I said to my GF: We are breaking up at 11.11.2011
I said to my GF: We are breaking up at 11.11.2011
this game should be epic, i won't be able to run it though, need a new pc... :cry:
Yea that is my concern also, if i cant run oblivion on highest how will i run this :cry:
Yeah, I was still debating if I should get it on PC or Xbox. I played Morrowind and Oblivion on Xbow growing up.
Of course Banok we're dealing with Bethesda here, might I say the buggiest game making company ever...Welllll we'll also have space marine for about 2 months :D
Anyway I'll have Tropico 4 and Stronghold 3 to pass time ^^
Yeah, the quality of the video is kind of bad, but nonetheless, it is going to be amazing. I remember only playing oblivion all through high school, and now I get to somewhat reminisce back to this game. :)
Welllll we'll also have space marine for about 2 months :D
Of course Banok we're dealing with Bethesda here, might I say the buggiest game making company ever...
Sorry, nobody releases as prealpha games as 1C company.
And there is no publisher stressing devs more + giving the customer the lowest value then (eatshitanddie) UBISOFT.
Believe it or not, they teamed up on the latest IL2 Cliffs of Dover...
So, i have hopes for this :-)
Doubt it will top Morrowind (I never stood around for so long, watchin water btw....xD)
From the gameplay trailers I've seen Skyrim looks a lot like oblivion with dragons. I'm not really sold on you playing DOVAKING and having this epic amazing destiny either, I much preferred playing some random guy trying to survive in a world gone mad. I really want to like Skyrim and will probably buy/play it, but I wont hold my breath for it being anything new or amazing.
As long as I don't get a repeat of Fallout:New Vegas then everything will be dandy I guess.(click to show/hide)
Fallout new vegas was not made by Bethesda.
From the gameplay trailers I've seen Skyrim looks a lot like oblivion with dragons. I'm not really sold on you playing DOVAKING and having this epic amazing destiny either, I much preferred playing some random guy trying to survive in a world gone mad. I really want to like Skyrim and will probably buy/play it, but I wont hold my breath for it being anything new or amazing.
As long as I don't get a repeat of Fallout:New Vegas then everything will be dandy I guess.(click to show/hide)
But it was made on the Gamebryo engine, just like oblivion. You will never really see more than 20 npc's in a single area in either game.
I would LOVE to see a m&b combat mod for skyrim. basically just adding directional blocking and swinging, hey a guy can dream.
But it was made on the Gamebryo engine, just like oblivion. You will never really see more than 20 npc's in a single area in either game.
Just FYI, Skyrim is on a brand new engine.
Haters doth hating
Personally I think this game will train me in the ways of anti-social abilities
Just FYI, Skyrim is on a brand new engine.
I bet you never tried the oblivion mods that changed the AI to allow that.It's quite funny that we have to mod a game inorder to make it decent.
No, that would be Obsidian Entertainment, here's a list of their track record:Yeah Obsidian are quite funny. They always make games on other people engines, which ends up being bugged.
KOTOR 2 - Unfinished and buggy.
NWN2 - Extremely buggy. Pretty much killed the game on release.
Alpha Protocol - Bugs galore! Was also pretty much killed the game on release.
Fallout New Vegas - have I mentioned buggy?
Granted patches have fixed most of the games, and a modding community KOTOR2, but still I think they have had a far worse track record for buggy games! :P
Yeah Obsidian are quite funny. They always make games on other people engines, which ends up being bugged.
But usually their games are overall quite good when they are patched. i.e Neverwinter nights 2 and especially Mask of the betrayer were quite glorious.
edit: I would LOVE to see a m&b combat mod for skyrim. basically just adding directional blocking and swinging, hey a guy can dream.
Add Deus Ex 3 to that list.
This video sums it upFucking, epic.
Just saw this.
So basically you want to have Morrowind combat without the random chance to block attacks... :P
This video sums it up
yeah morrowind combat was horrible because of that % hit business.
anyone else notice alot of age of conan influence or at least simularities.
funny cause before aoc came out people said it was like a oblivion mmo which it wasn't.
but the visual style of the maps and armour is uncannily similar, from the videos of skyrim looks alot like a improved version of conall's valley. and then there is the fatalities...
Probably old news to you guys, but:
The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim - Demo Part 1 (http://youtu.be/5xwboyafbwc)
The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim - Demo Part 2 (http://youtu.be/d7WohnlLEQo)
The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim - Demo Part 3 (http://youtu.be/Kt7IeycKJKQ)
Oh sweet baby Jesus...
You could even notice them using some music themes from Morrowind, good old memories.
This video sums it up
Meh.Skyrim will be awesome but Im still waiting for a Elder scrolls style game with multiple possible Story strains in typical fantasy manner, impementation of need of food, water and sleep and overall more realistic fantasy experience(For example, you happen to ride through a Village and the Villagers beg you to kill a dark wizard who is terrorizing their Village, you do it, get thanks, ride on and come to a Castle after some time where the Lord wants you to free his Daughter who was captured by a Dragon etc.).Im so tired of those "OMG save the WORLD OMG DEMONS GIANTS DRAGONS OMGOMG"-games.Yeah, they should add that stuff. Have you played Call of Pripyat ever? Some of the mods for that game do exactly what you just said (The game has the mechanics but they are easy to deal with). Also, especially for someplace northern-themed, warmth should be a factor. Kind of ridiculous for someone with a thong on to be running through Canada.
Stop hyping me, it's still 2 months away D:If I'm hyped, y'all gonna suffer the same fate :twisted:!
Yeah, they should add that stuff. Have you played Call of Pripyat ever? Some of the mods for that game do exactly what you just said (The game has the mechanics but they are easy to deal with). Also, especially for someplace northern-themed, warmth should be a factor. Kind of ridiculous for someone with a thong on to be running through Canada.
I've played just Oblivion, very good game but was boring after few days. I hope Skyrim won't be like that and gives much better gameplay time.
Yeah, I already played CoP, and I liked it somewhat, but I prefer Fantasy/Medieval Settings :D
I hope there will be Mods for Skyrim with such things aswell.I really really do.
There is no Ultimate Freedom like it´s always avertised as long as there is one fix story Strain to follow.
Or Maybe Bethesda will implement a mode like in Fallout where the weight system is more realistic and you need to eat and sleep.That would be nice already, but Warm clothes or you die of cold is a good Idea too.
Erm what, you were never forced to follow the storyline in Elder Scrolls games, there were a ton of other things to do, you never had to play the main quest if you didn't want to, but you can't expect them not to include a main story because people do like to do them. Plus as I mentioned before, the Elder Scrolls games have always been hugely moddable, there are a ton of mods for Morrowind and Oblivion that tottally change the game, including mods that make it so you must eat, drink, sleep etc and they are usually made very soon after game release.
Really?If the Main story isnt so important Why do I happen to stumble upon some fucking Oblivion gates every 2 inches?And the Way the Story is built up it just leaves you no sense making choice like Mala said.And I would like to have such features without a mod for once.Fallout 3 vegas Devs did it, cant be so hard.
Morrowind indeed was fun.It was somewhat more like the game I described, without such a shitty story forced up on my ass.
No its not hard to install a mod, but why has to be a mod necessary to make a good game out of a crap one?
I believe Skyrim will have identical combat as Two Worlds 2 which means one button mashing for AWESOME results :D
Two Worlds 2's combat is the complete and utter garbage version of Witcher 2's.
Just how much replayability and lasting fun is there in native M&B?
It surely is going to be a good game, but the combat system looks like its still the same as oblivion; slice n dice. And also fast travel is still in the game which kinda ruins it alittle for me.
With Mods, I can turn almost any game with a big Community in to whatever I want, but that doesnt mean I need to buy all those games.Being able to customize your game some with mods is NOT a Reason to buy a game.Its more a reason NOT to buy that game if I need mods to make it enjoyable.
which does get boring when there isn't much to do along the way.This is the problem. A good developer will never make traveling boring (see fallout 1,2 for example). Good game will never keep you boring. Unfortunately, it is not the case with Bethesda games.
This is the problem. A good developer will never make traveling boring (see fallout 1,2 for example). Good game will never keep you boring. Unfortunately, it is not the case with Bethesda games.
Then maybe it's safe to say the Elder Scrolls games just arent for you, considering their games have been huge hits, regardless of Oblivions issues, it has still been massive, it seems you just don't like them, which is fine, not everyone is going to like the same stuff.
No RPG exists nowadays, where everytime you travel back and forth between the same location again and again, some cool unique stuff happens. In every game, if you travel back and forth between the same places, you will soon get bored, which is when I use the fast travel option.
man, you should go and play fallout 1 and 2. The true legends of crpg. Traveling there is never boring. Also check Arcanum. For me Arcanum has the ideal traveling system, the best ever made.
6 GB free HDD Space
Only 66 GB? :|fixed that for ya
(click to show/hide)
I'm going to have to run it with minimal graphics settings :mad:
Only 6 GB? :|That does sound suspicious.
Hmm, i may be able to run it on minimum, though my graphics card is dieing... :cry:
And if a game needs a lot of mods to be good, then it is crap.
Deciding how good a game is by filesize shows that gamers are getting dumber and dumber, exponentially.
I hope no more plastic faces as in oblivion.
If you can make something quick and fast with little effort and money and you know you will sell it, the choice is obvious.
I just hope there won't be a annoying fan/man inside the game.
Or i'll file 1 complaint of doom against Bethesda.
shut up and throw him off a cliff
also there are apparently no horses in Skyrim?
shut up and throw him off a cliff
also there are apparently no horses in Skyrim?
shut up and throw him off a cliffIn the manual theres a whole bloody page about how to Use horses :P
also there are apparently no horses in Skyrim?
In the manual theres a whole bloody page about how to Use horses :P
I'm just gonna leave this here
http://zanfr.fr/2011/10/30/leaked-footage-shows-skyrim-flaws/ (http://zanfr.fr/2011/10/30/leaked-footage-shows-skyrim-flaws/)
I'm just gonna leave this here
http://zanfr.fr/2011/10/30/leaked-footage-shows-skyrim-flaws/ (http://zanfr.fr/2011/10/30/leaked-footage-shows-skyrim-flaws/)
■Console style gameplay
■Poor texturing
■Poor physics
■Game engine looks more or less the same as Oblivions
■Poor voice acting
■Poor animations
■Console style gameplay
That is exactly the point.
The leaked footage looks completely different than what was shown in all the trailers although it is supposedly the same version of the game.
If it was PC at least graphic wise i could say ok his system sucks, on consoles that is not an excuse.
Also after three games where their console ports were rather bad i would not get my hopes up that the game will be any different on the PC.
Better get your 360 controller ready :mrgreen:
I don't get why are people so overhyped for this game... many are gonna end up dissapointed once it finally comes out.Probably like other series today :|
I don't get why are people so overhyped for this game... many are gonna end up dissapointed once it finally comes out.
Its got fucking dragons!
Its got fucking dragons!
Its got fucking dragons!
I'm not really interested in dragons, but this game will be epic regardless, i just hate the fact that these games drive you to be the good guy as the main quest...
I would imagen so, but i'm not sure, i tend to do one at a time...
i just hate the fact that these games drive you to be the good guy as the main quest...
I wish hey would add mount and blade blocking mechanics to the gameSo by the time they have completed the game, then they know how to block xD
Not if you do their quests for PROFIT
dragon, as for the combat system, it did seem rather slow and clunky in Oblivion, but no worries for me in Skyrim, i don't have to use a weapon again, i'm going full mage, should be fun...
Spells in both hands, paralyze has always been a great spell, duel weilding spells should be awesome, it's a shame you can't combine spells, such as paralyze with a fireball, but one in each hand will suffice... :D
No spears in Skyrim. Was state in an interview.
So I watched the leaked stuff that is supposedly spelling doom for Skyrim and proves it's the "biggest blunder of the decade"... wat? Everything looked just like I expected it to look.
medium armor, please.
How can people make a game with medieval weapons without spears?I mean, Oblivion was ok, but I had that constant thought while playing it.Thats not just totally unrealistic, its stupid.NO, SHUT IT, THE SPEARS IN MORROWIND...
I would so want to have a Spear in one and a Frost spell in the other hand.Or even maybe put a frost spell on the Spear so it would do Ice damage etc.
Spears are soooooo coool.
Better than no spears at all.And, even an indie Dev like Taleworlds managed to implement spears extremely well into a game, why can´t bethesda do the same?Can´t be that hard.Even if they could just thrust, I´d be fine.Have you ever played Morrowind?
On release day I'll be busy watching this
Have you ever played Morrowind?
