Pr0s and MLG players and famous gaeeemers play on consoles!!
Famous like any of the famous players on here are within different games/platforms..?
Console has no soul man... No community none of it. PC's where it's at brah.
Seriously though, consoles are really not the way forward, PC's pioneered, PC's survived, PC's will push the way forward, games are born and raised on computers and sadly these days are made to work on consoles. Consoles are like Macs. Only a lot lot lot lot worse due to the fact that you are so badly restricted. The only good thing that comes from Console gaming and all the restrictions is the total lack of hackers. But should pay for having no chance of finding a hacker be the loss of freedom?
Nothing against any of that of course, each to their own, I just like to be able to do what I want with my computer, everyone has their preferences with what they want to do with their computers. Afterall "PC" is "personal computer".
Anyways I'm clearing my PC out of anything that I find that makes me say "I have no idea where that came from, off you go and take your eye patch with you!" before I install Origin (the end of gaming).