Strategus => Diplomacy => Topic started by: Relit on October 21, 2013, 02:18:08 am

Title: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: Relit on October 21, 2013, 02:18:08 am
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Some music for you as you read the thread:
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The ruling council of The Central Confederacy has convened and unanimously decided that it is in the best interest of our members for The Central Confederacy to declare war on The Free Companies of Calradia.

Casus belli: Diplomatic insult, Border frictions, and Violated Sphere of Influence.

War goals: End of FCC Hegemony over much of the map. Oh and XP for those people who actually still retire.

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The Confederacy rises up in opposition to the tyranny of The Yankees Free Companies of Calradia and President Lincoln Kesh. We can no longer stand by and watch the Northerner's relentless attacks upon our neighbors homes. Refugees flee over into our borders and tell us of the atrocitiesXP filled battles committed under the FCC banner.

We send out this call to arms to all free people not currently under the yoke of the Imperialist'sFCC. Stand with us! Stand for States Rights XP! Hospitaller, LL, Occitan, Chevaliers, and GOBBLIN's! We will march with any or all of you, let us set aside our past differences and unite for Freedomless strat boredom!

The Ravens of Valhalla officially calls to arms its ally of old, The Kingdom of Veluca. Oaths we have sworn and battles we have fought side by side, let us march together once again to victory.
Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: Lemon on October 21, 2013, 02:31:20 am
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We send out this call to arms to all free people not currently under the yoke of the Imperialist'sFCC. Stand with us! Stand for States Rights XP! Hospitaller, LL, Occitan, Chevaliers, and GOBBLIN's! We will march with any or all of you, let us set aside our past differences and unite for Freedomless strat boredom!

Just going to put this out there, wasn't the whole idea of the GOBBLIN attack not to take allegiance to anybody, and pretty much to do a sexy ass banzai charge through-out NA DESTROITING or vassalizing all in his way? Yet, here you ask for him to assist you in a war and target a specific faction? When I first saw the whole GOBBLIN thing I thought it was just going to be a rally against FCC, but Daruvian had proved me wrong. Please don't get the goddamn horde (which for the most part originated from Frisia) to take up a Frisian/CC cause and attack the same enemies they had before they broke off.

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Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: Matey on October 21, 2013, 02:41:12 am
How to strategus: Raven style

1. Build a clan based on honour.
2. Tell people you are friends with them.
3. Wait till those people are busy fighting a war somewhere.
4. Blindside them and pretend they are evil.
5. Continue pretending to have honour.
6. Profit?

You guys are the most dishonest and dishonourable faction I have ever had the displeasure to try and talk with in strat.

We came to your aid unasked when you were in danger and asked nothing in return. We provided a castle to the Frisians out of goodwill. You guys later attacked us when we were fighting CHAOS. We withstood your attack and tried our best to resume good relations. Frisia continued to fight us, we withstood the Frisia/LCO offensive and began to take back our lands when Frisia joined with Dracul and Ravens as the CC and unilaterally declared peace with us while also threatening war with us if we tried to take back any of our three lost fiefs (which were guarded by a combined total of 1200 troops). Rather than warring you over this like you wanted we tried to work it out because we believed you to be friends. It seemed like we had it sorted out when you broke off negotiations and decided instead to keep everything. We put up with that too and continued to do our best to improve relations as we have done for the entirety of strat 4. We have been doing our best to improve relations with you for over a year now but you want XP and rather than having the honesty to just declare war on us you instead dicked us around and repeatedly lied to and insulted us in the hopes that we would declare war on you instead. Finally you gave up on that and instead come up with some bullshit and attack us. So I say again, you have no honour and you do not even know the meaning of the word. It is impossible for your leadership to deal honestly with people.

The most ridiculous thing though is that a clan full of people who are cool as individuals would choose to run a coaltion in such a disgusting fashion.
Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: Lemon on October 21, 2013, 02:53:38 am
Can't we all just fucking stop killing eachother for a good month, farm some damn troops, and invade EU using Fisdnar as our foothold? We all know that North America is superior to these fief camping shits, and I think we stop talking about it and just fucking do it. We already have tons of large groups (FCC, CC, Chaos, SS, Occitan, Astralis, TKoV, Hospitallers, LL) If we stop shit-talking eachother, use the GOBBLIN momentum and rush these EU nerds, it will be a ton more fun.
Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: HarryCrumb on October 21, 2013, 02:59:34 am
Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: HarryCrumb on October 21, 2013, 03:03:00 am
BLAH BLAH BLAH a clan full of people who are cool BLAH BLAH BLAH

thx m8y
Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: TheAppleSauceMan on October 21, 2013, 03:12:09 am
First, I must say, +1 just for music and XP.

Though, if I'm being honest, I personally am sad to see things go this way. As much as people love to hop on board the hate-train for FCC just because they're an easy target, I've come to really like a lot of their members. And I had some good times fighting in their battles where I always knew I had a spot if I wanted one.

I'm especially sad because my internet conscious has gotten the best of me, mostly due to Kesh being such a nice guy in TS. (damn you for that Kesh) I legitimately feel bad about this whole ordeal.

Whatever happens lads, lets enjoy this XP. And try not to take anything too personally.*

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*The views expressed in this post are purely my own opinion and feeling alone, they do not reflect the opinions or stances of Dracul, Frisia, Ravens, or the CC.
Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: Keshian on October 21, 2013, 03:15:36 am
First, I must say, +1 just for music and XP.

Though, if I'm being honest, I personally am sad to see things go this way. As much as people love to hop on board the hate-train for FCC just because they're an easy target, I've come to really like a lot of their members. And I had some good times fighting in their battles where I always knew I had a spot if I wanted one.

I'm especially sad because my internet conscious has gotten the best of me, mostly due to Kesh being such a nice guy in TS. (damn you for that Kesh) I legitimately feel bad about this whole ordeal.

Whatever happens lads, lets enjoy this XP. And try not to take anything too personally.*

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*The views expressed in this post are purely my own opinion and feeling alone, they do not reflect the opinions or stances of Dracul, Frisia, Ravens, or the CC.

Thanks for being classy man, i really appreciate it.
Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: miggy on October 21, 2013, 03:16:43 am
How to strategus: Raven style

1. Build a clan based on honour.
2. Tell people you are friends with them.
3. Wait till those people are busy fighting a war somewhere.
4. Blindside them and pretend they are evil.
5. Continue pretending to have honour.
6. Profit?

You guys are the most dishonest and dishonourable faction I have ever had the displeasure to try and talk with in strat.

We came to your aid unasked when you were in danger and asked nothing in return. We provided a castle to the Frisians out of goodwill. You guys later attacked us when we were fighting CHAOS. We withstood your attack and tried our best to resume good relations. Frisia continued to fight us, we withstood the Frisia/LCO offensive and began to take back our lands when Frisia joined with Dracul and Ravens as the CC and unilaterally declared peace with us while also threatening war with us if we tried to take back any of our three lost fiefs (which were guarded by a combined total of 1200 troops). Rather than warring you over this like you wanted we tried to work it out because we believed you to be friends. It seemed like we had it sorted out when you broke off negotiations and decided instead to keep everything. We put up with that too and continued to do our best to improve relations as we have done for the entirety of strat 4. We have been doing our best to improve relations with you for over a year now but you want XP and rather than having the honesty to just declare war on us you instead dicked us around and repeatedly lied to and insulted us in the hopes that we would declare war on you instead. Finally you gave up on that and instead come up with some bullshit and attack us. So I say again, you have no honour and you do not even know the meaning of the word. It is impossible for your leadership to deal honestly with people.

The most ridiculous thing though is that a clan full of people who are cool as individuals would choose to run a coaltion in such a disgusting fashion.

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Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: HungryNBroke on October 21, 2013, 03:17:19 am
I may only be a poor southern peasant, but I'll be damned if I am going to let y'all northerners try to take away my God-given rights!  I fight for the freedom to raise my youngins in a place run by a fellow southerner, not by some uppity city boy who aint never done a hard days work in his go'tdang life. I reckon I'll drop my banjir an' grab my best cooter walloper 'cause darlin we is goin' to war!
Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: Sir_Wonka on October 21, 2013, 03:27:47 am
Can you take the sloths instead of the FCC? They can swim
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Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: Relit on October 21, 2013, 03:43:59 am
Now that I am relieved of my strategus diplomat duties I can get away with saying this purely based on the fact that I am just a veteran of Raven now:

Its really telling that the minute we go to war with FCC, Kesh begins the rounds on TS' trying to break apart our alliance by trying to talk Dracul into not participating in the war. Nice Kesh, really classy move there. That sort of shady business is going to go over real well with the Dracul members (and Raven guys, the Frisians already dislike yall enough).

Heres a thought: Its a game about war. Raven has not done anything dishonorable, at-least not in our members opinion. Matey can post half truths and outright lies all he wants, rev up those propaganda posts all you want. We are fighting this war for fun and because our members wanted to, some more than others true but here we are.

Side note about "being dishonorable": Everything I did as a Raven strategus leader/diplomat was cleared with Frisia and Dracul first, so do not go pointing fingers straight at us here. You have a problem with how we run our faction? Tough shit. We answer to our own members/leaders.
Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: Matey on October 21, 2013, 03:55:58 am
Matey can post half truths and outright lies all he wants, rev up those propaganda posts all you want. We are fighting this war for fun and because our members wanted to, some more than others true but here we are.

Oh that is funny. I could have sworn you declared war on us for "border disputes" "diplomatic insults" and because we are "evil tyrants" and so on. If you were just fighting us for fun then maybe you could have said that some time in the last couple of weeks instead of feeding me bullshit whenever I asked if the many many rumours about you planning to attack us were true. Would it have been so damn hard to just say "yeah man, I know we are friends but we are bored and want XP so we decided to fight you guys" I wouldn't have been thrilled but it would have been the honourable thing to do.

You can say i spout lies and half-truths but I've always been open and honest with you; I just wish you had the courtesy to do the same.
Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: Relit on October 21, 2013, 03:58:18 am
Oh that is funny. I could have sworn you declared war on us for "border disputes" "diplomatic insults" and because we are "evil tyrants" and so on. If you were just fighting us for fun then maybe you could have said that some time in the last couple of weeks instead of feeding me bullshit whenever I asked if the many many rumours about you planning to attack us were true. Would it have been so damn hard to just say "yeah man, I know we are friends but we are bored and want XP so we decided to fight you guys" I wouldn't have been thrilled but it would have been the honourable thing to do.

You can say i spout lies and half-truths but I've always been open and honest with you; I just wish you had the courtesy to do the same.

Because I can read the minds of Turboflex, Sandersson, and Artyem, you know the people who voted for the war unanimously. I did not decide this. I had/have no vote on the council, its was not my job to go around speculating anything to anybody about what those three were doing.
Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: Matey on October 21, 2013, 04:01:28 am
Because I can read the minds of Turboflex, Sandersson, and Artyem, you know the people who voted for the war unanimously. I did not decide this. I had/have no vote on the council, its was not my job to go around speculating anything to anybody about what those three were doing.

You kept selling yourself as the Raven's strat leader. The guy to talk to for all things Raven. Guess that wasn't really true?
Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: miggy on October 21, 2013, 04:10:02 am
A true nigerian scammer in our presence folks
Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: DaruviansUnmutedAccount on October 21, 2013, 04:13:23 am
Shit, I thought I was going to read this thread but I turned on that traitor Anthem YouTube link and I'm having far to much bopping back and forth to the joyous music to give a shit about the nerd talk in the thread.

It's truly fantastic.

I think I might start adding that to my battle playlists... it can go somewhere in between Slamassic Park and Bone Thugs-N-Harmony.
Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: miggy on October 21, 2013, 04:15:23 am
Shit, I thought I was going to read this thread but I turned on that traitor Anthem YouTube link and I'm having far to much bopping back and forth to the joyous music to give a shit about the nerd talk in the thread.

It's truly fantastic.

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Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: chesterotab on October 21, 2013, 04:16:04 am
Let the XP flow freely across the lands! Someone better be planning to throw army after army against castle and city walls, I'm hoping for more Ichamur / New Yruma battles.

Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: kasMVC on October 21, 2013, 04:18:20 am
The best part about reading these posts is all the feelings matey puts out
Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: Turboflex on October 21, 2013, 04:18:45 am
Matey you need to chill out, this kind of spazzing from you & Kesh is why people don't like you all that much and end up going to war with you.

Don't get mad at Relit he was just acting under the direction of myself and all the CC leadership.
Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: dynamike on October 21, 2013, 04:19:43 am
Lowering the note, dynamike found himself remembering a time back in his childhood...

He was clenching his fists, trying to shut the tears in his eyes from flooding forth. His father stood beside him, tall and strong, and a fierce look on his face, cold as winter's tide. dynamike looked down at the crumpled shape in front of him. He had named him Snow, because his fur was white as a fresh fallen winter blanket. The contrast between his fur and the fresh blood covering it was crass. dynamike let the knife drop on the ground and walked from the corpse of his beloved dog, rubbing his left hand where Snow had bitten him. His father nodded in approval as he walked past.

Snapping back into the now, dynamike contemplated the meaning of the situation. If a dog bites the hand that feeds him, he must be put down - might this be true for ravens as well?
Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: Artyem on October 21, 2013, 04:27:08 am
Woah, hey now, there's no need to be cross with each other here.

Kesh did indeed come to our teamspeak with the intent of getting us to pull out of the war, much like the first war of northern aggression.  I am not particularly offended by this, I can understand the motive and his reasoning, but I am absolutely offended by the incessant hostility displayed by certain FCC members.

First of all, Matey, I'm absolutely amazed and offended that you have the audacity to insult and belittle us with such unreasonable ignorance of our Confederation.  Relit has never claimed to be the only and truly official leader of the Ravens, and most certainly not of the Central Confederacy.  He was, at one point, the head diplomat of the Ravens, which essentially made him the messenger and representative of the Ravens of Valhalla.  His job was to represent and provide assistance to Turboflex, the unanimously elected chieftain who came to power after Norse Horde collapsed.

Relit helped form the Confederacy, but didn't hold a very large role in the decisions we have made since our creation.  Placing such heavy blame upon him is the first insult you've offended me with.  The second insult is that you are heavily implying that the Ravens are the only decision makers in our alliance, and that neither the Frisians nor my own clansmen have any decisive importance within it.

The truth of the matter is that all three clans initially held a meeting in our first days to decide how we could make things work better than they had when we were Fimbulvetr.  Ultimately, we decided that it would not be wise to immediately inherit the Frisian's war, and instead decided that we would put the ball in your court until a better consensus could be reached.  Evidently, that final consensus was to go to arms against your aggressive expansion in the west and in the north.  There was no treachery, there was no conspiracy, and I think we collectively find it offensive that you could accuse us of such things.

To wrap things up here, you should try to not take Strategus matters so personally.  You're blowing this entire situation out of proportion and as a result you are personally creating a divide between our respective factions.  I personally have taken the philosophy that cRPG (or even personal) relations are not to be confused or mixed with Strategus relations, as they are two separate things entirely.  My enmity for you or your affiliates only goes as far as Strategus, and I still hold a reasonable amount of respect for you guys outside of the map itself.

-Artyem, representing Dracul and the Central Confederacy.

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Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: DaruviansUnmutedAccount on October 21, 2013, 04:29:09 am
holy shit can people please stop writing such big posts and just be like "we're at war with you because fuck you" and have that be the end of it?
Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: Artyem on October 21, 2013, 04:29:34 am
p.s we're at war with you because fuck you
Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: DaruviansUnmutedAccount on October 21, 2013, 04:31:19 am
p.s we're at war with you because fuck you

i like your attitude

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Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: BaleOhay on October 21, 2013, 04:41:13 am
I have posted it before whenever someone gets a stiffy about wanting to invade.

Welcome to the jungle baby... your gonna die

I find it very funny that your declaration of war is followed by begging the entire rest of the map to please join you. You should have added a pretty please
Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: Matey on October 21, 2013, 04:45:47 am
p.s we're at war with you because fuck you

It is nice to get some honesty! There is a war declaration I can get behind, I knew we liked Dracul for a reason.
Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: Relit on October 21, 2013, 04:46:05 am
I have posted it before whenever someone gets a stiffy about wanting to invade.

Welcome to the jungle baby... your gonna die

I find it very funny that your declaration of war is followed by begging the entire rest of the map to please join you. You should have added a pretty please

Considering FCC's "plan" for this war is to go and camp inside fiefs for the entirety. I fail to see the problem with asking the other factions, whom yall have been attacking, to come on round for some fun.
Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: KaMiKaZe_JoE on October 21, 2013, 04:48:34 am
Wait, why are you attacking us? Fuck you, nerds.

"RP" post incoming by tomorrow. Suck my pee pee.
Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: MURDERTRON on October 21, 2013, 05:13:01 am
Always bet on black.

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Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: Scervo on October 21, 2013, 05:15:33 am
Its really telling that the minute we go to war with FCC, Kesh begins the rounds on TS' trying to break apart our alliance by trying to talk Dracul into not participating in the war. Nice Kesh, really classy move there. That sort of shady business is going to go over real well with the Dracul members (and Raven guys, the Frisians already dislike yall enough).

I have absolutely nothing to do with this war and have nothing against either side, but I just thought someone should point out how absurd this part that I quoted/underlined is. How is it a shady/dick move to tell someone that you do not want to go to war with them? I dont see it as trying to break apart the alliance (although it is a war), I see it as trying to avoid war with a clan that he has nothing against.

~i like all 4 of these clans, my issue was with the statement, not any of the factions involved or the war itself~
Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: Relit on October 21, 2013, 05:18:11 am
I have absolutely nothing to do with this war and have nothing against either side, but I just thought someone should point out how absurd this part that I quoted/underlined is. How is it a shady/dick move to tell someone that you do not want to go to war with them?

He tried to break up a alliance of friends to win a war on strategus. Thats why.
Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: BaleOhay on October 21, 2013, 05:20:33 am
It is called diplomacy. Nothing shady about it. If that is the case then i say you guys are shady for trying to get the entire map against us. Hurry up and send flowers to EU to see if they would also like to add some support. Maybe a fruit basket to the devs.. Am I missing anyone?
Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: Socks on October 21, 2013, 05:22:44 am
g fucking g
Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: Matey on October 21, 2013, 05:28:45 am
Why? Because we went into talks with Matey/Murder/some other FCC into breaking off his FCC from warring with us?(Sarcasm)

Because that's the situation here, your analogy sucks.

My FCC is willing to not go to war with your CC if your CC will not go to war with my FCC.
That was a short war.  :rolleyes:
Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: Just A Random Pizza Guy on October 21, 2013, 05:30:35 am
Pizza Guy sat on the porch of his home and stared into his ill-tended grass. He reached into his satchel and whistled. A small bird descended into the weeds that had begun sprouting through the cracks in the porch. He then pulled out several objects, violently grabbed the retarded bird and tied the objects around it, then threw the bird as hard as he could all the way to FCC territory. Hoping to end some of the unnecessary hostilities that erupted from the declaration. Pizzaguy only hopes this will help with their resolve in this PERIOD of hostility.
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Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: Gmnotutoo on October 21, 2013, 06:04:14 am
Pizza Guy sat on the porch of his home and stared into his ill-tended grass. He reached into his satchel and whistled. A small bird descended into the weeds that had begun sprouting through the cracks in the porch. He then pulled out several objects, violently grabbed the retarded bird and tied the objects around it, then threw the bird as hard as he could all the way to FCC territory. Hoping to end some of the unnecessary hostilities that erupted from the declaration. Their anger was somewhat strange, yet unacceptable. Period.
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What I got out of that:

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Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: Zanze on October 21, 2013, 06:10:31 am
Interesting how I was driving around today and saw a big sign that said "FCC" and I was like holy shit, I found Kesh's house! Sadly it was just Florida Children's Care. Still, very cool how I bump into that and remember you guys and come back home and now we are at war. Oh wells, more fun for everyone I guess. Hopefully I get more honor duels with Matey, the other one we had the other day may have influenced a growing desire to actually come and play again. I do also look forward to claiming my 1 Kesh kill / battle no matter the sacrifices required...

Good luck FCC, I look forward to many epic battles.
Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: Deltah on October 21, 2013, 06:29:55 am
As Dracul's elected monarch butterfly, I hereby proclaim war upon you yankee filth.
Anyway, you guys are acting more like the federal communications commission than the free companies of calradia.
Shouldn't you guys be running a campaign based on free trade or something?
Rather than this whore-mongering propaganda filled nightmare that as Chapter-Master of the Raven Guard, Corvus Corax Turboflex, wisely put as "the reason everyone wants to go to war with you,"
why not just chill out and stop drama-whoring this entire thing out of proportion.

I personally like you guys but when you come into our teamspeak spewing shit about how our relationship with you over cRPG should reflect the way we do our business on strat, and attempt to sever us from our alliance purely based upon the fact that we enjoy your company, then you are barking up the wrong fucking tree.

The Ravens have had our backs since they were NH.
Relit, has been in our clan previously, and has since been one of our closest friends and a well respected sage in our circles. So if I'm going to choose to do my strat business based on a personal relationship, then he deserves our loyalty a fuckload and a half more than you do. By the way if you fuck with him I will personally go and violently break into your home and shit in places that you can't even feasibly imagine. I'll shit IN your fucking dog. I'll shit inside of and on top of your ceiling fan. I will eat an inhumanly possible amount of taco bell, and I will gas your entire family with methane and cheap spices in a way that would make stalin's ghost start lobbying at the geneva convention out of his love for humanity.

Don't make this war worse on you than it's already going to be.
If you thought of us to be gay before this, you are in for a surprise. We can gay you out in ways that will make you question your own sexuality.
When we're done with you, you're going to willingly come to us in fuzzy handcuffs and a ball gag and beg for the kind of rape that only we can provide. You will want our central confederacy cock the same way your throat aches for water when you awake.

We want a fun war. We want xp. We want to be reasonable with you and have good battle times and not gay each other out.
Don't lose your chance at a reasonable war with reasonable human beings because of some garbage you post on the forum.

This is not a warning. This is a proclamation.

Ready your armies. Rile up your veterans. Produce an armament. Redefine your tactics.
I expect no less than a good fight.
I'm coming.
With me I bring the finest fighting force ever assembled on this piece of shit game.
We are Mortem Incarnatus.
We are going to quite literally kill you to death.

The best royalty I can do you is to say that if your troops carry with them coffins, that I shall give out proper burials on request.
Sadly, I fear there is not enough wood nor dirt in Calradia to supply that demand.

Rain or shine, your ass is mine.
Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: Matey on October 21, 2013, 06:45:35 am
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We been bros with Dracul since Strat 1 I think... and we were bros with NH since they formed. So saying you've been bros with each other longer than you've been bros with us might not be accurate though you've been closer bros in strat 4 at the least cause you bros didn't really want to be close bros with us in strat 4.

anyways bro. How the war will play it no one knows yet, its off a dramatic (zing) start but thats cause of the way you guys chose to start it!

also, Fuck the south. If you hicks knew how to build things I would come burn your white house down. You also better leave a lot of your troops home or your workforce will rise up and kill you guys cause you pay shitty wages.
Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: Artyem on October 21, 2013, 06:58:45 am
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We been bros with Dracul since Strat 1 I think... and we were bros with NH since they formed. So saying you've been bros with each other longer than you've been bros with us might not be accurate though you've been closer bros in strat 4 at the least cause you bros didn't really want to be close bros with us in strat 4.

anyways bro. How the war will play it no one knows yet, its off a dramatic (zing) start but thats cause of the way you guys chose to start it!

also, Fuck the south. If you hicks knew how to build things I would come burn your white house down. You also better leave a lot of your troops home or your workforce will rise up and kill you guys cause you pay shitty wages.

You guys tossed us a village back in strat 1, but it got sold to LLJK because we were extremely inactive and didn't want to fight them over it.  If anything, we've been bros with CHAOS longer than anybody because we gave them troops when they were RS in Strat 1 and again in Strat 2 against...

BRD!  Yup, not the first time we've fought you guys.  But even back then I thought you guys were cool, despite taking Haven under your wing right in the middle of our "great civil war".

I would consider us much closer to the Ravens and the Frisians, as we've actually been in the same faction twice now and have interacted with them much more.  But don't get me wrong, we've always like FCC, we've just never wanted to be FCC.
Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: Holiday203 on October 21, 2013, 07:35:51 am
Looks like there are two FCC's now.
Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: DaruviansUnmutedAccount on October 21, 2013, 07:36:30 am
As a member of the Free traitord Cavalieres of Frisia, this thread makes me feel very conflicted.
Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: HardRice on October 21, 2013, 07:43:50 am
As a member of the Free traitord Cavalieres of Frisia, this thread makes me feel very conflicted.
Just go raid some caravans and you'll be fine.
Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: CrazyCracka420 on October 21, 2013, 04:17:32 pm
Excellent more battles, more fun organized fights, more EX PEE FOR ALL!

*checks c-rpg battle page* ... no battles tonight

Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: Relit on October 21, 2013, 04:20:03 pm
Excellent more battles, more fun organized fights, more EX PEE FOR ALL!

*checks c-rpg battle page* ... no battles tonight


Soon Huesby. Soon. (and not Blizzard soon either, god I hate them)
Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: Bronto on October 21, 2013, 05:37:35 pm
Can't we all just fucking stop killing eachother for a good month, farm some damn troops, and invade EU using Fisdnar as our foothold? We all know that North America is superior to these fief camping shits, and I think we stop talking about it and just fucking do it. We already have tons of large groups (FCC, CC, Chaos, SS, Occitan, Astralis, TKoV, Hospitallers, LL) If we stop shit-talking eachother, use the GOBBLIN momentum and rush these EU nerds, it will be a ton more fun.

Do you have any idea how much I've typed this?
Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: CrazyCracka420 on October 21, 2013, 05:39:09 pm
Well not only would be get destroyed (even if we were fighting on equal ping, due to their sheer numbers of troops and gold) but we'd also be fighting with 150+ ping at terrible times (due to night time settings). 

I think we should continue yolo'ing in NA until we have no more troops/gold.
Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: SP1N on October 21, 2013, 06:02:51 pm
If it were up to me, then everybody would own their own fief. We'd set up fun battles with kitten catapults and all the armor designs would make us look like children pretending to be knights.

visitors can't see pics , please register or login

But alas, I am no dev and this is a video game people take too seriously. Let's just have fun and get some XP yeah?
Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: KaMiKaZe_JoE on October 21, 2013, 06:19:07 pm
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Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: Real_Dece_Guy on October 21, 2013, 08:01:14 pm
There's a lot of butthurt and responding butthurt in this thread already, but I never learned to leave well enough alone, so I'll stick my oar in.

First off, if the declaration of war starting the thread had been "we want XP, fuck you", it would have been an honest statement, and a lot of these problems would have been avoided.

Instead, we get "Casus belli: Diplomatic insult, Border frictions, and Violated Sphere of Influence."

Since you said that, we're entitled to an explanation.  Please, enumerate those insults, frictions, and violations.  There has been no interference by any FCC member with any CC troops, traders, or fiefs, including the villages you hold deep inside the FCC's own sphere of influence, and have enjoyed peaceful possession of since the end of the last war.

Then there's your "War goal":  "End of FCC Hegemony over much of the map."  I'll post an image later, but for now, anyone can take a look at the map and count the number of fiefs FCC and your Confederacy have.  Take one of ours and you'll have a larger (and far more solid) hegemony than we possess.

It only adds insult to injury when you act surprised and offended that FCC members object to you trying to reform the anti-FCC carebear alliance (Occitan/Hospitallers/LL/Frisians) that just broke up a few weeks ago, only this time with Ravens, Dracul, and TKoV added into the mix.  You even try to suborn the GOBBLINS into the exact kind of Mega-bloc war they started their faction to avoid.  I find this disappointing.

(click to show/hide)

Ill tempered insult expunged after reflection
Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: DaruviansUnmutedAccount on October 21, 2013, 08:11:00 pm
There's a lot of butthurt and responding butthurt in this thread already, but I never learned to leave well enough alone, so I'll stick my oar in.

First off, if the declaration of war starting the thread had been "we want XP, fuck you", it would have been an honest statement, and a lot of these problems would have been avoided.

Instead, we get "Casus belli: Diplomatic insult, Border frictions, and Violated Sphere of Influence."

Since you said that, we're entitled to an explanation.  Please, enumerate those insults, frictions, and violations.  There has been no interference by any FCC member with any CC troops, traders, or fiefs, including the villages you hold deep inside the FCC's own sphere of influence, and have enjoyed peaceful possession of since the end of the last war.

Then there's your "War goal":  "End of FCC Hegemony over much of the map."  I'll post an image later, but for now, anyone can take a look at the map and count the number of fiefs FCC and your Confederacy have.  Take one of ours and you'll have a larger (and far more solid) hegemony than we possess.

It only adds insult to injury when you act surprised and offended that FCC members object to you trying to reform the anti-FCC carebear alliance (Occitan/Hospitallers/LL/Frisians) that just broke up a few weeks ago, only this time with Ravens, Dracul, and TKoV added into the mix.  You even try to suborn the GOBBLINS into the exact kind of Mega-bloc war they started their faction to avoid.  I find this disappointing.

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Some of us don't like being fed bullshit.  If you're attacking, attack, but don't come up with fake justifications for your aggression and try to play the injured party.  It leaves a bad taste in everyone's mouth (including, I hope, your own).

Ya see dude, the thing is, they don't give a fuck what you or anyone else thinks about it.
Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: Real_Dece_Guy on October 21, 2013, 08:26:32 pm
Ya see dude, the thing is, they don't give a fuck what you or anyone else thinks about it.

Then why make the excuses in the first post?  Inquiring Autistic minds want to know.
Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: Torben on October 21, 2013, 08:30:25 pm
+1 for great music  :mrgreen:
Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: CrazyCracka420 on October 21, 2013, 08:33:57 pm
Then why make the excuses in the first post?  Inquiring Autistic minds want to know.

Because it's a war game and it's better "ARE PEE" to actually have a reason for going to war with someone than just saying "fuck you, XP TIME!"

They'd never win anyways, even if they said it was just for fun you'd still have FCC and FCC apologists coming in here complaining about something. 
Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: Matey on October 21, 2013, 08:52:39 pm
Because it's a war game and it's better "ARE PEE" to actually have a reason for going to war with someone than just saying "fuck you, XP TIME!"

They'd never win anyways, even if they said it was just for fun you'd still have FCC and FCC apologists coming in here complaining about something.

The sunglasses in your picture are reflecting back some of the FCCs glory. I kindly ask that you stop redirecting our glory in such an offensive manner without our permission and in directions not of our choosing.
Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: njames89 on October 21, 2013, 08:56:29 pm
James had been so drunk of Curavian ice wine he'd barely remembered that Delson had come into the whorehouse in the wee hours of the morn to deliver a communication. The Central Confederacy had openly declared war on the Free Companies. James pondered the implications. It had seemed as though such a declaration was inevitable.

Distraught James walked the walls of Curaw, having recently taken over its operations he was seeing to it that the defences and facilities were in top operating order. "Send word to the northern lumber camps to increase production as much as possible. We will have to store enough lumber and supplies to see us through a winter conflict" James spoke to the steward of the fortress city. A conflict through the snows was a sick and twisted idea, there was no doubt that the forests of the tundra and the surrounding areas would yield a foul crop of thawing bodies come the spring. James wondered when if ever he would see an end to this conflict to the wars that enveloped the land he loved so much. So much blood had been shed at Yruma. Would there be more to come?

