'bout time someone make the "official" topic.
Site contains some gameplay footage. Thought I share...
http://www.pcgames.de/Dark-Souls-2-PC-256700/News/Dark-Souls-2-Gameplay-Video-zeigt-Bosskampf-Leak-1079817/ (http://www.pcgames.de/Dark-Souls-2-PC-256700/News/Dark-Souls-2-Gameplay-Video-zeigt-Bosskampf-Leak-1079817/)
I hope that was a super easy demo version, cause otherwise that boss' sword is made of plastic.
So apparently dark souls 2 will be even harder. Sweet.
Wow that almost got me unhyped for GTA5
Thing that bugs me is the 10 pre-order weps, I doubt they will do a huge thing and probably just suck, looks like they all have the same stats just different skin, just hope they aren't too "OP" for the starting area.
Is the release price more, less or the same as preorder price?
I imagine so
graphics look super washed out, hope its better for PC
Giantdad, the legend never dies.
It's mindboggling that some people already watched streams of other people playing through entire DS2. More than a month to the actual release and they have spoiled everything for themselves.
I'll admit, I never played anything from the Dark Soul franchise, but I'm excited for this.
Well you should, the first one is going to be the best one.Isn't Demon Souls the first one really? Also, seeing how they took a great formula from Demon Souls and polished it with Dark Souls, I think Dark Souls 2 is probably going to be an improvement. In any case it will be an improvement for me because it is properly supported on PC, at least I hope.
Isn't Demon Souls the first one really? Also, seeing how they took a great formula from Demon Souls and polished it with Dark Souls, I think Dark Souls 2 is probably going to be an improvement. In any case it will be an improvement for me because it is properly supported on PC, at least I hope.
Well you should, the first one is going to be the best one.
You're talking about consoles, I meant the actual release.
Isn't Demon Souls the first one really? Also, seeing how they took a great formula from Demon Souls and polished it with Dark Souls, I think Dark Souls 2 is probably going to be an improvement. In any case it will be an improvement for me because it is properly supported on PC, at least I hope.
the first (two?) were not made for PC, so I think I'll be just fine starting with DS2
Also, I never understood people that go full str or use these huge ass swords, its such a boring playstyle :rolleyes:
The level design of Dark Souls is perhaps the best level design of all time. At least of all the games I played. The mere fact that the world is just a giant spaghetti of intertwined zones impressed me a lot, and I think it actually fits physically. The game doesn't "teleport" you when you go down elevators etc.
Yeah its a bit smoother, just have to get used to it, saw my brother rage about it 3 times when he accidentally jumped to his death :D
(click to show/hide)
How is the matchmaking?
With Koreans
(I don't have the game, just speculating)
Only thing that annoys me so far is that items like titanite shards are "hard" to get since the blacksmith only have like 20 on him (dont remember but not much) so if you find a wep and upgrade it only to find a better later on and you dont have enough shards to make it +3. You can find the blacksmiths daughter that will sell you as much shards and large as you want, but you meet her pretty late in the game....(i am SL90 atm about 17 hours still havent found her or damn shards :cry:)
as for pvp i have only been invaded 2 times myself but they both fell of some cliff. And summoning is super fast i often put it down and get message 3-10 seconds later no more 10 min waiting :D
i imagine it being about the same speed for invaders. And you can put your summon sign pretty much anywhere so if you want you can do a whole area with a friend or other ppl
So would you guys says it's worth trying Dark Souls on PC? I heard there's a patch that makes thing a bit better for PC users, but is it worth it?
So would you guys says it's worth trying Dark Souls on PC? I heard there's a patch that makes thing a bit better for PC users, but is it worth it?
no controller, but i think i'm still going to give it a try, just to see how the game is
I just want to try out the game (i'm pirating anyway), to get the feel before I purchase DS2 for real
At least didnt make the mistake most do and went to the graveyard first... don't be slovenian cheap-ass, buy some joypad. Any is good, as long you use it with x360ce.
Suit yourself. I don't believe that someone is a true gamer if he doesn't have more than one controller, be it wheel, joystick, gamepad etc.
Your posts, Vibe, are more deeply stirring to my blood than any imagining could possibly ever be.
the biggest bummer for me is the idea of the non-respawning enemies. sure, its to prevent grinding, but it also makes the game not feel like dark souls without enemies always intruding. you can just lose potential souls forever. i don't like to level up too high (best pvp lvls were around SL100)... i almost feel like ill have to be forced to spend my souls or probably get completely raped in NG+ and above... hmm..
not to mention you're almost penalized for exploring by having the chance to permanently lose souls...
is SL important over 125?
Sux that the graphics are soooooo last gen.
God damn that Taurus fucker, such a big boss and so little space to dodge. Had to try several times before I finally did it. The ones where you get killed while the boss is 1 slash away from dying are the most frustrating. Was full health and boss was 1 hit from dying, I said to myself "I got this, np", boss smashes me from side so I'm sent flying off the wall and die ;_; But I'm not bothered by repeatedly dying to a boss at all. What did bother me however was that I had to grind all the mobs again and again to get back to him, gets kind of boring after a few tries.
One of the easiest bosses in game, you can kill him in one or two hits if you know how.
This thread is about Dark Souls 2, fool.
Funniest thing is you can avoid fighting Taurus altogether
I actually want to fight (and eventually defeat) bosses, I'm not into rushing/skipping the content, neither am I into all kinds of cheap tactics that exist for some bosses :p
I actually want to fight (and eventually defeat) bosses, I'm not into rushing/skipping the content, neither am I into all kinds of cheap tactics that exist for some bosses :p
Yeah thats the best way to start out, but after youve finished the game a million times and then discover ways to skip parts its pretty damn kewl.
Cheap tactics though, is part of dark souls. That is how you play the game, with knowledge and abuse, because discovering abusive methods is being clever and its very enjoyable (atleast imo). But thats if you find them yourself, reading guides is something i feel ruins the experience. Unfortunately i had to quickly do that for one boss in dark souls 2 (Ancient dragon, if you guys have fought this yet, i think you understand :( )
One thing that I really dig and will be great for PC is the vibration of your controller when you are summoned or summon others, so we can safely tab out or open the steam browser while waiting :D
This soul memory for pvp mechanic seems to be garbage though, i was going to stay at SL60 and do some invasions, but as i gain souls im just going to fight higher leveled people while i stay the same.
Doge meme so butchered, saddens me :(sorry, I like that meme so much it makes me forgetting that it´s already extremely overused and pretty much from 2000 and late
Apparently there are 2 rings which makes either your main or offhand invisible (both if you equip both rings ofc) the main hand one is gotten by beating the game without resting at a bonfire, and the offhand one is gotten through beating the game without dying :shock: :shock: :shock:
Bosses are all fine, i only saw like 2 of them being recycled. Problem is some of the fights are very easy, but this could also be because i havent ventured into Ng+ yet and i heard it changes things more than just more hp more damage, so i cant really say yet. But almost all the lord bosses thingies were easy as fuck.
I once watched a let's play of the original Dark Souls, never really been tempted to play it, looks like yet another gigantic time sink, and saw this video of all the bosses in Dark Souls 2. Is it just me or are a lot of the DS2 bosses very...generic looking? They even recycle lava spider lady from the first one, kind of. I think a lot of the non-boss enemies had better character design than the bosses.
Kinda facepalm at some of the reviews I've seen, people who just finished Dark Souls (only one time) and never tried Demon Souls are making some pretty "QQ" or stupid whiny comments on the game. For the death penalty you have to die around 10 times before it actually put you down on a noticeably lower HP pool.
http://www.escapistmagazine.com/videos/view/zero-punctuation/8945-Dark-Souls-2-Prepare-to-Die-Again (http://www.escapistmagazine.com/videos/view/zero-punctuation/8945-Dark-Souls-2-Prepare-to-Die-Again)
He's pretty gentle with it...
REPOST!! :DMy bad - overlooked the post.
Thing that kinda bugs me is the menu, can't see how much HP you currently have and other small stuff. Hope they fix those small things when it hits Steam.
Soul memory shit seems broken, im in NG+ SL130 but it feels like im fighting SL200 people, because i notice when im fighting someone with the same average hp as me but then afterwards i get matched up with someone who tanks 5x as much..
roll attacks dont track people, it sucks.. as long as they move sideways its always going to hit where they were, so its junk.
http://www.giantbomb.com/videos/quick-look-dark-souls-ii-pc/2300-8726/# (http://www.giantbomb.com/videos/quick-look-dark-souls-ii-pc/2300-8726/#)
Smooth stuff, and the load time visitors can't see pics , please register or login
Well ive played about 100 hours or so, and its a lot smoother.
Well its Bandai pulling Froms strings, if they had more time they would most likely upgr. the graphics, but who would want to wait month(s) longer just for better graphs? Fromsoftware should get their own Valve time.
http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showpost.php?p=107723306&postcount=1650 (http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showpost.php?p=107723306&postcount=1650)
Wait, does that mean he wants to show us that the PC version IS improved, or that he finds it ridiculous that it ISN'T?
That it is improved yes, I hear a lot of people saying it wont be that much better looking on pc since they only increased the texture resolution or something. But it seems he's saying its good.
So whats your plans, str, dex, or magic builds? Oh and we absolutely need to make a cRPG fight club eventually 8-)
The amount of bloodstains everywhere. Filthy casuals.
Also, still trying to figure out how the hell do you kick/jump attack with pc master controls.
Won't get my key before 30th because the website I bought it from say that it is "hot" so they have to wait to get keys. C'mon man i bought it 18 march and they didn't even secure me a key ... :cry:
The game was made for consoles so you never gonna enjoy if you play it with a keyboard and a mouse.
50 Euros?
I think I´ll still wait a while until it´s a bit cheaper :oops:
Also, still trying to figure out how the hell do you kick/jump attack with pc master controls.
Logen had the same issue :P
I realised just now that weapons are repaired automatically at the bonfire and that broken weapons stay broken. Fail tutorial is fail.
Well, figured it out, sort of. You need ahk script to rebind mouse buttons to keyboard, so for me it looks like this:
#IfWinActive ahk_class DarkSouls2
U, Y etc. are attacks, guard and parry. This overrides the kawaii shit design and removes the mouse input lag, so mouse users can kick and jump attack the usual way. F1 suspends the script so mouse clicks work again. There is certainly a way to macro kick to a single key, but cba at the moment. :P
Stupid website i ordered the game from sent it yesterday so it probably wont arrive today, oh well guess im not going to play it this weekend :mad: I'll just have to settle with my ps3 30 fps pff
Stupid website i ordered the game from sent it yesterday so it probably wont arrive today, oh well guess im not going to play it this weekend :mad: I'll just have to settle with my ps3 30 fps pff
thats my case :(
I just gonna leave this here:
http://www.pcgamer.com/2014/04/24/dark-souls-2-modded-durantes-gedosato-enables-downsampling-texture-modding/2/#null (http://www.pcgamer.com/2014/04/24/dark-souls-2-modded-durantes-gedosato-enables-downsampling-texture-modding/2/#null)
Yeah, it's either Crysis 4 or crap, there is nothing inbetween.You, good Sir, are an idiot if you actually think that is what I wrote.
PS: this is how a 2008 game looks like:(click to show/hide)
Get the fuck out if you are not going to talk about Dark Souls. God damn dickwraiths.:rolleyes:
Is it worth to play with an ultra greatsword +buffed?Is it any good on pvp or everyone can dodge easly it's slow-loris attacks?
More like "Even the standard textures look pretty crappy - are we still in 2008?"
Actually why is this game supposedly good? All I see is some of the worst design through out. Pretty much every aspect of this game is from a 1995s PS1 game. Combat as well.
Also, does anyone still believe they developed DS 2 with PC as the main platform? It honestly feels as a straight up insult to me as a potential customer that the menus show Xbox buttons.
God, the PC port is just so.. crappy. I wish they'd have made a bit more effort. "Press A to accept"
Actually why is this game supposedly good? All I see is some of the worst design through out. Pretty much every aspect of this game is from a 1995s PS1 game. Combat as well.
Bad sign :|
what you people dont seem to get it doesn't matter how well they fixed the controls for K&M, this is a type of game that will ALWAYS be better with a controller. just like RTS FPS will always be shite on a controller, action/fighting/racing games will always be shite on K&M. every pc gamer should own a controller, there are quite a few games worth playing (pirating at least) like assassins creed etc, that suck on K&M.What? Assassin's creed is completely fine with K&M.
I was trying to explain the same thing to a couple of purist pc gamer friends I have. :rolleyes:
Anyone know how to retrieve a character? I started playing when it came out on another computer and got fairly far, but when i had to switch computers (one at my moms and one at my dads) i cant play on my character from the other computer. Is there any way to just move my game saves or something? i tried looking for the save files but i couldnt find them, any help would be appreciated :D
what you people dont seem to get it doesn't matter how well they fixed the controls for K&M, this is a type of game that will ALWAYS be better with a controller
what you people dont seem to get it doesn't matter how well they fixed the controls for K&M, this is a type of game that will ALWAYS be better with a controller. just like RTS FPS will always be shite on a controller, action/fighting/racing games will always be shite on K&M. every pc gamer should own a controller, there are quite a few games worth playing (pirating at least) like assassins creed etc, that suck on K&M.The only significant differences are that controllers have triggers, so you can do half presses and that you have more angles with WASD. Neither are a problem in Dark Souls. Most games that control badly with mouse and keyboard are just poorly ported and would work fine.
what you people dont seem to get it doesn't matter how well they fixed the controls for K&M, this is a type of game that will ALWAYS be better with a controller. just like RTS FPS will always be shite on a controller, action/fighting/racing games will always be shite on K&M. every pc gamer should own a controller, there are quite a few games worth playing (pirating at least) like assassins creed etc, that suck on K&M.
I was trying to explain the same thing to a couple of purist pc gamer friends I have. :rolleyes:
what you people dont seem to get it doesn't matter how well they fixed the controls for K&M, this is a type of game that will ALWAYS be better with a controller. just like RTS FPS will always be shite on a controller, action/fighting/racing games will always be shite on K&M. every pc gamer should own a controller, there are quite a few games worth playing (pirating at least) like assassins creed etc, that suck on K&M.
