wtf can you also reset the ha skill points?
"Fips: Old Siege maps updated"
This is makes me sweat, FIPS WHAT HAVE YOU DONE NOW?!!?!
so now pls tell me what should i do on my lvl 36 char 4 points on ha and i cant use good horses i need the reset from ha skillsdevs give no flying shit about high lvl players
so now pls tell me what should i do on my lvl 36 char 4 points on ha and i cant use good horses i need the reset from ha skills
put cudgel 0 slot plz !!!
about crowned helmet the stats look a bit too op and it's not yet in shop
mw crowned helmet 60 armor for only 2.5 weight oO
I just don't get it Number 1 problem with CRPG and always has been is range and the one way to counter them is with heavy cav so the devs been the genius they are deicide to nerf heavy cav and buff HA and Throwing and Archery, Good job dev team you really make us proud cant wait for banner lords now (don't see point in supporting Melee Battlegrounds if dev going to be like this in that game). :mad:The Nomad and Tatar Bow have high accuracy and missile speed since some patches ago. Archers can now decide to shoot other ranged players instead of infantry and cavalry by using Nomad or Tatar Bow instead of Rus Bow or Long Bow. Ranged has a good internal balance and is capable of countering itself. Many ranged players rationally abstain from Rus and Long Bow in favor of the low-tier bows to counter other archers, and in total, there is less arrows hitting melee players.
Obsession with Tydeus is odd, he nerfed the longsword.
Im asking myself is it time to leave, why wait for melee battlegrounds if this same shit is going to happen everytime. I just don't get it buff range then they nerf range then they buff range and all this time people are blind to see they are nerfing other classes all the time without ever rebuffing it. this year 2h has been hit harder than any other class with the strength nerf and then with prices and now with buffing range its just making it harder to play.
You can always make your own game with your own rules and mechanics. Otherwise bring always some extra lube with you, so you won't be caught unprepared. :lol: (I do.)haha yea to be fair I am used to getting fucked by the devs :lol:
1h rightswing was invisible to many with a 1h with 100+ speed,
8 riding for a mamluk horse :?: :?: :?: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: wtf man :!: :!: :!: give cavs a full respec :!: i want to play as a thrower now :evil:
Like most cav before me that posted, the respec seems to not be large enough; I think it should be increased so that one can adapt to the patch in 99% circumstances.
It wouldnt be a bad idea to profit from this patch to give full respec (to riders only, or to all :P)
I'm a lucky one, I had 1 point of attribute waiting for me so I managed to convert my build so it stays useful, but its not the case for everyone like Mr K post shows :?
Like most cav before me that posted, the respec seems to not be large enough; I think it should be increased so that one can adapt to the patch in 99% circumstances.
It wouldnt be a bad idea to profit from this patch to give full respec (to riders only, or to all :P)
I'm a lucky one, I had 1 point of attribute waiting for me so I managed to convert my build so it stays useful, but its not the case for everyone like Mr K post shows :?
ruined my immersion.
PLS FIX PELT HOOD :oops:Figured out the issue... Finally.
so what are people like me supposed to do now? i had 24 15 and plated charger, there is no way i will be able to ride my horse again. If there is no free respec than there is no way i will keep playing. I have mw plated charger which i cant use and nobody will buy any heavy horse now untill you unfuck this stupid be honest i have nop idea why would you even fuck heavy cav so much?
I don't understand the new balance of throwing lance.
I suggest :
less damage (around 44)
increase the difficulty (8)
1 slot
At least hight pt build will have a nice buff and throwers will stop going everytime to the agi way
And why increasing the accuracy of throwing weapons ? We are throwers, not archers. Being inaccurate is a part of our class.
edit: for all those people crying, take cicero as an example, i once reared him with 7 powerstrike and 140 wpf pole, +3 red tassel, 6 times in a single round, with allies all around, and his horse still survived, with him getting 10+ kills, taking every chance possible because he knows his horse cannot die.
it was the same for all heavy cav. invincible horses were lame as fuck, and it's nice that you will finally have to use reasonable mid-tier horses unless you are more specialised. you heavy cav guys don't know how boring it is as a hoplite, supposedly the anti-cav class, trying to fight against 2 or 3 heavy cav, who are on literally invincible horses. lol.
They have decreased the accuracy of throwing lance...
Are there people actually crying about the nerf to cavalry? Most of the crying is about the balance being totally off now and some builds like the 24/15 totally broken.
use a lighter horse
use a lighter horseSuffocate
They can't survive long enough against horse archers which are the new master race of the battle field.
I'm a level 34 15/24 cav build and will have 8 riding soon. However, I want to state that even though I will be able to play my build, this is the worst fucking idea ever.
Can you fuck up everything I have special even more? I used to be one of the few agiwhores, now everyone is one. I used to be one of the few who will have 8 riding, now everybody who gets his hands on a respec or who gets to make a new cav char will have it too.
This is in no way a good or realistic solution to the problem of 'cav being OP', but you will probably increase STR requirements of heavy armour too so we will be seeing peasants on top of plated chargers and such. Cav might have been a little too strong, but I had to play HOURS to even be able to use my heavy horse for a few rounds.
Now we will have nothing but high agi cavalry, rather than the slower plated guys who could be easily stopped by pikers. Hell, why not just buff pikers to counter cavalry? I don't know how cav played these days, but I know the last time I played on a horse (before I sold my +3 heraldic barbed warhorse hoping zagibu would put in the heraldic heavy warhorse as promised), I got fucked up by archers in no time.
Yes cav was easy, but there are so much better ways to handle that problem...
my cav char The_Responsible_Cow, unheirloomed destrier with 8 riding skill, played through that build for 4 full generations including several respecs and i never really died to archers that much :3
Shouldn't it have been 7 points because -6 for riding and -1 from PS?
oh snap yeah i had 5 riding and 6 WM, either way it fucked me.The girl on the gif only says "Deserve it right now" though, right?(click to show/hide)
The girl on the gif only says "Deserve it right now" though, right?
In addition, the requirement has increased for heavy cavs so, they will go faster and be more agile than expected.Hahaha, that's the most fucked up complaint I've ever seen, oh god :mrgreen:
who the fuck cares, they wrote subtitles to deliver a different message
Good luck surviving with that thing when someone like Zero_SaT shows up on the server :wink: It takes about four hits to bring that Destrier down. Archers aren't a problem for most aware cavalry, but horse archers are.
I don't understand the new balance of throwing lance.
I suggest :
less damage (around 44)
increase the difficulty (8)
1 slot
At least hight pt build will have a nice buff and throwers will stop going everytime to the agi way
And why increasing the accuracy of throwing weapons ? We are throwers, not archers. Being inaccurate is a part of our class.
meh, i tend to try and stay close to team mates if there are HA running around, horse archers don't bother you too much if you've got steevee/mendro/shoko stood next to you :P
Man it seems like a lot of players have been screwed :/// Time to implement Full respecs for 1 loompoint or 300-400k me thinks...
I believe that event items can't get loomed. Cav changes I tweaked from another proposal that was somewhat confusing. Obsession with Tydeus is odd, he nerfed the longsword. Ranged deal as much damage as they did to heavy cav before before the armor soak change, and most experienced HP increases.