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James was ready, since taking over the faction the Crusaders had prepared fortified and enhanced their positions. The men were itching for battle. The time had come. Adressing his men in the courtyard James spoke "In the honor of the passed King Reinhardt the Crusaders of Acre swear to defend our holy land and slay the infidels, We shall go on to the end. We shall fight in the tundra, we shall fight in the forests and planes, we shall fight with growing confidence and growing strength in the field, we shall defend our land, whatever the cost may be". As the King finished a powerful cheer of "Deus Vult!" came from the men who had for these recently passed weeks had little to do but sharpen their blades and pray.

Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: The Last Ironside REDGAR on October 21, 2013, 08:57:57 pm
I, like everyone else, am looking forward to the clash of these two particular factions simply because of the enormous resources they both have, leading to many fun fights and tons of XP, and for no reason other than that.  I do have to say, however, that while Relit is simply the messenger of a decision made by others, if indeed this war is only for XP, claiming that FCC has committed 'atrocities', listing Cassius Belle of violations and the like, and naming a goal of essentially wiping FCC off the map, or at least greatly reducing their size while the CC grows, looks much like an insult and adds much hostility that would not exist if war was simply declared for an XP war. 

I think y'all need to cool your jets for just a minute.  Let's have a fun war. FCC, you guys have been looking to expend extra resources on fighting in interesting places already. Hell, now you'll have the perfect opportunity to fight at Halmar and Narra.  Central Confederacy, you guys have been bored as shit for the past few months and everyone knows it. I don't object to this war, for what it's worth.  But maybe you shouldn't make FCC out to be such bad guys, personal relations, even though they are GOOD, aside.  That is to say, I don't think FCC has done anything to deserve being insulted. From what I know of the past few weeks, setting this discussion with Dracul aside for a moment, both sides have completely honored the peace; there's been more fighting with HoC recently and that was an accident. So why don't you guys just take the knife away form each others throats, shake hands, and then proceed to demolish each other's armies gloriously, but for the sake of XP, not these so-called atrocities. As far as attacking your neighbors goes, hell, FCC can fight LL and KH and whoever, especially because it's mutual fighting. Hell, I'm just surprised that FCC hasn't fought the Gobblins yet, or really, visa versa.   And speaking of Gobblins, I'd be very disappointed if Daruvian accepted such an alliance; accept defeat or be defeated, that is the Gobblin way, is it not?

As for HoC, we are officially remaining neutral in this conflict militarily. Besides, there are Gobblins running wild that still have it out for us!
Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: Relit on October 21, 2013, 09:30:11 pm
There's a lot of butthurt and responding butthurt in this thread already, but I never learned to leave well enough alone, so I'll stick my oar in.

First off, if the declaration of war starting the thread had been "we want XP, fuck you", it would have been an honest statement, and a lot of these problems would have been avoided.

Instead, we get "Casus belli: Diplomatic insult, Border frictions, and Violated Sphere of Influence."

Since you said that, we're entitled to an explanation.  Please, enumerate those insults, frictions, and violations.  There has been no interference by any FCC member with any CC troops, traders, or fiefs, including the villages you hold deep inside the FCC's own sphere of influence, and have enjoyed peaceful possession of since the end of the last war.

Then there's your "War goal":  "End of FCC Hegemony over much of the map."  I'll post an image later, but for now, anyone can take a look at the map and count the number of fiefs FCC and your Confederacy have.  Take one of ours and you'll have a larger (and far more solid) hegemony than we possess.

It only adds insult to injury when you act surprised and offended that FCC members object to you trying to reform the anti-FCC carebear alliance (Occitan/Hospitallers/LL/Frisians) that just broke up a few weeks ago, only this time with Ravens, Dracul, and TKoV added into the mix.  You even try to suborn the GOBBLINS into the exact kind of Mega-bloc war they started their faction to avoid.  I find this disappointing.

(click to show/hide)

Some of us don't like being fed bullshit.  If you're attacking, attack, but don't come up with fake justifications for your aggression and try to play the injured party.  It leaves a bad taste in everyone's mouth (including, I hope, your own).

Let me go ahead and spell out everything you want answered real quick. It is not going to resolve anything and your going to get upset and ask more questions and take umbrage some more. But since you asked so nicely I will do that for you.

Diplomatic Insult: Matey said that "Raven is in eternal war with HoC" - This is a lie and hurt our relations with HoC. It is the very definition of a diplomatic insult. Border Frictions: We have 3 villages FCC claims and that we also claim, again this is literally the definition of a border friction. Violated Sphere of influence: FCC is attacking our neighbors and yet again the definition of violating our sphere. Did you even attempt to understand what these three casus belli's even were before bringing them up? Somebody needs to play some more EU3/4 and CK2. Let us not also forget the recent numerous armies FCC marched straight through Dracul's section of traitor land without so much as a "by your leave".

Under war goals it literally says XP is part of what we are after. So I do not know how to make it more clear to you. Seriously did you even read it? Or did you just get angry because other people did. Ive seen this in areas under a riot, a certain section of the crowd becomes aggressive then the rest sort of lemming along with them.

"Hegemony" is a sort of open interpretation. FCC has the ability to hit just about every corner of the map effectively and in force more so than just about any other faction (except us). This war goal was mostly added as a sort of joke, you know like most of the opening post. The "South" accused the "North" of asserting its hegemony in places where it did not belong during the Civil War, its why I added that. Because it was funny.

Calling it a carebear alliance, does not actually make it one, I hope you are aware. And no we are not trying to form a alliance with the clans that were listed (except TkoV, weve been allied with them since practically strat began), it was more of a call to arms of like minded (read: At war with FCC) people. And adding the GOBBLIN's was a slight mistake apparently they are NOT at war with FCC, a recent skirmish between them confused me slightly.

As far as being fed bullshit, perhaps you should take a step back and realize the majority of the post was a humorous homage to the American Civil War with a crpg twist on it. This is a war game. Game. Settle down.
Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: kasMVC on October 21, 2013, 09:39:05 pm
There's a lot of butthurt and responding butthurt in this thread already, but I never learned to leave well enough alone, so I'll stick my oar in.

First off, if the declaration of war starting the thread had been "we want XP, fuck you", it would have been an honest statement, and a lot of these problems would have been avoided.

Instead, we get "Casus belli: Diplomatic insult, Border frictions, and Violated Sphere of Influence."

Since you said that, we're entitled to an explanation.  Please, enumerate those insults, frictions, and violations.  There has been no interference by any FCC member with any CC troops, traders, or fiefs, including the villages you hold deep inside the FCC's own sphere of influence, and have enjoyed peaceful possession of since the end of the last war.

Then there's your "War goal":  "End of FCC Hegemony over much of the map."  I'll post an image later, but for now, anyone can take a look at the map and count the number of fiefs FCC and your Confederacy have.  Take one of ours and you'll have a larger (and far more solid) hegemony than we possess.

It only adds insult to injury when you act surprised and offended that FCC members object to you trying to reform the anti-FCC carebear alliance (Occitan/Hospitallers/LL/Frisians) that just broke up a few weeks ago, only this time with Ravens, Dracul, and TKoV added into the mix.  You even try to suborn the GOBBLINS into the exact kind of Mega-bloc war they started their faction to avoid.  I find this disappointing.

(click to show/hide)

Some of us don't like being fed bullshit.  If you're attacking, attack, but don't come up with fake justifications for your aggression and try to play the injured party.  It leaves a bad taste in everyone's mouth (including, I hope, your own).

You're the guy who can't stop talking in team speak, never would have guessed.
Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: Artyem on October 21, 2013, 09:39:10 pm
It only adds insult to injury when you act surprised and offended that FCC members object to you trying to reform the anti-FCC carebear alliance (Occitan/Hospitallers/LL/Frisians) that just broke up a few weeks ago, only this time with Ravens, Dracul, and TKoV added into the mix.  You even try to suborn the GOBBLINS into the exact kind of Mega-bloc war they started their faction to avoid.  I find this disappointing.

It has nothing to do with an "anti-FCC carebear alliance", they literally came into our teamspeak and asked me to personally withdraw my clan from the war, which in turn would mean withdrawing from the Central Confederacy.  If you can't see what's wrong with that, then the diplomacy section is not where you belong.
Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: Relit on October 21, 2013, 09:43:58 pm
..., if indeed this war is only for XP, claiming that FCC has committed 'atrocities', listing Cassius Belle of violations and the like, and naming a goal of essentially wiping FCC off the map, or at least greatly reducing their size while the CC grows, looks much like an insult and adds much hostility that would not exist if war was simply declared for an XP war.

I literally crossed out the word atrocities and put XP. It was again a joke related to the American Civil war. Does nobody actually read posts around here or what?

Edit: Let me find the exact part for you so you can see it for yourself:

The Confederacy rises up in opposition to the tyranny of The Yankees Free Companies of Calradia and President Lincoln Kesh. We can no longer stand by and watch the Northerner's relentless attacks upon our neighbors homes. Refugees flee over into our borders and tell us of the atrocitiesXP filled battles committed under the FCC banner.
Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: BaleOhay on October 21, 2013, 09:48:47 pm
We have been nothing but friendly yet you continue to spit in our faces. You know the truth of those words. You profess on many occasions to depise big block wars yet you propose to form the largest one of na strat history.

You want war. We shall give it to you. We have been at war since strat started and we have only gotten stronger. Welcome to the party the Terrortops looks forward to eating some crows.
Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: CrazyCracka420 on October 21, 2013, 09:51:21 pm
Oh look, a diplomacy post.  *clicks thread* Yep just what I thought, FCC in full propaganda mode. 

I wonder if it actually works, does that get people who were on the fence, over to their side, does it push those people away?  Am I naive to think anyone is "on the fence" in this game?  Or is more like the Republican strategy in politics, just get your side so riled up they show up en masse to support you come election day?
Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: Relit on October 21, 2013, 09:52:18 pm
We have been nothing but friendly yet you continue to spit in our faces. You know the truth of those words. You profess on many occasions to depise big block wars yet you propose to form the largest one of na strat history.

You want war. We shall give it to you. We have been at war since strat started and we have only gotten stronger. Welcome to the party the Terrortops looks forward to eating some crows.

Yep real friendly. Every time we do anything to anybody, yall remind us how much we owe FCC for "saving us". Or how about those times where NH/Raven members hung out in FCC TS and had a great time with yall (oh wait that never happened except for me).

Our guys respect you but talking like we are the best of friends is a huge stretch.

Oh look, a diplomacy post.  *clicks thread* Yep just what I thought, FCC in full propaganda mode. 

I wonder if it actually works, does that get people who were on the fence, over to their side, does it push those people away?  Am I naive to think anyone is "on the fence" in this game?  Or is more like the Republican strategy in politics, just get your side so riled up they show up en masse to support you come election day?

It pushes people away and riles up their members. Good for ostracizing a group of people but not much else.
Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: Real_Dece_Guy on October 21, 2013, 10:07:30 pm
Let me go ahead and spell out everything you want answered real quick. It is not going to resolve anything and your going to get upset and ask more questions and take umbrage some more. But since you asked so nicely I will do that for you.

Diplomatic Insult: Matey said that "Raven is in eternal war with HoC" - This is a lie and hurt our relations with HoC. It is the very definition of a diplomatic insult. Border Frictions: We have 3 villages FCC claims and that we also claim, again this is literally the definition of a border friction. Violated Sphere of influence: FCC is attacking our neighbors and yet again the definition of violating our sphere. Did you even attempt to understand what these three casus belli's even were before bringing them up?

It is helpful to have those points expounded on, since I was trying to understand, and drawing blanks.  I understand the Diplomatic Insult now.  I do still have questions, but I will do my best to refrain from upset and umbrage:

The village claims and sphere of influence questions are still slightly confusing for me, since it appeared that the FCC accepted your conquests by declining to further contest the villages owned by the Central Confederacy.  If re-taking the villages other factions (which you stress are not in an alliance with you) seized in the last war is a violation of your sphere of influence, I would guess we're looking at irreconcilable differences.  Again, do let me know if I'm misunderstanding. 

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Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: Matey on October 21, 2013, 10:08:28 pm
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Considering your public battle message was talking about how you don't recognize the current leadership of HoC and will never allow HoC and Bonesaw to ever accomplish anything in strat an you are doing everything you can (outside of directly attacking HoC) to hurt them and prevent them from having any success because of Bonesaw's actions... is it any surprise that people could interpret that as a declaration of eternal war? It wasn't my place to say it I guess but using that against us as an excuse for war is pathetic. A much better example of a diplomatic insult was when you guys unilaterally declared peace between us and Frisia just as we were launching armies to take back our villages then threatening us with war if we tried to take back those villages.

Eh fuck it I don't need to rehash it all again so I'll just stop there. The more you spew stupid justifications the more you look like an ass. You wanted XP, you wanted war and you wanted to fight someone nearby who was distracted with other matters. We fit the bill and now we are war. Simple enough, drop the shit and just fight us.

p.s. I'm a Canadian so throwing civil war reference stuff at me is not going to have any positive effects. Alls I know bout dat war is a bunch of really dumb slaving muricans fought a bunch of really dumb not as slaving muricans and lost.
Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: DaruviansUnmutedAccount on October 21, 2013, 10:10:40 pm


Wow, these are such good threads.
Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: Warborn304 on October 21, 2013, 10:17:47 pm
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Considering your public battle message was talking about how you don't recognize the current leadership of HoC and will never allow HoC and Bonesaw to ever accomplish anything in strat an you are doing everything you can (outside of directly attacking HoC) to hurt them and prevent them from having any success because of Bonesaw's actions... is it any surprise that people could interpret that as a declaration of eternal war? It wasn't my place to say it I guess but using that against us as an excuse for war is pathetic. A much better example of a diplomatic insult was when you guys unilaterally declared peace between us and Frisia just as we were launching armies to take back our villages then threatening us with war if we tried to take back those villages.

Eh fuck it I don't need to rehash it all again so I'll just stop there. The more you spew stupid justifications the more you look like an ass. You wanted XP, you wanted war and you wanted to fight someone nearby who was distracted with other matters. We fit the bill and now we are war. Simple enough, drop the shit and just fight us.

p.s. I'm a Canadian so throwing civil war reference stuff at me is not going to have any positive effects. Alls I know bout dat war is a bunch of really dumb slaving muricans fought a bunch of really dumb not as slaving muricans and lost.

The more and more Relit says, the more people realize that

...Does nobody actually read posts around here or what?

No one fucking cares what he has to say, and that he's a fucking god awful diplomat. He should have literally said,

p.s we're at war with you because fuck you

And never returned to the thread what so ever.

I can't wait to see FCC wreck shit again.
Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: Relit on October 21, 2013, 10:18:21 pm
It is helpful to have those points expounded on, since I was trying to understand, and drawing blanks.  I understand the Diplomatic Insult now.  I do still have questions, but I will do my best to refrain from upset and umbrage:

The village claims and sphere of influence questions are still slightly confusing for me, since it appeared that the FCC accepted your conquests by declining to further contest the villages owned by the Central Confederacy.  If re-taking the villages other factions (which you stress are not in an alliance with you) seized in the last war is a violation of your sphere of influence, I would guess we're looking at irreconcilable differences.  Again, do let me know if I'm misunderstanding. 

(click to show/hide)

Village claims: We tried negotiating over the villages Matey and I went back and forth for about a week. Talks stalled so we (the Confederacy), called them off as they were accomplishing nothing but headaches on our end. The matter was never fully resolved, both sides still fully claimed both and we have not heard anything about FCC giving up the claims since then.

Sphere of influence: FCC is not just attacking villages held by others in FCC's claimed lands. Yall are fighting in the steppe around Ichamur... The LL/Hospitaller area. Which is right next to the Raven section of the Confederacy.
Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: Krosis on October 21, 2013, 10:19:29 pm
Oh look, a diplomacy post.  *clicks thread* Yep just what I thought, FCC in full propaganda mode. 

I wonder if it actually works, does that get people who were on the fence, over to their side, does it push those people away?

Well, Frisia.. Dracul.. who else has turned on them, for the same reasons ( I think)...

At some point you have to realize there's a reason this is happening.

It's not to join the "big block".. it's really because no one likes FCC and what they've done so far in strat. Kesh ofc, doesn't help. They see it as a big block because it's quite a number of people.. but they're still on denial.
Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: Matey on October 21, 2013, 10:21:55 pm
Village claims: We tried negotiating over the villages Matey and I went back and forth for about a week. Talks stalled so we (the Confederacy), called them off as they were accomplishing nothing but headaches on our end. The matter was never fully resolved, both sides still fully claimed both and we have not heard anything about FCC giving up the claims since then.

Sphere of influence: FCC is not just attacking villages held by others in FCC's claimed lands. Yall are fighting in the steppe around Ichamur... The LL/Hospitaller area. Which is right next to the Raven section of the Confederacy.

Actually we offered to give up claims on sumbuja and Ayyike but you didn't bother responding. And this might be shocking news to you, but we have been fighting in the steppes off and on for almost a year now.
Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: Relit on October 21, 2013, 10:23:43 pm
The more and more Relit says, the more people realize that

No one fucking cares what he has to say, and that he's a fucking god awful diplomat...

Go take a lesson from Bonesaw and know when to put the muzzle on yourself. You are not helping your faction. Contact Redgar. Seriously.

Actually we offered to give up claims on sumbuja and Ayyike but you didn't bother responding. And this might be shocking news to you, but we have been fighting in the steppes off and on for almost a year now.

And this changes the violated sphere of influence how? You did it... repeatedly... that makes the entire casus belli legitimate.

Edit: This is as pointless as watching anybody try and reason/discuss anything with FCC. You guys refuse to look at it from other peoples perspective. This is a waste of time. And thankfully I do not have to deal with yall anymore. Thank God.
Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: Matey on October 21, 2013, 10:27:51 pm
Go take a lesson from Bonesaw and know when to put the muzzle on yourself. You are not helping your faction. Contact Redgar. Seriously.

And this changes the violated sphere of influence how? You did it... repeatedly... that makes the entire casus belli legitimate.

oh yeah! well I declare war on your favourite song. My casus belli is: You attacked the moon, you shot ghandi, you called me names when I was 4 years old and your name is Relit.

Your name is Relit... Therefore my entire casus belli is legitimate!
Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: Relit on October 21, 2013, 10:31:04 pm
oh yeah! well I declare war on your favourite song. My casus belli is: You attacked the moon, you shot ghandi, you called me names when I was 4 years old and your name is Relit.

Your name is Relit... Therefore my entire casus belli is legitimate!

Finally somebody gets it. Casus bellis may have meant something back in the days of yore but nowadays they are not used. Except in video games where people are trying to RP a little...
Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: Artyem on October 21, 2013, 10:38:16 pm
The more and more Relit says, the more people realize that

No one fucking cares what he has to say, and that he's a fucking god awful diplomat. He should have literally said,

And never returned to the thread what so ever.

I can't wait to see FCC wreck shit again.

I will never understand how HoC works, you want peace and neutrality one day yet the next you're trying to instigate the exact war you were just avoiding.

HoC best diplomats 2013
Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: Chestaclese on October 21, 2013, 10:38:35 pm
Chestaclese stared down at two piles of carefuly written letters by Brontosaurus, one pile smeared in shit and one pile unread. Staring down, thinking about the impending war, Chestaclese pondered who'd be sucking his dick and for how long.
Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: dynamike on October 21, 2013, 10:38:51 pm
I declare a personal war on your color in Strat, Crumple Cocks! It looks too damn similar to ours, I get confused every time I look at the Strat map and I don't like it one bit.

You have 24 hours to change your colors before I do unspeakable things to myself and email you the pics. It will all be your fault.

You have been warpned.
Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: Warborn304 on October 21, 2013, 10:49:21 pm
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Considering your public battle message was talking about how you don't recognize the current leadership of HoC and will never allow HoC and Bonesaw to ever accomplish anything in strat an you are doing everything you can (outside of directly attacking HoC) to hurt them and prevent them from having any success because of Bonesaw's actions... is it any surprise that people could interpret that as a declaration of eternal war?
I thought that had summed it up nicely...

Go take a lesson from Bonesaw and know when to put the muzzle on yourself. You are not helping your faction. Contact Redgar. Seriously.

I will never understand how HoC works, you want peace and neutrality one day yet the next you're trying to instigate the exact war you were just avoiding.

HoC best diplomats 2013

Redgar and Jona from what I know are the diplomats. I'm voicing my own personal opinion. You fucking autists think that one person (who isn't the designated diplo) speaks for a whole, and if that was the case I would think ALL OF RAVEN is fucking incompetent retarded window lickers who have to have help getting wheeled off the short bus by their care takers.

Actually I like most of Raven from what I can recollect, and I think they're pretty cool players. I guess Relit didn't understand what a personal attack was...

Also all I can do is laugh at you constantly trying to drag Bone into this shit. Regardless I'm allowed to voice my own opinion because I play the game, strat, and the forums.

So as I said, I'm ecstatic to see you get wrecked by FCC.
Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: MURDERTRON on October 21, 2013, 10:54:16 pm
I can't believe people take the time to write this shit, and then no battles happen.  I only post during work when I'm on the shitter.
Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: Warborn304 on October 21, 2013, 10:59:45 pm
I can't believe people take the time to write this shit, and then no battles happen.  I only post during work when I'm on the shitter.
Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: The Last Ironside REDGAR on October 21, 2013, 11:00:29 pm
Relit, my apologies. You did indeed cross out atrocities, and while I feel it still may be a provocation, I understand your intent. I also apologize if I came off as attacking your thread, because I am not. As I said, I think this war will be a ton of fun for everyone. It's just that so many people are up in arms when they really don't need to be if this war is for fun. It truly spoils the fun of it.  I only wish to see events unfold in good taste for ultimate enjoyment, especially because of the good personal relations between you. No need to tarnish what could be a good thing with anger.

As to Havelle, my 'rambling, incoherent messages' as you call them make more sense and are built upon a greater intelligence than any thought you have ever struggled to procure in your tiny ape-shit brain.  Your representation of yourself on the forums by the thoughts that you share are as impressive as the technological advancements of the Sudan. Your creativity is surpassed by the paintings of a quadriplegic Autistic child with a touch of Downs Syndrome.  The knowledge you seem to possess is akin to that of a Fruit Fly; but even a Fruit Fly can get laid before its life is over. Reading your posts is as entertaining as watching Stephen Hawking make love.  Furthermore, I doubt you will have more success in life at the rate you are going than a feeble wart-ridden Carnie would have in securing Natalie Portman as his wife, and even less at insulting me with your jack-assery.  I contribute my thoughts on a matter of diplomacy as a neutral party and you decide to attack ME? Don't go there bro. You will start a shit-flinging war that even the apes would cower from; yet a chimp would have more success than you would in besting me in a contest of wit, for you would be like an ungifted Asian she-male, and I like a mature Nigerian beast, in contest for a woman to take to bed.  Take your fuckery elsewhere you feeble-minded fucktard, you blue-balled goat-fucking cock-sucking neckbeard. If you lived on a farm they would keep you penned with the sheep, and even in heat, the females of the flock would deny you, and you would resort to crying deeply in the mud whilst raping the little lambs, consoling yourself of your actions by desperately convincing yourself that you were doing a public service and tenderizing the meat early.  Indeed, you are so dim-witted that if you were to acquire ownership of Microsoft you would invest in Mac. Do NOT fuck with me.  Go back to your shit-stained corner of your pig pen and jerk yourself off you worthless fuck.

Thank you. That is all.
Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: kasMVC on October 21, 2013, 11:05:16 pm
Warborn getting heated LOL

Last time Frisia attacked FCC they gave up all of their villages and retreated into their castles. If this constitutes getting fucked/wrecked, Sir Warborn, I shall no longer besmirch your opinions.
Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: BaleOhay on October 21, 2013, 11:37:18 pm
Remind us how that war ended again? With us in control of the area and you declaring peace and hoping to get an even larger block of clans to try again? Sound about right? 

As far as I know fcc and lco are on speaking terms so unless that changes you guys might have to nutup on your own.
Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: kasMVC on October 21, 2013, 11:38:56 pm
Nah LCO just playin you for fools they aint neva goin back on us xD
Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: ArysOakheart on October 21, 2013, 11:48:52 pm
Where do the Free Peasants stand on this? Where indeeeeeed.....
Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: Matey on October 21, 2013, 11:50:00 pm
Where do the Free Peasants stand on this? Where indeeeeeed.....

Probably in 3 feet of snow outside Fisdnar trying to develop wheat that grows in the village of perpetual winter :D
Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: Kirbyy on October 22, 2013, 12:03:17 am
Warborn.. seriously just umm.. just please calm down.. I'll get you some ummm.. cookie dough or something if you just calm the FUCK DOWN YOU INBRED PIG.
Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: Warborn304 on October 22, 2013, 12:45:56 am
Warborn getting heated LOL

Last time Frisia attacked FCC they gave up all of their villages and retreated into their castles. If this constitutes getting fucked/wrecked, Sir Warborn, I shall no longer besmirch your opinions.

Anyone who plays strat realizes that villages don't really mean shit. They're extremely easy to conquer. No one gives a fuck about the jackass who has pink text of a village. The real deal are the castles. Which is why there is seemingly, always a retreat to castles.

So since you obviously aren't aware of how shit works on strat let me give you a protip. Castles are defendable, and take siege equipment to attack. So for FCC turtling into castles only makes sense. I guess in your world FCC should have abandoned their castles and armed their fiefs to the teeth?

Also if you look at FCC strat history, they do a really good job of destroying shit. They hold 21~% of the total losses in the NA strat from Anders post, and they are still a force to be reckoned with. Maybe, Maybe, that's what I was talking about when I meant fuck/wrecked. Oh did you see the part where they have a KDR of a solid 1? I know I shouldn't, but I'll assume you understand the implications behind that.

Free Companies of Calradia
Total Losses:201859
KDR: 1.00
Last Updated: 10/16/13

Also shout out and Anders for keeping that thread updated. Seriously, good work.

Warborn.. seriously just umm.. just please calm down.. I'll get you some ummm.. cookie dough or something if you just calm the FUCK DOWN YOU INBRED PIG.

And as for you, my beloved Kirby. I see that I need to get more Zovirax/acyclovir from the pharmacy because my herpes has shown up again... I realize and will give you the satisfaction of me acknowledging this post because clearly having font 36, red caps, is a symbol of a cry for attention. Hopefully, if you tag along behind me you may learn something from the game. Like how I had to explain to you that siege k/d doesn't get reported to the overall character k/d. It's okay though I do realize that you are young and have a lot to learn. I'm willing to share my knowledge with you.
Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: HarryCrumb on October 22, 2013, 12:49:41 am
ALL OF RAVEN is fucking incompetent retarded window lickers who have to have help getting wheeled off the short bus by their care takers.

...and that's why cup is still a recruit, he still can't handle getting off the fkn bus by himself
Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: dynamike on October 22, 2013, 12:51:39 am

The amount of hate on the forums built up and spreading in all kinds of directions is directly adverse to the number of Kesh's posts, ergo less posting activity of Kesh are diminishing his function as hate focal point.

This calls for a custom title, if you ask me.
Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: kasMVC on October 22, 2013, 12:55:43 am
Well that's just not true warborn silly duckling. Many villages are easily defended. But I suppose to you, Warborn, losing field battles and fiefs means nothing. I'm glad to see how ingratiated you are with FCC, maybe you can learn how to retreat into a castle after getting flag capped by our beautiful mercenaries
Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: HarryCrumb on October 22, 2013, 12:55:54 am
a note from all of raven (me n cup) to FCC:

yall are honestly the most fun faction to merc for in strat battles (behind raven, as long as turbo isn't leading while drunk then he is just impossible to understand). nothing is better than having a guy (kesh) come on to your TS and plead you to help aid him in his quest for the grail (poontang of calradia). we respect yall and are extremely confuzziled why yall are getting so antsy about relit being essentially the anti-christ when really he is just the retarded guy from east bound and down and turboflex is kenny powers. can't yall just get in the fightin' mood and start gettin' excited for some good ole battles?

ps. imma t-bag the fk out of chesty every battle. SS to follow.
Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: BaleOhay on October 22, 2013, 01:02:25 am
a note from all of raven (me n cup) to FCC:

yall are honestly the most fun faction to merc for in strat battles (behind raven, as long as turbo isn't leading while drunk then he is just impossible to understand). nothing is better than having a guy (kesh) come on to your TS and plead you to help aid him in his quest for the grail (poontang of calradia). we respect yall and are extremely confuzziled why yall are getting so antsy about relit being essentially the anti-christ when really he is just the retarded guy from east bound and down and turboflex is kenny powers. can't yall just get in the fightin' mood and start gettin' excited for some good ole battles?

ps. imma t-bag the fk out of chesty every battle. SS to follow.

Harry for lead diplomat. If that was the way you all started this we would have not said a word. As for happy to have fights look who you are speaking with! All we do is fight. We even end Xmas card to our grandmother with Love ya.. but could totally kick your ass.

Feel free to merc for us again when your crew decide we are not evil any longer.

Threatening Chesty with tea bagging is clearly not worth the effort. It is like offering sex addict an orgy.

Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: Kirbyy on October 22, 2013, 01:06:42 am

is a symbol of a cry for attention.

Ya got me.  Also, claiming false stories or explaining things out of context is always a fun game.  I can do it to: I had sex with Mila Kunis, then she told me she wanted to play on my crpg account so she could kick HoC's ass, seeing as though she's new to the game, I didn't think it'd be too hard of a task for her.
Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: cup457 on October 22, 2013, 01:43:21 am
a note from all of raven (me n cup) to FCC:

yall are honestly the most fun faction to merc for in strat battles
but I dont like to merc for FCC because they dont let me leach in the battles
Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: Socks on October 22, 2013, 01:58:51 am
Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: chesterotab on October 22, 2013, 02:12:00 am
Can you guys please focus your efforts on initiating some god damn battles already? If you put as much effort into that as you do shit posting and counter shit posting we would all be level 36 by now.

This shit is shameful.
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Think of the xp,
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Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: Real_Dece_Guy on October 22, 2013, 02:22:22 am
a note from all of raven (me n cup) to FCC:

yall are honestly the most fun faction to merc for in strat battles (behind raven, as long as turbo isn't leading while drunk then he is just impossible to understand). nothing is better than having a guy (kesh) come on to your TS and plead you to help aid him in his quest for the grail (poontang of calradia). we respect yall and are extremely confuzziled why yall are getting so antsy about relit being essentially the anti-christ when really he is just the retarded guy from east bound and down and turboflex is kenny powers. can't yall just get in the fightin' mood and start gettin' excited for some good ole battles?

For my part, I blame most of the testiness in my first post to being in a bad mood at work on a Monday - which is no real excuse, but it happens.

I took Relit's post far more seriously than he apparently did, and thought that there were accusations of serious treaty breaches when it was really just a matter of bad communications with Matey and a war we happen to be fighting in a neighbouring territory.  I'm cool with fig leaves as long as it gets us plenty of XP.

I just wish, on a personal level, that we could all declare war like straightforward warleaders
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instead of elected politicians, and dispense with pretenses.
Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: Jeade on October 22, 2013, 04:32:26 am
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Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: Krosis on October 22, 2013, 04:37:57 am
Remind us how that war ended again? With us in control of the area and you declaring peace and hoping to get an even larger block of clans to try again? Sound about right? 

As far as I know fcc and lco are on speaking terms so unless that changes you guys might have to nutup on your own.

Did arowaine quit the game ? Cuz that sounds disgusting.
Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: Warborn304 on October 22, 2013, 04:38:07 am
Yeah, I couldn't even read all that. Its like the stream of conscious from somebody truly struggling to cope with Asperger Syndrome.

This is coming from someone who finds Canary posts to be a rare treat in this barren wasteland of retarded bullshit.

