Other Games => ... and all the other things floating around out there => Topic started by: karasu on June 27, 2013, 12:54:59 am

Title: Dark Souls II
Post by: karasu on June 27, 2013, 12:54:59 am
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Official Dark Souls 2 Website (

Dark Souls 2 @ Wikipedia (

Dark Souls 2: hands-on review (

Class Game-play Videos (Warrior, Sorcerer, Temple Knight, Dual Swordsman)  (

Gameplay-Video Leak Comic-Con 2013 (

Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Leshma on June 27, 2013, 01:02:32 am
'bout time someone make the "official" topic.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: SeQuel on June 27, 2013, 03:30:54 am
'bout time someone make the "official" topic.

We had such an awesome thread going...
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Xant on June 27, 2013, 10:00:36 am
Awful graphics, would not play.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Gravoth_iii on June 27, 2013, 11:02:52 am
Aww i wanted the prepare to die topic to continue being the one dark souls topic :)
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Banok on June 28, 2013, 01:37:04 am

My body is ready
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Molly on July 23, 2013, 12:01:35 pm
Site contains some gameplay footage. Thought I share... (
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Banok on July 24, 2013, 04:02:18 pm
looks awesome and still difficult :D
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: zagibu on July 25, 2013, 01:40:33 am
The most important question is: will it come without Games for Windows LIVE?
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Gristle on July 25, 2013, 08:12:54 am
It will be Steam based last I heard.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Polobow on July 25, 2013, 11:54:42 am
In the trailers and on the site, it never stated it will have GFWL. So there is a possibility it won't have GFWL, but then again there's also a possbility it will have GFWL.
People assume there's no GFWL, because if it isn't on the trailers or site, then why would they add it later?

I personally believe there's no GFWL because from software said no to windows, because of all the complaints.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: FRANK_THE_TANK on July 26, 2013, 12:21:31 am
Hopefully it's at least as hard as Demon's Souls. Dark Souls was chump levels of easy. Oh and for the love of Pete and his hideously unattractive wives fix PVP!!!

There is no latency restriction it seems and I get paired off against people from everywhere but OZ all the time, such a pain in the arse being backstabed in the face :S

When I feel like being a right cunt I got to painted world and stand at the end of the bridge using the dried finger to get people to invade more regularly and then I us the strong attack on the BKGA to cricket bat them off the bridge in one hit. I feel like king of the nerds because I get so much please out of gimping people just so I can yell at my friends "UNGIMPABLE MY ARSE!!!"
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: karasu on August 25, 2013, 03:38:13 am

Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Gravoth_iii on August 25, 2013, 04:26:16 am
Preorder bonus right?... i needs it!
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Kafein on August 25, 2013, 04:35:12 am
Site contains some gameplay footage. Thought I share... (

I hope that was a super easy demo version, cause otherwise that boss' sword is made of plastic.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Polobow on August 25, 2013, 01:33:22 pm
I hope that was a super easy demo version, cause otherwise that boss' sword is made of plastic.

The knight was probally the most tanky of the 4, but I do agree somewhat.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Gravoth_iii on September 19, 2013, 10:53:06 am

So apparently dark souls 2 will be even harder. Sweet.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Nightmare798 on September 19, 2013, 01:15:49 pm
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: karasu on September 20, 2013, 04:16:00 pm
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Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Kafein on September 20, 2013, 06:30:45 pm

So apparently dark souls 2 will be even harder. Sweet.

Wow that almost got me unhyped for GTA5
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Gravoth_iii on September 20, 2013, 07:06:12 pm
Wow that almost got me unhyped for GTA5

Really hoping i will get selected for the beta test, and that video made me so much more hyped for it >_>
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Ikarus on January 16, 2014, 02:18:47 am
bump, new trailer
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Kafein on January 16, 2014, 09:49:44 am
That trailer kind of sucks. The game doesn't, but that trailer sucks.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Pestdoktor on February 13, 2014, 05:50:59 pm
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Molly on February 13, 2014, 06:19:01 pm
Certainly isn't going to be a graphics whore...
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Gravoth_iii on February 13, 2014, 06:30:10 pm
Im guessing they are showing the console version, not sure, but if so then maxing it out on pc will probably be quite a treat to the eyes.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Polobow on February 13, 2014, 08:28:08 pm
Man I'm really hyped, 1 more month. GOTY
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Pestdoktor on March 06, 2014, 02:20:31 pm
Xbox version leaked, dling now...
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Logen on March 06, 2014, 03:39:37 pm
And still no PC release date, assholes
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Polobow on March 06, 2014, 06:30:17 pm
God fucking damnit, PC release set to 25 april :evil:. At least we'll get a good version
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Tore on March 06, 2014, 06:53:57 pm (

I'm too big of a jew to pay 50€, any key seller who sells this for 40$ or something?
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Gravoth_iii on March 06, 2014, 06:56:18 pm
Bought it for both pc and ps3.  :oops:
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: SixThumbs on March 06, 2014, 09:30:02 pm
First game I've been excited about buying since I can't even remember.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Molly on March 11, 2014, 09:17:03 am
Graphical downgrade on certain platforms?

Screenshot comparison from earlier material and the current material. (
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Polobow on March 11, 2014, 09:57:06 am
Didn't read article, but didn't they show the PC version on all the demo's?
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: IR_Kuoin on March 11, 2014, 10:04:49 am
Thing that bugs me is the 10 pre-order weps, I doubt they will do a huge thing and probably just suck, looks like they all have the same stats just different skin, just hope they aren't too "OP" for the starting area.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Kafein on March 11, 2014, 01:26:20 pm
Thing that bugs me is the 10 pre-order weps, I doubt they will do a huge thing and probably just suck, looks like they all have the same stats just different skin, just hope they aren't too "OP" for the starting area.

The main reason I'm not pre-ordering is the rewards
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Vibe on March 11, 2014, 01:31:34 pm
Is the release price more, less or the same as preorder price?
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Overdriven on March 11, 2014, 02:01:49 pm
Is the release price more, less or the same as preorder price?

I imagine so. £40 on steam so I will just wait till later.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Vibe on March 11, 2014, 02:12:39 pm
I imagine so

10/10 answer
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: IR_Kuoin on March 11, 2014, 02:19:32 pm

36,72 dollars (cuz 100 game points is 1 dollar off, or euro).
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: rufio on March 11, 2014, 02:26:01 pm
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Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: IR_Kuoin on March 11, 2014, 08:14:51 pm
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Vibe on March 11, 2014, 08:28:49 pm
graphics look super washed out, hope its better for PC
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: SixThumbs on March 11, 2014, 08:48:46 pm
I'm planning on buying this for PC but definitely not supporting the whole pre-ordering nonsense.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: IR_Kuoin on March 11, 2014, 09:37:44 pm
graphics look super washed out, hope its better for PC

Dark Souls is gorgeous on PC with the FPS and Res mod, now it wont be a mod but already in the game :D

Will be smooth and pleasing as fuuuck :P
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: IR_Kuoin on March 11, 2014, 09:57:02 pm
Also, I wonder what's going to replace Father mask giants
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Gravoth_iii on March 11, 2014, 10:05:14 pm
Giantdad, the legend never dies. It must be in the the game, or people will create something similar. God i dreamt of darksouls 2 this night, and now its released in murricaland. Im so ready, allthough im kind of dissapointed in the graphics of the ps3 version, looks... bad. PC is probably going to be AMAZINGggggggggggggggggg
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Fredom on March 11, 2014, 10:24:57 pm
Hi guys, could someone tell me what Dark Souls is about? It looks funny and I see many crpg friends playing it ... Whats funny? Online Game?
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: IR_Kuoin on March 11, 2014, 11:23:38 pm
I know Patches is too old to be appearing, but maybe we'll see one of his relatives tricking you like the dick he is :D
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Ikarus on March 12, 2014, 09:53:53 am
Giantdad, the legend never dies.


and the theme to it
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Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Kafein on March 12, 2014, 10:18:00 am
Dark Souls 2 ?

What are you, casul ?
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: IR_Kuoin on March 12, 2014, 10:23:31 am
Looks like the "turtle" armor will be the new Onion bro, guess I'm gonna use that for my 2hander
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: bilwit on March 12, 2014, 04:24:21 pm
Never played the first one but I'll give this one a shot. Looks cool (don't really like the uber high fantasy armors and such though).
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Gravoth_iii on March 12, 2014, 08:23:05 pm

Tomorrow maybe... :-(
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Tor! on March 12, 2014, 08:30:36 pm
Had to fall for the temptation and watch some let's play from the first area or two.. I want  :?
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: IR_Kuoin on March 12, 2014, 08:51:26 pm
I feel you, my hands are fucking itching
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Gravoth_iii on March 12, 2014, 08:54:23 pm
My plan is, learn everything i can in the first month of ps3 version, then speedrun the shit out of pc version, twink out low level and invade  :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Tot. on March 12, 2014, 09:20:56 pm
It's mindboggling that some people already watched streams of other people playing through entire DS2. More than a month to the actual release and they have spoiled everything for themselves.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Vibe on March 12, 2014, 09:47:26 pm
I'll admit, I never played anything from the Dark Soul franchise, but I'm excited for this.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: IR_Kuoin on March 12, 2014, 09:59:37 pm
It's mindboggling that some people already watched streams of other people playing through entire DS2. More than a month to the actual release and they have spoiled everything for themselves.

It is out in Japan and NA, two days until we get it in EU
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Tot. on March 12, 2014, 10:03:27 pm
You're talking about consoles, I meant the actual release.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Kafein on March 12, 2014, 11:16:30 pm
I'll admit, I never played anything from the Dark Soul franchise, but I'm excited for this.

Well you should, the first one is going to be the best one.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Teeth on March 12, 2014, 11:56:38 pm
Well you should, the first one is going to be the best one.
Isn't Demon Souls the first one really? Also, seeing how they took a great formula from Demon Souls and polished it with Dark Souls, I think Dark Souls 2 is probably going to be an improvement. In any case it will be an improvement for me because it is properly supported on PC, at least I hope.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Polobow on March 13, 2014, 12:29:21 am
Isn't Demon Souls the first one really? Also, seeing how they took a great formula from Demon Souls and polished it with Dark Souls, I think Dark Souls 2 is probably going to be an improvement. In any case it will be an improvement for me because it is properly supported on PC, at least I hope.

It better is, 6 weeks after the console release >.>

I have all faith in From Software though, it'll be good.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Vibe on March 13, 2014, 08:02:59 am
Well you should, the first one is going to be the best one.

the first (two?) were not made for PC, so I think I'll be just fine starting with DS2
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: IR_Kuoin on March 13, 2014, 08:44:01 am
You're talking about consoles, I meant the actual release.

Ok the "port" is already out for console, happy now?
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: SeQuel on March 13, 2014, 09:23:27 am
Im playing it currently on the PS3, Its great and all but I went a STR build and Im not really enjoying it.

In Dark Souls you had the Claymore/Man-Serpent Greatsword which I loved but now all I find are ULTRA greatswords which I FUCKING HATE. They're large, incredible slow and not my style. Kinda annoyed, thinking I shoulda gone dex. You can respec ONCE per character but I already used it like a derp earlier on when I screwed up.

They also got a new stat called Adaptability, and Pyromancy now scales off INT so it's not OP anymore. What else.....I really like the enviroments, some of the mobs are really annoying - more so than Dark Souls.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: IR_Kuoin on March 13, 2014, 09:48:33 am
Personally love heavy weapons going full STR with only Vitality and Endurance, no magic bullshit.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Kafein on March 13, 2014, 11:41:00 am
Isn't Demon Souls the first one really? Also, seeing how they took a great formula from Demon Souls and polished it with Dark Souls, I think Dark Souls 2 is probably going to be an improvement. In any case it will be an improvement for me because it is properly supported on PC, at least I hope.

the first (two?) were not made for PC, so I think I'll be just fine starting with DS2

I played Demon's Souls first (back when it was fedora underground), then Dark Souls (on PS3) and retrospectively I think had the best experience with Demon's Souls. Not by much, though. What I'm saying is that they have about the same difficulty and the first one you play is inevitably going to be the hardest one to beat, for you.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Tor! on March 13, 2014, 11:57:42 am
Demon Souls was the best because it was so fresh and new back then. Me and a friend would play it 10-12 hours ish every weekend when we were hungover, it was great fun  8-)

Also, I never understood people that go full str or use these huge ass swords, its such a boring playstyle  :rolleyes:
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: IR_Kuoin on March 13, 2014, 12:35:12 pm
Also, I never understood people that go full str or use these huge ass swords, its such a boring playstyle  :rolleyes:

Are you dissing Onionbros?!

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Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: SixThumbs on March 13, 2014, 01:37:40 pm
I was planning on doing what I did with the first Dark Souls, ultra-greatsword with fast-roll. I liked one-shotting most mobs and the feeling of weight was great, especially the heavy attack.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Tor! on March 13, 2014, 05:44:56 pm
I just think BSS - rapiers - longswords were a much more fun playstyle! But everyone to their self I guess  :wink:

I think I will do  spear / halberd / lance in 2 handed mode in DS2, with lots of points into this new stat that boosts your agility. Blah, why do we have to wait so long..  :cry:
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Kafein on March 13, 2014, 05:47:42 pm
I will go sorcery this time around. I've been starting with faith centered builds a lot and every time it degenerates into 100% meleeing.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Vibe on March 13, 2014, 06:50:19 pm
Is the story a continuation and will I be completely clueless or is it a standalone?
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: IR_Kuoin on March 13, 2014, 06:56:00 pm
Dark Souls 2 happened a long time after the Dark Souls time period, the actions of Dark Souls are now just legends. Still hope for a patches relative though :D
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Gravoth_iii on March 13, 2014, 07:03:43 pm
I heard the sunbros might still be in the game though, or something similar *_*
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Banok on March 13, 2014, 09:58:13 pm
for me the first play through of ds wasn't about choosing a style I wanted to play as much as just using whatever weapon I picked up which seemed the most effective since the game was so challenging, so constantly changing gear/weapons to beat certain bosses. that was part of what I liked about the game so much, it didn't give me choice of using what I though looked nice.

on 2nd playthrough; when I knew how to play and knew where to get best weapons, how the upgrade system works well the game isn't as challenging or interesting. I can just use same weapon/gear I got early on for rest of the game.

for ds2 I might go deprived, never look at a wiki and just use whatever I pick up, spec my character towards whatever weapon I find which seems strong.

obviously if you played demon souls first then dark souls isn't going to be as new or challenging, so your opinion will be its worse. but honestly demon souls sounds no way as good to me, I love dark souls map design so much, not just because its open but the way its layered, compact and you memorise your way around without map. having "levels" sounds pretty lame, plus I don't own a playstation ;)
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Teeth on March 13, 2014, 10:39:03 pm
Map design is pretty neatly done in Dark Souls. Everytime I would go through an area I would feel like traveling a good kilometer and then at the end you open some door and then I'd be mindfucked because it would lead exactly to where I started. The entire game world probably fits on like a square kilometer or something.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: IR_Kuoin on March 14, 2014, 12:15:25 am
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Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Kafein on March 14, 2014, 02:21:33 am
The level design of Dark Souls is perhaps the best level design of all time. At least of all the games I played. The mere fact that the world is just a giant spaghetti of intertwined zones impressed me a lot, and I think it actually fits physically. The game doesn't "teleport" you when you go down elevators etc.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Banok on March 14, 2014, 02:50:03 am
exactly. its more like one HUGE level than a "map", apart from a couple of instanced bits.

not sure how I will feel about the teleporting in ds2, but there are pros as well as cons.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: SixThumbs on March 14, 2014, 05:45:11 am
I just had this familiar feeling, almost like nostalgia, playing through Dark Souls the first time. Reminded me of something like Super Metroid, where it set up the story and let you fill in the blanks yourself; abandoned lab full of ghosts, corpse being eaten by parasites near the first real boss, few friendlies that hinted at certain mechanics, etc. It let you go where you wanted but gave you a rough idea of which direction it wanted you to wander in.

Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Polobow on March 14, 2014, 11:01:33 am
The level design of Dark Souls is perhaps the best level design of all time. At least of all the games I played. The mere fact that the world is just a giant spaghetti of intertwined zones impressed me a lot, and I think it actually fits physically. The game doesn't "teleport" you when you go down elevators etc.

Some things were necessary for this though... remember the ladder to lower undead burg?

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Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Gravoth_iii on March 14, 2014, 11:12:00 am
My game has arrived, patching it as im writing this. Im so excited!!  :lol: :lol: :lol:
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: PieParadox on March 14, 2014, 11:51:34 am
preordered for pc! cant wait to sunbro again, though the idea of being a blue spirit\protector thing sounds fun
slightly disappointed at the lack of graphic improvements. pc port better not be sht either.

also i heard the level design isnt as (amazingly) cohesive as the 1st one, and are more or less separate areas... thats kind of a bummer for me...
also heard theres a lack of light 2hers (claymore)? sad day.

i really wonder how naming characters are gonna work (in the 1st one, it was your stupid xbox gamertag). I'd like to make some badass character names for each character....
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: IR_Kuoin on March 14, 2014, 12:15:58 pm
Hope PC will use your actual character name :|
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: IR_Kuoin on March 14, 2014, 02:28:28 pm
So my brother got hold of Dark Souls 2 for Ps3, noticed a few negative things, jump button is R3 and inventory is slow to pop-up, making quick weapon / armor change in-combat harder. Well its not that negative just gotta get used to it I guess :D
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Tor! on March 14, 2014, 02:31:35 pm
New jump button is a positive.. So you can actually roll instead of jump roll when you are running.

And if it loads slow thats why we get it on pc  :wink:
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: IR_Kuoin on March 14, 2014, 02:53:34 pm
Yeah its a bit smoother, just have to get used to it, saw my brother rage about it 3 times when he accidentally jumped to his death :D
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Pestdoktor on March 14, 2014, 02:58:27 pm
Yeah its a bit smoother, just have to get used to it, saw my brother rage about it 3 times when he accidentally jumped to his death :D

Happened to me as well - just like hitting B on ladders now makes you let go of them :D
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Ikarus on March 14, 2014, 04:24:36 pm
*patiently waiting for pc version*

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Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Gravoth_iii on March 14, 2014, 06:00:32 pm
God, if there were no performance issues this game would be a 9.5/10 for me, but now its more like 8.5
PC version is going to be godly of there is no fps drops whatsoever.

Playing as a sorc, pretty cheap using spells but theyve made it really fast and fun, kind if dissapointed in the lack of new spells so far though, only a bunch of soul arrows and 2 other new spells. I do like having magic weapon with 8 casts and it works on my fire longsword :3 Holycrap im enjoying myself too much, probably going to play all day all night. Just beat a boss which nearly gave me a heart attack
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Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: IR_Kuoin on March 14, 2014, 07:04:09 pm
Noticed that as well while playing, frames drop constantly and is not that smooth in open areas, compared to Dark Souls where only Blight town was lagging
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Tor! on March 14, 2014, 07:32:30 pm
This is why we wait for pc version  8-)
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: IR_Kuoin on March 14, 2014, 08:13:27 pm
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Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Gravoth_iii on March 14, 2014, 09:14:37 pm
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Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Tor! on March 14, 2014, 09:44:18 pm
Maybe keep this spoiler free Gravoth  :wink:
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Kafein on March 14, 2014, 09:46:12 pm
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That's a good and a bad thing. I would be sad if the lore wasn't reused at all.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Gravoth_iii on March 14, 2014, 09:57:28 pm
Im putting it in spoilers, dont hate :( Maybe if you want to avoid spoilers you shouldnt be looking in the thread of the game ;)
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Polobow on March 15, 2014, 02:27:55 am
Agreed, that would be nice. Keep spoilers in spoiler.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Gravoth_iii on March 15, 2014, 04:44:17 am
17 hours in one day, game is pretty decent  :wink:

Starting to rage too much and getting impatient which only makes it take longer to make progress.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: SeQuel on March 15, 2014, 08:27:04 am
You can respec by the way using a item called
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(just bare this in mind). I've only found 2 so far, not sure how many they're are...I'm a fan of it.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Tor! on March 15, 2014, 01:31:47 pm
How is the pvp?
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Kafein on March 15, 2014, 01:35:38 pm
How is the matchmaking?

With Koreans

(I don't have the game, just speculating)
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Tor! on March 15, 2014, 02:31:13 pm
With Koreans

(I don't have the game, just speculating)

I know there are dedicated servers and you can choose to region restrict, aka no koreans  :mrgreen:

I've heard its very good compared to DS1, but I'd love to hear from our reliable sources at the crpg forums  8-)
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: IR_Kuoin on March 15, 2014, 02:35:16 pm
Mostly just friendly summoning going on, after around 10 sec you get summoned :D

You can get blue cracked eyes pretty early on, don't know anything about red eyes yet though
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: IR_Kuoin on March 15, 2014, 10:22:36 pm

Pretty cool

Also, compare Xbox vs Ps3
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Angry_Bag on March 15, 2014, 10:35:38 pm
Only thing that annoys me so far is that items like titanite shards are "hard" to get since the blacksmith only have like 20 on him (dont remember but not much) so if you find a wep and upgrade it only to find a better later on and you dont have enough shards to make it +3. You can find the blacksmiths daughter that will sell you as much shards and large as you want, but you meet her pretty late in the game....(i am SL90 atm about 17 hours still havent found her or damn shards  :cry:)

as for pvp i have only been invaded 2 times myself but they both fell of some cliff. And summoning is super fast i often put it down and get message 3-10 seconds later no more 10 min waiting   :D
i imagine it being about the same speed for invaders. And you can put your summon sign pretty much anywhere so if you want you can do a whole area with a friend or other ppl
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: SeQuel on March 16, 2014, 04:51:25 am
Only thing that annoys me so far is that items like titanite shards are "hard" to get since the blacksmith only have like 20 on him (dont remember but not much) so if you find a wep and upgrade it only to find a better later on and you dont have enough shards to make it +3. You can find the blacksmiths daughter that will sell you as much shards and large as you want, but you meet her pretty late in the game....(i am SL90 atm about 17 hours still havent found her or damn shards  :cry:)

as for pvp i have only been invaded 2 times myself but they both fell of some cliff. And summoning is super fast i often put it down and get message 3-10 seconds later no more 10 min waiting   :D
i imagine it being about the same speed for invaders. And you can put your summon sign pretty much anywhere so if you want you can do a whole area with a friend or other ppl

I don't want to tell you but there are EASY ways to acquire all titanite up until Slabs (I only have gotten 3 so far) but there are infinite Shards, Chunks.

As for PvP and summoning: Summoning is almost instant which is fucking awesome, I can co-op regularly if I wanted too. Brotherhood of Blood (a.k.a Darkwraiths) can get cracked red eye orbs from dueling each other in a arena then using the orbs to invade areas (invade are easy to get into though I've never personally been invaded). The blue cracked orbs can be used to invade Sinners and those are slighty harder to get into due to not many sinners and not many Dark Wraiths yet but if you spam the orbs youll get in it. The convenant can also come to the defense of any Way of the Blue convenant members that get invaded but that shit rarely happens since there are not a lot of invaders yet and even less people in the blue convenant. Then you also got the Rat Convenant which I have not tried but apparently you can set up traps and if someone walks over it they get summoned into your world where you try to defeat them and prevent them from getting to your rat king. I briefly tried it and had zero fucking idea what was going on until I read up on it. Last one I've tried is the Bell Tower which in my opinion is the most fun, basically what you do is equip a ring and the ring will summon you to people who are trying to ring the bell tower and you gotta kill them and stop them. Pretty much PvP matches every 1 minute or quicker and a bunch of fun.

P.S - The Sunbros still exist.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: IR_Kuoin on March 16, 2014, 02:59:39 pm
Had my first invasion yesterday, lvl 18 invading before "The last Giant". Spawned in the room before the boss so I was insta gibbed by a host and his two phantoms :|
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: rufio on March 16, 2014, 04:37:34 pm
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Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Vibe on March 16, 2014, 04:42:03 pm
So would you guys says it's worth trying Dark Souls on PC? I heard there's a patch that makes thing a bit better for PC users, but is it worth it?
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Kafein on March 16, 2014, 04:43:14 pm
So would you guys says it's worth trying Dark Souls on PC? I heard there's a patch that makes thing a bit better for PC users, but is it worth it?

I think the patches do work very well for some people. Not if you get unlucky though.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Polobow on March 16, 2014, 04:51:21 pm
So would you guys says it's worth trying Dark Souls on PC? I heard there's a patch that makes thing a bit better for PC users, but is it worth it?

Yes. Unlocked resolution, you can mod the HUD, you can get unlocked 60 FPS.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: IR_Kuoin on March 16, 2014, 04:52:19 pm
DSfix and DSC fix is all you need, if you own a controller its pretty much good.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Vibe on March 16, 2014, 04:53:51 pm
no controller, but i think i'm still going to give it a try, just to see how the game is
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Tor! on March 16, 2014, 04:56:28 pm
no controller, but i think i'm still going to give it a try, just to see how the game is

It's harsh without controller, be warned
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Vibe on March 16, 2014, 04:59:30 pm
I see there's some mouse fix as well, maybe that makes it a bit more tolerable?
I'm basically following this
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: IR_Kuoin on March 16, 2014, 05:03:25 pm
Never tried the mouse fixes but I've heard it is pretty good, but if you are planning to play DKS 1 and 2 better borrow or pick up a cheap controller and an USB cable
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Vibe on March 16, 2014, 05:08:20 pm
I just want to try out the game (i'm pirating anyway), to get the feel before I purchase DS2 for real
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Polobow on March 16, 2014, 06:31:01 pm
I just want to try out the game (i'm pirating anyway), to get the feel before I purchase DS2 for real

Trust me you'll love it.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Teeth on March 16, 2014, 09:16:51 pm
I have played about 40 hours without a controller and I thought it was bearable, your directional control is fairly awful though. The amount of times I have fallen off the world is tremendous. If you can stop yourself from judging the game on your mediocre controls you should still be able to form an impression of the combat and the design, which are absolutely excellent.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Gravoth_iii on March 16, 2014, 09:46:00 pm
Started on friday, and finished now ~41h played. Enjoyed this game a lot, more than dark souls 1 i believe. You can also choose to not go NG+ instantly, so im finishing some of the bosses i missed now. Sorcery was fun, might try dual weilding now.

Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Vibe on March 17, 2014, 12:10:55 am
Well it works, controls are fucked but it's playable, but game is awesome and has made my butt hurt hard already in the second zone (those church ruins or whatever) with some golden knights killing me there and some big hairy dude killing me somewhere else, had to repeat 7 times and I still haven't figured it out :D
Awesome difficulty indeed.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Leshma on March 17, 2014, 12:13:34 am
At least didnt make the mistake most do and went to the graveyard first... don't be slovenian cheap-ass, buy some joypad. Any is good, as long you use it with x360ce.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Vibe on March 17, 2014, 12:23:08 am
At least didnt make the mistake most do and went to the graveyard first... don't be slovenian cheap-ass, buy some joypad. Any is good, as long you use it with x360ce.

Oh I did go there and died 3 times then figured out I'm not supposed to be there. Won't get any joypad because I only tested the game for a bit how it feels, I'm not gonna play through it, I want DS2 to be the first DS game with proper PC controls. I loved what I've seen, combat is great and I love the feel of weight you have when fighting.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Leshma on March 17, 2014, 12:27:37 am
Suit yourself. I don't believe that someone is a true gamer if he doesn't have more than one controller, be it wheel, joystick, gamepad etc.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: FRANK_THE_TANK on March 17, 2014, 12:32:06 am
YAY SUN BROS! pewpew with the lightning rod
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Vibe on March 17, 2014, 08:12:07 am
Suit yourself. I don't believe that someone is a true gamer if he doesn't have more than one controller, be it wheel, joystick, gamepad etc.

I used to have a joystick but I fucking broke it trying to save a falling airplane from imminent crash by pulling back as hard as I could in Microsoft Flight Simulator for Windows 95 (or even earlier, I can't recall, almost 20 years ago)

EDIT: I do feel that Dark Souls difficulty can definitely be "broken" by reading tutorials/guides or watching gameplay videos, I'll have to refrain myself from doing that if I want max hardcore.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: IR_Kuoin on March 17, 2014, 11:20:31 am
Nexus will eventually give us a perm. gravelord enemy difficulty, also a reason why special boss runs have only been possible on the PC.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Xant on March 17, 2014, 12:03:04 pm
Your posts, Vibe, are more deeply stirring to my blood than any imagining could possibly ever be.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: IR_Kuoin on March 17, 2014, 12:06:10 pm
Your posts, Vibe, are more deeply stirring to my blood than any imagining could possibly ever be.

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Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: PieParadox on March 17, 2014, 06:33:24 pm
the biggest bummer for me is the idea of the non-respawning enemies. sure, its to prevent grinding, but it also makes the game not feel like dark souls without enemies always intruding. you can just lose potential souls forever. i don't like to level up too high (best pvp lvls were around SL100)... i almost feel like ill have to be forced to spend my souls or probably get completely raped in NG+ and above... hmm..

not to mention you're almost penalized for exploring by having the chance to permanently lose souls...

is SL important over 125?
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: IR_Kuoin on March 17, 2014, 08:22:35 pm
Was a discussion about the new SL meta, around 140 - 150 because of the new stat for weight. But we'll see how the community develops. I like to have one for PvP and one low SL for invasions.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Angry_Bag on March 18, 2014, 12:22:13 am
the biggest bummer for me is the idea of the non-respawning enemies. sure, its to prevent grinding, but it also makes the game not feel like dark souls without enemies always intruding. you can just lose potential souls forever. i don't like to level up too high (best pvp lvls were around SL100)... i almost feel like ill have to be forced to spend my souls or probably get completely raped in NG+ and above... hmm..

not to mention you're almost penalized for exploring by having the chance to permanently lose souls...

is SL important over 125?

non respawing enemies are not something you notice since you wont be staying in one area grinding. Only time i noticed and felt it sucked was in the first area where i would just farm to get some lvls. Enemies drop a good amount of souls i found myself often going back to the bondfire teleporting back to lvl up.... and since summoning around bosses etc is so fast you dont have to spend much time waiting to join someone about to do a boss.

also the SL for pvp and overall will be higher then 120+ since you get there "far" from the end of the game

And its clear that there are tons of new players just looking around in Majula at all the bloodstains of players dying around NPC and falling/rolling of noticeable cliffs.........not to talk about all the healing non bowing players in PvP :evil:
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: bilwit on March 18, 2014, 03:13:09 am
Sux that the graphics are soooooo last gen.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: SixThumbs on March 18, 2014, 03:43:00 am
Welp, time to leave this thread until post April 25th...
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: IR_Kuoin on March 18, 2014, 08:41:30 am
Sux that the graphics are soooooo last gen.

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Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Vibe on March 18, 2014, 08:47:39 am
God damn that Taurus fucker, such a big boss and so little space to dodge. Had to try several times before I finally did it. The ones where you get killed while the boss is 1 slash away from dying are the most frustrating. Was full health and boss was 1 hit from dying, I said to myself "I got this, np", boss smashes me from side so I'm sent flying off the wall and die ;_; But I'm not bothered by repeatedly dying to a boss at all. What did bother me however was that I had to grind all the mobs again and again to get back to him, gets kind of boring after a few tries.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: IR_Kuoin on March 18, 2014, 09:04:26 am
When you got lots of souls don't risk it on a boss, lvl up :D
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Molly on March 18, 2014, 10:08:35 am
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Leshma on March 18, 2014, 11:19:07 am
God damn that Taurus fucker, such a big boss and so little space to dodge. Had to try several times before I finally did it. The ones where you get killed while the boss is 1 slash away from dying are the most frustrating. Was full health and boss was 1 hit from dying, I said to myself "I got this, np", boss smashes me from side so I'm sent flying off the wall and die ;_; But I'm not bothered by repeatedly dying to a boss at all. What did bother me however was that I had to grind all the mobs again and again to get back to him, gets kind of boring after a few tries.

One of the easiest bosses in game, you can kill him in one or two hits if you know how.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Vibe on March 18, 2014, 11:24:42 am
One of the easiest bosses in game, you can kill him in one or two hits if you know how.

Everything is easy if you know how to do it. One-two hits, I'm guessing that isn't with plunging attacks since I've been doing that and it took at least 3-4.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: IR_Kuoin on March 18, 2014, 12:49:16 pm
Pine resin, 2hands, plunge attack :D
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Vibe on March 18, 2014, 01:02:35 pm
how would I know, this game provides very little guidance :D (which is perfectly fine)
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Xant on March 18, 2014, 01:10:10 pm
This thread is about Dark Souls 2, fool.

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Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: IR_Kuoin on March 18, 2014, 01:16:14 pm
This thread is about Dark Souls 2, fool.

And the Dark Souls Prepare to Die was about Dark Souls 2, doesn't matter if we talk about Demon Souls or DKS.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Xant on March 18, 2014, 01:49:50 pm
Yes it does.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Tor! on March 18, 2014, 02:01:10 pm
I am replaying DS1 right now, sticking around forest as lvl 35 getting invaded constantly  8-)

Some american invaded me 3 times in a row last night  :mrgreen: Wasnt as laggy as I remembered, makes me more and more excited for the dedicated servers on pc  :)
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: IR_Kuoin on March 18, 2014, 02:08:55 pm
Same, only I decided to be a forest invader this time, rather than being the host. One reason is the fucking bonefire glitch that will kick in and forces me to re-enter the IP pool ...
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Kafein on March 18, 2014, 03:06:48 pm
Funniest thing is you can avoid fighting Taurus altogether
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Vibe on March 18, 2014, 03:15:00 pm
Funniest thing is you can avoid fighting Taurus altogether

I actually want to fight (and eventually defeat) bosses, I'm not into rushing/skipping the content, neither am I into all kinds of cheap tactics that exist for some bosses :p
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Kafein on March 18, 2014, 03:26:19 pm
I actually want to fight (and eventually defeat) bosses, I'm not into rushing/skipping the content, neither am I into all kinds of cheap tactics that exist for some bosses :p

If you want to really get into the experience, you'll have to change that attitude. Since Demon's Souls those games have been all about the cheapest tactics.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Gravoth_iii on March 18, 2014, 04:52:53 pm
I actually want to fight (and eventually defeat) bosses, I'm not into rushing/skipping the content, neither am I into all kinds of cheap tactics that exist for some bosses :p

Yeah thats the best way to start out, but after youve finished the game a million times and then discover ways to skip parts its pretty damn kewl.

Cheap tactics though, is part of dark souls. That is how you play the game, with knowledge and abuse, because discovering abusive methods is being clever and its very enjoyable (atleast imo). But thats if you find them yourself, reading guides is something i feel ruins the experience. Unfortunately i had to quickly do that for one boss in dark souls 2 (Ancient dragon, if you guys have fought this yet, i think you understand :( )
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Vibe on March 18, 2014, 05:33:43 pm
Yeah thats the best way to start out, but after youve finished the game a million times and then discover ways to skip parts its pretty damn kewl.

Cheap tactics though, is part of dark souls. That is how you play the game, with knowledge and abuse, because discovering abusive methods is being clever and its very enjoyable (atleast imo). But thats if you find them yourself, reading guides is something i feel ruins the experience. Unfortunately i had to quickly do that for one boss in dark souls 2 (Ancient dragon, if you guys have fought this yet, i think you understand :( )

I see. Yeah like I said, reading guides or how-to's can definitely ruin the difficulty.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Crazyi on March 18, 2014, 06:52:49 pm
I never used any "cheap tactics" to beat anything in Dark Souls. The point of the game was to achieve perfection when fighting the bosses and that's why I purchased the game, to be challenged. Can't wait for 2.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Kafein on March 18, 2014, 06:55:26 pm
Btw, the cheapest of all tactics is to summon phantoms to help with bosses.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: IR_Kuoin on March 18, 2014, 08:56:47 pm
One thing that I really dig and will be great for PC is the vibration of your controller when you are summoned or summon others, so we can safely tab out or open the steam browser while waiting :D
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Gravoth_iii on March 18, 2014, 10:01:24 pm
Really digging the soundtrack in this, i felt dark souls 2 lacked a bit on the music part compared to demons souls, but DaS2 nailed it.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Vibe on March 18, 2014, 10:07:35 pm
One thing that I really dig and will be great for PC is the vibration of your controller when you are summoned or summon others, so we can safely tab out or open the steam browser while waiting :D

dual monitor master race
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Gravoth_iii on March 21, 2014, 04:52:58 pm
The new weapon upgrading system is pretty sweet, basically you have the regular 1-10 upgrade (10 being max now) and while upgrading this you can add another effect such as bleed, poison, magic, dark, lightning etc etc, at the cost of some scaling reduction. Some of the effects scale with skills though so its pretty good, for example bleed and poison scales with dex afaik which, so im going to use that on my dual wielding dex char.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: IR_Kuoin on March 21, 2014, 05:46:51 pm
Poison and Toxic OP; nerf
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Gravoth_iii on March 21, 2014, 06:21:34 pm
This soul memory for pvp mechanic seems to be garbage though, i was going to stay at SL60 and do some invasions, but as i gain souls im just going to fight higher leveled people while i stay the same.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: IR_Kuoin on March 21, 2014, 07:26:31 pm
This soul memory for pvp mechanic seems to be garbage though, i was going to stay at SL60 and do some invasions, but as i gain souls im just going to fight higher leveled people while i stay the same.

Didn't know about that until now, its like they are removing twinking low lvl invasions all together ... wtf
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Gravoth_iii on March 21, 2014, 07:38:38 pm
Apparently there are 2 rings which makes either your main or offhand invisible (both if you equip both rings ofc) the main hand one is gotten by beating the game without resting at a bonfire, and the offhand one is gotten through beating the game without dying  :shock: :shock: :shock:
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Ikarus on March 21, 2014, 07:51:58 pm
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Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Gravoth_iii on March 21, 2014, 08:02:11 pm
Doge meme so butchered, saddens me :(
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Ikarus on March 21, 2014, 08:17:23 pm
Doge meme so butchered, saddens me :(
sorry, I like that meme so much it makes me forgetting that it´s already extremely overused and pretty much from 2000 and late
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: [ptx] on March 21, 2014, 08:28:16 pm
No, it's just an atrocious use of it.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: IR_Kuoin on March 21, 2014, 08:58:17 pm
Apparently there are 2 rings which makes either your main or offhand invisible (both if you equip both rings ofc) the main hand one is gotten by beating the game without resting at a bonfire, and the offhand one is gotten through beating the game without dying  :shock: :shock: :shock:

I really like that, makes people have something to go for, sadly a PC trainer can fix that for them easily, just hope that steam will work in a vac ban service.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Oberyn on March 22, 2014, 04:42:22 pm
I once watched a let's play of the original Dark Souls, never really been tempted to play it, looks like yet another gigantic time sink, and saw this video of all the bosses in Dark Souls 2. Is it just me or are a lot of the DS2 bosses very...generic looking? They even recycle lava spider lady from the first one, kind of. I think a lot of the non-boss enemies had better character design than the bosses.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Leshma on March 22, 2014, 05:31:08 pm
Hate somewhere else.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Gravoth_iii on March 22, 2014, 06:58:24 pm
Bosses are all fine, i only saw like 2 of them being recycled. Problem is some of the fights are very easy, but this could also be because i havent ventured into Ng+ yet and i heard it changes things more than just more hp more damage, so i cant really say yet. But almost all the lord bosses thingies were easy as fuck.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: SeQuel on March 22, 2014, 11:23:16 pm
Bosses are all fine, i only saw like 2 of them being recycled. Problem is some of the fights are very easy, but this could also be because i havent ventured into Ng+ yet and i heard it changes things more than just more hp more damage, so i cant really say yet. But almost all the lord bosses thingies were easy as fuck.

I found the Sinner pretty hard :(

Still haven't beaten the game yet but I also have not been playing it much lately. What builds did yall go? I'm currently a dex build running Black Knight Halberd (it's beast) and a shield. I also got a Uchikatana which I used before I got my BKH and still use it if my BKH breaks, though I think I might swap it out for the Blacksteel Katana due to it's better scaling.

Im gonna upload a picture of my character the next time I play, I think he looks pretty sweet.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Gravoth_iii on March 23, 2014, 12:01:17 am
Holy shit i heard NG+ didnt only increase hp and damage of enemies, but changed and added new enemies aswell to make it harder and unique, and they werent kidding.

The true dark souls starts here one might say... Umbasa
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: //saxon on March 23, 2014, 12:16:00 am
a while yet for us then but i just checked if i can run it on max and i can according to this site
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: IR_Kuoin on March 23, 2014, 12:23:40 am
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: SeQuel on March 23, 2014, 05:34:53 am
Heres what my character looks like

(click to show/hide)
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Gravoth_iii on March 23, 2014, 03:03:16 pm
Going to try to take a picture of mine, but all i have is this shitty ps vita aka potato camera.

Oh by the way, faith builds are probably the best for invasions since there is no item to heal with now, but spells work.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Gravoth_iii on March 23, 2014, 05:46:16 pm
The duelling pvp is seriously messed up, theres 2 counter attacking rings which basically when you take a certain amount of damage they shoot out some stuff at the enemy and the other drops an orb that explodes in a small aoe, these rings can deal up to 500 damage on their own, so basically you get hit but if they proc (which they do OFTEN) you deal the same damage or sometimes more back to the enemy. I guess im going to be a spearmy old friend from now on to keep my distance..
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Tor! on March 23, 2014, 05:54:31 pm
The fire ring is easily dodged, and after watching some pvp streams this certainly looks to raise the skill requirements from ds1  :P

Cant wait for this to hit pc  8-)
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Gravoth_iii on March 23, 2014, 07:24:30 pm
its easily dodged, but unless you have a really high damage you wont be able to hit people because after one hit you have to back off to avoid the ring.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: IR_Kuoin on March 23, 2014, 07:25:35 pm
Of what I have played of PvP so far it reminds me more of Demon Souls PvP, spam to win.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: //saxon on March 23, 2014, 09:19:04 pm
apart from the trailer ive watched nothing on it, its all going to be new to me.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Gravoth_iii on March 24, 2014, 05:23:30 pm
After having done some more duels i dont find the sun ring as much of an annoyance (probably because im using it myself now and it destroys people). I got oneshot by a WoG though which was half instant, not a fan... Going to try some
(click to show/hide)
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: SeQuel on March 24, 2014, 06:15:45 pm
Beat the game, so I'm in NG+ finally. Looking forward to it.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: //saxon on March 25, 2014, 12:45:19 am
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Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Oberyn on March 26, 2014, 05:25:17 pm
I once watched a let's play of the original Dark Souls, never really been tempted to play it, looks like yet another gigantic time sink, and saw this video of all the bosses in Dark Souls 2. Is it just me or are a lot of the DS2 bosses very...generic looking? They even recycle lava spider lady from the first one, kind of. I think a lot of the non-boss enemies had better character design than the bosses.

2:12 to 2:40 specifically, Yathzee once again showing he is a discerning critic and not just some fanboy crying "UURRRRHHH HATER" to any sort of constructive criticism. Like any ZP worth watching all of it, if that's your thing.

Also 4:48-4:58.

Annnnd forgot to link the video:
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Gravoth_iii on March 26, 2014, 06:07:22 pm
I've seen a lot of critique on the game, there arent that many fanboys that play the game and dont see any negatives. But in the end its still dark souls, and it doesnt dissapoint even though some areas/bosses are similar to the earlier games. Play it then judge it i would say, if you still havent touched the first one.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Kafein on March 26, 2014, 06:28:27 pm
My main fears about this game are :

1. Loss of max HP when you die. Playing with minimum HP is presumably difficult, and you risk being stuck doing that because of point 2.
2. Finite amount of humanity available.
3. More enemies with limited respawn.

I think Dark Souls actually did the good thing compared to Demon's Souls. In Demon's Souls you were sort of supposed to play as ghost all the time, because you had to kill a goddamn boss to get your life back. Humanity in Dark Souls was much easier to come by (even though I didn't use it much, offline master race), and that was a good thing. Now, in Demon's Souls the game was not too hard to play as ghost so it was okay to never be alive, but it sounds like in Dark Souls 2 playing as hollow gets really hard if you die too much. It sounds like if you have a streak of bad luck or just explore as much as possible you can fuck your game up pretty bad.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: IR_Kuoin on March 26, 2014, 06:40:58 pm
Kinda facepalm at some of the reviews I've seen, people who just finished Dark Souls (only one time) and never tried Demon Souls are making some pretty "QQ" or stupid whiny comments on the game. For the death penalty you have to die around 10 times before it actually put you down on a noticeably lower HP pool.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Kafein on March 26, 2014, 11:57:48 pm
Kinda facepalm at some of the reviews I've seen, people who just finished Dark Souls (only one time) and never tried Demon Souls are making some pretty "QQ" or stupid whiny comments on the game. For the death penalty you have to die around 10 times before it actually put you down on a noticeably lower HP pool.

Oh okay, sounds fine
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: PieParadox on March 27, 2014, 01:57:58 am
dont u lose 10% of ur max hp every time u die, down to 50% (or 75% with ring?)
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Molly on March 27, 2014, 01:15:47 pm (

He's pretty gentle with it...
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: IR_Kuoin on March 27, 2014, 02:17:20 pm

Thing that kinda bugs me is the menu, can't see how much HP you currently have and other small stuff. Hope they fix those small things when it hits Steam.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Oberyn on March 27, 2014, 02:27:15 pm (

He's pretty gentle with it...

That's cause he likes the game. From a aesthetic and gameplay mechanics side (although only second-hand, since never played either one) I also think Demon and the two Dark Souls are truly superlative games. The bosses in 2 being dissapointingly generic for the most part, or recycles from other Soul games, is just a minor complaint. If anything it shows how good the character design was in general, that random mobs can stand out as having more character and look more interesting than some bosses.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Gravoth_iii on March 27, 2014, 06:43:01 pm
On my third char now, going to try upping a greatsword to fire and maxing out hp and end maybe some attune and go pyro..
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Molly on March 27, 2014, 07:00:54 pm

Thing that kinda bugs me is the menu, can't see how much HP you currently have and other small stuff. Hope they fix those small things when it hits Steam.
My bad - overlooked the post.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Gravoth_iii on March 28, 2014, 01:08:51 pm
(click to show/hide)
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: IR_Kuoin on March 28, 2014, 01:16:31 pm
Pursuer you basically need 2 people or more to defeat him quickly. Funny when people accidentally shoot the host or another phantom :D
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Gravoth_iii on March 28, 2014, 02:21:52 pm
Meh, hes easy solo. Right side blind spot.

Holy crap Creighton's armour set looks amazing as a dual wielder.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Angry_Bag on March 30, 2014, 03:13:37 am

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its like the "F2P" armor every noob uses :PP
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Gravoth_iii on March 30, 2014, 03:45:44 am
I havent seen anyone use it, i used the helmet though..

Kept getting matched up with a guy who used a lightning buffed straight sword i think, who 3 shot me all in a combo, his running attack could be comboed up with 2 more swings which was just silly. My hits on the other hand did barely no damage and thats a +10 fire falchion buffed with flame weapon from pyro. I guess his great magic barrier blocked most of it being fire buffed.
Strange thing, with 40 dex the non-infused falchion does less damage than a fire infused one with no int/fth.. i guess only S scaling weapons outclass elementals.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Oberyn on March 30, 2014, 09:43:41 pm
The kuyak of DS2.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Angry_Bag on March 30, 2014, 10:33:31 pm
almost every invasion/arena i do i meet a guy using full Vengarl armor and some claymore ish weapon...... its like 70% of the players  :|
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Gravoth_iii on April 01, 2014, 03:45:14 pm
Soul memory shit seems broken, im in NG+ SL130 but it feels like im fighting SL200 people, because i notice when im fighting someone with the same average hp as me but then afterwards i get matched up with someone who tanks 5x as much..
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Angry_Bag on April 01, 2014, 04:24:46 pm
Soul memory shit seems broken, im in NG+ SL130 but it feels like im fighting SL200 people, because i notice when im fighting someone with the same average hp as me but then afterwards i get matched up with someone who tanks 5x as much..

yeah i am SL136-7 on all my 3 chars and i get matched with ppl who are super weak or whos super strong.... like this one time i got matched with a caster on my STR char with 50 str and +10 Drakekeepers greataxe and i did 1.1K dmg on my backstab and it was even not close to half his HP he was wearing black robes even :/......
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Gravoth_iii on April 01, 2014, 04:34:42 pm
Okay so the guy i just invaded who took a shit ton of hits answered me, he was SL150 so guess thats fine not SM to blame. BUT he had 2.4k hp, maxing out vig is apparently stronk. So i respecced and went from 1.4k to 2k hp, s'good.

Also 2handing now, the dual wield animations suck ass with curved swords, it doesnt track at all.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Angry_Bag on April 01, 2014, 08:12:12 pm
One thing that rly annoys me is that weapons like Rapiers and other thrusting weapons (mostly rapiers) dont always hit like when attacking while your enemy is moving just a little bit and after doing a roll then attacking you always hit where the target was not where he is, like in dark souls :/ this makes some dex build with focus on rapiers and spears/lances useless...... also katanas stab is ghostly as ever

still you can do well with these weapons just that they dont always hit
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Gravoth_iii on April 01, 2014, 08:48:32 pm
roll attacks dont track people, it sucks.. as long as they move sideways its always going to hit where they were, so its junk.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Angry_Bag on April 01, 2014, 08:56:23 pm
 the way to win is: Greatsword, Buff, and R1

the only way i win with a greataxe now is if i do roll and it does a almost 360 hit so i can start hitting them. Also halberds/greathammer spin attacks are to op, it spins 3 times and if you are to close you can do 1-2 rolls and beg to not be hit while getting up :/ after doing pvp for about 130+ hours i kinda like dark souls pvp better as of now
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Vibe on April 01, 2014, 09:07:00 pm
roll attacks dont track people, it sucks.. as long as they move sideways its always going to hit where they were, so its junk.

I saw that in a video... some guy used stab with a piercing sword while the guy dodged with roll and took damage when his roll ended, even though the stab completely missed...
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Gravoth_iii on April 01, 2014, 09:17:18 pm
Well thats just lag, doesnt happen too often for me.

On the halberd spinning move, its shit. Predictable as fuck and the down time after using it is like 2 or 3 seconds, easy backstab or just stunlock.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Armpit_Sweat on April 03, 2014, 06:51:37 pm
just killed a plated-2h-turtle-guy with a poison infused kitchen spoon, while being naked :D he must be uninstalling right now.

was a fair duel too, right after i initially back-stabbed him with a spoon :D He was in a usual, for shield users, perma-blocking mode, and i made enough poison build-up - so he went from 80% health to 20% in few seconds :) he backpaddled for while, but i was naked, so no chance to use a flask. When health dropped to a few points, he just put his shield down, and i finished him off :D oh my, must be so much rage... i know i would!
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: IR_Kuoin on April 03, 2014, 07:12:29 pm
Lol, shield hugging generally only works again'st heavy weapons, small weapons tend to have bleed and some aux effect. But poison and toxic really hurts a lot more in DKs2 :|
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: IR_Kuoin on April 06, 2014, 07:42:46 pm
Have to say PvP is far less enjoyable here, so many mages and buff whores its not even funny. Good job taking out the good mechanics with buffs and stuff from Dks1 and just wreking it.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Gravoth_iii on April 06, 2014, 10:04:59 pm
Things may still change in patches. Just get the magic barrier and elementals are just garbage.

But yeah there is some crazy shit going on especially with the spices.

Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Tor! on April 06, 2014, 10:22:27 pm
The biggest fail was deciding 150 was an OK pvp level. You can have a build that can do anything at that level.

PvP level went up by 5-10 from Demons Souls, at DS1 it was 120, now 150? Sounds like 125 would be more fitting  :P

Hopefully PC community wont settle on 150.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Gravoth_iii on April 06, 2014, 10:34:47 pm
It's increasing all the time, people want to have everything maxed, 50end and vig and then damage on top. Its silly.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: IR_Kuoin on April 07, 2014, 12:15:40 am
In the PVE stage I'm at the Demon Song (frog lady) and Im currently Sl 122, but I feel like I want to level up a lot more.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Angry_Bag on April 07, 2014, 04:37:41 pm
i always see myself being done with my build at SL 136-37  just went up to 144 on my str just to get 50 vig
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: IR_Kuoin on April 08, 2014, 06:12:11 pm
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Leshma on April 08, 2014, 07:28:37 pm
Such difference...

Even chadz can make better graphics.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: IR_Kuoin on April 08, 2014, 07:34:23 pm
Yeah its like they just put a better res. texture over everything ... inb4 ENB or other fixes.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Vibe on April 08, 2014, 08:12:12 pm
Can barely notice difference bar some AA and slightly better textures
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Gravoth_iii on April 08, 2014, 08:32:37 pm
Well just the AA increase, less blurry and better lighting is enough for me. Tbh all i want is smooth 60fps. If its going to be modfriendly we might see some more upgrades aswell. I am still kind of dissapointed in how different the game looks compared to the trailers before the release though.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: IR_Kuoin on April 08, 2014, 08:43:52 pm
Well its Bandai pulling Froms strings, if they had more time they would most likely upgr. the graphics, but who would want to wait month(s) longer just for better graphs? Fromsoftware should get their own Valve time.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Gravoth_iii on April 08, 2014, 08:53:11 pm (

Smooth stuff, and the load time visitors can't see pics , please register or login
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Vibe on April 08, 2014, 09:15:59 pm (

Smooth stuff, and the load time visitors can't see pics , please register or login

Tbh it does seem much smoother compared to the videos I've seen on youtube/twitch of people playing console version
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Gravoth_iii on April 08, 2014, 09:26:04 pm
Well ive played about 100 hours or so, and its a lot smoother.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: IR_Kuoin on April 08, 2014, 09:30:19 pm
Just a lot more mini Blighttown areas on PS3
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Vibe on April 08, 2014, 09:33:40 pm
Well ive played about 100 hours or so, and its a lot smoother.

You in beta or something?
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Gravoth_iii on April 08, 2014, 09:40:01 pm
Just comparing the video to my experience on the console.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: bilwit on April 10, 2014, 06:20:52 am
Well its Bandai pulling Froms strings, if they had more time they would most likely upgr. the graphics, but who would want to wait month(s) longer just for better graphs? Fromsoftware should get their own Valve time.

lolwut. We already waited a month for.. basically nothing. They technically didn't "increase" texture resolution they're just releasing the game as-is (as opposed to lowering it for the console versions, typical of straight ports like these).
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: IR_Kuoin on April 12, 2014, 02:04:35 pm
Well did a bunch of random invasions in Dragon Shire and invaded a guy who was SL 80 on my Sl 128 and I was using Cracked Red Eye. So yeah GG soul memory.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Gravoth_iii on April 12, 2014, 03:00:47 pm
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: IR_Kuoin on April 12, 2014, 03:08:41 pm
Not sure if he was or not, but it didn't seem so. Was walking around naked and dual wielding. But only going for SL 80 at that area, think he was going for low SL invasion build since he didn't know about the soul memory.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Tor! on April 12, 2014, 03:29:21 pm
I've seen a lvl 89 go on long winstreaks against lvl 150's, so skill over levels  :P
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Gravoth_iii on April 12, 2014, 03:31:13 pm
Well if he was NG then soulmemory is going to make him invade higher levels, so he probably was. NG+ seems to remove the SM, allthough sometimes it feels like ive fought higher levels.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: IR_Kuoin on April 12, 2014, 03:32:10 pm
Ofc. but the fact that the soul memory makes people able to invade someone who for ex. have got 100k souls and loses them and he can't level up he can be invaded by higher SL players. Its like a free Darkmoon covenant :D
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Kafein on April 12, 2014, 03:53:33 pm
So basically if I want to win in PvP I have to avoid losing any souls and spend all on levels ?
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: IR_Kuoin on April 12, 2014, 04:28:11 pm
Well it is on 25% at the moment so it wont change that much, and once you get 50 in your desired (damage) stat you are pretty much set anyway because if diminishing return.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Gravoth_iii on April 12, 2014, 05:18:12 pm
Just go NG+ for pvp. No reason to stay NG
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Gravoth_iii on April 12, 2014, 06:28:02 pm (
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: IR_Kuoin on April 12, 2014, 06:35:33 pm
No matter how bad the PC controls are most people wont bother since they'll be using a controller. But mods are the saving graze for those players.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Gravoth_iii on April 12, 2014, 08:51:36 pm
Meh, so much stuff to mule in this game though, like spices. Now they even nerfed the skeptics spice farming with BA's at belfry luna, they dont respawn now so.. Also the invis weapons rings.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: IR_Kuoin on April 12, 2014, 09:39:31 pm
On DKS1 mules were never a problem, but now with the soul memory you can be max SL and have the same soul memory as a SL 20, so basically you can twink on low SL players just like the bb glitch just be maxed out on everything instead of actually staying low SL.

