cRPG => General Discussion => Topic started by: Teeth on July 12, 2014, 01:17:08 pm

Title: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: Teeth on July 12, 2014, 01:17:08 pm
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For some reason my screenshot is a little smudgy, but I hope it is readable still. The top two players on the left team are horse archers. They have literally carried their team some rounds, outscore anyone else on their team and have a lot of kills. This is not an isolated occurrence, they have been playing horse archer for a while and they continously yield similar results. Granted, they seem fairly good at it and probably have very high level builds. Yet for a class that is so poorly implemented into the overall game design as it has no counters, consistently delays, and is literally zero fun to fight against, this level of strength is absolutely unacceptable. Also notice how their team lost 4 rounds, yet they have less deaths. Also, it was raining this entire round.

In my opinion horse archery should probably be plainly removed. If it wasn't for the historical precedent, no game designer would ever think of putting such a class in such a game. If horse archery has to stay, which is understandable, it should not be a higher than top tier class able to carry teams. Any amount of horse archers is detrimental to the experience of the larger playerbase, a high amount of horse archers is disastrous. The grumbles on the server speak for itself. There are already a number of threads created on the subject, one was created as I was typing this.

Here is one with some discussion on creative ways to nerf horse archery

I just hope to draw attention from Tydeus or San about this situation by going all General Discussion and I hope they understand something should be done. There are many, many ways to nerf HA, feel free to discuss them. I don't reallly care how, as long as a nerf is done. Here, have a useless poll.
Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: Sniger on July 12, 2014, 01:20:49 pm
Does horse archery require a nerf?

Remove ranged cav from the mod?
Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: PsychoTwins on July 12, 2014, 01:23:49 pm
Remove ranged cav from the mod?

Not possible  :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:
Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: Joseph Porta on July 12, 2014, 01:27:44 pm

In this suggestion I propose that all bows require 2 slots, the top tier bows 3 slots, and a decrease in missile speed.
Also 5 arrows in a bodkin quiver.
Lower tier bows wont be able to use top tier arrows.

Also damage is increased - indivudual arrows will have more effect.
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Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: darmaster on July 12, 2014, 01:28:52 pm
if I was able to create threads like this in english instead of my direct "nerf HA cause OP" people would know my ideas aren't that bad. I might hire someone to write a level 31 STF threa.

On topic yes, I agree, it's obviously OP; a class that can deal 36 cut damage + 40% or 28 pierce damage +40% (I assumed they had 5 pd), moving around with OP horses such as arabian war horse (yes it's OP it can almost dodge arrows better than infantry with 8 riding) and shooting from distance is OP; another broken thing is bump damage by horses.and finally, HA shouldn't be able to use heavy horses.
Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: Switchtense on July 12, 2014, 01:53:19 pm

In this suggestion I propose that all bows require 2 slots, the top tier bows 3 slots, and a decrease in missile speed.
Also 5 arrows in a bodkin quiver.
Lower tier bows wont be able to use top tier arrows.

  • HA will have less arrows, so theyll run out sooner.
  • no mindless armour piercing spam - direct buff to heavy infantry and heavy cavalry. Heavy cav will be able to counter once more. Plate armor will serve its purpose.
  • lower tier (2 slot bows) will not be able to use top tier arrows at all - lower tier should be lower tier, not headshot machines with uber pewpew accuracy.

So basically you want to destroy archery completely.

Only nerf Archery itself needs is maybe decrease the amount of arrows per quiver by 5 or so. A lvl30 archer can either be good at archery, or mediocre at archery and melee at the same time.

Horse Ranged however need a bigger nerf, since they do not need any melee capabilites because they can kite literally the whole 7 minutes. At the same time they do an incredible amount of damage due to speed bonus and bumping.
Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: _GTX_ on July 12, 2014, 01:59:32 pm
Yesterday that guy topped the scoreboards every single map aswell, no melee even came close to the amount of dmg that he was able to put out. I wish i took a screenshot of it.
Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: Apsod on July 12, 2014, 02:08:35 pm
Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: Joseph Porta on July 12, 2014, 02:20:12 pm
So basically you want to destroy archery completely.

Only nerf Archery itself needs is maybe decrease the amount of arrows per quiver by 5 or so. A lvl30 archer can either be good at archery, or mediocre at archery and melee at the same time.

Horse Ranged however need a bigger nerf, since they do not need any melee capabilites because they can kite literally the whole 7 minutes. At the same time they do an incredible amount of damage due to speed bonus and bumping.

I forgot to mention that with it comes a significant damage buff, individual arrows will cause more damage but they will be more scarse - this will result in archers having bto think before they shoot - mindlessly shooting shields, for example, will be a waste of arrows.

This is in no way a nerf to archery, this is solely a way to make archery less unforgiving then it currently is.

Is it a nerf? Yes, to their playstyle - not their effectiveness. Will this destroy archers? Yes, but only those who cant aim for shit and are, up untill now, allowed to mindlessly spam their arrrows without any concern of going out of arrows.

Ps: if you really want to understand my suggestion id say read and comprehend the thread - I am 100% sure that this could work and bring more depth to archery.
Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: karasu on July 12, 2014, 02:22:52 pm
Blame speed bonus mechanics.

Freakin' brilliant idea TW devs.
Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: Lord_Derpington on July 12, 2014, 02:23:45 pm
What the fuck don't the devs get? No one likes HA besides the people who play the OP fucking class. :evil:
Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: Kalp on July 12, 2014, 02:25:42 pm
So there wasn't any capable crossbowman to shoot their horse or directly him ?
Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: IR_Kuoin on July 12, 2014, 02:28:42 pm
Biggest thing for me personally playing a few gens with respec and alts I've been HA around 5 - 6 times and arrows have always been the biggest problem, maybe implement it in such a way that you can only have 1 stack of arrows while riding on a horse?
Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: Mendro on July 12, 2014, 02:37:17 pm
So there wasn't any capable crossbowman to shoot their horse or directly him ?

HA are shooting from far away + dodging. It's a miracle if you hit them.
Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: Strudog on July 12, 2014, 02:42:41 pm
its the Yumi bow that is OP imo, not HA in general,all i see these days are HA's with yumis and its just so OP. Theres only one good HA atm imo and thats Otto knight who uses a horn bow and e id deadly and i dont mind.

NERF THE YUMI on horseback
Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: Perverz on July 12, 2014, 03:07:42 pm
So there wasn't any capable crossbowman to shoot their horse or directly him ?

seems its easier to whine
Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: Mae. on July 12, 2014, 03:14:21 pm
valour stealing meanies is what they are
Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: Sniger on July 12, 2014, 03:16:33 pm
Not possible  :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:

Sure, nerf it to hell, make it completely useless.
Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: Gravoth_iii on July 12, 2014, 03:23:02 pm
Did you spectate and check so that they no one on the other team fed them score at the end of the round? its become a thing apparently for clanmates to never attack eachother during battles except in the end where one stands still and feeds valour to the other. Im looking at you barabe scum, i saw you all playing HA's and not shooting a single shot at eachother even when you got switched so you had like 3 HA's on each team. Lazy ass admins didnt do shit to ban when teamworking across teams either.

Seriously, teamworking when on different teams should not be allowed.
Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: Joseph Porta on July 12, 2014, 03:26:02 pm
Did you spectate and check so that they no one on the other team fed them score at the end of the round? its become a thing apparently for clanmates to never attack eachother during battles except in the end where one stands still and feeds valour to the other. Im looking at you barabe scum, i saw you all playing HA's and not shooting a single shot at eachother even when you got switched so you had like 3 HA's on each team. Lazy ass admins didnt do shit to ban when teamworking across teams either.

I though I was paranoid when I saw this, I was charging with a barabe one day and he refused to help me kill this other barabe, instead he kept running in my swing blocking them and even reporting the TH..
Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: Switchtense on July 12, 2014, 03:26:41 pm
I forgot to mention that with it comes a significant damage buff, individual arrows will cause more damage but they will be more scarse - this will result in archers having bto think before they shoot - mindlessly shooting shields, for example, will be a waste of arrows.

This is in no way a nerf to archery, this is solely a way to make archery less unforgiving then it currently is.

Is it a nerf? Yes, to their playstyle - not their effectiveness. Will this destroy archers? Yes, but only those who cant aim for shit and are, up untill now, allowed to mindlessly spam their arrrows without any concern of going out of arrows.

Ps: if you really want to understand my suggestion id say read and comprehend the thread - I am 100% sure that this could work and bring more depth to archery.

The damage buff would have to be immense. At the moment I am using a MW Rus Bow and have 6 Power Draw. Some people can take like 6+ arrows and still walk around like nothing happened.
If I had only 10 arrows (Read that you want the 5 Arrow quiver to be 0 slots), even with a reasonable damage buff, I would still need like 4 arrows to take some people down. That is one quiver gone right there assuming I miss only one shot.

I agree that the amount of arrows need to be decreased, but such a huge change to archery is uncalled for.

In the end of the day there would be countless people crying about how OP Archery damage is. Because nobody notices the arrows flying into the middle of nowhere, but everybody notices the arrow stuck in their torso.
And that arrow would deal a lot more damage than it is the case right now.

People would not notice being shot at less often. But they will notice an arrow hitting them and they will cry about it taking 70% of their hitpoints.

Leave everything as it is, except for reducing the quiver size by 5 arrows or so. (But then you gotta reduce the quiver weight as well)
Then nerf HA a bit more by making Yumi unusable on Horseback, or reducing their angle of firing or whatever is being suggested.
Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: Switchtense on July 12, 2014, 03:28:11 pm
Did you spectate and check so that they no one on the other team fed them score at the end of the round? its become a thing apparently for clanmates to never attack eachother during battles except in the end where one stands still and feeds valour to the other. Im looking at you barabe scum, i saw you all playing HA's and not shooting a single shot at eachother even when you got switched so you had like 3 HA's on each team. Lazy ass admins didnt do shit to ban when teamworking across teams either.

Seriously, teamworking when on different teams should not be allowed.

Agreed, a certain degree of brocoding is fun and all, like when you see a peasant or something, but especially brocoding between clanmates should not be allowed.
Especially when it changes the outcome of the battle in total, or maybe even only a duel or so.
Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: Eugen on July 12, 2014, 03:29:19 pm
[...] HA shouldn't be able to use heavy horses.

Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: Ncromancien on July 12, 2014, 03:30:38 pm
I though I was paranoid when I saw this, I was charging with a barabe one day and he refused to help me kill this other barabe, instead he kept running in my swing blocking them and even reporting the TH..

I'm kinda sad to hear that something like that happened to you :/
I knew my guys were teamworking when they are not in the same team, but I didn't know that this kind of thing occured, I'm sorry and I'll try to speak to my guys to see if I can make them stop that, eventhough I know that they won't stop giving each others valour.
Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: Perverz on July 12, 2014, 03:31:49 pm
Did you spectate and check so that they no one on the other team fed them score at the end of the round? its become a thing apparently for clanmates to never attack eachother during battles except in the end where one stands still and feeds valour to the other. Im looking at you barabe scum, i saw you all playing HA's and not shooting a single shot at eachother even when you got switched so you had like 3 HA's on each team. Lazy ass admins didnt do shit to ban when teamworking across teams either.

Seriously, teamworking when on different teams should not be allowed.

we are not byz gayvoth!

you are mad for two days....sad!

Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: Barabe_Zibart on July 12, 2014, 03:33:58 pm
Just because im good as HA (Zero_SaT) doesnt mean that it should be nerfed? btw teeth, u took 15 arrows before you died so dont complain.. see u in-game. //Zero_SaT and Barabe_Zibart
Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: Switchtense on July 12, 2014, 03:39:11 pm
we are not byz gayvoth!

you are mad for two days....sad!

Are you claiming that Byz practices teamwork when on opposite sides?
Hahaha! Joke of the day mate :)

You know what everyone of us thinks when seeing another Byz on the other team? We ignore everybody else and try to hunt that fucker down to eventually bath in his blood!
Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: Thorvic on July 12, 2014, 03:40:48 pm
About the suggestions of 5 arrows, do you really think a soldier will go to fight with 5 arrows ?  Well played there  :lol:
Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: Tydeus on July 12, 2014, 03:41:15 pm
Just because im good as HA (Zero_SaT) doesnt mean that it should be nerfed?
The point, is that it shouldn't have the killing potential that it has. Topping the scoreboard in kills, which is often done by HA, necessarily means it has too much killing potential. It should not be on equal footing as melee, period.
Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: Gravoth_iii on July 12, 2014, 03:42:54 pm
we are not byz gayvoth!

you are mad for two days....sad!

