Meh, well see. Me buying it will be based upon how much I like the beta.
Prepare to die by the hands of "Number One" :D
Seems it's only the Paris metro map though, so air vehicles :(
Beta for preorders starts today and for everyone else in 2 days.
Anyone else hyped? :)
Beta start times:
For those with early access, the beta starts on September 27 at these times:
- 5 AM US Pacific
- 8 AM US Eastern
- 2 PM Central Europe (14:00)
- 10 PM AEST (Australia)
- 9 PM JST (Japan)
For everyone else, the Beta starts on September 29 and access should happen on the same times as listed above.
Make sure you people post your Origins when/if you do, so we can game together or something.
Ugh i gotta switch between Steam and Origins when i want to play lol =/
Yeah, Origin is a bit unnecessary... but oh well... BATTLEFIELD 3
So basically. Retail versions will be the same as ones bought in Origin right?
Prepare to die by the hands of "Number One" :D
Seems it's only the Paris metro map though, so air vehicles :(
Get on teamspeak naow, im almost done dling beta 8-)
My origin nick is Crudesco btw. Tor was a character to short :cry:
Not sure what you're talking about, but I'm still waiting for the beta key... D:
@Overdriven. Seems you HAVE to tick the box to be able to play those EA games such as Mass Effect 3 or Battlefield 3 etc...
LAME. I better go tick that box before the 29th :(
Isn't Activision = EA actually?
Can you guys share more videos about BF3. Already watched Metro , Tank , Sniper Campaign , really small multi that guy runs in first 2 mins.
Any luck about steam so we can buy from it ?
The whole deal about it scanning your computer etc was changed by EA. It caused such a uproar they removed it from there ToS.
The whole deal about it scanning your computer etc was changed by EA. It caused such a uproar they removed it from there ToS.
Have you got any official links or something from a news website that says this, like the last guy did. Not that I don't trust you but it would put a hell of a lot of stuff to bed! :P
Well, I haven't read or seen anything in regards to Origin scanning my PC, and I run extremely high security due also having important work on this one.
Most likely just Activision propaganda, given they're in the pockets of a lot of major gaming networks. If Origin would be scanning my PC in form I'd get an alert and so far nothing.
Otherwise, in general this is a great game, even with only Infantry action it is intense and hectic - unless you're a sad camper sitting in a bush 24/7 of course - Tor, Furax and I have been playing together for a bit, utilizing some team-play and it really makes for a great fun game. Took me a handful of matches to get properly used to the game as well, can't be Rambo you'll get shot to pieces, gotta flank or work your way up slowly, use cover A LOT, take it slow, if you're getting shot at the probability of quickly standing up and shooting your opponent is usually a bad idea, stay in cover and wait for an opportunity - I love that - especially if it's suppressing fire which blurs your screen thus providing cover for team mates.
There's bugs though, some clipping issues with the ground, animations are a bit weird sometimes when people are jumping over objects.
The unlocks are loads of fun as well, having a flash light and being able to blind your enemy (or team mates :P) is great fun, even with the laser sights if you aim at peoples faces it blinds and dazes them shortly, makes for some great close combat quarter fights.
For now Squads are done randomly though can't form or make one which is quite an issue given you can't play with your friends without a bit of a work-around (leave/join squads to try and transfer to each other).
I can't wait for them to release Caspian Border for the demo, going to be amazing :D
I heard rumors that they're going to add Caspian Border to beta, is this true?
Password for the Caspian Border servers: sexyelevator
Getting some ridiculously annoying error messages and i'm getting to my limit of actually being able to fix anything.
It constantly tells me that the game needs to be re-downloaded and installed which I have done, it helped nothing. My drivers are completely up to date, i've trolled through the internet for hours now finding anything, i've tried using IE, i've updated Dx and all these small things that are "known to help".
Nothing I do will let me past this and every single thread I see regarding to this error message has been given the same drivel by the supposed "live chat people" who just have automated responses that help in no way at all.
If anyone has managed to get round this issue in no matter what weird and wacky way, I would appretiate you giving me info! :P
Cheers in advance.
Make sure you have the latest service pack installed (also download all important updates). You might also need to download IE9.
Game tells me my drivers are outdated by .2 of a version ( ATI ) but the game still runs absolutely fine. I also cannot update my drivers manually because I have a gay ass conflict which I think is with my motherboard and Windows 7, tried 100 different workarounds and I just BSOD when I try to manually update.
So I have to let Windows 7 update it for me with the Windows update tool, but for some reason it doesn't exactly keep it up to date, even when I search for driver updates for it it doesn't find any newer ones lol.
Oh well, atleast it still works. Haven't played much still, don't like the map to be honest, plus I find flash lights on team mates annoying as hell because they keep looking at me and it fucks my characters vision up with the glare and brightness, sure it's an immersive feature, but it's going to be an easily abused one for griefers.
Is it also just me or did Bad Company 2 also have better sound fx, especially on war tapes. I put BF3 to war tapes too and it still sounds alot more tame than BC2 did. I guess maybe they just haven't added it all yet, being a beta.
Just me noticing there's so many LLJKs goons here in BF3 Beta? Lol
Also join this Platoon please.
Just me noticing there's so many LLJKs goons here in BF3 Beta? Lol
Also join this Platoon please.
its sunday, all the kiddies are at home, they unlocked their RPGs and SV98s oh the joy
Yep, I'm a few K from UMP too :)
Snipers work wonders without the scope, specially semi autos, since BF3 has that lens glare on anything that is x4 zoom (I think). Atleast for Operation Metro map, which isn't particularly big.
Fucking bronys all over the forum...
Anyway, Squad ingame management confirmed in retail version!
Oh also, best BF3 jet footage (!
I assume you mean UMP45 at the last sentence. Yes it is OP. Shouldn't really compare em but...COD MW2 had one of the most OP weapons there as well with UMP 45. The UMP 45 in BF3 feels slightly weaker than the one from MW2 but still tough and OP as hell.
And i haven't played Project Reality no :P
No idea. Haven't really noticed which weapons are which. I'm a lot better at knowing ww2 weapons in games inside out than modern warfare guns :)
Well BF3 damage is nothing in comparison with the more realistic damage mods you have in BF2. BF3 still seems the same old arcadey vanilla BF from a damage perspective. Ah well!
Servers already up though lots of crashes, bugs and lag.
After analyzing the data from our first round of closed Caspian Border tests, we have great news for participants in the Battlefield 3 PC Open Beta: the DICE team has decided to bring back Caspian Border for the betas final weekend and conduct an open large scale test of the 64 player Caspian Border map.
*****Please keep in mind that as this is beta we will be stress testing our servers***** As such, users may experience crashes, network instability and outages as we roll out and configure servers and network utilities. Understand that such potential issues and the testing environment are not reflective or indicative of the final product and that, through your participation, you will be helping to ensure future stability and functionality.
As we are again specifically testing 64-player server configurations, this test will be for PC only. The Caspian Border servers will be available for all PC players to join. Caspian Border will be available starting Friday, October 7th, in the afternoon (CET).
"Low dmg" you say? With an assault rifle/smg all you have to do is press the trigger for 2 seconds and it will die whatever it is, no need for short bursts...
"grapihcs similar to bf2 (slightly better)"
What I miss is a Commander feature, like in BF2.. but I guess I can live with that. Will be a great game either way.
+1. i miss spamming "enemy units spotted". it was also fukken funny to drop vehicles and boxes over your teammates and enemy campers :lol:
BF 2142 > BF 1942 > Reserved for BF3 if it really is as awesome as expected > Bad Company 2 > Battlefield 1943 > Battlefield 2 > BF Heroes > rest i haven't played.