I was trying to explain the same thing to a couple of purist pc gamer friends I have. :rolleyes:
Hope to meet you some day in Belfry or somewhere, I'm having tons of fun with ripping apart controller users with one-button kicks and 180 degress camera rotation at will. :wink:
Just wondering, how is the ID for invasions. Is it your steam or the actual name of your character ? And are you able to send / receive fanmails? Always wanted my in-game name for other players to be my actual character name.
bosses with summons is like cheating
Tor, what SL are you?
I'm 100, just sitting on like 150k souls not knowing what to spend them on. Also Kafein, did you even try iron keep bridge, or bell solfry? Or getting summoned by the rat covenant? That was the coolest thing ever , and I have no lack of pvp :P
I finished DS and DkS without summoning even once so understandably, now that I do it everything seems easy.
You don't really risk your humanity anyway since you can always get it back by helping someone.
bosses with summons is like cheating
Going for the Lucatiel achievement because her armor is badass:(click to show/hide)
This is my first time playing a Dark Souls game so I'm just figuring things out as a I go along. lvl64 stacking dex now (melee only plz) and started the Lost Bastille. Seems like the best way to play this game is to farm the shit out of each area until they're clear?
Going for the Lucatiel achievement because her armor is badass:(click to show/hide)
This is my first time playing a Dark Souls game so I'm just figuring things out as a I go along. lvl64 stacking dex now (melee only plz) and started the Lost Bastille. Seems like the best way to play this game is to farm the shit out of each area until they're clear?
I didn't even know this was a thing until I looked up how to do the Lucatiel achievement :lol:. Red Eye Ring + two handed shield block the whole fight = gg.
Not all bosses gives it back to you, only the early ones iirc. Later on it gets more risky. Or you can do what I did and get two sacrifice rings. They cost 3k and 6k to repair but that way you can have lots of effigies when you want to start invading or host with full HP.
Pretty sure DS2 is a lot easier than DS1 in so many lvls.
My collectors edition just arrived, massive figurine, a map, soundtrack cd, artbook and metal casing for the game. Pretty cool, first big special edition game ive bought and dark souls deserved all my moneys.
Have so far run into instant poison fog magic, oneshot magics all around, and almost no "pure" melee players, just buffbots. Life is hard as a dex build in DS2, seems you wont get nowhere without some form of buff or magic.
Spells are so easy to dodge though, and can be punished with backstab mostly.
Spells are so easy to dodge though, and can be punished with backstab mostly.
And with the new roll animation invincibility frames, it takes some time to learn the new dodge time, or just get tons of AGI / Adapt, which is sort of like waste tbh. like resistance.I love me some ADP, dem i frames real stronk, totally worth sacrificing some points for. If you decide not to get it then dodging magic may be slightly harder, but then you should pick a shield with high or 100% magic block.
You are not supposed to stay at lvl 150 and other lvl that the community say 'pvp levels' the game was designed so you can be 200 300 lvl and have 50 in all stats and stuff.It's not necessary that you stay at that lvl and have to chose 50 str or 50 int.Yeah but if you pvp at level 800 everyone will have the exact same build. At 150 you have to chose whether if you want to focus on casting or on melee. The meta level decided by the community is there so pvp isnt scattered.
Guys I am thinking of buying Dark Souls II atm but I don't want tobwaste 50€. The point is I don't know whether I'd like the gameplay of it or not. Is there any compareable game to it? (Ps: I dont watch gameplays because I do NOT want to spoiler myself)
You get 1 more iframe from maxing out adp, compare it to the darkwood grain ring from DS1 which gave you 7 :P
I had 26 ADP before I respecced, now im back to 3. All I feel is my estus chug is slow. People hyped up ADP etc early in ds2, but nobody's been really able to confirm what it does except speed up item uses and shield raise and the 1 "rumoured" iframe. Even the writers of the official guide dont know exactly what it does. All I know is those 22 points I had in adp were better spendt for equip burden and longer rolls.
When you reach that 100 agility either by your attunement or adp, you get that extra frame. Video makes it quite clear, it IS just 1 frame :wink:
Royal Rat Authority is fucking bullshit
OP sorcery is pretty easy on bosses, just like ranged you don't really risk a lot, but you do less damage.
"less damage" lel, are we playing the same game? sorcery is by far the strongest build for PvE imo.
"less damage" lel, are we playing the same game? sorcery is by far the strongest build for PvE imo.
Dark Souls key finally came \[T]/
Yeah, I've run into a two infinite stamina / hp hackers I'd love to have the id of :|
Just click on view players and recent games in the steam overlay, you can see the names of the people you played with there.
Ugh i keep quitting before i even get to the pvp part, i really need to find a mule of sorts cus its getting tedious having to beat the entire game just to get a +2 ring..
Did you scrap being hoplite Gravoth?
This game is so cool.. I am pretty bad but god, I swear I can stay at an area for 2 hrs straight and just try over and over.. I still havent killed the dragon knight at Heide's something. Playing it on xbox 360, my pc can barely run skyrim so I figure it won't run on my pc?
Muling in Dark Souls 2, at least on Ps3 enabled you to go to max level and have no soul memory :P
Also found this little texture bug in "The Gutter"(click to show/hide)
its not a bug its how its supose to be
To join the chat just go to you group page and click join group chat or w/e.
I heard its well optimised, that even shitty computers can run it smoothly at if not maxed then medium graphics.
My only gripe in PVP is that I'm getting hit when I'm already outside melee range. It's like ghost backstabbing just a little less dreadful.
It's the same for the other guy, just dodge it regardless. If he's running at you and going to do an attack, you can bet he will be in range on his screen and maybe just out of range on yours.
Finished the game today, a bit of mixed feelings.
These guys (http://i.imgur.com/luBkh0C.jpg)
Well, you gotta dodge at the right timing as well. One thing I found very reliable in DSII pvp is to dodge their attacks based on their animations, might sound weird since ghost reach exists, but try it, works every time. Can be hard with the fastest weapons, but I pretty much never get hit unless I trade hits.
Finished the game today, a bit of mixed feelings.
These guys (http://i.imgur.com/luBkh0C.jpg) arent in the game. This fight (http://media.pcgamer.com/files/2013/08/Dark-Souls-2-Dragon.jpg) or location even isnt in the game. This (http://assets2.ignimgs.com/2013/04/10/cg-trailer-bridgejpg-a90023_800w.jpg)? Still no. Neither this (http://www.gamersheroes.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/03/Dark-Souls-2-Dragon.jpg) or that (http://s1.thcdn.com/design-assets/products/10659393/pic2.jpg).
got to love to invade someone and lagg like fuck and wake up dead cuz he is from china or something
Have you guys seen this critique video (http://youtu.be/UScsme8didI)? What do you think about it?(click to show/hide)
Servers are up now, finally after 5 - 6 hrs ...
It seems all he says is pretty much spot on. Could it be because miyazaki (or w/e his name was) isnt working on the game anymore? Anyways for some reason im still enjoying the game thoroughly, and still think its on par with DaS1 but in different aspects.
...while Dark Souls 2 has so much poor ideas and lazy implementation. A real shame.
Not on par with Dark Souls, but solid and enjoyable for me. At least in PVE. PVP is a total mess. There is zero point in invading anyone since you dont get anything from it. In DS1 you got humanity. In here not only you arent rewarded with anything but also you need to waste Effigy and Cracked Red Eye Orb, and for some reason they removed non-cracked Red Eye Orbs, so in order to invade you must farm the cracked ones in arena (because there is no vendor for them), which barely even works half of the time or takes forever to find a match. Really, 10/10 invasion mechanics, and dont even get me started on hexes and things like Santiers Spear. :lol:
So I am exactly level 100 now, but for fck sake I cannot win (even with 2 phantoms) against the boss in.Iron Keep...
And then I bought a ladder for the hole in Majula and got to 'The Gutter' and ffs I can't see shit there, just found the way to the bonfire somehow but don't know what to do now...
I do think that ranged makes some encounters VERY easy that would be pretty hard for pure melee.
I only got one tactic : *keep backpecalm and soul arrow*
All these bloodstains around the black magic giants in harvest valleys. Melee characters must have a hard time dealing with them or something.
Oh also, I've yet to be invaded. Not sure what the deal is there. I'm a Blue Sentinel and have also yet to be summoned to help with an invasion.
I only got one tactic : *keep backpecalm and soul arrow*
All these bloodstains around the black magic giants in harvest valleys. Melee characters must have a hard time dealing with them or something.
Just played the game. I have never seen clunkier combat anywhere ever. Everything takes fucking forever, the controls are godawful, you cant block one handed (wtf) and the worst offense of them all, there is no solid lock-on system!
Screw this game and screw the developers, this game has nothing on risen 1. That game had good combat.
Just played the game. I have never seen clunkier combat anywhere ever. Everything takes fucking forever, the controls are godawful, you cant block one handed (wtf) and the worst offense of them all, there is no solid lock-on system!
Screw this game and screw the developers, this game has nothing on risen 1. That game had good combat.
Your infamy is higher than your renown, your opinion is invalid.
Sorry I am not boosting it with cat pics and 4chan stories I claim happened to me.
Not trying to stir shit up here but it doesn't seem to be all that great considering your own posts here.
When you read all the posts, it seems that the baseline is more like "Yea, well, I do have fun at times and overall it's an enjoyable game. Still, I am rather disappointed." and that coming from die hard fans of Dark Souls 1.
Tell me when I am wrong but that is what I get out of all the posts since release. Honestly curious.
Not trying to stir shit up here but it doesn't seem to be all that great considering your own posts here.
When you read all the posts, it seems that the baseline is more like "Yea, well, I do have fun at times and overall it's an enjoyable game. Still, I am rather disappointed." and that coming from die hard fans of Dark Souls 1.
Tell me when I am wrong but that is what I get out of all the posts since release. Honestly curious.
I have not a single complaint really, it's an awesome game. As opposed to Gravoth, I prefer the level design of Dark Souls 2. I wasn't a diehard DS fan though, but I did play it through. Sure there's some silly stuff but I'm enjoying it just as much as Dark Souls 1.
I like how this game has shitbox buttons all over it.
Yeah the DS1 port was half assed, so we do exact same thing with DS2 and mebbe it will sell better. That is like definition of insanity. Dear mother of god, playing this after far cry 3 is akin to showering while someone flushes the toilet. And honestly, they need to hire some people to tell them how to create intuitive and fair combat system.
When you read all the posts, it seems that the baseline is more like "Yea, well, I do have fun at times and overall it's an enjoyable game. Still, I am rather disappointed." and that coming from die hard fans of Dark Souls 1.
Tell me when I am wrong but that is what I get out of all the posts since release. Honestly curious.
Disappointing doesn't mean bad. To be honest I'm personally not very disappointed either. I did not expect more than Dark Souls and while inferior to the previous Souls games, design in Dark Souls 2 is still top tier. I am extremely far from feeling sorry for my purchase.I didn't mean disappointing as bad. It seems more like you guys might have expected more of Dark Souls 2 than it delivered. Like there was barely any progress which doesn't have to be a bad thing.
I didn't mean disappointing as bad. It seems more like you guys might have expected more of Dark Souls 2 than it delivered. Like there was barely any progress which doesn't have to be a bad thing.
Maybe the Batman games are somewhat comparable. The first one was really awesome, had a lot of fresh ideas and nice, intelligent mechanics with a huge amount of atmosphere. The 2nd game changed a few things, kept the good stuff but barely improved on anything. A great game without real progress, stronger in some, weaker in few aspects.
That's what I take out of it.
I didn't mean disappointing as bad. It seems more like you guys might have expected more of Dark Souls 2 than it delivered. Like there was barely any progress which doesn't have to be a bad thing.
Maybe the Batman games are somewhat comparable. The first one was really awesome, had a lot of fresh ideas and nice, intelligent mechanics with a huge amount of atmosphere. The 2nd game changed a few things, kept the good stuff but barely improved on anything. A great game without real progress, stronger in some, weaker in few aspects.
That's what I take out of it.
Its not as good as it could have been but its still way ahead of everything else in similar veins.
Also, Nightmare, the fact you suck at the game doesnt make it bad.
I dont suck at it. In fact I currently farm those 400 soul giants without even taking a scratch. It just pisses me of how horribly clunky the combat is. And tbh those xbox buttons are really a joke.
(to the fanboys) Stick your fanboyism and take a look at the goddamn game. Sure, it has some good things, but it still feels like busted port. Compared to the port of The last remnant, this port is shit.
Also bosses don't really have that "Oh Garl Vinland, proud protector of his Maiden, man he just want to protect her ;_;" "Oh Velstadt the Royal Aegis, protector of what? He is just praying in a chamber" ... *Defeated* ... "Oh he was defending King Vendrick, meh ..."
The only thing i dont like about the port is the buttons showing xbox layouts, but even those arent really too bad as im using ps3 controller which is very similar anyways. How is the combat clunky btw?
The double click needed to perform heavy blow, weapons stuck in walls all the time, extremely slow move recovery times (one light attack and the character takes about second to be able to perform next action)...
EDIT: completely unrelated to combat but...
Anyone else gets sluttering from time to time randomly? The game runs at steady 60 fps, but has severe slowdowns from time to time.
Stay NG so you can play with us, but try to cap your soulmemory at 2m or 2.5m so we can fight eachother in the blood arena.
Alright, blood arena probably because you don't gain souls/increase SM?
If you're using mouse and keyboard I suggest getting an AHK script that binds the in-game key attacks to your mouse buttons, and that's for two reasons:
a) if you're using default mouse keys for attacks in-game, there will be a small delay from when you press the mouse button to when the attack executes. If you for example use the alternative/keyboard setup to attack, you'll notice no delay, thus you get an AHK script to bind those keys to mouse keys (yeah, silly port)
b) you can bind heavy blows to Rmouse button and left attacks/blocks to mouse 3/4 button so you don't have to double click
Weapons stuck in walls, extremely slow recovery times (although related to weapon type) - that's just how the combat system is, and it's hilarious how more realistic than Warband it is in this regard (whilst in Warband you can swing a 2H like nothing through walls). This makes the combat more difficult, which is good, you can't just mindlessly spam, you need to think through each swing.
I also have an estus shard but idk what to do with it... STAHP DONT TELL
That's just the game being terrible at explaining its core mechanics. If you feel you are missing something obvious like that don't hesitate to look it up.
Otherwise it's the extremely old school "talk to everybody every time you find a new object".
