The Kaj are desert people, like the redguards. Plus their tusk request helped me get it in with Ysolda. They are alright with me.
That Khajiit outside Whiterun selling stuff. When he spoke about Elsweyr his land.
Dammit so sweet.
Sanddunes..deserts...tropical jungles and ANCIENT CITIES SWALLOWED WHOLE BY SAND!
That's fucking epic Medieval Indiana Jones action right there! Imagine adventuring into those cities after artifacts and visiting beaches with palm trees and going into creepy tropical jungles with god knows whats inside and sweet sweet sun.
Not like 24/7 rain and just green green forests and trees and forests like oblivion. Or snow and snow and snow and snow and snow and a mountain here and there like Skyrim (even though it's good).
I want 1 TES game in Elsweyr now! And after that in Akavir. If you find the book ''Mysterious Akavir'' ingame. Read it. It's fucking amazing how cool it sounds with it all. Animalistic Gods, half serpent half man races, monkey-ish races - demons - Tiger Empire.
Jesus it's too epic to be kept in frikkin Skyrim/Cyrodil/Summerset Isles bullshit elf crap.