Obsession with Tydeus is odd, he nerfed the longsword.
Never seen the longsword as the problem everyone claimed, the curved 2handers have always been superior. Now they are, but more so. 1h rightswing was invisible to many with a 1h with 100+ speed, now it's faster, seems legit.
Its the purely random element to the changes that irritate me. The last true nerf I took was when Tydeus removed overhead from my fighting axe (well, if your target is standing completely still you can still sometimes hit them), but I hadn't realised that what the issue is:
Problem is players. They are shit. If you they would just learn to fucking play and stop crying like 22yr old virgins, we would still have boulders on sticks, archers pulling poleaxes from their buttholes and fighting rather than running off, and lancers dominating the field. Instead we have an army of clones in kuyaks, a horde of 1hcav, and for some reason rolling a HA or HX still does get you an instant permanban, WTF IS WRONG WITH YOU PEOPLE. Fuck my life.