Hmm, I guess you are right. Still im hesitating to do so, doing things like looking stuff up often has the same effect on me as cheating in M&B SP has.. Its like.. Crap, I need 10k gold for that item... Cheats 10k gold "only for that item doe" and bang, funs gone..
If you use wiki with moderation it shouldn't feel like cheating, imo (no boss lookups, no zone walkthroughs, etc). I use it for stuff that I'd probably never figure in 10 years without wiki, like for example what to do with "Petrified something"
If you use wiki with moderation it shouldn't feel like cheating, imo (no boss lookups, no zone walkthroughs, etc). I use it for stuff that I'd probably never figure in 10 years without wiki, like for example what to do with "Petrified something"
I'm making a Faith build what weapon should I pick up? Thinking Lightning Claymore until I get Defender Greatsword.
If you use wiki with moderation it shouldn't feel like cheating, imo (no boss lookups, no zone walkthroughs, etc). I use it for stuff that I'd probably never figure in 10 years without wiki, like for example what to do with "Petrified something"yeah you are right, I also want to avoid things like "get this weapon here" etc.
What do you guys who have this game already think of this?
I was a big fan of Demon's Souls and I played quite a bit of Dark Souls...but I don't think I'll be buying DS2. Looks like they failed big time.
>>This<< (http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showthread.php?t=812089) has me interested though. Demon's Souls 2, yeah! It would be really cool if they didn't botch it.
As of 4 hours ago, a representative of Bandai Namco posted a Q&A on the steam forums that answers a lot of questions such as those with VAC, crashes, KB&M controls, respawning enemies, item durability, and so on. You can find the full thread here. It seems that Bandai Namco is dealing directly with FromSoft which explains why all the fixes/tweaks, etc are taking so long. You can find find the full Q&A below. (I have edited many questions to be easier to read)
Now that Dark Souls II is out on PC we (Bandai Namco Games) would like to field any on-going or outstanding questions you have about the game. We see comments, concerns, bug reports, rants, and raves all over. And it's quite difficult to keep up with all the different conversations happening in different places. But we'd like to help you get answers to some of your questions regarding the game. Bear in mind that we are not the developers, that honor still sits with FromSoftware, but we are constantly sending feedback their way. We're committed to making sure your opinions are heard and you have a great Dark Souls II experience.
We'll do our best to answer any questions posted in this thread. If there's a question that we don't know the answer to or can't answer at this time, we'll try to notate that.
If you have questions about ongoing bug reports, cheaters, bans, game functionality, leave them in this thread and we'll update over the next few days with as many answers as possible.
What is the status on the VAC ban issue?
Progress on this issue has been slow-going. FromSoftware and our Bandai Namco Games office in Japan are in contact with Valve and are working through this currently. We hope to have a resolution soon and we'll let you know as soon as we hear more information.
What does Bandai Namco Games or FromSoftware plan to do with potential cheating/hacking in Dark Souls II?
The Dark Souls II server team is constantly monitoring player activity. If a player has stats or weapons that they shouldn't, the server team is tracking that. It is up to the Dark Souls II server team to submit to Valve what they would like to ban, in terms of hacks and cheats, and then VAC will take care of the bans. As we progress, we'll do our best to share what information is provided to us by FromSoftware, but any cheat, hack, or player bans are up to the discretion of the Dark Souls II server team. If you have specific questions about this - You can reach out to our game support: North/South America: http://support.bandainamcogames.com/ Other Territories: http://www.bandainamcogames.co.uk/support
You can read more about how VAC works (and how to report a cheat) here: https://support.steampowered.com/kb_article.php?p_faqid=370
Any official word on whether or not [insert any of the popular mods here] will trigger VAC on Dark Souls 2?
No official word yet. As FromSoftware starts to define more and more cheats, we have communicated and detailed the harmless mods that some users have been using. In the end we can't say for sure, since that is up to the Dark Souls II server team, but we'll let everyone know what we learn as these conversations progress. Although if there is a thread or an information hub somewhere that has a list of all these mods and how they actually affect game files, that will help as we supply more information to FromSoftware. Thanks for the info - I think we have all the info we need.
We know the consoles couldn't handle the lightning that was shown in the trailers, so why was it removed from the PC?
The only comment that we have made on this is sharing FromSoftware's response: Throughout the game development process, a game is constantly being balanced not only in game playability, but also in the realm of resource management.
A developer is always challenged with creating the most rewarding gaming experience while delivering continuity in graphical quality, gameplay dynamics, and balance within the game. The final version of Dark Souls II displays the culmination of this delicate balance and we’re very proud of the positive media and fan reception for the game."
What is the situation with the PC servers?? Are the conection problems solved or are you still working on it??
We had a hiccup May 2nd and 6th. Servers are currently up and running now, if you are still experiencing more connectivity issues, make sure to get in touch with support so we can help troubleshoot. We hope that everything will be more stable moving forward.
I am still having this crash, any word on when this will be fixed? Frustrating paying $50 for a game and not being able to play it for 2 weeks.
If you are still experiencing a crash at startup (and your system meets the minimum requirements) be sure to get in touch with our support team and they'll walk you through next-steps from there.
Do you have any insight as to why the LGK bosses lightning sword attacks are about a billion decibels louder then anything else in the game?
We do not know why that seems to be the case. We'll follow up with our QA team today though. Thanks for the heads-up!
Is there any chance you could add option to remove mouse delay on attacks? Will you ever fix UI showing pad buttons while playing on mouse/keyboard?
We've read through almost all player feedback on Keyboard and Mouse controls and have passed them along to the developer. If we hear of any changes coming to the controls, we'll let you know.
I have Internet connectivity problems that cause me to connect and disconnect randomly. This creates scenarios where I am restricted in online gameplay. This is one of the biggest problems I have with the game
If the Dark Souls II servers detect multiple disconnections or failed connections, you will be temporarily limited from joining multiplayer sessions. You can also try using the 'Bone of Order' item, which will attempt to restore links to other worlds.
Does From Software consider changing some of the not so popular gameplay elements?
This is always possible in the future. We have gathered feedback, read forums, and talked with many community members regarding limited respawns, Soul Memory, etc. In the end these are design choices that are made by FromSoftware, but we are definitely discussing your feedback with them.
Why is there no offline mode ingame?
The integration of offline/on-line gameplay is how FromSoftware has designed the game. If you would like to play completely offline, you can always disable your internet connection.
From what I understand then FromSoftware are monitoring things such as stats. So what (if anything) happens if a save gets corrupted and someone is forced to use an earlier save where the stats are much lower?
When we say FromSoftware are monitoring stats, they are monitoring things like if a character is Soul Level 50, but has 99 Vitality. That can't be accomplished through normal gameplay.
Are there still server issues? Messages are rare for me, and summon signs are literally non existent. My roommate has the same SM as my main character, and there's nothing we can to do even see each other. We've tried the name ring too, and nothing works. This has only been a problem since yesterday's server outage
From what we understand, servers should be working properly. If you are seeing weird issues like this and everything was fine before the last server outage, get in touch with our support so we can document the issue and troubleshoot. North/South America: http://support.bandainamcogames.com/ Other Territories: http://www.bandainamcogames.co.uk/support
Is there anything being done about weapon durability degrading so quickly when hitting corpses?
From what we understand, this functionality is intentional. We've passed along feedback to the developer and it is always possible that this updated in future calibrations.
yeah you are right, I also want to avoid things like "get this weapon here" etc.
Once i realized there might be more lore and backstory on certain bosses than i'd initially thought, my opinion of Dark Souls 2 improved 500% they arent all just randomers
BUT.. for some reason I still like the DS2 story, it feels more mystic/dark to me.
They need to make those auto-firing, magic balls trigger a little further away. :|
Lol I like that idea of early old whip :D
Reminding everyone who plays Dark Souls 2 that we have a Steam group for it and we regularly discuss stuff in the group chat, so join it when you're playing.
Level 94
Currently in gutter.
My interest in this game begins to fall. So much cheap stuff lately it is getting boring. The game could use some kind of story presentation, because atm it is grind, get killed fall off the ledge losing several tens of thousands of souls without any sense of direction. And the curse mechanic is truly outrageous.
At the moment I am unsure what is the point in continuing to play...
To grind more? No point.. To get new gear? There seems to be very little difference in how much damage you receive when wearing heavy or light armor. To uncover story? What story?
To progress, to win.
To grind more? No point.. To get new gear? There seems to be very little difference in how much damage you receive when wearing heavy or light armor. To uncover story? What story?
As a magic user I never feel I needed any kind of armor in PvE. When I die I usually would have died regardless.
that's because magic, ranged or summons literally DESTROY the difficulty of this game, I now regret doing some bosses with summons ;_; but I'm gonna do them all solo on the next char, so it's fine.
To be honest I completed DS and DkS offline both with melee builds + utility miracles and that was brutal enough.
If you dont enjoy the game and need story to keep you going then you might aswell just quit. Sounds like you are dying a lot, try changing your approach like getting a shield / a bigger shield, or just play more defensive, dont rush.
yeah no judgement, i'm just saying, I completed some parts by using only bow and it was just too easy (mobs only follow you so far), the dragon aerie area was too ez with bows, and I kind of felt bad for doing that :DThat's how you play the game though, you adapt to the situation and win.
I am not dying that much. It is more like I am bored with the repetitiveness of the game. It is like playing an mmo offline. And honestly 2 guys 4 times taller than me swinging giant polehammers around like madmen with me not even having a chance to approach feels kinda cheap. I am yet to see a human sized boss, outside invasions.
Also, Story would not be needed if the gameplay was fun, but it isnt. It is a constant fight for survival with AI throwing cheapest stuff they can against you.
And I still dont understand what makes combat so awesome. I mean, most enemies dont even block! This game is based around inverted combat mechanics of typical action games, where instead of you mashing buttons like madman, enemies are those on constant offensive while you are trying to capitalize on their mistakes.
That's how you play the game though, you adapt to the situation and win.
The survival is the fun part though. The combat is so great because of the massive variety on weapons, and builds, and just learning enemy patterns and then stomping them when you learn how to fight em.
How is this anything like an mmo? are you sitting and grinding souls or what?
I didnt grind a single time on my first playthrough, killing bosses provide more than enough souls to continue..
Stream is up btw twitch.tv/siking517 for anyone who wants to watch me die vs havels.
Staying to farm is not very rewarding, you get what, one or two levels from it? Its just not worth it, while pushing for a boss will grant you a bunch once you defeat it.
I didnt grind a single time on my first playthrough, killing bosses provide more than enough souls to continue..
Stream is up btw twitch.tv/siking517 for anyone who wants to watch me die vs havels.
Well this game IS mostly about grinding souls. Most of the time it goes like : Bonfire-)grinding grounds)-grind-)bonfire.
To grind more? No point.. To get new gear? There seems to be very little difference in how much damage you receive when wearing heavy or light armor. To uncover story? What story?
This SM is just making PvP in arena so slow.
How so? Arena matchmaking ignores soul memory and soul levels altogether.
Testers (http://illusorywall.tumblr.com/post/85199201654/dark-souls-2-partial-confirmation-of-unlimited-soul) say it works that way, at least for blue arena. Though from the experience of running into super-overleveled havelyn mages with bazillions of hp with my under-3mil character I'd say its the same for red one too.
Oh also read this for some laughs
Obscure (or non-existent) explanations for key gameplay elements
Might be pre-order starting weapon or morningstar. Upgrading a weapon early can be a huge benefit.Hmm reckon id better use the morningstar instead of the scimitar I started with?
Hmm reckon id better use the morningstar instead of the scimitar I started with?
Also ninjad this in my last post: Also, what are the pro's of humanity other then the HP boost?
summons and max hp
If you get hollowed, put down white signs. If you defeat bosses you'll regain your humanity a little bit. You'll gain souls anyway.
The game is much more interesting if you stay human.
White soap signs? (Something like)
I do have like 6 effigys, but im hesitant to use them as I dont find them that often.
White Sign Soapstone (in your inventory), if you put that down you can be summoned for CO-OP, if you complete your "task" you regain humanity. It's a good way to regain humanity because effigys are not in abundance (at least I didn't have a lot of them until later).
You have to be human for all of the npc's questlines
You have to be human for all of the npc's questlines
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visitors can't see pics , please register or loginjust was in the same place
White Sign Soapstone (in your inventory), if you put that down you can be summoned for CO-OP, if you complete your "task" you regain humanity. It's a good way to regain humanity because effigys are not in abundance (at least I didn't have a lot of them until later).
Im pretty sure I got the blacksmiths key whilst being hollowed, or is this not a quest?
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Hidden item Fromsoft put into the game. Haven't gotten reach of it yet, almost did though but I fell and died :P
There is a ring if you want to stay human, you also keep your souls if you die, but you have to repair it for 3000 after your death.
That is a pretty good deal...
Where is it?
I was thinking of the quests that require you to summon npc, guess I should have specified. Pate & Creighton, Benhart & Lucatiel. If you want to do these quests, you have to be human :wink:
It's better just to get the ring that puts a limit to how much HP reduction you get when hollow, it was really useful for meWhat is the name?
Hehe nah Tenne you are correct its a drop from the basilisk after the dragon shoot it up there, was trying to be funny :D
Also yeah 500 will be hard. I've only met 4 - 5 guys actually getting a blue spirit in when I invade them (all ng+). But arena and normal blue invasions count as well. I'm going to need 150 for my faith character so i can get WoG. And farming the Onionbro armor will take time :D
What is the name?
Aye, thanks! Through where do I get to the Cathedral?
Go down path under the stone archway. It is located behind the blacksmith.
Heide's tower of flame, go left instead of right to dragonrider
Two types I believe:
Ring of Soul Protection (http://darksouls2.wiki.fextralife.com/Ring+of+Soul+Protection#.U3Ey7ihTArs) - Stops you becoming hollow and protects your souls when you die. Costs 6K souls to repair apparently. Works for petrification as well.
I found one in the chest in The Gutter, where you jump from a wooden structure to a platform with a single chest & pillar.
Ring of Life Protection (http://darksouls2.wiki.fextralife.com/Ring+of+Life+Protection#.U3Ey7yhTArs) - Stops you becoming hollow and protects your souls when you die. Costs 3K souls to repair apparently. Doesn't work for petrification I believe.
Buy from Felkin the Outcast, the bloke who sits in the chair near Huntsman's Copse I think, the page will probably tell you more than me! :)
Also, it's going to be really hard to get 500 successful protections... I'm currently on 1 for 1, but I am so rarely needed. I don't fancy invading because I want to help people, not bugger up other peoples games.