Play morrowind, use spear/halberd, cry deeply at over 90% of hits missing.
On release day I'll be busy watching this
Witcher 2 had an OK melee system. It rewarded quick reactions, you could do awesome parries and if you were fast enough you could do parry-chains, never stopping, and basically killing a group of enemies in one movement. And it looked good.
Can you even block without a shield aka parry in Skyrim?
Can you even block without a shield aka parry in Skyrim?
Yes, but I can already see how they'll implement it, your character will hold his weapon in front, and basically that will autoblock everything, so dumb.
At least that's how RPG games work.
On release day I'll be busy watching this
11.11.11Meh im not gonna watch it since it is obvious that we'll win.
Turkey vs Croatia
Skyrim is for geeks!
Skyrim is out!
Piwates, forward!
You Yarrak, elder scrolls is awesome and therefore must be bought!
Jedi Outcast > Jedi Academy.
In terms of online play, yes.
But best Jedi Knight is Dark Forces II. Outcast has boring levels, not much of a story and one of the worst villains ever...
Those FMV cutscenes were adorable :)
So, what race are you guys planning on creating? Honestly I don't think it matters, but seeing I like to steal everything and run around with a bow I started off with a wood elf. Might to cowardly magician instead.
So, what race are you guys planning on creating? Honestly I don't think it matters, but seeing I like to steal everything and run around with a bow I started off with a wood elf. Might to cowardly magician instead.
It's out!!! Decrypting files right now!Play with my yarrak instead !
To clear things up:
Blocking is no longer that optional thing you could do to preserve health like it was in oblivion
Unless you are playing on novice with a large weapon that one hits everything you will block or you will die
In skyrim you have to time your blocks until the last moment to maximize damage dealt.
You can no longer disregard blocking as unimportant and left click your way to victory. On anything above adept you CAN be two-three shot by common opponents with twohanders but if you block you can take roughly twice the amount of hits if you arent using a shield and have no shield perks.
Skyrim DOES have a stagger effect that comes into effect when you charge forward with a power strike. Seems to happen far more often with two handed weapons, particularly battle axes.
Fatigue no longer is some insignificant bar that nobody pays attention to. If you run out of fatigue in oblivion you suffer a minor damage penalty. Big fucking woop. In skyrim you suffer a damage penalty and if your fatigue drops below a certain level you cannot attack. Not confirmed but I believe damage reduction from blocking drops like a bomb
Hope this lets people know that the combat engine is a great improvement over oblivion.
You just cant go into it expecting to spin thrust 360 chamber block imperial soldiers like a boss
One can not expect Skyrim to be M&B or street fighter [although I can dream]
i have no problems
Starting out as a cat using claws but realised that I can't unequip magic to empty handed via hotkeys which is fucking retarded. Playing 2h warhammer orc now, smashing stuff with crafted stuff.
Stealth thief/ninja/naruto characters = gay
What happens when you die? Respawn, load from save?
Meet (imprisoned :cry: ) Xant!
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(God german Synchonisation is sooo gay)
Guys remember to specialize or you will not have enough perk points fro all your shit
Redguard brother! Hail!
Wat? No! That's a Nord you're looking at!
He's quite tanned for a Nord, been on vacation?
Mines arrived, will be playing as soon as i've made some food... :P
Only one problem with Skyrim.
How to stop playing it? :mad:
How to steal shit without sneak:
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
How to steal shit without sneak:
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
If you chose any other race then Argonian I'll be very disappointed in you....... :wink:
Anyone found the key to ambassador's office on Diplomatic Immuntiy ?
I killed the guards checked the wholel damn place but i can't find a fucking key to get in there.
Lol wtf...you playing Skyrim?I told you before that i won't pay a fucking dime on any elderscrolls game without multiplayer feature they just re-texture whole game , change few things and release on market.Razor1911 pwns !
Since Skyrim isn't MP like MW3 and BF3 and Saints Row 3 (Thank god for that) i'll get it later for Christmas :P SP can always wait, MP cannot with community leaving and blah blah empty servers etc etc..
But anyhow, YOU PIRATED IT HAYVAN! Admit it!
Combat system is still shit.
Making an archer just to not have to struggle with that.
they just re-texture whole game, change few things and release on market
probably the most retarded thing I've heard this year, sorry harun :lol:Ur just saying that cuz Skyrim is Nordic based and has a character called Tor.
I told you before that i won't pay a fucking dime on any elderscrolls game without multiplayer feature they just re-texture whole game , change few things and release on market.Razor1911 pwns !
No Spears and Crossbows in skyrim.And your mom looks ugly, not nords.
How to steal shit without sneak:
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
No one else made a Khajiit?
Read my post godamnitxD. Yeah, I decided to go mainly melee first time, so I'm Imperial now. Khajiit mage wasn't exactly what I wanted.
They improved so many things but made so many things WORSE.Examples?
No that's Modern Warfare 3, without the textures. Still a good game though :DI didn't even care to pirate that crap lol.
Examples?Play a mage and try to unbind your right hand spell.Fucking pain in the ass....
I didn't even care to pirate that crap lol.
Also, flying skill, I'd love that :PWell you can always type TCL in the console and pretend u are using morrowind levitation spell :mrgreen:
Ur just saying that cuz Skyrim is Nordic based and has a character called Tor.
Yes, it's such a shitty game and not worth paying for yet you still play it. You're just rationalizing your want to save money and be cheap.No multiplayer = no sustaining playability , im not a nerd who enjoys single player RPG so it'll bore me out once i kill enough dragons and idiot npcs .
"I'm not a nerd who enjoys singleplayer RPG"... and yet you play it.Cuz its fucking free . Like solitaire or minesweeper no one loves them but everyone plays them.
However, the console influence on the controls annoy me from time to time. Especially that you can't put spells/items on hotkeys. You have to fiddle with that horrible Fav menu. Let console players suffer, I don't care, but please introduce hotkeys for PC!
Cuz its fucking free .And there are more peers than seers. I was giving out files with 2.1 Mbyte/sec, and receiving with lest than 15 Kbyte/sec. So I made a conclusion.
bring up fav menu, hover over the item/spell you want, hit 1-9, peep your hotkey
bring up fav menu, hover over the item/spell you want, hit 1-9, peep your hotkey
And there are more peers than seers. I was giving out files with 2.1 Mbyte/sec, and receiving with lest than 15 Kbyte/sec. So I made a conclusion.
1) You wait for several weeks 'till it gets old
2) Or you buy it now and don't get bored by waiting whole f*cking day to be downloaded.
I prefer 2nd choice. Cuz when game is new - it's bugged as hell. And u get patches all the time through steam. So yeah.
How do I turn ore into ingots?
So I finished powering my smithing to 100 and made a suit of Dragonplate armour, except the gauntlets because I have dwarven gauntlets that give +30% dmg to bows. But anyway I upgraded the 3 pieces of dragonplate to Legendary (Helm, Body and boots) and now I have 299 armour rating, I think it's a bit overpowered at my current level of 22 ( quite abit of that was obtained just by powering my smithing up from 20 lol ), even an army of cityguards had to hit me and shoot me a fuck ton of times to kill me, they were screaming "OP NERF".
Daedric is better but I've yet to get Daedra hearts and also ebony is rare, so just using a legendary dwarven warhammer atm which is about 63 dmg or maybe more I forgot, hopefully I will get some ebony and daedra hearts soon so I can make better weapons.
Anyone figured out if you can cancel arrows after notching them? I'm losing a lot of arrows because I end up firing them off randomly and cba to point at the floor and press E every time. That's my biggest gripe so far. The other is the incredibly fat horse that you buy at Whiterun :|
Otherwise AWESOME game.
How long did it take you to do the man?
leesin, you can get a Daedra heart pretty easily at(click to show/hide)
where are you getting it for free?
do you need a cd key?
Also chadz, I only just got to the College not long ago, did the first couple of quests and such. Out of curiosity, are you also a Breton? :P
No, highelf, specialising on fire destruction and and the shield thingy. I have just reached a point where i don't consume mana any more, which is awesome. I can run around casting 2 handed fire thingy 24/7.
Also, today the weirdest thing happened. Still not sure if that was scripted or just an awesome coincidence. I was riding around after leaving a cave, and a dragon attacked me. I was totally gonna die, but suddenly it set a giant on fire that was nearby. Giant got angry. Long story short, I fought a dragon together with a giant, and it was fucking awesome.
Can't shell out 60 bucks for this game? Seriously?
Ha ha, i'm actually playing as a Dark elfAs a nord in the game, I shall insult you, you dark skinned loafhead :lol:
As a nord in the game, I shall insult you, you dark skinned loafhead :lol:
What can I say, all nords are racist.
No, highelf, specialising on fire destruction and and the shield thingy. I have just reached a point where i don't consume mana any more, which is awesome. I can run around casting 2 handed fire thingy 24/7.
Also, today the weirdest thing happened. Still not sure if that was scripted or just an awesome coincidence. I was riding around after leaving a cave, and a dragon attacked me. I was totally gonna die, but suddenly it set a giant on fire that was nearby. Giant got angry. Long story short, I fought a dragon together with a giant, and it was fucking awesome.
No, highelf, specialising on fire destruction and and the shield thingy. I have just reached a point where i don't consume mana any more, which is awesome. I can run around casting 2 handed fire thingy 24/7.
Also, today the weirdest thing happened. Still not sure if that was scripted or just an awesome coincidence. I was riding around after leaving a cave, and a dragon attacked me. I was totally gonna die, but suddenly it set a giant on fire that was nearby. Giant got angry. Long story short, I fought a dragon together with a giant, and it was fucking awesome.
leesin, you can get a Daedra heart pretty easily atWhere is this bubble of yours!? Tell me, tell me now!(click to show/hide)
Tanks will probably go pretty good, go a page back and see how good a Legendary Dragonarmor is :D And if you go all Health each Levelup you will be pretty indestructable.
btw. Is it just me or does anyone else think it´s too easy to get the better armors and weapons?I mean, normal difficulty is very fine(Wolves and Bandits die easily, with bigger monsters you need some more finesse), but the Difficulty regarding the Equipment is rather cheapish I think.
I Told you in the spoiler where it is :DI walked to the end both ways but I can`t seem to understand where that bubble is spawning. Maybe I did something wrong?
btw what is this specialisation thingy now you all are talking about?
So DragonArmor is the best? Would've thought Daedric Was. Ugh...but i like Daedric =/
Is it possible to craft mage armor (doubt it)? And what's the highest tier light armor? Glass?
Why does all the armor in the game looks so overstylized and gay? Some strange kind of mixture between WoW and Assassins Creed seems very trendy nowadays.
In Oblivion armor actually looked like a decent protection. In Skyrim you have those steel or leather "suits" with massive pointed shoulders, unprotected elbows and sometimes imba massive gauntlets or just some other piece of ship nicely wrapped around you.
done main quest, its very good. playtime 21 hours. difficulty adept. done very little else tho.
would normally make a new char now but I think skyrim is designed for you to switch roles mid game, think about it. still not sure tho, I'm only level 16.
PS: armours and map look SOOO much like age of conan, guess they are both heavily inspired by frank frazetta. comparing it to wow is completely retarded.
assassin's creed like shoulders?
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what the fuck are you talking about....
soooo... Stormcloaks or the legion?
No I don't see any possibility to craft mage armours. Glass armour is close behind the best, Light dragon armour which is called Dragonscale, instead of Dragonplate, is a bit stronger. Not so much that it would make a huge difference overall IMO.
You did open the trap door and fell down on BOTH sides(Front one first?)?The Bubble should appear when you went out of the first one and fall down into the second one at the backside(The Bubble appears down in that hole and is called osmething like "to Conjuration Jury").Well this is what I did. I went up the stairs you see when you first enter the place. Then I jumped down in the middle of the maze untill I found the center. Then I went all the way back and opened the gate so I could enter later on. Then I jumped down in the maze again, but this time on the other side. I walked to the middle and then back and opened the secound gate. I opened all those things as well.
Oh and did you open all those strange things in the corners?I did at least, might have something to do with it.
I think every armor looks cool so far, except the dragon armor which I've only seen on the screenshot here in the thread. That looks like shit!
I dont know exactly, but I think you should just start with the front side and go in through the entrance, you know, without jumping in.Use those staffs to open the things and then it will probably work.Oh crap, I just sold those staffs. Damn!
And again, did you open the Trap doors at the end of each mazeway?And fall down?(You need to open those with the staffs, too)
Oh crap, I just sold those staffs. Damn!