Also have anyone visited the Dark Souls 2 community hub? The whining there is fucking cancer  :|
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Gravoth_iii on April 13, 2014, 01:21:08 am
Everyone is crying so hard about the pvp being broken etc etc, as if DaS1 was perfect. Its annoying hearing people say magic is OP when its fucking horrible, any decent melee player with some ADP can dodge a magic attack. People say poise is broken etc, i think its fine. I play light armour so usually i get staggered first hit, but im really agile so its all good, while when i get matched up vs havel tanks they usually tank one or two hits before staggering, not to mention the defences. This ofcourse makes them fatties but its a good tradeoff i would say.

It seems the hate has sort of become a mainstream thing, probably because of youtubers. People just cant accept change, which is sad.

The mule thing needs to be fixed, or things like spices should be easier to obtain to make it more fair for those who dont mule.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: IR_Kuoin on April 13, 2014, 01:22:27 am
Havel is pretty beef here though, it got around 400 in Dks1 and here it got like 800 :o

Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Polobow on April 13, 2014, 01:09:25 pm (

Wait, does that mean he wants to show us that the PC version IS improved, or that he finds it ridiculous that it ISN'T?
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Gravoth_iii on April 13, 2014, 01:20:02 pm
Wait, does that mean he wants to show us that the PC version IS improved, or that he finds it ridiculous that it ISN'T?

That it is improved yes, I hear a lot of people saying it wont be that much better looking on pc since they only increased the texture resolution or something. But it seems he's saying its good.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Polobow on April 13, 2014, 02:06:26 pm
That it is improved yes, I hear a lot of people saying it wont be that much better looking on pc since they only increased the texture resolution or something. But it seems he's saying its good.

Hearing that from Durante, that's a good thing. He knows what's up yo.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Polobow on April 20, 2014, 04:52:45 pm
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Gravoth_iii on April 20, 2014, 07:29:33 pm

Sweet, even though i already played it through multiple times on console im still super hyped.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Polobow on April 22, 2014, 05:13:47 pm
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Vibe on April 22, 2014, 05:19:54 pm
2 fugen days ppl
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Polobow on April 22, 2014, 05:30:01 pm
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Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Patoson on April 22, 2014, 07:20:08 pm
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Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Kafein on April 22, 2014, 08:17:47 pm
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Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Joseph Porta on April 22, 2014, 10:37:09 pm
One of the very few console games I thoroughly enjoy, im kinda noob tho, only at the dudes that drop the old knight armor. Getting batted heavily by the 2hers.. I figured out the shielders and theyre. A piece of cake now :D
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: IR_Kuoin on April 22, 2014, 11:22:14 pm
You forgot 3 lines of menacing laughter.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Vibe on April 22, 2014, 11:32:57 pm
Oh oh!

best dialogue ever
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Kafein on April 23, 2014, 01:43:23 am
You really are fond of chatting with me, aren't you?
If I didn't know better, I'd think you had feelings for me!
Oh, no, dear me. Pretend you didn't hear that!
Hah hah hah!
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Tor! on April 23, 2014, 05:46:20 pm
So whats your plans, str, dex, or magic builds? Oh and we absolutely need to make a cRPG fight club eventually  8-)
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Vibe on April 23, 2014, 05:52:16 pm
I went full STR in DS, planning to go AGI focused in DS2. Full STR with an ultra greatsword felt somewhat slow. No specific build yet though.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: IR_Kuoin on April 23, 2014, 06:42:41 pm
Tried full STR on PS3 so I'm thinking of making a similar build to my DKS1 character. Go full dex with some faith, not sure if I'm getting faith though cuz I never used my miracles unless my enemy met the "tryhard" standards so I pretty much had 30 faith that I was not using that often. So might go 20 str and 40 dex.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Kafein on April 23, 2014, 07:19:14 pm
Bend over, I'm going in deprived.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Polobow on April 23, 2014, 07:24:38 pm
So whats your plans, str, dex, or magic builds? Oh and we absolutely need to make a cRPG fight club eventually  8-)

Probally going your average 18/18 1h shielder with medium vit, end, agi, str and dex
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Gravoth_iii on April 23, 2014, 08:43:40 pm
Dunno, pyro maybe or just minmax greatsword stuffs.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Gravoth_iii on April 24, 2014, 07:08:10 pm
Ah tomorrow will be a good day, first big special edition ive bought will be interesting to open.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: IR_Kuoin on April 24, 2014, 07:10:55 pm
Won't get my key before 30th because the website I bought it from say that it is "hot" so they have to wait to get keys. C'mon man i bought it 18 march and they didn't even secure me a key  ... :cry:
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Kaido on April 24, 2014, 07:35:13 pm
Its on for Japanese peoples only for now.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Polobow on April 24, 2014, 07:41:00 pm
Still don't know what service they will be using... I hope steamworks, nothing else.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Banok on April 25, 2014, 12:51:18 am
well im broke and I need to go get a job and buying this game will inhibit that, but I still decided 26 £s was worth it went to buy from g2a but out of stock :(. not a chance I will pay the standard steam price.

anyone bought the game cheap from any sites and actually got the game yet?
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Kafein on April 25, 2014, 01:11:51 am
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Ikarus on April 25, 2014, 01:49:52 am
50 Euros?

I think I´ll still wait a while until it´s a bit cheaper  :oops:
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Leshma on April 25, 2014, 02:37:29 am
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Leshma on April 25, 2014, 03:06:46 am
Dark Souls 2 modded: Durante's GeDoSaTo enables downsampling, texture modding (
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Tot. on April 25, 2014, 03:24:24 am
The amount of bloodstains everywhere. Filthy casuals.

Also, still trying to figure out how the hell do you kick/jump attack with pc master controls.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Tor! on April 25, 2014, 03:45:20 am
The amount of bloodstains everywhere. Filthy casuals.

Also, still trying to figure out how the hell do you kick/jump attack with pc master controls.

Logen had the same issue  :P

Im sticking with controller, and loving the game so far. Such smoooth framerates too!
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Tot. on April 25, 2014, 04:10:13 am
I tried my controller but camera control with mouse is just so much faster.

Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Vibe on April 25, 2014, 08:00:02 am
Won't get my key before 30th because the website I bought it from say that it is "hot" so they have to wait to get keys. C'mon man i bought it 18 march and they didn't even secure me a key  ... :cry:

^ the same for me :( stupid gameholds
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Kaido on April 25, 2014, 08:03:07 am
The game was made for consoles so you never gonna enjoy if you play it with a keyboard and a mouse.Also controler fix here:

Use this if you have problems with control keys
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Kaido on April 25, 2014, 08:26:22 am
Its funny,if you had any VAC ban in history in your account IN ANY GAME EVEN ONCE IN 30 YEARS, you cant play DS2 online.It sounds sad for them but 'once cheater=cheater for ever'.Let them burn!
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Tot. on April 25, 2014, 08:29:09 am
The game was made for consoles so you never gonna enjoy if you play it with a keyboard and a mouse.

Fortunately completely not true.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: IR_Kuoin on April 25, 2014, 08:31:51 am
Took me some time to find out, but now to do the kick / backhand attack you now have to press the same keys, but you need to hold them inn a little, not just tap them. Hope it helps if you didn't know I've fucked up so many PvP fights trying to do backhand and failed :D
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Kafein on April 25, 2014, 08:40:57 am
50 Euros?

I think I´ll still wait a while until it´s a bit cheaper  :oops:

It was 40 euros
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Kaido on April 25, 2014, 08:56:32 am
Already 2milion+ deaths worldwide in less than 24 hours.. ehehehe
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Vibe on April 25, 2014, 11:22:42 am

Looking pretty good, #3 on Steam on current players, and that's counting that a lot of people still haven't received their keys from different resellers (gameholds, g2a, ..). I guess whatever hobo country they buy the keys from has run out of them :D
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Kafein on April 25, 2014, 01:03:20 pm
I realised just now that weapons are repaired automatically at the bonfire and that broken weapons stay broken. Fail tutorial is fail.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Tot. on April 25, 2014, 01:33:32 pm
Also, still trying to figure out how the hell do you kick/jump attack with pc master controls.

Logen had the same issue  :P

Well, figured it out, sort of. You need ahk script to rebind mouse buttons to keyboard, so for me it looks like this:

#IfWinActive ahk_class DarkSouls2

U, Y etc. are attacks, guard and parry. This overrides the kawaii shit design and removes the mouse input lag, so mouse users can kick and jump attack the usual way. F1 suspends the script so mouse clicks work again. There is certainly a way to macro kick to a single key, but cba at the moment. :P

I realised just now that weapons are repaired automatically at the bonfire and that broken weapons stay broken. Fail tutorial is fail.

I realized recently that illusory walls are triggered by pressing "interact" button instead of hitting them, and that was after hitting every wall in every nook and cranny for 9 hours of playing. Also, hitting walls and corpses breaks your weapon.

Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Vibe on April 25, 2014, 02:01:06 pm
Well, figured it out, sort of. You need ahk script to rebind mouse buttons to keyboard, so for me it looks like this:

#IfWinActive ahk_class DarkSouls2

U, Y etc. are attacks, guard and parry. This overrides the kawaii shit design and removes the mouse input lag, so mouse users can kick and jump attack the usual way. F1 suspends the script so mouse clicks work again. There is certainly a way to macro kick to a single key, but cba at the moment. :P

for example
LButton  & RButton::K


K:: Send UY

should do the job - in that order (I don't actually know what keys to press for kick, so I picked the first two)
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Gravoth_iii on April 25, 2014, 02:15:54 pm
Stupid website i ordered the game from sent it yesterday so it probably wont arrive today, oh well guess im not going to play it this weekend  :mad: I'll just have to settle with my ps3 30 fps pff
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Polobow on April 25, 2014, 03:07:03 pm
Stupid website i ordered the game from sent it yesterday so it probably wont arrive today, oh well guess im not going to play it this weekend  :mad: I'll just have to settle with my ps3 30 fps pff

Same, except I don't have any console version... the wait continues  :cry:
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: IR_Kuoin on April 25, 2014, 04:09:08 pm
Stupid website i ordered the game from sent it yesterday so it probably wont arrive today, oh well guess im not going to play it this weekend  :mad: I'll just have to settle with my ps3 30 fps pff

Welcome to the club :D
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Latvian on April 25, 2014, 04:38:53 pm
 thats my case :(
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Kaido on April 25, 2014, 04:47:44 pm
 thats my case :(

Sucks to be you
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Molly on April 25, 2014, 05:01:38 pm
I just gonna leave this here: (
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Tor! on April 25, 2014, 05:14:09 pm
I just shot my host with a ballista..  :shock:

He died, but I got the boss as well.  8-)
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: IR_Kuoin on April 25, 2014, 05:56:38 pm
Lol I saw that happening so many times on the PS3, luckily when it was my turn my phantom baited it into the projectile each time.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Kaido on April 25, 2014, 07:25:27 pm
I just gonna leave this here: (

Its obvious that they gonna mod the fuck out of this game to look like freaking realife.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Molly on April 25, 2014, 08:08:08 pm
Video of a graphic comparison between Xbox360 and PC (boy, this game is fugly :?) (
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: cmp on April 25, 2014, 08:22:58 pm
It doesn't have 32x supersampled adaptive temporal HBAO reflections?? So fugly, how will I live without that?
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Molly on April 25, 2014, 08:30:40 pm
More like "Even the standard textures look pretty crappy - are we still in 2008?"
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: cmp on April 25, 2014, 08:52:34 pm
Yeah, it's either Crysis 4 or crap, there is nothing inbetween.

PS: this is how a 2008 game looks like:
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Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: IR_Kuoin on April 25, 2014, 09:00:10 pm
I just facepalm at the people bitching about the PC graphics. Go play Battleshit or something with an EA stamp on it if you want "AA graphics".
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Kaido on April 25, 2014, 09:03:04 pm
People will complain about anything..
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Radament on April 25, 2014, 09:12:52 pm
was tempted to buy and honestly i don't give a fuck about graphics but i want to play with mouse & keyboard smoothly without shitty autohotkey fixes or dsfixes , i want the company to do the work , not the modders ffs.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Molly on April 25, 2014, 09:22:05 pm
Yeah, it's either Crysis 4 or crap, there is nothing inbetween.

PS: this is how a 2008 game looks like:
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You, good Sir, are an idiot if you actually think that is what I wrote.

But objectivity goes out of the window when the fanboyism sets in, huh?

I actually don't care about the graphics cuz I am not one bit interested in the game. Nonetheless, considering that even M:BG already features more high-res textures and this is a full price game released in 2014, it is not a pretty looking game.
It might be the messiah of game design and only the cool brahs play it but all that doesn't change the fact that it is not good looking.
I can't see where I might have written something else - maybe cmp wants to enlighten me where I said anything else than the game looking crappy that he gets his panties all wet :lol:
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: cmp on April 25, 2014, 09:44:06 pm
I'm an idiot and a fanboy of a game that I didn't even try yet.

Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Molly on April 25, 2014, 09:47:31 pm
Seemed the only possible explanation why you're so winded up about my statement.
Especially funny suggesting that I'm a graphic whore in this forum for a mod I'm playing for easy 3 years now.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: IR_Kuoin on April 25, 2014, 10:26:33 pm
Get the fuck out if you are not going to talk about Dark Souls. God damn dickwraiths.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Molly on April 25, 2014, 10:36:04 pm
Get the fuck out if you are not going to talk about Dark Souls. God damn dickwraiths.

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Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Gravoth_iii on April 25, 2014, 11:59:59 pm
If your not going to play the game dont complain about the graphics. The souls series combine atmosphere with graphics to make areas amazing, not high poly counts or w/e. Cant believe people care at all about graphics in CRPG forums  :rolleyes:

Crysis or no deal huh.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Kaido on April 26, 2014, 12:01:51 am
Is it worth to play with an ultra greatsword +buffed?Is it any good on pvp or everyone can dodge easly it's slow-loris attacks?
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Gravoth_iii on April 26, 2014, 12:04:09 am
Is it worth to play with an ultra greatsword +buffed?Is it any good on pvp or everyone can dodge easly it's slow-loris attacks?

There are ways to work around the slow swings, just never spam and focus on getting running attacks (i havent tried but ive seen som pvp footage using it) it works but a buffed up washing pole is better in most ways. Regular greatswords are pretty good though.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Leshma on April 26, 2014, 12:16:00 am
More like "Even the standard textures look pretty crappy - are we still in 2008?"

Textures are quite high resolution. DSII is missing more shader magic, some nicely looking foliage, more polygons everywhere, better lighting effects. Stuff like that. But textures aren't an issue.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: IR_Kuoin on April 26, 2014, 12:36:04 am
God damnit, I can't wait to make a build and do some PvP. Give me my cd-key now!
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Vibe on April 26, 2014, 12:46:45 am
pls 30th arpil pls
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Kafein on April 26, 2014, 12:50:45 am
16:10 master race here. Screw this game.

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Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Tor! on April 26, 2014, 01:11:41 am
Having a great time, pvp is great too. Exept all the ganks you run into when you invade  :P also, lots of healers, but I guess thats to be expected.

Rocking the belltower atm
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: IR_Kuoin on April 26, 2014, 01:31:42 am
Personally planning on finishing the last boss before doing PvP just to get unlimited mats and stuff for upgrades, or go ng+ before I do. If I can manage to rush the PVE :D
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Leesin on April 26, 2014, 02:54:26 am
No idea what the fuck I'm doing but I played for a little bit and it doesn't seem too bad. I found some bundle of sticks sitting on the ground whining about a statue blocking some lever he wanted to pull to open a door, but I hit him and then he wanted to fight me, so I kicked his ass and got his huge sword, something like "Bluemoon Greatsword". Had to use a few healing crystal things and I keep accidentally pushing the wrong keys so I've wasted some, leaving me with about 4 lol.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: IR_Kuoin on April 26, 2014, 03:37:46 am
So waiting for my damn cd-key I went and made a little Steam group so we can all coordinate / announce duels or fightclubs. Would be cool to actually get some duels or fightclubs down. On the Prepare to Die we were all really lazy with setting anything up :D
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: bilwit on April 26, 2014, 04:27:39 am
bought/installed yesterday.. haven't played it yet lulz
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Xant on April 26, 2014, 08:37:27 am
God, the PC port is just so.. crappy. I wish they'd have made a bit more effort. "Press A to accept"

Actually why is this game supposedly good? All I see is some of the worst design through out. Pretty much every aspect of this game is from a 1995s PS1 game. Combat as well.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Teeth on April 26, 2014, 11:23:34 am
Just spent a good hour reading up on the lore of Dark Souls, pretty neat, I must say. Never bothered to buy a controller and couldn't drag myself through the entirety of Dark Souls with mouse and keyboard. Hopefully I will be able to put Dark Souls 2 in perspective now.

Also, does anyone still believe they developed DS 2 with PC as the main platform? It honestly feels as a straight up insult to me as a potential customer that the menus show Xbox buttons. Was gonna buy it but they just delivered me a solid reason not to.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Gravoth_iii on April 26, 2014, 11:43:27 am
I dont see how that is such a big problem, but if people complain i believe they will probably patch in actual keyboard buttons.

Actually why is this game supposedly good? All I see is some of the worst design through out. Pretty much every aspect of this game is from a 1995s PS1 game. Combat as well.

Whats wrong with the design/combat? I thought both were great, beats pretty much anything to date.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Vibe on April 26, 2014, 11:56:26 am
Also, does anyone still believe they developed DS 2 with PC as the main platform? It honestly feels as a straight up insult to me as a potential customer that the menus show Xbox buttons.

That does sound disappointing. Hopefully will be patched down the line. I've persisted through entire DS with PC, so DS2 can't be worse.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Patoson on April 26, 2014, 12:14:14 pm
Goddammit I finally made it past No-Mans Wharf after like 4 hours lol I'm such a noob... The game is frustrating at times but so much fun!

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Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Latvian on April 26, 2014, 12:17:14 pm
at least you can play it :(
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Tennenoth on April 26, 2014, 12:20:21 pm
I've been watching all the chat here avidly, and I have been thinking about grabbing the game after I've completed my research papers but I'd like to know about the mouse & keyboard controls.

I bought DS1 back in the day, but I never played it because the controls on PC weren't great and I wasn't prepared to buy a controller for the PC at the time but I'd love to get into it.

So, anything anyone can tell me about the control scheme with a mouse & keyboard for the new one would be wonderful, is it playable, I don't mind fiddly controls, I am fine with a bit of finger aerobics, but is the mouse tracking smooth, the key presses responsive etc?
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Kafein on April 26, 2014, 01:14:15 pm
There are zero responsiveness issues. At least I didn't have any so far. The game actually feels better than some PC exclusive titles.

MK controls are therefore good but the default settings are questionable. Of course the controls are rebindable. They put some effort to provide unusal control schemes (for example can set things like ctrl+lmb) which do work quite nicely. On a controller, all the buttons are put to good use hence maintaining ergonomics on the keyboard could have been problematic, but it's not.

God, the PC port is just so.. crappy. I wish they'd have made a bit more effort. "Press A to accept"

Actually why is this game supposedly good? All I see is some of the worst design through out. Pretty much every aspect of this game is from a 1995s PS1 game. Combat as well.

The port is only superficially crappy. Those gamepad keys are literally the only problem that I've seen. Of course, the problem is insultingly visible, but its actual impact on the playability is minor. As for design, it's the same as in DS and DkS. If you didn't like those games for some reason, you won't like DkS2. There are plenty of reviews around that explain why the design is good so I don't really feel the need to argue unless you point to something more specific.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Gravoth_iii on April 26, 2014, 01:19:12 pm
(He plunges at around 1:00)
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: IR_Kuoin on April 26, 2014, 02:13:28 pm

Bad sign   :|
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Gravoth_iii on April 26, 2014, 03:00:50 pm

Bad sign   :|

Atleast they are satisfying to kill.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Logen on April 26, 2014, 06:21:27 pm
there are less various animations than in ds1. hate it.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Tor! on April 26, 2014, 06:26:46 pm
I was constant pvping for about 3 hours straight last night, no more than 5 second downtime before invading again  :P

Got like 50 titanite chunks, now I just need those large titanite..
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: IR_Kuoin on April 26, 2014, 07:00:29 pm
Just wondering, how is the ID for invasions. Is it your steam or the actual name of your character ? And are you able to send / receive hatemails? Always wanted my in-game name for other players to be my actual character name.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Banok on April 26, 2014, 07:36:58 pm
what you people dont seem to get it doesn't matter how well they fixed the controls for K&M, this is a type of game that will ALWAYS be better with a controller. just like RTS FPS will always be shite on a controller, action/fighting/racing games will always be shite on K&M. every pc gamer should own a controller, there are quite a few games worth playing (pirating at least) like assassins creed etc, that suck on K&M.

I was trying to explain the same thing to a couple of purist pc gamer friends I have.  :rolleyes:
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Vibe on April 26, 2014, 07:49:33 pm
all i know is i see a bunch of bundle of stickss playing DS2 on steam and im not

lyk if u cri evrtim ;_;
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Working_Class on April 26, 2014, 08:29:52 pm
Anyone know how to retrieve a character? I started playing when it came out on another computer and got fairly far, but when i had to switch computers (one at my moms and one at my dads) i cant play on my character from the other computer. Is there any way to just move my game saves or something? i tried looking for the save files but i couldnt find them, any help would be appreciated  :D
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Xant on April 26, 2014, 08:40:29 pm
what you people dont seem to get it doesn't matter how well they fixed the controls for K&M, this is a type of game that will ALWAYS be better with a controller. just like RTS FPS will always be shite on a controller, action/fighting/racing games will always be shite on K&M. every pc gamer should own a controller, there are quite a few games worth playing (pirating at least) like assassins creed etc, that suck on K&M.

I was trying to explain the same thing to a couple of purist pc gamer friends I have.  :rolleyes:
What? Assassin's creed is completely fine with K&M.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: bilwit on April 26, 2014, 09:11:45 pm
kinda fun. I have a controller hooked up but I tried using it and was too weird.. the native PC controls are kinda fucked up too but feels more natural/intuitive for me so I use the good ole mouse+keyboard. I went Explorer+Rapier/Dagger because it looks cool.

Also, WTF does "lock guard" do?
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: IR_Kuoin on April 26, 2014, 09:16:05 pm
Anyone know how to retrieve a character? I started playing when it came out on another computer and got fairly far, but when i had to switch computers (one at my moms and one at my dads) i cant play on my character from the other computer. Is there any way to just move my game saves or something? i tried looking for the save files but i couldnt find them, any help would be appreciated  :D

Dark Souls 1 character files were located in C:\Users\USER\Documents\nbgi\darksouls

So maybe they are located there as well.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Tot. on April 26, 2014, 09:59:47 pm
what you people dont seem to get it doesn't matter how well they fixed the controls for K&M, this is a type of game that will ALWAYS be better with a controller

Hope to meet you some day in Belfry or somewhere, I'm having tons of fun with ripping apart controller users with one-button kicks and 180 degress camera rotation at will. :wink:
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Gravoth_iii on April 26, 2014, 10:50:33 pm
1 button kick, really? i might have to go M&K for this...
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Teeth on April 26, 2014, 11:13:44 pm
Can somebody explain how I do the guard break thingy on PC? Also, is that what you guys mean when you say kick?

what you people dont seem to get it doesn't matter how well they fixed the controls for K&M, this is a type of game that will ALWAYS be better with a controller. just like RTS FPS will always be shite on a controller, action/fighting/racing games will always be shite on K&M. every pc gamer should own a controller, there are quite a few games worth playing (pirating at least) like assassins creed etc, that suck on K&M.
The only significant differences are that controllers have triggers, so you can do half presses and that you have more angles with WASD. Neither are a problem in Dark Souls. Most games that control badly with mouse and keyboard are just poorly ported and would work fine.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Kafein on April 26, 2014, 11:31:19 pm
what you people dont seem to get it doesn't matter how well they fixed the controls for K&M, this is a type of game that will ALWAYS be better with a controller. just like RTS FPS will always be shite on a controller, action/fighting/racing games will always be shite on K&M. every pc gamer should own a controller, there are quite a few games worth playing (pirating at least) like assassins creed etc, that suck on K&M.

I was trying to explain the same thing to a couple of purist pc gamer friends I have.  :rolleyes:

It's hard to explain things to a pc gamer purist when you are wrong. If you don't need joysticks, K&M is always going to be better. In DkS 2, the superiority of M&K is quite obvious. Fast and accurate camera controls is already a huge deal, but on top of that you get direct control over more actions (such a the kick) that otherwise require movement + button combos and other nonsense. The controller was the main reason I never played a ranged class in DkS on PS3.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Tot. on April 26, 2014, 11:34:37 pm
@Teeth, yeah, guard break = kick. You need to use ahk script for this, you can use the basic one I pasted earlier or the more advanced version like the one below.

My current one looks like this:

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Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Tennenoth on April 26, 2014, 11:48:09 pm
what you people dont seem to get it doesn't matter how well they fixed the controls for K&M, this is a type of game that will ALWAYS be better with a controller. just like RTS FPS will always be shite on a controller, action/fighting/racing games will always be shite on K&M. every pc gamer should own a controller, there are quite a few games worth playing (pirating at least) like assassins creed etc, that suck on K&M.

I was trying to explain the same thing to a couple of purist pc gamer friends I have.  :rolleyes:

It's not a matter of being a PC purist, I just don't want to spend £39.99 on the game followed by a further £40 for a controller that I'll use for a single game. I've bought the game on a couple of people, mainly Patoson, giving me the PC controls run down. I'm enjoying it thoroughly, even if I am complete bollocks at it. :D

The keyboard and mouse is working fine, even if I do have to mentally prepare myself before I jump! :D
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Tor! on April 27, 2014, 12:41:13 am
Hope to meet you some day in Belfry or somewhere, I'm having tons of fun with ripping apart controller users with one-button kicks and 180 degress camera rotation at will. :wink:

I got my red sign soapstone, lets duel
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Polobow on April 27, 2014, 04:39:22 am
Just wondering, how is the ID for invasions. Is it your steam or the actual name of your character ? And are you able to send / receive fanmails? Always wanted my in-game name for other players to be my actual character name.

Give this man an answer, this information is top-priority
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Tot. on April 27, 2014, 12:24:26 pm
Tor, what SL are you?
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Kafein on April 27, 2014, 01:37:45 pm
This game is so unbelievably easy right now. Stay human 24/7 no invasions because nobody is a dickwraith yet, summon two of the bazillion available phantoms, watch boss die in two seconds.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: IR_Kuoin on April 27, 2014, 01:45:47 pm
Less invasions cuz you have to farm red / blue eyes. And they even made it easier to find players too invade. Orb would have been so much better ...
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Vibe on April 27, 2014, 01:45:57 pm
bosses with summons is like cheating
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Kafein on April 27, 2014, 02:10:29 pm
bosses with summons is like cheating

Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Tor! on April 27, 2014, 03:57:43 pm
Tor, what SL are you?

I'm 100, just sitting on like 150k souls not knowing what to spend them on. Also Kafein, did you even try iron keep bridge, or bell solfry? Or getting summoned by the rat covenant? That was the coolest thing ever , and I have no lack of pvp  :P
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Kafein on April 27, 2014, 05:50:00 pm
I'm 100, just sitting on like 150k souls not knowing what to spend them on. Also Kafein, did you even try iron keep bridge, or bell solfry? Or getting summoned by the rat covenant? That was the coolest thing ever , and I have no lack of pvp  :P

I'm only a handful of bosses into the game. I finished DS and DkS without summoning even once so understandably, now that I do it everything seems easy.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: IR_Kuoin on April 27, 2014, 06:17:13 pm
Did DS on a clean run but on DkS I summoned for a couple of bosses. Since Dark Souls II got a lot of summon for bosses because it "just came out" it is very easy to do the boss for others, learn the pattern and then risk your own humanity or just easily beat him.

But doing bosses like the Giant King where you had to be alone was very rewarding once I figured out an easy way to beat him by myself.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Kafein on April 27, 2014, 06:23:33 pm
You don't really risk your humanity anyway since you can always get it back by helping someone.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Tor! on April 27, 2014, 06:26:19 pm
I finished DS and DkS without summoning even once so understandably, now that I do it everything seems easy.

I didnt have much pvp in the very first few areas, but once I found the invasion covenant and from those areas and beyond, I've had quite regular invasions! Although the blue covenant does not seem to be working at all, only the red, belltower guards and rat covenant seem to work reliably
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: IR_Kuoin on April 27, 2014, 07:33:11 pm
You don't really risk your humanity anyway since you can always get it back by helping someone.

Not all bosses gives it back to you, only the early ones iirc. Later on it gets more risky. Or you can do what I did and get two sacrifice rings. They cost 3k and 6k to repair but that way you can have lots of effigies when you want to start invading or host with full HP.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: bilwit on April 27, 2014, 07:37:47 pm
Going for the Lucatiel achievement because her armor is badass:

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This is my first time playing a Dark Souls game so I'm just figuring things out as a I go along. lvl64 stacking dex now (melee only plz) and started the Lost Bastille. Seems like the best way to play this game is to farm the shit out of each area until they're clear?

bosses with summons is like cheating

I didn't even know this was a thing until I looked up how to do the Lucatiel achievement  :lol:. Red Eye Ring + two handed shield block the whole fight = gg.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Tor! on April 27, 2014, 07:42:09 pm
Going for the Lucatiel achievement because her armor is badass:

(click to show/hide)

This is my first time playing a Dark Souls game so I'm just figuring things out as a I go along. lvl64 stacking dex now (melee only plz) and started the Lost Bastille. Seems like the best way to play this game is to farm the shit out of each area until they're clear?

Each one to their own really, I just cleared most areas once thorougly, havent farmed anything other than the belltower covenant.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Angry_Bag on April 27, 2014, 09:42:19 pm
Going for the Lucatiel achievement because her armor is badass:

(click to show/hide)

This is my first time playing a Dark Souls game so I'm just figuring things out as a I go along. lvl64 stacking dex now (melee only plz) and started the Lost Bastille. Seems like the best way to play this game is to farm the shit out of each area until they're clear?

I didn't even know this was a thing until I looked up how to do the Lucatiel achievement  :lol:. Red Eye Ring + two handed shield block the whole fight = gg.

you can just kill her from the start and get the armor :P (sold by the hag merchant) most items she gives you are useless, just kill her at Earthen Peak
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Kafein on April 27, 2014, 11:11:04 pm
Not all bosses gives it back to you, only the early ones iirc. Later on it gets more risky. Or you can do what I did and get two sacrifice rings. They cost 3k and 6k to repair but that way you can have lots of effigies when you want to start invading or host with full HP.

Wait, you can repair sacrifice rings ? wtf
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Kaido on April 27, 2014, 11:20:04 pm
Pretty sure DS2 is a lot easier than DS1 in so many lvls.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Gravoth_iii on April 27, 2014, 11:22:17 pm
Pretty sure DS2 is a lot easier than DS1 in so many lvls.

If youve played DS1 before yes, because you know what to expect. I still found 2 to be a challenge.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Kaido on April 27, 2014, 11:29:45 pm
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Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Kafein on April 27, 2014, 11:50:17 pm
I found DkS to be incredibly easy compared to DS so yeah. These games are pretty similar in the way you have to play them to succeed.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: IR_Kuoin on April 28, 2014, 12:19:53 am
The first Souls game is always going to be easier. I found Dark Souls the hardest, but I played Demon Souls after I played Dark Souls and didn't find it that much harder, mainly because I knew what to do vs enemies and bosses. Must say that I am very tempted to do a low SL run on Demon Souls much more than I want on Dark Souls though.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Kafein on April 28, 2014, 01:07:10 am
Demon's Souls was much more bossfightey in my opinion, many more cheap tricks than in Dark Souls.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Banok on April 28, 2014, 08:37:21 am
honestly maybe ds2 with K&M is better for multiplayer, I cant know until I try it. I tend to play singleplayer games with controller unless they require aiming or mousework.

but I will defend my saying that owning a controller even as a PC gamer is an essential. so you can play certain games reclining on your couch/bed, there will always be some games better suited to controller without debating which you surely agree that that is true. when occulus rift comes out, you will want a controller anyway.

plus "£40" for controller, are you high? the official M$ ones are 20 squid, pretty sure I got mine yonks ago for 15.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Gravoth_iii on April 28, 2014, 02:36:50 pm
My collectors edition just arrived, massive figurine, a map, soundtrack cd, artbook and metal casing for the game. Pretty cool, first big special edition game ive bought and dark souls deserved all my moneys.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Vibe on April 28, 2014, 02:59:58 pm
My collectors edition just arrived, massive figurine, a map, soundtrack cd, artbook and metal casing for the game. Pretty cool, first big special edition game ive bought and dark souls deserved all my moneys.

wow you proud of yourself because you can play? you happy with your life now bitch? what about all the people in the world who can't play it yet? have you ever spared a single thought for us, you selfish horrible person? wow some people, really

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Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: IR_Kuoin on April 28, 2014, 03:18:06 pm
I think I'm going hollow from the extra waiting

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Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Kafein on April 28, 2014, 04:26:14 pm
MFW I see people that don't have DkS 2 yet

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Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Tor! on April 28, 2014, 06:18:27 pm
Have so far run into instant poison fog magic, oneshot magics all around, and almost no "pure" melee players, just buffbots. Life is hard as a dex build in DS2, seems you wont get nowhere without some form of buff or magic.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: IR_Kuoin on April 28, 2014, 06:24:29 pm
Have so far run into instant poison fog magic, oneshot magics all around, and almost no "pure" melee players, just buffbots. Life is hard as a dex build in DS2, seems you wont get nowhere without some form of buff or magic.

DKS 2 new PvP meta is sadly full magic / magic buffed builds ...

And double Avelyn builds that can kill full Havel with 2k HP if a few of the bolts hit. Since the xbows have been buffed (too much) at targeting you can't simply dodge them all.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Gravoth_iii on April 28, 2014, 06:35:59 pm
haha mundane avelyns are insane. Unfortunately its true PVP requires magic now, either in buffings or just casting. Buffs being the stronger build imo.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: IR_Kuoin on April 28, 2014, 06:48:03 pm
Full caster build is currently OP as fuck, but it is just so fucking boring to end a game with a 1 shot spell. Pure melee is where the fun of PvP is, not some "Harry Potter" running around drinking Old Spice all day.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Gravoth_iii on April 28, 2014, 07:10:30 pm
Spells are so easy to dodge though, and can be punished with backstab mostly.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Pestdoktor on April 28, 2014, 07:25:45 pm
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student loans for next month still not in, gib moneyz, gibe dark souls
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: IR_Kuoin on April 28, 2014, 07:41:15 pm
Spells are so easy to dodge though, and can be punished with backstab mostly.

Ofc. but when you got the scumbags in duels waiting with a hex / AOE damage around the next corner or using pyromancer spells it gets really tiresome. And with the new roll animation invincibility frames, it takes some time to learn the new dodge time, or just get tons of AGI / Adapt, which is sort of like waste tbh. like resistance.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Tot. on April 28, 2014, 08:24:49 pm
PVP is garbage in general, even with region lock its just giant lagfest, so who cares honestly.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Gravoth_iii on April 28, 2014, 08:34:21 pm
The lag isnt that bad most of the time, i can reliably dodge stuff most of the time.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Kaido on April 28, 2014, 08:52:18 pm
You are not supposed to stay at lvl 150 and other lvl that the community say 'pvp levels' the game was designed so you can be 200 300 lvl and have 50 in all stats and stuff.It's not necessary that you stay at that lvl and have to chose 50 str or 50 int. 
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Tor! on April 28, 2014, 08:55:05 pm
Spells are so easy to dodge though, and can be punished with backstab mostly.

You cant dodge instant poison fog, no matter what you do.  :P Besides, some combos are nigh impossible to dodge it all
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Gravoth_iii on April 28, 2014, 09:49:52 pm
I havent encountered the insta poison fog yet, i guess it wasnt discovered when i was pvping. Shit sounds nasty though, probably getting patched soon if from are aware, there's quite a bit that need slight fixing.

And with the new roll animation invincibility frames, it takes some time to learn the new dodge time, or just get tons of AGI / Adapt, which is sort of like waste tbh. like resistance.
I love me some ADP, dem i frames real stronk, totally worth sacrificing some points for. If you decide not to get it then dodging magic may be slightly harder, but then you should pick a shield with high or 100% magic block.
You are not supposed to stay at lvl 150 and other lvl that the community say 'pvp levels' the game was designed so you can be 200 300 lvl and have 50 in all stats and stuff.It's not necessary that you stay at that lvl and have to chose 50 str or 50 int. 
Yeah but if you pvp at level 800 everyone will have the exact same build. At 150 you have to chose whether if you want to focus on casting or on melee. The meta level decided by the community is there so pvp isnt scattered.

Gave this guy quite a beating.
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Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Fredom on April 28, 2014, 09:52:40 pm
Guys I am thinking of buying Dark Souls II atm but I don't want tobwaste 50€. The point is I don't know whether I'd like the gameplay of it or not. Is there any compareable game to it? (Ps: I dont watch gameplays because I do NOT want to spoiler myself)
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Vibe on April 28, 2014, 09:53:14 pm
Guys I am thinking of buying Dark Souls II atm but I don't want tobwaste 50€. The point is I don't know whether I'd like the gameplay of it or not. Is there any compareable game to it? (Ps: I dont watch gameplays because I do NOT want to spoiler myself)

Pirate Dark Souls and try that out
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Leesin on April 28, 2014, 09:58:48 pm
Or just pirate Dark Souls 2 like I did days ago to try out lol.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Tor! on April 28, 2014, 10:04:45 pm
You get 1 more iframe from maxing out adp, compare it to the darkwood grain ring from DS1 which gave you 7  :P

I had 26 ADP before I respecced, now im back to 3. All I feel is my estus chug is slow. People hyped up ADP etc early in ds2, but nobody's been really able to confirm what it does except speed up item uses and shield raise and the 1 "rumoured" iframe. Even the writers of the official guide dont know exactly what it does. All I know is those 22 points I had in adp were better spendt for equip burden and longer rolls.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: IR_Kuoin on April 28, 2014, 10:15:46 pm
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Gravoth_iii on April 28, 2014, 10:28:28 pm
You get 1 more iframe from maxing out adp, compare it to the darkwood grain ring from DS1 which gave you 7  :P

I had 26 ADP before I respecced, now im back to 3. All I feel is my estus chug is slow. People hyped up ADP etc early in ds2, but nobody's been really able to confirm what it does except speed up item uses and shield raise and the 1 "rumoured" iframe. Even the writers of the official guide dont know exactly what it does. All I know is those 22 points I had in adp were better spendt for equip burden and longer rolls.

I've been at 38 ADP most of my playtime, and when i start a new game and play without maxed ADP i notice a huge difference, there is no way its only 1 iframe.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Tor! on April 28, 2014, 10:42:02 pm
When you reach that 100 agility either by your attunement or adp, you get that extra frame. Video makes it quite clear, it IS just 1 frame  :wink:
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Gravoth_iii on April 29, 2014, 07:17:44 am
When you reach that 100 agility either by your attunement or adp, you get that extra frame. Video makes it quite clear, it IS just 1 frame  :wink:

Worth it though.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: bilwit on April 29, 2014, 09:41:40 am
Royal Rat Authority is fucking bullshit
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: IR_Kuoin on April 29, 2014, 11:09:30 am
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Armpit_Sweat on April 29, 2014, 12:08:25 pm
Royal Rat Authority is fucking bullshit

Heil to the Mighty Rat King! All trespassers will be ambushed and raped!
Become a ratbro, and join our mutual struggle against marauder scum!

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Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Kafein on April 29, 2014, 12:54:11 pm
Fourth boss without dying lel

Or maybe it's just that sorcery is OP. 50 Int 20 something Att here. By the way at what point do the diminishing returns kick in ?
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: IR_Kuoin on April 29, 2014, 01:33:53 pm
OP sorcery is pretty easy on bosses, just like ranged you don't really risk a lot, but you do less damage.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Polobow on April 29, 2014, 03:54:18 pm
omg my black armour edition just arrived

let's die
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Kafein on April 29, 2014, 05:53:03 pm
I've only been invaded once so far, and I didn't even see the guy.
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Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Gravoth_iii on April 29, 2014, 06:08:19 pm
OP sorcery is pretty easy on bosses, just like ranged you don't really risk a lot, but you do less damage.

"less damage" lel, are we playing the same game? sorcery is by far the strongest build for PvE imo.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Kafein on April 29, 2014, 07:13:26 pm
Physical ranged probably does less damage than melee tho. I think the balance here is that sorcery is limited to the magic damage type. I'm in far bigger trouble than a melee build if the enemy is not vulnerable to that one damage type I control.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: IR_Kuoin on April 29, 2014, 08:05:03 pm
"less damage" lel, are we playing the same game? sorcery is by far the strongest build for PvE imo.

I was talking about ranged aka xbow and arrows dealing less damage than sorcery. And that pure melee builds don't have the same amount of ranged damage, but that is understandable since they don't have the same amount of melee damage, thus making it easier for PVE since it deals more damage and you take less risks than pure melee who have to get up close.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Kaido on April 29, 2014, 08:09:17 pm
"less damage" lel, are we playing the same game? sorcery is by far the strongest build for PvE imo.

Buff an Ultra greatsword with black/magic and u'll see the real dmg  :lol:
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: IR_Kuoin on April 29, 2014, 08:32:56 pm
Moonlight greatsword with the crystal buff was total bullshit, glad they nerfed that shit. Can't even see its a Moonlight due to the buff until they throw a beam at you.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Gravoth_iii on April 29, 2014, 10:17:27 pm
Hehe, the swing speed on that shit was insane.

Trying out a build with the new Dragonslayer spear, and its pretty awesome, you can combo up the lightning bolt attack with regular attacks. Still havent upgraded it fully though but seems to deal a decent amount of damage. Good dex scaling too not that it matters..
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Leshma on April 29, 2014, 11:41:35 pm
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Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Kafein on April 29, 2014, 11:56:22 pm
No, that's the "Casul" shelf.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Tor! on April 30, 2014, 12:57:26 am
Place to be, having a great time pvping here!

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Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: IR_Kuoin on April 30, 2014, 10:03:26 am
Dragon cov. really got a nice touch this time, you wont lose scales on defeat so its safe to play vs others with no risk.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Fredom on April 30, 2014, 01:59:27 pm
Found it on ebay for 33 euros!!!
I think I'll get it.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Gravoth_iii on April 30, 2014, 03:11:29 pm
Okay so apparently you cant lightning buff the spear, that sucks.. And why are petrified bones so tough to get? ...
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Kafein on April 30, 2014, 04:03:10 pm
Bell tower guys are so clueless. The first one was kind of lame, attacking while I was in the middle of the dialogue. But hell, I won three 1v2. Or sorcery is OP. The AI dwarf phantom things are almost more dangerous with their goddamn bows.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: IR_Kuoin on April 30, 2014, 05:54:23 pm
Dark Souls key finally came \[T]/
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Armpit_Sweat on April 30, 2014, 05:58:59 pm

this is good! damn good!

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Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Vibe on April 30, 2014, 06:09:44 pm
Dark Souls key finally came \[T]/

Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: IR_Kuoin on April 30, 2014, 08:03:16 pm
Going to answer my own question here, yes, your character name is your in-game name, finally!
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Latvian on April 30, 2014, 08:33:20 pm

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Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Kafein on April 30, 2014, 09:42:58 pm
Ho my this guy even got the mustache down perfectly.

Latvian, we are Blue Knight bros now !
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Fredom on April 30, 2014, 11:41:34 pm
Got it now, still not really have a clue what to do but thanks to Jarlek I have fun (;
Character lvl 16 going for shielder/heavy(or medium) warrior.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: IR_Kuoin on April 30, 2014, 11:52:40 pm
Did a duel in the blue arena at Sl 32 right after I beat the Dragonslayer, met a guy with mad warrior mask, dual poison katanas and poise ring. Pretty sure his soul memory should be way over 25% of mine ...
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Gravoth_iii on May 01, 2014, 12:35:03 am
His SM could be way over yours, but then the matchmaking also searches for SL +/- 25%, so maybe he just spent all his souls on upgrading etc. Just finished my first run through, going NG+ getting that level 150 and then heading out to pvp, spearman just like in crpg  :oops:
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Tor! on May 01, 2014, 01:17:04 am
Arenas dont take soul  memory nor level into account as far as I know. Good you got your key kuion, now join the fightclubs!

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Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Gravoth_iii on May 01, 2014, 01:42:02 am
What weapons are you rocking Tor?
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Tor! on May 01, 2014, 01:51:31 am
Used Heide spear +10, and partizan +10 for most of the game, then I realised dex scaling is horrible even with A scaling  :rolleyes:

Now I'm using an syans halberd, and loving it

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Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: SixThumbs on May 01, 2014, 01:56:34 am
I'm mad I waited until after it was released to buy it (and had to wait another three days to play it because of work) and it still gave me the pre-order weapons at the start of the game (I just dropped them anyway).
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Gravoth_iii on May 01, 2014, 02:02:40 am
Dex scaling is shit indeed, i think its just katana weapons which need to have a lower scaling because they have the best animations by far. God i hate katana users..
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: IR_Kuoin on May 01, 2014, 02:27:44 am
Managed to get 18 chunks from the Belltower covenant in less than 1 hour, couldn't even go up a short ladder before I was summoned. Sad that there is no potential to view players met or send mail :(
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Tor! on May 01, 2014, 02:29:02 am
Yeah, I've run into a two infinite stamina / hp hackers I'd love to have the id of  :|
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Gravoth_iii on May 01, 2014, 03:23:14 am
Pff, C scaling faith is more damage than A scaling dex, oh well..

The damage is underwhelming on the dragonslayer spear, if you land a R2 cast and stab at the same time its pretty decent but regular stabs even with counterhit and leo ring are not impressive... Might respecc into something strengthy instead, maybe use a greataxe or something..

Gyrm greataxe does look pretty tasty..
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Gravven on May 01, 2014, 11:17:40 am
Yeah, I've run into a two infinite stamina / hp hackers I'd love to have the id of  :|

Just click on view players and recent games in the steam overlay, you can see the names of the people you played with there.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: IR_Kuoin on May 01, 2014, 01:26:58 pm
Just click on view players and recent games in the steam overlay, you can see the names of the people you played with there.

Wow I never noticed that before, thanks :D
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: SixThumbs on May 01, 2014, 02:05:10 pm
There's been at least a dozen plus who've seen me join their world, baby them through the area and then for some reason the boss always seems to aggro me without fail. I've done this on about 3-4 bosses now and after helping the host with the boss I've waved goodbye and jumped off the edge/immolated myself, etc.

I've gone a similar build to the one I had on my first run of Dark Souls. Medium/Light armor, two-handing a bastard sword, and maybe occasionally using a shield; although this time I've really upped vitality and endurance more than anything else.

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Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Gravoth_iii on May 01, 2014, 04:01:51 pm
Yeah the grey invasions are pretty neat imo, first i was clueless aswell when i entered the ratacombs, then i became the rat lord.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Leesin on May 01, 2014, 05:14:26 pm
Well I played enough on my pirated version to get an opinion of this game and I have to say I really started to enjoy it, will definitely be buying this on pay day.

 I wasn't sure if I'd like this game and when I first loaded it up on my PC I felt quite lost in all the numbers and other shit the game bombards you with but once I got the hang of the basics and started progressing in the game I really enjoyed myself. For someone that has never played a Souls game it has been challenging me at some points and of course has also made me rage a little, like when a shitty little hollow sneaked up on me as I was fighting, hit me and knocked me off the ledge  :lol:. I still haven't fully got the controls down 100% because I am using K&M and the game telling me to push certain xbox controlller buttons to do different moves means absolutely nothing to me, because I don't know what those buttons transfer to on the PC and the keybind menu doesn't really tell you all the extras, so I've generally just been picking it up as I went along.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Gravoth_iii on May 01, 2014, 05:29:12 pm
Ugh i keep quitting before i even get to the pvp part, i really need to find a mule of sorts cus its getting tedious having to beat the entire game just to get a +2 ring..
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Tor! on May 01, 2014, 05:32:33 pm
Ugh i keep quitting before i even get to the pvp part, i really need to find a mule of sorts cus its getting tedious having to beat the entire game just to get a +2 ring..

Use bonfire ascetic then  :P

Please dont mule, ruins the game for those who dont and face you
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Gravoth_iii on May 01, 2014, 05:37:22 pm
As long as i dont spice things it shouldnt be much of an advantage, just getting access to weapons and rings.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Kafein on May 01, 2014, 05:50:32 pm
Item trading can easily fuck balance. You can give items, upgrade items with means unavailable to the owner and give them back.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Gravoth_iii on May 01, 2014, 06:01:16 pm
Meh apparently the gyrm great axe is also shit, B scaling str but since it requires 50 ser it seems it doesnt get any scalings anyways. Every weapon i want to try out just seems to be garbage. Maybe raw'ing it will help.. or lightning then buffing..
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: IR_Kuoin on May 01, 2014, 06:04:11 pm
Muling in Dark Souls 2, at least on Ps3 enabled you to go to max level and have no soul memory :P

Also found this little texture bug in "The Gutter"

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Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Tor! on May 01, 2014, 06:09:41 pm
Did you scrap being hoplite Gravoth?
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Gravoth_iii on May 01, 2014, 06:14:59 pm
Did you scrap being hoplite Gravoth?

Dragonslayer spear had shit damage and unbuffable, most other spears are boring. Trying something strengthy now.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Tor! on May 01, 2014, 06:28:24 pm
Partizan lightning infused has decent damage, and I love its moveset. Might be worth checking out  :P
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Gravoth_iii on May 01, 2014, 06:53:40 pm
Well i lightning'd my gyrm greataxe now and buff with sunlight blade, packs a decent punch, pretty fun weapon overall. Just need to get a good looking armour set going, since mine is pretty basic and boring.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Kafein on May 01, 2014, 06:58:31 pm
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Tor! on May 01, 2014, 07:03:29 pm
I did try faith with sunlight blade on my lightning infused weapon. Immediately felt like a buffbot, and I was hitting like a truck and I could take 3 magic nukes instead of 2 thanks to great magic barrier. Respecced back to my "pure" build tho, I'm less powerful, but more rewarding and not as cheesy as I feel all these magic and buff users are.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Gravoth_iii on May 01, 2014, 07:12:13 pm
Pff, you honour whore just go with the game, its not like your using the batstaff.

Btw have you guys seen the quest you have to do to get the Pickaxe? In brightstone cove you have to take one of the piggys at the first bonfire, and lead him all the way past the first boss area, down into the cove and through it into the first building past a bridge with spikes below it. In there there are some mushrooms, piggy will eat these and poop out a pickaxe. WTF From?!...

Oh also guys, join the steam group, we could sit in the group chat for easy fightings n stuffs.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Tor! on May 01, 2014, 07:52:44 pm
Is it the crpg group or a DSII crpg group? maybe im just blind
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Gravoth_iii on May 01, 2014, 08:02:38 pm ( dis un
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Pestdoktor on May 01, 2014, 10:21:31 pm
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Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Vibe on May 01, 2014, 10:45:07 pm
We actually need to invite people via the interface to start a group chat, yeah?
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Joseph Porta on May 01, 2014, 11:30:25 pm
This game is so cool.. I am pretty bad but god, I swear I can stay at an area for 2 hrs straight and just try over and over.. I still havent killed the dragon knight at Heide's something. Playing it on xbox 360, my pc can barely run skyrim so I figure it won't run on my pc?

Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Gravoth_iii on May 02, 2014, 12:02:49 am
To join the chat just go to you group page and click join group chat or w/e.

This game is so cool.. I am pretty bad but god, I swear I can stay at an area for 2 hrs straight and just try over and over.. I still havent killed the dragon knight at Heide's something. Playing it on xbox 360, my pc can barely run skyrim so I figure it won't run on my pc?

I heard its well optimised, that even shitty computers can run it smoothly at if not maxed then medium graphics.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Vibe on May 02, 2014, 12:03:41 am
I like the overall enviroment/map/area a lot more than the one in DS1. Not sure why, it just feels better.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Angry_Bag on May 02, 2014, 12:26:46 am
Muling in Dark Souls 2, at least on Ps3 enabled you to go to max level and have no soul memory :P

Also found this little texture bug in "The Gutter"

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its not a bug its how its supose to be

also the picaxe quest yeah pretty bullshit, but the weapon isnt that good compared to others. and every damn axe weapon got the same animations. only good one is drakekeeper's greataxe with its long reach. roll+R1 all day xP
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: PieParadox on May 02, 2014, 02:43:26 am
in my opinion, the layout of the first one was a lot better. it feels much more cohesive to me for some reason, and each area was pretty cool. i cant help but feel like DS2's areas are kind of cramped or slightly rushed... (alot of them are supposed to be dreadful, but lots of them really feel like blighttown, ie annoying but not necessarily hard)

i myself just got to the area after drangelic castle.... it's a nice one.

the bosses could be cooler as well.... and soul memory might be the worst implementation ever... (the total amount of souls you ever obtain are factored into your summoning/invading. so if you stay at level 120, your soul memory will keep increasing and you'll keep fighting people with more soul memory, ie higher levels. you'll also be unable to help people in an area with a boss)

ALSO, similar to the first one, hybrids seem almost superior than just staying melee (ie infusions and faith/sorcery buffs)
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: bilwit on May 02, 2014, 04:23:07 am
Fuck I'm like 112 and I feel like I still don't know how to play this game. When I summon phantoms for help they're firing laser beams and shit and dropping NPCs in like two hits left and right. I'm 100% melee no magic or anything and it's like. Wat.  :mad:
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: IR_Kuoin on May 02, 2014, 12:12:10 pm

its not a bug its how its supose to be

So you are telling me the giant pillars in The Gutter are filled with corpses and whole furniture? When I died and came back they looked normal, that has to be a bug.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Gravoth_iii on May 02, 2014, 12:28:05 pm
Illusions! only slightly more hollowed players see the real world! I also saw those weird pillars btw and it also confused me,.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Joseph Porta on May 02, 2014, 12:41:43 pm
To join the chat just go to you group page and click join group chat or w/e.

I heard its well optimised, that even shitty computers can run it smoothly at if not maxed then medium graphics.

Hmm, I am going to try it out by pirating it.. I hope this works!
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Gravoth_iii on May 02, 2014, 12:48:36 pm
Ugh i need inspiration for a new characeter, currently thinking of a dagger thief possibly mundane daggers or maybe raw daggers with a build with 50 END... needs to be viable in pvp though, to a extent.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: IR_Kuoin on May 02, 2014, 12:56:59 pm
Stone ring with daggers and 50 endurance? Why not.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: SixThumbs on May 02, 2014, 03:20:45 pm
After wandering around for about 2 hours and completely unsure where to go I finally found another path and realized I had done exactly what I had done in the first Dark Souls.

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Crazy atmosphere when you head into some unexplored area and it's covered in bloodstains or orange signs bring attention to something you hadn't noticed before. Summoning and being summoned seem more reliable and PVP feels more fluid and a bit less laggy this time around, haven't experienced any teleporting backstabs and I can now fight without locking-on and being insta-backstabbed the moment I turn around.

I just miss the kick to destroy crates, barrels, etc. and I haven't been invaded yet in the ~18 hours I've played.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: IR_Kuoin on May 02, 2014, 03:36:46 pm
I only got invaded once and that was in Harvest Valley. 18:40 was my game time when I beat the last boss :D
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Kafein on May 02, 2014, 04:04:35 pm
My only gripe in PVP is that I'm getting hit when I'm already outside melee range. It's like ghost backstabbing just a little less dreadful.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Tor! on May 02, 2014, 04:10:48 pm
My only gripe in PVP is that I'm getting hit when I'm already outside melee range. It's like ghost backstabbing just a little less dreadful.

It's the same for the other guy, just dodge it regardless. If he's running at you and going to do an attack, you can bet he will be in range on his screen and maybe just out of range on yours.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Kafein on May 02, 2014, 04:15:50 pm
It's the same for the other guy, just dodge it regardless. If he's running at you and going to do an attack, you can bet he will be in range on his screen and maybe just out of range on yours.

The point is that I dodge, find myself two meters away from their weapon at the end of the dodge, and get hit anyway.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Tor! on May 02, 2014, 04:19:31 pm
Well, you gotta dodge at the right timing as well. One thing I found very reliable in DSII pvp is to dodge their attacks based on their animations, might sound weird since ghost reach exists, but try it, works every time. Can be hard with the fastest weapons, but I pretty much never get hit unless I trade hits.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: PieParadox on May 02, 2014, 10:09:25 pm
i really love the look of the dragonslayer crescent axe. yet, even though it's a legendary weapon, it has crappy scaling and crappy stats overall (short, mediocre attack speed)... i wish weapons like these were a little more useful!

and twinkling titanite... why so rare...

does anyone understand the attack types? sure, there's slash, thrust, and strike, but it seems like I do more damage with a heavier weapon.
eg. heavy greatsword doing more damage than a claymore, even if they are both slash and have the same damage stats? unless i'm just wrong. i also hear that damage is based on sweet-spots as well (hilt slashing is weaker, etc)
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Tot. on May 03, 2014, 01:07:24 am
Finished the game today, a bit of mixed feelings.