We may be byzcuntium abusing whatever we find enjoyable, but atleast we dont break the auto balance by not attacking eachother, we do the complete opposite, the one who gets switched is the one who dies first.
Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: PsychoTwins on July 12, 2014, 03:43:23 pm
Just because im good as HA (Zero_SaT) doesnt mean that it should be nerfed? btw teeth, u took 15 arrows before you died so dont complain.. see u in-game. //Zero_SaT and Barabe_Zibart

From what I saw, you would have some trouble on an NA server, as we have a nice population of throwers who would 2 shot your horse.  (I hardly ever see throwers on EU)

That being said, with no offense, I would rather deal with HAs like you than what we have to deal with on NA, where they hardly do well and mostly delay.
Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: Joseph Porta on July 12, 2014, 03:44:25 pm
The damage buff would have to be immense. At the moment I am using a MW Rus Bow and have 6 Power Draw. Some people can take like 6+ arrows and still walk around like nothing happened.
If I had only 10 arrows (Read that you want the 5 Arrow quiver to be 0 slots), even with a reasonable damage buff, I would still need like 4 arrows to take some people down. That is one quiver gone right there assuming I miss only one shot.
The damage buff will be insane, though lower for low tier bows, but an arrow is supposed to hurt! With the bigger damage + reduced total quiver shield walls will finally be usefull, the more arrows are caught by shields the less they hit players.

Shield walls atm are completely useless, because archers will fire 20 arrows at them and still have 50 left for when the charge begins.

Really, this reaches quite far - I think even light horse armor could even be increased to ensure a little more survivability.

I agree that the amount of arrows need to be decreased, but such a huge change to archery is uncalled for.

In the end of the day there would be countless people crying about how OP Archery damage is. Because nobody notices the arrows flying into the middle of nowhere, but everybody notices the arrow stuck in their torso.
And that arrow would deal a lot more damage than it is the case right now.

Again, shield walls will finally have a function, archers will also be far less likely to shoot into the melee when the melee clashes because itll also cause more damage to your friends.  (Btw, I think dmg reduction from arrows on friendlys needs to go aswell, again far too forgiving.)

People would not notice being shot at less often. But they will notice an arrow hitting them and they will cry about it taking 70% of their hitpoints.
People will always cry about archery, but the spam has to end, and actual skill and thought is what archery needs to have. Can you imagine an archer shooting another archer with that damage? They will be punished hard for skirmishing legolas style in the open.

Furthermore only top tier bows will have acces to bodkins and only in a limited supply, with the current metagame armor value of c-rpg atm I doubt that the cut only damage, albeit very very high, will really get 70% of their health, mostly low armored players will feel the extreme buff, and guess what, that is how its supposed to be.

Leave everything as it is, except for reducing the quiver size by 5 arrows or so. (But then you gotta reduce the quiver weight as well)
Then nerf HA a bit more by making Yumi unusable on Horseback, or reducing their angle of firing or whatever is being suggested.

Archery needs a gigantic accuracy nerf aswell, apparantly there is no shit like wind etc in calradia.

Like wtf, it is so unrealistic that its laughable.
Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: jtobiasm on July 12, 2014, 03:46:27 pm
80% of their kills are from delaying and shooting peasants. They also charge peoples spawns to kill people who spawn late.

I just think admins need to be more strict on delaying and ban people for spawn killing.
Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: Joseph Porta on July 12, 2014, 03:47:04 pm
I'm kinda sad to hear that something like that happened to you :/
I knew my guys were teamworking when they are not in the same team, but I didn't know that this kind of thing occured, I'm sorry and I'll try to speak to my guys to see if I can make them stop that, eventhough I know that they won't stop giving each others valour.

No worries bro, im not the kind to hold a grudge, but it did strike me as odd. And I thought it was a bit lame.
Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: no_rules_just_play on July 12, 2014, 03:50:41 pm
I've screens od the end of the round where you can see like 5 horsearcher killing the last man on the losing team, the problem is that these guys are just untouchable. Especially if you are cav they are hell since horse armour is so shitty now. Sure you can run back to your team to hope they shoot the horse, but you can't hide there forever and even then the horsearcher can still come pretty close without taking any arrows.
Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: Switchtense on July 12, 2014, 03:51:05 pm
teeth, u took 15 arrows before you died

And it does not occur to you that being able to pump 15 arrows into a highly skilled player such as Teeth requires some kind of nerf to HA?
Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: Perverz on July 12, 2014, 03:54:36 pm
We may be byzcuntium abusing whatever we find enjoyable, but atleast we dont break the auto balance by not attacking eachother, we do the complete opposite, the one who gets switched is the one who dies first.
we didnt break any rule and im sorry i didnt know you guys never breake a rule!!!

And it does not occur to you that being able to pump 15 arrows into a highly skilled player such as Teeth requires some kind of nerf to HA?

will you get a kiss by teeth for this?  :lol:
Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: Mr.K. on July 12, 2014, 03:58:45 pm
There are some very good horse archers in game, like SaT and Otto Knight, but still the class is OP as hell and has been for a while. I'm a terribad archer and still do quite well as a horse archer, often topping the scoreboard and getting valour for my arrowspam.

The ease of the class comes from the fact that it has no real counters. Yeah a xbow might be able to kill my horse with three hits, but it's not like I'm going to let him reload. I can select my targets far better than any other ranged class; If I want to concentrate on enemy cav, they can't do shit and if I go for a ninja squad, they'll be fucked even if they bring Jarids. Headshots will wreck guys in plate even, but I'm not good enough to pull those off. Hell, I can even take on a group of mediocre archers as my movement is far superior to theirs. Even Bagge has problems hitting me when I'm fighting him one on one. I'll lose in the end, but it's not easy for even the best archers to hit a horse archer. The best and prolly the only real counter is a better HA/HX.

And it's not the Yumi that's OP, you can do the same shit with nomad, tatar or horn bow. And it's not the speed bonus either, it makes a slight difference on damage, but even with the low missile speed Yumi it doesn't matter much if I'm riding towards the target or standing still - it still deals pretty much the same damage, go and test it out.
Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: Joseph Porta on July 12, 2014, 04:01:25 pm
And it does not occur to you that being able to pump 15 arrows into a highly skilled player such as Teeth requires some kind of nerf to HA?

Highly skilled / getting hit by projectiles doesnt make sense, switch. :P
Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: sF_Guardian on July 12, 2014, 04:05:24 pm
Teeth has more points than the HA.

(click to show/hide)
Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: no_rules_just_play on July 12, 2014, 04:09:27 pm
I think the problem comes from the fact that he can pump 15 arrows in a person (and probably teeth wasn't the only that round) without danger for his own life.
Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: Strudog on July 12, 2014, 04:11:33 pm
Like I stated in previous HA threads, the ability horse archery, should effect the speed and manuverability of a horse archers horse, this would make them easier to shoot And easier to hunt down as cav, so many times I find myself chasing an HA and never being able to cAtch him because he is faster and able to shoot my horse without any risk.
Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: Perverz on July 12, 2014, 04:11:51 pm
You can't judge if a class is op or not by looking at individual player's performances.

Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: Switchtense on July 12, 2014, 04:16:07 pm
The problem is that HA should not be a class to carry a whole bloody team.

It should support the teams cavalry or infantry. Causing somewhat of a disturbance in the enemy lines.

Being able to kill everything that moves, without ever getting into danger of being hit is completely wrong and this needs to be changed.

Wanna be a threat to the enemy team? Go take a risk!

If you don't wanna take the risk of being hit/killed you should not be able to farm lots of points/kills every round.
Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: no_rules_just_play on July 12, 2014, 04:19:37 pm
Like I stated in previous HA threads, the ability horse archery, should effect the speed and manuverability of a horse archers horse, this would make them easier to shoot And easier to hunt down as cav, so many times I find myself chasing an HA and never being able to cAtch him because he is faster and able to shoot my horse without any risk.
I don't know a lot about history and I know skilled horsemen should be able to steer without reigns, but what about less maneuverability while drawing the string of your bow?

Maybe it's a bit egoistic, but I would be very happy because this would mean cav can escape from HA's.
Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: Perverz on July 12, 2014, 04:23:12 pm
The problem is that HA should not be a class to carry a whole bloody team.

It should support the teams cavalry or infantry.

ok lets make hew thread about archers then. cuz they are top boarding:  nebun,shoko,steevee,bagge...should i continue?
instead of non-stop whining on forum do something on server...take a thrower and deal with it ffs!
Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: San on July 12, 2014, 04:24:08 pm
In my completely biased opinion, I don't want them around since there's no easy way to make that playstyle weaker in any sort of organic manner and the playstyle is pretty toxic. You pretty much just whack it with a nerfing bat multiple times and push it aside for later (looking at HX). Kiting horses in general are a problem, too, since it's way too safe an option (against melee cav at least). Then you add ranged on top of it.

They should have the same issues that foot ranged have, except on horse (easier to catch, reduced capability in certain scenarios), however it's the exact opposite right now. They are the hardest to catch with above-average adaptability.

For now, it's quite clear that max damage output is too high for such a low-risk class looking at the amount of points they're able to achieve compared to their counterparts.
Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: Strudog on July 12, 2014, 04:24:13 pm
I don't know a lot about history and I know skilled horsemen should be able to steer without reigns, but what about less maneuverability while drawing the string of your bow?

Maybe it's a bit egoistic, but I would be very happy because this would mean cav can escape from HA's.

This game has never been built around realism, but around trying to find a perfect balance, you cannot have realism and balance existing at the same time.
Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: Teeth on July 12, 2014, 04:32:24 pm
Just because im good as HA (Zero_SaT) doesnt mean that it should be nerfed? btw teeth, u took 15 arrows before you died so dont complain.. see u in-game. //Zero_SaT and Barabe_Zibart
You are not as exceptional as you might like to think. Smurf_niluk for example has been carrying the board with insane numbers of kills as well and I can think of many players have at some point been great horse archers that could do the same if they got a high level build now. Even then it is besides the point. I do think you can nerf a class based on individual performances, especially if that class has top notch range and speed and is thus mostly untouchable. An untouchable class should not be able to go 24/1 in the hands of anyone.

Teeth has more points than the HA.
The only reason I got so many points this map is because I spawned late among about 8 spawnrushing scrub cav that refused to accept that someone with a ranseur can get away from spawn alive. They insisted on believing that people are unable to stab a horse if there are two of them charging and fed me like 80 points in one round, good times.
Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: Strudog on July 12, 2014, 04:36:51 pm
Came on saw teeth with about 100 arrows in him, just quit after 1 round and went to duel in EU3, seems like the only place where you can get a decent melee fight these days
Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: Switchtense on July 12, 2014, 04:37:11 pm
ok lets make hew thread about archers then. cuz they are top boarding:  nebun,shoko,steevee,bagge...should i continue?
instead of non-stop whining on forum do something on server...take a thrower and deal with it ffs!

Are you even reading my posts? Stop picking a few words out of the whole context.

Since when is a normal archer able to kite the whole round, while being able to kill everything in front, next to, and behind him?

Everybody who has a normal amount of agility wearing medium armour can catch an archer who is trying to run away. Unless he drops his bow, then he cannot shoot anymore though.

A HA can run away forever, is a whole lot faster than everything else on the battlefield, and can still attack while running away. THAT is the problem.
Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: Perverz on July 12, 2014, 04:51:30 pm
Are you even reading my posts? Stop picking a few words out of the whole context.

Since when is a normal archer able to kite the whole round, while being able to kill everything in front, next to, and behind him?

Everybody who has a normal amount of agility wearing medium armour can catch an archer who is trying to run away. Unless he drops his bow, then he cannot shoot anymore though.

A HA can run away forever, is a whole lot faster than everything else on the battlefield, and can still attack while running away. THAT is the problem.

few words? oh it was friday yesterday. or you go party saturday night?
archers loves roofs and hills. go and catch archers i mention on roof or mountain/hill.
2h should be nerfed long ago same as 1h cav. same as low pd req bows.
imo this whine threads about nerfing are discusting, same as whiners!
Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: Joseph Porta on July 12, 2014, 04:53:24 pm
Archery doesnt need a nerf, it needs to change - not necessarily become weaker.

Nerfing is no means to an end...
Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: Royans on July 12, 2014, 04:53:50 pm
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About that kiting ability and shot, i don't remember well, but isn't in the old days, HA could'nt shot at 180° right? i'm not sure, but at least that would force them to turn to shot and slow them a bit, instead going straight on full speed and shoting 180°. Just an idea.
Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: Switchtense on July 12, 2014, 05:05:24 pm
few words? oh it was friday yesterday. or you go party saturday night?
archers loves roofs and hills. go and catch archers i mention on roof or mountain/hill.
2h should be nerfed long ago same as 1h cav. same as low pd req bows.
imo this whine threads about nerfing are discusting, same as whiners!

