Everyone is crying so hard about the pvp being broken etc etc, as if DaS1 was perfect. Its annoying hearing people say magic is OP when its fucking horrible, any decent melee player with some ADP can dodge a magic attack. People say poise is broken etc, i think its fine. I play light armour so usually i get staggered first hit, but im really agile so its all good, while when i get matched up vs havel tanks they usually tank one or two hits before staggering, not to mention the defences. This ofcourse makes them fatties but its a good tradeoff i would say.
It seems the hate has sort of become a mainstream thing, probably because of youtubers. People just cant accept change, which is sad.
The mule thing needs to be fixed, or things like spices should be easier to obtain to make it more fair for those who dont mule.