Tear from his brows the laurels he has won. Teach the world that a malediction attends those that violate the territory of the Holly chadzian Empire. The result of our efforts will be unclouded glory, and a durable peace.”"

Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: BlackPanda on August 14, 2015, 06:06:57 pm
Yay! 100  pages of autism!!!  :lol: :lol: :lol:
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Zeus_ on August 14, 2015, 07:34:49 pm
Yay! 100  pages of autism!!!  :lol: :lol: :lol:

idk, i think page 47 was on topic pretty well

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Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: njames89 on August 14, 2015, 10:09:25 pm
Yes!!! Congrats everyone 100 pages of glorious shitposting.

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Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Schoi on August 14, 2015, 10:49:53 pm

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English is English

American is like "Would you like it supersized?" "Would you like to make that a combo?" "Would you like some fries or drink?"
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Casimir on August 14, 2015, 10:56:19 pm
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Lt_Anders on August 14, 2015, 11:36:58 pm

Reported for not following Derplomacies first rule of:
No On liners.

Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Casimir on August 14, 2015, 11:52:21 pm
I mean of all the rules to call someone out on in this thread you chose that one?

Therefore, we will announce some rules that you should read closely before posting:
- no one liners - if you have something to say, put some effort in it.
- complete sentences, proper grammar - as above, put some effort in it.
- stay on topic
- no links to outside pictures, unless they really fit (ok: strategus map screenshot, not ok: link to 4chan images)
- same for youtube videos - unless you've done one yourself, it's most likely inappropiate.
- refrain from using "modern talk" - comparing a battle with the invasion of the iraq doesn't really help setting the mood
- think of it as people with messages that are getting sent to all of the lords.
- keep it in the timespan - so no talk about last strategus rounds, if possible
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Schoi on August 15, 2015, 02:23:02 am
Wow James! Thank you for all the wonderful items in the Acre armory!

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All these +0's really made me moist, so I borrowed all of them, hope you don't mind :) (I also borrowed all the +1's, +2's, and +3's!)
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Lt_Anders on August 15, 2015, 03:01:16 am
GookGuy is the name of that character ya?
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Schoi on August 15, 2015, 05:01:03 am
GookGuy is the name of that character ya?

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kicked from clan gg
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Tristan_of_Erzoth on August 15, 2015, 05:03:28 am
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kicked from clan gg
Man schoi you really ran AMOX there
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Lt_Anders on August 15, 2015, 05:24:35 am
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kicked from clan gg

Welp, you left it up in the original S.S. you provided....
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: BlackPanda on August 15, 2015, 07:27:36 am
I kicked you for obvious reasons. You also had Mathew freaking the fuck out. Quite funny.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: BlackxBird on August 15, 2015, 11:17:19 am
lol we had 600 +0 items (free to borrow) in the armoury cuz I bought every single one^^ But at one point I donated the armors/horses/ranged to peasants united :3
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: HappyPhantom on August 15, 2015, 11:29:37 am
Who the hell charges for clan armoury loans anyway?
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: BlackxBird on August 15, 2015, 11:49:11 am
well if they are +3..
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Casimir on August 15, 2015, 12:15:57 pm
To beat die Juden one must become die Juden!
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: ARN_ on August 15, 2015, 02:37:33 pm
Who the hell charges for clan armoury loans anyway?
We do, that way we can buy the banner and more looms for the armoury but then again we are communists
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: BlackxBird on August 15, 2015, 02:41:05 pm
Who the hell charges for clan armoury loans anyway?

If Acre doesn't want any money for their armoury items, how dafuq are they able to pay 600 k every battle?
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Tristan_of_Erzoth on August 15, 2015, 02:45:14 pm
If Acre doesn't want any money for their armoury items, how dafuq are they able to pay 600 k every battle?
I make like 100k+ gold a day on battle and I'm just one man. Acre has like 20 men.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: BlackxBird on August 15, 2015, 03:04:12 pm
so retarded...

It's like I make the army. I grind the troops. I trade for the money, buy the eq and than do a battle. I have to command so I can't really play.


never. lol.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: gallonigher on August 15, 2015, 07:26:13 pm
lol KUTT has 200+ MW items; all free to use.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: BlackxBird on August 15, 2015, 07:27:26 pm
every big clan has something like that.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: gallonigher on August 15, 2015, 07:28:17 pm
I didn't realize we were "big" (with 10 active players, more or less)
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: BlackxBird on August 15, 2015, 07:40:12 pm
Well but I guess you are a active clan with old players.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: njames89 on August 15, 2015, 08:55:26 pm
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Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: njames89 on August 15, 2015, 09:31:09 pm
We won the last bunch I have been to. Everyone on our side knows we are doing great  8-). Whether you see it or not doesn't matter to us.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: BlackxBird on August 15, 2015, 09:34:31 pm
The only thing I see is the map. Pretty black down here in the south.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: njames89 on August 15, 2015, 09:48:29 pm
Like I said already you attacked a faction already in a war. You proved you can fight people who are already fighting someone else.

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Oh no it happened again.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: bruttus on August 15, 2015, 09:53:42 pm
The only thing I see is the map. Pretty black down here in the south.

Maybe, but look at the North
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: BlackxBird on August 15, 2015, 10:05:46 pm
wow 4 fiefs :o
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: bruttus on August 15, 2015, 10:14:41 pm
wow 4 fiefs :o

yes, and maybe 2morow 5
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: cup457 on August 15, 2015, 11:41:41 pm
its pretty black down here in south US too
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Casimir on August 16, 2015, 12:24:58 am
its pretty black down here in south US too

Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Bryggan on August 16, 2015, 02:41:37 am
We never bitched about being attacked, we bitched about time zones.  Well, yes, we bitched, but it was all tongue in cheek propaganda.  Kinda like the pics of a fat guy eating MacDonald's and firing off an M-60 at a deer.  'Murrica, dude!'  But it was so obviously ironic that I', surprised some people got offended.  At the time the general consensus was, 'if we're going down, it is to Eu massive armies and money'.  Not a shameful way to die at all.

But we found it kind of sad that you would boast about your early victories.  Or any victories.  Not quite cool. Is it a Euro thing to try demean your enemies?  You scoffed at the stupid NA commanders, but I asked your mercs what you did different.  All they said was you used more siege equipment.  So please shut up about German efficiency.

But I will admit that if you had layered your attacks, you could have won Durquba.  But I won't believe you never tried capturing the flags.  I watched (because I could never make the battles) your guys drop flags, and our guys frantically put them up again.

In this case I agree with HOC Zeus.  And, actually, I always have.  Play to win.  Quit pissing about.  XP battles are silly.  You push to own the map, and it is fun... and futile.  The more you win, the more people are against you.  But it is fun trying.  We had planned for you to steamroll us, and when you didn't, it fuct us all up.  So try a little harder. No one believes your 'WE culda won but we chose not to,' Bullshit.  Fight like a man.  I challenge you.

Oh, and far as propaganda goes:  yes, HCE ninja rostered.  McDeath got mad at me for signing people, but he's not with us anymore.  And yes, village battles.  We did that.  But who cares about villages?  And I will admit the Natzi thing was a little far.  But in North America we got over it.  Elie Wiesal stopped hating the German people, so so did we.  I know Europeans still take it seriously, but in America we let it go.  Personally I'm still a little pissed about the 30 years war- WTF!  But my parents and grandparents were in Holland during the war, and while they hated the SS and the Gestapo and the Dutch Collaborators, they were ok with the Whermacht- ie the regular Germans.  My grandma fed some fleeing kid out of pity.  So no worries about that, for us NAers its all cool (we have notoriously short attention spans), and already worthy of joking about.

But the only thing we hated was that you came in with 30-60K shiny troops.  NA altogether did not have 30K troops.  Once we got 2-300 men, we went on the attack.  We had some excellent cat and mouse games (Yruma castle, anyone?), and, honestly, if it wasn't for the shitty rosters, it would have been great.

So, TL;DR:

Eu brought big battles: good
Eu boasts too much: bad
HCE brought down by massive Eu armies: honourable
Eu boasts about that: dishonourable
Eu wants Eu time zoned battles: sucky for me and west coasters
Eu holds off til 1-2 am their time: nice for East coasters, sucky for most Eu and NA, but wtf can you do?
Northern NA map has typical tiny NA field battles, where every game is close, and no one is ganked (Hounds of Mithrim genreally need ten less mercs to make it not a gank): thanks Eu, for getting people to actually look for battles.

So sez I!
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: BlackxBird on August 16, 2015, 04:13:26 am

So u say:

It is okay to write every day about 5 posts about NA propaganda, blame me as chocolate chip cookie and constantly tell our allies that they are traitors.

But if we say we rekt u on the battlefield, it is bs or what? The only reason why u didn't say u rekt us was that u simply didn't, and when there was a battle which was supposed to be ours and u won you were bitching about it in the forum, well, not "you". James did.

Oh and I definately told my players in almost every battle they should not aim on winning, they should aim on killing as much as possible. You can ask every single one.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Voncrow on August 16, 2015, 05:13:03 am
Oh and I definately told my players in almost every battle they should not aim on winning, they should aim on killing as much as possible. You can ask every single one.

But Blackbird, they are na cucks who can speak the truth, after all they don't fight for the glorious and honourable HCE.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Noodlenrice on August 16, 2015, 05:16:14 am
blackbird told me that if i do this, i get 2 silver
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Bryggan on August 16, 2015, 05:47:23 am
Fight to win, you pussy.  Quit pissing about.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: bruttus on August 16, 2015, 10:39:04 am
Oh and I definately told my players in almost every battle they should not aim on winning, they should aim on killing as much as possible. You can ask every single one.

Thats Bullshit Blackbird
Every Battle, I see the same people, mostly its HoC_Largos, trying to cap our flags, over and over again.
Whille you say that you order to kill as mutch as possible, still you wants to take oure flags down.

So be honnest, and admit it already
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: ARN_ on August 16, 2015, 01:31:41 pm
Fight to win, you pussy.  Quit pissing about.
Fight to win,you pussy. Start attacking.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: ARN_ on August 16, 2015, 01:33:00 pm
Thing is when Durquba falls this war is over and we wouldn't want that to happen would we
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: ARN_ on August 16, 2015, 01:41:53 pm
I think they believe you're trying your hardest already, by not attacking with 2k+ troops at a time, and by not raiding (yes, raiding is a legit strategy in EU, they only dont do it here cos NA are so anti-raiding and cos it's less fun).
It also stops factions to blob out(like HCE) as you meed a guy inside to out the gear back in if it's a real attack. But you know fuck an the game mechanics. We are acre scrubs and can't handle it as we don't know how to strat
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: BlackxBird on August 16, 2015, 03:22:57 pm
lol KUTT has 200+ MW items; all free to use.

just checked out acre armoury... xD 80 +3s. And I just noticed Acre allowes everybody to join their clan, even the enemy.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: W0LF on August 16, 2015, 05:14:29 pm
just checked out acre armoury... xD 80 +3s. And I just noticed Acre allowes everybody to join their clan, even the enemy.
Yes we aren't rich? And yes we let most people in to our clan, is that frowned upon?
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: bruttus on August 16, 2015, 05:30:18 pm
just checked out acre armoury... xD 80 +3s. And I just noticed Acre allowes everybody to join their clan, even the enemy.

So the people that are not in your clan, or are not accepted in your clan, are beneath you?
Good thinking about how to get your own clan a live
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: BlackxBird on August 16, 2015, 05:30:53 pm
u got 270 members. They can't be all poor.

So the people that are not in your clan, or are not accepted in your clan, are beneath you?
Good thinking about how to get your own clan a live

How fucking retarded are u? I did not say anything like that.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: bruttus on August 16, 2015, 05:36:59 pm
u got 270 members. They can't be all poor.

How fucking retarded are u? I did not say anything like that.

Really, becouse you tell that Acre accept everybody, so that means you don't accept anny1 who doesn't deserve your attention to join in your clan.
Thats how I made up to it.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: BlackxBird on August 16, 2015, 06:00:13 pm
lol for sure I don't accept everyone for the clan. Still not saying that everyone else is worse is it? Btw it is a german clan.. ordinary only germans can get in.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: BlackxBird on August 16, 2015, 06:27:26 pm
Are you guys associated with that one Germans-only clan that Germany had back in the early 40's.

stop it.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: mcdeath on August 16, 2015, 06:48:55 pm
Oh, and far as propaganda goes:  yes, HCE ninja rostered.  McDeath got mad at me for signing people, but he's not with us anymore. 

What the fuck does that even mean? I was never with you, I just gave merc support. I also don't even know what you're referring to about me getting mad.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Voncrow on August 16, 2015, 07:18:51 pm
On the raiding topic, I remember bryggan telling me in ts how raiding was bad for the smaller factions, which is completely incorrect. I believe this was when we first raided and some HCE leaders came in to try to talk berserks down about raiding which went to death ears.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: njames89 on August 16, 2015, 09:40:08 pm
Are you guys associated with that one Germans-only clan that Germany had back in the early 40's.

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Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: njames89 on August 17, 2015, 12:35:35 am
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Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Tristan_of_Erzoth on August 17, 2015, 02:24:50 am
What the fuck does that even mean? I was never with you, I just gave merc support. I also don't even know what you're referring to about me getting mad.
McDeath is always with us, in our memes

Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: mcdeath on August 17, 2015, 02:33:21 am
McDeath is always with us, in our memes

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Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: MiniPrima on August 17, 2015, 02:51:47 pm
i think we all should help stop ebola and donald trump

Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: StonedSteel on August 18, 2015, 12:20:35 am
Thats Bullshit Blackbird
Every Battle, I see the same people, mostly its HoC_Largos, trying to cap our flags, over and over again.
Whille you say that you order to kill as mutch as possible, still you wants to take oure flags down.

So be honnest, and admit it already

TLDR- blackbird tries to take the city in one try, without the right amount of troops or tactics. and if he does take the city in one try, he's fucked xp wise. its not about owning Durq, its about farming it. if Blackbird wanted it, he use the right amount of troops, would raid, and most importantly for a city, he would do fallow up attack. and so i ask: why not the weekend? that question right there is the key to figuring it all out.

Yo Blackybirds, who is this guy? some lad you fucked up in the past? haha he carries his grudge well, ill give him that. and he's looking for honesty huh? okay.

I fought for blackbird, he's a good lad, competent, mostly calm, but aggressive when he needs to be. At the start i didnt say much commanding wise, i didnt need to, and while its not my place to command other peoples battles, i cant help but speak up when i see the wrong things being down, or missed opportunities being overlooked.

The 1st battle, i chalked up to being the first battle, a city is a city and mistakes will happen the first few runs. by the 5th attack something was seriously fucked up, and i found my self speaking up more and more, and calling out blackbird on his constant errors, things i did not expect him to do...and it kept adding up and adding up. The final straw for me, was no weekend battle, shit, i expected 2 battles, 1 saturday, 1 sunday...ahh but that is something a conqueror would do. Blackbird is not here to conquer NA, he is here to farm it.

By the 7th attack i was convinced, playing me for a fool. These are not legit battles, things like: building more cata's than you would need, breaking more walls than you need, not pushing the same way you did at the other HCE assaults, repeating the same mistakes twice, even though said mistakes were acknowledged and meant to be improved upon.

he does tell us not to drop flags, but that is actually how you take a city in one try, you HAVE to spawn camp a flag to get timers at least 30, thats when you start dropping flags.

Why the fuck would someone waste so much to try and take a city in one shot? if they wanted to own it so badly, why not fallow up attacks? the question of why started to really irritate me, and i called him out, saying he was sabotaging his own battles / allowing the enemy to reinforce.

Some people would lie when getting called out like that, blackbird was honest as fuck, didnt deny shit, and part of me agrees, its the last fief, why not try to get the most xp out of it as you can...WHY? CUZ ITS FUCKING GAY! shame on you blackbird lol, but ya, i get it, you take Durq, ur kinda fucked xp wise, and have to forgo xp for a bit, while planning your next farming route. As long as Durq stays, the xp stays. A conqueror would have taken it long ago, i guess they feel they have conquered enough.

Why no weekend battle? because its prime time for them, not us. he doesnt HAVE to allow HCE good times, he doesnt have to let them get solid rosters...but xp wise, it is in HIS best interest to allow these things, not because it makes his chances of winning better, but because it maximized his xp gain.

and for that reason, i stopped helping them "conqueror" NA. now that i need xp over a good fight...who knows, ill i know for sure, is i feel worse for bird than i do for lost EU, idk if you were expecting a war when you came to NA, you will not find one here, if Durq falls, Bird is fucked. i imagine he'll leave it empty in the hopes HCE might retake and reinforce can hope i guess, though its not looking promising considering how many fiefs HCE have retaken.

poor EU, actually fuck EU, POOR ME, i had high hopes you would take FCC's place ( they quit under the same conditions i expect EU to quit from...lack of proper enemies )

Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: StonedSteel on August 18, 2015, 12:21:42 am

thats alot of words. least its not one of those awful RP novels.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: njames89 on August 18, 2015, 12:50:35 am
Shame its not one of those "awful" RP novels...

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Stay strong and don't fall for EU propaganda!
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: mcdeath on August 18, 2015, 01:16:50 am

thats alot of words. least its not one of those awful RP novels.

I'm getting sick of you saying you're done posting about this shit and then coming back and saying a bunch of words I don't care to read.

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Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: BlackPanda on August 18, 2015, 01:51:43 am
Plumbo i thought you were never ever writing in this thread again after your dramatic post.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Dutchydave on August 18, 2015, 02:25:23 am
yes, and maybe 2morow 5

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Most likely 3 when LL sacks New Yruma Castle this weekend, 5 shiny armies are marching  8-)
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Zeus_ on August 18, 2015, 02:55:11 am
(click to show/hide)

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Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: BlackxBird on August 18, 2015, 02:55:28 am
TLDR- blackbird tries to take the city in one try, without the right amount of troops or tactics. and if he does take the city in one try, he's fucked xp wise. its not about owning Durq, its about farming it. if Blackbird wanted it, he use the right amount of troops, would raid, and most importantly for a city, he would do fallow up attack. and so i ask: why not the weekend? that question right there is the key to figuring it all out.

Yo Blackybirds, who is this guy? some lad you fucked up in the past? haha he carries his grudge well, ill give him that. and he's looking for honesty huh? okay.

I fought for blackbird, he's a good lad, competent, mostly calm, but aggressive when he needs to be. At the start i didnt say much commanding wise, i didnt need to, and while its not my place to command other peoples battles, i cant help but speak up when i see the wrong things being down, or missed opportunities being overlooked.

The 1st battle, i chalked up to being the first battle, a city is a city and mistakes will happen the first few runs. by the 5th attack something was seriously fucked up, and i found my self speaking up more and more, and calling out blackbird on his constant errors, things i did not expect him to do...and it kept adding up and adding up. The final straw for me, was no weekend battle, shit, i expected 2 battles, 1 saturday, 1 sunday...ahh but that is something a conqueror would do. Blackbird is not here to conquer NA, he is here to farm it.

By the 7th attack i was convinced, playing me for a fool. These are not legit battles, things like: building more cata's than you would need, breaking more walls than you need, not pushing the same way you did at the other HCE assaults, repeating the same mistakes twice, even though said mistakes were acknowledged and meant to be improved upon.

he does tell us not to drop flags, but that is actually how you take a city in one try, you HAVE to spawn camp a flag to get timers at least 30, thats when you start dropping flags.

Why the fuck would someone waste so much to try and take a city in one shot? if they wanted to own it so badly, why not fallow up attacks? the question of why started to really irritate me, and i called him out, saying he was sabotaging his own battles / allowing the enemy to reinforce.

Some people would lie when getting called out like that, blackbird was honest as fuck, didnt deny shit, and part of me agrees, its the last fief, why not try to get the most xp out of it as you can...WHY? CUZ ITS FUCKING GAY! shame on you blackbird lol, but ya, i get it, you take Durq, ur kinda fucked xp wise, and have to forgo xp for a bit, while planning your next farming route. As long as Durq stays, the xp stays. A conqueror would have taken it long ago, i guess they feel they have conquered enough.

Why no weekend battle? because its prime time for them, not us. he doesnt HAVE to allow HCE good times, he doesnt have to let them get solid rosters...but xp wise, it is in HIS best interest to allow these things, not because it makes his chances of winning better, but because it maximized his xp gain.

and for that reason, i stopped helping them "conqueror" NA. now that i need xp over a good fight...who knows, ill i know for sure, is i feel worse for bird than i do for lost EU, idk if you were expecting a war when you came to NA, you will not find one here, if Durq falls, Bird is fucked. i imagine he'll leave it empty in the hopes HCE might retake and reinforce can hope i guess, though its not looking promising considering how many fiefs HCE have retaken.

poor EU, actually fuck EU, POOR ME, i had high hopes you would take FCC's place ( they quit under the same conditions i expect EU to quit from...lack of proper enemies )

no need to take durquba. I don't want to fight anyone else but HCE/Acre and my looooooooong holidays are almost over. I'm doing EVERYTHING on my own. Every army. Every move of my players is ordered by me. Right now I made sure nobody can kick us outta NA^^ especially not acre. As it seems I can tell u acre guys exactly what I'm doing on the map and you won't do shit anyways. so: As long as they are at durquba, I don't have to care about them lol. Partly we had only 500 troops in NA and those tards did not noticed that. Hell, we had partly only 2 players there. AND REALLY?! U kick atze outta NA while he was leader of Bardaq.... We had eq for 15K troops in there. About 350 items xD We did not eq any of the castles again. You guys could have kicked us outta NA within 1 day lol. 5 peasant battles and it would have been over xD

But as it seems it worked lol ^^ By telling u guys you are pussies and you are damn bad I made u
1st: Defensive. You know you would get rekt in a serious siege against us (I mean when u attack) So u didn't try :D Now the fiefs are geared. Hell you can't even move armies anymore cuz of 4 2K field armies in the desert xD
2nd: You thought it was intelligent and effective to not attack us. You thought defending was good xD. You were like "omg we killed 15 k troops of them at Durquba omg omg we soo good" Guess u guys noticed that there was no attack when u were down to about 1000 troops? AND OMG THE MATTHEW STORY. And that thing with the fail attack when we attacked u and I was like lol u retards, now u got no armors. I guess u really thought there I want the city pretty bad, did u? :D  Too damn funny. Plumbo, I knew you would write something like that and make them thinking. They will be like "oh that's only propaganda, but maaaaaaaybe...". Hell, at one point they were playing for XP too.  Lol. U guys didn't even notice this is a real war. By following ur rules I was able to keep those gentlement agreements. Hell y would I pay mercs for 15 mio if this was a joke.

By attacking Durquba and grinding it down, I made sure that all of your support all over the world will be dead. Still somewhere will be something. But at one point, when I actually want to kill you - I CAN. Cuz you guys can't do shit anymore.

For sure I could have conquered Durquba with the 5th - 10 th try. But, then there would be tons of ur players running around. Hell, I'm no hardcore nerd and my men aren't either. U guys were just hanging out at Durquba doing nothing. Chilling. Well. GG. U made it sooo damn easy for me, gotta really thank u there! You guys just lost tons of area, HCE splitted (as it seems some came back but who dafuq cares about brygg. But talking to him and his forum RP I haven't ever seen something from him).

Well, thank u. Plumbo, James and all the Acre, Bryggan, all those propagandapandas. Oh and btw sorry plumbo. Stop thinking too difficult lol. This is strat, not real life politic xD. If you think as simple as possible, you will see what actually happens. Somebody just told me: "You see, what you want to see". Mate, u just wanted to get a reason to get outta this shit and to do some genius comments :D

Oh and btw, by keeping friendly with the rest of NA and getting dutchy as a really good friend (not joking, that guy rox!) I did not have to attack u in the north lol xD Was already asking my self how dafuq I get that many players to keep the south and attack the north, but yolo. Dutchy bro u got this up there :D Gimme the chance to command once and this shittard village called yruma will be down in 20 minutes.

STILL: This is a game. It is fun for me to play it, that's the reason for it. I didn't want to win this war by flagcapping, simply at grinding u down.

That's no lie now, or sarcasm at all:

I hope I brought you guys really some fun back in this game! I hope some actually really came back to defend against the EU overlords! I hope this wasn't just fun for me. Actually I guess this was the last real war in strat. When the north is dead and you guys sit at durquba I hope u guys finally understand that a war is not made out of one faction attacking the other. Still I hope u enjoyed the XP, I hope u enjoyed the battles. I hope u learnt something, as I absolutely learnt something! Bardaq castle was probably the 5th siege or something I am leading xD U may noticed that I should have done some things different. But at Ahmerrad u probably saw that something changed. A city.. with 500 troops. Hell I'm great :3 Btw the attacker of that fief forgot about the crime so we lost the 1500 troops anyways lol  :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: BlackxBird on August 18, 2015, 03:05:18 am
btw the funeral of my granny is tomorrow and it's 3 AM now. I expect 10 +1s for doing this shit now xD I guess I cant sleep anyways, so let the drama begin  :twisted:
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Casimir on August 18, 2015, 03:05:47 am

Hell, I'm no hardcore nerd

Greatest lie since december 2010
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Tristan_of_Erzoth on August 18, 2015, 03:12:27 am
btw the funeral of my granny is tomorrow and it's 3 AM now. I expect 10 +1s for doing this shit now xD

Your grandmothers funeral is tomorrow and you're fucking around in strat? You sure you aren't a hardcore nerd? Get the fuck off your computer and go to bed so you can pay your respects something proper. Like shit man that's your fucking grandma.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: BlackxBird on August 18, 2015, 03:15:12 am
Cant sleep for the second day now you damn son of a bitch. That woman was fucking important for me.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: StonedSteel on August 18, 2015, 03:39:19 am
"Stop thinking too difficult lol. This is strat, not real life politic xD".  nah bro, this is like GOT irl brah, this aint no game man its lifestyle choice, i live it, breathe it, eat it. it keeps me fed.


no but seriously though

"Mate, u just wanted to get a reason to get outta this shit and to do some genius comments :D"

you got me.

but most some of that is true, you ARE farming them for xp, you COULD take the fief, fully knowing, it doesnt matter if they're players are running around or all in one spot, tying them down dont matter. you arnt concerned about their support, and you probably arnt too worried about them attacking. you dont want the fief.
nah man, it WAS a real war. now idk what it is.

thx for coming though, ya i imagine most of us had fun. plus, 105 pages of mind numbingly nonsensical bullshit...Daruvian would be proud.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Tristan_of_Erzoth on August 18, 2015, 03:44:05 am
thx for coming though, ya i imagine most of us had fun. plus, 105 pages of mind numbingly nonsensical bullshit...Daruvian would be proud.
I had fun
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: njames89 on August 18, 2015, 04:10:24 am
I found entire galleries of Allied/American propaganda. Pretty fun.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Voncrow on August 18, 2015, 04:34:20 am
James you need to learn to life and let life.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Tristan_of_Erzoth on August 18, 2015, 08:16:21 am
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Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: njames89 on August 18, 2015, 08:49:19 am
Couple screens of the recent fights I uploaded to moddb!

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Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Schoi on August 18, 2015, 09:15:19 am
James irl

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Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: bruttus on August 18, 2015, 10:11:54 am
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Most likely 3 when LL sacks New Yruma Castle this weekend, 5 shiny armies are marching  8-)

To be Honest, I was hoping you would do that.
Its all calculated in mine grand plan in fighting back in the north
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Gryph_Hawkshade on August 18, 2015, 04:46:29 pm
I don't get why peoples still be hating on James so much... Hes actually a super duper nice guy.   Did you come to a verbal disagreement with him?
He may not always be the most tactful when it comes to wordsmithing what an idiot you are being(especially if hes had a few canadian brew)... but it's no reason for you hippy dippy lemmings to hold a grudge..  :p
Unlike most of you pancake humpers he takes in new players left right and center. He encourages new people to join, doesnt waste his time try-harding and James nado-ing. Hes always teaching some noobs tons of stuff about CRPG, I would have lost patience already after years of 'kids' hoppin in teamspeak and pickin fights.

Hes done a great job of holding together a group of very different personalities.... its like hating politicians for no other reason than flippin the bird to the man.
I really like all the strat battles that have been happening recently, even though its slowed down a bit recently, so thx for that invading forces.

I just want you people to realize one thing....... We are all addicted to CRPG.... find your inner james and be a little nicer. Haters..

*This message not brought to you by James propaganda campaign.*
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: traxits on August 18, 2015, 06:06:44 pm
hey guys remember that time cmp banned chosen1 because he had a different opinion on something
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: cup457 on August 18, 2015, 07:45:06 pm
Remember when cmp gave some guy an essay ban on the glories of communism. Or was kesh talking about chosen1 being cool
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Lt_Anders on August 18, 2015, 10:07:27 pm
hey guys remember that time cmp banned chosen1 because he had a different opinion on something'-it-happened-agin!/msg1087962/#msg1087962
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: njames89 on August 18, 2015, 10:09:20 pm
Never forget the KBW strat thread Chosen1 made. That shit was pure gold.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: StonedSteel on August 18, 2015, 10:13:57 pm
VC day?

- "After a surprise attack led by the treacherous "Basement Fox" Field Marshal Keshian..."

lol ya, gotta hand it to him, that was chosens golden moment, even people who completely hated that weirdo had to admit, that post was pure gold.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: njames89 on August 18, 2015, 10:49:33 pm
Haha yes that is the one. He really was the chosen one.

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I don't get why peoples still be hating on James so much... Hes actually a super duper nice guy.   Did you come to a verbal disagreement with him?
He may not always be the most tactful when it comes to wordsmithing what an idiot you are being(especially if hes had a few canadian brew)... but it's no reason for you hippy dippy lemmings to hold a grudge..  :p
Unlike most of you pancake humpers he takes in new players left right and center. He encourages new people to join, doesnt waste his time try-harding and James nado-ing. Hes always teaching some noobs tons of stuff about CRPG, I would have lost patience already after years of 'kids' hoppin in teamspeak and pickin fights.

Hes done a great job of holding together a group of very different personalities.... its like hating politicians for no other reason than flippin the bird to the man.
I really like all the strat battles that have been happening recently, even though its slowed down a bit recently, so thx for that invading forces.

I just want you people to realize one thing....... We are all addicted to CRPG.... find your inner james and be a little nicer. Haters..

Well said Gryphter.

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Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: mcdeath on August 19, 2015, 02:49:23 am
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This gif literally brought a tear to my eye.

I remember watching this game as the bruins went on to go and lose the finals while feeling nostalgic of the win two years prior when everyone had counted them out. Rene while not being a very talented signer has become the only person I want to hear sing the National Anthem. He lacks talent in vocals but he makes up for it with his fiery persona.
It also reminds me of Boston dedicating their amazing 2012-2013 season after the Boston Marathon bombing.
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The Boston Bruins never were a team of elite hockey players but god damn were they tough sons of bitches. That 2011 team brought back the old school ways of classic Bruins hockey and now, that team is gone.
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It is truly amazing how one picture can spark up so much emotion.

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Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: woody on August 19, 2015, 06:49:25 pm
Canadian games teacher I used to work with said Ice Hockey in the 80s was the toughest game he ever played. The guy was a psycho on the rugby pitch so it must have been mental if he thought it was tough.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: BlackxBird on August 19, 2015, 09:08:22 pm
could somebody plz tell my why half of the acre clan is adding me in steam to their "FRIENDLIST"? No one of them but "blue" or whatever u call him told me something actually important. Got now about 15 enemies in my friendlist who added me and were like "just added u to have u in my friendlist". If you guys wanna be my friends, give me strat troops.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Schoi on August 19, 2015, 09:18:44 pm
could somebody plz tell my why half of the acre clan is adding me in steam to their "FRIENDLIST"? No one of them but "blue" or whatever u call him told me something actually important. Got now about 15 enemies in my friendlist who added me and were like "just added u to have u in my friendlist". If you guys wanna be my friends, give me strat troops.

errybudy wants a piece o dat german cock u no wat m sayin
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: bruttus on August 19, 2015, 09:20:48 pm
could somebody plz tell my why half of the acre clan is adding me in steam to their "FRIENDLIST"? No one of them but "blue" or whatever u call him told me something actually important. Got now about 15 enemies in my friendlist who added me and were like "just added u to have u in my friendlist". If you guys wanna be my friends, give me strat troops.
becouse your special
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Tristan_of_Erzoth on August 19, 2015, 09:23:27 pm
could somebody plz tell my why half of the acre clan is adding me in steam to their "FRIENDLIST"? No one of them but "blue" or whatever u call him told me something actually important. Got now about 15 enemies in my friendlist who added me and were like "just added u to have u in my friendlist". If you guys wanna be my friends, give me strat troops.
I'm friends with Dutchy on steam despite the fact that we're always against each other, and I'd still call him a friend. Believe it or not its a game and you can be friends with the people you fight. Also friends dont demand stuff from their friends lol
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: BlackxBird on August 19, 2015, 09:37:29 pm
You added me on steam and I: 1.) Don't play strat 2.) Am obviously sympathetic to Acre 3.) Have called you a chocolate chip cookie from the get-go.

added u probably in the beginning to tell you when the battles are. But actually if you have someone on ur friendlist there should be reason, even if they are no twats when they don't talk about strat they still add me and then don't even want to talk to me...
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: njames89 on August 19, 2015, 09:42:23 pm
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Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Dex_Atromis on August 19, 2015, 11:49:43 pm
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Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Dex_Atromis on August 20, 2015, 11:33:13 am
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Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Dex_Atromis on August 20, 2015, 11:34:45 am
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Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Moncho on August 20, 2015, 12:07:45 pm
Who is this Dues dude and why should anyone care about what he wants?
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: FRANK_THE_TANK on August 20, 2015, 03:40:21 pm
NA people put your hatred of each other aside. EU is invading NA. Are you going to sign for foreign powers or band together for our country?