I don't care what day it is or was, my point is valid on a Friday as well as on any other day of the week.
I am catching archers on roofs and hills on the daily. I don't see your point here.
And all other classes, 2h, 1h cav, even normal archers, are possible to be caught and killed.
None of these classes can damage you while enjoying basically immortality like Horse Archers do.

Make it possible to catch a HA and there would be no discussion.

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About that kiting ability and shot, i don't remember well, but isn't in the old days, HA could'nt shot at 180° right? i'm not sure, but at least that would force them to turn to shot and slow them a bit, instead going straight on full speed and shoting 180°. Just an idea.

I suggested to reduce their angle of firing, but people complained about that cause it would not be realistic...
Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: bagge on July 12, 2014, 05:07:53 pm
No Horse Archery or Horse Crossbowmen. - Perma Ban (Horse Throwing is allowed.)

There you go, easy solution.
Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: Perverz on July 12, 2014, 05:10:51 pm
I don't care what day it is or was, my point is valid on a Friday as well as on any other day of the week.
I am catching archers on roofs and hills on the daily. I don't see your point here.
And all other classes, 2h, 1h cav, even normal archers, are possible to be caught and killed.
None of these classes can damage you while enjoying basically immortality like Horse Archers do.

Make it possible to catch a HA and there would be no discussion.

ok you didnt catch it again?! ...meh forget it
im killing HA's every time i play.... so wheres the problem? 
Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: darmaster on July 12, 2014, 05:11:53 pm
if I was able to create threads like this in english instead of my direct "nerf HA cause OP" people would know my ideas aren't that bad. I might hire someone to write a level 31 STF threa.

On topic yes, I agree, it's obviously OP; a class that can deal 36 cut damage + 40% or 28 pierce damage +40% (I assumed they had 5 pd), moving around with OP horses such as arabian war horse (yes it's OP it can almost dodge arrows better than infantry with 8 riding) and shooting from distance is OP; another broken thing is bump damage by horses.and finally, HA shouldn't be able to use heavy horses.

I just seen that PD adds 14% not 8% like PS so it's 70% more damage not 40; wtf?

also is it that hard to nerf them? arabian war horse needs a nerf in general, for the heavy horses thing you could add a malus to riding on HArchery, the yumi definitely needs a nerf, should be 2 slots. bump damage probably needs a nerf in general. also there should be a malus on headshot, considering they're much easier and frequent because of their raised position on horses but I'm not really sure on this one.
Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: Kutluhan on July 12, 2014, 05:13:33 pm
u say damage required but teeth today i shot 11 times with my arrows and u didint dead. so wtf are u saying? lol. .  be a horse archer if it easy then lol
Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: Macropus on July 12, 2014, 05:13:45 pm
Not sure if HA by itself is OP (I didn't feel it when I last played HA), but Yumi on horseback definitely is.
Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: Switchtense on July 12, 2014, 05:15:52 pm
u say damage required but teeth today i shot 11 times with my arrows and u didint dead. so wtf are u saying? lol. ha should be buffed

I think the problem comes from the fact that he can pump 15 arrows in a person (and probably teeth wasn't the only that round) without danger for his own life.
Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: Strudog on July 12, 2014, 05:17:54 pm
u say damage required but teeth today i shot 11 times with my arrows and u didint dead. so wtf are u saying? lol. ha should be buffed.  be a horse archer if it easy then lol

11 arrows too little, should be 50
Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: bagge on July 12, 2014, 05:21:09 pm
u say damage required but teeth today i shot 11 times with my arrows and u didint dead. so wtf are u saying? lol. ha should be buffed.  be a horse archer if it easy then lol

Damn, you didnt think twice about posting this right? That's just plain... urgh
Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: Kutluhan on July 12, 2014, 05:22:10 pm
oh i failed when i writing this lol  :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: bagge on July 12, 2014, 05:23:30 pm
You failed the moment you started playing HA and wanted to banner stack with the other horse archer scumbags from Barabe

Edit: I say scumbags since 4-6 horse archers in one team breaks the balance of the server and makes it shit for everyone else
Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: Leesin on July 12, 2014, 05:27:16 pm
This thread makes me want to play again and respec back to HA, the tears are glorious  :lol:.
Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: Perverz on July 12, 2014, 05:31:33 pm
You failed the moment you started playing HA and wanted to banner stack with the other horse archer scumbags from Barabe

Edit: I say scumbags since 4-6 horse archers in one team breaks the balance of the server and makes it shit for everyone else

those without the necessary properties of good in human society, coarse, vulgar and violent man, scumbags

btw bagge what do you think,  guys which are not in big clans think about playing vs byz,mercs,greys,barabe etc etc stack?
Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: Kutluhan on July 12, 2014, 05:33:13 pm
yes. go take a HA and try it. It's never been easy. Archers always been focusing you :D
Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: bagge on July 12, 2014, 05:33:59 pm
those without the necessary properties of good in human society, coarse, vulgar and violent man, scumbags

btw bagge what do you think,  guys which are not in big clans think about playing vs byz,mercs,greys,barabe etc etc stack?

Well, towards infantry or ranged on foot you can actually fight back. You can't fight back at the Barabe or the turkish Seljuk horse ranged stack.
Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: Kutluhan on July 12, 2014, 05:39:55 pm
i know ur hit bagge. U always been taken half of hp in a hit so normal archery should be buffed firstly and long bows requirements should be increased i think. should be 7 pd
Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: Perverz on July 12, 2014, 05:41:32 pm
Well, towards infantry or ranged on foot you can actually fight back. You can't fight back at the Barabe or the turkish Seljuk horse ranged stack.

oh cmn man that aint true at all......
we had at that moment 4 ha's and thats it.
this mod would be way better without this nerf threads and strat arguing topics.
Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: Spleen on July 12, 2014, 05:51:04 pm
imho horse archery is too expensive
cause while these two might lead the scoreboard, their team still loses and they actually would need valour in order to make a profit
If I'm leading the scoreboard on the wrong side thats just my shitty team and high repair costs for me - your tears only make the fall softer
Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: vipere on July 12, 2014, 06:08:59 pm
imho horse archery is too expensive

I always found the excuse of "my class is too expensive" irrelevant

Min maxing is expensive, its the same for EVERY class
and you can still use cheaper gear
Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: agweber on July 12, 2014, 06:11:24 pm
This thread was good for the first couple of pages but as seriously degenerated.

Nerfing probably isn't the way to go, but if it were to end up as such, I would go with one of these three:
Like I stated in previous HA threads, the ability horse archery, should effect the speed and manuverability of a horse archers horse, this would make them easier to shoot And easier to hunt down as cav, so many times I find myself chasing an HA and never being able to cAtch him because he is faster and able to shoot my horse without any risk.
3.) The angle at which the archer is facing away from the front of the horse effects the accuracy of the bow. So, if you are looking as far backwards as you can, your accuracy would be greatly reduced compared to when you are shooting directly forward. See this Wikipedia artcile on the Parthian shot: (
Quote from: me
Make horses take up an item slot.

That being said, I still don't like the sound of nerfing aspects of the game because of one class. I think people just need to learn to have better teamwork. Commanders should take role and try to get their own HA to target enemy HA early on (unless the other teams HA are too superior, in which just keep your ranged with your melee).

I don't know what to say about banner stacking HA though, that's just asshole-ish and I'd suggest that the server population all leave and go to the duel server. Bleh.

imho horse archery is too expensive
cause while these two might lead the scoreboard, their team still loses and they actually would need valour in order to make a profit
If I'm leading the scoreboard on the wrong side thats just my shitty team and high repair costs for me - your tears only make the fall softer
This is just a barrier for new players being HA. There's too much gold in the economy currently as-is and doesn't really deter older players.
Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: Gravoth_iii on July 12, 2014, 07:18:26 pm
I dont think HA's are op at all, like barbie scumbags mentioned it can take 10 or so arrows to kills a decently armoured infantry. They are super boring and gay but thats ok, MOTF helps to stop the delay quite a bit (unless it bugs, then HA should be forced to die or dismount atleast).

But for gods sake ban any teamwork across teams because the balance atleast tries to spread out the horse archers, but what does that do when they dont attack eachother anyways. HA's counter HA's pretty much, and if they just have a pact of peace they can all go ham on both sides infantry, which is full homosex. Pls admins
Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: Kutluhan on July 12, 2014, 07:33:59 pm
dont QQing and get a shield plz
Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: BlueKnight on July 12, 2014, 07:38:56 pm
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I just love how those foot-ranged that pewpew infantry never take care of HAs. Zero rides (at least used to ride the last time I played) a destrier. It's not that hard to shoot at it and save your team...

I just seen that PD adds 14% not 8% like PS so it's 70% more damage not 40; wtf?

also is it that hard to nerf them? arabian war horse needs a nerf in general, for the heavy horses thing you could add a malus to riding on HArchery, the yumi definitely needs a nerf, should be 2 slots. bump damage probably needs a nerf in general. also there should be a malus on headshot, considering they're much easier and frequent because of their raised position on horses but I'm not really sure on this one.

Arabian warhorse doesn't need a nerf. It's pretty slow. When I was fighting vs Seroth when he was a lancer on an arabian warhorse, after I was blocking his lance I still had enough time to swing at horses legs when he was riding away. Also it has pretty low hp and you can kill it easily.

Bump damage is a joke. It only kills some peasant-armour weaklings. I took a screenshot when plated charger bumped me because I couldn't believe how little damage it did.

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I took this screenie quite late because I decided to go somewhere safe as in the mid time I was 'amusing my TS-mates with this story'. In general the heaviest horses with max speed do like MAXIMUM of 15% damage to my hp. You wouldn't want to be bumped by speeding 1t horsie... Bump damage is shiet. On a sidenote, you can't see it but I'm wearing plate boots and whole set is +3.

Also shooting Headshots on horseback is way harder than as foot archer.
Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: Perverz on July 12, 2014, 07:50:24 pm
I dont think HA's are op at all, like barbie scumbags mentioned it can take 10 or so arrows to kills a decently armoured infantry. They are super boring and gay but thats ok, MOTF helps to stop the delay quite a bit (unless it bugs, then HA should be forced to die or dismount atleast).

But for gods sake ban any teamwork across teams because the balance atleast tries to spread out the horse archers, but what does that do when they dont attack eachother anyways. HA's counter HA's pretty much, and if they just have a pact of peace they can all go ham on both sides infantry, which is full homosex. Pls admins

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Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: Tovi on July 12, 2014, 07:53:29 pm
I tried to play a HA and I hardly suck. If you master this class, you are good, that's all.
Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: _GTX_ on July 12, 2014, 07:55:00 pm
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Yeah what a crybaby. Crying about players who work together regardless of the fact that they are on opposite teams, what a wuss. I am with you on this one Perverz, i don't see why working together when you're on opposite teams is such a big deal, just suck it up and deal with it.

PS: (Obvious sarcasm, but i fear that Perverz might not spot it, so i'll just leave this here).
Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: GOBBLINKINGREATLEADER on July 12, 2014, 08:03:50 pm
I voted yes.
Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: Perverz on July 12, 2014, 08:08:46 pm
Yeah what a crybaby. Crying about players who work together regardless of the fact that they are on opposite teams, what a wuss. I am with you on this one Perverz, i don't see why working together when you're on opposite teams is such a big deal, just suck it up and deal with it.