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Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: ArysOakheart on October 22, 2013, 04:53:08 am
Anyone who plays strat realizes that villages don't really mean shit. They're extremely easy to conquer. No one gives a fuck about the jackass who has pink text of a village.

Woah Woah Woah buddy, pretty sure that Pink Text Village Fisdnar is harder to take then some castles.
Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: Warborn304 on October 22, 2013, 05:17:42 am

Woah Woah Woah buddy, pretty sure that Pink Text Village Fisdnar is harder to take then some castles.

Actually, when I wrote this I did not have your glorious, and beloved Fisdnar in mind. I can only beg your pardon, a thousand times over.

I really respect what you do, and the looms that you have. For real though.
Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: Chosen1 on October 22, 2013, 05:30:11 am
Actually, when I wrote this I did not have your glorious, and beloved Fisdnar in mind. I can only beg your pardon, a thousand times over.

I really respect what you do, and the looms that you have. For real though.

If villages are so easy to take, how come your faction did nothing but camp a castle for months?

And then, thousands of troops and several battles later, you guys only have 1 village to show for it.
Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: Lord_Kitazawa_of_Voodoo on October 22, 2013, 05:47:29 am
If villages are so easy to take, how come your faction did nothing but camp a castle for months?

And then, thousands of troops 10,000 and x several battles 6 later, you guys only have = 1 village to show for it.

Look out guys, we have a mathematician on the loose.
Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: Jona on October 22, 2013, 06:20:01 am
If villages are so easy to take, how come your faction did nothing but camp a castle for months?

And then, thousands of troops and several battles later, you guys only have 1 village to show for it.

All I see here is you proving warborn's point. We attacked that one fief twice, and took it. After that the thousands of other men attacked during several battles at a castle, and have yet to have any luck taking it cuz guess what, castles are hard to take.
Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: Warborn304 on October 22, 2013, 07:37:42 am
If villages are so easy to take, how come your faction did nothing but camp a castle for months?

And then, thousands of troops and several battles later, you guys only have 1 village to show for it.

The funny thing about that,

All I see here is you proving warborn's point. We attacked that one fief twice, and took it. After that the thousands of other men attacked during several battles at a castle, and have yet to have any luck taking it cuz guess what, castles are hard to take.

Jona is quite right, but regardless, isolating a castle from the world is a valid tactic. So I'm not really sure what the problem is...
Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: DaruviansUnmutedAccount on October 22, 2013, 08:09:47 am
All I see here is you proving warborn's point. We attacked that one fief twice, and took it. After that the thousands of other men attacked during several battles at a castle, and have yet to have any luck taking it cuz guess what, castles are hard to take.

My faction has a 100% win rate on castle sieges, shitlord.

Step it up.

EDIT: But seriously you guys are broke bitches, so crusty, disgust me.
Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: BaleOhay on October 22, 2013, 01:20:49 pm
Fcc demands more chatter about FCC.

Looks like some situations are clearing up for us. Last war against your alliance we wanted to stay friendly so we sat passive and forgiving while you sent your armies to invade. Maybe this time we will show you the fun of attacking an active opponent.
Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: The Last Ironside REDGAR on October 22, 2013, 09:10:45 pm
In regards to HoC's attacks on New Unuzdaq Castle and New Amashke, we started taking those places even before the Gobblin Realm was a thing. If anything HoC was the first  to provide battles and XP against inactive but fortified fiefs, despite being 'broke, so crusty, disgusts me'. We took Amashke on the 3rd attempt, with the third being a walk-in because of the damage we had done before. Keep in mind too, that for our first attacked we had few friends and our roster was nearly 100% EU, and these were some of my first commands.  A mere 200 men sat in that village for days, and no one reinforced, no one attempted to take it...nothing. So we came back and now we own it.  As for Unuzdaq, we sent 3 armies up against Chaos's full-plate garrison. A castle that can only be attacked from one side, with fixed spikes and trenches in all but one location, a place where defenders can move outside of the map but attackers cannot reach, where siege towers are useless and the walls must be taken with ladders and steel. A place the Gobblins did not pay the price of blood for, but rather walked in as a transfer without losing a man, acquiring the remainders of the garrison after our 3 sieges.  Indeed, this so-called 'broke-ass faction', the faction that many mock and jive at, has done more in strat with more success against more opposition than any other in a very, very long time. And though we do not control Unuzdaq yet, we are not defeated; oh no.  For while our own forces and our allies' forces combined total to ~12,400 men sent against those walls alone, a whopping ~10,100 men, including the Chaos garrison, have defended those walls while we assailed them. After all was done, the garrison was less then 2,000 men, including pop of course.  So, Daruvian and onlookers everywhere, I show you these figures in truth, and even as I write I feel a change of opinion, for against the thick-shelled nut that is Unuzdaq with its endless plate and overwhelming number of defenders, we have gone nearly 1:1. NEARLY. But do not think this price has been paid in vain; oh no, we will return, and when we do take the castle, you will look on and see HoC soar higher than ever before. We are not out for conquest. There is no envy that compels us.  But with control of the area, every Gobblin army that dares enter our land with be smashed to fucking pieces and sent running to their mothers' breasts once more. Beware, Daruvian, lest you be caught holding limp-dick in hand; relent, for we will not.
Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: Artyem on October 22, 2013, 09:31:11 pm
Fcc demands more chatter about FCC.

Looks like some situations are clearing up for us. Last war against your alliance we wanted to stay friendly so we sat passive and forgiving while you sent your armies to invade. Maybe this time we will show you the fun of attacking an active opponent.

Come reclaim New Ulburban for your WFA pals, a full year of sitting on it and nobody has attacked it, be my guest.
Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: Keshian on October 22, 2013, 09:38:48 pm
Come reclaim New Ulburban for your WFA pals, a full year of sitting on it and nobody has attacked it, be my guest.

??  WFA FCC pals?  And why would WFA want ulburban?  As far as I know they dont care about you or the rest of CC at all.  Im really confused where this came from.
Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: DaruviansUnmutedAccount on October 22, 2013, 09:41:37 pm
In regards to HoC's attacks on New Unuzdaq Castle and New Amashke, we started taking those places even before the Gobblin Realm was a thing. If anything HoC was the first  to provide battles and XP against inactive but fortified fiefs, despite being 'broke, so crusty, disgusts me'. We took Amashke on the 3rd attempt, with the third being a walk-in because of the damage we had done before. Keep in mind too, that for our first attacked we had few friends and our roster was nearly 100% EU, and these were some of my first commands.  A mere 200 men sat in that village for days, and no one reinforced, no one attempted to take it...nothing. So we came back and now we own it.  As for Unuzdaq, we sent 3 armies up against Chaos's full-plate garrison. A castle that can only be attacked from one side, with fixed spikes and trenches in all but one location, a place where defenders can move outside of the map but attackers cannot reach, where siege towers are useless and the walls must be taken with ladders and steel. A place the Gobblins did not pay the price of blood for, but rather walked in as a transfer without losing a man, acquiring the remainders of the garrison after our 3 sieges.  Indeed, this so-called 'broke-ass faction', the faction that many mock and jive at, has done more in strat with more success against more opposition than any other in a very, very long time. And though we do not control Unuzdaq yet, we are not defeated; oh no.  For while our own forces and our allies' forces combined total to ~12,400 men sent against those walls alone, a whopping ~10,100 men, including the Chaos garrison, have defended those walls while we assailed them. After all was done, the garrison was less then 2,000 men, including pop of course.  So, Daruvian and onlookers everywhere, I show you these figures in truth, and even as I write I feel a change of opinion, for against the thick-shelled nut that is Unuzdaq with its endless plate and overwhelming number of defenders, we have gone nearly 1:1. NEARLY. But do not think this price has been paid in vain; oh no, we will return, and when we do take the castle, you will look on and see HoC soar higher than ever before. We are not out for conquest. There is no envy that compels us.  But with control of the area, every Gobblin army that dares enter our land with be smashed to fucking pieces and sent running to their mothers' breasts once more. Beware, Daruvian, lest you be caught holding limp-dick in hand; relent, for we will not.

Only have one thing to say to you about all of that.
Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: Artyem on October 22, 2013, 09:46:37 pm
??  WFA FCC pals?  And why would WFA want ulburban?  As far as I know they dont care about you or the rest of CC at all.  Im really confused where this came from.

You've given a castle and a fief or two to them, and Anders was the person who originally took it.  I'm just thinking of ways you could utilize taking a shitty fief is all.
Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: Phantasmal on October 22, 2013, 09:55:59 pm
In regards to HoC's attacks on New Unuzdaq Castle and New Amashke, we started taking those places even before the Gobblin Realm was a thing. If anything HoC was the first  to provide battles and XP against inactive but fortified fiefs, despite being 'broke, so crusty, disgusts me'. We took Amashke on the 3rd attempt, with the third being a walk-in because of the damage we had done before. Keep in mind too, that for our first attacked we had few friends and our roster was nearly 100% EU, and these were some of my first commands.  A mere 200 men sat in that village for days, and no one reinforced, no one attempted to take it...nothing. So we came back and now we own it.  As for Unuzdaq, we sent 3 armies up against Chaos's full-plate garrison. A castle that can only be attacked from one side, with fixed spikes and trenches in all but one location, a place where defenders can move outside of the map but attackers cannot reach, where siege towers are useless and the walls must be taken with ladders and steel. A place the Gobblins did not pay the price of blood for, but rather walked in as a transfer without losing a man, acquiring the remainders of the garrison after our 3 sieges.  Indeed, this so-called 'broke-ass faction', the faction that many mock and jive at, has done more in strat with more success against more opposition than any other in a very, very long time. And though we do not control Unuzdaq yet, we are not defeated; oh no.  For while our own forces and our allies' forces combined total to ~12,400 men sent against those walls alone, a whopping ~10,100 men, including the Chaos garrison, have defended those walls while we assailed them. After all was done, the garrison was less then 2,000 men, including pop of course.  So, Daruvian and onlookers everywhere, I show you these figures in truth, and even as I write I feel a change of opinion, for against the thick-shelled nut that is Unuzdaq with its endless plate and overwhelming number of defenders, we have gone nearly 1:1. NEARLY. But do not think this price has been paid in vain; oh no, we will return, and when we do take the castle, you will look on and see HoC soar higher than ever before. We are not out for conquest. There is no envy that compels us.  But with control of the area, every Gobblin army that dares enter our land with be smashed to fucking pieces and sent running to their mothers' breasts once more. Beware, Daruvian, lest you be caught holding limp-dick in hand; relent, for we will not.

You forgot to mention that your last three attacks at Unuzdaq have been essentially field battles. You guys laid no ladders on the walls nor even set foot in the courtyard, you were to busy getting wrecked by the defenders at your own spawn and still going well below 1:1. I am interested to hear how you guys plan to "smash" us when you cannot even coordinate a remotely effective siege.
Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: Keshian on October 22, 2013, 10:03:42 pm
You've given a castle and a fief or two to them, and Anders was the person who originally took it.  I'm just thinking of ways you could utilize taking a shitty fief is all.

To be fair occitan gave them both those 2 villages for free and we were more than a bit upset about ambean, had armies ready to atatck 10 minutes away when theya attcked it, but we just let it rest just like we did with fenada and ayyike, because frankly we are nice guys and didnt feel like being dicks over some silly village.  Radoghir castle we sold to them as the first buyers.
Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: Deltah on October 22, 2013, 10:20:48 pm
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I don't know why but I physically have trouble reading your posts.

Also don't try the "you're unintelligent" argument on me. I'm pretty sure we've all established that everyone playing this game ought to be in a mental institution.

Honestly if it were to better my faction, I would declare a crusade upon you just for having to rinse out my eyes after reading one of these unholy textual monstrosities.

Just hit the return key a couple of times and take out some of the unnecessary adjectives.

Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: Canary on October 22, 2013, 10:46:53 pm
As for Unuzdaq, we sent 3 armies up against Chaos's full-plate garrison. A castle that can only be attacked from one side, with fixed spikes and trenches in all but one location, a place where defenders can move outside of the map but attackers cannot reach, where siege towers are useless and the walls must be taken with ladders and steel. A place the Gobblins did not pay the price of blood for, but rather walked in as a transfer without losing a man, acquiring the remainders of the garrison after our 3 sieges.

I'd just like to point out that I don't think the castle had plate in it until we handed control over to the gobblins. Actually, some may have come from the unsuccessful attacking armies on previous assaults, but that heraldic transitional wasn't ours originally.

So, Daruvian and onlookers everywhere, I show you these figures in truth, and even as I write I feel a change of opinion, for against the thick-shelled nut that is Unuzdaq with its endless plate and overwhelming number of defenders, we have gone nearly 1:1. NEARLY.

What truth? When it was Chaos-owned you went about 0.5 to 1 (hardly 1:1) at Unuzdaq, being lenient and not counting tickets lost to timer/flag cap, and though your score oddly enough increased once the "endless plate" came into play and the place was owned by people who could afford to stock it with such gear, I suspect the improvement was because of the aggressive attack-based defensive strategy the gobblins employ, as per what Phantasmal (;u=21066) said. But your score still didn't improve by that much.


But do not think this price has been paid in vain; oh no, we will return, and when we do take the castle, you will look on and see HoC soar higher than ever before. We are not out for conquest. There is no envy that compels us.  But with control of the area, every Gobblin army that dares enter our land with be smashed to fucking pieces and sent running to their mothers' breasts once more. Beware, Daruvian, lest you be caught holding limp-dick in hand; relent, for we will not.

I dunno, sitting pretty seems to be what you guys do best. Still, glad to see that you're interested in attacking a castle in addition to just stocking over ten thousand tickets inside of one you already own (one which, by the way, you yourself did not pay the "blood price" for either, as it hasn't seen a single fight yet this strat).
Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: Keshian on October 22, 2013, 11:07:11 pm

I dunno, sitting pretty seems to be what you guys do best. Still, glad to see that you're interested in attacking a castle in addition to just stocking over ten thousand tickets inside of one you already own (one which, by the way, you yourself did not pay the "blood price" for either, as it hasn't seen a single fight yet this strat).

Wow, pot calling kettle black.  What have you been doing other than basically rolling over and playing dead after one gobblin fight, didnt you give them that castle ratehr than actually fighting because you bitch moded out like usual and now you give hoc grief for actually fighting unlike some cowards.  Desire has more balls than the entire rest of chaos when it comes to strat.
Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: Canary on October 22, 2013, 11:20:39 pm
Wow, pot calling kettle black.  What have you been doing other than basically rolling over and playing dead after one gobblin fight, didnt you give them that castle ratehr than actually fighting because you bitch moded out like usual and now you give hoc grief for actually fighting unlike some cowards.  Desire has more balls than the entire rest of chaos when it comes to strat.

I'm saying this coming from a place I know personally, yes. What I was responding to were some factual errors and one hypocritical indictment, thank you, which I also pointed out. That I got in a jibe at the end was to be expected in a response to such a taunting and ill-informed post.

I concede to know my place, however, and since we had neither the means nor the activity to hold onto our southern fiefs for much longer we didn't shift the resources to try and hold them for longer than we did. That we gave the castle to the gobblins was in the interest of ongoing fights, because we knew they'd be able to continue to hold out. I'm not giving HoC grief for fighting; on the contrary, I am worried about the fate of the castle once the fighting is done.

There's also less of a disconnect between what Desire does and what our faction aims to do than you think. Desire is, thankfully, an active player with an interest in the game, which, as a whole, my faction is rather short on lately.
Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: The Last Ironside REDGAR on October 22, 2013, 11:48:25 pm
Delta, I'm not going to atttack you because you didn't attack me. Havelle was being a dick. So that's that.

Phantasmal, who the fuck is 'us'? Last I checked you were Astralis. We have no conflict with you. And the Gobblins DO have a 'offense is the best defense' strategy, one that served work against them until the last few sieges, one of which wasn't even mine. HoC's first siege didn't go very well because of this strategy and our roster being nearly 100% EU, as I said before, though I appreciate them all for signing up.  After that we nearly took the castle almost every single time, including Desire's attack, in which we not only made progress but very nearly DID go 1:1. The last two sieges, one of WFA's and one of HoC's, did not go well, no. In WFA's we had half the gear we should have and Finn was commanding on that castle for I THINK the first time. Because of the success the Goblins had that battle they no doubt decided to do it again. And despite holding pretty well for a while, at the end we did indeed lose the day when our tickets had been depleted. I do not claim victory or superiority where it is not mine to claim.  But tell me; which reinforcing army did those troops come in? the 6th? Maybe 7th? Do not pretend we have not given the Gobblins a fight.

And Canary...just do everyone a favor and shut your whore mouth. You contribute nothing to this entire discussion but to bash ME and my House?  What has Chaos done of late? I can tell you. Desire, who I don't even consider a true Chaos member because she has too much sense about her, has brought any and all honor to your shit faction. She is the only one who has done anything of worth for as long as I can remember. I wouldn't feel so badly towards Chaos if you had some control over your members, Canary, and there weren't rouges like Shik to go around backstabbing people and lying through their teeth; he shames himself and the name of your House, and then himself some more by losing to my men, though he had the advantage of surprise, superior gear, and a superior roster.  Indeed, I watched him turn tail and run after his shameful defeat at New Amashke and swore an oath to destroy his fucking face at every possible opportunity. I have never hated Chaos, and I do not now, nor is HoC hostile towards you, but when the Gobblins came you bent over and took it up the ass as gladly as a fat kid eats cake.  Yet you remain independent, and you sit in your city and do...absolutely nothing. You DARE insult my House while you sit around jerking Daruvian off? You dare insult ME for bringing the only activity in the whole of the Realm to the people? Get a fucking grip on reality bro. Go back to sitting quietly behind your high walls while Desire earns respect for herself. When you've done a single thing of worth that isn't total bullshit, then I won't fight back to your opinion. But as of now, keep your damn mouth shut about my clan's affairs unless you have something to say that involved using half of your  ape-shit brain.

Edit: Canary, I see you have responded before my post was done being written. I have read it and re-read your original and feel I should say a word or two to better address the things you pointed out. But I maintain what I said.  You say my post was hypocritical and ill-informed. I am not sure WHY you say this, because it was quite true. If I HAVE made a mistake on the exact K:D's, then my apologies, but I ask you look at the records before you contradict me on them. I am speaking form memory, but my memory is usually pretty good. I do know my numbers as far as what we sent against you and what you reinforced with are correct. Not all of your reinforcements fought, but most did, and most died.  It is only to be expected that many more attackers die at a castle, and I am very happy with the results so far all things considered. Now Canary, you speak of the gear. I remember attacking Unuzdaq and seeing lots of shiny-ass gear. I never asked what it was or paid too much attention-I was too busy burying my axe in those wearing it. It may not have been plate exactly, but it certainly wasn't shit gear. If you found damaged transitional, that was probably ours. We had some on our armies, but certainly not enough for even the majority of the troops.  Lastly, you say Desire is acting more closely with Chaos than we think; why then did she siege Unuzdaq with us independently, promising to turn it over to HoC should she capture it, and asking nothing in return? It seems to me that through your contradicting and unclear statement you seem to say that you gave Unuzdaq over to the Gobblins because you could not hold it and they could; it seems to me then that you were trying to prevent HoC from taking it while being unable and/or unwilling to defend it yourself. Would it make any sense, then, for Desire to help us if you indeed wanted to hold Unuzdaq against us? No, I think her actions are exactly as they appear. She honors her House, but lacks active leadership to direct her. Fortunately she can take care of herself, which seems to be more than can be said about some, but not all, of Chaos.  I did not attack you Canary, but you attacked me, even with your initially peaceful tone. It is not our fault that no man has had either the balls or the interest, depending on the man, to attack Almerra. We defend ourselves as we see fit, and the only time we did any camping is when we were disbanded due to inactivity. I said nothing of your inactivity until you tried to discredit my House. I do not judge, only fight back against those who judge me unreasonably. You have done so, and you are an asshat for it.
Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: BaleOhay on October 22, 2013, 11:58:06 pm
Looks like kesh graduated his first class from "advanced posting the Kesh experience".

Bravo everybody!

Keep the hate flowing all!
Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: Phantasmal on October 23, 2013, 12:21:48 am
Phantasmal, who the fuck is 'us'? Last I checked you were Astralis. We have no conflict with you. And the Gobblins DO have a 'offense is the best defense' strategy, one that served work against them until the last few sieges, one of which wasn't even mine. HoC's first siege didn't go very well because of this strategy and our roster being nearly 100% EU, as I said before, though I appreciate them all for signing up.  After that we nearly took the castle almost every single time, including Desire's attack, in which we not only made progress but very nearly DID go 1:1. The last two sieges, one of WFA's and one of HoC's, did not go well, no. In WFA's we had half the gear we should have and Finn was commanding on that castle for I THINK the first time. Because of the success the Goblins had that battle they no doubt decided to do it again. And despite holding pretty well for a while, at the end we did indeed lose the day when our tickets had been depleted. I do not claim victory or superiority where it is not mine to claim.  But tell me; which reinforcing army did those troops come in? the 6th? Maybe 7th? Do not pretend we have not given the Gobblins a fight.

Total fights against Unuzdaq castle involving HoC and "allies" vs. GOBBLINs and CHAOS
HoC total losses (NOT including those lost due to flag cap): 11510
Total losses by GOBBLINS and CHAOS: 7541
KD at Unuzdaq castle: 1:1.5
KD minus WFA's attack: 1:1.48

Total fights vs. Amashke
HoC: 4728
Others: 4028
KD: 1:1.17

Total KD involving Amashke and Unuzdaq: 1:1.4

That is nowhere near 1:1. If it wasn't for Desire, who was the only one to approach a 1:1 ratio, it would be much worse as well. I have no idea where you are pulling your "statistics" from, but it is obviously not from the website. As a sidenote, I joined the GOBBLINs when they first started (which is why I say "us"). Be thankful we have such an aggressive defense strategy or your numbers would be even worse. As for the battles I was in, you were nowhere near taking the castle anytime.

But prove me wrong, keep throwing your troops at our fiefs. :lol:
Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: The Last Ironside REDGAR on October 23, 2013, 01:01:37 am
I did not know you joined the Gobblins. My mistake and apologies. But saying 1:1.4 is nowhere near 1:1? Come now. I say if you were smart you WOULDN'T adopt an aggressive defense, for as you said, I should 'be thankful' you do. This is a ridiculous conversation. My armies went against an inactive fief to provide enjoyment to the community and to establish ourselves once more, and here you are, shit posting us for it. We haven't been so unsuccessful. That's all I was saying, and to think otherwise is silly. I offered no insult to anyone, but rather defended my clan's honor that that of my allies. I'll never understand where this hatred for HoC comes from, not will I attempt to convince a bunch of asshats to believe anything contrary to it if they won't, but I will not take it idly. As attackers against a particularly difficult castle to siege against opponents both far bigger and with vastly more resources we have done pretty damn well. I think your evidence, Phantasmal, proves that more than anything else. Considering our disadvantages an unbiased onlooker might actually praise what we have attempted to do and our performance. I see no reason for you all to be so condescending and hateful. What have I done to you to make you so damn hostile? Or are you that miserable and trollish that you must attack HoC and anyone else you can in any way possible at every possible opportunity? I do not accuse, but ask.
Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: Lt_Anders on October 23, 2013, 01:04:41 am
You've given a castle and a fief or two to them, and Anders was the person who originally took it.  I'm just thinking of ways you could utilize taking a shitty fief is all.

FCC gave WFA nothing. In fact, GoW(gobs now) WERE going to take it, and they let ME take it instead.

WFA bought Rhadogir, for what, I don't know. I'm just a limited troop supplier/money dealer(and help them manage shit, they haven't been good at it).

Shamless Plug:
If you want to argue using battles from website, ENJOY my awesome Battle listings recorder!
Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: Phantasmal on October 23, 2013, 01:16:23 am
I did not know you joined the Gobblins. My mistake and apologies. But saying 1:1.4 is nowhere near 1:1? Come now. I say if you were smart you WOULDN'T adopt an aggressive defense, for as you said, I should 'be thankful' you do. This is a ridiculous conversation. My armies went against an inactive fief to provide enjoyment to the community and to establish ourselves once more, and here you are, shit posting us for it. We haven't been so unsuccessful. That's all I was saying, and to think otherwise is silly. I offered no insult to anyone, but rather defended my clan's honor that that of my allies. I'll never understand where this hatred for HoC comes from, not will I attempt to convince a bunch of asshats to believe anything contrary to it if they won't, but I will not take it idly. As attackers against a particularly difficult castle to siege against opponents both far bigger and with vastly more resources we have done pretty damn well. I think your evidence, Phantasmal, proves that more than anything else. Considering our disadvantages an unbiased onlooker might actually praise what we have attempted to do and our performance. I see no reason for you all to be so condescending and hateful. What have I done to you to make you so damn hostile? Or are you that miserable and trollish that you must attack HoC and anyone else you can in any way possible at every possible opportunity? I do not accuse, but ask.

Is it good to go 1:1.4 as attackers? Yea it is okay. But it is off from 1:1 by about 4000 troops (roughly 3 armies) which is quite a difference. But don't worry, I am sure we will have field battles at some point to prove our true superiority (if our sallying from the castle is an accurate assumption of future battles).
Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: Canary on October 23, 2013, 01:20:48 am
Edit: Canary, I see you have responded before my post was done being written. I have read it and re-read your original and feel I should say a word or two to better address the things you pointed out. But I maintain what I said.  You say my post was hypocritical and ill-informed. I am not sure WHY you say this, because it was quite true.

I mentioned that one part of your post was hypocritical: the part where you accused the gobblins of not having earned Unuzdaq castle when your faction hadn't earned your only current castle, either, under your own criteria. Not as scathing as it sounds when I say the word "hypocritical" out of context, is it?

If I HAVE made a mistake on the exact K:D's, then my apologies, but I ask you look at the records before you contradict me on them. I am speaking form memory, but my memory is usually pretty good. I do know my numbers as far as what we sent against you and what you reinforced with are correct. Not all of your reinforcements fought, but most did, and most died.  It is only to be expected that many more attackers die at a castle, and I am very happy with the results so far all things considered.

I did look at the records, I even posted the links to the battle results. I found it a bit contradictory when in the same sentence as mentioning "showing figures in truth" you fudged the part about KDR, drumming it up to 1:1 when it was an entire half a point less. I'm not trying to be a showoff, just pointing out the contradiction and correcting the statistic. ALSO:

After that we nearly took the castle almost every single time, including Desire's attack, in which we not only made progress but very nearly DID go 1:1

I do not understand why you take credit for Desire's assault on the castle; you say "we" in reference to whom? Your faction, because you helped coordinate when the attack occurred? You didn't attack it, a Chaos member did. I seem to remember leading that battle myself...

Now Canary, you speak of the gear. I remember attacking Unuzdaq and seeing lots of shiny-ass gear. I never asked what it was or paid too much attention-I was too busy burying my axe in those wearing it. It may not have been plate exactly, but it certainly wasn't shit gear. If you found damaged transitional, that was probably ours. We had some on our armies, but certainly not enough for even the majority of the troops.

Quite. Not shit gear (Druzhina lamellar mostly), but not "endless plate", either. That came on when the gobblins took over. I was once again merely correcting the error in your memory of the events.

Lastly, you say Desire is acting more closely with Chaos than we think; why then did she siege Unuzdaq with us independently, promising to turn it over to HoC should she capture it, and asking nothing in return? It seems to me that through your contradicting and unclear statement you seem to say that you gave Unuzdaq over to the Gobblins because you could not hold it and they could; it seems to me then that you were trying to prevent HoC from taking it while being unable and/or unwilling to defend it yourself.

We were delaying the finality of a takeover and ensuring more battles went on (one more of which we were involved in, yay us!). It's that simple. More fights is more fun, and the best way to have kept fights happening there was to let them take charge. 

Would it make any sense, then, for Desire to help us if you indeed wanted to hold Unuzdaq against us? No, I think her actions are exactly as they appear. She honors her House, but lacks active leadership to direct her. Fortunately she can take care of herself, which seems to be more than can be said about some, but not all, of Chaos.  I did not attack you Canary, but you attacked me, even with your initially peaceful tone. It is not our fault that no man has had either the balls or the interest, depending on the man, to attack Almerra. We defend ourselves as we see fit, and the only time we did any camping is when we were disbanded due to inactivity. I said nothing of your inactivity until you tried to discredit my House. I do not judge, only fight back against those who judge me unreasonably. You have done so, and you are an asshat for it.

The goal wasn't to hold the castle against you, it was to keep the conflict from ending then and there.

It is to my discredit, perhaps, that now I take a severely aloof stance on what this faction does in a general sense. It might seem backwards, our actions themselves self-defeating (assuming we had a broader long-term goal). I allow a wide berth for decisions to be made by individual members of this clan, and I take pride that these people are willing to come to conclusions independently of hand-holding and faction-based diplomatic limitations (I believe someone used the word "balls" in this regard). We're operating almost like a consortium of bandits, but with the goal not being loot. I speak and consult frequently with Desire, Shik and others, and it's not like I'm not here on the game and leading the faction in some regard.

As for being judged unreasonably, maybe any ribbing I gave you was out of place, but some of your statements were contradictory or plain wrong. Since these things were being said about Chaos, I felt inclined to speak up.

And Canary...just do everyone a favor and shut your whore mouth. You contribute nothing to this entire discussion but to bash ME and my House?  What has Chaos done of late? I can tell you. Desire, who I don't even consider a true Chaos member because she has too much sense about her, has brought any and all honor to your shit faction. She is the only one who has done anything of worth for as long as I can remember. I wouldn't feel so badly towards Chaos if you had some control over your members, Canary, and there weren't rouges like Shik to go around backstabbing people and lying through their teeth; he shames himself and the name of your House, and then himself some more by losing to my men, though he had the advantage of surprise, superior gear, and a superior roster.  Indeed, I watched him turn tail and run after his shameful defeat at New Amashke and swore an oath to destroy his fucking face at every possible opportunity. I have never hated Chaos, and I do not now, nor is HoC hostile towards you, but when the Gobblins came you bent over and took it up the ass as gladly as a fat kid eats cake.  Yet you remain independent, and you sit in your city and do...absolutely nothing. You DARE insult my House while you sit around jerking Daruvian off? You dare insult ME for bringing the only activity in the whole of the Realm to the people? Get a fucking grip on reality bro. Go back to sitting quietly behind your high walls while Desire earns respect for herself. When you've done a single thing of worth that isn't total bullshit, then I won't fight back to your opinion. But as of now, keep your damn mouth shut about my clan's affairs unless you have something to say that involved using half of your  ape-shit brain.

Looks like I touched on a nerve.

1) Where do you think Desire received that number of troops and all of that gear?

2) Where do you think Shik received that number of troops and all of that gear?

3) Do you think I am never aware of what either of them are doing? Do you assume that I have no control over this faction's members, or that I do not condone their actions?
Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: Gmnotutoo on October 23, 2013, 01:21:48 am
I mentioned that one part of your post was hypocritical: the part where you accused the gobblins of not having earned Unuzdaq castle when your faction hadn't earned your only current castle, either, under your own criteria. Not as scathing as it sounds when I say the word "hypocritical" out of context, is it?

I did look at the records, I even posted the links to the battle results. I found it a bit contradictory when in the same sentence as mentioning "showing figures in truth" you fudged the part about KDR, drumming it up to 1:1 when it was an entire half a point less. I'm not trying to be a showoff, just pointing out the contradiction and correcting the statistic. ALSO:

I do not understand why you take credit for Desire's assault on the castle; you say "we" in reference to whom? Your faction, because you helped coordinate when the attack occurred? You didn't attack it, a Chaos member did. I seem to remember leading that battle myself...