North America is a continent not a country.

Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Bronto on August 20, 2015, 05:11:24 pm
North America is a continent not a country.


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Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Jona on August 20, 2015, 05:54:33 pm
North America is a continent not a country.


Whoa, you're still alive. I was afraid you might have fallen into a ditch during one of your drunken escapades. Welcome back!
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: xxkaliboyx on August 20, 2015, 07:24:54 pm
North America is a continent not a country.


Don't listen to the Canadian propaganda. This is Physiological warefare at its finest. When I attacked as few days ago the evil Canadian empire called me EU! Me, Fucking me a EU. I'm in the US Army, I drive a big ass truck, lived in a trailer, drink Pat's Blue Ribbon and my name in game is Merrrrrica. It doesn't get more American then me but yet they call me EU. Frank, don't fall for it.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: njames89 on August 20, 2015, 08:39:43 pm
Don't listen to the Canadian propaganda. This is Physiological warefare at its finest. When I attacked as few days ago the evil Canadian empire called me EU! Me, Fucking me a EU. I'm in the US Army, I drive a big ass truck, lived in a trailer, drink Pat's Blue Ribbon and my name in game is Merrrrrica. It doesn't get more American then me but yet they call me EU. Frank, don't fall for it.

Pretty simple really. You are fighting for an eu invasion of north america...

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Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: ARN_ on August 20, 2015, 09:03:05 pm
Pretty simple really. You are fighting for an Eques/Kalmar invasion of HCE...
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: njames89 on August 20, 2015, 09:10:14 pm
HCE is an NA faction  :rolleyes:
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: xxkaliboyx on August 20, 2015, 09:15:06 pm
Pretty simple really. You are fighting for an eu invasion of north america...

Your psyc warefare skill is great, I admit that but it's still bullshit. So everyone that MERC against the Evil Canadian Empire EU? That doesn't make sense. Last I checked I wasn't in the EU faction, The Great Skinvidian Army is made up of all NA players and we and I aren't vessals. All we have literally done is Merc against the Canadian propaganda machine. We been fighting Acre for over a year now and all of a sudden. We are EU? Squids/AoW been against Acre way before EU even thought of coming to NA. I will await your new poster. I really am a fan of the propaganda
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: xxkaliboyx on August 20, 2015, 09:16:34 pm
HCE is an Canadian* faction  :rolleyes:

Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Voncrow on August 20, 2015, 09:20:36 pm
HCE is an NA faction  :rolleyes:

HCE is an NA faction, not NA. You do not comprise every faction on our side of the map and therefore don't constitute an NA invasion.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: njames89 on August 20, 2015, 09:21:56 pm
The leader of the faction is an American as are more than half our members. Nearly 100% of our players are North or South American. Hate if you want to hate for no reason, but I suggest the path of tolerance. Try to not let hate breed inside you! You should know it only motivates our group more.

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If you see your flag down here and aren't fighting to defend your NA brethren it is a sad reflection on NA strat.

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Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Voncrow on August 20, 2015, 09:29:47 pm
Someone who disagrees with the facts of a situation is obviously just a hater.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: njames89 on August 20, 2015, 09:31:08 pm
I agree the facts are rough for you perhaps to accept Voncrow. But no doubt it is a fact that you are fighting with an EU invasion of NA. Indisputable fact.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: bruttus on August 20, 2015, 09:38:13 pm
The leader of the faction is an American as are more than half our members. Nearly 100% of our players are North or South American. Hate if you want to hate for no reason, but I suggest the path of tolerance. Try to not let hate breed inside you! You should know it only motivates our group more.

Don't forget james, You have a couple EU players in the faction also :)

Also, If I'm not wrong, every Strat that I have been in, NA Always joined up together when they see that EU isn't helping the NA faction that has asked them to help, but taking lands and fiefs. for the glory of EU. But now I see that that the most NA factions don't give a F..k that EU is taking NA lands
A couple post ago, Blackbird gave up the area that he wants to take from NA, and you are all fine with that.

And now the 1 milj. question. What you gonna do when HCE is wiped out?
Peace and Harmony?
Free trade for all?
Or all back fighting each other, and asking to EU to come and destroy that other faction.

Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: njames89 on August 20, 2015, 09:39:03 pm
No doubt we have several Honorary Americans that have joined the good fight for freedom from abroad.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Schoi on August 20, 2015, 09:53:11 pm
I find looking at my diarrhea and then wiping my ass more entertaining than looking at this thread.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Holiday203 on August 20, 2015, 09:53:57 pm
I agree the facts are rough for you perhaps to accept Voncrow. But no doubt it is a fact that you are fighting with an EU invasion of NA. Indisputable fact.
You are not NA
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Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Dex_Atromis on August 20, 2015, 10:03:05 pm
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Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: njames89 on August 20, 2015, 10:07:08 pm
I will say we are also interested in even rosters. Back then we wanted to make sure FCC didn't steamroll our swedish friends who were not invading NA at the time. Several of who fight with us as honorary Americans today.

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Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: CALAMARI on August 20, 2015, 10:07:48 pm
Lets not forget about this eu invasion NA merc force...
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Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: xxkaliboyx on August 20, 2015, 10:08:04 pm
The scandal, the treachery, the hatred, the love..... we need someone to make all this into a movie. At least a 7 second Vine video.

You are not NA
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Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Holiday203 on August 20, 2015, 10:14:33 pm
I will say we are also interested in even rosters. Back then we wanted to make sure FCC didn't steamroll our swedish friends who were not invading NA at the time. Several of who fight with us as honorary Americans today.

Handing out NA fiefs to EU bahahaha you hypocrite.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: chesterotab on August 20, 2015, 10:18:51 pm
I will say we are also interested in even rosters.

15/20 squids vs 24/35 Libre and you mercd for EU.

you absolutely were not interested in even rosters or NA, you just wanted squids to lose.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: njames89 on August 20, 2015, 10:20:47 pm
Never have I said that I dislike or disapprove of eu players individually. But a massive invasion of a large swathe of NA by EU I do not support. Grandmom, Larvae, Woody, Kalitorian, all these guys were really fun to play with. Their intention in NA was not to disturb NA and to hold one or two fiefs. Quite different from the Blitzkrieg of Herr Blackbird.

I can understand why you might think that Chester. The reality is I am interested in even rosters. Sometimes they become uneven even with the best effort from both sides.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Dex_Atromis on August 20, 2015, 10:30:36 pm
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Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: njames89 on August 20, 2015, 10:31:44 pm
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Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Dex_Atromis on August 20, 2015, 10:34:01 pm
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Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Zeus_ on August 20, 2015, 10:34:49 pm
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286k? I'm sorry to say it holiday, but you're poor.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: njames89 on August 20, 2015, 10:44:42 pm
I actually am enjoying an icy pabst right now  :lol:
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: xxkaliboyx on August 20, 2015, 10:47:49 pm
I actually am enjoying an icy pabst right now  :lol:

Your saying it wrong, its PATS *opens a bottle of Nillers Lite*
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: StonedSteel on August 20, 2015, 11:43:24 pm
Why hello everyone, how are you lads? would you like to play a game? fantastic! lets begin.

Its an easy game, very straight forward, simply answer yes, or no, to the fallowing 20 statements. Enjoy!

1: James is Canadian
2: Brygg is Canadian
3: Canada is part of North America
4: HCE have never chanted "go North America" ( or made any post implying that they were North Americans )
5: United States is also in North America
6: The words Merrica and USA, refer to The United States of America
7: Canada is not part of The United States of America
8: Eu strat is bugged and cannot be played
9: HCE is the closest target EU players entering NA have
10: EU strat is bugged and cannot be played
11: NA strat is not bugged and can be played
12: EU strat is bugged and cannot be played
13: Beating a dead horse is only done by other people and never yourself
14: HCE never says the same thing repeatedly, thus never beats a dead horse
15: EU rosters have NA players on it
16: NA rosters have EU players on it
17: Helping EU fight NA is wrong
18: Helping EU fight Kesh is right
19: HCE stands for Holy chadzian Empire
20: Do you know what the word Empire means

This concludes our survey! thank you for participating, and have a great day!
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: bruttus on August 20, 2015, 11:46:55 pm
Why hello everyone, how are you lads? would you like to play a game? fantastic! lets begin.

Its an easy game, very straight forward, simply answer yes, or no, to the fallowing 20 statements. Enjoy!

1: James is Canadian
2: Brygg is Canadian
3: Canada is part of North America
4: HCE have never chanted "go North America" ( or made any post implying that they were North Americans )
5: United States is also in North America
6: The words Merrica and USA, refer to The United States of America
7: Canada is not part of The United States of America
8: Eu strat is bugged and cannot be played
9: HCE is the closest target EU players entering NA have
10: EU strat is bugged and cannot be played
11: NA strat is not bugged and can be played
12: EU strat is bugged and cannot be played
13: Beating a dead horse is only done by other people and never yourself
14: HCE never says the same thing repeatedly, thus never beats a dead horse
15: EU rosters have NA players on it
16: NA rosters have EU players on it
17: Helping EU fight NA is wrong
18: Helping EU fight Kesh is right
19: HCE stands for Holy chadzian Empire
20: Do you know what the word Empire means

This concludes our survey! thank you for participating, and have a great day!

So whats your point?
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: xxkaliboyx on August 21, 2015, 12:33:35 am
The "Rabbit Hole" is deeper than we thought guys. Conspiracy theory nuts are going crazy right now. I wouldn't be surprise if chadz was behind all this....dun dun dun

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Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: BlackxBird on August 21, 2015, 09:02:25 am
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like.... really?! We believe our own shitposts? I mean... is it like that we do too much propaganda? If yes I'll just tell all of my friends to stop doing propaganda. btw could plz both sides stop to QQ? If I write a big "fuck u" post and than there are 2 sites within about 1 days nobody will see it  :cry:
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: BlackxBird on August 21, 2015, 09:04:10 am
Never have I said that I dislike or disapprove of eu players individually. But a massive invasion of a large swathe of NA by EU I do not support. Grandmom, Larvae, Woody, Kalitorian, all these guys were really fun to play with. Their intention in NA was not to disturb NA and to hold one or two fiefs. Quite different from the Blitzkrieg of Herr Blackbird.

I can understand why you might think that Chester. The reality is I am interested in even rosters. Sometimes they become uneven even with the best effort from both sides.

even rosters?! Check the picture when u applied for us. 35 vs 20 is even in ur opinion, as long as u're on the side of the 35?
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: bruttus on August 21, 2015, 09:53:39 am
even rosters?! Check the picture when u applied for us. 35 vs 20 is even in ur opinion, as long as u're on the side of the 35?
sorry that so manny people where fighting against you, you can't blame them
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: BlackxBird on August 21, 2015, 10:04:08 am
sorry that so manny people where fighting against you, you can't blame them

omg bruttus turn on ur brain.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: BlackxBird on August 21, 2015, 10:08:13 am
You are not NA
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check the second picture.

btw when was that battle? xD Warlord didn't play for ages :o
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: bruttus on August 21, 2015, 10:32:27 am
Ow now I see it, and you are still whinning like a little bitch about how unfair Acre is
From what I see, is that Acre helped you out.
So I still don't see the problem
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: BlackxBird on August 21, 2015, 10:45:37 am
Ow now I see it, and you are still whinning like a little bitch about how unfair Acre is
From what I see, is that Acre helped you out.
So I still don't see the problem

acre is unfair? Why are they unfair?
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: BlackPanda on August 21, 2015, 10:59:03 am
Hey Plumtard ive said North America in a nice chunk of my post. Honestly there are middle schoolers with x5 your mental capacity.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: mcdeath on August 21, 2015, 01:59:05 pm
This is Physiological warefare, someone fetch my Pat's Blue Ribbon.

Jimmy Johnson sucks! PBR RULES
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: bruttus on August 21, 2015, 03:01:12 pm
even rosters?! Check the picture when u applied for us. 35 vs 20 is even in ur opinion, as long as u're on the side of the 35?

Becouse of this
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Zeus_ on August 21, 2015, 03:07:48 pm
Im really starting to dislike you all as each day passes by.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Mr.K. on August 21, 2015, 03:09:00 pm
Never have I said that I dislike or disapprove of eu players individually. But a massive invasion of a large swathe of NA by EU I do not support. Grandmom, Larvae, Woody, Kalitorian, all these guys were really fun to play with. Their intention in NA was not to disturb NA and to hold one or two fiefs. Quite different from the Blitzkrieg of Herr Blackbird.

Yeah, sure it was :D It's a war game, we didn't come to NA a year ago to play trade simulator either...

Basically how we played it this time is almost the exact same as last time we came with Kali and the Coorporation. Made an alliance with part of the NA map and were going to attack something at some point. The difference is that now you're on the other side and we weren't wiped by Druzhina a week before, but have gear and gold to do it immediately. Another difference is that it got dull really quickly this time :( Oh and blitzkrieg is how we like to operate when we can, taking control of the situation, making ourselves look much stronger than we actually are.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: cup457 on August 21, 2015, 03:40:50 pm
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This is North America for those of you who don't know. Last I checked Canada was part of NA and the majority of people in Acre were Americans. From what I've read these eurocucks seem to say is that HCE does not equal all of NA,well obviously, HCe isnt every member of NA, but saying it is a NA invasion is not wrong because Eques is invading North American strategus. In real life people usually say what specific country and a specific region as possible so as to not lead to confusion, but saying the continent is not incorrect. I can't speak for any other country but here in America, I don't need a reason to do anything. I don't need a reason to play video games for every single hour of my free time, or buy more guns than I should. Our constitution is there to guarantee rights given to us by God, not to restrict us. I don't need a reason to insult you cucklords, or fight against you in a worthless video game. I can do as a please as long as I dont interfere with your God-given rights. So fuck you plumbo, fuck you voncrow, and fuck you lotr bundle of stickss (make your own rp) and you can't tell me what propaganda I can or cannot use because fuck you I DO WAT I WANT.
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Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Keshian_ on August 21, 2015, 03:57:50 pm
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
  (Redirected from Hypocrite)

Hypocrisy is the claim or pretense of holding beliefs, feelings, standards, qualities, opinions, behaviors, virtues, motivations, or other characteristics that one does not actually hold. Hypocrisy is not simply failing to practice those virtues that one preaches. Samuel Johnson made this point when he wrote about the misuse of the charge of "hypocrisy" in Rambler No. 14: acutely means you say don't do that when you are doing it yourself.

Recent studies in psychology have identified the evolutionary bases and the mental mechanisms of hypocrisy, tracing its roots to adaptations that serve contradictory functions in the human brain, and to cognitive biases and distortions that predispose humans to readily perceive and condemn faults in others, while failing to perceive and condemn faults of their own.

Evolutionary bases

Power magnifies these effects. People in power are more likely to commit infidelity[5] and to condemn immorality.[6]

Hypocrisy has long been of interest to psychologists. Pioneer C. G. Jung attributed it to those who are not aware of the dark or shadow-side of their nature.[7] Recent studies have focused on mental characteristics and mechanisms to better understand hypocrisy.

Preference for the effortless[edit]
Niccolò Machiavelli noted that "the mass of mankind accept what seems as what is; nay, are often touched more nearly by appearances than by realities".[8] Natural selection works by the principle of survival of the fittest, and several researchers have shown that humans evolved to play the game of life in a Machiavellian way.[9] The best way to cultivate a reputation for fairness is to really be fair. But since it is much harder to be fair than to seem fair, and since laziness is built deep into human nature,[10] humans more often choose appearance over reality.[11]

"So convenient a thing is it to be a reasonable creature, since it enables one to find or make a reason for everything one has a mind to do."[12] Benjamin Franklin's observation has been confirmed by recent studies in self-deception.[13] In everyday reasoning, humans do little to get real evidence when taking positions or making decisions, and do even less to get evidence for opposing positions. Instead, they tend to fabricate "pseudo-evidence"[14] – often after the decision had already been made (“post hoc fabrication”).[15]

Moreover, humans tend to think highly of themselves, highlighting strengths and achievements, and overlooking weakness and failures (the “self-serving bias”). This is particularly true of Canadians: when asked to rate themselves on virtues, skills, or other desirable traits (including ethics, intelligence, driving ability, and sexual skills), a large majority say they are above average.[18] Power and privilege magnify the distortion: 94% of college professors think that they do above average work.[19] This effect is weaker in Asian countries and in other cultures which value the group more highly than the self.[20]

Robert Wright wrote that "Human beings are a species splendid in their array of moral equipment, tragic in their propensity to misuse it, and pathetic in their constitutional ignorance of the misuse."[21] Humans are very good at challenging the beliefs of other people, but when it comes to their own beliefs, they tend to protect them, not challenge them.[22] A consistent finding of psychological research is that humans are fairly accurate in their perceptions of others, but generally inaccurate in their perceptions of themselves.[23] Humans tend to judge others by their behavior, but think they have special information about themselves – that they know what they are "really like" inside – and thus effortlessly find ways to explain away selfish acts, and maintain the illusion that they are better than others.[24]

The myth of pure evil[edit]
This distortion – hypocrisy in its most destructive form – is characterized by the belief that (1) evil is the intentional and gratuitous infliction of harm for its own sake, (2) perpetrated by villains who are malevolent to the core, (3) inflicted on victims who are innocent and good.[25] Psychologists call this a myth because believing in this fiction often blinds one to the reality that evil is in fact perpetrated mainly by ordinary people, who respond to perceived harms, including “provocations” by their victims, in ways they feel are reasonable and just.[26] Evil is not rare – it is commonplace, banal.[27] And all humans are capable of evil acts. Psychologists like Jonathan Haidt and Steven Pinker maintain that most if not all the major atrocities in human history were carried out by ordinary people who believed that they were good, that they were innocent victims – that they had God on their side – and that their enemies were pure evil.[28]

See also[edit]
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: ARN_ on August 21, 2015, 03:59:12 pm
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This is North America for those of you who don't know. Last I checked Canada was part of NA and the majority of people in Acre were Americans. From what I've read these eurocucks seem to say is that HCE does not equal all of NA,well obviously, HCe isnt every member of NA, but saying it is a NA invasion is not wrong because Eques is invading North American strategus. In real life people usually say what specific country and a specific region as possible so as to not lead to confusion, but saying the continent is not incorrect. I can't speak for any other country but here in America, I don't need a reason to do anything. I don't need a reason to play video games for every single hour of my free time, or buy more guns than I should. Our constitution is there to guarantee rights given to us by God, not to restrict us. I don't need a reason to insult you cucklords, or fight against you in a worthless video game. I can do as a please as long as I dont interfere with your God-given rights. So fuck you plumbo, fuck you voncrow, and fuck you lotr bundle of stickss (make your own rp) and you can't tell me what propaganda I can or cannot use because fuck you I DO WAT I WANT.
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Well here in Europe we don't need any "God" to tell us what rights we should and should not have... Seems kinda silly to me
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: cup457 on August 21, 2015, 04:13:02 pm
im a piece of shit obviously since i spend all my time playing video games, i will admit that, but so are you
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: bruttus on August 21, 2015, 04:46:51 pm
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
  (Redirected from Hypocrite)

Hypocrisy is the claim or pretense of holding beliefs, feelings, standards, qualities, opinions, behaviors, virtues, motivations, or other characteristics that one does not actually hold. Hypocrisy is not simply failing to practice those virtues that one preaches. Samuel Johnson made this point when he wrote about the misuse of the charge of "hypocrisy" in Rambler No. 14: acutely means you say don't do that when you are doing it yourself.

Recent studies in psychology have identified the evolutionary bases and the mental mechanisms of hypocrisy, tracing its roots to adaptations that serve contradictory functions in the human brain, and to cognitive biases and distortions that predispose humans to readily perceive and condemn faults in others, while failing to perceive and condemn faults of their own.

Evolutionary bases

Power magnifies these effects. People in power are more likely to commit infidelity[5] and to condemn immorality.[6]

Hypocrisy has long been of interest to psychologists. Pioneer C. G. Jung attributed it to those who are not aware of the dark or shadow-side of their nature.[7] Recent studies have focused on mental characteristics and mechanisms to better understand hypocrisy.

Preference for the effortless[edit]
Niccolò Machiavelli noted that "the mass of mankind accept what seems as what is; nay, are often touched more nearly by appearances than by realities".[8] Natural selection works by the principle of survival of the fittest, and several researchers have shown that humans evolved to play the game of life in a Machiavellian way.[9] The best way to cultivate a reputation for fairness is to really be fair. But since it is much harder to be fair than to seem fair, and since laziness is built deep into human nature,[10] humans more often choose appearance over reality.[11]

"So convenient a thing is it to be a reasonable creature, since it enables one to find or make a reason for everything one has a mind to do."[12] Benjamin Franklin's observation has been confirmed by recent studies in self-deception.[13] In everyday reasoning, humans do little to get real evidence when taking positions or making decisions, and do even less to get evidence for opposing positions. Instead, they tend to fabricate "pseudo-evidence"[14] – often after the decision had already been made (“post hoc fabrication”).[15]

Moreover, humans tend to think highly of themselves, highlighting strengths and achievements, and overlooking weakness and failures (the “self-serving bias”). This is particularly true of Canadians: when asked to rate themselves on virtues, skills, or other desirable traits (including ethics, intelligence, driving ability, and sexual skills), a large majority say they are above average.[18] Power and privilege magnify the distortion: 94% of college professors think that they do above average work.[19] This effect is weaker in Asian countries and in other cultures which value the group more highly than the self.[20]

Robert Wright wrote that "Human beings are a species splendid in their array of moral equipment, tragic in their propensity to misuse it, and pathetic in their constitutional ignorance of the misuse."[21] Humans are very good at challenging the beliefs of other people, but when it comes to their own beliefs, they tend to protect them, not challenge them.[22] A consistent finding of psychological research is that humans are fairly accurate in their perceptions of others, but generally inaccurate in their perceptions of themselves.[23] Humans tend to judge others by their behavior, but think they have special information about themselves – that they know what they are "really like" inside – and thus effortlessly find ways to explain away selfish acts, and maintain the illusion that they are better than others.[24]

The myth of pure evil[edit]
This distortion – hypocrisy in its most destructive form – is characterized by the belief that (1) evil is the intentional and gratuitous infliction of harm for its own sake, (2) perpetrated by villains who are malevolent to the core, (3) inflicted on victims who are innocent and good.[25] Psychologists call this a myth because believing in this fiction often blinds one to the reality that evil is in fact perpetrated mainly by ordinary people, who respond to perceived harms, including “provocations” by their victims, in ways they feel are reasonable and just.[26] Evil is not rare – it is commonplace, banal.[27] And all humans are capable of evil acts. Psychologists like Jonathan Haidt and Steven Pinker maintain that most if not all the major atrocities in human history were carried out by ordinary people who believed that they were good, that they were innocent victims – that they had God on their side – and that their enemies were pure evil.[28]

See also[edit]

Ow, look mine name is on it
But talking about hypocrisy, I think you should watch yourself in to a mirror.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Voncrow on August 21, 2015, 05:27:23 pm
Hey Plumtard ive said North America in a nice chunk of my post. Honestly there are middle schoolers with x5 your mental capacity.

When you can't win an argument just insult the other side, good job in having the mentality of a grade schooler.

Also Bruttus, the main reason we think you're an idiot is because we can't understand your broken English and I assume you fail to understand us as well. But keep going because it's entertaining to watch you life this way.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: bruttus on August 21, 2015, 06:00:00 pm
Well Voncrow, I don't mind to have some critisme on mine English, especially its not mine native language.
But this moron, that you like to think, speaks and writes 2 languages fluent
I speak and understand a 3th language, but can't write it
English is not mine native, but I speak it good enough, writting is something else.
And now i'm learning a fifth language, so I can talk with family of mine GF

And now I'm gonna see if I can talk some1 about racisme, becouse I feel insulted by mine origin by you.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: StonedSteel on August 21, 2015, 06:18:38 pm
Hey Plumtard ive said North America in a nice chunk of my post. Honestly there are middle schoolers with x5 your mental capacity.

Are you one of them?

Is something i said about James \ Brygg inaccurate?

Sorry i missed you post where you said north america, have you made many posts like that?
tell you what, add up all the times you said North America, and ill add up all the times you lads said Murica or USA...

you deny RPing americans?
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Voncrow on August 21, 2015, 06:25:20 pm
I'm not saying you are stupid, I'm saying your English is flawed and makes you sound stupid. It's like we're having different conversations which is a huge problem.

EDIT: I take back what I said, I have enough errors and probably shouldn't judge, but what I said was intended to be more informative than insulting to you Bruttus.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: BlackxBird on August 21, 2015, 06:42:24 pm
Btw did u guys maybe ever think about all the other canadians who do NOT want to be usa's bitch? Haven't ever seen james writing about canada or na in any of his posts... It's allways like this is murrica and we fight for things we expect to be good and everyone else -who does actually not fight for them - is a dumb retard we have to tell what to do. And be like "insult them when they don't accept what we say. They will think we strong when we do that!!"
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: StonedSteel on August 21, 2015, 06:50:41 pm
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This is North America for those of you who don't know. Last I checked Canada was part of NA and the majority of people in Acre were Americans. From what I've read these eurocucks seem to say is that HCE does not equal all of NA,well obviously, HCe isnt every member of NA, but saying it is a NA invasion is not wrong because Eques is invading North American strategus. In real life people usually say what specific country and a specific region as possible so as to not lead to confusion, but saying the continent is not incorrect. I can't speak for any other country but here in America, I don't need a reason to do anything. I don't need a reason to play video games for every single hour of my free time, or buy more guns than I should. Our constitution is there to guarantee rights given to us by God, not to restrict us. I don't need a reason to insult you cucklords, or fight against you in a worthless video game. I can do as a please as long as I dont interfere with your God-given rights. So fuck you plumbo, fuck you voncrow, and fuck you lotr bundle of stickss (make your own rp) and you can't tell me what propaganda I can or cannot use because fuck you I DO WAT I WANT.
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"let me ask you something, where do rights come from? and people say, well they come from God...aww fuck, here we go again. The God excuse, the last refuge of a man with no answers and no argument." George Carlin.

no cup

fuck you m8 ..ya?
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: StonedSteel on August 21, 2015, 06:52:13 pm
Btw did u guys maybe ever think about all the other canadians who do NOT want to be usa's bitch? Haven't ever seen james writing about canada or na in any of his posts... It's allways like this is murrica and we fight for things we expect to be good and everyone else -who does actually not fight for them - is a dumb retard we have to tell what to do. And be like "insult them when they don't accept what we say. They will think we strong when we do that!!"

well fucking said lad.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: njames89 on August 21, 2015, 07:50:52 pm
Once again don't listen to the propaganda coming from the EU invaders or the NA traitors fighting for them.

Good fight tonight at Yruma lets sign up and show these bastards whats what!!?page=strategusinfobattledetail&id=4777

Top 15 mercs in kills get 50k crpg gold!
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: bruttus on August 21, 2015, 08:25:03 pm
I'm not saying you are stupid, I'm saying your English is flawed and makes you sound stupid. It's like we're having different conversations which is a huge problem.

EDIT: I take back what I said, I have enough errors and probably shouldn't judge, but what I said was intended to be more informative than insulting to you Bruttus.

I accept your apology.
It is not about criticism , but how you put it , and it felt like an insult.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Tristan_of_Erzoth on August 21, 2015, 08:43:02 pm
I've unapologetically RP'd as American because I'm a fucking American. So fuck you guys, America rocks and you EU my old friends can suck my nuts
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Zeus_ on August 21, 2015, 08:56:30 pm
Once again don't listen to the propaganda coming from the EU invaders or the NA traitors fighting for them.

Good fight tonight at Yruma lets sign up and show these bastards whats what!!?page=strategusinfobattledetail&id=4777

Top 15 mercs in kills get 50k crpg gold!

Im sorry, but this is not the place to ask for mercs.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: njames89 on August 21, 2015, 09:00:05 pm

"Diplomacy and discussion about current Strategus situation"

The Yruma battle tonight is gonna be a fun one! Sign up and lets defend this epic castle!
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Tristan_of_Erzoth on August 21, 2015, 09:03:36 pm
You nerds should merc for Talanarsis(Not_So_Innocent_Virgin) cuz she's a pro american nerd who has to live in California with a bunch of liberals. I went to Cali earlier this week and it sucked nuts he deserves this win for having to live there
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: cup457 on August 21, 2015, 09:42:19 pm
ok plumbo ok. Im glad you ignored the entire point of my post of clarifying what North America is. The only rights a person has in this world is what they make for themselves. I watched that video and I agree with Carlin at the end. I can do whatever I want as long as no one can stop me. So please Plumbo, march your fat ass down here to Virginia, Or march your fat pixel ass to where I am on the strat map, and stop me. (but please do it IRL, pls)
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: njames89 on August 21, 2015, 09:50:52 pm
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Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Voncrow on August 21, 2015, 10:33:53 pm

"Diplomacy and discussion about current Strategus situation"

The Yruma battle tonight is gonna be a fun one! Sign up and lets defend this epic castle!

Hmm I wonder what that could possibly be for.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: BlackxBird on August 21, 2015, 10:37:03 pm
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Yes America. Not NA, not USA. America. But seeing Canadians writing


is a bit confusing.

So just stop writing USA.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: njames89 on August 21, 2015, 10:40:38 pm
I feel like I asked you this before but, do they have jokes where you come from?
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: BlackxBird on August 21, 2015, 10:43:43 pm
lol. So I react too serious? You constantly insult me as a chocolate chip cookie, what is probably the worst you can call me. Nothing insults me personally more than "chocolate chip cookie". And than there is once a post of a fat guy shouting "murrica" and imo someone like Bryg writes a post that this is just too much or what?!

90 % of the time you tell me/us that we are doing something stupid you 100 % did it before on your own.

And when u are not able to do a normal conversation and u don't know what to write u just -1. It's like someone explains something to u irl, then after 30 minutes you stand up, say 'no" and leave the room.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Dex_Atromis on August 21, 2015, 10:48:01 pm
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Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: njames89 on August 21, 2015, 10:54:58 pm
Blackbird you made your offensive called the Blitzkrieg. I'm sorry it is very funny. Our art department will do its best to consider your feelies in its next production of American motivational material.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: BlackxBird on August 21, 2015, 10:57:55 pm
Blackbird you made your offensive called the Blitzkrieg. I'm sorry it is very funny. Our art department will do its best to consider your feelies in its next production of American motivational material.

Blitzkrieg is something that germans invented by taking out poland in 18 days. BUT it has been used for many other fast offensives after that one. Kindergarden was invented by NAZ1S for example. But you don't call someone who does bring his children to the kindergarden naz1s do u?
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Dex_Atromis on August 21, 2015, 11:00:12 pm
Blackbird you are wrong, It was invented in like 1965 by a German Education board member or something, And Blitzkrieg was created by chocolate chip cookies....
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: njames89 on August 21, 2015, 11:02:29 pm
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Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: BlackxBird on August 21, 2015, 11:06:52 pm
Blackbird you are wrong, It was invented in like 1965 by a German Education board member or something, And Blitzkrieg was created by chocolate chip cookies....

damn u why do know that -_- oh, aren't u german? xD was musstn du depp des hier reinschreiben  :oops:
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Dex_Atromis on August 21, 2015, 11:17:45 pm
Not really, I have some of the blood in me but thats about it, Dont worry soon enough you and your followers blood will be on the battlegrounds layed before the Crusaders of Acre under our King Louie and the followers of NA.

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Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: StonedSteel on August 21, 2015, 11:40:51 pm
LOL, james, this has actually become kinda funny for me. in fact, ima help you with your propaganda campaign, consider me on official member of HCE

lol ya, so totally sign for us HCE lads tonight, and help NA fight...uhhh, other NA's with EU gear, not that us and our allies have ever done that, and we totally fought for EU against Na when it WAS an actual EU invasion...but eh, that was kesh, kesh aint na. and remember, our words are totally legit and 100% factual, and nothing absolutely nothing our enemies say is true, ITS ALL LIES and propaganda, not that i am beating a dead horse by saying that, its just a known fact here to our glorious 8 fief empire we totally earned through conquest.

and please please try to always keep in mind, when insulted the enemy, always pretend that it is a joke, and whenever getting insulting always remember to remind our opponents that they are rude lifeless nerds that take the game WAY to seriously.

pff fucking EU attacking our great and glorious empire, who do they think they are fucking with? WE CANT BE BEAT! USA USA USA!
also, shame on you EU lads for attacking us, we barely have any active players and were already in a war, i mean seriously, what you only attack the weak and helpless? ya'll EU's are vultures.