But to sum it up....BF2 SUX HAIRY DICKS!!! Also Commander was shit. I don't want einstein to scream orders at me and then whine if we lost. Nor be commander myself and have my team to QQ.
aiming & firing etc was really shit in bf2 i aggree this. but everything else was really fun :D game was perfect for creating lulz.
I bet you played bf2 for like 10hours and then GTX for good.
ololol we have an angry swede kid here :D r-r-r-r-GTX!
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Berengcunt change back your avatar.
You know the Antenna Tower in Caspian Border? I placed a Mobile Spawnpoint inside it and when i died i parachuted from above and landed on top of the tower! I had frickin eagle eye vision over everything and managed to pull off like 10 kills with SV88 + Bipod + Laser Sights. And then i ran out of ammo. Was a bit hard since i had to judge the bullet drop and everything but dammit. So sweet when nobody except Jet fighters could probably see me. Even enemy snipers could barely see me up there.
Epic to say the least. You should all try it atleast once.
next time camp there witth a rocket launcher for epic lulz.
Lol Allahu Snackbar! The problem itself is though. You run out of ammo.
So in a way i suppose....Support up there would been the best with ammo box. But i dnno what weapon to use up there though. Gotta be able to snipe with it.
lol ok i'll support you with ammo there and you'll spam the rockets.
meh.. the game LOVES to crash all the time ):
Maths test tommorow and I played BF3 for like 5 hours.
Me: I'll get shit done today!
BF3: Nope.
WHAT GAME AM I GONNA PLAY NOW!!! :cry: :cry: :cry:
Anyone got Battlefield 2142?
got sick of metro was chuffed when caspian border came out, didnt get to play it tons but I found it really hard to actually achieve much or make my team win playing solo, maps too big too many players. really team a squad of friends for that gamemode me thinks, otherwise you end up spending 80% of your time just respawning and travelling to action. saying that I did still top scoreboard most the time, but my contribution was never enough to effect the score of the game. I didn't play vechicles that much, I always insta-crash aircraft.
Dear Customer,
Thank you for pre-ordering Battlefield 3. We would like to remind you
that your pre-load of the game begins tomorrow, October 21st. You will
receive an Email from us tomorrow by 11:59pm PDT, which will include
your order information and instructions on how to begin your pre-load.
Note: To ensure an optimal game experience, go to
and install the latest version of the Origin Client before you pre-load.
The Origin Team
Bump and an email from Origin:
Just a few more days :3333
Mericans will still pwn u.
Cuz they get to play at 25th we get to play at 27th -.-
Jeez so unfair.
Wait.. what fuck is this... 27th?
fuck america
Let's play Battlefield 2142 or 1942 GOGO!
Don't have either one of them, but still... I am a patient man. 27th October motherfuckers? No problem, I will wait forever if I need to.
Btw did you see new MP Gameplay Trailer?
Theres only 1 nighttime map and it looks fucking eeeeeepic. With tall sI love youcrape-ish buildings and lots of lights and wow...sweet.
And i could've sworn i saw big boats. Not just those small ones.
Can't go through a bunch of YT videos at work, mind linking me up?
Thank you, fine Berenger
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Is that a BF3 map?
Thats a multiplayer map, the map in the video berenger linked vibe.
I cannot wait to jump of that and forget to pull my cord.
good bye warband hello battlefield! :D
Losing interest in warband anyway to be honest, strategus has become slow than ever.... hopefully battlefield will be as good as it looks
Hope there won't be too many chocolate chip cookie servers in BF3 though like former BF games in the series with chocolate chip cookie admins crying about putting C4s+Jeep or other cars/bikes.
And Allahu akbar angels with bazookas and bring unmanned helicopters with them..
Losing interest in warband anyway to be honest, strategus has become slow than ever.... hopefully battlefield will be as good as it looks
Meh I never played cRPG for strat anyway... altho BF3 will sure take a hung chunk of cRPG time from me.
Yeah i played cod4 heavily and havnt found a game other than warband to fill the gap...
I hit 2000 hours and have done 1000 hours of crpg. Hopefully bf3 will be good, seeing as mw3 has nothing cod4 had.. : (
Theres a few things that can be done to allow you to play it right now, i for one am waiting till friday but theres a few already playing that i know
Pretty much both CoD & BF3 will punch you in the face in one way or another, CoD with their stupid non dedicated server crap coupled with the console gamers are god attituted while EA will sting you with ridiculous legal issues and EULA rules.
Some stuff pulled from Ndition's discussion about BF3. to show/hide)
(The quote link leads to a post on this forum that I never knew was made with only three posts and a weird "knight vs ninja" youtube video..?)
any1 see that bf3 sim on gadget show... drooool
I like Illuminati so im still buying dis shizz yo.
Also play on 360 if you don't wanna use Origin. And download HD Textures pack.
console sucks
Pr0s and MLG players and famous gaeeemers play on consoles!!
It's out, I've downloaded it, I'm installing it, and swooooosh my life goes out the window.
Not in EU it isn't D:
As for that Origin shit, I'm not worried really. They can spy all they want on this PC, I use it only for gaming, I rarely use pirated software these days too.
And my country is going to accept a law that allows us to have pirated software on our personal computers if it's not used commercialy :D
The took all of that spy shit out, didn't they?
Not in EU it isn't D:
As for that Origin shit, I'm not worried really. They can spy all they want on this PC, I use it only for gaming, I rarely use pirated software these days too.
And my country is going to accept a law that allows us to have pirated software on our personal computers if it's not used commercialy :D
EU people can play it now it just needs a few things messing with alot of people on my friends list are playing it right now.
I will be waiting till the day of release but if anyone is interested in getting it early just join out teamspeak and the info on how to do it is in the battlefield channel information.
It sure is tempting to be able to play it right now, but I'm in no rush and will wait for the release day. It's only 2 days away anyway.
zh1nt0 posted this about the vpn/proxy trick:
It isnt illegal but we would advise against doing it and instead wait for the launch day of your territory. (
How to unlock Battlefield 3 early on the PC:
1. Search Windows for proxy
2. Click configure proxy server
3. Click LAN settings
4. Check use a proxy server for LAN
5. Input this IP: (or
6. Input this port: 8080
7. Run the release date check by launching Battlefield 3 on Origin
8. If the release date check fails, click retry
9. Once it succeeds, disable the proxy
10. Enjoy playing Battlefield 3!
I did it yesterday - it works.
bf3 sucks!Q1
About that spying stuff:
Errbody might wanna try it.... I certainly will tomorrow!
While I think some serious competition to Steam is a good thing for everyone involved, especially the customers, Im a bit skeptical of Origin. That said, Id GLADLY start using it just to be able to play Battlefield 3.
Heck, Id gladly gnaw my own feet off to be able to play Battlefield 3.
zh1nt0 posted this about the vpn/proxy trick:
It isnt illegal but we would advise against doing it and instead wait for the launch day of your territory.
Well, he just said it's not illegal. By saying they don't "advise" it they're just saying "if you're stupid enough to screw something up, we take no responsibility."
Xant are you a one game kind of guy or are you reasonable at other games aswell?
I couldn't resist the temptation.
Fuck America, I am now playing BF3.
About that spying stuff:
Errbody might wanna try it.... I certainly will tomorrow!
Xant are you a one game kind of guy or are you reasonable at other games aswell?
WOOOOHOOOOO! SCREW YOU EA!VMega. You are a wonderful person.
I tested this quickly before going to bed and it appears (don't hold me to that), that it does indeed isolate EA's spies.
hey guys how do you change to third person while in a tank?
add me JOLLYbundle of sticks_FACE :shock:
Just stop posting please, amateur troll
Soon in signatures: "Remember Kuoin"
He's just butthurt he won't afford more than 1 game (Skyrim) and will never eveeer experience BF3 unless it's haxxed Garena servers.
Anyhow, will the friends be carried over from Battlelog and ''Clans'' thingies?