These guys ( arent in the game. This fight ( or location even isnt in the game. This ( Still no. Neither this ( or that (

Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Vibe on May 03, 2014, 02:17:34 am
Isn't that bridge in the game though, except the picture was taken on a foggy day (probably england) ?
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: IR_Kuoin on May 03, 2014, 03:00:02 am
Finished the game today, a bit of mixed feelings.

These guys (

Those are actually the enemies in Harvest Valley / area after the demon. But their masks are gone and now they have no head. Still their armor set masks doesn't even look as cool :|

(Manequin) enemies

Also, this weapon; love it
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: SixThumbs on May 03, 2014, 04:00:39 am
Well, you gotta dodge at the right timing as well. One thing I found very reliable in DSII pvp is to dodge their attacks based on their animations, might sound weird since ghost reach exists, but try it, works every time. Can be hard with the fastest weapons, but I pretty much never get hit unless I trade hits.

This advice allowed me a handful of wins today now that that quirk has been brought to my attention. Although it makes the combat sometimes feel more like a rhythm exercise than anything else.

It does seem they got the balance down a lot better now, at least in the two PVP spots I've found, SL ~97. I haven't a had a match yet where I felt either hopeless or just overpowered compared to the kind of damage my opponent could dish out.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: PieParadox on May 03, 2014, 10:02:22 am
Finished the game today, a bit of mixed feelings.

These guys ( arent in the game. This fight ( or location even isnt in the game. This ( Still no. Neither this ( or that (

Game Spoilers:
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Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Latvian on May 03, 2014, 12:32:17 pm
got to love to invade someone and lagg like fuck and wake up dead cuz he is from china or something
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: IR_Kuoin on May 03, 2014, 12:59:03 pm
got to love to invade someone and lagg like fuck and wake up dead cuz he is from china or something

Turn on restricted region. That will keep most Asians away.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Patoson on May 03, 2014, 02:22:25 pm
I have a couple of questions for you, Tor, since you seem to know a lot about the game, and if you don't mind.

I read a previous post of yours where you said ADP was pretty useless for rolling (the +iframes). I was wondering if having high ADP (over 100 AGI) would help with rolling with the lag, or is it really better to spend the points in VIT to have faster and longer rolls? Also, what does one need to avoid / get out of stunlocks? Poise?
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Latvian on May 03, 2014, 03:01:11 pm
i did that from begining and yet i fight martians
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Tor! on May 03, 2014, 03:34:34 pm
Yes, higher agility does help actually. When I said it was pretty useless, I honestly did think so until I met attacks that had longer "active" frames, like the magic sword swing some mages do. I went from 85 to 100 agility and I do feel a difference, so Gravoth was right all along  :P

I use alot of throwing knives as well, and agility helps a tiny bit on that side too  8-)

About poise, here's a good thread
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Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Tot. on May 03, 2014, 05:05:11 pm
Have you guys seen this critique video ( What do you think about it?

(click to show/hide)
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Gravoth_iii on May 03, 2014, 06:01:09 pm
Have you guys seen this critique video ( What do you think about it?

(click to show/hide)

It seems all he says is pretty much spot on. Could it be because miyazaki (or w/e his name was) isnt working on the game anymore? Anyways for some reason im still enjoying the game thoroughly, and still think its on par with DaS1 but in different aspects.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: IR_Kuoin on May 03, 2014, 06:25:13 pm

Also that video had a lot of good points that I did not realize at first.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Teeth on May 03, 2014, 09:48:43 pm
I think he is mentioning a lot of design flaws that were also present in Dark Souls, but overall he has good a few good points. Dark Souls has gotten me to smile a few times because I could spot that someone really did his best do design something. Just high quality and focused design in many ways, while Dark Souls 2 has so much poor ideas and lazy implementation. A real shame.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Latvian on May 03, 2014, 10:09:48 pm
whats up with online thingy not working lately?
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: IR_Kuoin on May 03, 2014, 10:18:24 pm
Servers are up now, finally after 5 - 6 hrs ...
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Tennenoth on May 04, 2014, 12:10:09 am
Servers are up now, finally after 5 - 6 hrs ...

Just in time for when I was about to fight the Duke's Dear Freja. Watching Patoson & my brother run around in a big loop as she laser beams her way around the room was hilarious.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Kafein on May 04, 2014, 01:24:46 pm
While still leagues ahead of the competition, DkS 2 not a better game than DkS or DS. And in many aspects it's a downgrade, even if we forget that it's a sequel.

The only improvements I can immediately think of are very mechanical. It's the character sheet and the weapon durability. Almost nothing related to design was improved, and some critical things really stand out as bad compared to the previous games. Bonfires are probably the worst offenders in my opinion.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Tot. on May 04, 2014, 01:35:57 pm
It seems all he says is pretty much spot on. Could it be because miyazaki (or w/e his name was) isnt working on the game anymore? Anyways for some reason im still enjoying the game thoroughly, and still think its on par with DaS1 but in different aspects.

Not on par with Dark Souls, but solid and enjoyable for me. At least in PVE. PVP is a total mess. There is zero point in invading anyone since you dont get anything from it. In DS1 you got humanity. In here not only you arent rewarded with anything but also you need to waste Effigy and Cracked Red Eye Orb, and for some reason they removed non-cracked Red Eye Orbs, so in order to invade you must farm the cracked ones in arena (because there is no vendor for them), which barely even works half of the time or takes forever to find a match. Really, 10/10 invasion mechanics, and dont even get me started on hexes and things like Santiers Spear.  :lol:
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: SixThumbs on May 04, 2014, 02:52:04 pm
...while Dark Souls 2 has so much poor ideas and lazy implementation. A real shame.

C'mon, the three little pigs in the first area are so well designed. I start the game, think fighting them is going to be easy, panic when I find out it's not, and proceed to back pedal down into the hole
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Gravoth_iii on May 04, 2014, 03:22:46 pm
Not on par with Dark Souls, but solid and enjoyable for me. At least in PVE. PVP is a total mess. There is zero point in invading anyone since you dont get anything from it. In DS1 you got humanity. In here not only you arent rewarded with anything but also you need to waste Effigy and Cracked Red Eye Orb, and for some reason they removed non-cracked Red Eye Orbs, so in order to invade you must farm the cracked ones in arena (because there is no vendor for them), which barely even works half of the time or takes forever to find a match. Really, 10/10 invasion mechanics, and dont even get me started on hexes and things like Santiers Spear.  :lol:

You forget the belltower invasions and ratacombs though i find the really enjoyable. Also getting the cracked orbs is kind if rough but atleast in ng+ you can buy them. Many things are still abuseable in the pvp such as invis weapon rings, batstaff and hexes but its still sort of fun to me.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Tot. on May 04, 2014, 03:26:32 pm
Yeah, I meant normal invasions. Still though, in Dark Souls if you beat the invader you get humanity, so its more of a fair game since the potential victim also can gain something. Here its just pure ganking for the joy of ruining someones day.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: IR_Kuoin on May 04, 2014, 03:27:38 pm
Buffed Great Lances that can hit you 3 times using the follow up attack and buffed katanas, arena sure is fun ... Feel like I have to go NG+ so I can buy them instead of having to farm them vs tryhards.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Gravoth_iii on May 04, 2014, 03:32:45 pm
Yeah but getting humanity, was it really that big of a thing? i never even used my humanity only the itemized ones for healing. Getting souls and the pleasure of ruining someones playthrough good enough for me.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: v/onMega on May 04, 2014, 05:58:56 pm
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Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Molly on May 04, 2014, 06:01:20 pm
That looks actually pretty nice. Maybe I just watched the wrong video...
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: v/onMega on May 04, 2014, 06:05:00 pm
Dark Souls 2 with ENB and downsampling.

Vanilla game looks pwetty shitty.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: bilwit on May 04, 2014, 08:58:33 pm
Which one are you using? It's hard to find a good one.. I tried a couple but they were largely shite :mad:
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Fredom on May 04, 2014, 10:17:59 pm
So I am exactly level 100 now, but for fck sake I cannot win (even with 2 phantoms) against the boss in.Iron Keep...
I already lost 120k souls at this bastard!!!
And then I bought a ladder for the hole in Majula and got to 'The Gutter' and ffs I can't see shit there, just found the way to the bonfire somehow but don't know what to do now...
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Fredom on May 04, 2014, 10:19:41 pm
So I am exactly level 100 now, but for fck sake I cannot win (even with 2 phantoms) against the boss in.Iron Keep...
I already lost 120k souls at this bastard!!!
And then I bought a ladder for the hole in Majula and got to 'The Gutter' and ffs I can't see shit there, just found the way to the bonfire somehow but don't know what to do now...
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Tor! on May 04, 2014, 11:46:48 pm
So I am exactly level 100 now, but for fck sake I cannot win (even with 2 phantoms) against the boss in.Iron Keep...


And then I bought a ladder for the hole in Majula and got to 'The Gutter' and ffs I can't see shit there, just found the way to the bonfire somehow but don't know what to do now...

Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Gravoth_iii on May 05, 2014, 06:53:45 am


Dude stop giving away so many tips, youre spoiling the whole game ;)

Ugh im trying to use the gedosato but it just crashes my game on startup, sucks.. Googling it doesnt help so im fucked.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Vibe on May 05, 2014, 08:36:11 am
Finally got a good DEX weapon (Uchigatana). Was sporting a +2 Falchion all the way up to now saving titanite shards/chunks for this - the damage was so bad I had to skip Gargoyles. Got Uchigatana up to +10 now, and upped my armor to +5 with spare titanites. Using Alva armor, which has a good weight/armor ratio and looks fantastic :)
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Now I have a score to settle with a few bosses I skipped :)

Mostly points in DEX and END, some in INT and ATN for Great Soul Arrow. Definitely harder to play than the STR based build I ran with in Dark Souls. I do think that ranged makes some encounters VERY easy that would be pretty hard for pure melee.

Oh also, I've yet to be invaded. Not sure what the deal is there. I'm a Blue Sentinel and have also yet to be summoned to help with an invasion.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: IR_Kuoin on May 05, 2014, 08:40:16 am
That armor does look pretty sweet indeed.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Kafein on May 05, 2014, 10:07:32 am
I do think that ranged makes some encounters VERY easy that would be pretty hard for pure melee.

I only got one tactic : *keep backpecalm and soul arrow*

All these bloodstains around the black magic giants in harvest valleys. Melee characters must have a hard time dealing with them or something.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Vibe on May 05, 2014, 10:15:34 am
I only got one tactic : *keep backpecalm and soul arrow*

All these bloodstains around the black magic giants in harvest valleys. Melee characters must have a hard time dealing with them or something.

Hah yeah, I did that part completely with bow and arrows. Hell, one of the corpses up the ladder from where you can snipe the 2 giants even has 10 dark bombs, to make this easier.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Polobow on May 05, 2014, 12:09:55 pm
Oh also, I've yet to be invaded. Not sure what the deal is there. I'm a Blue Sentinel and have also yet to be summoned to help with an invasion.

I have the same thing. Perhaps some secrets aren't discovered yet?
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: IR_Kuoin on May 05, 2014, 01:02:48 pm
I only got one tactic : *keep backpecalm and soul arrow*

All these bloodstains around the black magic giants in harvest valleys. Melee characters must have a hard time dealing with them or something.

Not really, they are pretty easy, just run past them :D

Also only been invaded 1 time as SL 40-ish in Harvest Valley, next invasions came 21 hours later when I was doing PVP in Drangleic Castle.

Did some invasion in the Undead Crypt, really fun place. He got help from a blue sentinel. A blue flare shot up over my head and he spawned pretty close to me, they also give you a token of spite and a "Target defeated" message when you beat him :P
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Vibe on May 05, 2014, 01:15:43 pm
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Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: IR_Kuoin on May 05, 2014, 01:21:14 pm
Cool graphics that did totally not happen :P
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Gravoth_iii on May 05, 2014, 01:24:55 pm
With GeDoSaTo you can get closer to that, but still not really the same :C

About the giants, just run past them!
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Leshma on May 05, 2014, 02:21:07 pm
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Kafein on May 05, 2014, 02:36:40 pm
Lol, great.

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Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Nightmare798 on May 05, 2014, 03:12:09 pm
Just played the game. I have never seen clunkier combat anywhere ever. Everything takes fucking forever, the controls are godawful, you cant block one handed (wtf) and the worst offense of them all, there is no solid lock-on system!

Screw this game and screw the developers, this game has nothing on risen 1. That game had good combat.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: IR_Kuoin on May 05, 2014, 03:13:17 pm
Just played the game. I have never seen clunkier combat anywhere ever. Everything takes fucking forever, the controls are godawful, you cant block one handed (wtf) and the worst offense of them all, there is no solid lock-on system!

Screw this game and screw the developers, this game has nothing on risen 1. That game had good combat.

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Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Gravoth_iii on May 05, 2014, 03:44:35 pm
Just played the game. I have never seen clunkier combat anywhere ever. Everything takes fucking forever, the controls are godawful, you cant block one handed (wtf) and the worst offense of them all, there is no solid lock-on system!

Screw this game and screw the developers, this game has nothing on risen 1. That game had good combat.

Your infamy is higher than your renown, your opinion is invalid.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Nightmare798 on May 05, 2014, 04:44:00 pm
Your infamy is higher than your renown, your opinion is invalid.

Sorry I am not boosting it with cat pics and 4chan stories I claim happened to me.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Gravoth_iii on May 05, 2014, 04:56:23 pm
Sorry I am not boosting it with cat pics and 4chan stories I claim happened to me.

Yep l2forum
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Molly on May 05, 2014, 05:03:36 pm
Not trying to stir shit up here but it doesn't seem to be all that great considering your own posts here.

When you read all the posts, it seems that the baseline is more like "Yea, well, I do have fun at times and overall it's an enjoyable game. Still, I am rather disappointed." and that coming from die hard fans of Dark Souls 1.

Tell me when I am wrong but that is what I get out of all the posts since release. Honestly curious.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Gravoth_iii on May 05, 2014, 05:07:38 pm
The combat is very good imo, its hard to find games with such enjoyable combat. I just feel its wrong to bash the one thing this game has over pretty much any other to date. What this game has done wrong compared to 1 is the atmosphere, and level design. But also somewhat makes up for that with new multiplayer covenant stuff like the belltower and ratacombs which are great fun, pvp invasions are really fun too only that invasion orbs are a pain to get. Duels are ok, but too much shit is being abused atm which is kind of a turnoff, but regular invasions dont have this.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: IR_Kuoin on May 05, 2014, 05:14:53 pm
Did around 1.3 hours of arena to farm some cracked eyes since I'm not ng+ so it was kinda fun but it got a lot of "tryhards". But the real fun was when I was going 1v3 and 1v2 in normal invasions.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Kafein on May 05, 2014, 05:15:51 pm
Not trying to stir shit up here but it doesn't seem to be all that great considering your own posts here.

When you read all the posts, it seems that the baseline is more like "Yea, well, I do have fun at times and overall it's an enjoyable game. Still, I am rather disappointed." and that coming from die hard fans of Dark Souls 1.

Tell me when I am wrong but that is what I get out of all the posts since release. Honestly curious.

Disappointing doesn't mean bad. To be honest I'm personally not very disappointed either. I did not expect more than Dark Souls and while inferior to the previous Souls games, design in Dark Souls 2 is still top tier. I am extremely far from feeling sorry for my purchase.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Vibe on May 05, 2014, 05:32:59 pm
Not trying to stir shit up here but it doesn't seem to be all that great considering your own posts here.

When you read all the posts, it seems that the baseline is more like "Yea, well, I do have fun at times and overall it's an enjoyable game. Still, I am rather disappointed." and that coming from die hard fans of Dark Souls 1.

Tell me when I am wrong but that is what I get out of all the posts since release. Honestly curious.

I have not a single complaint really, it's an awesome game. As opposed to Gravoth, I prefer the level design of Dark Souls 2. I wasn't a diehard DS fan though, but I did play it through. Sure there's some silly stuff but I'm enjoying it just as much as Dark Souls 1.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Nightmare798 on May 05, 2014, 05:47:34 pm
I like how this game has shitbox buttons all over it.

Yeah the DS1 port was half assed, so we do exact same thing with DS2 and mebbe it will sell better. That is like definition of insanity. Dear mother of god, playing this after far cry 3 is akin to showering while someone flushes the toilet. And honestly, they need to hire some people to tell them how to create intuitive and fair combat system.

Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Gravoth_iii on May 05, 2014, 05:47:41 pm
I have not a single complaint really, it's an awesome game. As opposed to Gravoth, I prefer the level design of Dark Souls 2. I wasn't a diehard DS fan though, but I did play it through. Sure there's some silly stuff but I'm enjoying it just as much as Dark Souls 1.

Most of the stuff that amazes me is things that are only noticed over multiple playthroughs and videos. Such as shortcuts that can skip entire areas, seeing a boss/boss area far when there is still a good distance to it (centipede demon in lost izalith, moonlight butterfly etc). And bonfire placements are weird and very common in 2, unlike in 1 where they were fewer but reasonable with shortcuts.

I like how this game has shitbox buttons all over it.

Yeah the DS1 port was half assed, so we do exact same thing with DS2 and mebbe it will sell better. That is like definition of insanity. Dear mother of god, playing this after far cry 3 is akin to showering while someone flushes the toilet. And honestly, they need to hire some people to tell them how to create intuitive and fair combat system.


Scrublord confirmed
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Tot. on May 05, 2014, 06:09:02 pm
When you read all the posts, it seems that the baseline is more like "Yea, well, I do have fun at times and overall it's an enjoyable game. Still, I am rather disappointed." and that coming from die hard fans of Dark Souls 1.

Tell me when I am wrong but that is what I get out of all the posts since release. Honestly curious.

Its not as good as it could have been but its still way ahead of everything else in similar veins.

Also, Nightmare, the fact you suck at the game doesnt make it bad.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Molly on May 05, 2014, 06:09:45 pm
Disappointing doesn't mean bad. To be honest I'm personally not very disappointed either. I did not expect more than Dark Souls and while inferior to the previous Souls games, design in Dark Souls 2 is still top tier. I am extremely far from feeling sorry for my purchase.
I didn't mean disappointing as bad. It seems more like you guys might have expected more of Dark Souls 2 than it delivered. Like there was barely any progress which doesn't have to be a bad thing.
Maybe the Batman games are somewhat comparable. The first one was really awesome, had a lot of fresh ideas and nice, intelligent mechanics with a huge amount of atmosphere. The 2nd game changed a few things, kept the good stuff but barely improved on anything. A great game without real progress, stronger in some, weaker in few aspects.

That's what I take out of it. 
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Vibe on May 05, 2014, 07:56:10 pm
I didn't mean disappointing as bad. It seems more like you guys might have expected more of Dark Souls 2 than it delivered. Like there was barely any progress which doesn't have to be a bad thing.
Maybe the Batman games are somewhat comparable. The first one was really awesome, had a lot of fresh ideas and nice, intelligent mechanics with a huge amount of atmosphere. The 2nd game changed a few things, kept the good stuff but barely improved on anything. A great game without real progress, stronger in some, weaker in few aspects.

That's what I take out of it.

Kind of like that yes. Well the PC port is slightly better, but still very porty.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Kafein on May 05, 2014, 08:29:57 pm
I think DkS2 PC is a better game than DkS1 PC due to the port.

I didn't mean disappointing as bad. It seems more like you guys might have expected more of Dark Souls 2 than it delivered. Like there was barely any progress which doesn't have to be a bad thing.
Maybe the Batman games are somewhat comparable. The first one was really awesome, had a lot of fresh ideas and nice, intelligent mechanics with a huge amount of atmosphere. The 2nd game changed a few things, kept the good stuff but barely improved on anything. A great game without real progress, stronger in some, weaker in few aspects.

That's what I take out of it. 

I can't find that many aspects in which DkS 2 is stronger to be honest, although there are many where it tries to and fails, which is a good thing anyway. It's mostly mechanical things like the upgrade system, durability management and somewhat better balanced and diverse classes (I guess). And of course the graphics and other technical things. The game also regressed mechanically too.
For example, in the two previous games you had one bloodstain. Now if you fail at one boss then die some place else then come back, your bloodstain will still be there. Or at least I very clearly remember the game doing that, and it's silly.
You suffer zero penalty for abandoning and joining covenants repeatedly. That's silly, but it's arguable that this is a workaround to a greater evil because the game is so obscure when it comes to covenants.
The return of farmable healing items. Seriously what the fuck. Good thing that you can't really use lifegems in combat but still, it's silly.
Fast travel. It's silly and has actively encouraged lazy design.

Edit : grammar national-socialism in action
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Fredom on May 05, 2014, 09:20:16 pm
After loosing around 100k souls to the boss in Iron Keep I finally killed him today ( thanks again kuoiN) and (thanks kuoiN again) got the Large Club +6 now with 41 Str which ends in atm 470 damage  :mrgreen:
So much to do... Wanted to play The Gutter with a rl friend but we forgot it because we wanted to get  soke souls to level up haha
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Nightmare798 on May 05, 2014, 09:25:15 pm
Its not as good as it could have been but its still way ahead of everything else in similar veins.

Also, Nightmare, the fact you suck at the game doesnt make it bad.

I dont suck at it. In fact I currently farm those 400 soul giants without even taking a scratch. It just pisses me of how horribly clunky the combat is.  And tbh those xbox buttons are really a joke.

(to the fanboys) Stick your fanboyism and take a look at the goddamn game. Sure, it has some good things, but it still feels like busted port. Compared to the port of The last remnant, this port is shit.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Gravoth_iii on May 05, 2014, 09:43:23 pm
I dont suck at it. In fact I currently farm those 400 soul giants without even taking a scratch. It just pisses me of how horribly clunky the combat is.  And tbh those xbox buttons are really a joke.

(to the fanboys) Stick your fanboyism and take a look at the goddamn game. Sure, it has some good things, but it still feels like busted port. Compared to the port of The last remnant, this port is shit.

The only thing i dont like about the port is the buttons showing xbox layouts, but even those arent really too bad as im using ps3 controller which is very similar anyways. How is the combat clunky btw?
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Polobow on May 05, 2014, 09:46:30 pm
Flimsii has some spot-on comments on this.

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Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: IR_Kuoin on May 05, 2014, 10:11:46 pm
Also bosses don't really have that "Oh Garl Vinland, proud protector of his Maiden, man he just want to protect her ;_;" "Oh Velstadt the Royal Aegis, protector of what? He is just praying in a chamber" ... *Defeated* ... "Oh he was defending King Vendrick, meh ..."
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Kafein on May 05, 2014, 11:13:38 pm
Also bosses don't really have that "Oh Garl Vinland, proud protector of his Maiden, man he just want to protect her ;_;" "Oh Velstadt the Royal Aegis, protector of what? He is just praying in a chamber" ... *Defeated* ... "Oh he was defending King Vendrick, meh ..."

Evidence of gay characters in Drangleic.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: SixThumbs on May 05, 2014, 11:41:15 pm
It's a great game but I feel somehow succumbed to nostalgia for a game that's two years old.

I haven't played Demon's Souls so I'm not sure if I would've said the same thing going from there to Dark Souls.

They improved certain aspects of play mechanics but the structure of the game as a whole seems less cohesive.

I'm still immensely enjoying the PVP but I've found the area where the "real" duelists are, for better or for worse. I don't mind losing so much because of the variety of styles and the matches are generally close but my +8 bastard sword and armor set seem baseline outmatched sometimes.

I did also come across some guy who stood their and took no damage at all. I just alt-f4ed out of it after a minute of him standing there.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: IR_Kuoin on May 05, 2014, 11:44:22 pm
The joy of killing 2 phantoms and seeing the host running away just to alt-f4 :D
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Nightmare798 on May 06, 2014, 12:48:30 am
The only thing i dont like about the port is the buttons showing xbox layouts, but even those arent really too bad as im using ps3 controller which is very similar anyways. How is the combat clunky btw?

The double click needed to perform heavy blow, weapons stuck in walls all the time, extremely slow move recovery times (one light attack and the character takes about second to be able to perform next action)...

Just a few. And tbh attack variation reminds me of gothic 3, and that should tell you something.

EDIT: completely unrelated to combat but...
Anyone else gets sluttering from time to time randomly? The game runs at steady 60 fps, but has severe slowdowns from time to time.

EDIT2: I would like to apologise for the comment on no lock-on feature, my bad.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: bilwit on May 06, 2014, 03:54:48 am
Got a decent chunk of PvP in while farming Titanite Chunks as a bellbro.. have to say it's more bad then anything else. Doesn't seem like there's much variation at all, either a run away nuke caster or heavy armor guy with giant weapons. Pure melee fights can be interesting at times but I've found that stab weapons like the rapier are completely fucked up. A well timed shield breaker puts them on the ground but oops nope can't hit him, you can just stand there and stab in the air on top of him while he gets up.. Half the time it's a stare down and then attack-miss-wait for animation to finish-joust fest

Anyway I finished the first play through and considering moving on to NG+ I guess unless I find the will power to farm out the rest of the titanite stuff I need to +10 everything (mostly +7 or +8 for most of my pieces). The story was pretty retarded and didn't make any sense whatsoever unless I'm missing something.

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Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Vibe on May 06, 2014, 08:45:09 am
The double click needed to perform heavy blow, weapons stuck in walls all the time, extremely slow move recovery times (one light attack and the character takes about second to be able to perform next action)...

EDIT: completely unrelated to combat but...
Anyone else gets sluttering from time to time randomly? The game runs at steady 60 fps, but has severe slowdowns from time to time.

If you're using mouse and keyboard I suggest getting an AHK script that binds the in-game key attacks to your mouse buttons, and that's for two reasons:
a) if you're using default mouse keys for attacks in-game, there will be a small delay from when you press the mouse button to when the attack executes. If you for example use the alternative/keyboard setup to attack, you'll notice no delay, thus you get an AHK script to bind those keys to mouse keys (yeah, silly port)
b) you can bind heavy blows to Rmouse button and left attacks/blocks to mouse 3/4 button so you don't have to double click

Weapons stuck in walls, extremely slow recovery times (although related to weapon type) - that's just how the combat system is, and it's hilarious how more realistic than Warband it is in this regard (whilst in Warband you can swing a 2H like nothing through walls). This makes the combat more difficult, which is good, you can't just mindlessly spam, you need to think through each swing.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: IR_Kuoin on May 06, 2014, 08:46:42 am
Would be kinda neat if you could use lifegems as an invader. And yeah the Shrine of Winter placement was kind of retarded ... Where the sentry is standing is where they should have put it, or had it at the original place and made it at least look like they put some effort into making a logical pathblocker. Why was there a shrine there which lead to the other side if there was an archway there. "Oh noes the path fell down! Oh well, we got two paths just for this occasion anyway".
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Gravoth_iii on May 06, 2014, 08:58:43 am
Yeah invaders should definitely be able to lifegem, at the same healing rate of a phantom. I hate it when a host summons me on the bridge and starts healing while i got nothing :C
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: IR_Kuoin on May 06, 2014, 09:23:40 am
Go dragon covenant so you can heal as well :P
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Vibe on May 06, 2014, 09:24:29 am
So after I'm done with the story, what should I do if I want to PvP? Should I go NG+?
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Gravoth_iii on May 06, 2014, 11:31:10 am
Stay NG so you can play with us, but try to cap your soulmemory at 2m or 2.5m so we can fight eachother in the blood arena.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Vibe on May 06, 2014, 11:36:57 am
Stay NG so you can play with us, but try to cap your soulmemory at 2m or 2.5m so we can fight eachother in the blood arena.

Alright, blood arena probably because you don't gain souls/increase SM?
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Gravoth_iii on May 06, 2014, 11:43:44 am
Alright, blood arena probably because you don't gain souls/increase SM?

Correct, i am at 2m right now and its fairly slow, maybe going 2.5m is the better choice. And try to max out your levels because SL doesnt matter at all, its all about the SM and how you spent it, yeah its fucking garbage, theres even a petition for it ( petitions got the last game ported to pc so i guess its worth a shot.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: SixThumbs on May 06, 2014, 02:52:46 pm
At SL ~100 I could use the cracked red eye orbs at the first area (NG+ people I suppose). I'm just about finished (I think) and I never have the opportunity to use them in these later areas. The blue-eyed ones I've never been able to use.

I don't mind the new system so much (although I've lost about 100k souls), organized PVP wasn't as interesting to me than just invading, maybe because I didn't use the "best" items and min/max everything to the extreme. Now if I start a new character I won't get steam-rolled by a twink for the first hour of the game every time I decide to go human.

It doesn't appear as if I'll be able to do something similar to getting a blue orb and sitting somewhere like the Duke's Archive anymore though.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Nightmare798 on May 06, 2014, 03:16:26 pm
If you're using mouse and keyboard I suggest getting an AHK script that binds the in-game key attacks to your mouse buttons, and that's for two reasons:
a) if you're using default mouse keys for attacks in-game, there will be a small delay from when you press the mouse button to when the attack executes. If you for example use the alternative/keyboard setup to attack, you'll notice no delay, thus you get an AHK script to bind those keys to mouse keys (yeah, silly port)
b) you can bind heavy blows to Rmouse button and left attacks/blocks to mouse 3/4 button so you don't have to double click

Weapons stuck in walls, extremely slow recovery times (although related to weapon type) - that's just how the combat system is, and it's hilarious how more realistic than Warband it is in this regard (whilst in Warband you can swing a 2H like nothing through walls). This makes the combat more difficult, which is good, you can't just mindlessly spam, you need to think through each swing.

I still dont like the weapon getting stuck in walls, especially because it damages your weapon, and the character has this strange urge to hit ground everytime they attack. I have to carry around three weapons just to be sure that I wont suddenly find myself with broken weapon. And this urge of monsters to hug walls doesnt make it any better.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Vibe on May 06, 2014, 06:26:20 pm
It's just another way how Dark Souls 2 makes your life miserable. This game is about making your life miserable. I too dislike the fast degradation of weapons, meaning you have to carry replacement weapons at all times, but such is life in Drangleic.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Joseph Porta on May 06, 2014, 06:43:02 pm
The problem I have with this game is that I see all this sweet items in the videos... Which I want.. MUST NOT GOOGLE! I googled something once (I think it was about how to get the first greatsword) and immediatly lost the fun in that character.. Thus I started over!

My biggest problem as a newbie is stats and what they do, but I really do enjoy finding evrything out myself. :)

I also have a problem with the "well" in majula, its taunting me to jump in... But i mustnt.. I mustnt..

I also have an estus shard but idk what to do with it...  STAHP DONT TELL
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Kafein on May 06, 2014, 08:10:52 pm
I also have an estus shard but idk what to do with it...  STAHP DONT TELL

That's just the game being terrible at explaining its core mechanics. If you feel you are missing something obvious like that don't hesitate to look it up.

Otherwise it's the extremely old school "talk to everybody every time you find a new object".
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Nightmare798 on May 06, 2014, 08:28:01 pm
Just found titanite slab...

Bah useless on my +4 longsword :D
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Joseph Porta on May 07, 2014, 02:20:51 am
That's just the game being terrible at explaining its core mechanics. If you feel you are missing something obvious like that don't hesitate to look it up.

Otherwise it's the extremely old school "talk to everybody every time you find a new object".

Hmm, I guess you are right. Still im hesitating to do so, doing things like looking stuff up often has the same effect on me as cheating in M&B SP has.. Its like.. Crap, I need 10k gold for that item... Cheats 10k gold "only for that item doe" and bang, funs gone..
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Vibe on May 07, 2014, 08:15:20 am
Hmm, I guess you are right. Still im hesitating to do so, doing things like looking stuff up often has the same effect on me as cheating in M&B SP has.. Its like.. Crap, I need 10k gold for that item... Cheats 10k gold "only for that item doe" and bang, funs gone..

If you use wiki with moderation it shouldn't feel like cheating, imo (no boss lookups, no zone walkthroughs, etc). I use it for stuff that I'd probably never figure in 10 years without wiki, like for example what to do with "Petrified something"
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Kafein on May 07, 2014, 08:34:56 am
If you use wiki with moderation it shouldn't feel like cheating, imo (no boss lookups, no zone walkthroughs, etc). I use it for stuff that I'd probably never figure in 10 years without wiki, like for example what to do with "Petrified something"

Yeah, that kind of things. Looking up boss fights and especially zone walkthroughs will ruin the experience though.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Vibe on May 07, 2014, 08:54:54 am
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: IR_Kuoin on May 07, 2014, 09:58:06 am
Do a blind playthrough and start using wiki on your second run, at least that is what I do (or when I'm done and just want to find shit for my char.).
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Nightmare798 on May 07, 2014, 12:21:48 pm
If you use wiki with moderation it shouldn't feel like cheating, imo (no boss lookups, no zone walkthroughs, etc). I use it for stuff that I'd probably never figure in 10 years without wiki, like for example what to do with "Petrified something"

Looking up core game information is the last thing I would call cheating, especially when explained poorly in-game, as is the case with DS2.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Tennenoth on May 07, 2014, 09:31:12 pm

Glad that's happening to others too, I was sent skipping off the edge of the platform while fighting the Ancient dragon. It hit me with it's tail, not an attack or anything mind you, just turned to face me and it sort of, lifted me up and sent me off, much like when you throw a flat stone across calm water.

My happiest death.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Fredom on May 07, 2014, 09:43:38 pm
I got a question:
I have found a Great Clubhe Gutter and reinforced it to +6 now. But I also got a Large Club +6.
Now my question is why the Great Club with shown more damage makes less damage than the one with less shown damage.
That's weird, isn't it?
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: IR_Kuoin on May 07, 2014, 10:03:18 pm
It depends on enemies and what kind of attack you are using slash/thrust/strike

Also the Large got S scaling in str so its pretty much due your high str, but the Great club got A but will have more base damage once they both reach 10+ but only by 30 +- points.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: SeQuel on May 07, 2014, 10:08:27 pm
I'm making a Faith build what weapon should I pick up? Thinking Lightning Claymore until I get Defender Greatsword.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Nehvar on May 08, 2014, 04:23:36 am
What do you guys who have this game already think of this?

I was a big fan of Demon's Souls and I played quite a bit of Dark Souls...but I don't think I'll be buying DS2.  Looks like they failed big time.


>>This<< ( has me interested though.  Demon's Souls 2, yeah!  It would be really cool if they didn't botch it.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Tennenoth on May 08, 2014, 04:45:47 am
I'm making a Faith build what weapon should I pick up? Thinking Lightning Claymore until I get Defender Greatsword.

My personal build uses a Lightning Claymore, since I prefer the move set. The wide sweep makes it for me. Other than that, I use an estoc, but I use that mostly situationally, particularly for when fighting in corridors, for fighting invaders or for targeting more effectively, also, the dashing stab is wonderful for catching people.

At the moment, since I've managed to finish my first run through, I'm at liberty to swap out different weapons, I really want to find a spear/lance that I like to use, besides Santier's spear, which is just silly. :)

I wouldn't take my advice too much though, I'm terrible at the game! ^^
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Joseph Porta on May 08, 2014, 07:46:33 am
If you use wiki with moderation it shouldn't feel like cheating, imo (no boss lookups, no zone walkthroughs, etc). I use it for stuff that I'd probably never figure in 10 years without wiki, like for example what to do with "Petrified something"
yeah you are right, I also want to avoid things like "get this weapon here" etc.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: IR_Kuoin on May 08, 2014, 08:57:16 am
What do you guys who have this game already think of this?

I was a big fan of Demon's Souls and I played quite a bit of Dark Souls...but I don't think I'll be buying DS2.  Looks like they failed big time.


>>This<< ( has me interested though.  Demon's Souls 2, yeah!  It would be really cool if they didn't botch it.

(click to show/hide)

Maybe a little NPC spoiler? Try opening carefully.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Vibe on May 08, 2014, 09:43:05 am
Visions of Anor Londo archers

Dota2 players will know

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Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Vibe on May 08, 2014, 01:08:21 pm
As of 4 hours ago, a representative of Bandai Namco posted a Q&A on the steam forums that answers a lot of questions such as those with VAC, crashes, KB&M controls, respawning enemies, item durability, and so on. You can find the full thread here. It seems that Bandai Namco is dealing directly with FromSoft which explains why all the fixes/tweaks, etc are taking so long. You can find find the full Q&A below. (I have edited many questions to be easier to read)

Now that Dark Souls II is out on PC we (Bandai Namco Games) would like to field any on-going or outstanding questions you have about the game. We see comments, concerns, bug reports, rants, and raves all over. And it's quite difficult to keep up with all the different conversations happening in different places. But we'd like to help you get answers to some of your questions regarding the game. Bear in mind that we are not the developers, that honor still sits with FromSoftware, but we are constantly sending feedback their way. We're committed to making sure your opinions are heard and you have a great Dark Souls II experience.

We'll do our best to answer any questions posted in this thread. If there's a question that we don't know the answer to or can't answer at this time, we'll try to notate that.

If you have questions about ongoing bug reports, cheaters, bans, game functionality, leave them in this thread and we'll update over the next few days with as many answers as possible.

What is the status on the VAC ban issue?

Progress on this issue has been slow-going. FromSoftware and our Bandai Namco Games office in Japan are in contact with Valve and are working through this currently. We hope to have a resolution soon and we'll let you know as soon as we hear more information.

What does Bandai Namco Games or FromSoftware plan to do with potential cheating/hacking in Dark Souls II?

The Dark Souls II server team is constantly monitoring player activity. If a player has stats or weapons that they shouldn't, the server team is tracking that. It is up to the Dark Souls II server team to submit to Valve what they would like to ban, in terms of hacks and cheats, and then VAC will take care of the bans. As we progress, we'll do our best to share what information is provided to us by FromSoftware, but any cheat, hack, or player bans are up to the discretion of the Dark Souls II server team. If you have specific questions about this - You can reach out to our game support: North/South America: Other Territories:

You can read more about how VAC works (and how to report a cheat) here:

Any official word on whether or not [insert any of the popular mods here] will trigger VAC on Dark Souls 2?

No official word yet. As FromSoftware starts to define more and more cheats, we have communicated and detailed the harmless mods that some users have been using. In the end we can't say for sure, since that is up to the Dark Souls II server team, but we'll let everyone know what we learn as these conversations progress. Although if there is a thread or an information hub somewhere that has a list of all these mods and how they actually affect game files, that will help as we supply more information to FromSoftware. Thanks for the info - I think we have all the info we need.

We know the consoles couldn't handle the lightning that was shown in the trailers, so why was it removed from the PC?

The only comment that we have made on this is sharing FromSoftware's response: Throughout the game development process, a game is constantly being balanced not only in game playability, but also in the realm of resource management.

A developer is always challenged with creating the most rewarding gaming experience while delivering continuity in graphical quality, gameplay dynamics, and balance within the game. The final version of Dark Souls II displays the culmination of this delicate balance and we’re very proud of the positive media and fan reception for the game."

What is the situation with the PC servers?? Are the conection problems solved or are you still working on it??

We had a hiccup May 2nd and 6th. Servers are currently up and running now, if you are still experiencing more connectivity issues, make sure to get in touch with support so we can help troubleshoot. We hope that everything will be more stable moving forward.

I am still having this crash, any word on when this will be fixed? Frustrating paying $50 for a game and not being able to play it for 2 weeks.

If you are still experiencing a crash at startup (and your system meets the minimum requirements) be sure to get in touch with our support team and they'll walk you through next-steps from there.

Do you have any insight as to why the LGK bosses lightning sword attacks are about a billion decibels louder then anything else in the game?

We do not know why that seems to be the case. We'll follow up with our QA team today though. Thanks for the heads-up!

Is there any chance you could add option to remove mouse delay on attacks? Will you ever fix UI showing pad buttons while playing on mouse/keyboard?

We've read through almost all player feedback on Keyboard and Mouse controls and have passed them along to the developer. If we hear of any changes coming to the controls, we'll let you know.

I have Internet connectivity problems that cause me to connect and disconnect randomly. This creates scenarios where I am restricted in online gameplay. This is one of the biggest problems I have with the game

If the Dark Souls II servers detect multiple disconnections or failed connections, you will be temporarily limited from joining multiplayer sessions. You can also try using the 'Bone of Order' item, which will attempt to restore links to other worlds.

Does From Software consider changing some of the not so popular gameplay elements?

This is always possible in the future. We have gathered feedback, read forums, and talked with many community members regarding limited respawns, Soul Memory, etc. In the end these are design choices that are made by FromSoftware, but we are definitely discussing your feedback with them.

Why is there no offline mode ingame?

The integration of offline/on-line gameplay is how FromSoftware has designed the game. If you would like to play completely offline, you can always disable your internet connection.

From what I understand then FromSoftware are monitoring things such as stats. So what (if anything) happens if a save gets corrupted and someone is forced to use an earlier save where the stats are much lower?

When we say FromSoftware are monitoring stats, they are monitoring things like if a character is Soul Level 50, but has 99 Vitality. That can't be accomplished through normal gameplay.

Are there still server issues? Messages are rare for me, and summon signs are literally non existent. My roommate has the same SM as my main character, and there's nothing we can to do even see each other. We've tried the name ring too, and nothing works. This has only been a problem since yesterday's server outage

From what we understand, servers should be working properly. If you are seeing weird issues like this and everything was fine before the last server outage, get in touch with our support so we can document the issue and troubleshoot. North/South America: Other Territories:

Is there anything being done about weapon durability degrading so quickly when hitting corpses?

From what we understand, this functionality is intentional. We've passed along feedback to the developer and it is always possible that this updated in future calibrations.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Overdriven on May 08, 2014, 01:38:52 pm
yeah you are right, I also want to avoid things like "get this weapon here" etc.

After I gimped my first two builds on DS I used wiki just for builds after that. But I think using it for anything other that would feel cheap for a game like this.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: IR_Kuoin on May 08, 2014, 02:16:01 pm
Once i realized there might be more lore and backstory on certain bosses than i'd initially thought, my opinion of Dark Souls 2 improved 500% they arent all just randomers

True, but Dark Souls managed to give a lot of lore regarding bosses even before you fought them, like Sif or Artorias. Here it is more like I said with the Royal Aegis, you only really find out about him after you killed him.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Vibe on May 08, 2014, 02:29:34 pm
Yeah, I think the story of Dark Souls was more "grand" and full than Dark Souls 2. There was an ancient battle, the fire age has begun, you are the chosen undead, you must end the fire age and begin the dark age by doing this, this, this, this.

All I got from Dark Souls 2 is:
a) you are cursed and you don't want to be, thus you must kill shit
b) everybody has Alzheimer's
c) Kingdoms have risen and fallen here over and over again, you keep hearing this
d) those ladies at start were rood to me ;_;

BUT.. for some reason I still like the DS2 story, it feels more mystic/dark to me.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: IR_Kuoin on May 08, 2014, 03:06:32 pm
Guess we'll wait for ENB and his confirmed lore from FromSoft and Vita's videos.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: SixThumbs on May 08, 2014, 04:19:28 pm
I was invaded for the first time lastnight! It was a naked man and he beat me to death in 3 hits with his fists while I was decked out in semi-heavy armor!
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Gravoth_iii on May 08, 2014, 05:26:14 pm Streaming some pvp with my dual dagger char, leaving the stream on mute afk is appreciated ;)
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Logen on May 08, 2014, 05:43:55 pm
stop chatting with vibe and  kill more pplz omg
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Nightmare798 on May 08, 2014, 05:49:03 pm
Finally managed to beat old dragonslayer. God that guy was a cunt...
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Molly on May 08, 2014, 05:55:55 pm
Rondel my old friend :(
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Gravoth_iii on May 08, 2014, 06:09:59 pm
im killing as fast as i can, not much action atm it seems
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: IR_Kuoin on May 09, 2014, 12:20:20 am
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: SixThumbs on May 09, 2014, 12:21:13 am
They need to make those auto-firing, magic balls trigger a little further away.  :|
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Nightmare798 on May 09, 2014, 02:41:10 pm
BUT.. for some reason I still like the DS2 story, it feels more mystic/dark to me.

What story? This game has a story?

And about that pursuers video, Yeah It is easy when you can roll through all of their attacks. But I am roleplaying knight...

Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Armpit_Sweat on May 09, 2014, 02:51:36 pm
Freshly stolen from funnyjunk:

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Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Gravoth_iii on May 09, 2014, 03:03:45 pm
They need to make those auto-firing, magic balls trigger a little further away.  :|

Yeah, they are hard to dodge when you have just a split second to react :C
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Gravoth_iii on May 09, 2014, 07:20:42 pm
Gonna do some streaming for a while if you wanna pop in please do :D (
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Patoson on May 09, 2014, 08:25:33 pm
Could someone explain to me what quality build is and if it's viable even for PvP? Would that be 40 STR and DEX and weapon not imbued?

Like Tor said, with FTH I felt OP, and want to try without any magic.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Gravoth_iii on May 09, 2014, 09:29:51 pm
Quality aint viable, but maybe sun sword which is like B/B scaling. I guess quality is good vs Great magic barriers.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Tor! on May 10, 2014, 12:29:31 am
Yeah, nonbuffed builds arent really viable. Seems like fromsoft really wants everyone to use some kind of magic. I'm playing nonbuffed, but you gotta outplay your opponent lots to win. Mages can 3 hit me one handed with a dark infused resonant buffed katana. I'll need 4+ hits while two handing my halberd  :|
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: IR_Kuoin on May 10, 2014, 01:22:41 am
Dark Souls 1 and Demon Souls rarely any buffs, mostly sticky white stuff and pine resin. Dark Souls 2, everyone is Harry Potter.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Vibe on May 10, 2014, 01:36:15 am
I have just enough INT and FTH on my otherwise pure melee build to get the first Dark weapon buff
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Joseph Porta on May 10, 2014, 02:14:07 am
heh found a flame sword :D does sick damage like 340 or so. just got to lv 20, I cheated a little cause I looked up the birds nest rewards  :mrgreen: made like 10 new chars before I got the Old Whip. just had to have it :D
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: IR_Kuoin on May 10, 2014, 04:05:07 am
Lol I like that idea of early old whip :D
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Joseph Porta on May 10, 2014, 11:27:14 am
Lol I like that idea of early old whip :D

I mainly use it in certain situation for example the hollow soldier spearmen are a serious pain to kill if theyre with 2 of them. Its an awesome weapon and mighty sexy aswell  8-) plus I feel all Dom! "Kneel, subs!
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Vibe on May 10, 2014, 12:20:54 pm
Reminding everyone who plays Dark Souls 2 that we have a Steam group for it and we regularly discuss stuff in the group chat, so join it when you're playing.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Tor! on May 10, 2014, 12:33:35 pm
Reminding everyone who plays Dark Souls 2 that we have a Steam group for it and we regularly discuss stuff in the group chat, so join it when you're playing.

Adding link for great glory
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: SixThumbs on May 10, 2014, 02:21:12 pm
I had such trouble with titanite bugs this time around, especially with the bastard sword which mainly does horizontal attacks except when 1-handed. I get one hit on the bugger that leaves it with a sliver of health and then I can't hit it again before it fades away or suicides.

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Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Vibe on May 10, 2014, 06:06:13 pm
Good info about Soul Memory and matchmaking:
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Nightmare798 on May 10, 2014, 07:33:54 pm
Level 94

Currently in gutter.

My interest in this game begins to fall. So much cheap stuff lately it is getting boring. The game could use some kind of story presentation, because atm it is grind, get killed fall off the ledge losing several tens of thousands of souls without any sense of direction. And the curse mechanic is truly outrageous.

At the moment I am unsure what is the point in continuing to play...

To grind more? No point.. To get new gear? There seems to be very little difference in how much damage you receive when wearing heavy or light armor. To uncover story? What story?
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Gravoth_iii on May 10, 2014, 07:37:36 pm
Level 94

Currently in gutter.

My interest in this game begins to fall. So much cheap stuff lately it is getting boring. The game could use some kind of story presentation, because atm it is grind, get killed fall off the ledge losing several tens of thousands of souls without any sense of direction. And the curse mechanic is truly outrageous.

At the moment I am unsure what is the point in continuing to play...

To grind more? No point.. To get new gear? There seems to be very little difference in how much damage you receive when wearing heavy or light armor. To uncover story? What story?

To progress, to win.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Nightmare798 on May 10, 2014, 07:49:19 pm
To progress, to win.

I am not a fan of bragging rights, and never were.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: IR_Kuoin on May 10, 2014, 08:20:44 pm
To grind more? No point.. To get new gear? There seems to be very little difference in how much damage you receive when wearing heavy or light armor. To uncover story? What story?

You will quickly notice what kind of damage you will take while wearing heavy or light armor, even if the difference is not that big at first but I personally have survived so many times because I was wearing heavier armor or ring of steel protection.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Gravoth_iii on May 10, 2014, 08:36:59 pm
If you dont enjoy the game and need story to keep you going then you might aswell just quit. Sounds like you are dying a lot, try changing your approach like getting a shield / a bigger shield, or just play more defensive, dont rush.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Kafein on May 10, 2014, 08:39:24 pm
As a magic user I never feel I needed any kind of armor in PvE. When I die I usually would have died regardless.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Vibe on May 10, 2014, 08:47:12 pm
As a magic user I never feel I needed any kind of armor in PvE. When I die I usually would have died regardless.

that's because magic, ranged or summons literally DESTROY the difficulty of this game, I now regret doing some bosses with summons ;_; but I'm gonna do them all solo on the next char, so it's fine.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Kafein on May 10, 2014, 08:50:59 pm
that's because magic, ranged or summons literally DESTROY the difficulty of this game, I now regret doing some bosses with summons ;_; but I'm gonna do them all solo on the next char, so it's fine.

To be honest I completed DS and DkS offline both with melee builds + utility miracles and that was brutal enough.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Vibe on May 10, 2014, 08:56:21 pm
To be honest I completed DS and DkS offline both with melee builds + utility miracles and that was brutal enough.

yeah no judgement, i'm just saying, I completed some parts by using only bow and it was just too easy (mobs only follow you so far), the dragon aerie area was too ez with bows, and I kind of felt bad for doing that :D
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Nightmare798 on May 10, 2014, 09:38:39 pm
If you dont enjoy the game and need story to keep you going then you might aswell just quit. Sounds like you are dying a lot, try changing your approach like getting a shield / a bigger shield, or just play more defensive, dont rush.

I am not dying that much. It is more like I am bored with the repetitiveness of the game. It is like playing an mmo offline. And honestly 2 guys 4 times taller than me swinging giant polehammers around like madmen with me not even having a chance to approach feels kinda cheap. I am yet to see a human sized boss, outside invasions.

Also, Story would not be needed if the gameplay was fun, but it isnt. It is a constant fight for survival with AI throwing cheapest stuff they can against you.

And I still dont understand what makes combat so awesome. I mean, most enemies dont even block! This game is based around inverted combat mechanics of typical action games, where instead of you mashing buttons like madman, enemies are those on constant offensive while you are trying to capitalize on their mistakes.

Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Tennenoth on May 10, 2014, 09:46:23 pm
I was just killed by the covetous demon on NG+... It's bad enough to have died from him but he killed me AFTER I dealt the final blow too... The shame. :(

We evaporated together.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Gravoth_iii on May 10, 2014, 10:12:36 pm
yeah no judgement, i'm just saying, I completed some parts by using only bow and it was just too easy (mobs only follow you so far), the dragon aerie area was too ez with bows, and I kind of felt bad for doing that :D
That's how you play the game though, you adapt to the situation and win.

I am not dying that much. It is more like I am bored with the repetitiveness of the game. It is like playing an mmo offline. And honestly 2 guys 4 times taller than me swinging giant polehammers around like madmen with me not even having a chance to approach feels kinda cheap. I am yet to see a human sized boss, outside invasions.

Also, Story would not be needed if the gameplay was fun, but it isnt. It is a constant fight for survival with AI throwing cheapest stuff they can against you.

And I still dont understand what makes combat so awesome. I mean, most enemies dont even block! This game is based around inverted combat mechanics of typical action games, where instead of you mashing buttons like madman, enemies are those on constant offensive while you are trying to capitalize on their mistakes.

The survival is the fun part though. The combat is so great because of the massive variety on weapons, and builds, and just learning enemy patterns and then stomping them when you learn how to fight em.

How is this anything like an mmo? are you sitting and grinding souls or what?
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Nightmare798 on May 10, 2014, 10:52:41 pm
That's how you play the game though, you adapt to the situation and win.

The survival is the fun part though. The combat is so great because of the massive variety on weapons, and builds, and just learning enemy patterns and then stomping them when you learn how to fight em.

How is this anything like an mmo? are you sitting and grinding souls or what?

Well this game IS mostly about grinding souls. Most of the time it goes like : Bonfire-)grinding grounds)-grind-)bonfire.

Barely any feel of progress at all. I am not saying this game is deliberately bad, but it has some great flaws for sure.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Gravoth_iii on May 10, 2014, 11:03:30 pm
I didnt grind a single time on my first playthrough, killing bosses provide more than enough souls to continue..

Stream is up btw for anyone who wants to watch me die vs havels.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Nightmare798 on May 10, 2014, 11:11:10 pm
I didnt grind a single time on my first playthrough, killing bosses provide more than enough souls to continue..

Stream is up btw for anyone who wants to watch me die vs havels.

That is debatable. I find it hard to believe you did not return few times to the same location to get more souls, and went directly for the bosses right off the bat, killing only necessary mooks in your way. Not on the first playthrough anyway.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Gravoth_iii on May 10, 2014, 11:26:26 pm
Staying to farm is not very rewarding, you get what, one or two levels from it? Its just not worth it, while pushing for a boss will grant you a bunch once you defeat it.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Nightmare798 on May 10, 2014, 11:55:38 pm
Staying to farm is not very rewarding, you get what, one or two levels from it? Its just not worth it, while pushing for a boss will grant you a bunch once you defeat it.

Two levels? Sure at 90th level, but 20k of souls will get you at least 10 levels early game.

Of course, I do not grind that much now, but I have been for the greater part of my playthrough.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Tor! on May 11, 2014, 12:01:32 am
Nightmare, from your posts it really sounds like you are just bad. Most of us never grinded, I have just gone place to place on both my characters, even NG+'ing a zone with ascetic.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Joseph Porta on May 11, 2014, 12:20:07 am
I didnt grind a single time on my first playthrough, killing bosses provide more than enough souls to continue..

Stream is up btw for anyone who wants to watch me die vs havels.

me neither, I am level 31 now and I have the last giant soul + other big souls and little souls in my item box, because I dont know what I will be spending the points on. I did not feel like I needed to grind more souls in order to be able to progress in the game.. the only reason i need to redo things is because I die because of my own mistakes.. but thats more of a challenge then a grind imo, as you want to beat the npcs rather then grind for a stat requirement.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Tot. on May 11, 2014, 12:31:17 am
Well this game IS mostly about grinding souls. Most of the time it goes like : Bonfire-)grinding grounds)-grind-)bonfire.

To grind more? No point.. To get new gear? There seems to be very little difference in how much damage you receive when wearing heavy or light armor. To uncover story? What story?

So far I've been doing my best to ignore the dumbfuckery pouring out of his posts but this is just golden. :lol: 

Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: IR_Kuoin on May 11, 2014, 12:47:42 am
I've gotten to 120+ at the end of the game from doing my own bosses and maybe 10 player bosses for others when I needed to refill my items without going back to bonfire, same goes with Bell invasions.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Tennenoth on May 11, 2014, 01:00:22 am
I've only done one bit of grind, and that was simply to see if it would be worth doing for my brother, who has a thing for Katanas.

It's not a grind, I haven't found that increasing my levels has helped me through any battle, just learning what the enemies were doing, which ones I could take down without doing anything special and which ones really needed my attention. Prioritising targets, avoiding traps & luring enemies to areas where I'm not going fall off the edge of the world.

I'm a bad player, Tor can tell you of my grievances that I whined at him about, but there isn't a grind, unless you count the time spent learning the enemies.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: SixThumbs on May 11, 2014, 04:51:54 am
"Grinding" has happened to me because an area was too hard and it took me a few attempts to get it down or I decided to drop my white soapstone sign while making my way through the area (also helped me learn it a bit before hand and restock items on the way). This I did for up to the second "main" boss and thereafter I used the small white soapstone or blue cracked eye orbs to refill when I was running low on regen.