Lol, facepalm of doom. Just use console and get those staffs back :P
Yeah I'm kinda dissapointed at how lame dragon armour looks, but I'm still going to use it until I make myself a legendary daedric suit, because I don't really spend much time looking at myself lol.
You play in first person?I'm guessing you're new to TES?
I play third person all the time, first person only when I gotta pick up lots of stuff so I can look at it properly
Lol, facepalm of doom. Just use console and get those staffs back :PI do not feel like cheating untill I am bored of just normal playing.
I do not feel like cheating untill I am bored of just normal playing.
Lol....it's not cheating. You made a mistake by selling your staffs. So get them back and drop the gold you got for them. Problem solved. Or just buy them back.You have a point, but I don`t even remember which type of staffs they were tho :S
Staff of Firebolt, Staff of magelight, I dont remember the other two but it was one for conjuration and one for Illusion(For each Lore one).Might be it even works with other staffs of the different lores!Thanks! I know one was Staff og Fear.
G00GLE is your friend Apsod lol.Nah, google hates me :(
I'm guessing you're new to TES?
You play in first person?
I play third person all the time, first person only when I gotta pick up lots of stuff so I can look at it properly
Why does everyone ask me if I look sick????
I did not think my due looked that bad.
Da fuck
Why does everyone ask me if I look sick????
I did not think my dude looked that bad.
Da fuck
Nah, google hates me :(
Why does everyone ask me if I look sick????
I did not think my dude looked that bad.
Da fuck
Gnjus, what does your character look like???
grinding 1 to 100 smith with iron daggers is quite a grind but pretty op went up so many levels, so many unspent perk points. and now I have pretty much the best armour in game and tank like a boss.But your combat skills don't increase and the enemies get harder. So it's not that OP.
True, i have 100 blacksmithing and only 50 in onehanded and about 35 in both heavy armor and block :D
So I take it the best way to train heavy armor is let myself get hit? Can I level it up relatively fast by having a weak enemy (wolf or that big rat) hit me constantly?
I take it the bandits don't scale like in Oblivion then? :D
So I take it the best way to train heavy armor is let myself get hit? Can I level it up relatively fast by having a weak enemy (wolf or that big rat) hit me constantly?
Sad Apsod :cry:(click to show/hide)
I take it the bandits don't scale like in Oblivion then? :D
Speaking of... fighting a giant, pretty much every hit it does increases my block skill by 1. Same for heavy armor, if i'm not blocking. But that's... quite lethal.
I always though it was :
"For the King, For the King
For the Sake of Skyrim
For the land, For the ....
For Hothgars blood
I'm gonna try giants then :D
But your combat skills don't increase and the enemies get harder.well scaling is alot less than oblivion, infact i'm not even that sure there is any scaling. personally haven't noticed any, game just feels easier and easier as I level up.
Xant, goe some pages back, Leesin already has Legendary Dragonplate(Except his gauntlets), and he has like 289 armor rating.
jugg rank 5?
-Papa says I shouldn't talk to strangers but you seem al right
Daughter of blacksmith in riverwood talking to one eyed orc (me)
next scene
Little girl is dead along with the town chicken
next scene
I got my ass whooped by bunch of jihadists
Yes, and I have 300 in my steel plate. Case in point, it's not really OP. Armor alone doesn't do that much, you need the perks (which require a good skill).
bandits SCALE, 100%
I know this for fact because I went to the two towers you see early ingame later on and all of a sudden there was a Bandit thug and bandits in leather armor + a Bandit chief with a orcish warhammer and steel armor where there only were Fur and hide armor bandits before.
I kill most bandits with 1 hit or a whole group with one use of the fire breath shout and I only got the first word of it
been playing on the middle difficulty, but it really gets too easy, dragons cant even touch me, i actually punched one to death with my fists
can I change the difficulty on a started game or do I need to restart??
I think I'm just going to start a new mage character. I shouldn't have picked the Nord class, magicka regen is fucking me up, turns out race matters more than I thought. Still surprised I managed to do fine as a pure mage so far. I doubt I can muster the attention span to do a second playthrough so I better make this first one count. Time for a restart as a high elf, now that I actually understand something of this game.
Just realized i had a disease that was taking away 25% prof with melee weps....
I think I'm just going to start a new mage character. I shouldn't have picked the Nord class, magicka regen is fucking me up, turns out race matters more than I thought. Still surprised I managed to do fine as a pure mage so far. I doubt I can muster the attention span to do a second playthrough so I better make this first one count. Time for a restart as a high elf, now that I actually understand something of this game.
Done. Nord Gnjus at the Sleeping Giant Inn:(click to show/hide)
if your a min/maxer this is interesting, dont fully understand it.
bethesda always terrible at balancing games, skyrim overall feels better than previous games. oblivion was way easier, weakness to shock + weakness to magicka + shock damage = kill anything.
Does anyone know if I can power up magic just by using it without using it on a Enemy?For example casting 100 Firebolts in the air, will it power up or does it only go up if i hit someone?I'm pretty sure it only works if you hit someone, because I'm positive (haven't really tested that well) that restoration (healing spells) only goes up if you're hurt.
Does anyone know if I can power up magic just by using it without using it on a Enemy?For example casting 100 Firebolts in the air, will it power up or does it only go up if i hit someone?You can improve illusion and your level by casting Muffle when idle.
Orc set looks fucking terrible.
Whaaaaa? Looks awesome on my orc, maybe you just fugly Vibe :mrgreen:
I am handsome in all games I play.
Doesn't it have some sort of "quest builder" programmed into it so that it will always pretty much give you quests that are different each time (the side quests rather than the scripted main ones)
I remember watching a video where he said they're more or less just "go here, kill guy x, return, recieve reward" but there are so many of them that it's pretty hard to get the same one twice in different play throughs..?
The more I read here the more I think I will buy it despite my previous thoughts as to keep myself less "busy". I might have to start putting parental controls onto my computer to stop me playing games for too long lol, this is getting silly, there aren't any more major titles coming out in the next weeks are there..?
Doesn't it have some sort of "quest builder" programmed into it so that it will always pretty much give you quests that are different each time (the side quests rather than the scripted main ones)
I remember watching a video where he said they're more or less just "go here, kill guy x, return, recieve reward" but there are so many of them that it's pretty hard to get the same one twice in different play throughs..?
The more I read here the more I think I will buy it despite my previous thoughts as to keep myself less "busy". I might have to start putting parental controls onto my computer to stop me playing games for too long lol, this is getting silly, there aren't any more major titles coming out in the next weeks are there..?
I am also afraid it will be a disapointment after morrowind.
Saints Row 3 just came out! But otherwise no. Ur clear till i think...March when Mass Effect 3 comes out. So you have enough time to play all blockbuster games of the Winter lol.
Not a fan of the Mass Effect series, they claim "it's a linear experience made to feel like a free roaming one". I have to disagree, I found that I was always mushed down a road with a simple shooter and the story line never really grabbed me. Never played any of the Saints Row, probably won't bother either, it's difficult to get myself into series that I am not already into. Other people tend to be a massive influence as to what games I play, but indeed, I think I will be playing these games for a while to come! :P
Be warned some of the other "cities" are like 3 houses.
It is worth it, Morrowind is still my favorite TES game but skyrim is really great. Main things i really have to complain about is stupid console interface and bugs but it's nothing game breaking. Currently got 28h in this game and i have visited only one main city although i do probably play more slow paced then others, reading all the books etc.
Also even though i mainly only play MP games aswell imo in TES games it is unnecessary, even co-op. Skyrim is best for SP, even if there was a MP would probably never use it.
Like in Gothic? I like these small familiar villages more in RPGs. I always hated these big cities in Morrowind/Oblivion/Baldurs Gate where you have hundreds of ppl to talk to and lots of houses to visit. I always felt lost in these and kinda bored there.ok we know that your parents kept you closed in the closet for 17 years..
ok we know that your parents kept you closed in the closet for 17 years..
I'm still trapped in there, you know :cry:w00t? those savages!
I also found a thing you can abuse:(click to show/hide)
Protip: Instead of abusing, just type "tgm" in console.
I wasn't actually abusing, I don't like cheating. Just noticed that when I was on that quest.
I wasn't actually abusing, I don't like cheating. Just noticed that when I was on that quest.
Found a ring that reduces blocking damage by 25%, this will come in handy 8-)
Be warned some of the other "cities" are like 3 houses.
But the amount of content is unbelievable. imagine once all the DLC/expansions are out...
Let me guess - your char looks something like this:(click to show/hide)(click to show/hide)
y u hatin slovenian tho, primitive southener.
Easy to feel like a jew after a trade?
Oh and I play an imperial mage, which doesn't seem like the best option. Bretons keep being OP imo throughout TES.
Unfortunately Reyiz is not an employee of Bethesda.
My girl is Breton conjurer...
:shock: You're shagging a British mage girl ? :shock: :shock: :shock:(click to show/hide)
People who think it's too easy, play a melee char. Even with heavy armor sabertooths and trolls can kill you easily and if you have no potions and stuff it can be a pain to fight enemys like that. Judging on what i've seen and heard so far, magic is OP and ez-mode! :D
What level do different spells unlock, i thought it would be every 25 or so, but no new spells are available at level 50...
Ruled.(click to show/hide)
Ruled.(click to show/hide)
I am doing Conjuration and I noticed they mostly unlocked every 10, until 40, at 40 I unlocked the spells designed for the level 50 perk, mana cost reduction, then at 50 I noticed no new spells to buy, then I read that the higher spell level from 50 is 75 rather than the short jumps before, then I assume 75 to 100 is the next jump. So if you are at 50, I would assume you will see the new spells available to buy between 65-75, perhaps a bit earlier, who knows.
People who think it's too easy, play a melee char. Even with heavy armor sabertooths and trolls can kill you easily and if you have no potions and stuff it can be a pain to fight enemys like that. Judging on what i've seen and heard so far, magic is OP and ez-mode! :D
Alright, thanks man, will have to get to work, wanna summon me some daedra lords... :P
Yeah me too, it's getting expensive to buy the skill points now aswell, plus it's pretty slow to gain it so far, at 53 conjuration now.
Well anyway, I now have my Daedric Helmet, Armour and Warhammer created and made Legendary whilst using one of those blacksmith potions to give them even better stats, just need to find two more Daedra hearts so I can make my Gauntlets and Boots and my suit will be complete.(click to show/hide)
Wow dude, wearing dwemer gauntlets with that is just a disgrace.
Not when they are giving me +30% to bow damage, this isn't a fashion show, Gok Wan, they will be replaced once I get my Legendary Daedric gauntlets.
Pfft, only reason to wear armor is to look good. Min-maxing your way to godhood is too easy.
Believe me, those gauntlets aren't min-maxing me to godhood at all, they just give my arrows some well needed punch, considering I don't have any talents in the archery tree, it's very useful when you are slow as fuck and go against certain enemies.
Plus considering I have every single talent in the smith tree and 100 smithing, means it has been a large part of my leveling, thus things being scaled higher levels to match mine, so my armour is important because my combat skills would be below the average compaired to the level it's scaling for, bonuses on whatever I can get is useful.
Plus if anyone wanted to look good, they probably wouldn't wear many of the armours at all, they're mostly ugly as fuck.
Ebony armor is the hottest armor in this game, period.
Ebony armor is the hottest armor in this game, period.
Yea well... thats impossible, giants one shot me on Master and im lvl 26 with full upgraded orcish and lvl 3 juggernaught
nope, you just gotta time your shieldbash right or use the shout to drop them to the ground then hit em till they get up and run till you can do it again.
Tears: Difficulty adept atm, im just playing a bit till the first overhaul mods come out that make the game truly hard, then I'm gonna start over and play an assassin.
What armor is that exactly?'
So you are telling how it's easy to beat giants on adept yet he's playing on Master, lol. There is a pretty big difference in my experience.
They kill you on adept with one hit too, there is no difference... and my tactic would work on master too since the AI doesnt get smarter
fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuinorite?!?!! It's pretty amazing.
Been staying away from anything that looks like it may be related to the main quest though.I don't even know what the main quest is. Is it about slaying all dragons and become master of the universe or is it the war between Stormcloaks and Imperials? Anyway, I think Skyrim doesn't give a shit about what you do first, so you can do the quests you like.
I don't even know what the main quest is. Is it about slaying all dragons and become master of the universe or is it the war between Stormcloaks and Imperials? Anyway, I think Skyrim doesn't give a shit about what you do first, so you can do the quests you like.
Nobody of you have done the Main Quest? Lol i was thinking of doing it first. But you make it sound boring like Morrowinds Quest lol.