Quite. Not shit gear (Druzhina lamellar mostly), but not "endless plate", either. That came on when the gobblins took over. I was once again merely correcting the error in your memory of the events.

We were delaying the finality of a takeover and ensuring more battles went on (one more of which we were involved in, yay us!). It's that simple. More fights is more fun, and the best way to have kept fights happening there was to let them take charge. 

The goal wasn't to hold the castle against you, it was to keep the conflict from ending then and there.

It is to my discredit, perhaps, that now I take a severely aloof stance on what this faction does in a general sense. It might seem backwards, our actions themselves self-defeating (assuming we had a broader long-term goal). I allow a wide berth for decisions to be made by individual members of this clan, and I take pride that these people are willing to come to conclusions independently of hand-holding and faction-based diplomatic limitations (I believe someone used the word "balls" in this regard). We're operating almost like a consortium of bandits, but with the goal not being loot. I speak and consult frequently with Desire, Shik and others, and it's not like I'm not here on the game and leading the faction in some regard.

As for being judged unreasonably, maybe any riffing I gave you was out of place, but some of your statements were contradictory or plain wrong. Since these things were being said about Chaos, I felt inclined to speak up.

Looks like I touched on a nerve.

1) Where do you think Desire received that number of troops and all of that gear?

2) Where do you think Shik received that number of troops and all of that gear?

3) Do you think I am never aware of what either of them are doing? Do you assume that I have no control over this faction's members, or that I do not condone their actions?

holy shit canary, that is your biggest wall in months.
Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: Matey on October 23, 2013, 01:22:28 am
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Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: Canary on October 23, 2013, 01:27:30 am
holy shit canary, that is your biggest wall in months.

This one's for you, Morph Havelle.

But basically, my clan hasn't been mentioned on the forums in a while. If we're not relevant to the conversation, I don't stick my nose in. Something some other faction heads and peanut gallery regulars could learn a thing'r two from.
Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: Lt_Anders on October 23, 2013, 01:29:33 am
(click to show/hide)


HEY, 1 word responses are against diplomacy rules! WARN HIM WARN HIM! :mrgreen:

Anyways: 1:1.5 is Horrible as a "Plate" defender, especially against a rather upper medium armor. But, either way, overall, HoC has actually IMPROVED their clans KDR during these battles, so, I'll leave that up to you guys to decide.

Also, how have we derailed this thread...that bad :shock:

But basically, my clan hasn't been mentioned on the forums in a while. If we're not relevant to the conversation, I don't stick my nose in. Something some other faction heads and peanut gallery regulars could learn a thing'r two from.

Then surrender on strat if you aren't DOING anything...
Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: Matey on October 23, 2013, 01:37:32 am
you all need to stop ruining the FCC/CC drama thread with your other shit. get your own drama thread!
Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: DaruviansUnmutedAccount on October 23, 2013, 01:39:45 am
HEY, 1 word responses are against diplomacy rules! WARN HIM WARN HIM! :mrgreen:

Anyways: 1:1.5 is Horrible as a "Plate" defender, especially against a rather upper medium armor. But, either way, overall, HoC has actually IMPROVED their clans KDR during these battles, so, I'll leave that up to you guys to decide.

Also, how have we derailed this thread...that bad :shock:

Then surrender on strat if you aren't DOING anything...
1.14 is horrible?! Thats really very funny coming from someone who lost their castle in one attempt with plate and a .5 defending KDR.
Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: Lt_Anders on October 23, 2013, 01:47:31 am
1.14 is horrible?! Thats really very funny coming from someone who lost their castle in one attempt with plate and a .5 defending KDR.

Well, good thing you ARE a goblin and can't read. It's 1.5. If it was 1.14 that WOULD be REAL bad. My castle is also the only castle you have attacked. You've primarily put your forces into villages, and the defense on unuzdaq.

Though I guess my armor was about on par with HoC gear, but I also had far more gear deficiencies which I have since rectified for any future engagement.

It's not hard to insult a effectively 1 man clan's defense on his castle against a faction X bigger than him. If you were less a nerd, you wouldn't be posting on this thread, but as can be seen, you can't not play diplomacy. Go attack a big factions castle and THEN once that happens, lets see how much gloating you do. Why not invade HoC? They are ginormous(<this is a real word, wtf spell checker?) bad, so you should win, no problem right?
Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: Canary on October 23, 2013, 01:51:02 am
Then surrender on strat if you aren't DOING anything...

A) You'll have to pry New Dhirim from my cold, rondeled hand.

B) We are doing things, we just haven't made the papers, so to speak.
Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: Goretooth on October 23, 2013, 01:59:48 am
A) You'll have to pry New Dhirim from my cold, rondeled hand.

B) We are doing things, we just haven't made the papers, so to speak.
LOL AT B you haven't done anything since strat.... dunno still waiting.
Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: Chestaclese on October 23, 2013, 02:16:54 am
You aint done shit kid. Get fucked Canary, knave.
Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: Lt_Anders on October 23, 2013, 02:17:53 am
B) We are doing things, we just haven't made the papers, so to speak.

Papers Please (!

Can't Wait.

Also, if anyone bothers attacking Dhirim, I'm fighting defense for once. I've fought only on attackers side versus Dhirim.
Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: The Last Ironside REDGAR on October 23, 2013, 03:35:18 am
In reply to your counter-post Canary, I can appreciate you speaking up for your faction, for that is only what I am doing. I do not mean to bash you or Choas (except for Shik...fuck him) because I genuinely like Chaos most every day.  But as you must defend your House I must defend mine, and I do not think we deserve bashing based on what we have done. I do not think you to be completely detached from Chaos, nor doi think you incompetent, nor do I claim responsibility for Desire's attack, it is just that Desire said she was acting independently in that instance. I will say however that indeed, I know Shik got his army from you, and the next, and give you no thanks for doing so because of what he did to me. Of course I remember you commanding, you may remember some of the advice I gave from time to time during that battle because after leading so many sieges myself, I do not think anyone knows the castle better. I retract my more personal attacks after your explanation and in fact am glad we could come to more of an understanding; after all, I only flew off the handle because I felt insulted first. But as I said, HoC has never been attacked at Almerra, though we have done much fighting elsewhere, and it is through no fault of ours.  Now, if we shall call the issue resolved, I would be glad, for as Matey pointed out, it is not my drama post.
Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: DaruviansUnmutedAccount on October 23, 2013, 04:18:51 am
Well, good thing you ARE a goblin and can't read. It's 1.5. If it was 1.14 that WOULD be REAL bad. My castle is also the only castle you have attacked. You've primarily put your forces into villages, and the defense on unuzdaq.

Though I guess my armor was about on par with HoC gear, but I also had far more gear deficiencies which I have since rectified for any future engagement.

It's not hard to insult a effectively 1 man clan's defense on his castle against a faction X bigger than him. If you were less a nerd, you wouldn't be posting on this thread, but as can be seen, you can't not play diplomacy. Go attack a big factions castle and THEN once that happens, lets see how much gloating you do. Why not invade HoC? They are ginormous(<this is a real word, wtf spell checker?) bad, so you should win, no problem right?
wow guys I'm anders and i'm really gay and never do anything worthwhile on strat but go to the forums and call everyone else out to unreasonable standards because i have autistism



Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: Sharpe on October 23, 2013, 04:50:36 am
Better watch out before the CC goes all Bull Run on your Yankee ass.
Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: HungryNBroke on October 23, 2013, 05:24:20 am
Can we please get the shit-slinging back in either CC's or FCC's Direction?

Dracul is shit
Frisia is queer as shit
FCC is the worst
Fuck Ravens
Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: Lemon on October 23, 2013, 05:26:59 am
I hereby declare this thread the official shitpost thread for this conflict. (As if it wasn't already)
To start
FCC= Clever girls 
(click to show/hide)
CC= Cleverer Backstabbing Girls
(click to show/hide)
Flanders= Bitch who whines about his the GOBBLIN KING's fief
GOBBLINS= Strategus Master Race who actually attacks people constantly rather than fling feces and bitch for hours. (Even tho they fling feces anyway)
EU= Foreign Nerds that sit in castles and masturbate to ox porn
Druzhina= Castle Hoarding troop herding bitches who havent moved from their fiefs in years
NA= Master race
This is the glossary that will be used for all future shit-talking, Thank you

Edit: Way to post seconds before me in a similar fashion Hungry...
Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: Krosis on October 23, 2013, 05:27:38 am
Can we please get the shit-slinging back in either CC's or FCC's Direction?

Dracul is shit
Frisia is queer as shit
FCC is garbage
Fuck Ravens

Not until we see an actual attack! It's been DAYS!
Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: HungryNBroke on October 23, 2013, 05:30:22 am
War would be a lot easier if we were all not so goddamn lazy.
Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: Matey on October 23, 2013, 06:48:35 am
Can we please get the shit-slinging back in either CC's or FCC's Direction?

Dracul is shit
Frisia is queer as folk
FCC is the worst
Fuck Ravens

I felt obligated to fix Frisia.

Also... HungryNBroke? MORE LIKE Hungry4Blokes! GOTTEM!
Relit? More like Smellit!
Artyem? More like Fartyem!
Sanderson? More like Fuck you!
Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: Turboflex on October 23, 2013, 06:01:30 pm
I'm beginning to think Harold is not a true English gentleman.
Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: TheAppleSauceMan on October 24, 2013, 01:24:06 am
I felt obligated to fix Frisia.

Also... HungryNBroke? MORE LIKE Hungry4Blokes! GOTTEM!
Relit? More like Smellit!
Artyem? More like Fartyem!
Sanderson? More like Fuck you!

I want a cool nickname  :cry:
Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: Matey on October 24, 2013, 01:24:59 am
I want a cool nickname  :cry:

AppleSauce? more like CrappleSauce!
Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: njames89 on October 24, 2013, 01:25:24 am
CrappleSauce the Loss was about to say. Nicely done Matey.
Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: TheAppleSauceMan on October 24, 2013, 01:44:13 am
I'm honored.  8-)
Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: Built on October 24, 2013, 03:44:32 am
Maybe I am retarded, but I feel that strat would be at least far more entertaining if battles were resolved in the rhythmic-poetic styling of each side, almost as if it were a battle of things to wrap things up....

Just saying

Also NA V EU lets go
Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: dynamike on October 24, 2013, 03:03:30 pm
I felt obligated to fix Frisia.

Also... HungryNBroke? MORE LIKE Hungry4Blokes! GOTTEM!
Relit? More like Smellit!
Artyem? More like Fartyem!
Sanderson? More like Fuck you!

Masturbatey, u are funy!
Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: MURDERTRON on October 24, 2013, 03:42:03 pm
Maybe I am retarded, but I feel that strat would be at least far more entertaining if battles actually happened

Fixed this for you
Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: Warborn304 on October 24, 2013, 07:20:42 pm
Also NA V EU lets go

I doubt NA vs EU would ever happen. That's probably what the devs want seeing as how long this strat cycle is taking. NA has their head too far up their ass,  and I doubt NA would want to claim such eurobad filth land. It would be like having Mediterranean, and Baltic avenue on a monopoly board. I wouldn't even piss on it.

Unless EU attacked NA which I doubt that would happen either... because they would have shit pings.
Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: Lemon on October 25, 2013, 03:53:40 am
I vote we find a way to instigate EU to attacking NA, and then lead them into the grinder that is Almerra.
Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: Warborn304 on October 25, 2013, 04:55:33 am
I vote we find a way to instigate EU to attacking NA, and then lead them into the grinder that is Almerra.

This actually is a solid plan, and would be fucking hilarious to see.
Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: Lord_Kitazawa_of_Voodoo on October 25, 2013, 07:08:59 am
(click to show/hide)

I believe all we need to do is insult:
1) The quality of their cheese.
2) Their ability to make fine cheese.
3) The ability of their cheese to change lives.

They will take great offense and immediately begin the NA invasion. If we claim that Almerra has superior cheese-making facilities deep in the bowels of the HoC Gulag, then their personal insecurities will bubble to the surface and they will bum-rush Almerra in search of superior American cheese.
Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: ArysOakheart on October 25, 2013, 08:12:40 am
(click to show/hide)

I believe all we need to do is insult:
1) The quality of their cheese.
2) Their ability to make fine cheese.
3) The ability of their cheese to change lives.

They will take great offense and immediately begin the NA invasion. If we claim that Almerra has superior cheese-making facilities deep in the bowels of the HoC Gulag, then their personal insecurities will bubble to the surface and they will bum-rush Almerra in search of superior American cheese.

Jalapeno / habenero pepperjack cheese beats any filthy EU cheese.
Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: Matey on October 25, 2013, 08:43:48 am
Jalapeno / habenero pepperjack cheese beats any filthy EU cheese.

Gouda is best.
Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: Dach on October 25, 2013, 09:39:25 am
Best cheese I've eaten!

visitors can't see pics , please register or login
Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: Jona on October 25, 2013, 02:46:33 pm
(click to show/hide)

I was unaware a slab of marble counted as cheese.
Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: Lord_Kitazawa_of_Voodoo on October 25, 2013, 03:48:11 pm
Smoked Gouda is best.
Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: CrazyCracka420 on October 25, 2013, 03:59:40 pm
You guys disgust me.  Talking about cheese like it's some fancy delicacy.  There's some fucking nasty cheese out there, that some people think is refined.  Reminds me of the terrible palate having people who drink wine.

Smoked sausage, now that's where it's at (and why yes, I'll take some cheese in my smoked sausage, or to garnish it).   :oops:

Also 4 large battles (3 open field) tonight?!?!  AND I'm going to be around tonight?  My God Man! Christmas hath arrived early!
Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: MURDERTRON on October 25, 2013, 04:45:07 pm
Please remove the word aggression from the title.  You don't deserve it.
Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: Relit on October 25, 2013, 04:49:56 pm
Please remove the word aggression from the title.  You don't deserve it.

It actually fits the title correctly. The South calls the Civil war "The war of northern aggression" (and still does) due to the preceived notion that the North was the aggressor that caused the war to break out. So yeah its fine.
Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: BaleOhay on October 25, 2013, 05:31:55 pm
More apt to say you started the fight but we will gladly be aggressive.

Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: Relit on October 25, 2013, 05:48:23 pm
More apt to say you started the fight but we will gladly be aggressive.

Whatever gets the battles rolling is fine with me, I know there are several Raven armies positioning to hit FCC targets but these things take time. As far as what Frisia and Dracul are doing, well we shall see. I know these attacks yall initiated happened in the steppe near Ichamur.
Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: KaMiKaZe_JoE on October 25, 2013, 05:49:02 pm
More apt to say we gonna aggress all over your butt-cheeks, Hospitaller/EU scum
Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: Matey on October 25, 2013, 06:36:25 pm
More apt to say we gonna aggress all over your butt-cheeks, Hospitaller/EU scum

but.. that doesn't even make sense joe. we aren't fighting hospies or EU.
Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: Artyem on October 25, 2013, 06:53:01 pm
but.. that doesn't even make sense joe. we aren't fighting hospies or EU.

Not yet you aren't.
Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: Dach on October 25, 2013, 09:54:38 pm
I was unaware a slab of marble counted as cheese.

lol yeah it does look weird! It's actually cheddar mixed with guinness stout beer, delicious :D
Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: cup457 on October 25, 2013, 10:38:02 pm
It actually fits the title correctly. The South calls the Civil war "The war of northern aggression" (and still does) due to the preceived notion that the North was the aggressor that caused the war to break out. So yeah its fine.
"percieved" they forced us to leave
Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: Matey on October 25, 2013, 10:42:20 pm
"percieved" they forced us to leave

dem suthners aint fan o yer fancy spelin! yoo cut dat out sun! If'n yoo keeps on cohrektin relit the prowd suthners spelen den we gun haf tu shoot yeh!
Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: Keshian on October 25, 2013, 11:26:55 pm
Whatever gets the battles rolling is fine with me, I know there are several Raven armies positioning to hit FCC targets but these things take time. As far as what Frisia and Dracul are doing, well we shall see. I know these attacks yall initiated happened in the steppe near Ichamur.

Matey edit
Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: Jack1 on October 25, 2013, 11:29:37 pm
jack1 spent months and months finding men with the largest cocks ever seen, then sandy said "go kill stuff".

End RP.
Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: MURDERTRON on October 25, 2013, 11:48:41 pm
Do you guys have a bunch of black slave (troop) farmers?
Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: Relit on October 26, 2013, 12:29:43 am
Do you guys have a bunch of black slave (troop) farmers?

We have Cup clan.
Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: Kalam on October 26, 2013, 05:00:22 am
Kalam penned a simple missive:

Dear Stonewall who?,

We respect you. You've got superior tactics, albeit not goon tactics. However, we will use our overwhelming forces and superior equipment to burn you until the coast.


Ambrose Everett Burnside Kalam
Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: Relit on October 26, 2013, 02:20:46 pm
Some music for you:
(click to show/hide)

"Alone I arrive, walking from Narra
Over the gaps, across gentle hills
Out onto a knoll
Overlooking this burnished landscape.
Before me I see countless writhing rows
Of indiscernible shapes gathered
In terrible rituals mid fire and smoke
That darken the sun.
From distant corners I hear
The rhythmic thudding of men marching,
And from fields astir with figures converging
The eery muffled rumbling of drums.

From behind, hoofing sod aloft
Couriers gallop past
Straightway up to lines of men
Where a ruffled slanting flag is held,
To a figure mounted, with sword drawn,
About to unleash his flexing array
To collide with columns coming on.

I watch them shift, align, then clash head-on
As distant volleys crackle in long orange ribbons
Where smoke is rising—
After which shattered lines rejoin
Like healed limbs, smaller now but whole,
To lunge once more
Into spiraling bursts of yellowy orange."
(click to show/hide)

The opening volleys of the war of northern aggression have been fired. Let us see what the coming days bring us.
Edit: The area around Ichamur is turning into the Battle of Bull Run. Good times.
Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: Keshian on October 26, 2013, 03:06:47 pm

The opening volleys of the war of northern aggression have been fired. Let us see what the coming days bring us.
Edit: The area around Ichamur is turning into the Battle of Bull Run. Good times.

Wouldn't that make us the southerners now since cc lost more troops in every fight?  Also, we have been trying to do all primetime battles and have done all between 5 and 11, only 2 battles initiated by you both around 1:30 am - we just didn't reinforce the second time because we didn't want to make our guys stay up till 3 am again  - maybe timing better/  Unless you want everyone to start getting really exhausted.
Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: Relit on October 26, 2013, 04:41:19 pm
Kesh its the weekend. Complaining about battle times is sort of pointless. Yeah weve lost more troops. Like that even matters. This war is about XP for the community, cant get XP without somebody losing something.
Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: Keshian on October 26, 2013, 05:09:24 pm
Kesh its the weekend. Complaining about battle times is sort of pointless.

nah, i just remember you asking bale for good times so i was trying to get you to follow through, just dont complain if it happens to you then.

Yeah weve lost more troops. Like that even matters. This war is about XP for the community, cant get XP without somebody losing something.

yeah, thats why FCC initiated so many attacks for xp.  I wasn't putting you down I was just pointing out irony of sitting bull reference roleplaying as southerners - no need for hissy fit.
Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: Relit on October 26, 2013, 05:15:08 pm

nah, i just remember you asking bale for good times so i was trying to get you to follow through, just dont complain if it happens to you then.

yeah, thats why FCC initiated so many attacks for xp.  I wasn't putting you down I was just pointing out irony of sitting bull reference roleplaying as southerners - no need for hissy fit.

I did ask Bale for good times. I asked for good times for Raven. We are a Confederacy, you need to talk to Sandersson or Artyem if you have a problem with their clans battle times. The First battle of Bull Run was essentially a strategic draw, with a slight southern tactical victory. Jeez kesh learn your history more.
Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: Malaclypse on October 26, 2013, 05:16:01 pm
The best part about this war/thread is that old-timey war songs are vaguely relevant- though I will still probably be warned, bring them on, forum moderators.

Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: Sharpe on October 26, 2013, 06:25:00 pm
If you were a true southerner you'd call the First Battle of Bull Run, the First Manassas. This man is a lie.
Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: BaleOhay on October 26, 2013, 07:33:46 pm
I did ask Bale for good times. I asked for good times for Raven. We are a Confederacy, you need to talk to Sandersson or Artyem if you have a problem with their clans battle times. The First battle of Bull Run was essentially a strategic draw, with a slight southern tactical victory. Jeez kesh learn your history more.

unfortunately you can not have it both ways. To easy to cheat the system by just letting the other two crews hit us at all hours but expect us to stay in tune since ravens are doing so.
Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: Relit on October 26, 2013, 08:02:43 pm
unfortunately you can not have it both ways. To easy to cheat the system by just letting the other two crews hit us at all hours but expect us to stay in tune since ravens are doing so.

If you guys would just talk to Dracul or Frisia, I am fairly certain you could come to some agreement. I fail to see how its so horrible that you guys wont even try it.

Would recommend somebody else besides Kesh talks to Dracul, considering he still has not apologized to them.
Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: Keshian on October 26, 2013, 08:19:41 pm
If you guys would just talk to Dracul or Frisia, I am fairly certain you could come to some agreement. I fail to see how its so horrible that you guys wont even try it.

Would recommend somebody else besides Kesh talks to Dracul, considering he still has not apologized to them.

Apologized about what?  Are you imagining even more insults now Relit?  its like every other week you make up some slight over nothing.  Artyem and I are cool, asking him if he would sit out the fight as neutral LIKE HE DID LAST TIME is not an insult unless you are extremely thin-skinned butt-hurt mentality (especially when fimbrulvetyr that time was months old whereas this silly new one where frisians hid under you guys was only a week old).  Imaginary rationalizations are the key to illusory internet honor where you backstab people repeatedly and then be insulted by everyone and everything and think you actually still have honor or that people can trust you in the future.
Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: Relit on October 26, 2013, 08:27:57 pm
Apologized about what?  Are you imagining even more insults now Relit?  its like every other week you make up some slight over nothing.  Artyem and I are cool, asking him if he would sit out the fight as neutral LIKE HE DID LAST TIME is not an insult unless you are extremely thin-skinned butt-hurt mentality (especially when fimbrulvetyr that time was months old whereas this silly new one where frisians hid under you guys was only a week old).  Imaginary rationalizations are the key to illusory internet honor where you backstab people repeatedly and then be insulted by everyone and everything and think you actually still have honor or that people can trust you in the future.

Apologize for insulting them to their faces on their TS. I am not even going to address the rest of... well whatever that was you were trying to say.
Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: Keshian on October 26, 2013, 08:32:34 pm
Apologize for insulting them to their faces on their TS. I am not even going to address the rest of... well whatever that was you were trying to say.

What are you making up now?  i havent even been on their ts since this started and I never insulted anyone, i spoke with artyem separately for 2 minutes asking him 1 question and you kept butting in like a 12 year old desperate not to be ignored.  never even talked to anyone else.
Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: Jack1 on October 26, 2013, 09:01:12 pm
frisians hid under you guys

I only want to address this one part.

It was funny when every one of your field armies/villages got spawn raped or flag capped and then you had to run to your castles, let alone from a faction 1/5 your size(claim you actually have 6 active players and we have 300 here). The time that you finally came out to take back your villages/attack field armies was after Frisia joined CC, thus proving the statement.

We joined raven dracul, I believe, because there good at playing lightsabers with the lights off+ glow in the dark condoms
Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: Keshian on October 26, 2013, 10:08:28 pm
I only want to address this one part.

It was funny when every one of your field armies/villages got spawn raped or flag capped and then you had to run to your castles, let alone from a faction 1/5 your size(claim you actually have 6 active players and we have 300 here). The time that you finally came out to take back your villages/attack field armies was after Frisia joined CC, thus proving the statement.

We joined raven dracul, I believe, because there good at playing lightsabers with the lights off+ glow in the dark condoms

Sorry about that, relit got me riled up accusing me of insulting my friends because he has such a thin skin, really got tired of dancing around that very thin skin in the past.  Would get insulted by the people he wanted to fight over nothing then ignore huge slights by people he didnt want to have to fight.  Not really standing by well he falsely accuses me again.
Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: Jack1 on October 26, 2013, 10:23:59 pm
Sorry about that, relit got me riled up accusing me of insulting my friends because he has such a thin skin, really got tired of dancing around that very thin skin in the past.  Would get insulted by the people he wanted to fight over nothing then ignore huge slights by people he didnt want to have to fight.  Not really standing by well he falsely accuses me again.

Assuming that you mean the part were relit "falsly accused" you of insulting dracul,

they literally came into our teamspeak and asked me to personally withdraw my clan from the war, which in turn would mean withdrawing from the Central Confederacy.  If you can't see what's wrong with that, then the diplomacy section is not where you belong

It seems as though relit is, in fact, right in this instance. 

(click to show/hide)
Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: Keshian on October 26, 2013, 10:26:02 pm
Assuming that you mean the part were relit "falsly accused" you of insulting dracul,

It seems as though relit is, in fact, right in this instance. 

(click to show/hide)

Woah, hey now, there's no need to be cross with each other here.

Kesh did indeed come to our teamspeak with the intent of getting us to pull out of the war, much like the first war of northern aggression.  I am not particularly offended by this, I can understand the motive and his reasoning
-Artyem, representing Dracul and the Central Confederacy.

(click to show/hide)

You mean this jack1?  Yours was much later after relit started getting super butthurt.
Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: HarryCrumb on October 26, 2013, 11:07:25 pm
What are you making up now?  i havent even been on their ts since this started and I never insulted anyone, i spoke with artyem separately for 2 minutes asking him 1 question and you kept butting in like a 12 year old desperate not to be ignored.  never even talked to anyone else.

relit wishes he could relive his glorious pre-teen years
Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: BaleOhay on October 26, 2013, 11:28:17 pm
If you guys would just talk to Dracul or Frisia, I am fairly certain you could come to some agreement. I fail to see how its so horrible that you guys wont even try it.

Would recommend somebody else besides Kesh talks to Dracul, considering he still has not apologized to them.

it does not make any sense to conduct three different diplomacy actions for 1result. How about you all talk to eachother and form a platform and designate a representative. Since I could waste time get two groups to agree and have the third say hell no which makes everything else meaningless. I will take someone elses line... if you do not understand that then the diplomacy section is not for you
Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: Artyem on October 26, 2013, 11:32:55 pm
Using the word "offended" on in the internet is pretty silly, and I should have chosen a different word in place of it.  What I was saying in that post is that it wasn't the action that has me (and to a lesser degree, my clan) unsettled, it's your faction's perennial whining.  Constantly referring to us as backstabbers and cowards despite there never being any official pact or agreement between our factions (or any clan involved in the Confederacy) is a pretty desperate method of buying sympathy.

 Relations between the FCC and every clan in the Confederacy have been damaged in one way or another, and while I consider most of you friends outside of Strategus, I would have hardly called us friendly before the war started.  You've already fought the Ravens and the Frisians in the past, and you really made it seem like we were directly attacking you when we started to fight Acre and HoC.  Taking such matters so personally is an effectively large reason for there being so many people that dislike your faction. 

Regardless, I appreciate the battles, I went from level 20 to level 29 in one night, it was nice.

Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: Matey on October 27, 2013, 01:15:25 am
this thread really picked up! Great job everyone!
Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: SP1N on October 27, 2013, 02:29:03 am
Like sands through the hourglass, so are the days of our lives.
Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: BaleOhay on October 27, 2013, 03:35:59 am
we have a lot more different groups that comprise fcc yet whoever does diplomacy speaks for all. It just gets to confusing and difficult to need to schedule around three people. If you try doing it that way will cause insanity.. it is really hard enough to focus and get things done between two people.
Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: Artyem on October 27, 2013, 03:51:17 am
we have a lot more different groups that comprise fcc yet whoever does diplomacy speaks for all. It just gets to confusing and difficult to need to schedule around three people. If you try doing it that way will cause insanity.. it is really hard enough to focus and get things done between two people.

You guys also share a teamspeak as far as I know, which probably helps a lot.  We didn't make the Central Confederacy because we're all best buddies who all share some hatred for FCC, we made it because we were interested in participating actively again.  We get along fairly well, but actual communication between clans is somewhat sparse and very loose.  Basic coordination, yes, will you ever find me telling Jack1 what he needs to do on Strategus?  Fuck no.

So yes, we're essentially bad, uncommunicative assholes with too much time and money on our hands.  I'm not exactly thrilled to be locking horns with FCC, but it's better than sitting around not doing anything. 
Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: Sir_Winston_Churchill on October 27, 2013, 03:55:59 am
Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: Matey on October 27, 2013, 04:19:48 am
Some music for you as you read the thread:
The rooling council of The Sowth has convened and unaniminously deecided that it is in the best inturest of our sisters for The Sowth to declare war upon The Free Companies of Calradia.

kasis bully: insultin my babies momma, refusin frictions, and not Violatin our sheep.

War goals: End of intelimigence in much of the map. Oh and slaves for those peeples what actually still work.

The Sowth rises up in opporsishuns to the tolurunce of The Canadians Free Companies of Calradia and Queen Victoria Kesh. We can no longer stand (cuz we drunk) and we dont wanna watch the Canadian's relentless effurts to free our slaves. Refugees flee to Canada into tell them of the XP atrocities committed under the Sowth's banner.

We send out this here call to arms to all slave ownin peoples what knows how to read. Stand with us! Stand for incest Slaves!  We will march with any or all of yooze, let us set aside our sisters and unite for slavery more incest!

The Raven Valleyfolks officially calls to arms its ally of old, The KKK. Oaths we have sworn and lynchins we have done side by side, let us march together once again to more slavery.

You lads must be stopped!
Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: BaleOhay on October 27, 2013, 04:32:28 am
You guys also share a teamspeak as far as I know, which probably helps a lot.  We didn't make the Central Confederacy because we're all best buddies who all share some hatred for FCC, we made it because we were interested in participating actively again.  We get along fairly well, but actual communication between clans is somewhat sparse and very loose.  Basic coordination, yes, will you ever find me telling Jack1 what he needs to do on Strategus?  Fuck no.

So yes, we're essentially bad, uncommunicative assholes with too much time and money on our hands.  I'm not exactly thrilled to be locking horns with FCC, but it's better than sitting around not doing anything.

I understand that arty. However you can not expect us to do three sets of diplomacy, if you guys can not even talk to each other it is to much to ask for us to do it. We will do our best to keep fights in prime time. I hope you all do the same. We will also try and keep the war classy, the trash talking to a minimum etc
I only want to address this one part.

It was funny when every one of your field armies/villages got spawn raped or flag capped and then you had to run to your castles, let alone from a faction 1/5 your size(claim you actually have 6 active players and we have 300 here). The time that you finally came out to take back your villages/attack field armies was after Frisia joined CC, thus proving the statement.

We joined raven dracul, I believe, because there good at playing lightsabers with the lights off+ glow in the dark condoms

I think we were doing just fine in the last war. Defending useless fiefs is well.. useless. I am sure defending fenada showed you the same. Also I think we do just fine in open fields.
Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: Chosen1 on October 27, 2013, 05:23:10 am
I think we were doing just fine in the last war.

Look in the archive and try to find an FCC victory from the last war.
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Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: Lord_Kitazawa_of_Voodoo on October 27, 2013, 11:26:32 am
I think what's really important is that everybody cease all fighting, immediately. Neutrality really is the best way to conduct Strategus. Personally, I find nothing more exciting than watching my tickets grow and grow and grow until I have TONS of them. Running an internet trade system also gives me quite the fucking adrenaline rush. In the interest of protecting every faction's neutrality, I would like the propose a Calradia-wide Peace Summit in HoC ts on New Year's Eve. Considering that everyone loves HoC, our ts would be the best place to hold this summit because the love for HoC would create a peaceful atmosphere. Together, we can all make a New Year's resolution to forever act in the interest of neutrality and safe trade routes.