Worst patch ever. And i'm not a gaycavA longsword user though? :D
You do have to start questioning the whole mod when they are still balance patching after this many years, and doubtless a few months down the line from this one something else will need nerfing/buffing...will it ever be right?I thought everything was ok with build just afew items needed nerfing but then they go and fuck it up like always :mad:
A longsword user though? :DYes, but I'm meaning cav balance, to nerf 1h cav they just should buff lance angle instead of THAT
Was going to make jarids 6 difficulty and throwing spears 5, but it would've been too annoying to ask harald for mini-respecs for every little thing. It would be even more annoying to have a 5->7 difficulty jump since throwing spears deserved to be 5 difficulty at those stats anyways.
About the accuracy, for some reason jarids were very accurate compared to everything else while outdamaging them, too. Decided to scale accuracy to jarids (which essentially stayed the same) instead of making jarids less accurate. It makes sense for the weaker weapons to be more accurate, while the stronger weapons remain less accurate.
Throwing lance is a special case, since it can't really 1shot medium armor anymore. Designed around 2-shotting now. For hybrids that would bring another weapon, they would bring 2 or 3 lances and their sidearms. A pure build would bring 4 ammo. Now, a player can bring 1 set with 2 slots to spare for other equipment. Pure builds would bring 2 sets with 2 equipment spaces for 0 slot items. With a 0 slot 1h, they would need to split their proficiency when they already have a decent melee mode. With a 0 slot shield, they need 3 shield for the viable choice. Most utility would come from 0 slot throwing weapons so you don't waste ammo on peasants. There are no 0 slot 2h/polearms, so there's only so much that can be done with those spaces.
I think its about time these devs start to ask the community what it wants instead of themselves and there friends, also its time to put patches to vote, we should be able to vote if we want the patch or not what do you guys think?
As someone who read the forum, I must answer no.ok lets see them nerf everything to the point where no class is playable so everyone wins :wink:
ok lets see them nerf everything to the point where no class is playable so everyone wins :wink:Sounds like balance to me.
chadz and mod team please uninstall and give the mod to the players. Imbeciles.... +3 CHARGER FOR SALE TO ANY NERD THAT SOMEHOW HAS 8 RIDING.500k
what about courage, comrade? :cry:
Was going to make jarids 6 difficulty and throwing spears 5, but it would've been too annoying to ask harald for mini-respecs for every little thing. It would be even more annoying to have a 5->7 difficulty jump since throwing spears deserved to be 5 difficulty at those stats anyways.
About the accuracy, for some reason jarids were very accurate compared to everything else while outdamaging them, too. Decided to scale accuracy to jarids (which essentially stayed the same) instead of making jarids less accurate. It makes sense for the weaker weapons to be more accurate, while the stronger weapons remain less accurate.
Pure builds would bring 2 sets with 2 equipment spaces for 0 slot items. With a 0 slot 1h, they would need to split their proficiency when they already have a decent melee mode. With a 0 slot shield, they need 3 shield for the viable choice. Most utility would come from 0 slot throwing weapons so you don't waste ammo on peasants. There are no 0 slot 2h/polearms, so there's only so much that can be done with those spaces.
great, now I fucked up my build because I got confused by the partial cav respec...any way to reset one skillpoint?
great, now I fucked up my build because I got confused by the partial cav respec...any way to reset one skillpoint?If anyone messes up send me a PM with the char name and i'll revert.
If anyone messes up send me a PM with the char name and i'll revert.are we allowed to get full respect if we was cav before patch?
If anyone messes up send me a PM with the char name and i'll revert.also give us back our old patch everyone was happy then :cry:
TYDEUS FUCKING STOPI agree brother, Tydeus please leave our mod alone. Please?
I agree brother, Tydeus please leave our mod alone. Please?
you could do only one good thing bring old crpg backyes bring back old patch and xp barn!
exp BARN!
If anyone messes up send me a PM with the char name and i'll revert.
Can we look at the Desert Horse and the Arabian Horse? What is the incentive to go up to 7 Riding if the Desert Horse is just as good with 2 less in riding with minus 1200 upkeep? Besides that, Heavy Cav was due a nerf, but what about the Heavy Cav characters? What are they going to do with their loomed heavy horses?your right Heavy cav was due a nerf but not this way, make it 7 to 8 riding is stupid its not a nerf its called making it unplayable
Eh now i don't have to ride cav anymore that is what the partial respec lets u do right (go inf instead of cav)?
your right Heavy cav was due a nerf but not this way, make it 7 to 8 riding is stupid its not a nerf its called making it unplayable
6-8, is that really unplayable? :rolleyes:
If you used strength builds with 5 riding you can reach Padded Warhorse, Courser, the Barded horses and the Destrier with the free respec, not bad I'd say. The original suggestion was much harsher, it was tweaked later on.(click to show/hide)
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6-8, is that really unplayable? :rolleyes:all I can say is role on banner lords so you guys lose all your powers :lol:
If you used strength builds with 5 riding you can reach Padded Warhorse, Courser, the Barded horses and the Destrier with the free respec, not bad I'd say. The original suggestion was much harsher, it was tweaked later on.(click to show/hide)
BlindGuy, the way you express your sentiments, calls for your opinion to be ignored, whether valid or not.
Less general personal attacks, more constructive argumentation!
6-8, is that really unplayable? :rolleyes:
If you used strength builds with 5 riding you can reach Padded Warhorse, Courser, the Barded horses and the Destrier with the free respec, not bad I'd say. The original suggestion was much harsher, it was tweaked later on.(click to show/hide)
Now that shows that whoever made this is... special. Do you just want to reduce cav or what was actually the thought behind it? I'd like to be able to follow your point of view on balancing/changing.
Everyone should get full respec imo
Well, I didn't bring these changes up, but cav is/was very strong, no doubt about it. Some adjustments were deserved. Personally I found some of the original suggestions too harsh, that's probably the reason why the first and harshest requirement change didn't go through. However, I've played a lot of 21/18 with Mamluk Horse, and that is very, very strong. At least with 8 riding your health pool has to be somewhat reduced, which can make mistakes deadlier.
While it is somewhat sad that I can't use my +3 Mamluk without a STF character, as both my lancer and 1h cav can only reach 7 riding with the free respec, this change still feels like a positive. 5 riding, high strength and high tier armour was too strong for little investment. I hope you at least can agree with the fact that 5 riding for many of the top horses of the game was a bit too little investment for what they give?
Seriously this is pathetic, why make such radical changes Tydeus? Why don't you do your maths with the cav respect. If you put the riding requirement up by 3 that's 9 attributes you need to respect, with just 3 attributes respeced you prob just totally wrecked a shit ton of peoples builds. Narrow minded :rolleyes:that
Love the patch so far :)I think it was a copy paste fail in the proposal thread, but when I went to commit the changes I saw it and laughed. I figured at least one other person would see it and chuckle, or even better, we'd get a person QQ'ing about it.
But whats up with this? :lol:
- Donkey | old | new |
| gold | 4467 | 4471 |
I'm prepared for the massive horde of throwers that can't be assed to melee anymore, or never learned to do it in the first place, though. Gonna be cool.We've been having Golovorezik for quite some time already, a 150 ping lance thrower who somehow wrecks.
We've been having Golovorezik for quite some time already, a 150 ping lance thrower who somehow wrecks.