Gotta create ''CRPG FUCKING SUCKS'' all again and reinvite you all then =/
Actually thought about getting a FPS game after several years but this Origin thing is kind of scaring me away. I don't really have that much to hide (I may have very few pirated games or movies, but it should not be too hard to get rid of them :P) but i really don't like the idea that some EA program can spy for everything on my PC in principle... :rolleyes:
It looks like they won't be carried over, atleast they aren't now when all the stuff was reset. You will have to remake everything and reinvite everyone :D
Meh this shouldn't stop you from getting BF3 :3 it's worth it all the way. Plus, you can just do that thingy vMega posted to prevent it from spying.
He's just butthurt he won't afford more than 1 game (Skyrim) and will never eveeer experience BF3 unless it's haxxed Garena servers.
Lol you dont think i can afford BF3 + Skyrim. I'm full of cash, still got around 810 Euro after buying my 5.5k £ computer 8-)Cool story bro!
About that spying stuff:
Errbody might wanna try it.... I certainly will tomorrow!
Lol you dont think i can afford BF3 + Skyrim. I'm full of cash, still got around 810 Euro after buying my 5.5k £ computer 8-)
You payed that much for a PC? next year it'll be worth half that price. :lol:
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Scout heli's is my favorite. It absolutely rocks, especially with an engineer sitting on the side with repair / rockets :mrgreen:
Scout heli's is my favorite. It absolutely rocks, especially with an engineer sitting on the side with repair / rockets :mrgreen:
Scout heli's is my favorite. It absolutely rocks, especially with an engineer sitting on the side with repair / rockets :mrgreen:
PS: i'm bad at flying jets
Well I would be glad to take any pilot tips tbh, it's kind of hard to fly only with mouse since I have to pick it up and move it forward so i can keep making a turn... works better if I use the arrow keys combined with mouse tho (you don't really need WASD when flying a jet I noticed).
mortar = ebun win
btw my game shipment still not arrived (fucking ups), so just for curiousity, is it possible to do mortar jumps in bf3?
Anybody have a clue as to why me and my friend are not getting friend CO-OP invites? We tried in Chrome and Firefox. Random CO-OP mission works fine btw.
I hate you all for playing BF3 while i cannot atm.
Sniper :rolleyes:
Mte what's your load-out?
I always change it depending on the situation (if there is no missile threat, ill take extinguisher+maintainance)
But my normal load-out is stealth, IR flares, rocket pods.
Just in case someone missed it:
Put your Audio ---> Speaker System ---> Wartapes
If you don't use that you are not playing the game :mrgreen:
So, what are these wartapes exactly?
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Reporting for duty!
In other news, the british government seems to have been playing a bit too much BF3 :D
Yeah but i was thinking about using 1 Shot mode and for long range mostly.
Arma II-ish style lolz Jk but yeah kinda.
Otherwise i just use the 1st Assault Weapon unlock. M4 something assault rifle with Bipod and Acog. Worked okay at Caspian Border while camping lol.
Bipods are more for snipers and LMGs, atleast from my experience. Just get a good spot and spam that shit. Got over 200 kills on m249 just by having a good spot (corridors in metro, damavand and bazaar help too).
I'm using bipod on semiauto sniper rifles too, great for long range.
Think assault rifles and engi rifles are best up close and you dont need a bipod for that.
Question:In regards to
What's all "Origin is a SPYWARE OMFG" topics throughout the internet about ?
If they spot a pirate game on my pc am i going to go to jail or what ? (Of course i don't have any pirate games, just asking :twisted:)
They gonna steal my music,pictures,work and credit card numbers ?
Mobile AA + Engineer Stinger spam = JOYKILLER for pilots , totally op and boring disguasting assholish fucked up etc....
Köfteci i tried SCAR-H , imo its fucked up i mean rate of fire and recoil is bad compared to AK-74U which is a default russian weapon.
In regards to
"Yay. Conspiracies. So let's see what Origin really does, shall we?
If you hook process monitor onto Origin you will not see Origin scanning anything, independently of how long you use it. So what triggered the OP's screenshot?
Origin on installation will try to find games installed on your harddrive and automatically register them within Origin. It does that in a couple of different ways:
It reads the windows games registry
It looks for games in Program Files
It looks for games in ProgramData (where, for unknown reason the OP's SMS and tax software are storing the data instead of the user profile where that data should go!)
it reads the xfire config if it finds one for games
If you look at the screenshot closely you will see that it does not actually read any files. Instead it looks for their existence and recursively walks the directory. It does not read any of your files, at least not judging from this screenshot or anything I have found on my machine.
Lastly if you monitor the network traffic that Origin causes you will see that it does not transmit anything of value to EA. So far I have not seen anything bug login credentials being submitted.
But it's always so much more fun to assume that software is inherently evil. You can hook a syscall monitor on any application and you will see that it operates all over the drive. That's not something unique to Origin. Steam will do the same if you click the "add non steam game" button."
(: Completed all co-op matches on hard (several times) and got me KH2002, MP412 REX, MP7 and M39 EMR :D
I got problems getting rid of jets chasing me.. any tips? :P
I mean I can dodge well by using S-key in turns, but I just can't get behind a semi decent chaser then... The guy kept chasing me for the whole rush round, making us both useless... just pissed me off hard :D
ADDED: Bigass battlelog update! -!/bf3/news/
Keep making turns with only S (slowdown) and shift+w(S+left, S+up S+ roll back Shift+W speed to the ground, etc), you really need to get the feel for it, once you master it, pretty much no one will be able to chase you down (so far only one guy managed to chase me down, one in like atleast 500) if you observe skilled pilots you should see that once they make a tight turn (chasing pilot loses him for a second) they make a really random turn(example tight turn to left side, down slightly then up suddenly) and lose the chaser pretty easily.
It's so great to be a chopper gunner when you have a pro pilot... got a lot of heli points last time I flew with one.
Are you a pro Pilot and can helpz me when i come back? :33333
I guess I'm semi good... wouldn't really call myself a pro at anything.
Helis seems the most nasty against Tanks and INF imo. Or when i played beta. All i've can judge with.
Also back to my former question.
stability, lag fixing, FUCKTONS of new guns, 64 players..
The problem is that as a starting noob I suck at flying and I have no flares so everything rapes meee
Same with heli, no god damn flares
Meh besides IWNet for PC i can't really complain much. I enjoyed it :P
Can't compare BF3 with MW3 since they're like Water and Sand.
hey guys how do you swap out the vehicle upgrades? I have no idea how too :/
Question to BF3 players!
Can you be the commander in this game?
I loved doing that in BF2, just sitting at the base, spamming detections, or playing artillery duels with the enemy commander. lol
Funniest times were when I started being Russian, and shot down retreating/deserting teammates.
'Follow orders you scumbags!' :mrgreen:
Also killing with supply box is maybe the funniest kill I did in BF2 back in the day.
Commanders were cunty ,and ego trippin, motherfucking, dick sucking, son of a bitch, slut whore douchebags.
:cry: :cry:
:cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:
Yeah, but if you take the ego hat off, a good commander was a very valuable asset to the team.
I only hope the commanding role wasn't removed because of console kids would have hard time issuing orders on their shitty controllers.
One is nice to drink the other isnt.
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SG have two servers that are currently both very popular and have what we think are the best settings for normal mode, give us a try if your interested.
[SG] Smart Gaming UK Rush 24/7 - 32 Slots
[SG] Smart Gaming UK Metro 24/7 - 64 Slots
Nope no commander.
Woop just got my 4. jet service star, that is 3x 35k xp in jets + 1x 35k xp for unlocks in jets :D
damn bro umad
Slowly(fast actually xD) getting to top 100 in jets
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Schweet. Now we just need 2 seats in Jets so i can sit and leech while you do the real work lol.