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Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Dex_Atromis on August 22, 2015, 01:01:42 am
And those who follow the EU shall be stricken down for "Deus Vult"

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Contracted by Crusaders of Acre, Long live King Louie and "dabit deus his quoque finem" - "God will bring an end to this" (Virgil).
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: bruttus on August 22, 2015, 08:23:25 am
Blitzkrieg (German, "lightning war"About this sound listen) is an anglicised term,[a] describing a method of warfare, whereby an attacking force spearheaded by a dense concentration of armoured and motorized or mechanized infantry formations with close air support, breaks through the opponent's line of defense by short, fast, powerful attacks and then dislocates the defenders, using speed and surprise to encircle them. Through the employment of combined arms in maneuver warfare, blitzkrieg attempts to unbalance the enemy by making it difficult for them to respond to the continuously changing front and defeating them in a decisive Vernichtungsschlacht (battle of annihilation).

But were still standing
Annyway good battle, except that the server went up 4 min before the siege begon, it fucked us up
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Tristan_of_Erzoth on August 22, 2015, 10:06:12 am
Wow, just got home from work and saw Tal got cucked out of Yruma because of the shitty fucking website being down. Thats the gayest shit I've ever heard in my entire life. Can't blame Dutchy for taking the castle because I'd have taken it if I was in his shoes, but pissed off because now I dont get to help out in defending it.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: BlackxBird on August 22, 2015, 10:21:31 am
Mhm go QQ about one castle when others lost 8 K troops..
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Tristan_of_Erzoth on August 22, 2015, 10:24:35 am
Mhm go QQ about one castle when others lost 8 K troops..
How the fuck did you lose 8k troops when you guys did 0 attacks yesterday
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: BlackxBird on August 22, 2015, 10:26:01 am
We lost 8 k troops when the servers went down. I did not write yesterday did I?
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Tristan_of_Erzoth on August 22, 2015, 10:32:56 am
We lost 8 k troops when the servers went down. I did not write yesterday did I?

If it didn't happen yesterday I'm not seeing its relevancy to my post. You brag about how you have endless troops anyways so I'm sure 8k troops was nothing to you
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: bruttus on August 22, 2015, 11:07:51 am
If it didn't happen yesterday I'm not seeing its relevancy to my post. You brag about how you have endless troops anyways so I'm sure 8k troops was nothing to you
he's right.
We could have more people defending the castle, if the servers didn't went down and just went up before the siege begun.
And What tristan said is also true, 8k troops are nothing for you, becouse of the endless bragging about you have more then enough silver, endless troops, etc...
Its bad for you, and to bad the dev.'s won't do a thing about it, otherwise they had fixed EU map weeks ago, and none of us had this shit about servers going down.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Mr.K. on August 22, 2015, 12:30:16 pm
endless troops, etc...

I'm still confused how Acre is unable to grind troops while whenever I join NA1, no matter what time, there's 5-10 acres playing. Are these guys are just not playing Strat or what? One of the reasons we targeted Acre was because we thought they were the biggest and strongest side on NA.

I don't know about Eques, but the server screw-up killed almost all of the Kalmar troops and we have two grinders - me and Arn :) But it's been a few weeks now so we're almost there, don't worry!
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: bruttus on August 22, 2015, 12:58:05 pm
I'm still confused how Acre is unable to grind troops while whenever I join NA1, no matter what time, there's 5-10 acres playing. Are these guys are just not playing Strat or what? One of the reasons we targeted Acre was because we thought they were the biggest and strongest side on NA.

I don't know about Eques, but the server screw-up killed almost all of the Kalmar troops and we have two grinders - me and Arn :) But it's been a few weeks now so we're almost there, don't worry!

If you are being attacked by every faction on the map, how long would you survive?
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Dex_Atromis on August 22, 2015, 01:03:49 pm
And hereth is the day we shall all be judged and hereth is the day "Abyssus Abyssum Invocat" "Hell Calls Hell..."                                                     (the Vulgate translation of the Bible)
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Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Schoi on August 22, 2015, 01:30:12 pm
People with shitty RP, people with shitty fiefs, people that are shit. Is this PW?
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: BlackxBird on August 22, 2015, 01:31:24 pm
If you are being attacked by every faction on the map, how long would you survive?

seems like u have no idea what was going on in eu...
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: ARN_ on August 22, 2015, 01:47:31 pm
If you are being attacked by every faction on the map, how long would you survive?
Hmmm I think we got wiped 4-5 times so for, if you haven't fought the uif don't talk to me about getting attacked by every faction on the map. But the thing here is that HCE was as big as the other factions together.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: bruttus on August 22, 2015, 01:52:34 pm
thing is we don't have endless suply of troops, like you all have in EU. + some factions from NA, that thinks that when HCE is wipped out, that they can handle EU with pushing Eu back to EU map.

Ever thought about that.

No1 would admit it, but does EU really thinks when HCE is wipped of from the map, that NA will follow EU, or let EU stay in NA map?
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: ARN_ on August 22, 2015, 02:05:16 pm
thing is we don't have endless suply of troops, like you all have in EU. + some factions from NA, that thinks that when HCE is wipped out, that they can handle EU with pushing Eu back to EU map.

Ever thought about that.

No1 would admit it, but does EU really thinks when HCE is wipped of from the map, that NA will follow EU, or let EU stay in NA map?
Only Greys have endless supply of troops
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: BlackxBird on August 22, 2015, 02:22:40 pm
"NA".. there is no faction "NA". There is acre, hoc, LL....

Due to the fact that HoC, the Wardens and LL are our friends/allies there won't be anyone trying to kick us out, but ones we kicked out.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: bruttus on August 22, 2015, 02:35:06 pm
Only Greys have endless supply of troops

I'm not the 1 that was bragging about his +60k troops and infinite silver in strat.

But you avoid mine question about staying in NA?
I'm sure you are thinking about it, What faction is gonna backstabbing me when HCE is whipped out.

Do you really think that NA will tolerate anny EU faction in NA Calradia?
Its still a wargame, so backstabbing is common
I know for a fact that some NA factions are preparing themselfs for WAR, even when they haven't attacked HCE, but they applie to EU rosters in full force, when they see that EU is attacking HCE.

And when those NA factions are backstabbing you, who do you think that will fill your rosters?

Think about it.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: BlackxBird on August 22, 2015, 02:39:10 pm
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: bruttus on August 22, 2015, 03:19:22 pm
Hope you will do that.

Becouse if your really sure that when HCE is whipped out, that all the other factions on the NA map like a boring wargame where you can trade non stop, no War at all, becouse HoC and LL have already 50% of the map, etc...

You have allies becouse of HCE, but what after HCE?
You really should think about it.
Will those agreements that you have made with HoC, LL and Wardens hold, when HCE is whipped out?
Do you really believe that all those independent factions on the NA map would love that strat. is becoming a tradegame instead of a wargame?

In fact you need HCE, otherwise you have whipped HCE all long ago with your +60k shiny troops.
You need a common enemy so that your Alliance will hold.

But then again, thats mine opinion.
And you may downvoting me as mutch if you all wants, but don't cry at mine door when some faction in NA side are backstabbing you
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Casimir on August 22, 2015, 03:22:16 pm
Incoherent drivel

I think it would be more likely for the NA factions to turn on each other than continue to QQ about battle times and the unfair nature of warfare against EU factions.  If NA factions attack EU ones the battles will be fought at times which are more suited to EU players, this means more EU players will merc for the fights (on both sides ofc.) and Equites would have the defensive advantage (something that they seem to have done well enough without so far).  Also unlike HCE I don't recall any instance where Equites complained about being attacked and have repeatedly stated in this thread that if NA factions want them gone then they should attack them, something which hasn't happened yet.

More incoherent drivel

And so what, what is the point in any of this shit, they will wipe HCE and then if the others want to go to war with them then so what, what is even the point of any of the stuff you are writing? 'Think about it'. So what? These other factions might go to war with them, they might not, it really doesn't matter, for now they have a decent target after that maybe they will have another. Equites clearly have the reserves to fight more wars (or at least want you to believe this) and so are clearly up for fighting more.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: bruttus on August 22, 2015, 03:31:27 pm
I think it would be more likely for the NA factions to turn on each other than continue to QQ about battle times and the unfair nature of warfare against EU factions.  If NA factions attack EU ones the battles will be fought at times which are more suited to EU players, this means more EU players will merc for the fights (on both sides ofc.) and Equites would have the defensive advantage (something that they seem to have done well enough without so far).  Also unlike HCE I don't recall any instance where Equites complained about being attacked and have repeatedly stated in this thread that if NA factions want them gone then they should attack them, something which hasn't happened yet.

And so what, what is the point in any of this shit, they will wipe HCE and then if the others want to go to war with them then so what, what is even the point of any of the stuff you are writing? 'Think about it'. So what? These other factions might go to war with them, they might not, it really doesn't matter, for now they have a decent target after that maybe they will have another. Equites clearly have the reserves to fight more wars (or at least want you to believe this) and so are clearly up for fighting more.

Its true what you say, NA will fight against each other, I am absolutly agree with you
But at a certain moment, and even you have to agree with me, when the faction is whipped out by EU, and EU still stay's in NA side, NA will join forces together, even for temporaly.
But you play the game longer then I do, You have seen in previeus strats that NA will join forces to wippe out EU, then the backstabbing starts all over again.
But if you agree that Strat has to be a boring tradegame, how many players would stay then??

And the fact that I have respect for Blackbird that he try to attack HCE in NA times, thats say's allot of a person, but you can attack NA side in EU times, so you are sure that you can take every fief in NA side

Edit: I won't be suprissed when HCE is whipped, that 1 of the other factions will say, thank you for the Alliance, but now its time to leave oure lands.
but please, really believe that strat. will be a boring free for all trading game. Wanna see how manny people will stay playing CRPG.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: cup457 on August 22, 2015, 03:49:31 pm
Just because t here are always acres in na1 doesnt mean they are even in t he clan or even do anything in strat. Also it doesnt matter if you own 1/3 of the map if you only have 1 person actually playing for each fief.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: BlackxBird on August 22, 2015, 03:52:05 pm
hmm the only ones who could actually wipe us are Greys, but eu does not work.... I got a deep alliance with LL atm. There has to be much shit happening that they attack us.. Still if NA regroups somewhere and tries to take us out, it is over. Simply cuz we would not have the mercs for that. But as u just said, this game is a war game. a war game. a game. A GAME


Nationality should not matter at all. We are all players, playing the game. No matter if I'm chinese, russian, german or american, ppl should not change their oppinion about somebody else when they find out where they come from. Same shit with NA/America/USA. This bullshit does not matter at all. We are all just players, playing a game. If you really think there is any difference between HCE or Eques cuz of the nationalities u sir are a motherfucking racist shithead.
Probably u'd be one of the retards shooting at mexicans when they try to pass the border.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: BlackxBird on August 22, 2015, 03:54:29 pm
Just because t here are always acres in na1 doesnt mean they are even in t he clan or even do anything in strat. Also it doesnt matter if you own 1/3 of the map if you only have 1 person actually playing for each fief.

lol, we had partly 1 person for 2 cities.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: StonedSteel on August 22, 2015, 03:55:33 pm
hahahahaha you CLEARLY know nothing about NA bruttus snow.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Voncrow on August 22, 2015, 04:37:53 pm
And when those NA factions are backstabbing you, who do you think that will fill your rosters?

Think about it.

You realize we have a faction ran by Heskeytime has been in NA for like over a year now and hasn't been pushed out at all or even declared war on in a long time right?
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Mr.K. on August 22, 2015, 06:25:25 pm
Just because t here are always acres in na1 doesnt mean they are even in t he clan or even do anything in strat. Also it doesnt matter if you own 1/3 of the map if you only have 1 person actually playing for each fief.

That's what I was wondering. It was a genuine question and we were surprised that Acre didn't produce more or move more armies than they did. We might have overestimated our enemy's strength here...

When we still cared about Strat we could quite easily convince people to still grind for us. Surely Acre should have been able to do the same. That said number of Strat players can be a huge advantage as well and we expected Acre to be able to use that against us. We are indeed five players atm with no grinders...
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Jona on August 22, 2015, 07:11:33 pm
Wow, just got home from work and saw Tal got cucked out of Yruma because of the shitty fucking website being down. Thats the gayest shit I've ever heard in my entire life. Can't blame Dutchy for taking the castle because I'd have taken it if I was in his shoes, but pissed off because now I dont get to help out in defending it.

And that's why you don't attempt to ninja roster. Dutchy had to deal with the same website issues as you, only he hired mercs at a reasonable pace it seems.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: cup457 on August 22, 2015, 07:16:55 pm
no one said anything about a ninja roster. They were hiring people during the day and i was accepted at like 3 pm but I forgot it was going to happen because the website was down and didnt show up
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: mcdeath on August 22, 2015, 07:45:29 pm
And that's why you don't attempt to ninja roster. Dutchy had to deal with the same website issues as you, only he hired mercs at a reasonable pace it seems.

I never got the chance to apply for the battle. Got home from work and the site was down
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Talanarsis on August 22, 2015, 09:51:23 pm
hahahahaha you CLEARLY know nothing about NA bruttus snow.

Plumbo, marry me IRL???
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Dex_Atromis on August 22, 2015, 10:32:59 pm
Race really doesnt have anything to do it with it. Honestly we are just rivaling factions no more than that haha. Its just fun when its EU invading the NA server so we must defend our "homeland". Some people take it to serious Black bird.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: BlackxBird on August 22, 2015, 11:12:23 pm
Race really doesnt have anything to do it with it. Honestly we are just rivaling factions no more than that haha. Its just fun when its EU invading the NA server so we must defend our "homeland". Some people take it to serious Black bird.

WAY too serious.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: StonedSteel on August 24, 2015, 06:20:13 pm
honestly, idk which is more nerdy

being a massive nerd and being good at the game

or being a massive nerd and being shit at the game cuz u spend more time writing imaginary Rp fantasies...then actually playing \ getting good at the game.

both takes a certain devotion i suppose...

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Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: BlackxBird on August 24, 2015, 06:23:44 pm
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: cup457 on August 24, 2015, 07:57:27 pm
Stop posting my old friendgy music and plumbo how are your posts any less rp. Just rp called real life
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Tristan_of_Erzoth on August 25, 2015, 12:03:08 am
And that's why you don't attempt to ninja roster. Dutchy had to deal with the same website issues as you, only he hired mercs at a reasonable pace it seems.
If you really think NSIV would ninja roster you're pretty stupid, the dudes one of the most honorable players I've met in strategus. And Tal hired people at like 1pm then the site was down until after the battle, cant do much shit about that
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: BlackxBird on August 25, 2015, 12:09:57 am
If you really think NSIV would ninja roster you're pretty stupid, the dudes one of the most honorable players I've met in strategus. And Tal hired people at like 1pm then the site was down until after the battle, cant do much shit about that

If u talk about yruma: the site was up before the battle started.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Jona on August 25, 2015, 01:26:14 am
If you really think NSIV would ninja roster you're pretty stupid, the dudes one of the most honorable players I've met in strategus. And Tal hired people at like 1pm then the site was down until after the battle, cant do much shit about that

You realize more than 1 person makes up HCE, right?
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Tristan_of_Erzoth on August 25, 2015, 01:35:56 am
You realize more than 1 person makes up HCE, right?
You realize that they dont manage each others rosters, right?
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Bryggan on August 25, 2015, 02:53:07 am
Yeah we do.

But we had the bad luck this timethey obviously sacrificed a virgin to Satan.  Whatever, what comes around goes around.

But seriously, this thread makes my eyes bleed.  We are gonna get shit for whatever we say or do, so I rarely read it- just skim over some stuff when I'm bored.  I also noticed that there aren't that many HCE members posting- nor Wardens or Hounds for that matter.

But I am amazed by how many times us NAers are called stupid.  It is usually directed at HCE, but that means all the people we've been fighting are stupid too- we all used the same tactics, and we managed to defeat each other quite often.  But, quite frankly, I always thought Euros fought stupidly too, but in a different way.  I have fought in several Euro battles (some for Eques), and they all seem to be the same.  The two sides group up, facing each other.  I was a shielder, so I was put in front.  There we stood nicely in formation, so the range can start wrecking the shields.  There was a wall on our left, but we weren't supposed to stand behind it, because that would not be cool.  Once our shields started shattering, we were given the order to charge.  Then we rushed in as a big group, and which ever side TKed the least got the advantage.  Then we'd run out of guys and start all over.  A few NAers wanted to flank, but that was verboten.  When ever some NA two hander jumped the wall and started wrecking the enemy archers he'd get shit.  That is breaking the rules; the herd mentality of Europe must prevail.

Of course, NA does the opposite.  Four guys group up while the rest try to flank.  Of course when everyone is flanking, its not a flank anymore, it's just random death match.  I keep thinking how awesome it would be if we mixed the two styles, where most players group up and face each other off, while a few heroes who know what they are doing, like Jona or Anders, try flank or just mess things up.  The Squids seemed to manage it quite nicely for awhile, and they devastated on the battlefield.  But that only lasted for awhile.

But maybe now we might get some field battles now that Eques seems to have smashed most of their excess men against the walls of Durq, and perhaps we can take a breath and start putting men to the offensive.  Then maybe we can learn off each other and develop the most impressive fighting styles ever seen on strat.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Dex_Atromis on August 25, 2015, 03:33:40 am
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Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: njames89 on August 25, 2015, 06:42:17 am
Dex you make me so proud :')
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: HappyPhantom on August 25, 2015, 07:29:30 am
Laughing about blackbirds 'deep alliance'  with LL comment a few pages back...  Hahahahalolololol
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: njames89 on August 25, 2015, 07:37:46 am
Will be back on and slaying heretics for King Louie after the weekend!

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Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Bryggan on August 25, 2015, 03:24:34 pm
What! You came to Alberta but didn't bother coming to Grande Prairie to have some beers with me?
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: woody on August 25, 2015, 04:37:52 pm
Pah call that scenery.

Just look at the mighty peak near me and be awed. Apparently they nearly filmed the mountain scenes from Lord of the Rings here. (
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Kidduis on August 25, 2015, 05:06:52 pm
I can beat that :D (

From were i live in Sweden
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: BlackxBird on August 25, 2015, 05:37:27 pm
I just gotta go to my window to beat all of that... Bavaria <3
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: woody on August 25, 2015, 06:12:41 pm
I really hope people realise my last post regarding the 8000th highest peak in Britain was ironic?

Frankly those Alberta places look pretty awesome.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: cup457 on August 25, 2015, 06:21:02 pm
I just have to look outside my house to see beautiful sights like this
(click to show/hide)
ahhhh beautiful norfolk
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Kadeth on August 26, 2015, 05:51:03 am
Snowy mountain near me in Australia, I win!

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Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Schoi on August 26, 2015, 05:59:01 am
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Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Bryggan on August 26, 2015, 06:17:48 am
My performance is 3, so STFU.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: cup457 on August 26, 2015, 06:35:15 am
I just have to look outside my house to see beautiful sights like this
(click to show/hide)
ahhhh beautiful norfolk
i posted this ironically because my city is a ghetto shithole but today I was at work and i watched 3 cops come speeding around the corner and park down the block, and then run to the end of the block. No clue what happened but things like this happen every few weeks
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: BlackxBird on August 26, 2015, 06:41:41 am
My performance is 3, so STFU.

mine is 4.. When u are commander or engineer (as esca is) ur KD/Performance will allways suck. But who cares? 90 % I die when not even having a weapon in my hand saving the forward spawn with my bare hands xD
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Bryggan on August 26, 2015, 09:02:59 am
You know Black Bird, I kinda like you when you are not telling me how retarded us NAers are.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: mrrdhardy on August 26, 2015, 03:48:46 pm
I feel ashamed of the NA community, I maybe EU but I play NA a lot and to see you guys let EU invade and even some of you supporting it, its a sad day after we spent many years keeping them out.  :cry:
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Bronto on August 26, 2015, 04:34:30 pm
I feel ashamed of the NA community, I maybe EU but I play NA a lot and to see you guys let EU invade and even some of you supporting it, its a sad day after we spent many years keeping them out.  :cry:

Been saying this since the start of the thread. It's useless man. People gonna let EU take us over and then wonder why/how it happened and how our map is gone. I gave up m8.

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Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: BlackxBird on August 26, 2015, 04:36:48 pm
QQ moar.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: mrrdhardy on August 26, 2015, 05:05:46 pm
Been saying this since the start of the thread. It's useless man. People gonna let EU take us over and then wonder why/how it happened and how our map is gone. I gave up m8.

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Well we have had EU try to invade many times in the past when NA start was alive with strong clans, I myself have fought for kesh against many invaders but like people keep saying NA is in the Dark Ages and the glory of old NA strat is gone and now we fight among each other and even side with the true enemy EU. The problem is in this strat NA wont put their differences aside because we have no big players like in old strat or the ones we do have taken a back seat.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: bruttus on August 26, 2015, 05:14:21 pm
Been saying this since the start of the thread. It's useless man. People gonna let EU take us over and then wonder why/how it happened and how our map is gone. I gave up m8.

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Well today there is a battle, I promised for the 3 best players today 100k IF we win today and that gold commes from mine own pockets, not from Acre.
And He's pissed off, becouse next to me, there is another army of 1800 shiny chocolate chip cookie troops w8 to kick mine butt to  EU.
He can bragging on about it, he paints me of as a weak 1, and he thinks that he's supperior to all. and 2 be honnest, I don't give a fuck that I'm being kicked to EU, Everything is already thought off.
But I have more then enough to plunder some Blackbirds village's in EU, unless he wanna keep me there also, but that is all thought off and play's in mine advantage.

I'm not a great commander like oure german bragger here, but the mistake that I made, is already counted for mine next step.
And he played straight in to mine cards, so angry to kill 1 army of 450 troops.
If I'm not wrong Blackbird, you reinforced your 200 shiny army with another 400 extra troops. and yet you put 1800 troops next to that battle. Do you have doubts that this battle today can be won, by me, a simple farmer with just peasant gear? those 150 troops that you have more then me, not enough?

Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: mrrdhardy on August 26, 2015, 05:32:06 pm
Maybe he just didn't want to fight 450 with 200 troops, so reinforced? It's what anyone would do with troops in the vicinity
haha same old Acre.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: BlackxBird on August 26, 2015, 07:02:00 pm
well, actually I was like u knew what I was doing lol. the army that reinforced had 5K gear and 7K rounceys on it for halmar. Was like there will be another army waiting at halmar to attack the one going in there. I overestimated u lol. Was like "this guy is probably an intelligent one". Well, as it seems the fact that u said u are a experienced player is a lie xD maybe u're there already for some strats, but still... Oh and no. I won't kick u to EU. Why would I lol. Get some troops and attack me. I'm lacking ppl who actually got the courage to attack.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Jona on August 26, 2015, 08:29:24 pm
I feel ashamed of the NA community, I maybe EU but I play NA a lot and to see you guys let EU invade and even some of you supporting it, its a sad day after we spent many years keeping them out.  :cry:

Been saying this since the start of the thread. It's useless man. People gonna let EU take us over and then wonder why/how it happened and how our map is gone. I gave up m8.

While most if not all of NA would have supported any other NA faction in an all out war with EU had they come in the "glory days of old," the main reason why those of us who have helped the EUs out are doing it is because we simply aren't in those glory days anymore. This strat has been dragging on for far too long and it had merely become a one-sided war with nothing more exciting than a few peasant skirmishes every few nights. Some of those fights were plenty of fun, don't get me wrong, but too few of them were to really make all the effort involved worth it. Then EU came and started attacking the largest and most active NA faction, and those of us already at war with them decided to merc for the EUs rather than for our enemies. The reasoning is simple, really: strat was really starting to slow down until EU came along and spiced it up. If you are still in denial about that fact than just gtfo. We're mercing for EU not only because they are the "enemy of my enemy" but more importantly because they need NA mercs. When the Greys attacked Kesh they only had a handful of Acre mercs, all the rest were EU. Needless to say they got so utterly destroyed that they just gave up on their offensive entirely, letting Kesh dispatch of their remaining armies without putting up any fight. If the current EU invaders had no NA assistance, they would more likely than not do the same, and head right on back to EU. This would leave both them and us with nothing much at all to do, as their strat is literally dead, and ours is pretty slow and boring without their presence.

Besides, we aren't "letting EU take over the entire NA map." Should they feel the need to start encroaching on other factions' territory (other than HCE's), then maybe some people will switch sides.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Bronto on August 26, 2015, 08:42:43 pm
I see your point Jona, however they have nothing to go to back to EU for. Their strat is completely broken and they can't fight any battles there at all. If they like fighting strat battles and getting that glorious xp then what choice do they have other than to stay in NA and continue fighting? When Acre/HCE falls, will they stop then and make it trading simulator 2015? Only time will tell. I hope not and do not think they will. Maybe I'm wrong and all they want to do is finish this war and quit. Doubtful though. Strat needs and has needed a reset since February when we were told it would happen. I don't think at this point it is going to be. I also don't think it's smart to turn your back on an active player base, even if they are your enemy in this scenario. When they fall, who will merc for you if you're in a similar situation? Or are you just going back to peaceful trading?
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Jona on August 26, 2015, 08:53:42 pm
Myself and i'm sure certain members of Kalmar are still salty enough about the EU drama we had at the start of Strat 5, i cannot imagine all of us remaining friends on the NA map when we lose a common foe.

^This is what can happen. NA cedes the lower half (or third? quarter? TBD at a later date) of the strat map to EU, and then since we have fewer fiefs to work with each fief will have more value and therefore drive more conflict. The problem with NA strat before EU came is that the map was waaaay too large for the playerbase it supported. You should never see single players owning more than 2 fiefs, and we have plenty with 5+. In the meantime, the EU's can duke it out during their primetime and have a blast in the good ole desert with their shitty ping, while we go back to having our little skirmishes. It'll be just like old times where the north was NA and south was EU, only this time that is a rule strictly enforced by the players. But "what if EUs get discontent and cross the border looking for more fiefs?" Then 100% of NA fights to repel them, simple as that.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Bronto on August 26, 2015, 08:59:35 pm
Dont you see? Eu come to bring back the glory-days of Kesh, it's HCE who wants you all to forget about the legend that is Kesh.

Myself and i'm sure certain members of Kalmar are still salty enough about the EU drama we had at the start of Strat 5, i cannot imagine all of us remaining friends on the NA map when we lose a common foe.

This and this. I'm glad that so much drama has been created around a common enemy and for once something is happening in strat. I hope it continues long after HCE is gone.

But "what if EUs get discontent and cross the border looking for more fiefs?" Then 100% of NA fights to repel them, simple as that.

You gotta remember, people take strat hella serious (as you said Enemy is my enemy) and if you alienate people that play the game you're only going to short change your rosters down the road. I don't know why Blackbird hasn't just wiped HCE yet, but my guess is because he's either trying to figure out what to do next or who else to battle. What's he to do with his shiny armies?

I agree that the NA map per our player base is way too large.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Jona on August 26, 2015, 09:08:11 pm
You gotta remember, people take strat hella serious (as you said Enemy is my enemy) and if you alienate people that play the game you're only going to short change your rosters down the road.

Well I was talking about how we signed for EU simply because they were the enemy of my enemy at the start, then continued to since it made sense and would help NA strat down the long road. Not sure what that has to do with alienating people though...

And the HCE is only HoC's enemy for the time-being, it isn't like there is some eternal blood feud between us (although there might be one someday, since one can only take so much utter bullshit and honestly their shit posting is so absurdly sub-par that all they do is manage to "alienate" everyone that isn't currently in their faction). They declared war on us, we are simply continuing it since there really isn't much reason to stop.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Jona on August 26, 2015, 09:12:31 pm
then we need to summon Kesh down from Valhalla to draw the line.

Funny you should mention that...
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Bronto on August 26, 2015, 09:28:21 pm
Well I was talking about how we signed for EU simply because they were the enemy of my enemy at the start, then continued to since it made sense and would help NA strat down the long road. Not sure what that has to do with alienating people though...

A lot of people saw this as an NA vs. EU thing. So those people is who I'm referring to. It'll just be a repeat of what's going on right now is my point. NA is not united and I don't think it ever will be because of butthurt feels that people get over internet pixels.

Kesh and Harpag coming back would be miraculous. Maybe then we could have some great battles and another 100+ page thread. Only time will tell.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: BlackxBird on August 26, 2015, 09:39:39 pm
A lot of people saw this as an NA vs. EU thing. So those people is who I'm referring to. It'll just be a repeat of what's going on right now is my point. NA is not united and I don't think it ever will be because of butthurt feels that people get over internet pixels.

Kesh and Harpag coming back would be miraculous. Maybe then we could have some great battles and another 100+ page thread. Only time will tell.

there was no bigger post in the diplomatic part on this forum ever before, and to the strat shit, cuz u meant like u don't know what I'm doing^^ Well, I'm waiting for HCE to do something, I told u guys 100000 times that I don't want to destroy NA. At the moment, where would HCE go? They got all of their grinders in Durquba... still.... I would really like what they are going to do, but as it seems it is like when I take Durquba they will be down and tbh I'm fucking afraid of that. I promised to not destroy NA strat. I do never break my promisses, even if I have to let them live in Durquba until they understand that they have to fucking get somewhere else and start a offensive to get some territroy back.

to answer your question: Now the time has come I don't know what to do. Exactly.

I see your point Jona, however they have nothing to go to back to EU for. Their strat is completely broken and they can't fight any battles there at all. If they like fighting strat battles and getting that glorious xp then what choice do they have other than to stay in NA and continue fighting? When Acre/HCE falls, will they stop then and make it trading simulator 2015? Only time will tell. I hope not and do not think they will. Maybe I'm wrong and all they want to do is finish this war and quit. Doubtful though. Strat needs and has needed a reset since February when we were told it would happen. I don't think at this point it is going to be. I also don't think it's smart to turn your back on an active player base, even if they are your enemy in this scenario. When they fall, who will merc for you if you're in a similar situation? Or are you just going back to peaceful trading?

Well written^^ Actually my big plan was: Attack NA, get battles, get territory, moar fiefs moar gold moar gear moar troops
First plan.
Then I was like, okay, let's give those actually pretty kind players some nice battles. Did not think about what's going to happen after HCE
Then I was like (after the second siege of Durquba): okay, let's try to get as much battles as possible! Try to get some xp and simply do some funny teamfighting and tactics and be the great german commander lol
And now I am: dafuq should I do now. I see the strat map. It's fucked up. 90 % of the map are allied and I can't do shit cuz I will loose my roster support if I continue war after Durquba. Tell me. Anyone. What should I do xD We earn atm enough money without trading. We don't fucking need to trade at all lol^^ About 5 mio gold a week only by taking the gold outta the fiefs is great xD We can buy troops and still got some farmers and we got still tons of armies in EU waiting to come to NA.

If you guys wanna make me happy, so LL, HoC, Brotherhood, wardens and berserks. Fight each other :D If somebody thinks this is just a trick of mine to get ur troops down and then take ur fiefs: Without all the listed clans/factions I got about 10 players in my roster. probably less.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Bronto on August 26, 2015, 09:52:37 pm
To clarify Blackbird, I'm not in HCE. I was just shitposting to ruffle feathers. On strat I'm actually brotherhood lol. Mission accomplished I guess, jimmies rustled. You should just continue doing what you're doing, taking fiefs and castles and stuff and see what happens. Fight whoever, who cares really. People will sign up because of xp. Attack during your primetime, it's normally when I'm on and can reap the benefits!

