Started an assasin/frost mage dunmer called Sub Zero
. This time on master difficulty (previous one was on expert). Lvl 16, mainly doing thieves guild quests atm. Was just exploring and stumbled upon one of those dragon spots high in the mountains. Took me ~30 minutes to killa blood dragon, had to use everything at my disposal:hiding behind a rock from his frost breath, archery,restoration,potions,magic etc. First time i've actually felt like i've accomplished something after killing a dragon in this game, it was too easy before.
The best part is that after killing and looting the dragon i walked towards the wall of shouts and completely forgot that there's probably gonna be a lich there as well. Well, there was (Krosis). Another 30-40 minutes (wasted most of my arrows on the dragon, had to use magic and switch to robes, i was lucky the lich was using fireballs mostly because my char has natural resists to fire) and it's over. Pure satisfaction, ty master difficulty =).
Not gonna waste my game experience by powerlvling and abusing alchemy/enchanting/smithing on this character.