L96A1, I was just thinking when I unlocked the first bolt action sniper rifle. "I hope to god that they'll add in the L96A1!". You Sir, Mr Mtemtko. Wololol. Have made my day. (I already have a pre-order of it too! 8-))
Shitty SCAR?
Whatever you are smoking give me some.
Pre-order? Didn't you buy Limited Edition? Lulz.
I'm just gonna go ahead and add you so I have some people to play with :)
Oh dear guided missile for jets are SO weak... you're better off using rocket pods on tanks, atleast it's a guaranteed vehicle disable if you hit with all of them :)
Also for recon, spot bonus points from SOLFAM and MAV should be increased to encourage recons to use those two gadgets more.
Any challengers? :3
Needs 9 rockets for a disable, much better off with the cannons on fighterbombers. Also with MAV if you hit someone in the face it counts as headshot. MAV has unlimited range aslong the map doesnt end. Nuff said.
Also MAV really didnt need a buff.. a friend of mine has 700 kills with it, just rolling through lines of people in metro 64player conquest.. its a friggin joke.
Goddamn nice, Tor.
What's your scout heli loadout?
Stealth, Flares and guided missile. Will take Below Radar when its fixed, not working atm :rolleyes:
Damnit, my PC is a load of crap to play new games like this.
Good for you who can play it. u_u
But Below Radar is a permanent upgrade.. atleast for jets.
Game sucks :cry:
Just hit up a requirements site, two of them to be precise, and my PC barely! hits the minimum requirements of it.
Meh. That means it would load up, nothing more. :(
Game sucks :cry:
*Shrug* I can play on 1920x1080 monitor with everything completely on max with GTX 560 Ti OC'ed at 1GHz and i5 2500K at 4.5GHZ, never goes below 40 fps no matter what. Tho I had one in 2 hour driver crash with the card OCed to 1ghz (its factory OCed to 900mhz and stock is like 830mhz core speed or something like that),but that got fixed with the latest drivers. You really dont need a beast computer to run this on low.
Isn't it better to put it at High instead and try get more FPS?
Isn't it better to put it at High instead and try get more FPS?
@Tenne: Well i think you can pre-order at some shady unknown site.
30FPS ftw, I can get 70 if I look at the sky!!! :)
This game needs more city style maps!
AA missiles are not that good. It takes ages before they lock on and during that time you are quite a sitting duck.
You really dont seem to have much experience in either using them or being the victim..
inside da gangsta bus
Needs more jet maps!
5. jet service star dogstags!
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5X35k xp in jets till the next dogtags D:
Yay i can prolly say that i've become a quite capable Heli Pilot :D
Still getting raped by dem heat seeking shitz but now i got IR Flares and Stealth atleast. Plus Heat Seeking Missiles to trolololol enemy helis/jets.
Hm avoiding heat seeker spam is actually not that hard in a heli, just fly to a good position where you can hide behind when you're locked like a high building or a hill/mountain and wait for flare refill then come out and kill shit again.
Works really well in maps like Damavand Peak, since the whole place is filled with ledges you can hide behind.
Ugh Damavand Peak? Can only use shitty Scout Heli there. Hate it lol.
Even though i like the Attack Heli well my most favorite one is the one with 2 Miniguns and 1 Pilot seat and 2 passenger.
Get 2 Good Minigun users at those seats who'll rape enemy heli and inf, get 2 engineers with Repair Tools, Get 1 Pilot (Me) who can maneuver good and drive good :D = PROFIT!
Operation firestorm ftw.All other maps are shit anyways.
True, but driver bonuses for kills made by passengers are quite bad D:
Scout heli is a great helicopter btw... those two miniguns it has infront destroy infantry in no time, when you get rocket pods it even becomes effective versus armor. On the other hand the attack chopper is quite shit versus infantry (unless you're the gunner).
And scout heli...well meh. Gets raped easily by Stinger/FIM and eh..and WTF is the 2nd Pilot seat for? In that seat you can't do shit? Atleast the passengers back can repair the heli but he can't do shit in that seat lol. Useless.
Second seat is for jumping out and capping flags/mcoms or giving the pilot a blowjob.Lol. Well you could just hover around the flag area :D
Sun...and big ocean...small islands...i hope there will be atleast 3 Jets per team imo :D Should be kickass dogfights up there imo. Though if i know Dice well they'll make it 2 Jets per team on the hangars lol.
Is the infantry combat any good? Is there proper hit detection? Does it feel good?
Infantry combat is wonderful as well, I've had no problem with hit detection. Feels the best :)
Teeth, buy BF3 NAOW so I can play with you!Gimme a few days until I get a proper computer set up and receive BF3. Then I'll play the shit out of this game.
Infantry combat is wonderful as well, I've had no problem with hit detection. Feels the best :)
You only need to get into it alot(The Realistic Arc the shots fly, leadign the enemy etc.).But when you got used to the mechanics, it´s better than any other.Great to hear. Jets and vehicles are cool and all, but in the end I'll probably end up playing infantry only, just like in BF2. Not a big vehicle man. Still going to see if I can bear vehicles raping mah butt, cause flying a jet sure looks awesome.
Increased my longest headshot to 703m :DBe an engi, don't panic and once your heli gets disabled , land it somewhere (Out of borderlines heavily suggested.) start repairing , find the fucker who disabled your heli and fuck him up.If you fail once again do the same.
Now that I got my jet service star I'm trying to get attack heli maxed out but damn it's hard with all the AA running around. When I'm on Caspian it's "BEEP BEEEP BEEEEEP TI TI TI TI TI TI" all the time man... It's either that or a Tunguska/Jet destroying me in seconds with the main cannon :P
Helis have it hard on Conquest maps like Caspian, Kharg and Firestorm, very frustrating...
Be an engi, don't panic and once your heli gets disabled , land it somewhere (Out of borderlines heavily suggested.) start repairing , find the fucker who disabled your heli and fuck him up.If you fail once again do the same.
When people disable your heli they think they got you lol and when you leave your heli i mean if no one is in it heatseekers cannot lock on it and since you are repairing it out of border infantry won't be messing with you , eventually you will repair your heli safely =)
Vibe lets play caspian today, i'll pilot
What a surprise.. 2142 is totally dead..
Time to download BF2 then, because I can't find the bloody disk.
But, I guess that will be empty as well.
Because I can't facking play with it's Son, that's why. :lol:
Upgrade your damn PC
Well fuck then
New Mobo 50 Bucks
New Quad 100 bucks
New Graphics 100 bucks
2 gigs of extra ram 30-40 bucks.
Not even 300 bucks!
Just go suck some dick, you will have the money in no time! :D
Dude, I have some decency.
Don't want to type anything offensive, but that post would be such an oppurtunity.
As Far as I´ve seen it, Textures are bit better on Ultra.
Oh and I believe you should upgrade your quad and get 2 gigs more ram to run it well on Ultra.The Graphics card is ok, 4gb ram COULD be ok, but I dont know for sure, I think 2,3 ghz quad is not quite enough for that.
I dont quite understand.I didnt suck dick for my Comouter if you mean that :D
errm no?
If he gets a Phenom x4 965 now(About 110 or a few more bucks), he will be able to play it on Ultra, and all upcoming games for a few years.No need to throw out tons of Money for a Gaytel.
Dude....50euros for a board is okay.(Board and Processor together are cheaper than a comparable Intel)
And regarding the Power...You are talking shit.
I can play BF3 on High with good FPS and on Ultra with normal FPS, the only thing limiting is my graphics card(HD5770).Since he has a better one it OBVIOUSLY needs to be his processor which is limiting(Or his ram, since I have 6 gigs).So shut up if you cant think about the given facts.
Well yeah, but it can also be gaytel related.
And why should he wait?He can get a cheap one now and be fine.The others are just more expensive.