Morrowind was a great game but the main quest made me bored. Lolblivion had a couple of parts in the main quest that was fun but otherwise meh.
By Bethesda the only game i can think of that had a good Main Quest is probably...Fallout New Vegas. Rest have been so-so or shit.
Main quest is anything but boring. Main quest in Skyrim is fucking awesome.
No arena so far.At least none that I know of.
And beeing a vampire is shit and makes the game like one difficulty harder.
No arena so far.At least none that I know of.Try werewolf
And beeing a vampire is shit and makes the game like one difficulty harder.
I want to stay Human, really.meh werewolf thingy is transformable when you wish.
mage college is cool, although the last Boss at the last quest of it is sooo fucking hard if you are a mage.
You can continue after the main quest, not that i've done it though, finished the college of winterhold and pretty much done nothing but random quests, some of the random quests are really good and challenging, i'm about to join the dark brotherhood now... :D
Try werewolf
no disadvantages
shitloads of advantages ^^
also i finished the main quest it is fucking epic.
Now i'll go with mage college and learn some ancient shit about skyrim then maybe i'll join the war yet im not sure if any of those factions have enough wealth to reward Dragonborn,slayer of the world-eater after the battle has won.
edit:(click to show/hide)
meh werewolf thingy is transformable when you wish.
You get a "transform to werewolf" power which can be used daily and if you don't use it you can stay human as much as you want . If you transform into werewolf you should feed from fallen enemies to stay as a werewolf . Its time is limited if you dont feed.
If you want to transform back to human simply dont feed for 1-3 minutes .
Only negative effect i've seen so far : When i wake up it says something like "you couldn't rest due to your beast blood" which i dont really care.
Long live the Empire !
Since I'm a bit bored with my mage since it feels like I've exhausted most quests and a portion of dungeons that is too significant for the time spent - I'm thinking of making another character.
Dunmer 2h/bow/light armour/sneak. Though honestly I only like greatswords and none of the other 2h weapons and a 2h is no backstabbing weapon.
Frankly I just hate that "Blades"/"Blunt" was seperated into 1h/2h, even if it does make a bit more sense.
Should I make a char as I mentioned, or go 1h?(click to show/hide)
Are there Centurion robots in there, or Spheres? I always wanted to mod my PC into one of those spheres :mrgreen:Yes. Actually just killed another Centurion Master. =)
@ Gnjus you will bow down to the might of imperial steel you rebel worm !
Wait until you discover the dwemer ruins in the main quest..
Are there Centurion robots in there, or Spheres? I always wanted to mod my PC into one of those spheres :mrgreen:
Torturing people in my torture chamber using the method of arrow nipplesYou sick bastard! Arrow nippling old women! :lol:(click to show/hide)
Join what the fuck you want.If you want to be a fighter, join the companions, if you wanna be a thief, join the thief´s guild etc.
Or just Join all.
Go Companions for that :D
I will probably make a pedophillic orc next playthrough.He runs around with chest naked and two battleaxes.And he spends a lot of time with kids.Playing tag.
They have never killed me in one hit on adept, not on master either, but they sure as hell hit harder on master, so yes there is a difference. But regardless of your tactic, the point is killing a giant with your method is a huge waste of time and might aswell just avoid even fighting them, because the loot simply isn't worth that time you will take to kill it lol.
Cool, i will miss the Imperial Guards from Lolblivion though.
New topic guysHaven't joined either yet, but I'll be going Imperial fo show.
Imperial or Stormcloak?
At first I was for stormcloak but then I learned ulfric is an asshole
I haven't joined any either, the Nords are pricks, and the Imperials aren't any better, well, i am a Dunmer after all, so i don't think i'll be helping any of them, the damn Nords threw me in prison... :cry:
Kk i wanna take the good side so COMPLETE OPPOSITE OF WHAT LEESIN IS!
What faction should i join? Fighters Guild?
Leesin: Where do you get a torture chamber????
So i ditched my orc warrior after completing the Companions and now im creating what i usualy create first in every TES game: A khajiit thief.
Had the DB quest with my orc but forgot how to get it, no sight of thieves guild, how do i join them both?
Go to Riften and talk to Brjynwolf
Races and racial bonuses, the breton is perhaps the most OP race cause of the magic resistance
Khajiit is probably the weakest race, their racial ability night eye is uselles (you actualy see better without it) and the claw atack is usefull the 1st 5 lvls then you get better weapons
What is wrong with the imperials?They are traitors and oppressors! Skyrim belongs to the Nords! Freedom for Skyrim, Ulfric is our king! :D
They are traitors and oppressors! Skyrim belongs to the Nords! Freedom for Skyrim, Ulfric is our king! :D
So he is not a pawn, just dumb. He wants to liberate Skyrim weakening the empire and then fight the Aldmeri dominion? Considering what the Aldmers did to the Empire legions how does he hope to win with Skyrim alone?By shouting them appart, if you believe all these guards.
This must be a good storyline if there is conflicting opinions about Ulfric not only in game but also with players! :lol:
What is wrong with the imperials?
So he is not a pawn, just dumb. He wants to liberate Skyrim weakening the empire and then fight the Aldmeri dominion? Considering what the Aldmers did to the Empire legions how does he hope to win with Skyrim alone?
U also supporting the Imperial Reich!?
Proud to be a Imperial!
a personal grudge shouldn't decide the fate of a continent (after a time).
Yea same as me, i went stormcloack with my warrior that i ditched and done companions, now im leagion with my khajiit and im gonna solve the main q/legion/brotehrhood with him. Then im creating a breton mage and comleting stromcloacks/mage guild. Any other faction i missed?Heh, just do the all with one character ;)
Yeh the biggest catalyst for the rebellion was the White-Gold peace aggrement or whatever its called, where the elves imposed a ban on the worship of Talos in the Empire. So they hate the elves's guts. Although it does benefit the elves overall, classic divide and conquer strategy. They more or less came to a draw in the Great War, they didn't conquer the Empire but they defeated it. The peace agreement had the seeds of civil war sown inside of it, typically slimy elven foreplanning. An Empire without Skyrim and Skyrim without the Empire are weaker opponents than if they were united, and can easily be played against each other (I can't help but read every book I find in the game :( ). Still, fuck the Empire, FREEDOM!
Any other faction i missed?
The empire isn't an opressing entity and skyrim has been core part of the empire since it's foundation.
"Freedom" from Ulfric would mean mass discrimination against anyone who wasn't a nord and lived in skyrim, not to mention that Ulfric is hardly a bearer of freedom. Ulfric proposes "old ways" which mostly are "might makes right" and abolishement of the englightened attitude of the empire.
Nords might have good warriors, though it's impossible to evaluate how they would be capable of fighting in formations and large battles and not small skirmishes. Nords also happen to have very few proficent spellcasters and the more "rogue-ish" kind of fellows which would leave them very handicapped against the dominion.
I remember in morrowind even one of those nationalistic dunmers said that the "Imperials are weak when alone, but unbeatable when marching side by side" for example. Capabilities in 1v1 =/= capabilities in large battles, think maaaybe Romans vs Gauls loosely.
A skyrim where Talos was openly worshipped might as well just be the provocation the dominion needs to invade, it has nothing to do about skyrim being the only ones suffering from worship of Talos being banned. The dominion is what imposes the limitations on Talos worship and not empire out of free will, the Altmer are upset that they believe a human is unworthy to become a deity and as such would use the same excuse to invade skyrim.
An alliance, even if formed, would be very uneasy and distrusting of one another. The fracturing would destroy any chance of opposition the dominion. Not to mention skyrim wasn't a vassal of the empire, but an intergral part since the very first days of it.
Someone mention books in TES?
Of course, this is a work in progress and is missing a few :lol:
to make a reasonable prediction using logic and history.
They tried to chop my head off. I don't forget things like those easily.
Numbers aren't necesarry and that is exactly what I'm doing, it's fairly simple to see why 2 factions who have had war recently might be more hesitant to ally with one another and it's also fairly easy to see why embracing the old ways is far from the greatest idea and so on. I backed up every single statement with reason, an opinion may be more or less true because of what is used to back it up.Seriously, it's a personal opinion, none of the sides have a clean slate. The Imperials ARE oppressive and the Nords are a bit narrow-minded, that's true. Ulfric wants power and maybe he doesn't know of the consequences, but IMO he fights for a good thing, because Skyrim is the country of the Nords and not the Imperials, they have no right to control them. If a country is oppressed by an other country it's the peoples right to fight against their oppressors.
edit: lol at -1, that's class
I'm not about to argue the outcome of a hypothetical war in a fantasy land with you, so I just -1'd to show what I think about your "facts" and "logic."
Long live the Emperor, long live the Empire !(click to show/hide)
I'm not about to argue the outcome of a hypothetical war in a fantasy land with you, so I just -1'd to show what I think about your "facts" and "logic."
I'm not sure whether the +% smithing bonuses stack from items, but I found a ring, necklace and gloves of smithing and did some testing.
Normal daedric 1h sword - 30 damage
Improving it to legendary without smithing bonuses - 53 damage
Improving it to legendary with smithing bonuses (15%+17%+20% if they stack) - 63 damage :)
Yes I sided with the Empire and crushed the rebels, I am sick of playing games where you take down the governement and blablabla, feels good crushing that gang of whiners.
Personally, the Empire fucked it up for me once that dumb bitch said 'Forget the list, he goes to the block'.
Errr Bretons are Brits. Empire=Empire which includes many races including nords, imperials are more like romans.And nords are just big grumpy whiny viking-wannabes. Horns are just overcompensating.
I love how all the Nord guards sound like Arny...
I love how all the Nord guards sound like Arny...
Oh and about the immortality: How would you like it if Dragons ate the Guy you just made a Quest for?Oh and the next Guy you wanted to do a Quest for is eaten, too, Sorry Lad!Not to forget the Guy who gives you al the quests inside a guild.Dead.Take a break from that Quest line.
That would suck so unbelievably.A
You cant kill most of the quest givers. You cant kill children either. I know it's a console game and PG12+ but seriously, it could've been handled better than just invulnerability.
:rolleyes:(click to show/hide)
513 damage wut? Is it because of level scaling?No, it's because weapons and armors get horribly broken if you (ab)use 100 alchemy and 100 smithing to make a "bonus to smithing" loop..
I'd really like to see Planescape Torment remade with this engine. That would be something.
No, it's because weapons and armors get horribly broken if you (ab)use 100 alchemy and 100 smithing to make a "bonus to smithing" loop..
I'd recommend against it, takes all the fun out of combat when you 1 hit your enemies. To each his own, though.
They kind of sound like McBain/Rainier Wolfcastle from the Simpsons:(click to show/hide)
Summing up Skyrim, I liked Dragon Age more. More actual roleplaying, even if it was all scripted and linear.
I think they hate Talos cause he was the one that founded the septim Bloodline fo the Dragonborn or something.
btw: Epic Ebony boots and gauntlets now, Gloves enchanted with +51 magicka :D
Its so awesome.
Yeah, it is called master difficulty and not abusing backpedalling, i would guess.
Fuckers, but Talos was from the beginning a Mortal that became a Divine one? Right?
Also, what was that thing about you all saying that Giants and Dragons being all powerful? I'm playing on Adept and when i face dragons i just put on Fire Resist 30 percent for 60 seconds and use my Dwarven Bow with Dwarven Arrows/Orcish and proceed to spam fire Draggy till it's dead which isn't that hard/long. (that's what she said).
And Giants, just run up a cliff spam shoot spam shoot and spam shoot. Jump down cliff, spam shoot, run, look back, shoot and repeat process.
Will there be stronger enemies than those?
Actually i dunno but i met an enemy i couldn't take down that easily and that raped me in 2 hits and was rather fast. And that was a Mamooth lol.
But besides Mamooth? Anything stronger than Draggys/Giants?
Whats a Deathclaw?
Well, anyway, Giants seem to be the hardest common Enemies so far(ofc except bosses).
Just a few Hours ago a Elder Dragon attacked a Giant who happened to stand relatively close to me, he got s oraped by me and the giant.After that, the Giant follwed me and I had to turn the difficulty down to apprentice to be able to kill him without getting killed myself.
btw, if you have the Gauldur Quest, do it.There are some hard enemies out there, but the whole amulet is really cool.
@Leesin: Was it Moreika?The Endboss in the Mages guild quest?
Use the force shout and power shield bash, the important thing is to keep them stunned.Do you ever go 2h?
Last boss is incredibly easy.