Another patch to prepare us all to become 2h in preparation for meleegaming.Didn't you hear? 2h is nerfed and shit. Just read the earlier pages of this thread.
We shouldn't need 24 agility and 8 riding (sacrifice lots of things) to use something which can be stopped easily by polearm users.You mean polearms and 2h
We shouldn't need 24 agility and 8 riding (sacrifice lots of things) to use something which can be stopped easily by polearm users.
You do have to start questioning the whole mod when they are still balance patching after this many years, and doubtless a few months down the line from this one something else will need nerfing/buffing...will it ever be right?
:cry: I was a horseman + archer. I have 2 chioces after this update. -1 PD, I can ride my horse to be a horseman (like I used to) + a low power archer, or keep my PD to be a archer(like I used to ) because I can't ride my old horse. :shock:
Dat heavy cav nerf! The gods of cRPG have heard the pleas of the downtrodden (literally) masses. Praise the donkey!
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Dat heavy cav nerf! The gods of cRPG have heard the pleas of the downtrodden (literally) masses. Praise the donkey!
Don't you think it's also an overall nerf to light horses too ? HP is nice and all, but losing maneuver for that aint gonna cut it.
You could always use a lighter horse, but that would mean not having a ridiculously OP armored shooting platform. Imagine, enemy foot archers actually being a danger to you? You poor, poor armored HA.o(T_T)o Too late, I regret not +horse skill. Now I'm a foot archer. Where is the Time Machine. o(X_X)o
A nerf to heavy and buff to light cav was totally overdue. Light cav definitely needed the HP/armor buffs. I can use my courser now!
But, raising difficulty to 8 on some of the heavy horses was a mistake. People just aren't going to use them now.
And they're all still stupidly expensive for Strat use.
I don't care about cavalry or item balance, but what for the low population timer reduction was disabled? EU2 currently dying already (I mean the population is getting lower) and now with increased respawn time it's pretty lame to play when you are at the defending side. Waiting for 30 seconds after death when there are only 10-20 men at the server is weird. Second - why you still cant fix these weird flags at the battle servers, I mean these when you raise them, but the round still not ends. So this is more or less all the things that annoys me currently. And the bugged colored pelt hood too :(
P.S. And thank you for some old siege maps returned in rotation. I really glad to see them back :wink:
Harald: partial respec for cav: removes 3 str and all riding skill + decreases str-skills when necessary for all chars which have at least 1 riding.
So if you had 15 agi / 5 riding and were using any heavy cav from the war horse to the plated charger, you are 100% fucked and can't use your old horse? Why didn't the respec give back 9 strength?
I don't even play cav and this is just seems like a really poor choice. It's like when kingrimm got fucked by the 12->13 strength requirement on the steel pick. I hope something is done to afford cav players a respec so they can use the +3 item that their build was centered around.
I feel that many horses got nerfed too much. Cavalry wasn't "over-powered", it wasn't too strong. It simply punished stupidity.This is the most truth I've ever heard on these forums.
You want to run forward from spawn holding the w-key, playing with no sound and refusing to look around you? You're gonna get wrecked.
You want to become so absorbed in a fight that you don't listen to any sounds around you, and you develop massive tunnel-vision? You're gonna get wrecked.
You pay attention and face the cavalry player using anything other than short blunt 1h weapons? The cavalry player is gonna get wrecked.
I'm prepared for the massive horde of throwers that can't be assed to melee anymore, or never learned to do it in the first place, though. Gonna be cool.
So if you had 15 agi / 5 riding and were using any heavy cav from the war horse to the plated charger, you are 100% fucked and can't use your old horse? Why didn't the respec give back 9 strength?
I don't even play cav and this is just seems like a really poor choice. It's like when kingrimm got fucked by the 12->13 strength requirement on the steel pick. I hope something is done to afford cav players a respec so they can use the +3 item that their build was centered around.
This so hard.
Yeah, so easily stopped it could happen 3 or 4 times per match. Then just leisury stroll away with maybe 1/5th of your horse's hp gone. Such an inconvenience.
And to be honest with the amount of heavy horses running around these days and very few light horses (in my opinion were better horses anyways) you kind of brought it on yourselves.
This is true.
However, since the death of the pikeman/longspearman (hardly ever see one since a long time) and everybody instantly taking up classes that are powerful (look at eu1 amount of ranged right now), then heavy cav was bound to multiply cos they didn't have a real counter anymore.
50 players right now, 1 guy has a long spear (kulin donkey head ban). GG
Arabian only loses 1 speed, which is oK for the extra 19 hp & 4 body armor.
(Not that it stops the shit from getting 1 hit but hey)
I already rolled my 15/24 lance cav build so idgaf bout this speed loss, just gief more armor, yo yo.
Arabian only loses 1 speed, which is oK for the extra 19 hp & 4 body armor.
(Not that it stops the shit from getting 1 hit but hey)
I already rolled my 15/24 lance cav build so idgaf bout this speed loss, just gief more armor, yo yo.
I feel that many horses got nerfed too much. Cavalry wasn't "over-powered", it wasn't too strong. It simply punished stupidity.
You want to run forward from spawn holding the w-key, playing with no sound and refusing to look around you? You're gonna get wrecked.
You want to become so absorbed in a fight that you don't listen to any sounds around you, and you develop massive tunnel-vision? You're gonna get wrecked.
You pay attention and face the cavalry player using anything other than short blunt 1h weapons? The cavalry player is gonna get wrecked.
I'm prepared for the massive horde of throwers that can't be assed to melee anymore, or never learned to do it in the first place, though. Gonna be cool.
Except by removing a point of speed, the arabian going slower than some heavy cavs. That seems stupid to me.
In addition, I tested yesterday and I have not really felt the differance at the resistance. The arabian still die in 1 or 2 shots.
I don't think it's deserve the 700 more repairs.
that's a load of rubbish.Just jump stab them; it's the most effective way to take down a heavy horsemen and you'll have the advantage as long as they aren't using a lance and you're using a weapon with decent pierce. Also if they're utterly terrible they shouldn't be able to kill 5 of you with an Arabian cav sword especially if they're a slow plate 1hander.
half of EU cavalry was utterly terrible players on +3 mamluk horses, wearing full plate and with strength based builds and the minimum possible riding requirement.
these guys would one shot kill almost anything, the horse would take honestly dozens of hits from most weapons to kill (which is bloody ridiculous), and then when you finally dismounted these strength monsters (who would still be alive thanks to the full plate and high strength), they'd start spamming their secondary weapon / arabian cav sword / the 2h they were swinging from horseback and get a further 5, zero skilled kills. this is the best patch in the last year IMO.
long live patch, prais chadz
chadz and mod team please uninstall and give the mod to the playersthis
Corsair, Sanderson is NA, where things are a bit different than EU. Entire clans don't saddle up on Plated Chargers with Full Plate armor every day for weeks consecutive. Now, we do see entire horse archer regimes who probably giggle their hearts out at the amount of anger it causes everyone, and CS-GO Pro snipers with every ranged weapon possible. The only way to have your horse survive past the 5:00 mark while having someone like Robert Namo Astralis(NA) on was to have mamluk or something with similar armor. This patch helps with using a heavy horse for the high agi ranged cav and gets rid of alot of people who used to armor up their horse and counter that type of gameplay, in atleast NA.