And Ram has to do with FPS, just try playing BF3 with 2 gigs of ram on a W7 comp smartass.
I was just advising the other processor in case he wanted more Power ONLY for BF3, if he wants to upgrade generally he should wait, I agree on that.
Oh and the Phenom x4 965 BE might be worse in power per megahertz, but it has MORE of them.I know Gigahertz are not everything, but you cant denie thhey have to do somethign with power so just suck it.
I was talking IF he had 2 gigs.You said that ram had nothing to do with fps in general.
Oh and I didnt find the i5 with 2,4ghz in that benchmark there, so I dont know.But regarding that Benchmarks can often fail in real games, it doesnt say much.
Also, as I said, I was ASSUMING from the FACTS he stated for us that his Processor was the limiting part in his Rig, so I advised a Change to a processor I KNEW wouldn´t be limiting for THAT game there.
So please lets end this fail discussion here because it won´t get anyone of us farther.
/edit: Christo, you cant play BF3 with Windows XP as far as I know...
christo, as long as your comp supports direct x 10 you should be fine
For anyone who has a silly Origin ID, you can change it here:
I'm still testing whether this changes your soldier name too.
PS: new personal longest headshot record - 934m :D
And a nice tank hunting video -
Love his bomb rigged jets/cars :D this one is just @_@ (seems staged tho)!
I dont need research, I have 10 Years of experience with parts.
10 years of experience with parts? How come you dont even know the basics of how a computer works?
He didn't specify what parts he has experience with.
10 years of experience with parts? How come you dont even know the basics of how a computer works?
I have.
Stop trying to insult me with your childish behavior, I do know how the basics of a computer work.
Oh and same goes for Nvidia and ATI.
Oh and the Phenom x4 965 BE might be worse in power per megahertz, but it has MORE of them.I know Gigahertz are not everything, but you cant denie thhey have to do somethign with power so just suck it.
and the part where you say 4gb is not enough for BF3. Really enough said.
... I have 4GB... doesn't run playable.
I'm sorry guys, times up. Time to play Skyrim instead.
You can lock this thread now.
I'm sorry guys, times up. Time to play Skyrim instead.
You can lock this thread now.
3 hours and 45 minutes till skyrim is released!!!
Skyrim is too good to pirate.
Fuck paying for a single player game.
Fuck paying for a single player game.
Its taking me longer to extract than it took to download...
Brief first moments spoiler.(click to show/hide)
This is now the second Skyrim thread.
And that's why we'll only get console singleplayer games soon. Because of dumbdicks like you!
lol your cute.
Why buy when i can get for free : )
You don't know how much I want you to get caught for piracy... I have to agree with Xant, you're the type of person that kills the games industry, you're the reason Origin has the EULA that it does, the rest of us get pissed on because of a few idiots who couldn't resist the urge to pirate something worth £25...
"Smart-Gaming" my arse!
P.S. I'm a little bitter.
F2000 Rocks! :D
The best with the F2000 is that it shoots so fast that you have the whole clip in your enemy while he is still shooting :D
The best with the F2000 is that it shoots so fast that you have the whole clip in your enemy while he is still shooting :D
Want RoF? Get engineers A-91.. that thing shoots 30 bullets in one second and a half...combine it with no recoil,IRNV, hardcore.. its pretty awesome
G36C kinda sucks. High recoil on medium distance, high inaccuracy, mediocre damage, mediocre RoF.. only good thing is it looks epic.
Btw, i'm not getting tired of BF3 but man...these idiotic newbies who crash the helis with maybe 6 People inside em /Transport with Minigun Helis and Havoc Helis......
Why can't they fucking go to a newbie server. It's really annoying. As soon as i see them and respawned i jump into a jeep and run over them lol.
I'm quite fond of the KH2002 when I am not being Recon for the sheer fact that it doesn't just spam bullets off. Also, I don't see many other people running around with it so it's quite nice to have a weapon that isn't just pretty much everywhere.
My accuracy has started to drop significantly since I got into a chopper though, my vehicle skills are really quite crap although I do enjoy flying around in planes and choppers for a laugh (on unranked).
More than likely I am a sniper though, even if I have just taken the scope off a bolt action and i'm using it like an Enfield or KAR :P
You know whats really annoying?People who are to stupid to jump out of the heli when you as a Pilot leave it to cap a Flag.
KH2002 isn't that the last assault rifle btw?
Lol capping flags as Heli. I never tend to do it unless i'm in a scout heli. You get easy pickings for enemy heli/jets stingers / Mobile AA, you name it.
I rather clear the way towards the flags and give them air support so my teammates can cap em instead of trying to cap a far away from base flag.
KH2002 needs 126k Co op points to unlock.
Just admit it you suck at heli driving and you cant hover above a flag :lol:, I'm doing that all the time and I havent been taken out yet so *shrug*
You better watch out when i get my Thermal Optics for Heli Gunner seat! Infantry on the ground gonna get raped!!! Snipers included!
KH2002 isn't that the last assault rifle btw?
Also Mortar is beast. You gotta try it. Went 28-6 and our team won ofc and got tons of assists with it.
Just watching all red dots on a map run around like crazy chikens and bombing buildings...ah. So good.
It's a co-op unlock, no idea how much but it's pretty good, going to change up on my sniper rifle, I am really quite behind on the whole game because I didn't get it till late (08/11/2011) and as I said I pre-ordered it lol.
All the same I should be getting my first recon service star shortly, very nearly onto that one, hopefully tomorrow after I come back from uni, no idea what it does or what it's for but i'm certain I want it whether or not it's good.
It's a co-op unlock, no idea how much but it's pretty good, going to change up on my sniper rifle, I am really quite behind on the whole game because I didn't get it till late (08/11/2011) and as I said I pre-ordered it lol.
All the same I should be getting my first recon service star shortly, very nearly onto that one, hopefully tomorrow after I come back from uni, no idea what it does or what it's for but i'm certain I want it whether or not it's good.
Lol what derp store did you preorder it from? Gamestop? Lol.
Amazon 8-)
Royal Mail first class was what did it lol
Cheers Vibe, i'm nearly there, my points per minute is very low (185 I believe) so that'll give me a nice boost for a round lol.
If I didn't use any machine guns I would probably have a decent accuracy rate, around 30% I would say, since I use machine guns 80% of the time on the town maps, it's dropping slowly (16.5% last count, three town maps before was 18.7% lol)
Sometimes i troll around too much ingame BF3 and thus my KD goes crap as well as my SPM.
There's not more satisfying than running over AFKers and stupid people waiting at spam like a pack of dogs for Jets/Helis. xD
Difference between HMG and LMG? I mean...what will i tradeoff to get HMG? Not the main cannon right? o,O Derp
Simply put: explodes against the projectile, destroying it, and in the process fucks any infantry around it.< Dont know if that is in game, but I've seen it once, the rpg just did 0% dmg to that spot and the whole side of reactive armor fell off..
Driver I suppose, would make the most sense.
Unlike Heli Gunner and such are IFV/Tank passengers/Gunners even able to help the IFV/Tank with any of their well...''items''?They don't have the smoke, but they have flares(or everything 2nd slot), the first slot bonus(that's always a plus, since it sums with the one of the driver)and the dedicated weapon slot(tv missile/guided missile/ecc), that makes the attack helicopter pretty good considering you could deploy flares every 5 seconds and be pretty much immune to lock on weapons(already tried with a friend of mine and it's awesome :))
Atleast Heli Gunner can help with IR Smoke and use Proximity Scan and god knows what else lol.
They don't have the smoke, but they have flares(or everything 2nd slot), the first slot bonus(that's always a plus, since it sums with the one of the driver)and the dedicated weapon slot(tv missile/guided missile/ecc), that makes the attack helicopter pretty good considering you could deploy flares every 5 seconds and be pretty much immune to lock on weapons(already tried with a friend of mine and it's awesome :))
This worked for me 100%. Map loading times really reduced hard!