PS: (Obvious sarcasm, but i fear that Perverz might not spot it, so i'll just leave this here).

thats actually your face after losing duel.
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Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: Khako on July 12, 2014, 08:26:59 pm
Aside from all the shitposting in this thread, I believe HAs being easier to catch or having a reduced angle to shoot at would be nice. I'll take fucking anything since I've seen HAs join the same clan just for the night in NA. Astralis. Having 2 cav on your side to their 4 horse archers and 2 melee cav is just brutal. The last kill of 4 rounds in a row was 4 cav bullying one guy full of arrows.
Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: Nightmare798 on July 12, 2014, 09:29:05 pm
Not possible  :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:

Then simply remove all bows and horses

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Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: Joseph Porta on July 12, 2014, 09:31:53 pm
Anyone suggesting the arabian needs a nerf is a full blown retard.
Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: Jacaroma on July 13, 2014, 07:12:01 am
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Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: Amatsuka on July 13, 2014, 07:25:34 am
I just want to point out horses require a ridiculous amount of riding now over all and I decided to retire instead of stay HA.  Despite having just respeced into it.  It was that bad.  The only way you get kills is with headshots or by picking off weak targets.  Also kill stealing.  Riding a horse does help the ability to kill steal quite a bit.
Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: Mallets on July 13, 2014, 07:27:02 am
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Come to me my sweet pony!
Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: Jack1 on July 13, 2014, 08:33:08 am
to solve HA megastack problem: anything with HA skill negates any banner stack abilities

to solve HA OPness: for every point in HA skill reduce abilities in something else such as speed, maneuver. Also, you could make it so it requires more PD or riding.

just some thoughts.
Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: Spleen on July 13, 2014, 09:06:55 am
I always found the excuse of "my class is too expensive" irrelevant

Min maxing is expensive, its the same for EVERY class
and you can still use cheaper gear

I use barbed arrows and a horn bow, thats not min-maxing
Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: Panos_ on July 13, 2014, 09:10:26 am
I use barbed arrows and a horn bow, thats not min-maxing

yeah, but on the other hand u dont have a melee weapon, and u have 72 arrows
Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: Spleen on July 13, 2014, 09:18:16 am
87 with 3 stacks of mw barbed - I can choose between mw arrows, mw barbed and mw bodkins - mainly depending on how much fuck I give and money I wanna waste
those 87 are rather inefficient though, cause they are barbed arrows - combined with 5 pd, horn bow and shooting from horseback (only 60% penalty thanks to 4 HA skill) thats hardly high dmg output
also, whats the complaining about me not having a melee weapon? I dont see you running around with a xbow for those situation where you maybe could use one very inefficiently - cause since I spent everything in riding and archery I can backpaddle very good, even if I had a meleeweapon...and fighting without ps, yeah right - I rather not even bother
Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: Molly on July 13, 2014, 09:38:08 am
To me, the only reason of complaints is actually just the rare occasions when a clan has theme-days and stacking HAs.
Tbh, Byzantium having their "lolpike" evenings is similar enjoyable as HA stacking.

1 or 2 HAs on the server is hardly an issue and when you're not completely blind, it's even rather easy to dodge them.
It always boils down to their numbers...

My suggestion: whenever something stacks on EU1 that you don't like, can't deal with - join EU2 and play there. Barely any cavalry, hardly noticeable amount of ranged and not a single HA.
Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: Gravoth_iii on July 13, 2014, 12:55:12 pm
To me, the only reason of complaints is actually just the rare occasions when a clan has theme-days and stacking HAs.
Tbh, Byzantium having their "lolpike" evenings is similar enjoyable as HA stacking.

1 or 2 HAs on the server is hardly an issue and when you're not completely blind, it's even rather easy to dodge them.
It always boils down to their numbers...

My suggestion: whenever something stacks on EU1 that you don't like, can't deal with - join EU2 and play there. Barely any cavalry, hardly noticeable amount of ranged and not a single HA.

We dont do pike events, the most recent event we did was plated charger and before that we only did spartans :C We do use pokey pikes a lot though in general.
Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: Xiou on July 13, 2014, 01:37:15 pm
To me, the only reason of complaints is actually just the rare occasions when a clan has theme-days and stacking HAs.
Tbh, Byzantium having their "lolpike" evenings is similar enjoyable as HA stacking.

1 or 2 HAs on the server is hardly an issue and when you're not completely blind, it's even rather easy to dodge them.
It always boils down to their numbers...

My suggestion: whenever something stacks on EU1 that you don't like, can't deal with - join EU2 and play there. Barely any cavalry, hardly noticeable amount of ranged and not a single HA.

The problem is not people stacking, they are generally pretty useless as they do not have a high lvl build.

The problem is the lvl 35+ HA mains that completely own several maps. And I cannot deny that some of the players are good at what they do. But ultimately what they do is play a class that cannot be touched by the majority of players unless they make a mistake. This is completely unbalanced and should be countered somehow.

Making it so they can carry less arrows, nerfing the speed bonus or their accuracy. I don't really care but it needs to be done. Only a select few people who are in a massive minority find the class fun and, as the voting on this thread shows, it ruins the experience for the rest of the player base.
Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: Tovi on July 13, 2014, 11:43:40 pm
Before Throwing lance nerfing, I could dehorse a HA in a single shot. They were not a real threat. Now my class is useless.
Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: BlueKnight on July 13, 2014, 11:57:58 pm
My suggestion: whenever something stacks on EU1 that you don't like, can't deal with - join EU2 and play there. Barely any cavalry, hardly noticeable amount of ranged and not a single HA.

...and a bunch of people that don't give a damn about flag because 'walls are in need'...

We dont do pike events, the most recent event we did was plated charger and before that we only did spartans :C We do use pokey pikes a lot though in general.

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Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: Senni__Ti on July 14, 2014, 12:12:18 am
Bit late to this, but this is like putting up one of Chase's scores up and saying his current class is OP.
Zero_SAT is one of the best HA's, no question about it. I'm not saying there isn't a problem, but the OP's screenshot is misleading.

Your typical HA doesn't have a score anywhere near that.

HA dmg is not the problem, the ability to kite endlessly is. (Bodkins are a bit of an issue though)
Typical HA build's have atleast 6+ riding minimum, usually 7 and above. (I personally have 8)
The only way other cav can catch me, is if I let them (or make a mistake).

Either there needs to be some widely available range weapon, capable of taking down or detering HA/HX.
Or, there needs to be a nerf in HA/HX riding.

A possible solution:
Make the HA skill give less and make it every 3 agi, therefore requiring more skill points.
e.g. 4 would now be 6-8 for the same ability.
Though this would obviously need tweaking.

Another solution:
As already mentioned, HA skill reducing the riding skill.
Every 2 points in HA could reduce riding by 1.

.. as the voting on this thread shows, it ruins the experience for the rest of the player base.

You would get a similar response for archery/2h or stabby polearms...

It's a leading question.
Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: Senni__Ti on July 14, 2014, 12:17:16 am
woops Double post
Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: Gravoth_iii on July 14, 2014, 12:26:30 am
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Lol i think we lost every round we did that, only lasted a couple of maps though.

Before Throwing lance nerfing, I could dehorse a HA in a single shot. They were not a real threat. Now my class is useless.

I use throwing lances on my alt to counter HA's, works fine.
Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: Wolfsblood on July 14, 2014, 04:42:04 am
...and a bunch of people that don't give a damn about flag because 'walls are in need'...

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I think the real problem is Eu is full of shitlords and spergs. never see a large class stack like that from any clan here on the NA side.
Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: Nehvar on July 14, 2014, 05:20:17 am
Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: Enver on July 14, 2014, 05:41:09 am
This thread is laughable!. Basically because Zero_Sat gets 4 more kills that you, it means he is OP.

Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: Oberyn on July 14, 2014, 07:20:26 am
Why is there even any debate about bro-coding? It's always been a banable offense. Apparently playing the least risky, most OP class in the entire game isn't enough for these bundle of stickss, they have to make meta peace pacts when on opposite teams. All the idiots defending it in this thread should get a ban, pour encourager les autres. I wonder what sort of retarded mindset you have to think it's in any way legit. Probably that whole fun = being a worthless shit troll thing again. Overlap between playing HA and being a worthless shit troll, what a surprise. 

Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: ShinySpoons on July 14, 2014, 09:44:50 am
In regards to kill potential of HA's...its not much. Weakened and light armoured folks will die in 3-5 arrows. As others have stated in the thread, bump damage is only a threat to peasants. Anyone with a decent amount of armour can be shot for a loooong time. The benefits of HA are the survivability, and being able to disrupt the enemy team by being an annoying scumbag. People will irrationally chase HA allowing your team to have numbers, even if they're already engaged with other melee.

If you see a HA with a high kill count its likely due to good target selection on the HA's part.

If you want to piss off HA yourself: carry a shield, wear medium-heavy armour, ride an armoured horse and follow the HA around. You'll become untouchable. Mind you, so is the HA unless they run into a wall or something lol
Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: Oberyn on July 14, 2014, 09:55:54 am
piss off HA = feed him points as he shoots into your lumbering fat slow horse pathetically trying to chase him, until he finally dehorses you, except if he's retarded enough to run into a wall or tree or inf on your team. Yeah I'm sure that totally chafes them raw.
"Survivability" is vastly understating it, even the noobiest of noobs who literally just started playing the game can avoid risk and death easily if he plays it "properly", i.e like the biggest fucking bundle of sticks who ever lived. The class has the best tactical options open to it in every hypothetical instance, barring siege like maps with lots of structures, where regular my old friendchers dominate.
Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: ShinySpoons on July 14, 2014, 10:11:44 am
piss off HA = feed him points as he shoots into your lumbering fat slow horse pathetically trying to chase him, until he finally dehorses you, except if he's retarded enough to run into a wall or tree or inf on your team. Yeah I'm sure that totally chafes them raw.

Lets see how fast horses are.

Common HA horse speeds:
Steppe horse 37
Arabian horse 40
Padded warhorse 42
Destrier 43

The armoured horses range from 38-41.

Both HA and Cav will have around 6-8 riding

-To use your terms, the noobiest of noobs can ride around missing arrows and bumping people. The noobiest of noobs can also ride around in an armoured horse swinging away uselessly and bumping anyone unlucky enough to be in the way.

Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: Panos_ on July 14, 2014, 10:17:22 am
Lets see how fast horses are.

Common HA horse speeds:
Steppe horse 37
Arabian horse 40
Padded warhorse 42
Destrier 43

The armoured horses range from 38-41.

Both HA and Cav will have around 6-8 riding

even if u have a champion courser, which has 50 speed its not easy to catch up with a horse archer/xbower for 2 reasons.

Their horses have higher maneuverability than yours
they always shoot your horse first with their retarded , no penalty turn angle.

What I suggested in another thread, was to apply the lancer turn rate restriction to mounted ranged aswell, thus forcing them only to attack while they face you.
Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: ShinySpoons on July 14, 2014, 10:28:27 am
Well, what I'm trying to say is that a really good HA can accomplish what any player who is really good at their class can do. Dominate the round and carry their team.

I feel the difference is more pronounced in comparisons with less skilled HA's and other less skilled people. A noob melee player will simply miss a block and die. A noob HA will taunt you with their noobishness and refuse to die.

If its the very fact that an elite HA can win rounds is the issue I suppose thats where our disagreement is.


And to jump right back into the tactical side: with the high maneuver horses they're susceptible to getting shot down if they come close to ranged. With the medium horses they're susceptible to getting caught by cav. 
Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: Panos_ on July 14, 2014, 10:39:15 am
Apart from other ranged, nothing else can really counter mounted ranged. And the sad thing is that most of the ranged twats focus their arrows on low armoured infantry, just to increase their K/D ratio. They only shoot at you if they feel threatened.

Someone suggested that ranged should get rewarded with more points if they shoot other ranged, a suggestion like this doesnt sound bad at all.
Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: ShinySpoons on July 14, 2014, 10:48:45 am
I do agree only range can reliably kill ranged cav (and that not enough of them do it ><). I'd like to point out though that HA's can be negated (vs killed) by high armour (I enjoy simply ignoring the majority of HA), chased off by armoured cav, and the presence of supported range (a single archer, unless they're skilled or in a good position will get run over and shot repeatedly).

Are horses worth more points? I've never bothered to learn the details of the scoring system.
Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: Macbeth3 on July 14, 2014, 10:54:29 am
I just try to focus them down with My xbow whenever I can. That can be hard once they spot you and focus you down but it's better then nothing.

*Meow* :3
Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: PsychoTwins on July 14, 2014, 10:54:57 am
Are horses worth more points?

Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: XyNox on July 14, 2014, 11:21:41 am
Apart from other ranged, nothing else can really counter mounted ranged. And the sad thing is that most of the ranged twats focus their arrows on low armoured infantry, just to increase their K/D ratio. They only shoot at you if they feel threatened.

Well, no.

I, as well as many other I'd like to think, am try to focus HA/HX every round but even after years of playing there simply is no support from melees. I got my archer out again since quite some time and played a bit on EU1 but nothing has changed. I spawn, looking for HA/HX but as soon as I come to a hold to take a shot, my melee teammates run off, leaving me behind to dodge all the enemy cav and defend against a horde of plated agi 2handers at the same time. Ergo friendly ranged dies because melee is running off, scattering throughout all corners off the map and voila, enemy HA/HX has free reign again.

Since shooting down horse ranged takes some time ( unless you can manage to OHK the horse ranged with the first shot - rare ) and foot ranged cannot move and shoot at the same time, it is the melees responsibility to just wait a few seconds and grant some protection to their friendly ranged. Now some people will say "defending ranged is boring". The choice is yours however,

a) arriving at the battle a bit earlier because you didnt wait for your ranged, thus getting kited to pieces by enemy HA/HX because there is no one there in your team who could shoot them down

or b) staying a few seconds with your ranged and checking for enemies coming in for a backstab, giving up a few seconds of your button-mash-time but therefore getting rid of HA/HX quite easily

or c) just ask to nerf everything that to ground

Yes I know what people gonna say, it is an outragious thought to even consider helping your ranged because ranged are bundle of stickss and should be banned immediatly and also gay/shitlord-scrub-nerds and stuff and etc. but no matter how cool or hardcore people think they are when they hate on ranged, or whether they think their ranged hate is justified or not, your ranged dying early in the round because of the lack of any support/protection is most probably connected with you getting shot to pieces late in the round because there is no one left to shoot their ranged.
Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: Sniger on July 14, 2014, 11:51:16 am
Personally im not helping range when 50% of the players on the servers is range. Yeah, im like that.