I think what sanderson is getting at is more than likely just an assessment of players pre-patch adaptability. There's plenty of pole arm users in NA who thrive on anti-cav. When the Occitan, Chevalier, and Hospitaller cavalry comes out to play, so do the long spears and other med-long ranged poles from Raven, MB, Chaos and Remnant. Or, meet cavalry with cavalry, Frisia had like 3-4 guys on horse last time I saw them around, and Remnant has 2-3 GL's who run down heavy cav all day. Basically, it wasn't so much the massive problem in NA that it was in EU, so it's felt differently by some.
My previous post about not being affected by this patch, I was actually helped by it as I only used light horse/light lance/light armor. My default riding horse, Rouncey, seems all the more better now, and I can take about 1 - 2 more hits from arrows and I hardly get 1 hit dismounted by any melee that touch it. The partial respec where I was 21-21 now has me 18-24, creating a more maneuver light horse build and play style for even a horse as basic as the Rouncey. I though am full cav build, no ATH, no shield, no IF, so if I'm downed off my horse I'm going to get 1 hit by any melee person who walks up to me while I try to crawl away from my crash sight with my atrophied legs :P
now, both types of player have the opportunity to get large amounts of kills, but, prior to the patch, the skill requirement for the second one was a LOT lower than the first one; awful players could regularly go 10-1 by full plating with arabian cav sword/ heavy lance and a mamluk, and taking lots and lots of chances.there are many playstyles for any class, mate
2. then there are the second type of cavalry, usually with much heavier horses than the first type, who don't think about their target selection because they know that their horse is practically invincible, and even if there is a 75% chance they'll get reared by a spearmen, they know that even if he rears them he can get away because of his full plate / mamluk horse, and they know that if that 25% chance comes up they'll 1 shot kill him. if these guys make a mistake, they are not really punished for it (as their horse is nearly invincible), and they usually survive.
Don't argue with Corsair, hes exaggerating alot and mad because he gets killed by heavy cav with 2 bumbs cause high-agi 1h + light armor. All you said so far is correct and also normal on EU, no somewhat good player has problems with dodging cav or rearing/damaging them without being damaged alot himself.
I play 2h, hoplite/polearm and 1h medium-heavy cav- chars and have no problems with any class against any class in any situation, except ranged of course.
i'm 21/21, 140 wpf pole, +3 red tassel spear, and i wear between 30 and 55 body armour :)))hit horse in the legs, 2h hero can sometimes onehit +3 plated charger if lucky, i dont see what is the problem, if people dont know weak spots of horse they should be playing hello kitty or something.
as for the horses, i'm not exaggerating, +3 mamluk horses i regularly rear to the face with their full speed bonus, and this can happen 5, 6 times in a round without them dieing.
it's honestly ridiculous.
--------------as for dodging cav and awareness etc etc, sure, if it was a 5v5, np.
it's not though, it's eu1; 30v30, 40v40, 50v50. these guys take ridiculous chances; they repeatedly attack you in the back even when you have a spear ready, trying to 1 shot kill you, they're completely relying on luck (which is massively boosted by the fact that their horses are so tough); i can be paying attention 9/10 times, rear 9 horses (if they're all heavy horses none of them will die), but that 1/10 times when a heavy cav guy gets through and 1 shot kills me, purely relying on stats and luck, it's just stupid.
this patch, however, has solved that, so it's fine. these people complaining that they can't play as invincible 8 kdr battle tanks anymore is pretty dumb though, just grow a pair and play a fair class guys
EDIT: if you have a +3 mamluk and would like to come on eu3 to test how many hits it takes i would be more than willing
Every time speed or maneuver gets nerfed, the dumb cav game gets even more dumb.
Full wipe would've been a much easier solution to all the problems, most notably for:
a) 90% of people being high level/fully loomed/untouched by repairs even in full plates riding heavy horses/etc
Corsair, Sanderson is NA, where things are a bit different than EU. Entire clans don't saddle up on Plated Chargers with Full Plate armor every day for weeks consecutive. Now, we do see entire horse archer regimes who probably giggle their hearts out at the amount of anger it causes everyone, and CS-GO Pro snipers with every ranged weapon possible. The only way to have your horse survive past the 5:00 mark while having someone like Robert Namo Astralis(NA) on was to have mamluk or something with similar armor. This patch helps with using a heavy horse for the high agi ranged cav and gets rid of alot of people who used to armor up their horse and counter that type of gameplay, in atleast NA.
Okay so now I am almost lv. 35 and my build is all messed up? I have a champion cataphract that I can not ride because it requires 7 riding now? Not to mention cav nerfed all to shit. I think a full respec is needed for cav not a half ass one. Especially for the people above lv. 30 that no longer retire. Also think a loom reset for horses is in order since you changed the riding skill level.
i'm 21/21, 140 wpf pole, +3 red tassel spear, and i wear between 30 and 55 body armour :)))
as for the horses, i'm not exaggerating, +3 mamluk horses i regularly rear to the face with their full speed bonus, and this can happen 5, 6 times in a round without them dieing.
it's honestly ridiculous.
I'm not exaggerating either. I am 24/21 with 155 pole wpf and I can two-hit horses with a+3 long awlpike thrust, 2-3 hits with a +3 red tassel spear thrust. A side swing from +3 long maul can kill the horse and rider if they are charging at full speed.He's either exaggerating Witchcraft or not thrusting properly because your account on these weapons is far more accurate. The corseque is also a polearm that can almost always 2hit +3 heavy horses, just ask Bonsai. Pretty sure working class has 1hit my horse and I with the great long bardiche side swing too.
What are you doing that makes it take so many more hits?
He's either exaggerating Witchcraft or not thrusting properly because your account on these weapons is far more accurate. The corseque is also a polearm that can almost always 2hit +3 heavy horses, just ask Bonsai. Pretty sure working class has 1hit my horse and I with the great long bardiche side swing too.
Pretty sure I've oneshot your horse with a long axe... those leg hits, man.More than once.
i'm 21/21, 140 wpf pole, +3 red tassel spear, and i wear between 30 and 55 body armour :)))
as for the horses, i'm not exaggerating, +3 mamluk horses i regularly rear to the face with their full speed bonus, and this can happen 5, 6 times in a round without them dieing.
it's honestly ridiculous.
EDIT: if you have a +3 mamluk and would like to come on eu3 to test how many hits it takes i would be more than willing
I mean yeah, if they are weakling agi shits why the fuck should they be able to deal massive damage to a heavily armored horse?
Okay so now I am almost lv. 35 and my build is all messed up? I have a Champion Cataphract that I can not ride because it requires 7 riding now? Not to mention cav nerfed all to shit. I think a full respec is needed for cav not a half ass one. Especially for the people above lv. 30 that no longer retire. Also think a loom reset for horses is in order since you changed the riding skill level.
Okay so now I am almost lv. 35 and my build is all messed up? I have a Champion Cataphract that I can not ride because it requires 7 riding now? Not to mention cav nerfed all to shit. I think a full respec is needed for cav not a half ass one. Especially for the people above lv. 30 that no longer retire. Also think a loom reset for horses is in order since you changed the riding skill level.VOTE YES 2014!