What I'm worried is that this might damage my video card (using Ati Tray Tools).
Yeah will it rape my PC? I don't want that =( Also will it have a negative effect otherwise on the game?
Oh well.
I got Nvidia though :O Hope it wont affect.
Nvidia uses original interface to set this to multi-core, I guess there's even less chance to hurt your PC with official software.
6,5k left for Guided Rockets unlock for attack heli, can't fucking wait, this thing seems to be quite OP:
Oh, also one thing I noticed: if someone wants to run you over with the little buggy car, just press jump at the right time and you'll vault over it :D
Even better, it should be like how PR did it.
Want to fly a jet? Here's your license, and a fucking pistol.
Deal with it. 8-)
That's how it would be.
Lot of pilots end up being prisoners for some reason. :mrgreen:
And there's always the option to turn the gun around. :wink:
I hope this game won't be like other BF-s.
BF2: 24/7 KARKAND INF ONLY Players:64/64
BF2142: Wait, I have a nice picture about that.
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There should be a Class called "Vehicle Specialist" or something, like in RO.
They are the only ones who can fly and drive vehicles nicely, all others get serious minusses when driving or flying something.
Wait some.It´s usually less than a minute until SOME vehicle pops up.
And they should be able to get weapons like PP2000 and other small submachine guns.
Oh and they could make it that those vehicle specialists are the only ones who can spawn in vehicles.
Finally got the accuracy medal (and conquest by mistake) and I was wondering does the dog tags that you earn have an incremental value on them? Saying something like "50 accuracy ribbons obtained" or "500 headshots" etc? I'm still way behind everyone else, I was checking a few players and you all have "service stars" for the classes, I still don't even have one for recon yet (98% at time of writing) so i'm noob really on the longer played stuff :(
Rumours an expansion type mode like Vietnam in BC2 would be added to BF3 making it a futuristic version of the game which may bring titan mode to BF3 which like a few have said would be a awesome thing.
I havnt played much this past week but looking forward to karkand.
Iv just acquired Dota 2 so..... i maybe in there for a while :D
Gulf? lmao
Futuristic would be awesome bored of the same ww2 or modern day stuff.
But WW1 game would be...interesting...i don't think there's been any blockbuster/big studios made WW1 game so far. Except that crappy Darkest of Days time travel to WW1 game i believe?
Stole my thoughts right there.
Also BF2142 was kinda blah... 1942/BF2 were bestest.
Playing 1942 now? No thanks. Playing 1942 back when it came out and some years later? Yes please.
If looking at it that way.
1942 > 2142 > BF2.
Also imagine epic trench multiplayer fights. Would go on for hours! Lolz. Old school tanks and shizz. Kickass!
Trench foot, mountains of rats, starvation, hysteria, shell shock, constant mortar fire, court martials and not to forget everyones favourite of "going over the top at a walking pace".
I'm not sure that it would be a fantastic of course xD
Lol you got me at court martials lol.You always played Axis in RO2...
Court Martial in MMOFPS for the winz!
You always played Axis in RO2...(click to show/hide)
Cuz their MG were cooler and they had better announcer voice and their tanks looked cooler and MP40 was sexier and their rifles were cooler especially Kar98k and their potatomashers were awesome.Pffft their Germans sound British... also Mosin Nagant ftw. I've yet to earn my bayonet though. Once I bludgeoned a prone dude 3 times and fired 3 shots into his back and he still managed to get up after that and kill me.
Though if US was ingame it would've been them no doubt.
Browning MG > MG42 and everything.
Pffft their Germans sound British... also Mosin Nagant ftw. I've yet to earn my bayonet though. Once I bludgeoned a prone dude 3 times and fired 3 shots into his back and he still managed to get up after that and kill me.
Finally got a bunch of new tags etc and started to use some of the choppers, I prefer flying despite the complete lack of kills compared to the gunner but i'm getting the hang of flying steady and being able to fly like an idiot to avoid things! :P
Wait till you get the Guided Rockets thingy... then the kills switch from gunner to pilot :D
Do you even read origin messages? =/
Pffft their Germans sound British... also Mosin Nagant ftw. I've yet to earn my bayonet though. Once I bludgeoned a prone dude 3 times and fired 3 shots into his back and he still managed to get up after that and kill me.
Wait till you get the Guided Rockets thingy... then the kills switch from gunner to pilot :D
Do you even read origin messages? =/
Yay, 8. jet service medal+ 20 hours spent in jets medal, 1mil out of 1.6mil xp I have made just with jets lol
Soon i have G36C soon! It's so hard getting unlocks for kits because INF combat sucks imo on Air maps lol. Cannot help it getting inside vehicles lol.
And Metro and Seine River is meh boring
G36C is probably the biggest dissapointment I had so far, its really under-average.
One hell of a match with vajb, APCs rule!
One hell of a match with vajb, APCs rule!
The DICE team are hard at work supporting Battlefield 3. To date, we have implemented several server updates to improve stability and performance. Next week we are publishing a significant Battlefield 3 client update for the PC. Console patches take a bit longer due to the certification requirements for console content, but it will follow shortly after the PC update.
So whats in the PC patch? Youll see improved polish, stability, weapons balancing, squad control functionality, user interface enhancements, and several feature enhancements that address feedback the community has provided to date plus were removing the so called negative mouse acceleration that some of you have experienced.
Regarding cheating and boosting, we continue to analyze data to identify and hold accountable (ban, wipe stats) players that cheat or boost. Weve received questions about what to do when faced with unsportsmanlike conduct in Battlefield 3 the best course of action is to click the warning sign next to their profile name in Battlelog, or head to the EA Help Desk and report your issue. These leads will enable us to follow up on the report.
We appreciate all the feedback. Keep it coming to help us with future improvements. Check back next week to confirm the patch launch date and the detailed fix list. Thanks for playing and sharing your feedback with us!
Double post, but:
Reduced the damage from FIM-92 and SA-18 IGLA missiles against aircraft.
Patch notes if you missed them:!/bf3/news/view/2832654775415378344/
But.. no RPG/SMAW damage reduction vs infantry................................. very disappoint
No guided missile damage boost.... also disappoint
No IRVN nerf... disappoint
What the fuck...this game will be impossible to play now...!
How the fuck will you even get down those Jets with good pilots?
It was almost impossible prior to patch to get a kill with those Stingers, and Stationary AA sucks ass and usually your team just takes the mobile AA and goes head on against enemy tanks with it.
Which means only ur jets in ur team got a chance because it's highly unlikely someone in ur team brings SOFLAM.
Fucks sake....gaaagh.
Fight fire with fire, or if your teams pilot are so incompetent/retarded, use stinger AND a pilot against enemy pilot, will work, I can say that.Lol nobody would take down those fkin Jets ingame because everyone sucked and people who tried got raped by enemy Attack Heli.
IRVN is serious crutching...
I mean I use it all the time but damn I hate it, it is SUCH a fucking cheat. But I know if I drop it others with IRVN will have massive advantage over me, so I can't just drop it :(
Yep, that's what I'm doing :3
Btw: you guys tried auto shotties? Which one do you think is better, USAS or SAIGA?
Nah, Pump action is always better for those kind of incidents.
First of all, they are more simple and wont jam as easy, and second of all you wont be tempted to waste ammo with it.
You will still be tempted to pump the full mag into that horde shambling at you, while would either shoot once and run or run right now with my Pump action :D
And even if yo ucan replace it it ist sill more complex than a Pump action is.The simplest Weapons are the best in a post-apocalyptic world, that´s why I would choose a Hunting crossbow as a Sidearm.Stealthy Headshots.
