Yes, the game is all well and fun but it just seems like they tried to take the complaints they had with oblivion and mash them together with morrowind and sprinkled sugar on top of just about everything. Could use a few more hand placed items and reasons for me to climb onto ridiculous spots. The magic and "quick" menu actually seems like a step back more then anything else. The favorite menu just let's you wade through a little less inventory menu and seems kind of redundant and annoys the heck out of me when I want to use magic and a 2handed weapon but I have to pause to find the right spell and then hope when I select it it does so with both hands. As opposed to keeping my weapon out and then just casting the spell with a tap of a button and resuming the skull-bashing.
Not sure why they chose to completely get rid of attributes or a status screen or not add and improve some of the features they had in their previous games. Some NPCs being potentially hostile would've been perfect for adding the language skills back in the game, and could've added to the companion aspect and with all these mountains why not bring back the climbing skill and thaumaturgy? Why did they take away my mortar and pestle? Often times I carry around the ingredients because they're generally lighter then the 0.5 potions.
I was also sorely disappointed when I went back to Riverwood for the first time after being named Dragonborn and there not being any mitigating effects as people just continued to spout the same lines. Needless to say it's still a fun snooping/jack-ass simulator.