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Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: Lt_Anders on October 27, 2013, 12:47:01 pm
Look in the archive and try to find an FCC victory from the last war.
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tldr you got wrekt last time, and now we are getting wrekt. atleast there is xp going around
Actually, that's incorrect. If anything, FRISIA, did worse overall. FCC maintained the 1:1 ratio while Frisia lost .04.
Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: Warborn304 on October 27, 2013, 04:04:58 pm
I think what's really important is that everybody cease all fighting, immediately. Neutrality really is the best way to conduct Strategus. Personally, I find nothing more exciting than watching my tickets grow and grow and grow until I have TONS of them. Running an internet trade system also gives me quite the fucking adrenaline rush. In the interest of protecting every faction's neutrality, I would like the propose a Calradia-wide Peace Summit in HoC ts on New Year's Eve. Considering that everyone loves HoC, our ts would be the best place to hold this summit because the love for HoC would create a peaceful atmosphere. Together, we can all make a New Year's resolution to forever act in the interest of neutrality and safe trade routes.

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Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: Chosen1 on October 27, 2013, 04:32:38 pm
I think what's really important is that everybody cease all fighting, immediately. Neutrality really is the best way to conduct Strategus. Personally, I find nothing more exciting than watching my tickets grow and grow and grow until I have TONS of them. Running an internet trade system also gives me quite the fucking adrenaline rush. In the interest of protecting every faction's neutrality, I would like the propose a Calradia-wide Peace Summit in HoC ts on New Year's Eve. Considering that everyone loves HoC, our ts would be the best place to hold this summit because the love for HoC would create a peaceful atmosphere. Together, we can all make a New Year's resolution to forever act in the interest of neutrality and safe trade routes.

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There's no fun in trading and whoring tickets in castles. I'm guessing HoC is the only one that wants to do this.  Go figure.

Actually, that's incorrect. If anything, FRISIA, did worse overall. FCC maintained the 1:1 ratio while Frisia lost .04.

What ratio? If we won nearly all of the battles and captured all of their villages with a better K/D, how did we do worse?
Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: Warborn304 on October 27, 2013, 04:54:20 pm
I think what's really important is that everybody cease all fighting, immediately. Neutrality really is the best way to conduct Strategus. Personally, I find nothing more exciting than watching my tickets grow and grow and grow until I have TONS of them. Running an internet trade system also gives me quite the fucking adrenaline rush. In the interest of protecting every faction's neutrality, I would like the propose a Calradia-wide Peace Summit in HoC ts on New Year's Eve. Considering that everyone loves HoC, our ts would be the best place to hold this summit because the love for HoC would create a peaceful atmosphere. Together, we can all make a New Year's resolution to forever act in the interest of neutrality and safe trade routes.

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There's no fun in trading and whoring tickets in castles. I'm guessing HoC is the only one that wants to do this.  Go figure.

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Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: BaleOhay on October 27, 2013, 05:31:29 pm
Actually, that's incorrect. If anything, FRISIA, did worse overall. FCC maintained the 1:1 ratio while Frisia lost .04.

what he is saying is a couple of battles do not win the war.
Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: Lt_Anders on October 27, 2013, 09:16:33 pm
What ratio? If we won nearly all of the battles and captured all of their villages with a better K/D, how did we do worse?

The one I maintained in the Great War thread....Frisia finished 1.11 in that.

And, sure Overall K/D maybe, but lost tickets(due to timer) are counted as killed tickets, thus harming your overall K/D(what I record). You lost multiple battles with 300-400 tickets(I think, it might be 4 battles of 200, they are recorded in the same thread, so you can just check), where you didn't USE those tickets and lost.

But, now that FCC has been fighting you guys, they've racked up a pretty good KDR(pure and overall). That's one thing FCC is good at: Using up every ticket.
Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: Chosen1 on October 27, 2013, 09:58:15 pm

It was hardly funny.

Why don't you guys just rejoin FCC, because apparently you can't hold a village for longer than a week on your own. nerds.

where you didn't USE those tickets and lost.

Who gives a shit, honestly? We won the war, plain and simple. We lost very few battles even with 1/5 the number of armies. And I admit FCC is winning now. No matter what we say, you shitstains come up with something to argue about.
Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: Matey on October 27, 2013, 10:01:24 pm
Who gives a shit, honestly? We won the war, plain and simple. We lost very few battles even with 1/5 the number of armies. And I admit FCC is winning now. No matter what we say, you shitstains come up with something to argue about.

Ummm what?
Frisia and LCO both sent tons of troops at us whether coordinated or not. We decided to focus on defending our best fiefs but very few attacks were made there, then LCO withdrew. We started taking back our fiefs when CC declared our war with frisia was over!

That isn't a win. You didn't do any damage to us and we never asked for peace with you. That being said, you guy didn't even want peace either so really that conflict was basically just on hold but is now going strong.
Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: Chosen1 on October 27, 2013, 10:16:16 pm
We started taking back our fiefs when CC declared our war with frisia was over!

That isn't a win. You didn't do any damage to us and we never asked for peace with you. That being said, you guy didn't even want peace either so really that conflict was basically just on hold but is now going strong.

True, you took back Jelbegi and Vaveyeg (what about New Ayyike? which we captured with about 1400 less troops btw) but I'm saying we won the war because we won more battles. Then the war ended because we joined TCC. So we won.
Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: Matey on October 27, 2013, 10:22:16 pm
True, you took back Jelbegi and Vaveyeg when we were outnumbered (what about New Ayyike? which we captured with about 1400 less troops btw) but I'm saying we won the war because we won more battles. Then the war ended because we joined TCC. So we won.

But thats like saying you joined battle, killed 3 of 30 enemies and then an admin changed the map. I don't really think you can call that a win.
Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: Chosen1 on October 27, 2013, 10:40:17 pm
But thats like saying you joined battle, killed 3 of 30 enemies and then an admin changed the map. I don't really think you can call that a win.

?? We fought you for a good 3 months atleast. And we gained a fief from it and won nearly all of the village and field battles. That's a win. I'm not trying to brag that we won, I'm just saying that we used to do better, and now you guys are kicking our butts. That's fair, isn't it?
Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: Lord_Bernie_of_Voodoo on October 27, 2013, 11:35:22 pm
let's all take this to NA3, shitlords.
Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: kasMVC on October 28, 2013, 12:05:39 am
Frisia's success was mainly due to the presence of certain mercenaries. True jack has been doing very well and I have been doing decent, but I note that FCC's rosters are largely FCC.

Without MB we will surely lose this war.
Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: Lt_Anders on October 28, 2013, 12:06:43 am
?? We fought you for a good 3 months atleast. And we gained a fief from it and won nearly all of the village and field battles. That's a win. I'm not trying to brag that we won, I'm just saying that we used to do better, and now you guys are kicking our butts. That's fair, isn't it?

In terms of strat: you don't win unless you capture the hard points of the Castles and Cities. Otherwise, you lost in terms of tickets and overall.

Statistics don't lie. You lost more troops, overall, than FCC, even though you won "all" you field and village battles. Without taking the castles, you not only lost, but were at exactly the same square as the war start. Taking out the hard targets is what nets the win. Villages change hands, Castles don't.
Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: Chosen1 on October 28, 2013, 12:11:09 am
honestly Anders, no one gives a shit.
we didn't win because we didn't take their castles? seriously?  :rolleyes:

You're just upset you lost your own castle.
Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: BaleOhay on October 28, 2013, 12:12:39 am
we will show you that castles do indeed change hands :) I personally think he has the right of it.. You won the villages because we did not not bother defending them, since they are generally pointless in strat.

Honestly the difference is LCO have not been heavily signing for you guys. They had a very strong Cav crew that were beastly at the drive by knock downs. We do not really field much in the way of cav due to your side heavily into the long poke weapons.

All in all i would say that is the biggest difference between those fights and these.
Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: Chosen1 on October 28, 2013, 12:18:53 am
we will show you that castles do indeed change hands :) I personally think he has the right of it.. You won the villages because we did not not bother defending them, since they are generally pointless in strat.

All of the villages we captured were defended by a decent amount of troops and we won the majority of the field battles.  Yeah, we didn't gain much power in strat, but we inflicted more damage.
Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: Lt_Anders on October 28, 2013, 12:25:18 am
honestly Anders, no one gives a shit.
we didn't win because we didn't take their castles? seriously?  :rolleyes:

You're just upset you lost your own castle.

Classic Argument tactic one: Claim the other guy is angry/upset/other to make your point more valid.

Can you use ANY fact to prove your point? Statistically, you actually took MORE damage than FCC received. Perhaps I should calculate it just for that war to prove the correct point? I think I will.
Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: Chosen1 on October 28, 2013, 12:30:30 am
No, I don't want you to calculate that. You are the only one who cares.
You know, it's kind of hard to capture a castle when they are all stacked with 8000+ troops.
I'm done arguing, this was a dumb argument to begin anyway.
Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: Lt_Anders on October 28, 2013, 12:40:36 am
No, I don't want you to calculate that. You are the only one who cares.
You know, it's kind of hard to capture a castle when they are all stacked with 8000+ troops.
I'm done arguing, this was a dumb argument to begin anyway.

Actually, during the war, your largest army was around 1800. That's not ginormous stacking, and FCC offered to put down garrisons.

FCC: 22460
Frisia: 21065
Net: 1395

Removed the village battles and AFK battles:
FCC: 21162
Frisia: 20865
Net: 297

FCC had two AFKers get attacked with no defenders hired by the afker Frisia had 1 battle that shouldn't be recorded but counts as loss cause it was 200 pop versus an army.

You DID technically win the overall, but removing the frivolous battles against afks, useless village tickets, etc, the difference was 300 in favor of you.

I calculate this stuff because people like you just start spouting, and numbers don't lie. Actually, Frisia's worst enemy was lost tickets from either time, or flag cap. I do believe you lost nearly 2-3k tickets from that alone....
Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: Bronto on October 28, 2013, 01:55:29 am
Let me be the first to say it; Anders please go outside.
Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: Lt_Anders on October 28, 2013, 01:57:58 am
Let me be the first to say it; Anders please go outside.

Hey, it's what I do for a living :oops:
Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: BaleOhay on October 28, 2013, 02:02:02 am
Damn we were doing rather well in that one. You guys do a blood sacrifice to the gods to save you?
Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: SP1N on October 28, 2013, 02:03:09 am
We sacrificed cup.
Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: BaleOhay on October 28, 2013, 03:00:48 am
you guys did really well considering the merc disadvantage. Sorry for the mismatch guys
Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: Canuck on October 28, 2013, 03:01:32 am
It certainly sucks, but thanks for not capping when you could have. The xp!
Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: Keshian on October 28, 2013, 03:04:43 am
It certainly sucks, but thanks for not capping when you could have. The xp!

Yeah 1.2-1.3 million between the two.  We kept telling guys to back off from flags and a bunch of us didn't spawn for a lot of it, but when you guys started having 50 second respawn timers someone accidentally capped the flags.  Kind of sucked, first battle we were doing fine, bad timing on the reset, sorry your mercs didnt come back.
Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: SP1N on October 28, 2013, 03:13:19 am
It was an unfortunate situation. May the next battle not be interrupted. :)
Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: Lemon on October 28, 2013, 03:17:23 am
Yeah, you guys did very well for being like 15 men down. We actually did much better the first time rather than the second. Sorry for the spawnrape at the end... had to pad our KDs somehow..
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Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: Scervo on October 28, 2013, 04:09:12 am
What is this!? People being nice to eachother in a war thread?!?! You should be ashamed!

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Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: CrazyCracka420 on October 28, 2013, 03:28:49 pm
Devs restart servers in the middle of a large strat battle (instead of one of the many times throughout the day when there are no strat battles).  Thanks, Obama!

One funny thing about that, if you look at the strat archive of the battle it kept track of the K:D of players from both battles :P!?page=strategusinfobattleroster&id=5618
Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: MURDERTRON on October 28, 2013, 03:33:54 pm
90 kills, get dunked on.

I dunno, as a third party it was pretty awesome.  Two battles for the price of one.  Well, one and a half, maybe.  But anyway, defenders killed more than they would have if the first battle just ended when it did and never restarted.
Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: CrazyCracka420 on October 28, 2013, 03:39:37 pm
I checked and it looked like the XP from the first battle didn't "stick".  And you're pretty annoying on the battlefield.
Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: MURDERTRON on October 28, 2013, 03:42:31 pm
I checked and it looked like the XP from the first battle didn't "stick".  And you're pretty annoying on the battlefield.

Says the guy who couched me 10 times.
Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: CrazyCracka420 on October 28, 2013, 03:44:38 pm
Says the guy who couched me 10 times.

And only one of those couches was when we were on the same team (gobblin vs hoc).  Look buddy, I need free reign to run around behind your infantry front line.  I don't need you foiling those plans. 

Seriously though, it is pretty effective to have a thrower or two up by the front lines.  More effective at targeting cavalry than archers/xbows that are usually much farther back from the infantry.   Or maybe some more italian thrust to my large warhorse was taking 3/4 of it's health.  Buff horse health! Nerf 1h stab!  :rolleyes:
Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: BaleOhay on October 28, 2013, 03:52:53 pm
He can be annoying all the time if he just applies himself a little more.

The terrortops is pleased with this war so much he decided to use his power to turn back time and allow the battle to happen a second time. All praise his glory.

Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: Warborn304 on October 28, 2013, 04:04:56 pm
No, I don't want you to calculate that. You are the only one who cares.
You know, it's kind of hard to capture a castle when they are all stacked with 8000+ troops.
I'm done arguing, this was a dumb argument to begin anyway.

Apparently all anyone has to do is stack 8k+ troops on a castle and it's gg no re for this guy. Nice to see you blatantly cry about tactics. What the fuck did you think was going to happen when strat hit a one year point? Or when you have clans that mass produce tickets?

Hey, it's what I do for a living :oops:

And another shout out to Anders because he actually does comprehensive work about strat, and brings it full circle. Y'all shit lords are just mad because he throws down hard facts.

Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: DaruviansUnmutedAccount on October 28, 2013, 04:59:08 pm
Apparently all anyone has to do is stack 8k+ troops on a castle and it's gg no re for this guy. Nice to see you blatantly cry about tactics. What the fuck did you think was going to happen when strat hit a one year point? Or when you have clans that mass produce tickets?

And another shout out to Anders because he actually does comprehensive work about strat, and brings it full circle. Y'all shit lords are just mad because he throws down hard facts.

maybe he expected you to do something other than be afk bitches

he clearly expected wrong lel

Oh, and I made the following "hard facts" infographic to invalidate anything you or Anders say about anything ever having to do with Strat.

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Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: BaleOhay on October 29, 2013, 12:54:26 am
get your own thread.. This is reserved for the worship of the Terrortops and the exp that he brings to the people of calradia
Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: Lemon on October 29, 2013, 12:56:58 am
all hail ken456
Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: Scervo on October 29, 2013, 03:45:37 am
Devs restart servers in the middle of a large strat battle (instead of one of the many times throughout the day when there are no strat battles). 

How do you know it was restarted on purpose rather than being a crash?
Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: Jona on October 29, 2013, 03:33:49 pm
maybe he expected you to do something other than be afk bitches

he clearly expected wrong lel

Oh, and I made the following "hard facts" infographic to invalidate anything you or Anders say about anything ever having to do with Strat.

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Funny that you are calling others afk bitches... others who man-for-man are far more active than your faction. HoC has at most 5 active strat members, and yet we have launched 11 attacks since your faction's creation. You however, despite being many times larger than us, and having unlimited gear from a bug or two have only launched 16 attacks. You, who formed your faction in the name of spreading xp and attacking all who do jack shit in game... all I see you doing is absorbing one afk faction / player at a time... and then afking in your newly acquired (without any battles) fiefs.  Let us not forget you also vowed to obliterate SKoT... then gave up after what... 4 attacks? You sir, have no right to call anyone else afk, or trash talk when your pathetic faction can only do moderately well because you have your infinite plate armor to hide in.
Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: HardRice on October 29, 2013, 04:56:11 pm
How do you know it was restarted on purpose rather than being a crash?
It makes for much better drama if the devs did it.
Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: DaruviansUnmutedAccount on October 29, 2013, 05:03:26 pm
Funny that you are calling others afk bitches... others who man-for-man are far more active than your faction. HoC has at most 5 active strat members, and yet we have launched 11 attacks since your faction's creation. You however, despite being many times larger than us, and having unlimited gear from a bug or two have only launched 16 attacks. You, who formed your faction in the name of spreading xp and attacking all who do jack shit in game... all I see you doing is absorbing one afk faction / player at a time... and then afking in your newly acquired (without any battles) fiefs.  Let us not forget you also vowed to obliterate SKoT... then gave up after what... 4 attacks? You sir, have no right to call anyone else afk, or trash talk when your pathetic faction can only do moderately well because you have your infinite plate armor to hide in.

lel i think you might be typing words but everytime you write a long autistismal spree all i see is

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get more butt blasted scrub

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Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: Jona on October 29, 2013, 05:22:43 pm
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That's not even a hard schedule for a college kid. Don't think you have the right to insult everyone else and yet receive none in return because you care to share your personal life details while the rest of us like a little more privacy than that. And for such a busy person you sure seem to be able to smear your shit across these forums in a timely manner. Not to mention that as I said, you have shittons of people in your faction... you are but one nerd, and you have many more nerds that can initiate attacks and shit.
Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: DaruviansUnmutedAccount on October 29, 2013, 05:31:27 pm
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omg u r bad and im good thats why my last battle with you we had a 0.06 KDR

Sure thing bro.

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Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: Jona on October 29, 2013, 05:54:15 pm
Sure thing bro.

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Sorry to break the illusion that you have fabricated, but this entire community doesn't revolve around you. Everyone except you 'enjoys' this "inane, time-wasting, humorless slop" in the diplomacy section of the forums. Seeing how you are the odd man out, you better rethink who speaks for the interests of the community at large. The diplomacy section has gone unchanged since before and after your arrival. Wisen up, you have had no impact on the way things are done around here. Just because you don't like the way nerds talk diplomacy doesn't mean their way is wrong. If you don't get enjoyment out of this boring place, then simply do the community at large a favor and gtfo. Why on earth such a "busy" person as yourself would spend day and night on some shitty forums that they don't even get enjoyment out of is just beyond hilarious.

Also, the fact that you think you can deflect my words with your "omg u get shit kdr's lelelelelel" posts is so far wrong, it too is quite hilarious. The only reason HoC is still in strat is to get xp battles going. We don't care at all about global conquest or any of that nerdy epeen shit. We couldn't care less about losing 100 troops or 100,000 troops. The only thing that happens when you kill our unarmed men is less xp battles for the community as a whole. Once again, all you do is hurt the community.
Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: DaruviansUnmutedAccount on October 29, 2013, 05:58:55 pm

See, I just managed to sum up our entire conversation and save us lots of future time that would have been lost, all by concentrating the argument we might have had down into four words. Isn't that neat?

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Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: Mae. on October 29, 2013, 06:39:02 pm
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Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: Jona on October 29, 2013, 06:41:18 pm
I instead just visualize that the words I see on the screen are simply being typed from some greasy nerd hundreds of miles away sitting in a computer chair taking a respite from his work, classes, or social life that day to say jerkoff things on the internet, and that this person will never have the slightest true consequence upon my life. It's easy to detach and not care at all after that. I share this as a tip for anyone who wants to break free from feeling they have to respond to stuff like that.

Took the words right out of my mouth off my fingertips.

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Does a mighty fine job of describing 99% of nerds as well as 100% of autist-nerd-crpg-players.
Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: njames89 on October 29, 2013, 06:43:55 pm
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Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: Phantasmal on October 29, 2013, 06:48:07 pm
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Shit guys, I think I have autism...
Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: njames89 on October 29, 2013, 07:07:08 pm
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Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: Jona on October 29, 2013, 07:35:27 pm
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Welcome to the club, lads!
Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: Gmnotutoo on October 29, 2013, 08:35:09 pm
Laughing or giggling inappropriately could also mean you are high on drugs.
Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: Real_Dece_Guy on October 29, 2013, 09:10:54 pm
Laughing or giggling inappropriately could also mean you are high on drugs.

Actually, just about everything on that poster could work with that.
Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: Lt_Anders on October 29, 2013, 10:47:15 pm
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OH, wow, you work SO much. Fuk I do 60 hours a week at work. And still manage video games and school. Yea, ok. Get better at IRL scrub.

Oh, and I'm working on becoming a Certified Engineer, while finishing my Graduate Degree for a Masters in Civil Engineering.
Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: oprah_winfrey on October 29, 2013, 11:12:04 pm
OH, wow, you work SO much. Fuk I do 60 hours a week at work. And still manage video games and school. Yea, ok. Get better at IRL scrub.

Oh, and I'm working on becoming a Certified Engineer, while finishing my Graduate Degree for a Masters in Civil Engineering.

Well my dad can beat up your dad.
Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: HardRice on October 29, 2013, 11:16:49 pm
Well my dad can beat up your dad.
There's no excuse for spouse-beating.
Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: HappyPhantom on October 30, 2013, 12:30:49 am
Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: Lemon on October 30, 2013, 12:31:48 am
Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: DaruviansUnmutedAccount on October 30, 2013, 12:46:10 am
OH, wow, you work SO much. Fuk I do 60 hours a week at work. And still manage video games and school. Yea, ok. Get better at IRL scrub.

Oh, and I'm working on becoming a Certified Engineer, while finishing my Graduate Degree for a Masters in Civil Engineering.

Yes Anders but that is because you have more time to give to work every week because unlike me you don't take time out to shower, exercise, and diggle bitches.

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Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: Sharpe on October 30, 2013, 12:59:17 am

Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: Lt_Anders on October 30, 2013, 01:00:19 am
Yes Anders but that is because you have more time to give to work every week because unlike me you don't take time out to shower, exercise, and diggle bitches.

Funny you should say that. Today I helped my Boss(the Engineer) start designing this adult living facility. I think it was made just for you. It's got the first floor as solid Concrete Masonry Units(CMU's) which help support that massive flab that you have to lug around. Though they haven't been designed yet, steel beams to allow you to not collapse are being installed, because we'd rather not have our ginormous client unable to get up once he's fallen down. Humpty had that happen, so we don't need the great big gobblin to have that happen yet either.

But to allow you play that awesome space jam, we made the second and third stories wood to not shatter from the strength of the  songs. There's even a giant flower garden on the leeward side so that your stench doesn't kill the surrounding neighborhoods.

Of course, this took 3 hours, and then we got a call from the Architect giving us a 10 day extension cause you happened to move to much and they needed to get some cranes to your current location to prop you back up in the correct position for placement into your new house. Sorry, but we'll get your nice Living Facility designed and built on time so that you can move in right when your current facility gets to big for your ever expanding girth.

I do so hope you like the awesome exercise machine I put in...It's called a mouse and keyboard. It'll help your fingers at least maintain some form of your original self.

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Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: Lemon on October 30, 2013, 01:09:52 am
Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: DaruviansUnmutedAccount on October 30, 2013, 01:35:15 am
Funny you should say that. Today I helped my Boss(the Engineer) start designing this adult living facility. I think it was made just for you. It's got the first floor as solid Concrete Masonry Units(CMU's) which help support that massive flab that you have to lug around. Though they haven't been designed yet, steel beams to allow you to not collapse are being installed, because we'd rather not have our ginormous client unable to get up once he's fallen down. Humpty had that happen, so we don't need the great big gobblin to have that happen yet either.

But to allow you play that awesome space jam, we made the second and third stories wood to not shatter from the strength of the  songs. There's even a giant flower garden on the leeward side so that your stench doesn't kill the surrounding neighborhoods.

Of course, this took 3 hours, and then we got a call from the Architect giving us a 10 day extension cause you happened to move to much and they needed to get some cranes to your current location to prop you back up in the correct position for placement into your new house. Sorry, but we'll get your nice Living Facility designed and built on time so that you can move in right when your current facility gets to big for your ever expanding girth.

I do so hope you like the awesome exercise machine I put in...It's called a mouse and keyboard. It'll help your fingers at least maintain some form of your original self.

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See Jona, here's a man that knows how to play along.
Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: SP1N on October 30, 2013, 03:01:37 am
Hey, you guys leave Zagush alone! I was saving it for a fun knockdown battle, but now I have to ruin the surprise in hopes that you guys have hearts.
Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: Matey on October 30, 2013, 05:15:08 am
Hey, you guys leave Zagush alone! I was saving it for a fun knockdown battle, but now I have to ruin the surprise in hopes that you guys have hearts.

looks like we missed the boat on that one.
Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: Jona on October 30, 2013, 05:17:37 am
See Jona, here's a man that knows how to play along.

My B, I figured if I broke out any engineering-speak it would go way over your head. I prefer my words have a deeper, more penetrating effect.
Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: Jona on October 30, 2013, 06:20:34 am
I penetrated your mom.

I'm glad you can recognize innuendo so well.
Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: SP1N on October 30, 2013, 06:45:32 am
Come help save my kitties!'s-bump-'n'-grind-coalition/msg885398/#msg885398
Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: Zlisch_The_Butcher on October 30, 2013, 10:37:41 am
Yes Anders but that is because you have more time to give to work every week because unlike me you don't take time out to shower, exercise, and diggle bitches.

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You play cRPG, you're a permavirgin, you're fat, and you live in your parents basement.
Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: CrazyCracka420 on October 30, 2013, 02:27:36 pm
Things I learned from this thread, I have autism, and apparently a massive penis (homemade fleshlight using toilet paper roll?  lol I broke right through that).

You know what they say, I may not bottom out every time but I sure do fuck the shit out of the sides.
Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: HarryCrumb on October 30, 2013, 07:29:48 pm
Things I learned from this thread, I have autism, and apparently a massive penis (homemade fleshlight using toilet paper roll?  lol I broke right through that).

You know what they say, I may not bottom out every time but I sure do fuck the shit out of the sides.

Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: Jack1 on October 30, 2013, 10:43:49 pm
I've had so much fun the these strat bettles these last two days that I can barely even remember them!
Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: Keshian on October 31, 2013, 02:48:21 am
wow you guys are dumb.  Postponed battles for 48 hours now and you attack twice in the middle of them.  I hope you enjoy 6 battles in 1 day, lol.    Didn't you notice no one on eu or na attacked anyone today (the day before halloween) because battles for the last 2 days all mashed together.
Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: kasMVC on October 31, 2013, 03:05:14 am
From what I understand the CC is going to give up so they are just yoloing attacks now
Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: Artyem on October 31, 2013, 03:34:41 am
wow you guys are dumb.  Postponed battles for 48 hours now and you attack twice in the middle of them.  I hope you enjoy 6 battles in 1 day, lol.    Didn't you notice no one on eu or na attacked anyone today (the day before halloween) because battles for the last 2 days all mashed together.

This is coming from FCC, who despite me telling three of your leaders several times that you were welcome to contact me for battle times, insisted on attacking us at 11:30 AM PST on a workday.  Ace hypocrisy there, champ!
Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: Keshian on October 31, 2013, 03:38:38 am
This is coming from FCC, who despite me telling three of your leaders several times that you were welcome to contact me for battle times, insisted on attacking us at 11:30 AM PST on a workday.  Ace hypocrisy there, champ!

I think you misunderstand - im not complaining - ill fight all of them.  Im just saying it looks like stupidity to attack while crpg is down and all the battles are getting mashed together and i really hope you enjoy fighting nonstop from 7 to 3 in the morning on Halloween.
Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: Lt_Anders on October 31, 2013, 04:03:04 am
This is coming from FCC, who despite me telling three of your leaders several times that you were welcome to contact me for battle times, insisted on attacking us at 11:30 AM PST on a workday.  Ace hypocrisy there, champ!

Technically, the CC attacked at that time first, though, so you can't really use the Hypocrisy card on that one.
Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: MURDERTRON on October 31, 2013, 04:09:26 am
Crossposting this from the Strategus Discussion Thread.  You guys are awful at everything.

Friday is party night for us working stiffs.  So is Saturday.  Please postpone all battles until Sunday night when Walking Dead is on, because that show is awful.

Ps.  Carl dies.  I think that's a character.
Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: KaMiKaZe_JoE on October 31, 2013, 04:15:27 am
More like war of really bad aggression.

Suck,our dicks.

I'm drunk. They're selling trays of 15, 24 oz. yuenglings across the street for 19 bucks. That's a 30 of yuengling. I'm belligerently drunk with my friends watching Jurassic Park. I need to RP now, but language fails me. I need to contribute to my factions diplomacy so I'm going to declare even more war on the Cock Confederacy on behalf of the Cavalieres. Consider your dicks munched, nerds.
Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: Artyem on October 31, 2013, 04:16:18 am
Technically, the CC attacked at that time first, though, so you can't really use the Hypocrisy card on that one.

We attacked at 12:08 AM (CST) on a Friday, and it was to send a guy who had like 50 tickets to Europe.  Aside from that, the rest of our attacks seem to be within prime time, or on the edge of prime time.
Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: DaruviansUnmutedAccount on October 31, 2013, 04:17:37 am
More like war of really bad aggression.

Suck,our dicks.

I'm drunk. They're selling trays of 15, 24 oz. yuenglings across the street for 19 bucks. That's a 30 of yuengling. I'm belligerently drunk with my friends watching Jurassic Park. I need to RP now, but language fails me. I need to contribute to my factions diplomacy so I'm going to declare even more war on the Cock Confederacy on behalf of the Cavalieres. Consider your dicks munched, nerds.

Trust me you want to open this spoiler.

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Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: BaleOhay on October 31, 2013, 04:39:54 am
More like war of really bad aggression.

Suck,our dicks.

I'm drunk. They're selling trays of 15, 24 oz. yuenglings across the street for 19 bucks. That's a 30 of yuengling. I'm belligerently drunk with my friends watching Jurassic Park. I need to RP now, but language fails me. I need to contribute to my factions diplomacy so I'm going to declare even more war on the Cock Confederacy on behalf of the Cavalieres. Consider your dicks munched, nerds.

I drink the same beer as Joe. Clearly I just won strat... Added points for me growing up where they make it.
Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: Kirbyy on October 31, 2013, 04:40:27 am
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Everyone just calm down and watch American Horror Story tonight.  Stream it, the episode is up, it's almost Halloween.  Lets watch a season based on a girl who kills people with her vagina.
Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: SP1N on October 31, 2013, 05:53:51 am
I drink the same beer as Joe. Clearly I just won strat... Added points for me growing up where they make it.

But... Yuengling's just good. Who wouldn't?
Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: Keshian on October 31, 2013, 06:48:20 am
We attacked at 12:08 AM (CST) on a Friday, and it was to send a guy who had like 50 tickets to Europe.  Aside from that, the rest of our attacks seem to be within prime time, or on the edge of prime time.

He might have been talking about this one too?!?page=strategusinfobattledetail&id=5595 (!?page=strategusinfobattledetail&id=5595)  The first two attacks you guys did were both after 1 am.  Honestly its fine - odd hour battles happen sometimes, as long as its not the norm its not a big deal - 95% of our battles during primetime so far.  Shit happens, no need to complain because 1 or 2 battles are outliers from the norm.
Though relit GTX and dropped matey as a steam friend mainly because we actually showed up for that second battle initiated by you guys after 1 am, which made him stay up to hire people.  2-3 other leaders already sent us quitting notices and others hop in our ts and call us assholes because we are winning.  I guess we are supposed to roll over and let you guys win or everybody starts quitting after 4 days of fighting? - one more reason I respect Hospitallers and even lost legion and chaos so much more more than central confederacy right now.  They dont GTX the second they start losing just because they didn't crush us when they expected to by attacking us from behind while we were fighting 2 other factions and calling on all other factions to join them in attacking us, under the misguided (and oft-repeated) belief that we somehow suck at field battles.  For the record we used up most of our +0, -1 gear in those old field battles because we were pulling all our best gear to our main fiefs.

