Power in an alliance? Dafuq u talkin about. Nobody has power over anyone. This is a complete balanced alliance with HoC Wardens LL and Eques. All have many troops, much territory, a great roster on their own and good commanders. Eques actually has more troops than all of the others and well... One or two cities more lol, but without Our allies we would have no chance doing anything. So is LL. They have more troops than wardens andHoC and more territory but for example HoC has extreme good roster support and wardens are damn active on the map :3 they kept curaw unenterable dor ages!
If you think anyone here would order something u are totally wrong! We discuss things. U know that shit called democracy and freedom u guys claim to fight for? We already have it.
Thats why you force smaller factions to surrender and fight for your cause or being wiped out.
I'm sorry, but the Fuhrer and his Friends where wipped out about 70 years ago, but I'm wrong, becouse becouse there is a Fuhrer in strat.
You tell to others that you have democracy, but what does it means by you?
Just before WO 2, Uncle Dolf told also that he was liberating some country's, like Austria or Danzing, a portcity in Poland, or maybe liberating some Germans that where living in Tsjechiaslovakia
So what are you Blackbird? Fighter for Democracy or Fuhrer?
But You all make the same mistake what history teachs us, The Bigger your Empire, The more lands you have to cover to defend youreself.
Then ask youreself this question, what would you do when the common enemy HCE is being wipped out?
Would you just go play Merchant with your NA allies?
Are you going to wipe out the other NA factions that haven't fought or sended reinforcements for your Fourth Reich, Even the Neutrals?
Did you have plans for the future, like how you call it Lebensraum??
Don't worry, I come back, just going to play merchant, something what every1 wants to do in strat.