I like the new change.yes heavy cav might have to chose but most of players wont be able to use their horses without full respec. So thanks devs for fucking us in our dry assholes.
Making the heavy horses 8 riding just means people will either choose, heavy horse or high HP. Great for balancing to stop 95% of the terrible cav players who play EU1 without a risk. heck, I can't even name 3 good lancers. Only Torben springs to mind when thinking of good lancer who isn't using a heavy horse.
yes heavy cav might have to chose but most of players wont be able to use their horses without full respec. So thanks devs for fucking us in our dry assholes.I agree that you should get -9 str but you can be effective as cav from level 25+. I honestly doubt respeccing is going to effect anyone. You lose 3 points (if you're level 31+). Just put less in IF or WM.
I agree that you should get -9 str but you can be effective as cav from level 25+. I honestly doubt respeccing is going to effect anyone. You lose 3 points (if you're level 31+). Just put less in IF or WM.but thing is i want to use my horse and without respec it is impossible so i have nice useless item in my inventory that nobody will ever buy, which means i have 3 wasted LP in my inventory. Do devs actualy think befor doing such things?
one more thing.Because Tydeus uses the Flamberge.
above the point that heavy horses must to require less riding skill then light ones.
why don't u set flamberg is required 9 PS skill. sounds fair enough. this way all dumb nerded 2hs can't use the weapon like this. u wanna use it get a lot of STR.
u want balance, u ll got balance. fuck those 70% of players who playing with 2h. time to balance.
still, light horses are more demanding then heavy ones.
Because Tydeus uses the Flamberge.You're right. I've never once tried to convince anyone that the flamberge is actually OP, especially in comparison to the Glaive. I realize you don't sit in the chaos TS, so you're simply not in touch with the people I converse with, but not making assumptions about things that really can easily be debunked from several angles, might be a good thing to start practicing.
One reason we have an Item Balance TEAM, is specifically for reasons like this. While I may not play a lot of cav, both Gurnisson and San do. So I don't see how you could think "bias" is the cause of the recent patch changes.
because item balancing teams are comprised of humans and humans are self interested and self interest results in biased decisions, even if rationalized and apparently justified sufficiently to themselves and othersIndeed, but you're not analyzing "human values", nearly enough. I value balance (not to mention several other qualities) higher than anything else I get out of this mod at the moment. So intentionally leaving an OP weapon as is, simply because I use it, is in conflict with a higher priority value(s). Thus leaving an item unbalanced because of this type of personal bias, is less likely, and uncharacteristic of my personality. I'm not saying I don't have any personal bias to certain things, I clearly do, you just won't it here of all places.
and the player base is human and they're gonna complain if their self interests aren't met by the particular biases driving patch changes by the balancers
and we're all gonna die and none of this matters
this kind of messed up my thrower build; no respec for throwers?Eh... really? How? Horse Thrower, perhaps?
They pay 3 times or maybe even 4 times more upkeep ONLY for their horse than you pay for your whole equipment, don't you think it's fair that it survives some hits?
I am using a +3 War Horse and it dies in 3-4 hits no matter what weapon, and I already pay 2.3 k upkeep for it, I guess 2 times more than your whole equipment. I think thats more than fair.
I'm not exaggerating either. I am 24/21 with 155 pole wpf and I can two-hit horses with a+3 long awlpike thrust, 2-3 hits with a +3 red tassel spear thrust. A side swing from +3 long maul can kill the horse and rider if they are charging at full speed.
What are you doing that makes it take so many more hits?
me and hate more were just practicing this on eu3, me with 7ps, 140 pole wpf, +3 red tassel, he charged at me full speed on a flat plain and i tried to kill him, took mehit legs
9 hits for a +3 plated charger
7 hits for a +3 cataphract
6 hits for a +3 charger
3 hits for a +3 arabian warhorse
remember hate more has 10 riding skill meaning he goes very fast and it increases the damage i did to him
this is all after the armour and hp of most of these horses was significantly nerfed as well
with my 57 body armour and 46 head armour i am regularly one shot killed by cavalry
this patch was a very necessary change.
me and hate more were just practicing this on eu3, me with 7ps, 140 pole wpf, +3 red tassel, he charged at me full speed on a flat plain and i tried to kill him, took me
9 hits for a +3 plated charger
7 hits for a +3 cataphract
6 hits for a +3 charger
3 hits for a +3 arabian warhorse
remember hate more has 10 riding skill meaning he goes very fast and it increases the damage i did to him
this is all after the armour and hp of most of these horses was significantly nerfed as well
with my 57 body armour and 46 head armour i am regularly one shot killed by cavalry
this patch was a very necessary change.
I'm fine!(click to show/hide)
death to grellenort! :D
with 8 PT it takes 2 throwing lances to kill a cloth archer. even pre-patch i couldnt kill a charging rouncy with 1 lance. i dont find any use for them now. other throwing weapons better
9 hits for a +3 plated chargerNow you can kill him with one blow, before with 2, if, of course, not be a noob.
Now you can kill him with one blow, before with 2, if, of course, not be a noob.
me and hate more were just practicing this on eu3, me with 7ps, 140 pole wpf, +3 red tassel, he charged at me full speed on a flat plain and i tried to kill him, took meha NOOOB
9 hits for a +3 plated charger
7 hits for a +3 cataphract
6 hits for a +3 charger
3 hits for a +3 arabian warhorse
remember hate more has 10 riding skill meaning he goes very fast and it increases the damage i did to him
this is all after the armour and hp of most of these horses was significantly nerfed as well
with my 57 body armour and 46 head armour i am regularly one shot killed by cavalry
this patch was a very necessary change.
By the way, not sure if this was mentioned before but you broke siege.Thats a bug that was fixed this morning. We're waiting on a few things for the hotfix.
3 maps in a row with 3-0 for attackers.
[Logical argument that brings up great points]
Exactly... c-rpg first attracted me because you were promised you could "be any class you want." Arguably you still can, but with limited efficiency. The amount of viable builds has only decreased over the years. Yes, things like a flamberge-in-your-back-pocket archer aren't exactly fair classes for everyone else, so the slot addition was a necessary change. However, something like this is simply uncalled for. I for one am thinking of changing my cav alt (first and only cav character I've ever made) into a pure shielder after this patch, and the difficulty of my horse only went up by one. That said, I simply don't want to run around with only 15 strength as a 1hander as I prefer to be as effective in ground combat as possible since I get bored on horseback real fast. I've only ever done a minimum of 18 str on a pure shielder since 1handers typically do shit damage. Being only level 30, I'm not a high enough level where I can crutch on high speed bonus either. What to do... what to do...
being able to play any class is great
but as "Mr. X" said so beautifully in the balance thread, playing cavalry [before the patch], is like playing a regular infantry, who has just got a couple more levels and put the points into "riding"
there is no reason not to do this; even if you just run around at the start of the map on a mamluk holding up your shield and bumping people, then dismounting when your horse is at half hp, you'd still get more kills than if you did the same build but as pure infantry.
the way the patch has changed it now, you're either specced as a cavalry player, or you're specced as an infantry player. not as an infantry who can ride a horse, like it was pre-patch -_-.
being able to play any class is greatyou have potential to be politician
but as "Mr. X" said so beautifully in the balance thread, playing cavalry [before the patch], is like playing a regular infantry, who has just got a couple more levels and put the points into "riding"
there is no reason not to do this; even if you just run around at the start of the map on a mamluk holding up your shield and bumping people, then dismounting when your horse is at half hp, you'd still get more kills than if you did the same build but as pure infantry.
the way the patch has changed it now, you're either specced as a cavalry player, or you're specced as an infantry player. not as an infantry who can ride a horse, like it was pre-patch -_-.
