Author Topic: Black Bird's NA Invasion  (Read 156982 times)

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Re: EU Invasion #2015
« Reply #1050 on: July 29, 2015, 02:04:13 pm »
Um yeah mate your all over this, my settings are 12am for the enemy and HCE settings are 3am for their enemy. Now that I have made this clear do you see why your leaders are hypocrites?

And it is horrible for China and really bad for Aus also as its 2pm, so go study some facts before you dribble anymore shit that you clearly have no idea what your saying. I actually have to leave work to make a battle if attacked as this is the earliest time I can offer and suits NA better then any other nation  :rolleyes: Like is 12am est really that bad? Which is actually prime time for west coast  :wink:

So how about tomorrow at 12am est you have a look who is on what server and on adverage you will find:

Aus = 0
China = 0
EU = 10
NA = 50+

Yea, but Dutchy, you don't have a million EU recruits to fund your rosters. You had to rely on NA's. Thus a bad NA time was bad for both sides.

And that 12 EST isn't bad, but for a large battle it can be.(as it lasts up to 1:30 AM).

7PM est are at 1AM EU time, but cause the battles are and hour or more long it pushes it to 3AM. To bad HCE don't know how to revolving door their nighttime. If they Did EU would never be able to get a good attack in without getting screwed in the time. Why can't we just have weekend battles since EU want's decent battle times. Do it during the weekend.

Dutchy always did(or planned attacks for decent times it was weekdays). Course, EU's being cheaters won't ever change, so guess that's not much to hope for.
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Re: EU Invasion #2015
« Reply #1051 on: July 29, 2015, 02:30:34 pm »
Yea, but Dutchy, you don't have a million EU recruits to fund your rosters. You had to rely on NA's. Thus a bad NA time was bad for both sides.

And that 12 EST isn't bad, but for a large battle it can be.(as it lasts up to 1:30 AM).

7PM est are at 1AM EU time, but cause the battles are and hour or more long it pushes it to 3AM. To bad HCE don't know how to revolving door their nighttime. If they Did EU would never be able to get a good attack in without getting screwed in the time. Why can't we just have weekend battles since EU want's decent battle times. Do it during the weekend.

Dutchy always did(or planned attacks for decent times it was weekdays). Course, EU's being cheaters won't ever change, so guess that's not much to hope for.
Either you attack yourself or stop complaining. I don't understand why you complain all the big battles have had 40-50 guys so clearly people can fight at those times and from what I understand you had 20vs20 battles before we came
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Re: EU Invasion #2015
« Reply #1052 on: July 29, 2015, 03:44:34 pm »
Battles only at weekends make castles/towns almost untakeable due to reinforcement and population recovery.

Plus for who is Friday/Saturday night a convenient time to play a computer game?

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Re: EU Invasion #2015
« Reply #1053 on: July 29, 2015, 03:46:07 pm »
Battles only at weekends make castles/towns almost untakeable due to reinforcement and population recovery.

thats unfortunately true...
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Re: EU Invasion #2015
« Reply #1054 on: July 29, 2015, 03:58:59 pm »
Inspire by Tristain post and events of 28/07/2015 Equites Siege on HCE New Durquba.
I don't read fiction and this is the first time I have ever done anything like this. Any excuse to skip leg day =)
PS: did this on my phone. Sorry for English, English is my first language.

He can see all his friends at the table. Jaren and Pulse sharing a ale singing songs while having their arms around each other swaying left to right. Ryan sharpening his sword, Bongloader in the corner smoking on his pipe. Latvian and Idzo laughing at everyone. Skinboat, Holiday and Calamari turn around and look at him. "Well are you going to join us?"

Then he hears a distinct but faint yell , "get up, get up". "I know that voice " he think to himself. is that Dynamics...

Overlooking New Durquba you can see the exotic sand that they are world renown for, but why is it red? Surely it had something to do with the countless of sieges it had endured. It would be almost beautiful if it wasn't tainted with thousands of fathers, brothers, and sons.

Deserter_Merrrica looks in awe of the unbeatable castle known as New Durquba. Some say it has the protection of a sorceress known as Elderly_ Women. "I don't even want to know what kind of wicked sacrifice she has done" he mutter to himself. He looks to his left and his right and sees some great among the ranks. So much lore and legend surrounds Deserter that it almost intimates him. "Is my long spear be able to do its part?"

He remember back when he was sold into slavery when TKoV had their civil war. Deserter_Merrrrica has been a casualty of war in the way of they needed money to fund their internal dispute. He was sold to the MERC faction and then passed on down to the DESERTERS after they were done abusing him. He was in a strange land that took him a long time to understand. That is when he first met Latvian. Deserter_Merrrrica was broken and any will he had left was long gone. Latvian build him back up slowly. Thought him the art of polearm and duel. Took about 6 months to finally pay off.

"Get ready!" Yells Blackbird. Deserter quickly snaps out of his daydream, Heart pounding, palms sweaty gripping his long spear. "Go!" Said Blackbird in a German accent.

