In reply to your counter-post Canary, I can appreciate you speaking up for your faction, for that is only what I am doing. I do not mean to bash you or Choas (except for Shik...fuck him) because I genuinely like Chaos most every day. But as you must defend your House I must defend mine, and I do not think we deserve bashing based on what we have done. I do not think you to be completely detached from Chaos, nor doi think you incompetent, nor do I claim responsibility for Desire's attack, it is just that Desire said she was acting independently in that instance. I will say however that indeed, I know Shik got his army from you, and the next, and give you no thanks for doing so because of what he did to me. Of course I remember you commanding, you may remember some of the advice I gave from time to time during that battle because after leading so many sieges myself, I do not think anyone knows the castle better. I retract my more personal attacks after your explanation and in fact am glad we could come to more of an understanding; after all, I only flew off the handle because I felt insulted first. But as I said, HoC has never been attacked at Almerra, though we have done much fighting elsewhere, and it is through no fault of ours. Now, if we shall call the issue resolved, I would be glad, for as Matey pointed out, it is not my drama post.