You're right. I've never once tried to convince anyone that the flamberge is actually OP, especially in comparison to the Glaive. I realize you don't sit in the chaos TS, so you're simply not in touch with the people I converse with, but not making assumptions about things that really can easily be debunked from several angles, might be a good thing to start practicing.*NOTE* I am using my situation as an example because I know that there are more of you out there, especially higher levels that are facing the same problem. Don't take this as a selfish discussion. I think I am pointing out some obvious unfair issues with this patch.
One reason we have an Item Balance TEAM, is specifically for reasons like this. While I may not play a lot of cav, both Gurnisson and San do. So I don't see how you could think "bias" is the cause of the recent patch changes.
*NOTE* I am using my situation as an example because I know that there are more of you out there, especially higher levels that are facing the same problem. Don't take this as a selfish discussion. I think I am pointing out some obvious unfair issues with this patch.
Look, I have dealt with the nerfs before; my +3 warhammer, steel pick, huscarls shield.... All things that countered 2h with speed with the penalty of reach, or coverage with the disadvantage of weight. But they keep getting nerfed until they are about useless.. (mainly huscarls). I have not spoke up until now because I accepted that it happened and it was small enough that I could deal with it.
However this nerf has taken it too far because not only are you making my +3 horse useless to me, but you are also messing up my build that took a long time to create. I am lv. 34 right at 60 mil left to 35 (I took a break for a while...) where my build would have been complete. The upkeep for cav has made me about broke... So I really do hope you see my point in this argument. I was coming back to the game, but if this is all I have to look forward to.... seems like 4 years wasted. Because I would either be stuck with a half ass build or forced to retire (which is not going to happen).
All I am asking for is at least a full respec so that I may choose whether I want to be cav or foot.
A loom respec on the horse would make the decision easier for me... (back to foot for sure) but I am not going to push that issue because the respec is more important.
Am I the only one who thinks riding requerement increase led to increased variety?This.
Before we had everyone with the same type of builds - take an infantry lvl 30 build, add riding on higher lvls.
Now if someone is an infantry, - he's fast on foot but can't use a horse. If someone is a cav - he's fast on horseback but slow on foot.
Cavalry and infantry are now different classes - that's what I call variety.
Am I the only one who thinks riding requerement increase led to increased variety?
Before we had everyone with the same type of builds - take an infantry lvl 30 build, add riding on higher lvls.
Now if someone is an infantry, - he's fast on foot but can't use a horse. If someone is a cav - he's fast on horseback but slow on foot.
Cavalry and infantry are now different classes - that's what I call variety.
Am I the only one who thinks riding requerement increase led to increased variety?
Before we had everyone with the same type of builds - take an infantry lvl 30 build, add riding on higher lvls.
Now if someone is an infantry, - he's fast on foot but can't use a horse. If someone is a cav - he's fast on horseback but slow on foot.
Cavalry and infantry are now different classes - that's what I call variety.
Except...not really. There are a lot of 21/18 builds. I'm guessing that number will increase. Those people can still be great on foot and on cav. You'll just see less variety in horses. At level 30 with 6 riding, you can ride a Courser, Destrier, Barded Warhorse or Padded Warhorse. All good choices. I doubt that there will be many dedicated cav who go to 15/24 builds, because balanced builds are soooo much better. A few may just for shits and giggles, but I think the variety of the heavier horses will be used mainly by HA's and HX's.Previously the only thing you saw on NA was heavy cav, so I'm not really sure what you're talking about here. The only time you saw other types of cav on eu from what I noticed, was when there were so many cav on the field that anything you spawned with already had unusually high survivability, simply due to the fact that there were so many other targets. That's a pretty damn artificial case of "variety" to me.
This didn't affect cav/infantry hyrbids at all. It just reduced the amount of horses you'll see used.
Previously the only thing you saw on NA was heavy cav
Even 0 riding isn't *too* bad for pure melee
Previously the only thing you saw on NA was heavy cav, so I'm not really sure what you're talking about here. The only time you saw other types of cav on eu from what I noticed, was when there were so many cav on the field that anything you spawned with already had unusually high survivability, simply due to the fact that there were so many other targets. That's a pretty damn artificial case of "variety" to me.
firstly, upkeep under no circumstances should affect the balance of the game; at this point in crpg many players have basically unlimited money, and especially with the valour system, many of the better players have nearly permanent x5's.If we all have infinite money and upkeep shouldn't be used for balance can we make heavy horses cost as much as a 2h, I only have 23k left :(
secondly, a war horse is a medium horse, and has significantly weaker stats than the mamluk horse, with it dieing in 3-4 hits "no matter which weapon", the mamluk dies in 6-8 hits "no matter which weapon".
this was a big problem, considering that it's taking me ~4-5 hits to kill a medium horse and ~8+ hits to kill a heavy horse, whilst they 1 shot kill everyone else because of their combined high strength and the damage done by ACS/2h weapons/lances from horseback (they almost always hit you in the head, + speed bonus, + high powerstrike from strength-based cavalry).
new patch was direly needed.
let's just go to eu3 and test it
Previously the only thing you saw on NA was heavy cav, so I'm not really sure what you're talking about here. The only time you saw other types of cav on eu from what I noticed, was when there were so many cav on the field that anything you spawned with already had unusually high survivability, simply due to the fact that there were so many other targets. That's a pretty damn artificial case of "variety" to me.
Sure, just turn a blind eye to the worst type of cav, the courser lancer. :rolleyes:I don't understand how one believes that heavy cav was the only cav. If you combined the number of Arabian and Courser cav players they would usually far exceed the number of heavy cav. On top of that the most exploitable cav build was the Brian Poopers style Arabian speed racer practice lance build rather than heavy cav.
So we go from lots of heavy cav to pretty much no heavy cav?
Well, it is an armored horse. Why not, I dunno hit the rider instead? You know, the guy with less armor & hp?
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I like all the changes done to light cav, but with heavy cav...going from servers full of heavy cav to servers with no heavy cav isn't really a fix.Just wait a month, they will come back.
you have potential to be politicianno one ask me why I think soo....
Now you can kill him with one blow, before with 2, if, of course, not be a noob.
lol :P
no one ask me why I think soo....
so here is my respond
because politician talk shit
and most of the thime abot stuffs that they dont understand
for example:
respond to Corsair
respond from Corsair
Haven't played in a while, but thank god for the Eastern Warhorse nerf.sounds like a reverence for me
So we go from lots of heavy cav to pretty much no heavy cav? Not much of a change, really. 8 riding skill is a point that hardly anyone goes to.
Instead of dropping all the heavy cav at 7 or 8 riding skill, they could be spread out like the lighter horses. You could have a 5 skill heavy cav, but just make it slow and turn like a bus. Then drop one at 6, 7, 8 whatever. It gives players more options instead of, "if you want to ride this horse you must have this build." Or, lower the stats on all horses and give larger increases with higher ride skill. Again, it gives players more options.