I'm just about finished but if after an attempt or two on dying to the boss I just run past everything to the fog gate. I was decent at the first Dark Souls and this time around I can "feel" out the invincibility frames better on the rolls, and I'm wearing semi-heavy armor, so the last half of bosses I've faced have actually gone down on the first try, third or fourth at the most.

In terms of stats it vaguely reminds me of DoTA where a marginal increase, ala something like iron branches, will make the difference between surviving an encounter and healing; or starting at the bonfire again.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: IR_Kuoin on May 11, 2014, 04:54:59 am
Man this fucking soul memory. A little farming run and a few invasions and boom 0.2 mill more SM ... This SM is just making PvP in arena so slow.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: SixThumbs on May 11, 2014, 04:57:24 am
I keep hearing NG+ is the way to go.

I got lost about halfway through the game though from so much invading/dueling/co-op though.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Vibe on May 11, 2014, 11:53:38 am
I'm sitting at 2,5mil atm, waiting time for blood arena is like 1 minute or so
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: IR_Kuoin on May 11, 2014, 01:41:11 pm
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Tot. on May 11, 2014, 05:01:22 pm
This SM is just making PvP in arena so slow.

How so? Arena matchmaking ignores soul memory and soul levels altogether.

By the way: someone on reddit made this calculator ( for SM. Notice higher tiers, if you have 3 mil you can be matched with someone that has 14 mil.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Vibe on May 11, 2014, 05:08:28 pm
How so? Arena matchmaking ignores soul memory and soul levels altogether.

Really? So you can be matched with just about anybody?
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Tot. on May 11, 2014, 05:16:37 pm
Testers ( say it works that way, at least for blue arena. Though from the experience of running into super-overleveled havelyn mages with bazillions of hp with my under-3mil character I'd say its the same for red one too.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Vibe on May 11, 2014, 05:19:13 pm SM calculator
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Gravoth_iii on May 11, 2014, 05:39:13 pm
Testers ( say it works that way, at least for blue arena. Though from the experience of running into super-overleveled havelyn mages with bazillions of hp with my under-3mil character I'd say its the same for red one too.

Yeah but the thing is mules can reduce your SM, so havelmages may simply be hackers.

Nvm didnt click the link.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: IR_Kuoin on May 11, 2014, 06:06:16 pm
Blue is much faster in terms of matchmaking. And it is clear that Blue has noting to do with SM. I've met guys there on my SL 30 chars that are obv. Way higher in SM (having items from Iron bridge).
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Kafein on May 11, 2014, 11:40:39 pm
To go back to what Nightmare said, I found myself acquiring more than enough souls just by getting summoned and searching areas thoroughly. Besides, the real determining factor for character progression is items and crafting. Those things are very cheap in terms of souls, but you need to explore to find them.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Vibe on May 12, 2014, 09:14:16 am

Oh also read this for some laughs
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Kafein on May 12, 2014, 11:33:26 am

3:30 rofl

Oh also read this for some laughs

Obscure (or non-existent) explanations for key gameplay elements

That's basically the only valid complaint here. All the mechanical issues he encountered stem from this.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Joseph Porta on May 12, 2014, 02:35:16 pm
Im currently still fighting The Persuer, but tbh its an incredibly boring fight, its one big stalemate of letting him charge, roll right, make two hits and roll out of his reach again. I always die because I want to shoot him with a Ballista.  :P

Also ive seen some vids and all these dudes have these sweet starting maces that do 300 damage! But I searched around things Betwixt but I cant find the bloody thing!

Also, what are the pro's of humanity other then the HP boost?
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: IR_Kuoin on May 12, 2014, 02:36:38 pm
Might be pre-order starting weapon or morningstar. Upgrading a weapon early can be a huge benefit.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Joseph Porta on May 12, 2014, 02:37:41 pm
Might be pre-order starting weapon or morningstar. Upgrading a weapon early can be a huge benefit.
Hmm reckon id better use the morningstar instead of the scimitar I started with?

Also ninjad this in my last post: Also, what are the pro's of humanity other then the HP boost?
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Vibe on May 12, 2014, 02:42:25 pm
Hmm reckon id better use the morningstar instead of the scimitar I started with?

Also ninjad this in my last post: Also, what are the pro's of humanity other then the HP boost?

summons and max hp
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Kafein on May 12, 2014, 02:48:02 pm
summons and max hp

Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Joseph Porta on May 12, 2014, 03:09:54 pm
Am I bad for being hollowed 99% of the time? I dont exactly see the point in being human, I did most of the game up untill now with 50% hp.. It feels like that whenever I do take a hit its often followed by another one or two, making my death imminent anyway.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Kafein on May 12, 2014, 03:13:46 pm
If you get hollowed, put down white signs. If you defeat bosses you'll regain your humanity a little bit. You'll gain souls anyway.

The game is much more interesting if you stay human.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: IR_Kuoin on May 12, 2014, 03:15:15 pm
No real reason to go human unless you want to summon people or have more HP. Since they made the reward for helping other people 100% instead of random you now get human form back each time you help someone using shade or normal summon sign. So place a shade or sign for a boss or area and you get it back.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Joseph Porta on May 12, 2014, 03:16:18 pm
If you get hollowed, put down white signs. If you defeat bosses you'll regain your humanity a little bit. You'll gain souls anyway.

The game is much more interesting if you stay human.

White soap signs? (Something like)

I do have like 6 effigys, but im hesitant to use them as I dont find them that often.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Vibe on May 12, 2014, 03:20:14 pm
White soap signs? (Something like)

I do have like 6 effigys, but im hesitant to use them as I dont find them that often.

White Sign Soapstone (in your inventory), if you put that down you can be summoned for CO-OP, if you complete your "task" you regain humanity. It's a good way to regain humanity because effigys are not in abundance (at least I didn't have a lot of them until later).
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Joseph Porta on May 12, 2014, 03:50:00 pm
White Sign Soapstone (in your inventory), if you put that down you can be summoned for CO-OP, if you complete your "task" you regain humanity. It's a good way to regain humanity because effigys are not in abundance (at least I didn't have a lot of them until later).

Ugh, I really need to buy the official game! Sounds like the summon feature adds alot of fun to the game.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Tor! on May 12, 2014, 04:03:57 pm
You have to be human for all of the npc's questlines
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: IR_Kuoin on May 12, 2014, 04:24:35 pm
You have to be human for all of the npc's questlines

Not for Navlaan :D
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Joseph Porta on May 12, 2014, 04:30:08 pm
You have to be human for all of the npc's questlines

Im pretty sure I got the blacksmiths key whilst being hollowed, or is this not a quest?

Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Gravoth_iii on May 12, 2014, 05:34:24 pm
Streaming now ( pvp n stuff, dual wielding spears and using longsword. Feel free to come watch, or afk in stream would be very appreciated  :D
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: vipere on May 12, 2014, 05:46:15 pm
There is a ring if you want to stay human, you also keep your souls if you die, but you have to repair it for 3000 after your death.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Tennenoth on May 12, 2014, 06:16:33 pm
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Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Vibe on May 12, 2014, 06:20:08 pm
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mfw reading Twilight
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Latvian on May 12, 2014, 07:26:48 pm
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just was in the same place
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Tennenoth on May 12, 2014, 07:46:55 pm
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Get comfortable for the credits section, might as well take a nap, no one will be able to tell through your helmet anyway. Even got built in pillows on either side of the head!
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Kafein on May 12, 2014, 07:47:49 pm
White Sign Soapstone (in your inventory), if you put that down you can be summoned for CO-OP, if you complete your "task" you regain humanity. It's a good way to regain humanity because effigys are not in abundance (at least I didn't have a lot of them until later).

Effigies are in limited supply, unless you count completing NGs repeatedly or using BA (which I think can be farmed) repeatedly as a valid way to farm effigies. God I'm NG0 level 87 and I already leetspeak this.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: IR_Kuoin on May 12, 2014, 08:08:09 pm
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Hidden item Fromsoft put into the game. Haven't gotten reach of it yet, almost did though but I fell and died :P
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Tor! on May 12, 2014, 08:16:42 pm
Im pretty sure I got the blacksmiths key whilst being hollowed, or is this not a quest?

I was thinking of the quests that require you to summon npc, guess I should have specified. Pate & Creighton, Benhart & Lucatiel. If you want to do these quests, you have to be human  :wink:
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Polobow on May 12, 2014, 09:46:35 pm
I just got invaded by Mr T and Mike Dyson in the Bell Tower...... they both used their fists.

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Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Tennenoth on May 12, 2014, 09:47:04 pm
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Hidden item Fromsoft put into the game. Haven't gotten reach of it yet, almost did though but I fell and died :P

I don't have anything up there :( I used binoculars to see if it was a distance thing, tried to stand roughly where you did, I can't see anything. Might be a dodgy drop from the basilisk below? I hope I'm wrong though and it really is something special! :D

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Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Nightmare798 on May 12, 2014, 10:17:14 pm
There is a ring if you want to stay human, you also keep your souls if you die, but you have to repair it for 3000 after your death.

That is a pretty good deal...
Where is it?
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Tennenoth on May 12, 2014, 10:47:53 pm
That is a pretty good deal...
Where is it?

Two types I believe:

Ring of Soul Protection ( - Stops you becoming hollow and protects your souls when you die. Costs 6K souls to repair apparently. Works for petrification as well.
I found one in the chest in The Gutter, where you jump from a wooden structure to a platform with a single chest & pillar.

Ring of Life Protection ( - Stops you becoming hollow and protects your souls when you die. Costs 3K souls to repair apparently. Doesn't work for petrification I believe.
Buy from Felkin the Outcast, the bloke who sits in the chair near Huntsman's Copse I think, the page will probably tell you more than me! :)

Also, it's going to be really hard to get 500 successful protections... I'm currently on 1 for 1, but I am so rarely needed. I don't fancy invading because I want to help people, not bugger up other peoples games.

I left it late hoping that I'd have more of a chance to be summoned considering the larger boundaries at higher soul memory levels, but I suppose more people will be able to go hold their own, and not use the Way of Blue covenant. Get into trouble more people! :(
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Vibe on May 12, 2014, 11:02:27 pm
It's better just to get the ring that puts a limit to how much HP reduction you get when hollow, it was really useful for me
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Joseph Porta on May 12, 2014, 11:39:18 pm
I was thinking of the quests that require you to summon npc, guess I should have specified. Pate & Creighton, Benhart & Lucatiel. If you want to do these quests, you have to be human  :wink:

Oh god dammit, I killed The Last Giant without Pate... And I killed Pate after The Last Giant.. Is there still a way to get him back? I would like his shield.  :lol:

Anyhow, had a good day today! I killed The Persuer by parrying his attack, stunning him for ~5 seconds and shooting him with the Ballista. God this dude was hard, mustve been on him for atleast 4 hours straight.

After that everything went smooth, killed the Dragonrider, which was dissapointingly easy. Then made my way to the Gutter, killed the Rat Vanguard, which was also dissapointingly easy.. Im now in the process of trying to find the bonfire in The Gutter.. Haven't had any real challenges anymore after The Persuer, they all die relatively fast compared to the bloody levitating super-knight.

Btw, exploding zombies are a bitch. (Lost 17k souls to them, because I fell to my death afterwards)
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: IR_Kuoin on May 12, 2014, 11:46:47 pm
Hehe nah Tenne you are correct its a drop from the basilisk after the dragon shoot it up there, was trying to be funny :D

Also yeah 500 will be hard. I've only met 4 - 5 guys actually getting a blue spirit in when I invade them (all ng+). But arena and normal blue invasions count as well. I'm going to need 150 for my faith character so i can get WoG. And farming the Onionbro armor will take time :D
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Joseph Porta on May 12, 2014, 11:54:40 pm
It's better just to get the ring that puts a limit to how much HP reduction you get when hollow, it was really useful for me
What is the name?
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Tennenoth on May 13, 2014, 12:04:37 am
Hehe nah Tenne you are correct its a drop from the basilisk after the dragon shoot it up there, was trying to be funny :D

Also yeah 500 will be hard. I've only met 4 - 5 guys actually getting a blue spirit in when I invade them (all ng+). But arena and normal blue invasions count as well. I'm going to need 150 for my faith character so i can get WoG. And farming the Onionbro armor will take time :D

Ah I'm sorry I ruined your fun with my curiosity, at least you got me to go out and check. I saw a sign up there once so I thought to go and check it out.

Ya got me!

Oh, and as a side note, I got summoned again as a Blue Sentinel, just in time to watch the invader backstab the charge as I took my sweet time rising from the ground.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Vibe on May 13, 2014, 08:12:03 am
What is the name?

Ring of Binding, you get it:

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Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Joseph Porta on May 13, 2014, 12:28:27 pm

Aye, thanks! Through where do I get to the Cathedral?
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: IR_Kuoin on May 13, 2014, 12:30:33 pm
Aye, thanks! Through where do I get to the Cathedral?

Go down path under the stone archway. It is located behind the blacksmith.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Joseph Porta on May 13, 2014, 12:31:28 pm
Go down path under the stone archway. It is located behind the blacksmith.

Where the "contraption does not move" sign is located, correct?
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Joseph Porta on May 13, 2014, 12:40:55 pm
Heide's tower of flame, go left instead of right to dragonrider

Aha, havent been there yet but I though it was a dead end at a round platform! Will check it out tonight!  8-)
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Nightmare798 on May 13, 2014, 01:51:36 pm
Two types I believe:

Ring of Soul Protection ( - Stops you becoming hollow and protects your souls when you die. Costs 6K souls to repair apparently. Works for petrification as well.
I found one in the chest in The Gutter, where you jump from a wooden structure to a platform with a single chest & pillar.

Ring of Life Protection ( - Stops you becoming hollow and protects your souls when you die. Costs 3K souls to repair apparently. Doesn't work for petrification I believe.
Buy from Felkin the Outcast, the bloke who sits in the chair near Huntsman's Copse I think, the page will probably tell you more than me! :)

Also, it's going to be really hard to get 500 successful protections... I'm currently on 1 for 1, but I am so rarely needed. I don't fancy invading because I want to help people, not bugger up other peoples games.

I left it late hoping that I'd have more of a chance to be summoned considering the larger boundaries at higher soul memory levels, but I suppose more people will be able to go hold their own, and not use the Way of Blue covenant. Get into trouble more people! :(

Thanks a lot, I will search for the latter immediatelly (it is not like I die from petrification much anyways). There is no worse moment in DS2 than when you get killed for few tens/hundreds thousands of souls and then accidentally fall off the ledge due to bad roll or something.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Vibe on May 13, 2014, 05:32:09 pm
I'm running a Falchion offhand and Spotted Whip (poison) mainhand build for PvP at the moment and I just had a whip-out with a guy called Indiana Jones :lol:
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Tennenoth on May 13, 2014, 05:33:38 pm
Thanks a lot, I will search for the latter immediatelly (it is not like I die from petrification much anyways). There is no worse moment in DS2 than when you get killed for few tens/hundreds thousands of souls and then accidentally fall off the ledge due to bad roll or something.

First time I lost souls, I lost 42K, I was very upset, now I'm running around with 1 million souls banked which I never thought would be possible. They become very easy to get very quickly. Granted I'm on NG+ but using the ring to only pay 6K or something similar instead of however many, is a great way to keep hold of them if you can't get back to your souls quickly! :)

I'm running a Falchion offhand and Spotted Whip (poison) mainhand build for PvP at the moment and I just had a whip-out with a guy called Indiana Jones :lol:

I dagger back stabbed Justin Bieber yesterday. Felt really good.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Kafein on May 13, 2014, 06:42:35 pm
The life ring is really stupid. It essentially replaces the penalty for dying by a 3k souls tax. Getting 3k souls without dying gets extremely easy not even 10% into the game. Hence you pretty much always want to use this item. The only real cost is the opportunity of wearing a better ring. And I don't think there are many rings that are as powerful.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Tor! on May 13, 2014, 07:07:31 pm
Mages / magic users have plenty of good rings, melee however, have pretty much shit rings compared.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Gravoth_iii on May 13, 2014, 07:37:36 pm

Epicfacefist inbound, QFT QFT QFT
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Fredom on May 13, 2014, 08:19:31 pm
I'm at Aldias Keep atm, lost around 300k souls on my way to this damnit area and another 60k in the hall.
My problem now is that I'd like to do something different, I am running around with a shield and a club and heavy armor. Any suggestions?
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Patoson on May 13, 2014, 09:37:47 pm
I find rolling and dodging, while under 50% equip. load, to be more effective and fun than blocking with a shield. So I use medium armour, like Faraam or King sets, which let me keep a relatively low equip. load (with high VIT too), unlike the heavy armours.

I only use a shield in certain boss fights sometimes, especially when I'm scared. :)
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Nightmare798 on May 13, 2014, 09:46:43 pm
The life ring is really stupid. It essentially replaces the penalty for dying by a 3k souls tax. Getting 3k souls without dying gets extremely easy not even 10% into the game. Hence you pretty much always want to use this item. The only real cost is the opportunity of wearing a better ring. And I don't think there are many rings that are as powerful.

There should be penalty for dying, but the penalties seem, considering the technical flaws, pretty ridiculous.

Most of my deaths come from falling, due to roll from jump, low visibility, error when navigating and so on, so no this ring is not stupid. If you dont want to use it, then just dont.

Besides, you still have to fight and die for the souls you gather, so I think it is perfectly fine.

I find rolling and dodging, while under 50% equip. load, to be more effective and fun than blocking with a shield. So I use medium armour, like Faraam or King sets, which let me keep a relatively low equip. load (with high VIT too), unlike the heavy armours.

I only use a shield in certain boss fights sometimes, especially when I'm scared. :)

IMO Blocking drains a little too much stamina. like a quarter of bar on average for one hit. I sometimes found myself speculating of dropping shield altogether for more reliable rolling.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Fredom on May 13, 2014, 10:05:15 pm
But dodging is always more risky than blocking with a shield. My shield got 100 physical and sometimes i put it away and just try dodging hits. Against archers/crossbowers and mages it's obviousky not a problem. If I am fighting against 'normal' enemies it's getting risky and I almost get hit 50% of the time.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Vibe on May 13, 2014, 10:27:19 pm
I find rolling and dodging, while under 50% equip. load, to be more effective and fun than blocking with a shield. So I use medium armour, like Faraam or King sets, which let me keep a relatively low equip. load (with high VIT too), unlike the heavy armours.

I only use a shield in certain boss fights sometimes, especially when I'm scared. :)

There was disappointingly low difference between <70% weight and <50% weight rolls and stamina recovery. I think it's just fine to keep it under 70%, no need for under 50%.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Joseph Porta on May 13, 2014, 11:42:53 pm
There was disappointingly low difference between <70% weight and <50% weight rolls and stamina recovery. I think it's just fine to keep it under 70%, no need for under 50%.

I found 60% to be the ideal number.. At 70> it gets a bit too clunky to my liking.

Cant find the fucking bonfire after Death Mans Wharf, lost 17k souls again, yay. Boss was once more a piec pe of cake. Idk, after the Pursuer they all seem easy.. Got him on the second try with 50% hollow HP penalty.

The rage is strong though, bleeding is a proper bitch.. I found out the aggrivating way.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: IR_Kuoin on May 13, 2014, 11:51:44 pm
Managed to beat Nashandra in 10 hrs. 5th time watching the credits now, at least the song is good.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Joseph Porta on May 13, 2014, 11:54:11 pm
Managed to beat Nashandra in 10 hrs. 5th time watching the credits now, at least the song is good.

You are on NG+5?
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Tennenoth on May 13, 2014, 11:58:59 pm
I found 60% to be the ideal number.. At 70> it gets a bit too clunky to my liking.

Cant find the fucking bonfire after Death Mans Wharf, lost 17k souls again, yay. Boss was once more a piec pe of cake. Idk, after the Pursuer they all seem easy.. Got him on the second try with 50% hollow HP penalty.

The rage is strong though, bleeding is a proper bitch.. I found out the aggrivating way.

After you beat the Flexile Sentry, go upstairs and behind you will be a chest, get whatever is in that chest, then check the weird table. It'll say "examine". Continue on my wayward son.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: IR_Kuoin on May 14, 2014, 12:02:14 am
You are on NG+5?

No :D I've done a complete run 4 times and beaten the boss on ng+ using bonfire ascetics, so this will be the 5th time using my new char.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Joseph Porta on May 14, 2014, 12:07:40 am
After you beat the Flexile Sentry, go upstairs and behind you will be a chest, get whatever is in that chest, then check the weird table. It'll say "examine". Continue on my wayward son.

I did that, but I dont know where to go on from that point (the lost bastille). But ill find it eventually!

No :D I've done a complete run 4 times and beaten the boss on ng+ using bonfire ascetics, so this will be the 5th time using my new char.

Ooh, youve done it twice on one char and once on three other chars? Thats sick man!

Also, GUTS, anyone?
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Kafein on May 14, 2014, 12:23:20 am
Be wary of tight hole, try tongue.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: SixThumbs on May 14, 2014, 12:38:48 am
illusory wall ahead

tongue but hole.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Tennenoth on May 14, 2014, 12:43:27 am
I did that, but I dont know where to go on from that point (the lost bastille). But ill find it eventually!

Ooh, youve done it twice on one char and once on three other chars? Thats sick man!

Also, GUTS, anyone?

Ah, I see, the bonfire should be on the last left hand side cell, you'll have to fight on and then go down a ladder, the rest of it should be nice and laid out for you! :)
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Tot. on May 14, 2014, 02:19:43 am
The life ring is really stupid. It essentially replaces the penalty for dying by a 3k souls tax. Getting 3k souls without dying gets extremely easy not even 10% into the game

You can say that about a lot of things. The reason why they made miracles and pyro so accessible and overpowered in PVE is to let everyone including the biggest casuals finish the game, life ring is part of that. Also the regress from DS1 back to retarded Demon Souls mechanics of warping from the get go is caused probably not just by lazy level design but also because people complained about not being able to teleport everywhere Skyrim-style.

Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: SixThumbs on May 14, 2014, 04:16:48 am
I've finished just about everything in my first run through, although I missed a handful of things.

(click to show/hide)

I was thinking of just jumping into NG+. I started another character but I can't see myself playing anything else then what I have already, and what I also used in Dark Souls.

I'm basically Vig, End, Vit and ADP. Magic/Miracles/Hexes/Pyro are boring but stat scaling is also crap so...

I was also going to try the champion covenant and going fisticuffs eventually but I don't like the idea of having to play perfectly on bosses/mobs, slowly chipping away at their health.

The only things that's really kept me playing has been the invasions, which are more dynamic than the stuff you find in the arena.

Earlier today I carried a torch around for a guy as a red phantom for a bit. For whatever reason we ended up naked except for helmets and ended up slowly beating each other up with fists before he finally did the "begging for forgiveness" gesture when I got him down to a sliver of health. I waved goodbye and black crystalled out.

I also had two sunbros and a host chasing me in circles around the Dragon Shrine for about 15 minutes when I got duel summon ganked.

Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Vibe on May 14, 2014, 08:16:50 am
I like arena PvP, you know when you don't encounter a lagger or a chugger or tryhards that use the most OP shit. I think invasions are great as well for some random "open world" pvp, although often very unfair - for the invader that is, because most of the people I've invaded had 2 sunbros along them.

I am staying NG for PvP though (for now). In NG+ people have so many souls that you can basically be a master of all and all that matters is your gear and not your stats anymore (since you have everything high), I'd rather PvP versus different builds.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: IR_Kuoin on May 14, 2014, 09:55:32 am
Farming Onionbro armor atm. Got all pieces except his body armor (soldier's rest is now on ng+7) 2 times he didn't drop anything and one time he didn't spawn :|

At least I can get 3 cracked red eyes up there, which I remembered were there after I ng+'it
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Vibe on May 14, 2014, 10:09:18 am
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Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: IR_Kuoin on May 14, 2014, 10:31:43 am
Fucking lizards, hardest enemy to kill (unless you are ranged).
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Kafein on May 14, 2014, 10:52:22 am
That is so very fucking accurate
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Joseph Porta on May 14, 2014, 11:23:53 am
(click to show/hide)


Ah, I see, the bonfire should be on the last left hand side cell, you'll have to fight on and then go down a ladder, the rest of it should be nice and laid out for you! :)

Oh god.. I lost 17k souls for nothing!  :cry:
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Patoson on May 14, 2014, 11:33:07 am
I'm not sure about equip load effects. If you lower it a lot more than 70%, is it worth it for the rolling or stamina recovery? Or you just get the enough VIT to stay right under 70%? Because I have 38 VIT and have around 50% equip load and I've been reading that what really matters is just the 70% breakpoint. I'm confused.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Vibe on May 14, 2014, 11:47:48 am
I'm not sure about equip load effects. If you lower it a lot more than 70%, is it worth it for the rolling or stamina recovery? Or you just get the enough VIT to stay right under 70%? Because I have 38 VIT and have around 50% equip load and I've been reading that what really matters is just the 70% breakpoint. I'm confused.

70% and above is the big change, yes. There is hardly any difference between under 50 and under 70, I tested it myself, timed stamina recovery and roll distance, basically no change. For my char I chose an armor I like the looks of - Alva armor <3 (omfg guys RPG = fashion first, tryhard minmaxing second, l2p) and then got enough VIT to stay under 70%.

For rolls and stamina recovery use this:
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: IR_Kuoin on May 14, 2014, 12:41:56 pm
Invaded in Chasm of Old. If you win you get a bonefire ascetic.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Nightmare798 on May 14, 2014, 12:48:53 pm
70% and above is the big change, yes. There is hardly any difference between under 50 and under 70, I tested it myself, timed stamina recovery and roll distance, basically no change. For my char I chose an armor I like the looks of - Alva armor <3 (omfg guys RPG = fashion first, tryhard minmaxing second, l2p) and then got enough VIT to stay under 70%.

For rolls and stamina recovery use this:

I like the reqular knight armor, one you find after defeating dragon rider and going through sewers. Alva is fucking gorgeous too. This is one thing that I really like about this game, The gear design is fucking awesome.

Fucking lizards, hardest enemy to kill (unless you are ranged).

I always whip out my giant club and obliterate everything in 5 meter radius.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Vibe on May 14, 2014, 02:21:40 pm

pretty cool DS2 comic
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: IR_Kuoin on May 14, 2014, 03:00:47 pm
After 15 tries. I got it, onionbro armor bitches!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Nightmare798 on May 14, 2014, 03:04:30 pm
After 15 tries. I got it, onionbro armor bitches!!!!!!!!!!!!

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This has to be one of the most stupid armors I have ever seen in a game (in a good way).
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Vibe on May 14, 2014, 03:07:29 pm
onion armor is fashion
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Latvian on May 14, 2014, 03:58:11 pm
pretty sight mkay

(click to show/hide)
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: IR_Kuoin on May 14, 2014, 04:09:08 pm
Also I think the blue arena is pretty fucked up in terms of matchmaking. 1.5 SM and I get matched with people who do no damage on me and die in 2 or 3 hits :|
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Oberyn on May 14, 2014, 04:31:20 pm
SM is fucked, I've seen a lot of complaining about it. I guess it was put in to avoid "twinks" having ridiculously good upgraded gear at low SL's through grinding. It ends up pretty much the same situation though. If you don't min-max how you spend your souls as efficiently as possible you are going to be at a disadvantage in match-making based on SM. The worst is probably for noobs and first timers, anytime they lose souls by dying repeatedly they are just that much less powerful compared to what their SM says they should be, and it's a vicious cycle from there.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: IR_Kuoin on May 14, 2014, 05:30:18 pm
True, on my faith char. I finished last boss with 1 mill SM. Could easily have been twinking. Something I am doing atm trying to boost my SM using cracked reds.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: IR_Kuoin on May 14, 2014, 06:09:29 pm
Invade as blue spirit. kill host and 2 red as they are fighting, hehe.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Joseph Porta on May 14, 2014, 06:48:26 pm
What exactly is SM? is that the total amount of souls you've collected? (spend or lost)
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Vibe on May 14, 2014, 07:09:08 pm
What exactly is SM? is that the total amount of souls you've collected? (spend or lost)

Yes, Soul Memory, you can see how much you got in top right corner of your char screen.

Random rant: PvP would be so great in this game if it wasn't P2P.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Polobow on May 14, 2014, 09:33:48 pm
Yes, Soul Memory, you can see how much you got in top right corner of your char screen.

Random rant: PvP would be so great in this game if it wasn't P2P.

How, because of all the noobs, or the amount of players it would've had?
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: SixThumbs on May 14, 2014, 09:40:22 pm
It would be great because then you could actually judge the distance from your opponent a bit better.

I had a fun invasion the other day as a red phantom. I spawned in and another red invader spawned in front of me and we both b-lined to the entrance of the area for the host, except I killed the phantom as he had his back to me and then I killed the host  :twisted:

Someone used a seed of giants on me also. Poor guy didn't have a chance when I ran past him.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Fredom on May 14, 2014, 09:41:02 pm
My solution for being bored:
Take club ( got 2 +10 clubs, 1 with fire damage) two handed mode, remove shield, take low armor (in my case Archdrake Robe atm, just think it looks great), mask and jester gloves and some leggins
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Vibe on May 14, 2014, 10:13:57 pm
How, because of all the noobs, or the amount of players it would've had?

P2P in the sense of peer 2 peer connection (which is "causing" the lag), instead of dedicated servers
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: IR_Kuoin on May 14, 2014, 10:18:28 pm
Farming tokens of fidelty atm, such a drag :|
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Joseph Porta on May 14, 2014, 11:48:31 pm
I hate gargoyles.

Fuck, do I hate them.

I really do.


Fucking gargoyles.

(click to show/hide)
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Joseph Porta on May 15, 2014, 12:30:07 am

"But I dive in like a muscular falcon."

Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: SixThumbs on May 15, 2014, 01:34:11 am
Well, I just entered NG+ and I'm happy with the invasions, although they're all blue phantoms.

The only thing I'm not happy about is buffed weapons, teleporting backstab when I'm the host and the off-chance I get parried and I have to watch the dude stand there, switch to a dagger, and then one-shot me.  :?
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Vibe on May 15, 2014, 10:09:46 am

"But I dive in like a muscular falcon."

This would be great if ultra greatswords (or basically anything slow) wouldn't be so easy to parry
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Gravoth_iii on May 15, 2014, 10:17:11 am

Its finally here. With more lore if you follow the link at the end, and holy crap i really think the lore in this is cool.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Tennenoth on May 15, 2014, 03:55:14 pm

Its finally here. With more lore if you follow the link at the end, and holy crap i really think the lore in this is cool.

Fantastic. I watched the second one as well and it makes a whole lot of sense, and people kept telling me that Dark Souls has no story. Great watch.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Joseph Porta on May 15, 2014, 06:37:03 pm
Fantastic. I watched the second one as well and it makes a whole lot of sense, and people kept telling me that Dark Souls has no story. Great watch.

That was something I read aswell, but as a huge dialogue nerd I quickly came to the conclusion that this wasn't the case. The only NPCat I am still confused about is the cat in Majula, what she is, or maybe what she wás?

And I really like it that you have to puzzle the things together yourself, makes it so much more of an immersive experience.

(I am kind of new to this Oldschool RPG style, didn't play any of the other Souls games)
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Nightmare798 on May 15, 2014, 07:14:38 pm
Lore and story is not the same. You cannot defend to an argument ¨this game has no story¨ by saying it has great lore. Lore is the background of the story, and does not depicts immediate or future events.

Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: IR_Kuoin on May 15, 2014, 10:22:52 pm
Well, invaded my first hacker today. He was using 3 heavy weapons and full smelter armor, slow as fuck. He was easy to kill but he was using a trainer so his health would magically get full once he reached a low point. Funny how he was too slow to press the "full health" button and I got him.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Joseph Porta on May 15, 2014, 11:37:13 pm
I have arrived at the huntsman corpse!  8-) gargoyles turned out to be fairly easy, just had to be more patient, their attacks drain nearly no stamina which makes it so much more convenient to patiently tank them.

Tbh, this game is turning out to be one of my favourite games ever, along with COD2 & c-RPG. I love it!
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: vipere on May 16, 2014, 03:32:17 am
I think we are at the same point in the game.

Got the gargoyles today.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Tennenoth on May 16, 2014, 03:56:49 am
Why does the straw hat have to have the face thingy? :(

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Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Joseph Porta on May 16, 2014, 07:38:58 am
I think we are at the same point in the game.

Got the gargoyles today.

Did you also find the Lost Bastille key to be useless? I already opened mcDuffs workshop with the exploding barrel.. -.-'
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Vibe on May 16, 2014, 08:30:40 am
I am running through the game for a second time now with a new char and I am progressing incredibly fast... you know where all the tricks and traps are, what the optimal progress route is, where to get items, how to do bosses.. and I'm a Faith char as well, those lightning spears are so strong.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Tennenoth on May 16, 2014, 09:17:21 am
Did you also find the Lost Bastille key to be useless? I already opened mcDuffs workshop with the exploding barrel.. -.-'

Open the gates at the top of the stairs, just before The Lost Sinner fight. There are two gates, behind those gates are two trails of tar, light them & you'll have an easier time seeing what's going on, and so will your character! :)
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Vibe on May 16, 2014, 02:19:58 pm
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Christo on May 16, 2014, 03:27:39 pm

Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: IR_Kuoin on May 16, 2014, 07:43:30 pm
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Tennenoth on May 16, 2014, 10:20:31 pm
I only have the "earn all achievements" achievement left... Errr... Can I have it please? I've done what you asked, unless you want to count yourself?!

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Anyone have any idea how to fix it? :(
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Gravoth_iii on May 16, 2014, 11:09:54 pm
I only have the "earn all achievements" achievement left... Errr... Can I have it please? I've done what you asked, unless you want to count yourself?!

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Anyone have any idea how to fix it? :(

Only works on consoles afaik, broken game volvo fix
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Tennenoth on May 16, 2014, 11:12:15 pm
Only works on consoles afaik, broken game volvo fix

Lies! 0.5% of all people who own Dark Souls 2 on Steam, has this achievement!! I've sent Steam a support message because I apparently care. :D Give me my bragging rights damnit!

Yay, bragging rights:

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Not that it really means anything, considering I'm still not good at the game! :P
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Gravoth_iii on May 17, 2014, 12:31:15 am
Lies! 0.5% of all people who own Dark Souls 2 on Steam, has this achievement!! I've sent Steam a support message because I apparently care. :D Give me my bragging rights damnit!

Yay, bragging rights:

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Not that it really means anything, considering I'm still not good at the game! :P

Oh yeah i was thinking of DaS1 on Games for windows live, it was broken there aswell and i dont think the support would help anyone with it there.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Tennenoth on May 17, 2014, 12:44:50 am
Oh yeah i was thinking of DaS1 on Games for windows live, it was broken there aswell and i dont think the support would help anyone with it there.

Ah, well that sucks :(

I've started to try and learn to PvP properly. I'm doing reasonably well fighting in the Blue Sentinel's sparring, particularly against melee players. I'm wearing light armour (Lucatiel's) and I'm not using a larger shield simply to try and keep myself aware. I've come up against quite a few Havel mages, most of whom are reasonably easy to fight but affinity (?) I cannot avoid, and of course, I've come up against the same fellow from Bangladesh who I've not landed a single hit on because I've no idea where he is. :P He's backstabbed three out of four times so far! ^^

Otherwise, I'm getting used to the ghost reach & the delay but it's certainly affinity that kills me off. Other magics are reasonable to avoid it seems. So, any tips would be greatly appreciated, with anything PvP! :)

:D Just won my first match with a parry. That felt good. That's a feeling I haven't felt since I murdered Sawa with a club all those years ago!
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: SixThumbs on May 17, 2014, 02:05:21 pm
When I see affinity now I kind of just stay away until it dissipates. With how long it takes sometimes to find matches I'd rather not get homing magicked, and then even if it's dodged you know they've got a single shot spell coming up behind it once it triggers. Same with buffs and people with parrying weapons, I'll get a feel of what they're game-plan and style is before I just rush in and waste the matchmaking time.

Although I have a decent winrate with just a bastard sword, having recently switched over to the mastodon greatsword (the same move-set), I really couldn't say why I enjoy the PVP this much with the mostly shoddy netcode.

Lastnight an arbiter invaded and I was waiting around the corner for him near the bonfire. Next thing I know I'm shitting my pants because the backstab noise is blasting in my ears as he teleports from nowhere. Then I'm running about 30 ft and again I'm being backstabbed, except then we teleport back to the spot I originally was.

I even had an instance where I swung out of range on my screen and it still hit the guy and killed him even though he was a couple sword lengths away.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: IR_Kuoin on May 17, 2014, 02:18:10 pm
Personally I prefer to have two weapons on me while doing PvP so the enemy can't read my patterns that easily.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Tot. on May 17, 2014, 05:30:13 pm
it's certainly affinity that kills me off. Other magics are reasonable to avoid it seems. So, any tips would be greatly appreciated, with anything PvP!

Just roll forward through it?
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Vibe on May 17, 2014, 08:52:22 pm
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Tennenoth on May 17, 2014, 09:00:59 pm
Just roll forward through it?

Tried four times, I can't figure out the timing. Each time I've rolled and it's still hit me. I've tried rolling to the side, straight forward at the enemy, away. I'm crap, needless to say.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Tot. on May 17, 2014, 09:28:22 pm
Might be your ADP/agility is too low. As you probably know ADP raises agility, agility raises the number of invincibility frames you get while rolling among other things. Here's a chart that shows the relation:

(click to show/hide)

AFAIK the general consensus at this point is that 20 ADP is optimal and it certainly helps with timings when fighting people from Zimbabwe.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Rhaelys on May 17, 2014, 09:32:14 pm
Tried four times, I can't figure out the timing. Each time I've rolled and it's still hit me. I've tried rolling to the side, straight forward at the enemy, away. I'm crap, needless to say.

Try a Dark Transgressor's Leather Shield.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: IR_Kuoin on May 17, 2014, 09:38:56 pm
Get 100 agility. And learning when to dodge comes with time.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Tennenoth on May 17, 2014, 09:42:08 pm
*Pulls on his collar* - I have 105 agility. I'm terrible, time to practice I think.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Nightmare798 on May 17, 2014, 11:23:59 pm
*Pulls on his collar* - I have 105 agility. I'm terrible, time to practice I think.

105 agility? Isnt that a bit overkill?
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Tennenoth on May 17, 2014, 11:44:03 pm
105 agility? Isnt that a bit overkill?

It's a stat, not an attribute. I only have about 25 adaptability. :)
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: IR_Kuoin on May 18, 2014, 02:38:22 am
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: SirCymro_Crusader on May 18, 2014, 03:46:21 am
Went back to the first one today, lost 175k souls...forgot to put my lava-walk ring on...fucking raged so hard
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Rhaelys on May 18, 2014, 05:01:48 am
Went back to the first one today, lost 175k souls...forgot to put my lava-walk ring on...fucking raged so hard

Ring of Life Protection should be on 100% of the time
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Kafein on May 18, 2014, 09:57:14 am
I don't even know where I can see how much agility stat I have.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Rhaelys on May 18, 2014, 10:45:08 am
I don't even know where I can see how much agility stat I have.

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Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: IR_Kuoin on May 18, 2014, 02:03:12 pm
Ring of Life Protection should be on 100% of the time

He was playing Dark Souls 1 in Lost Izalith :P
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: SirCymro_Crusader on May 18, 2014, 02:13:30 pm
He was playing Dark Souls 1 in Lost Izalith :P

Yep, killed the two bosses to get to the area, really easy. Then my guy uses a soul instead of an estus so I die....then we'll I.raged
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Kafein on May 18, 2014, 04:44:12 pm
IMO in DkS the centipede was the most irritating boss in the whole game. As a melee character anyway.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: SirCymro_Crusader on May 18, 2014, 05:02:36 pm
IMO in DkS the centipede was the most irritating boss in the whole game. As a melee character anyway.

Found it quite easy to kill tbh, chopped one head off which gave me the ring, just stayed near the fog gate and the only attack he did was the jump one, just had to hit his feet when he landed and block all the damage when he jumped
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Vibe on May 18, 2014, 05:29:17 pm
(click to show/hide)

Hardest boss for me in DS2 even with second char is still:
(click to show/hide)
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Kafein on May 18, 2014, 05:31:17 pm
double parrying daggers, priceless
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Nightmare798 on May 18, 2014, 07:49:38 pm
It's a stat, not an attribute. I only have about 25 adaptability. :)

My bad, I mistook it for dexterity :D
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Fredom on May 18, 2014, 08:41:06 pm
Lol, after rage quitting 3 times because of the Giant Lord I have found Captain Drummond, summoned him and wondered how retarded but at the same time helpful this guy is. I have taken my best equipment because I have already lost 70k souls. Then I killed him, my heart was shaking (lol) and now I'm happy and gotta go to the Memory of Vemmar or how he's called again and lose some souls again :D
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Tennenoth on May 18, 2014, 09:58:25 pm
After messing around with some pyromancy, specifically Chaos Storm, I headed back to Majula to level up once more. Having gotten into the habit of pressing right-click > back when in menus for a short time, I accidentally hit right click again, launching a Chaos Storm, point blank on the ground in front of the Emerald Herald.

I watched in fear as flames engulfed Miss. Green, I have never been so terrified for a virtual characters life... At least it wasn't because I cared for them, it was because they were highly useful for my own progression.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Rhaelys on May 18, 2014, 10:00:27 pm
After messing around with some pyromancy, specifically Chaos Storm, I headed back to Majula to level up once more. Having gotten into the habit of pressing right-click > back when in menus for a short time, I accidentally hit right click again, launching a Chaos Storm, point blank on the ground in front of the Emerald Herald.

I watched in fear as flames engulfed Miss. Green, I have never been so terrified for a virtual characters life... At least it wasn't because I cared for them, it was because they were highly useful for my own progression.

If she's angry at you, you can pay Cromwell the Pardoner souls to make her non-hostile.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Tennenoth on May 18, 2014, 10:01:57 pm
If she's angry at you, you can pay Cromwell the Pardoner souls to make her non-hostile.

I went straight to him, apparently I am sinless. She seems really very uncaring.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Gravoth_iii on May 18, 2014, 10:04:21 pm
I went straight to him, apparently I am sinless. She seems really very uncaring.

She likes it rough, she may not look like it but she does.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Fredom on May 18, 2014, 10:05:57 pm
I don't know when's the time to create a new char  :(
I am level 185 or something around that, have explored every, maybe 1 or 2 exceptions, chapter and just need to kill the King Vendrick, the Dark Boss im Drangleic Castle and the Ancient Dragon.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Tennenoth on May 18, 2014, 10:11:02 pm
I don't know when's the time to create a new char  :(
I am level 185 or something around that, have explored every, maybe 1 or 2 exceptions, chapter and just need to kill the King Vendrick, the Dark Boss im Drangleic Castle and the Ancient Dragon.

Personally, I followed the "Preparing for NG+" part of this:

I should say, don't read it unless you want spoilers/want to find or explore everything on your own!
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Kafein on May 18, 2014, 10:34:57 pm
She likes it rough, she may not look like it but she does.

Weakness : piercing, try but hole
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Vibe on May 18, 2014, 10:43:56 pm
I'm not going to NG+ (at least for now) since both my chars will be used for PvP, and NG+ PvP is too high SM where every build can do everything, there's so little diversity.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Joseph Porta on May 18, 2014, 11:58:10 pm
Cant kill the damn red phantom at undead purgatory.. When I hit him he just smashed right through, hitting me for atleast half health.  :evil:

Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Vibe on May 19, 2014, 12:04:29 am
Cant kill the damn red phantom at undead purgatory.. When I hit him he just smashed right through, hitting me for atleast half health.  :evil:

Yeah he's a heavy hitter, you'll need to dodge or kite him to bridge and ranged
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Kafein on May 19, 2014, 12:09:24 am
This guy pretty much explains why ranged will never be balanced in cRPG.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Joseph Porta on May 19, 2014, 12:20:03 am
Yeah he's a heavy hitter, you'll need to dodge or kite him to bridge and ranged
aboose, but i dont see a better way either this dudes poise must be sky high
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: IR_Kuoin on May 19, 2014, 12:57:14 am
You could try and man up and parry him :D

or kite him until you can run past him into the fog wall.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: SixThumbs on May 19, 2014, 04:08:32 am
I actually haven't found the people I've been invaded by OP so far in NG+

From what I understood SM still comes into effect until you hit 15mil~, and then once you hit 15mil you're matched with people down to a certain point and up to infinity. I think I'm sitting at about ~4 mil or something like that and I've beaten a majority of my invaders magickless and with an "underpowered" weapon.

I also didn't bother killing Vendrick or Ancient Dragon or any of the NPCs (although I thought about it and punched a couple of them in the face a few times).
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Vibe on May 19, 2014, 08:08:03 am
I've been called 3 times as blue spirit and 1 time as grey spirit in Doors of Pharos yesterday :o

In other news, completed the game for the second time yesterday, I only failed to retrieve souls once, so total souls lost (forever) was about 7000. Faith is so easy for PvE.

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Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Kafein on May 19, 2014, 10:30:05 am
That space between two walls in shaded burg "Fatty, therefore try jog"
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Joseph Porta on May 19, 2014, 11:02:02 am
You could try and man up and parry him :D

or kite him until you can run past him into the fog wall.
I tried it, but i'm too bad at parrying, the timing confuses me.. Illustrious mechanic  :P

Started a new game on my mates xbox, did Last Giant, Persuer, flexile sentry, the sinner, old dragonslayer, dragonknight in under 5 hours, I was pretty proud of myself! Did the last giant and persuer without a death. I can conclude that controller is superior in this game over keyboard/mouse
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Vibe on May 19, 2014, 11:06:15 am
That space between two walls in shaded burg "Fatty, therefore try jog"

Having played DkS1 without multiplayer I now realize what I have been missing on, some of these messages are histerical
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: IR_Kuoin on May 19, 2014, 12:08:57 pm
Chest ahead ;_;
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Kafein on May 19, 2014, 12:43:53 pm
Gorgeous view ! Visions of chest therefore try hand.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: IR_Kuoin on May 19, 2014, 10:31:34 pm
After all my endeavors the guilty has paid the price! Rank 2 in Blue Sentinels, and the power of WoG is with me!
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Tennenoth on May 19, 2014, 10:33:31 pm
After all my endeavors the guilty has paid the price! Rank 2 in Blue Sentinels, and the power of WoG is with me!

Just another 350 victories to go for rank three!
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Joseph Porta on May 19, 2014, 11:31:38 pm
Powered straight through skeleton lords, cavenous(?) demon and lady "snake next level medusa" without dying(easy bosses btw) and got my Dull Ember. SL 84 atm, and still going strong. Still got to do the undead chariot, though.

I have my bastard sword at +5 atm, but I don't know if I want to keep it as a permanent weapon. Anything you guys would suggest? My str is at 39 atm, and about 20 Dex.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Rhaelys on May 19, 2014, 11:45:39 pm
Powered straight through skeleton lords, cavenous(?) demon and lady "snake next level medusa" without dying(easy bosses btw) and got my Dull Ember. SL 84 atm, and still going strong. Still got to do the undead chariot, though.

I have my bastard sword at +5 atm, but I don't know if I want to keep it as a permanent weapon. Anything you guys would suggest? My str is at 39 atm, and about 20 Dex.

If you want to try out more greatswords, the claymore is a solid, solid weapon in both PvE and PvP. You can buy one from Head of Vengarl in the mist area of Shaded Woods.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: IR_Kuoin on May 19, 2014, 11:49:10 pm
Powered straight through skeleton lords, cavenous(?) demon and lady "snake next level medusa" without dying(easy bosses btw) and got my Dull Ember. SL 84 atm, and still going strong. Still got to do the undead chariot, though.

I have my bastard sword at +5 atm, but I don't know if I want to keep it as a permanent weapon. Anything you guys would suggest? My str is at 39 atm, and about 20 Dex.

You could try using the Zweihander or the standard Greatsword. Zweihander got a better curve for dealing with multiple mobs, but its slightly less damage than the greatsword. Bastard sword is pretty good I think, but if  you wanna get some real firepower out of your str then getting one of the two weapons is a good pick.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Joseph Porta on May 20, 2014, 12:05:34 am
If you want to try out more greatswords, the claymore is a solid, solid weapon in both PvE and PvP. You can buy one from Head of Vengarl in the mist area of Shaded Woods.

I will check it out for sure, what does the speed feel like? I'm ok with a little slow-mo, but some weapons just take it to the max.(huehue, blame game mechanic instead of my own lack of skill  8-) )

You could try using the Zweihander or the standard Greatsword. Zweihander got a better curve for dealing with multiple mobs, but its slightly less damage than the greatsword. Bastard sword is pretty good I think, but if  you wanna get some real firepower out of your str then getting one of the two weapons is a good pick.
sweeet, I actually just picked up the Zweihander on my way to the Dull Ember, I didnt even give it a good look as of yet! Question:
what does the speed feel like?

Ty for the tips!
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: IR_Kuoin on May 20, 2014, 12:09:15 am
Bastard could last 3 hits by the time the large greatswords have landed 2, but they do more damage and use a good chunk of stamina. The speed is pretty nice compared to the damage. I always go full STR with heavy weps on my first playthrough on all the souls games. Stay pure and don't pick up a bow or any kind of ranged, will make some areas way more challenging :D
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Rhaelys on May 20, 2014, 12:11:52 am
I will check it out for sure, what does the speed feel like? I'm ok with a little slow-mo, but some weapons just take it to the max.(huehue, blame game mechanic instead of my own lack of skill  8-) )
 sweeet, I actually just picked up the Zweihander on my way to the Dull Ember, I didnt even give it a good look as of yet! Question:
Ty for the tips!

I don't personally use greatsword-type weapons, but the claymore is definitely medium speed, solid damage, excellent animations. My recommendation is to try it out yourself so you can form your own impression, of course.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Joseph Porta on May 20, 2014, 12:18:17 am
Bastard could last 3 hits by the time the large greatswords have landed 2, but they do more damage and use a good chunk of stamina. The speed is pretty nice compared to the damage. I always go full STR with heavy weps on my first playthrough on all the souls games. Stay pure and don't pick up a bow or any kind of ranged, will make some areas way more challenging :D

Up untill now ive only ranged mobs like the poisonous butterflies at huntsmans corpse, and the red phantom infront of undead purgatory (please dont hate, you dont know how strong my hate rage was at the time) ive also invested a good bit into adp(19atm) i tend to play str-ish with a decent movement speed. Do you really think I should go beyond 50 str once i'm there?

I don't personally use greatsword-type weapons, but the claymore is definitely medium speed, solid damage, excellent animations. My recommendation is to try it out yourself so you can form your own impression, of course.
hmm, sounds good, I do have the Greatsword aswell but its a TAD bit too clunky to my liking. Will try the claymore for sure.  8-)
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Rhaelys on May 20, 2014, 12:25:15 am
Up untill now ive only ranged mobs like the poisonous butterflies at huntsmans corpse, and the red phantom infront of undead purgatory (please dont hate, you dont know how strong my hate rage was at the time) ive also invested a good bit into adp(19atm) i tend to play str-ish with a decent movement speed. Do you really think I should go beyond 50 str once i'm there?
 hmm, sounds good, I do have the Greatsword aswell but its a TAD bit too clunky to my liking. Will try the claymore for sure.  8-)

Just a note: the "Greatsword" is actually an Ultra-Greatsword class weapon. You can look at an item to see what item type it is.

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Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Joseph Porta on May 20, 2014, 12:28:29 am
Just a note: the "Greatsword" is actually an Ultra-Greatsword class weapon. You can look at an item to see what item type it is.

Oh, I didn't even know Ultra greatswords where a catagory of their own...   :| hehe, explains wy it eats my stamina like crazy!
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: SixThumbs on May 20, 2014, 01:45:41 am
A bastard sword got me all the way through my first playthrough and then some. The moveset is also my preferred choice for PVP.

I don't use it anymore but the weapon I have now has the same attacks.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Joseph Porta on May 20, 2014, 08:24:16 am
A bastard sword got me all the way through my first playthrough and then some. The moveset is also my preferred choice for PVP.

I don't use it anymore but the weapon I have now has the same attacks.

Nice! Ive alsoyet to face any real hindrance of the weapon, everything still looks to go good atm. it's still only practice that I need for certain bosses/mobs, never do I feel like my gear is causing me to lose.

What is it that you use now?
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Vibe on May 20, 2014, 08:25:02 am
Oh, I didn't even know Ultra greatswords where a catagory of their own...   :| hehe, explains wy it eats my stamina like crazy!

I was using a Claymore on my STR/FTH char the second run, it was great all the way up to last boss when you get an even better sword for FTH users. Claymore deals good damage at a decent speed and has a good moveset (lagstabs win pvp).

Ultra Greatswords are also good and deal massive damage, I've been oneshotted by buffed Ultra Greatswords a few times in PvP. But they do eat up your stamina quite fast - in that regard, you should really have at least 20 endurance.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Joseph Porta on May 20, 2014, 08:29:22 am
I was using a Claymore on my STR/FTH char the second run, it was great all the way up to last boss when you get an even better sword for FTH users. Claymore deals good damage at a decent speed and has a good moveset (lagstabs win pvp).

Ultra Greatswords are also good and deal massive damage, I've been oneshotted by buffed Ultra Greatswords a few times in PvP. But they do eat up your stamina quite fast - in that regard, you should really have at least 20 endurance.

Yeah im working up my endurance and vig atm (both are 14 or so) i also would like to get my carry weight a tad bit more, so I can min-max more on a little havier foot/glove armor.

If im right for DkS2 armor is not limb wise like in mount and blade? All defense counts to a single number?
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Vibe on May 20, 2014, 08:36:00 am
If im right for DkS2 armor is not limb wise like in mount and blade? All defense counts to a single number?

Pretty sure it works like that, yeah. But really, fashion souls > armor souls. There is a special place in hell for minmaxers in Dark Souls 2 - Havel's armor / Smelter head, Santiers with resonant weapon, Avelyn, invis weapon, batstaff poison etc
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Joseph Porta on May 20, 2014, 12:30:51 pm

I want this.

Pretty sure it works like that, yeah. But really, fashion souls > armor souls. There is a special place in hell for minmaxers in Dark Souls 2 - Havel's armor / Smelter head, Santiers with resonant weapon, Avelyn, invis weapon, batstaff poison etc

True true, I play on my alt with the imported tunic, because it is imo a pretttyy badass armor set.

Though the invis weapon ring is total badass if you use it like this:

Ugh, i need the official game :(
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Vibe on May 20, 2014, 12:53:42 pm
Avelyn + Greatsword is very Berserky indeed :D
The whole series is influenced by Berserk quite much, to be honest!
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: FRANK_THE_TANK on May 20, 2014, 12:58:58 pm
I've played through this bastard 4 times. And had to sit through the credits *sigh* 4 times as well.

For me it's a toss up between my faith my old friend and stranth crutch as far as PVP & PVE competitiveness goes. The dex build was enjoyable but by far and away the most fun I had was playing the game only using caestus and only wearing the brigand shorts with the Engraved Gauntles.

I named him Mohammad Ali and off I went on my merry tale of punching shit in the face. I killed every boss except for the king and the stupid dragon. I should have killed the king for the bad ass looking armour but this char is 100% fashionsouls so I either stuck to the brigand shorts with gauntlets or I wore the butterfly armour because of the lols of having a charcter named Mohammad Ali wearing a butterfly costume.

+10 caestus ftw.

It's crazy how good it can be against pretty much everything :/

Still you can get gimped by the cheap builds just as easily as everyone else.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: IR_Kuoin on May 20, 2014, 01:04:05 pm
Summoned someone doing that exact build with butterfly costume and all, just he was named Mike Tyson, for the church boss.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: FRANK_THE_TANK on May 20, 2014, 01:07:26 pm
Summoned someone doing that exact build with butterfly costume and all, just he was named Mike Tyson, for the church boss.

I, him and Gorge Foreman took on a few bosses together and then did a bunch of PVP. It was epic fun times. That's if names are exclusive and can only be used once.

What's you name in game???
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: IR_Kuoin on May 20, 2014, 01:11:13 pm
I, him and Gorge Foreman took on a few bosses together and then did a bunch of PVP. It was epic fun times. That's if names are exclusive and can only be used once.

What's you name in game???

My 2 main chars. are named Feit Demonsage and Lay(something) Demonsage and the other one is Melinda (doing full butcher cosplay) :D
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: FRANK_THE_TANK on May 20, 2014, 01:18:34 pm
My faith sinner is named Shitzy Le Poo. I went on a pretty good murder run with him and happily became a sinner. It makes invasion by blue jerks happen all the time in NG+ which can be a lot of fun.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: SixThumbs on May 20, 2014, 02:04:37 pm
Nice! Ive alsoyet to face any real hindrance of the weapon, everything still looks to go good atm. it's still only practice that I need for certain bosses/mobs, never do I feel like my gear is causing me to lose.