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Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: BlackxBird on August 26, 2015, 09:55:41 pm
I know where u're in. otherwise I did not talk normal to u. The only thing I get from Acre is hate, why would I talk kind to them xD. I guess u just passed halmar. I get constant informations/ss of my players ;)
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Bronto on August 26, 2015, 09:57:30 pm
I know where u're in. otherwise I did not talk normal to u. The only thing I get from Acre is hate, why would I talk kind to them xD. I guess u just passed halmar. I get constant informations/ss of my players ;)

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Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: StonedSteel on August 26, 2015, 11:47:12 pm
if anything strat needs a reset and changes made to it, so any small group of people can pool together resources quickly and easily, the problem with getting things going with strat, is it takes not only the super nerds to lead it, but people with vast amounts patience to get things organized and deal with changes as they happen.

tbh, and i get what they were trying to do ( donky crew ) but the new focus resource management really slowed the pace of strat. it became much more important this strat to organize the financial aspects of building an army, which lead to alot less armies actually being used. the risk is fairly high now, so we have most of the factions out there building up armies rather than using them, where as if armies where easier and faster to build there would be much less risk in using them and people would probably attack alot more often.

fuck, i guess i am a broken record, all of this shit everyone already knows to the point its common mutherfucking knowledge by now and has been discussed like 6 fucking months ago. damn.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: BlackxBird on August 26, 2015, 11:51:26 pm
that would be gay. Big factions could just pew pew with there armies everywhere. If they are nerdy enough, they can actually conquer shit easily without any problems, if they are actually the biggest clan on the map.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: GOBBLINKINGREATLEADER on August 26, 2015, 11:55:54 pm
im not bothering to read this but i want u 2 know that i personally think u guys r pussies 4 attacking USA in 2015 when the only people who still play this game are people who are several deviations below the standard intelligence and as such couldnt realize that strat 5 is about as fun as playing secret movie with your uncle Mike

i just post this 2 be sure that you take no ego from your false accomplishments, ya big fat unshaven EU minges

real talk
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: BlackxBird on August 27, 2015, 12:01:25 am
im not bothering to read this but i want u 2 know that i personally think u guys r pussies 4 attacking USA in 2015 when the only people who still play this game are people who are several deviations below the standard intelligence and as such couldnt realize that strat 5 is about as fun as playing secret movie with your uncle Mike

i just post this 2 be sure that you take no ego from your false accomplishments, ya big fat unshaven EU minges

real talk


and heskey, this is the reason why I try to get some new factions under my "control", so I can kinda tell them how the game works. If they need an commander, they got me, if they need a roster, I will contact ppl, if they need better gear, damn I'd gear their village with gothic plate :D
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: mrrdhardy on August 27, 2015, 01:11:41 am
What else is there to do? There is no GOBBLIN KING anymore so we all wander, lost on the map.
feel the same with out FCC and Kesh strat is dead to me.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: GOBBLINKINGREATLEADER on August 27, 2015, 01:26:52 am
and naturally the only people left are the weakest in a situation where the strong know to leave, so weak they just roll over on their backs and let EU fill up their boiholes


but hey what else would you expect from this list except for the mettle of a 4 year old with shit in his pants

Lost Legion
Wardens of the North
Hounds of Chulainn
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Talanarsis on August 27, 2015, 01:37:05 am
that would be gay. Big factions could just pew pew with there armies everywhere. If they are nerdy enough, they can actually conquer shit easily without any problems, if they are actually the biggest clan on the map.

Big factions could just pew pew with there armies everywhere.

pew pew with there armies

there armies

there armies

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Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Havelle on August 27, 2015, 01:55:34 am

and heskey, this is the reason why I try to get some new factions under my "control", so I can kinda tell them how the game works. If they need an commander, they got me, if they need a roster, I will contact ppl, if they need better gear, damn I'd gear their village with gothic plate :D

I would do all that stuff and not even make them be allied with me on strat, but they would have to add me on facebook and comment on my photos because I don't have a lot of facebook friends.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Kadeth on August 27, 2015, 02:00:03 am
typing purely in lower case with minimal punctuation to give the impression that not a single fuck is given

Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: GOBBLINKINGREATLEADER on August 27, 2015, 02:06:17 am
you think you can make shitposting into a calculated science? that you can just nitpick the details of shitposting and try and remove their power?

you are dreaming, only the untrained and the novices of shitposting think they can enact rote memorization and techniques to accomplish their goal

shitposting is so much more than that

shitposting is a nuanced art you couldn't begin to envision you pulsating shit rock floating through the universe in spiritless and perfunctory ennui

you have to live the shit

you have to breathe the shit

you have to become the shit
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Mr.K. on August 27, 2015, 12:20:24 pm
Back to the earlier discussion. I started out on Strategus with a couple of friends and the mechanics themselves weren't really limiting us too much. Sure they aren't easy to figure out as there's was no up to date guide and still isn't, but figuring out where to buy gear and trading was kinda fun. The problem was rosters though. It's frustrating when you got the gear, you got the troops, but no one will fight for you. And that was when we still had 70-80 applicants for both sides in big battles. I've never understood why the community feels that they should only fight for their own clan or their friends. Independent players could make the whole thing much more fun. On EU side we had a small clan called Pantheon for example. It was something like three or four members always with perfectly geared armies well enough commanded in battles, but always lacking in roster support...

So what I wanted to say is that even with all the problems with Strategus itself, the biggest problem for new players are and always were the old players.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Mr.K. on August 27, 2015, 12:33:40 pm
Also noone came to repulse us at the start of Strat 5 when we took Nova Tulga and created an EU-only faction in NA called 'Her Brittanic Majesy's Royal Armed Forces', then declared Imperial law and expressed our desire to subjugate the Colonies and impose our 'Hat Tax' on everyone. Sadly the lack of NAs coming to repel us meant that boredom and inactivity destroyed our faction...

We thought about fixing your inactivity a year ago, but then Kesh happened. Could have been a nice EU war on NA, but that never happened :cry:
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Mr.K. on August 27, 2015, 01:13:56 pm
We had the mighty Acre behind us at that point, we were safe and secure :rolleyes:
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: njames89 on August 28, 2015, 05:52:22 pm
Haven't been on much and as such haven't read the bullshit posted by the EU invaders in the last little while. This is just your friendly chadzian reminder not to listen to FCC propaganda. Long live King Louie! Long Live Acre! Long live the Holy chadzian Empire. Fuck blackbird, plumbo and the FCC slaves!

I'll be back and feeding them a sword soon enough  8-)
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: StonedSteel on August 28, 2015, 06:18:43 pm
blackbird has nothing to do with fcc
fcc doesnt exist anymore ( and not because they got wiped, but got bored of wiping others too easily )
arorwhine and james the looney will never forget how bad fcc raped them ( EVER )
the holy chadzian empire is no longer an empire
and saying you will feed them your sword...even though you nearly lost all of your fiefs...makes you seem big and tough

fuck plumbo, i agree with that one.
but the rest is batshit stupid typical loonacy from the mod's new chosen one.

ty for ur time, but more importantly, your downvotes.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: mcdeath on August 28, 2015, 06:49:24 pm
You're all FCC putie scum to Arowaine
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: StonedSteel on August 28, 2015, 06:55:12 pm
...listen here mcdick ( more like, mcsmalls ), your wrong.

ur always fucking wrong, about fucking everything, y u have to be wrong all the fucki...actually u were right just a couple posts ago.

but still...ur wrong this time


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Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Voncrow on August 28, 2015, 07:12:42 pm
I think james is just confused, he's been eating swords so much that he probably thinks it's common courtesy for people to offer it.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: njames89 on August 28, 2015, 07:22:00 pm
Look voncrow I'm sorry we had to kick you for being a negative Nancy. You shouldn't harbour a grudge though. Bad for the blood. Forgiveness is the one true chadzian path.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: bruttus on August 28, 2015, 08:53:55 pm
Didn't wanted to react, since the battle that I lost.
I know that there is allot of grudge from HoC towards me
I am gonna try how to resolve the problem that I have encounterd during that battle.
On sight the battle itself wasn't a problem, I came with an small army, suprised the enemy, don't tell me blackbird that you weren't suprissed when I was knocking on some1ones door, but I was also suprissed that reinfocements came.
It was about the name Bumbling_Belgian_Bruttus, a HoC member
That comes over as a good laugh, especially when that person has set his goal to focus on me, but to me, it came over as racist.

Now, when I left 1.5y ago with HoC, that clan was being puked out by all the other clans as immature, becouse of the many youngsters in that clan. I thought, in all honnesty that we could live, not as friends, but atleast leave that past behind. But aperntly HoC can't do that, I know, from all the battles that mine small army was involved, the entire HoC signed in, but in other battles its not.
You can tell me what you want, but aslong if I was a member, I Always defended HoC against the other clans that really hated HoC, but treatend like that with a racist name towards mine adres, thats to mutch.

And another thing, maybe I am trolling a bit, but atleast I try to get the NA comunity together to form a front.
And yes the glory day's for NA are over, but an early battle on an houre when almost no1 is awayke, then you should side away youre thinkingpatrons, and sign in to the party who has lesser people, becouse those fights, are really a joke.
I would sign for that faction who had just not enough people becouse of the shitty attack houre that oure good friend Blackbird sometimes attack. even if it is an enemy faction, I would do that.

Annyway its being mine last post to try to get the NA community in 1 line, becouse you all like to suck Blackbirds cock with pleasure.
And aslong if strat is busy, and othe Eu factions are pooring in to attack the rest of the NA factions, don't complain about it, becouse I have told you so.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: mcdeath on August 28, 2015, 09:06:40 pm
...listen here mcdick ( more like, mcsmalls ), your wrong.

ur always fucking wrong, about fucking everything, y u have to be wrong all the fucki...actually u were right just a couple posts ago.

but still...ur wrong this time


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I miss you too bby.

Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: BlackxBird on August 28, 2015, 11:18:13 pm
omfg I hate reading posts like that when I'm...

let's call it a bit stoned and drunk


Okay bruttus. You may not noticed that this is a wargame, and racists like you destroy it. Not saying you're one who sees a niggah would be unfriendly against him. You're one of those who do not actually know what u're talkin about.

Uniting a country against another in a wargame where it does not matter where ppl come from is gay.

We wanted to do something. Attacking the only faction that is actually able to get enough mercs to defend against the other ones united is actually a great thing.

My deep respect to the Acre guys especially James here. I've heard how many ppl u made coming back to this shit here. I'm not kidding. James, I love you for that! This is actually the highest (haha I said highest while I'm high) aim in this war. Stop QQing about anything, ......... sry mah bros want me to roll them some more joints cuz they're too stupid to do it. WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH

don't take drugs all the kids who read that, drugs are bad and will give your parents aids, dont do it!!!

dafuq is that, I can write properly, but I'm not able to klick the "post" button............

Edit; I did i.t.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: StonedSteel on August 28, 2015, 11:41:40 pm
blackbird man







Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Jona on August 28, 2015, 11:59:24 pm
blackbird man








It must be a stoner thing.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Voncrow on August 29, 2015, 02:15:42 am
Look voncrow I'm sorry we had to kick you for being a negative Nancy. You shouldn't harbour a grudge though. Bad for the blood. Forgiveness is the one true chadzian path.

Sorry? I'm happy to be out of the clan where you yelled at members in ts for making strat mistakes. Plus I remember leaving due to SKoT coming back, so maybe you kicked me out and I didn't know, you guys always had problems communicating.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: njames89 on August 29, 2015, 07:50:33 pm
A win win then. No use for negative cry babies over here :)

I am also sorry if I intimidated you by speaking with a purpose. I have always approached leading like a football coach.

Finally to Jona though Louie has had some run ins with the law he has been reborn. Such is the light of chadz.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: mcdeath on August 29, 2015, 08:39:18 pm
I am also sorry if I intimidated you by speaking with a purpose. I have always approached leading like a football coach.

How dare you relate your leadership to that of a football coach. The fuck are you talking about? Football is American as fuck and you my friend are not American. If anything you would be considered a Jr. High coach that got fired for caring too much about winning meaningless games.

Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: njames89 on August 29, 2015, 09:27:31 pm
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: traxits on August 29, 2015, 09:33:52 pm
why is this still going on
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: njames89 on August 29, 2015, 09:34:39 pm
Herr Blackbird has yet to complete his extermination.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: njames89 on August 29, 2015, 10:36:26 pm
I believe the game is more fun when the fights are balanced. Gives better xp and longer battles.

Pointing out how Eu and na factions tried to gank us. Not crying just pointing out that even with you all working together you can't stop us.

Keep up the good fight guys let's stop these vultures and turncoats!
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Voncrow on August 29, 2015, 11:06:25 pm
It's ok james, we all know why you are crying.

Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: mcdeath on August 30, 2015, 12:14:56 am
It's ok james, we all know why you are crying.

Nah dude, James is a football coach.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: njames89 on August 30, 2015, 06:23:45 am
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Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Froi on August 30, 2015, 07:06:26 am
Welcome to America.  You’re about to begin the greatest moment of your life.

The Euro's have lost thousands of ticks, and equipment.  Blackbirds brutalized hordes are now advancing towards 'Murica over mountains of their own dead bodies.

Our Obamanian Party, our nation, our great country, have given us the task not to let the enemy defile America, and to defend the city of Washington D.C.!

Forward against the enemy!  Up into the unremitting battle comrades, for NA, for our great country!  Not one step back! 

Cowards and leachers will be shot!  Do not count days, do not count ticks, count only the number of Euroscum you have killed!

Kill the Euro- this is your mother's prayer.  Kill the Euro- this is the cry of your chadzian earth!

Do not waver!  Do not let up!  Kill!

Death to the European invader!
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: njames89 on August 30, 2015, 07:08:01 am

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Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Havelle on August 30, 2015, 07:36:30 pm
It's ok james, we all know why you are crying.

Yo Voncrow you fucking suck dick at this game and your factions totally gay. You're like in Lumetta's faction right? Who are you to ever talk shit to anyone? Like what the fuck are you thinking, dude?
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: mcdeath on August 30, 2015, 07:43:00 pm
Yo Voncrow you fucking suck dick at this game and your factions totally gay. You're like in Lumetta's faction right? Who are you to ever talk shit to anyone? Like what the fuck are you thinking, dude?

Voncrow clan hops. Pretty sure he is a member of scat clan right now.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: BlackPanda on August 30, 2015, 07:46:24 pm
Voncrow clan hops. Pretty sure he is a member of scat clan right now.
He never fits in so he moves from clan to clan till he finds A level austist.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Havelle on August 30, 2015, 07:48:55 pm
He never fits in so he moves from clan to clan till he finds A level austist.

Easy bro, I spent alot of time stacking and clanwhoring myself. Its a nice way to pick up some friends here and there.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Voncrow on August 30, 2015, 08:11:10 pm
He never fits in so he moves from clan to clan till he finds A level austist.

If that was true I would have stayed in acre.  :rolleyes:

I clan hop because I found playing with different groups of people fun and interesting rather than playing alone when my faction isn't on or dies.

Yo Voncrow you fucking suck dick at this game and your factions totally gay. You're like in Lumetta's faction right? Who are you to ever talk shit to anyone? Like what the fuck are you thinking, dude?

I do suck pretty bad at this game, sad after 3 years of playing it I should probably be better. I'm not in Lumettas faction anymore, I left them a couple of months ago. I don't know what you have against Lumetta or his faction, but I see you've picked some things up from acre, just say the other guy sucks and it must be true. Also I'd have to ask you who made you the judge of who has the right to talk shit, your fan club who thinks it's funny to troll admins and break rules for their amusement?
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: mcdeath on August 30, 2015, 08:13:34 pm
Now a days I really only stack and take advantage of a sick armory. Speaking of which Acre has one of the worst I have had the privilege of using.

Nothing will ever beat the old SEMENstorm armory. Thing used to have 200+ +3s and about 150 other items.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Havelle on August 30, 2015, 09:13:30 pm
If that was true I would have stayed in acre.  :rolleyes:

I clan hop because I found playing with different groups of people fun and interesting rather than playing alone when my faction isn't on or dies.

I do suck pretty bad at this game, sad after 3 years of playing it I should probably be better. I'm not in Lumettas faction anymore, I left them a couple of months ago. I don't know what you have against Lumetta or his faction, but I see you've picked some things up from acre, just say the other guy sucks and it must be true. Also I'd have to ask you who made you the judge of who has the right to talk shit, your fan club who thinks it's funny to troll admins and break rules for their amusement?

If we're going to get all technical and serious, I'm no real judge.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Havelle on August 30, 2015, 09:16:31 pm
Didn't know I had a fan club, though. That's pretty neat.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Jona on August 30, 2015, 09:19:31 pm
Didn't know I had a fan club, though. That's pretty neat.

Where do I sign up?
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Voncrow on August 30, 2015, 09:25:27 pm
Didn't know I had a fan club, though. That's pretty neat.

That's just what I call the people who always get mad when you get banned. Like when you were trolling dupre that one time.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Havelle on August 30, 2015, 09:31:04 pm
That's just what I call the people who always get mad when you get banned. Like when you were trolling dupre that one time.

Is that what you call ride or die niggas? Interesting. Also, how do you know I'm trolling and not just an ignorant dumbfuck?
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: mcdeath on August 30, 2015, 09:32:21 pm
That's just what I call the people who always get mad when you get banned. Like when you were trolling dupre that one time.

Like when you were trolling dupre that one time.

that one time

Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Voncrow on August 30, 2015, 09:36:59 pm
Is that what you call ride or die niggas? Interesting. Also, how do you know I'm trolling and not just an ignorant dumbfuck?

I'm giving you the benefit of the doubt I guess.

Also I guess there has been more than one occurrence.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Havelle on August 30, 2015, 09:39:31 pm
I'm giving you the benefit of the doubt I guess.

Also I guess there has been more than one occurrence.

That's really nice of you. You seem like a really nice guy.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Tristan_of_Erzoth on August 30, 2015, 09:45:22 pm
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: njames89 on August 30, 2015, 10:29:40 pm
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Voncrow on August 30, 2015, 10:34:58 pm
Such a tough guy standing behind 14 merc advantage, so much for preaching about roster fairness. I'm also waiting for you guys to man up and actually attack something.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: njames89 on August 30, 2015, 10:35:52 pm
We have defended Curaw down by the same number. Your bullshit will never stop us.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Voncrow on August 30, 2015, 10:37:18 pm
So you saying attacking with less mercs and defending with less mercs are the same?
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: njames89 on August 30, 2015, 10:37:40 pm
I'm saying that you are wasting your air spewing this bullshit. No one falls for it.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Dex_Atromis on August 30, 2015, 10:37:50 pm
Death to the EU invaders it is you mothers prayer.

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To bad the Battle of Curaw was only a slaughter of Peasant Swine!
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: bruttus on August 30, 2015, 10:38:05 pm
Such a tough guy standing behind 14 merc advantage, so much for preaching about roster fairness. I'm also waiting for you guys to man up and actually attack something.

Sorry, but we didn't complained when LL taked Yruma Castle. They had a also a merc advantage, but I didn't heard you complaining about it
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Voncrow on August 30, 2015, 10:39:20 pm
You can complain about attackers having the merc advantage when you attack. The difference in case you aren't smart enough to tell is huge stone walls. But I don't think James is smart enough to tell.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: njames89 on August 30, 2015, 10:40:34 pm
Nice one voncrow! Gotteem!
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Bauer on August 30, 2015, 10:42:07 pm
Such a tough guy standing behind 14 merc advantage, so much for preaching about roster fairness. I'm also waiting for you guys to man up and actually attack something.

You ask us to attack? Well, sir, one day our banners shall flutter above all the fiefs of caladria--or whatever the hell it's called. For now just continue throwing your resources at our walls. We are grateful for your gifts. We don't really need them though.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Voncrow on August 30, 2015, 10:44:32 pm
I don't doubt it, every war acre has fought they lost and somehow got their shit back. Mainly begging and raiding I think. They'll be back again and we'll have fun beating them again once we finish them off.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: mcdeath on August 30, 2015, 10:45:19 pm
You ask us to attack? Well, sir, one day our banners shall flutter above all the fiefs of caladria--or whatever the hell it's called. For now just continue throwing your resources at our walls. We are grateful for your gifts. We don't really need them though.

Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Dex_Atromis on August 30, 2015, 10:56:30 pm
For when that time comes again, God will be on our side.

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God, Our chadzian Empire, Our nation of Acre, has given us the task of defending Durquba and Curaw; And to Defend the Great Holy chadzian Empire! Forward against the Enemy! Up into the Unremetting Battle comrades, For Acre, For the chadzian Empire!Not one step back! Cowards and Traitors will be hung! Do not count days, Do not count Ticks! Only count the number of Eu Swine you have killed!
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: BlackxBird on August 30, 2015, 11:06:42 pm
Dex_Altromis u know how often Acre attacked something important of us in this war?

Kalmar + Eques did 80 + attacks. Acre did 17 in the time we are here now. Due to the fact that acre got more players (than eques and kalmar together) on the map this is pretty hard.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: njames89 on August 30, 2015, 11:24:10 pm
Blah blah blah. Get a better angle Blackbird you are boring us.

For example a court artist has recently produced this wonderful depiction of EU getting crushed at Curaw.

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Perhaps you can be a little more creative, also note that our priests are giving even your eu dogs proper last rights.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Dex_Atromis on August 30, 2015, 11:26:14 pm
IF WE ARE ATTACKING SOMETHING IMPORTANT TO YOU ITS PROLLY CAUSE ITS STRATEGIC!... Hence we are at war and we will rape and pillage everything you love.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Voncrow on August 30, 2015, 11:26:37 pm
The fact that you guys are cowards is the only angle we need.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: njames89 on August 30, 2015, 11:31:39 pm
 :lol: I'm shaking in my shynbaulds
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Dex_Atromis on August 30, 2015, 11:33:47 pm
 :shock: | Voncrow | :shock:

With your negative attitude maybe you should look into therapy for these dank memes.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Tristan_of_Erzoth on August 30, 2015, 11:36:01 pm
Was hoping for a good fight at Curaw, shame that Goku keeps getting cucked on rosters he's a cool dude. Same with Ciri the few times I've talked to them on EU DTV. Good thing theres that squid battle later today
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: njames89 on August 30, 2015, 11:38:08 pm
Weird I guess the NA traitors that fight for EU aren't that dependable. I must say I expected them to have a lot more people with 45 mercs signed.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: W0LF on August 31, 2015, 12:45:52 am
Voncrow, Soldier of fortune had 45 signed for them we had 51 signed for us. Would you prefer that we tell 15 people that signed for us and showed up to leave in order to make it even for you?
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Voncrow on August 31, 2015, 01:14:11 am
Voncrow, Soldier of fortune had 45 signed for them we had 51 signed for us. Would you prefer that we tell 15 people that signed for us and showed up to leave in order to make it even for you?

No I just find it funny that the faction that preaches how rosters should be fair takes every chance to put rosters in their favor.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Lt_Anders on August 31, 2015, 01:20:55 am
No I just find it funny that the faction that preaches how rosters should be fair takes every chance to put rosters in their favor.

Wait, they have been bitching about that recently?
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Schoi on August 31, 2015, 01:25:18 am
No I just find it funny that the faction that preaches how rosters should be fair takes every chance to put rosters in their favor.

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Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: W0LF on August 31, 2015, 01:25:30 am
No I just find it funny that the faction that preaches how rosters should be fair takes every chance to put rosters in their favor.
How is people not showing for their side us taking every chance?
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: njames89 on August 31, 2015, 02:32:16 am
That was in response to you quoting something from the start of the war heskey. I genuinely believe the game is more fun with even wars.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Voncrow on August 31, 2015, 03:12:31 am
That was in response to you quoting something from the start of the war heskey. I genuinely believe the game is more fun with even wars.

Yet you declared war on factions that you consider flies in comparison to you. How noble.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Bryggan on August 31, 2015, 04:28:08 am
BULLSHIT!  I declared war on all factions that were less than us.  To fight only Mithrim would have been ignoble.  The Hounds were their allies and friends, so I altered the votes to declare war on them.  I down right lied to pass that declaration of war, skipping the whole democratic process.

At the time, it only seemed fair.  The HCE was bigger than the rest of the factions combined, so I went to war with all of them.  And it worked.  We took Rindyar castle, and almost took Slekzh (but some army wandered off).  Then they retook Rindyar castle and reinforced Slekzh.  While I still held to my dream of subjecting all of Calradia to my gentle rule, in which it would become the trading simulator game we all desire, I still opted for the hard way.  With every victory we had, more people would start playing again... against us.  It was like fighting the Hydra- for every head we cut off, more would appear.  And we were cool with that.

Then Eu came in, and yes- some of us whined.  I myself did, in fact.  It just seemed totally unfair that guys could come out of nowhere with 30-60K shiny troops.  But, in hindsight, we approve.  They made soem awesome battles.  And there was no shame for us in losing to such overwhelming numbers.  And yes, Black Bird kept saying how stupid us NAers were for not being used to 50 vs 50 battles, but we caught on quick.  This was all shit we gave up on when it was 21 vs 17 battles.

But that is in the past.  Anyone who knows me knows that I attack aggressively.  Best defense is a good offense, thinks I.

So feel free to hate me for attacking more than I should.  When I attack, I attack populations mostly.  Free troops.  So, if I have more guys generating troops, that means they are lost to AI generated troops.  And, after after wicked battle capturing a castle, it means most pop is dead, and odds are crime will stop us from garrisoning a castle.  Which means our enemies will have an easy time recapturing.


And actually, I'm quite proud of my boys for showing such restraint.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: njames89 on August 31, 2015, 05:17:38 am
Good fights today! Stay strong America lets beat back this invasion!
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: njames89 on August 31, 2015, 06:27:24 am
Yet you declared war on factions that you consider flies in comparison to you. How noble.

I know you think I am the sole leader of HCE and I do take it as a compliment, however that is simply not true. In the case of Berserks you attacked us first and we fought back. In the case of HoC I voted against that war as did Axeman.

So your quarrel lies with yourself, and potentially with Bryggan. That Emperor guy sure gets some ambitious ideas  :lol:.

Praise be to chadz, Praise be to the Emperor.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Bryggan on August 31, 2015, 07:27:33 am
Your quarrels do lie with me.  When the Berserks attacked, I said 'hunt them down'.  I will admit I was surprised by our efficiency.  But I also made peace with the Berserks.  Lumetta and I talked, and we both left happy.  If either of us did not stay happy, that is not my fault, as no one came to me with a complaint.  But it is true:  I am power hungry, despotic and tyrannical... but it is all in your best interests, mind you.  The Hounds of Mithrim seem to think I am half mad... well would a mad man alphabet carrot toss down donkey face?

Thought so.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Havelle on August 31, 2015, 11:53:18 am
Yet you declared war on factions that you consider flies in comparison to you. How noble.

Shut up, Voncrow, you don't even have a fan club.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Tristan_of_Erzoth on August 31, 2015, 12:07:28 pm
Your quarrels do lie with me.  When the Berserks attacked, I said 'hunt them down'.  I will admit I was surprised by our efficiency.  But I also made peace with the Berserks.  Lumetta and I talked, and we both left happy.  If either of us did not stay happy, that is not my fault, as no one came to me with a complaint.  But it is true:  I am power hungry, despotic and tyrannical... but it is all in your best interests, mind you.  The Hounds of Mithrim seem to think I am half mad... well would a mad man alphabet carrot toss down donkey face?

Thought so.

Well you tell me to kill them and I get it done Bryggan. Killed like 600 beserk troops and took both their villages without losing a single troop
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Bryggan on August 31, 2015, 12:48:49 pm
Which is why I named you the 'Sword of the South'.  Pretty much an executioner's sword you had there.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: xxkaliboyx on August 31, 2015, 12:50:24 pm
In all seriousness, who the fuck is Bryggan, why does he post so much in this thread and for the love of chadz god, who is he a emperor of???!!!

Can the NA Start Historian please step forward and explain thee?

Your quarrels do lie with me.  When the Berserks attacked, I said 'hunt them down'.  I will admit I was surprised by our efficiency.  But I also made peace with the Berserks.  Lumetta and I talked, and we both left happy.  If either of us did not stay happy, that is not my fault, as no one came to me with a complaint.  But it is true:  I am power hungry, despotic and tyrannical... but it is all in your best interests, mind you.  The Hounds of Mithrim seem to think I am half mad... well would a mad man alphabet carrot toss down donkey face?

Thought so.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Schoi on August 31, 2015, 12:50:37 pm
Yet you declared war on factions that you consider flies in comparison to you. How noble.




Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Tristan_of_Erzoth on August 31, 2015, 01:58:09 pm
In all seriousness, who the fuck is Bryggan, why does he post so much in this thread and for the love of chadz god, who is he a emperor of???!!!

Can the NA Start Historian please step forward and explain thee?
Bryggan is the Emperor that makes it the Holy chadzian Empire. Basically the official leader of HCE who has finalish say in everything.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Mr.K. on August 31, 2015, 04:14:13 pm
I believe the game is more fun when the fights are balanced. Gives better xp and longer battles.

And a day later after outnumbering the enemy by 50% against 150+ ping euros:

Good fights today! Stay strong America lets beat back this invasion!

Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: BlackxBird on August 31, 2015, 06:14:52 pm
Mr. K.: Because James.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: StonedSteel on August 31, 2015, 06:19:29 pm
Shut up, Voncrow, you don't even have a fan club.

bro, he dont have time for his own fan cub, he's too busy making webpages and shit for mine ( its massive \ has gurls on it, gurls have tits, u jelly havelle? in ur fan club btw )
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Havelle on August 31, 2015, 06:36:35 pm
bro, he dont have time for his own fan cub, he's too busy making webpages and shit for mine ( its massive \ has gurls on it, gurls have tits, u jelly havelle? in ur fan club btw )

He'll yeah I'm jelly. Can I be in yours?
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: StonedSteel on August 31, 2015, 06:40:40 pm

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Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Lt_Anders on August 31, 2015, 08:37:20 pm
Was talking to a co-worker who does comedy off hand and this showed up. Not sure if posted already but lets have some meme fun.

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Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: xxkaliboyx on August 31, 2015, 08:49:28 pm
Was talking to a co-worker who does comedy off hand and this showed up. Not sure if posted already but lets have some meme fun.

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Real life "safety brief" in the last unit I was in. "Do not take HMMVs to stripe clubs"

Note: Safety brief is what soldiers get before every weekend cause we are dangerous and dumb   :D
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Tristan_of_Erzoth on August 31, 2015, 09:20:29 pm
Scenario 1:
He declares war on a smaller faction in a fighting game.

Scenario 2:
He declares war on a smaller faction in a fighting game.

A larger faction then declares war on him in a fighting game. He then bawls his eyes out on forums about it.

Are we seeing a difference between these scenarios?

Bryggan never bawled his eyes out on the forum lmao. And if i remember correctly Beserks and Wardens both attacked us first, while we declared war on LL and HoC.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: njames89 on August 31, 2015, 09:30:43 pm
Haters gonna hate.

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Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: mcdeath on August 31, 2015, 10:15:31 pm
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Schoi on August 31, 2015, 11:49:36 pm
Scenario 1:
He declares war on a smaller faction in a fighting game.

Scenario 2:
He declares war on a smaller faction in a fighting game.

A larger faction then declares war on him in a fighting game. He then bawls his eyes out on forums about it.

Are we seeing a difference between these scenarios?

Do you even fucking play this game?
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: njames89 on September 01, 2015, 12:30:29 am
Heskeytime is one of Blackbirds troop farmers. Another damn good fight today HCE.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Tristan_of_Erzoth on September 01, 2015, 10:24:28 am
I actually had a lovely view of you getting wrecked when you attacked Dirk on the strat map. Uxhaul is where I go to buy all my heavy ordinance, very good gear fief.

Also, you imply that someone needs to *play* in the sense of grinding ticks in NA1 before they can spot forum bitching? You really don't need to know anything about warband to spot ironic bitching or hypocrisy on the forums.
i think his point is if you dont play the game and have nothing to contribute to the actual game why are you bothering us with your shitty opinions
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Schoi on September 01, 2015, 01:31:33 pm
I actually had a lovely view of you getting wrecked when you attacked Dirk on the strat map. Uxhaul is where I go to buy all my heavy ordinance, very good gear fief.

Also, you imply that someone needs to *play* in the sense of grinding ticks in NA1 before they can spot forum bitching? You really don't need to know anything about warband to spot ironic bitching or hypocrisy on the forums.

I've never seen you in game before, not on the Chinese server, not on the European servers, not on the North American servers. It really just seems like you're some fat guy trying to act intelligent on the forums. Desire tries to do that too.

How about I look up Heskeytime to see if he's in a European clan. I hope I can even find him, my search abilities are so limited since I'm not an admin.

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Oh, well would you look at that, he plays strategus! Must be pretty good at it too with that performance rating. Pretty MLG like Krems.

Look he's in a clan! Let's see how many people it has.

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Oh, it's just him. What did I expect from this introverted fedora lover.

Well, he's got a link to a song in his bio, might as well check it out.

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Well, that song sucked dick, and so does Heskeytime.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Voncrow on September 01, 2015, 02:02:41 pm
I saw Heskeytime playing on na_1 during na primetime on sunday. Also Skoi you've proved beyond a reasonable doubt that your opinion is worthless on this forum.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Bronto on September 01, 2015, 02:29:32 pm
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Ah for fuck's sake, that post made me laugh. Rare thing now a days in this here thread.

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Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Schoi on September 01, 2015, 02:42:47 pm
I saw Heskeytime playing on na_1 during na primetime on sunday. Also Skoi you've proved beyond a reasonable doubt that your opinion is worthless on this forum.

That's true Voncrow. but me mum sed m cool so m stil cool
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Schoi on September 01, 2015, 03:53:39 pm
I've never seen you in any of those servers either, so I guess by your logic that makes you a fat guy trying to act intelligent on the forums.

The good thing about my banner, you cant miss it. I've been playing quite often lately, maybe 3 times a week. The difference is now i'm playing my main so that people know it's me. I've been on EU1 a lot during EU prime time, and sometimes NA1 if EU is dead.

I'm a shite player and proud of it, but NA is kind to me, I get valor pretty consistently so it keeps me in strat ticks (90% of the reason I play on battle)

Oi, i'm very proud of that faction (you mean faction, clan is something else noob), I created it literally yesterday so that I don't look like a factionless randomer on the map.