I like all the changes done to light cav, but with heavy cav...going from servers full of heavy cav to servers with no heavy cav isn't really a fix.
crpg staff should take on a dedicated tears collector, wouldn't take long after every patch to acquire enough to end world thirst (having accounted for desalination and purification)they should destroy your calss and than we will see waht you say about that. Lets say youa re 2h hero using danish GS and they raise str requirements to 30 and you had 15 24but hey, they gave you back 3 str as partial respec.
they could never destroy the "balanced", "average" classes of 21/18 - 18/21, so I have nothing to worry about
but hang on.... hold still just one sec...... just..... ah there we go, added to collection. thanks for keeping the thirsty world quenched!
(but i do sympathize with the bad partial respec, that doesn't seem fair in any way and has left enough people with seemingly no recourse)
*gulp gulp gulp* aaaahhhhhhhhh
"Slots : 1"
"Slots : 2"
Server are full of trololo throwers with throwing lance. A lot of them are just throwing stupidly into the melee, then running around to find some ammo and do it again.
Yes is a way to play throwing, but a retard one. Now everybody complaining about thrower and I understand why.
I never thought I'd say this, but I miss all the strength 2h heroes in heavy armor. Since the smaller sweetspot change, they are actually one of the easier classes to fight.
looks like attack side has great advantages now, when low population(click to show/hide)
Why this hesitation to give people free or cheap respecs - after patches and otherwise?
Though the most popular modules have some degree of character progression, grind has never been necessary to keep people invested in this series. It is the combat system most of us are addicted to.
Why this hesitation to give people free or cheap respecs - after patches and otherwise?indeed
Though the most popular modules have some degree of character progression, grind has never been necessary to keep people invested in this series. It is the combat system most of us are addicted to.
they should destroy your calss and than we will see waht you say about that. Lets say youa re 2h hero using danish GS and they raise str requirements to 30 and you had 15 24but hey, they gave you back 3 str as partial respec.
dude, your class was frickin ridiculous, you were like 40 strength on the back of a plated charger one shot killing everything and taking 14 hits to die yourself -_-ye fuck my old class now i want free respec because my build now is fucked up, i have to waste points to make it playable. or if i want to stay cav i need compleatly redo my build.
just accept that they've disabled your superman status and play a vaguely 'fair' class -_-
i dont want another horse i want my plated hippozaur
You just encouraged people to use a more stronger build. It will only take them time/gold to achieve it, nothing more.
dude, your class was frickin ridiculous, you were like 40 strength on the back of a plated charger one shot killing everything and taking 14 hits to die yourself -_-I approve this message.
just accept that they've disabled your superman status and play a vaguely 'fair' class -_-
I don't think so. If agi builds were better with heavy horses, people would have it figured out long time ago.It comes down to playstyle mostly. STR doesn't make your horse better, but AGI does. I still think the most important stat for a horseman is riding. Cavalry differs from infantry in philosophy. Infantry relies on fighting head on with raw power mostly, cavalry relies on good manuever in the battlefield.
While theoretically this all is 100% true, the last part is practically impossible for some peole without destroying their whole character/build by retiring or respeccing a level 33, 34 or even 35 char they don't want to retire or respec.Exactly my point: "It will only take them time/gold to achieve it, nothing more."
Thats the whole point here for some people.
hope they will understood what did they done.
anyways, if the official version is "too many full str heavycav" it's false.
i know like 5 guys includin me who used 24\15.
most of cav are 18-21, 21-18, there even do exists 21-15.
so... they nerfed 5 guys. good job.
You would think that, but after fighting tretter yesterday on conquest I can safely say that the 'sweet spot change' has barely, if at all, affected str 2handers. I can still stand behind him and get hit for full damage on a sideswing.
Tretter is just good
I was referring to the recent influx of mediocre str 2h players with poor blocking skills, and they are mostly a low-risk proposition to fight, because they aren't going to outmaneuver you. However, mediocre agility polearmers are still a huge threat to me, because my only options when they start S-keying are 1) stand still (I don't have the discipline for this) or 2) give chase and try to outreach them (this often ends poorly for me). Stabs from agility polearmers do more damage that str 2h sword swings also.
jumping tincansAll of this is quite possible in full plate, even somersaulting :) cRPG heavy armor is much weaker than real life armor, both in terms of mobility and protection. But yes, the experiment you're referring to demonstrates that you'd tire quickly, of course, but not much more than a modern fully-geared combat soldier.
mounted tincans
sprinting tincans
kicking nudging brawling tincans
Ranged players can oneshoot people as well. I do find that a problem though :evil:
Don't know where to start from...wut?
litteraly it is liretaly ?
You mean figuratively
lol nice stingy respec for cav
Not bad changes from the looks of it, but 3 STR and your riding as a refund screws over all the 5 riding heavy cav players, since you can only go up 1 more riding skill from your base build. I'm sure much crying has been done already, but its a legitimate complaint.
Doesn't effect me since I was 21/18 medium cav, and would simply have to switch to 18/21 to use a war horse again. But any 24/15 players (very common) will no longer be able to use war horse and above.
Also, the Padded Warhorse (and the other 6 riding War Horses) looks very OP now with internal horse balance. There's not enough difference between them and War Horse to warrant War Horse needing 1 more riding. Should probably buff/nerf accordingly, since there's 0 incentive to get up to 7 riding to use the oldschool War Horse and Large War Horse, two staples of "medium-heavy" cav for the past few years.
^ See, being an item balancer is not easy if some people hate you for nerfing cav while others hate you for buffing cav when talking about one and the same change.hahhahahhah fckin LOOOOL :mrgreen:
^ See, being an item balancer is not easy if some people hate you for nerfing cav while others hate you for buffing cav when talking about one and the same change.and there are peoples claiming that last cav nerf have done nothing to 1h cav that deserve nerf
^ See, being an item balancer is not easy if some people hate you for nerfing cav while others hate you for buffing cav when talking about one and the same change.
Also unfuck riding skill. The problem with horse balance right now is that riding is such a poor skill overall, the only point of it is to get just enough to use whatever horse you want to use. Pretty much like shield skill.
Sure, could look at it. Need to hear from more people with 8-9+ riding skill, though, since my experience with high riding has been largely positive.8 riding is a beast combined with the arab warhorse (+0)
I think you might want to take a look at the riding skill.I kind of have to agree with this. I have 9 riding skip the fun courser cav which is fast but in the grand scheme of things not quite as fast as it should be. In theory I should be able to ride down +3 rouncey horse archers like common chicken theives but can't quite get enough speed or maneuverability to make it worth getting shot to shit trying to get close enough. Also if I get dehorsed and have to use some pleb's horse (weet's unloomed rouncey) I feel like I'm behind the wheel of a city bus.
looks like heavy cav wasn't OP, just me is well skilledCan't be, probably just needs another nerf to balance it out. :P
I am still crying about my lv. 35 build. I would totally buy a respec if i could afford it. I still havent spent the points, because now I am very limited. :mad:same situation only lvl 33
I am still crying about my lv. 35 build. I would totally buy a respec if i could afford it. I still havent spent the points, because now I am very limited. :mad:
In CHN servers, the big strength archer has become BUG. Their arrows so accurate, so great hurt. Their numbers so much that a lot of players do not like to play. Next patch, please change about this situation.