What is it that you use now?

The mastodon greatsword. It's the same thing really but has better strength scaling ('A' rating at +10) and overall damage but consumes maybe a centimeter or two more stamina.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Joseph Porta on May 20, 2014, 02:44:06 pm
The mastodon greatsword. It's the same thing really but has better strength scaling ('A' rating at +10) and overall damage but consumes maybe a centimeter or two more stamina.

Ill look into it! Ty!

I just started a new game, and I must say my plan went extremely well.

Started, got petrified something, dropped it and got pet drag remains, grabbed the morningstar, grabbed estus shard, went to kill the heide knight(kind of pointless) ran for the first bonfire in forest fallen giants, got lenigrasts key, went to cale for the house key, grabbed the estus shard in the house, went to heides tower, killed the dude with mace for bone dust, killed all the knights to elevate the platform at dragon knoght, lured the 2h knight infront walked past him to the dragonknight killed him, unlocked the bonfire, went to upgrade the estus flask with the bone dust, rushed to no mans warf, ran past all the mobs and got myself the greatsword at SL 27.

Fucking win, took me like 45 min lol.  8-)
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: SixThumbs on May 20, 2014, 02:54:53 pm
The ulta-greatswords are great for PVE. Lastnight I tried to PVP with the pursuer greatsword and zweihander though and it didn't work out so well.

The unbuffed pursuer sword did about a quarter of someone's health but it's all vertical attacks, slow recoveries, and From nerfed the rolling stab ulta-greatswords had in the first Dark Souls; you used to be able to come out of a roll and stab someone chasing directly behind you.

Zweihander I had a bit better success on because the R2 is a long range, unparriable stab and the R1 sweeps a giant arc around you but I couldn't punish someone who just wanted to run away and chug estus because of the long wind-ups; it does have decently short back-swing animations though.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Joseph Porta on May 20, 2014, 03:02:47 pm
Hmm, did you try switching between 1h/2h mode? The 1h mode has nice sweeping attacks imo.

Im still practicing with them, still missing alot of my overhead attacks, does not having the req 28 str decrease the damage aswell as the weapon speed?

I still one hit the hollow soldiers though  :P
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: SixThumbs on May 20, 2014, 03:28:58 pm
The speed of the attacks is the same all the time from what I understand, they even got rid of the flub animations from DK's not meeting the stat requirement. Two-handing effectively doubles your strength for that particular weapon so you can meet the requirements but you get less damage from the scaling.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Joseph Porta on May 20, 2014, 03:49:12 pm
The speed of the attacks is the same all the time from what I understand, they even got rid of the flub animations from DK's not meeting the stat requirement. Two-handing effectively doubles your strength for that particular weapon so you can meet the requirements but you get less damage from the scaling.
So if I wield my greatsword in 2h mode it only reqs 14 str? (28 str base req)
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: SixThumbs on May 20, 2014, 03:54:20 pm
So if I wield my greatsword in 2h mode it only reqs 14 str? (28 str base req)

Yes, this works for any weapon's strength requirements.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Patoson on May 20, 2014, 04:06:08 pm
You will also notice that when you don't meet the requirements and wield it as 1h, there is a red cross on the weapon's icon, and, when you switch to 2h, it disappears if the double STR meets the requirements.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: IR_Kuoin on May 20, 2014, 04:51:10 pm
The Greatsword is great for PvP, easy to bait with and not so easy to parry the overhead attacks as it is when using r1 1handed. It is a really versatile heavy weapon and I personally love it. If you managed to land the roll stab you can get 2 r1 hits off. Due to the long windup animation still kicking in if you wait for half a sec it is pretty easy to bait those pesky r1 katana spammers into attacking then swish swosh your attack suddenly hits them in the chin.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Joseph Porta on May 20, 2014, 04:58:09 pm
The Greatsword is great for PvP, easy to bait with and not so easy to parry the overhead attacks as it is when using r1 1handed. It is a really versatile heavy weapon and I personally love it. If you managed to land the roll stab you can get 2 r1 hits off. Due to the long windup animation still kicking in if you wait for half a sec it is pretty easy to bait those pesky r1 katana spammers into attacking then swish swosh your attack suddenly hits them in the chin.

I like it aswell but it takes some getting used to after having used the bastard sword for so long. But im all Guts'd up for it  8-)
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Joseph Porta on May 20, 2014, 07:11:11 pm
guys, I just 6 shot the last giant. and killed the persuer on my first try on the platform next to the bonfire.

getting this greatsword so early sure does pay off :D:D:D::D:D:D:D:D i'm laughing so hard atm
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: PieParadox on May 21, 2014, 01:48:01 am
by far the most annoying thing in pvp is people with resonant weapon and dark fog/bat staff.

people will just throw resonant weapon on a fast weapon such as katana or santier's spear (the most cheese weapon) and essentially do the same, if not more damage than a pure melee build. gg.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Rhaelys on May 21, 2014, 02:34:15 am
by far the most annoying thing in pvp is people with resonant weapon and dark fog/bat staff.

people will just throw resonant weapon on a fast weapon such as katana or santier's spear (the most cheese weapon) and essentially do the same, if not more damage than a pure melee build. gg.

Try gearing for dark resist. 30+ Int and 30+ Faith, Great Magic Barrier, Dispelling Ring, Dark Quartz Ring +2, Black Witch Robes, etc all combined together hoses Resonant Weapon damage.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Tot. on May 21, 2014, 03:34:15 am
Yeah, gear to counter one type of build and get wrecked by everything else, 10/10 advice.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: SixThumbs on May 21, 2014, 03:39:37 am
I tried using those resistance rings in arena depending on what I saw them buffing with and it made no noticeable difference, I guess if it's percentage based you're not going to get any use out of it if you just have the base stat resist.

Magic generally isn't so bad to avoid but there're those instances, and it happens with melee too, where you wonder how they hit you when the angle the spell fired was incorrect or the weapon/projectile doesn't even touch you. I even felt cheated in one duel where I swung and the guy was maybe 8ft away from me, although it happens more in the opponents favor usually.

Edit: Dark Fog isn't so bad if you have some moss on hand and they don't usually expect the person to just ignore it and actually use it as smokescreen for themselves.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: SirCymro_Crusader on May 21, 2014, 03:46:35 am
So I managed to finish the first Dark Souls today (Bit late I know  :lol:) found the last boss Gwyn pretty difficult with a sword and shield so I swapped to a 2H black Knight Halberd and managed to kill him in about ~10 hits (doing 300-400 damage per hit); thought it was an exceptionally good game, ragey at parts yes, but with a decent storyline, played a bit of NG+ and found out my halberd is OP as hell, (killed taurus, and stray demon in less than 20 hits).

My question is, is Dark Souls II worth the price it is currently at, or should I wait for it to come down in price (as i'm away for the entire summer)?
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Rhaelys on May 21, 2014, 03:48:38 am
Yeah, gear to counter one type of build and get wrecked by everything else, 10/10 advice.

Simple. Switch out elemental resist ring based on what your opponent is using, hose everything you can see.

By the way, 10 elemental defense = 1% reduction. So if you have 800 dark defense, you reduce dark damage you take to just 20%.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: TheAppleSauceMan on May 21, 2014, 06:25:29 am
Caved and bought it. Hoping the online community is decently active, 90% of my time in Demon's Souls and Dark Souls was spent PVPing and I expect this to be no different  :mrgreen:
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: FRANK_THE_TANK on May 21, 2014, 08:04:51 am
Caved and bought it. Hoping the online community is decently active, 90% of my time in Demon's Souls and Dark Souls was spent PVPing and I expect this to be no different  :mrgreen:

It is, just don't expect to get invaded very often until NG+ and even then. The souls memory thing is kind of odd and mucks things up a bit.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: FRANK_THE_TANK on May 21, 2014, 08:10:52 am
Ill look into it! Ty!

I just started a new game, and I must say my plan went extremely well.

Started, got petrified something, dropped it and got pet drag remains, grabbed the morningstar, grabbed estus shard, went to kill the heide knight(kind of pointless) ran for the first bonfire in forest fallen giants, got lenigrasts key, went to cale for the house key, grabbed the estus shard in the house, went to heides tower, killed the dude with mace for bone dust, killed all the knights to elevate the platform at dragon knoght, lured the 2h knight infront walked past him to the dragonknight killed him, unlocked the bonfire, went to upgrade the estus flask with the bone dust, rushed to no mans warf, ran past all the mobs and got myself the greatsword at SL 27.

Fucking win, took me like 45 min lol.  8-)

You can run to the dragon rider and stand on the edge of the plate form and gimp him into the water and then power on from their. I did that, then went straight to the chariot and joined the blood bros and went back to the forest at lvl 22 with a hand full of red eye orbs, what fun I had >:D


If you get a bow you can kill the chariot after you kill the first necromancer by shooting him as he drives past. It takes a million years but it means you can be in the bloodbros after killing two boss and being level sweet FA.

If you have a few chars and some good buddies you can be a total douche and pass gear from char to char to bounce it down to your soul level. +10 everything at lvl 22 in pvp is just a terrible thing to do to anyone, only a truly horrible douche canoe would do such a thing. I had a ball.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: FRANK_THE_TANK on May 21, 2014, 08:17:48 am
Fuck it may as well make it three...
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Vibe on May 21, 2014, 08:24:03 am
by far the most annoying thing in pvp is people with resonant weapon and dark fog/bat staff.

people will just throw resonant weapon on a fast weapon such as katana or santier's spear (the most cheese weapon) and essentially do the same, if not more damage than a pure melee build. gg.

Yeah, it's yet again one of those minmax builds. To be honest, if you don't have a weapon buff you're pretty much gimping yourself - pure melee will never do as much damage as a guy with a weapon buff. Heck, I tried a few rounds without a weapon buff and I was doing much less damage.

I do advise getting Great Magic Barrier if you have enough faith (or use sceptics spice), it's a great defense buff for all the magic shit that is flying around in arena.

In other news, I'm having fun invading in Dragon Shrine. It's hardly ever fair (for me), since they always have summons (1 out of 10 is a 1v1), but damn, so satisfying winning against multiple opponents by outsmarting them.
Yesterday I won a 1v4 (he resummoned once) and a couple of times against 1v3. Sunlight spear, while being useless in 1v1, comes quite in handy with ganks, the few times that I sniped the host while he was fighting one of those dragonshrine guards while two of his summons tried to get me 8-)
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Joseph Porta on May 21, 2014, 08:57:06 am
You can run to the dragon rider and stand on the edge of the plate form and gimp him into the water and then power on from their. I did that, then went straight to the chariot and joined the blood bros and went back to the forest at lvl 22 with a hand full of red eye orbs, what fun I had >:D


If you get a bow you can kill the chariot after you kill the first necromancer by shooting him as he drives past. It takes a million years but it means you can be in the bloodbros after killing two boss and being level sweet FA.

If you have a few chars and some good buddies you can be a total douche and pass gear from char to char to bounce it down to your soul level. +10 everything at lvl 22 in pvp is just a terrible thing to do to anyone, only a truly horrible douche canoe would do such a thing. I had a ball.

 I ussually kill the dragonrider on my first try so that isn't really a problem, his moveset is a laugh, easily avoidable. But I dont have the official game, sadly, so I can't play online..  :( when I manage to save some money I will buy it but untill then.. No PvP for porta.  :(
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Vibe on May 21, 2014, 09:05:24 am
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Vibe on May 21, 2014, 10:39:21 am
Also in other news, it seems that animations are faster and weapons degrade quicker when hitting corpses when you're on 60 FPS compared to 30 FPS. This gives people that play on 30 FPS an advantage, which is quite worrying (at least for PvP) :/

Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Joseph Porta on May 21, 2014, 11:38:39 am
Where the fuck is the logic in that.  :shock:
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Vibe on May 21, 2014, 11:44:42 am
the logic in this is that DS2 is still a shitty PC port
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Tennenoth on May 21, 2014, 11:46:12 am
Also in other news, it seems that animations are faster and weapons degrade quicker when hitting corpses when you're on 60 FPS compared to 30 FPS. This gives people that play on 30 FPS an advantage, which is quite worrying (at least for PvP) :/

So, each frame that the weapon is "active" inside a dead enemy will cause a tick of damage. I can't see why they would have repeated checks each frame, I suppose they could change it to have a variable flag so once per animation it will check, if they really want bodies to cause weapon degradation. I can only think that they didn't want another check each time an attack is started & completed, although viably they might be able to just use the "hit box" one.

I know nothing of game creation by the way, I'm just thinking while typing. On another note, would that mean that a 60fps attack would have more active frames too, if the animation length is still the same, just split into more frames..? I remember going all the way back to CoD 2, there was a jump that you could make if you were on 125fps or higher, simply because the input checks happened more frequently, so my thinking here is that if you damage your weapon more often, presumably because of more active frame checks, on a corpse, you'd have a better chance of hitting an enemy successfully, particularly with multiple hit type weapons (channellers's staff).

I'm probably just talking out of my arse though.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Vibe on May 21, 2014, 12:16:46 pm
So, each frame that the weapon is "active" inside a dead enemy will cause a tick of damage. I can't see why they would have repeated checks each frame, I suppose they could change it to have a variable flag so once per animation it will check, if they really want bodies to cause weapon degradation. I can only think that they didn't want another check each time an attack is started & completed, although viably they might be able to just use the "hit box" one.

I know nothing of game creation by the way, I'm just thinking while typing. On another note, would that mean that a 60fps attack would have more active frames too, if the animation length is still the same, just split into more frames..? I remember going all the way back to CoD 2, there was a jump that you could make if you were on 125fps or higher, simply because the input checks happened more frequently, so my thinking here is that if you damage your weapon more often, presumably because of more active frame checks, on a corpse, you'd have a better chance of hitting an enemy successfully, particularly with multiple hit type weapons (channellers's staff).

I'm probably just talking out of my arse though.

You're not actually. People do report it's easier to dodge with 30fps, as if you had more iFrames. Probably because it checks less often on 30 fps. It's also supposedly much easier to perform jump attacks and guard breaks (on KB+M) if you run with 30fps - again, probably because game detects input on a slower rate, thus accepting a bigger gap between you pressing the keys.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Tennenoth on May 21, 2014, 12:38:00 pm
You're not actually. People do report it's easier to dodge with 30fps, as if you had more iFrames. Probably because it checks less often on 30 fps. It's also supposedly much easier to perform jump attacks and guard breaks (on KB+M) if you run with 30fps - again, probably because game detects input on a slower rate, thus accepting a bigger gap between you pressing the keys.

To be fair, I've had to create macros in order to do those because I can't move that fast.

With regards to iframes, I suppose it would be easier to dodge, since each frame counts for twice the time, viably. More time to react, plus more lenience due to less checks per movement... Either that or there is a set number of iframes you get when you dodge, and those are played out in a smaller physical time, since more frames are played out. My assumption on iframes though is that they are played at the start of the animation and the end, so when you go into the roll, and when you come out of it, and each increase gives you more on the head and tail.

I expect game-devs that read my posts would laugh going "hah-hah, look at that application dev trying to make assumptions! Amateur."
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Kafein on May 21, 2014, 01:19:25 pm
It's just a case of game logic and graphics logic being poorly separated. DkS2 is no NFS Rivals though.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: SixThumbs on May 21, 2014, 03:56:57 pm
+10 everything at lvl 22 in pvp is just a terrible thing to do to anyone, only a truly horrible douche canoe would do such a thing. I had a ball.

I spent 1-2 hours being a dick lastnight in NG+ by getting summoned by the looking glass knight. The devs were extremely mean putting that mechanic in as he hits harder than any player will and if you know what you're doing it's impossible for the host to win.

After a certain point I just took my weapons off and put the ring on that made you look like a white phantom and spammed warmth, the host still died every time though.

I had heard about that discrepancy between 30 and 60 fps and it's kind of worrying that they would leave such an oversight in if it's true. I'm not sure I really expect much more from the game though in the way of patches and development though.

To harp to that familiar tune I don't understand why they would make an "overpowered"/borderline bugged weapon, even if it's supposed to be super secret and hard to find (in the age of the internet). Parry fishers and Havel's/Smelter heads are a joke but how am I supposed to dodge an attack between the netcode, the fact that the hitboxes don't match the model, and an attack that becomes active with little to no wind-up before hand when all weapons/spells have one?.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Joseph Porta on May 21, 2014, 04:43:56 pm
I am currently in the phase of constantly creating new characters to try out different builds/weapons. Tried a little magic just now but it is a fairly boring way to play, it mostly consists of kiting and blasting them..

Im kind of into lightning spear though, makes me feel Apollo'ish. Or zeus'ish :P
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Radament on May 21, 2014, 05:43:35 pm
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ooohh god laughed soo hard ahahahah
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: IR_Kuoin on May 21, 2014, 06:05:23 pm
So that is why my  80 durability weapon break faster than a fucking twig. I miss the good old times of Demon Souls and Dark Souls where weapons would hardly break on me. My 70 / 70 halberd almost broke down on the 3 skeleton boss alone ...
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Tennenoth on May 21, 2014, 06:28:14 pm
So that is why my  80 durability weapon break faster than a fucking twig. I miss the good old times of Demon Souls and Dark Souls where weapons would hardly break on me. My 70 / 70 halberd almost broke down on the 3 skeleton boss alone ...

I've taken to switching out my weapons until I hit boss, just so that I don't break my heavy hitter before I really need it.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Vibe on May 21, 2014, 06:29:41 pm
I've taken to switching out my weapons until I hit boss, just so that I don't break my heavy hitter before I really need it.

Yeah, I'm doing that + being REALLY careful that I don't perform extra swings after the target is dead. Just one swing after the target is dead and you can already see the bar drop by quite a bit.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Kafein on May 21, 2014, 06:48:37 pm
It's kinda funny to have more uses with magick than with weapons.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: SirCymro_Crusader on May 21, 2014, 06:55:50 pm
So I decided to buy it today  :rolleyes:

Not sure what I will play as but from experience magic or 2H is exceptionally powerful so I will probs build one of them
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Vibe on May 21, 2014, 07:01:38 pm
So I decided to buy it today  :rolleyes:

Not sure what I will play as but from experience magic or 2H is exceptionally powerful so I will probs build one of them

Pure melee have it the hardest, ranged is pretty easy, even more so if magic.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Tennenoth on May 21, 2014, 07:11:59 pm
Pure melee have it the hardest, ranged is pretty easy, even more so if magic.

Watching people try and run away from me to spam spells/shoot me in PvP is something I've come to covet, but in PvE, particularly when I am helping some, I feel like an idiot for diving left and right, slashing once or twice while nearby ally is just spamming spells.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: SixThumbs on May 21, 2014, 07:27:25 pm
I was salty before about being outplayed by a buffed santier (and one guy that switched to it after I beat him easily twice before) but if you don't waste a lot of the souls to deaths or unneeded items/upgrades I think strength melee is viable being able to outclass other builds in health, roll speed/distance through END, ADP and/or allowing heavier armors, and stamina (which is probably the most important part).

Avoiding damage is the priority otherwise you're going to lose out. But, I've won a majority of matches simply through pressuring opponents into attacking, rolling, blocking, etc.; and leaving them without stamina for when I still have enough to let one or two attacks off.

My biggest weakness at this point is accidentally draining my stamina bar completely for when I need to chase them down to stop them from healing.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: TheAppleSauceMan on May 21, 2014, 08:31:17 pm
Gonna roll a faith build and hope it works decently well in PvP! He's gonna be a melee focused faith build though, who will use miracles as somewhat of a sidearm.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Vibe on May 21, 2014, 08:40:37 pm
Gonna roll a faith build and hope it works decently well in PvP! He's gonna be a melee focused faith build though, who will use miracles as somewhat of a sidearm.

Works pretty well, just get the weapon and defense buff and lightning infuse shit and you're gonna be dealing a lot of damage.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: TheAppleSauceMan on May 21, 2014, 09:03:15 pm
That was the plan! Was gonna try this build out I think
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Also, does using a soul vessel to respec reset your Soul Memory or no? Been reading up on this whole SM feature for a bit now and it's coming off as very.....unattractive....

Seems like every new title FROM puts out in this series does a few good things to help PvP and then one BIG thing that hinders it. I just want lots of PvP that's decently fair, too much to ask?  :cry:
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Vibe on May 21, 2014, 09:08:06 pm
Soul Memory is the total amount of souls you collected, Soul Vessel only lets you reallocate those souls. And yes, SM is bad. But as long as you don't go over 15 million SM you'll be fine, above that there's no limit to characters you're matched with (facing 800 SL guys).
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: TheAppleSauceMan on May 21, 2014, 09:11:18 pm
Just hoping I don't end up facing guys 50 levels higher than me or more
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Vibe on May 21, 2014, 09:13:22 pm
I'm pvping in NG at 155-170 SL, about 2,7-2,8M SM, doesn't feel like I'm playing against overleveled guys. There's SM tiers for summoning, not sure how it works for dueling arena though but it feels fair so far.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: TheAppleSauceMan on May 21, 2014, 09:22:19 pm
I'm pvping in NG at 155-170 SL, about 2,7-2,8M SM, doesn't feel like I'm playing against overleveled guys. There's SM tiers for summoning, not sure how it works for dueling arena though but it feels fair so far.

Well that's not too bad then.  :D

I know I'm probably late to the party but damn this game is pretty. The sea in Majula is seriously gorgeous. Definitely falling in love with the graphics, maybe cuz I'm used to Dark Souls and Demon's Souls, both on console.

Any recommended weapons or items to grab early on? Something like the Drake Sword in DkS1? And what would be a good faith weapon to grab early on?

Sorry for 20 questions, half the fun of this series is learning new stuff for me though  :D
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: SirCymro_Crusader on May 21, 2014, 09:23:14 pm
Not a clue what im doing right now, got 2 estus flasks (shards needed right?) killed the first boss the dragonrider or whatever his name is. Went swordsman class, already not liking it :D
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Banok on May 21, 2014, 09:29:06 pm

not recommended.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: TheAppleSauceMan on May 21, 2014, 09:29:15 pm
Not a clue what im doing right now, got 2 estus flasks (shards needed right?) killed the first boss the dragonrider or whatever his name is. Went swordsman class, already not liking it :D

The class or the game? Bwaha
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: SirCymro_Crusader on May 21, 2014, 09:30:12 pm
The class or the game? Bwaha

The class haha, not a clue where I am, where I'm going or even what the hell i'm doing :D

EDIT: I think I went to the wrong place first haha
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Tot. on May 21, 2014, 09:34:15 pm
Just hoping I don't end up facing guys 50 levels higher than me or more


If it was just 50 levels.

Entire endgame in DS2 has a friday afternoon designing vibe and soul memory is the pinnacle of the stupidity. Soul memory was supposed to protect your everyday George from low level twinks and PVPers with optimized builds looking for a fight, and now thanks to soul memory George the Casual who loses 50% of the souls he earns is getting matched against veterans who lose nothing and spent everything on making their characters better.

And thats just the smaller problem, the actual retardation is that you cant keep your soul memory low because you keep earning souls even while exlusively PVPing with your SL150. In other words, no matter what you do (except not playing) you will eventually enter the tier of SL600 havelmonsters.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: TheAppleSauceMan on May 21, 2014, 09:36:04 pm

If it was just 50 levels.

Entire endgame in DS2 has a friday afternoon designing vibe and soul memory is the pinnacle of the stupidity. Soul memory was supposed to protect your everyday George from low level twinks and PVPers with optimized builds looking for a fight, and now thanks to soul memory George the Casual who loses 50% of the souls he earns is getting matched against veterans who lose nothing and spent everything on making their characters better.

And thats just the smaller problem, the actual retardation is that you cant keep your soul memory low because you keep earning souls even while exlusively PVPing with your SL150. In other words, no matter what you do (except not playing) you will eventually enter the tier of SL600 havelmonsters.

So basically what you're saying is, my best bet is to become on of those SL600 bastards.  :wink:
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Tot. on May 21, 2014, 09:51:59 pm
So basically what you're saying is, my best bet is to become on of those SL600 bastards. 

Well, if you are just starting out then its nothing to be concerned about and I guess there is a chance that From will fix this before you get to that point.   :wink:

Any recommended weapons or items to grab early on? Something like the Drake Sword in DkS1? And what would be a good faith weapon to grab early on?

You will get a very good faith weapon and Drake sword equivalent fairly early in the game by just playing the normal route.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: IR_Kuoin on May 21, 2014, 10:01:40 pm
That build kinda sucked, make your own faith build, you might not like his build. The stats are pretty weak on his build anyway :P

Good starting wep for faith users is the Heide sword, you can get it from the first Heide knight in Forrest of the fallen giants.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: TheAppleSauceMan on May 21, 2014, 10:25:38 pm
That build kinda sucked, make your own faith build, you might not like his build. The stats are pretty weak on his build anyway :P

Good starting wep for faith users is the Heide sword, you can get it from the first Heide knight in Forrest of the fallen giants.

Recommended adjustments? Too high of faith on it? Too low of everything else?

Yeah tried to grab it and got my ass kicked, did not expect the quick turn-around slash haha.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Tot. on May 21, 2014, 10:42:02 pm
If you mean this
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then it could use some improvements.

1. You dont need INT at all as Faith build, so you should start as bandit/knight (lowest INT), so you dont waste SLs.
2. Way too low ADP and hp.
3. Why SL 120?

Something like this is better:

(click to show/hide)

Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: TheAppleSauceMan on May 21, 2014, 10:59:43 pm
Ahhh fair enough! Well I already started as a Cleric so probably a bit late for that. But it is my first playthrough so my real PvP character will probably be my second toon.  :D
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Vibe on May 21, 2014, 11:02:35 pm
Yeah, that build has way too much spread out stats. This is my build on the FTH char - mind you this was no preplanning and I just put points where it felt right putting them (imo I have a bit too much ATN):

(click to show/hide)

Also, what Tot said is very true. Because of what SM is, it's unavoidable and it'll keep increasing, unless you only do Brotherhood of Blood arena. So I'm currently just making new chars every time I complete NG and also doing some BoB PvP and hoping they'll do something with this shit. That being said, does From even patch their released games or is this just empty hopesH
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: IR_Kuoin on May 21, 2014, 11:26:44 pm
30 ATN lol :D

Remind me of my old Dark Souls PvP build where I looked wrong and put 32 ATN instead of Dex, thank god for respec!
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Joseph Porta on May 21, 2014, 11:55:27 pm
So i'm curious to wether a hoplite style of play could be viable, because as I see it now its just complete crap.. The reach could be argued as an advantage but in practice the attacks with spear/board combo ussually leave you open for attacks.

Any tips though? I am dying to get this to work but I dont seem to grasp it.. At all.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Rhaelys on May 21, 2014, 11:55:30 pm
Honestly if you're not doing SL150 fight clubs there is literally no reason to keep yourself capped at any specific soul level such as 150 unless you just want to give yourself a handicap against opponents. Eventually your soul memory will outstrip your chosen SL and you'll be fighting SL250+ people. And since the Brotherhood of Blood arena doesn't care about Soul Memory OR Soul Level (just what journey you're in, ie NG, NG+, etc) if you go into the BoB arena at SL150 enjoy fighting against people who are SL300 such as myself.

The equivalent analogy is keeping yourself capped at level 25 in cRPG (not spending attributes or skill points beyond what you would have at level 25, of course).
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: IR_Kuoin on May 22, 2014, 12:09:43 am
So i'm curious to wether a hoplite style of play could be viable, because as I see it now its just complete crap.. The reach could be argued as an advantage but in practice the attacks with spear/board combo ussually leave you open for attacks.

Any tips though? I am dying to get this to work but I dont seem to grasp it.. At all.

Spear in one hand, sword in other :D

Gives you lots of variations if the enemy is a slippy slopper and a curve attack would suit better.

Also I've gotten all my chars. over 150 after some time, my lowest for PvP is on 155 SL atm.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Tot. on May 22, 2014, 12:14:08 am
So i'm curious to wether a hoplite style of play could be viable, because as I see it now its just complete crap.. The reach could be argued as an advantage but in practice the attacks with spear/board combo ussually leave you open for attacks.

Any tips though? I am dying to get this to work but I dont seem to grasp it.. At all.

You know that with spear you can attack while blocking with the shield at the same time, right? I'd say that spear and shield is probably the easiest to use and most effective melee build for PVE in Souls games.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Joseph Porta on May 22, 2014, 12:23:34 am
You know that with spear you can attack while blocking with the shield at the same time, right? I'd say that spear and shield is probably the easiest to use and most effective melee build for PVE in Souls games.

Foreals!? Like the hollow soldier spearmen underneath the cardinal tower?

Spear in one hand, sword in other :D

Gives you lots of variations if the enemy is a slippy slopper and a curve attack would suit better.

Also I've gotten all my chars. over 150 after some time, my lowest for PvP is on 155 SL atm.

Hmm, use the sword up close and the spear for surprise reach stabs? Reckon i'd use the pike then as reach weapon and a decent hitter 1h for nuke damage?

And i'm pretty convinced I don't like magic, god thats boring after having melee'd all the bosses :D
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: IR_Kuoin on May 22, 2014, 01:17:28 am
Top lel, random invaded in Drangleic, he died in 2 hits and chugged, lol'd real hard when I saw on player met that I had him on steam :D
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: SirCymro_Crusader on May 22, 2014, 01:55:18 am
Although only lvl ~35 I tried MP today.

Summoned a phantom to help with a boss - he killed the boss by shooting him with ballista  :lol:

Then I decided to invade, first one was an easy win, second one I got utterly destroyed but the third I lost but the lag was ridiculous, I dodged half his attacks but they counted as hits, I also did 2 backstabs the animation started bu for some reason it never went through, really annoyed me.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Vibe on May 22, 2014, 10:07:20 am
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Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Tennenoth on May 22, 2014, 10:15:29 am
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I need to start posting everything that I see on the Dark Souls 2 reddit! :P
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Kafein on May 22, 2014, 12:03:43 pm
I need to start posting everything that I see on the Dark Souls 2 reddit! :P

This is pretty much this thread

(click to show/hide)
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Vibe on May 22, 2014, 12:05:02 pm

(click to show/hide)
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Joseph Porta on May 22, 2014, 12:05:23 pm
This is pretty much this thread

(click to show/hide)

Vibe, such a beauty.

I just bought the game guys.. With the money that shouldve been for health care insurance.

Worth it, doe.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Kafein on May 22, 2014, 12:11:52 pm
Vibe, such a beauty.

I just bought the game guys.. With the money that shouldve been for health care insurance.

Worth it, doe.

Healthcare ?

Insurance ?

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Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Joseph Porta on May 22, 2014, 12:17:57 pm
Healthcare ?

Insurance ?

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My new, better life in Drangleic doesn't have healthcare, you are right! Now I will only have to kill some undeads and rob them of their soul to stay healthy. plus funeral costs are like nihil.  8-)
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Kafein on May 22, 2014, 12:24:24 pm
My new, better life in Drangleic doesn't have healthcare, you are right! Now I will only have to kill some undeads and rob them of their soul to stay healthy. plus funeral costs are like nihil.  8-)

You will understand the true meaning of my post. In time.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Joseph Porta on May 22, 2014, 12:40:28 pm
You will understand the true meaning of my post. In time.

Its the ring that lets you keep your souls on death but it breaks and needs fixing for 3k, right? God damn, its real life all over again!  :cry:
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Vibe on May 22, 2014, 12:54:40 pm
it is zeh scrub ring
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Joseph Porta on May 22, 2014, 12:56:02 pm
I found the 3k soul cost to be too expensive, yes im cheap like that..  :mrgreen:

Also, in the room next to Pate, the one with the Pharros contaption, if you hit the door with a weapon the undeads inside will open it, and thers a neat ring inside!(forgot which one..) Took me three accounts of SL50+ to find that out.  8-) I raged a bit at the door as I didnt know how to open it, and suddenly the hollowed soldiers opened the gates! Just for me! :D
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Vibe on May 22, 2014, 01:01:14 pm
That one has the Chloranthy (or whatever it's called) ring + Titanite slab - chloranty ring is for stam regen
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Joseph Porta on May 22, 2014, 01:02:26 pm
That one has the Chloranthy (or whatever it's called) ring + Titanite slab - chloranty ring is for stam regen
Nope, thats the one you open with the pharros contraption. I mean the door adjecent to the poison chest.
What the fuck did it hold.. Gerd, less 420 for me..

Btw, the first time i opened the trap chest with the white light coming out I was like "wow, that looks as if it is a friendly effect!". Oh, how wrong I was.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: IR_Kuoin on May 22, 2014, 01:07:08 pm
Haha. My first playthrough I literally punched every  chest before opening it, fucking mimics ;_;
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Joseph Porta on May 22, 2014, 02:03:46 pm
Haha. My first playthrough I literally punched every  chest before opening it, fucking mimics ;_;

Does hitting the chest disarm the trap?

The first time i encountered a undead chest trap i fucking jumped from my battlestation aswell.. :D
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: IR_Kuoin on May 22, 2014, 02:09:29 pm
Hitting it makes it aggro, just be careful and don't smash it to pieces like I did numerous times by mistake :|
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Patoson on May 22, 2014, 02:10:55 pm
He's talking about chests with traps, not mimic chests. He probably hasn't found a mimic yet.  :D
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Overdriven on May 22, 2014, 02:17:49 pm
Was the same in DS. After the first mimic, which made me jump like hell the first time I ever encountered it, I just hit every check I came across.

Still need to buy this. But imagine I will do the same here  :)
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Tennenoth on May 22, 2014, 02:22:48 pm
Was the same in DS. After the first mimic, which made me jump like hell the first time I ever encountered it, I just hit every check I came across.

Still need to buy this. But imagine I will do the same here  :)

My first mimic made my character jump like hell, let alone me...
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Kafein on May 22, 2014, 02:50:11 pm
These designers know exactly how to put mimics in their games. There are no mimics throughout the first half of the game which makes you think there are none, then bam. It's the same in DkS, except the first one is in Sen's Fortress which is the most traumatic place, hence the only really cheap death being there just makes it even worse.

By the way, this is how I detect mimics:
(click to show/hide)
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: SixThumbs on May 22, 2014, 03:08:06 pm
R.I.P. Queen Kong

My first character and the one I spent a majority of my time playing the game with save file's corrupted.

SL 212 and about 85% of the way through NG+


Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: IR_Kuoin on May 22, 2014, 03:36:36 pm
That made me make a copy of my save file :P
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: SixThumbs on May 22, 2014, 03:42:20 pm
I'm glad someone got something good out of it.  :cry:
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: IR_Kuoin on May 22, 2014, 03:50:49 pm
I know how you feel. I lost 5 PvP characters and 1 PvE character when I reformatted my PC. Forgot to save the gamefile ...
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: SixThumbs on May 22, 2014, 04:05:55 pm
I guess this gives me an excuse to do a better run through with that same build and set-up, although at the SM I was at I missed maybe 5 levels so it's not like it mattered.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Joseph Porta on May 22, 2014, 05:28:33 pm
R.I.P. Queen Kong

My first character and the one I spent a majority of my time playing the game with save file's corrupted.

SL 212 and about 85% of the way through NG+

Do you have an idea what caused it?

He's talking about chests with traps, not mimic chests. He probably hasn't found a mimic yet.  :D

I have, oh how I have.. T'was a sad day, but thankfully i already found the hidden bonfire at earthen peak!  8-)

In other news, Now that I have the full game im super excited to see how this PvP will work out.
Also, i'm on a serious rekkin' roll atm. Played 2-3 hrs this afternoon, got to kill TLG, TP, Dragonknight and Old Dragonslayer. Died three times, racked up 14 Human Effigys. SL 48, all boss souls in my item box.

Tl;dr: im getting the hang of this game  8-) only died three times once @ TP and once @ Old dragonslayer. And fell from a ledge at 40% hp, so lame.

Just got to rek Tenne once I can PvP  8-)
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Vibe on May 22, 2014, 05:34:48 pm
I have, oh how I have.. T'was a sad day, but thankfully i already found the hidden bonfire at earthen peak!  8-)

Btw, are you playing with keyboard and mouse? If you are, you really should be using a script.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Joseph Porta on May 22, 2014, 05:36:38 pm
Btw, are you playing with keyboard and mouse? If you are, you really should be using a script.

I am, what script do you mean?

Btw, the chamber that the hollows open holds the ring that reduces hollowed HP debuff.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Vibe on May 22, 2014, 05:40:34 pm
I am, what script do you mean?

Btw, the chamber that the hollows open holds the ring that reduces hollowed HP debuff.

An autohotkey script that rebinds ingame keyboard attacks to mouse and all that jazz, default mouse buttons have a pretty big delay from when you press to attack to when you actually attack. You can test it out yourself ingame, press the mouse button to attack and then try out the keyboard to attack.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: SixThumbs on May 22, 2014, 06:16:12 pm
Do you have an idea what caused it?

Don't alt+f4 out until you go back to the menu screen?

Even after all this time spent playing the cadence of AI attacks and just the AI in general still confuse the crap out of me. That "1, 2 and... and... and... 3" attack still gets me from time to time.

I just died because a red phantom did a leaping attack and even though I rolled past him and he was airborne he tracked me 180o and then two of the enemies I watched turn around and leave to go back to their spawn point came running back and finished the job.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Kafein on May 22, 2014, 07:16:21 pm
That "1, 2 and... and... and... 3" attack still gets me from time to time.

This is pretty much the standard trick that DS humanoid mobs do to bait you, ever since the first game.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Vibe on May 22, 2014, 07:22:19 pm
I was getting hit consecutively by a guy WHILE I was backstabbing him. DS2 PvP people
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: IR_Kuoin on May 22, 2014, 08:38:21 pm
Aye, lag on Dark Souls 2 is even worse than the last ones. Here damage will register after you've been hit. Had a fight on PS3 where my enemy died from the hits I got him with 5 sec earlier. And we were mid-fight then suddenly the damage activated.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: TheAppleSauceMan on May 22, 2014, 10:17:27 pm
If any of you are having troubles with lag in PvP maybe try turning off cross-region play in the menus? Not sure if that's the cause but noticed it earlier and figured it's worth a shot if you're lagging excessively!
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Tennenoth on May 22, 2014, 10:38:00 pm
I am, what script do you mean?

I'll add it to your script.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: TheAppleSauceMan on May 22, 2014, 10:39:49 pm
Something just struck me! So say you're a SL150 just trying to PvP, but inevitably your SM is going to go up over time due to various reasons, couldn't you simply avoid that by using that save backup, just backup your save, and whenever your SM gets higher just revert back to the old one? You'd have the same gear and such, just lower SM! I could definitely be wrong, haven't used that Save Backup mod at all, just a thought though.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Tennenoth on May 22, 2014, 10:42:21 pm
Something just struck me! So say you're a SL150 just trying to PvP, but inevitably your SM is going to go up over time due to various reasons, couldn't you simply avoid that by using that save backup, just backup your save, and whenever your SM gets higher just revert back to the old one? You'd have the same gear and such, just lower SM! I could definitely be wrong, haven't used that Save Backup mod at all, just a thought though.

Viable, but if you're doing something such as the Brotherhood of Blood, and you're trying to rank it up, then you'll lose that progress along with the save switch. (Naturally, since it's all in the save file :D) It'd be great to switch out saves like that if you're literally just going for the PvP. :)
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: IR_Kuoin on May 22, 2014, 10:46:33 pm
Something just struck me! So say you're a SL150 just trying to PvP, but inevitably your SM is going to go up over time due to various reasons, couldn't you simply avoid that by using that save backup, just backup your save, and whenever your SM gets higher just revert back to the old one? You'd have the same gear and such, just lower SM! I could definitely be wrong, haven't used that Save Backup mod at all, just a thought though.

Could work, but could also be risky in case your save gets fucked up :P
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Vibe on May 22, 2014, 10:52:40 pm
what could work as well was if From simply unfucked the game

also @Apple, cross region checking is only to not get matched with Japan or something like that
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: TheAppleSauceMan on May 22, 2014, 10:54:42 pm
what could work as well was if From simply unfucked the game

True, but in the meantime I think I'm gonna give this a shot. I don't much care for ranks, I just want to PvP without fighting against people hundreds of levels above me  :mrgreen:

Also, this build is hilariously easy looking. I might have to try this at some point, it's so ridiculous lol.

On a side note, how do you embed a YouTube video on here, tried using the Embed button on here, as well as pasting the URL, and then tried the Embed code directly off the video, no such luck though.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Joseph Porta on May 22, 2014, 11:03:46 pm
I'll add it to your script.

You're the best <3
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: IR_Kuoin on May 22, 2014, 11:04:50 pm
My new cosplay character, one awestone to the one who guesses correct:

(click to show/hide)

PS: endgame scene so don't open unless you want to see potential spoiler :D
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Vibe on May 22, 2014, 11:06:13 pm
I'll refrain from guessing because I already know :P
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Rhaelys on May 22, 2014, 11:36:51 pm
Something just struck me! So say you're a SL150 just trying to PvP, but inevitably your SM is going to go up over time due to various reasons, couldn't you simply avoid that by using that save backup, just backup your save, and whenever your SM gets higher just revert back to the old one? You'd have the same gear and such, just lower SM! I could definitely be wrong, haven't used that Save Backup mod at all, just a thought though.

People do in fact do that. The only question then becomes if you're willing to swap your saves every so often in order to continously play at SL150 and the desired SM bracket.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: SixThumbs on May 23, 2014, 06:42:13 am
So, "C:\Users\**username**\AppData\Roaming\DarkSoulsII\0110000104c542ed" is where the save file is located right?

Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Joseph Porta on May 23, 2014, 10:17:17 am
I think someone mentioned there was a save backup mod? But im not sure.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: IR_Kuoin on May 23, 2014, 11:46:18 am
 Tip: his facial hair :D
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Gravoth_iii on May 23, 2014, 12:57:06 pm
That guy from that one anime? he had a yellow mustache though..
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Vibe on May 23, 2014, 01:29:11 pm
That guy from that one anime? he had a yellow mustache though..

You're thinking this but it's not him :p
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Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: IR_Kuoin on May 23, 2014, 01:51:14 pm
He is from an anime yes, a very old one and still going strong.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Joseph Porta on May 23, 2014, 02:42:01 pm
You're thinking this but it's not him :p
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Thats what I thought aswell, lol. Awesome character  8-)
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Gravoth_iii on May 23, 2014, 02:45:39 pm
Pretty much the only one i liked from the entire series. Cant believe i watched it all  :?

Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: autobus on May 23, 2014, 03:07:39 pm
(click to show/hide)
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Tennenoth on May 23, 2014, 08:26:10 pm
Oh that was wonderful.

Was helping a fellow clan mate and we got invaded, in the corridor heading towards Velstadt. We had cleared the area and were waiting for another friend to join us. The invader decided to ring the bell underneath the stairs to be a dick. Great I thought, the perfect opportunity to finally test the Seed of Giants. I dropped one for the host to use and charged the invader. He stood there, as an enemy cast a soul barrage type attack straight into his back, he seemed quite shocked at this and turned tail just as another one stabbed him in the neck.

That brought a smile to my face, you got out dicked good sir.

Ahahha, apparently it has quite a long activity time. We got invaded a second time while faffing around trying to find the second summon and were invaded again. He instantly realised what was happening so he started running around. Benny hill music starts playing and I end up chasing him around in circles avoiding the enemies for about 5 minutes while my two allies stand and laugh. Apparently I'm better at dodging the AI than he is.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Radament on May 23, 2014, 08:50:16 pm
suggest me  a build pls , i'm going crazy , started as warrior and want to make a str build without magic.
(not necessarily pvp build cause i want to beat the game before doing builds myself and go full retard on other people)
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Gravoth_iii on May 23, 2014, 09:02:20 pm
suggest me  a build pls , i'm going crazy , started as warrior and want to make a str build without magic.
(not necessarily pvp build cause i want to beat the game before doing builds myself and go full retard on other people)

minimum required stats for the weapon then use the rest for attunement and fth/int and get a weapon buff.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Radament on May 23, 2014, 09:11:45 pm
minimum required stats for the weapon then use the rest for attunement and fth/int and get a weapon buff.

actually didn't want any type of magic involved except magic weapons for the +add bonus with magic.

was thinking going with this for pve only -->
(click to show/hide)

it seems good but requires some items that i need to find and str req for dula weilding the greatswords for make it effective...

edit*: found out it's sl250...
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: SixThumbs on May 23, 2014, 09:38:28 pm
If you want to dual wield I don't really have any experience but for greatswords/ultra-greatswords and just 2-handing them I would get about 20 strength and ~10-15 dex to use the early strength weapons. Remember that you can two-hand strength weapons as long as you have half of the required strength. Using two weapons requires 1.5 the str and dex requirements of the given weapons.

Starting out, depending on which class you pick, I would get endurance up to at least 10 before putting points into anything so you can attack a couple times and then be able to dodge out of the way to fill your stamina tank up again. After you get a minimum amount for whatever weapon you're going to be using at the beginning I would raise ADP until your agility is about 95ish, then go back to END and VIG for health and stamina; a bit of VIT if you want to wear heavier equipment and roll further.

I personally prefer 100-105 agility because I don't have a shield to rely on. The minimum stat requirement for a weapon is alright to start with, especially with ulta-greatswords you're going to be 1-2 shotting most normal enemies anyway.

This is where I'm at right now rebuilding my first character:

(click to show/hide)

I plan on eventually getting 30 str, then either 20 dex or going to 40 at least with VIG and END. The most important part for damage output early on though is just upgrading your weapon of choice.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: IR_Kuoin on May 23, 2014, 09:44:21 pm
Beat Vendrick on my second try today (a bit late :D)

He hits like a truck but very easy to dodge, my hands were sweating thinking about the fact that two hits and I'm dead :D
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: TheAppleSauceMan on May 23, 2014, 09:48:26 pm
actually didn't want any type of magic involved except magic weapons for the +add bonus with magic.

was thinking going with this for pve only -->
(click to show/hide)

it seems good but requires some items that i need to find and str req for dula weilding the greatswords for make it effective...

edit*: found out it's sl250...

I'd suggest this, it's only SL135 and has the ability to go higher and get even better, you can watch some of his other videos where he's using it in PvE and PvP, definitely wrecks, rolling this on my next toon.  :D

(click to show/hide)

EDIT: Anyone know why it's just showing the URL when I post YouTube videos? Won't let me embed it directly.  :|
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Vibe on May 23, 2014, 09:50:39 pm
I'd suggest this, it's only SL135 and has the ability to go higher and get even better, you can watch some of his other videos where he's using it in PvE and PvP, definitely wrecks, rolling this on my next toon.  :D

EDIT: Anyone know why it's just showing the URL when I post YouTube videos? Won't let me embed it directly.  :|

under youtube video click on share and copypaste that link
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: SixThumbs on May 23, 2014, 09:51:30 pm
Beat Vendrick on my second try today (a bit late :D)

He hits like a truck but very easy to dodge, my hands were sweating thinking about the fact that two hits and I'm dead :D

I didn't kill him when I beat the game, was actually kind of depressing when I got down there and saw him.

(Take the "s" out of 'https://')
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: TheAppleSauceMan on May 23, 2014, 09:52:17 pm
Thanks guys!
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Radament on May 23, 2014, 10:18:08 pm
it's only me or this thread is fucked up a bit?

it's all Vibe's fault ahahaha
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Vibe on May 23, 2014, 10:19:31 pm
Casually sharing my AHK script, took a bit from Tot and modified for myself:

Code: [Select]
#IfWinActive ahk_class DarkSouls2   
F1::Suspend    ;<- suspends the script if for some reason you have to (shouldnt happen though)
^LButton::MouseClick, left     ;<--  this allows using normal mouse clicks when you hold ctrl
^RButton::MouseClick, right

;Right Weapon Attacks

;Left Weapon Attacks

;Shield Bash
SetKeyDelay -1
Send {Blind}{w down}
Send {Blind}{H down}
Sleep 100
Send {Blind}{w up}
Send {Blind}{H up}

;Jump attack
SetKeyDelay -1
Send {Blind}{w down}
Send {Blind}{G down}
Sleep 100
Send {Blind}{w up}
Send {Blind}{G up}

It is meant to be used with a 4 button mouse:
mouse1 is normal right attack
mouse2 power right attack
mouse3 block/normal left attack
mouse4 parry/power left attack
R is shield bash
C is jump attack

(i have E and F binded in game for use/action)

I noticed that shield bash and jump attacks failed 70% of the time with only 20 Sleep in between, when I upped that to 100 it now executes without fail.

it's only me or this thread is fucked up a bit?

yeah its fugged, apple needs to fix that youtube link/tag

nvm it was actually me quoting him :D
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Gravoth_iii on May 23, 2014, 10:22:30 pm
wtf have you done vibe? WTF IS GOING ON VIBE?!

edit: everythings cool now

seriously though, you should go fuck up other threads like that.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Radament on May 23, 2014, 10:26:04 pm
Casually sharing my AHK script, took a bit from Tot and modified for myself:

Code: [Select]
#IfWinActive ahk_class DarkSouls2   
F1::Suspend    ;<- suspends the script if for some reason you have to (shouldnt happen though)
^LButton::MouseClick, left     ;<--  this allows using normal mouse clicks when you hold ctrl
^RButton::MouseClick, right

;Right Weapon Attacks

;Left Weapon Attacks

;Shield Bash
SetKeyDelay -1
Send {Blind}{w down}
Send {Blind}{H down}
Sleep 100
Send {Blind}{w up}
Send {Blind}{H up}

;Jump attack
SetKeyDelay -1
Send {Blind}{w down}
Send {Blind}{G down}
Sleep 100
Send {Blind}{w up}
Send {Blind}{G up}

It is meant to be used with a 4 button mouse:
mouse1 is normal right attack
mouse2 power right attack
mouse3 block/normal left attack
mouse4 parry/power left attack
R is shield bash
C is jump attack

(i have E and F binded in game for use/action)

I noticed that shield bash and jump attacks failed 70% of the time with only 20 Sleep in between, when I upped that to 100 it now executes without fail.

yeah its fugged, apple needs to fix that youtube link/tag

nvm it was actually me quoting him :D

i'm a bit confused with keyboard keybindings but i found a fix on the internet for the jump attack and shield guard break rebinding right attack on q and right strong attack on i decided to fuk jump attack cus i'm not pvping and using "e" as interact cause it's simpler than "t" or "enter" eheh.

shield bash on shift ,  R strong attack (double click) , R attack (left click) , L attack on tab

omg i'm so confuzed
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Vibe on May 23, 2014, 10:47:02 pm
oh man dual poison daggers for pvp, so annoying for enemy, so fun for me
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Banok on May 23, 2014, 10:58:46 pm
WHAT THE FUCK, with this games difficulty.

I was doing a no shield playthrough of darksouls 1 recently and struggled with parts but overall found it way too easy since I had the know how.

So I came into ds2 way overconfident, I picked a class with no shield. I am being anally raped.

part of it seems to be I die 20 times, then realise this surely cant be the right way, so try and different path and same thing happens. but its way more confusing where to go than I remember ds1 being.

Its coming back to my main gripe with DS1, I want to play the game WITHOUT looking things up, but the game designers force you to. I mean seriously there was no way I was ever going to figure out how to level up without looking that up, and what a shitty new system.

well I rage quit from deing 100 times with half health and no clue where to go, but I'm determined to not look things up or look at a guide. I'll come back and figure it out eventually.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: IR_Kuoin on May 23, 2014, 11:46:16 pm
Fight club on Sunday NG sm 3 - 5 anyone up for it ? :D
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Tot. on May 23, 2014, 11:49:29 pm
Unlike DS1, in DS2 there are no 'wrong ways' to go in the beginning, out of available areas one is slightly harder than the other but nothing buttraping like New Londo.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: SixThumbs on May 24, 2014, 01:01:01 am
Its coming back to my main gripe with DS1, I want to play the game WITHOUT looking things up, but the game designers force you to. I mean seriously there was no way I was ever going to figure out how to level up without looking that up, and what a shitty new system.

well I rage quit from deing 100 times with half health and no clue where to go, but I'm determined to not look things up or look at a guide. I'll come back and figure it out eventually.

The only thing I recall looking up in DS1 was how to traverse the abyss for the Four Kings, but that's more because I wasn't paying attention when I picked up the ring from Syf early on and forgot about it when I played again a couple weeks later; and I didn't generally read many of the item descriptions.

If you've played Super Metroid, La Mulana, Castlevania: Symphony of the Night, etc. they're all similar in the fact that a lot of the design is thoroughly exploring and remembering where you've been with places that are inaccessible at the time and what you've acquired along the way.

Although this time around they made the enemies not have stamina, hyper-aggressive and almost always in groups on top of subtly changing mechanics that threw me off really bad for the first few hours.

I have to agree on the leveling up and even burning things in the bonfire. It's incredibly tedious to have to teleport backwards and forwards and listen to that woman spout off the same dialogue every time.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Radament on May 24, 2014, 02:05:46 am
It's incredibly tedious to have to teleport backwards and forwards and listen to that woman spout off the same dialogue every time.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Vibe on May 24, 2014, 02:08:59 am
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: SixThumbs on May 24, 2014, 02:34:24 am
She sounds downright manic.


Except all I hear is: "B... Ssss... L...."
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Joseph Porta on May 24, 2014, 02:36:15 am
code letters ar so tinny
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Joseph Porta on May 24, 2014, 02:37:37 am
WHAT THE FUCK, with this games difficulty.

I was doing a no shield playthrough of darksouls 1 recently and struggled with parts but overall found it way too easy since I had the know how.

So I came into ds2 way overconfident, I picked a class with no shield. I am being anally raped.

part of it seems to be I die 20 times, then realise this surely cant be the right way, so try and different path and same thing happens. but its way more confusing where to go than I remember ds1 being.

Its coming back to my main gripe with DS1, I want to play the game WITHOUT looking things up, but the game designers force you to. I mean seriously there was no way I was ever going to figure out how to level up without looking that up, and what a shitty new system.

well I rage quit from deing 100 times with half health and no clue where to go, but I'm determined to not look things up or look at a guide. I'll come back and figure it out eventually.

its caus3e its in the hips
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Joseph Porta on May 24, 2014, 02:44:16 am
minimum required stats for the weapon then use the rest for attunement and fth/int and get a weapon buff.

I sugest spread in ADP, VIG, END, and HP STAT cause magic is for bundle of stickss
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Banok on May 24, 2014, 02:47:23 am
Still can't believe I rage quit so early in the game  :lol:

but I only quit for like 15 mins then came back like a poor whore to her pimps fist.

I eventually got some gear/levels and some sense of direction and it subsequently became alot easier, altho I did do ALOT of soul grinding in "flaming tower".

and yeah I'm now on "no man's wharf". I only beat 2 bosses, found 2 others but they seemed IMPOSSIBRU!

edit: couple of things that make it easier than ds1 that I didn't notice at first; regular bonfires, mobs do eventually stop spawning (lol)
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Joseph Porta on May 24, 2014, 02:48:49 am
Still can't believe I rage quit so early in the game  :lol:

but I only quit for like 15 mins then came back like a poor whore to her pimps fist.

I eventually got some gear/levels and some sense of direction and it subsequently became alot easier, altho I did do ALOT of soul grinding in "flaming tower".

and yeah I'm now on "no man's wharf". I only beat 2 bosses, found 2 others but they seemed IMPOSSIBRU!

you need to wait for attacks they combo like 2-3 times with patience its realy easy trust me

observe and react accordingl
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Banok on May 24, 2014, 02:50:58 am
you need to wait for attacks they combo like 2-3 times with patience its realy easy trust me

well actually a big thing that was making me die is there is a pretty big delay before you roll that was not in DS1. so kind of have to unlearn timings.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Vibe on May 24, 2014, 02:52:54 am
well actually a big thing that was making me die is there is a pretty big delay before you roll that was not in DS1. so kind of have to unlearn timings.