Well now you've lost all credibility, that song is amazing.

At least i'm not noob enough to attack Dirk and get my asshole torn open for it. Although FYI if you'd won that battle vs Dirk I would've been shoving my shiny-army dick down your throat within an hour of the battle's end. If you've never seen me on the map that's your own lack of observation, since I had my eye on your juicy army for quite some time before you got raped by Dirk.

I do mean clan, because the website lists it as a clan. I don't care about strategus, it's shit James gets his cock erect for. I don't even know who Dirk is. You  post shit more than you play. The game is Mount and Blade Warband, not Forum and my old friend keyboard wars.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Voncrow on September 01, 2015, 04:07:00 pm
Skoi those names do not synergize like you were attempting to make them do. Wow Forum and my old friend can work with Mount and Blade, Keyboard wars does not go with Warband. Not only is the syllables different, but Warband is a group while Keyboard wars would be an event. Maybe Warkeys or Warboard or maybe even Keyboard itself could work. But Keyboard wars is honestly just a poor attempt and I think you should try harder if you want to get anywhere on these forums.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: CALAMARI on September 01, 2015, 05:10:31 pm
The game is Mount and Blade Warband, not Forum and my old friend keyboard wars Schoi and Bronto my old friendbang.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Schoi on September 01, 2015, 05:14:35 pm

Good point Calamari, I'm never going to post in this thread. There's no point, I should just be playing the game.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Bronto on September 01, 2015, 05:22:06 pm

You are so stupid Calamari. All because I found a post humorous. You weren't a horrible human in TS when I used to hang out there, I guess the forums are a different thing. You take this shit too seriously, lighten the fuck up. I thought it was a good joke. I doubt schoi actually hates heskeytime IRL. I sure don't. I think Heskey is awesome and he knows I don't hate him.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: CALAMARI on September 01, 2015, 05:24:42 pm
You are so stupid Calamari. All because I found a post humorous. You weren't a horrible human in TS when I used to hang out there, I guess the forums are a different thing. You take this shit too seriously, lighten the fuck up.

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Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Bronto on September 01, 2015, 05:25:48 pm
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It's gottem or gotm. I forgot you're such a master troll. Furthermore, you rage quit the game over McDeath trolling you just in case you forgot.

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Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: mcdeath on September 01, 2015, 05:43:19 pm
Forum wars simulator is more fun over crpg any day. That's why all the people who stop playing crpg keep posting on thr forums.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: BlackxBird on September 01, 2015, 06:54:32 pm
damn heskey, if they do that the game will be released 2030.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Bryggan on September 01, 2015, 07:30:21 pm
They should make the forum like Strat- you have to earn ticks that you spend on letters.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: BlackxBird on September 01, 2015, 07:33:15 pm
or change strat ticks to letters in the forum directly :o lol just checked that shit, still got 13K after not playing 3 weeks *_*
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: StonedSteel on September 02, 2015, 12:13:50 am
They should make the forum like Strat- you have to earn ticks that you spend on letters.

earn ticks that you spend on letters...i bet u think u would make alot..maybe more than most...cuz of rp's? ya..maybe...but what about crazy people...that just fucking type random shit...u really want these sort of just run with it? have sooo many fuckin ticks. meh i get stoned, and my fingers start moving, its fucking relaxing man, just kinda, idk , helps u put the day behind u. and some days are long as fuck, they just drag on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on



some people, started singing it, not knowing what it was...


lads i will GIVE my tickets to the first person u knows where that song is from.

better yet, how boot, a canadian question? alright, here goes? WHO REMEMBERS BABY BLUE MOVIES?!?!?

fuck it, idc who knows so ill just tell ya... FUN FACTS TIME

when i was a young lad...i watched... ALOT of porn, well, okay, not alot, but damn, it seemed like a lot. see idk wtf americans did to pass time \ wanked to when they were 10

but us canadians had...CITY TV...EVERYWHERE,,im TALKING TITS ya>? EVERYWHERE! lol i stayed up one night just watching, fucking speakers corner...and then it came on

BABY BLUE. we literally had legit FREE porn on tv weekends, like, idk if playboy was even on the air yet...u fucking americans can have all the crazy fucking Doritos flavors u want

i had high quality free fucking porn FOR YRS, and im talking quality shit bro, not like that, Red Shoes diary bullshit, this was legit, person-on-person full out fucking.

voester prob had it good too, he grew up in minnisota...

SOME OF MY FAV MUSIC COMES FROM MINNISNOWTA! well okay, not my fuckin fav, but it was at one time, when i was a young lad, playing Gangsta_The_Gathering

haha we all thought we were hot shit wannabe thugs back then, but the funny thing was, we all hated thug music, like, rap was everything back then, but we didnt listen to dr dre

or any of that BS fucking CANT-RELATE-TO-IT-AT-ALL no passion shit lyric garbege, nah bro, we listened to stuff we could relate to...

some guy with relationship problems using alcohol as a crutch which only makes every situation worse...i can relate to that shit, and minnisota provided some great rappers

Atmosphere, brother ali,,,,fucking Eyedea, eyedea is the shit man, i fucking miss mike so much, he was an awesome human being.

i think ima go smoke and reflect...

and remember...awards for most a dumb idea. cuz some people dont care what they type...and if they enjoy typing...they will just run wild with it.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: BlackxBird on September 02, 2015, 12:18:42 am
okay plumbo from now on you have to write if it is worth reading it or not. really.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: mcdeath on September 02, 2015, 12:20:27 am
okay plumbo from now on you have to write if it is worth reading it or not. really.

I agree
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Bryggan on September 02, 2015, 01:41:12 am
Yeah, I remember sneaking out of bed to watch titties on TV. Of course, now there's the Internet, so teens don't have to watch late night tv with the sound off.
But Plumbo, you dumb ass, you got it backwards. You gotta play to get ticks to write.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: njames89 on September 02, 2015, 01:57:49 am
Another great fight guys! We will stop this EU invasion yet!
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Zeus_ on September 02, 2015, 02:14:28 am
Another great fight guys! We will stop this EU invasion yet!

HoC is NOT EU.

And they have nothing to do with us attacking Curaw.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Jona on September 02, 2015, 02:20:04 am
HoC is NOT EU.

And they have nothing to do with us attacking Curaw.

It's hard to win an argument with a smart person, but it's damn near impossible to win an argument with a stupid person.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Bryggan on September 02, 2015, 02:47:09 am
C'mon Jona- let's not be calling TheZeus stupid. If he wants to believe HoC isn't part of the Eu invasion, let him.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: njames89 on September 02, 2015, 03:45:43 am
It is really simple. From the start of this conflict you were listed and have acted as allies to the EU invasion. That is a fact.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Bryggan on September 02, 2015, 04:08:32 am
Can't quote from a locked page, but in this thread: Jona clarified the true meaning of vassal and ally in strat to Tristan.  And he wrote:,

"Quote from: Dr_Device on March 22, 2015, 08:23:07 pm
The issue was more we aren't Acre vassals, so we had no idea Legionaires intended to attack us until it had already happened.

The misunderstanding could have largely been avoided if they'd have just specified who the apparently only Acre vassal they thought existed was in their war declaration. We would have been annoyed with the mistake still, but at least we would have known we were going to war."

So Jona said:

Right, that's understandable. Some people forget that this is you guys' first strat. The term "vassal" has kind of a different meaning here in crpg-land. It was flung around a whole lot during strat 4 (maybe even before, but I wasn't paying attention). Its crpg definition is more or less "a faction who associates in any way/shape/form with a larger faction than themselves." Basically, in strat 4 the FCC had many "allies" which were only a small fraction of its own size, and while they might have viewed them as allies who had as much power in the alliance the FCC did, I don't know since I wasn't involved in their politics. However, from the outside you have to wonder how a faction of 100+ people could have equal standing as a 10 man faction. So, the term vassal would apply to these "allies" in this case, since they were a tiny faction allied to a much, much larger one. Arguably this is a similar case with you guys and Acre, although the member numbers are far closer than the typical case in strat 4. Yet, the crpg definition of the word is still used today, it seems."

And that is why Jona called TheZeus stupid.  Which I thought was a little mean.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Voncrow on September 02, 2015, 04:13:18 am
Except HoC probably has more active strat members than LL or Liberes separately. In fact in our alliance when it comes to players I'd say HoC probably has the most. Therefore everyone else in the war would be HoC vassals in this definition.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Tristan_of_Erzoth on September 02, 2015, 04:56:12 am
Wait, people still think that EU has the power in the alliance and not Dutchy? EU/WOTN are basically LL vassals as far as I'm concerned. Somehow HoC is still at the beck and call of the Wardens as evidenced by them sieging Curaw.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Zeus_ on September 02, 2015, 05:11:22 am
But see James didnt call us "vassals", he just straight up said we are EU, and im pretty sure he was calling James stupid, but hey its whatever you want to think.

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Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Jona on September 02, 2015, 05:15:46 am
Somehow HoC is still at the beck and call of the Wardens as evidenced by them sieging Curaw.

Well you see, in a solid alliance, factions will help out the other members of said alliance to their mutual benefit. Not sure you would know anything about that, having left your previous alliance as soon as you deemed it a lost cause.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Tristan_of_Erzoth on September 02, 2015, 05:19:57 am
Well you see, in a solid alliance, factions will help out the other members of said alliance to their mutual benefit. Not sure you would know anything about that, having left your previous alliance as soon as you deemed it a lost cause.
Lol sure, because you know the exact reason I left right?
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Jona on September 02, 2015, 05:20:33 am
Cuz you know the exact reason we attacked, right?

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Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Tristan_of_Erzoth on September 02, 2015, 05:28:25 am
Cuz you know the exact reason we attacked, right?

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Well people in HoC told me sooooo... yeah. To clear up the confusion, I left because of disagreements on HCE's future and what the course we were going to follow would look like. I dont think HCE is a lost cause, and if I did I wouldn't still associate with them and help them whenever I can.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: njames89 on September 02, 2015, 05:51:20 am
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Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Tristan_of_Erzoth on September 02, 2015, 07:36:43 am
Watch out enemies of HCE, W0lf has obtained trips and the power is coursing through him

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Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Bronto on September 02, 2015, 02:18:15 pm
HoC is NOT EU.

And they have nothing to do with us attacking Curaw.

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Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: njames89 on September 02, 2015, 06:26:06 pm
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Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: njames89 on September 02, 2015, 06:40:53 pm
It's not a real xray of blackbird's brain  :lol:

Merely a motivational poster to strengthen the resolve of the true Americans.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: njames89 on September 02, 2015, 06:58:33 pm
Just wanted to make sure you understand what I'm doing here.

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Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: gallonigher on September 02, 2015, 08:48:43 pm
Pages and pages of American propaganda from a Canadian is confusing as fuck
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: woody on September 02, 2015, 09:19:14 pm
It cant be a real x ray of BBs brain since Im convinced hes another tin foil hat wearer like me.

The alien lizards that run the world mess with your brain otherwise.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: njames89 on September 02, 2015, 09:43:02 pm
Americans unite!

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Defend these beautiful lands!
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: BlackxBird on September 02, 2015, 10:39:02 pm
Wait, people still think that EU has the power in the alliance and not Dutchy? EU/WOTN are basically LL vassals as far as I'm concerned. Somehow HoC is still at the beck and call of the Wardens as evidenced by them sieging Curaw.

Power in an alliance? Dafuq u talkin about. Nobody has power over anyone. This is a complete balanced alliance with HoC Wardens LL and Eques. All have many troops, much territory, a great roster on their own and good commanders. Eques actually has more troops than all of the others and well... One or two cities more lol, but without Our allies we would have no chance doing anything. So is LL. They have more troops than wardens andHoC and more territory but for example HoC has extreme good roster support and wardens are damn active on the map :3 they kept curaw unenterable dor ages!

If you think anyone here would order something u are totally wrong! We discuss things. U know that shit called democracy and freedom u guys claim to fight for? We already have it.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: bruttus on September 02, 2015, 11:34:00 pm
Power in an alliance? Dafuq u talkin about. Nobody has power over anyone. This is a complete balanced alliance with HoC Wardens LL and Eques. All have many troops, much territory, a great roster on their own and good commanders. Eques actually has more troops than all of the others and well... One or two cities more lol, but without Our allies we would have no chance doing anything. So is LL. They have more troops than wardens andHoC and more territory but for example HoC has extreme good roster support and wardens are damn active on the map :3 they kept curaw unenterable dor ages!

If you think anyone here would order something u are totally wrong! We discuss things. U know that shit called democracy and freedom u guys claim to fight for? We already have it.

Thats why you force smaller factions to surrender and fight for your cause or being wiped out.
I'm sorry, but the Fuhrer and his Friends where wipped out about 70 years ago, but I'm wrong, becouse becouse there is a Fuhrer in strat.
You tell to others that you have democracy, but what does it means by you?
Just before WO 2, Uncle Dolf told also that he was liberating some country's, like Austria or Danzing, a portcity in Poland, or maybe liberating some Germans that where living in Tsjechiaslovakia
So what are you Blackbird? Fighter for Democracy or Fuhrer?

But You all make the same mistake what history teachs us, The Bigger your Empire, The more lands you have to cover to defend youreself.

Then ask youreself this question, what would you do when the common enemy HCE is being wipped out?
Would you just go play Merchant with your NA allies?
Are you going to wipe out the other NA factions that haven't fought or sended reinforcements for your Fourth Reich, Even the Neutrals?
Did you have plans for the future, like how you call it Lebensraum??

Don't worry, I come back, just going to play merchant, something what every1 wants to do in strat.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Voncrow on September 03, 2015, 12:10:17 am
We should all listen to HCE on this subject, they're experts on Empires overreaching themselves and losing all their land

True they are experts on losing a lot of land fast, but they are also experts at avoiding an offensive in wars. Someone would have to actually attack us before for that to happen at all.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: njames89 on September 03, 2015, 12:14:52 am
Haters gonna hate.  :rolleyes:
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: BlackxBird on September 03, 2015, 12:34:51 am
We got no problwm if u continue hating. James, just let it go, but there is no need to tell us, cuz we don't care.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: njames89 on September 03, 2015, 12:44:45 am
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Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Voncrow on September 03, 2015, 12:45:50 am
So since you have a deep don't attack policy, you want others to do it for you?
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: njames89 on September 03, 2015, 12:47:10 am
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No matter how much bullshit you spew Voncrow it will never become true.

Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Lt_Anders on September 03, 2015, 12:55:53 am
So since you have a deep don't attack policy, you want others to do it for you?

If you have money, why fight your own wars? Pay someone else to bleed for you.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Voncrow on September 03, 2015, 01:03:10 am
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No matter how much bullshit you spew Voncrow it will never become true.

I'm right until you guys prove me wrong. So go ahead and do it.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: njames89 on September 03, 2015, 01:04:13 am
I'm right until you guys prove me wrong. So go ahead and do it.

Nope you are just wrong. We owe you nothing.

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Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: BlackxBird on September 03, 2015, 01:07:15 am
I'm ordinary not, but james u constantly make me speechless :0 just wow.

Oh btw: pussy.

Voncrow they wont ever attack a geared army. Never. Cuz they simply cant. The only time I saw them attacking and building a forward spawn they needed 25 minutes to build one.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Bryggan on September 03, 2015, 03:35:45 am
Seriously, fuck off with the, "they won't attack" bullshit.  It's easy to attack when you come out of nowhere with 30K shiny troops.  We had been attacking as we got the troops before this- not a lot, but more than Wardens and HoC combined.  That was cause NA1 fell to shit (not bashing the Wardens of Chullain, just saying).  Losing gold every round caused a lot of us to stop playing, and we weren't getting the ticks.  Then they fixed it, and lo and behold, players started playing again.  After wave upon wave of enemies, we obviously had a hell of a time keeping up.

But VonCrow, you are trolling- stop it, its annoying.  Black Bird, you are trying to draw us into field battles while you still have the advantage.  Quite understandable, but we are not that stupid.  Except for me- I was gonna head down south and destroy you and all your armies, but the Wardens saved your ass by attacking me.  But I warn you!  My army is growing (@24 troops a day- I do not steal from my people), and will soon be ready to turn the desert into a swamp.  But, instead of water, it will be blood (your people's blood, not mine) and probably won't have much weeds or grass in it; oh, and no toads or much wildlife at all, except for the bloated vultures and jackals gnawing on your bones!

PS- gotta work on my threats...
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Voncrow on September 03, 2015, 04:21:51 am
In the past twelve weeks, HoC and Wardens together have attacked more than you. LL has done more attacks than you by themselves and Liberes and Kalmar together have easily done more attacks than you. And 2/3 of your battles were bashing much smaller forces. Yet you can go ahead and continue to state how you've done your fair share of attacks while continue hiding behind your walls and speaking your lies.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Tristan_of_Erzoth on September 03, 2015, 05:28:57 am
In the past twelve weeks, HoC and Wardens together have attacked more than you. LL has done more attacks than you by themselves and Liberes and Kalmar together have easily done more attacks than you. And 2/3 of your battles were bashing much smaller forces. Yet you can go ahead and continue to state how you've done your fair share of attacks while continue hiding behind your walls and speaking your lies.
Lol I've done 1/5 of the HCE attacks and I left the faction mid july(12 out of 54 attacks were me)
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Zeus_ on September 03, 2015, 05:31:18 am
Seriously, fuck off with the, "they won't attack" bullshit.  It's easy to attack when you come out of nowhere with 30K shiny troops.  We had been attacking as we got the troops before this- not a lot, but more than Wardens and HoC combined.  That was cause NA1 fell to shit (not bashing the Wardens of Chullain Chulainn, just saying).  Losing gold every round caused a lot of us to stop playing, and we weren't getting the ticks.  Then they fixed it, and lo and behold, players started playing again.  After wave upon wave of enemies, we obviously had a hell of a time keeping up.

But VonCrow, you are trolling- stop it, its annoying.  Black Bird, you are trying to draw us into field battles while you still have the advantage.  Quite understandable, but we are not that stupid.  Except for me- I was gonna head down south and destroy you and all your armies, but the Wardens saved your ass by attacking me.  But I warn you!  My army is growing (@24 troops a day- I do not steal from my people), and will soon be ready to turn the desert into a swamp.  But, instead of water, it will be blood (your people's blood, not mine) and probably won't have much weeds or grass in it; oh, and no toads or much wildlife at all, except for the bloated vultures and jackals gnawing on your bones!

PS- gotta work on my threats...

just trying to help you out
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: mcdeath on September 03, 2015, 05:44:23 am
Lol I've done 1/5 of the HCE attacks and I left the faction mid july(12 out of 54 attacks were me)

In the short time that I was in HCE I provided 5 attacks out of 54
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: njames89 on September 03, 2015, 05:51:47 am
blah blah blah blah

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Seriously, fuck off with the, "they won't attack" bullshit.  It's easy to attack when you come out of nowhere with 30K shiny troops.

Well said Bryggan.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Bryggan on September 03, 2015, 06:21:38 am
just trying to help you out

Aw, thanks man.  Started typing then had a brain fart.  Sad thing is,  I started off as a Hound.

BTW,  does anyone know who Voncrow is? Does he play Strat?
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Zeus_ on September 03, 2015, 06:26:16 am
oh wow, jona wasnt kidding when he said a lot of people in this community were once hounds.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Tristan_of_Erzoth on September 03, 2015, 06:32:49 am
oh wow, jona wasnt kidding when he said a lot of people in this community were once hounds.
I was a hound for like one week to 2 months. Cant really remember exactly how long
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: njames89 on September 03, 2015, 07:10:15 am
Axeman, Whoopsie, and I actually were about to inquire about joining the Hounds when Reinhardt scooped us up. Good ol' Reinini.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: poonerplox2 on September 03, 2015, 07:19:33 am
As did I, i liked the claymore and the green you guys were using
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Bryggan on September 03, 2015, 07:30:24 am
I was recruited for my long gone na2 skills. It was fun, and most guys were cool, but there were just enough dumbasses in their TS to piss me off... well, what got me was the decent gents tolerated the fucktards.

So I fucked off and got my own TS.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Tristan_of_Erzoth on September 03, 2015, 10:29:25 am
You could prove him wrong quite easily if you attacked something

Doesn't that just prove that HCE doesn't attack much, if you were a significant chunk of their attacks and you left some time ago
It was also my job during my time in the HCE to attack people.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Voncrow on September 03, 2015, 01:56:46 pm
Honestly Bryggan, I think it's been a while since you play strat, so you might not know. But it's easy to attack with any number of troop. You just click on a person or fief and click the attack button.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Bronto on September 03, 2015, 02:27:27 pm
oh wow, jona wasnt kidding when he said a lot of people in this community were once hounds.

I've thought about joining HoC just to be closer to you and Jona.....

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Just in case Dreadnok ever sees this post, the spoiler is for you m8.

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Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: xxkaliboyx on September 03, 2015, 03:35:28 pm
I was recruited for my long gone na2 skills. It was fun, and most guys were cool, but there were just enough dumbasses in their TS to piss me off... well, what got me was the decent gents tolerated the fucktards.

So I fucked off and got my own TS.

Ok I don't know you and never heard of you but you grind my gears  :D

There is only one true emperor and that is King Rob of TKoV. Now acknowledge that he is the one and only true emperor or suffer the consequences. Learn your place, all our places and that is under the one and only TRUE EMPEROR Rob.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Tristan_of_Erzoth on September 03, 2015, 04:53:49 pm
Ok I don't know you and never heard of you but you grind my gears  :D

There is only one true emperor and that is King Rob of TKoV. Now acknowledge that he is the one and only true emperor or suffer the consequences. Learn your place, all our places and that is under the one and only TRUE EMPEROR Rob.

There is only one true emperor and that is King Rob of TKoV.

KingKing Rob of TKoV.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Voncrow on September 03, 2015, 05:01:30 pm
Tristan you ignorant savage, Rob is the true God King Emperor of all the world. If you don't know this than you might as well be Plumbonian.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: cup457 on September 03, 2015, 05:02:08 pm
i woke up hungover yesterday and had left crpg open and rob was playing, also this thread is shit now
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: StonedSteel on September 03, 2015, 06:29:20 pm
meh circle of life is all.

many of us ( including myself ) were once hounds. Hoc WAS infact the old Acre, ( with acre being the new acre, ie shit clan with noobs ) and actively recruiting any and all new people they can find, which of course, makes the rest of ur older players look like shit, since it is now filled with a ton of noobs who are new to crpg and even warband.

who knows, maybe...yrs from now, acre will stop recruiting everybody, and go through their ranks a couple times, constantly reorganizing untill they have a legit squad of killers.

Acre vs Eques, felt alot like Hoc VS MB. its not that they are shit, they are just full of newer players.
the thing that makes Hoc better imo, is they said "ya, we're pretty shit, like the worst"
whereas Acre replies with "haters gonna hate"

id like to think Acre could one day go the same route Hoc has, but idk, a certain craziness and lack of humble humility, really separates the to clans apart.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: xxkaliboyx on September 03, 2015, 06:47:18 pm
You forget your roots quickly, especially that you used to be TKoV you heretic. That Acre Manchurian Candidate did a number on you.

KingKing Rob of TKoV.

Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Voncrow on September 03, 2015, 07:04:13 pm
You forget your roots quickly, especially that you used to be TKoV you heretic. That Acre Manchurian Candidate did a number on you.

Wrong Tristan, you are think of Tristan of TKoV, this is Tristan of Erzoth. There is also some EU player tristan and Tristan of Astralis.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Zeus_ on September 03, 2015, 07:10:08 pm
Wrong Tristan, you are think of Tristan of TKoV, this is Tristan of Erzoth. There is also some EU player tristan and Tristan of Astralis.

Tristran, is how i believe his name was spelled
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: mcdeath on September 03, 2015, 07:16:22 pm
i woke up hungover yesterday and had left crpg open and rob was playing, also this thread is shit now

This thread has been shit from page one.

James started off crying about their large army and alliances. Now all he does is post ugly WW2 pictures with writing that he finds humorous.

Plumbo has said at least 30 times that he is done with this game and the forums yet continues to post in it.

Voncrow has been anti-James from the start and hasn't skipped a beat.

Tristan started off as an admin and a member of HCE. He left HCE and thought it would be a cool idea to make an avengers strat faction. He then realized how dumb that was and tried to salvage what he could and save face.

BlackBird just was not having any of the jokes or sarcasm in this thread at all.

Schoi I am convinced is retarded or has some form of mental deficiency.

HESKEYTIME started off being a positive force for HCE and claiming he was an ally to them while never actually mercing for them in a battle. He doesn't play crpg very often but he posts on the forums non stop. He also seems to be anti HCE.

Bronto has the occasional gottem here and there.

Bryggan writes incredibly long and ridiculous posts because he doesn't keep up with the thread enough.

Those newish acre kids want to be "one of the boys" so they go along with the stupid shit James is throwing out

Slave is saying acre never attacks when they have no shit to attack with and blah blah blah. Also goes off of what voncrow say and vice versa.

Zeus is the comedic relief of the Eu alliance.

Jona is not relevant in this thread at all.

Havelle is the guy that convinced me to help Tristan and James get shit going and to not give up hope. Guy is also pretty funny.

I am a shit sipping retard that throws in the occasional valid point, meme or song.

There were more people posting in this thread but they have all gotten sick of trying to say shit as well as getting bored.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: xxkaliboyx on September 03, 2015, 07:26:30 pm
Awesome breakdown but I'm not the one that says "Acre doesn't attack", I think you mean BlackBird or Arn.  Also who the fuck is Voncrow?? Heard he is a douche and Mercs for whoever has the best Xbows.

PS: Just found out McDeath and Havelle are fucking each other.

This thread has been shit from page one.

James started off crying about their large army and alliances. Now all he does is post ugly WW2 pictures with writing that he finds humorous.

Plumbo has said at least 30 times that he is done with this game and the forums yet continues to post in it.

Voncrow has been anti-James from the start and hasn't skipped a beat.

Tristan started off as an admin and a member of HCE. He left HCE and thought it would be a cool idea to make an avengers strat faction. He then realized how dumb that was and tried to salvage what he could and save face.

BlackBird just was not having any of the jokes or sarcasm in this thread at all.

Schoi I am convinced is retarded or has some form of mental deficiency.

HESKEYTIME started off being a positive force for HCE and claiming he was an ally to them while never actually mercing for them in a battle. He doesn't play crpg very often but he posts on the forums non stop. He also seems to be anti HCE.

Bronto has the occasional gottem here and there.

Bryggan writes incredibly long and ridiculous posts because he doesn't keep up with the thread enough.

Those newish acre kids want to be "one of the boys" so they go along with the stupid shit James is throwing out

Slave is saying acre never attacks when they have no shit to attack with and blah blah blah. Also goes off of what voncrow say and vice versa.

Zeus is the comedic relief of the Eu alliance.

Jona is not relevant in this thread at all.

Havelle is the guy that convinced me to help Tristan and James get shit going and to not give up hope. Guy is also pretty funny.

I am a shit sipping retard that throws in the occasional valid point, meme or song.

There were more people posting in this thread but they have all gotten sick of trying to say shit as well as getting bored.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: BlackxBird on September 03, 2015, 07:30:54 pm
pff, it's just unfair. I can't say anything racist against u guys, cuz I would insult my allies. But you can keep it going without hurting anyone that is actually on ur side... QQ

but btw that one is great mcdeath :D
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: mcdeath on September 03, 2015, 07:31:15 pm
PS: Just found out McDeath and Havelle are fucking each other.

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Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Voncrow on September 03, 2015, 07:36:24 pm
pff, it's just unfair. I can't say anything racist against u guys, cuz I would insult my allies. But you can keep it going without hurting anyone that is actually on ur side... QQ

but btw that one is great mcdeath :D

Honestly Blackbird, I don't think anyone in our alliance would care except that one HoC guy who has hated you since he first heard you in ts.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: njames89 on September 03, 2015, 08:28:21 pm
Shh don't tell them my secret  :twisted:

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Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Tristan_of_Erzoth on September 03, 2015, 08:31:30 pm
The TKoV guy is Tristran actually, not Tristan. He's a cool dude. Tristan Astralis can suck these nuts though
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: bruttus on September 03, 2015, 09:42:48 pm
About the HoC members, I was 1, prolly the most hated 1 ex member of HoC
I remember when Largos and Jona came in the clan,
Prolly they don't know that HoC was born out of xKhanx under the command of Bonesaw and Broms ( if I remember his name)

The only 2 members that still are members of the Old Guard, that remembers how HoC excisted and the Original theme are Dazed and Zorak, and Bonesaw himself.
Actually I was suprissed that it wasn't Dazed or Zorak that taked the torch over from Bonesaw, but well, he made crappy decisions in the past.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: njames89 on September 03, 2015, 10:16:29 pm
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Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Havelle on September 03, 2015, 10:31:07 pm
This thread has been shit from page one.

James started off crying about their large army and alliances. Now all he does is post ugly WW2 pictures with writing that he finds humorous.

Plumbo has said at least 30 times that he is done with this game and the forums yet continues to post in it.

Voncrow has been anti-James from the start and hasn't skipped a beat.

Tristan started off as an admin and a member of HCE. He left HCE and thought it would be a cool idea to make an avengers strat faction. He then realized how dumb that was and tried to salvage what he could and save face.

BlackBird just was not having any of the jokes or sarcasm in this thread at all.

Schoi I am convinced is retarded or has some form of mental deficiency.

HESKEYTIME started off being a positive force for HCE and claiming he was an ally to them while never actually mercing for them in a battle. He doesn't play crpg very often but he posts on the forums non stop. He also seems to be anti HCE.

Bronto has the occasional gottem here and there.

Bryggan writes incredibly long and ridiculous posts because he doesn't keep up with the thread enough.

Those newish acre kids want to be "one of the boys" so they go along with the stupid shit James is throwing out

Slave is saying acre never attacks when they have no shit to attack with and blah blah blah. Also goes off of what voncrow say and vice versa.

Zeus is the comedic relief of the Eu alliance.

Jona is not relevant in this thread at all.

Havelle is the guy that convinced me to help Tristan and James get shit going and to not give up hope. Guy is also pretty funny.

I am a shit sipping retard that throws in the occasional valid point, meme or song.

There were more people posting in this thread but they have all gotten sick of trying to say shit as well as getting bored.

youre funnier :3
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: njames89 on September 03, 2015, 10:51:02 pm
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For the record I told them to get in line behind our other numerous enemies, and that this was more boring to me then us finishing the great war in NA without EU interuption. I still would have liked to see that war fought, and stand by my words.

Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Voncrow on September 03, 2015, 11:13:08 pm
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For the record I told them to get in line behind our other numerous enemies, and that this was more boring to me then us finishing the great war in NA without EU interuption. I still would have liked to see that war fought, and stand by my words.

Of course you would. Note this post to see why.
Fighting you guys in the north is like swatting flies away from our face. Just annoying.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: xxkaliboyx on September 04, 2015, 12:39:43 am
youre funnier :3

Get a Fucking room you two.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Voncrow on September 04, 2015, 03:08:45 am
Glad to see acre let us take Curaw without a fight.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: StonedSteel on September 04, 2015, 03:14:29 am
idk if this appropriate or not. but...that has to be one of thee saddest ways to lose a city...3 attacks? and u no show the last one.

shame. ur all rawr rawr on forums, and talk like "never give up, never surrender" and u gave up.

and for non acrelings reading this:
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Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Tristan_of_Erzoth on September 04, 2015, 04:39:11 am
idk if this appropriate or not. but...that has to be one of thee saddest ways to lose a city...3 attacks? and u no show the last one.

shame. ur all rawr rawr on forums, and talk like "never give up, never surrender" and u gave up.

and for non acrelings reading this:
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No showing is stupid and lame I agree, but it was way more than 3 attacks. There was 6 this month alone and theres only one guy up there getting troops for Curaw so its not unreasonable that he was unable to keep up with the attacks.

Edit: Forgot it was September. I was counting august as well
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: njames89 on September 04, 2015, 05:22:17 am
Curaw was a glorious last stand! Good work to all defenders!
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: mcdeath on September 04, 2015, 08:16:47 am
youre funnier :3

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Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: StonedSteel on September 04, 2015, 06:47:49 pm

i get it, damn. haha, lol, this whole, i thought james was serious. turns out he was just trolling us! like, i thought he was just some crazy person.

ya that uhh, was one hell of a...umm "last stand" gj...uhh and all that.

and uhh, pretty sure it was, u guys recovered and rebuilt after the last attempts, so adding hoc's 3 attacks, to other time in ur kinda...wrong.

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Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: bruttus on September 04, 2015, 06:57:22 pm
I'm trying to get the conversations between the 2 party's, what they tell to theyre factionmembers and theyre Allies, and its something like this.

Emperor Bryggan to Bruttus, before Bruttus joined HCE
"A few weeks ago, a German Army marched in to the dessert.  Another Faction, HoC, is approaching us from the west.  Between them, they hope to trap us here... against the mountains…Blackbird will not allow us to escape from Calradia.  We have no choice but to march against Blackbird herself... and end this war the only way it could have ended: by freeing every American in Calradia. "           

Blackbird to her NA allies
"I promise you...a new Calradia...a new Dictatorship and a German Empire. I promise the destruction of HCE and Acre...and the restoration of the Fourth Reich...throughout all our territories."