The Courser have 48 speed and 40 maneuver, Arabian got 40 speed and 48 maneuver so, why that fucking Arabian costs 10k more ???
NO CAV ? :(
If you do not want players using something just remove it instead of fuck the players who use it.
Instead of piss cavs or archers, or any other class that become "op" because of your crappy patch, you'd better set the autobalance and there would have no more teams that have all the cavs and archers against the paysant because it is the only cause of the balancing problem since a long time already.
Maneuver >> Speed
No, maneuver = speed = resist.
Only nub cavs got fucked by maneuver.
Maneuver is much better. Arabian is a much better horse than the Courser.still overpriced...
Arabian is 25% more durable. With a full 7PD 170wpf archer, a +3 arabian will get 3shot by a longbow and rus bow with tatar arrows. Below that is 4+ without speed bonus or archers with less than a 21/21 build. +4 armor and +17hp isn't enough to tank for the arabian, but will make that first hit less punishing. It's necessary to play carefully once you arrive at the enemy's encampment. ~ +380 upkeep is still profitable.
As for heavier cav, "headshot" on +3 large warhorse(click to show/hide)
As for heavier cav, "headshot" on +3 large warhorse(click to show/hide)
Was just kidding. Horse headboxes are only the nose, so it did the same damage as a body shot.
My computer is mid-tier 2012, but I am so used to playing on super low settings from when I used to play this on a laptop.
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For example, 95% of players in Aus are infantry with nothing else to their build. The other 5% combined are donkey riders, shielders, throwers and archers.So you saying Aus has 20 players or more? :P
One of my biggest problems with this game is that no playstyle apart from being a boring somewhat heavy infantry is viable anymore, and it's getting much worse.
For example, 95% of players in Aus are infantry with nothing else to their build. The other 5% combined are donkey riders, shielders, throwers and archers.
Make cavalry, especially heavy, viable. They are far too expensive, too easy to counter (literally anyone with some common sense and awareness will beat you, I know this from experience of both an infantrynerd and a cavalrynerd) especially with this retarded rearing mechanic.
Make ranged (and it appears everything but being a normal infantryman because of the amount of Q_Q that leads to irrational balancing) less annoying, give them more of an incentive to fight in melee, not an incentive to not fight in melee.
Have some actual balance in weapon classes, I don't see how it's possible that you would beat someone using a 2h weapon if you have a 1h, they have both their hands on their weapon, need I say more? Same goes for polearms, the only reason one should use a 1h is if they want to do something else with the other hand which could be nudges if they weren't so weird, shields or maybe even dual wielding? I know not how it would work but the Dark Souls 2 dual wielding system is the best I've seen.
Simon: 6 posts in a row really? Couldn´t get your message to fit in 1 post?and be like all others mainstream bitches
and be like all others mainstream bitchesfuck no way!
its very depressing to read someone trying to balance cRPG for 8 people or less playing at peak-hours gameplaySo should we be completely ignored? And we were actually getting close to 30 tonight 8)
So should we be completely ignored? And we were actually getting close to 30 tonight 8)
But the main reason for our lack of players is that we have a different playstyle which isn't developing because the game's balance isn't accommodating it whatsoever.
Omg! I need to know your ingame nickname, dude. Just for the lolz.
Sargon's post actually makes some sense if you put away the "oxy" part.
and your name makes perfectly sense if you remove the "pus" part.It's funny because I can't feint for shit.
today i learned a new word: OXYMORON
OXYMORON is exactly what BANNERBALANCE is.
its funny cos its true.
isnt this abit "out of context" sort of speak? you cant just toss us stats of your upkeep without also providing experience and pay stats, well you can but its kinda of pointless
But sniger never makes good points?! :lol:
For three years cRPG was balanced almost exclusively around EU battle mode. Since Tydeus and San took over, balance has more NA than EU flavour. Just get your own guys inside the system and you're good.
today i learned a new word: OXYMORON
OXYMORON is exactly what BANNERBALANCE is.
its funny cos its true.
What the actual fuck? How am I a stackmy old friend? You claim something without knowing anything about it.
But I hope you somehow understand why it annoys me to such an extent when people like vidar QQ all the fucking time about a thing that only is unbalanced/unfair in their fucking imagination, not reality. Also in case of vidar, mad cuz bad. People like him have a right to have an opinion, but nobody needs to hear it, because it only has any kind of validity in their mind.
P.S: While I was typing and reading here the merc stack with more than 8 mercs playing lost a map 0:4 against "randomers". haha. And that's not a isolated case. I dare to say that the byzantium stack only has a 1. w/l ratio, the mercs stack maybe a bit higher. All that QQ about nothing. :rolleyes:
Shut your fucking whore mouth sniger, only my old friends like you don't want to play together with their clan mates.
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i only want serious conversation with intelligent people. not with bioslords.
you and the rest of you-know-who is this communitys clique, the bullys. they group up and then mock persons with opinions they dont like or disagree with.
and just like in-game, its me against the world. i thought it would be hard challenge, but you people have no brains :lol:
Holy shit now I really want to know how your fat ass looks like IRL, post pics sniger!
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These are the saddest e-peen screenshots I have ever seen.(click to show/hide)
These are the saddest e-peen screenshots I have ever seen.
someone called "warlord" said im no good. im just as good as any of you on a good day. bullshit is called if i just say it though, such claims need proof. yes sad indeed right? it is very sad.
it is also very sad that you have to team up to get me :| :) :D :mrgreen: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Sargon's post actually makes some sense if you put away the "oxy" part.that's almost exaclty what i meant.
ed: Actually much could be done with the commander if some kind of class-balance code were written right? You could use and extract data from it and use it to give commander for example F1 Archers, F2 Shield, F3 Pikemen, F4 Cav, F5 Heroes couldnt you?
someone called "warlord" said im no good. im just as good as any of you on a good day. bullshit is called if i just say it though, such claims need proof. yes sad indeed right? it is very sad.
it is also very sad that you have to team up to get me :| :) :D :mrgreen: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Valour is hit based not damage based afaik..
(click to show/hide)
Valour is hit based not damage based afaik..
I agree commander can and should be developed.. Nevertheless, class balance could perhaps be made better, I wrote some long complicated post about it once. It requires some very complex coding though, and no one I know about feels it is important enough or feels that its worth it atm.. And I agree. :)
But commander development, yes pls. Most important is to track and display commander W:L ratio so players have a numerical measure to whom they should listen to orders from.
My opinion of Sniger is pretty much entirely based off of this time where he went and downvoted 10 of my posts b/c I downvoted one of his...
I mean, you can only get so angry... or so I thought :o
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Before and after patch...
I still can not figure out why they have so much increased the arabian warhorse upkeep..
The Courser have 48 speed and 40 maneuver, Arabian got 40 speed and 48 maneuver so, why that fucking Arabian costs 10k more ???
If you do not want players using something just remove it instead of fuck the players who use it.
Instead of piss cavs or archers, or any other class that become "op" because of your crappy patch, you'd better set the autobalance and there would have no more teams that have all the cavs and archers against the paysant because it is the only cause of the balancing problem since a long time already.