It's not delay, it's just that you're not invincible as long as in DS1 when you're rolling (less iFrames)
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Joseph Porta on May 24, 2014, 02:56:54 am
well actually a big thing that was making me die is there is a pretty big delay before you roll that was not in DS1. so kind of have to unlearn timings.

it also has to do with ADP I notice it alot when I bought legit agme I rolled with Bandit because it has low attune and that kind of stuff but it also has like 3 ADP at the start. the diference betwen 3-15(my current lvl) is huge to the feelings of mine

it is mostly getting used to it thats the case (I still suck in pvp but im getting backstabbef while people standing infront of me, fucking hel) but you will adjust evetually no worries (or learn rather)
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Banok on May 24, 2014, 03:14:59 am
It's not delay, it's just that you're not invincible as long as in DS1 when you're rolling (less iFrames)

maybe there are less frames, but still seems decent amount when rolling to me. but to me there is a very noticeable delay before the roll starts. i'm starting to get used to it, you have to anticipate their attack and be ready to roll instead of just pure reacting. it puts more enthesis on learning enemies attacks and less on player reaction time. I'm pretty sure its intentional
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: IR_Kuoin on May 24, 2014, 03:17:29 am
Here you need to dodge more precise compared to Dark Souls, dodging with low ADP you need to do it right before the hit lands.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Joseph Porta on May 24, 2014, 03:18:06 am
its practicly thje same right? DkS was just less time for the animation so it arrives quicker
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: SixThumbs on May 24, 2014, 03:53:27 am
Here's to hoping that the new console generation pushes down the price of the original "next gen" consoles more as time goes on, namely the PS3. I really want to play Demon's Souls now as Dark Souls 2 hasn't quite piqued my interest like Dark Souls originally had.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Rhaelys on May 24, 2014, 04:01:33 am
it also has to do with ADP I notice it alot when I bought legit agme I rolled with Bandit because it has low attune and that kind of stuff but it also has like 3 ADP at the start. the diference betwen 3-15(my current lvl) is huge to the feelings of mine

it is mostly getting used to it thats the case (I still suck in pvp but im getting backstabbef while people standing infront of me, fucking hel) but you will adjust evetually no worries (or learn rather)
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Radament on May 24, 2014, 04:25:03 am
ok after i finished a run , i realized i need autohotkey :(.

typical situation of mouse lag :

"oh there's the fucker monster that is faking sleeping ahahah , i'll beat his ass with ma morningsta!!!! ...
*click* -.- ... face to face ...*click* *click* *click**click*  .. *click click*... :/ C-C-CCCOMBOBREAKER !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *ROLL*  1HP LEFT GG WP MONSTER , WAIT FOR AUTOHOTKEY AND FITE ME AGAIN !
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Radament on May 24, 2014, 04:34:55 am
fuck them , i'm following this guy , he's ma hero. (

maybe i'm going to tweak some bindings but they seems fine for me .
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Joseph Porta on May 24, 2014, 04:39:19 am

Oh i thought adp also gave agi (o.O) but I mean the boss that swings faster so that you have to react more instantly. Not the char itself..
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Joseph Porta on May 24, 2014, 04:44:52 am
ok after i finished a run , i realized i need autohotkey :(.

typical situation of mouse lag :

"oh there's the fucker monster that is faking sleeping ahahah , i'll beat his ass with ma morningsta!!!! ...
*click* -.- ... face to face ...*click* *click* *click**click*  .. *click click*... :/ C-C-CCCOMBOBREAKER !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *ROLL*  1HP LEFT GG WP MONSTER , WAIT FOR AUTOHOTKEY AND FITE ME AGAIN !

I strangely only have that during an invasion or w/e. Then he suddenly stops registering clicks  :P
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Rhaelys on May 24, 2014, 06:45:51 am
Oh i thought adp also gave agi (o.O) but I mean the boss that swings faster so that you have to react more instantly. Not the char itself..

Adaptability does give Agility. Agility is a derived stat from Adaptability and Attunement.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Tennenoth on May 24, 2014, 07:50:25 am
Personally found that I have an issue if I go into the steam browser and then come out of it again, I have to tap shift two or three times to have my keys resorted to normal. It seems that if I turn the mouse while clicking after having opened the steam browser, the clicks don't get registered. Same goes with scrolling through items or spells as well.

Just seems to be something that is a little bit of an issue and considering I'm always in and out of the steam browser, it happens quite often.

Easily fixed though as I say, but tapping shift a couple of times to sort of "unstick it" so to speak.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Banok on May 24, 2014, 12:10:38 pm
anyone know why it says i do more damage with halberd and fire sword but i actually do more with bastard sword?
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Joseph Porta on May 24, 2014, 12:15:04 pm
Thats what I found out aswell, the Halbert does jack shit for damage.. I upgraded it to +4 but it still did not do an impressive amount. Also do you have the dex/str requirement? Possibly invest some points in strength or any other phys dmg increasing attribute and see if it works out.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: IR_Kuoin on May 24, 2014, 12:51:59 pm
base dmg might say it is higher but you gotta look at the scaling.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Joseph Porta on May 24, 2014, 12:58:26 pm
base dmg might say it is higher but you gotta look at the scaling.

Scaling also changes the more you reinforce your weapons, right?

Cool melee no death speedrun, those two clubs reinforced up rek shit up! That stun on bosses aswell - holy shit.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: IR_Kuoin on May 24, 2014, 01:14:23 pm
That is pretty impressive, imagine dying on the last boss :D
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Joseph Porta on May 24, 2014, 01:24:15 pm
That is pretty impressive, imagine dying on the last boss :D
Ikr, i'd GTX immediatly! He did get lucky a few times@ well in majula, only barely landed on the ledge. And the old demon knight almost got to him.  :P

I got a few new outfits just recently.

My "main" - creighton armor but with brigand leggings.

Alt - infantry helmet(normally the hollowed one), imported tunic, hollow soldier gauntlets(its a nice one-sided bracer) and drangleic legs.

Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: SixThumbs on May 24, 2014, 01:33:56 pm
anyone know why it says i do more damage with halberd and fire sword but i actually do more with bastard sword?

Halberd weapons do less damage unless you actually hit things with the blade part.

.. I upgraded it to +4 but it still did not do an impressive amount.

The strength scaling goes from D to C after +5 and it goes to B once you hit +10.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Rhaelys on May 24, 2014, 01:35:52 pm
anyone know why it says i do more damage with halberd and fire sword but i actually do more with bastard sword?

Halberd-class weapons deal less damage if you don't hit with the weapon's sweet spot.

For the fire longsword, remember that even though the total attack rating number may be higher, your damage is split between multiple defenses (and in PvE, enemy elemental defenses are very, very high). It could be the case that you're just attacking enemies with high fire resist.

This is why testing out a weapon is important, because numbers on your equip screen don't tell the whole story. Numbers above an enemy's head are what matters.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Banok on May 24, 2014, 02:34:53 pm
Thats what I found out aswell, the Halbert does jack shit for damage.. I upgraded it to +4 but it still did not do an impressive amount. Also do you have the dex/str requirement? Possibly invest some points in strength or any other phys dmg increasing attribute and see if it works out.

yeah I did get the requirement so I could use, but bastard sword inexplicably more damage - better speed, less stam drain. so now I got that upgraded and dont regret it so far, I used a bastard sword on my first ds1 playthrough aswell. great 2h damage for bosses and good with shield too.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Vibe on May 24, 2014, 05:09:56 pm
This is what I love about Dark Souls, pretty much any weapon is viable. I was surprised how far the starting mace carried me for example, it's a very good weapon.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Joseph Porta on May 24, 2014, 06:01:08 pm
This is what I love about Dark Souls, pretty much any weapon is viable. I was surprised how far the starting mace carried me for example, it's a very good weapon.

The morning star? Or the homunculus BAEd one? I got an alt with which I use the morningstar, im at iron keep with it atm its a cool weapon and pretty good, just got to remind yourself of the incredibly low reach.  :P

And yeah, tgough I do keep a one hander next to my Greatsword though, as UGS' are too lame with shield imo for boss fights. But that is not because its necessary, just more convenient

yeah I did get the requirement so I could use, but bastard sword inexplicably more damage - better speed, less stam drain. so now I got that upgraded and dont regret it so far, I used a bastard sword on my first ds1 playthrough aswell. great 2h damage for bosses and good with shield too.

Yeah I used the bastard sword for my first char aswell! (Which is fairly understandable as its practicly the first GS you get :P) but especially the bastard sword can practicly carry you through the entire game. atleast,  i havent had the situation yet where it was clearly underpowered..

Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Vibe on May 24, 2014, 06:02:50 pm
The morning star? Or the homunculus BAEd one? I got an alt with which I use the morningstar, im at iron keep with it atm its a cool weapon and pretty good, just got to remind yourself of the incredibly low reach.  :P

Yeah I used the bastard sword for my first char aswell! (Which is fairly understandable as its practicly the first GS you get :P) but especially the bastard sword can practicly carry you through the entire game. atleast,  i havent had the situation yet where it was clearly underpowered..

No, just "Mace", the starting weapon
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Joseph Porta on May 24, 2014, 06:04:21 pm
No, just "Mace", the starting weapon

Huh, which class spawns with that?   :?
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Kafein on May 24, 2014, 06:05:20 pm
I use this visitors can't see pics , please register or login
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: IR_Kuoin on May 24, 2014, 06:06:06 pm
2.4k hp and one shot by a resonant souls ... 
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Vibe on May 24, 2014, 06:47:10 pm
Huh, which class spawns with that?   :?


Also I just lowered my armor by a lot (from just below 70% weight to 24% weight) and it seems it takes about the same amount of hits to kill me, which is cool. VIG is very useful though, considering armor doesn't play such a big role. Also below 25% weight and Chloranthy ring+1 = infinite rolls :D Goes well with my dual daggers. I just wish not so many people were using mosses to clear my poison, I mean I know it's annoying but at least I'm not using the instant poison shit (bat fog, poisoned lances), I actually have to get in at least a few hits for it to work.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: IR_Kuoin on May 24, 2014, 08:55:21 pm
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Rhaelys on May 24, 2014, 09:36:29 pm
Two-handing the mace bought from Lenigrast allows you to beat down your way through the majority of the game.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Rhaelys on May 24, 2014, 09:37:31 pm
2.4k hp and one shot by a resonant souls ...

That was probably climax. Great resonant soul usually does around 1000 damage to someone with normal (ie low) dark resist.


Also I just lowered my armor by a lot (from just below 70% weight to 24% weight) and it seems it takes about the same amount of hits to kill me, which is cool. VIG is very useful though, considering armor doesn't play such a big role. Also below 25% weight and Chloranthy ring+1 = infinite rolls :D Goes well with my dual daggers. I just wish not so many people were using mosses to clear my poison, I mean I know it's annoying but at least I'm not using the instant poison shit (bat fog, poisoned lances), I actually have to get in at least a few hits for it to work.

Bring a ranged punish for when they moss. Avelyn and GRS are two of the most effective options.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: IR_Kuoin on May 24, 2014, 11:48:18 pm
Pocket Avelyn is even more gay than pocket arbalest.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Radament on May 25, 2014, 01:56:08 am
ok i found the best suitable script for me , now i'm closer to a pad user :P

    WASD - movement
    mouse - look around and aim
    leftclick - mainhand attack (RIGHT weapon slot!)
    rightclick - offhand (shield and so on, LEFT weapon slot!)
    alt + leftclick - mainhand strong attack
    alt + rightclick - offhand strong attack (or parry as shield)
    CTRL leftclick - swap mainhand weapon
    CTRL Rightclick - swap offhand weapon
    Shift - sprint/roll
    Space - jump (only during spriting)
    F - interact or accept
    C (or Z like default) - toggle walking on/off
    E - use item
    middle mouse click - lock on target
    R - change locked on target
    scroll down - change item
    scroll up - change magic
    1 - guardbreak
    2 - jump attack
    Q - toggle interact or switch to 2handed

here's the code:

Code: [Select]
#SingleInstance, force

+Escape::ExitApp ;Shift and Escap to kill program!

LAlt & ~LButton::Send {G down} {G up}
LAlt & ~RButton::Send {Y down} {Y up}
LCTrl & LButton::send {RIGHT down} {RIGHT up}
LCTrl & RButton::send {LEFT down} {LEFT up}

send {w up}{a up}{s up}{d up}{sleep 10}
Send {W down}
Sleep 10
Send {H down}
Sleep 10
Send {W up}
Send {H up}

send {w up}{a up}{s up}{d up}{sleep 10}
Send {W down}
Sleep 10
Send {G down}
Sleep 10
Send {W up}
Send {G up}

Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: TheAppleSauceMan on May 25, 2014, 06:08:19 am
Here's to hoping that the new console generation pushes down the price of the original "next gen" consoles more as time goes on, namely the PS3. I really want to play Demon's Souls now as Dark Souls 2 hasn't quite piqued my interest like Dark Souls originally had.

Gonna try to keep myself from a rant here as every time Demon's Souls is brought up I go off. So I'll to be straight forward, Dark Souls 1 and 2 are great games, but neither come close to the place in my heart Demon's Souls has. It is my favorite PvP game of all time next to c-RPG. Probably have over 1k hours in Demon's Souls from just PvP alone. Goodness I miss my Mirdan Hammer and Faith Build Greataxe. I still go back to it now and again just to try and find someone to invade and slaughter. Too bad it's dead.  :cry:
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Vibe on May 25, 2014, 11:10:56 am
Sometimes the pvp makes me cringe so hard. Havel's guy with Jester chest spamming bat fog, failing hard while i slice him to 20% hp, goes off to chug, switches to dagger + monastery scimitar, roll parries me and gg, some people know no shame

EDIT: oh so fun, last like 10 duels, it was either chuggers, laggers, exploiters or something op as shit, i'm really starting to hate this
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: IR_Kuoin on May 25, 2014, 01:34:04 pm
Sometimes the pvp makes me cringe so hard. Havel's guy with Jester chest spamming bat fog, failing hard while i slice him to 20% hp, goes off to chug, switches to dagger + monastery scimitar, roll parries me and gg, some people know no shame

EDIT: oh so fun, last like 10 duels, it was either chuggers, laggers, exploiters or something op as shit, i'm really starting to hate this

You in arena? If you go to Iron Keep the times you don't meet gankers is really enjoyable, less tryhards. Or you can do dragon PvP. Heides tower is also good, arena is mostly cancer atm.

Gonna try to keep myself from a rant here as every time Demon's Souls is brought up I go off. So I'll to be straight forward, Dark Souls 1 and 2 are great games, but neither come close to the place in my heart Demon's Souls has. It is my favorite PvP game of all time next to c-RPG. Probably have over 1k hours in Demon's Souls from just PvP alone. Goodness I miss my Mirdan Hammer and Faith Build Greataxe. I still go back to it now and again just to try and find someone to invade and slaughter. Too bad it's dead.  :cry:

You could try getting in a PvP club, the one i got into is pretty much active every day. But r-invasions are more fun but sadly not so many to invade.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Banok on May 25, 2014, 01:40:53 pm
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any idea why i cant use this switch?

also anyone know why I hear constant growling since I beat spider boss, not sure if bug or intended
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Vibe on May 25, 2014, 01:50:44 pm
You in arena? If you go to Iron Keep the times you don't meet gankers is really enjoyable, less tryhards. Or you can do dragon PvP. Heides tower is also good, arena is mostly cancer atm.

Yeah im doing arena pvp, it really is full cancer.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: SixThumbs on May 25, 2014, 02:13:02 pm
any idea why i cant use this switch?

also anyone know why I hear constant growling since I beat spider boss, not sure if bug or intended

Where is that switch? And are you wearing the ring of whispers?

Yeah im doing arena pvp, it really is full cancer.

After re-rolling my character from my corrupted save file I'm at 275k SM (SL 74) and the BoB arena seems just as active as any other SM I had tried it at while being less of a cheese fest for the most part. I still occasionally run across characters who're obviously further in the game than my char but at this point it feels like there's less cheese and the builds so far or more or less "unique".

Although I did run into someone named "Shrek" who had turtle armor on and when approaching and waving he one shot me with dual, invisible avelyn's. I ran into him a second time and just black crystalled out, he can have that shallow win. The third time I saw him he was duel-wielding great-hammers and I wrecked him.

Now that I've hit the first rank of BoB with 68 cracked red eyes stocked I've backed up my save and making lower level invasions more common.  :mrgreen:

My favorite is when an arbiter spirit joins or they already have phantoms with them.  :twisted:
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Patoson on May 25, 2014, 02:27:22 pm
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any idea why i cant use this switch?

also anyone know why I hear constant growling since I beat spider boss, not sure if bug or intended
The switch is precisely for that chest in the screenshot. When you use the switch, the platform with the chest lowers, and you can get to the chest by jumping from the stairs.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Banok on May 25, 2014, 02:39:53 pm
The switch is precisely for that chest in the screenshot. When you use the switch, the platform with the chest lowers, and you can get to the chest by jumping from the stairs.

I figured, but the reason I posted is it wont let me use the switch for no apparent reason ;/

or are you saying I already used it? since I dont recall doing so
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Patoson on May 25, 2014, 05:08:12 pm
Yes. I think that, judging from the screenshot, you have already used it. You can only use those switches once. Just go back to the entrance and you can jump to reach the chest.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Banok on May 25, 2014, 08:35:37 pm
done a handful of pvp fights now, the ones I lost I was already dead due to monsters. find it kind of dumb that monsters focus only you, and pker gets credit for doing 10% of my health.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Vibe on May 25, 2014, 10:42:56 pm
whoever thought that it was a good idea to put in an ability to make your weapon invisible should be fucking fired
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: IR_Kuoin on May 25, 2014, 10:47:08 pm
whoever thought that it was a good idea to put in an ability to make your weapon invisible should be fucking fired

What I miss and think is equally stupid to the rings (which were pretty cool to have such milestones for players but mules / hackers just fuck that up is the ability to only use 1 self-buff. Here you can just stack buff on yourself.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Vibe on May 25, 2014, 10:49:01 pm
Problem is that all this infusing and weapon buffs are so powerful. There is literally no drawback to have elemental shit on your weapon, in fact you're only gimping yourself for being pure melee with no buffs.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: IR_Kuoin on May 25, 2014, 10:50:19 pm
Wish the SL meta was 120 ... ty SM.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Tot. on May 25, 2014, 11:01:34 pm
Met any binoglitchers in the arena so far, Vibe?  :wink:
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Banok on May 26, 2014, 12:45:19 am
whoever thought that it was a good idea to put in an ability to make your weapon invisible should be fucking fired

this may explain how a guy punched me to death in seconds.

can I get some advice where to put my stats

got 40 str 40 dex, for my bastard. kind of feel like I should have gone pure dex or str right now
also got 20 vigor, 20 enfurance, and 19 vit, 12 adapt (for 90 agility)

so where do I put points next now I hit the first soft caps, vigor?
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: IR_Kuoin on May 26, 2014, 12:47:38 am
this may explain how a guy punched me to death in seconds.

can I get some advice where to put my stats

You can actually get a ring that gives you more fist damage, one of my characters got around 394 fist damage with the ring.


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Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Rhaelys on May 26, 2014, 01:08:07 am
You can actually get a ring that gives you more fist damage, one of my characters got around 394 fist damage with the ring.


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That's why you should always have an unparryable weapon in your slots. I personally main a Syan's Halberd without any ranged or magic, and it completely wrecks 90% of people in arena. It's like fighting people who don't know how to manual block in cRPG.

Met any binoglitchers in the arena so far, Vibe?  :wink:

I met one. He was pretty bad when he realized that I had Jester's Robes on and couldn't be backstabbed.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: SixThumbs on May 26, 2014, 04:42:43 am
I don't need an unparryable weapon when I've found the beauty, and timing, of pulling off R2 feints. Especially with the bastard sword the character does a spin before jumping into a roll.

The only styles that seem "OP" in PVP to me now is things I've never seen before and don't understand the cadence of. I was playing in the blue arena, because it's more conducive to trying things than the red one; someone beat me dual wielding shields and just shield bashing into all of my attacks, a very proficient turtler with a spear beat me (although I got him the second time around), and a pure [non-magic] ranged character with a bow. I also lost to a santier user because he went 1-handed and the attacks are wildly different.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Vibe on May 26, 2014, 08:06:16 am
Met any binoglitchers in the arena so far, Vibe?  :wink:

none so far, surprisingly

I've gotten a lot better at backstabing, playing a +10 dagger backstab fisher for a few hours. I've gone to NG+ on my FTH char, already 2 blue invasions in Forest of Fallen Giants (one wasn't an uber tryhard, the other was an invis halberd spin2win). Other than that, like KuoiN said, random invasions are far less tryhard. I did get beaten by a pure melee guy with a small shield in arena who parried me twice fair and square, I was so glad to lose to a guy like that.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Joseph Porta on May 26, 2014, 11:13:36 am
Am I really the only one with this:

Backstabbed from the front.

Getting hit by 1 handers (Or short weapons rather) who are way out of reach.

Missing all my attacks though they go through the char
 * I resorted to aatack without target lock, because its a conplete guess as to where the enemy is. Hes either 3 meters to the right, left, front or back..

Nothing ever hits   :cry: all I hit is ghosts..
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: IR_Kuoin on May 26, 2014, 11:19:22 am
Am I really the only one with this:

Backstabbed from the front.

Getting hit by 1 handers (Or short weapons rather) who are way out of reach.

Missing all my attacks though they go through the char
 * I resorted to aatack without target lock, because its a conplete guess as to where the enemy is. Hes either 3 meters to the right, left, front or back..

Nothing ever hits   :cry: all I hit is ghosts..

PvP is way different than PvE, you can dodge attacks and connection makes things sometimes feel very unfair. At least lag backstabs like in Dark Souls are not as common but you'll get used to it :D
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Vibe on May 26, 2014, 11:20:31 am
Am I really the only one with this:

Backstabbed from the front.

Getting hit by 1 handers (Or short weapons rather) who are way out of reach.

Missing all my attacks though they go through the char
 * I resorted to aatack without target lock, because its a conplete guess as to where the enemy is. Hes either 3 meters to the right, left, front or back..

Nothing ever hits   :cry: all I hit is ghosts..

This is typical laggy DS2 pvp, you'll get used to it
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: TheAppleSauceMan on May 26, 2014, 11:42:26 am
This is typical laggy DS2 pvp, you'll get used to it

Oh the joys of P2P.

So I'm considering rolling a new character. I'm feeling quite gimped as I didn't upgrade any weapons yet even though I'm about SL100, didn't want to waste materials on a weapon I wasn't going to use in the long run, realized the weapon I wanted to get and upgrade is very end game, and thus I am stuck on this second rat boss that you can't summon help for, and feeling very very underpowered. Any recommendations on an early to mid game faith weapon? Still using this damned un-upgraded Heide Knight Sword.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Vibe on May 26, 2014, 11:48:58 am
Oh the joys of P2P.

So I'm considering rolling a new character. I'm feeling quite gimped as I didn't upgrade any weapons yet even though I'm about SL100, didn't want to waste materials on a weapon I wasn't going to use in the long run, realized the weapon I wanted to get and upgrade is very end game, and thus I am stuck on this second rat boss that you can't summon help for, and feeling very very underpowered. Any recommendations on an early to mid game faith weapon? Still using this damned un-upgraded Heide Knight Sword.

I used Claymore, Lightning infused (+10) all the way to the end, basically.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Joseph Porta on May 26, 2014, 11:50:37 am
What exactly classes a weapon FTH? As for weapons rhat you might find usefull.. maybe the Fire Longsword? I always liked that one as a onehander, also got this slick 2h strong attack stab that does a good bit of damage. But its fire damage aswell, so I guess you dont want that as a fth char?

And yeah, I guess I just have to get used to the PvP, ive now won about.. 2/14 matches ive played?

Imma make another alt to play spear/1h with, to test out faster weapons in PvP, with my GS i cant really put out attacks and with the relatively slow attacks i think im more easily missing the targets.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Vibe on May 26, 2014, 11:52:08 am
Faith = Lightning damage, any weapon goes as long as you infuse it with lightning

Greatsword in PvP takes some practice and baiting, slow weapons are hard to PvP with decently.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: IR_Kuoin on May 26, 2014, 12:10:27 pm
Upgrading your weapon early on helps a lot, and the wasted material you can just buy back from McDuff or the blacksmiths daughter. And one thing about heavy weapons in Dark Souls 2 is that you now can manually aim them more effective instead of the auto-direction / non-lock on. I preferred the old style but takes some time to get used too. Can be a real pain in the ass missing some hits because you accidentally moved your stick / mouse  too far.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Joseph Porta on May 26, 2014, 12:18:06 pm
Yeahthats what I found out aswell, manual aiming with my GS made it far more likely to land though mistakes are made more easily aswell. Also mouse clicks look like to register less often with online play?
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Banok on May 26, 2014, 01:28:26 pm
I used Claymore, Lightning infused (+10) all the way to the end, basically.

wait weren't you just complaining about infusions? I dont get whats to complain about if everyone can do it to thier weapons

or is it because it scales with int/faith or something?
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Vibe on May 26, 2014, 01:31:34 pm
wait weren't you just complaining about infusions? I dont get whats to complain about if everyone can do it to thier weapons

or is it because it scales with int/faith or something?

I was complaining, but it's a faith char so you're actually suppose to infuse it with lightning. I don't have infused weapons on my DEX melee char.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Banok on May 26, 2014, 01:58:00 pm
I was complaining, but it's a faith char so you're actually suppose to infuse it with lightning. I don't have infused weapons on my DEX melee char.

why not?
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Vibe on May 26, 2014, 02:02:05 pm
why not?

because tryharding is lame
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Banok on May 26, 2014, 02:05:32 pm
still dont understand

what is the downside to infusing weapons, does it scale with int/faith or something?

Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Vibe on May 26, 2014, 02:06:55 pm
still dont understand

what is the downside to infusing weapons, does it scale with int/faith or something?

Lightning damage scales with Faith, Fire/Magic with INT, if you don't have enough stats in those (pure melees don't usually have faith/int) your infused weapons will do less damage. Infusion takes some physical damage and puts it into elemental.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Joseph Porta on May 26, 2014, 02:11:21 pm
Does infusing it withraw break it even? Or does elemental have more damage?
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Vibe on May 26, 2014, 02:13:04 pm
Does infusing it withraw break it even? Or does elemental have more damage?

No and that's exactly what I was complaining about. A hybrid char, lets say STR/FTH with a Lightning infused weapon will always deal more damage than a pure STR char. Even more so if the hybrid uses a weapon buff (further increases elemental damage).

Regular Greatsword+10 = 400 damage (A scaling)
Lightning infused Greatsword+10 = 280 damage + 280 lightning damage (B+B scaling)

You also have to consider elemental damage does more damage against armored people than pure melee.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Joseph Porta on May 26, 2014, 02:24:30 pm
No and that's exactly what I was complaining about. A hybrid char, lets say STR/FTH with a Lightning infused weapon will always deal more damage than a pure STR char. Even more so if the hybrid uses a weapon buff (further increases elemental damage).

Regular Greatsword+10 = 400 damage (A scaling)
Lightning infused Greatsword+10 = 280 damage + 280 lightning damage (B+B scaling)

You also have to consider elemental damage does more damage against armored people than pure melee.

Yeah that was exactly what I was thinking, and I guess infusing it with Raw doesnt add another +160 damage to the GS either?

My PvP experience has been pretty bad, the only ones thatare fun is when I help an invaded Blue, otherwise im ussually getting stomped by poison clouds, lightning spears and those 4 bolts of dark.

Wy the shit is it sothat these OP magic shit also chases your tail like crazy?
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Vibe on May 26, 2014, 02:27:20 pm
Yeah that was exactly what I was thinking, and I guess infusing it with Raw doesnt add another +160 damage to the GS either?

My PvP experience has been pretty bad, the only ones thatare fun is when I help an invaded Blue, otherwise im ussually getting stomped by poison clouds, lightning spears and those 4 bolts of dark.

Wy the shit is it sothat these OP magic shit also chases your tail like crazy?

Raw is only useful on weapons that have shit scaling to begin with, otherwise it's useless. About magic, you just need practice and knowing how to dodge it.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Joseph Porta on May 26, 2014, 02:36:03 pm
Raw is only useful on weapons that have shit scaling to begin with, otherwise it's useless. About magic, you just need practice and knowing how to dodge it.

I usually use the environment to dodge magic attacks (i love this part of the game btw, you can really use environment vs ranged attacks) thats not the case, its more of a case that it does a shitload of dmage combined with insane tracking that makes it feel OP to me.

Also how do people even get 3 spellcast slots around the huntsmans copse area, such rage.  :evil:
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Vibe on May 26, 2014, 02:50:16 pm
I usually use the environment to dodge magic attacks (i love this part of the game btw, you can really use environment vs ranged attacks) thats not the case, its more of a case that it does a shitload of dmage combined with insane tracking that makes it feel OP to me.

Also how do people even get 3 spellcast slots around the huntsmans copse area, such rage.  :evil:

Well you only need 16 ATN for 3 spellcast slots, that's not a lot. Also magic dodging really isn't that hard, just get the timing right and roll towards them and punish them for the puny magicians they are.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: SixThumbs on May 26, 2014, 02:51:05 pm
I get the feeling they're not going to really patch or change anything and this is pretty much the final product. If no one in Japan have these kinds of complaints then they're definitely not going to bother with any changes.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Gravoth_iii on May 26, 2014, 02:57:25 pm
In the last game they took some time to get everything they need to patch in one big patch because it costs to release them on consoles i believe.. So it might be coming but it could be a while.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Polobow on May 26, 2014, 03:00:37 pm
Finally done.

(click to show/hide)

(click to show/hide)

It took me 74 hours.
Died 284 times.

I liked the game, certain mechanics were better but the bosses and world design lacked a bit compared to Dark Souls I. Didn't play Demon's souls.
Now to beat Darklurker, Ancient Dragon and Vendrick.... after that, PvP I guess?
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Vibe on May 26, 2014, 03:04:57 pm
Ancient Dragon and Vendrick.... after that, PvP I guess?

have fun lol
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Joseph Porta on May 26, 2014, 06:55:15 pm
Char description on fextralife wiki:

All right guys, it's time to get down to business. This builds theme is to crush and maim your sissy opponents in the manliest way possible. And the best way to do that is by looking swagger as hell while you show them their entrails. The Rings and Weapons are up to the individual, but personally I go for a strength build with this set. Standard STR weps and great shield's to bash your targets skull in. Disorientate the foe by constantly applying poison thanks to your magic fairy dust. Keeping up a good offence is key with this set because one hit on the princess leaves her open to attack from all manner of nasty suitors. Show the world you arn't just a helpless princess. Cut, stab, and slam your enemies like the foreign scum they are. Show your dominance as the Fairy Princess and protect your lands as the next heir to the throne.

Giggled like a man   8-)
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Vibe on May 26, 2014, 07:38:03 pm
Char description on fextralife wiki:

Giggled like a man   8-)

Something tells me this build includes the butterfly set lol
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: TheAppleSauceMan on May 26, 2014, 09:44:24 pm
Well I upgraded my mace to Lightning Mace +7 and I'm having a much easier time now.  :mrgreen:
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Joseph Porta on May 26, 2014, 11:49:36 pm
Something tells me this build includes the butterfly set lol

It does, lol. I might try this build cause the prescribed set is so giggity.

Its like a fairy with a gigantic Sword (GS)
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: IR_Kuoin on May 26, 2014, 11:53:09 pm
It does, lol. I might try this build cause the prescribed set is so giggity.

Its like a fairy with a gigantic Sword (GS)

That sounds like a fun build. I personally find it boring going for straight meta builds, so boring. I usually go for some cosplay / weird outfit with my builds :D
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Joseph Porta on May 27, 2014, 12:15:25 am
That sounds like a fun build. I personally find it boring going for straight meta builds, so boring. I usually go for some cosplay / weird outfit with my builds :D

Yh me too, my main uses Creighton set with Brigand trousers wielding the Greatsword(generic 2h hero). But I also have an imported tunic + Infantry helmet - wielding a spear/1h(as you suggested earlier) and the halbert, some sort of conquistador.  8-)

I am still looking for a fun more fantasy orientated cosplay, though. This might be a cool one. Also doesnt involve magic. Here is his list:

Head: King's Crown

Chest: Moon Butterfly Wings

Hands: Moon Butterfly Cuffs

Legs: Black Witch Trousers

Like a big bad fairy princess murderer!  8-)

Update: still suck @ pvp
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: IR_Kuoin on May 27, 2014, 12:33:23 am
Edit: Nvm I guess quality build is pretty fun but less damage than my faith char. on same SL, why From? :cry:
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Joseph Porta on May 27, 2014, 02:52:38 am
Ninja'd the post man  :(
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: SixThumbs on May 27, 2014, 03:56:57 am
Update: still suck @ pvp

I don't know if it'll work but we can try the name engraved ring and we could spar and I could offer pointers from 'my' style, although my highest SM is 275k right now.

If you're EU we can even learn to compensate for lag better.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: FRANK_THE_TANK on May 27, 2014, 05:04:28 am
A bit of advice.

If you are grinding XP by killing the giant in the memory remember to get the 2 twinkling titanite on the ledge. I killed him 15 times before I remembered it was there *facepalm*. It's by fare the easiest way to max out gear for NG+ also after NG+++ the giant doesn't get any hard to kill. After a few runs you'll be able to smash the bastard with your eyes closed.

Also use a bon fire asthetic on Old Iron King so you can get the old king soul and use it at Ornflex to get the bad ass great bow if you have 30 30 or 40 40 build, it's fucking evil.

Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Joseph Porta on May 27, 2014, 09:56:03 am
I don't know if it'll work but we can try the name engraved ring and we could spar and I could offer pointers from 'my' style, although my highest SM is 275k right now.

If you're EU we can even learn to compensate for lag better.

Ah yeah, we should bro! My SM is only 300kish aswell so no problems there - I just cant talk on voice because my english prenounciation is horrid..

Steam is Porta  8-) or login name: greatfatherwinter
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Vibe on May 27, 2014, 09:57:06 am
How do you guys have such low SMs, how far are you
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Joseph Porta on May 27, 2014, 10:06:03 am
Ehm.. Up to Iron keep? Already killed the rotten in the gutter.. Did no mans wharf, killed sentinels.. And the rest of lost bastille

Am also at the second bonfire in shaded woods. But I only play pc for 1-3 hrs a day :P
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Vibe on May 27, 2014, 10:14:41 am
I don't remember how much I had at that point but that seems pretty low for all the stuff you've done.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Joseph Porta on May 27, 2014, 11:20:31 am
I don't remember how much I had at that point but that seems pretty low for all the stuff you've done.

Hmm, i have only used the persuer soul - i still have all other boss souls. So thatll easily make up for another 150k (2 giant souls sinner & rotten) and like 5 more lesser boss souls?
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Nightmare798 on May 27, 2014, 11:47:34 am
Hmm, i have only used the persuer soul - i still have all other boss souls. So thatll easily make up for another 150k (2 giant souls sinner & rotten) and like 5 more lesser boss souls?

Yeah it is best to keep them and wait till you get that thing to cure petrified people, then use it on dude at lost bastille that gives out weapons for boss souls.

I am still wondering why didnt this stupid game mention such use of these souls.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: IR_Kuoin on May 27, 2014, 12:11:31 pm
Yeah it is best to keep them and wait till you get that thing to cure petrified people, then use it on dude at lost bastille that gives out weapons for boss souls.

I am still wondering why didnt this stupid game mention such use of these souls.

Pretty much self explanator, the item description tells you that it has another use, and if you have played any of the other games you should know.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Joseph Porta on May 27, 2014, 12:16:05 pm
Yeah it is best to keep them and wait till you get that thing to cure petrified people, then use it on dude at lost bastille that gives out weapons for boss souls.

I am still wondering why didnt this stupid game mention such use of these souls.

I used my first branch on the entrance to the shaded woods but the blacksmiths daughter sells one aswell. But thats not the main reason I keep them; I just like to hoard shit :D you should see my c-rpg inventory, I have some items x6  :lol: also got 2 Soul vessels atm :) collectingdivine blessings aswell.. Dont really need these things..

Btw are navlaan and the girl the only 2 petrified ones that give acces to shiz?? Theres also a minotaur blocking my way in shaded woods
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: SixThumbs on May 27, 2014, 01:12:03 pm
How do you guys have such low SMs, how far are you

My first character's save file of ~4m was corrupted and I don't really play as much as I was a couple weeks after release.

Ah yeah, we should bro! My SM is only 300kish aswell so no problems there - I just cant talk on voice because my english prenounciation is horrid..

That's cool; I'm generally in the DK cRPG chat when I'm playing so maybe work out something there, my steam is RetrogradeRun
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Joseph Porta on May 27, 2014, 01:14:01 pm
My first character's save file of ~4m was corrupted and I don't really play as much as I was a couple weeks after release.

That's cool; I'm generally in the DK cRPG chat when I'm playing so maybe work out something there, my steam is RetrogradeRun

We hav a DK crpg chat?! Tell me more!
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Vibe on May 27, 2014, 01:17:16 pm
We hav a DK crpg chat?! Tell me more!

then join the steam group chat
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: FRANK_THE_TANK on May 27, 2014, 02:15:20 pm
I just spent half an hour trying to give away +10 shit and the invisibility rings... wtf dark souls 2 community, learn to not look a gift horse in the mouth ffs.


I got the rings of some random dude, and was trying to pass them along in the same fashion.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Nightmare798 on May 27, 2014, 02:20:56 pm
...and if you have played any of the other games you should know.

Sorry, but I cant really remember when was the last time I had to un-petrify a guy that would then exchange the souls of bosses that I killed for new weapons.

If there was a clue like ¨I have heard that there is someone who exchanges souls of greatest warriors for powerful weapons¨ Then yeah...

But to just say ¨You can use this to aquire great ammount of souls, or maybe...¨ Is meagre as fuck and not clue at all. If I didnt read about what is the deal with the petrified people I sometimes stumbled upon, I would never know.

I just spent half an hour trying to give away +10 shit and the invisibility rings... wtf dark souls 2 community, learn to not look a gift horse in the mouth ffs.


I got the rings of some random dude, and was trying to pass them along in the same fashion.

Well, honestly... I can see someone give away +10 shit, then backstabbing the very one they gave it to. DS2 community is one of the slyest ones I have ever seen, and there is no wonder people are cautious.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: IR_Kuoin on May 27, 2014, 03:33:59 pm
Just did a backstab and a parry on a invis santier buffed with renosant, feels good to rek that fuggot.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: FRANK_THE_TANK on May 27, 2014, 04:15:33 pm
Just did a backstab and a parry on a invis santier buffed with renosant, feels good to rek that fuggot.

Just have a dude with invis sant kill me and then fly around the level and then report me for hacking lol
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: SixThumbs on May 27, 2014, 04:31:16 pm
BoB arena is pretty active at ~400k SM and it seems I deal less with that kind of nonsense than I did +2m (although it still happens). It seems like it takes a minute or two to warm-up and put you in a lobby of sorts, you play about 10ish matches and then you might have to wait around again for a minute or so; or it throws you in a high ping match.

The matches I lost earlier were a batstaff/fog and he panicked a bit when I kept pressing on. He won in the end because of my hesitance to heal and latency tells me he's not done with his cast animation but it still goes off and I'm left with a 1/5th of a hit to kill him. He had to taunt at the end of course.

The other was an early match I played warming up and I got two-shot by what seemed to be a buffed claymore faith build. I became impatient and tried to trade the last hit with him, the game considered he hit me first (Even though we both died, I beat him earlier anyway).

The most annoying matches were both PVP "veterans", they had the second aura. One cast warmth and just stood in it with his shield up/dodging shield breaks, and healed up about 4 deaths worth before it expired and then I had to chase him around the arena while he tried to cast it again. The second guy attempted to estus chug 3 times, got me down to a sliver of health before I turned my back on him and also chugged before turning around and just managing to out DPS him when he attempted to heal again. I stood on his faded corpse and did the emptying the bottle animation repeatedly out of saltiness.

I did almost lose to an UGS, I haven't really seen those that often and if you roll in anticipation an attack still might catch you at the tail-end.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: IR_Kuoin on May 27, 2014, 06:26:46 pm
Original build pls no copy

Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Polobow on May 27, 2014, 06:45:21 pm
Is there any way to check your score in BoB?

Also get in the chat scrubs
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Rhaelys on May 28, 2014, 12:11:58 am
Is there any way to check your score in BoB?

Also get in the chat scrubs

Nope, you just have to keep a tally yourself.

Edit: Just hit rank 3 in BoB on my character with about 80 hours played. Syan's Halberd too stronk
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Vibe on May 28, 2014, 08:31:16 am
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: IR_Kuoin on May 28, 2014, 08:38:04 am
Nope, you just have to keep a tally yourself.

Edit: Just hit rank 3 in BoB on my character with about 80 hours played. Syan's Halberd too stronk

Yeah hard to beat weapons with ghostreach :P
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: TheAppleSauceMan on May 28, 2014, 08:55:52 am
First character is a little too all over the place for dedicated PvP, as expected, first toon after all. Decided to just have him go to max level and induce rage due to stupid SM.

Second toon will be a much more specialized and focused PvP character.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Vibe on May 28, 2014, 09:17:07 am
Yeah hard to beat weapons with ghostreach :P

not to mention syan halberd shits over monastery scimitar scum
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Joseph Porta on May 28, 2014, 11:55:26 am

(click to show/hide)

got fuckd though, went to buy the next piece after killing last giant for soul but forgot to unequip the body and it fucking poisoned Maughlin... and now hes mad at me  :cry: i GTX after that lol

SL 12 doe. get on mah lvl
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: IR_Kuoin on May 28, 2014, 02:41:07 pm
Poison the NPC by accident, haha :D
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Joseph Porta on May 28, 2014, 02:53:05 pm
Poison the NPC by accident, haha :D
Its an effect of the set - poisons nearby enemys..

How can I unaggrohim though.. I want to buy the rest of the butterfly set :(

Quick guide to get the butterfly set asap:

Use both ascetics on the bonfire in Majula then use your boss souls( dragonknight & Skele lords) to spend 16k souls @ Maughlin the Armorer and voila- you have acces to the Moon butterfly set!

**dont forget TO UNEQUIP WHEN NEAR NPCS  :cry: :cry: :(

Guess its kinda easy but felt like sharing it. :)
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Joseph Porta on May 28, 2014, 03:03:35 pm
Also you can jump without running with this set  :lol:

Sorry for extra post ..
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: IR_Kuoin on May 28, 2014, 03:05:53 pm
Go to the apostle of Velka, after church boss to remove your sin / hostile NPCs
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Joseph Porta on May 28, 2014, 03:08:01 pm
Go to the apostle of Velka, after church boss to remove your sin / hostile NPCs

Hmm, I must find this dude! Thanks!
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Vibe on May 28, 2014, 03:08:54 pm
Also you can jump without running with this set  :lol:

Sorry for extra post ..

its ok you will be punished appropriately by a batfog santiers wielding havelyn roll parry binoglitching hexer
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Joseph Porta on May 28, 2014, 03:10:57 pm
its ok you will be punished appropriately by a batfog santiers wielding havelyn roll parry binoglitcher hexer

Phi, my fairy magic will smite these infidels down! Magic fairy dust hoooooo!
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: IR_Kuoin on May 28, 2014, 03:54:53 pm
Just got invaded by a red with rank 1 or 2 aura at 100k SM in Bell Tower. He had NG+ body armor and I checked his profile he had a VAC ban. I beat him pretty easy and the guy fucking sucked, could tell he didn't know how to counter mages.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Banok on May 28, 2014, 04:26:04 pm
just beat game but not all bosses yet, did you guys go to NG+, stay or make 2nd char for pvp?

also whats your opinion on this soul memory stuff? seems to be it could very easily be abused. for instance a couple times when there was a stupid long run to boss I backed up my save. I didn't abuse it to save souls, only time. but its quite easy to backup saves and complete game without ever dieing.

which means I could be high soul level with low soul memory (not that I could actually bother), and be higher level than people I fight in pvp? or does it combine level+memory somehow?
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Kafein on May 28, 2014, 05:37:50 pm
SM is a good idea on paper if people don't meta. If people go meta with it, all hell breaks loose.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Vibe on May 28, 2014, 05:58:57 pm
just beat game but not all bosses yet, did you guys go to NG+, stay or make 2nd char for pvp?

also whats your opinion on this soul memory stuff? seems to be it could very easily be abused. for instance a couple times when there was a stupid long run to boss I backed up my save. I didn't abuse it to save souls, only time. but its quite easy to backup saves and complete game without ever dieing.

which means I could be high soul level with low soul memory (not that I could actually bother), and be higher level than people I fight in pvp? or does it combine level+memory somehow?

When I finished NG I did another run with another char, then did some PvP, and just recently went NG+ with one of the chars.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Joseph Porta on May 29, 2014, 12:28:39 am
I think I will try and get the Alonne captains armor, anyone knows if the drop rate is any good?
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Latvian on May 29, 2014, 12:34:28 am
it is fine, get that ring that boosts item drops i got that armor pretty fast without any special effort.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: IR_Kuoin on May 29, 2014, 02:14:44 am
Finished my sorcerer, went to Undead Lockaway to get a +2 clear bluestone ring. Got invaded (1.1m SM) and the poor fella died in 1 forbidden sun :D

Unintentional twinking my bad
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Joseph Porta on May 29, 2014, 02:22:46 am
Unintentional for sure sunbro :P
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: IR_Kuoin on May 29, 2014, 03:13:03 am
First BoB duel on my sorcerer, enemy used binoboost to get away to heal. Guess that will be the new pain in the ass thing now ....

Got him pretty easy but god damnit From patch that shit fast, ty.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Vibe on May 29, 2014, 10:37:25 am
All bosses in 1 hour and 32 minutes speedrun (with bino glitch and shrine skip)

obviously very spoilerish
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Oberyn on May 29, 2014, 11:16:33 am
Let me guess, dual wielding maces? I've seen some clips from speed runs, boss fights seem to mostly involve stunlocking the fuck out of them with those things.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Vibe on May 29, 2014, 11:27:18 am
Hexer, which is even more ez.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: FRANK_THE_TANK on May 29, 2014, 03:05:53 pm
Fuck this game, fuck it in it's arse.

I skin of my teeth make it through NG+, no death, no bon fire mother fucker. And it only gives me the no bon fire ring... FUCK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The amount of "Oh fuck I've been invade, quick swap everything to pvp and hope like fuck I don't need my broken magic shield :s" moments I had... fuck you dark souls 2 you fucking cunt! FUCK YOU!

I wish I had a disk to break, fucking steam, UNSATISFACTORY STEAM!


Dear FromSoftware, can I pleez haz all the hours of my life back I just wasted on your fucking game :*(

Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: IR_Kuoin on May 29, 2014, 03:09:04 pm
Wow that must suck to only get 1 ring :S
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: FRANK_THE_TANK on May 29, 2014, 03:56:12 pm
Wow that must suck to only get 1 ring :S

Fucking raging.

I've got both rings on another char so fuck it but I earned these ones damn it!

Some hacker just dumped them all over the ground when I summoned him and left. Was rather funny.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: FRANK_THE_TANK on May 29, 2014, 03:58:45 pm
Just uninstalled and deleted my saves. Perhaps now I can reclaim my life and start living like a human being again. Find some purpose for my existence. It's been hard road, but at least it's over now, thank god it's over now *twitch*.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Vibe on May 29, 2014, 05:06:00 pm
one does not GTX dark souls so easily
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Kafein on May 29, 2014, 05:16:13 pm
The good side of not having an unlimited dickwraith item is that the average invaded dude doesn't even know what a dickwraith is. I have lost one invasion. Due to the poison mobs in earthen peak. Didn't see the host.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: IR_Kuoin on May 29, 2014, 05:46:47 pm
Did some Iron Bridge PvP. Host had both invis rings and 5 weapons on him in total. Was no way for me to see what he would use. Got him down to 200 + hp after I had done a backstab and around 4 hits. This guy had so much fucking health. I doubt he was legit as his hours played was pretty petty. And this was NG on 5.7 SM. Obv. hackers / trainers are so fun to play against ...
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: TheAppleSauceMan on May 29, 2014, 09:08:35 pm
Just uninstalled and deleted my saves. Perhaps now I can reclaim my life and start living like a human being again. Find some purpose for my existence. It's been hard road, but at least it's over now, thank god it's over now *twitch*.

Should've given me your rings  :cry:
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Tor! on May 29, 2014, 09:55:22 pm
Dont see the longevity in DS2 pvp, so I stopped some weeks ago. To much stupid stuff  :P
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: IR_Kuoin on May 29, 2014, 09:59:01 pm
Dont see the longevity in DS2 pvp, so I stopped some weeks ago. To much stupid stuff  :P

Aye, I want to go back to Dks1 PvP but my Ps3 version is gone and PC takes ages to get any action going due to GFWL, hope From patches it over to new servers once GFWL dies.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Rhaelys on May 29, 2014, 10:38:07 pm
Fuck this game, fuck it in it's arse.

I skin of my teeth make it through NG+, no death, no bon fire mother fucker. And it only gives me the no bon fire ring... FUCK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The amount of "Oh fuck I've been invade, quick swap everything to pvp and hope like fuck I don't need my broken magic shield :s" moments I had... fuck you dark souls 2 you fucking cunt! FUCK YOU!

I wish I had a disk to break, fucking steam, UNSATISFACTORY STEAM!


Dear FromSoftware, can I pleez haz all the hours of my life back I just wasted on your fucking game :*(


Did you ever die as a phantom?
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Banok on May 29, 2014, 10:44:47 pm
Wow I played first few bosses on diff classes and cleric seems by far the easiest. Sure there are times when spamming sorcerer spells is easy mode, but dude I did not realise that "mace" is like RIDICULOUSLY op. I'm 1/2 hitting zombies, and 2/3 hitting old knights and haven't spent a single point in dex or str. And bosses seem really easy with it too, compared to sorcerer - altho it greatly depends which boss (and I did play pure caster sorc)

I guess you could just buy the mace too since heal miracle is mostly useful before you get more flasks.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Rhaelys on May 29, 2014, 11:05:00 pm
Wow I played first few bosses on diff classes and cleric seems by far the easiest. Sure there are times when spamming sorcerer spells is easy mode, but dude I did not realise that "mace" is like RIDICULOUSLY op. I'm 1/2 hitting zombies, and 2/3 hitting old knights and haven't spent a single point in dex or str. And bosses seem really easy with it too, compared to sorcerer - altho it greatly depends which boss (and I did play pure caster sorc)

I guess you could just buy the mace too since heal miracle is mostly useful before you get more flasks.

Mace is undoubtedly the best early game weapon.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Kafein on May 29, 2014, 11:11:38 pm
Magic Mace +8 as secondary for a magic user, OP.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Banok on May 29, 2014, 11:21:42 pm
bah i was 0 deaths, and did 3 bosses without summons. but just died on 4th boss :o
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: IR_Kuoin on May 29, 2014, 11:21:54 pm
Just killed a full Smelter Demon guy with 20 HP, he chugged to max health 2 times. Dat feel of rekt.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Vibe on May 29, 2014, 11:51:52 pm
Dont see the longevity in DS2 pvp, so I stopped some weeks ago. To much stupid stuff  :P

Yeah the more I PvP the more I'm frustrated with it. If it isn't one of the stupid shit it's the lag that kills it. This could've been a great PvP game if there was any balance and dedicated servers.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Banok on May 29, 2014, 11:55:51 pm
well I think lowbie pvp is more interesting

this bell tower stuff would be more fun if it didnt seem to usually be 2v1. but im not complaining I want the chunks.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Banok on May 30, 2014, 12:00:15 am
haha just lost 2v2 which turned into 1v1 to a guy called king crimson, while itunes random was playing king crimson.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: SixThumbs on May 30, 2014, 12:06:25 am
From what I've heard there are servers for the arenas, although it doesn't stop them from connecting you to people outside of your country.

I really wanted the second rank of BoB but after losing 50 wins to a corrupted save and grinding out another ~70 (relatively quickly) on top of the multitude of issues and balance problems already discussed ad nauseam I've lost interest entirely.

Gone were those first couple of days where there were bloodstains EVERYWHERE, summoning signs littering the floor and PvP was exciting because you didn't know what the opponent was going to do.

I'll maybe wait a year from now when FROM finally decides to patch things way past the point where a majority of the player base even cares anymore.  :cry:

Really though, it was if I saw one more person wearing you-know-what, roll-parrying with the you-know-what and then taunting me at the end when they've one-shot me I was going to break my monitor.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Vibe on May 30, 2014, 12:12:12 am
well I think lowbie pvp is more interesting

this bell tower stuff would be more fun if it didnt seem to usually be 2v1. but im not complaining I want the chunks.

too bad you can't stay low because of this SM shit

From what I've heard there are servers for the arenas, although it doesn't stop them from connecting you to people outside of your country.

There's no way there are servers for arena for anything except the matchmaking process. The match itself is always P2P, which is what is the biggest problem here.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Kafein on May 30, 2014, 12:19:02 am
There's no way there are servers for arena for anything except the matchmaking process. The match itself is always P2P, which is what is the biggest problem here.

Those guys backstabbing you on top of bell tower when you are at the bottom, priceless
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Joseph Porta on May 30, 2014, 01:24:34 am
I am seriously fucking hating this p2p stuff.. Cant handle it for a bit, I just start raging every time I get hit from a bazillion meters away..
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Banok on May 30, 2014, 01:43:01 am
Bell tower cov is OP, it recharges my health/spell charges etc. everytime I win.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Joseph Porta on May 30, 2014, 01:45:16 am
Bell tower cov is OP, it recharges my health/spell charges etc. everytime I win.

After a PvP fight? Cant you just rest at a bonfire aswell?
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Banok on May 30, 2014, 05:00:18 am
Guys what are the hardest bosses in your opinion? I remember in darksouls 1 peoples opinins varied alot. I can't believe people thing lost sinner is one of the hardest, absolute easiest boss in whole series. I ran in and swang and he died first time, and was like WTF, that was a boss?

smelter demon took me the most tries, I think. gargoyles probably 2nd. still got couple of bosses havent done yet tho

After a PvP fight? Cant you just rest at a bonfire aswell?

bonfire resets the mobs tho don't it. what I mean is I can be grinding through an area and with bell ring on I can take pvp breaks which regen everything if I win. which is super helpful since I only got 10 lightning spears, making my high faith is basically useless

Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Vibe on May 30, 2014, 08:02:10 am
Guys what are the hardest bosses in your opinion? I remember in darksouls 1 peoples opinins varied alot. I can't believe people thing lost sinner is one of the hardest, absolute easiest boss in whole series. I ran in and swang and he died first time, and was like WTF, that was a boss?

smelter demon took me the most tries, I think. gargoyles probably 2nd. still got couple of bosses havent done yet tho

bonfire resets the mobs tho don't it. what I mean is I can be grinding through an area and with bell ring on I can take pvp breaks which regen everything if I win. which is super helpful since I only got 10 lightning spears, making my high faith is basically useless

I think pretty much everything you do as a summon/invader you get a refill if you win (even restores humanity).

For the hardest bosses, I think a lot depends on when you do them - what SL you were and how upgraded gear you had. As for me:
Sentinel trio
Gargoyles (but at that point I had +3 falchion only, when I came back with a +10 katana it was cake)
Royal Rat Authority (didn't have anything to 1shot those dogs at first)
Ancient Dragon (this boss just needed figuring out where to stand, after that it's really easy)

When I played the game for the first time I always put down a summon sign before a new boss, learned the mechanics with a bit of coop and then did them without many problems (or dying).

Dark Souls II v1.06 Regulation Notes [Poorly Translated]
Original text:


    Bat Staff poison effect changed to proc on melee strikes only. Interaction with Dark Fog removed

    Avelyn tracking adjusted, reload time lengthened and damage reduced

    The adjustment motion of "Onoyari of thine" weapons, the balance of the amount of damage (Possibly Syan's Halberd change)

    Santier's Spear damaged reduced, stamina usage changed

    Adjust the motion of the "sword of the curse's" weapon (Possibly Pursuer's Ultra-Greatswrod)

    Cale's Shoes and Leather armor's defensive values changed

    Abyss Ring damage multiplier changed

    Great Resonant Soul damage reduced

    Wrath of God's damage reduced

    Resonant Weapon flat increase changed / reduced

    Flame Weapon flat increase adjusted / reduced

    Motion adjustment of thorn sword weapon category (Possibly Rapier change))

    Power Stance glitch that occurs with ultragreats and the bandit axe has been fixed

    Enchanted upgrade path adjusted

    Changed duration on some spells

    Monastery Scimitar parrying animation adjusted

    Arriveal Date: June 2nd on PS3, Xbox 360, and Windows PC

I might have missed some, but this will tie you over until someone actually translates it. Please note that this is not a patch, this is one of the hotfixes / calibrations.

Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: IR_Kuoin on May 30, 2014, 08:22:27 am
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Kafein on May 30, 2014, 09:57:41 am

Rejoice, but no binofix
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Vibe on May 30, 2014, 09:59:35 am
I think (hope) the big stuff will come in the actual patch - SM removal/SL matchmaking, FPS fix, binoglitching, roll parries etc - this is just a hotfix, but at least it's something eh
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Joseph Porta on May 30, 2014, 11:39:10 am

Can you imagine slaying demons, killing sparkling vamps and slaughtering hordes of zombies wearing a Top Hat! This is great! I love the setting its a bit steampunk-gothic-ish.