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Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: MURDERTRON on October 31, 2013, 07:08:37 am
This just doesn't feel right with Kesh complimenting other clans and no one implying that Kesh is cheating...

What I do know, however, is someone probably should have waited for everything to be functioning properly again before stacking more battles.  Is there anyway we can have a small cease fire until Saturday night (battles to happen on Sunday night?). Tomorrow is Halloween, I'm throwing a party on Friday, and I have to go to the World Series parade on Saturday.  Also, I think both sides need some time to cool off and find out what they really want.
Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: ArysOakheart on October 31, 2013, 08:13:54 am
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Know your role, jabroni.
Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: Artyem on October 31, 2013, 09:55:41 am
Listen Kesh, as long as I have a modicum of authority in my faction, we aren't quitting shit.

Don't get your hopes up, bundle of stickss.

As far as I know only Relit has quit, I'm sure others have displayed thoughts of quitting, but as far as I know we're still in this until the end.  Unfortunately I'm not as active (and won't be as active) as I was before, because I prioritize the real world over the strategus map.

please delay the battles again, I'd like it if people could actually show up for them  :rolleyes:
Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: Artyem on October 31, 2013, 10:01:09 am
This. I know Sandy hasn't quit, he's not getting out that easily. Besides that, I don't know of any leadership on the Frisian side quitting.

You are straight up lying on the internet, Kesh.

I can imagine he's misinterpreting something someone sent to him, probably something I sent to him considering Sandersson has had him blocked on steam for ages now.
Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: HardRice on October 31, 2013, 11:37:42 am
Reading all is like watching Bravo for 6 hours straight, there's some gays, some really loud and obnoxious ladies with an IQ of 4, and you just can't pull your face away from the screen.

Thank you, you drama fanatics.
Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: TheAppleSauceMan on October 31, 2013, 11:44:28 am
He might have been talking about this one too?!?page=strategusinfobattledetail&id=5595 (!?page=strategusinfobattledetail&id=5595)  The first two attacks you guys did were both after 1 am.  Honestly its fine - odd hour battles happen sometimes, as long as its not the norm its not a big deal - 95% of our battles during primetime so far.  Shit happens, no need to complain because 1 or 2 battles are outliers from the norm.
Though relit GTX and dropped matey as a steam friend mainly because we actually showed up for that second battle initiated by you guys after 1 am, which made him stay up to hire people.  2-3 other leaders already sent us quitting notices and others hop in our ts and call us assholes because we are winning.  I guess we are supposed to roll over and let you guys win or everybody starts quitting after 4 days of fighting? - one more reason I respect Hospitallers and even lost legion and chaos so much more more than central confederacy right now.  They dont GTX the second they start losing just because they didn't crush us when they expected to by attacking us from behind while we were fighting 2 other factions and calling on all other factions to join them in attacking us, under the misguided (and oft-repeated) belief that we somehow suck at field battles.  For the record we used up most of our +0, -1 gear in those old field battles because we were pulling all our best gear to our main fiefs.

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I'm not in the mood to write out a wall of text and logically acknowledge everything said here and what I find to be wrong about it, so I'll give a nice little TLDR without the R even existing.

As has been said, I think you're over-exaggerating anyone quitting strat (just Relit). And even so, the only reason things may have slowed down or seemed less intense then when this first started, really boils down to one simple fact. And please, really let this sink in because it's something not many people seem to understand around here. REAL LIFE IS MORE IMPORTANT THAN THIS SHIT GAME. Sometimes shit happens and honestly, I'm not going to put Strat over anything irl, and I know most in my clan, if not all, wouldn't either. Basically, sorry for not being the nerds you thought we were.

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Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: Keshian on October 31, 2013, 12:40:21 pm
I can imagine he's misinterpreting something someone sent to him, probably something I sent to him considering Sandersson has had him blocked on steam for ages now.

Lol, i blocked him actually then dropped him and he raged about it, not the other way around.  Also, Artyem I still have your steam message too if you want me to post it and Sandy's ts message, Relit's stuff etc.  I do hope its all just melodramatic theatrics.  I do remember you guys repeatedly threatening devoting all the rest of strategus to making the game unenjoyable for all acre members if they didn't play the way you guys wanted them to, that always struck me as a far worse mentality than anything you might think we do and  "Such cutthroat and repugnant behavior has inspired several people to completely quit this game" very accurately described that kind of over-the-top seriousness you guys brought to the game over a silly mix up of reinhardt with the former leader of SoA.  All we have done is do about 3 battles a day for a few days and we just happened to win most of them as open field battles attacking and suddenly its cutthroat and repugnant behavior, we are assholes, etc.
Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: BaleOhay on October 31, 2013, 12:41:33 pm
I think what kesh was trying to say was the vigor you started with not very long ago has now boiled down to everyone over there suddenly having a life that is more important. Which you can clearly see from the last 2 pages of this thread. Started out RAWR we now see how awful you guys are and we shall crush you and quickly has changed to yeah well we never liked or cared about this shitty game. Followed by the only reason you guys are winning is because we do not care and we have a life you guys are cave trolls etc etc.

I am not saying that with any anger or malice. Kesh is not wrong. The war is young and you have plenty of time to turn it around. Lets not forget we did not even want this war. Your crew forced it on us and even then we still tried to talk you out of it.
Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: Keshian on October 31, 2013, 01:10:57 pm
1.)I don't need to address this one because the community knows what you are like.
2.)They declared war on Frisia as your vassal. Why wouldn't we make it shit for people who would rather be your bitch than do their own thing?
3.)All your faction does is cutthroat shit. Always within the rules, ofc. You don't do anything wrong from a blind justice POV, but you send dirty armies to item bomb fiefs, recently placing dual TSers in our TS, etc etc.

Wow make more shit up.  havelle if you are kept uninformed then don't post, we've never item bombed since strat 2 when we did it once as a joke not knowing what happened in game and dual tsers?  wtf are you even talking about, making up new imaginary ways fcc is only winning because they are cheating right?  Never because you might just not being doing well on your own merit, it must be cheating.
Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: Lt_Anders on October 31, 2013, 01:23:48 pm
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wtf, I got a warning for THIS! That's completely fail. I spent time making that semi decent RP about fat Gobblin king

Also just realized:
MURDER YOU SUCK, you moved the nice 9 PM battles to 12/1 and I can't make those 2 now.
Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: Keshian on October 31, 2013, 01:25:45 pm
The losses aren't the entire fault of the folks reporting back to you, I'll give you that.

Reporting back?  Who are you even talking about.  Just talk to even 1 person in our ts on our side and you would realize you are making up some silly conspiracy to explain your losing again. We have never done anything like that (we have had it done to us, just like people transferred stuff into fiefs under attack to item bomb, buy mercs from our side with crpg gold etc, basically all the things you like to accuse us of doing but in fact have never actually done ourselves) - because of course FCC is cheaters, we are the devil and you should be indoctrinated into the frisian cult of rose-colored sungalsses where frisians are all angels who play perfectly by the rules.
Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: Turboflex on October 31, 2013, 02:28:51 pm
this game has been bad for a year now since it was clear the economy was broken. pretty sure nobody cares at this point besides fcc
Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: Relit on October 31, 2013, 02:31:22 pm
Though relit GTX and dropped matey as a steam friend mainly because we actually showed up for that second battle initiated by you guys after 1 am, which made him stay up to hire people.

Luckily I just ran out of strat ticks and transferred my troops/gold to Hungry, so now I no longer have to come anywhere near this game. But I would like to clear this up before I leave for good:

I 'GTX' because You (Kesh) and the vast majority of your faction have ruined the game for me (and apparently others). I knew you guys were going to pull the last minute roster switch on us. So for a hour and a half before the battle I went around to every TS I could get on to beg, plead and down right harass people into showing up. I was literally told to "stop bothering us we are playing other games right now" by multiple people. But I knew that if I did not do this, FCC would try to pull a fast one. So I did it.

It was not til immediately after the battle and in the middle of discussing it with Matey that I realized what I had done to people. All because FCC wanted to win so badly they were willing to force people into acting like this. It was then that I decided I no longer wanted to play this game with you (Kesh) or people like you. It is not worth going around ruining peoples free time.

Raven would never have forced FCC to do that and I expected better from Matey/Bale and other FCC members. I removed Matey on steam because I did not want to hear his excuses, he is not a bad guy but he was forced to defend the actions of his clan-mates, so I do not begrudge him too much. On that note I am off to greener pastures in other games, hopefully ones where I do not have to constantly deal with the disappointing actions of others.

Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: Keshian on October 31, 2013, 02:56:04 pm
Luckily I just ran out of strat ticks and transferred my troops/gold to Hungry, so now I no longer have to come anywhere near this game. But I would like to clear this up before I leave for good:

I 'GTX' because You (Kesh) and the vast majority of your faction have ruined the game for me (and apparently others). I knew you guys were going to pull the last minute roster switch on us. So for a hour and a half before the battle I went around to every TS I could get on to beg, plead and down right harass people into showing up. I was literally told to "stop bothering us we are playing other games right now" by multiple people. But I knew that if I did not do this, FCC would try to pull a fast one. So I did it.

It was not til immediately after the battle and in the middle of discussing it with Matey that I realized what I had done to people. All because FCC wanted to win so badly they were willing to force people into acting like this. It was then that I decided I no longer wanted to play this game with you (Kesh) or people like you. It is not worth going around ruining peoples free time.

Raven would never have forced FCC to do that and I expected better from Matey/Bale and other FCC members. I removed Matey on steam because I did not want to hear his excuses, he is not a bad guy but he was forced to defend the actions of his clan-mates, so I do not begrudge him too much. On that note I am off to greener pastures in other games, hopefully ones where I do not have to constantly deal with the disappointing actions of others.

Assumptions make an (self-righteous) ass out of you.  I didn't bother actively recruiting for that fight until about 20 minutes before i showed up for it I saw a bunch of aow on in our ts and asked if they were up for a fun short battle.  Once a couple joined the others wanted to play together with them so all the AoW guys on signed up and then I asked if pistachio wanted to play too because i had already been talking to him on steam about something else.

"pull a fast one"  are you an idiot - up to that point we had hired everyone who applied and had 7-8 guys signed up (most of the ones who didnt show) - it was obvious yes we are going to show up for our battle regardless of you attacking us after 1 am on a weekday.  You are just a huge pretentious self-righteous ass relit.  Go ahead - we are evil, while you threaten to attack any acre guy on the map for the entire rest of strategus and make their game experience a living hell and you hypocritical ass call us ruining the game.  "What you had done to people"  - oh my god, how horrible to ask people to sign up for a battle, we obviously degraded you that you actually have to actively recruit people for a battle, god forbid.

Go bring your "honor" (you rationalizing everything you do as somehow being good and everyone else bad despite backstabbing repeatedly and lying) to a game where you can play with a bunch of other self-righteous assholes like yourself, who think just because they were indoctrinated into a culturally-approved murder culture they have honor.  Go run away like a coward, I am frankly tired of dealing with your honor that you twist to your benefit and babysitting your self-righteousness, serious pain in the ass for months now keeping my mouth shut as you spout how great and noble you are while only ever doing gangbangs, just like you were hoping when you tried to get everyone to join in attacking us as you attacked us from behind for the second time only a week after declaring peace, letting us know once again your words can never be trusted.
Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: MURDERTRON on October 31, 2013, 03:04:16 pm
wtf, I got a warning for THIS! That's completely fail. I spent time making that semi decent RP about fat Gobblin king

Also just realized:
MURDER YOU SUCK, you moved the nice 9 PM battles to 12/1 and I can't make those 2 now.

Nah bro, my battle was scheduled long ago.  Like I said, it was stupid of others to attack before Stratrgus was working properly again.
Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: Relit on October 31, 2013, 03:05:24 pm
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I do not believe you. Nor will about 50% of the people who read this. I never insulted you once Kesh, at-least not publicly. I will admit to some rather funny jabs tossed your direction in private but in general I did like you. Posts like this one certainly do not help peoples opinions of you. Call me whatever you want. It does not change what you did or how you've acted.

You do this to anybody who takes a stand against you, you demonize them, try to make them feel bad. I feel sorry for you if this is how you act in real life.

To the rest of the community: Try to have some fun guys and try to ignore this kind of behavior as best you can. I could not, its why I am leaving.
Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: Keshian on October 31, 2013, 03:08:42 pm
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I do not believe you. Nor will about 50% of the people who read this. I never insulted you once Kesh, at-least not publicly. I will admit to some rather funny jabs tossed your direction in private but in general I did like you. Posts like this one certainly do not help peoples opinions of you. Call me whatever you want. It does not change what you did or how you've acted.

You do this to anybody who takes a stand against you, you demonize them, try to make them feel bad. I feel sorry for you if this is how you act in real life.

To the rest of the community: Try to have some fun guys and try to ignore this kind of behavior as best you can.

hahahaha, sure man, make up more stuff - i like the quick caveat publicly by the way.  I have no problem if you dont believe me, liars tend not to believe other people, but if you hadn't just made assumptions making an ass out of you you could have asked anyone who was on our roster that night.  But I guess truth is not something you really want, you just want to feel self-righteous and right even when its not true.  Hell just look at the roster - over half AoW.
Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: SP1N on October 31, 2013, 03:27:52 pm
visitors can't see pics , please register or login

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Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: BaleOhay on October 31, 2013, 04:11:50 pm
So relit quit because we showed up for a 1am fight that they intiated and he had to ask people to sign up?

Am I reading that wrong? How does that make us bad people. We sjow up for every fight. That should not be a surprise to anyone. Who cares if we had 50 tickets and you 1800... all fights should be contested. Sort of the point of the game.

If you did not want to fight then u should not have attacked the guy.
Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: BaleOhay on October 31, 2013, 04:13:20 pm
Also we do not send spies to other teamspeaks. what would be the point..

your mom is hot spin
Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: Real_Dece_Guy on October 31, 2013, 04:24:25 pm
The Axeman approached the Forum of Diplomacy - the most pretentiously misnamed tavern in Calradia.

The last few days had been indescribably boring due to a magic spell which kept the lords of the realm locked within their castles, unable to engage in war or even to train in battle, and the Axeman thought that listening to the drunken insults and whinging of the bar's pathetic regulars would be more bearable than drudging in the terrible mines of "Arr-ell"

As he neared the establishment, however, he quickly realized that all was not well.  It was not at all unusual to find the bar in a state of drunken brawling, and he would have been surprised not to hear angry shouts and boasts, but today the timbers were literally shaking with the furious bellowing and piercing screeches coming from within.

He did not even reach the door before it was slammed open by a bearded man in banded leather armour.  The figure's face was so distorted by fury that the Axeman could barely recognize him as Relit, the emissary of the Ravens.  Tears streaking his face, Relit turned, gave a howl of inarticulate rage, and threw his spear into the door of the tavern.  It bounced up and down far more than was natural, and the Axeman realized that what looked like a solid wooden haft was actually soft rubber.  As he noted this fact however, Relit had already mounted a horse and ridden off madly down the road leading out of the lands of Calradia.

Edging through the doorway, the Axeman peered into the main hall of the tavern.  The first thing he saw was Kesh standing on the FCC's table and yelling across the bar at a table of traitors, most of whom were sticking fingers in their ears and practiced looks of boredom on their faces - aside from one Frisian who was busily engaged in slinging filth he had collected from the straw floor beneath the bench. 

The Axeman decided there were other places to get a drink.

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Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: Wesleysnipes on October 31, 2013, 05:03:49 pm
Lol! I'm pretty sure Relit or SP1N called FCC- Kesh assholes in TS, then apologizing and sounded depressed! Haha even scum bags like AoW/Teutonic that seriously betrayed multiple ppl got shit on harder and lasted longer! GG GL HF  :wink:

Edit: for an hour we AoW, were all playing in NA1 because we recently reformed( for the 3rd time lol). Around 20 minutes before, we signed up for the battle as Kesh asked us to apply. Jack1 was in our ts. Jack is our OG AoW, I think he told his fellow confederacy that we all signed up last minute anyways. Just saying... Sorry if I am wrong about Jack1... (My thoughts).

Why the fuck does it matter anyways?? You attacked. they have the right to sign up whoever the fuck they want whenever they want. Complain about FCC defending them selfs. Although you attacked a poor ass useless Acre dude at 1am. Hello!? Wake up Raven!
Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: kasMVC on October 31, 2013, 05:20:46 pm
Lol, i blocked him actually then dropped him and he raged about it, not the other way around.  Also, Artyem I still have your steam message too if you want me to post it and Sandy's ts message, Relit's stuff etc.  I do hope its all just melodramatic theatrics.  I do remember you guys repeatedly threatening devoting all the rest of strategus to making the game unenjoyable for all acre members if they didn't play the way you guys wanted them to, that always struck me as a far worse mentality than anything you might think we do and  "Such cutthroat and repugnant behavior has inspired several people to completely quit this game" very accurately described that kind of over-the-top seriousness you guys brought to the game over a silly mix up of reinhardt with the former leader of SoA.  All we have done is do about 3 battles a day for a few days and we just happened to win most of them as open field battles attacking and suddenly its cutthroat and repugnant behavior, we are assholes, etc.

Hey can you post those things? I've already seen Artyem's message but couldn't read it because it hurt my autism.
Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: njames89 on October 31, 2013, 05:34:55 pm
James had been briefed on the fierce debating by his second in command Axeman. There had been some heated exchanges from the leadership on both sides of the conflict.

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Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: MURDERTRON on October 31, 2013, 05:55:24 pm
Relit, what exactly is Kesh doing that ruins the game for you?

Also why are we no longer Steam friends?
Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: BaleOhay on October 31, 2013, 06:04:01 pm
Relit, what exactly is Kesh doing that ruins the game for you?

Also why are we no longer Steam friends?

at this point the only thing I can come up with is CC expected to destroy us. We did not roll over and let it happen. So we are now terrible people willing to do anything to win, which is confusing. Maybe they wanted less fights in a week?
Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: MURDERTRON on October 31, 2013, 06:05:07 pm
at this point the only thing I can come up with is CC expected to destroy us. We did not roll over and let it happen. So we are now terrible people willing to do anything to win, which is confusing. Maybe they wanted less fights in a week?

Well that's what I was thinking, and why I want him to answer it.  Remember guys, I am a third party.
Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: CrazyCracka420 on October 31, 2013, 06:06:21 pm
Relit, what exactly is Kesh doing that ruins the game for you?

Also why are we no longer Steam friends?

I'll be your replacement steam friend

Same username as forum user name
Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: Matey on October 31, 2013, 06:12:07 pm
I don't really want to get involved in this too much... We had been doing such a good job of avoiding drama till now but I do feel like I should say a few things.

1. Kesh isn't making shit up about people telling us they or their friends are quitting. Whether those people have quit or at just threatening to or thinking about is another matter but it certainly has been communicated to us that people are quitting over this strat war. (honestly I don't even mind if people are quitting cause they aren't enjoying strat or cRPG anymore... just dont try to pin it on us)
2. It gets really tiring having people accusing us of playing unfairly and throwing wild accusations at us. We have only initiated one battle outside of prime time and it was to intercept castle reinforcements. We have been more worried about our enemies in this war than about ourselves... I suppose that is a side effect of fighting people you like. I don't like hearing about how miserable a time our enemies are having fighting us but I don't know what more we can do to help them have fun in this vidja game. We aren't going to throw any fights and I sincerely hope none of you would want us to. This war was forced on us because we were told we were the only faction worth fighting so we damn well better do our best to prove that praise worth while.
3. Who is taking this game more seriously? The people who are having fun playing it or the people who are getting upset and removing friends from steam over it?
4. While all this drama will only serve to create enmity between FCC and CC it might also be a good thing. Both sides tried to keep things polite but from all the wars we have been in... It seems to me that hatred is a good motivator for people in strat. So if hating us is the only way you can get motivated and keep your guys interested then I guess you can hate us. Just please stop making up false accusations in the process. And please stop hating us when the war ends later.

One last thing. Blaming Kesh and the FCC for making the game bad and scaring everyone away and encouraging AFKing in fiefs and blah blah blah. That is a total load of shit. We have been the most active aggressive faction in strat. Whenever we do just sit back and take it easy for a bit... nothing happens. You can also look at strat 3 where we quit early cause we were bored of doing nothing... how did strat 3 go? it ended up being a couple of mega alliances poking at each other till the EUs wiped them no? So yeah, don't blame us for people not being motivated to do shit in strat. I think we have actually had a positive effect in making strat entertaining... look at all the wars listed in Anders thread... almost all of them are "Clan/s VS FCC".
Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: Turboflex on October 31, 2013, 06:19:54 pm
Relit doesn't feel like wasting his time and getting aggravated dealing with basement dwelling poor sports like Kesh who acts like a jerk in not well balanced browser shell strategy game that doesn't even really have enough players to support it because the base game is declining.

His point is quite clear.
Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: BaleOhay on October 31, 2013, 06:22:07 pm
I'll be your replacement steam friend

Same username as forum user name

can you be my friend as well?
Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: CrazyCracka420 on October 31, 2013, 06:23:01 pm
I'm going to quit c-rpg and strategus unless FCC pays me one whole loompoint.   You don't want this on your conscience.

And yes Bale I'll be your friend as well.  I like video games, and like stuff.
Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: MURDERTRON on October 31, 2013, 06:31:28 pm
Relit doesn't feel like wasting his time and getting aggravated dealing with basement dwelling poor sports like Kesh who acts like a jerk in not well balanced browser shell strategy game that doesn't even really have enough players to support it because the base game is declining.

His point is quite clear.

Can you just let Relit answer this?  Otherwise you are just confirming Bale's theory.  I mean right now you just took a jab at Kesh because he is winning.  Just let Relit answer.
Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: HarryCrumb on October 31, 2013, 06:44:49 pm
anyone who thinks relit is a bad dude is simply mistaken. he's the dad who gives out apples on halloween. kesh ain't a bad dude either, just misunderstood because he frequently writes on here intentionally acting like a grade-A turd but is honestly a pretty genuine guy on TS. lets remove the personal attacks on others personalities and focus on doing more battles with less complaining (and cup).

In the wise words of Nas (he's a rapper, relit)
"War is necessary"
Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: Zanze on October 31, 2013, 06:49:30 pm
Can we continue on the war without all this? I understand it sucks for both ends, but arguing and slandering each other over it accomplishes nothing. I don't claim to know the full details on the situation, nor do i feel it is necessary to know them. But it is both something we can both turn aside and move on from. The battle was fought, things happened before and after, let us continue. Relit is out, and he was a good friend and mentor, but we can move on and continue this without so much diplomatic bloodshed. If someone has to quit a game because it is stressing them out too much for whatever reason, something is wrong in that situation. I may have no say in the actions of either party after this, but simply hope that it would be done with more respect toward each other so that people stop quitting.

(All this is a personal opinion and does not reflect Raven leadership or the clan in general)
Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: Artyem on October 31, 2013, 07:37:06 pm
We tried pretty hard to keep things civil from our end, you have to be blind to not understand that the original post here is a satire.  I guess we should have anticipated the shit storm that rained on us though, because I've learned over time that negotiating with FCC is like trying to have a conversation with a brick wall.  You can say whatever you need to however many times in however many different ways, but in the end you're talking to a wall and good god that wall is going to keep being made of bricks.

BaleOhay always seemed pretty busy, and I guess he was the best to talk with if I wanted to somehow contact FCC, we did a lot of trading with them at the start of Strat, which I am grateful for.  Unfortunately I almost never saw him online during any of this, and it's only now that I understand why Sandersson and Arowaine stopped trying to negotiate, it's pretty well unbearable.

Anytime we (Raven / Dracul) did pretty much anything that wasn't pro FCC, I was the one receiving messages from all three leaders.  Usually it was Kesh and Matey going off at me about how whatever we were doing was wrong, against them, and your typical mopey bullshit about how we were betraying them.  Really, you guys pulled the "you're our friends!" card a lot, but I don't think friends accuse friends of backstabbing because they go to arms for their allies in a defensive war.  I don't recall any time that an FCC member came to our TS just to hang out, it was just "hey guys come to this battle" or "why the fuck did you guys do that, that was wrong!".

Kesh, I left you that message on steam to avoid anymore forum conflict, but I should have expected you would try to use it as leverage.  Even just threatening to post it only further proves the point that's being made here, and I guess you really are just the bigger nerd in this war.  Be my guest, post it if you really think it'll accomplish anything.

Regardless, I'm not going to waste any more time feeding your delusional internet persona's shitty behavior.  I'm going to go play some video games with my friends and then enjoy this nice holiday with my friends and family, enjoy the battles, everyone.

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Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: Matey on October 31, 2013, 07:40:09 pm
I may have no say in the actions of either party after this, but simply hope that it would be done with more respect toward each other so that people stop quitting.

FCC has been very respectful and friendly during this war but recently that respect hasn't been returned by CC. That's where this whole mess came from. Strat and cRPG can be very infuriating games and quitting or taking a break can absolutely be the right thing for people to do, but it is very disrespectful to blame other people for your leaving. I like Relit and I would not call him a bad guy at all. I think he was just stressed out with all this but he honestly thinks it was a total douchebag "win at all cost" move to sign people up for that 1650 vs 50 battle. That isn't a dick move... It is just signing mercs up for a defence... Every single time you attack someone in strat you should expect people to show up to defend themselves.

I hope I'm not making this any worse but it isn't fair to be so insulting to us and then just expect us to say "oh sorry for us acting like jerks, we can move on now". Things have gotten silly in this thread in the last bit but prior to that we haven't done anything to deserve the hatred and insults that we have been getting. For the war to be respectful it requires BOTH sides to show respect. Like any war though, most people on both sides have been great, so all this drama is really blown out of proportion.

I figured I'd edit this instead of double posting.

We tried pretty hard to keep things civil from our end, you have to be blind to not understand that the original post here is a satire.  I guess we should have anticipated the shit storm that rained on us though, because I've learned over time that negotiating with FCC is like trying to have a conversation with a brick wall.  You can say whatever you need to however many times in however many different ways, but in the end you're talking to a wall and good god that wall is going to keep being made of bricks.

Anytime we (Raven / Dracul) did pretty much anything that wasn't pro FCC, I was the one receiving messages from all three leaders.  Usually it was Kesh and Matey going off at me about how whatever we were doing was wrong, against them, and your typical mopey bullshit about how we were betraying them.  Really, you guys pulled the "you're our friends!" card a lot, but I don't think friends accuse friends of backstabbing because they go to arms for their allies in a defensive war.  I don't recall any time that an FCC member came to our TS just to hang out, it was just "hey guys come to this battle" or "why the fuck did you guys do that, that was wrong!".

Ok so. First off... Feeling like you are talking to a brick wall goes both ways. When two people are trying to convince each other of something and neither of them is able to do so... it isn't just one person who feels like they are talking to a brick wall. it is both.

secondly: I don't know about Kesh and Bale but I never even talked strat with you until CC formed. I never bugged you about other shit. As for since CC formed... I  have talked to you a few times and I did try to stop this war from happening... Can you blame me? considering how relations have soured in this war I think maybe you can understand why we might not have wanted it? We've been in tons of strat wars... people always get pissed off; too much time and effort goes into strat for people not to get upset if things aren't going well.
Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: BaleOhay on October 31, 2013, 08:49:49 pm
Bale the voice of calm in an anger world.

here goes
sorry u hate us
we still do not hate u
Sorry this war is causing you stress
we are sort of used to it by now. Even miss it when we are not fighting
Sorry for kesh
we think daruvian is worse
Sorry you are not having fun
we actually were till this thread
Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: Sandersson Jankins on October 31, 2013, 09:02:03 pm
Here's a short post hopefully devoid of autism.

Nearly a dozen battles in a row, only 3 of which being victories and only 1 of those (the defense of Narra, a nearly impregnable fortress of fuck-shit) getting us a greater than 1 K/D ratio take a lot out of dedicated mercs, and take even more out of the poor nerds leading those fights. Hell, 2-5 fights a day for a few days are exhausting even if both opponents are evenly matched. Seeing only 25 mercenaries signed up only an hour before a battle is damn disheartening. Watching players continuously charge out to get slaughtered by five or more enemies, earning a K/D of .3 or lower at the end of the battle fucking blows cock. Watching players actually try to listen to the leadership but STILL get destroyed when it comes down to the fighting actually sucks even more.

Last time when it was The Frisian Freedom faction fighting FCC in villages or field battles, we performed extremely well, only losing a single fight outside of the castle sieges, which we got our dick kicked in on. I, and most of the rest of us expected similar results in field/village fights. Instead, its been a frustrating experience. If the only problem was getting shit-stomped in battles, it wouldn't be nearly as bad. The bigger issue, related to the first is the number of mercenaries signing up for us. We're fortunate to actually get a full roster, but to simply accomplish this, we're forced to accept any EU and even Chinese (that was a mistake, poor motherfuckers with 300-600 ping teamkill and waste shit like mad, through no fault of their own. An empty slot is actually better!).

Here's the conclusion (lol short post i don't think so). After talking to Havelle, who is damn near the most encouraging and helpful motherfucker I have the pleasure of playing videogames on the internet with, I'll do my best to suck my nerd-frustration up and kick your asses. Yeah, after a shit-fest of 4 battles in a row that all ended with us getting spawncamped progressively harder, I steam-messaged Matey saying "lol this is gay i think im gonna quit" and that was stupid and useless. It accomplished nothing but making me even more disillusioned with Strategus; it was nothing more than a whine. I popped into your TS and poked Kesh with "lol u win strat congratulations" and that one made me feel better for some reason, so I don't regret it.

tldr; fighting FCC sucks dick for multiple reasons but since I'm autism-bound to do it I might as well do it the best I can

LESS THAN TWO MINUTES AFTER POST EDIT: I don't know how the fuck anyone could say Daruvian is worse than Kesh on the forums. Kesh posts grammatically dubious pseudo text-walls with lots of hyperbole and propaganda (usually, the last two or so were actually fine, and that made them worse to read somehow, probably because I couldn't mentally dismiss them as "lolkesh") while Daruvian's posts are creative and blatant insults, images, and videos. Nearly every Daruvian post makes me chuckle but Kesh's posts make me grimace in nerd-disgust.
Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: Zlisch_The_Butcher on October 31, 2013, 09:02:37 pm
Bale the voice of calm in an anger world.

here goes
sorry u hate us
we still do not hate u
Sorry this war is causing you stress
we are sort of used to it by now. Even miss it when we are not fighting
Sorry for kesh
we think daruvian is worse
Sorry you are not having fun
we actually were till this thread
Bale, we accept your apology for Kesh, and even better, I have an offer for you! If you give me personally 10mil cRPG gold and 10 3+ looms we'll take Kesh off your hands and recruit him into our strat faction, act now and we'll even tell Daruvian to shut up, which he will ignore.
Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: Matey on October 31, 2013, 09:16:14 pm

LESS THAN TWO MINUTES AFTER POST EDIT: I don't know how the fuck anyone could say Daruvian is worse than Kesh on the forums. Kesh posts grammatically dubious pseudo text-walls with lots of hyperbole and propaganda (usually, the last two or so were actually fine, and that made them worse to read somehow, probably because I couldn't mentally dismiss them as "lolkesh") while Daruvian's posts are creative and blatant insults, images, and videos. Nearly every Daruvian post makes me chuckle but Kesh's posts make me grimace in nerd-disgust.