That was sarcastic, right?lol
We are pretty good in a lot of things, but we lack a lot, too.
If it comes to Zombie-Apocalypses, no Country is better than america.Vast Areas with no Human to rebuild the Country, More Weapons than People etc.
Well, besides for the bitches and such, a Zombie apocalypse would be the only reason for me to live in america.
Beeing the best in a hypothetical scenario isnt that good, you know?:D
Yeah, but its a lot harder to get them, and America has almost thrice as much + in almost each house so Its really easy to grab a gun there in cas e of apocalypse
plus there is only 1 gun for 3 People in germany, while there is almost a gun for everyone in america :D
edit: btw, Tunisia wont be last at all now :D more like 5th or so :D
Well, I can confirm Yemen. I was planning to go there a few months ago but I injured myself and had to go through surgery, but my pals still went. They told me pretty much every household owns an AK there :D
Err.. repair parts for saiga? Are you having delusions again? :lol:
AK grips and stocks wont fit, mags wont fit, its completely different, you'd really have to put in ALOT of work and money to be able to use AK parts with it.
Sigh.. getting kicked out all the time because of my performance, 10 minutes ago I got kicked out for getting 31-0 with a jet, with admin saying "its not normal", then admins just ragekick me... :?
Sigh.. getting kicked out all the time because of my performance, 10 minutes ago I got kicked out for getting 31-0 with a jet, with admin saying "its not normal", then admins just ragekick me... :?
Oooh, that gun!
Can you add a scope? Vintorez <3
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You have to first get the game though eh?
Yeah...happened a lot to me in MW2, too(AlterIWnet, where you can use the console if you want to kick someone or so).
Too bad the lag can be horrible at times. Unless the host got a State of the Art beastness PC.
Is alot more stable for me, one crash each 2-3 hours, sometimes I go on for 6 hours without a crash.
Yeah thats no problem to crash each 2-3 hours, totally normal.
*or just a decent upload speed
53-1, LOL.. could have managed a 53-0 if their plane didnt kamikaze in me.
Talking about kamikaze...i never really tried doing it against ground troops/vehicles.
How does it go in BF3? Arming plane with C4 still best choice and then crashing right down into the enemy lol?
No, completely useless. Just use cannon+rockets now, can destroy two tanks and kill 3-5 infantry with a single run with fighter-bombers, and can destroy a single tank with rocket pods+ 5 seconds of cannons with attack jet.
62-0, next goal, 100-0 :D
Oh jesus, main Tank Guided Shell + Soflam is so fucking powerful... I'm gonna bet its even more kickass with a CITV station to mark aircraft... Just one shotted a heli with guided shell from tank :D
After playing BF3 for 1 week :rolleyes: meh
After playing Skyrim for 2 weeks and 2 days 8-) :mrgreen: FUCKING AWESOME!
Wat, tanks are very powerful, except if you're playing rush and Mtemtko is flying the enemy jet.
As for conquest:
Takes two full rocket pods from jet/heli to destroy it, several tank shots/rpgs to destroy it from front and 2 tankshots/rpgs from back, 3-4 c4 and lastly several guided missiles. And that's without the reactive armor.
I believe they're quite balanced and once you're skilled enough you can take down helis and jets coming at you :D Not to mention Guided Shell + Soflam/CITV is omfglol -
Well CITV is 100k, but you get Guided Shell a lot earlier, I think about 35k. Just ask your team's recons to bring Soflam and you'll be destroying stuff in air and on ground all over the map.
Yes I actually asked randomers in team to bring Soflam and they did :D
Going Back to Karkand: Gulf of Oman gameplay, combat vehicles revealed
The countdown to our first Battlefield 3 expansion pack Back to Karkand continues. This week, we have new gameplay footage from our reimagining of all-time classic map Gulf of Oman. Plus, more info on the new vehicles you will be able to take control of come December.
Check out this gameplay trailer from our reimagined version of Gulf of Oman. Like in previous Back to Karkand trailers, you can see some of the new vehicles in action here. The three combat vehicles that we are bringing back from Battlefield 2 in Back to Karkand are the STOVL fighter jet, desert buggy, and one of the APCs.
"I wanted to complement what we already have in the base game, plus I wanted to bring back some of the classic vehicles from Battlefield 2 that we know players loved, such as the Short Take-Off/Vertical Landing fighter jet and the desert buggy. In todays trailer, you can also get a first glimpse of a hitherto unannounced fourth vehicle bound to strike fear into the very hearts of the enemy. See if you can spot it!", said Back to Karkand Lead Designer Niklas Fegraeus.
Come back later for more details on Back to Karkand. We have more videos coming your way, and more details on the new Back to Karkand weapons that you can bring back to the base game. []
As always, if you pre-ordered your copy of Battlefield 3: Limited Edition, you are entitled to Back to Karkand at no extra charge and will be notified in-game once it is available for download and play in December. Anyone can buy it on the launch day for $14.99/1200 Microsoft Points, or the equivalent in their local currency. PlayStation 3 players will have exclusive 1 week early access to Back to Karkand.
Wtf why PC getting fucked by PS3andXBOX 180?!!111
Wtf why PC getting fucked by PS3 and XBOX 180?!!111
Wow my comp dies for 3 days (getting a 1155 slot mobo without corrupted bios) and berenger gets banned, can has infos?
Seriously i'm not even watched brah.
You're so useless that even the moderating Paladins of this forum gave up on you.
try harder
Guess i have to post nude content :O Oh what the hell.(click to show/hide)
Yay i won.
You surely did.
Wow, this is some extremely detailed shit.Espically this one
Fixed several crashes and increased general stability
Goodbye mines, we had a good run!
IRVN nerf? Hell yes! I stopped using it because it was OP, hope this new nerf will fix it.
It's damn fun playing with people you know, especially in a full squad.
And, hm.. I've never noticed the antenna tower collapsing before on Caspian Border. New?
Rush.. Yeah, I don't play that. Now it collapses on Conquest as well.
Pretty sure it killed a tank, so yeah.
I actually like that it's not an overly competitive game. When I feel like shooting people and destroying shit with tanks and helis and jets I go play it :D
It sure doesn't feel like a chore or something that you have to play every day to "keep up" and I like it because of this.
Might be a while until I get my mobo back, downloading BF3 on my other computer now, I hope E8400+ati4850 can run it lol
Hm, isn't the patch 2gigs? Why am I downloading 3,9 gigs then? :(Was the same here, I guess the files for back to karkhand are included. Yet you can't play without having it linked to your account I guess.
Chekc out this cool BF3 airplane stunt, he jumps out of his plane in mid-air to shoot another plane with his RPG:
Chekc out this cool BF3 airplane stunt, he jumps out of his plane in mid-air to shoot another plane with his RPG:I was about to post that, It's just stunning
Chekc out this cool BF3 airplane stunt, he jumps out of his plane in mid-air to shoot another plane with his RPG:
Would be quite useless
Not totally.
Wih a good Scope and a Modern Hunting Crossbow you could be a nice recon.Crossbows dont make any sound at all.And a Bolt is pretty deadly to relatively unarmored Soldiers today.
Ofc its rather useless on long range.
Well, there is a reason why modern crossbows are mainly for hunting.
It's simple; Animals won't fire back or throw grenades at you.
While with a crossbow you have to calculate elevation, be steady to reload after a shot, our regular john with his assault rifle would tear you apart with the first burst of his gun.
Stealth however, is a different thing, but there are way less complicated methods of silenced killing these days.
* Fixed aimed firing max accuracy on the Pecheneg to be consistent with other LMGs.
* C4 will no longer be detonatable after a player respawns, if the player is revived within 5 seconds he can still detonate his C4.
* The player may now have a maximum number of mines which will persist after the players death. Deploying more than the maximum of 6 mines will remove a previous mine from the world.