I think (hope) the big stuff will come in the actual patch - SM removal/SL matchmaking, FPS fix, binoglitching, roll parries etc - this is just a hotfix, but at least it's something eh

Did they mention a date for it?
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Vibe on May 30, 2014, 11:50:01 am
Did they mention a date for it?

this century
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: FRANK_THE_TANK on May 30, 2014, 02:13:49 pm
Did you ever die as a phantom?

I did, once. I didn't realize it had an effect. My buddy told me about it the other day as I cried into my coffee.

The good side of not having an unlimited dickwraith item is that the average invaded dude doesn't even know what a dickwraith is. I have lost one invasion. Due to the poison mobs in earthen peak. Didn't see the host.

On NG+ you can buy them for 10k each. I had one char cruiding around on NG+ with 99 of them and I was pantsing mother fuckers left and right.

Nothing says "SURPRISE MOTHER FUCKER" like a +10 invisible avalyn with with dark bolts. The crazy thing is that since you can use two types of ammo you just check out their armour and hit them with whatever has the best penetration. Heavy armour you slap them with dark bolts. Light you hit them heavy bolts. But you save your burst up until you can get a kill shot with it and then nuke the sucker.

But like Tor said. Too much stupid shit happens in PVP. I had a 5min fight with a guy where he was just standing still and then teleporting all over the place and I would pound away at him and then shoot him with my great bow and then a 10-20 seconds later he would fly backwards from it slapping him in the face.

IMO great bow is the funnest weapon in the game for pvp. So many amusing options. I love watching people roll around trying to avoid the shot only to tap out their stamina and get blasted. At the dragon eirie you wind up shooting so many people off the cliffs it's just cruel.

Also at lvl 238 I was invading people all the time, which I wasn't expecting. Often I would get no souls after killing them so I must have been way outside of their league.

SL238 SM 1000000+
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: IR_Kuoin on May 30, 2014, 02:24:31 pm
Just deflected a firebomb with my weapon, totally on purpose  8-)
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Vibe on May 30, 2014, 02:57:53 pm
Also at lvl 238 I was invading people all the time, which I wasn't expecting. Often I would get no souls after killing them so I must have been way outside of their league.

SL238 SM 1000000+

Blue invasions don't get souls, maybe you were invading as that.

"Nothing says "SURPRISE MOTHER FUCKER" like a +10 invisible avalyn with with dark bolts."
might as well go all the way with it with dual invis mundane avelyns (25 all build), super douchebag mode
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: IR_Kuoin on May 30, 2014, 05:07:26 pm
Seen a lot of tryhards today but this one takes the cake, offhand invis ring with monastery scimitar, its almost a guaranteed parry when your opponent can't even see it ...
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Banok on May 30, 2014, 07:49:48 pm
I guess its not pragmatic, but am I the only one who wants a a souls game that isn't so... console-fied. I was hoping they might move away from lockon system, and just let us aim spells/mele more like a third person shooter. So that playing sorcerer takes skill not just pressing a button, but also means you could lead aim and hit people trying to roll etc. Also wanted graphics that at least push the ps4 hardware.

What i'm seeing from this beast souls game is that its only more of the same, with a different setting. Which means it will still probably be a great game, but personally its actually really disapointing that from softare seem to be taking the quantity route instead of the quality. they have split studio to work on 2 souls games at the same time, remember call of duty 4 was a good game and then they took this route too. Souls like CoD could be a victim of its own success, and become a hollow horse being beaten for sweet soul money.

and also the fact that this new game seems to be a ps4 exclusive is a bit of a shit on PC gamers. DS has been really popular and supported by PC community even tho DS1 was terrible port, and DS2 is better but not exactly good.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: IR_Kuoin on May 30, 2014, 08:08:01 pm
You can manually aim at people who are rolling, very useful in Dark Souls 1 using the bow. And aiming with mouse is pretty smooth and enjoyable (the few times I've tried it). The Soul games are one of those games that for me fit under the controller category. I'd rather be sweating on my controller than my mouse AND keyboard :D
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Latvian on May 30, 2014, 08:19:30 pm
i started NG and still dont know how to aim with bow :D
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Banok on May 30, 2014, 08:22:37 pm
You can manually aim at people who are rolling, very useful in Dark Souls 1 using the bow. And aiming with mouse is pretty smooth and enjoyable (the few times I've tried it). The Soul games are one of those games that for me fit under the controller category. I'd rather be sweating on my controller than my mouse AND keyboard :D

I do know about the crosshair mode on bow, but there is none of spells and anyway your kind of missing the point ;/ its not about mouse vs controller. the game would simply be better on both input if there was no lockon and mele/magic/arrows all aimed with crosshair.

I guess more pragmatically what I want to happen is a more PC centric developer to make a souls game rip off but actually take design risks and try and improve the game. because I predict the series is going to be become completely stagnant.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: IR_Kuoin on May 30, 2014, 08:52:07 pm
Then basically Monster Hunter :P

You can aim with magic using binoculars.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: SirCymro_Crusader on May 30, 2014, 10:31:25 pm
Getting invaded loads  :twisted:

Got invaded by two guys, managed to kill one and get the other down to a margin of health before some weird ass spiral attack missed me then 2 seconds alter hit me  :lol: then got invaded by another 2 guys who were pure mages, easily managed to kill them without losing too much hp haha
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Banok on May 31, 2014, 12:39:59 am
Man first char I didnt think the rotten was hard, 2nd char I'm starting to feel like this is THE hardest boss by far. I thought maybe it must because its resistant to lightning, wiki says weak to lightning wtf. this bosses attacks are pretty much unavoidable.

edit: finally, think thats most ive died on a boss tho and 2nd playthrough too ;/
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: IR_Kuoin on May 31, 2014, 12:41:20 am
So went NG+ on my mage today, got more invasions in 1 hour than I did in 12+ hours on NG making my char.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Vibe on May 31, 2014, 12:48:58 am
Yeah NG+ is filled with arbiter spirits. I don't think I've gone more than 10 minutes without being invaded by an arbiter.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: IR_Kuoin on May 31, 2014, 01:44:11 am
Fucking tryhards everywhere. Everyone who invades me gank me with the NPCs and use buffs and heals to no end.

Edit: also one thing about Dark Souls 2 is the self buff. Profound still for example which is Vow of Silence from Dark souls 1 is that you can still cast spells after you've used it while your opponent can't. In Dark Souls it was way more balanced because you couldn't cast a spell yourself after that. And you sometimes had to gamble on what self-buff you wanted to use since you could only use one. Green blossom or replenishment, GMB etc.

So much shit before PvP gets anyway near Dks1 enjoyment level.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Banok on May 31, 2014, 02:13:08 am
My fav ds2 boss is looking glass knight. hes not the hardest but pretty tough, and not in a cheap way. plus he looks bad ass, and the way his shield passive blocks mele and reflects spells is awesome.

also I just read aparently he can summon players instead of an NPC, epic.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: FRANK_THE_TANK on May 31, 2014, 04:36:38 am
Blue invasions don't get souls, maybe you were invading as that.

"Nothing says "SURPRISE MOTHER FUCKER" like a +10 invisible avalyn with with dark bolts."
might as well go all the way with it with dual invis mundane avelyns (25 all build), super douchebag mode

NG+ for both. I don't really both invading as a bluebro it's a bore.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Banok on May 31, 2014, 04:48:48 am
whats actually the point of cleric? I like it, its fun, its strong. but cant sorcerer basically do everything it can do but better?
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Vibe on May 31, 2014, 11:45:41 am
whats actually the point of cleric? I like it, its fun, its strong. but cant sorcerer basically do everything it can do but better?

sorcerers can't heal (estus disabled in invasions) and lightning spear is more damage than sorcerer stuff afaik

Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Kafein on May 31, 2014, 12:36:55 pm
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Banok on May 31, 2014, 05:02:37 pm
sorcerers can't heal (estus disabled in invasions) and lightning spear is more damage than sorcerer stuff afaik

I was abit disapointed on my cleric to find out in duels you can use estus ;/
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Vibe on May 31, 2014, 09:24:13 pm
I was abit disapointed on my cleric to find out in duels you can use estus ;/

duels yeah, you can chug (which is retarded), but when invading you can't
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: IR_Kuoin on June 01, 2014, 12:33:58 am
Invaded by people using Demon Souls NPC names, can't even cosplay as one. So sad.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Kafein on June 01, 2014, 12:45:50 am
Invaded by people using Demon Souls NPC names, can't even cosplay as one. So sad.

Some day I'll be a pretend-Lucatiel, and I'll just follow the host looking badass
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Tennenoth on June 01, 2014, 01:24:05 am
(click to show/hide)

Speaking of Lucatiel, certainly has my favourite armour, finally decided on a "fashion souls" look. Given up caring about stat effectiveness. I enjoy the Ricard's Rapier's quick stab power attack, added poison just because I'm a bitch.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: IR_Kuoin on June 01, 2014, 01:33:32 am
I would recommend getting a normal / infused Richard rapier using the Leo ring, the amount of damage you can do is insane.

And I might recreate my Dark Souls 1 build but I doubt I'll have the endurance to get WoG on two characters :D
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Tennenoth on June 01, 2014, 01:48:24 am
I would recommend getting a normal / infused Richard rapier using the Leo ring, the amount of damage you can do is insane.

And I might recreate my Dark Souls 1 build but I doubt I'll have the endurance to get WoG on two characters :D

When I learn to reliably riposte/parry it might be worth it, but otherwise for PvP I stick with the Defender's Greatsword or an Estoc. I'm learning, that's for bloody sure, trying to parry as many enemies as I can, probably hitting 50% of the attempts. :)
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Banok on June 01, 2014, 03:36:45 am

couple of these kills made me lol
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: IR_Kuoin on June 01, 2014, 04:18:23 am
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: FRANK_THE_TANK on June 01, 2014, 04:33:58 am
whats actually the point of cleric? I like it, its fun, its strong. but cant sorcerer basically do everything it can do but better?

Most amusing cos play build I made so far was "Buddhist Monk", robes etc but most importantly.

But you have to use ceastus, tis the bomb lol and buy bomb, I mean terrible.


I just realised I did it all wrong. I should have gone into a duels and set myself on fire and not fought them lol
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Banok on June 01, 2014, 05:07:13 am
im sure alot of what foxeogame is whining about is valid but alot of it seems to be such whiny nitpicking about every minor difference to ds1. and his voice is very anoying.

question: also when you hit someone you hear hit sound you see them react but they take no damage, that is lag? at first I thought there just must be a spell to take no damage....
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Tot. on June 01, 2014, 05:39:05 am
When I learn to reliably riposte/parry it might be worth it

Leo ring increases counter damage, which has nothing to do with parry/backstab. Counter is when you hit someone whos swinging or who just whiffed with a swing and is in recovery animation. I guess it was meant primarily for spearmen to boost damage from attacking from behind a shield and From cant into making item descriptions that make sense. Regardless, Leo is very good for all thrusty weapons in general.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: FRANK_THE_TANK on June 01, 2014, 11:45:03 am
im sure alot of what foxeogame is whining about is valid but alot of it seems to be such whiny nitpicking about every minor difference to ds1. and his voice is very anoying.

question: also when you hit someone you hear hit sound you see them react but they take no damage, that is lag? at first I thought there just must be a spell to take no damage....

It's lag. Which is a huge problem in DS2 as the cross regional play option simply doesn't work. I guess for most people in EU and US it's not that big of a deal but when playing in Australia we are a tiny portion of the population and my experience has been that over half of all PVP I wound up engaging with was so laggy that is basically unplayable. Either for me or the other person, but it was simply not a reflection of the combat of the game, it was just about who happened to be hosting the fight would win.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Banok on June 01, 2014, 08:01:34 pm
It's lag. Which is a huge problem in DS2 as the cross regional play option simply doesn't work. I guess for most people in EU and US it's not that big of a deal but when playing in Australia we are a tiny portion of the population and my experience has been that over half of all PVP I wound up engaging with was so laggy that is basically unplayable. Either for me or the other person, but it was simply not a reflection of the combat of the game, it was just about who happened to be hosting the fight would win.

Well I bought the asian version, but definitely lost a couple fights to lag but I wouldn't call it unplayable at all.

dark souls 1 pvp looked worse, I didnt actually play it myself tho.

The only thing in pvp that cheeses me off is LANCES. anyone else noticed these? they take "ghost reach" to a whole new level, and then a further level. I am 2 roll distances away from the tip and it hits me.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: IR_Kuoin on June 01, 2014, 08:24:42 pm
All Souls games have the same amount of PvP lag but Dks2 takes it to a new level.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Joseph Porta on June 01, 2014, 09:00:10 pm
Knuckle character hitting me from a mile away pretty much defines it for me.. I bought the actual game for the pvp but frankly im very dissapointed..
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Banok on June 01, 2014, 10:27:36 pm
1. cast homing soul mass
2. run up to enemy
3. cast soul greatsword as they get staggered from soul mass


well doesnt work on everyone so its not my only tactic, but its pretty easy win against bad light armour ppl.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: IR_Kuoin on June 01, 2014, 10:31:44 pm
Or noobs? :P
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Banok on June 01, 2014, 11:17:21 pm
haha rat king covenant is cheap but fun with nice rewards

I just got a got to 10 hp, then started doing the channeler's trident dance next to them until my rat minions finished them off.

edit: its still cracking me up

edit2: also cracking me up:

Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Joseph Porta on June 02, 2014, 12:31:00 pm
haha rat king covenant is cheap but fun with nice rewards

I just got a got to 10 hp, then started doing the channeler's trident dance next to them until my rat minions finished them off.

edit: its still cracking me up

edit2: also cracking me up:

"Im like a treadmill so smooth"

Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Banok on June 02, 2014, 01:56:26 pm
patch sounds good, even hearing cool things that aren't in the notes like buff duration effected by relevant stats.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Gravoth_iii on June 02, 2014, 02:37:30 pm

Bat Staff poison effect changed to proc on melee strikes only. Interaction with Dark Fog removed
Avelyn tracking adjusted, reload time lengthened and damage reduced
The adjustment motion of "Onoyari of thine" weapons, the balance of the amount of damage (Possibly Syan's Halberd change)
Santier's Spear damaged reduced, stamina usage changed
Adjust the motion of the "sword of the curse's" weapon (Possibly Pursuer's Ultra-Greatswrod)
Cale's Shoes and Leather armor's defensive values changed
Abyss Ring damage multiplier changed
Great Resonant Soul damage reduced
Wrath of God's damage reduced
Resonant Weapon flat increase changed / reduced
Flame Weapon flat increase adjusted / reduced
Motion adjustment of thorn sword weapon category (Possibly Rapier change))
Power Stance glitch that occurs with ultragreats and the bandit axe has been fixed
Enchanted upgrade path adjusted
Changed duration on some spells
Monastery Scimitar parrying animation adjusted

1.06 patchnotes whenever they are being released. Sounds like from has been listening.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Vibe on June 02, 2014, 02:52:10 pm
1.06 patchnotes whenever they are being released. Sounds like from has been listening.

it's already released and yeah, buff duration now depends on the stats
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: IR_Kuoin on June 02, 2014, 03:02:08 pm
Good to hear that the 50/50 quality magic build I made will actually be stronger than the Melee builds who put a few levels to get renosant buff will be nerfed.

Edit: Invaded a guy today and all my weapons lost around 10 durability or more when I randomly hit the ground in front of an enemy (on each hit).

Invaded in the crypt so one of the shieldbros blocked me out from the host  -.-
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Banok on June 02, 2014, 05:27:20 pm
My "Flying Saucerer" character is complete.

(click to show/hide)

probably fairly unoriginal but its very effective and my first go at a proper souls pvp character. can give details if anyones curious, when I did alot of googling for what sorcerer stuff is best there wasn't really a complete list I could find.

my only beef is crystal weapon buff looks ugly, and washing pole looks even stupider. but it is insanely effective. Its a shame it didnt get nerfed honestly.

I was keeping soul memory low but Ive done so many invasions, they give too much souls  :( is it based on their level?
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: IR_Kuoin on June 02, 2014, 05:45:39 pm
Higher SM / SL they are the more souls. Not sure if SL matters in terms of rewards, it used too atleast.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: TheAppleSauceMan on June 03, 2014, 12:06:27 am
Some testing done on the new patch.  :mrgreen:
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Vibe on June 03, 2014, 12:31:47 am
Good changes. I'm afraid though that I'll never enjoy Dark Souls 2 PvP like I did in other PvP games. P2P kills it, simple as. Great PvE game though and I'm far from regretting my purchase.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Gravoth_iii on June 03, 2014, 12:41:46 am
Yeah, its unfortunate that its laggy but pvp can still be pretty fun. Something you just have to get used to to enjoy it, i dont really mind too much, used to play some other stuff that required leadshooting to compensate for lag.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Rhaelys on June 03, 2014, 01:34:45 am
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Banok on June 03, 2014, 05:13:27 am
Good changes. I'm afraid though that I'll never enjoy Dark Souls 2 PvP like I did in other PvP games. P2P kills it, simple as. Great PvE game though and I'm far from regretting my purchase.

thats exactly what I thought, plus its just not very balanced. but dark souls pvp is somehow really addictive and often highly amusing. just stuff like when you invade and manage to scrape a win vs 2 guys who tired to amubsh you, or buff rats to do your dirty work in rat covenant, or disguise yourself as a box in order to kill some poor noob, it just cracks me up so much.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: SixThumbs on June 03, 2014, 05:30:36 am
PVP in this was easier for me than the first Dark Souls. Invasions are mostly determining where the invadee has been based on dead enemies, and then running all the way to the bonfire because he backpedalled and is trying to summon phantoms.

Consensual PVP was fun when the enchantment with the game was still there, now I just don't have the patience for lag (netcode), ghost reach, chaotic tracking on attacks, and the douche-bags who have to use the "No Way" gesture when they've barely won even though the scales were tipped in their favor in the first place.

The gestures in general just bother me, they look so wooden and unnatural.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: IR_Kuoin on June 03, 2014, 08:29:48 am
At least you can roll out of gestures now, no mid-backstab bow anymore :P

I do wish they kept "looks skyward" and "downward" gesture though, they were the best.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Vibe on June 03, 2014, 08:34:25 am
Eh I don't mind gestures, let them think they won because they outplayed me. Honestly not that bothered being beaten by cheesy stuff (especially now that the really cheesy stuff has been changed). I do mind that so many people have figured out that stabs are good due to ghost/lag range. Heck, I could just grab my katana on my DEX char and spam running attack which is a pretty lengthy stab and they'd get hit most of the times due to fucked up connection/hitbox.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: IR_Kuoin on June 03, 2014, 08:48:24 am
Running katana have always been my personal PvP rage experience, from Demon Souls to Dark Souls 2. We know you are japs From and want to boost the katanas supremacy but c'mon.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Banok on June 03, 2014, 10:10:28 am
chameleon is not really viable as invaders, a bit obvious most the time, but too funny when it works.

I kind of what to push the int requirement to low for dex char. then get enough tokens of spite so people invade me, or just hang in belltower I guess, and try and ambush people ;D

So I guess a backstab/riposte char, but no real info on critical damage multipliers. dagger seems to be the best.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: IR_Kuoin on June 03, 2014, 10:23:31 am
From what I've seen thrust damage is by far the most damaging critical type. Armors usually have low thrust defense so anything with thrust damage / uses thrust on critical hits is go to for most damage.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Joseph Porta on June 03, 2014, 11:02:12 am
thats exactly what I thought, plus its just not very balanced. but dark souls pvp is somehow really addictive and often highly amusing. just stuff like when you invade and manage to scrape a win vs 2 guys who tired to amubsh you, or buff rats to do your dirty work in rat covenant, or disguise yourself as a box in order to kill some poor noob, it just cracks me up so much.

True, but I keep losing all my red eye orbs and got to make a new character to be able to PvP again. :( I just want to keep fighting cause i want to learn this pvp.. But with only a few red orbs per run it feels so limited :/
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Kafein on June 03, 2014, 11:11:57 am
You get orbs by winning in the arena.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Joseph Porta on June 03, 2014, 11:12:56 am
You get orbs by winning in the arena.

Im too bad Kafein :/
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Kafein on June 03, 2014, 11:18:12 am
I'm bad too, but I do win sometimes.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Joseph Porta on June 03, 2014, 11:19:56 am
I'm bad too, but I do win sometimes.

We must have a baddie duel some day, may the worst win!  :arrow:
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Rhaelys on June 03, 2014, 11:20:05 am
Orbs are unlimited, because the cost to enter the arena is nothing. If you win, then you can invade people.

Honestly invading isn't really fun. You don't know if you're walking into a gankfest with three vagina-face smelter helmet havel scumlords. I tend to do two types of PvP: arena and waiting to be invaded/summoning people who put down their red sign soapstones or dragon covenant signs.

Edit: The Blue Sentinel arena costs a Token of Fidelity to enter. The Brotherhood of Blood arena is free.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Joseph Porta on June 03, 2014, 11:21:12 am
Orbs are unlimited, because the cost to enter the arena is nothing. If you win, then you can invade people.

Honestly invading isn't really fun. You don't know if you're walking into a gankfest with three vagina-face smelter helmet havel scumlords. I tend to do two types of PvP: arena and waiting to be invaded/summoning people who put down their red sign soapstones or dragon covenant signs.

Wowowo, i need to pay a fidelity token to enter the arena :/ you dont?
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Vibe on June 03, 2014, 11:22:28 am
Wowowo, i need to pay a fidelity token to enter the arena :/ you dont?

Brotherhood of Blood arena doesn't require anything to enter a duel.

I do prefer random invasions, sometimes fighting against the odds can be fun - trying to get the world master killed by npcs while you dodge the 2 summons he has chasing you :D. + BoB arena has like 70% tryhard builds.

I would summon to my world/get invaded for pvp if it didn't mean losing humanity/extra hp every freaking time. Also one of the things I really dislike about DS2. Yes I know there's effigies but you're going to run out of them eventually.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Kafein on June 03, 2014, 11:32:19 am
Getting summoned as a white to get your humanity back really isn't a huge problem IMO. I never used even a single humanity.

Also I have yet to get ganked when invading at SL ~100. Most of the hosts seemed to have no idea what they were doing.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Joseph Porta on June 03, 2014, 11:42:22 am
Brotherhood of Blood arena doesn't require anything to enter a duel.

I do prefer random invasions, sometimes fighting against the odds can be fun - trying to get the world master killed by npcs while you dodge the 2 summons he has chasing you :D. + BoB arena has like 70% tryhard builds.

I would summon to my world/get invaded for pvp if it didn't mean losing humanity/extra hp every freaking time. Also one of the things I really dislike about DS2. Yes I know there's effigies but you're going to run out of them eventually.

Hmm, I might try that then, if only to learn to handle this lag pvp..
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: IR_Kuoin on June 03, 2014, 11:55:40 am
When you have 0 effegies left you can regain humanity at the Shrine in Amana by praying.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: SixThumbs on June 03, 2014, 02:36:36 pm
That's worse than traveling back to Majula every time you want to level up.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Vibe on June 03, 2014, 02:41:00 pm
That's worse than traveling back to Majula every time you want to level up.

traveling and talking to that whore, every
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: SixThumbs on June 03, 2014, 03:07:34 pm

I'm going to blame that on why I felt so confused geographically and lost on my first play through.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Kafein on June 03, 2014, 03:21:24 pm

I'm going to blame that on why I felt so confused geographically and lost on my first play through.

DkS 2 has two parent games. Demon's Souls and Dark Souls. Oftentimes, DkS 2 made the bad choice of copying DS and not DkS. This is why you have farmable healing items. This is why the world is not interconnected but rather a collection of independent paths. This is why most enemies are humanoid. This is why we have mechanics like SM that work out of min-max situations.

There's really no reason to get lost in DkS 2 though. Except in Shaded Woods, of course. The game never requires you to have an idea of where you are globally, you just have to know where you are locally, "between bonfires".
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: IR_Kuoin on June 03, 2014, 03:29:01 pm
I was able to skip the credits!!!!!!!
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: SixThumbs on June 03, 2014, 03:42:41 pm
The game never requires you to have an idea of where you are globally, you just have to know where you are locally, "between bonfires".

I was never really lost within the bonfire areas but thematically and an over-arching goal just weren't there on the first play-through.

I enjoyed Dark Souls' intro where it's not really about you, or at least not framed as such, you are just an inhabitant in the world. Then you merrily wander around when some guy mentions something about ringing bells and things build up from there.

Right off the bat in Dark Souls II you have the three "firekeepers" standing around breaking down the 4th wall right out of the gate and every so often you get a throwback and reference to Dark Souls that really just weren't needed.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Kafein on June 03, 2014, 03:51:08 pm
It's unfortunate that they try so hard (and mostly succeed) to bring back DkS memes, yeah.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Banok on June 03, 2014, 04:23:12 pm
+ BoB arena has like 70% tryhard builds.

This is true, but if you make a low soul memory build tryhard build back then you can get mostly even fights there and stay around whatever soul memory level you want.

I'd rather make new characters its very quick when you know how, and that NG+ pvp where everyone is SL300 looks boring as fuck.

shame you cant go NG+ and reset soul memory, would be fucking hard but more fun to me.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: IR_Kuoin on June 03, 2014, 05:20:41 pm
That moment when the obvious hacker goes to switch out his invis ring and body armor so he wont die that easily after healing 3 times.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Polobow on June 03, 2014, 06:11:54 pm
Anyone tried this? (
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: IR_Kuoin on June 03, 2014, 07:15:39 pm
Save backup is just like a trainer. I started using a trainer in Dark Souls 1 so I could make my PvP characters faster, took me around 3 hours to finish them but god damn was it boring doing it. Pretty much removes all the "fear" of dying when you can just boot up your old save.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Tennenoth on June 03, 2014, 09:45:04 pm
Save backup is just like a trainer. I started using a trainer in Dark Souls 1 so I could make my PvP characters faster, took me around 3 hours to finish them but god damn was it boring doing it. Pretty much removes all the "fear" of dying when you can just boot up your old save.

Considering I just died on an NG+4 no deaths run, this would have removed all of the fear entirely. I had only the Guardian Dragon, The Giant Lord & Nashandra to go to beat the game without dying, Dlion had played his arse off trying to keep me alive in sticky situations, we killed at least 15 invaders throughout that time and it all ended abruptly about ten seconds after entering the Guardian Dragon's boss area. (Son of a bitch did a jump back & then straight fire breathed me, I blocked it out of instinct, breaking my guard and it then hit me two or three more times to kill me... :()

But yeah, in short, that tension, elation and sheer adrenaline I would never have felt if I could just  beat a boss, back up the save and then go at it again. I might have failed but I would have preferred to fail than cheat my way through! :)
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: TheAppleSauceMan on June 03, 2014, 11:28:05 pm
Any recommendations on any good end-game weapons? Right now I'm running a Lightning Defender Greatsword +5 with 40 points in literally every stat. Definitely not bad but I'm always interested in improvements  :D
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: IR_Kuoin on June 03, 2014, 11:41:46 pm
Whatever you feel is necessary, personally I have around 6+ weapons on all my chars. that I switch depending on the type of enemy.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Rhaelys on June 04, 2014, 12:35:53 am
Considering I just died on an NG+4 no deaths run, this would have removed all of the fear entirely. I had only the Guardian Dragon, The Giant Lord & Nashandra to go to beat the game without dying, Dlion had played his arse off trying to keep me alive in sticky situations, we killed at least 15 invaders throughout that time and it all ended abruptly about ten seconds after entering the Guardian Dragon's boss area. (Son of a bitch did a jump back & then straight fire breathed me, I blocked it out of instinct, breaking my guard and it then hit me two or three more times to kill me... :()

But yeah, in short, that tension, elation and sheer adrenaline I would never have felt if I could just  beat a boss, back up the save and then go at it again. I might have failed but I would have preferred to fail than cheat my way through! :)

No deaths for the illusory ring only requires that you kill Nashandra and any bosses you need to get to her. Same thing for no bonfires.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Tennenoth on June 04, 2014, 01:53:02 am
No deaths for the illusory ring only requires that you kill Nashandra and any bosses you need to get to her. Same thing for no bonfires.

I know. I'd killed the Pursuer & Giant before I decided to do the no deaths run, then I followed;

(click to show/hide)

Then I died on the Guardian Dragon to get to the Dragon Aerie... :(

Give or take in that order anyway. Looking at it now, I can't see any I could have skipped besides the ones I marked, which was when I really got serious about the whole no deaths run.
I could viably have farmed souls to get through the Shrine of Winter, but I really can't be arsed to farm something like 10 million souls in boss souls :D
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Banok on June 04, 2014, 01:59:39 am
450K soul memory arena and check this guys HP

visitors can't see pics , please register or login

This is after I did a riposte with a +10 dagger 40 dex, and a few hits also.

then he just stun locks me.

also I took damage earlier from the hit I PARRIED, wtf. I dont think dex builds are viable at all tbh, except maybe dual poison whips but that looks boring as fuck to play.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: SixThumbs on June 04, 2014, 04:17:33 am
I don't know if the BoB arena takes SM into account all of the time. It seems like it generally tries to match you with people around the same amount but even at 275k SM I still ended up seeing havels and people that had equipment a lot further into the game.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Rhaelys on June 04, 2014, 05:09:19 am
I know. I'd killed the Pursuer & Giant before I decided to do the no deaths run, then I followed;

(click to show/hide)

Then I died on the Guardian Dragon to get to the Dragon Aerie... :(

Give or take in that order anyway. Looking at it now, I can't see any I could have skipped besides the ones I marked, which was when I really got serious about the whole no deaths run.
I could viably have farmed souls to get through the Shrine of Winter, but I really can't be arsed to farm something like 10 million souls in boss souls :D

The easiest no deaths run is probably something like this:
(click to show/hide)

(click to show/hide)
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Vibe on June 04, 2014, 08:06:28 am
Farmed up Llewellyn set yesterday on my DEX char, this armor is full swagger. Also upgraded an Espada Ropera to +10 and did some pvp with it - I managed to stunlock some guy to get like 5-6 hits in, I'm not sure if it was an actual stun lock or he just forgot to dodge though. Was pretty cool. Still learning how to parry with Parrying Dagger, which is in my offhand - parry times are completely different for PvP than for PvE and fast weapons like katanas are still giving me troubles parrying..
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: FRANK_THE_TANK on June 04, 2014, 08:15:33 am
Just found a save game.

If anyone wants a set of the invis rings or shit loads of plus 10 gear let me know.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: IR_Kuoin on June 04, 2014, 08:24:22 am
450K soul memory arena and check this guys HP

visitors can't see pics , please register or login

This is after I did a riposte with a +10 dagger 40 dex, and a few hits also.

then he just stun locks me.

also I took damage earlier from the hit I PARRIED, wtf. I dont think dex builds are viable at all tbh, except maybe dual poison whips but that looks boring as fuck to play.

Havel got around 1k defense. A dagger doing that much damage on ripost on a Havel is pretty decent. Looks like he got a good amount of HP though for your SM. Dagger should have done over 1k. Had to backstab a full havel 3 times once using dark buff before he died.

Just found a save game.

If anyone wants a set of the invis rings or shit loads of plus 10 gear let me know.

Didn't know there was mules for PC yet.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Vibe on June 04, 2014, 08:30:04 am
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Polobow on June 04, 2014, 11:20:55 am
40 points in literally every stat.

Shouldn't you go mundane daggers?
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: SirCymro_Crusader on June 04, 2014, 12:38:57 pm
Got a +10 fire longsword, the one you find at the start of the game  :oops:

Haven't really used any other weapon. Got lost though, trying to find my way around. Just killed the boss in the gutter, gotta find out where to go next.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Joseph Porta on June 04, 2014, 12:43:39 pm
I got a new look yesterday.

thieves hood, grave warden chainmail - these who mix together like they where made for it!
Dark Gauntlets, heavy boots - ultimate swagger short trousers + boots.

I also found that the Pike + mace in right hand is a great combo for NPC's that are stunnable, stun with the left hand spear trust to evade that initial opening attack without rolling(for a quicker kill) and start pounding them with two maces. maces fairly OP tbh, stun locking sentinels like a boss.

currently doing a melee run through spending all my points in int/att/faith, got those up to 20/16/20. 20 str for the halbert for PvP and going for 24 Dex for the blacksteel katana. managed to not die up untill mytha the banefull queen, who got me with a choose point blank magic wave attack..

its fun to do all these bosses with under 1000 HP and limited equipload and stamina..
I tend to die at the ruined sentinels, but that didnt happen this time, got Lucky though with one of those whirlwind attacks of them.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: FRANK_THE_TANK on June 04, 2014, 01:41:25 pm
y u know want my shit!
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Joseph Porta on June 04, 2014, 02:29:33 pm
y u know want my shit!
Sry frank!! I dont like unfair advantages :/
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: IR_Kuoin on June 04, 2014, 02:31:38 pm
y u know want my shit!

Could you send me PM of where you found the mule? :D
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Tennenoth on June 04, 2014, 03:59:13 pm
The easiest no deaths run is probably something like this:
(click to show/hide)

(click to show/hide)

Yeah, I had a hell of a lot of help from my clan mate, Dlion. He fought his arse off keeping me alive. He himself only died once and that was saving my life against an invader. I probably wouldn't have made it past the Three Ruin Sentinels without him, I screwed up a heal timing as a ruin sentinel swung at me, he got in between the hit with his shield up and deflected it. I let out a trademark squeal and rolled away like a maniac.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: TheAppleSauceMan on June 04, 2014, 08:17:35 pm
y u know want my shit!

PM me the link! I'm curious to see it! I'll never get the rings legit,  don't have time at the moment.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Banok on June 04, 2014, 09:58:48 pm
Got a +10 fire longsword, the one you find at the start of the game  :oops:

Haven't really used any other weapon. Got lost though, trying to find my way around. Just killed the boss in the gutter, gotta find out where to go next.

Are you a sorcerer?

I think fire weapon scales with INT and FAITH, ie which is lower.

The normal mace is the best pve weapon in the game, its better unupgraded than my +10 dex weapons with low str and 40 dex at killing bosses.

In huntman's copse there is a magic infused mace.  if you are pure INT this weapon is completely brokenly strong, less so in pvp but still good. its a bit tricky but you can get this weapon straight away, I got it with like 20k soul memory of my sorcerer pvp/speedrun char.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Banok on June 04, 2014, 10:00:01 pm
unrelated to my last post

there is a trailer for the first one
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: IR_Kuoin on June 04, 2014, 10:15:13 pm
That is very unlike Fromsoft to do such a thing, and you have to buy each episode? C'mon ...
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Nightmare798 on June 04, 2014, 10:33:38 pm
Got a +10 fire longsword, the one you find at the start of the game  :oops:

Haven't really used any other weapon. Got lost though, trying to find my way around. Just killed the boss in the gutter, gotta find out where to go next.

You got through gutter? Well, that is a good start...
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Gravoth_iii on June 04, 2014, 10:44:03 pm
unrelated to my last post

there is a trailer for the first one

Cant say its a surprise they are going to start milking the series, i dont mind getting some more content though. Hopefully they will be reasonable with the prices..
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: SixThumbs on June 04, 2014, 10:44:37 pm
Now I understand why people buy the same game over and over again in slightly different iterations...

It's like, I'm rationalizing to myself that this trilogy thing is a money-milking scheme; but just the correct brain-button was pushed that I want to buy it and I don't even know what it is yet.

To be honest though even after all the hours I spent on the game I left feeling more or less vapid from the experience. Apart from the Ruin Sentinels, the Rotten, the Looking Glass Knight, and Smelter Demon (pretty much the standard 'oh so difficult' bosses) I had little to no issue with any of the others. Also, the only reason I had any trouble with those is because they had the capability to one shot me.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Patoson on June 04, 2014, 11:09:24 pm
I think fire weapon scales with INT and FAITH, ie which is lower.
That's for dark imbuing. Fire scales almost the same with INT or FTH.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: FRANK_THE_TANK on June 05, 2014, 12:37:17 am
I didn't use a mule. I got one no bon fire myself but I died as a summon and didn't get the no death ring ffs.

Some dude dumped both ring after I summoned him. And as far as the rest of my shit I just grinded it. Something like 20 +10 sets of armour including Havel, Kings and Llyewn and god knows how many weapons.

And 3 +10 rebel shields covering Dark, lightning and magic, +10 drake shield with 97% fire, +10 roseblume shield with 100% poison resist blah blah blah we could pass it down to like a lvl 25 toon and lol all the way to the bank.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: IR_Kuoin on June 05, 2014, 12:42:14 am
Hehe ok no mule then. But the way you are grinding now you could turn into the cRPG supplier for mule saves :D
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Banok on June 05, 2014, 02:24:27 am
made a video, tell me what you think

Pvp video soon


Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Vibe on June 05, 2014, 08:26:08 am
Original Text:

Please note that this is v1.05 for consoles and v1.03 for Windows PC


    Glitch involving being able to move at high speeds (Binoboosting)

    Glitch involving being able to walk on air (Parrywalking)

    Date of release: Pending official release

To avoid confusion: this is an actual PATCH, not a calibration. It is also possible that this is just a partial list of fixes for the imminent patch.

It might not be everything but I was hoping for more :(
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: IR_Kuoin on June 05, 2014, 09:06:14 am
I remember invading someone in the Laura Belltower and after a 3 min-ish fight he ended up glitching on the stairs. He was walking on an invisible stair behind the actual one, no idea how he ended up there mid-fight.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Rhaelys on June 05, 2014, 09:06:18 am
It might not be everything but I was hoping for more :(

It's a step in the right direction, at least.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Vibe on June 05, 2014, 09:19:44 am
visitors can't see pics , please register or login
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Banok on June 05, 2014, 04:02:50 pm
well you definitely fight people NG+ from NG in arena. just got instagibed by dual wielded grand lance guy, pretty sure he had 600 stamina too
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: SirCymro_Crusader on June 05, 2014, 04:13:27 pm
So just finished it for the first time. The last 2 bosses were weak!

The throne defender and protector(??) were easily burst down with pyro, as was the Queeny. Never killed the King, not sure if I was meant to or what. Thoroughly enjoyed it, now for NG+!
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Joseph Porta on June 05, 2014, 04:16:52 pm
Hmm.. I am interested in this archery. What is important for an Archer build?
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Vibe on June 05, 2014, 05:08:35 pm
well you definitely fight people NG+ from NG in arena. just got instagibed by dual wielded grand lance guy, pretty sure he had 600 stamina too

You definitely don't. But there's nothing stopping 15 million+ SM people in NG. AFAIK arena ignores all SM and SL if it doesn't find a suitable match.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: IR_Kuoin on June 05, 2014, 05:12:02 pm
Hmm.. I am interested in this archery. What is important for an Archer build?

Lots of stamina so you can dodge for days :D
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: IR_Kuoin on June 05, 2014, 08:17:41 pm
Invaded someone on 100k SM with no bonefire ring -.-
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Rhaelys on June 05, 2014, 08:42:26 pm
well you definitely fight people NG+ from NG in arena. just got instagibed by dual wielded grand lance guy, pretty sure he had 600 stamina too

No, you don't. You just fought someone who was level 250+ in NG. The only restriction arena has is making sure that NG people fight NG people.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: TheAppleSauceMan on June 06, 2014, 01:11:03 am
I didn't use a mule. I got one no bon fire myself but I died as a summon and didn't get the no death ring ffs.

Some dude dumped both ring after I summoned him. And as far as the rest of my shit I just grinded it. Something like 20 +10 sets of armour including Havel, Kings and Llyewn and god knows how many weapons.

And 3 +10 rebel shields covering Dark, lightning and magic, +10 drake shield with 97% fire, +10 roseblume shield with 100% poison resist blah blah blah we could pass it down to like a lvl 25 toon and lol all the way to the bank.

So you looking to give them away?  :wink:
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Banok on June 06, 2014, 04:06:22 am
Hmm.. I am interested in this archery. What is important for an Archer build?

pve or pvp? think I covered both a bit in those videos, but can go in detail for either.

some areas are way easier with bow like shrine of amana, but generally I would spec str for pve and then respec to dex. bow works pve but if used the whole way will cost you alot of souls, plus some parts/bosses you will need to mele and dex scaling damage is pants and you will only tickle the bosses.

I actually think that the bow/parry build could be one of THE strongest builds if only there was proper server side hit detection, however due to how laggy pvp is generally landing sorceries and using buffed washing poles will always be way more consistent then you can ever be.

for shame...
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Joseph Porta on June 06, 2014, 11:13:03 am
pve or pvp? think I covered both a bit in those videos, but can go in detail for either.

some areas are way easier with bow like shrine of amana, but generally I would spec str for pve and then respec to dex. bow works pve but if used the whole way will cost you alot of souls, plus some parts/bosses you will need to mele and dex scaling damage is pants and you will only tickle the bosses.

I actually think that the bow/parry build could be one of THE strongest builds if only there was proper server side hit detection, however due to how laggy pvp is generally landing sorceries and using buffed washing poles will always be way more consistent then you can ever be.

for shame...

Hmm.. Do you use the bow you can get fromh nashandras soul? Or the regular long bow?

I might reassign the souls on ons of my bazillion Alts though.. Imma look info it nest week got a busy weekend...
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Joseph Porta on June 06, 2014, 12:06:22 pm
Btw Banok is it a coincidence that that dudw is named Ya Boi Oberyn? :p
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Banok on June 06, 2014, 01:05:28 pm
Btw Banok is it a coincidence that that dudw is named Ya Boi Oberyn? :p

Yeah I wonder if he knew what happens to oberyn when he chose that name, I like to think he didn't and hes now a bit dead inside.

that boss soul bow is definitely a better weapon, dex scaling is very bad in dks2. the main reason I dont use it is because of the faith requirement. but also you get it much later in game, at the end. and also requiring twinkling titanite to upgrade is a pretty big deal.

you need 15 twinling to +5 a weapon which is about what you get from a normal playthrough of the game. its not completely limited you can farm extra and fairly unlimited amount due to bonfire asectics but its gona be alot of effort if your entire armour/weapon sets need it.

but now I think about it a faith bow using character could actually be really strong. I was using a grand lance on my cleric in PvP its fun, but might have to try this out. I wondered why lightning arrows do less dmg than other types maybe its a balance thing with that bow.

edit: you cant buff bows with sunlight blade, if you could that would be INSANE like 619 damage potentially alot more if lighting arrows were buffed by it also.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Joseph Porta on June 06, 2014, 02:12:39 pm
I saw a cleric Archer on YouTube somewhere, looked as if it was a goodbuild. Hut im nog that intereseted in magicother then the chasmeleon spel.

Imma try thuis archer thing for sure though, lookalike slot of fun. What was tour SLin the vis?

Hoe do i disabler auto correct -.-
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: IR_Kuoin on June 06, 2014, 02:20:05 pm
Composite bow is the best for PvP archer character, shoots fast and got the most damage. Short range and C - C scaling makes it pretty good for quality builds. Been using it on my SL 64-ish. Will try to keep my SM as low as possible since I find low level / low SM fights much more enjoyable.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Banok on June 06, 2014, 02:30:39 pm
finally did all the prep work and now am in NG+, pretty sure my try hard pve respec is the strongest pve build you can make. NG+ at the surface seems easy and then it surprises you. I went into flexible sentry too confident with a bunch of souls and was like AFHGHg

I saw a cleric Archer on YouTube somewhere, looked as if it was a goodbuild. Hut im nog that intereseted in magicother then the chasmeleon spel.

Imma try thuis archer thing for sure though, lookalike slot of fun. What was tour SLin the vis?

Hoe do i disabler auto correct -.-

Yeah that archer char I started as explorer specially so I could get 10 int and 1 slot for chameleon, had some fun with it already. Altho with spice, +5 int ring and slot ring; probably not worth investing stats to use chameleon.

SL was like 80 in those videos, I had only 90 agility too. I think you want 105 because with bow you want to roll alot.

Composite bow is the best for PvP archer character, shoots fast and got the most damage. Short range and C - C scaling makes it pretty good for quality builds. Been using it on my SL 64-ish. Will try to keep my SM as low as possible since I find low level / low SM fights much more enjoyable.

its only slightly better than hunter's blackbow if you are 40/40, I would go blackbow 9/40 thats what I use on my archer.

an infused composite bow could be the best tho actually. even without the buff you still get a B scaling.

edit: composite bow has less range but not sure if that effect lock on aiming
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Vibe on June 06, 2014, 03:13:06 pm
eh NG+ is easy since you know already how the bosses work, the only "hard" thing about it is the arbiter invasions every 5 minutes

EDIT: I see a lot less stupid shit in arena now, PvP has gotten a bit more pleasant. There's still tryhards but much less so I feel. The only thing that really bothers me as a pure melee (no buffs) build is Great Magic Barrier, that shit reduces so much damage it's not even funny. Put that on a heavy armored guy and I'll be backstabbing them for below 500 damage with my +10 rapier.

What's really funny is that pretty much 98% of the higher BoB rank people are tryhards, most of the ones I saw were dual wielding mastodon/helix with buffs and GMB.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Banok on June 06, 2014, 04:29:15 pm
eh NG+ is easy since you know already how the bosses work, the only "hard" thing about it is the arbiter invasions every 5 minutes

EDIT: I see a lot less stupid shit in arena now, PvP has gotten a bit more pleasant. There's still tryhards but much less so I feel. The only thing that really bothers me as a pure melee (no buffs) build is Great Magic Barrier, that shit reduces so much damage it's not even funny. Put that on a heavy armored guy and I'll be backstabbing them for below 500 damage with my +10 rapier.

What's really funny is that pretty much 98% of the higher BoB rank people are tryhards, most of the ones I saw were dual wielding mastodon/helix with buffs and GMB.

what soul memory are you?

also uploaded this clip for you guys, i think it amusing

Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Vibe on June 06, 2014, 04:57:44 pm
what soul memory are you?

also uploaded this clip for you guys, i think it amusing

about 3M on my pure melee, about 4M I think on my NG+ char
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Banok on June 06, 2014, 05:20:30 pm
about 3M on my pure melee, about 4M I think on my NG+ char

yeah just curious, ill admit ive been save scumming on my pvp alts to keep soul memory low. but still matched with even bigger try hards.

so yeah original char is now NG+ char on 3mill who is 99% legit. I'm expecting to be owned but no ones invaded :( even join way of the blue

Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Vibe on June 06, 2014, 05:40:48 pm
yeah just curious, ill admit ive been save scumming on my pvp alts to keep soul memory low. but still matched with even bigger try hards.

so yeah original char is now NG+ char on 3mill who is 99% legit. I'm expecting to be owned but no ones invaded :( even join way of the blue

Are you a sinner (under Char info)? You need to be a sinner to get invaded by arbiters, pretty sure. If you are you should be getting invaded at least once per 10 minutes.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: IR_Kuoin on June 06, 2014, 06:02:33 pm
NG+ I've only been invaded by blue, so if you wanna be invaded by blue you gotta get sin first. They are more frequent because they can invade you from anywhere in the world.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Banok on June 06, 2014, 06:14:00 pm
cool tip might kill some npcs then

anyone know a good damage calculator for darksouls

I REALLY want one, I even been testing stuff myself then reloading but its tedious.

NG+ I've only been invaded by blue, so if you wanna be invaded by blue you gotta get sin first. They are more frequent because they can invade you from anywhere in the world.

this is people using covenant of the blue ring right? because when I used that ring I only ever defended people in the area I was in.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Vibe on June 06, 2014, 06:23:58 pm
cool tip might kill some npcs then

you could as well invade people with red orbs, it gives you +1 sin for each invasion (successful or not), 10+ sin = sinner
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: IR_Kuoin on June 06, 2014, 06:24:34 pm
Blue can use cracked blue eye orbs to invade the world of players with sin. The ring only makes them help apostles of blue when a red invades them. Sin you got from killing NPCs will be removed if you go to ng+ and not sure if that sin will count for the blues. Invade and killing the host as a red phantom gives you sin though for the blues to invade.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Kafein on June 06, 2014, 06:24:47 pm
Invading unsuspecting PvE guys is best for bad players like me.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Kafein on June 06, 2014, 06:25:38 pm
Sin you got from killing NPCs will be removed if you go to ng+

I don't think that's true.

Dammit double post
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: IR_Kuoin on June 06, 2014, 06:28:50 pm
I don't think that's true.

Dammit double post

Well you won't have any sin that can be removed from Velkas apostle, but that count as NPC sin.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Banok on June 06, 2014, 07:05:42 pm
I heard that in dark souls 2 the sins DO carry over, yeah Ive done basically 0 pvp on my main char, hes a pve carebear.


just got my free petrified somethings :)

edit: just killed an invader and got 170k souls aparently, Im only 580k before that. so WTF im confused he was 10 mill or something to give that much surely.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Joseph Porta on June 06, 2014, 07:18:19 pm
I heard that in dark souls 2 the sins DO carry over, yeah Ive done basically 0 pvp on my main char, hes a pve carebear.


just got my free petrified somethings :)

Nice! Got to get me some petrified somethings soon!

Btw, i remembered that steam said my key was SE asia, is this bad?
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Banok on June 06, 2014, 08:41:21 pm
playing around testing bow stuff. lightning infused bow of want is probably best but trying to find out

noticed something huge, str in DS2 is doubled when 2handing something. might just be for required not 100% sure

but this actually applies to bows, kind of silly since you can ONLY use bows 2 handed. it basically means all bow STR requirements are actually half. you only need 7 strength for composite bow, presumably 5 for blackbow.

Nice! Got to get me some petrified somethings soon!

Btw, i remembered that steam said my key was SE asia, is this bad?

mine is too, not 100% certain but think region ingame is IP based. so turn off cross region play for less facebackstabs (I think)

Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Joseph Porta on June 06, 2014, 09:00:22 pm
playing around testing bow stuff. lightning infused bow of want is probably best but trying to find out

noticed something huge, str in DS2 is doubled when 2handing something. might just be for required not 100% sure

but this actually applies to bows, kind of silly since you can ONLY use bows 2 handed. it basically means all bow STR requirements are actually half. you only need 7 strength for composite bow, presumably 5 for blackbow.

mine is too, not 100% certain but think region ingame is IP based. so turn off cross region play for less facebackstabs (I think)

I see, i just remembered and was a bit worried. Thank god its OK though.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: TheAppleSauceMan on June 07, 2014, 01:00:58 am
About to go to NG+ on my character finally, any suggestions on things to do before I advance? Mostly items and such I should acquire.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Vibe on June 07, 2014, 01:23:58 am
About to go to NG+ on my character finally, any suggestions on things to do before I advance? Mostly items and such I should acquire.

People are way overthinking NG+, it's nothing particularly more difficult, if you've done fine up to now you'll be fine in NG+ as well.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: TheAppleSauceMan on June 07, 2014, 01:40:48 am
People are way overthinking NG+, it's nothing particularly more difficult, if you've done fine up to now you'll be fine in NG+ as well.

Oh I didn't really mean for the difficulty, I'm really over leveled so it should be a bit of a cakewalk, I just meant essential items I should grab that I might regret later if I don't
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Banok on June 07, 2014, 02:15:24 am
Finding parts of NG+ challenging, like the long walk to excutioners chariot. and I swear that boss now has better AI, it wont stop spinning and facing me - last time I stood on its side but now idk wtf im supposed to do

Oh I didn't really mean for the difficulty, I'm really over leveled so it should be a bit of a cakewalk, I just meant essential items I should grab that I might regret later if I don't

i spent alot of time grabbing everything just in case, even tho most of it I wont use I just dont like the idea of it being wasted

there are some items in the game that you cannot get more of via bonfire ascetics. ie one of the main reasons I'm going NG+ is to power stance 2 manslayers and you can only get 1 per playthrough.

so other than unique weapons/armour that you want 2 sets of, the only thing is stuff like twinkling titanite and petrifed dragonbones. I farmed shrine of amana before I went NG+ because I will need alot of twinkling, altho its not like I cant get it later with bonfire ascetics.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: FRANK_THE_TANK on June 07, 2014, 03:13:14 am
About to go to NG+ on my character finally, any suggestions on things to do before I advance? Mostly items and such I should acquire.

Go buy 99 repair powders at Drangpoop.


Also NPC sin carries over. So you can murder everyone and enjoy plenty of blue bros invading you.

If you've leveled out to say 250 you'll probably find you get 0 souls when you murder the blue bros though as the invasion parameters in NG+ for the Blue Bros seem spastic.

Finding parts of NG+ challenging, like the long walk to excutioners chariot. and I swear that boss now has better AI, it wont stop spinning and facing me - last time I stood on its side but now idk wtf im supposed to do

i spent alot of time grabbing everything just in case, even tho most of it I wont use I just dont like the idea of it being wasted

there are some items in the game that you cannot get more of via bonfire ascetics. ie one of the main reasons I'm going NG+ is to power stance 2 manslayers and you can only get 1 per playthrough.

so other than unique weapons/armour that you want 2 sets of, the only thing is stuff like twinkling titanite and petrifed dragonbones. I farmed shrine of amana before I went NG+ because I will need alot of twinkling, altho its not like I cant get it later with bonfire ascetics.

Do you have a great bow? Just kill the first necro douche and then shoot the bastard as it rides past until it's at about 1/3rd health then you can go kick it off the ledge and kill it.

Cheap and easy!

Just remember you only need to get to the first necro douche and shoust the bastard from there.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Banok on June 07, 2014, 04:39:47 am
already did it but using ranged like that is a pro tip
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: TheAppleSauceMan on June 07, 2014, 08:18:17 am
Go buy 99 repair powders at Drangpoop.


Also NPC sin carries over. So you can murder everyone and enjoy plenty of blue bros invading you.

If you've leveled out to say 250 you'll probably find you get 0 souls when you murder the blue bros though as the invasion parameters in NG+ for the Blue Bros seem spastic.

Definitely gonna be killing all NPCs, I look forward to finally being invaded finally.  :twisted:

Yeah I'm at level 310 or so right now  :D
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Vibe on June 07, 2014, 11:36:57 am
Definitely gonna be killing all NPCs, I look forward to finally being invaded finally.  :twisted:

Yeah I'm at level 310 or so right now  :D

Lol, whats your SM?
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: TheAppleSauceMan on June 07, 2014, 12:08:11 pm
Lol, whats your SM?

Not sure off the top of my head, I can check and let you know tomorrow, but I know it's over 16M, or whatever the last bracket is
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Vibe on June 07, 2014, 12:17:16 pm
Not sure off the top of my head, I can check and let you know tomorrow, but I know it's over 16M, or whatever the last bracket is

yikes have fun being invaded
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: SixThumbs on June 07, 2014, 02:01:09 pm
I understood why a lot of message said "illusory wall ahead" with a lot of ratings the last time I played PvE a couple weeks ago.

I was sauntering around and some of the wall textures don't seamlessly mesh into the ones next to them and they're about the size of a door.

I was also annoyed by how shitty looking the rooms containing the bonfires after an Old One were.

Also, I invaded in Earthen Peak the other day and the guy ended up being in Harvest Valley with a fog gate between the two. I had to jump off of the windmill basically to get to him.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Tennenoth on June 07, 2014, 03:50:17 pm
Yeah, I can't quite understand why you're not being invaded. At every bloody left corner I'm getting invaded on my main (35million soul memory, so in the final bracket, roughly level 350) and that's without having any sin (I'm a blue!). Odd.

I lied, I'm 45 million soul memory and level 340 :P
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: IR_Kuoin on June 07, 2014, 07:38:58 pm
400k SM, goes to BoB arena and meet a guy with no death ring, sure ...
Fought the guy before on my NG+ char
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: TheAppleSauceMan on June 07, 2014, 08:55:33 pm
yikes have fun being invaded

I look forward to it  :D

I plan on hitting max level on this character so it should be pretty lulzy
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Tennenoth on June 07, 2014, 11:14:43 pm
One thing I don't understand about invaders is that they think that the phantoms will follow them to wherever they run off to.

I was doing some sun-broing and we were invaded multiple times, I can fully understand trying to coax enemies in between the target (boss room) and the host but when they run backwards, I don't quite see the logic.

Had someone spawn in just before were going through the fog at Medusa's sister, he saw myself & the host and ran away. Naturally, I put myself between the host and the enemy, the host rightfully held back and I gestured for him to continue to the boss. Never saw the invader again, but why did he think that we were going to kill him when we'd already achieved what we came to do?

