Oh dear guided missile for jets are SO weak... you're better off using rocket pods on tanks, atleast it's a guaranteed vehicle disable if you hit with all of them
Also for recon, spot bonus points from SOLFAM and MAV should be increased to encourage recons to use those two gadgets more.
Any challengers? :3
Needs 9 rockets for a disable, much better off with the cannons on fighterbombers. Also with MAV if you hit someone in the face it counts as headshot. MAV has unlimited range aslong the map doesnt end. Nuff said.
Also MAV really didnt need a buff.. a friend of mine has 700 kills with it, just rolling through lines of people in metro 64player conquest.. its a friggin joke.
Scout heli
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loginI barely played at all with scout heli or attack heli, I only fly the scout one while in that cliff map as defender :X