Bruttus to Emperor Bryggan.
"I'd rather be here, a free man among brothers...than to be the richest citizen of that German Empire and those NA traitors... 
I promise to mine Brothers the death body of Blackbird... "

King Louie to Emperor Bryggan.
"We've fought many battles and won great victories…Maybe there's no peace in this long as we live...we must stay true to ourselves. I do know that we're brothers, and I know that we're free.  We march tonight!" 

Blackbird to her NA allies and her factionmembers.
"This campaign is not alone to whippe out HCE.  It is to destroy the legend of HCE."

Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Voncrow on September 04, 2015, 07:10:34 pm
The Legend of the HCE is a joke. They built an empire by taking afk fiefs then declared war on every faction, then complained when someone declared war on them. Then got wiped. Quite the Legend.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Bryggan on September 04, 2015, 07:32:59 pm
HCE never took AFK fiefs. The Starks and the Wardens (before the Hounds split) went on a huge land grab.  Then I dissolved the Kingdoms of the North, so Acre moved south. There, they weathered attacks from Dutchy, and then we formed the HCE- long after all the Afk fiefs were taken. And, we had just started attacking when Eu came along. Sorry we couldn't build our armies fast enough to keep the game interesting enough for you, but we did what we could.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: cup457 on September 04, 2015, 08:12:04 pm
The Legend of the HCE is a joke. They built an empire by taking afk fiefs then declared war on every faction, then complained when someone declared war on them. Then got wiped. Quite the Legend.
Dam dud reminds me of when bonesaw literally declared war on everyone and then hoc was promptly removed from the map
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: xxkaliboyx on September 04, 2015, 10:43:09 pm
Is the war over? Who is OP? Can we lock thread?
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Bryggan on September 04, 2015, 10:45:38 pm

We got slaughtered trying to take Durrin Castle, and we took Rindyar Castle, and we should have captured Slekzh Castle, but the second wave army wandered off and got itself killed attacking a small army late at night (not gonna mention any names).
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Jona on September 05, 2015, 01:27:45 am
Dam dud reminds me of when bonesaw literally declared war on everyone and then hoc was promptly removed from the map

Except we didn't complain and got what we wanted... HCE complained quite a lot and also failed world domination.  :rolleyes:
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Tristan_of_Erzoth on September 05, 2015, 01:42:32 am
Respect for your attacks on those castles, I was at Slekzh Castle at least and if you have a commander who's never led many sieges before it's always going to be hard. The factions that are good at sieges are only good cos the commanders have led so many, got all the right gear, got all the map organisation, and also got a good roster.

Even so that 1 wave vs Slezkh Castle was very good. I only attacked that place when the defenders had peasant/militia shit so never had to deal with forward spawns/catapults etc.
Yeah that was my first "real" castle siege. The other ones never had more than 20 players.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Bryggan on September 05, 2015, 03:06:48 am
Except we didn't complain and got what we wanted... HCE complained quite a lot and also failed world domination.  :rolleyes:

We also never insulted you non-stop in the forums.  I just re-read the first four pages.  Someone mentioned the rosters might be skewered- suggesting that if we kept our usual 25 vs 25 NA players, then the addition of Eu players would throw off the balance.  And pretty much the rest is people calling us losers and whiners, with us throwing in a bit of tongue in cheek propaganda.

Seriously.  Reread the first few pages.

And I will admit my world domination plan has suffered.... a set back.  I know I am a terrible person for trying to take over the world in this war game.  Yet I was sooo close.  With good luck and six more years of strat, I could have done it.

EDIT:  Ugh, read more of the first pages.  Some pretty funny propaganda stuff which made me lol, then Eus bitching and whining about NA prime time not being very good for them and we should all change it to cater to them, the some VonCrow guy spouting off some hate.  Who is that guy?  Must be a Squid.  Then its all bitch hate whine complain... which is why I never bother reading 90% of it.

Someone should count the 'whine' comments, and see who complained the most.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: CALAMARI on September 05, 2015, 04:06:26 am
Must be a Squid.

Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: cup457 on September 05, 2015, 04:39:57 am
what the fuck is that juggalo shit
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Tristan_of_Erzoth on September 05, 2015, 07:25:43 am
Except we didn't complain and got what we wanted... HCE complained quite a lot and also failed world domination.  :rolleyes:
Go read my first like 30 posts on this thread. Only one would I really consider complaining.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Jona on September 05, 2015, 06:08:43 pm
Alright, let me rephrase that...

Except we didn't complain and got what we wanted... HCE James and a select few others complained quite a lot and also failed world domination.  :rolleyes:
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Lt_Anders on September 05, 2015, 07:33:33 pm
So when is the rest of NA going to stop being allied, now that HCE has like 1 fief. HCE isn't even close to the largest faction anymore and we still have a massive alliance.

Can we kill EU now?
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Tristan_of_Erzoth on September 05, 2015, 07:52:57 pm
So when is the rest of NA going to stop being allied, now that HCE has like 1 fief. HCE isn't even close to the largest faction anymore and we still have a massive alliance.

Can we kill EU now?
Or start killing each other? an HoC vs LL war would be pretty entertaining  :D :wink:
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: StonedSteel on September 05, 2015, 08:08:57 pm
honestly its been the same rosters and battles for ever now. months and months of acre and their allies, vs LL and their allies. was the same rosters when HCE formed and doom carrot thought they were taking over the map, was the same rosters all the way through the "EU Invasion", now that HCE is wiped*** it would be nice to see something like HoC vs LL...but will it happen? idk, idc. strat has been dead to me pretty much since Wes\squids and Kesh\FCC left. in NA we just dont have the player base to make interesting wars anymore, its always the same sort of rosters, and the whole weshouldservebeer vs weshouldservedeath is pretty stale without USSR Wes, TkoV Rob and the Kesh loyalists.

(*** lol totally called it, like, way way back i had an entire thread called the End of Acre, predicting some fucking idiot would bail them out, and thus be taken down with them...its the typical situation i think they have been in with every fucking alliance they have made. poor starks, Tala almost ruled the world with her afk attacks, dem acre fucklings cost her everything. )
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: BlackxBird on September 05, 2015, 08:18:08 pm
We also never insulted you non-stop in the forums.  I just re-read the first four pages.  Someone mentioned the rosters might be skewered- suggesting that if we kept our usual 25 vs 25 NA players, then the addition of Eu players would throw off the balance.  And pretty much the rest is people calling us losers and whiners, with us throwing in a bit of tongue in cheek propaganda.

Seriously.  Reread the first few pages.

And I will admit my world domination plan has suffered.... a set back.  I know I am a terrible person for trying to take over the world in this war game.  Yet I was sooo close.  With good luck and six more years of strat, I could have done it.

EDIT:  Ugh, read more of the first pages.  Some pretty funny propaganda stuff which made me lol, then Eus bitching and whining about NA prime time not being very good for them and we should all change it to cater to them, the some VonCrow guy spouting off some hate.  Who is that guy?  Must be a Squid.  Then its all bitch hate whine complain... which is why I never bother reading 90% of it.

Someone should count the 'whine' comments, and see who complained the most.

mate, there are like not really much "whine" comments. But there are actually much whine comments about whine comments, and then ppl QQ about ppl whining, then they insult each other, then someone shittalks, someones whines, someone whines about the whining aaaaaaaaand so on.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Tristan_of_Erzoth on September 05, 2015, 08:36:07 pm
honestly its been the same rosters and battles for ever now. months and months of acre and their allies, vs LL and their allies. was the same rosters when HCE formed and doom carrot thought they were taking over the map, was the same rosters all the way through the "EU Invasion", now that HCE is wiped*** it would be nice to see something like HoC vs LL...but will it happen? idk, idc. strat has been dead to me pretty much since Wes\squids and Kesh\FCC left. in NA we just dont have the player base to make interesting wars anymore, its always the same sort of rosters, and the whole weshouldservebeer vs weshouldservedeath is pretty stale without USSR Wes, TkoV Rob and the Kesh loyalists.

(*** lol totally called it, like, way way back i had an entire thread called the End of Acre, predicting some fucking idiot would bail them out, and thus be taken down with them...its the typical situation i think they have been in with every fucking alliance they have made. poor starks, Tala almost ruled the world with her afk attacks, dem acre fucklings cost her everything. )
I dunno man, at this point personally I'm to the point where I'd rather start mercing for long enemies if they go to war against each other than have this stalemate of HCE in their last city while HoC, WOTN, Berserks, LL, Novgorod, Brotherhood, and EU all sit in a massive care bear alliance. It makes it literally impossible for new factions and players to start even trying to get active in the strat map, because the only fiefs they can attack without immediately getting shit on by 99% of the map is Durquba and probably my castle as well. We're all kinda of friends or whatever at this point lets just scramble the sides and fight each other more, it could be fun actually having interesting battles and rosters who knows
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Bryggan on September 05, 2015, 10:51:14 pm
I think I already pissed Hetman off already... oh wait, that won't help at all.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Jona on September 05, 2015, 11:26:25 pm
HoC might try and get something going if strat gets too stale. What exactly, I cant say since we haven't gotten to that point yet, obviously, but we'll think of something when the time comes. In the meantime however, we've gotta unfortunately go back into trade-sim mode since wars don't pay for themselves.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Tristan_of_Erzoth on September 06, 2015, 12:07:36 am

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Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: BlackxBird on September 06, 2015, 12:29:38 am
I dunno man, at this point personally I'm to the point where I'd rather start mercing for long enemies if they go to war against each other than have this stalemate of HCE in their last city while HoC, WOTN, Berserks, LL, Novgorod, Brotherhood, and EU all sit in a massive care bear alliance. It makes it literally impossible for new factions and players to start even trying to get active in the strat map, because the only fiefs they can attack without immediately getting shit on by 99% of the map is Durquba and probably my castle as well. We're all kinda of friends or whatever at this point lets just scramble the sides and fight each other more, it could be fun actually having interesting battles and rosters who knows

the thing is: The rosters are even. If now something like HoC or LL and HCE vs someone comes up, the rosters would be gay as fuck.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Bryggan on September 06, 2015, 02:12:45 am
The rosters will be even.  For example, if LL attacks HoC, HCE will support the lowest roster to ensure max casualties and wasted gear.  When there are three enemies growling at each other, no one wants to let the other get the upper hand.  The only thing I'd be worried about is people might not attack for fear the third guy might swoop in like a vulture.  Then we get a huge, boring arms race... the sort of thing that can only be ended by the threat of strat ending.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Tristan_of_Erzoth on September 06, 2015, 02:39:18 am
The rosters will be even.  For example, if LL attacks HoC, HCE will support the lowest roster to ensure max casualties and wasted gear.  When there are three enemies growling at each other, no one wants to let the other get the upper hand.  The only thing I'd be worried about is people might not attack for fear the third guy might swoop in like a vulture.  Then we get a huge, boring arms race... the sort of thing that can only be ended by the threat of strat ending.
So basically whats been going on with every single other faction sans HCE
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: bruttus on September 06, 2015, 01:03:43 pm
So what I was telling, is coming out. I can see in the future.
Well its up to the Carebear Alliance what to do now.
You can whippe out HCE compleetly, but the chance excist that the most of the HCE faction will stop playing strat, so less merc's if you gonna fight against each other, or you can make strat a merchant game just to see who's the richest faction.
You have endles posibility's
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Kadeth on September 06, 2015, 01:18:50 pm
Riding around on Kangaroos, fair enough, but we call them prawns not fucking shrimps
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: BoneSaw on September 06, 2015, 02:41:03 pm
      I agree we need to shake up the system a bit! I don't have a hand in politics anymore as I went all "crazy Joe" in strat 4 taking on "the Goblin king" and "the five families" all at once. Didn't end well but was fun. That's why we're here right to have a little fun? HCE is pretty much in HoC's position in strat 4 after taking on the whole map, it sucks donkey berries! If I have any say, I'd say let them take a breather and check their pulses before running the last survivors down like common chicken rustlers. I've been impaling Crusader corpses from the desert to the snow in this war and the stench is so bad the goats are not producing milk in the steppe(no bueno). HCE has fought very hard and bravely in this long war and I tip my hat to their achievements! A Noble adversary worthy of remembrance and the history books! I would be proud to stand beside them in battle one day.

Sorry about impaling your fallen and captured brothers too btw, 

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Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Voncrow on September 06, 2015, 04:48:39 pm
Actually we have an idea from when Dutchy had temporary control over Durquba. It's pretty hilarious. Basically we'd be fighting them until they are out of gear or gold.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: BlackxBird on September 06, 2015, 04:50:08 pm
they got 20+ grinders in Durquba, no idea if all are actually grinding, but if they are, DANG U PUSSIES I LET U REGROUP FOR LIKE 3 WEEKS NOW FUCKING DO SOMETHING NOW FFS.

oh and voncrow, when dutchy was inside Durquba they had about 2 K troops. So basicly 2 attacks of ours and it would have been over.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: bruttus on September 06, 2015, 05:05:58 pm
they got 20+ grinders in Durquba, no idea if all are actually grinding, but if they are, DANG U PUSSIES I LET U REGROUP FOR LIKE 3 WEEKS NOW FUCKING DO SOMETHING NOW FFS.

oh and voncrow, when dutchy was inside Durquba they had about 2 K troops. So basicly 2 attacks of ours and it would have been over.

If we have 20+ grinding in Durquba, don't you think we attacked  you already, and kicked you out of NA?
To be honest, I think you are all scared that if NA decide to lett HCE have a break to recup that the NA community are going against you.
You already told me that EU don't care about Stratbattles in NA.
So you can tell what you want, but you are worried.

Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: StonedSteel on September 06, 2015, 06:46:24 pm
bro, u soo belong in acre, u are, batshit crazy haha

1. u HAVE been allowed multiple times to re arm and organize
2. i dont think all of NA is against EU, in fact there might be more NA players agaisnt acre ( hce?), than EU\Eques.
3. this makes sense.
4. i highly doubt that blackbird is worried. did he run out of beer or something? and has only like 5 mins to get to a beer store 10 mins away? other than that, i doubt he is worried about anything.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: BlackxBird on September 06, 2015, 06:48:39 pm
dang dude I was working at a brewery for like 5 weeks in my holidays now. I was allowed to buy beer like really cheap. I got enough for the next half year, dude, I'm totally fine. (5€ for a case)

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Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: StonedSteel on September 06, 2015, 06:51:49 pm
see, fuck did i tell u lads, all smiles and sunshine

all the beer, and not a worry in the world.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: BlackxBird on September 06, 2015, 07:10:04 pm
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what else would I need  8-)

btw does anyobdy know what beer the beer behind the wheatbeer is? (the red one  :wink: )
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: BlackxBird on September 06, 2015, 07:59:00 pm
somebody has to know it :/ it is a american one and someone famous constantly drinks it. Damn that guys is more famous than stalin ghandi M.L.King and einstein together!
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: StonedSteel on September 06, 2015, 08:29:23 pm
bro idk the beer...all i do know...that is one crazy setup, like...thats just fuckin crazy..
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Tristan_of_Erzoth on September 06, 2015, 08:38:27 pm
We posting battle stations? Aight. Heres my college dorm desk

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Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: BlackxBird on September 06, 2015, 08:39:29 pm
that one is gay. I cant see beer there. Tristan l2post.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Jona on September 06, 2015, 08:44:17 pm
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I can just picture Blackbird staring up at the strat map eternally open on that tv/monitor while sitting back in his command chair Emperor Palpatine-style, muttering to himself "Good... goooooood! Muahahahahaaaa..."

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Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Taser on September 06, 2015, 08:48:22 pm
I can just picture Blackbird staring up at the strat map eternally open on that tv/monitor while sitting back in his command chair Emperor Palpatine-style, muttering to himself "Good... goooooood! Muahahahahaaaa..."

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Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Tristan_of_Erzoth on September 06, 2015, 08:56:15 pm
that one is gay. I cant see beer there. Tristan l2post.
I'm 19(illegal in the states under 21) and come from a family of alcoholics so beer on my desk is the least likely thing you'll find
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: BlackPanda on September 06, 2015, 09:13:55 pm
I guess since all the cool kids are doing it.

My station of battle
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Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Zeus_ on September 06, 2015, 09:50:14 pm
I guess since all the cool kids are doing it.

My station of battle
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Dang, panda's going hard with that smart water.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: CALAMARI on September 06, 2015, 09:51:15 pm
somebody has to know it :/ it is a american one and someone famous constantly drinks it. Damn that guys is more famous than stalin ghandi M.L.King and einstein together!

It's a bottle of Duff and that would be Homer J Simpson.
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Last nights tower:
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Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: BlackxBird on September 06, 2015, 10:06:16 pm
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Zeus_ on September 06, 2015, 10:44:42 pm
did someone say Duff?

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Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: BlackxBird on September 06, 2015, 10:50:29 pm
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well, it's okay zeus, that one passes! but posting something without a drink on it.... just wow :O

btw that was the tin behind the wheatbeer:

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Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: ArysOakheart on September 06, 2015, 11:45:42 pm
Battlestations you say?!

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What we got here, a pack of smokes, a cum rag, mini flasks for my leg holster, steel reserve, a bong hidden in a paper bag, and my awesome $2.50 mouse.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Zeus_ on September 07, 2015, 01:30:30 am
Battlestations you say?!

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What we got here, a pack of smokes, a cum rag, mini flasks for my leg holster, steel reserve, a bong hidden in a paper bag, and my awesome $2.50 mouse.

Im sorry, but is that a bike tire?
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: ArysOakheart on September 07, 2015, 02:15:35 am
Im sorry, but is that a bike tire?

Yes I hang my mode of transportation on my wall. And that is also a saw blade to the left.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Taser on September 07, 2015, 02:18:54 am
Im sorry, but is that a bike tire?

Arys plays in his garage.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: poonerplox2 on September 07, 2015, 02:30:24 am
Just Built a new desk yesterday, I will post my battle station ina little bit
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: CALAMARI on September 07, 2015, 02:32:17 am
Yes I hang my mode of transportation on my wall.

Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Kadeth on September 07, 2015, 03:07:11 am
Arys plays in his garage.

but why?
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: BoneSaw on September 07, 2015, 03:49:29 pm
Arys plays in his garage.
    Arys plays inside a bus inside a garage(explains that wireless garage lag he gets when playing mp?).
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Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Sandersson Jankins on September 07, 2015, 04:10:34 pm
    Arys plays inside a bus inside a garage(explains that wireless garage lag he gets when playing mp?).
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Hey, that friend's on 4chan!
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Bryggan on September 08, 2015, 01:44:35 am
Ok, this was taken awhile ago as I'm stuck in a hotel right now, but my home set up will be no surprise to anyone:

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That's Bowen Island Lager.  And excellent, cheap beer made by hippies.  Has a hemp after taste.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Jona on September 08, 2015, 01:46:37 am
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That's all after one night, correct?
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: njames89 on September 08, 2015, 01:52:55 am
That's all after one night, correct?

How dare you imply Bryggan took more than 45 minutes to drink that.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: njames89 on September 08, 2015, 03:21:16 am
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Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: BlackxBird on September 08, 2015, 07:04:30 am
No idea how high u are, but my troops are prepared for the desert winter!
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: njames89 on September 08, 2015, 07:42:12 am
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Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: cup457 on September 08, 2015, 03:31:32 pm
Im at the dmv right now and this place really sux
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: bruttus on September 08, 2015, 07:13:19 pm
Some Orders we received.
Very Secret

GOOD Evening Gentlemen,
There’s no secrecy about these orders. GHQ has discovered that Fritz is making a big push somewhere this week. They’ve started minor advances already. You’re to patrol the New Durquba sector, that’s just in front of the German Army. You’ll ride four patrols a day, which means that every man will be on his horse at dawn tomorrow. As usual you got the dirty work to do, scouting, killing German infantry, strafing supply convoy's, and any shock troops that they try to bring up. You’re scouting directly below Blackbirds Patrols. So you better watch out.
Thats all
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: bruttus on September 08, 2015, 07:49:31 pm
Good evening, Calradia. 
Allow me first to apologize for this interruption. I do, like many of you, appreciate the comforts of every day routine- the security of the familiar, the tranquility of repetition. I enjoy them as much as any bloke. But in the spirit of commemoration, thereby those important events of the past usually associated with someone's death or the end of some awful bloody struggle, a celebration of a nice holiday, I thought we could mark this day, a day that is sadly no longer remembered, by taking some time out of our daily lives to sit down and have a little chat. There are of course those who do not want us to speak. I suspect even now, orders are being shouted into TS, and men with swords and shields will soon be on their way. Why? Because while the truncheon may be used in lieu of conversation, words will always retain their power. Words offer the means to meaning, and for those who will listen, the enunciation of truth. And the truth is, there is something terribly wrong with Calradia, isn't there? Cruelty and injustice, intolerance and oppression. And where once you had the freedom to object, to think and speak as you saw fit, you now have censors and systems of surveillance coercing your conformity and soliciting your submission. How did this happen? Who's to blame? Well certainly there are those more responsible than others, and they will be held accountable, but again truth be told, if you're looking for the guilty, you need only look into a mirror. I know why you did it. I know you were afraid. Who wouldn't be? War, terror, oppression. There were a myriad of problems which conspired to corrupt your reason and rob you of your common sense. Fear got the best of you, and in your panic you turned to Blackbird. He promised you order, he promised you peace, and all he demanded in return was your silent, obedient consent. A few day's ago, I sought to end that silence. A few day's ago, I try't to destroy 1 of his patrols, just to remind the NA side of Calradia of what it has forgotten. The last four strats. ago, NA Factions joined up together to fight off the EU invasions. Theyre hopes was to remind the world that fairness, justice, and freedom are more than words, they are perspectives. So if you've seen nothing, if the crimes of Blackbirds remain unknown to you then I would suggest you allowthis day to pass unmarked. But if you see what I see, if you feel as I feel, and if you would seek as I seek, then I ask you to stand beside me, outside the gates of New Durquba, in front of NA land claimed by EU, and together we shall give EU a fight that shall never, ever be forgot.

Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Voncrow on September 08, 2015, 08:12:55 pm
+1 for V for Vendetta quote. -10 for lack of originality. A problem that sadly plagues most of the Acre and friends alliance.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: bruttus on September 08, 2015, 08:14:56 pm
yep, but we can't be all like you voncrow, hopping from 1 clan to another
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Voncrow on September 08, 2015, 08:19:28 pm
You had an easy enough time hopping on the defend america bandwagon.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: mcdeath on September 08, 2015, 08:20:43 pm
yep, but we can't be all like you voncrow, hopping from 1 clan to another

I don't even know who you are...
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: njames89 on September 08, 2015, 08:32:26 pm
Voncrow how can you not approve of these artistic depictions of the glorious King Louie.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: bruttus on September 08, 2015, 09:31:34 pm
I don't even know who you are...
Ow Ask HoC, even Casimir of the Templars, I was in his clan for a few weeks, before I joined HoC
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Voncrow on September 08, 2015, 10:16:37 pm
Assuming Mcdeath knows who Casimir is.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: mcdeath on September 08, 2015, 11:10:59 pm
Assuming Mcdeath knows who Casimir is.


Also I saw you in ts today. Still have no idea who you are though.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Voncrow on September 08, 2015, 11:20:22 pm
I'm the guy who you ratted on to poophammer.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: fallinup on September 08, 2015, 11:36:49 pm
Sooooo dank memez
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: njames89 on September 08, 2015, 11:41:15 pm
Lol we kicked you from ts for trolling.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: StonedSteel on September 08, 2015, 11:48:17 pm
bruttus got dumped irl....or some shit, idk how the fuck he is either, shieeeet no one does. but damn, he's suddenly very forum active.

hes like a stray or some shit, never even knew he existed, then BOOM, one day he is there, humping ur fucking leg and what not.

i gave u a +1 cuz it took time to write that...and then i gave u a minus, cuz im a cunt.


it says alot about people who clan hop. there seems to be some big confusion from people forever stuck in one place. they seem to assume clanhoppers HAVE to hop, as they keep getting kicked out of clans. first off, there are a lot of huge assholes in this mod, very VERY few of them have actually been kicked out of a clan. i mean, u have to fuck another clanmates wife or someshit, basically be an incredibly obnoxious douchbag. and ya, those last 3 words fit a lot of people. again, theres very few names i know that have been kicked from a clan.

people jump ship for various can go on about loyality and blah blah, shit i know very loyal people that have jumped ship, Gallo for instance. idk why he left, ive left HoC multiple times for multiple reasons, joined a bunch of clans, simply cuz cool people...but my main reason for jumping around...the multi system. u can tell me im a shitbag loser for leaving friends, just for xp, but the thing is ive never joined a clan i wasnt friendly with ( except Kaoklai's clan, A: for x5, and B: to talk shit with his own clan LOL ) every clan ive joined being with friends DOES comes first, if they can keep a x5, its a win win...sometimes i dont WANT to run with people, just leave it random and make friends as u go.

take it from me, ive been in nearly every clan out there, clan hoping should not be frowned upon, if anything it makes u less xenophobic which this community is PLAGUED with, like damn, give people a chance, and u may end up liking them, ive had so many enemies turned friends from clan hoping, Tyefire for instance, when i USSR cuz of Wes\Pistashio. Tye's a great lad, now i love the guy....shieeet arormy old friend and james are both bundle of stickss but james is a decent dude in ts, and aro is pretty funny.

quit looking at clan hoping as a bad thing, look at it as an opportunity to make new friends, or bury old hatreds.

ps fuck u guys i hate u all.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: mcdeath on September 08, 2015, 11:50:10 pm

Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: njames89 on September 08, 2015, 11:52:40 pm
whatever the fuck plumbo spewed

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Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: njames89 on September 09, 2015, 12:33:23 am
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Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Dex_Atromis on September 09, 2015, 01:17:03 am
For once in the dawn of men there will come a time when the EU Swine will leave... And the Holy chadzian Empire will clean up their wretched decaying fetus sundaes they call home.

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Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Tristan_of_Erzoth on September 09, 2015, 01:39:42 am
Like that Rando guy who appeared out of nowhere a couple of months ago, bitched about a few admins and was adamant that the evil establishment would never take his voice. Then disappeared again...

... you dont miss them until months later when you notice that Tagora's admin thread has stopped being bumped with angry sperg-drivel every single day
Uh, Rando didn't disappear. He's been in game almost everyday you'd know that if you actually played.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: StonedSteel on September 09, 2015, 02:29:14 am
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whatever the fuck?, that was one of the rare times i spew nothing but peace and love, like non stop homoerotic gaywords.


ur off the buddy list.

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Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Voncrow on September 09, 2015, 02:38:39 am
Uh, Rando didn't disappear. He's been in game almost everyday you'd know that if you actually played.

You mean under a name that barely anybody knows him by, and Heskey is a forum warrior, ones attendance for him is measured by his posts, not his ticks.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Tristan_of_Erzoth on September 09, 2015, 02:54:10 am
You mean under a name that barely anybody knows him by, and Heskey is a forum warrior, ones attendance for him is measured by his posts, not his ticks.
Everyone I know knows him by that name, he made a post in the Faction thread saying it was him when he made the blackguard thread... Not hard to figure out
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: njames89 on September 09, 2015, 03:25:57 am
Hey you are right Plumbo that one wasn't that bad.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: mcdeath on September 09, 2015, 03:39:47 am
Everyone I know knows him by that name, he made a post in the Faction thread saying it was him when he made the blackguard thread... Not hard to figure out

I thought Rando quit until I heard his voice during a strat battle. So yes, it is hard to figure out.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Jona on September 09, 2015, 05:32:10 am
I thought Rando quit until I heard his voice during a strat battle. So yes, it is hard to figure out.

You mean under a name that barely anybody knows him by, and Heskey is a forum warrior, ones attendance for him is measured by his posts, not his ticks.

Everyone I know knows him by that name, he made a post in the Faction thread saying it was him when he made the blackguard thread... Not hard to figure out

Yeah, goddammit guys how could you be so ignorant as to miss some random post in the faction hall subforum?!? Plebs, all of you. Step up your sperg game. 2/10 see me after class.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: njames89 on September 09, 2015, 06:59:34 am
Something was odd as he stood at the ramparts of the desert fortress he had grown to call home. As he looked out to the oasis it was blue, a shade not seen for months as the thousands of litres of eu blood had leeched into the lake, dying it a dark red.

The sight of two sailboats on the lake also seemed odd. One bearing the colours of the wardens, one the colours of the hounds. Neither faction had members with the mental capacity to comprehend sailing, this confirmed to James he was dreaming.

As he was waking from the dream James witnessed a massive barrage of fiery explosions and rock falling from the sky crushing the ships in the oasis. Rising to record his dream in a journal James was sure it was a sign from chadz.


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Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Jona on September 09, 2015, 07:11:20 am
Neither faction had members with the mental capacity to comprehend sailing, yet they still utterly crushed us.

You really need to stop insulting yourself and your faction so much, I'm beginning to fear you have self-esteem issues.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: njames89 on September 09, 2015, 07:12:22 am
I was implying that the hounds and wardens could not operate a sailing boat.  :lol:

Twas but a jape good sire. The only reason you have had any large victories is because you sold your souls to eu.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Havelle on September 09, 2015, 07:27:01 am

I didn't know much about operating sailboats before this article and and I still don't but I'm sure this is a great place to start.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: njames89 on September 09, 2015, 07:33:49 am
Sailing really is great I recommend the experience.

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Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: mcdeath on September 09, 2015, 12:46:38 pm
I learned how to sail when I was 10 years old. Coincidentally that was when I had my first homosexual experience.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Rando on September 09, 2015, 01:12:44 pm
I learned how to sail when I was 10 years old. Coincidentally that was when I had my first homosexual experience.

The first of many
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Havelle on September 09, 2015, 01:36:53 pm
I learned how to sail when I was 10 years old. Coincidentally that was when I had my first homosexual experience.

Even if you're gay you can lead a fulfilling, heterosexual life.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: BlackxBird on September 09, 2015, 01:40:12 pm
I heard killing urself makes ur body stop being gay.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: BlackxBird on September 09, 2015, 03:13:57 pm
we need like 1K more replies and this post is in the top 10. Damn, thats much. What should we talk about?
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: StonedSteel on September 09, 2015, 06:20:38 pm
we need like 1K more replies and this post is in the top 10. Damn, thats much. What should we talk about?


lol seriously though, this has become like our own personal General Discussions thread. a gentlemen's club for lamos that want to constantly type pointless shit.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: BlackxBird on September 09, 2015, 06:33:45 pm
jep. Should I rename it to NA Strat General Discussion? :D
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: xxkaliboyx on September 09, 2015, 06:51:22 pm
I see what your saying, you want some RP post. On it boss.


lol seriously though, this has become like our own personal General Discussions thread. a gentlemen's club for lamos that want to constantly type pointless shit.
Title: Re: NA Strategus General Discussion (by BB <3 )
Post by: njames89 on September 09, 2015, 07:39:49 pm
Stay strong HCE! Blackbird has stalled! His advance cannot capture Durquba and America grows stronger every day.

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Title: Re: NA Strategus General Discussion (by BB <3 )
Post by: Havelle on September 09, 2015, 08:49:24 pm
I saw this dank meme on tv today

Title: Re: NA Strategus General Discussion (by BB <3 )
Post by: BlackxBird on September 09, 2015, 08:53:09 pm
wow, those videos make we wanna smoke. That's what they want to achieve isnt it?
Title: Re: NA Strategus General Discussion (by BB <3 )
Post by: Havelle on September 09, 2015, 08:57:44 pm
wow, those videos make we wanna smoke. That's what they want to achieve isnt it?

I've been smoking for almost 10 years and can confirm that smoking can help you slam so many hot traps.
Title: Re: NA Strategus General Discussion (by BB <3 )
Post by: Taser on September 09, 2015, 09:22:57 pm
So if I smoke, I'll see dank memes irl?

Getting packs of cigarettes right now.
Title: Re: NA Strategus General Discussion (by BB <3 )
Post by: mcdeath on September 09, 2015, 09:28:57 pm
I like that one commercial where they say that tobacco company employees can't smoke at their desk. It's like you can't smoke indoors at most places let alone your work space desk. Like what?
Title: Re: NA Strategus General Discussion (by BB <3 )
Post by: Bronto on September 09, 2015, 10:09:47 pm
I like that one commercial where they say that tobacco company employees can't smoke at their desk. It's like you can't smoke indoors at most places let alone your work space desk. Like what?

There once was I time, that I grew up in, and you could smoke anywhere you damned well pleased. This magical era was the 90s and earlier, the time of my teenage years. I used to walk around the mall smoking, ashtrays were as plentiful as blades of grass. That is all gone now. The time of killing everyone with second hand and first hand smoke is being frowned upon by the general public. Long gone are the days of smoking while I eat and sip coffee at a restaurant. Long gone are the days I can try on a shirt and accidentally burn a hole in it with a cigarette. Long gone are the days where smokeator's hang from the ceilings. Long gone are the days when you could smoke at your desk. RIP freedom of smoking. Just another freedom the government has taken away. What's next? They'll subdue us with some technological device where you can see the latest news and what your friends are doing from anywhere in the world? A unit that would allow you to wirelessly connect to the internet and look up any information possible!?!?!? The end times are near my friends. Unplug, smoke where you want, when you want. Don't let the man oppress you. Be who you are all the time.