I've literally never invaded anyone, but I would think, being the aggressor in the situation, you should charge. The defender will want to survive & will therefore have no care in what you do if you run off, they won't follow you, they'll continue on their merry way while looking over their shoulder. They won't even have to do that if they have a half decent phantom with them, who will make sure that they're holding the rear.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Banok on June 07, 2014, 11:19:42 pm
uh shrine of amana in NG+

HALP! npc I summoned just runs off and agros everything and falls down the holes.

might respec bow just to get past. glad I farmed it empty before I went NG+
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Tennenoth on June 07, 2014, 11:45:06 pm
uh shrine of amana in NG+

HALP! npc I summoned just runs off and agros everything and falls down the holes.

might respec bow just to get past. glad I farmed it empty before I went NG+

If you're on the PC & playing right now, I'm happy to come and help you out. Although it's been half an hour, I doubt you're still there :)
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Banok on June 08, 2014, 12:27:44 am
If you're on the PC & playing right now, I'm happy to come and help you out. Although it's been half an hour, I doubt you're still there :)

no now im on vedlst or however you say it

are you in the steam group, ill got to that chat ;p

my steam name is jupsto incase anyone was wondering
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Vibe on June 08, 2014, 12:29:27 am
no now im on vedlst or however you say it

are you in the steam group, ill got to that chat ;p

my steam name is jupsto incase anyone was wondering

Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Banok on June 08, 2014, 03:54:30 am
The main reason I want NG+ was to make this build for pvp, finally finished lets see how it performs

Floats like a weeaboo butterfly stings like a poisonous bee

(click to show/hide)
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: TheAppleSauceMan on June 08, 2014, 09:56:37 am

So I respecced intro a STR build and am powerstancing a Helix Halberd and Mastodon Halberd. This is game breaking. I'd put money on it being the next thing to get nerfed. Joined the BoB covenant and have been doing duel for an hour or so now. I've lost once out of approximately 30 duels or so, keep in mind I've had little to no PvP experience in DkS2.

These things are broken. I two shot everyone (not exaggerating), usually break guard after 1 or 2 hits, stunlock if I hit once, and have massive reach meaning little to no risk. Dear god this is broken.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Banok on June 08, 2014, 10:46:17 am
Got any good spots for both red and blue eye orbs?

i rarely get the blue ones working, I invaded the same guy 3 times in a row. kind of sad, seperating NG versions in conjunction with soul memory is really bad. if its hard to find match ups now PvP will be dead in future.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: TheAppleSauceMan on June 08, 2014, 11:23:19 am
Actually haven't tried invasions yet, though I'm excited to now that my build ain't shite. This shit is too fun haha, been straight dueling in BoB for about two hours now. No exaggerations I have lost twice, both to the same guy, went by the name "Mitzuki". I've dueled him 8 or so times in total and he got me the first two times, but I realized after that I just need to rush and stunlock him to death, he's been losing since. This shit is broooooooken
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Banok on June 08, 2014, 11:39:28 am
Actually haven't tried invasions yet, though I'm excited to now that my build ain't shite. This shit is too fun haha, been straight dueling in BoB for about two hours now. No exaggerations I have lost twice, both to the same guy, went by the name "Mitzuki". I've dueled him 8 or so times in total and he got me the first two times, but I realized after that I just need to rush and stunlock him to death, he's been losing since. This shit is broooooooken

what SL are you tho

I feel like high SL pvp will never be balanced. mundane infusions, power stancing great weapons etc. with no real penalty.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: TheAppleSauceMan on June 08, 2014, 11:57:18 am
what SL are you tho

I feel like high SL pvp will never be balanced. mundane infusions, power stancing great weapons etc. with no real penalty.

309. And the fucked up part is I'm in the last SM bracket. Meaning this is still utterly destroying people my level and higher. I just hit 50 kills and rank 1 in BoB, I've died 3 times now. And the 3rd time was because I was on the phone trying to play with one hand lol.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: IR_Kuoin on June 08, 2014, 09:08:38 pm
Yeah two spears / two halberds powerstance is pretty ridiculous, at around 2,4k HP with 500+ armor I can be downed in 2 hits almost. And since it's a stab weapon the ghost reach is insane.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Banok on June 09, 2014, 02:53:08 am
my hilarious butterfly weeaboo isn't exactly a super viable build, but has been fun in invasions even won a 2v1 I think.

however in BoB at SL200 SM 5mill, the tryhards builds are uber stong due to way game is so unbalanced at this level. everyone has poison moss, which is same effect to me as chugging but not punishable.

plus when I get hit once I die in many cases, due to stun lock and OP damage with infused/buff weapons. also wr

so yeah pure dex in BoB not viable, would have to respec to an OP build to even win anything here.  :( but I just want the eyes to invade


is this you applesauce? was trying to get a screenshot when he killed me

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Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: IR_Kuoin on June 09, 2014, 03:16:36 am
Pls make a patch for new servers for Dark Souls 1 I wanna PvP.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Rhaelys on June 09, 2014, 03:34:39 am
my hilarious butterfly weeaboo isn't exactly a super viable build, but has been fun in invasions even won a 2v1 I think.

however in BoB at SL200 SM 5mill, the tryhards builds are uber stong due to way game is so unbalanced at this level. everyone has poison moss, which is same effect to me as chugging but not punishable.

plus when I get hit once I die in many cases, due to stun lock and OP damage with infused/buff weapons. also wr

so yeah pure dex in BoB not viable, would have to respec to an OP build to even win anything here.  :( but I just want the eyes to invade


is this you applesauce? was trying to get a screenshot when he killed me

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Oh god that's not me but I had to do a double-take because that is the exact outfit my character wears.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: IR_Kuoin on June 09, 2014, 03:59:32 am
That is probably the most scrubby tryhard build ever, max defense with Chester piece using weapons that are easy to punish with a backstab.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: TheAppleSauceMan on June 09, 2014, 07:10:11 am

is this you applesauce? was trying to get a screenshot when he killed me

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Nah, very similar though haha. I'm using full Havel's and am pure STR, don't infuse either weapon. Bwaha. Do you recall this players name? He is wearing everything that a player I fought earlier was wearing, had quite an interesting conversation with him.

That is probably the most scrubby tryhard build ever, max defense with Chester piece using weapons that are easy to punish with a backstab.

So so true, the backstab part that is. This is seriously one of the most easily punishable builds with backstabs, yet I have yet to be backstabbed in a single fight outside of a 2v1. And I think it's mainly due to shit netcode. lol.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Vibe on June 09, 2014, 11:43:40 am
That is probably the most scrubby tryhard build ever, max defense with Chester piece using weapons that are easy to punish with a backstab.

^ so much this


Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Banok on June 09, 2014, 01:22:12 pm
Nah, very similar though haha. I'm using full Havel's and am pure STR, don't infuse either weapon. Bwaha. Do you recall this players name? He is wearing everything that a player I fought earlier was wearing, had quite an interesting conversation with him.

So so true, the backstab part that is. This is seriously one of the most easily punishable builds with backstabs, yet I have yet to be backstabbed in a single fight outside of a 2v1. And I think it's mainly due to shit netcode. lol.

how did you have a conversation with him on Pc version :S
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Kafein on June 09, 2014, 03:28:37 pm
how did you have a conversation with him on Pc version :S

"Hello !"
"Help me !"
"Very good !"
"Thank you !"
"Hello !"
"Very good !"
"Hello !"
"Hello !"
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Banok on June 09, 2014, 04:38:02 pm
got my ring of blades +2, only 845k SM atm. doubt you can get it at much lower without exploits.

this is my final try hard character I think I can be arsed to make, but got feelin its going to be mega OP, for its soul bracket anyway.

got 462 bow damage atm and thats not including arrows, just the UI value. did 381 damage vs full havels, I think mages are gona get SHREK'T

edit: speaking too soon full heavy twats with avelyns in BoB so far.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: IR_Kuoin on June 09, 2014, 05:19:52 pm
Met more cancer with my 600k-ish SM char in BoB arena  than on my high SM ones ...

Bell hosting / invading it is then.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Gravoth_iii on June 09, 2014, 08:41:14 pm

Epicfacefist back again. Spaghetti nipples inbound.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: TheAppleSauceMan on June 09, 2014, 09:04:04 pm
how did you have a conversation with him on Pc version :S

Open steam overlay via shift+tab, click players or players met, then click recent players. Last one will be the last person you played against.  :D

EDIT: Looks like there's an update tomorrow! Thought it looks like it's just fixing the binoglitch and not touching anything else.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Tennenoth on June 10, 2014, 03:30:54 am
Decided to try and help a random player through one "stint" to a Great One. I put my sign down at the bonfire leading up to the Covetous Demon and was picked up by someone called "Robertus", an American fellow with a pretty stable connection. He was my charge from here on out.

Went through & defeated the Covetous Demon, teleported to the following bonfire and dropped my sign. Ten or so seconds later, I was picked up by Robertus! "Excellent" I thought, "I'll be able to help him kill Medusa's sister too, I wonder if he realises what I'm doing."

Ran it through, defeated her and carried on. Dropped my sign for the Iron Keep bonfire and got picked up by someone else, was rather disappointed but sadly got killed trying to save this host's life. I dropped my sign again, hoping that Robertus had taken a break. Next person to pick me up was indeed, my charge.

Long story short, I helped him defeat the Smelter Demon & The Iron King. It was a weirdly fulfilling experience to be able to be summoned repeatedly by the same bloke and help them get a Great Soul, some bloke I didn't actually know, some bloke who picked me up for a third time and realised I was literally doing it to help him through.

Thought I'd share.

Also, side note, E3 are currently showing some cinematography of what I can assume at this point is another Souls-esque game. From Software + Undead Dogs + Living Head + Giant Monster thingy lurking in the dark. Name came up as "Bloodborne". I guess this is "Project Beast"! :D
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: TheAppleSauceMan on June 10, 2014, 08:14:51 am
It is indeed Project Beast! And it is now my most looked forward to game! It's done by From Software and has the same director of Demon's Souls and Dark Souls, I am stoked.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Vibe on June 10, 2014, 08:15:57 am

Introducing Bloodborne, the latest Action RPG from renowned Japanese developer FromSoftware, exclusively for the PlayStation®4 system.

welp, there goes the hype

Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Banok on June 10, 2014, 09:13:57 am
It is indeed Project Beast! And it is now my most looked forward to game! It's done by From Software and has the same director of Demon's Souls and Dark Souls, I am stoked.

Really? ps4 exclusive was likely but I'm still disapointed.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: TheAppleSauceMan on June 10, 2014, 01:27:54 pm
My PS4 finally has a use!  :D
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Vibe on June 10, 2014, 01:34:19 pm
a tiny bit of gameplay for the DLC

Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Kafein on June 10, 2014, 01:48:21 pm
You know, stuff, you know. But that's one of the best English I've heard from an Asian-looking guy.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Oberyn on June 10, 2014, 02:51:50 pm
There's a lot of asian-looking people in the "western" world for who english is a first or common language, so I doubt that. But it's very good english for a native japanese speaker for whom english is a second or more language, agreed, which is prob what you meant.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Kafein on June 10, 2014, 02:56:03 pm
There's a lot of asian-looking people in the "western" world for who english is a first or common language, so I doubt that. But it's very good english for a native japanese speaker for whom english is a second or more language, agreed, which is prob what you meant.

I'm talking about my personal experience. Of course people who have English as first language aren't going to have any problem with it obviously. But if for example you were raised in Japan and learned Japanese first, English pronunciation is tough.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Banok on June 10, 2014, 08:38:58 pm
Bloodborne will be PS4 exclusive. Sadness ahead.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Pestdoktor on June 10, 2014, 09:52:46 pm
Doesn't look like an RPG anyway, more hack & slay adventure, following a preset character, so I don't think I'll play it anyway...
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: IR_Kuoin on June 10, 2014, 09:54:29 pm
Doesn't look like an RPG anyway, more hack & slay adventure, following a preset character, so I don't think I'll play it anyway...

The preset only matters for the first boss ...
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Pestdoktor on June 10, 2014, 10:15:27 pm
The preset only matters for the first boss ...

Sorry, i was talking about bloodborne  :oops:
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Vibe on June 11, 2014, 11:21:50 pm
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Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Gravoth_iii on June 12, 2014, 12:31:11 am
Doesn't look like an RPG anyway, more hack & slay adventure, following a preset character, so I don't think I'll play it anyway...

But that is how the games are usually presented isnt it? Just that its now set in a different time so maybe the "hero" is geared differently. Its probably going to be like any other souls game, kind of spooky that they didnt go with the "soul" title though, i've found that games which has soul(s) in the title are usually pretty good. Example is Soul sacrifice for psvita, pretty neat game.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Vibe on June 13, 2014, 02:39:40 pm

before it gets taken down
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: SixThumbs on June 13, 2014, 03:00:32 pm
I'm hoping for a year late P.C. release.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Vibe on June 13, 2014, 03:17:04 pm
I'm hoping for a year late P.C. release.

but this is Sony and they said PS4 exclusive several times
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: SixThumbs on June 13, 2014, 03:44:13 pm
I'm hoping it's "exclusive" in the way Dead Rising was where it eventually came to P.C.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: IR_Kuoin on June 13, 2014, 03:52:40 pm
Well Hidetaka Miyazaki have said many times that he wanted Demon Souls to be on more than just the PS3 so more people could experience it. Not sure if Sony will be an ass this time as well hugging it just to get more PS4 sold because they know that a lot of the people who enjoy FromSoftware's games play PS3 and don't need to buy a PS4, I won't be buying a PS4 for this game but who knows maybe if the price drops insanely.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Banok on June 13, 2014, 06:22:03 pm
has any sony owned playstation IP come to PC, nope dont think so

sure its happened for xbox games, but that is different. we will never see last of us, uncharted, demon souls, etc. on PC.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: IR_Kuoin on June 14, 2014, 12:17:20 am
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Gravoth_iii on June 14, 2014, 12:20:36 am

Punching out those hadoukens looks pretty sick though.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Vibe on June 14, 2014, 12:35:40 am

that looked awesome even though it was bad
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: vipere on June 19, 2014, 09:53:11 am
I finally bought the game ( i cracked it first but after i finished the game, i wanted to try the multi + got spare money for it )

I have lags in like 60% of the fights,and it seems like its not my connexion but the servers.

When i play the coop its playable (well, some enemies are bugged and wait like 3 sec to attack us...), but in invasion or pvp arenas its so annoying, i try to dodge, but i get hit like 1 sec before or after...

Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Vibe on June 19, 2014, 10:39:24 am
I have lags in like 60% of the fights,and it seems like its not my connexion but the servers.

there are no servers, it's either your connection, enemies connection or just the distance
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Ikarus on June 19, 2014, 05:07:53 pm
Still waiting for it to get cheaper  :oops:
come on, summer sale
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: SixThumbs on June 19, 2014, 07:06:10 pm
I picked up Valdis Story ( recently.

It's holding me over for now as it's the same sort of design as the Souls series, which itself is a 3D Metroidvania. You have two characters to start with, and what looks like two more after they've been unlocked. It looks like it has three skill trees per character per archetype: STR, AGI, INT.

If you like 2D, pixel-art, and don't mind the super-deformed/weaboo-ish/Bastion-ish style art the combat is fun and fast paced. The only issues I've had so far was remapping the 'dash' button from the default dpad-down and the areas where if you fail a platforming part it dumps you into a pit you have to climb out of and try again.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Tot. on June 21, 2014, 06:11:05 am
I picked up Valdis Story ( recently.

It's holding me over for now as it's the same sort of design as the Souls series

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Yup, totally same sort of design, dark and gritty TPP with awesome melee combat. 
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Christo on June 21, 2014, 06:24:38 am
Yup, totally same sort of design, dark and gritty TPP with awesome melee combat.

In his defense, he says

If you like 2D, pixel-art, and don't mind the super-deformed/weaboo-ish/Bastion-ish style art the combat is fun and fast paced.

Don't just take it out of context.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: SixThumbs on June 21, 2014, 02:31:47 pm
The atmosphere itself isn't Souls-ish but it is about humanity on it's last leg.

Design wise I meant you explore, pressing forward and sometimes you wander around a bit looking for extra goodies, except with more 2D oriented jumping and dashing platform puzzles. The combat is also about learning an enemies patterns, especially with the bosses, and dealing with them appropriately.

If you liked Castlevania post NES/SNES or Super Metroid then this is in a similar vein; what I was saying earlier is the Souls' games are in the same sort of genre, just 3D. I picked it up cheap in a GOG sale bundle and have been enjoying myself so far.

Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: IR_Kuoin on June 27, 2014, 04:22:43 pm
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: IR_Kuoin on July 08, 2014, 02:54:19 pm
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Gravoth_iii on July 08, 2014, 11:43:27 pm

Another dark souls song, unfortunately not as good as the previous one. I dont feel the Dark souls in it at all, and its way too slow, if it increased the tempo in the middle a slow start couldve worked but it was just draaaaaaawn out.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Kafein on July 09, 2014, 01:19:22 am
Possibly the worst video game review ever written :
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Gravoth_iii on July 09, 2014, 01:32:42 am
Wtf did he just write a whole book, what is this? Read to and from, seems like he got very in depth and thoroughly played through it. 300-400 hours on the first one, thats more than i played it and i loved it :O
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Joseph Porta on July 09, 2014, 02:08:50 am
Wtf did he just write a whole book, what is this? Read to and from, seems like he got very in depth and thoroughly played through it. 300-400 hours on the first one, thats more than i played it and i loved it :O

Hes probably the bundle of sticks who likes to have everything and every detail explained to him.

Actually, I dont understand one thing of what he is trying to say.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: IR_Kuoin on July 09, 2014, 03:14:58 am

Hes probably the bundle of sticks who likes to have everything and every detail explained to him.

Actually, I dont understand one thing of what he is trying to say.

He got raped in multiplayer battles and now he whines about losing due to connection.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Kafein on July 09, 2014, 10:50:35 am
Basically he's criticizing Dark Souls 2 for not being a book.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Duster on July 09, 2014, 02:31:17 pm

Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Joseph Porta on July 09, 2014, 02:35:40 pm
Holy crap, thats 100% awesomeness.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Ikarus on July 09, 2014, 08:45:50 pm
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Banok on July 10, 2014, 07:17:19 am

Another dark souls song, unfortunately not as good as the previous one. I dont feel the Dark souls in it at all, and its way too slow, if it increased the tempo in the middle a slow start couldve worked but it was just draaaaaaawn out.

I thought it was really quite terrible, but I'm really not partial to that sort of wobbly singing. someone in comments said they liked it because she sounds like evanesance, which pretty much sums up nicely how bad it is. I felt too bad for the people who funded it to express my feelings in the comments, confessionbear.jpeg
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Angantyr on July 10, 2014, 03:10:09 pm
To what extent is it an RPG, character building aside? It's mostly combat, right?
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Joseph Porta on July 10, 2014, 04:00:57 pm
Hmm, there is a story behind the entire playthrough, if that is what you mean?

You could say there are quests, but not in the way you are (probably) expecting it. Though if its an rpg.. Idk you have a fixed goal, there are no REAL alternative routes to get to the end. You dont have the option to be good or evil, or that kind of stuff.

It really is mostly a challenging story-line game with interesting combat..
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Vibe on July 10, 2014, 05:49:50 pm
To what extent is it an RPG, character building aside? It's mostly combat, right?

RPG is such a loose term, what features do you put under RPG?
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: IR_Kuoin on July 10, 2014, 09:09:37 pm
RPG = Building a custom character in a open / semi-openworld with other unique characters.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Vibe on July 11, 2014, 08:50:00 am
Patch v1.06
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Polobow on July 11, 2014, 10:31:08 pm
Increased the attack power of the following weapons

  • Zweihander

(click to show/hide)
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Ikarus on July 12, 2014, 04:51:09 pm
finally started with DS2, its sooo prettyyyy :shock:
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Duster on July 12, 2014, 07:47:03 pm
Increased the attack power of the following weapons


(click to show/hide)

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 ( (
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Polobow on July 15, 2014, 10:22:36 pm
(click to show/hide)

Finally done with that boss. Hardest boss for melee IMO.

Now, to PvP or NG+?
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: vipere on July 16, 2014, 02:43:55 pm
Its funny, because every time i try to invade a player, its always a guy with lightning spells and a sword, i invaded 10 persons on the same spot, all of them, except one had it.

Come on, play melee -_-
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Vibe on July 16, 2014, 03:48:35 pm
Its funny, because every time i try to invade a player, its always a guy with lightning spells and a sword, i invaded 10 persons on the same spot, all of them, except one had it.

Come on, play melee -_-

really this is pretty okay, you should've been here when batfog, havelyns and similar crap wasn't fixed
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Gravoth_iii on July 18, 2014, 09:03:22 pm
First dlc in 4 days, lets hope its DaS1 dlc quality! And hope it packs the content of that aswell, if we would get 3 dlc's with that amount of content... oh boy.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: SeQuel on July 18, 2014, 11:28:05 pm
I have no idea if this has been posted but I saw it in a Reddit thread, funniest shit ever.

I suck and have no idea how to imbed youtube videos into forums. Someone halp.

On a side note, I'm gonna restart Dark Souls 2 and make a new character, I'm thinking using the Partizan spear since I hear it's buffed and pretty good now. Not sure what kind of armor setup I should use and if I should go 2hand spear or 1hand.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Gravoth_iii on July 19, 2014, 12:43:16 am
I have no idea if this has been posted but I saw it in a Reddit thread, funniest shit ever.


I suck and have no idea how to imbed youtube videos into forums. Someone halp.

On a side note, I'm gonna restart Dark Souls 2 and make a new character, I'm thinking using the Partizan spear since I hear it's buffed and pretty good now. Not sure what kind of armor setup I should use and if I should go 2hand spear or 1hand.

To embed it cant be https, must be http. Also that video is pretty damn old, most of us dork souls fanbois have seen all the magical work of afro.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: IR_Kuoin on July 19, 2014, 12:46:05 am
Afro is the master of Souls videos. Also press the "share" link on YouTube videos to get a link for forum.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Duster on July 27, 2014, 03:50:50 am
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Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Ikarus on July 27, 2014, 10:25:13 am
(click to show/hide)

also, poisoned my weapon because random invaders didn´t stop pissing me off
now they piss me off less  :mrgreen:

also we should make a thread to post our dark soul 2 chars and compare digital dick sizes
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: IR_Kuoin on July 27, 2014, 02:12:25 pm
(click to show/hide)

also, poisoned my weapon because random invaders didn´t stop pissing me off
now they piss me off less  :mrgreen:

also we should make a thread to post our dark soul 2 chars and compare digital dick sizes

I all ready won m8

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Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Joseph Porta on July 30, 2014, 04:11:03 pm

I fucking love the setting its in. Long coats & broad rimmed hats: win
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: karasu on July 30, 2014, 07:44:46 pm
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Tennenoth on August 04, 2014, 06:38:55 am
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Didn't see this one anywhere, so here you go! :)
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Ikarus on August 04, 2014, 10:05:33 am
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Didn't see this one anywhere, so here you go! :)

ahahaha so good
I loved the "try rear but hole" messages

also, the endboss was surprisingly easy :o

Decided to try and help a random player through one "stint" to a Great One.
Good Guy Tenne  :oops: Can´t describe how much I loved the people who gave away vital informations so I could beat the game (f.e. burning the mill so Mytha has no poison arena anymore -> KUDOS TO YOU, STRANGER OUT THERE <33333 )
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: karasu on August 11, 2014, 07:34:56 pm
Good guy anon!
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Kafein on August 11, 2014, 09:13:37 pm
Good Guy Tenne  :oops: Can´t describe how much I loved the people who gave away vital informations so I could beat the game (f.e. burning the mill so Mytha has no poison arena anymore -> KUDOS TO YOU, STRANGER OUT THERE <33333 )

Someone did this for me too <3
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: karasu on August 12, 2014, 08:40:38 pm
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: IR_Kuoin on August 12, 2014, 09:37:42 pm
Nice trailer, decided to check out the comments too, got cancer.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Gravoth_iii on August 21, 2014, 06:51:39 pm
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Vibe on August 21, 2014, 07:23:46 pm
Cool. More spooky and dark than Dark Souls, I like all the blood spatter (even on clothes!), but alas.. only consol peasantry.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Gravoth_iii on August 21, 2014, 08:05:48 pm
Cool. More spooky and dark than Dark Souls, I like all the blood spatter (even on clothes!), but alas.. only consol peasantry.

Im getting ps4 for this, if money allows. It has a demons souls feeling to it more than dark souls, which is a nice change.

Gameplay wise it looks improved, no shield ez mode and no magic (or is there hmm?) instead dodging, and backstab is done through a strong attack to the back and the followed up with riposte instead of just insta backstab.

Also so much blood visitors can't see pics , please register or login
 I love me some gore, actually, lots of gore.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: IR_Kuoin on August 21, 2014, 08:11:38 pm
Yeah doing a playthrough with shield is just plain boring, I personally never do any runs with a shield, or PvP for that matter.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: SixThumbs on August 21, 2014, 09:59:47 pm
Well, I didn't finish the DLC that was released a little while ago but it was luke-warm and I haven't even finished it, I think the magic for me is gone.

Although, on a plus side my "corrupted" first game un-corrupted itself and I might finish new game+

They patched the greatswords though and I no longer have a running attack to two-hit combo anymore for PvP.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Gravoth_iii on August 26, 2014, 03:27:47 pm
Second DLC hype.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: IR_Kuoin on August 26, 2014, 04:17:48 pm
I'll get DLC hype when they are down to 90% on steam.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Gravoth_iii on August 26, 2014, 05:00:14 pm
Ugh, this shit is hard.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Golem on August 26, 2014, 09:46:58 pm
Finally done with this shit!
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Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Joseph Porta on August 26, 2014, 10:04:53 pm
Finally done with this shit!
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Hmm, nice!
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Knitler on August 27, 2014, 11:06:58 am
The first dlc (sunken king) is better than iron king on my mind :-/
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Knitler on August 28, 2014, 12:33:19 am
Sorry for doublepost - yep, the Sunken King DLC was like double as long and double as hard as the IronKing ~ and quadruple as fun.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Gravoth_iii on August 28, 2014, 11:31:16 am
I felt like sunken was shorter, and im only at the first boss of ironking.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Knitler on August 28, 2014, 12:06:43 pm
I felt like sunken was shorter, and im only at the first boss of ironking.

Its either my level or so on - but i had a hard time at sunken king - here there are barely any really monsters - hidden walls or constraptions.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Golem on August 29, 2014, 07:26:43 am
Are you guys playing online and/or went to New Game+? I am still collecting some items in NG and was wondering if there is even a reason in going NG+. Will my Soul Memory eventually go too high, as to prevent me from matchmaking?
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Knitler on August 29, 2014, 09:31:08 am
Are you guys playing online and/or went to New Game+? I am still collecting some items in NG and was wondering if there is even a reason in going NG+. Will my Soul Memory eventually go too high, as to prevent me from matchmaking?

Well, im waiting for the next DLC and then making some PvP and then going to NG+ , and yes it COULD prevent u from having a match. The higher your soulmemory the higher the range up and downwards on the enemys soulmemory ~ so when you are just farming suols for levels u are screwed :-)
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Golem on August 29, 2014, 10:03:32 am
Definitely not farming for souls, just some titanite and stuff. I have 3.8mil SM already and I feel like I am going get rekt when I switch over to NG+, if it's still SM based.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Vibe on August 29, 2014, 10:42:08 am
Definitely not farming for souls, just some titanite and stuff. I have 3.8mil SM already and I feel like I am going get rekt when I switch over to NG+, if it's still SM based.

It is SM based. If you're a sinner you'll get invaded a lot by blue spirits. Use this to check the SM range:
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Golem on August 29, 2014, 10:55:33 am
It is SM based. If you're a sinner you'll get invaded a lot by blue spirits. Use this to check the SM range:
Oh yeah, I've seen a few of those already. I read that when they kill you your sin level is dropped. Too bad I killed almost all of them. Thanks for the calculator!
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Knitler on August 29, 2014, 12:30:34 pm
Oh yeah, I've seen a few of those already. I read that when they kill you your sin level is dropped. Too bad I killed almost all of them. Thanks for the calculator!

Hehe, im always killing them with my friend on heides tower - hes a sinner and we have the ring that makes us more active to get invaded - also he used the bonfire ascetic so i can be a phantom and not a shade ~ also if u want to farm twinkling titanite and petrified dragonbone, check fro dragon aerie, im "wasting" my ascetics there, you get like 11petrified - 8twinlink - and some infuse stones and normal shards / chunks - etc.

About the other stones - i hope you know about stonecollector chloanne ~ she gives infinite amount of chunks - shards and lshards after you defeated the endboss
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Kafein on August 29, 2014, 12:35:00 pm
Hehe, im always killing them with my friend on heides tower - hes a sinner and we have the ring that makes us more active to get invaded - also he used the bonfire ascetic so i can be a phantom and not a shade ~ also if u want to farm twinkling titanite and petrified dragonbone, check fro dragon aerie, im "wasting" my ascetics there, you get like 11petrified - 8twinlink - and some infuse stones and normal shards / chunks - etc.

About the other stones - i hope you know about stonecollector chloanne ~ she gives infinite amount of chunks - shards and lshards after you defeated the endboss

It's really really hard to miss her tho
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Golem on August 29, 2014, 12:58:48 pm
Hehe, im always killing them with my friend on heides tower - hes a sinner and we have the ring that makes us more active to get invaded - also he used the bonfire ascetic so i can be a phantom and not a shade ~ also if u want to farm twinkling titanite and petrified dragonbone, check fro dragon aerie, im "wasting" my ascetics there, you get like 11petrified - 8twinlink - and some infuse stones and normal shards / chunks - etc.
Yep, that's the place.

Of course I didn't miss her. She's great, provides just what I need.  :mrgreen:
BTW What does Ascetic has to do with phantom/shade summons?
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: IR_Kuoin on August 29, 2014, 01:56:08 pm
Hehe, im always killing them with my friend on heides tower - hes a sinner and we have the ring that makes us more active to get invaded.

Are you a ganker scrub? visitors can't see pics , please register or login
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Gravoth_iii on August 29, 2014, 02:35:11 pm
Hehe, im always killing them with my friend on heides tower

Ganker alert! GANKER ALERT!
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Knitler on August 29, 2014, 05:21:11 pm
Are you a ganker scrub? visitors can't see pics , please register or login

We got fucked by invaders alone, so often and so unfair - we are just hanging around in heides tower and waiting for invaders to come ... but we are kind of doing it fair ... we are also duelling in the bloodcovenant. Also, cause my friend is a sinner, there are also blue ppl coming :-)

Yep, that's the place.

Of course I didn't miss her. She's great, provides just what I need.  :mrgreen:
BTW What does Ascetic has to do with phantom/shade summons?

Bonfire ascetic - when u burn them on a bonfire it will get into NG+ and everything in the area respawns ~ also, its not possible to summon phantoms (infnite amount of time) when the boss in your area is defeated (which would be ornstein and dragonslayer in heides tower) - so my friend used the ascetic and he can summon me as phantom.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Golem on August 29, 2014, 06:28:50 pm
Bonfire ascetic - when u burn them on a bonfire it will get into NG+ and everything in the area respawns ~ also, its not possible to summon phantoms (infnite amount of time) when the boss in your area is defeated (which would be ornstein and dragonslayer in heides tower) - so my friend used the ascetic and he can summon me as phantom.
Weird. The wiki says that the fixed duration is 40 minutes.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Knitler on August 29, 2014, 07:37:35 pm
Weird. The wiki says that the fixed duration is 40 minutes.

Thats weird then .... sometimes im not going back to mainworld as phantom - but once it happened ... maybe i got "lucky" and died between these times. Its still better than the shorter shade ^^
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Golem on August 29, 2014, 07:52:54 pm
Oh, but you get silky! Besides you don't need to be in the host's world at the exact time of invasion, just have your soapstone ready and when you get echo from the host place it so he can summon you. #IAmNotAGanker #ScrubForLife
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Knitler on August 29, 2014, 08:14:35 pm
Oh, but you get silky! Besides you don't need to be in the host's world at the exact time of invasion, just have your soapstone ready and when you get echo from the host place it so he can summon you. #IAmNotAGanker #ScrubForLife

Yes, that happened a lot of times when he just teleported to heides and got invaded immediately.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Golem on August 29, 2014, 09:41:21 pm
Are you still in NG Kuoin? Maybe would be interested in some 2v1  :lol:
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Knitler on August 29, 2014, 09:52:10 pm
Are you still in NG Kuoin? Maybe would be interested in some 2v1  :lol:

Uhm, i also forget to tell u about that - the ascetic is just there to let the bosses respawn again so you can summon someone ~ it doesnt matter in which NG+ he is , you just need to fit his soulmemory.

For example; Im still in the first Game
My friend who used the bonfire ascetic is cause of the ascetic in NG+ and he can summon me.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Golem on August 30, 2014, 02:32:26 pm
He's not. Once you press "Begin journey to Drangleic 2" you are in NG+ and you can't conect to NG players.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Knitler on August 30, 2014, 04:42:53 pm
He's not. Once you press "Begin journey to Drangleic 2" you are in NG+ and you can't conect to NG players.

hmm ... maybe its just with the bonfire - so when your bonfire is ng+ you can summon someone from ng if you dont have the boss killed - im 100% sure of that ;)
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Golem on August 30, 2014, 05:00:36 pm
Kinda. Bonfires in NG have a default intensity. Those are the numbers in the warping menu.  You can either go to NG+, which raises all bonfire intesity or burn an ascetic at certain bonfire to reset it and make it as it would be in NG+. If you ascetic a bonfire in NG and then go to NG+, then that bonfire will have the intensity of an unascetic'd bonfire in NG++.
Once you press "Begin journey to Drangleic 2" you are in NG+ and you can't conect to NG players.

PS: Why do I feel like a douche?   :)
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Knitler on August 30, 2014, 05:03:10 pm
Kinda. Bonfires in NG have a default intensity. Those are the numbers in the warping menu.  You can either go to NG+, which raises all bonfire intesity or burn an ascetic at certain bonfire to reset it and make it as it would be in NG+. If you ascetic a bonfire in NG and then go to NG+, then that bonfire will have the intensity of an unascetic'd bonfire in NG++.
PS: Why do I feel like a douche?   :)

Hehe, atleast you are not insulting. Maybe its not working when you begin your journey to NG+ in total, but with the ascetic differences its working, im totaly sure ;-)
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: PsychoTwins on August 31, 2014, 08:13:53 am
Anyone wanna help me out? Im stuck in NG+ on the Sinh Dragon boss fight :[

I was able to sneak by him and get the ring but I still want to beat him and get the crown.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Kaido on August 31, 2014, 05:22:06 pm
Just finished the game and i can safely say the order of souls game on the hard level goes like deamon souls>dark souls>dark souls 2
Dks was harder in so many lvls compare to Dks2.In Dks2 its more like co-op fun.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Knitler on August 31, 2014, 06:24:28 pm
Anyone wanna help me out? Im stuck in NG+ on the Sinh Dragon boss fight :[

I was able to sneak by him and get the ring but I still want to beat him and get the crown.

I can help u - i have 5.6mio soulmemory ... YOU need to be around 1,75mio and 20mio - that should be doable considering u are ng+ pm me.

Just finished the game and i can safely say the order of souls game on the hard level goes like deamon souls>dark souls>dark souls 2
Dks was harder in so many lvls compare to Dks2.In Dks2 its more like co-op fun.

Thats true.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Polobow on September 01, 2014, 09:44:25 pm
Bloodborne announced in JP on 5th of February. That's very fast.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Kaido on September 03, 2014, 03:20:58 pm
I might go buy a PS3 just to play DS.IDK why dks2 pvp feel so lame.a guy with fists can beat everyone and deal more dmg than a buffed ultra greatsword.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Gravoth_iii on September 03, 2014, 07:10:20 pm
I might go buy a PS3 just to play DS.IDK why dks2 pvp feel so lame.a guy with fists can beat everyone and deal more dmg than a buffed ultra greatsword.

An ultra greatsword can outdamage it, but its incredibly slow and so very hard to learn how to use. While fists are super quick with easy combos. Fast weapons have always been the best in DaS, but big ones can work.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Kaido on September 03, 2014, 08:19:46 pm
An ultra greatsword can outdamage it, but its incredibly slow and so very hard to learn how to use. While fists are super quick with easy combos. Fast weapons have always been the best in DaS, but big ones can work.

I've been using only ultra greatswords and great hamers for pvp cuz i find everything else easy mode.i use a heavy weapon with the lightest armor and i really give everything on that one backstab.dueling fist guys or poke to death rapiers OR TWINBLADES WITH 30 HITS PER SEC is hard..
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: IR_Kuoin on September 03, 2014, 08:49:17 pm
Heavy weapons are all about baiting.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Kaido on September 03, 2014, 09:27:24 pm
twin blades are so op i GTX everytime someone with 30 hours of gameplay kill me because if you spam them its like you are invisible and shit all hp down 2 hits.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Joseph Porta on September 03, 2014, 09:39:28 pm
Heavy weapons are all about baiting.

So like c-rpg, s key roll backward s key etc :'(
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Gravoth_iii on September 04, 2014, 02:53:13 am
So like c-rpg, s key roll backward s key etc :'(

Well, i mean what do you want, W would make it a complete fuckfest hugging eachother, A or D would make one nausious from spinning around eachother. S is to get control of the fight, so it isnt complete chaos, spinning around eachother.

Baiting doesnt mean s key, just means dodging and looking for openings.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Kaido on September 08, 2014, 01:03:08 pm
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Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: SixThumbs on September 09, 2014, 05:28:06 pm
Did they add an item that let's you teleport when you dodge?

I booted the game up lastnight and was immediately invaded by someone with a twinblade and armor I've never seen before. He would teleport and leave behind smoke whenever he dodged. I'm guessing it was part of one of the DLCs. I'm slowly making my way through the first one and didn't actually notice that From had already released the second.

The PvP really doesn't feel engaging to me anymore either, the nerf to the bastard sword and it's parent move-set was probably needed but now it feels extremely underwhelming comparatively. Especially when they didn't fix any of the glaring issues with matchmaking latency or just the hit-boxes in general.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Kafein on September 09, 2014, 06:58:11 pm
In my opinion, multiplayer combat never was the strong point of any game in the series. It's not bad and an MP fighting scene did emerge for that reason (even in Demon's Souls), but all the other things are so much better.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Knitler on September 09, 2014, 07:31:16 pm
Did they add an item that let's you teleport when you dodge?

I booted the game up lastnight and was immediately invaded by someone with a twinblade and armor I've never seen before. He would teleport and leave behind smoke whenever he dodged. I'm guessing it was part of one of the DLCs. I'm slowly making my way through the first one and didn't actually notice that From had already released the second.

The PvP really doesn't feel engaging to me anymore either, the nerf to the bastard sword and it's parent move-set was probably needed but now it feels extremely underwhelming comparatively. Especially when they didn't fix any of the glaring issues with matchmaking latency or just the hit-boxes in general.

Yep, its a ring of the iron king dlc - which makes you invisible when you dodge.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Kafein on September 09, 2014, 08:14:07 pm
Well at least when the number of horrifyingly OP rings in the game will be greater than 5 there will be some variations in ring choices.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: SixThumbs on September 09, 2014, 08:39:56 pm
In my opinion, multiplayer combat never was the strong point of any game in the series. It's not bad and an MP fighting scene did emerge for that reason (even in Demon's Souls), but all the other things are so much better.

It's not a strong point but they should've put a bit more into it I think considering they made it an integral part of the lore and online mechanics.

Closer to launch the fights felt like they had more of a wild-west showdown feel to them where sizing up and sussing out your opponent would be followed up by a quick resolution of the encounter one way or the other. Instead of slightly tweaking numbers or moving hit-boxes they just sort of thrashed the interconnected web they had built because of a vocal minority but then didn't change things that seemed unanimous across the board.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Kafein on September 10, 2014, 12:05:47 am
Honestly I don't think they made fighting an integral part of the lore and mechanics. For most players, hostile online interactions rarely come down to combat skill, lag etc. Builds, situation and other elements tend to determine the outcome more decisively than the actual fight.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Kaido on September 10, 2014, 10:25:08 am
I don't see how people complain about lag in PVP.I play with a STOLEN INTERNET CONNECTION and i get a lag in every 1/10 duels which probably the other guy is from different region.I played hundreds of duels and also cant find any hacker either.I found only 1 infinityHP guy which when i saw him i killed myself so he couldn't do anything like killing NCPs?.

As for the pvp mechanics in DKS2 its slow combat compare to DKS1 and DS.It doesn't have to be a bad thing tho,also game get updates and balance on items regularly which is a good thing.

As for DLC it was a money trap since there are so many good stuff especially the resistances rings which i might buy the DLC pack just for that..

Also the fact with SM is that you can stay at 150SL and do 500 pvps but you get souls and your SM will increase a lot which means you will face 250sl players so there is no reason to stay at 150sl which is suppose to be the ideal pvp lvl.Which also make you start new char if you want to go back on low pvp duels and not max stats duels.WHICH is a good thing cuz the game has many ways to make you keep still playing it..
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Kafein on September 10, 2014, 08:14:57 pm
The whole SM thing was designed with zero consideration to the dueling scene.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Kaido on September 10, 2014, 08:15:59 pm
Nope not softbanned coz i used HD mod in game.
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now only signs i can see is from other banned peoples which was mostly banned baned for hacking.
im in the same pool with 90% of hackers and can duel only them forever because i used HD mod ingame and never cheated in any way.i've done 4 duels while
soft banned and that 4th duel was an infhp hacker scrub while i done 500 and not even game i qq
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: IR_Kuoin on September 10, 2014, 08:24:01 pm
I think all of us have said why SM fucked up so many things there was absolutely no reason to implement it at all, and with the red eye changes they pretty much removed the reason for SM in the first place, level cap is more fair.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Kaido on September 10, 2014, 08:33:49 pm
there is a trick you can do.make your pvp char.go to whatever sl/sm you want to for pvp and then simply back-up the char's save.when the char's sm gets too high and you feel like you fight rly high lvls just reload your save.simple
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Knitler on September 10, 2014, 09:13:06 pm
Nope not softbanned coz i used HD mod in game.
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now only signs i can see is from other banned peoples which was mostly banned baned for hacking.
im in the same pool with 90% of hackers and can duel only them forever because i used HD mod ingame and never cheated in any way.i've done 4 duels while
soft banned and that 4th duel was an infhp hacker scrub while i done 500 and not even game i qq

You can use that band of order or something, lookesl ike a red bone - then u are back in real game. I never used it, but thats what legends say.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Kaido on September 10, 2014, 10:32:39 pm
You can use that band of order or something, lookesl ike a red bone - then u are back in real game. I never used it, but thats what legends say.
tried it,its useless..
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: IR_Kuoin on September 18, 2014, 01:39:17 pm

Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: IR_Kuoin on September 18, 2014, 11:47:54 pm

Some screen gameplay
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Gravoth_iii on September 19, 2014, 02:15:59 pm
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Some screen gameplay

Looks pretty good, the atmopshere is definitely what seems to be the best part. But more enemies could be nice combined with being able to heal through killing them quickly after taking damage.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Gravoth_iii on October 01, 2014, 12:49:26 am
Last DLC now, very pretty with snow and stuff, nicely made and stuff. But then theres the snowstorm area, fuck this. I even went as far as to get 2 summons for it, but that just made me die faster when i couldnt kill a mob in one combo, while my phantoms watched me get beat down. Fuck this are, stupid respawning enemies zerging.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Ikarus on October 02, 2014, 07:02:39 pm
Third DLC is out and I´m still fightin bosses in the second one

just FINALLY got this Fume Knight, what a tougth rascal
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Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Polobow on October 02, 2014, 07:53:46 pm
Third DLC is out and I´m still fightin bosses in the second one

just FINALLY got this Fume Knight, what a tougth rascal
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It's probally the hardest boss in Dark Souls 2, for most.

Mine was Darklurker, as a pure melee. Goddamn that was intense.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Kaido on October 02, 2014, 09:19:04 pm
After i got softbaned on DKS2 i started DKS1 again.Man.. it was like i was playing DKS2 on hardcore mode.I didn't notice how more difficult it was.I just wish DKS2 was even harder.When i heard "everytime you die your HP decrease until you human again" i thought "YEA".Yet it was so easy..I wish their next game is retarded hard but i dont think so.
Every new game out there is made newbiefriendly these days.You can have hardcore on old gems like DKS1 and DS.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: FRANK_THE_TANK on October 07, 2014, 12:56:21 am
So I wasted my on the DLC. What a load of shit.

I finished two of the areas in 3 hours. And the boss and enemies are just repeats of boss/enemies from the main game. I died once in Ivory because I walked off a ledge... ffs. Can't believe I spent 30$. I can go to the movies for 7$ and that's about 2 hours of entertainment. If I see 2 movies that's 14$ for 4 hours... If I hand over 30$... fuck it. When films provide my time being entertained your dlc is a failure.

Dark Souls 2 - The shittening.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Gravoth_iii on October 07, 2014, 01:13:24 am
So I wasted my on the DLC. What a load of shit.

I finished two of the areas in 3 hours. And the boss and enemies are just repeats of boss/enemies from the main game. I died once in Ivory because I walked off a ledge... ffs. Can't believe I spent 30$. I can go to the movies for 7$ and that's about 2 hours of entertainment. If I see 2 movies that's 14$ for 4 hours... If I hand over 30$... fuck it. When films provide my time being entertained your dlc is a failure.

Dark Souls 2 - The shittening.

The extra bosses that are repeats are put there for non-dlc people to join in as phantoms, its made for co-op just to let them have a peak into the dlc afaik. Its just an added extra. Other than that the bosses are all unique and pretty damn cool. The basic soldiers are quite stale, but there were many enemies that had cool designs. Also many new fun weapons for pvp.

They also added a quite a bit to the lore/story.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: FRANK_THE_TANK on October 07, 2014, 03:28:40 am
The extra bosses that are repeats are put there for non-dlc people to join in as phantoms, its made for co-op just to let them have a peak into the dlc afaik. Its just an added extra. Other than that the bosses are all unique and pretty damn cool. The basic soldiers are quite stale, but there were many enemies that had cool designs. Also many new fun weapons for pvp.

They also added a quite a bit to the lore/story.

Wait so what did I buy???

But they repeat the smelter demon right? And everything else just reskined versions of the same crap... am I mad or something.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: IR_Kuoin on October 07, 2014, 10:37:50 am
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Polobow on October 07, 2014, 11:39:15 am
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What did I just watch
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Gravoth_iii on October 07, 2014, 12:08:00 pm
Wait so what did I buy???

But they repeat the smelter demon right? And everything else just reskined versions of the same crap... am I mad or something.

Yeah smelter was a repeat, but put there for co-op with non-dlc people i heard. I guess he has some lore purpose maybe..
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: FRANK_THE_TANK on October 18, 2014, 06:59:47 pm
Fuck I hate this game so much. Just pissed away another 20 hours playing it. Went back to pvp after swearing to never fucking waste my time on it again and here I am back at AA pissing and moaning about lag and stupid shit that fromsoft...

Dark Souls is shit, the whole series sucks balls. I'm a fucking idiot for playing it.


I've come up with a solution. I'll hack my account and make "DORIS THE SPOON LADY!" and bash people to death with a spoon. As well "CountfuckyourSM" I'll take one of my NG+ chars and then buff him to lvl bazzilion then invade/get invaded and kill myself burdening the poor fool with so many souls his SM shits its pants and fucks the char. MUHAHAHAHAHHAHAHA
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: lombardsoup on October 18, 2014, 07:15:29 pm
Dark Souls is shit

Stopped reading there
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: IR_Kuoin on October 18, 2014, 07:17:42 pm
I've come up with a solution. I'll hack my account and make "DORIS THE SPOON LADY!" and bash people to death with a spoon. As well "CountfuckyourSM" I'll take one of my NG+ chars and then buff him to lvl bazzilion then invade/get invaded and kill myself burdening the poor fool with so many souls his SM shits its pants and fucks the char. MUHAHAHAHAHHAHAHA

Remember that over 15m SM it wont matter, but you can go in with 99999999 souls and have a SM under 1 mill, that will sure fuck 'em up :D
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Kaido on October 19, 2014, 07:48:47 am
I've been waiting for DS2 to remove the soft ban coz only people i roll in while having it was 7y olds with some google finded hack machine that was wrecking my ass.I rly want to buy the DLC and play this again but it's retarded i got softbaned and i got in same pool as hackerwannabes on duels..Anyone might know if they removed it?
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: FRANK_THE_TANK on October 19, 2014, 09:18:11 am
I've been waiting for DS2 to remove the soft ban coz only people i roll in while having it was 7y olds with some google finded hack machine that was wrecking my ass.I rly want to buy the DLC and play this again but it's retarded i got softbaned and i got in same pool as hackerwannabes on duels..Anyone might know if they removed it?

Yeah a dude came into one of my instances and dumped all the rings on the ground and all this gear and then just threw himself off a ledge to his death. I wound up just ignoring all the crap on the ground.

I don't understand what the problem was with the old system of basing it on a levels. Worked just fine. The problems with pvp were much larger than people having better gear than you at a low level.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Kaido on October 19, 2014, 02:27:47 pm
You can get soft baned if a hacker join your world and drop moded items..So you get softbaned because the game is not sure if you did it so might as well ban you.This is retarded..
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: SixThumbs on October 19, 2014, 03:36:34 pm
I just can't be assed anymore because they nerfed the bastard sword.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: IR_Kuoin on October 19, 2014, 04:02:16 pm
I just can't be assed anymore because they nerfed the bastard sword.

Lol ...
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: SixThumbs on October 20, 2014, 01:27:16 am
Lol ...

Well, my 'quality' build is kind of useless without the other two follow up attacks after a running attack. After ~50 hours and more than my money's worth I can't be assed to find another weapon/style I like the feel of, and acquire the muscle memory for, and I definitely can't be assed looking for all that titanite to upgrade it.

Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: darmaster on October 20, 2014, 11:00:30 pm
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Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Gravoth_iii on November 15, 2014, 02:28:24 am

So they added this fucking weapon with hadoukens, kung fu stomps and boxing uppercuts... i need it. Going to graphics mod my game a bit and go for a fresh run and some fancy build.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Kafein on November 15, 2014, 09:24:17 pm
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Gravoth_iii on November 16, 2014, 01:46:03 am
Steroid pumped my game with a bunch of graphics enhancers and stuff that makes it really dark and evil. The torch is a godsend, but unfortunately i have to use it sparingly. And at the same time im doign the champions covenant, game is gon be tough.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: SixThumbs on December 14, 2014, 06:32:58 pm
So, what is the PVP like post-patch ~1.06?

My plain +10 bastard sword and deft rolling brought me rank 2 in the BoB at ~280SM in ~68 matches but on top of being way out of practice it seems my weapon does even less damage and From didn't seem to address any of the actual issues like hitboxes and general netcode.

How are the other two DLCs also? The first one was okay I guess but mainly for reliving a bit of the discovery excitement that I had first playing. 

Edit: I just did a little internet searching and I guess the greatsword class of weapons were considered OP by some because you can stunlock for "4-5" hits, although from what I remembered I never got more than 3 in at a time.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Gravoth_iii on December 15, 2014, 02:05:38 am
DLC is definitely quality content, better than the main game some argue.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: SixThumbs on December 22, 2014, 10:53:15 pm
So, what is this I've just heard with FROM releasing a DX11 version of the game that will be completely separate from the DX9 version? I'm not particularly fussed because I just won't buy it but this industry seems really dodgy whenever I hear anything about companies' business practices.

On a side note I just finished the first DLC and I thought it was rather bland but I'll probably pick the other two up at some point. It gave me some trouble coming back to the game after having not played in a while.

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Also, I didn't get summoned at all when trying to restore my humanity in the whole section.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: karasu on January 29, 2015, 06:20:09 pm
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Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Banok on April 02, 2015, 08:26:10 pm
I've been reading reddit getting hyped at work, some people rate new enemy placement others think its underwhelming. but I haven't played any of the DLC yet, so was quite excited to come home and pirate the game. Was 50% through my scholar of the first sin torrent, but just decided fuck it I will blow £20 just to not miss out on the occasional thrill of invaders.

Even tho I'm essentially buying an expansion pack not standard consumer raping DLC, its still overpriced when a whole new darksouls game could be £30.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: karasu on April 02, 2015, 11:35:44 pm
Too bad I can't play the dx11 in this pc properly, and I'm not gonna buy the dx9 again with dlc's (already have it, fuck their publishers).

Also, the 60fps durability bug still happens in this version, because "reasons". Really lame from those devs.

Meanwhile, some old gem:

Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Banok on April 03, 2015, 04:24:05 am
Well game isnt that different so far, got my self pretty hollowed attempting a certain exploit they have ninja fixed, and had a couple of minor surprises. Hopefully DLC I havent tried yet will spice things up.

I have chosen the dark side
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Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Ikarus on April 03, 2015, 09:19:06 am
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sauce plox
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Kafein on April 04, 2015, 12:19:00 pm
I'm currently doing a new game with hobo class and 24/7 champion covenant. This is basically how I played DeS and DaS so we'll see how it goes.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Banok on April 07, 2015, 05:54:52 am
I'm currently doing a new game with hobo class and 24/7 champion covenant. This is basically how I played DeS and DaS so we'll see how it goes.

Im trying this now and its fucken hard as fuck

Some of the minor changes in scholar really wreck you, like getting ring of binding is not feasible early. so Im going to get stuck on 50% hp real fast the amount im dieing.

edit: made it through the early stuggle. grand lance is a girls best friend.

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Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Overdriven on December 03, 2015, 01:58:04 pm
Picked this up in the last steam sale and already finished it.

Disappointed with the story and lore more than anything. It felt very much a rinse and repeat but without a lot of the indepth character backgrounds.

That and the fact it wasn't all that hard. Built myself as a pure strength with UGS and great shield. Not as OP as DS1 but could still tank the heck out of everything and deal insane damage. Once you get past the great lords (the only interesting one being the spider) the other bosses were just meh. All I killed within 2-3 tries, usually on my own or at most 1 NPC. They were all pretty similar.

I never had any o shit I'm fucked moments like DS1.

Going to go with a more challenging build next time round. Didn't get round to doing the DLC either so I'm going to go through that in the next play through.

Any suggestions for fun builds? Most of the ones I can find online are a bit meh. Looking for a combination of DEX and some form of spell casting, whether sorcery, hexes or just pyro I haven't decided yet.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Gravoth_iii on December 03, 2015, 02:06:40 pm
Picked this up in the last steam sale and already finished it.

Disappointed with the story and lore more than anything. It felt very much a rinse and repeat but without a lot of the indepth character backgrounds.

That and the fact it wasn't all that hard. Built myself as a pure strength with UGS and great shield. Not as OP as DS1 but could still tank the heck out of everything and deal insane damage. Once you get past the great lords (the only interesting one being the spider) the other bosses were just meh. All I killed within 2-3 tries, usually on my own or at most 1 NPC. They were all pretty similar.

I never had any o shit I'm fucked moments like DS1.

Going to go with a more challenging build next time round. Didn't get round to doing the DLC either so I'm going to go through that in the next play through.

Any suggestions for fun builds? Most of the ones I can find online are a bit meh. Looking for a combination of DEX and some form of spell casting, whether sorcery, hexes or just pyro I haven't decided yet.

Try NG+, it actually adds new stuff compared to regular NG. Also yeah, pure str build seems like the common path and also one of the easier ones. The game itself isnt super hard true, but ng+ is nice and pvp is fun. DLC as usual is the harder part of the game.

Casting is pretty imba, but last run i did was with caestus dualwield, which is fun but pretty weak. Then in the dlc you can find the bone fist which gives you a hadouken and kungfu attacks.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: IR_Kuoin on December 03, 2015, 02:08:06 pm
Dark Souls 2 was the only souls game where I could complete bosses on my first try, even though I played Demon Souls after I played Dark Souls it still gave me a hard time, and by then I had already learned how to play Souls games. I also agree on the lore / story part, had me the least interested of all 3. I also never play with shields, maybe you could make a longsword no shield char? :P
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: Overdriven on December 03, 2015, 02:16:50 pm
Well with the lore it had the standard dark souls I have no idea what I'm doing and why I'm doing it feel other than loosely hunting for bosses. But with DS1 once you delved a bit more in depth the lore and background to a lot of the bosses and even NPCs was crazy. All the back stories for the great lords were really interesting and NPCs like Quelana and many others also had interesting stories.

On this one there just didn't seem to be much of that other than with Vendrick and Nashendra with some loose references to Lordran being way in the past and kingdoms falling and rising with the rekindling of the flame. That was about it so it feels slightly empty in comparison.

I was vaguely tempted by a twin blades caster to gear myself up for Star Wars but upon some research I decided against it. I've also been tempted by dual wielding but so far some sort of dex weapon with hexes has drawn me most.
Title: Re: Dark Souls II
Post by: IR_Kuoin on December 03, 2015, 02:52:00 pm
I made a full STR build with Ultra Greatsword and Red Rust Scimitar dual wielding, probably the most fun build I ever made. Used pyromancy glove for healing and buffing for PvP. Also remember to bring throwing daggers if you're going PvP. I have won so many matches with those.