Refer to Daru's most recent post in this thread.

p.s. daru is your friend so you are more likely to find him hilarious.
p.p.s. I'm mostly fine with daru now except when he really flips out or makes awful posts like his most recent in this thread.
Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: Sandersson Jankins on October 31, 2013, 09:24:30 pm
Refer to Daru's most recent post in this thread.

p.s. daru is your friend so you are more likely to find him hilarious.
p.p.s. I'm mostly fine with daru now except when he really flips out or makes awful posts like his most recent in this thread.

Referred to his most recent post in the thread multiple times, smirked or laughed each time. It is true that you're more likely to agree with or find posts funny someone you've got a positive personal
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relationship with, but I've seen Smegmar and others make similar posts and I still laughed. Maybe my brow is considerably lower than yours or something.

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Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: Zlisch_The_Butcher on October 31, 2013, 09:26:49 pm
Referred to his most recent post in the thread multiple times, smirked or laughed each time. It is true that you're more likely to agree with or find posts funny someone you've got a positive personal
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relationship with, but I've seen Smegmar and others make similar posts and I still laughed. Maybe my brow is considerably lower than yours or something.

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omg you're in love with Smegmar I knew you was gay <3
Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: Lt_Anders on October 31, 2013, 09:28:57 pm
Here's a short post hopefully devoid of autism.
Seeing only 25 mercenaries signed up only an hour before a battle is damn disheartening.

Last time when it was The Frisian Freedom faction fighting FCC in villages or field battles, we performed extremely well, only losing a single fight outside of the castle sieges, which we got our dick kicked in on. I, and most of the rest of us expected similar results in field/village fights. Instead, its been a frustrating experience. If the only problem was getting shit-stomped in battles, it wouldn't be nearly as bad. The bigger issue, related to the first is the number of mercenaries signing up for us. We're fortunate to actually get a full roster, but to simply accomplish this, we're forced to accept any EU and even Chinese (that was a mistake, poor motherfuckers with 300-600 ping teamkill and waste shit like mad, through no fault of their own. An empty slot is actually better!).

Well, if you guys were bigger nerds you could sign me up. I apply, always, to both sides. Wish the rest of WFA would sign up more, but they work till 9/10 EST unlike my 9-5 job.

Also: 2/7 battles and My KDR for you side is 1:1 which is decent to good for me. I'm usually under that unless it's a perfectly flat cav map(which means KDR goes WAY up cause cav is hard, buff cav).

700k from 34, you bastards better keep that XP up. :evil:
Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: MURDERTRON on October 31, 2013, 09:31:25 pm
Artyem I used to hang out in your TS all the time, when I was still in FCC.  But then you started being all high strung after becoming an admin. That's why Apple and I cheated on you, in FCC TS.

Refer to Daru's most recent post in this thread.

p.s. daru is your friend so you are more likely to find him hilarious.
p.p.s. I'm mostly fine with daru now except when he really flips out or makes awful posts like his most recent in this thread.

Matey , how can you say that about Daru???  He said the n-word on the internet.  He has earned his cool kid spot at the back of the bus... 

Wait , is it weird that the cool kids sat at the back of the bus, while African Americans were forced to for quite some time?  And at that time, the n-word really flew.  Maybe Daru just wants to be black...
Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: Sandersson Jankins on October 31, 2013, 09:39:20 pm
Well, if you guys were bigger nerds you could sign me up. I apply, always, to both sides. Wish the rest of WFA would sign up more, but they work till 9/10 EST unlike my 9-5 job.

Also: 2/7 battles and My KDR for you side is 1:1 which is decent to good for me. I'm usually under that unless it's a perfectly flat cav map(which means KDR goes WAY up cause cav is hard, buff cav).

700k from 34, you bastards better keep that XP up. :evil:

During The Frisian Freedom days I was (somewhat shamefully) on-par with Kesh on the roster-nerding department. For various reasons I've got less time and desire to do that, so I'm unable to snag people like you most of the time. Shame, you and your ilk are real fucking pains in the ass to deal with on our equipment and forward spawn.
Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: Artyem on October 31, 2013, 09:47:05 pm
Artyem I used to hang out in your TS all the time, when I was still in FCC.  But then you started being all high strung after becoming an admin. That's why Apple and I cheated on you, in FCC TS.

Hey, it isn't easy being an admin, I have to actually pay attention in game now, it's a hard job.
Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: BaleOhay on October 31, 2013, 10:31:30 pm
Bale, we accept your apology for Kesh, and even better, I have an offer for you! If you give me personally 10mil cRPG gold and 10 3+ looms we'll take Kesh off your hands and recruit him into our strat faction, act now and we'll even tell Daruvian to shut up, which he will ignore.

no thanks we like kesh. If you learn to read keshspeak you can even find that his rants are full of truth. He hides it behind his way of communicating but it is there to be found. Also he is prob the single best strat person in NA. I am not just saying that because he is in our faction.
Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: Zlisch_The_Butcher on October 31, 2013, 10:44:17 pm
no thanks we like kesh. If you learn to read keshspeak you can even find that his rants are full of truth. He hides it behind his way of communicating but it is there to be found. Also he is prob the single best strat person in NA. I am not just saying that because he is in our faction.
Not gonna deny it, never ever ever seen anyone in as many strat battles as him, regardless of when or on which server.
Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: Lt_Anders on November 01, 2013, 01:45:07 am
Anders: Best Ulburban Commander since 2013 :lol:
Better than Benemore at least.
Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: BaleOhay on November 01, 2013, 02:06:12 am
damn 10 more mins and I think we had that. Till the next fight. Happy halloween
Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: Artyem on November 01, 2013, 02:07:16 am
damn 10 more mins and I think we had that. Till the next fight. Happy halloween

It was a very close, very fun battle, too bad we were down like 6+ mercs the entire fight.
Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: HarryCrumb on November 01, 2013, 05:11:19 am
Anders: Best Ulburban Commander since 2013 :lol:
Better than Benemore at least.

Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: Keshian on November 01, 2013, 12:43:08 pm
We need to learn "Keshspeak" because he is bad at communication?

Its kind of like learning trollspeak to understand frisians, though not quite as bad.  Obviously an acquired skill.
Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: BaleOhay on November 01, 2013, 02:00:06 pm
You do not need to learn it. You pretty much react exactly how you are meant to react to a kesh post. It becomes a problem when he wants to mildly speak the truth. His style is meant to club you over the head.

The truth is always in there you are just blinded by emotions.
Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: CrazyCracka420 on November 01, 2013, 02:31:40 pm
You spergs need to start a new thread and try again.  You have failed at posting words on the internet.  This is getting ridiculous.  Here's a great topic that should give us plenty of non-sperg/autistic/shit posts:

Discuss last night's battles....

Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: MURDERTRON on November 01, 2013, 03:12:18 pm
Kesh is the world's biggest troll.  He shits all over people in Strategus and then posts like a complete retard.  Kind of like how I random everyone in Persistent World and then pretend I barely speak English.  They keep unbanning me!

Apparently Jona is trying to adopt Kesh's posting style but it's far less effective when you don't win anything ever.
Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: BaleOhay on November 01, 2013, 03:24:15 pm
I have known kesh and been in fcc longer than most and I do not think he shits on anyone in strat.
We decide on a strategy and he finds a way to get people who do not really care on the map a precise way.
Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: Real_Dece_Guy on November 01, 2013, 04:55:29 pm
I hope last night's victories raised the Confederacy's morale.  Those were some damn hard fights, and the first two were anyone's game right down to the last second.  I had a blast, even in the last fight, when I was barely keeping my eyes open.

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Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: Matey on November 01, 2013, 05:25:51 pm
Definitely some great battles yesterday. That fucking hill map was rough. Even with my glorious shield I felt helpless trying to get to the top of a hill to kill the horde of archers. I think i got one shot within 0.1 second of spawning at least 3 times.
Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: Jona on November 01, 2013, 05:59:51 pm
Apparently Jona is trying to adopt Kesh's posting style but it's far less effective when you don't win anything ever.

Um, what?

Let's not do this again on Christmas though.  I think we should work on hammering out a global holiday truce of some sort.

The devs usually freeze strat for a week or 2 during that time period.
Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: MURDERTRON on November 01, 2013, 07:02:02 pm

Um, what?

The devs usually freeze strat for a week or 2 during that time period.

My bad, you win defend the virgin everyday.
Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: Artyem on November 01, 2013, 10:24:05 pm
Yesterday's battles were all great, but I still think we would have won that last one with a full roster.  I'm glad the Ravens started using Pronoia armor, it's not too much better than the Banded but it sure does seem to hold up better against Yawshans and Gothic plate.
Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: Equal on November 01, 2013, 11:42:05 pm
Yesterday's battles were all great, but I still think we would have won that last one with a full roster.  I'm glad the Ravens started using Pronoia armor, it's not too much better than the Banded but it sure does seem to hold up better against Yawshans and Gothic plate.
Roster maybe, if they're flags weren't on a massive hill it woulda been GG I think. Still, it was close and fun, not as much ranged as I expected - looks like most people have adopted a STR 2her character for strat alone. Not sure how I feel about that yet.
Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: Kalam on November 02, 2013, 08:11:53 pm
Kalam sat quietly, reading through the missives littered on the expansive surface of his beloved desk. "Fucking pussies," he cried. "All of them. I suppose it's time for me to actually do something." His lips pursed in a disgusted snarl. The thought of doing something truly annoyed the man who had come to appreciate the ways of the sloth, but sometimes...sometimes, things needed to be done.

Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: KaMiKaZe_JoE on November 03, 2013, 05:04:49 am

I got drunk again. There's this place by my school called Cluck U(university) Chicken, and they make the best chicken. So spicy. Wow.

CC, I don't even play cRPG cause my computer sucks now. Still, Cavalier's declaration of homosexual war still stands. We'll get you. Even if were not even a thing anymore. Even if we're just the dreams of some drunk kid, we'll get you. We'll become nightmares--naked and bad at this game--and we'll make it hard for you to sleep because we'll sneakily put our pee peees in your mouth holes.

Dicky Dicky
Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: Matey on November 03, 2013, 09:39:58 am
I think Joe should be the only person of any faction to post in diplomacy ever.

He would have to argue with himself... call himself names and then make a short post calling himself a nerd followed by a huge RP post about how gay he is...

I think he could pull it off.
Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: Artyem on November 04, 2013, 09:48:43 am
Forgive me for the shitty timing, I honestly fucked up.  Besides that and our like ten merc disadvantage, I'd say we did pretty well.  Thanks for the fight, FCC.
Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: BaleOhay on November 04, 2013, 01:19:02 pm
no worries arty shit happens. Now add me back as a steam friend :)
Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: Artyem on November 05, 2013, 03:39:23 am
We got anally annihilated by that map, second time it's happened now.  plz no battles tomorrow
Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: BaleOhay on November 05, 2013, 03:41:45 am
defenders called that the river of dreams map... conversely attackers I am sure know it as the river of pain map
Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: Artyem on November 05, 2013, 03:46:26 am
defenders called that the river of dreams map... conversely attackers I am sure know it as the river of pain map

it was like trying to attack across the volga, but we had ladders instead of boats, and we were vastly outnumbered in terms of ranged.  On the bright side, I'm level 32 now.
Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: Keshian on November 05, 2013, 04:04:58 am
defenders called that the river of dreams map... conversely attackers I am sure know it as the river of pain map

Yeah that was a great map, i always love rivers or crazy hills - makes battles more interesting.  Though I prefer to call that the battle of the two towers.

Also, yeah arty, no more battles tomorrow - leaving space for just the big xp fight.  Get rid of your nighttime setting.  Its not the one you do on the crpg character page - that affects your character.  For nighttime settings on fiefs its the old one of setting it on the strategus info tab and you cant change it now because its during your nighttime (all of primetime), have to change it tomorrow during the morning or afternoon.
Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: BaleOhay on November 05, 2013, 01:16:45 pm
We can never do anything right. He is trying to explain the nighttime settings. (which arty may know) but it is not a bad thing to do. We are also serving notice the attack is coming on his castle.. (which you also know) Arty asked for no fights today (edit mistakenly wrote tomorrow) we are cooperating.

Havelle you are becoming a bitter old woman
Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: Artyem on November 07, 2013, 06:01:31 am
Another good fight, you almost attacked before I got all the gear out, it was close.  I can see why we lost mercs back when we were attacking, it's a very nice castle to defend on.

Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: Keshian on November 07, 2013, 06:19:17 am
Another good fight, you almost attacked before I got all the gear out, it was close.  I can see why we lost mercs back when we were attacking, it's a very nice castle to defend on.

We decided to fool around with siege towers this time around, gets too boring to do same thing every time and castles sieges are fun. 
Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: Matey on November 07, 2013, 08:51:56 am
good siege. tis a bitch taking them castles, but thats the point eh? twould be silly if it was easy takin them castles! though there are occasions when castles arent so hard to take but thats usually if there are big differences in gear, mercs or morale.
Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: BaleOhay on November 07, 2013, 01:14:11 pm
once thru the wall it is a bit like fighting in the bottom of a fish bowl with ranged firing down. I think we still did pretty well. See if we can improve it some on this attempt
Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: Keshian on November 07, 2013, 01:41:37 pm
once thru the wall it is a bit like fighting in the bottom of a fish bowl with ranged firing down. I think we still did pretty well. See if we can improve it some on this attempt

Actually if you look under battle archives and type yruma castle - that was the third best siege ever of yruma castle in terms of k/d for attackers and the one night before was second best.  Definite room for improvement though as we try things out.
Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: Zanze on November 07, 2013, 05:25:54 pm
once thru the wall it is a bit like fighting in the bottom of a fish bowl with ranged firing down.

I think I can relate...
Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: BaleOhay on November 07, 2013, 05:56:46 pm
I was missing shield skill. haha all those throwing lances
Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: BaleOhay on November 08, 2013, 03:13:37 pm
little worse on that one. Lets see if the third goes a better. Tough castle to crack but that is half the fun
Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: Zlisch_The_Butcher on November 08, 2013, 03:39:12 pm
I was missing shield skill. haha all those throwing lances
omg throwing lances, I should've totally joined :cry:
Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: MURDERTRON on November 08, 2013, 05:36:53 pm
omg throwing lances, I should've totally joined :cry:

I was out there throwing lances from horseback, but their armor was super heavy.  I don't think I got any 1 hit kills, except once on dbrookz when a teammate dehorsed him and I dunked on his head while he was still in the sitting up animation.
Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: Artyem on November 09, 2013, 01:37:53 am
There's 800 throwing lances in the castle at all times, I just wish our equipment racks could survive long enough for all of them to get used.

Also, just put in a new supply of +3 Arbalests, so enjoy that!
Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: BaleOhay on November 09, 2013, 03:34:36 am
the 5 equipment racks right next to each other seemed to survive rather well.. wink wink nudge nudge
Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: GOBBLINKINGREATLEADER on November 09, 2013, 04:03:44 am
the 5 equipment racks right next to each other seemed to survive rather well.. wink wink nudge nudge

As the person who engineered for like the first 40 minutes of that boring as fuck battle I'm going to call dogshit on you and say that we only ever had 3 at the most. One in the gatehouse top, one on gatehouse main floor, and one in the courtyard by the catapult. I remember.
Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: BaleOhay on November 09, 2013, 05:41:32 am
Ask Zan if I am making it up.

2 on top of the keep and 3 in the bottom all right next to each other surrounded by construction sites. While I was dead and waiting the 30 seconds to respawn was easy to see and I was not the only one who did. You can call bullshit all you would like but you would be wrong.

I did not say they were built right off the start but without a doubt you guys had 5 for 20-30 mins at the end of the battle.

Havelle defenders spawn first are you saying you guys did not have a rack built while we were still waiting to spawn? I find that hard to believe. Also considering how many of ours were broken in the firts 10 mins I seriously doubt we had 5 racks at any one point. We may have had 4 at one point (for a very short time) but I know we did not have 5
Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: Artyem on November 09, 2013, 05:47:55 am
Havelle defenders spawn first are you saying you guys did not have a rack built while we were still waiting to spawn? I find that hard to believe. Also considering how many of ours were broken in the firts 10 mins I seriously doubt we had 5 racks at any one point. We may have had 4 at one point (for a very short time) but I know we did not have 5

We were gear bugged during that period, but we managed to clear enough shit out to start building a decent bit into the battle.  I would say it's an overestimate to claim we had 5 equipment racks for the last 30 minutes, though.  There were indeed five, but probably at the last 15 - 10 minutes, as I remember you guys complaining in 'I' chat and I ended up telling them to break one.  Not sure if you even tried building one at that point, but whatever.
Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: GOBBLINKINGREATLEADER on November 09, 2013, 06:08:01 am
Fuck off you cunts note: I only engineered for the first 40-50 minutes.
Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: Sparvico on November 09, 2013, 06:23:17 am
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Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: Zanze on November 10, 2013, 12:57:45 am
We did have 5 up toward the end of the battle, only about the last 20 minutes. Even then, I heard in ts someone had gone in and broken 1 or 2 and we let you all know in chat about it. However, in the time period that you were rack-less, we were pretty much rushing out of the castle and having a field battle. Either way, I will admit it was a douche move and apologize.I am hoping that neither side will continue using these methods in the future. (PS, Global Limits are dumb)

Just to clarify one thing, all the information above is from my personal viewpoint of the battle so I may be wrong. I only noticed the equipment rack issue at the last 20 minutes, so it may have gone on beforehand.
Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: BaleOhay on November 10, 2013, 03:00:34 am
We will not do it either. if a mistake is made give a yell and we will break what we need to get back to 3. Yes global limits suck balls.
Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: HungryNBroke on November 10, 2013, 07:55:45 am

Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: Sandersson Jankins on November 10, 2013, 09:42:33 am
Let's clear this gay-ass shit up.

For about two minutes near the end of the battle (20-30 minutes left) we had five weapons racks active. Someone said in teamspeak "lol we should build five weapon racks to make FCC mad" to which I replied "yeah, make five weapon racks to make them mad."

We had those racks for about two or three minutes until you asked us to take one or two down. We immediately capitulated to your request and took two of them down. The purpose of building those weapons racks was nothing more than a whim of mine to make you upset for a brief period of time. That purpose was fulfilled, so we destroyed two of them for you.

I don't at all regret what I asked people to do. I am only surprised at how quickly we built four weapon racks (I think the desire for a couple folks to lock you out came from us having a single weapon rack and being locked out of building more) to lock you out of building any. I mean shit, I can't get more than one person to spawn with 4 materials at the beginning of a siege to build more than a single weapon rack, but if it involves Keshian's frustration, more than eight people are jumping at the chance to build five racks in a span of 45 seconds.
Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: Matey on November 10, 2013, 11:23:50 am
"lol we should build five weapon racks to make FCC mad" to which I replied "yeah, make five weapon racks to make them mad."

Fuckin CC exploiter scum cheater jerks! ban they all! ALL OF THEY! FOREVERZ  :wink:
Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: Keshian on November 10, 2013, 03:03:33 pm
They were up for over 15 minutes and I guess there was an actual debate on whether you should stop exploiting and break them for quite a while because "FCC all exploters who build 5 weapon racks every battle (we never do and if we saw a randomer doing it we would break them immediately without a second of debate) and glitch maps (we dont) and cheat their way to winning (I guess thats the only way you could ever possibly lose or do poorly in all those open field battles?)" 

Honestly I'm pretty happy with these sieges, doing normal ratios of k/ds for a castle, hell every one of our sieges so far has had better k/ds then almost every single siege of yruma by ravens and dracul when acre owned it (admittedly acre is pretty awesome, but still impressive).  just need to attack with a few less troops (1500) so we dont waste 2-300 and killing 1200 each time will actually be better average than most sieges  Really appreciate the dedication of our mercs, i know its not easy grinding down castles - but you guys are one of the reasons we are practically the only faction to grind castles and cities down with 5 or more attacks if need be.  Thank you again for repeatedly signing up, it helps out a lot.
Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: Zlisch_The_Butcher on November 10, 2013, 04:24:43 pm
Honestly I'm pretty happy with these sieges, doing normal ratios of k/ds for a castle, hell every one of our sieges so far has had better k/ds then almost every single siege of yruma by ravens and dracul when acre owned it (admittedly acre is pretty awesome, but still impressive).  just need to attack with a few less troops (1500) so we dont waste 2-300 and killing 1200 each time will actually be better average than most sieges  Really appreciate the dedication of our mercs, i know its not easy grinding down castles - but you guys are one of the reasons we are practically the only faction to grind castles and cities down with 5 or more attacks if need be.  Thank you again for repeatedly signing up, it helps out a lot.
Kesh no one is denying that you are the greater nerd, calm down.
Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: Sandersson Jankins on November 10, 2013, 04:28:21 pm
They were up for over 15 minutes and I guess there was an actual debate on whether you should stop exploiting and break them for quite a while because "FCC all exploters who build 5 weapon racks every battle (we never do and if we saw a randomer doing it we would break them immediately without a second of debate) and glitch maps (we dont) and cheat their way to winning (I guess thats the only way you could ever possibly lose or do poorly in all those open field battles?)" 

The maximum time there could have been five weapon racks on our side was five minutes. Again, we didn't do it to gain an advantage; it was solely to make you upset. I'm glad that I could give ten mercs on our team a gigantic nerd-boner at the thought that you could be angry about it.

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Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: BaleOhay on November 10, 2013, 05:26:53 pm
Pretty pathetic.. Hey lets break the rules (granted racks are only gentleman's agreement) just to make 1 person's game worse. I guess the rest of us do not exist. In case you do not notice a lot of us are on the other team. Then to have to vote on if you should break them. The old classic nothing is against the rules if you are doing it to the FCC mindset.
Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: HardRice on November 10, 2013, 05:38:19 pm
Man, NA drama sure sucks now. I miss those days of Hosp hating and Huseby shitposting, and when EU/NA actually gave a tinyshit about each other.

Are there actually any rules against having a large number of weapon racks anyway?
Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: Jack1 on November 10, 2013, 05:41:51 pm
Are there actually any rules against having a large number of weapon racks anyway?

It's more a a genitalman's rule

Pretty pathetic.. Hey lets break the rules (granted racks are only gentleman's agreement) just to make 1 person's game worse. I guess the rest of us do not exist. In case you do not notice a lot of us are on the other team. Then to have to vote on if you should break them. The old classic nothing is against the rules if you are doing it to the FCC mindset.

It was more of a "lets fight fire with fire" mindset. As usual it only made a bigger flame.
Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: BaleOhay on November 10, 2013, 05:42:59 pm
there is not a hard rule against it but everyone knows once you start doing it then it will be done against you. It is just not something that should be done. It is a dick move and should not be something used to make other people mad because it is funny.

What rules have we broken that you feel you need to fight fire with fire Jack?  If you think something we have done is breaking the rules let me know and i will address it.
Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: Jack1 on November 10, 2013, 05:54:53 pm

What rules have we broken that you feel you need to fight fire with fire Jack?  If you think something we have done is breaking the rules let me know and i will address it.

Never did I say that we, or yourselves, did anything wrong in terms of the rules, in the instance that was at hand were you put up a significant number of weapon racks (I believe it was 5 untill I had to suicide cav to break one of yours  that was near catapults firing at the gatehouse walls) many people thought it would be fine to give you the dick just as you gave it to us at the beginning.

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Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: BaleOhay on November 10, 2013, 06:05:25 pm
we had 2 in back and 2 in front I think at one point for a very short time. We never had 5 to my knowledge. once we built the catapults you broke the second in back and we never rebuilt it
Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: Jack1 on November 10, 2013, 06:09:31 pm
we had 2 in back and 2 in front I think at one point for a very short time. We never had 5 to my knowledge. once we built the catapults you broke the second in back and we never rebuilt it

Well then lets just agree to disagree.
Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: BaleOhay on November 10, 2013, 06:11:22 pm
I get that.. But at what point did we break the one you had inside that Daruvian spent the first 40 mins engineering on?
Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: Mae. on November 10, 2013, 06:12:11 pm
Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: Jack1 on November 10, 2013, 06:15:49 pm
I get that.. But at what point did we break the one you had inside that Daruvian spent the first 40 mins engineering on?

There were multiple times that a little pest would ladder to the top of the gatehouse and break weapon racks.
Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: Zlisch_The_Butcher on November 10, 2013, 06:43:02 pm
Pretty pathetic.. Hey lets break the rules (granted racks are only gentleman's agreement) just to make 1 person's game worse. I guess the rest of us do not exist. In case you do not notice a lot of us are on the other team. Then to have to vote on if you should break them. The old classic nothing is against the rules if you are doing it to the FCC Kesh mindset.

no one cares about you and matey and that other guy
Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: Zanze on November 10, 2013, 08:35:54 pm
Why is this conversation still going on? Thought we resolved the issue a page or 2 ago, move along.
Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: Malaclypse on November 10, 2013, 08:38:01 pm
my poop is green
Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: Keshian on November 11, 2013, 01:06:43 am
The maximum time there could have been five weapon racks on our side was five minutes. Again, we didn't do it to gain an advantage; it was solely to make you upset. I'm glad that I could give ten mercs on our team a gigantic nerd-boner at the thought that you could be angry about it.

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Dont really need to cheat. Looks like you whined enough times to daruvian and threatened quitting the game so many times it looks like he will finally give in and bail you out and give you a castle tonight and the thousands of troops in it.
Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: Sandersson Jankins on November 11, 2013, 01:32:14 am
Dont really need to cheat. Looks like you whined enough times to daruvian and threatened quitting the game so many times it looks like he will finally give in and bail you out and give you a castle tonight and the thousands of troops in it.

He was transferred that castle by a loving MrPink more than a month ago because he asked for it to use production points without proxy and to store some gear in it.

We tried to fief transfer it back either once or twice and because we're so fucking good at this game both transfers were spoofed by people using their iPhone 9001 Obesity Nerdling Edition (tm), canceling the attacks. All of the troops inside it (not really many) are ours; daruvian & co never put any troops inside it.

You have no fucking idea what you're talking about man.
Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: Artyem on November 11, 2013, 01:37:50 am
You have no fucking idea what you're talking about man.

You probably should have just left it at that, all you did was give him more shit to turn into propaganda.
Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: GOBBLINKINGREATLEADER on November 11, 2013, 01:41:52 am
Dont really need to cheat. Looks like you whined enough times to daruvian and threatened quitting the game so many times it looks like he will finally give in and bail you out and give you a castle tonight and the thousands of troops in it.

Yo nerd, those troops, the castle, and everything in it are his, and what he said is exactly the truth.

I would just keep the castle as part of my inevitable conquest of all of NA, but that would be a pretty douche move maliciously keeping a castle a friend loaned me.

However Keshian is also right to assert that Sandy has done a lot of bitching, whining, and crying about Strat saying that if I were to capture his fiefs (something we both believe I could do pretty easily), he would quit the game.

So, let's both concede on what the other person got right and summarize with the following:

Sandy is right that the castle and troops are rightfully his.
Keshian is right that Sandy often is a whiny bitch about Strategus.
Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: Malaclypse on November 11, 2013, 01:42:48 am
kind of a shamrock really
Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: Gmnotutoo on November 11, 2013, 01:43:51 am
kind of a shamrock really

What do you eat to turn it that color?
Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: Malaclypse on November 11, 2013, 01:49:21 am
What do you eat to turn it that color?

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Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: Gmnotutoo on November 11, 2013, 01:56:06 am
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sometimes i like to dig a hole in my back yard and pretend i'm a carrot

is this how I RP here? am I follow rules?
Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: Keshian on November 11, 2013, 04:31:32 am
Yo nerd, those troops, the castle, and everything in it are his, and what he said is exactly the truth.

I would just keep the castle as part of my inevitable conquest of all of NA, but that would be a pretty douche move maliciously keeping a castle a friend loaned me.

However Keshian is also right to assert that Sandy has done a lot of bitching, whining, and crying about Strat saying that if I were to capture his fiefs (something we both believe I could do pretty easily), he would quit the game.

So, let's both concede on what the other person got right and summarize with the following:

Sandy is right that the castle and troops are rightfully his.
Keshian is right that Sandy often is a whiny bitch about Strategus.

Ill concede the gobblin king is correct in this matter.

P.S.  Also, good fight.  i think we would have won if the chinese army had actually all shown up.
Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: CrazyCracka420 on November 11, 2013, 02:56:28 pm
my poop is green

Eating blue colored frosting (or really any colored blue/green/purple) will do that to you.  Fear not my friend!  Be strong when you stride into the bathroom and drop trou.

I also miss my shit posting days HardRice maybe someone can draw the dark side out of me yet.
Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: Artyem on November 13, 2013, 08:41:49 am
That second defense on Uhhun Castle was hilarious, I directly killed 12 people and indirectly (breaking ladders, nudging) probably another dozen.

had Indian food a few months ago, everything was topped with a fine mint chutney.  The greenest shit I've ever seen / taken.
Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: Zanze on November 13, 2013, 05:29:28 pm
That second defense on Uhhun Castle was hilarious, I directly killed 12 people and indirectly (breaking ladders, nudging) probably another dozen.

had Indian food a few months ago, everything was topped with a fine mint chutney.  The greenest shit I've ever seen / taken.

Shield nudge was my most powerful weapon during that battle. Gravity is a heartless bastard and I was glad to introduce many people to it.
Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: dynamike on November 13, 2013, 08:05:45 pm

Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: MURDERTRON on November 13, 2013, 08:27:55 pm
Nudge kills don't count as kills, they count only as suicides.  By nudging someone off, you are robbing everyone of exp, and you are a terrible person.
Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: Zanze on November 14, 2013, 04:05:46 pm
Nudge kills don't count as kills, they count only as suicides.  By nudging someone off, you are robbing everyone of exp, and you are a terrible person.

They increase the defender's chance of winning, which means there will be more siege and thus more xp. It may slow xp in the short term, but increases the amount in the long term. Plus, its hilarious.
Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: Jack1 on November 14, 2013, 04:09:28 pm
They increase the defender's chance of winning, which means there will be more siege and thus more xp. It may slow xp in the short term, but increases the amount in the long term. Plus, its hilarious.

The laughs of when you see the sparkle in a attackers landing successfully on the wall only to turn in a total "screw you guys" moment is worth the XP that it costs.

Edit: The eighth siege of yruma castle is tonight and I must say, this castle is getting pretty stale. There should be the ability To construct Farris wheels for players to ride or something..... Just something to spice the game up.
Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: Keshian on November 14, 2013, 05:06:51 pm
The laughs of when you see the sparkle in a attackers landing successfully on the wall only to turn in a total "screw you guys" moment is worth the XP that it costs.

Edit: The eighth siege of yruma castle is tonight and I must say, this castle is getting pretty stale. There should be the ability To construct Farris wheels for players to ride or something..... Just something to spice the game up.

i dont know, attackers of a castle going 1331 kills to 1253 deaths was pretty fun.  Dont see that often with castle fights, unless other side completely fucks up gear.
Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: Artyem on November 14, 2013, 06:34:37 pm
i dont know, attackers of a castle going 1331 kills to 1253 deaths was pretty fun.  Dont see that often with castle fights, unless other side completely fucks up gear.