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Title: Re: NA Strategus General Discussion (by BB <3 )
Post by: mcdeath on September 09, 2015, 10:56:41 pm
This shit right here is what I am talking about.

They do have some wicked dank memes though.
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Rando on September 10, 2015, 04:51:15 am
If you aint on the forums you're only playing half the game.

If he's been in the servers then he's been uncharacteristically quiet, or he's been logging in at some ungodly hour like 9PM EST. I only ever get the early Americans, and only ever on weekends.

You know me, so you can retract the above statement since I still don't know what name that would be. If they aren't bitching about Tagora then they aren't the real deal, end of story.

This post really shows just how out of touch Heskytime really is. Tagora and I have been friends for months now, he was even in my short-lived strat faction. lol  8-)
Title: Re: EU Invasion #2015
Post by: Tristan_of_Erzoth on September 10, 2015, 09:35:30 am
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If you arent angry you arent Rando (and it must have been reaaaaaal short-lived, did it attack anything on the map? I tend to notice that)
Yeah we attacked Nova Slezkh Castle, defended Derchios once then lost it in the second wave, then defended Slezkh twice once from LL and once from Hounds. Then we gave the Wardens the castle back and disbanded the faction
Title: Re: NA Strategus General Discussion (by BB <3 )
Post by: StonedSteel on September 10, 2015, 01:52:14 pm

our own personal general discussion thread!

go blackbird go!
Title: Re: NA Strategus General Discussion (by BB <3 )
Post by: njames89 on September 10, 2015, 06:54:00 pm
Never forget the original title of this thread. EU invasion 2015. Don't let Herr Blackbird pretend he has other motives. His blitzkrieg is stalled, the Germans did not prepare for a winter war. Now is the time for America to unite and throw out this foreign invader!
Title: Re: NA Strategus General Discussion (by BB <3 )
Post by: BlackxBird on September 10, 2015, 07:02:38 pm
Hmm, I got one question James.

You want America to throw us out of the dessert. But you don't attack us. Do u get that irony?

Oh and if you want u can keep camping in Durquba, we will not wipe you, as it was the first thing I promised u when I came to your teamspeak. And I don't break my promises.
Title: Re: NA Strategus General Discussion (by BB <3 )
Post by: mcdeath on September 10, 2015, 07:25:22 pm
Hmm, I got one question James.

You want America to throw us out of the dessert. But you don't attack us. Do u get that irony?

Oh and if you want u can keep camping in Durquba, we will not wipe you, as it was the first thing I promised u when I came to your teamspeak. And I don't break my promises.

They have qalyut village and ergellon castle. So taking durquba wouldn't be wiping them.
Title: Re: NA Strategus General Discussion (by BB <3 )
Post by: njames89 on September 10, 2015, 08:35:31 pm
More bullshit from blackbird. You threatened to raid and wipe us if we didn't have battles in optimal battle time for EU.

Hence the reason we told you to fuck off. As for why we don't attack more, it is because you all being coward carebears have an alliance of 80 percent of NA and EU. You talk about your endless supplies and then bitch about us using ours wisely...

I agree it is a shame you chose the path of cowardice as it means any achievements you think you have made mean nothing.
Title: Re: NA Strategus General Discussion (by BB <3 )
Post by: Bronto on September 10, 2015, 08:38:30 pm
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Title: Re: NA Strategus General Discussion (by BB <3 )
Post by: Mr.K. on September 10, 2015, 08:56:43 pm
They have qalyut village and ergellon castle. So taking durquba wouldn't be wiping them.

It's still their's cause we (Kalmars) got bored and didn't take it like it was planned with BB... Was hoping for so much more from this war :(
Title: Re: NA Strategus General Discussion (by BB <3 )
Post by: Jona on September 10, 2015, 08:58:27 pm
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If they were allied with 80 percent of NA, then how come the rosters are (for the first time in a while) relatively even? Oh right, cuz you're blowing more shit out of your ass, as per usual. There is nothing cowardly about attacking, despite how hard you've tried to convince yourself that.
Title: Re: NA Strategus General Discussion (by BB <3 )
Post by: Tristan_of_Erzoth on September 10, 2015, 09:19:01 pm
They can keep Qalyut

Tbf not certain why it got ignored in the desert purge, that must be the plan to keep HCE from being wiped
Its because like any sensible person they dont want to fuck with DaBirds

Only open if you want to see DaBirds reking scrubbies
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Title: Re: NA Strategus General Discussion (by BB <3 )
Post by: njames89 on September 10, 2015, 09:37:30 pm
Relax Jona, I am talking about on the map. I will show you in a picture when I am home later. Try to not take it too personally Jona. If you feel guilty about the actions you have taken your problem lies with yourself. Don't project it onto us.

Simply look at the allies you have in your mega- anti-hce alliance. LL, wardens, hoc, berserks, skindinavia, fcc, eu... all against HCE.

Like I said I will draw it on the map for you later to help you understand. However I have little doubt you are again trying to hide the shameful and treacherous nature of your actions.

On a side note I will say that rosters have been quite good lately!
Title: Re: NA Strategus General Discussion (by BB <3 )
Post by: Havelle on September 10, 2015, 09:49:28 pm
If they were allied with 80 percent of NA, then how come the rosters are (for the first time in a while) relatively even?

Because Frisitan #1 NA represent
Title: Re: NA Strategus General Discussion (by BB <3 )
Post by: Schoi on September 10, 2015, 09:52:11 pm
Because Frisitan #1 NA represent

frisitan is nikgur feghit sheit poo hed clahn n it frisitan l0l ownd nikgur
Title: Re: NA Strategus General Discussion (by BB <3 )
Post by: njames89 on September 10, 2015, 10:17:08 pm
A Fraisin is a noble gay-dutch farmer from Fraisia. Though they don't do much on the map itself their mercs are some of the finest fighting warriors in the land. When their dad Arowaine rallies them their homosexuality is unstoppable.
Title: Re: NA Strategus General Discussion (by BB <3 )
Post by: Bryggan on September 10, 2015, 10:54:37 pm
If they were allied with 80 percent of NA, then how come the rosters are (for the first time in a while) relatively even? Oh right, cuz you're blowing more shit out of your ass, as per usual. There is nothing cowardly about attacking, despite how hard you've tried to convince yourself that.

Jona, you are starting to sound like one of those angry forum trolls. What happened to your usual cheerful posts?

But as for attacks, we must remember Eques just went through 30k ish troops,  and I doubt they would not still have lots in reserve. Plus the Hounds have a lot more strat players.  So, in this case a little caution on the Acre side might not be a bad idea.
Title: Re: NA Strategus General Discussion (by BB <3 )
Post by: njames89 on September 10, 2015, 10:59:28 pm
Here you go Jona. I have finished the colour coded version of the map for you. Hopefully this will help you understand.

Think about these 3 short questions as you look at it...

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Good luck trying to weasel your way out of this one you greasy bastard. The truth is if you had balls you would start another war. That being said considering how terrified you guys are of us seems unlikely.

Count of the fiefs involved in this war

Title: Re: NA Strategus General Discussion (by BB <3 )
Post by: Tristan_of_Erzoth on September 10, 2015, 11:09:56 pm
Because Frisitan #1 NA represent

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Title: Re: NA Strategus General Discussion (by BB <3 )
Post by: Lt_Anders on September 10, 2015, 11:17:21 pm
Here you go Jona. I have finished the colour coded version of the map for you. Hopefully this will help you understand.

Think about these 3 short questions as you look at it...
  • Am I in a gigantic carebear mega alliance?
  • Am I helping an eu invasion of NA?
  • Am I complaining my enemy doesn't attack enough while simultaneously trying to gank them so that any element of skill is removed, and them attacking would be strategic suicide?

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Good luck trying to weasel your way out of this one you greasy bastard. The truth is if you had balls you would start another war. That being said considering how terrified you guys are of us seems unlikely.

Count of the fiefs involved in this war

No lie, but I sign for you cause you "generally" have shittier roster. And if anything, we are only "at war" with AoW. Not like that ever stopped, really, save for the time when HCE was pushing squids hard.

Astralis doesn't care. We don't pick a side and just fight. The "Anti-HCE" astralis faction got killed off because of "Anti-HCE"s shitty way of acting, leaving the guys who just don't care left.

So, make us Yellow, not Green.
Title: Re: NA Strategus General Discussion (by BB <3 )
Post by: njames89 on September 10, 2015, 11:19:12 pm
78 v 3 then. Oh Jona how did you get so tough  :lol:. Remember how you said after Curaw you guys would start a new war that wasn't against HCE? Was that true or just more bullshit?

Edited the picture to show your neutrality Anders!
Title: Re: NA Strategus General Discussion (by BB <3 )
Post by: Jona on September 10, 2015, 11:30:20 pm
Jona, you are starting to sound like one of those angry forum trolls. What happened to your usual cheerful posts?

But as for attacks, we must remember Eques just went through 30k ish troops,  and I doubt they would not still have lots in reserve. Plus the Hounds have a lot more strat players.  So, in this case a little caution on the Acre side might not be a bad idea.

Perhaps I am, but merely because I must stoop to their level to get my point across. Nevertheless it just gets tiresome reading the same boring drivel of how everyone against HCE are inbred morons while the glorious HCE's members are all MENSA-certified geniuses. The point of the diplomacy forums is to poke fun at other people's strat escapades with inventive shitposts or rp, and yet every time I see james making a post it's just "Lel look at how dumb HoC/LL/Wardens are." Enough with the personal attacks, even you have to know that we aren't any more retarded than you (I sure hope you know that much at least). Keep it strat-related or just piss off.

Also, the rampant hypocrisy and such never gets old either. Bryggan, you need to realize that it isn't like I am the only shit-spewing nerd here. Every single guy's post that I refute was posted in the exact same manner. I fight fire with fire, shitpost with shitpost. It is only your personal bias that skews it so it seems like I am the "troll" while every single acre poster (really I guess it's just one) seems to be flawless and correct and not at all insulting or troll-like. In all honesty, james is the biggest troll here. He spams this forum with propaganda post after propaganda post, and they all suck. All are uninventive, google copy-pastas that are borderline racist (so now you're cool with racism, Bryggan?). They aren't even remotely on par with even the worst strat 4 tier shitposts. In addition, preaching "though shalt not raid" and then supporting it twice now in the past week or so is the single shittiest you guys have done this strat. As per usual when dealing with the HCE, it is only wrong when your strat enemies do it. Nothing new to see here.

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Title: Re: NA Strategus General Discussion (by BB <3 )
Post by: Lt_Anders on September 10, 2015, 11:37:03 pm
Perhaps I am, but merely because I must stoop to their level to get my point across. Nevertheless it just gets tiresome reading the same boring drivel of how everyone against HCE are inbred morons while the glorious HCE's members are all MENSA-certified geniuses. The point of the diplomacy forums is to poke fun at other people's strat escapades with inventive shitposts or rp, and yet every time I see james making a post it's just "Lel look at how dumb HoC/LL/Wardens are." Enough with the personal attacks, even you have to know that we aren't any more retarded than you (I sure hope you know that much at least). Keep it strat-related or just piss off.

Also, the rampant hypocrisy and such never gets old either. Bryggan, you need to realize that it isn't like I am the only shit-spewing nerd here. Every single guy's post that I refute was posted in the exact same manner. I fight fire with fire, shitpost with shitpost. It is only your personal bias that skews it so it seems like I am the "troll" while every single acre poster (really I guess it's just one) seems to be flawless and correct and not at all insulting or troll-like. In all honesty, james is the biggest troll here. He spams this forum with propaganda post after propaganda post, and they all suck. All are uninventive, google copy-pastas that are borderline racist (so now you're cool with racism, Bryggan?). They aren't even remotely on par with even the worst strat 4 tier shitposts. In addition, preaching "though shalt not raid" and then supporting it twice now in the past week or so is the single shittiest you guys have done this strat. As per usual when dealing with the HCE, it is only wrong when your strat enemies do it. Nothing new to see here.

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Then Keep an army in your castle.

Honestly. Don't complain about raids if you can't keep an army in it.  Also, That guy is allied to HCE? How do you get the "Support raiding" twice now? Does this mean you're faction is at war with Mine cause you signed against me? Lol, that's like Kesh logic there.

That also means I'm fighting HCE since HCE members fought against me! Stupid fucking logic. Half that post is just circular argument that has been beaten to death since strat 0.
Title: Re: NA Strategus General Discussion (by BB <3 )
Post by: Voncrow on September 10, 2015, 11:38:46 pm
James you realize the main reason we hugely outnumber you in fiefs is because you lost them right? Let me give you a scenario so you can says it's wrong and I'm retarded. Two factions are at war, faction A has 1 fief, faction B has two fiefs. Faction A attacks and takes one of faction B's fiefs. Then B starts bitching how Faction A is a super alliance because they have twice as many fiefs. On another note, you declared war on 3/4 of those factions. So you are basically bitching about how big the enemy alliance is when you're the one that caused it.
Title: Re: NA Strategus General Discussion (by BB <3 )
Post by: njames89 on September 10, 2015, 11:43:04 pm
What would you guys do without us  :lol:. I have said this before Voncrow I know you think I am the sole leader of HCE and I do take it as a compliment. But it isn't true. Same with all the bullshit you guys spew. No matter how often you guys talk shit about us it will never become true.

You are raging about a faction on the defensive against 80 % of the map not attacking enough. The obvious reason we don't attack that much is because every faction minus a couple is in an alliance against us. I will also remind you that HCE was formed when Wardens/HoC/LL ganked us previously.

Your bullshit though laughable, does grow tedious voncrow.
Title: Re: NA Strategus General Discussion (by BB <3 )
Post by: Tristan_of_Erzoth on September 10, 2015, 11:46:15 pm
You guys do realize that it says "Blackguard" and "Keyboard Warriors" not "Holy chadzian Empire" right? You can read right? No one in HCE had anything to do with me ordering Swagathor to raid Radoghir. And I dont think anyone tells Longsword what to do. At this point if you cant manage to keep a castles crime down what the fuck are you doing having the castle, its so fucking easy to keep it down. Log on once every 3 days and click 3 buttons omg so hard. Every faction should have enough members to keep the crime down and if not oh well you're probably going to lose your castle because of how few fiefs are viable for attack, taking one in a raid/attack is the easiest and most sure fired way so you can handle the inevitable 30k troops coming to shit down your throat after attacking anyone in that care bear alliance.
Title: Re: NA Strategus General Discussion (by BB <3 )
Post by: Jona on September 10, 2015, 11:46:48 pm
Anders, normally you're up to date with this stuff. But since you apparently missed it, lemme fill you in on this one. At the beginning of this war when Bryggan owned the most land, he and some other leaders all got together and said that there are two things we must abolish to keep strat as fun as possible, due to the lack of players.

1) No raiding. With crime as rampant as it is, and the number of fiefs too large for the current playerbase, you could basically take any fief you want if you just raid it, take all their gear out, then attack them with their own gear. Or simply raid any fief to get free gear. This would completely destroy strat, since 90+% of all fiefs had 100% crime, or at least no garrison. There would never be any real sieges ever fought again since it would all be raid -> siege -> win.

2) No ganking. Keep the rosters as even as possible since even a 200 man army can crush a 2000 man army when they've got 20 more mercs than the other guy. We tried our hardest to keep this rule in place, but it was ultimately deemed an impossible feat due to ninja rostering and the like.

So yes Anders, to make such a loud proclamation as "NEVER RAID, EVER!" and then have your merc's support the side of the raider both times is indeed shitty. Especially when HoC merced against the Berserks, our friends at the time, after they raided a fief or two. It may be nearly impossible to prevent ganking but it is quite easy to just not raid, ever. Or should someone not-up-to-date on the self-imposed rules of strat decide to raid, it isn't exactly hard to be men of your word and oppose it rather than support it by rostering against them later on.
Title: Re: NA Strategus General Discussion (by BB <3 )
Post by: StonedSteel on September 10, 2015, 11:47:27 pm
WOW hahaha jona, lol seriously brah, just stop playing lol, y do u play this these kids?

damn, fuckin hell james, u dont belong anywhere near my friends list bro, u are a fucking lunatic dishonest crazy pos that whines over every perceived insult and gloats chest thumpin every meager victory. and damn brygg man, i feel bad for u, like i honestly pity u bro. u used to run with men, or at least little, fucking kids man. damn.

tbh im glad blackbird came and shit on UR alliance, was fucking hilarious, lol, poor doomcarrot thought u scrubs were gonna take over the map, shieeeet, i think anyone else but u could have with those resources, dutchy definitely would. so go write some more bullshit and cry me a fucking river how u lost an entire map u werent DOING shit with or GOING to do shit with anyway, now some other folks are on the board and we are having battles outside of the ones EU provided by shiting on u, and ya its nice having vets on ur roster lol, i have gone over this time and tiime again, its not some great big anti james conspiracy or carebear alliance.

if rosters are even u get shitted on because : FACT, ur rosters are usually a lot shittier than ur opponents, most of ur roster is acre and acre fucking sucks at this shit. and again its not someone else's fault that their friends are better than urs. maybe make friends with like minded people or someshit, instead of begging every new player to join ur fucking shit stack. i feel soo sorry for the naive new players that fall for or listen to ur bullshit.

GENTLEMEN, ive found myself someone to talk shit with again. NOW BOOO THIS MAN.

yup, fuck u james, go fuck urself kid.
Title: Re: NA Strategus General Discussion (by BB <3 )
Post by: njames89 on September 10, 2015, 11:49:06 pm
Thank you Plumbo I did think I was doing pretty well also.

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Title: Re: NA Strategus General Discussion (by BB <3 )
Post by: Schoi on September 10, 2015, 11:56:37 pm
I'm retarded.

That's a good point Voncrow
Title: Re: NA Strategus General Discussion (by BB <3 )
Post by: GandalfJr on September 11, 2015, 12:39:42 am
Blackbird m8 I don't know if boondick told u we're with EU. We're like hippy herpes we have no sides, we just want errbody to have equal fights in strat.

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Title: Re: NA Strategus General Discussion (by BB <3 )
Post by: fallinup on September 11, 2015, 01:02:18 am
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This thread gives me cancer.
Title: Re: NA Strategus General Discussion (by BB <3 )
Post by: Tristan_of_Erzoth on September 11, 2015, 01:04:13 am
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This thread gives me cancer.
Who even are you
Title: Re: NA Strategus General Discussion (by BB <3 )
Post by: fallinup on September 11, 2015, 01:08:57 am
Who even are you
Zero you fuck boi
Title: Re: NA Strategus General Discussion (by BB <3 )
Post by: ArysOakheart on September 11, 2015, 01:20:53 am
Title: Re: NA Strategus General Discussion (by BB <3 )
Post by: HarryCrumb on September 11, 2015, 01:40:20 am
WOW hahaha jona, lol seriously brah, just stop playing lol, y do u play this these kids?

damn, fuckin hell james, u dont belong anywhere near my friends list bro, u are a fucking lunatic dishonest crazy pos that whines over every perceived insult and gloats chest thumpin every meager victory. and damn brygg man, i feel bad for u, like i honestly pity u bro. u used to run with men, or at least little, fucking kids man. damn.

tbh im glad blackbird came and shit on UR alliance, was fucking hilarious, lol, poor doomcarrot thought u scrubs were gonna take over the map, shieeeet, i think anyone else but u could have with those resources, dutchy definitely would. so go write some more bullshit and cry me a fucking river how u lost an entire map u werent DOING shit with or GOING to do shit with anyway, now some other folks are on the board and we are having battles outside of the ones EU provided by shiting on u, and ya its nice having vets on ur roster lol, i have gone over this time and tiime again, its not some great big anti james conspiracy or carebear alliance.

if rosters are even u get shitted on because : FACT, ur rosters are usually a lot shittier than ur opponents, most of ur roster is acre and acre fucking sucks at this shit. and again its not someone else's fault that their friends are better than urs. maybe make friends with like minded people or someshit, instead of begging every new player to join ur fucking shit stack. i feel soo sorry for the naive new players that fall for or listen to ur bullshit.

GENTLEMEN, ive found myself someone to talk shit with again. NOW BOOO THIS MAN.

yup, fuck u james, go fuck urself kid.

I can't be the only one that feels legit autistic reading the absolute cancer this guy spouts out of his mouth?
Title: Re: NA Strategus General Discussion (by BB <3 )
Post by: StonedSteel on September 11, 2015, 01:45:20 am
ya know...u might just be...the only one...harrycrumb

Title: Re: NA Strategus General Discussion (by BB <3 )
Post by: BlackxBird on September 11, 2015, 01:57:19 am
Im a bit drunk cuz its the bier durscht donnerschdag, but james, there is something imporant u have to know:

Attacking is the best defence. U know why?

Cuz when u attack, ppl wont attack u cuz i no able to ecplain cuz alc.
U saw that in our case. We did not gear any fief we took, cuz we were constantly attacking. And when we attack its hard to attack us.

Äh well. Wtf s going on with my mind.

Gonny post something intelligent tomorroe cu.
Title: Re: NA Strategus General Discussion (by BB <3 )
Post by: njames89 on September 11, 2015, 02:57:57 am
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Title: Re: NA Strategus General Discussion (by BB <3 )
Post by: StonedSteel on September 11, 2015, 03:06:41 am
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^ jibberish

bloody hell blackbird...go to bed m8.
Title: Re: NA Strategus General Discussion (by BB <3 )
Post by: Dex_Atromis on September 11, 2015, 03:31:55 am
Black Bird, You soundeth salted in the slightest.

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You salted slugs never learn. "Your mother was a hamster and your father smelled of elderberriers..."
Title: Re: NA Strategus General Discussion (by BB <3 )
Post by: Bryggan on September 11, 2015, 06:31:04 am
Also, the rampant hypocrisy and such never gets old either. Bryggan, you need to blah blah blah strat 4 tier shitposts. In addition, preaching "though shalt not raid" and then supporting it twice now in the past week or so is the single shittiest you guys have done this strat. As per usual when dealing with the HCE, it is only wrong when your strat enemies do it. Nothing new to see here.
Crazy how gradually all the non-HCE players of strat begin to sound like 'angry forum trolls' over time with regards to HCE.

Pffff, they MUST just be haters. Haters gonna hate amirite? Yeah, that must be it.

Oh? I thought you were a cool player and i respected your opinion, but now you're saying HCE is a bundle of sticks so i guess you were just a hater all along. That's the only logical exp blah blah blah friendly, go kill yourselves for hating on HCE, damn haters.

Wow you guys- straight for the throat!  I never said only anti-HCE were trolls.  I've been reading the pages and pages of spew  in this thread, vomiting a little in my throat each time.  I'm just saying Jona, irrelevant to what side he is on, was not one I would ever think to stoop to the bullshit mudslinging in this post.  There are already more than enough trolls (on both sides) for this thread, and bitching never convinces  people to change their minds.  So Jona, why don't you and I just play Strat and leave the bitching to the pros.

Heskeytime, on the other hand, keep up the good work!  You're a natural, bud.

OH!!!  Yeah, the raiding.  What the fuck?  I mean, if NA is now populated enough to have raids again, we should at least have a thread on it.  I had asked Finnian months ago if we should start doing raids again, as I thought it would be more fun as field armies would be much more important.  But he disagreed, which makes sense, as that would have given the people with the most commanders the advantage.

But still, my opinion is that anyone who raids before a general consensus is made, is a little shit.

EDIT:  Saw some of the names on the raider's roster.  Very disappointed and shocked.  I think we all have to accept that any power I had as Emperor is long gone.
Title: Re: NA Strategus General Discussion (by BB <3 )
Post by: mcdeath on September 11, 2015, 06:31:37 am
Just wanted to say that I have no idea as to what oreo (longsword) is doing in strat. I thought he left KbW but it is what it is.

As the most active member of KbW I want us to stay a neutral faction. At the same time I have no control as to who does what. I also don't tell anyone what to do.

TL;DR Longsword is independent, leave us alone.
Title: Re: NA Strategus General Discussion (by BB <3 )
Post by: Sandersson Jankins on September 11, 2015, 07:08:35 am
Just wanted to say that I have no idea as to what oreo (longsword) is doing in strat. I thought he left KbW but it is what it is.

As the most active member of KbW I want us to stay a neutral faction. At the same time I have no control as to who does what. I also don't tell anyone what to do.

TL;DR Longsword is independent, leave us alone.

Hey, man.

I know that "yeah that guys just doing his own thing please stop sending me shitty steam messages and forum pms chrissake its just fucking DARUVIAN" feeling.

I mean, not the EXACT feeling, but pretty damn close.

It's a shitty feeling. Like, Daruvian ends up saying "wow sandy isn't doing shit again, he always gets like this im gonna go do something something blackjack/hookers etc" and pulls out of HQ with ungodly troop stacks and probably a couple of peons with him, motherfuckers messaging me like "oh god what is daruvian doing TELL HIM TO GET AWAY MAKE HIM GIVE HIM COMMANDS AND ORDERS" and I'm like "lol its daruvian if he attacks you tell him you don't like it i don't know FUCK"

Have we bonded yet, McDeath?

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Title: Re: NA Strategus General Discussion (by BB <3 )
Post by: Oreo on September 11, 2015, 07:24:59 am
eyy lmao

I really didn't expect to get anything from it.. but then I actually got gear, I laughed a lot   8-)
Also, I should have left KbW already, but I guess it just hasn't gone through or is bugged.

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Title: Re: NA Strategus General Discussion (by BB <3 )
Post by: mcdeath on September 11, 2015, 07:27:23 am
Hey, man.

I know that "yeah that guys just doing his own thing please stop sending me shitty steam messages and forum pms chrissake its just fucking DARUVIAN" feeling.

I mean, not the EXACT feeling, but pretty damn close.

It's a shitty feeling. Like, Daruvian ends up saying "wow sandy isn't doing shit again, he always gets like this im gonna go do something something blackjack/hookers etc" and pulls out of HQ with ungodly troop stacks and probably a couple of peons with him, motherfuckers messaging me like "oh god what is daruvian doing TELL HIM TO GET AWAY MAKE HIM GIVE HIM COMMANDS AND ORDERS" and I'm like "lol its daruvian if he attacks you tell him you don't like it i don't know FUCK"

Have we bonded yet, McDeath?

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I thought we bonded that time I went into your ts and I was like yo and you were like "yo nigga you high?"
Title: Re: NA Strategus General Discussion (by BB <3 )
Post by: BlackxBird on September 11, 2015, 11:43:39 am
Erm my little addition to the raid thing: I promised u guys 3 things when I came to ur ts.

1. We won't attack in EU prime time if your night times are acceptable. Playing all those Durquba attacks at 1 AM for me was kinda hard, but actually fair as I guess.
2. We won't raid. Simply cuz it is bitchy. We don't want to be raided on our own and we want battles - so we don't raid. Not raiding fiefs brought us atleast 5 more sieges.
3. We won't wipe you.

Those 3 things were like the most important rules in this war, and I guess they made it actually as funny and as good as possible and I think we should keep them.
Title: Re: NA Strategus General Discussion (by BB <3 )
Post by: ArysOakheart on September 11, 2015, 12:05:27 pm
Erm my little addition to the raid thing: I promised u guys 3 things when I came to ur ts.

1. We won't attack in EU prime time if your night times are acceptable. Playing all those Durquba attacks at 1 AM for me was kinda hard, but actually fair as I guess.
2. We won't raid. Simply cuz it is bitchy. We don't want to be raided on our own and we want battles - so we don't raid. Not raiding fiefs brought us atleast 5 more sieges.
3. We won't wipe you.

Those 3 things were like the most important rules in this war, and I guess they made it actually as funny and as good as possible and I think we should keep them.

The only time i've +1 you Blackbird, raids are for dirty slut wenches' daughters. And Bastards, but do you think Jon Snow would do such a thing? Fuck you longsword.

It's the same when I find Zeus with his longspear/pike and i have two crossbows. I still love Zeus in the morning, but if he raided me, I would put 15 arrows in him instead of 3.

Edit: Video owner is almost as fucked as Longsword MB

Edit: That third arrow reminds me every time of Pew Pew Zeus.

Edit: I have to go home Zeus. I have to go Home, to Hardholme.

Edit: And that's how you get on GoT binge whilst drunk.
Title: Re: NA Strategus General Discussion (by BB <3 )
Post by: Bronto on September 11, 2015, 02:36:05 pm
Guys! I've figured out a way to solve all of our problems! Let's, oh I don't know, maybe like, have battles in game instead of the forums? There's more xp in game and we'll spend less time on this shitty thread going back and forth over the same shit for another 100+ pages!

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Title: Re: NA Strategus General Discussion (by BB <3 )
Post by: Zeus_ on September 11, 2015, 04:40:00 pm
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I, Jon Snow would never do such a thing as to raid the free peasants, or anyone else for that matter, but 15 arrows would not be enough to stop me from impaling you with my pike if you were to push me that far.
Title: Re: NA Strategus General Discussion (by BB <3 )
Post by: Oreo on September 12, 2015, 12:11:27 am
everyone so angry

I've got nothing to do with Acre.
To be honest, I've got no idea what you nerds cooked up in some sweaty ts channel named 'DANK DIPLO' alright.  I don't really care to learn either.
Title: Re: NA Strategus General Discussion (by BB <3 )
Post by: engurrand on September 12, 2015, 12:30:17 am


Title: Re: NA Strategus General Discussion (by BB <3 )
Post by: fallinup on September 12, 2015, 08:55:51 am


post this after losing to blizz..... sounds kind of like that random bus guy we know hehe.
Title: Re: NA Strategus General Discussion (by BB <3 )
Post by: Tristan_of_Erzoth on September 12, 2015, 10:58:18 am
Heskey did you really go through my last 10+ posts to - them all? Thats some Chosen1 level shit there m8
Title: Re: NA Strategus General Discussion (by BB <3 )
Post by: BlackxBird on September 12, 2015, 02:23:09 pm
Actiually the only reason why I am upvoting is cuz i dont want mah friends to have -1 xD
Title: Re: NA Strategus General Discussion (by BB <3 )
Post by: Bryggan on September 12, 2015, 03:54:24 pm
I consider a no vote to be the same as a downvote, because I know my stuff is brilliant and the only reason you guys don't upvote it is because you are all terribly jealous.  So I'm gonna go back and downvote everyone who didn't upvote me in revenge.  This will take awhile.
Title: Re: NA Strategus General Discussion (by BB <3 )
Post by: Voncrow on September 12, 2015, 03:54:53 pm
Heskey did you really go through my last 10+ posts to - them all? Thats some Chosen1 level shit there m8

Wow, this guy I downvote downvoted me, what an asshole.
Title: Re: NA Strategus General Discussion (by BB <3 )
Post by: Tristan_of_Erzoth on September 12, 2015, 06:34:33 pm
Did you do the same to me?

Even my awesome crpg-version of Dark Souls?

Since you and njames are literally the only people to downvote me in this thread, and you do it all the time, i figured it makes sense if we just start at the baseline and assume everything you, me, james or voncrow posts starts at -2 in this thread.

I usually only downvote you when you double post or talk about ingame stuff, otherwise I dont bother. And I upvote Voncrow on basically every thread but this one
Title: Re: NA Strategus General Discussion (by BB <3 )
Post by: mcdeath on September 12, 2015, 07:54:59 pm
I'm hungry. Someone buy me lunch
Title: Re: NA Strategus General Discussion (by BB <3 )
Post by: Lt_Anders on September 12, 2015, 08:37:34 pm
Thanks EU Scum!!?page=strategusinfobattleroster&id=4850

Thank you to everyone who showed up!

Title: Re: NA Strategus General Discussion (by BB <3 )
Post by: njames89 on September 12, 2015, 10:34:39 pm
Totally missed it  :cry:
Title: Re: NA Strategus General Discussion (by BB <3 )
Post by: ArysOakheart on September 12, 2015, 10:47:25 pm
Thanks EU Scum!!?page=strategusinfobattleroster&id=4850

Thank you to everyone who showed up!

Sorry Anders, was too hungover for such an early battle (11 AM)
Title: Re: NA Strategus General Discussion (by BB <3 )
Post by: njames89 on September 12, 2015, 11:57:47 pm
Stay strong America! Let us not forget the words of our saviour.

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Praise be, praise be.
Title: Re: NA Strategus General Discussion (by BB <3 )
Post by: Sharpe on September 13, 2015, 03:40:36 am
Someone update me on what has happened in the last two weeks or so.
Title: Re: NA Strategus General Discussion (by BB <3 )
Post by: Schoi on September 13, 2015, 03:45:10 am
I'm hungry. Someone buy me lunch

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The only Lunch/Breafast/Dinner suitable for an American like us.
Title: Re: NA Strategus General Discussion (by BB <3 )
Post by: Taser on September 13, 2015, 04:04:51 am
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The only Lunch/Breafast/Dinner suitable for an American like us.