Use the force shout and power shield bash, the important thing is to keep them stunned.just got the force shout, have all the perks from blocking, i use shield charge that knocks them down and shield bash too of course, problem is the strongest mages sometimes can twoshot me before i reach them.
just got the force shout, have all the perks from blocking, i use shield charge that knocks them down and shield bash too of course, problem is the strongest mages sometimes can twoshot me before i reach them.
P.S. btw small question - do headshots do extra dmg ? just started to increase my archery skill =).
just got the force shout, have all the perks from blocking, i use shield charge that knocks them down and shield bash too of course, problem is the strongest mages sometimes can twoshot me before i reach them.
P.S. btw small question - do headshots do extra dmg ? just started to increase my archery skill =).
Now that my character is properly lvled i can kill 2 giants +1-2 mammoths at the same time, no potions if i play it right (hard diff.) and that's in legendary imperial armor and without ridiculous enchantments on my armor/no enchantments on my sword. Decent mage enemies , however....let's just say thank god for F9.
Try to get the Spellbreaker daedric artifact shield if you're level 17-20, gives you a magic ward of 50 hp whenever you block, it can even resist a whole dragon breath attack, its also the highest armor rating shield of the game.lvl 40 and i have spellbreaker =)
Errr Bretons are Brits.
Well shit boy, you suck then :PI think i kinda overexagerated when i was talking about mages 2shoting me . =) I meant the really good ones which are rarely met in the game...now that i think of it i can't remember meeting a high lvl mage enemy (hagvarens dont count) ever sicne i got spellbreaker.
Actually Bretons are mixture of french and brits.Water is wet.
I think i kinda overexagerated when i was talking about mages 2shoting me . =) I meant the really good ones which are rarely met in the game...now that i think of it i can't remember meeting a high lvl mage enemy (hagvarens dont count) ever sicne i got spellbreaker.
What is it with the romanophilia of Bethesda by the way? The Legion from New Vegas is pretty much identical visually to the Empire in Skyrim. The Empire is so lame, they have very creative designs for some things in the game, but the Empire are just Romans. Funny how a slightly futuristic version and a fantasy version of Romans look exactly identical.
The game is starting to wear on me, I have played it for like 20 hours. I will make a bigger post full of rage at the lameness of this game as soon as I can be arsed. And as soon as I can stop playing.
Guys i need help, im at the dwemer ruin Raldbthar. (the one where the 1st "real dark brotherhood kill target is" - the woman that got cheated whats her boyfriend dead or something) Anyways i went deeper inside the dwemer ruin, what an epic adventure that was, they realy done a good job with the dwemer, and the falmer are funny (blind fucks easiest kills ever with a assasin char XD).
But i digress, what i need help with is: I defeated the Master centurion and now entered a chamber where i need to activate some sort of a contraption but it says: You are missing the required item. Where do i find this item? Cant wait to see what happens there :D
I agree that wizards bosses are absolute rape, especially the frost one.
You know that one under the Honningbrew meadery?That one who plans to make a giant army of Skeevers and rule the World?
HE fucking 3shot me all the times, even though Iam the fucking archmage.I think he casts thunderbolts at you....endlessly.That guy is a real hard enemy(Unless you are so smart to stagger him with dual casted Frost bolts or something all the time, but I wasnt so smart at that time :P)
You know that one under the Honningbrew meadery?That one who plans to make a giant army of Skeevers and rule the World?
HE fucking 3shot me all the times, even though Iam the fucking archmage.I think he casts thunderbolts at you....endlessly.That guy is a real hard enemy(Unless you are so smart to stagger him with dual casted Frost bolts or something all the time, but I wasnt so smart at that time :P)
Havent had any hard fights so far. AI is terrible, it's true that many mobs can just one-shot me (like Draugr Deathlords with their shout, or whatevers is the name of highest tier zombies) but they fail even at pathfinding. All mages really start to fail when you just pop out of cover to loose arrow and hide again, they just stand there, cast their spell where they saw you last time or even dont cast at all because they cant see you anymore. Same for dragons.
Also, rogue gameplay gets really easy once you get 30x damage bonus when backstabbing andpredators cloaknightingale cloak of shadows. I imagine that straightforward open combat warrior characters may have problems at times.
But it sure is fun as hell being the stealthy troll one shotting things with a dagger because of 15x damage multiplier :lol:.
EDIT: I love Elder Scrolls game quirky - not quite done AI sometimes. I was traveling along and came across one of those towers with a bandit fort around it, I sneaked up and studied the defenses. I saw a Rabbit come close to the fort and a bandit archer on one of the little watch towers started shooting at it, missing badly. Then suddenly a crazy orc bandit comes sprinting out of the fort and chases the rabbit into the forest where I follow, I sneak up on him after he has killed it and I hear him talking about how he warned the rabbit to hand over its gold or else :lol:. Then I one hitted him and the tower archer with my bow.
Fuck Warriors and their melee!
And this is why warband became gay
Just finished Forbidden Legend Quest, its been laying around for a while damn I'm happy it was. That second boss (archer one making ninja clones) is imba
Yeah, that one was a bitch.
Although the last fight wasnt much easier, really.
I wonder why that Archer idiot is the only guy who can knock you over with his Fusroda shout, never happened to me before.
teeth beeing mad at everything like usualI am as chill as a breeze, I never get mad. I'm just a cynical bastard.
Gaming=more grey matter=more emotional=more mad at everything, seems to make sense.
I am as chill as a breeze, I never get mad. I'm just a cynical bastard.
I don't really get your reasoning. If you game, you're smart, if you're smart, you're more emotional, if you're more emotional, you're more mad at everything?
Well its not my reasoning, the studies and that shit claims that, I'm just trying to find out myself if they are true. Also emotional may go into many ways, some just become alot more aggressiveThere is a connection between gaming and intelligence? I know tons of morons that game.
513 damage wut? Is it because of level scaling?
i prefer "tgm", it's faster
It's not his fault Bethesda is making the same mistakes for more than 10 years...
Problem with balance with Elder Scrolls games lies in the fact that you can play it like:
1) a proper action RPG, doing quests and killing monsters and earning stat and skill points fair and square
2) a douche, exploit the game by stealing all available shit, selling it to traders and then using all those chests of gold coins to "train" attributes and skills.
First way is the right away and generates most fun. Second way is a shortcut and doesn't make sense because since the begining ES games were ultra easy for MIN-MAX freaks.
In Morrowind easiest way to do it was: go to the northeast tower in Balmora, steal the expensive sword, break into that house which has many expensive soul stones and steal them, then go to Ebonhart, steal some expensive things, then go to Caldera and sell all to that rat which buys things for original item price :rolleyes:
In Oblivion it's even easier, just make a magic which will buff you to 100 in no time or exploit trading master teachers...
and yes audio is400...mhz blabla and nvidia driver too...
I wish the next Elder scrolls game would be set in the time when Dwemer still lived and all those Dwemer ruins were nice cities again.Would be so awesome!:DOh yeah, that'd be awesome. :D The Dwemer stuff is what I like most of Skyrim, their ruins just look great. Also more daedric stuff would be cool.
It's not his fault Bethesda is making the same mistakes for more than 10 years...
Problem with balance with Elder Scrolls games lies in the fact that you can play it like:
1) a proper action RPG, doing quests and killing monsters and earning stat and skill points fair and square
2) a douche, exploit the game by stealing all available shit, selling it to traders and then using all those chests of gold coins to "train" attributes and skills.
First way is the right away and generates most fun. Second way is a shortcut and doesn't make sense because since the begining ES games were ultra easy for MIN-MAX freaks.
In Morrowind easiest way to do it was: go to the northeast tower in Balmora, steal the expensive sword, break into that house which has many expensive soul stones and steal them, then go to Ebonhart, steal some expensive things, then go to Caldera and sell all to that rat which buys things for original item price :rolleyes:
In Oblivion it's even easier, just make a magic which will buff you to 100 in no time or exploit trading master teachers...
can has link?
No link yet, I'll PM you when first version comes out :wink:
Edit: There's similar retexture mod:
Also this is must have imo:
I have just two questions:
1) Who keeps refilling these candles and lanterns in the dungeons? I mean the places is full of traps and zombies that activate when anyone comes near. WHO IS THIS SECRET SOCIETY OF CANDLE DISTRIBUTORS. WHAT ARE THEIR SECRETS. (Are they the ones that also leave gold and valuables behind in areas that should have clearly been pilfered a long time ago? Maybe they're like a theme park authority.)
I have just two questions:
1) Who keeps refilling these candles and lanterns in the dungeons? I mean the places is full of traps and zombies that activate when anyone comes near. WHO IS THIS SECRET SOCIETY OF CANDLE DISTRIBUTORS. WHAT ARE THEIR SECRETS. (Are they the ones that also leave gold and valuables behind in areas that should have clearly been pilfered a long time ago? Maybe they're like a theme park authority.)
2) Why do all of these villages seem to be like a quarter mile from each other. I mean, I think I spent more time walking from work to the restaurant down the street than I spent between some of these hotspots. (Okay so I guess I'm "running" everywhere but really their run is like a brisk walk. Nobody in the world actually walks at the Skyrim "walk" pace. Old people in the mall would be leaving you in their dust.)
Fuck deserts. And fuck furries (khajits)
Tropical forests could be cool though.
Know there's a Lolblivion Elsweyr Mod but meh. CBA Oblivion now. Would be sweet if someone made a Elsweyr mod for Skyrim though.Oh yeah, a game full of those skooma addicted furry wankers who talk like illegal immigrants. No thank you. I hate them just as much as I hate those ugly amphibian fucks. :D
Besides doubt Beth would put only the furries inside a TES game. Would most likely be plenty of other races as well.
Fuck deserts. And fuck furries (khajits)
Tropical forests could be cool though.
Oh yeah, a game full of those skooma addicted furry wankers who talk like illegal immigrants. No thank you. I hate them just as much as I hate those ugly amphibian fucks. :D
The landscape is atleast better than Skyrim and Cyroderp lol.
Want some desertish or close to, atleast like the one in Morrowind. Dunes and shit :P And the palm trees and sweet beaches and tropical forests ah...Shining sun and sweeeet landscape...
Tired of this shitty green forest, constant rain, mountains and goddamn generic caves. Good cames but damn, cmon. Something new please.
And the palm trees and sweet beaches
Kids loves elves more than Khajits :S
Yeah. I've noticed the severe elf-love from fantasy/medieval/rpg peeps nowadays. What's with all the fairy love. Is the population really that filled with bundle of sticksry anymore?
Fuck fantasy races. Human supremacy all the way.
Fuck fantasy races. Human supremacy all the way.
Better to die than to hate!Down with Fairy-Racism!Just because they are bundle of stickss doesnt mean they have no right to exist.
Akaviri?Go away with that Weaboo crap, i would only play such an idiocy thrice!
Here's a text bout ape race.
Well then the zulu's could make proper characters then. BOOSH!
Yeah. I've noticed the severe elf-love from fantasy/medieval/rpg peeps nowadays. What's with all the fairy love. Is the population really that filled with bundle of sticksry anymore?
Fuck fantasy races. Human supremacy all the way.
Pure satisfaction, ty master difficulty =).
Not gonna waste my game experience by powerlvling and abusing alchemy/enchanting/smithing on this character.
SEE!? Indeed man, congrats! I tell all my gamer buddies constantly that they rob themselves of the joy of gaming by using their cheats and not playing on the highest difficulties with the hand holding turned off. And then they'll complain that games are crap, too short, easy, blah blah blah.
W/e. I'm diggin the holy bejeezus out of skyrim.
Oh snap.That was racist.
@Berenger: The Akaviri have the Katana Blades and japanese looking buildings, so yeah, weaboo crap.Even if its only one akaviri race.
I cant bear more than one Weaboo Building and Weapon in an Elder scrolls game.
why do you need movetoqt if you were already there?Just fast travel?Oo
@Highest difficulty:That differs from type to type.I personally dont like extremely hard games much, I rage alot each time I die.And I dont want to rage when playing a game,.
So I play on Adept and turn the Difficulty down to Aprrentice if I die thrice in a Row or face something that I know will be Unbelievably hard for my char.
And Iam fine, Skyrim is still the best game I´ve played in years, I dont rob myself of any joy, really.The most fun in Elder scrolls games is gotten out of Exploring and such anyway for me, not Fighting(How could it even with that crappy fighting system).
@Highest difficulty:That differs from type to type.I personally dont like extremely hard games much, I rage alot each time I die.And I dont want to rage when playing a game,.Yes, adept is a good difficulty. It's not too easy and sometimes you have to use all the stuff you got to master a situation. It gets easier with the higher levels though.