Nah, it was a combination of being bored as shit and using population tickets.  Also, a good chunk of that fight was spent outside the walls breaking your construction gear and slaughtering you in mass.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but all of your tickets dried up at the end anyway, so it was more like 1670 to our 1331.
Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: Mae. on November 14, 2013, 06:56:54 pm
I'm not taking sides but as an attacker last night when defenders started running out, they got slaughtered. Lots of green text at the end of that one, I think it was like 100 tickets left for attackers and we took out a good 3-400 within the last 15 minutes. xpxpxpxpxpxpxpxpxpxpxp
Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: Artyem on November 14, 2013, 07:04:43 pm
The attackers had 417 tickets left at the end of the battle, and yeah we could have saved some population if we would have turtled up in the castle for the entire fight, but it seems like everyone is getting tired of that.
Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: BaleOhay on November 14, 2013, 07:56:51 pm
You should charge out from the start and surprise us!!
Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: Keshian on November 14, 2013, 08:57:53 pm
Nah, it was a combination of being bored as shit and using population tickets.  Also, a good chunk of that fight was spent outside the walls breaking your construction gear and slaughtering you in mass.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but all of your tickets dried up at the end anyway, so it was more like 1670 to our 1331.

needless to say we are doing much better than the previous people that besieged yruma - in every single siege.  i know im having a lot of fun with our guys doing such an impressive job with pretty damn good k/ds for attackers of a castle.  Im really impressed by our catapulteers and the endurance of our mercs to fight against a castle repeatedly.
Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: Canuck on November 14, 2013, 10:39:34 pm
So now that we've established that castle sieges fucking suck for everybody, can we do some field battles already? Both sides need to forget about wanting to win, just do a bunch of fun field battles and maybe villages, they're better for xp and much more enjoyable.
Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: MURDERTRON on November 14, 2013, 11:16:59 pm
So now that we've established that castle sieges fucking suck for everybody, can we do some field battles already? Both sides need to forget about wanting to win, just do a bunch of fun field battles and maybe villages, they're better for xp and much more enjoyable.

The funny thing is I don't think Artyem really even cares about winning anymore.  I think its just about spiting Kesh at this point.
Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: Artyem on November 14, 2013, 11:29:33 pm
Yeah, you guys should go attack Rindyar, I hear it's great for attackers.
Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: Matey on November 14, 2013, 11:48:23 pm
The funny thing is I don't think Artyem really even cares about winning anymore.  I think its just about spiting Kesh at this point.

If Artyem didn't care he wouldn't be bribing our mercs with cRPG gold to switch sides. Pretty fucking shitty Artyem.
Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: Artyem on November 14, 2013, 11:54:43 pm
If Artyem didn't care he wouldn't be bribing our mercs with cRPG gold to switch sides. Pretty fucking shitty Artyem.

Well, maybe you shouldn't sell fiefs before you own them.  Maybe you shouldn't call the kettle black, or give disputed villages to neutral factions, or attack third parties due to your ridiculous neckbeard paranoia.

Go climb a wall of dicks.
Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: Gmnotutoo on November 15, 2013, 12:19:31 am
I'll give you a LP if you switch sides and go positive. No joke.

Edit: I'll go a step further and give out LPs to anyone who doesn't merc for FCC.

uh.. I like loompoints, I need new shoes and I only need one more point to make them. Can I has?
Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: MURDERTRON on November 15, 2013, 12:32:55 am
I want LPs.  Also, I help you guys make LPs, so I should start taking a cut.
Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: TheAppleSauceMan on November 15, 2013, 12:41:47 am
If Artyem didn't care he wouldn't be bribing our mercs with cRPG gold to switch sides. Pretty fucking shitty Artyem.

I'm not gonna name any names or point any fingers as we don't need even more drama, but, to be fair, I've had members of your faction do the exact same thing to me personally. Don't complain about people doing what you yourselves have done.

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Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: Phantasmal on November 15, 2013, 02:54:22 am
I will merc for crpg gold!

(Really, I want to buy more MWs)
Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: Zlisch_The_Butcher on November 15, 2013, 07:53:59 am
If Artyem didn't care he wouldn't be bribing our mercs with cRPG gold to switch sides. Pretty fucking shitty Artyem.
Kesh pms EU mercs literally begging them to sign up for his battles on the forum.
Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: GOBBLINKINGREATLEADER on November 15, 2013, 07:58:52 am
It should be noted that I have read excerpts of messages Keshian has sent to people with paragraphs of e-dicksucking within them attempting to get them to play for him.

Take that as a non-partisan comment on how much of a nerd that man is.
Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: Matey on November 15, 2013, 09:22:27 am
It should be noted that I have read excerpts of messages Keshian has sent to people with paragraphs of e-dicksucking within them attempting to get them to play for him.

Take that as a non-partisan comment on how much of a nerd that man is.

sounds better than bribing to me.
Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: Keshian on November 15, 2013, 09:34:22 am
sounds better than bribing to me.

this ^

Sometimes I send messages thanking people for fighting for us.  Other times I send messages to people where I ask politely for them to merc for us, usually just a  few lines.  Other times i get messages from people raging at me and I try to remind them that if they want to be treated as older than 12 years old they should learn to control their nerd rage.  You can guess who has gotten which messages.

And no I will never resort to bribes with crpg gold - it seems a distasteful and low-brow way to play the game, usually resorted to by people desperately afraid of losing, but to each their own I guess.  personally i think FCC has done so well because in the end we are not afraid to lose everything so we play balls to the wall and attack nonstop with tens of thousands of troops if need be only to get fiefs that we just eventually just sell anyway so we can fight some more.
Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: Artyem on November 15, 2013, 10:16:51 am
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Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: BaleOhay on November 15, 2013, 01:20:44 pm
I am a little confused on that last bit? Any time you ever needed anything at the start we were there for you and asked nothing in return. You wanted a fief. We bought you one by sending Anders to take it. Had anyone threatened you we would have come to your aide without asking. Hell every time I thought you guys were in trouble I sent you a PM that we were on the way and we showed up. Look at the fight rosters in the beginning how many FCC were on your side?

You can throw all the shit at the wall you want but us leaving you without help is one nugget you can shove back up your poop hole because it is not true.
Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: Keshian on November 15, 2013, 01:56:13 pm
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I usually +1 applesauce because hes not a little child that gets super butthurt when he loses in a video game to the point of becoming a little whiny bitch.  And no I never paid anyone ever crpg gold to sign up for us nor offered to - we have only ever offered generally publicized prizes for top performers in our battles that everyone can get and knows about, never secretive Ill give you crpg gold to switch sides last minute (which you would never have to do if it really was a real friend).  If you are that desperate to win then go for it, just realize you can call u all the names you want but its you that dragged your character in the mud to win in a video game along with a special select few that are also being attacked as we speak.  And yes we saved your ass a lot and listened to your constant wild speculations that everyone was conspiring to attack you even though no one ever cared enough to do so, certainly not with the elaborate crazy ideas you came up with.
Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: HarryCrumb on November 15, 2013, 04:04:12 pm
i'd gladly drag my name in the mud to buy cup's mercing expertise
Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: GOBBLINKINGREATLEADER on November 15, 2013, 05:58:37 pm
I usually +1 applesauce because hes not a little child that gets super butthurt when he loses in a video game to the point of becoming a little whiny bitch.  And no I never paid anyone ever crpg gold to sign up for us nor offered to - we have only ever offered generally publicized prizes for top performers in our battles that everyone can get and knows about, never secretive Ill give you crpg gold to switch sides last minute (which you would never have to do if it really was a real friend).  If you are that desperate to win then go for it, just realize you can call u all the names you want but its you that dragged your character in the mud to win in a video game along with a special select few that are also being attacked as we speak.  And yes we saved your ass a lot and listened to your constant wild speculations that everyone was conspiring to attack you even though no one ever cared enough to do so, certainly not with the elaborate crazy ideas you came up with.

I was under the impression that FCC fairly routinely offers upper level mercs "I'll pay you 50/100k if you sign for us/play for us (instead)!". I'm talking people like Allers, Rohypnol, etc. Honestly I don't see a difference between that and what Artyem did.

I mean really, this is some lame fucking drama... "you paid someone to play for you!? Wow! Disgusting! How DARE you do that totally legal thing that lots of people do! How DARE you offer goods for services?"

If this is the best shitposting we as a community can come up with, then all hope is lost. I'd rather drink stale piss from Jack Nicholson's foul ass pit than pretend to care about people giving people money to play for them.

I expect to see better shitposting the next time I view this thread
Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: Matey on November 15, 2013, 06:59:31 pm
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Do you actually believe any of the shit you spout? Shitty battle times... almost all shitty battle times this war are from CC. The few shitty times FCC has initiated are interceptions in the field and you really can't blame us for that without being retarded. Shitty forum posting... While we have made some shitty posts you are at least even with us there. Shitty attitude... You have us beat hands down seeing as you started a war with us then flipped shit and removed us from your friend list because of a strat war. Behavioural issues... Well I think you win that one too but sure some of us are competing there I guess.

also... wiping small factions. We helped you get started. We helped a lot of small factions get started. We helped frisia get going... We gave Ravens some support (they may not have needed it but they got some help). You think we are big horrible monsters for trying to wipe you off the map after you declared war on us? what the hell else would you expect us to do in a war? oh thats right you wanted us to ignore your fiefs and go kill you allies instead cause you totally wouldn't launch raids in our lands while we were doing that.
Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: BaleOhay on November 15, 2013, 07:00:15 pm
Daruvian did you really say you were impartial? insanity.

anyway there is a large diff between offering a reward anyone having a good day can win and paying some to drop the team they had been hired last min to switch sides.

They are already behind a giant wall and have the massive advantages defending a castle gives buying off mercs seems sad.
Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: KaMiKaZe_JoE on November 15, 2013, 07:26:18 pm
"Fucking fuckers!" Joe growled, his face just inches from his computer screen. He was staring with wide eyes, and heady mixture of sweat and adrenaline was pooling between his naked thighs on the hard, metal stool he was sitting on. The froth smelled like what he imagined sex smelled like. His hands shook, and he was crowning. All this, and more, was happening because Joe was really getting in-character.

He did this every time he posted in the diplomacy forums. There was this one rule, you see.

His fingers, made sticky by lube and maple syrup, slapped audibly against the keyboard. He was in a roleplaying frenzy. "Fucking knaves," he typed and wheezed aloud, "assholes. Learn how to be like real knights and pay for mercenaries. Real knights. Real knights! REAL KNIGHTS! REAL KNIGHTS!"

Joe broke.

His voice cracked and he fell from his stool into a fetal ball. The stool tipped over, spilling sweat all over his weeping, shaking, naked body. "R-real kn-kn-knights," he whispered. "We're all real--"

The basement door exploded off its hinges and flew across the room in a shower of splinters and plaster. The door-knob bounced over the hardwood floor, away from Joe, who watched it with great interest, still muttering about knights. He knew what was coming. A deep voice boomed, "SON?! I"M BACK FROM WAL-MART! THEY WERE OUT OF DICKS, HAHA!"

Dad was home. Joe curled up tighter and ceased his whisperings, hoping that dad might miss him.

"GET IT, BOY? DICKS!" There was a long pause, followed by an authoritative, "PLEASE RESPOND!"

Joe was silent.

"EHL OH EHL, WHATEVER THEN." A single can of beans rolled out of the doorway into the middle of the basement. "I GOT YOU BEANS," was all that Joe's father said before he climbed the stairs, his footfalls like cannon-fire. Joe remained on the floor, staring at the beans.
Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: GOBBLINKINGREATLEADER on November 15, 2013, 08:38:51 pm
Part 1 of 2:

A small, gray car stood on the broken asphalt street outside the neglected dump of a house that was to be Jakob Davies's assignment for the day. Inside the car sat two men. The first is an excited yet self-restrained young man in cap-toed black oxfords, black pants, a white dress shirt, and a long, skinny black tie. His name is Jakob. The other man is Jakob's mentor, a self-reassured and confident 15-year veteran of Child Protective Services. Jakob has worked for Child Protective Services for 7 months now with most of that time spent in a crowded, old government cubicle filing repetitive paperwork in front of a CRT monitor. Today marked the first day that Jakob was assigned field duty to visit a house and investigate complaints from neighbors.

Jakob opened the door of the gray car and stood out onto the sidewalk near the house that he would be investigating. He stood still and took a long look at the surrounding houses and this one, finally saying to himself,

"I can't believe places like this exist. Everything looks broken and worn down. It's like a fucking Russian ghetto or something. There's no way these houses are safe. I can't believe children live in places like this."

Jakob's partner rapped on the right side window of the car with his knucles and looked at Jakob as if to say "get on with it!"

"Alright, alright!", Jakob said loud enough his partner could hear.

Jakob strolled through the front yard of the house to the front door. The grass was overgrown and car parts, old cans of food like beans and fruit cocktails, and other rubbish littered the yard so fully it was hard to find somewhere to place your foot where it could actually connect with solid ground.

Jakob came to the door. He knocked and spoke loudly so that anyone in the house would certainly hear him.

"Child protective services! This is Agent Jakob! Please come to the door!" No answer... again Jakob knocked and spoke, even louder this time.

"Hello! This is Agent Jakob Davies' from Child Protective Services, I have a warrant to search these premises! Please open your door!"

Jakob sat and listened for a second. There wasn't a single sound from within the house. Frustrated, angry, and nervously releasing pent-up excitement, Jakob knocked again very strongly, practically pounding his fist upon the old wooden door.

The door flew forward, falling off of its hinges and crashing into the floor.

"Hello?", Jakob said before entering the house. Again there was no response. Jakob walked through the old wooden doorway and took a look at the inside of the house. It was a disgusting pile of filth. Food, feces, and trash littered the entire floor. Jakob sat and listened for any sound, any noise at all to see if the parents or child might be home. He thought he heard something! He stood in total stillness and listened harder.


It was a cat! Jakob ran down the hall and turned right to enter what appeared to be a kitchen. The meowing was louder here, Jakob could hear it. "There must be a fucking animal buried under the trash!", Jakob said in shock and disgust. He quickly began throwing around the trash in an attempt to find the animal." Old food boxes, tin foil, plastic, and cans flew in every direction as Jakob searched for the animal for several minutes.

"I hear it!" It was much louder now, he must be close he thought. Jakob then cleared a section of trash in the corner and found the source of the noise; a MP3 player attached to a boom box. "What the fuck?!"

Jakob felt shivers go down his spine. Immediately he dropped the MP3 player and walked back into the hall. What he saw there shocked, disgusted, and terrified him. The door that he had knocked down minutes before was replaced with a metal one, and on it was written in blood


To be continued....
Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: Artyem on November 15, 2013, 08:58:53 pm
Congratulations for ignoring 90% of my post just to draw wild speculations and shoot random insults at us.  It's only now that I realize why people like Smoothrich are the true heroes of this game, somehow putting up with months of this shit.

I payed Desire a minuscule amount of gold hours before the battle to switch sides, you guys have a talent for blowing shit out of proportion.!?page=strategusinfobattledetail&id=5803!?page=strategusinfobattledetail&id=5801!?page=strategusinfobattledetail&id=5650 (not as bad, but still pretty shitty)

and I forgot my night time settings once, but certainly that's worse.

Well, regardless of the hostility, I look forward to the several future sieges of Yruma, it's cool to defend for once.
Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: Kalam on November 15, 2013, 09:17:17 pm
Every and any player who does not merc for FCC is eligible for the free LPs!

Kalam writes a quick letter, to be sent with all haste to traitor territory.

Dear Havelle,

I would gladly join your side for riches and gold.



P.S I can also offer sexual favors.

Reviewing his letter with care, he folded it and ran his tongue over the edge. "GMNO! Please take this out to the mail box for me!"
Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: Matey on November 15, 2013, 11:07:41 pm!?page=strategusinfobattledetail&id=5803!?page=strategusinfobattledetail&id=5801!?page=strategusinfobattledetail&id=5650 (not as bad, but still pretty shitty)

and I forgot my night time settings once, but certainly that's worse.

Intercepting a trader with tons of crates.
Intercepting (at the time) naked troops.
Intercepting someone trying to reinforce Yruma.
Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: Chosen1 on November 16, 2013, 01:32:24 am
I usually +1 applesauce because hes not a little child that gets super butthurt when he loses in a video game to the point of becoming a little whiny bitch.  And no I never paid anyone ever crpg gold to sign up for us nor offered to - we have only ever offered generally publicized prizes for top performers in our battles that everyone can get and knows about, never secretive Ill give you crpg gold to switch sides last minute (which you would never have to do if it really was a real friend).  If you are that desperate to win then go for it, just realize you can call u all the names you want but its you that dragged your character in the mud to win in a video game along with a special select few that are also being attacked as we speak.  And yes we saved your ass a lot and listened to your constant wild speculations that everyone was conspiring to attack you even though no one ever cared enough to do so, certainly not with the elaborate crazy ideas you came up with.

I've never seen anyone care so much about a video game.
Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: KaMiKaZe_JoE on November 16, 2013, 01:34:01 am
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I eagerly await PART 2
Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: Gmnotutoo on November 16, 2013, 02:04:16 am
Joe, we need to have a serious discussion.

Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: Canuck on November 16, 2013, 03:26:51 am
I've always signed up exclusively for CC (and they've been nice guys and accepted me even though I'm a shit player unless I'm level 31 polearm) that's mostly because I like them and it's always nice to kill FCC scum. Also thinking about arowaine killing FCC scum while saying things like FCC scum makes me giddy. Lately though, there have been some pretty shitty things on that side too. Why? Because this fucking soul sucking strategus xp grinder bullshit means anything? Is it really that fun to be the biggest tryhards/nerdy assholes possible? I don't know man. It's like a shitrope.
Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: vespasian on November 16, 2013, 06:14:38 am
Is it really that fun to be the biggest tryhards/nerdy assholes possible? I don't know man. It's like a shitrope.

The Fuckin Catalina shitrope mixer.

And yes, if you come in second place on the tryhard podium it pretty much means you like the cock.
Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: Sir_Firebus on November 16, 2013, 06:34:29 am
I'll merc for CC if I get payed a loom point a battle.  :lol: Seriously though you all need to chill out on the nerd rage. We still end up stomping CC even if they pay for mercs individually.
Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: Matey on November 16, 2013, 07:18:48 am
I'll merc for CC if I get payed a loom point a battle.  :lol: Seriously though you all need to chill out on the nerd rage. We still end up stomping CC even if they pay for mercs individually.

Aye you're right. I just get grumpy cause I do shitty in sieges D:
Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: arowaine on November 16, 2013, 08:56:10 am
no offence but this 33 page of diplomacy is 99% made of shit love you all
Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: Jack1 on November 17, 2013, 04:40:23 am
as I re-read the past few pages all that I could seem to comprehend is that FCC is pissed off with something as little as paying a merc to switch sides for 30k.
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I, and the other members of TCC, have tried to do nothing but play fair and be as nice as possible while the main spokespeople for FCC have been spitting in our faces on the forums. After the past 8 attempts, every siege but the day in-between one, you have finally managed to gear bug us. My respect for the acre members has gone down the shitter and I no longer respect any of their members as I did before any of this. The current situation is this: the game has become so horrible that I, myself, am on the verge of quitting.

my questions are: why do you wish to fight an enemy on crutches? why would you prefer to not fight anybody at all?
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edit: congratulations on doing another intsta-attack.
Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: Artyem on November 17, 2013, 05:30:58 am
Not much to say here, typical FCC behavior being met with typical counter-FCC behavior.  These forums really don't get much lower than that.

Yep, we've been gear bugged three times, but we've hardly complained about it until now.  We fucked up our night time settings once and received a shitstorm for it, all the while FCC was launching battles early in the morning because they were "necessary interceptions".  We tried to play nice at the start, but as usual Kesh and friends took a post made to be a satire on the American Civil War so personally that they forgot that a strikethrough usually represents "disregard".

After eight unrelenting sieges on my castle, I took an offer that Desire had given to me and payed her 30k crpg gold to switch sides, because arbalests are cool.  As I had expected, Kesh blew up and is now spreading rumors that I'm paying upwards of 300k per person just to get them on our side.

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Yeah, I can totally afford to pay off your entire team in cRPG gold.  We've got a fucking shit ton of silver, yes, and it's actually not from an item dupe, that's a story for another day.  Anyway, all I've spent the strat silver on is gear for my castle, my armies, my allies, and I've given away buckets of it (millions and millions) to several different factions now, typically to the people who I think will put it to a good use.

So yeah, I could be the biggest faggot imaginable and pull off all the sleazy bullshit tactics I wanted to on Strategus, and I've really been tempted to.

But fuck that, I'll just fund Murdertron and the GOBBLIN realm and watch the XP roll in.

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Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: BaleOhay on November 17, 2013, 06:22:10 am
Last time you declared war on us we sat back and let it happen without doing anything and were told the war is boring and we were lame for just sitting in our fiefs defending.

This time you declare war on us and we warned you we would actually fight this time.... Well hell sorry to inform you but this is war and war is hell. As the old saying goes be careful what you ask for, you just might get it.

Sorry if it is making you want to quit.
Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: Matey on November 17, 2013, 06:22:46 am
How to diplomacy Forums Dracul style

Step 1: declare war on your friends even though they don't want to fight you
Step 2: assure your friends that the war is just for XP and because you think they are the only people worth fighting... no hard feelings
Step 3: get really fucking upset because you lose some close battles at the start of the war and delete a bunch of people off your friend list
Step 4: start shit talking them every chance you get
Step 5: complain about people fighting a strat war in a far more polite manner than any other NA strat war ever.
Step 6: ?????
Step 7: Profit
Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: Artyem on November 17, 2013, 06:28:33 am
Last time you declared war on us we sat back and let it happen without doing anything and were told the war is boring and we were lame for just sitting in our fiefs defending.

This time you declare war on us and we warned you we would actually fight this time.... Well hell sorry to inform you but this is war and war is hell. As the old saying goes be careful what you ask for, you just might get it.

Sorry if it is making you want to quit.

This is the first time Dracul has been in a direct war with FCC.

How to diplomacy Forums Dracul style

Step 1: declare war on your friends even though they don't want to fight you
Step 2: assure your friends that the war is just for XP and because you think they are the only people worth fighting... no hard feelings
Step 3: get really fucking upset because you lose some close battles at the start of the war and delete a bunch of people off your friend list
Step 4: start shit talking them every chance you get
Step 5: complain about people fighting a strat war in a far more polite manner than any other NA strat war ever.
Step 6: ?????
Step 7: Profit

Step 1: join confederacy with friends and fight people who insist they're your friends
Step 2: assure people who insist that they're your friends that you don't want any hard feelings
Step 3: watch them get mad because "we were totally friends bro, but it's kay because we'll wipe you and sell your castle and then relocate you if you want"
Step 4: try to be reasonable on the forums, get met with nerd rage
Step 5: complain about people who breath and live Strategus
Step 6: ??????
Step 7: Profit
Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: Sir_Firebus on November 17, 2013, 06:30:38 am
What the fuck Artyem I can't even believe you are an admin with the amount of shit you whine about. You whine more than me. Stop whining and deal with getting gear bugged. It's not like we haven't been gear bugged before. We just don't whine about it. We deal with it.
Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: Keshian on November 17, 2013, 06:34:02 am
Not much to say here, typical FCC behavior being met with typical counter-FCC behavior.  These forums really don't get much lower than that.

Yep, we've been gear bugged three times, but we've hardly complained about it until now.  We fucked up our night time settings once and received a shitstorm for it, all the while FCC was launching battles early in the morning because they were "necessary interceptions".  We tried to play nice at the start, but as usual Kesh and friends took a post made to be a satire on the American Civil War so personally that they forgot that a strikethrough usually represents "disregard".

After eight unrelenting sieges on my castle, I took an offer that Desire had given to me and payed her 30k crpg gold to switch sides, because arbalests are cool.  As I had expected, Kesh blew up and is now spreading rumors that I'm paying upwards of 300k per person just to get them on our side.

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Yeah, I can totally afford to pay off your entire team in cRPG gold.  We've got a fucking shit ton of silver, yes, and it's actually not from an item dupe, that's a story for another day.  Anyway, all I've spent the strat silver on is gear for my castle, my armies, my allies, and I've given away buckets of it (millions and millions) to several different factions now, typically to the people who I think will put it to a good use.

So yeah, I could be the biggest faggot imaginable and pull off all the sleazy bullshit tactics I wanted to on Strategus, and I've really been tempted to.

But fuck that, I'll just fund Murdertron and the GOBBLIN realm and watch the XP roll in.

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What are you even talking about?  I mentioned allers was paid once upwards of 100k by greasy sage and your "spy" in our ts during the battle misinterpreted my words - though some friends who were signed up for you after the battle were mentioning you bragging about knowing when we were going for flags thanks to your spy.  Class act!  And you really expect us to believe you ahve 400 million silver not form a bug, when the largest faction on the map has less than 100 million silver.  Obviously did something like bought 10 million lady dresses back when they cost 0 silver and then they changed them and you sold them all and are now taking advantage of the bug/glitch or some other bug.

Really you are whining about us attacking you too quickly now? You talk about quitting the game because of other people's tactics, while breaking the game using silver bugs and spies in tses during battles.  You are a true hypocrite! bravo!

Also what firebus said - we have been item bugged more than any other faction on the map probably because we keep fighting  a lot.  All we do is work out how to fix it when we spawn.  Not a big deal - certainly not enough "to cry a  river" about how horrible this game is because you have to use a different weapon for a bit.  Just like we have had to deal with unreachable flags more than anyone else.
Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: Sandersson Jankins on November 17, 2013, 06:35:16 am
stop saying words this is fucking gay
Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: Artyem on November 17, 2013, 06:38:02 am
yeah I'm done posting here, my mistake.
Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: Real_Dece_Guy on November 17, 2013, 06:45:05 am
After the past 8 attempts, every siege but the day in-between one, you have finally managed to gear bug us. My respect for the acre members has gone down the shitter and I no longer respect any of their members as I did before any of this. The current situation is this: the game has become so horrible that I, myself, am on the verge of quitting.

my questions are: why do you wish to fight an enemy on crutches? why would you prefer to not fight anybody at all?
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I'm sorry you feel that way Jack, but I was with Acre defending Yruma 13-15 times, and maybe we were given time to manage gear at our leisure twice, if that.  The rest of the time, Reinhart was dumping all the -2 gear he could see the second the battle was finished, and we dealt with gear bugging, some minor, some major, in a solid majority of our sieges.  We never saw that as you guys playing dirty, and we didn't complain about it.
Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: GOBBLINKINGREATLEADER on November 17, 2013, 06:53:09 am
Would you bunch of maniac bastardly turds please shut the fuck up? Like, all of you. You're all being rude, you towering mounds of maggot cum. Please stop now.


People don't know how to just have fucking fun on either side of the aisle.

pig disgusting/10, would not play for again if it weren't for the XP
Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: BaleOhay on November 17, 2013, 07:07:18 am
For once I agree with daruvian. time to put off the trash posting. FCC guys refrain please. I will gladly kick any faction member in the dick if they are being a dick. Stay classey

We shall try and kill them with kindness!

Excellent day of fights CC. God may have rested on the 7th day but us heathens shall be back at it! See you in game.
Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: MURDERTRON on November 17, 2013, 07:07:38 am
Give me your troops.  You don't deserve them.  That goes for everyone in this thread.  Even those just reading it.
Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: GOBBLINKINGREATLEADER on November 17, 2013, 07:09:14 am
Give me your troops.  You don't deserve them.  That goes for everyone in this thread.  Even those just reading it.

I would like to challenge that everyone but me doesn't deserve them.
Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: Mae. on November 17, 2013, 05:23:45 pm
i think its about time miggy starts posting fun gifs
Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: StonedSteel on November 17, 2013, 05:56:59 pm
Everytime i kick myself for not coming to this mod sooner...i can read the forum and pat myself on the back for not wanting to be a part of this

You fucking crpg players whine and bitch about everything, i have been in nearly every TS now..

You ALL think you opponents suck, you all think your da best...and then you ALL make excuses when you lose

even worse, instead of just saying GG and moving come to the forum and bitch and moan about your opponents, very rarely admitting to or taking responsibility for, your own mistakes.

None of you seem to have any respect for the other team and you all fucking hate each other, and now the game is at a point when it feels like there are literally only 2 factions to fight for

FCC which takes the game seriously...and everyone else who hates FCC for taking the game too seriously

Believe it or not, the worst difference between Native and CRPG is not any bad mechanic or admin rule...its the players themselves

The problem with the its full of "typical crpg players"....they are the best players...and anything that kills OP and needs to be bitched about
Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: GOBBLINKINGREATLEADER on November 17, 2013, 06:42:17 pm
2 factions to fight for? I believe there is only one faction to fight for, thank you... THE REALM OF THE GOBBLIN KING. Saying anything else is treasonous.
Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: Gmnotutoo on November 17, 2013, 07:11:59 pm
2 factions to fight for? I believe there is only one faction to fight for, thank you... THE REALM OF THE GOBBLIN KING. Saying anything else is treasonous.

I'm the muse for fun and freedom in strat, thank you.
Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: HappyPhantom on November 17, 2013, 08:40:10 pm
Everytime i kick myself for not coming to this mod sooner...i can read the forum and pat myself on the back for not wanting to be a part of this

You fucking crpg players whine and bitch about everything, i have been in nearly every TS now..

You ALL think you opponents suck, you all think your da best...and then you ALL make excuses when you lose

even worse, instead of just saying GG and moving come to the forum and bitch and moan about your opponents, very rarely admitting to or taking responsibility for, your own mistakes.

None of you seem to have any respect for the other team and you all fucking hate each other, and now the game is at a point when it feels like there are literally only 2 factions to fight for

FCC which takes the game seriously...and everyone else who hates FCC for taking the game too seriously

Believe it or not, the worst difference between Native and CRPG is not any bad mechanic or admin rule...its the players themselves

The problem with the its full of "typical crpg players"....they are the best players...and anything that kills OP and needs to be bitched about

Strategus, the root of all evil.
Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: HungryNBroke on November 17, 2013, 11:40:37 pm
This whole war has really been a Romeo and Juliet style drama.

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Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: Scervo on November 18, 2013, 06:05:29 am
Would you bunch of maniac bastardly turds please shut the fuck up? Like, all of you. You're all being rude, you towering mounds of maggot cum. Please stop now.


People don't know how to just have fucking fun on either side of the aisle.

pig disgusting/10, would not play for again if it weren't for the XP

beautiful :') Its a shame I can only upvote once
Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: Lt_Anders on November 18, 2013, 02:15:07 pm
Just to put this out there for those who like this stuff
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Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: BaleOhay on November 18, 2013, 11:13:26 pm
Not bad at all really.
Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: njames89 on November 18, 2013, 11:30:58 pm
Would you bunch of maniac bastardly turds please shut the fuck up? Like, all of you. You're all being rude, you towering mounds of maggot cum. Please stop now.


People don't know how to just have fucking fun on either side of the aisle.

pig disgusting/10, would not play for again if it weren't for the XP

Factually incorrect. I am by myself if nothing else having fun alone on my own aisle. I've named it
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Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: Chosen1 on November 19, 2013, 12:37:47 am
I've found that the best way to deal with e-peen waving and folks bragging about how good they are at video games is to not deal with it at all
Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: Sandersson Jankins on November 19, 2013, 12:42:31 am
I've found that the best way to deal with e-peen waving and folks bragging about how good they are at video games is to not deal with it at all

Absolutely false.

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Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: Lemon on November 19, 2013, 01:35:25 am

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You're gay and nobody loves you.
Also gay and unloved.
Go fuck your homosexual self, please go and kill yourself.
Did I do good papa?
Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: StonedSteel on November 19, 2013, 02:03:39 am
2 factions to fight for? I believe there is only one faction to fight for, thank you... THE REALM OF THE GOBBLIN KING. Saying anything else is treasonous.

*checks up coming battles*


Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: arowaine on November 19, 2013, 05:28:27 am
i feel the end of this conflic :( no more nerd rage on the tread what going on???????
Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: Dach on November 19, 2013, 07:55:59 am
If you want more drama, start your own...

It's not like you don't have enough troops or gold to make that happen... (  :rolleyes:

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Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: kasMVC on November 19, 2013, 07:58:53 am
Arrowaine you fucking shit face

You pussy ass bitch

Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: Artyem on November 19, 2013, 08:38:24 pm
CC wins strat, the numbers are never wrong.
Title: Re: War of Northern Aggression
Post by: Chosen1 on October 24, 2014, 05:32:37 am
fuck ignore this post