Range want melee to protect them and when theres this great amount of them online, its another way of saying "you defend me. you wait here while i have fun playing shooting gallery. you will get 30sec fight each round. its cool." Its dead boring slow gameplay and its fucking retarded. Go play fucking counterstrike or boost your melee skills if you only play range to be a pain in the polearm/2h/cav asses.

Edit: Actually, majority of range is playing range only because they see a great number of good range-targets online OR because they are butthurt/annoyed by ranged cav. Its a fraction of the range players who is playing their class only because they like it and have personal preferences and style. They do not change class or weapon at every map change or patch. They keep playing their class because they feel emerged in it. This is the kind of range players we should breed. Not the fucking gay ones.
Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: Gimest on July 14, 2014, 12:23:34 pm
Many things that annoy me about HA, but pls, remove valor from them if flags have spawned and they lose and are on horse. Damn lame to see HA getting valor when they dont even try to win. Oh and insta kill on guys at horseback if flags bug thx.
Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: Sniger on July 14, 2014, 12:26:53 pm
Many things that annoy me about HA, but pls, remove valor from them if flags have spawned and they lose and are on horse. Damn lame to see HA getting valor when they dont even try to win. Oh and insta kill on guys at horseback if flags bug thx.
This description doesn't really fit on ranged cav gameplay...
Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: LordRichrich on July 14, 2014, 01:08:32 pm
To whoever was saying "Why should I be nerfed because I'm good"; no. Horse archery should be nerfed because it is the lowest risk class by FAR.

Heavy armour doesn't work, in my +3 transitional people like zero-sat, kistray, smurf-niuk, otto_knight still fuck me up due to speed bonus with yumi and tartar arrows or bodkins. My +3 heraldic barded warhorse gets shot to pieces, even if it can ride faster than them, getting a blow from behind is difficult. This coupled with the fact they are usually riding destriers or heavier means unless I get them unaware, I'm screwed as my melee.

So I go get my archer char, who is ideal for dealing with HA. (Which perpetuates the archery culture that we have which is BAD) Because on my shielders or my 2h plate armour I KNOW that if I do well and I'm last alive on the flags, a HA will just shoot the fuck out of me.

Also, I couldn't care less if HA's got nerfed so hard they all bitched for weeks, they're a minority playerbase and usually alts. Ofc they'd have to have a complete free respec.

But I do like some of the ideas, such as limiting the arc of fire to infront of you as a HA. Or making the yumi 2 slots. Or making it against server rules NOT to carry a melee weapon.
Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: Tovi on July 14, 2014, 01:22:53 pm
Just give a "bonus against horses" to the throwing lance and I will dehorse them
Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: NejStark on July 14, 2014, 01:27:10 pm
Teeth is really good at this game, and those other guys are good HA.
I think if you saw some screens of how well I do you'd want HA buffed out of pity :(
Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: Mr_Oujamaflip on July 14, 2014, 01:39:22 pm
Got halfway through the thread and got bored but here's my take on the situation.

When you're combining the mobility of a horse with the range and fire rate of an archer you're always going to have issues. Horse crossbowmen are a similar issue but because their reloading takes a lot longer you can escape to cover much easier whereas a horse archer can continue to pursue you forever. The smaller bows dont hurt so much but the yumi especially hurts a lot, I get 2 shot by it in a kaftan and 3 shot in my +3 leather over mail which is comparible to rus or long bow damage and even heavy crossbow. This wouldn't be so much of a problem if they didn't shoot so much which is solved by either reducing ammo counts for quivers which I think is the best choice or lowering the fire rate which wouldn't change all that much.

I think lowering the ammo available to archers would solve many issues in the game right now. Horse archers wouldn't be as effective for obvious reasons buy I think it's a suitable need for foot archers too, having to pick shots better rather than peppering you relentlessly with the smaller bows, it would also nerf kiting because eventually archers would need to salvage ammo bringing them closer to the fight.

Especially when you consider ammo counts were buffed when we had 150+ players on and now we're getting half that or less, the individual arrow becomes less valuable.

Crossbows have their reloading time, melee have block mistakes, cavalry have dehorsing, archers need something too and I think less ammo is the right option.
Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: dreadnok on July 14, 2014, 02:14:43 pm
Could it be you guys run around in twat armor? I have never ever been hit a horse archer and said, "Oww that hurt!"
Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: Macropus on July 14, 2014, 02:19:02 pm
As far as I've seen, the only horse archers that seem to be OP are the ones using Yumi, and I believe that's the main problem.
Normal HA has its niche: hunting archers and light horses, supporting your teammates with bumps and distracting enemies, while doing very little damage to actually armored characters.
Things change dramatically, however, when they get a good damage potential with 6 PD and Yumi bow.
Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: Sniger on July 14, 2014, 02:33:09 pm

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Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: dreadnok on July 14, 2014, 02:54:45 pm
Also if they hunt down guys with the lowest armor wouldnt they do the most damage?
Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: PsychoTwins on July 14, 2014, 03:00:03 pm
Also if they hunt down guys with the lowest armor wouldnt they do the most damage?

Yeah but not everyone has to turtle up like you to be able to get at least 5 points a round

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Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: Simon_Belmont on July 14, 2014, 03:25:14 pm
ok lets make hew thread about archers then. cuz they are top boarding:  nebun,shoko,steevee,bagge...should i continue?
instead of non-stop whining on forum do something on server...take a thrower and deal with it ffs!

Probably because a thrower can't do jack if a ha focuses him.  Example: I was fighting enemies in my spawn when a HA (Niluk, I beleive) showed up on his horse. Everyone was too busy fighting so I didn't have any aid. Niluk bumped around 5 times and got two arrows on me. My only hope would have been picking up a dropped spear but being bumped as I was I couldn't. After bumping me several times I guess he got bored and finished me off. If that's the kind of fun you enjoy then you are a sadist asshole, I don't see why other players should have to deal with that.
Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: dreadnok on July 14, 2014, 04:00:02 pm
Yeah but not everyone has to turtle up like you to be able to get at least 5 points a round

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 And some fucking idiot thought you were serious and gave you a plus 1
Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: dreadnok on July 14, 2014, 04:01:05 pm
Probably because a thrower can't do jack if a ha focuses him.  Example: I was fighting enemies in my spawn when a HA (Niluk, I beleive) showed up on his horse. Everyone was too busy fighting so I didn't have any aid. Niluk bumped around 5 times and got two arrows on me. My only hope would have been picking up a dropped spear but being bumped as I was I couldn't. After bumping me several times I guess he got bored and finished me off. If that's the kind of fun you enjoy then you are a sadist asshole, I don't see why other players should have to deal with that.

Throwing is a fucking joke. Who cares what you dealwith pissant.
Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: Arthur_ on July 14, 2014, 04:09:47 pm
just been on eu1.. +3 plated charger and tincan armor with shield and couldnt do a shit. Constantly getting raped by HAs (like 4-5 of them in 1 team gg ).. please ruin all the fun more
Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: Simon_Belmont on July 14, 2014, 04:19:45 pm
Throwing is a fucking joke. Who cares what you dealwith pissant.

Whatever you say, cool guy. You sure got me there. Nice grammar, by the way.
Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: Trikipum on July 14, 2014, 04:45:11 pm
Archery is dumb in this game. Horse archery is just dumb on a horse. The problem is how this game manages the whole ranged thing. Arrows in this game fly for too long and too flat. You have to give a really big angle in a real life bow to hit anything past 10 meters, In this game the arrow is almost in a flat trayectory for most of its travel, that makes it unrealisitc and to easy to aim and hit.
Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: Sniger on July 14, 2014, 04:48:34 pm
Wouldnt be any issues if there was some kind of class balance. The problem is not the range class(es) itself but the sheer amount of them.

Why do we have fire-arms today? Evolution. Range is the most effective/low risk/low cost weapon/inf. unit.
Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: Molly on July 14, 2014, 04:55:01 pm
Archery is dumb in this game. Horse archery is just dumb on a horse. The problem is how this game manages the whole ranged thing. Arrows in this game fly for too long and too flat. You have to give a really big angle in a real life bow to hit anything past 10 meters, In this game the arrow is almost in a flat trayectory for most of its travel, that makes it unrealisitc and to easy to aim and hit.
This seems pretty true. Sometimes I get the impression that throwing behaves more like archery should than archery itself.
Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: Trikipum on July 14, 2014, 04:59:22 pm
Wouldnt be any issues if there was some kind of class balance. The problem is not the range class(es) itself but the sheer amount of them.

Why do we have fire-arms today? Evolution. Range is the most effective/low risk/low cost weapon/inf. unit.
Do you realize archery was with the mankind since basically "always"?. In war conflicts, the bow wasnt the best method to fight. It wasnt as effective. That is why mankind actually started using close range weapons. Bows werent enough to kill other persons so they invented melee weapons and got closer. The fact melee weapons outclassed ranged weapons in the prehistory, that tells you that archer never been the most effective way to kill a person in a conflict. And please, dont compare rifles to bows coz that is  very silly. Ranged is the safest, not always the most effective. Dont confuse things. IF it was so effective, people could have used bows as we use rifles today, as a main weapon for everyone.
Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: Sniger on July 14, 2014, 05:04:34 pm
This seems pretty true. Sometimes I get the impression that throwing behaves more like archery should than archery itself.

Looks like a traditional rus-bow or long-bow (i know its saying longbow but i doubt it tbh.). His shooting angle (when releasing) isnt that wide is it? 137 meters seem pretty far
Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: Spleen on July 14, 2014, 05:09:08 pm
just play native if you think crpg arrows fly straight. its basically star wars over there
Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: Sniger on July 14, 2014, 05:12:58 pm
Do you realize archery was with the mankind since basically "always"?. In war conflicts, the bow wasnt the best method to fight. It wasnt as effective. That is why mankind actually started using close range weapons. Bows werent enough to kill other persons so they invented melee weapons and got closer. The fact melee weapons outclassed ranged weapons in the prehistory, that tells you that archer never been the most effective way to kill a person in a conflict. And please, dont compare rifles to bows coz that is  very silly. Ranged is the safest, not always the most effective. Dont confuse things. IF it was so effective, people could have used bows as we use rifles today, as a main weapon for everyone.

Bow>crossbow>(gunpowder)>firearms. It is a projectile fired from a mechanic device developed to increase the trust/speed of the projectile. The device evolves into what we have today: Firearms. Everything else was scrapped because: It BECAME the most effective. In cRPG we are playing right on the crossline period-wise with bows and crossbows and where gun-powder was invented >> followed by fire-arms as we know them. In this period i think its pretty safe to say that crossbows were generally regarded as if not the most effective then one of the elite units. Just a question about when and how to phase out the melee soldier.
Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: Panos_ on July 14, 2014, 05:15:12 pm
just play native if you think crpg arrows fly straight. its basically star wars over there

but on the other hand, every infantry can carry a shield.
Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: Senni__Ti on July 14, 2014, 05:26:17 pm
Personally, I find the cheaper bows to be more effective than the yumi.

Switched recently to the khergit/nomad/strong bows, significantly easier to counter foot ranged now.
Faster draw rate, faster shoot speed, similar damage
I find I'm able to get into the top 3 in the scoreboard far more easily now, compared to when I use my MW yumi (lvl 34 HA).

It just appears that the yumi is OP as there aren't many good HA's playing with the cheaper bows.
There are some really good strong bow HA users in Seljuks for example.

Personally, I'd like to see what I mentioned before, with a shoot speed nerf to the cheaper bows.
Maybe some tweaks to the yumi, like 2 slot or accuracy nerf.

Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: Gravoth_iii on July 14, 2014, 05:28:38 pm
but on the other hand, every infantry can carry a shield.

Well, they are all forced with a build that includes shields. In crpg there is the option to skip it. All infantry can carry a shield in crpg though with 0 slots.

Archery is dumb in this game. Horse archery is just dumb on a horse. The problem is how this game manages the whole ranged thing. Arrows in this game fly for too long and too flat. You have to give a really big angle in a real life bow to hit anything past 10 meters, In this game the arrow is almost in a flat trayectory for most of its travel, that makes it unrealisitc and to easy to aim and hit.