So I play on Adept and turn the Difficulty down to Aprrentice if I die thrice in a Row or face something that I know will be Unbelievably hard for my char.
Skyrim is awesome on Master if you play melee (and don't abuse shit to become uber powerful), dunno about other classes.
Skyrim is awesome on Master if you play melee (and don't abuse shit to become uber powerful), dunno about other classes.
Hah you ranger bundle of stickss kiting mobs and call melee boring.^
Pure melee face to face (mano y mano) non stealth kill melee looks so damn boring imo. Ranged Archery Duels are way more fun and Magicians fighting eachother as well with using Ward to shield off enemy spells and then spamming with firebolts/electric.
Because apparently the only things that interest you are the most cowardly, bitch styles available. I am impressed sir, you are the very antithesis of manhood and manliness. I shall forever more use you as my comparison for all things weak and bitch.
"Yo dawg, did you see me kite that monster for 10 minutes until he got bored and killed himself?!"
"Yeah bro, that shit was berenger as hell."
but blocking in skyrim is useless, especially when everybody uses a power strike to just attack through
So I'm done with it, more or less. Unless I can find a dragon riding mod anytime soon I doubt I'll boot it up again.
I still have tons of unfinished quests, but I doubt any of those are giving me some memorable epic moment, so I'll just leave it at that. The biggest problem is that the fights are just so boring. It's not that they are too easy or too hard, just boring. I guess I would play on to explore some more dungeons, because some are really beautful, but always having to fight enemies ruins my exploration fun :P(click to show/hide)
Anyway, was a great game, I guess I had about 100 hours of fun with it, the details are really astonishing, the story was good, but not breathtaking, and in general I'd say a nice package with lots of features, hopefully that will be a slap on the wrist for some other game studios to get shit together and actually do something more advanced than just improving graphics and be done with that.
as for the story:(click to show/hide)
Anyway, I'm looking forward to some strategus siege now.
Blocking in Skyrim actually uses a proper timing system. If you twitch block at the right moments you are rewarded with decreased incoming damage (or none if you feat for it) along with a block stun against the attacker. This works for both shield and non-shield blocks.The timing with blocking have to be really precise then, because i tried to tap it at the right moment, but it didnt seem to work out for me. It was also like that in oblivion btw with the blocking.
Also if you feat for blocking and use tap blocking with proper timing it becomes the most effective anti-melee defense there is in the game (other than exploited uber armors of exploiting my old friendgyness).
You also stop power attacks this way (except from very very very large critters like giants of smashing, lol)
I will fraps some footage to show you the difference between held blocks and timed blocks. Other than there not being any directional blocking, when you combine the 4-directional power attacks it reminds me of really basic M&B combat.
*On a side note: If the melee combat in DarkFail had been like it is in Skyrim I would have probably never stopped playing that MMO. Sure it's not as in-depth as M&B, but it's a far cry better than any other MMO out there and has just enough timing-twitch based reward to make melee pvp fun.*
The timing with blocking have to be really precise then, because i tried to tap it at the right moment, but it didnt seem to work out for me. It was also like that in oblivion btw with the blocking.
Ya should really download this mod for Skyrim.
Anyone know if the "shield wall" perk that reduces damage from blocking works without shield? I mean it's not very clear, because the perk says nothing about being shield only. And the description of "block skill" is for 1h, 2h weapons and shields. :S
I just finished the main quest, lvl 33 now with 43 Hours of gametime, iam Archmage, bard, Guildmaster of the Thieves and what-not-else, but now the air is kinda out for me.
After the rather unsatisfieing End everything is back to normal, and I dont really want to do any Sidequests right now because it feels cheapish.Also weird that Most People dont lick my ass now that I saved the world and such.Oh Well.
I should have waited with ending the Main quest until i was lvl 50 or something.Than I´d at least feel as if I played through the whole game.
I just finished the main quest, lvl 33 now with 43 Hours of gametime, iam Archmage, bard, Guildmaster of the Thieves and what-not-else, but now the air is kinda out for me.
After the rather unsatisfieing End everything is back to normal, and I dont really want to do any Sidequests right now because it feels cheapish.Also weird that Most People dont lick my ass now that I saved the world and such.Oh Well.
I should have waited with ending the Main quest until i was lvl 50 or something.Than I´d at least feel as if I played through the whole game.
Also I want everyone to lick my Ass and Crown me High king of Skyrim
No I havent, but ive already done too much with doing the Thieves guild questline since iam a PURE mage and Im Planning to mage a Sneaky Thief-Assassin-Char lateron.
And Yes, the Last part was rather big, but still very unsatisfieing for me.
Alduin itself was Crappy easy to fight against compared to what came before(You know, the Temple before you enter Sovngarde, there were like 3 Dragons and 15 Draugr Deathlords).
Also I want everyone to lick my Ass and Crown me High king of Skyrim but NO!The Dragonborn, Savior of the World, defeater of Alduin, Arch-mage and Guild master of the Thieves Guild, Renown Bard AND Chuck norris of Tamriel gets mere attention from Guards, all the others dont seem to recognize it.I should drown in bitches, but iam not.
@Gorath: Yeah, I see it that way, too, and thats what i did.made a Hell lot of Sidequests, but at lvl 33 with most things accomplished I wanted to accomplish and some more, I thought its time to end the Main Quest.And after this one, the air is out for me.It just feels like it doesnt make much sense now to level up and play at all.
lol wut
Lol "the air is out". Just reminds me of that text I read about a guy who made 3 playthroughs with different chars till lvl 50!! and came to the conclusion that Skyrim sucks... :rolleyes:
You people just fail at playing TES games. I had way more than 200 hours of fun with Oblivion and I've never even finished the mainquest. :lol:
Lol "the air is out". Just reminds me of that text I read about a guy who made 3 playthroughs with different chars till lvl 50!! and came to the conclusion that Skyrim sucks... :rolleyes:
You people just fail at playing TES games. I had way more than 200 hours of fun with Oblivion and I've never even finished the mainquest. :lol:
Yesterday Tyr suggested me to find Septimus Signus's Outpost (It is located directly North of The College of Winterhold) and you get a very nice quest there. Whole quest is underground (and gigantic) Dwemer ruins. Only thing I couldn't explain was how the fuck a giant went into the Black reach, I mean there are only 2 ways to get there 1 from ruins then the elevator, but who couldn't possibly fit into any of these, hm probably he got there when he was a kid...also, never seen a female giant...all the things that makes you go hmmmm....RPG need no logic.
It's a directx 9 console catering game
Lol "the air is out". Just reminds me of that text I read about a guy who made 3 playthroughs with different chars till lvl 50!! and came to the conclusion that Skyrim sucks... :rolleyes:Some people are not easily amused :rolleyes:
You people just fail at playing TES games. I had way more than 200 hours of fun with Oblivion and I've never even finished the mainquest. :lol:
If you are bored, go back to Morrowind, did that and its still great fun.
Or, you can start the ultimate main quest of Skyrim:(click to show/hide)
Khergits lolwut? This aint crappy shitty dick sucking whore douchebag slutty CRPG, this is Skyrim! You mean Khajiits rite?
And no they're cool! I want a new TES game in Elsweyr =(
Fine, fine, have it your way, just kill off every single elf in the game.
Yes please elfs are bitches. Only ones who should be ingame is Redguards, Imperials, Khajiits, Argonians and Nords as every other race bitches.
Bretons are half elves so begone with em too! And Orc got some elf blood in em as well.
Latest post on this and the 5 strategus threads :))) I am replaying Morrowind, where I am required to kill off every Dark elf I see. needless to say it makes completing the main quest difficult, but a lot of fun.
What you got against Dark elfs... :P
Protip: Fire against Frost, Frost against Thunder and Thunder against fire.Use Fire against All types of Undead and especially Draugr.Im using fire against frost dragons and vice versa, didnt know that draugrs are resistant to frost and weak to fire (had that feeling though just by comparing dmg). Too bad cause i wanted to only specialize in frost magic >.<.
If the Dragon breathes Fire, use Thunder, if it breathes Frost, use fire, you know where this is going.
It actually works, and pretty well.
Im using fire against frost dragons and vice versa, didnt know that draugrs are resistant to frost and weak to fire (had that feeling though just by comparing dmg). Too bad cause i wanted to only specialize in frost magic >.<.
I think the problem with magic is that the spell damage doesn't scale up with the destruction skill as far as I know like weapon damage does with 1h/2h/smithing skill. You have to find stronger spells to do more damage and the spell selection isn't big, especially without the spellmaking of earlier TES games.
There was a TES in hammerfell?Wheres this game, tell me!
btw: Next I demand an Elder scrolls game with all Tamriel, would be fine if they just redid all the regions and quests they already have from the earlier TES games(You know, Morrowind in new graphics!Like a Boss!).
So you would basically have a Mainquest for each Province.
Would take long, but not too long since they already have the Questlines and concepts.
There was a TES in hammerfell?Wheres this game, tell me!
btw: Next I demand an Elder scrolls game with all Tamriel, would be fine if they just redid all the regions and quests they already have from the earlier TES games(You know, Morrowind in new graphics!Like a Boss!).
So you would basically have a Mainquest for each Province.
Would take long, but not too long since they already have the Questlines and concepts.
The tricky part is i'm trying to avoid using fire magic as much as possible :D.
Magic is already OP.
And to the TES in Hammerfell.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6mMNZ7G0cBI Intro and a little bit gameplay and talk with Khajiit and other stuff.
Little more gameplay.
Only TES game i've played prior to Morrowind lol. It almost felt like a Pirate ish game. Sometimes almost like Sid Meier's Pirates but much older :P
That's not TES you noob, it's arcade action game set in the TES universe but not proper TES game. Just like Battlespire.
The tricky part is i'm trying to avoid using fire magic as much as possible :D.
You think fire is OP? :lol:
OP is conjuration, once you get 100 in it and ability to raise two Dremora Lords (one is more than enough).
In Daggerfall you can be a drunk werewolf riding on a flying horse (levitation). Beat that, punk!
Spoiler alert if you haven't done the thieves guild quests but:(click to show/hide)
Stormcloak sympathizing scum
Redguards, bro.
Stormcloak sympathizing scum
The Kaj are desert people, like the redguards. Plus their tusk request helped me get it in with Ysolda. They are alright with me.
By the Nine !
Jesus it's too epic to be kept in frikkin Skyrim/Cyrodil/Summerset Isles bullshit elf crap.
Am I the only one who actually thinks The Nine Divines as Eight And One (The rest + Talos, him counted separately because he was Tiber Septim), as mentioned in Knights of the Nine, or have I just studied too much TES-lore?
So, I'm really excited for the landmass expanding mods to come for Skyrim (the Elsywer mod for Oblivion was pretty damn good). Apparently the devs are giving a helping hand in speeding up this process.
Check this shit out:
http://ppsh-41.tumblr.com/post/13145143504/entire-tamriel-landmass-built-into-skyrim (http://ppsh-41.tumblr.com/post/13145143504/entire-tamriel-landmass-built-into-skyrim)
Having Cyrodill, Morrowind, Elsywer, etc in Skyrim might be closer than we think.
So, I'm really excited for the landmass expanding mods to come for Skyrim (the Elsywer mod for Oblivion was pretty damn good). Apparently the devs are giving a helping hand in speeding up this process.
Check this shit out:
http://ppsh-41.tumblr.com/post/13145143504/entire-tamriel-landmass-built-into-skyrim (http://ppsh-41.tumblr.com/post/13145143504/entire-tamriel-landmass-built-into-skyrim)
Having Cyrodill, Morrowind, Elsywer, etc in Skyrim might be closer than we think.
I soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo hope it, I would pay another 40 bucks for each of the new provinces if I must.
Holy hell that's awesome potential right there :|Dont get your hopes too high now.
Are we to expect a shit ton of DLC expanding Skyrim in the future? :P
Also, fuck that, I wnat to see the Black Marsh or the rest of Morrowind first, not only the Isle of Vvardenfell.
Just play the first one on dos emulator "Arena:Elder Scrolls" - you go to every single province of the empire in that one and cana ctually go see Black Marsh and Morrowind lands as well.
Noone gives a shit about your outdated 8-bit shit, Kesh.
Yes it is more important than Graphics, but at a certain point, even the best story cant save a game with such crappy graphics from not beeing played, especially since there are so many better looking followers.
Otherwise we'd all still be playing text based RPG's.
I think maybe secretly Kesh just has a shit fucking PC and is hating on something that he can't run smoothly at good graphics level.