I raise you...

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Title: Re: NA Strategus General Discussion (by BB <3 )
Post by: Voncrow on September 13, 2015, 04:14:39 am
swiss und mushroom burger is better imo
Title: Re: NA Strategus General Discussion (by BB <3 )
Post by: Jona on September 13, 2015, 04:21:46 am
swiss und mushroom burger is better imo

This ain't a debate of what the best burger is, merely the most murican. AMERICAN cheese vs. SWISS cheese... which is more murican?
Title: Re: NA Strategus General Discussion (by BB <3 )
Post by: mcdeath on September 13, 2015, 05:28:57 am
I raise you...

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Title: Re: NA Strategus General Discussion (by BB <3 )
Post by: elvis1325 on September 13, 2015, 08:26:38 am
I feel like this thread needs to die already. I check the Crpg forums after a month or two of forgetting crpg even existed (best time of my life) and I see this thread is still up. Like, is the war even over yet?
Title: Re: NA Strategus General Discussion (by BB <3 )
Post by: Havelle on September 13, 2015, 09:51:55 am
Я чувствую, как эта нить должна уже умереть. Я негры проверить форумы CRPG после негры месяц или два забыть CRPG даже существовал ( лучшее время негров моей жизни ) , и я вижу эту тему еще до . Мол, негры войну еще даже на ?

Just do that thing that I wish I thought of first.
Title: Re: NA Strategus General Discussion (by BB <3 )
Post by: njames89 on September 13, 2015, 08:21:31 pm
I feel like this thread needs to die already. I check the Crpg forums after a month or two of forgetting crpg even existed (best time of my life) and I see this thread is still up. Like, is the war even over yet?

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We are still fighting don't listen to EU propaganda!
Title: Re: NA Strategus General Discussion (by BB <3 )
Post by: BlackxBird on September 13, 2015, 11:02:56 pm
omfg I heard one of our enemies finally found his balls :o He said he found them in the couch gap :o Get ready my friends, we will do some field battles and some flagcaps at sieges!
Title: Re: NA Strategus General Discussion (by BB <3 )
Post by: bruttus on September 13, 2015, 11:08:15 pm
omfg I heard one of our enemies finally found his balls :o He said he found them in the couch gap :o Get ready my friends, we will do some field battles and some flagcaps at sieges!
You have only 1 enemy, so stop bragging that you have more enemy's.
Title: Re: NA Strategus General Discussion (by BB <3 )
Post by: BlackxBird on September 13, 2015, 11:15:12 pm
You have only 1 enemy, so stop bragging that you have more enemy's.

Stop talking bullshit when u know nothing. PLEASE. I mean like you're really annoying.
Title: Re: NA Strategus General Discussion (by BB <3 )
Post by: bruttus on September 13, 2015, 11:18:08 pm
Stop talking bullshit when u know nothing. PLEASE. I mean like you're really annoying.
I stop when you stop bragging like a moron, i'm maybe annoying, but atleast i'm not a liar like you
Title: Re: NA Strategus General Discussion (by BB <3 )
Post by: Schoi on September 13, 2015, 11:28:10 pm
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Title: Re: NA Strategus General Discussion (by BB <3 )
Post by: BlackxBird on September 13, 2015, 11:41:23 pm
I stop when you stop bragging like a moron, i'm maybe annoying, but atleast i'm not a liar like you

I never lie :o
Title: Re: NA Strategus General Discussion (by BB <3 )
Post by: mcdeath on September 14, 2015, 03:21:16 am
Yo so my semester started last week and I'll be pretty busy with school and work. But more importantly FOOTBALL IS BACK. I won't be playing as much as I used to.
I know you all care so much so I thought I'd tell you.
Title: Re: NA Strategus General Discussion (by BB <3 )
Post by: fallinup on September 14, 2015, 04:03:48 am
I'm with Schoi

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Title: Re: NA Strategus General Discussion (by BB <3 )
Post by: Tristan_of_Erzoth on September 14, 2015, 09:49:42 am
Omfg, how DARE blackbird a liar! Such liar! He lie all time!

Hey Na, you should all follow us instead of blackbird cos he is LIAR! And i can prove... later... somehow. But i promise that when i do prove, you'll somehow care lots about it and prefer HCE cos blackbird is LIAR and that really important for some reason.

I'm maybe annoying, but he liar! Maybe HCE time to brag, we attack 200 man village! Where you bragging now LIAR?!

And what exactly have you done in the last 8 months Heskey besides bitch on the forum for a game you play once a month or w/e
Title: Re: NA Strategus General Discussion (by BB <3 )
Post by: Schoi on September 14, 2015, 09:53:12 am
And what exactly have you done in the last 8 months Heskey besides bitch on the forum for a game you play once a month or w/e

he played on EU1 for 2-3 hours with me and was gud tim he rly kool guy xcept on forum he gay l0l
Title: Re: NA Strategus General Discussion (by BB <3 )
Post by: BlackxBird on September 14, 2015, 12:40:06 pm
Heskey u own my heart!
Title: Re: NA Strategus General Discussion (by BB <3 )
Post by: BlackxBird on September 14, 2015, 01:08:04 pm
well as it seems u guys found ur balls finally. Show me how big they are  8-)
Title: Re: NA Strategus General Discussion (by BB <3 )
Post by: BlackxBird on September 14, 2015, 03:32:02 pm
I miss the part afterwards... when they send back the heads  :twisted: :twisted:  :twisted:
Title: Re: NA Strategus General Discussion (by BB <3 )
Post by: StonedSteel on September 14, 2015, 06:22:10 pm
Hesky...again...y the fuck do u still bother?

lol, have u not figured out how it works in na yet? heres a brief example of how NA debates with EU ( na = side 2 )

side1"wow, what you guys wrote isnt even close to accurate, in fact its all false, y would u write that"


side1" what i wrote wasnt wrong if u could find something incorrect about it, plz feel free to let me know, also, ive never done what u said i did"


side1: "heres a bunch of links proving what i said was right, as well as proving i never did what u said i did."


HOLY FUCKING SHIT SIDE 2, learn how to fucking argue ffs. and u kids still wonder y some NA's would rather play with EU players then NA ones?
Title: Re: NA Strategus General Discussion (by BB <3 )
Post by: Bronto on September 14, 2015, 06:53:19 pm
(click to show/hide)

Plumbo, you fucking no point did you mention how weshouldservebeer ruined strat and the mod and your life....I expected more.....

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The disappointment I feel when I read your posts...
Title: Re: NA Strategus General Discussion (by BB <3 )
Post by: BlackxBird on September 14, 2015, 07:42:35 pm
In all fairness, i prefer to play NA strat over EU strat, since people have more fun in TS and care less about max efficiency in battles and on the map in NA.

you were in my battles. We allways had fun in Eu battles, but kept it organzied! Like, when the commander talks, everone else shuts up. Really. Nobody disturbed the commander, but other commander telling him in his own battle that he does bullshit. And here in NA, I was like "could u guys plz be quiet when I talk?" in the first battle. In the 5th


but ye I noticed that in NA most ppl just do yolo things in strat battles :D Once I saw some ppl discussing the first 5 minutes how to attack, so siege tower or catapult or continue ladderspam.
Title: Re: NA Strategus General Discussion (by BB <3 )
Post by: Zeus_ on September 14, 2015, 08:15:13 pm
In all fairness, i prefer to play NA strat over EU strat, since people have more fun in TS and care less about max efficiency in battles and on the map in NA

There's also Discount Kesh
Title: Re: NA Strategus General Discussion (by BB <3 )
Post by: BlackxBird on September 14, 2015, 08:44:44 pm
Could the great King Louie set his night time one hour earlier? I can't stay awake until 3 AM when I gotta go to work/school.
Title: Re: NA Strategus General Discussion (by BB <3 )
Post by: njames89 on September 14, 2015, 09:17:35 pm
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Title: Re: NA Strategus General Discussion (by BB <3 )
Post by: Tristan_of_Erzoth on September 14, 2015, 09:22:40 pm
Everytime I did EU battles they were more disorganized than the NA ones so me and my clan mates would just run around with great mauls and bonk enemies and just not even go in TS lol. I dont think I ever did any eques battles so it might have been different for you guys.

Fact of the day, the only people who give a shit about HCE getting rekt by Eques are HCE members or former-HCE members. What does that tell you? Nobody likes HCE. Inb4 'Blerp, Heskey, we not here to be liked, we don't give a shit if we're liked or not', well plenty of your members seem to give a shit about getting fucked in the ass, and that only happened because nobody likes HCE so the 2 are kinda connected. The only non-HCE member who is pro HCE is you, and you bitched out of their faction just this summer.
Lol didnt you bitch out of the Black Knights and sell of their city to the Brotherhood? And I'm not the only one whose left, almost everyone that isn't acre has left HCE at this point(Rando, Bryggan, Tal, Wick, Albus, Sitvek, etc etc). The reason I'm still pro HCE is because I actually like fighting beside them and they're fun to hang out with
Title: Re: NA Strategus General Discussion (by BB <3 )
Post by: Lt_Anders on September 14, 2015, 09:38:57 pm
Could the great King Louie set his night time one hour earlier? I can't stay awake until 3 AM when I gotta go to work/school.

Says the guy who has his night time set to 3 AM(CST), unless of course they attacked at exactly 9 PM EST(3 AM CST).
Title: Re: NA Strategus General Discussion (by BB <3 )
Post by: BlackxBird on September 14, 2015, 09:43:44 pm
my night time starts at 5 AM and lasts for 8 hours.  If that is a problem for anyone go bury yaself.
Title: Re: NA Strategus General Discussion (by BB <3 )
Post by: Schoi on September 14, 2015, 09:47:21 pm
Everytime I did EU battles they were more disorganized than the NA ones so me and my clan mates would just run around with great mauls and bonk enemies and just not even go in TS lol. I dont think I ever did any eques battles so it might have been different for you guys.
Lol didnt you bitch out of the Black Knights and sell of their city to the Brotherhood? And I'm not the only one whose left, almost everyone that isn't acre has left HCE at this point(Rando, Bryggan, Tal, Wick, Albus, Sitvek, etc etc). The reason I'm still pro HCE is because I actually like fighting beside them and they're fun to hang out with

fuq r u talkin bout Tristan every tim I sign up for an EU battle there's just shield walls and shield walls and people actually saying things in teamspeak that's relevant to the game. While NA strat battles are like *kills 3 people with a great maul at the top of the staircase with up swings with a 42:3 build* 'OOHHOOHHOO BABYYYY A TRIPPLEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE". And then there's Allers just shit talking HoC like, "nice kd bundle of stickss, uninstall" "you guys fucking suck, look at me, im at the top". And then I'm just spamming "l0l nikgur".
Title: Re: NA Strategus General Discussion (by BB <3 )
Post by: fallinup on September 14, 2015, 10:52:48 pm
fuq r u talkin bout Tristan every tim I sign up for an EU battle there's just shield walls and shield walls and people actually saying things in teamspeak that's relevant to the game. While NA strat battles are like *kills 3 people with a great maul at the top of the staircase with up swings with a 42:3 build* 'OOHHOOHHOO BABYYYY A TRIPPLEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE". And then there's Allers just shit talking HoC like, "nice kd bundle of stickss, uninstall" "you guys fucking suck, look at me, im at the top". And then I'm just spamming "l0l nikgur".
Title: Re: NA Strategus General Discussion (by BB <3 )
Post by: Tristan_of_Erzoth on September 14, 2015, 11:25:53 pm
fuq r u talkin bout Tristan every tim I sign up for an EU battle there's just shield walls and shield walls and people actually saying things in teamspeak that's relevant to the game. While NA strat battles are like *kills 3 people with a great maul at the top of the staircase with up swings with a 42:3 build* 'OOHHOOHHOO BABYYYY A TRIPPLEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE". And then there's Allers just shit talking HoC like, "nice kd bundle of stickss, uninstall" "you guys fucking suck, look at me, im at the top". And then I'm just spamming "l0l nikgur".

Wait isn't that how you're supposed to play strat?

Edit: Also wow 1pm-2pm battles on a tuesday? Fucking shit times
Title: Re: NA Strategus General Discussion (by BB <3 )
Post by: engurrand on September 15, 2015, 12:52:30 am
fuq r u talkin bout Tristan every tim I sign up for an EU battle there's just shield walls and shield walls and people actually saying things in teamspeak that's relevant to the game. While NA strat battles are like *kills 3 people with a great maul at the top of the staircase with up swings with a 42:3 build* 'OOHHOOHHOO BABYYYY A TRIPPLEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE". And then there's Allers just shit talking HoC like, "nice kd bundle of stickss, uninstall" "you guys fucking suck, look at me, im at the top". And then I'm just spamming "l0l nikgur".

long live NA and fuck non heros

Thats coming from a suck
Title: Re: NA Strategus General Discussion (by BB <3 )
Post by: BlackxBird on September 15, 2015, 01:24:12 am
the battles are 11 PM and 11:45 for me. And we will have one more battle, which will be in half an hour. Sry but I gotta stand up everday at 6 AM. for me it's now 1:30 AM.
Title: Re: NA Strategus General Discussion (by BB <3 )
Post by: njames89 on September 15, 2015, 02:37:26 am
Looks like good fights tomorrow! Come join us as we slay EU invaders for King Louie!

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EU invaders shite their pantalons at the sight of the fearsome desert fortress that is Durquba. An artistic depiction by the Holy chadzian Empire Art department.
Title: Re: NA Strategus General Discussion (by BB <3 )
Post by: Bronto on September 15, 2015, 03:37:43 pm
the battles are 11 PM and 11:45 for me. And we will have one more battle, which will be in half an hour. Sry but I gotta stand up everday at 6 AM. for me it's now 1:30 AM.

Goddammit should've attacked like an hour or two EARLIER than you did, then I could've participated....I'm not around after 5PM Est and that's exactly when the first battle starts....QQ....

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Title: Re: NA Strategus General Discussion (by BB <3 )
Post by: Oreo on September 15, 2015, 03:49:18 pm
I sleep around 9 AM till about 7 PM CST
pls fix your times
thanks  8-)
Title: Re: NA Strategus General Discussion (by BB <3 )
Post by: Behemoth_ on September 15, 2015, 07:54:47 pm
Could the great King Louie set his night time one hour earlier? I can't stay awake until 3 AM when I gotta go to work/school.
Only if you kiss me on the cheek and call me the true king of NA!
Title: Re: NA Strategus General Discussion (by BB <3 )
Post by: ArysOakheart on September 15, 2015, 08:03:43 pm
Only if you kiss me on the cheek and call me the true king of NA!

I'm the one true king of EU and NA!
Title: Re: NA Strategus General Discussion (by BB <3 )
Post by: Taser on September 15, 2015, 08:59:59 pm
Only if you kiss me on the cheek and call me the true king of NA!

I'm the one true king of EU and NA!

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Title: Re: NA Strategus General Discussion (by BB <3 )
Post by: Schoi on September 15, 2015, 09:44:30 pm
Classic EU, always attacking too late for Na... When will we learn! Na like their battles early!

We also like our battles with a side of large fries!
Title: Re: NA Strategus General Discussion (by BB <3 )
Post by: BlackxBird on September 16, 2015, 12:00:27 am
good job anders. Would have been better in the next battle, but anyways thx a lot! I knew u love me dude <3
Title: Re: NA Strategus General Discussion (by BB <3 )
Post by: Lt_Anders on September 16, 2015, 12:06:23 am
good job anders. Would have been better in the next battle, but anyways thx a lot! I knew u love me dude <3

Totally just discovered a massive glitch.

No lie, I fucked up their shit and I have to pay back James for that. (I did something I do, well, pretty regularly on battles and...well, it showed a new glitch.)

Hey BB, be a gent and give him his gear back yea?
Title: Re: NA Strategus General Discussion (by BB <3 )
Post by: njames89 on September 16, 2015, 12:08:53 am
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Title: Re: NA Strategus General Discussion (by BB <3 )
Post by: ArysOakheart on September 16, 2015, 12:18:21 am
Were you rank 10 for the battle, Anders? That may be how you did it.
Title: Re: NA Strategus General Discussion (by BB <3 )
Post by: BlackxBird on September 16, 2015, 12:27:28 am
hmm, did I get my gear back when I did a fail army at durquba. Did the kalmars get their gear back for the 5K troops they lost at the server crash?

I would totally give it back, if they were treating us fairly in the past.
Title: Re: NA Strategus General Discussion (by BB <3 )
Post by: Lt_Anders on September 16, 2015, 12:29:50 am
hmm, did I get my gear back when I did a fail army at durquba. Did the kalmars get their gear back for the 5K troops they lost at the server crash?

I would totally give it back, if they were treating us fairly in the past.

Oh wells, was worth an ask. I'm paying him back for it already
Title: Re: NA Strategus General Discussion (by BB <3 )
Post by: mcdeath on September 16, 2015, 03:37:32 am
Totally just discovered a massive glitch.

No lie, I fucked up their shit and I have to pay back James for that. (I did something I do, well, pretty regularly on battles and...well, it showed a new glitch.)

Hey BB, be a gent and give him his gear back yea?

What was the glitch?
Title: Re: NA Strategus General Discussion (by BB <3 )
Post by: ArysOakheart on September 16, 2015, 04:34:09 am
What was the glitch?

Mercs rank 10 can QMRS (retreat). It's usually nothing to worry about, unless you have some one like Anders as a merc.
Title: Re: NA Strategus General Discussion (by BB <3 )
Post by: fallinup on September 16, 2015, 04:40:54 am
Mercs rank 10 can QMRS (retreat). It's usually nothing to worry about, unless you have some one like Anders as a merc.

Hey just like tonights battle
Title: Re: NA Strategus General Discussion (by BB <3 )
Post by: mcdeath on September 16, 2015, 05:35:53 am
Mercs rank 10 can QMRS (retreat). It's usually nothing to worry about, unless you have some one like Anders as a merc.

That isn't a glitch...
Title: Re: NA Strategus General Discussion (by BB <3 )
Post by: ArysOakheart on September 16, 2015, 12:28:35 pm
That isn't a glitch...

To people who thought it was, it was.
Title: Re: NA Strategus General Discussion (by BB <3 )
Post by: Bronto on September 16, 2015, 02:23:12 pm
Hey just like tonights battle

God dammit people.....if you're going to post a youtube video remove the S. HTTP:// = good; HTTPS:// = bad.

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Title: Re: NA Strategus General Discussion (by BB <3 )
Post by: mcdeath on September 16, 2015, 03:50:42 pm
God dammit people.....if you're going to post a youtube video remove the S. HTTP:// = good; HTTPS:// = bad.

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Fucking amazing gif.

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Title: Re: NA Strategus General Discussion (by BB <3 )
Post by: njames89 on September 16, 2015, 09:19:11 pm
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Title: Re: NA Strategus General Discussion (by BB <3 )
Post by: Schoi on September 16, 2015, 11:44:57 pm
Zoolander II coming soon

Here's the teaser!

Title: Re: NA Strategus General Discussion (by BB <3 )
Post by: njames89 on September 23, 2015, 05:47:02 am
James pissed from the Durquban ramparts in the direction of the eu swine, as he finished relieving himself he yelled to the cowards camped in the sands "COME ON YOU PUSSIES IS THAT ALL YOU'VE GOT".

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Title: Re: NA Strategus General Discussion (by BB <3 )
Post by: BlackxBird on September 23, 2015, 01:15:09 pm
erm, james, we got: Kinda 1/3 of the whole map, tons of troops and a fucking shitton of money, we constantly get more players and we have 8 armies moving around now. So. Don't you think I should ask u this question?
Title: Re: NA Strategus General Discussion (by BB <3 )
Post by: BlackxBird on September 23, 2015, 03:02:31 pm
Oh well, they have already armies moving around. Not quite sure yet, but it should be 5 1K+ armies already moving around. Im pretty bussy atm, so I can't even tell my guys to attack them in NA, and well, those ones moving in EU are untouchable.
Title: Re: NA Strategus General Discussion (by BB <3 )
Post by: woody on September 23, 2015, 03:10:42 pm
Heskey old son you cant attack anyone in EU its bugged. They really are untouchable.
Title: Re: NA Strategus General Discussion (by BB <3 )
Post by: BlackxBird on September 23, 2015, 03:54:22 pm
lol u can still attack people. The battle will be just never happening :o
Title: Re: NA Strategus General Discussion (by BB <3 )
Post by: woody on September 23, 2015, 06:40:23 pm
Problem is getting randomers to do it. In reality it only guys you can rely on who will do it and you take those out as well.
Title: Re: NA Strategus General Discussion (by BB <3 )
Post by: Lt_Anders on September 23, 2015, 07:20:46 pm
Last time I was in EU there were plenty of randomers simply existing there for no reason, bribe them with crpg stuff they actually want. Or, i'm sure Eques has some expendables in the EU side right? Put valuable HCE traders in a doom-prison for all eternity

I'd say, based on rule #1, that that would be a bannable offence!

(though, I've thought of telling acre to try it as well. :twisted:)
Title: Re: NA Strategus General Discussion (by BB <3 )
Post by: Tristan_of_Erzoth on September 23, 2015, 07:42:16 pm
It's a technique anyone can use, and a dickish one at that. It's only fair that everyone knows the possibility and risks that the EU map holds.

For that exact reason i have more fear doing EU trade runs than NA ones xD it's why i personally couldnt resist commenting on the notion that the traders in EU map are safe... NOBODY IS SAFE!!!

Was just in EU for the better part of a week or two and i was terrified someone who I pissed off ingame would come out and attack me and then that'd be it for me in strategus(until I bought a new account lel). But seriously no one should advocate for anyone to pull such an asshole move, but I'd be lying if I never thought about riding over and attacking Ichamur or Tulga for shits and giggles to just take out 10k-15k troops
Title: Re: NA Strategus General Discussion (by BB <3 )
Post by: Tristan_of_Erzoth on September 23, 2015, 08:46:13 pm
It's only fair that everyone knows the risks, and i'm sure most people who know the exact nature of the bug have contemplated it at one point or the other, or at least feared sufficiently whilst trading there.

(though i personally find it kinda sweet that your arch-nemesis Blackbird hadn't even considered it!)
BlackBird isn't my arch-nemesis lol. The like 3 times I've actually talked to him he seems alright we just happen to be on opposite sides of the shit post war
Title: Re: NA Strategus General Discussion (by BB <3 )
Post by: BlackxBird on September 23, 2015, 08:56:02 pm
BlackBird isn't my arch-nemesis lol. The like 3 times I've actually talked to him he seems alright we just happen to be on opposite sides of the shit post war

Its like I ever really insulted someone in this game... oh well, I guess I did insult james. But doesn't count. He deserves it.
Title: Re: NA Strategus General Discussion (by BB <3 )
Post by: mcdeath on September 23, 2015, 10:13:40 pm
Its like I ever really insulted someone in this game... oh well, I guess I did insult james. But doesn't count. He deserves it.

Title: Re: NA Strategus General Discussion (by BB <3 )
Post by: njames89 on September 23, 2015, 11:14:11 pm
Sorry we wouldn't bend to your demands blackbird  :lol:

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No matter how much bitching you guys do it won't change the facts. Even while you hold more than 80% of the map you are too scared to have a real war.

Title: Re: NA Strategus General Discussion (by BB <3 )
Post by: Lt_Anders on September 23, 2015, 11:41:11 pm

Man, Be real like me and only 28 from the vaunted "king" title.
Title: Re: NA Strategus General Discussion (by BB <3 )
Post by: njames89 on September 23, 2015, 11:42:12 pm
I was King in one of the largest NA clans for a long long time. I don't need the title on the forums  8-).

Are you guys seriously never gonna have another war? Yeesh talk about some carebear trade simulating shit. I feel like it would be fun if LL/Eques/Kalmar/HoC/Wardens/AoW had some fights!
Title: Re: NA Strategus General Discussion (by BB <3 )
Post by: Tristan_of_Erzoth on September 23, 2015, 11:43:23 pm
Man, Be real like me and only 28 from the vaunted "king" title.
I'll get there some day :')
Title: Re: NA Strategus General Discussion (by BB <3 )
Post by: Oreo on September 24, 2015, 12:00:41 am
>1/3 the map
>players joining all the time
>8 armies roaming the map

>wont attack one fief (last fief, should I add, I wouldn't consider Ergellon anything.. yes yes blah blah we killed them already what do you mean one fief)

FINISH THE JOB bundle of sticksS

Title: Re: NA Strategus General Discussion (by BB <3 )
Post by: njames89 on September 24, 2015, 12:39:55 am
In a post sent cross the land. James wrote...

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Title: Re: NA Strategus General Discussion (by BB <3 )
Post by: Sandersson Jankins on September 24, 2015, 12:59:41 am
Man, Be real like me and only 28 from the vaunted "king" title.

I was King in one of the largest NA clans for a long long time. I don't need the title on the forums  8-).

Are you guys seriously never gonna have another war? Yeesh talk about some carebear trade simulating shit. I feel like it would be fun if LL/Eques/Kalmar/HoC/Wardens/AoW had some fights!

lol you guys aren't even forum kings fucking noobs

smh tbh fam
Title: Re: NA Strategus General Discussion (by BB <3 )
Post by: Taser on September 24, 2015, 01:08:41 am
lol you guys aren't even forum kings fucking noobs

smh tbh fam

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Title: Re: NA Strategus General Discussion (by BB <3 )
Post by: mcdeath on September 24, 2015, 01:09:08 am
lol you guys aren't even forum kings fucking noobs

smh tbh fam

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Title: Re: NA Strategus General Discussion (by BB <3 )
Post by: Bryggan on September 24, 2015, 01:59:30 am
It's only fair that everyone knows the risks, and i'm sure most people who know the exact nature of the bug have contemplated it at one point or the other, or at least feared sufficiently whilst trading there.

(though i personally find it kinda sweet that your arch-nemesis Blackbird hadn't even considered it!)
Yeah, we all considered it... but I don't think anyone would be shitlordy enough to give the command.

And I have no doubt Black Bird has seen my army crossing his eu lands, which is why he is holding off on attacking anyone. With knees knocking he has no doubt drawn up his vast resources in the West to try stop me.
Title: Re: NA Strategus General Discussion (by BB <3 )
Post by: BlackxBird on September 24, 2015, 03:28:41 pm
U gonna probably attack me when Im on my graduation vacation. Even without knowing when it is lol
Title: Re: NA Strategus General Discussion (by BB <3 )
Post by: Gryph_Hawkshade on September 24, 2015, 05:28:30 pm
BlackBird, noone appreciates how he has been forced to wear such a despicable mantle and play such an essential role in this games drama.

It's kind of like hollywood characters who keep getting cast as evil... then people see said characters in real life and automatically hate them.

This is only a video game people, blackbirds a real life person too, with hopes ... and dreams, and feelings.

Without you there would have been no big black mordor army of locusts sent on a mission to destroy the world, without you it's just a shitty boring strat map with quibblin little guys fighting fer scraps.

*hugs Blackbird and whispers 'thank you'*
Title: Re: NA Strategus General Discussion (by BB <3 )
Post by: BlackxBird on September 24, 2015, 05:48:05 pm
see james. Some of ur guys are actually not as dumb as u make them seem like lol.

*whispers back "I love you too <3*"
Title: Re: NA Strategus General Discussion (by BB <3 )
Post by: Taser on September 24, 2015, 08:25:24 pm
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Title: Re: NA Strategus General Discussion (by BB <3 )
Post by: Tristan_of_Erzoth on September 24, 2015, 09:31:44 pm
It's not that we don't appreciate it, it's just recognizing it would ruin the whole purpose of having him pretend to be the "big bad guy" or w/e.

"Because we have to chase him"

"But he didn't do anything wrong"

"Because he's the hero Strategus deserves, but not the one it needs right now. So we'll hunt him, because he can take it. Because he's not a hero. He's a loud sperg lord, a watchful shit poster. A Black Bird".

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Title: Re: NA Strategus General Discussion (by BB <3 )
Post by: mcdeath on September 24, 2015, 09:53:28 pm
It's not that we don't appreciate it, it's just recognizing it would ruin the whole purpose of having him pretend to be the "big bad guy" or w/e.

"Because we have to chase him"

"But he didn't do anything wrong"

"Because he's the hero Strategus deserves, but not the one it needs right now. So we'll hunt him, because he can take it. Because he's not a hero. He's a loud sperg lord, a watchful shit poster. A Black Bird".

(click to show/hide)

I reported your post for copyright infringement.
Title: Re: NA Strategus General Discussion (by BB <3 )
Post by: njames89 on September 25, 2015, 01:24:40 am
I forgive your petty attempts at trolling Blackbird. You should try to be funny!

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Title: Re: NA Strategus General Discussion (by BB <3 )
Post by: Tristan_of_Erzoth on September 25, 2015, 01:27:02 am
I reported your post for copyright infringement.
I reported your post for not containing any memes

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Title: Re: NA Strategus General Discussion (by BB <3 )
Post by: mcdeath on September 25, 2015, 01:49:33 am
I reported your post for not containing any memes

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Title: Re: NA Strategus General Discussion (by BB <3 )
Post by: Taser on September 25, 2015, 02:47:54 am
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Title: Re: NA Strategus General Discussion (by BB <3 )
Post by: Tristan_of_Erzoth on September 25, 2015, 09:27:57 pm
Quote from: Melee Gaming

You have received a warning for non-relevant posts in the Strategus Diplomacy section. Please cease these activities and abide by the forum rules otherwise we will take further action.

The Melee Gaming Team.

I uhhh. What? Have they even looked in the Diplomacy section at all?
Title: Re: NA Strategus General Discussion (by BB <3 )
Post by: Schoi on September 25, 2015, 09:31:26 pm
I uhhh. What? Have they even looked in the Diplomacy section at all?

"No fun allowed"
Title: Re: NA Strategus General Discussion (by BB <3 )
Post by: Donkey guy on September 25, 2015, 11:21:48 pm
I0I mcdrok git mutes he an rekt guy es n feg
Title: Re: NA Strategus General Discussion (by BB <3 )
Post by: Bryggan on September 26, 2015, 07:10:30 pm
I uhhh. What? Have they even looked in the Diplomacy section at all?
You should report every post here that is off topic.  It will take several hours, but I think you could get 99% of the posters warned.

and, on topic:  YEAH WAR!!!!  KILL KILL!
Title: Re: NA Strategus General Discussion (by BB <3 )
Post by: mcdeath on September 27, 2015, 03:01:09 am
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Whoever sent me this was a huge dick. I couldn't have meaningless agruements at work over the forum for the past day. Also you don't have permission to call me mcdank.

Fuck those libres guys attacking that fief for a transfer. I got my hopes up on strat becoming active again.

Acre on some bitch ass shits saying we on defense but you got attacked like 4 times in the past 20 days.

Knightmare and his boys boys boys boys sittin pretty with solid troop numbers doin shit.

LL basically all inactive on strat besides dutchmasterflex.

HoC aint done nothing that i seen

WotN is irrelevant

Plumber died

HESKEYTIME is orange

MB aint shit

Skinbraj on that good shit getting attacks in

The rest aren't worth talking about.

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Title: Re: NA Strategus General Discussion (by BB <3 )
Post by: Bryggan on September 27, 2015, 04:45:21 am

You should report every post here that is off topic.  It will take several hours, but I think you could get 99% of the posters warned.

and, on topic:  YEAH WAR!!!!  KILL KILL!
Title: Re: NA Strategus General Discussion (by BB <3 )
Post by: njames89 on September 27, 2015, 05:52:42 am
Another epic defense for HCE! Good fighting tonight guys.
Title: Re: NA Strategus General Discussion (by BB <3 )
Post by: Bryggan on September 27, 2015, 07:13:22 am
I do not understand how HCE can survive against superior Eu tactics!  Perhaps Black Bird was not there to give the important commands.
Title: Re: NA Strategus General Discussion (by BB <3 )
Post by: BlackxBird on September 27, 2015, 03:53:43 pm
well, I didnt lol :P I was there, but I was on a wedding before, and, well, no idea if it's the same in America, but hell, 90 % are drunk there.
Title: Re: NA Strategus General Discussion (by BB <3 )
Post by: mcdeath on September 27, 2015, 04:11:35 pm
well, I didnt lol :P I was there, but I was on a wedding before, and, well, no idea if it's the same in America, but hell, 90 % are drunk there.

It generally depends on the families nationality in terms of decent. Out of the weddings I have been to the most fun was my italian family three years ago. My Irish friend from last year came in a close second. Pretty much at both of those the only people that didn't drink were the kids under 16. Fucking drunk pregnant bitches running around.
Title: Re: NA Strategus General Discussion (by BB <3 )
Post by: Sandersson Jankins on September 28, 2015, 05:11:05 am
Fucking drunk pregnant bitches running around.

Oh boy, it sounds just like home!

Look away!
Look away!
Look away, Dixie land!