I left it late hoping that I'd have more of a chance to be summoned considering the larger boundaries at higher soul memory levels, but I suppose more people will be able to go hold their own, and not use the Way of Blue covenant. Get into trouble more people! :(
Thanks a lot, I will search for the latter immediatelly (it is not like I die from petrification much anyways). There is no worse moment in DS2 than when you get killed for few tens/hundreds thousands of souls and then accidentally fall off the ledge due to bad roll or something.
I'm running a Falchion offhand and Spotted Whip (poison) mainhand build for PvP at the moment and I just had a whip-out with a guy called Indiana Jones :lol:
The life ring is really stupid. It essentially replaces the penalty for dying by a 3k souls tax. Getting 3k souls without dying gets extremely easy not even 10% into the game. Hence you pretty much always want to use this item. The only real cost is the opportunity of wearing a better ring. And I don't think there are many rings that are as powerful.
I find rolling and dodging, while under 50% equip. load, to be more effective and fun than blocking with a shield. So I use medium armour, like Faraam or King sets, which let me keep a relatively low equip. load (with high VIT too), unlike the heavy armours.
I only use a shield in certain boss fights sometimes, especially when I'm scared. :)
I find rolling and dodging, while under 50% equip. load, to be more effective and fun than blocking with a shield. So I use medium armour, like Faraam or King sets, which let me keep a relatively low equip. load (with high VIT too), unlike the heavy armours.
I only use a shield in certain boss fights sometimes, especially when I'm scared. :)
There was disappointingly low difference between <70% weight and <50% weight rolls and stamina recovery. I think it's just fine to keep it under 70%, no need for under 50%.
Managed to beat Nashandra in 10 hrs. 5th time watching the credits now, at least the song is good.
I found 60% to be the ideal number.. At 70> it gets a bit too clunky to my liking.
Cant find the fucking bonfire after Death Mans Wharf, lost 17k souls again, yay. Boss was once more a piec pe of cake. Idk, after the Pursuer they all seem easy.. Got him on the second try with 50% hollow HP penalty.
The rage is strong though, bleeding is a proper bitch.. I found out the aggrivating way.
You are on NG+5?
After you beat the Flexile Sentry, go upstairs and behind you will be a chest, get whatever is in that chest, then check the weird table. It'll say "examine". Continue on my wayward son.
No :D I've done a complete run 4 times and beaten the boss on ng+ using bonfire ascetics, so this will be the 5th time using my new char.
I did that, but I dont know where to go on from that point (the lost bastille). But ill find it eventually!
Ooh, youve done it twice on one char and once on three other chars? Thats sick man!
Also, GUTS, anyone?
The life ring is really stupid. It essentially replaces the penalty for dying by a 3k souls tax. Getting 3k souls without dying gets extremely easy not even 10% into the game
(click to show/hide)
Ah, I see, the bonfire should be on the last left hand side cell, you'll have to fight on and then go down a ladder, the rest of it should be nice and laid out for you! :)
I'm not sure about equip load effects. If you lower it a lot more than 70%, is it worth it for the rolling or stamina recovery? Or you just get the enough VIT to stay right under 70%? Because I have 38 VIT and have around 50% equip load and I've been reading that what really matters is just the 70% breakpoint. I'm confused.
70% and above is the big change, yes. There is hardly any difference between under 50 and under 70, I tested it myself, timed stamina recovery and roll distance, basically no change. For my char I chose an armor I like the looks of - Alva armor <3 (omfg guys RPG = fashion first, tryhard minmaxing second, l2p) and then got enough VIT to stay under 70%.
For rolls and stamina recovery use this:
Fucking lizards, hardest enemy to kill (unless you are ranged).
After 15 tries. I got it, onionbro armor bitches!!!!!!!!!!!!
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What exactly is SM? is that the total amount of souls you've collected? (spend or lost)
Yes, Soul Memory, you can see how much you got in top right corner of your char screen.
Random rant: PvP would be so great in this game if it wasn't P2P.
How, because of all the noobs, or the amount of players it would've had?
"But I dive in like a muscular falcon."
Its finally here. With more lore if you follow the link at the end, and holy crap i really think the lore in this is cool.
Fantastic. I watched the second one as well and it makes a whole lot of sense, and people kept telling me that Dark Souls has no story. Great watch.
I think we are at the same point in the game.
Got the gargoyles today.
Did you also find the Lost Bastille key to be useless? I already opened mcDuffs workshop with the exploding barrel.. -.-'
I only have the "earn all achievements" achievement left... Errr... Can I have it please? I've done what you asked, unless you want to count yourself?!
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Anyone have any idea how to fix it? :(
Only works on consoles afaik, broken game volvo fix
Lies! 0.5% of all people who own Dark Souls 2 on Steam, has this achievement!! I've sent Steam a support message because I apparently care. :D Give me my bragging rights damnit!
Yay, bragging rights:
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Not that it really means anything, considering I'm still not good at the game! :P
Oh yeah i was thinking of DaS1 on Games for windows live, it was broken there aswell and i dont think the support would help anyone with it there.
it's certainly affinity that kills me off. Other magics are reasonable to avoid it seems. So, any tips would be greatly appreciated, with anything PvP!
Just roll forward through it?
Tried four times, I can't figure out the timing. Each time I've rolled and it's still hit me. I've tried rolling to the side, straight forward at the enemy, away. I'm crap, needless to say.
*Pulls on his collar* - I have 105 agility. I'm terrible, time to practice I think.
105 agility? Isnt that a bit overkill?
Went back to the first one today, lost 175k souls...forgot to put my lava-walk ring on...fucking raged so hard
I don't even know where I can see how much agility stat I have.
Ring of Life Protection should be on 100% of the time
He was playing Dark Souls 1 in Lost Izalith :P
IMO in DkS the centipede was the most irritating boss in the whole game. As a melee character anyway.
It's a stat, not an attribute. I only have about 25 adaptability. :)
After messing around with some pyromancy, specifically Chaos Storm, I headed back to Majula to level up once more. Having gotten into the habit of pressing right-click > back when in menus for a short time, I accidentally hit right click again, launching a Chaos Storm, point blank on the ground in front of the Emerald Herald.
I watched in fear as flames engulfed Miss. Green, I have never been so terrified for a virtual characters life... At least it wasn't because I cared for them, it was because they were highly useful for my own progression.
If she's angry at you, you can pay Cromwell the Pardoner souls to make her non-hostile.
I went straight to him, apparently I am sinless. She seems really very uncaring.
I don't know when's the time to create a new char :(
I am level 185 or something around that, have explored every, maybe 1 or 2 exceptions, chapter and just need to kill the King Vendrick, the Dark Boss im Drangleic Castle and the Ancient Dragon.
She likes it rough, she may not look like it but she does.
Cant kill the damn red phantom at undead purgatory.. When I hit him he just smashed right through, hitting me for atleast half health. :evil:
Yeah he's a heavy hitter, you'll need to dodge or kite him to bridge and rangedaboose, but i dont see a better way either this dudes poise must be sky high
You could try and man up and parry him :DI tried it, but i'm too bad at parrying, the timing confuses me.. Illustrious mechanic :P
or kite him until you can run past him into the fog wall.
That space between two walls in shaded burg "Fatty, therefore try jog"
After all my endeavors the guilty has paid the price! Rank 2 in Blue Sentinels, and the power of WoG is with me!
Powered straight through skeleton lords, cavenous(?) demon and lady "snake next level medusa" without dying(easy bosses btw) and got my Dull Ember. SL 84 atm, and still going strong. Still got to do the undead chariot, though.
I have my bastard sword at +5 atm, but I don't know if I want to keep it as a permanent weapon. Anything you guys would suggest? My str is at 39 atm, and about 20 Dex.
Powered straight through skeleton lords, cavenous(?) demon and lady "snake next level medusa" without dying(easy bosses btw) and got my Dull Ember. SL 84 atm, and still going strong. Still got to do the undead chariot, though.
I have my bastard sword at +5 atm, but I don't know if I want to keep it as a permanent weapon. Anything you guys would suggest? My str is at 39 atm, and about 20 Dex.
If you want to try out more greatswords, the claymore is a solid, solid weapon in both PvE and PvP. You can buy one from Head of Vengarl in the mist area of Shaded Woods.
You could try using the Zweihander or the standard Greatsword. Zweihander got a better curve for dealing with multiple mobs, but its slightly less damage than the greatsword. Bastard sword is pretty good I think, but if you wanna get some real firepower out of your str then getting one of the two weapons is a good pick.sweeet, I actually just picked up the Zweihander on my way to the Dull Ember, I didnt even give it a good look as of yet! Question:
what does the speed feel like?
I will check it out for sure, what does the speed feel like? I'm ok with a little slow-mo, but some weapons just take it to the max.(huehue, blame game mechanic instead of my own lack of skill 8-) )
sweeet, I actually just picked up the Zweihander on my way to the Dull Ember, I didnt even give it a good look as of yet! Question:
Ty for the tips!
Bastard could last 3 hits by the time the large greatswords have landed 2, but they do more damage and use a good chunk of stamina. The speed is pretty nice compared to the damage. I always go full STR with heavy weps on my first playthrough on all the souls games. Stay pure and don't pick up a bow or any kind of ranged, will make some areas way more challenging :D
I don't personally use greatsword-type weapons, but the claymore is definitely medium speed, solid damage, excellent animations. My recommendation is to try it out yourself so you can form your own impression, of course.hmm, sounds good, I do have the Greatsword aswell but its a TAD bit too clunky to my liking. Will try the claymore for sure. 8-)
Up untill now ive only ranged mobs like the poisonous butterflies at huntsmans corpse, and the red phantom infront of undead purgatory (please dont hate, you dont know how strong my hate rage was at the time) ive also invested a good bit into adp(19atm) i tend to play str-ish with a decent movement speed. Do you really think I should go beyond 50 str once i'm there?
hmm, sounds good, I do have the Greatsword aswell but its a TAD bit too clunky to my liking. Will try the claymore for sure. 8-)
Just a note: the "Greatsword" is actually an Ultra-Greatsword class weapon. You can look at an item to see what item type it is.
A bastard sword got me all the way through my first playthrough and then some. The moveset is also my preferred choice for PVP.
I don't use it anymore but the weapon I have now has the same attacks.
Oh, I didn't even know Ultra greatswords where a catagory of their own... :| hehe, explains wy it eats my stamina like crazy!
I was using a Claymore on my STR/FTH char the second run, it was great all the way up to last boss when you get an even better sword for FTH users. Claymore deals good damage at a decent speed and has a good moveset (lagstabs win pvp).
Ultra Greatswords are also good and deal massive damage, I've been oneshotted by buffed Ultra Greatswords a few times in PvP. But they do eat up your stamina quite fast - in that regard, you should really have at least 20 endurance.
If im right for DkS2 armor is not limb wise like in mount and blade? All defense counts to a single number?
Pretty sure it works like that, yeah. But really, fashion souls > armor souls. There is a special place in hell for minmaxers in Dark Souls 2 - Havel's armor / Smelter head, Santiers with resonant weapon, Avelyn, invis weapon, batstaff poison etc
Summoned someone doing that exact build with butterfly costume and all, just he was named Mike Tyson, for the church boss.
I, him and Gorge Foreman took on a few bosses together and then did a bunch of PVP. It was epic fun times. That's if names are exclusive and can only be used once.
What's you name in game???
Nice! Ive alsoyet to face any real hindrance of the weapon, everything still looks to go good atm. it's still only practice that I need for certain bosses/mobs, never do I feel like my gear is causing me to lose.
What is it that you use now?
The mastodon greatsword. It's the same thing really but has better strength scaling ('A' rating at +10) and overall damage but consumes maybe a centimeter or two more stamina.
The speed of the attacks is the same all the time from what I understand, they even got rid of the flub animations from DK's not meeting the stat requirement. Two-handing effectively doubles your strength for that particular weapon so you can meet the requirements but you get less damage from the scaling.So if I wield my greatsword in 2h mode it only reqs 14 str? (28 str base req)
So if I wield my greatsword in 2h mode it only reqs 14 str? (28 str base req)
The Greatsword is great for PvP, easy to bait with and not so easy to parry the overhead attacks as it is when using r1 1handed. It is a really versatile heavy weapon and I personally love it. If you managed to land the roll stab you can get 2 r1 hits off. Due to the long windup animation still kicking in if you wait for half a sec it is pretty easy to bait those pesky r1 katana spammers into attacking then swish swosh your attack suddenly hits them in the chin.
by far the most annoying thing in pvp is people with resonant weapon and dark fog/bat staff.
people will just throw resonant weapon on a fast weapon such as katana or santier's spear (the most cheese weapon) and essentially do the same, if not more damage than a pure melee build. gg.
Yeah, gear to counter one type of build and get wrecked by everything else, 10/10 advice.
Caved and bought it. Hoping the online community is decently active, 90% of my time in Demon's Souls and Dark Souls was spent PVPing and I expect this to be no different :mrgreen:
Ill look into it! Ty!
I just started a new game, and I must say my plan went extremely well.
Started, got petrified something, dropped it and got pet drag remains, grabbed the morningstar, grabbed estus shard, went to kill the heide knight(kind of pointless) ran for the first bonfire in forest fallen giants, got lenigrasts key, went to cale for the house key, grabbed the estus shard in the house, went to heides tower, killed the dude with mace for bone dust, killed all the knights to elevate the platform at dragon knoght, lured the 2h knight infront walked past him to the dragonknight killed him, unlocked the bonfire, went to upgrade the estus flask with the bone dust, rushed to no mans warf, ran past all the mobs and got myself the greatsword at SL 27.
Fucking win, took me like 45 min lol. 8-)
by far the most annoying thing in pvp is people with resonant weapon and dark fog/bat staff.
people will just throw resonant weapon on a fast weapon such as katana or santier's spear (the most cheese weapon) and essentially do the same, if not more damage than a pure melee build. gg.
You can run to the dragon rider and stand on the edge of the plate form and gimp him into the water and then power on from their. I did that, then went straight to the chariot and joined the blood bros and went back to the forest at lvl 22 with a hand full of red eye orbs, what fun I had >:D
If you get a bow you can kill the chariot after you kill the first necromancer by shooting him as he drives past. It takes a million years but it means you can be in the bloodbros after killing two boss and being level sweet FA.