Having arrows drop significantly more than they do now would be a nice change i think.
Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: Trikipum on July 14, 2014, 05:34:52 pm
Bow>crossbow>(gunpowder)>firearms. It is a projectile fired from a mechanic device developed to increase the trust/speed of the projectile. The device evolves into what we have today: Firearms. Everything else was scrapped because: It BECAME the most effective. In cRPG we are playing right on the crossline period-wise with bows and crossbows and where gun-powder was invented >> followed by fire-arms as we know them. In this period i think its pretty safe to say that crossbows were generally regarded as if not the most effective then one of the elite units. Just a question about when and how to phase out the melee soldier.
Still not comparable. Rifles and derivates are the only thing that certainly outclassed and replaced any other kind of close ranged weapon. But it was the contrary before. Being close range weapons the most useful and bows and similars just  an "auxiliar" weapon. IF it wasnt like that, they would be just using bows until recently. Humans will always fight from a distance if posible. The fact they got so close tells you bows actually werent as good to kill people as people think they were. And hey, the bow isnt the only ranged weapon used in ancient times. You simplify it too much. Oh and also fail to see how the bow and xbow werent used tactically like firearms were. So tehy arent really comparable. Firearms actually brough a revolution in how wars were fought. Changed it all. No other weapon until it did that before. So again, no comparable.
Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: Teeth on July 14, 2014, 05:36:19 pm
Bow>crossbow>(gunpowder)>firearms. It is a projectile fired from a mechanic device developed to increase the trust/speed of the projectile. The device evolves into what we have today: Firearms. Everything else was scrapped because: It BECAME the most effective. In cRPG we are playing right on the crossline period-wise with bows and crossbows and where gun-powder was invented >> followed by fire-arms as we know them. In this period i think its pretty safe to say that crossbows were generally regarded as if not the most effective then one of the elite units. Just a question about when and how to phase out the melee soldier.
Your reasoning sucks.
Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: Sniger on July 14, 2014, 05:36:52 pm
All range is depending on ammo. OOA and you are buttfucked.

Yeah, like Kurin and others mention, hit them on the Achilles heel where it hurt, hit them on the ammo count.
Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: Trikipum on July 14, 2014, 05:37:44 pm

Looks like a traditional rus-bow or long-bow (i know its saying longbow but i doubt it tbh.). His shooting angle (when releasing) isnt that wide is it? 137 meters seem pretty far
Ive seen longer shots and sure, hitting something from 150 meters is posible. But hitting something like that while that thing is moving, in a split a second, for full damage, that is another story. In this game all bows shoot too flat I would say, being the long ones the less unrealistic (of course). And as you can see, the arrow reached the target with so low energy it wasnt enough to get it stuck in the cheap ass wooden table....
Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: Sniger on July 14, 2014, 05:38:17 pm
You simplify it too much.


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Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: Trikipum on July 14, 2014, 05:41:44 pm


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Gameplay is that i get hit from 200 meters and lose half my hp even if in rl that arrow would likely just bounce?. Even reality makes more sense in a "gameplay" way of thinking. If not, just tell me how this improves it?. How this makes it balanced?. That guy can hit me from 200 meters for loads of damage that is just plain silly, at the same time i have to get 1 meter from him and slash him 2 or 3 times with my sword. Tell me how that mechanic improves gameplay please coz i dont see it.
Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: Sniger on July 14, 2014, 05:45:33 pm
This is a shield. There is many like it but this one is mine. I call it Sharleen
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Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: Trikipum on July 14, 2014, 05:49:17 pm
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(no spoiler intended)
Im not sure i understand you. I will guess you mean "use a shield". And that is right. But you know, they actually improved armors so peopled didnt even need to carry an shield. Oh and, why they would force me to carry something that doesnt makes really sense?. It makes no sense carrying a shield to stop arrows coming from 200 meters if you are wearing full armor, simple as that
Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: phnxhdsn on July 14, 2014, 05:52:14 pm
i've even started playing HA again recently in hope that people complain so it gets nerfed, the power in it is that it is almost completely risk free, yet yields as much score as playing other classes, if not even more.
which with other classes you will die much earlier on in the rounds because people can actually attack you.
Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: Sniger on July 14, 2014, 05:53:12 pm
Again, it wouldnt be any biggie if teams had an equal amount of these imba range.

Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: phnxhdsn on July 14, 2014, 06:05:19 pm
Balancing classes doesn't work that well because, if it tries to balance teams with even amount of good skilled and bad skilled players whilst also doing banners, If it accounted in classes, the other two would'nt really work properly. Unfortunately.
Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: Gravoth_iii on July 14, 2014, 06:07:24 pm
i've even started playing HA again recently in hope that people complain so it gets nerfed, the power in it is that it is almost completely risk free, yet yields as much score as playing other classes, if not even more.
which with other classes you will die much earlier on in the rounds because people can actually attack you.

Suure thats why you're playing it
Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: phnxhdsn on July 14, 2014, 06:14:43 pm
Suure thats why you're playing it

Well I always loved HA as a class, but nowadays it's hated because it has become a silly class which needs either a damage nerf or i think a massive accuary nerf, Because when i play my 18/21 i can have pinpoint accuarcy riding at full speed like 75% of the time, I mean if you use Jackies build: 15/30 it's pinpoint 100% of the time at any speed, but thats lvl 34 only.

It should be impossible to shoot that fast and that accurate :P

Rather play a class i like but with some amount of respect
Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: dreadnok on July 14, 2014, 06:25:40 pm
Quote from: Simon_Belmont link=topic=62457.msg1040726#msg1040726 date
Whatever you say, cool guy. You sure got me there. Nice grammar, by the way.

Nice response dildo guy, like a 40 year old man gives a fuck about grammar on a video game board website forum. If you took your time carefully write your response your a bigger cunt than i thought
Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: Panos_ on July 14, 2014, 06:49:12 pm
Nice response dildo guy, like a 40 year old man gives a fuck about grammar on a video game board website forum. If you took your time carefully write your response your a bigger cunt than i thought

Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: Sniger on July 14, 2014, 07:00:03 pm
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Arguing on the internet......

(lols and ducks for cover.... penis shitstorm incomming)
Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: Joseph Porta on July 14, 2014, 08:11:45 pm
Balancing classes doesn't work that well because, if it tries to balance teams with even amount of good skilled and bad skilled players whilst also doing banners, If it accounted in classes, the other two would'nt really work properly. Unfortunately.

looms also fuck up the balance imo
Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: Kampfkarotte on July 14, 2014, 09:34:52 pm
Teeth I know you there are horse archers in EU 1 who are very good and are mostly on the top of the score board.
In my opinion this means, that it is possible that you succeed as horse archer and I think it should be possible to score nice no matter what class you play if you are a good player. Mostly, the top scorers are melees, not horse archers, but nobody becomes exasperated with it.
Personally, for me both 2h and polearm are easy valour mode and I'm bored of it because it is too easy so i play non mainstream classes for quite a long time.
That doesn't mean I want to get them nerfed, not at all, but I think classes are quite balanced at the moment and I definitely don't think horse archery needs a nerf.
Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: Sniger on July 14, 2014, 09:50:21 pm
I just close-up HS'ed an Arab horse in full charge with a rus bow/bodkins, 6 PD. It took another arrow to body from someone else and then slash and it died.
Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: Simon_Belmont on July 14, 2014, 10:41:24 pm
Nice response dildo guy, like a 40 year old man gives a fuck about grammar on a video game board website forum. If you took your time carefully write your response your a bigger cunt than i thought

That post made no sense because your punctuation and grammar are still awful and your insults pathetic. For being 40 you sure get salty like a 15 year old too. And shhh now, there are comments actually worth reading in this thread.
Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: the real god emperor on July 14, 2014, 11:15:12 pm
Lol, my horse archer grinding plan failed since even San and Tydeus agreed on the nerf request :D

Nebun was playing 19-1 today, if you re gonna do something, do it to all archers, not only HAs
Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: Tomas on July 14, 2014, 11:56:42 pm
This is simply a question of what type of game the devs want to make.

If they were making one that was fun for me then they would always have the following statements in mind
 - I want a skill based game with a strong tactical element that means being able to think is as important as being able to fight.
 - I want real consequences for mistakes (i.e. death) but without having to ever wait more than a minute or 2 to respawn.

The first of these statements means that HAs need to stay in the game as without them we lose a tactical element to the game.  Nerfing them into the ground so they are useless is just as bad.

The second statement meanwhile means that kiting at the end of rounds needs to be abolished and the only way to do this is to either limit ammo so it runs out faster, or to just lock all ranged weapons once the flags are up.  The first is probably easier but may mean a buff is needed to ranged.  The second is probably harder to code but means no re-balance is needed imo.

Now the question is just whether the devs idea of fun is the same as mine and if it is which option do they want to implement.
Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: MURDERTRON on July 15, 2014, 12:24:41 am
The third option is to just permaban anyone who's good at it.  I mean, not trying hard enough is bannable so let's also make trying too hard bannable.  The is something comforting in mediocrity.
Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: phnxhdsn on July 15, 2014, 01:19:16 am
Lol, my horse archer grinding plan failed since even San and Tydeus agreed on the nerf request :D

Nebun was playing 19-1 today, if you re gonna do something, do it to all archers, not only HAs

That's cause Nebun has a 24/24 build :P :P too stronk, something needs to be done to high level archery, it's twice as good as lvl 30 archery.
Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: Remy on July 15, 2014, 02:15:34 am
Things always become problematic when you factor in higher level characters.

I know that when I played as an HA things weren't always fun because I lacked anything more than a +2 Horn Bow and as a newer player I didn't have the post lvl-31 stats of many other ranged players.

At the same time I can see the inherent difficulties involved with changing or nerfing higher levels. Still, as a newbie, it is pretty daunting to know that in loom/skill heavy roles like ranged it will take an eternity to catch up to the higher levels.  :(
Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: Adalwulf on July 15, 2014, 02:25:54 am
I just restarted playing after 6 months sell my longbow and go HA after wasting looms on a horse and now you wanna nerf the build I chose again...EVERY TIME I START PLAYING THIS FUCKING MOD YOU NERF WHAT I PLAY. FUCK YOU.
Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: BlueKnight on July 15, 2014, 12:16:08 pm
I just restarted playing after 6 months sell my longbow and go HA after wasting looms on a horse and now you wanna nerf the build I chose again...EVERY TIME I START PLAYING THIS FUCKING MOD YOU NERF WHAT I PLAY. FUCK YOU.

You came back to play HA? Karma strikes again!
Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: Molly on July 15, 2014, 02:32:37 pm
I just restarted playing after 6 months sell my longbow and go HA after wasting looms on a horse and now you wanna nerf the build I chose again...EVERY TIME I START PLAYING THIS FUCKING MOD YOU NERF WHAT I PLAY. FUCK YOU.
So, you were archer and thought it was a good idea to go HA now?

You deserve every tiny bit of this karma slap!  :twisted:
Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: Spleen on July 15, 2014, 04:57:50 pm
well adal, 2 years too late to the party :D
Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: Stormcrow on July 15, 2014, 05:15:45 pm
Truthfully HA is already terrible which is why not very many people play it. The only strength is at the end of round you can delay and try to win. I suggest you make an HA build and try and top the score boards. Then come back here and post a screen shot, if it is so OP this shouldn't be a problem. Chances are you will quit before you get any good as this is a frustrating and useless class already. It seems to me that you have just simply found two good HA players who are likely working together and using teamwork to win, not an OP class.
Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: Kampfkarotte on July 15, 2014, 08:10:04 pm
Making a poll about nerfing HA is not democratic. Most people dont play HA and are happy when they get nerfed.
Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: Torost on July 15, 2014, 08:11:28 pm
Not sure if STRONG is the best description.

Good HAs tend to play it safe early. Live longer , get more time to pewpew.
When the battle nears midround or end, they gets kills from wounded enemies.

If other ranged on foot would target them from the start , they would not be as effective.
Footranged tend to target other classes before HA, it is easier to hit and kill infantry, or any other class than mounted ranged.

solution: convince your friendly ranged to target HAs from the start.

ofc this solution might be suboptimal for winning the battle.

But atleast those HAs did not get epeen on the scoreboard!!!!
Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: gallonigher on July 15, 2014, 09:00:49 pm
just nerf the class into oblivion and 90% of the player base won't even miss it.  Problem solved.  Those who do miss it are part of the problem.
Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: Adalwulf on July 15, 2014, 09:28:34 pm
just nerf the class into oblivion and 90% of the player base won't even miss it.  Problem solved.  Those who do miss it are part of the problem.