"Shit what do I do?" He Hesitated for about 5 seconds then his instincts kicked in and he is in a dead Sprint to the gate, dodging left, right, left. He sees 2 other fighters going towards the gate, Noxious Inpector and Hetman. SWOOSH a bolt almost off his ear. It must of felt like an eternity on the way to the gate. He sees Noxious Inspector take a arrow in the eye and drop, he looks at Hetman the Grey and he has about 6 arrows in his chest when he finally went down. He notice he is the only one at the gate. Breathing heavily he is hiding in the side of the gate. " Ok, you made it. Get yourself together" he told himself. That is something he would do to gather composure during stressful situation. It had helped him during the UIF wars of Strat 4.

He is still the only one at the gate, it was a erry quiet at the gate, no one was shooting at him, nobody was at the gate then thats when he felt the cold breeze and sees King James (cue dreadful music) walks by the gate. He stops and looks through the gate like he knows someone was there. The air was unnaturally cold and musty. He seem like a giant among men in his plate armor. He gave Deserter_Merrrica the chills and was glad when he walked away but that's when it happened. 10 Cavs showed up led by the undead Anders. Legend says he can resurrect after death. He isn't particularly scary looking or even great or hell even a good fighter but you do have worry about a man that can come back a 100 times.

Deserter gets his long spear ready still noticing he is the only one there, gates open slowly, he rushes forward catching the first few by surprise. Immediately 3 cav and 1 soldier go down and then he gets overwhelm and trampled. He sees a fighter rushing him, gets up nudges, jumps and thrust. The man goes down. Sees a strange marking on his armor of a Panda crest. He now has back up with Voncrow being first in the fight. He was fearless, he weapon of giant magnitude.

That is when Arn, a captain of the EU army yells "everyone to the breech now!" Walls knock down already?" Deserter thought, and rushes to the crumbling wall. He stands next to the likes of Lumetta and Largos. "HOLD" yells Dutchy, not a leader as far as Deserter_Merrrrica is aware but his reputation presides him that he knows better than not to listen to him. He sees a wall of Godfrey shields and a pike with the tip so shinny that it almost blinding. "That's Relit" no one seems to care but Deserter_Merrrica knows better to ignore a legend from childhood lore that he grew up listening too.

Relit was last heard in the Strat 4 wars and have been thought of as retire since then. Deserter_ Merrrrica looked up to Relit like a kid looks up to their personal heroes, in awe. He has fought with Relit side by side during scrimmages here and there and Relit have even acknowledge Deserter_Merrrrica existence. Relit has personally thought a few lessons to Deserter _Merrrica and now he was here in the battlelines. What has this war come to? Brother verus brother, student versus teacher, kid versus hero...

And wham! Crash of swords and shield colliding. Sound like thunder and lighting all at once. Thrust, thrust, thrust. One by one people are going down then all of a sudden a giant emerged. It's Prince Nathan. He is built like a castle and swings as hard as a catapult but he is slow.  He swings and Deserter_Merrrrica blocks, he's hands vibrating as Nathan swing almost breaks through the Long Spear,  Prince Nathan swings again and this time Deserter_Merrrrica dodges and tries to push Prince Nathan back but he might of moved him a inch. The beast is filled with rage, a fury of left swings, as Deserter holds his block, ducks under , jumps, trust and gets the giant in the head. Prince Nathan goes down slowly on his knees with his helmet off. Deserter is about to trust into Nathan's heart when he gets cut into his left arm. Deserter looks around and nobody is by him, looks behind Godfrey shield wall and he sees a pike.....

Prince Nathan is dragged back behind Godfrey shield wall by Gyphter and Behemoth and that was when Relit came out. Everyone stared at at Deserter_Merrrrica and Relit. Deserter was bloody, exhausted gasping for air and dirt covering his armor. If Relit was tired, you couldn't tell looking at him. Armor and Pike clean as a princess but the pike was blood stained at the tip. "Deserter, you got this" he mutter to himself as he always does to give himself a boost. Both are waiting for the other to make the first move, its Deserter, fake thrust and trust, Relit blocks it with ease and pushes Deserter down. Deserter gets back up, fake thrust, ducks, jumps and trust. What just happen? "Relit is hit? someone says from the crowd. Blood drips from Relit's leg onto the exotic sand of New Durguba. "is he hurt?" Deserter ask himself. Relit takes up his stance, with his eyes just showing through the armor and now he is attacking, thrust, thrust, spin trust. Deserter is falling backwards trying to block and that is Tristian comes from behind and swings. Deserter blocks, nudges, Tristain goes down by a arrow that must of been a mile away, its was Druzhina Boss Eldar. Deserter_Merrrica turns around sees Relit charging, both jump, thrust and........................