If you have a few chars and some good buddies you can be a total douche and pass gear from char to char to bounce it down to your soul level. +10 everything at lvl 22 in pvp is just a terrible thing to do to anyone, only a truly horrible douche canoe would do such a thing. I had a ball.
Also in other news, it seems that animations are faster and weapons degrade quicker when hitting corpses when you're on 60 FPS compared to 30 FPS. This gives people that play on 30 FPS an advantage, which is quite worrying (at least for PvP) :/
So, each frame that the weapon is "active" inside a dead enemy will cause a tick of damage. I can't see why they would have repeated checks each frame, I suppose they could change it to have a variable flag so once per animation it will check, if they really want bodies to cause weapon degradation. I can only think that they didn't want another check each time an attack is started & completed, although viably they might be able to just use the "hit box" one.
I know nothing of game creation by the way, I'm just thinking while typing. On another note, would that mean that a 60fps attack would have more active frames too, if the animation length is still the same, just split into more frames..? I remember going all the way back to CoD 2, there was a jump that you could make if you were on 125fps or higher, simply because the input checks happened more frequently, so my thinking here is that if you damage your weapon more often, presumably because of more active frame checks, on a corpse, you'd have a better chance of hitting an enemy successfully, particularly with multiple hit type weapons (channellers's staff).
I'm probably just talking out of my arse though.
You're not actually. People do report it's easier to dodge with 30fps, as if you had more iFrames. Probably because it checks less often on 30 fps. It's also supposedly much easier to perform jump attacks and guard breaks (on KB+M) if you run with 30fps - again, probably because game detects input on a slower rate, thus accepting a bigger gap between you pressing the keys.
+10 everything at lvl 22 in pvp is just a terrible thing to do to anyone, only a truly horrible douche canoe would do such a thing. I had a ball.
(click to show/hide)
So that is why my 80 durability weapon break faster than a fucking twig. I miss the good old times of Demon Souls and Dark Souls where weapons would hardly break on me. My 70 / 70 halberd almost broke down on the 3 skeleton boss alone ...
I've taken to switching out my weapons until I hit boss, just so that I don't break my heavy hitter before I really need it.
So I decided to buy it today :rolleyes:
Not sure what I will play as but from experience magic or 2H is exceptionally powerful so I will probs build one of them
Pure melee have it the hardest, ranged is pretty easy, even more so if magic.
Gonna roll a faith build and hope it works decently well in PvP! He's gonna be a melee focused faith build though, who will use miracles as somewhat of a sidearm.
I'm pvping in NG at 155-170 SL, about 2,7-2,8M SM, doesn't feel like I'm playing against overleveled guys. There's SM tiers for summoning, not sure how it works for dueling arena though but it feels fair so far.
Not a clue what im doing right now, got 2 estus flasks (shards needed right?) killed the first boss the dragonrider or whatever his name is. Went swordsman class, already not liking it :D
The class or the game? Bwaha
Just hoping I don't end up facing guys 50 levels higher than me or more
If it was just 50 levels.
Entire endgame in DS2 has a friday afternoon designing vibe and soul memory is the pinnacle of the stupidity. Soul memory was supposed to protect your everyday George from low level twinks and PVPers with optimized builds looking for a fight, and now thanks to soul memory George the Casual who loses 50% of the souls he earns is getting matched against veterans who lose nothing and spent everything on making their characters better.
And thats just the smaller problem, the actual retardation is that you cant keep your soul memory low because you keep earning souls even while exlusively PVPing with your SL150. In other words, no matter what you do (except not playing) you will eventually enter the tier of SL600 havelmonsters.
So basically what you're saying is, my best bet is to become on of those SL600 bastards.
Any recommended weapons or items to grab early on? Something like the Drake Sword in DkS1? And what would be a good faith weapon to grab early on?
That build kinda sucked, make your own faith build, you might not like his build. The stats are pretty weak on his build anyway :P
Good starting wep for faith users is the Heide sword, you can get it from the first Heide knight in Forrest of the fallen giants.
So i'm curious to wether a hoplite style of play could be viable, because as I see it now its just complete crap.. The reach could be argued as an advantage but in practice the attacks with spear/board combo ussually leave you open for attacks.
Any tips though? I am dying to get this to work but I dont seem to grasp it.. At all.
So i'm curious to wether a hoplite style of play could be viable, because as I see it now its just complete crap.. The reach could be argued as an advantage but in practice the attacks with spear/board combo ussually leave you open for attacks.
Any tips though? I am dying to get this to work but I dont seem to grasp it.. At all.
You know that with spear you can attack while blocking with the shield at the same time, right? I'd say that spear and shield is probably the easiest to use and most effective melee build for PVE in Souls games.
Spear in one hand, sword in other :D
Gives you lots of variations if the enemy is a slippy slopper and a curve attack would suit better.
Also I've gotten all my chars. over 150 after some time, my lowest for PvP is on 155 SL atm.
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I need to start posting everything that I see on the Dark Souls 2 reddit! :P
This is pretty much this thread(click to show/hide)
Vibe, such a beauty.
I just bought the game guys.. With the money that shouldve been for health care insurance.
Worth it, doe.
Healthcare ?
Insurance ?
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My new, better life in Drangleic doesn't have healthcare, you are right! Now I will only have to kill some undeads and rob them of their soul to stay healthy. plus funeral costs are like nihil. 8-)
You will understand the true meaning of my post. In time.
That one has the Chloranthy (or whatever it's called) ring + Titanite slab - chloranty ring is for stam regenNope, thats the one you open with the pharros contraption. I mean the door adjecent to the poison chest.
Haha. My first playthrough I literally punched every chest before opening it, fucking mimics ;_;
Was the same in DS. After the first mimic, which made me jump like hell the first time I ever encountered it, I just hit every check I came across.
Still need to buy this. But imagine I will do the same here :)
R.I.P. Queen KongDo you have an idea what caused it?
My first character and the one I spent a majority of my time playing the game with save file's corrupted.
SL 212 and about 85% of the way through NG+
He's talking about chests with traps, not mimic chests. He probably hasn't found a mimic yet. :D
I have, oh how I have.. T'was a sad day, but thankfully i already found the hidden bonfire at earthen peak! 8-)
Btw, are you playing with keyboard and mouse? If you are, you really should be using a script.
I am, what script do you mean?
Btw, the chamber that the hollows open holds the ring that reduces hollowed HP debuff.
Do you have an idea what caused it?
That "1, 2 and... and... and... 3" attack still gets me from time to time.
I am, what script do you mean?
Something just struck me! So say you're a SL150 just trying to PvP, but inevitably your SM is going to go up over time due to various reasons, couldn't you simply avoid that by using that save backup, just backup your save, and whenever your SM gets higher just revert back to the old one? You'd have the same gear and such, just lower SM! I could definitely be wrong, haven't used that Save Backup mod at all, just a thought though.
Something just struck me! So say you're a SL150 just trying to PvP, but inevitably your SM is going to go up over time due to various reasons, couldn't you simply avoid that by using that save backup, just backup your save, and whenever your SM gets higher just revert back to the old one? You'd have the same gear and such, just lower SM! I could definitely be wrong, haven't used that Save Backup mod at all, just a thought though.
what could work as well was if From simply unfucked the game
I'll add it to your script.
Something just struck me! So say you're a SL150 just trying to PvP, but inevitably your SM is going to go up over time due to various reasons, couldn't you simply avoid that by using that save backup, just backup your save, and whenever your SM gets higher just revert back to the old one? You'd have the same gear and such, just lower SM! I could definitely be wrong, haven't used that Save Backup mod at all, just a thought though.
That guy from that one anime? he had a yellow mustache though..
You're thinking this but it's not him :p
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suggest me a build pls , i'm going crazy , started as warrior and want to make a str build without magic.
(not necessarily pvp build cause i want to beat the game before doing builds myself and go full retard on other people)
minimum required stats for the weapon then use the rest for attunement and fth/int and get a weapon buff.
actually didn't want any type of magic involved except magic weapons for the +add bonus with magic.
was thinking going with this for pve only -->(click to show/hide)
it seems good but requires some items that i need to find and str req for dula weilding the greatswords for make it effective...
edit*: found out it's sl250...
I'd suggest this, it's only SL135 and has the ability to go higher and get even better, you can watch some of his other videos where he's using it in PvE and PvP, definitely wrecks, rolling this on my next toon. :D
EDIT: Anyone know why it's just showing the URL when I post YouTube videos? Won't let me embed it directly. :|
Beat Vendrick on my second try today (a bit late :D)
He hits like a truck but very easy to dodge, my hands were sweating thinking about the fact that two hits and I'm dead :D
#IfWinActive ahk_class DarkSouls2
F1::Suspend ;<- suspends the script if for some reason you have to (shouldnt happen though)
^LButton::MouseClick, left ;<-- this allows using normal mouse clicks when you hold ctrl
^RButton::MouseClick, right
;Right Weapon Attacks
;Left Weapon Attacks
;Shield Bash
SetKeyDelay -1
Send {Blind}{w down}
Send {Blind}{H down}
Sleep 100
Send {Blind}{w up}
Send {Blind}{H up}
;Jump attack
SetKeyDelay -1
Send {Blind}{w down}
Send {Blind}{G down}
Sleep 100
Send {Blind}{w up}
Send {Blind}{G up}
it's only me or this thread is fucked up a bit?
Casually sharing my AHK script, took a bit from Tot and modified for myself:Code: [Select]#IfWinActive ahk_class DarkSouls2
F1::Suspend ;<- suspends the script if for some reason you have to (shouldnt happen though)
^LButton::MouseClick, left ;<-- this allows using normal mouse clicks when you hold ctrl
^RButton::MouseClick, right
;Right Weapon Attacks
;Left Weapon Attacks
;Shield Bash
SetKeyDelay -1
Send {Blind}{w down}
Send {Blind}{H down}
Sleep 100
Send {Blind}{w up}
Send {Blind}{H up}
;Jump attack
SetKeyDelay -1
Send {Blind}{w down}
Send {Blind}{G down}
Sleep 100
Send {Blind}{w up}
Send {Blind}{G up}
It is meant to be used with a 4 button mouse:
mouse1 is normal right attack
mouse2 power right attack
mouse3 block/normal left attack
mouse4 parry/power left attack
R is shield bash
C is jump attack
(i have E and F binded in game for use/action)
I noticed that shield bash and jump attacks failed 70% of the time with only 20 Sleep in between, when I upped that to 100 it now executes without fail.
yeah its fugged, apple needs to fix that youtube link/tag
nvm it was actually me quoting him :D
Its coming back to my main gripe with DS1, I want to play the game WITHOUT looking things up, but the game designers force you to. I mean seriously there was no way I was ever going to figure out how to level up without looking that up, and what a shitty new system.
well I rage quit from deing 100 times with half health and no clue where to go, but I'm determined to not look things up or look at a guide. I'll come back and figure it out eventually.
It's incredibly tedious to have to teleport backwards and forwards and listen to that woman spout off the same dialogue every time.
WHAT THE FUCK, with this games difficulty.
I was doing a no shield playthrough of darksouls 1 recently and struggled with parts but overall found it way too easy since I had the know how.
So I came into ds2 way overconfident, I picked a class with no shield. I am being anally raped.
part of it seems to be I die 20 times, then realise this surely cant be the right way, so try and different path and same thing happens. but its way more confusing where to go than I remember ds1 being.
Its coming back to my main gripe with DS1, I want to play the game WITHOUT looking things up, but the game designers force you to. I mean seriously there was no way I was ever going to figure out how to level up without looking that up, and what a shitty new system.
well I rage quit from deing 100 times with half health and no clue where to go, but I'm determined to not look things up or look at a guide. I'll come back and figure it out eventually.
minimum required stats for the weapon then use the rest for attunement and fth/int and get a weapon buff.
Still can't believe I rage quit so early in the game :lol:
but I only quit for like 15 mins then came back like a poor whore to her pimps fist.
I eventually got some gear/levels and some sense of direction and it subsequently became alot easier, altho I did do ALOT of soul grinding in "flaming tower".
and yeah I'm now on "no man's wharf". I only beat 2 bosses, found 2 others but they seemed IMPOSSIBRU!
you need to wait for attacks they combo like 2-3 times with patience its realy easy trust me
well actually a big thing that was making me die is there is a pretty big delay before you roll that was not in DS1. so kind of have to unlearn timings.
well actually a big thing that was making me die is there is a pretty big delay before you roll that was not in DS1. so kind of have to unlearn timings.
It's not delay, it's just that you're not invincible as long as in DS1 when you're rolling (less iFrames)
it also has to do with ADP I notice it alot when I bought legit agme I rolled with Bandit because it has low attune and that kind of stuff but it also has like 3 ADP at the start. the diference betwen 3-15(my current lvl) is huge to the feelings of mine
it is mostly getting used to it thats the case (I still suck in pvp but im getting backstabbef while people standing infront of me, fucking hel) but you will adjust evetually no worries (or learn rather)
ok after i finished a run , i realized i need autohotkey :(.
typical situation of mouse lag :
"oh there's the fucker monster that is faking sleeping ahahah , i'll beat his ass with ma morningsta!!!! ...
*click* -.- ... face to face ...*click* *click* *click**click* .. *click click*... :/ C-C-CCCOMBOBREAKER !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *ROLL* 1HP LEFT GG WP MONSTER , WAIT FOR AUTOHOTKEY AND FITE ME AGAIN !
Oh i thought adp also gave agi (o.O) but I mean the boss that swings faster so that you have to react more instantly. Not the char itself..
base dmg might say it is higher but you gotta look at the scaling.
That is pretty impressive, imagine dying on the last boss :DIkr, i'd GTX immediatly! He did get lucky a few times@ well in majula, only barely landed on the ledge. And the old demon knight almost got to him. :P
anyone know why it says i do more damage with halberd and fire sword but i actually do more with bastard sword?
.. I upgraded it to +4 but it still did not do an impressive amount.
anyone know why it says i do more damage with halberd and fire sword but i actually do more with bastard sword?
Thats what I found out aswell, the Halbert does jack shit for damage.. I upgraded it to +4 but it still did not do an impressive amount. Also do you have the dex/str requirement? Possibly invest some points in strength or any other phys dmg increasing attribute and see if it works out.