The problem is you 2h and pole hero's that don't follow your ranged around on the map nad run of on your own. If you stayed with your archers other HA's wouldn't attack you. HA's aren't OP you melee are just stupid.
Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: Molly on July 15, 2014, 10:14:12 pm
The problem is you 2h and pole hero's that don't follow your ranged around on the map nad run of on your own. If you stayed with your archers other HA's wouldn't attack you. HA's aren't OP you melee are just stupid.
Actually, you're stupid if you actually believe one word of the crap you wrote.
Archers, at least 75% of them, do NOT focus cav. No matter if HA or 1h or Lance. They do NOT shoot them cuz shooting down a horse doesn't give you those nice kills on the scoreboard for e-peen.
Archers shoot peasants, they shoot low armour guys and only, ONLY, when they are under cav pressure some, SOME NOT ALL, start actually shooting cav.
That is EU1 reality...
Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: San on July 15, 2014, 10:22:04 pm
The problem is, you archer and ranged heroes don't follow your melee around on the map and instead camp in the back, out of reach of anyone. If you stayed within support range of your melee, HA would never be a problem for them. HA's aren't OP, you ranged need to cover melee/make sure they're not getting shot.

Melee's perspective.
Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: Tydeus on July 15, 2014, 10:45:49 pm
Melee's perspective.
Indeed, when I play my archer, I follow the melee.
Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: darmaster on July 15, 2014, 11:35:20 pm
Melee's perspective.

Indeed, when I play my archer, I follow the melee.

Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: PsychoTwins on July 15, 2014, 11:44:47 pm
For those saying you have to be really high level like 33+ to play HA, or that it takes a lot of time to master, that is a little overestimating HAs difficulty.

I made a STF level 30 standard 18/21 yumi bow with tatar arrows and was able to do very well with it. It is simple aiming and if you stop moving you get almost pinpoint accuracy to match amazing damage.

I epeend some screenshots to show how effective HA really is. I didnt play it too much because I could feel the autism growing inside me, but I have to say it's not for "pros only" and "high level needed"
(click to show/hide)
(click to show/hide)
(click to show/hide)
Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: Adalwulf on July 15, 2014, 11:50:50 pm
Actually, you're stupid if you actually believe one word of the crap you wrote.
Archers, at least 75% of them, do NOT focus cav. No matter if HA or 1h or Lance. They do NOT shoot them cuz shooting down a horse doesn't give you those nice kills on the scoreboard for e-peen.
Archers shoot peasants, they shoot low armour guys and only, ONLY, when they are under cav pressure some, SOME NOT ALL, start actually shooting cav.
That is EU1 reality...

The crap you just wrote is retarded. Kills don't mean shit anymore, its points for valour....that's all people care about is exp and gold. Who the fuck cares about KDR as if it matters for shit.

The yumi should not be as powerful, that I agree with. I also think that heavy armor should effect accuracy on horse more. HA's should have medium armor at most and all those that are going to bring up historical bullshit this isn't a historical game...we have katana's killing people in plate.
Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: Swaggart on July 15, 2014, 11:51:08 pm
Indeed, when I play my archer, I follow the melee.

Best way to get a ton of easy kills and really impact the round.
Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: ShinySpoons on July 15, 2014, 11:55:01 pm
Indeed, when I play my archer, I follow the melee.

Its easier to follow melee if you're a hybrid archer. Then if the "friendly" melee decides they actually don't mind you dying you can at least defend yourself or run away.

Being close to the melee ball isn't as beneficial for pure archers. What's the point of a slow shooting, accurate bow if you the guy's right in front of you anyways and you have to constantly move.
Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: Adalwulf on July 16, 2014, 12:02:29 am
Its easier to follow melee if you're a hybrid archer. Then if the "friendly" melee decides they actually don't mind you dying you can at least defend yourself or run away.

Being close to the melee ball isn't as beneficial for pure archers. What's the point of a slow shooting, accurate bow if you the guy's right in front of you anyways and you have to constantly move.

This, also many times the melee blob runs off ahead too fast to keep up with this weighted arrows...then the opposite teams blob is suddenly behind you..
Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: phnxhdsn on July 16, 2014, 12:21:26 am
If Mauwits still was active and played HA, oh you guys would want it nerfed even more! First time and i think only time i saw someone break the 300 point threshold on EU1 on field by the river.  :lol: STF too.
Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: darmaster on July 16, 2014, 12:28:17 am
i've seen mawitz in the news lately

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Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: Eugen on July 16, 2014, 12:37:25 am
Ok. I rant.  HA on HEAVY (PLATED) HORSE ... NO!

Dont tell me teamplay. Dont tell me nerf this or that. Just dont allow HA on HEAVY HORSE.

Heavy Cav is dangerours (bumb, hard to kill). Skilled HA is dangerous becouse of ranged. Combinde its like devil rubs his cunt.

NO to HA on Heavy Cav. Even if high level. This must be stopped.

Rant over. (though good job on the sounds Fin  :mrgreen:)

EDiT Poll reaction: yes / no / maybe ... just delete heavy cav for HA!
Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: Adalwulf on July 16, 2014, 01:09:53 am
Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: Adalwulf on July 16, 2014, 01:11:31 am
Ok. I rant.  HA on HEAVY (PLATED) HORSE ... NO!

Dont tell me teamplay. Dont tell me nerf this or that. Just dont allow HA on HEAVY HORSE.

Heavy Cav is dangerours (bumb, hard to kill). Skilled HA is dangerous becouse of ranged. Combinde its like devil rubs his cunt.

NO to HA on Heavy Cav. Even if high level. This must be stopped.

Rant over. (though good job on the sounds Fin  :mrgreen:)

EDiT Poll reaction: yes / no / maybe ... just delete heavy cav for HA!

I think heavy cav is fine up till kataphractoi, its not the horse that's the problem. It's having heavy armor while riding a horse and not having accuracy deterrents.
Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: Adalwulf on July 16, 2014, 01:14:34 am
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Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: Adalwulf on July 16, 2014, 01:20:05 am
You can't delete forums or am I just noob.
Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: BlueKnight on July 16, 2014, 01:28:21 am
You can't delete forums or am I just noob.
Paste cat gifs and pretend it was meant to be like this.
Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: Adalwulf on July 16, 2014, 01:46:34 am
Paste cat gifs and pretend it was meant to be like this.

Well done sir.
Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: //saxon on July 16, 2014, 04:29:24 am
Iden noob  :wink:
Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: San on July 16, 2014, 04:34:24 am
Time to polish up the HT on heavy cav and go HA hunting.  :)
Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: MURDERTRON on July 16, 2014, 06:23:39 am
Just add a throwing item called a carrot that forces horses to ride over to it and eat it.  NBD.
Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: //saxon on July 16, 2014, 12:38:47 pm
Just add a throwing item called a carrot that forces horses to ride over to it and eat it.  NBD.
:lol: the whole server will be throwing carrots and one horse will be going crazy  :lol: :lol:
Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: Joseph Porta on July 16, 2014, 12:39:37 pm
With a schrapnel mine underneath?  :lol:
Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: UnholyRolyPoly on July 16, 2014, 04:52:04 pm
(click to show/hide)

For some reason my screenshot is a little smudgy, but I hope it is readable still. The top two players on the left team are horse archers. They have literally carried their team some rounds, outscore anyone else on their team and have a lot of kills. This is not an isolated occurrence, they have been playing horse archer for a while and they continously yield similar results. Granted, they seem fairly good at it and probably have very high level builds. Yet for a class that is so poorly implemented into the overall game design as it has no counters, consistently delays, and is literally zero fun to fight against, this level of strength is absolutely unacceptable. Also notice how their team lost 4 rounds, yet they have less deaths. Also, it was raining this entire round.

In my opinion horse archery should probably be plainly removed. If it wasn't for the historical precedent, no game designer would ever think of putting such a class in such a game. If horse archery has to stay, which is understandable, it should not be a higher than top tier class able to carry teams. Any amount of horse archers is detrimental to the experience of the larger playerbase, a high amount of horse archers is disastrous. The grumbles on the server speak for itself. There are already a number of threads created on the subject, one was created as I was typing this.

Here is one with some discussion on creative ways to nerf horse archery

I just hope to draw attention from Tydeus or San about this situation by going all General Discussion and I hope they understand something should be done. There are many, many ways to nerf HA, feel free to discuss them. I don't reallly care how, as long as a nerf is done. Here, have a useless poll.

So two guys happen to be REALLY good at HA and top the boards so it needs to be nerfed?  What about when two really good 2h/polearm/shielders top the boards? 

Horse archery is just fine.  It's not as easy as it looks.  And very few people will become good enough to carry a team.  A HA's primary role is to kill enemy cavarly and harass inf.  Most people fail in both regards because they either don't know how to ride or shoot.  There is a fine art to hitting targets from horseback.  You lead every shot different based on the speed and angle of approach.  The few REALLY good HA's mastered it.  And the best HA's also know how to out ride the enemy.  It requires loads of awareness because every archer, cav, and polearm wants you dead. 

The average HA is as likely to hit teammates as enemies.  They will probably get destroyed by faster lancer cav because they don't know how to ride.  And they will not get many kills. 

The truth is everybody wants HA's nerfed because they are a bunch of melee pansies.  They want to play Na3 on Na1.  This is a combat simulation.  HA's play a very specific role and have anti classes like everyone else.  If you want them dead....  make a 15-24 lancer and ride a fast horse. 
Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: Grumbs on July 16, 2014, 05:04:12 pm
Being good is optional when you can kite everything and when you have the advantage over pretty much every class. Even with a shield they will just shoot when you lower it to attack, and if you don't attack you will get bumped then shot when you're getting up. Or they will get behind the shield and you will have to cover multiple sides

Ranged don't even get an advantage over them because a moving target is harder to hit than something thats stationary most of the time

Meh, its a really badly implemented class. Its only there because of realism. If this were any other game no game designer would implement a class like HA and HX are
Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: UnholyRolyPoly on July 16, 2014, 05:33:17 pm
Being good is optional when you can kite everything and when you have the advantage over pretty much every class. Even with a shield they will just shoot when you lower it to attack, and if you don't attack you will get bumped then shot when you're getting up. Or they will get behind the shield and you will have to cover multiple sides

Ranged don't even get an advantage over them because a moving target is harder to hit than something thats stationary most of the time

Meh, its a really badly implemented class. Its only there because of realism. If this were any other game no game designer would implement a class like HA and HX are

That's simply not true.  Foot ranged have a huge advantage on HA's because they are more accurate and they can position themselves on high ground.  Yea HA's are a moving target.  But they present a target 5 times larger than the average infantry.  A HA 1 on 1 can kill an archer if he hugs and bumps him.  But most of the time ranged shoots your horse out from a distance.  Throwers are extremely effective vs HA's as well. 

The fact is HA is a counter class to melee infantry.  We ride around behind you and harass the shit out of you.  That's the nature of the class.  If you are melee you will despise HA's.  But it has nothing to do with being over powered.  It's simply a counter to what you do. 

As I said.... if you want to kill HA's..... go ranged, light lancer, or thrower. 

I've never understood the constant whining to turn this game into melee only.  I have various alts.  I played 10 gens as a 2h.  Several as a shielder (in which I completely forgot how to manual block.)  And several as a HA.  I love it when there are a lot of archers on.  It forces the teams to play smart.  The problem is..... most people don't want to do that.  They want to run in and kill which usually results in getting shot to pieces.  Stop trying to nerf everything to the point we remove tactics from the game.  Tactics defeat any class.  If you guys want to melee.... just go to Na3/Eu3. 

Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: Grumbs on July 16, 2014, 05:44:38 pm
So we need even more ranged now just because of another OP ranged class? This game is getting ridiculous. 1 HA is worth several foot archers imo. They are more versatile, can kite forever and take a lot of shots before they go down. It takes more shots to down a horse than a ranged player

Pretty sure an arrow outranges a lance btw :D
Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: UnholyRolyPoly on July 16, 2014, 05:52:12 pm
So we need even more ranged now just because of another OP ranged class? This game is getting ridiculous. 1 HA is worth several foot archers imo. They are more versatile, can kite forever and take a lot of shots before they go down. It takes more shots to down a horse than a ranged player

Pretty sure an arrow outranges a lance btw :D

Ok... go build a HA.... and charge 2 archers. 

Then go do a STF 15-24 lancer and ride an eastern horse and kill all the HA's you want. 

The fact of the matter is...... there are some REALLY good HA's in the game and you want to nerf the class because of their skill....

That's like saying agi shielders are OP because of San.  It's not the class.... though he is high level and very fast.  But without skill the build is meaningless. 
Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: vipere on July 16, 2014, 05:59:14 pm
Ok... go build a HA.... and charge 2 archers. 
why would you charge 2 archers when you can snip them from far away ?!!