* Slightly reduced the effective blast radius of the RPG, SMAW, and 40mm grenade projectiles against infantry. Reduced the total number of RPG and SMAW missiles carried from 5 to 4.
* Tank rounds will now instantly destroy Jets, Attack Helicopters, and Scout Helicopters.
* Fixed a problem when locking on to two nearby targets, the locking should no longer jump rapidly between multiple targets.
* Increased the locking distance for Jets when locking on laser designated targets.
Especially like these ones :Strike at Karkand was by far the most popular map back in the day. Second was Sharqi Peninsula.
Wake and Oman !!!
The other two are (probably, didn't tested) shit maps just as they were in BF2.
For the lulz I tried running my old mobo with just CPU, ram , gpu and PSU, shit booted up and got to bios, would turn on after 5 loops, I flashed bios to 10,5 version (newest) it used to loop up in first attempts for like 5 times, then it got back to the old infinite loop. New mobo coming tommorow :twisted:
Currently im stuck on E8400+ati4850, will try back to karkand, low graphics here I come :cry:
(might be a repost, damn still damn funny:, Operation Asshat) (
Yo Vibe whats your soldiers name?
Getting some weird graphical glitches in BF3, kinda getting annoying, can't play anything else than jets on B2K maps =/
EA is a bunch of greedy fuck-tards
Even though it was just the internet banding together to make EA the US' worst company, they have a point. Then turning around and basically saying "We'll continue to do what we're already doing" isn't really the way to go about it.
If you are awarded that, you've clearly pissed a lot of people off and should probably buck your ideas up.
Premium is a joke, pay for a game you already own in effect.
While it is in a way a good deal to get 5 DLCs, I'm against the whole "We're EA, let's make a DLC for every map with 2 new guns we put out". Not to mention that premium stuff is just downright wrong and is just an extra money grab. Oh, another thing, B2K owners purchase ANOTHER B2K that comes with Premium (aka no discount for those who already own B2K). Lol.
Yes, EA's business model is amazing, we as gamers might come across as sounding intitled to this kind of stuff, but at the end of the day, we're the consumers. We buy the stuff and they've annoyed their consumer base a hell of a lot, but they won't change because they know that they have the games people want to buy, they're able to do it because unlike with shops, in which we have the ability to buy and return, discuss etc, they're the only people we can buy this from, one price, one supplier, pay it or leave it.
There is no choice, games are unique regardless of what they are and theres no two ways about it and because of that they don't need to listen to consumers.
At least that's my views on it, we all know that if we want to buy a cheap pair of jeans, there are several shops we can wander into and get the same thing, then you are able to get the retailer to bend to your will, decrease the price, special offer or at least listen to what you have to say, and chances are they'll have competetive prices to start with, EA, nope, we have the only supply, you can't go anywhere else.
It's horrid. (End of whinge against something I can't manipulate.)
And this will go on until people stop buying EA games - won't happen though, you can even see the survey on Battlelog on how many will get Premium - 70% yes, 30% no.
It would be hilarious if EA/DICE would continue what they did with previous Battlefield games, when a new one came out;
-Make 4 expansion packs for the game
-People buy it
-New BF game gets released
-Include ALL the expansion packs for free
-People who bought it get trolled bigtime.
While I know that in the era of DLC this won't be like this at all, it's still a weird move.
New CoDs have about the same amount of new content as BF3 DLCs for a higher cost :lol:
No no and no.
Doubt few of you here have played COD in recent years and bought their DLC.
First and foremost. Their DLC got no thought into it and just looks complete crap most of the time and some of them are plain stupid to fight at (talking about MW3 atm) and here's a couple of stuff they don't add in DLC. No new weapons which BF3 adds, no new vehicles/killstreaks or whatever which BF3 adds.
For BF3 DLC you get much more for your money than COD DLC gives. I know i've said this every year since MW2 but i'm gonna give Black Ops 2 a last chance :P If it really really fails (although Black Ops 1 was okay/good-ish) i'll never buy another COD game :P
All in all it's stupid to say ''I'm boycotting all big game devs/publishers and sticking to my mediocre indie games'' when you might miss out on so much.
Sure Activision are satans little helpers and EA aint far behind but you seriously wanna miss good games just because they don't fit in or share the same views as you do?
CoD 1 had an expantions which added a new champaign, and not some crappy online maps (the SP was realy good back then), added new gamemodes to SP, which have never seen the light in any other CoD games, and they added tanks and cars in the expantion for CoD1, best CoD ever made? Yes. All the others? Crappyo' (except CoD 2 :P )
CoD 1 had an expantions which added a new champaign, and not some crappy online maps (the SP was realy good back then), added new gamemodes to SP, which have never seen the light in any other CoD games, and they added tanks and cars in the expantion for CoD1, best CoD ever made? Yes. All the others? Crappyo' (except CoD 2 :P )
United Offensive, right? :wink:
Don't forget Cod4, still going strong and competitive, I heard.
Berenger I was comparing new CoD games (not DLCs) to Battlefield 3 DLCs when I said that :D
I also play CoD 4, which is one of the games before the Copy & Paste "series", and CountBurgerman, its not unplayable on pc, I find many good servers, even lvled to max level twice :P
Like every serv is hardcore serv or tactical crouch or hacker infested.
At very best it's a regular server but only like 5xp per kill or something.
Me hatey crocuh servererr
I start running and get banned derp.
Console online gaming... not a single fuck given
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Ok ok, but fps?
ahah god no
This whole FPS on consoles thing still amazes me.
And sport games.
I hate it sometimes. Sometimes when i play BF3 i get into a random serv and its got chocolate chip cookie rules and chocolate chip cookie admins. Not fun at all. (And favorites is fail because most people rather check players online on the servs at list which could leave your favorites empty and personally i prefer full/close to full servs)
Are you implying that thomek is admin there?
BF3: Armored Kill Gameplay Trailer (
Hot damn.
Exactly my thoughts :D
BF3: Armored Kill Gameplay Trailer (
KD Ratio 372 :lol: (not a cheater)
actually bf3 is superior to bc2 in every way, except destruction *. altho I think some maps like B2K have more/better destro than bc2. only thing I miss about bc2 is c4 on sniper.
*edit: oh and i guess no origin
KD Ratio 372 :lol: (not a cheater)
Talking about cheaters, look what I've found yesterday. (
Just.. look at that battle report. 368/13 :lol:
also check this massive lulz out:
(click to show/hide)
Premium why are you so expensive...
Yeah, seriously. Charging the price of a full game for some DLC? GG EA.
So that's a 25 euros economy if you don't already have b2k and are sure you will be playing all the DLCs. That's asking a lot tbh. For me only armored kill sounds interesting. CQ is just some "variety" for 64p metro tards.
The funny part is that I hate metro, but I ended up playing a load of it because it's by far the fastest and easiest way to grind unlocks. Tells you a lot about the quality of game design here.
Obviously Metro is only used as a meatgrinder (massif xp), thus I never played it much. Enjoying Seine and Strike on Karkand a lot actually, which surprised me because I thought I would like open, vehicle maps more. I do like the new AK maps, but I guess I'm more of an urban warfare guy (think Aftermath or Endgame is going to bring more city maps).
Yep. But if you have an LMG, medpack, ammo pack or projectile explosive? ALL THE POINTS
I hate Rush just as bad, though. Totally kills the game for me. It's all about Conquest.
So, new Aftermath is out, what is everyone's opinion? I only played 4 rounds of Scavenger on the new maps, dunno what to think. I guess Scavenger is somewhat fun, xbow is cool, I'm not sure if I like the maps though. Feels a lot like Close Quarters, only slightly bigger. And all those ruins and destroyed stuff lying on the floor only makes it a hassle to walk through.
Bet u think ur cool roleplaying DaveUKR now.