This is what I love about Dark Souls, pretty much any weapon is viable. I was surprised how far the starting mace carried me for example, it's a very good weapon.
yeah I did get the requirement so I could use, but bastard sword inexplicably more damage - better speed, less stam drain. so now I got that upgraded and dont regret it so far, I used a bastard sword on my first ds1 playthrough aswell. great 2h damage for bosses and good with shield too.
The morning star? Or the homunculus BAEd one? I got an alt with which I use the morningstar, im at iron keep with it atm its a cool weapon and pretty good, just got to remind yourself of the incredibly low reach. :P
Yeah I used the bastard sword for my first char aswell! (Which is fairly understandable as its practicly the first GS you get :P) but especially the bastard sword can practicly carry you through the entire game. atleast, i havent had the situation yet where it was clearly underpowered..
No, just "Mace", the starting weapon
Huh, which class spawns with that? :?
2.4k hp and one shot by a resonant souls ...
Also I just lowered my armor by a lot (from just below 70% weight to 24% weight) and it seems it takes about the same amount of hits to kill me, which is cool. VIG is very useful though, considering armor doesn't play such a big role. Also below 25% weight and Chloranthy ring+1 = infinite rolls :D Goes well with my dual daggers. I just wish not so many people were using mosses to clear my poison, I mean I know it's annoying but at least I'm not using the instant poison shit (bat fog, poisoned lances), I actually have to get in at least a few hits for it to work.
#SingleInstance, force
+Escape::ExitApp ;Shift and Escap to kill program!
LAlt & ~LButton::Send {G down} {G up}
LAlt & ~RButton::Send {Y down} {Y up}
LCTrl & LButton::send {RIGHT down} {RIGHT up}
LCTrl & RButton::send {LEFT down} {LEFT up}
send {w up}{a up}{s up}{d up}{sleep 10}
Send {W down}
Sleep 10
Send {H down}
Sleep 10
Send {W up}
Send {H up}
send {w up}{a up}{s up}{d up}{sleep 10}
Send {W down}
Sleep 10
Send {G down}
Sleep 10
Send {W up}
Send {G up}
Here's to hoping that the new console generation pushes down the price of the original "next gen" consoles more as time goes on, namely the PS3. I really want to play Demon's Souls now as Dark Souls 2 hasn't quite piqued my interest like Dark Souls originally had.
Sometimes the pvp makes me cringe so hard. Havel's guy with Jester chest spamming bat fog, failing hard while i slice him to 20% hp, goes off to chug, switches to dagger + monastery scimitar, roll parries me and gg, some people know no shame
EDIT: oh so fun, last like 10 duels, it was either chuggers, laggers, exploiters or something op as shit, i'm really starting to hate this
Gonna try to keep myself from a rant here as every time Demon's Souls is brought up I go off. So I'll to be straight forward, Dark Souls 1 and 2 are great games, but neither come close to the place in my heart Demon's Souls has. It is my favorite PvP game of all time next to c-RPG. Probably have over 1k hours in Demon's Souls from just PvP alone. Goodness I miss my Mirdan Hammer and Faith Build Greataxe. I still go back to it now and again just to try and find someone to invade and slaughter. Too bad it's dead. :cry:
You in arena? If you go to Iron Keep the times you don't meet gankers is really enjoyable, less tryhards. Or you can do dragon PvP. Heides tower is also good, arena is mostly cancer atm.
any idea why i cant use this switch?
also anyone know why I hear constant growling since I beat spider boss, not sure if bug or intended
Yeah im doing arena pvp, it really is full cancer.
visitors can't see pics , please register or loginThe switch is precisely for that chest in the screenshot. When you use the switch, the platform with the chest lowers, and you can get to the chest by jumping from the stairs.
any idea why i cant use this switch?
also anyone know why I hear constant growling since I beat spider boss, not sure if bug or intended
The switch is precisely for that chest in the screenshot. When you use the switch, the platform with the chest lowers, and you can get to the chest by jumping from the stairs.
whoever thought that it was a good idea to put in an ability to make your weapon invisible should be fucking fired
whoever thought that it was a good idea to put in an ability to make your weapon invisible should be fucking fired
this may explain how a guy punched me to death in seconds.
can I get some advice where to put my stats
You can actually get a ring that gives you more fist damage, one of my characters got around 394 fist damage with the ring.
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Met any binoglitchers in the arena so far, Vibe? :wink:
Met any binoglitchers in the arena so far, Vibe? :wink:
Am I really the only one with this:
Backstabbed from the front.
Getting hit by 1 handers (Or short weapons rather) who are way out of reach.
Missing all my attacks though they go through the char
* I resorted to aatack without target lock, because its a conplete guess as to where the enemy is. Hes either 3 meters to the right, left, front or back..
Nothing ever hits :cry: all I hit is ghosts..
Am I really the only one with this:
Backstabbed from the front.
Getting hit by 1 handers (Or short weapons rather) who are way out of reach.
Missing all my attacks though they go through the char
* I resorted to aatack without target lock, because its a conplete guess as to where the enemy is. Hes either 3 meters to the right, left, front or back..
Nothing ever hits :cry: all I hit is ghosts..
This is typical laggy DS2 pvp, you'll get used to it
Oh the joys of P2P.
So I'm considering rolling a new character. I'm feeling quite gimped as I didn't upgrade any weapons yet even though I'm about SL100, didn't want to waste materials on a weapon I wasn't going to use in the long run, realized the weapon I wanted to get and upgrade is very end game, and thus I am stuck on this second rat boss that you can't summon help for, and feeling very very underpowered. Any recommendations on an early to mid game faith weapon? Still using this damned un-upgraded Heide Knight Sword.
I used Claymore, Lightning infused (+10) all the way to the end, basically.
wait weren't you just complaining about infusions? I dont get whats to complain about if everyone can do it to thier weapons
or is it because it scales with int/faith or something?
I was complaining, but it's a faith char so you're actually suppose to infuse it with lightning. I don't have infused weapons on my DEX melee char.
why not?
still dont understand
what is the downside to infusing weapons, does it scale with int/faith or something?
Does infusing it withraw break it even? Or does elemental have more damage?
No and that's exactly what I was complaining about. A hybrid char, lets say STR/FTH with a Lightning infused weapon will always deal more damage than a pure STR char. Even more so if the hybrid uses a weapon buff (further increases elemental damage).
Regular Greatsword+10 = 400 damage (A scaling)
Lightning infused Greatsword+10 = 280 damage + 280 lightning damage (B+B scaling)
You also have to consider elemental damage does more damage against armored people than pure melee.
Yeah that was exactly what I was thinking, and I guess infusing it with Raw doesnt add another +160 damage to the GS either?
My PvP experience has been pretty bad, the only ones thatare fun is when I help an invaded Blue, otherwise im ussually getting stomped by poison clouds, lightning spears and those 4 bolts of dark.
Wy the shit is it sothat these OP magic shit also chases your tail like crazy?
Raw is only useful on weapons that have shit scaling to begin with, otherwise it's useless. About magic, you just need practice and knowing how to dodge it.
I usually use the environment to dodge magic attacks (i love this part of the game btw, you can really use environment vs ranged attacks) thats not the case, its more of a case that it does a shitload of dmage combined with insane tracking that makes it feel OP to me.
Also how do people even get 3 spellcast slots around the huntsmans copse area, such rage. :evil:
Ancient Dragon and Vendrick.... after that, PvP I guess?
All right guys, it's time to get down to business. This builds theme is to crush and maim your sissy opponents in the manliest way possible. And the best way to do that is by looking swagger as hell while you show them their entrails. The Rings and Weapons are up to the individual, but personally I go for a strength build with this set. Standard STR weps and great shield's to bash your targets skull in. Disorientate the foe by constantly applying poison thanks to your magic fairy dust. Keeping up a good offence is key with this set because one hit on the princess leaves her open to attack from all manner of nasty suitors. Show the world you arn't just a helpless princess. Cut, stab, and slam your enemies like the foreign scum they are. Show your dominance as the Fairy Princess and protect your lands as the next heir to the throne.
Char description on fextralife wiki:
Giggled like a man 8-)
Something tells me this build includes the butterfly set lol
It does, lol. I might try this build cause the prescribed set is so giggity.
Its like a fairy with a gigantic Sword (GS)
That sounds like a fun build. I personally find it boring going for straight meta builds, so boring. I usually go for some cosplay / weird outfit with my builds :D
Update: still suck @ pvp
I don't know if it'll work but we can try the name engraved ring and we could spar and I could offer pointers from 'my' style, although my highest SM is 275k right now.
If you're EU we can even learn to compensate for lag better.
I don't remember how much I had at that point but that seems pretty low for all the stuff you've done.
Hmm, i have only used the persuer soul - i still have all other boss souls. So thatll easily make up for another 150k (2 giant souls sinner & rotten) and like 5 more lesser boss souls?
Yeah it is best to keep them and wait till you get that thing to cure petrified people, then use it on dude at lost bastille that gives out weapons for boss souls.
I am still wondering why didnt this stupid game mention such use of these souls.
Yeah it is best to keep them and wait till you get that thing to cure petrified people, then use it on dude at lost bastille that gives out weapons for boss souls.
I am still wondering why didnt this stupid game mention such use of these souls.
How do you guys have such low SMs, how far are you
Ah yeah, we should bro! My SM is only 300kish aswell so no problems there - I just cant talk on voice because my english prenounciation is horrid..
My first character's save file of ~4m was corrupted and I don't really play as much as I was a couple weeks after release.
That's cool; I'm generally in the DK cRPG chat when I'm playing so maybe work out something there, my steam is RetrogradeRun
We hav a DK crpg chat?! Tell me more!
...and if you have played any of the other games you should know.
I just spent half an hour trying to give away +10 shit and the invisibility rings... wtf dark souls 2 community, learn to not look a gift horse in the mouth ffs.
I got the rings of some random dude, and was trying to pass them along in the same fashion.
Just did a backstab and a parry on a invis santier buffed with renosant, feels good to rek that fuggot.
Is there any way to check your score in BoB?
Also get in the chat scrubs
Nope, you just have to keep a tally yourself.
Edit: Just hit rank 3 in BoB on my character with about 80 hours played. Syan's Halberd too stronk
Yeah hard to beat weapons with ghostreach :P
Poison the NPC by accident, haha :DIts an effect of the set - poisons nearby enemys..
Go to the apostle of Velka, after church boss to remove your sin / hostile NPCs
Also you can jump without running with this set :lol:
Sorry for extra post ..
its ok you will be punished appropriately by a batfog santiers wielding havelyn roll parry binoglitcher hexer
just beat game but not all bosses yet, did you guys go to NG+, stay or make 2nd char for pvp?
also whats your opinion on this soul memory stuff? seems to be it could very easily be abused. for instance a couple times when there was a stupid long run to boss I backed up my save. I didn't abuse it to save souls, only time. but its quite easy to backup saves and complete game without ever dieing.
which means I could be high soul level with low soul memory (not that I could actually bother), and be higher level than people I fight in pvp? or does it combine level+memory somehow?
Wow that must suck to only get 1 ring :S
Just uninstalled and deleted my saves. Perhaps now I can reclaim my life and start living like a human being again. Find some purpose for my existence. It's been hard road, but at least it's over now, thank god it's over now *twitch*.
Dont see the longevity in DS2 pvp, so I stopped some weeks ago. To much stupid stuff :P
Fuck this game, fuck it in it's arse.
I skin of my teeth make it through NG+, no death, no bon fire mother fucker. And it only gives me the no bon fire ring... FUCK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The amount of "Oh fuck I've been invade, quick swap everything to pvp and hope like fuck I don't need my broken magic shield :s" moments I had... fuck you dark souls 2 you fucking cunt! FUCK YOU!
I wish I had a disk to break, fucking steam, UNSATISFACTORY STEAM!
Dear FromSoftware, can I pleez haz all the hours of my life back I just wasted on your fucking game :*(
Wow I played first few bosses on diff classes and cleric seems by far the easiest. Sure there are times when spamming sorcerer spells is easy mode, but dude I did not realise that "mace" is like RIDICULOUSLY op. I'm 1/2 hitting zombies, and 2/3 hitting old knights and haven't spent a single point in dex or str. And bosses seem really easy with it too, compared to sorcerer - altho it greatly depends which boss (and I did play pure caster sorc)
I guess you could just buy the mace too since heal miracle is mostly useful before you get more flasks.
Dont see the longevity in DS2 pvp, so I stopped some weeks ago. To much stupid stuff :P
well I think lowbie pvp is more interesting
this bell tower stuff would be more fun if it didnt seem to usually be 2v1. but im not complaining I want the chunks.
From what I've heard there are servers for the arenas, although it doesn't stop them from connecting you to people outside of your country.
There's no way there are servers for arena for anything except the matchmaking process. The match itself is always P2P, which is what is the biggest problem here.
Bell tower cov is OP, it recharges my health/spell charges etc. everytime I win.
After a PvP fight? Cant you just rest at a bonfire aswell?
Guys what are the hardest bosses in your opinion? I remember in darksouls 1 peoples opinins varied alot. I can't believe people thing lost sinner is one of the hardest, absolute easiest boss in whole series. I ran in and swang and he died first time, and was like WTF, that was a boss?
smelter demon took me the most tries, I think. gargoyles probably 2nd. still got couple of bosses havent done yet tho
bonfire resets the mobs tho don't it. what I mean is I can be grinding through an area and with bell ring on I can take pvp breaks which regen everything if I win. which is super helpful since I only got 10 lightning spears, making my high faith is basically useless
Dark Souls II v1.06 Regulation Notes [Poorly Translated]
Original text: http://info.darksouls.jp/other/pc/information_detail/2014-05-30-01.html
Bat Staff poison effect changed to proc on melee strikes only. Interaction with Dark Fog removed
Avelyn tracking adjusted, reload time lengthened and damage reduced
The adjustment motion of "Onoyari of thine" weapons, the balance of the amount of damage (Possibly Syan's Halberd change)
Santier's Spear damaged reduced, stamina usage changed
Adjust the motion of the "sword of the curse's" weapon (Possibly Pursuer's Ultra-Greatswrod)
Cale's Shoes and Leather armor's defensive values changed
Abyss Ring damage multiplier changed
Great Resonant Soul damage reduced
Wrath of God's damage reduced
Resonant Weapon flat increase changed / reduced
Flame Weapon flat increase adjusted / reduced
Motion adjustment of thorn sword weapon category (Possibly Rapier change))
Power Stance glitch that occurs with ultragreats and the bandit axe has been fixed
Enchanted upgrade path adjusted
Changed duration on some spells
Monastery Scimitar parrying animation adjusted
Arriveal Date: June 2nd on PS3, Xbox 360, and Windows PC
I might have missed some, but this will tie you over until someone actually translates it. Please note that this is not a patch, this is one of the hotfixes / calibrations.