Deserter_Merrrrrica hears faintly "Get up!, Get up!" by Dynamics
« Last Edit: July 29, 2015, 07:52:18 pm by xxkaliboyx »

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Re: EU Invasion #2015
« Reply #1055 on: July 29, 2015, 04:32:11 pm »
Either you attack yourself or stop complaining. I don't understand why you complain all the big battles have had 40-50 guys so clearly people can fight at those times and from what I understand you had 20vs20 battles before we came

I'll gladly go back to 20v20 battles to get good, solid matches at times everyone in NA liked, entitled cunt. In fact, the really big battles were getting near 30V30 before you came over. All you did was add EU mercs to the pool, and nothing more, to allow the 40V40 battles(still can't do roll calls cause not enough mercs).

Also, the Fact that it's summer and people have more free time,but nope, it's all the EU's coming over that brought everyone back. Yes, totally all EU's who did it. If not for EU, we'd still be fighting with pitchforks and cudgels and totally killing afks. James would still be a fucking cunt and HoC would be relevant.

Continue believing that you were the great cause of this "increased battle rosters." It wasn't you, but the mere fact that it's a good time for strat, several factions came back(before you came over) and a war was actually happening.
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Re: EU Invasion #2015
« Reply #1056 on: July 29, 2015, 04:43:42 pm »
I'll gladly go back to 20v20 battles to get good, solid matches at times everyone in NA liked, entitled cunt. In fact, the really big battles were getting near 30V30 before you came over. All you did was add EU mercs to the pool, and nothing more, to allow the 40V40 battles(still can't do roll calls cause not enough mercs).

Also, the Fact that it's summer and people have more free time,but nope, it's all the EU's coming over that brought everyone back. Yes, totally all EU's who did it. If not for EU, we'd still be fighting with pitchforks and cudgels and totally killing afks. James would still be a fucking cunt and HoC would be relevant.

Continue believing that you were the great cause of this "increased battle rosters." It wasn't you, but the mere fact that it's a good time for strat, several factions came back(before you came over) and a war was actually happening.
If you want us gone then come and kick us out
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Re: EU Invasion #2015
« Reply #1057 on: July 29, 2015, 04:45:02 pm »
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didnt read it yet but +1 because idzo ^^
Yes, I know from whence I came! Discontented as a flame, Upon myself I live and glow. All I grasp like lightning flashes, All I leave behind is ashes
Flame I am - that much I know!

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Re: EU Invasion #2015
« Reply #1058 on: July 29, 2015, 05:00:24 pm »
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I enjoyed it.  9/10 RP shitpost

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Re: EU Invasion #2015
« Reply #1059 on: July 29, 2015, 06:05:16 pm »
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I enjoyed it.  9/10 RP shitpost

Were you the man with the Panda plated crest?

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Re: EU Invasion #2015
« Reply #1060 on: July 29, 2015, 06:54:19 pm »
We do know how long it takes to build an army.  And to raise men and gear to defend fiefs.  That's why we don't want to have battles while we are at work or.  I used to like the Warriors of Tengri because they had battles I could actually make, but now that's over.  TBH, those of us who can make it are enjoying the battles since us NAers could only afford small battles or a siege every month or so.  And we would be very happy having you here if it wasn't for the different time zones. 

If you wanted battles in Eu time, why don't you start fighting each other on the NA map.  Bad ping for everyone, but you get your XP.  But that's not gonna happen, is it, cuz all Euros are the ultimate bro-coders.  Instead you force us to conform to your times, and we end up losing millions of hard earned silver and thousands of troops in battles we can't even play in.

If 'Django Unchained' taught us one thing, it's don't let a German into your place.  At first its all smiles and promises of riches, then the next thing you know you got a Derringer bullet in your chest and your house gets blown up.

If you think we don´t belong in NA, start attacking us. You had more than 5K troops in Durquba, instead of fighting defensive you could have tried to kick our asses outta here before we even take the first castle, but as it seems King James' City is more important than every other fief his soldiers had. I kinda think he only wants the renown... And well yes, thanks for all the great XP. You guys are great enemies!

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Re: EU Invasion #2015
« Reply #1061 on: July 29, 2015, 07:27:18 pm »
opening this thread be like

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« Last Edit: July 29, 2015, 09:16:15 pm by Casimir »

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Re: EU Invasion #2015
« Reply #1062 on: July 29, 2015, 07:27:38 pm »
If you think we don´t belong in NA, start attacking us. You had more than 5K troops in Durquba, instead of fighting defensive you could have tried to kick our asses outta here before we even take the first castle, but as it seems King James' City is more important than every other fief his soldiers had. I kinda think he only wants the renown... And well yes, thanks for all the great XP. You guys are great enemies!
Enemies more like punching bags as they don't hit back...
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Re: EU Invasion #2015
« Reply #1063 on: July 29, 2015, 07:45:45 pm »
opening this thread be like

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I AM SO CONFUSED! Opening this thread is like cutting bags of salt and long grain rice?

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Re: EU Invasion #2015
« Reply #1064 on: July 29, 2015, 07:48:52 pm »
I AM SO CONFUSED! Opening this thread is like cutting bags of salt and long grain rice?
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