I want to paly text based RPGs, actually I want it a lot(I like those because they dont have grappy graphics, they dont have graphics at all!), but I just cant find anyone.Just Zork which is included in CoD Black ops, but I didnt play it yet.I wish I had more text based RPGs, but I cant finf them online.
Pure text based? Nah, never was into those.
However, there is a wonderful game called Space rangers. It mixes a lot of aspects, from things you'd like to see in a space adventure, like economy ( amazing dynamics for an economy I tell you ), fights, you can do anything as you please.
Certain missions you can take from planets however, will be text-based adventures with narration.
Kinda hard to describe, but it's a wonderful mix. The sequel, called Rise of the Dominators even has a basic RTS aspect into it, in certain missions.
I liked the textquests this game has, it was maybe the most unique experience for me, and, a big surprise.
How is this related to Skyrim/TES? I don't know. :mrgreen:
Akavir sucks.And Berenger, there arent any real forests in Cyrodiil, at least not if you can believe Oblivion.
With Real forests I mean bigger Areas where the Trees are 2 metres away from each other at max.
Yeah, the grass of Oblivion was too much.Although there were no Forests.
I would like Elsweyr and Morrowind again, too, but I DONT want Akavir because its fucking Weaboo ninja Apemancrap.
And Im no Elf.Never played as one cause they suck in TES.
Oh and I want Desert, too, sooooo badly.I love desert/Arabian Settings so I wish there was Hammerfell again with the Ali´kr
I think they should stick with Tamriel.There is still enough to see there.
Oh and those freaking Text based RPGs dont work on 64-bit windows :( Sadface.
I think they should stick with Tamriel.There is still enough to see there.
Oh and those freaking Text based RPGs dont work on 64-bit windows :( Sadface.
Imagine entering those Akavir lands. No humans or elfs besides you. Adventuring into those lands. Would've been an epic story imo.
Fuck you! Don't diss Akavir you fkin elf!
Also i don't care...i'm tired of über green stuff and trees and trees and grass and all that shit.
I want desert i want rocky mountains a'la Morrowind and moar Elsweyr! Naow!
Tang Mo is about the only race i can imagine you playing with.
Dragons are akaviri race...
Just play the first one on dos emulator "Arena:Elder Scrolls" - you go to every single province of the empire in that one and cana ctually go see Black Marsh and Morrowind lands as well.
You lieing sloveninan you play minecraft
Dwemer armor is epic now, especially with the helmet. The old styles of it jumped from cartoony anime robot to just blah. The level of detail on them now is awesome, they really give off this whole "lost civilization like our babylon" feel. That + waterfalls and rushing streams = amazing immersion when I get the kids to bed and the lights out. :)
Dwemer armor is epic now, especially with the helmet. The old styles of it jumped from cartoony anime robot to just blah. The level of detail on them now is awesome, they really give off this whole "lost civilization like our babylon" feel. That + waterfalls and rushing streams = amazing immersion when I get the kids to bed and the lights out. :)
IGN just posted a new glitch where you can get 100 everything, go check that out if you wanna be MASTER OF THE UNIVERSE
I think I will :D
In my opinion, finishing ALL the sidequests with one char robs the fun since you cant be a jack of all trades you now.
Doing Thieves guild with a mage isnt half as fun as it is with a thieve
In my opinion, finishing ALL the sidequests with one char robs the fun since you cant be a jack of all trades you now.
Doing Thieves guild with a mage isnt half as fun as it is with a thieve
IGN just posted a new glitch where you can get 100 everything, go check that out if you wanna be MASTER OF THE UNIVERSE
I think I will :D
Or you just use console lol.
How do you use the console on the computer?
Ido not know how, I only know that ~ activates it
How do you use the console on the computer?
Ido not know how, I only know that ~ activates it
How do you use the console on the computer?
Ido not know how, I only know that ~ activates it
Its better IMO to do the quests primarily designed for certain types of chars with exactly those chars.
I mean, really, I wont do Dark brotherhood with my Mage.That would be so fucking stupid, just going in and fucking up everyone with Firewalls-and balls.
Actually...the old guy who's a member of Dark Brotherhood says he despises all the sneaking and daggers from behind or bows from afar and such.
He prefers to just rape the targets and if anyone is around em with his crazy Destruction spells lol. If it fails he just runs away. And (mini spoiler i suppose...nothing really major just some info)(click to show/hide)
I still like it better to do assassin quests with an Assassin char :D
you cannot really call it the dark brotherhood at all, it is just a rag tag group of assasins who take on assignments that they "hear" about, that is until....I suppose lol. Still DB got probably the funniest guild/faction questline of em all. Imo.
(click to show/hide)
In other news, I killed my wife (she was annoying), her brother then sent mercs after me, I killed them and then went and killed him. Time to find a new wife :)And this, dear grumpy nerds who keep complaining in this topic , is why you play this game.
Dude I married mjoll the lioness and I want to kill her so badly,
But she is immortal for some reason...
Dude your method of "breaking up" is a bit overkill.. :lol:
Which bitch was your wife?
Can't you, um... Divorce your wife in this game?
I wonder if I could marry a person in each settlement for the RP of some douchey thief...
did anyone find a person named Kesh?
i heard about it.
The Riverwood traders sister. Forgotten her exact name...something like Camilla.
Lol that was one ugly motherfucker.
thats nothing I'm married to Borghak, an orc (since I'm an orc...) but I think she has a dick.
The Riverwood traders sister. Forgotten her exact name...something like Camilla.
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Plus her accent is nasty.But very useless in combat.
That's why i married Aela. She got a sweet face paint and speaks without any Arnold Schwarzeneger female version voice or some other BS.
Plus WEREWOLF SEX!! Grrrrr! Lol.
Hai, I'm Kesh. I'm so hipster cool. I talk about nostaligic games like I'm the only one that's played them or appreciates them in a world full of modernists. I refuse to like newer games because they removed tedium yet in my hipster way I will in the same sentance talk about how I abused broken mechanics in the older game to get around that same tedium *cough speedbootsofspeedfastrunning cough*.
Hai, I'm Kesh. I'm so hipster cool. I talk about nostaligic games like I'm the only one that's played them or appreciates them in a world full of modernists. I refuse to like newer games because they removed tedium yet in my hipster way I will in the same sentance talk about how I abused broken mechanics in the older game to get around that same tedium *cough speedbootsofspeedfastrunning cough*.+ I don't bother trying to set the game difficulty to something higher than normal and/or avoid fast traveling (cause, you know, in a sandbox game you are the gamemaster) , because than all my whining and bitching about how the games these days are so consolish will have nothing to back it up with.
They were a normal quest item that you got early in the game at the cost of being half blind. Mostly Oblivion and Skyrim feel like arcade-like console syle games (which is I think is the intent) that don't at all appeal to me.
Even checking your equipment/skills/etc. is 4x as labor intensive as just hitting one screen in Morrowind and being able to acces your spells, items, map, and skills in one page (but it looks so cool graphically, lol), and is far more geared toward a console style of play. The automatic healing system adds to this feeling, also, special powers unlocked at each level now with perks and having power strikes and special attacks (kind of like mortal combat or street fighters). Then you can't craft your own spells anymore to your original design and yes, it all feels like a graphically enhanced but gameplay inferior version of Morrowind that has devolved into a cosnole game.
A diggresion :Actualy they made you completely blind (your screen went black) You had to use resist magic, or night eye to see anything. Funny item :mrgreen:
A diggresion :Actualy they made you completely blind (your screen went black) You had to use resist magic, or night eye to see anything. Funny item :mrgreen:
Also, blocking agaisnt a 2her with 2her he swings left and I block up, wtf, I can't even control the direction of my block!!
I was always a sexy reheaded Breton (50% magic resistance).
Its more, everyone raving about Skyrim in here got me to buy it even though I thought Oblivion was horrible and now I find I wasted my money and am better off playing something else.
Here ya go. Knock yourself out.
But very useless in combat.
You guys remember that quest in the thieves guild where you go with Mercer to rendezvous with Karliah inside ruins of some sort? That was the single dumbest fight arrangement I recall ever seeing.
*arrival at the site*
Me: Alright! We're here.
Mercer: Yeah, this reminds me of something. Last time we went to these ruins with a partner of mine to meet her we got ambushed, he died, I barely got out alive, can you believe it? Haha!
Me: ... Right, okay, so lets wait outside, she cant sit in there forever, right? We will ambush her when she comes out.
Mercer: What? Oh hell no, we're going in, buddy.
Me: What?
Mercer: Oh by the way, she's an expert marksman too.
Me: You're an id.....
Mercer: OKAY! HERE WE GO! Are you ready to rumble? 3, 2....
Me: WAIT. At least let Lydia come along so it's 3v1 in the worst case scenario.
Mercer: Dude, no. We do it by yourselves, horses and women wait outside.
Me: ......
I hate when a game allegedly gives you the freedom of action (which it doesnt, vide immortal quest npcs) and then just takes it away when needed, because its a fucking scripted quest. Such a dumb game. Good looking unfortunately. Just like many women. Hm.
To get me killed and what else? The point is that at the beginning of the quest my character had no idea about Mercer being evil and stuff and regardless had zero incentive to turn off the brain for the sake of accompanying into a death trap.
To use you as a meat shield for the first arrow. As Karliah says, fighting Mercer would have been a death sentence for her. All Mercer wanted was the for the PC to get hit and then die, which was a reasonable assumption seeing as Karliah is a master marksman.
Your character had no idea about Mercer being evil, exactly. But he is your leader. So what exactly are you complaining about? If you don't like the options he gives, you don't have to do the quest. No one is forcing you to accompany him into a death trap.
To use you as a meat shield for the first arrow. As Karliah says, fighting Mercer would have been a death sentence for her. All Mercer wanted was the for the PC to get hit and then die, which was a reasonable assumption seeing as Karliah is a master marksman.
Your character had no idea about Mercer being evil, exactly. But he is your leader. So what exactly are you complaining about? If you don't like the options he gives, you don't have to do the quest. No one is forcing you to accompany him into a death trap.
This doesnt explain :
1. Why Lydia can't come.
2. The actual moment of ambush. Mercer couldnt really predict that I. it's going to be the player who gets shot and II, that Karliah instead of just fucking shooting Mercer from cover (she had just one arrow or wtf?) decides to start making speeches and letting him live.
It's just a really poorly arranged quest and it's not the only one. There isn't a single quest in this game aside from assasinating the emperor (which will be memorable for me only due to my own invention of playing a Hitman minigame) that will be remembered by me, it's all just disguised [get there, kill x, get loot, come back.
Playing one of the infamous races because it looks awesome!(click to show/hide)
Shame you can't dye armour =/
The Elven armour makes me shudder. Really don't like it. Probably would look better if you could dye it. I only wore it because it was the next step up in armour and I'm a wood elf. I quite liked glass armour and the nightingale armour. But now I have this:(click to show/hide)
Have my own little display area in my house in Markath where i've put all Daedric Artifacts i've earned so far and won't stop till i gotten em all. As well as cool Regular Daedric Gear at the walls and etc etc.
Markath house is the only one I didnt bother to get. Does it have alot of display cases etc?
anyone found.. Akaviri stuff? I was walking along the edge of map, searching for Pale Pass, but my searches turned up nothing but some random scary dungeons :?
True dat, but was expecting more.. Maybe I'm just bad at searching, currently walking along the edge of the whole map going into every dungeon I discover :shock:
Heavy armour might look better but I can't 1 hit giants with it without getting spotted (Well yet) and I prefer the perk that gives me 50% stamina regen of light as it helps me a lot since I'm dual wielding.
PS glass armour looks like shit.
Anyways is there rifts in skyrim say something similar to oblivion? since there's the deadric armour you know.
My guess for their disappearance is that they tempered with The Elder Scroll, and like Alduin or Grey Fox, the entire race got either wiped out of the history or pushed further into the future with or without their own will.
Plus all the other stuff inside as well. That house + marry Aela the goddess. To sweet.Oh yeah, marriage in Skyrim is great. It's like:
I dunno, they used that plot device with Alduin. I doubt they'd do it again.
Yeah not sure you get actual Akaviri places/camps/caves and such with the cool Apes, Tiger Empire, Demons or Half Snake/Half Human races in Akavir. More likely to get 1 abandoned fortress here with dead Akaviri human soldiers who were servants to the other races when invading Tamriel. Why can't they just add Akavir noow!
Stop fucking around Nigga.
Akaviri fucking sucks, there is little Information about it while Tamriel already has a well thought out history etc.
making Akaviri would be totally pointless now, because basically they would need to invent a big new part in the lore and such.