I think (hope) the big stuff will come in the actual patch - SM removal/SL matchmaking, FPS fix, binoglitching, roll parries etc - this is just a hotfix, but at least it's something eh
Did they mention a date for it?
Did you ever die as a phantom?
The good side of not having an unlimited dickwraith item is that the average invaded dude doesn't even know what a dickwraith is. I have lost one invasion. Due to the poison mobs in earthen peak. Didn't see the host.
Also at lvl 238 I was invading people all the time, which I wasn't expecting. Often I would get no souls after killing them so I must have been way outside of their league.
SL238 SM 1000000+
You can manually aim at people who are rolling, very useful in Dark Souls 1 using the bow. And aiming with mouse is pretty smooth and enjoyable (the few times I've tried it). The Soul games are one of those games that for me fit under the controller category. I'd rather be sweating on my controller than my mouse AND keyboard :D
Blue invasions don't get souls, maybe you were invading as that.
"Nothing says "SURPRISE MOTHER FUCKER" like a +10 invisible avalyn with with dark bolts."
might as well go all the way with it with dual invis mundane avelyns (25 all build), super douchebag mode
whats actually the point of cleric? I like it, its fun, its strong. but cant sorcerer basically do everything it can do but better?
sorcerers can't heal (estus disabled in invasions) and lightning spear is more damage than sorcerer stuff afaik
I was abit disapointed on my cleric to find out in duels you can use estus ;/
Invaded by people using Demon Souls NPC names, can't even cosplay as one. So sad.
I would recommend getting a normal / infused Richard rapier using the Leo ring, the amount of damage you can do is insane.
And I might recreate my Dark Souls 1 build but I doubt I'll have the endurance to get WoG on two characters :D
whats actually the point of cleric? I like it, its fun, its strong. but cant sorcerer basically do everything it can do but better?
When I learn to reliably riposte/parry it might be worth it
im sure alot of what foxeogame is whining about is valid but alot of it seems to be such whiny nitpicking about every minor difference to ds1. and his voice is very anoying.
question: also when you hit someone you hear hit sound you see them react but they take no damage, that is lag? at first I thought there just must be a spell to take no damage....
It's lag. Which is a huge problem in DS2 as the cross regional play option simply doesn't work. I guess for most people in EU and US it's not that big of a deal but when playing in Australia we are a tiny portion of the population and my experience has been that over half of all PVP I wound up engaging with was so laggy that is basically unplayable. Either for me or the other person, but it was simply not a reflection of the combat of the game, it was just about who happened to be hosting the fight would win.
haha rat king covenant is cheap but fun with nice rewards
I just got a got to 10 hp, then started doing the channeler's trident dance next to them until my rat minions finished them off.
edit: its still cracking me up
edit2: also cracking me up:
Bat Staff poison effect changed to proc on melee strikes only. Interaction with Dark Fog removed
Avelyn tracking adjusted, reload time lengthened and damage reduced
The adjustment motion of "Onoyari of thine" weapons, the balance of the amount of damage (Possibly Syan's Halberd change)
Santier's Spear damaged reduced, stamina usage changed
Adjust the motion of the "sword of the curse's" weapon (Possibly Pursuer's Ultra-Greatswrod)
Cale's Shoes and Leather armor's defensive values changed
Abyss Ring damage multiplier changed
Great Resonant Soul damage reduced
Wrath of God's damage reduced
Resonant Weapon flat increase changed / reduced
Flame Weapon flat increase adjusted / reduced
Motion adjustment of thorn sword weapon category (Possibly Rapier change))
Power Stance glitch that occurs with ultragreats and the bandit axe has been fixed
Enchanted upgrade path adjusted
Changed duration on some spells
Monastery Scimitar parrying animation adjusted
1.06 patchnotes whenever they are being released. Sounds like from has been listening.
Good changes. I'm afraid though that I'll never enjoy Dark Souls 2 PvP like I did in other PvP games. P2P kills it, simple as. Great PvE game though and I'm far from regretting my purchase.
thats exactly what I thought, plus its just not very balanced. but dark souls pvp is somehow really addictive and often highly amusing. just stuff like when you invade and manage to scrape a win vs 2 guys who tired to amubsh you, or buff rats to do your dirty work in rat covenant, or disguise yourself as a box in order to kill some poor noob, it just cracks me up so much.
You get orbs by winning in the arena.
I'm bad too, but I do win sometimes.
Orbs are unlimited, because the cost to enter the arena is nothing. If you win, then you can invade people.
Honestly invading isn't really fun. You don't know if you're walking into a gankfest with threevagina-facesmelter helmet havel scumlords. I tend to do two types of PvP: arena and waiting to be invaded/summoning people who put down their red sign soapstones or dragon covenant signs.
Wowowo, i need to pay a fidelity token to enter the arena :/ you dont?
Brotherhood of Blood arena doesn't require anything to enter a duel.
I do prefer random invasions, sometimes fighting against the odds can be fun - trying to get the world master killed by npcs while you dodge the 2 summons he has chasing you :D. + BoB arena has like 70% tryhard builds.
I would summon to my world/get invaded for pvp if it didn't mean losing humanity/extra hp every freaking time. Also one of the things I really dislike about DS2. Yes I know there's effigies but you're going to run out of them eventually.
That's worse than traveling back to Majula every time you want to level up.
I'm going to blame that on why I felt so confused geographically and lost on my first play through.
The game never requires you to have an idea of where you are globally, you just have to know where you are locally, "between bonfires".
+ BoB arena has like 70% tryhard builds.
Save backup is just like a trainer. I started using a trainer in Dark Souls 1 so I could make my PvP characters faster, took me around 3 hours to finish them but god damn was it boring doing it. Pretty much removes all the "fear" of dying when you can just boot up your old save.
Considering I just died on an NG+4 no deaths run, this would have removed all of the fear entirely. I had only the Guardian Dragon, The Giant Lord & Nashandra to go to beat the game without dying, Dlion had played his arse off trying to keep me alive in sticky situations, we killed at least 15 invaders throughout that time and it all ended abruptly about ten seconds after entering the Guardian Dragon's boss area. (Son of a bitch did a jump back & then straight fire breathed me, I blocked it out of instinct, breaking my guard and it then hit me two or three more times to kill me... :()
But yeah, in short, that tension, elation and sheer adrenaline I would never have felt if I could just beat a boss, back up the save and then go at it again. I might have failed but I would have preferred to fail than cheat my way through! :)
No deaths for the illusory ring only requires that you kill Nashandra and any bosses you need to get to her. Same thing for no bonfires.
I know. I'd killed the Pursuer & Giant before I decided to do the no deaths run, then I followed;(click to show/hide)
Then I died on the Guardian Dragon to get to the Dragon Aerie... :(
Give or take in that order anyway. Looking at it now, I can't see any I could have skipped besides the ones I marked, which was when I really got serious about the whole no deaths run.
I could viably have farmed souls to get through the Shrine of Winter, but I really can't be arsed to farm something like 10 million souls in boss souls :D
450K soul memory arena and check this guys HP
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This is after I did a riposte with a +10 dagger 40 dex, and a few hits also.
then he just stun locks me.
also I took damage earlier from the hit I PARRIED, wtf. I dont think dex builds are viable at all tbh, except maybe dual poison whips but that looks boring as fuck to play.
Just found a save game.
If anyone wants a set of the invis rings or shit loads of plus 10 gear let me know.
40 points in literally every stat.
y u know want my shit!Sry frank!! I dont like unfair advantages :/
y u know want my shit!
The easiest no deaths run is probably something like this:(click to show/hide)(click to show/hide)
y u know want my shit!
Got a +10 fire longsword, the one you find at the start of the game :oops:
Haven't really used any other weapon. Got lost though, trying to find my way around. Just killed the boss in the gutter, gotta find out where to go next.
Got a +10 fire longsword, the one you find at the start of the game :oops:
Haven't really used any other weapon. Got lost though, trying to find my way around. Just killed the boss in the gutter, gotta find out where to go next.
unrelated to my last post
there is a trailer for the first one
I think fire weapon scales with INT and FAITH, ie which is lower.That's for dark imbuing. Fire scales almost the same with INT or FTH.
Original Text: http://info.darksouls.jp/other/pc/information_detail/2014-06-04-01.html
Please note that this is v1.05 for consoles and v1.03 for Windows PC
Glitch involving being able to move at high speeds (Binoboosting)
Glitch involving being able to walk on air (Parrywalking)
Date of release: Pending official release
To avoid confusion: this is an actual PATCH, not a calibration. It is also possible that this is just a partial list of fixes for the imminent patch.
It might not be everything but I was hoping for more :(
well you definitely fight people NG+ from NG in arena. just got instagibed by dual wielded grand lance guy, pretty sure he had 600 stamina too
Hmm.. I am interested in this archery. What is important for an Archer build?
well you definitely fight people NG+ from NG in arena. just got instagibed by dual wielded grand lance guy, pretty sure he had 600 stamina too
I didn't use a mule. I got one no bon fire myself but I died as a summon and didn't get the no death ring ffs.
Some dude dumped both ring after I summoned him. And as far as the rest of my shit I just grinded it. Something like 20 +10 sets of armour including Havel, Kings and Llyewn and god knows how many weapons.
And 3 +10 rebel shields covering Dark, lightning and magic, +10 drake shield with 97% fire, +10 roseblume shield with 100% poison resist blah blah blah we could pass it down to like a lvl 25 toon and lol all the way to the bank.
Hmm.. I am interested in this archery. What is important for an Archer build?
pve or pvp? think I covered both a bit in those videos, but can go in detail for either.
some areas are way easier with bow like shrine of amana, but generally I would spec str for pve and then respec to dex. bow works pve but if used the whole way will cost you alot of souls, plus some parts/bosses you will need to mele and dex scaling damage is pants and you will only tickle the bosses.
I actually think that the bow/parry build could be one of THE strongest builds if only there was proper server side hit detection, however due to how laggy pvp is generally landing sorceries and using buffed washing poles will always be way more consistent then you can ever be.
for shame...
Btw Banok is it a coincidence that that dudw is named Ya Boi Oberyn? :p
I saw a cleric Archer on YouTube somewhere, looked as if it was a goodbuild. Hut im nog that intereseted in magicother then the chasmeleon spel.
Imma try thuis archer thing for sure though, lookalike slot of fun. What was tour SLin the vis?
Hoe do i disabler auto correct -.-
Composite bow is the best for PvP archer character, shoots fast and got the most damage. Short range and C - C scaling makes it pretty good for quality builds. Been using it on my SL 64-ish. Will try to keep my SM as low as possible since I find low level / low SM fights much more enjoyable.
eh NG+ is easy since you know already how the bosses work, the only "hard" thing about it is the arbiter invasions every 5 minutes
EDIT: I see a lot less stupid shit in arena now, PvP has gotten a bit more pleasant. There's still tryhards but much less so I feel. The only thing that really bothers me as a pure melee (no buffs) build is Great Magic Barrier, that shit reduces so much damage it's not even funny. Put that on a heavy armored guy and I'll be backstabbing them for below 500 damage with my +10 rapier.
What's really funny is that pretty much 98% of the higher BoB rank people are tryhards, most of the ones I saw were dual wielding mastodon/helix with buffs and GMB.
what soul memory are you?
also uploaded this clip for you guys, i think it amusing
about 3M on my pure melee, about 4M I think on my NG+ char
yeah just curious, ill admit ive been save scumming on my pvp alts to keep soul memory low. but still matched with even bigger try hards.
so yeah original char is now NG+ char on 3mill who is 99% legit. I'm expecting to be owned but no ones invaded :( even join way of the blue
NG+ I've only been invaded by blue, so if you wanna be invaded by blue you gotta get sin first. They are more frequent because they can invade you from anywhere in the world.
cool tip might kill some npcs then
Sin you got from killing NPCs will be removed if you go to ng+
I don't think that's true.
Dammit double post
I heard that in dark souls 2 the sins DO carry over, yeah Ive done basically 0 pvp on my main char, hes a pve carebear.
also http://www.reddit.com/r/DarkSouls2/comments/27exg6/promotional_event_majula_mansion_treasure_box/
just got my free petrified somethings :)
Nice! Got to get me some petrified somethings soon!
Btw, i remembered that steam said my key was SE asia, is this bad?
playing around testing bow stuff. lightning infused bow of want is probably best but trying to find out
noticed something huge, str in DS2 is doubled when 2handing something. might just be for required not 100% sure
but this actually applies to bows, kind of silly since you can ONLY use bows 2 handed. it basically means all bow STR requirements are actually half. you only need 7 strength for composite bow, presumably 5 for blackbow.
mine is too, not 100% certain but think region ingame is IP based. so turn off cross region play for less facebackstabs (I think)
About to go to NG+ on my character finally, any suggestions on things to do before I advance? Mostly items and such I should acquire.
People are way overthinking NG+, it's nothing particularly more difficult, if you've done fine up to now you'll be fine in NG+ as well.
Oh I didn't really mean for the difficulty, I'm really over leveled so it should be a bit of a cakewalk, I just meant essential items I should grab that I might regret later if I don't
About to go to NG+ on my character finally, any suggestions on things to do before I advance? Mostly items and such I should acquire.
Finding parts of NG+ challenging, like the long walk to excutioners chariot. and I swear that boss now has better AI, it wont stop spinning and facing me - last time I stood on its side but now idk wtf im supposed to do
i spent alot of time grabbing everything just in case, even tho most of it I wont use I just dont like the idea of it being wasted
there are some items in the game that you cannot get more of via bonfire ascetics. ie one of the main reasons I'm going NG+ is to power stance 2 manslayers and you can only get 1 per playthrough.
so other than unique weapons/armour that you want 2 sets of, the only thing is stuff like twinkling titanite and petrifed dragonbones. I farmed shrine of amana before I went NG+ because I will need alot of twinkling, altho its not like I cant get it later with bonfire ascetics.
Go buy 99 repair powders at Drangpoop.