Also, Weaboo crap.
Oh yeah, marriage in Skyrim is great. It's like:
Woman: Oh hey sweetheart!
Man: Bitch, give me moneeh!
Woman: Oh sure, here take it.
Man: Bitch, give me food!
Woman: Here, just cooked it for you.
Man: Bye.
Totally what I expected after I married Mjoll "the lioness"... :rolleyes:
No way biatch! Tamriel lore is shit! Mostly, Empire is crap, i fkin hate elfs and fkin Ayleids trolololo ruling Tamriel blah blah BOOORING!!! Only Daedric Gods are cool shizz but they're everywhere in Nirn. Atleast make a fkin Shivering Isles styled DLC covering a small part of Akavir.
AND THEYRE NOT FKIN WEABOOO!!!! Japanese shitty bitch country doesn't exist in Nirn. Plus the ones using katana are the Half Snake Half Man race and not the other ones!!! That's like calling Redguards Weaboo and Nords as well when in it's the Redguards who are the weaboo only! (example only, Redguards are pirates arrrr!).
Akavir is japanese for weeaboo, learn2japanese.
Just loled at this and wanted to share:Oh wow..
For all you TES fanatics...
(just look at the name of the url ;P)
*cough* New patch 1.2:
Apparently it's filled with lots and lots of bugs, this just being one of em. I'll be waiting for the next patch..
Well with ranged you can "bug" enemies and kill them easy but not with melee, I had one particular dragon (Frost one hate em) that when I was hiding behind walls when he was making frost shouts he started moving to find me so he could hit me and sometimes he did. I was quite surprised it's not something you see in other games (Yet) but yes if you just went on running and hit him from far and rinse repeat everything is quite easy.yep. i'm playing a 2h toon on master difficulty atm and even on lvl 27 a frost dragon (my char is a nord) can do a crapton of damage with the frost breath attack.
They ought to change "riften" to "glitchten" Seriously the most buggy fucking quest town i've ever played in. And the 1.2 patch also won't let me do the thieves guild quests. No nightengale armor for this guy.
I've killed all the bandits in Greymoor Fort and it doesn't show up as cleared on my map. I'm thinking it wants me to kill the non-hostile "maid" there who says the fort is always occupied by someone different and she tells them she comes with the keep, Bethesda is evil.
I've killed all the bandits in Greymoor Fort and it doesn't show up as cleared on my map. I'm thinking it wants me to kill the non-hostile "maid" there who says the fort is always occupied by someone different and she tells them she comes with the keep, Bethesda is evil.
Pfft, the dwemer ruins are the shittiest part of the game anyway :/ Keep legolas away!Maybe you ought to do some google search on what Dwemers are before trying to make snide remarks such as "Dwemer = Elven = Legolas". (In the end, you've only made one out of yourself)
Maybe you ought to do some google search on what Dwemers are before trying to make snide remarks such as "Dwemer = Elven = Legolas". (In the end, you've only made one out of yourself)
Dwarves = Dwemer = Deep Elves = Technologically Advanced Elves =/= sissy agile skinny elves shooting arrows.
They make automatons to do the martial tasks, and they have crossbows instead of bows mounted on those automatons.
Plus they've got manly beards.(click to show/hide)
I've never had a liking for elves, but Dwemer, on the other hand, is awesome and mysterious.
I have to say that I dislike the Dwemer more than any other race due to their annoying machines. Can't say I've ever liked having a race that is "more technologically advanced" in any game I have ever played, especially considering these ones were wiped out and are still far surpassing anyone else in the present day. At the same time, their armour is pretty crap considering their technology and their machines really aren't anything special. I know you're supposed to be something particularly fantastic but I watched Vilkas take down one of the giant ones with his basic equipment.I believe half the issues you have with Dwemer are more on the game development's page than the lore I focused (and am more interested) on.
On a side note, for a supposed race of the technologically advanced, they didn't have much common sense... Who puts a massive metal creature that can't bend down in a small room with only one small door and thinks "yeah, that'll keep my treasure safe." when you can just walk out of the room and shoot it's legs through the doorway..?
I believe half the issues you have with Dwemer are more on the game development's page than the lore I focused (and am more interested) on.
If you ever read the books in Skyrim, it tells you that the Dwemer metal is smelted to last, not for the sole purpose of war. While the armors and weapons are only forged for practicality, since the Dwemer smiths don't take their work very seriously (an assumption made by Calcelmo in one of the three books he wrote) and they have their automatons do the fighting, the armors and weapons that Dwemer themselves wear were rather primative in comparison to all their other inventions.
Besides, I don't see the reason for your tone with Vilkas killing a Dwemer Centurion; a giant killing a dragon with ease is just as absurd as how Bethesda decided to balance the game.
My point exactly, the NPC's scream in fear at them and then proceed to desimate the things which are all things to do with the development, I have little interest in the lore, I should have stated that it was mainly the implementation of these things that I found ridiculous therefore leading me to dislike the Dwemer related areas/creations rather than the lore behind them. As much as your original post was about the Dwemer lore, the post was relevant in terms of the primary subject.It's not you at fault, friend, it is me, for this is a M&B mod forum where action triumphs story. And yes, while the game itself supposedly features a degree of realism, Skyrim most certainly still have some aspects regarding the dungeon designs and balancing to improve.
Sadly I have little interest in reading the lore as I find it rather dull so you'd always be able to beat me down in regards to that but once again looping back to the Giant and Dragon, the Dragons don't do nearly as much as damage as the Giants do so I am not really surprised, game mechanics wise, that that is possible.
I'm not sure I really want to go all technical/logical/lore-ical or anything about this because at the end of the day it's just a game and as much as I wander through places and think "wtf, what is the point in that" I will still kill it and steal everything from it's body without a second thought. As much as lore is nice for some people it just bogs games down for me if I am honest so you really won't get an intelligent "lore conversation" out of me.
Anyone tried playing with a barehanded khajiit? Seems like it would be decent with some of those gloves that give bonuses to unarmed. Add in some summoning and healing and it seems like you'd have a good character.
Anyone tried playing with a barehanded khajiit? Seems like it would be decent with some of those gloves that give bonuses to unarmed. Add in some summoning and healing and it seems like you'd have a good character.
Yeah, I made a khajit assassin. Turns out my claws do 25 damage apiece with the Gloves of the Pugilist, where as my swords only do 19.
(click to show/hide)
I shouldn't have ate those glowing mushrooms, for the past half an hour i've been following a talking dog that doesn't seem to know where it's going... :shock:
I hated that fucking dog.
He could be useful as a companion but man he keeps pushing and trying to smell your ass all the time and barks of course.
Sooo are there any more bigass dwemer complexes besides blackreach? (And who the fuck are those humans living in the far corner above the shiny thingy??? They atack me on sight wtf? )
Lots of goodies down there, Lizard.
Yup, i'm gonna have to go sell some stuff and come back, i don't exactly like the Dwemer ruins, but i must say, this place looks amazing... :Dnot sure i understand what place are you guys talking about ?
not sure i understand what place are you guys talking about ?
not sure i understand what place are you guys talking about ?
Lol Blackreach was an interesting place. Could have explored it a lot more than I did. Will make a trip back later!
Pointing this here mod.
I have recently been experimenting on my illusion mage, by trying to cultivate a chicken uprising using rage spells.
Also ive tried summoning them back to life afterwards with an extra 100 health points.....so far my results are......tasty.
I have recently been experimenting on my illusion mage, by trying to cultivate a chicken uprising using rage spells.
Also ive tried summoning them back to life afterwards with an extra 100 health points.....so far my results are......tasty.
I haven't tried it, but it looks kind of awesome:
http://www.skyrimnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=3890(click to show/hide)
*Ugly pic of Scar*
Eww.Seen worse, though.
If I count my Scars, I guess I got a Broadhead arrow between Shoulder and right chest and a Slash with an axe to the hip.
An a fucking lot of little darts in my hands and arms.
Thanks for necro.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=AYOFLqItuW4# better video.
It's not available in fucking germany, what is the video???
http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=AYOFLqItuW4# better video.
It's not available in fucking germany, what is the video???
They took a week after releasing skyrim and let the devs just go nuts doing whatever they wanted. They made some really cool fucking shit. Unfortunately who knows if it'll end up getting added as dlc or what not.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=AYOFLqItuW4# better video.
After the community wanting mounted combat and spears for years upon years, it would be a cunts trick if they made these things, released an epic video of them and never released them to the public, it wouldn't look good on them.
EDIT: Not that I expect everything in that video to make it to the game, but the mounted combat and spears needs to be released.
Where's the horse armor?
watch this epic shit right here
http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=AYOFLqItuW4# better video.
The fuck.
Why the hell did they not just do this before the game was released? There are so many good ideas in that and really nice features that would have been great to have on release. If they've got that much creativity in a team, and that was just one weeks worth of work, I would love to see what an extended period of more free creativity could produce.
watch this epic shit right here
That's really interesting. I think it's the first TES that seems to do ok with AI in big battles.
Mala, what is the name of your armour? Is that an armour at all or just some kind of dress?
That's really interesting. I think it's the first TES that seems to do ok with AI in big battles.
its a shame the game wasn't PC only or we might have seen battles that size in the game instead of 10vs10 and them just respawning in the battle.
looking forward to next generation of consoles because current ones are holding Pc games back so much.
Can't believe I even wasted time on Skyrim after having played The Witcher 2, a far superior game in terms of combat, story, character development and personal interaction, everything really matters here and it is a way better gaming experience. Haven't found my self really thinking about my choices in-game for a long time but in TW2 I truly sit and ponder over each.
In Skyrim you can serve 800 different divinities and people and it doesn't make a difference, meh.
Plough skyrim...
Model and textures by CounterPoint originally for Warband, IRL sword by Windlass Steelcraft and owned by me :P and I ported it, Iproud(click to show/hide)
Unrelated: anyone found the complete set of heavy imperial armor + sword in Windhelm Gray Quarter? That guy might be right to suspect some Dark Elves.
Unrelated: anyone found the complete set of heavy imperial armor + sword in Windhelm Gray Quarter? That guy might be right to suspect some Dark Elves.Yes, I thought the same. :o
Though better than Oblivion I will definitely agree that Skyrim despite the beautiful, vibrant world (and Nords :)) and occasional glimpse of wit was a disappointment in regards to what is most important in a true RPG; story, characters, character development and meaningful player choices.
The dialogue is decently written compared to the embarrasing baby dialogue from its predecessor (a dev even admitted many of them were affected by having little kids at the time of production) but not impressive compared to the mainstay of PC RPGs like (some of) the Ultima games, Kotor, Witcher, Dragon Age, Mass Effect, (some of) the Gothic games, even NWN, and especially Planescape:Torment, Baldur's Gate and the Fallout series (minus F3 of course which following above criteria is almost as bad as Oblivion).
Fallout:New Vegas showed that the open world concept can still have a well-written, completely dynamic story, intelligent branching dialogue, player choice driven questlines and game world, interesting characters, interesting quests, humor, lore accuracy, consistency - depth. FNV even has an excellent combat system, if you don't mind FPS.
It's a shame as Bethesda has some good writers of in-game lore books - and they did make Morrowind(!) - but seems to have been on the wrong track ever since, even with the few positive backtracks.
Well, it is pretty unmatched as of now in terms of a grind-like RPG/slash fest game. If i wanted actual roleplay, then i'd probably go with Gothic 1/2, those were the stuff!
Unrelated: anyone found the complete set of heavy imperial armor + sword in Windhelm Gray Quarter? That guy might be right to suspect some Dark Elves.
edit:Yes, I thought the same. :o
Can't believe I even wasted time on Skyrim after having played The Witcher 2, a far superior game in terms of combat
You should try playing first Witcher, far better game than it's successor.
Fuck books they're boring.
That´s what yo mama said when she decided to drop out high school and become stripper! :D
Oddly enough, every exotic dancer I know is well educated (helps pay for college).
I agree that combat in Skyrim is crappy but in Witcher 2 is plain horrible. I mean, in that game all you have to do is to roll around and when you get your chance hit the opponent and keep doing so until he drops dead (just like in Diablo games lol).
You should try playing first Witcher, far better game than it's successor.
I agree that combat in Skyrim is crappy but in Witcher 2 is plain horrible. I mean, in that game all you have to do is to roll around and when you get your chance hit the opponent and keep doing so until he drops dead (just like in Diablo games lol).
I'll just leave this here.Wow! :o
http://www.andoran.com/en/ (http://www.andoran.com/en/)