Also NPC sin carries over. So you can murder everyone and enjoy plenty of blue bros invading you.
If you've leveled out to say 250 you'll probably find you get 0 souls when you murder the blue bros though as the invasion parameters in NG+ for the Blue Bros seem spastic.
Definitely gonna be killing all NPCs, I look forward to finally being invaded finally. :twisted:
Yeah I'm at level 310 or so right now :D
Lol, whats your SM?
Not sure off the top of my head, I can check and let you know tomorrow, but I know it's over 16M, or whatever the last bracket is
yikes have fun being invaded
uh shrine of amana in NG+
HALP! npc I summoned just runs off and agros everything and falls down the holes.
might respec bow just to get past. glad I farmed it empty before I went NG+
If you're on the PC & playing right now, I'm happy to come and help you out. Although it's been half an hour, I doubt you're still there :)
no now im on vedlst or however you say it
are you in the steam group, ill got to that chat ;p
my steam name is jupsto incase anyone was wondering
Actually haven't tried invasions yet, though I'm excited to now that my build ain't shite. This shit is too fun haha, been straight dueling in BoB for about two hours now. No exaggerations I have lost twice, both to the same guy, went by the name "Mitzuki". I've dueled him 8 or so times in total and he got me the first two times, but I realized after that I just need to rush and stunlock him to death, he's been losing since. This shit is broooooooken
what SL are you tho
I feel like high SL pvp will never be balanced. mundane infusions, power stancing great weapons etc. with no real penalty.
my hilarious butterfly weeaboo isn't exactly a super viable build, but has been fun in invasions even won a 2v1 I think.
however in BoB at SL200 SM 5mill, the tryhards builds are uber stong due to way game is so unbalanced at this level. everyone has poison moss, which is same effect to me as chugging but not punishable.
plus when I get hit once I die in many cases, due to stun lock and OP damage with infused/buff weapons. also wr
so yeah pure dex in BoB not viable, would have to respec to an OP build to even win anything here. :( but I just want the eyes to invade
is this you applesauce? was trying to get a screenshot when he killed me
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is this you applesauce? was trying to get a screenshot when he killed me
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That is probably the most scrubby tryhard build ever, max defense with Chester piece using weapons that are easy to punish with a backstab.
That is probably the most scrubby tryhard build ever, max defense with Chester piece using weapons that are easy to punish with a backstab.
Nah, very similar though haha. I'm using full Havel's and am pure STR, don't infuse either weapon. Bwaha. Do you recall this players name? He is wearing everything that a player I fought earlier was wearing, had quite an interesting conversation with him.
So so true, the backstab part that is. This is seriously one of the most easily punishable builds with backstabs, yet I have yet to be backstabbed in a single fight outside of a 2v1. And I think it's mainly due to shit netcode. lol.
how did you have a conversation with him on Pc version :S
how did you have a conversation with him on Pc version :S
It is indeed Project Beast! And it is now my most looked forward to game! It's done by From Software and has the same director of Demon's Souls and Dark Souls, I am stoked.
There's a lot of asian-looking people in the "western" world for who english is a first or common language, so I doubt that. But it's very good english for a native japanese speaker for whom english is a second or more language, agreed, which is prob what you meant.
Bloodborne will be PS4 exclusive. Sadness ahead.
Doesn't look like an RPG anyway, more hack & slay adventure, following a preset character, so I don't think I'll play it anyway...
The preset only matters for the first boss ...
Doesn't look like an RPG anyway, more hack & slay adventure, following a preset character, so I don't think I'll play it anyway...
I'm hoping for a year late P.C. release.
I have lags in like 60% of the fights,and it seems like its not my connexion but the servers.
I picked up Valdis Story (http://www.gog.com/game/valdis_story_abyssal_city) recently.
It's holding me over for now as it's the same sort of design as the Souls series
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Yup, totally same sort of design, dark and gritty TPP with awesome melee combat.
If you like 2D, pixel-art, and don't mind the super-deformed/weaboo-ish/Bastion-ish style art the combat is fun and fast paced.
Wtf did he just write a whole book, what is this? Read to and from, seems like he got very in depth and thoroughly played through it. 300-400 hours on the first one, thats more than i played it and i loved it :O
Hes probably the bundle of sticks who likes to have everything and every detail explained to him.
Actually, I dont understand one thing of what he is trying to say.
Another dark souls song, unfortunately not as good as the previous one. I dont feel the Dark souls in it at all, and its way too slow, if it increased the tempo in the middle a slow start couldve worked but it was just draaaaaaawn out.
To what extent is it an RPG, character building aside? It's mostly combat, right?
Increased the attack power of the following weapons
- Zweihander
Increased the attack power of the following weapons
(click to show/hide)
Its funny, because every time i try to invade a player, its always a guy with lightning spells and a sword, i invaded 10 persons on the same spot, all of them, except one had it.
Come on, play melee -_-
I have no idea if this has been posted but I saw it in a Reddit thread, funniest shit ever.
I suck and have no idea how to imbed youtube videos into forums. Someone halp.
On a side note, I'm gonna restart Dark Souls 2 and make a new character, I'm thinking using the Partizan spear since I hear it's buffed and pretty good now. Not sure what kind of armor setup I should use and if I should go 2hand spear or 1hand.
SO TRUE(click to show/hide)
also, poisoned my weapon because random invaders didn´t stop pissing me off
now they piss me off less :mrgreen:
also we should make a thread to post our dark soul 2 chars and compare digital dick sizes
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Didn't see this one anywhere, so here you go! :)
Decided to try and help a random player through one "stint" to a Great One.Good Guy Tenne :oops: Can´t describe how much I loved the people who gave away vital informations so I could beat the game (f.e. burning the mill so Mytha has no poison arena anymore -> KUDOS TO YOU, STRANGER OUT THERE <33333 )
Good Guy Tenne :oops: Can´t describe how much I loved the people who gave away vital informations so I could beat the game (f.e. burning the mill so Mytha has no poison arena anymore -> KUDOS TO YOU, STRANGER OUT THERE <33333 )
Cool. More spooky and dark than Dark Souls, I like all the blood spatter (even on clothes!), but alas.. only consol peasantry.
Finally done with this shit!
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Also...(click to show/hide)
I felt like sunken was shorter, and im only at the first boss of ironking.
Are you guys playing online and/or went to New Game+? I am still collecting some items in NG and was wondering if there is even a reason in going NG+. Will my Soul Memory eventually go too high, as to prevent me from matchmaking?
Definitely not farming for souls, just some titanite and stuff. I have 3.8mil SM already and I feel like I am going get rekt when I switch over to NG+, if it's still SM based.
It is SM based. If you're a sinner you'll get invaded a lot by blue spirits. Use this to check the SM range: http://darksouls2.wiki.fextralife.com/Summon+Range+CalculatorOh yeah, I've seen a few of those already. I read that when they kill you your sin level is dropped. Too bad I killed almost all of them. Thanks for the calculator!
Oh yeah, I've seen a few of those already. I read that when they kill you your sin level is dropped. Too bad I killed almost all of them. Thanks for the calculator!
Hehe, im always killing them with my friend on heides tower - hes a sinner and we have the ring that makes us more active to get invaded - also he used the bonfire ascetic so i can be a phantom and not a shade ~ also if u want to farm twinkling titanite and petrified dragonbone, check fro dragon aerie, im "wasting" my ascetics there, you get like 11petrified - 8twinlink - and some infuse stones and normal shards / chunks - etc.
About the other stones - i hope you know about stonecollector chloanne ~ she gives infinite amount of chunks - shards and lshards after you defeated the endboss
Hehe, im always killing them with my friend on heides tower - hes a sinner and we have the ring that makes us more active to get invaded - also he used the bonfire ascetic so i can be a phantom and not a shade ~ also if u want to farm twinkling titanite and petrified dragonbone, check fro dragon aerie, im "wasting" my ascetics there, you get like 11petrified - 8twinlink - and some infuse stones and normal shards / chunks - etc.Yep, that's the place.
Hehe, im always killing them with my friend on heides tower - hes a sinner and we have the ring that makes us more active to get invaded.
Hehe, im always killing them with my friend on heides tower
Are you a ganker scrub? visitors can't see pics , please register or login
Yep, that's the place.
Of course I didn't miss her. She's great, provides just what I need. :mrgreen:
BTW What does Ascetic has to do with phantom/shade summons?
-Weird. The wiki says that the fixed duration is 40 minutes.
Bonfire ascetic - when u burn them on a bonfire it will get into NG+ and everything in the area respawns ~ also, its not possible to summon phantoms (infnite amount of time) when the boss in your area is defeated (which would be ornstein and dragonslayer in heides tower) - so my friend used the ascetic and he can summon me as phantom.
Weird. The wiki says that the fixed duration is 40 minutes.
Oh, but you get silky! Besides you don't need to be in the host's world at the exact time of invasion, just have your soapstone ready and when you get echo from the host place it so he can summon you. #IAmNotAGanker #ScrubForLife
Are you still in NG Kuoin? Maybe would be interested in some 2v1 :lol:
He's not. Once you press "Begin journey to Drangleic 2" you are in NG+ and you can't conect to NG players.
Once you press "Begin journey to Drangleic 2" you are in NG+ and you can't conect to NG players.
Kinda. Bonfires in NG have a default intensity. Those are the numbers in the warping menu. You can either go to NG+, which raises all bonfire intesity or burn an ascetic at certain bonfire to reset it and make it as it would be in NG+. If you ascetic a bonfire in NG and then go to NG+, then that bonfire will have the intensity of an unascetic'd bonfire in NG++.
PS: Why do I feel like a douche? :)
Anyone wanna help me out? Im stuck in NG+ on the Sinh Dragon boss fight :[
I was able to sneak by him and get the ring but I still want to beat him and get the crown.
Just finished the game and i can safely say the order of souls game on the hard level goes like deamon souls>dark souls>dark souls 2
Dks was harder in so many lvls compare to Dks2.In Dks2 its more like co-op fun.
I might go buy a PS3 just to play DS.IDK why dks2 pvp feel so lame.a guy with fists can beat everyone and deal more dmg than a buffed ultra greatsword.
An ultra greatsword can outdamage it, but its incredibly slow and so very hard to learn how to use. While fists are super quick with easy combos. Fast weapons have always been the best in DaS, but big ones can work.
Heavy weapons are all about baiting.
So like c-rpg, s key roll backward s key etc :'(
Did they add an item that let's you teleport when you dodge?
I booted the game up lastnight and was immediately invaded by someone with a twinblade and armor I've never seen before. He would teleport and leave behind smoke whenever he dodged. I'm guessing it was part of one of the DLCs. I'm slowly making my way through the first one and didn't actually notice that From had already released the second.
The PvP really doesn't feel engaging to me anymore either, the nerf to the bastard sword and it's parent move-set was probably needed but now it feels extremely underwhelming comparatively. Especially when they didn't fix any of the glaring issues with matchmaking latency or just the hit-boxes in general.
In my opinion, multiplayer combat never was the strong point of any game in the series. It's not bad and an MP fighting scene did emerge for that reason (even in Demon's Souls), but all the other things are so much better.
Nope not rly.got softbanned coz i used HD mod in game.
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now only signs i can see is from other banned peoples which was mostly banned baned for hacking.
im in the same pool with 90% of hackers and can duel only them forever because i used HD mod ingame and never cheated in any way.i've done 4 duels while
soft banned and that 4th duel was an infhp hacker scrub while i done 500 and not even one.gg game i qq
You can use that band of order or something, lookesl ike a red bone - then u are back in real game. I never used it, but thats what legends say.tried it,its useless..
Some screen gameplay(click to show/hide)
Third DLC is out and I´m still fightin bosses in the second one
just FINALLY got this Fume Knight, what a tougth rascal(click to show/hide)
So I wasted my on the DLC. What a load of shit.
I finished two of the areas in 3 hours. And the boss and enemies are just repeats of boss/enemies from the main game. I died once in Ivory because I walked off a ledge... ffs. Can't believe I spent 30$. I can go to the movies for 7$ and that's about 2 hours of entertainment. If I see 2 movies that's 14$ for 4 hours... If I hand over 30$... fuck it. When films provide my time being entertained your dlc is a failure.
Dark Souls 2 - The shittening.
The extra bosses that are repeats are put there for non-dlc people to join in as phantoms, its made for co-op just to let them have a peak into the dlc afaik. Its just an added extra. Other than that the bosses are all unique and pretty damn cool. The basic soldiers are quite stale, but there were many enemies that had cool designs. Also many new fun weapons for pvp.
They also added a quite a bit to the lore/story.
(click to show/hide)
Wait so what did I buy???
But they repeat the smelter demon right? And everything else just reskined versions of the same crap... am I mad or something.
Dark Souls is shit
I've come up with a solution. I'll hack my account and make "DORIS THE SPOON LADY!" and bash people to death with a spoon. As well "CountfuckyourSM" I'll take one of my NG+ chars and then buff him to lvl bazzilion then invade/get invaded and kill myself burdening the poor fool with so many souls his SM shits its pants and fucks the char. MUHAHAHAHAHHAHAHA
I've been waiting for DS2 to remove the soft ban coz only people i roll in while having it was 7y olds with some google finded hack machine that was wrecking my ass.I rly want to buy the DLC and play this again but it's retarded i got softbaned and i got in same pool as hackerwannabes on duels..Anyone might know if they removed it?
I just can't be assed anymore because they nerfed the bastard sword.
Lol ...
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I'm currently doing a new game with hobo class and 24/7 champion covenant. This is basically how I played DeS and DaS so we'll see how it goes.
Picked this up in the last steam sale and already finished it.
Disappointed with the story and lore more than anything. It felt very much a rinse and repeat but without a lot of the indepth character backgrounds.
That and the fact it wasn't all that hard. Built myself as a pure strength with UGS and great shield. Not as OP as DS1 but could still tank the heck out of everything and deal insane damage. Once you get past the great lords (the only interesting one being the spider) the other bosses were just meh. All I killed within 2-3 tries, usually on my own or at most 1 NPC. They were all pretty similar.
I never had any o shit I'm fucked moments like DS1.
Going to go with a more challenging build next time round. Didn't get round to doing the DLC either so I'm going to go through that in the next play through.
Any suggestions for fun builds? Most of the ones I can find online are a bit meh. Looking for a combination of DEX and some form of spell casting, whether sorcery, hexes or just pyro I haven't decided yet.