Then go do a STF 15-24 lancer and ride an eastern warhorse and kill all the HA's you want. 
you will last less than 2 min if you are chasing HA as cav

The fact of the matter is...... there are some REALLY good HA's in the game and you want to nerf the class because of their skill....
for me its not about skill but about how annoying they are, being HA in this game is egoist,1 HA have a lot of fun while his targets cant enjoy the game.

Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: Glyph on July 16, 2014, 06:18:53 pm
Let's all just go and play WotR, no HAs there and no nerfings done to any of our beloved classes!

(just trolling please don't teabag)
Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: Molly on July 16, 2014, 06:20:12 pm
Let's all just go and play WotR, no HAs there and no nerfings done to any of our beloved classes!

(just trolling please don't teabag)
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Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: UnholyRolyPoly on July 16, 2014, 06:21:45 pm

You don't chase HA's.  That's exactly what they want you to do.  You out manuever them and hit them while they are engaged with another target.  A fast lancer can come out of nowhere. 

And why would any HA be able to out snipe an archer?  First eh has to be standing still to get a decent shot (distance.)  So if the HA is standing still at 40 yards away and the archer is doing the same.... who presents the bigger target? 

As far as enjoyment......?   Why do you play this game?  I play because I love the competition.  I love the challenge.  If you play this game to melee.... go to the duel server.  It's one click away.  If you want to melee multiple people.... go play siege.  But if you want a real challenge....  play battle.  That's where all classes play a role.  That's where you have to keep your head on a swivel because a lancer could smoke you.  You have to be aware of every enemy on the field so you don't get shot while trying to melee etc etc. 

Again...  I will never understand the desire to turn this into a pure melee mod.  When ranged was at it's worst.... this mod sucked.  Every single round the infantry charged and there were 2-3 archers on each team.  It was a pure melee fest.  There were no tactics.  It was one big duel server. 

Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: XyNox on July 16, 2014, 06:45:40 pm
So we need even more ranged now just because of another OP ranged class? This game is getting ridiculous. 1 HA is worth several foot archers imo. They are more versatile, can kite forever and take a lot of shots before they go down. It takes more shots to down a horse than a ranged player

Pretty sure an arrow outranges a lance btw :D

According to the forums 120 % of the playerbase is ranged anyway. With that much friendly ranged around, what is keeping you ( and pure melee players in general who are refusing to implement any form of ranged into their builds ) from just staying somewhere within the effective range of friendly ranged so enemy horse archers cannot attack you without putting themselves in danger of being shot back ? Of course horse ranged will chase after the individual which is not able/willing to stick to its team.

I am not really fond of horse archery myself and how it is implemented into the game. Changes that makes the class more susceptible to e.g. cav as a return for their ability to hard counter any melee inf sure is not out of the question. Still I am not sure what pure melee players, who refuse taking any form of ranged themselves AND also refuse to cooperate with their friendly ranged expect to happen. Should melees be able to shoot lazers out of their longswords/poleaxes when horse ranged is around or to groundslam their shields, creating a shockwave that dehorses any horse ranged within a distance of 50 meters ? Seriously, what is supposed to happen to make inf counter horse ranged ( appart from changing battlemode into some more sophisticated and objective based, which would be the right way to go IMO ) ?

Personally I can understand people who demand this class to be removed as the reasons for its existance are most probably only historically related. I am not the one to decide that however but I am pretty sure those in charge wont delete a class from the game. No matter how many nerfs HA/HX would get, as long as a horse will be faster than inf on foot and as long as horse ranged can shoot ( which both will unavoidably be the case ), horse ranged will hardcounter inf. Either you make up your mind and let your ranged help you or you deal with it.

In the end I think UnholyRolyPoly nailed it:

I've never understood the constant whining to turn this game into melee only. [...] It [ranged] forces the teams to play smart.  The problem is..... most people don't want to do that. They want to run in and kill which usually results in getting shot to pieces.  Stop trying to nerf everything to the point we remove tactics from the game.  Tactics defeat any class.  If you guys want to melee.... just go to Na3/Eu3. 
Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: UnholyRolyPoly on July 16, 2014, 06:50:17 pm
According to the forums 120 % of the playerbase is ranged anyway. With that much friendly ranged around, what is keeping you ( and pure melee players in general who are refusing to implement any form of ranged into their builds ) from just staying somewhere within the effective range of friendly ranged so enemy horse archers cannot attack you without putting themselves in danger of being shot back ? Of course horse ranged will chase after the individual which is not able/willing to stick to its team.

I am not really fond of horse archery myself and how it is implemented into the game. Changes that makes the class more susceptible to e.g. cav as a return for their ability to hard counter any melee inf sure is not out of the question. Still I am not sure what pure melee players, who refuse taking any form of ranged themselves AND also refuse to cooperate with their friendly ranged expect to happen. Should melees be able to shoot lazers out of their longswords/poleaxes when horse ranged is around or to groundslam their shields, creating a shockwave that dehorses any horse ranged within a distance of 50 meters ? Seriously, what is supposed to happen to make inf counter horse ranged ( appart from changing battlemode into some more sophisticated and objective based, which would be the right way to go IMO ) ?

Personally I can understand people who demand this class to be removed as the reasons for its existance are most probably only historically related. I am not the one to decide that however but I am pretty sure those in charge wont delete a class from the game. No matter how many nerfs HA/HX would get, as long as a horse will be faster than inf on foot and as long as horse ranged can shoot ( which both will unavoidably be the case ), horse ranged will hardcounter inf. Either you make up your mind and let your ranged help you or you deal with it.

In the end I think UnholyRolyPoly nailed it:

I completely agree.  And to add to your point....  as a HA..... my favorite targets are the agi 2h/polearm who run around trying to flank.  I'm helping my team by harassing the shit out of them. 

Those guys exploit their builds to run in and hit people in the back.  What's so different between that and HA? 
Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: matt2507 on July 16, 2014, 08:15:23 pm
Those guys exploit their builds to run in and hit people in the back.  What's so different between that and HA?

They don't spawnkill, they don't delay a the end of round and they are less anoying than ha.
Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: Adalwulf on July 16, 2014, 10:16:13 pm
They don't spawnkill, they don't delay a the end of round and they are less anoying than ha.

As a HA, I haven't spawn killed ( even though retards staying in spawn leeching deserve it). I don't delay either since towards the end I need to help my team capture the flag and you're post is as annoying as your whining.
Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: Jack1 on July 16, 2014, 10:36:46 pm
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getting to wait on NA 1 for a horse archer get more than enough points for valor. thank god 50 people get to spend their time watching him collect extra arrows...
Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: agweber on July 16, 2014, 10:54:09 pm
...let your ranged help you...

This. To be honest I think HA wouldn't be much to worry about if foot-ranged would actually perform their role as supplementary soldiers. They should be assisting their melee infantry by helping kill the biggest threat. If that's the HA, it's not hard to do so. If it's picking off that group of 7 archers at the top of the hill, that's what they should be doing. Instead, too many (particularly the not-very-great) ranged characters just shoot constantly into the melee battles and are trying to get the most points they can to get that valor mark. The good archers are the ones that shoot me when I'm on my Ranged char.

Actually, this post made me think of a new suggestion (
Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: matt2507 on July 16, 2014, 11:16:14 pm
As a HA, I haven't spawn killed ( even though retards staying in spawn leeching deserve it). I don't delay either since towards the end I need to help my team capture the flag and you're post is as annoying as your whining.

I mean ha in general, not just you.
My post is not as "annoying" as those who think they are the center of the world...  :rolleyes:
Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: Jacaroma on July 16, 2014, 11:37:35 pm
I mainly play horse archer and if it's me versus 3 or more I just drop my weapon and let them kill me but if a guy had plate armor it would take all of my arrows to kill them so I usually avoid plate guys.
Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: Sniger on July 16, 2014, 11:45:51 pm
if a guy had plate armor it would take all of my arrows to kill them


Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: Macropus on July 16, 2014, 11:55:16 pm
Okay, as some of you probably know already, I specced to HA (once again).
I'm now going to write a big ass post about what I think on this matter.

0. It's not the class that is gay, its they way some people play it.
The HA build I always had when I played this class and the only one I find fun to play for myself, is 15-24 build having PS and (on higher levels) athletics, 101 wp in onehanded and 160 in archery.

1. God, 6 PD horse archers are such a scum. They do nice damage, they normally don't bring a melee weapon so they get 3 stacks of arrows and as they have all the weapon points put in archery they shoot fast and accurately enough. No doubt, its always a great pleasure for me when I manage to dehorse them and finish them with a sword. Sometimes. And sometimes they shoot me or my horse faster and then finish me with their bow.

2. My damage (5 PD, horn bow, 160 wp) is really small most of the time. Its ok for shooting horses (Arabian/Courser usually takes about 5-6 tatar arrows), it's ok for shooting archers and peasants, but honestly I don't even bother shooting at normal armoured melee unless I have to. With the flag system I don't have much time to make my impact on the battle (I rarely ever shoot all 48 arrows), so often I find it more effective to go full 1h cav and bumpslash or hunt horses. But that's ok, I don't think HAs deserve to have more damage (I compensate that with how OP the 1h cav damage is  :lol:)

3. Quite similarly with historical reality, a mass of foot ranged is significantly superior to equal amount of HAs when it comes to shooting each other. A horse is a big target which is really easy to aim at, and foot archers have higher damage than HAs.  Attacking enemy ranged for me is usually either randomly shooting them from far away, hoping to get a lucky headshot, or charging head on with my sword (but in this case I basically act like a normal 1h cav, so its irrelevant for the discussion about HAs).

4. I'm not sure if 160 points in archery is not enough or I just suck at shooting (probably both?).

5. Anyway, I don't like horse archers having 6 PD, that's too much and too gay, nerf pls ok thx. Don't touch 5 PD horse archers, we're fine. 

6. Did you actually expect some serious argumentation for nerfing HAs?

7. Make Yumi unusable on horseback, problem solved (no bias here I swear).
Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: Jacaroma on July 16, 2014, 11:57:28 pm


Even with that it would still take 20+ chest shots and it's just not worth it in my opinion (with my 15/24build)... I usually go after the other HA's if there are any. Second would be heavy cav. It all depends on the scenario and if you teammates need a bump here or there.
Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: Son Of Odin on July 17, 2014, 12:02:26 am
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macropus u lil shit

Well, yeah I made a STF HA... 15/24 as well and I got to say it's ridiculously accurate (even tho I suck at archery). I just maxed wpf, HA skill, PD and riding. I get better score than with my foot archer :D
Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: Donkey_Thrower on July 17, 2014, 12:06:26 am
Serious business... there's only a handful of decent HA in this mod.  The rest are garbage and only get lucky shots. 

Try it yourself if you think its so easy, its not.
Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: Sniger on July 17, 2014, 12:14:23 am
HAs be like

Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: matt2507 on July 17, 2014, 01:10:28 am
Serious business... there's only a handful of decent HA in this mod.  The rest are garbage and only get lucky shots. 

Try it yourself if you think its so easy, its not.

Already tried, it's more easy than on foot archers...
Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: LordRichrich on July 17, 2014, 02:17:32 am
It's very easy lol. Riding aroundon a STF +3 yumi, +3 arrows. 70 something arrows, never run out. Kill horses, foot archers and then at the end of the round all the heavy armoured guys that are wounded. Can't even imagine how OP it'd be with tartar/bodkins!
Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: Adalwulf on July 17, 2014, 02:36:31 am
It's very easy lol. Riding aroundon a STF +3 yumi, +3 arrows. 70 something arrows, never run out. Kill horses, foot archers and then at the end of the round all the heavy armoured guys that are wounded. Can't even imagine how OP it'd be with tartar/bodkins!

Don't use a yumi and try again. it won't be so easy....
Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: matt2507 on July 17, 2014, 03:06:07 am
Tried with a horn bow, easy too.
The only stupid thing noticed was the execive repair cost.
Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: MURDERTRON on July 17, 2014, 03:11:11 am
Don't use a yumi and try again. it won't be so easy....

Adalwulf, we are discussing good horse archers so please get the fuck out.

Basically the game theory behind horse archers is optimized for playing extremely shrewdly.  Being the last one left is essentially an unintended design choice.
Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: Adalwulf on July 17, 2014, 05:10:29 am
Adalwulf, we are discussing good horse archers so please get the fuck out.

Basically the game theory behind horse archers is optimized for playing extremely shrewdly.  Being the last one left is essentially an unintended design choice.

Yeah because your suggestions have been worth a shit? Go troll somewhere else since the solution is simple. Nerf the Yumi damage a bit and add accuracy drop for heavy armors so they can't aim for shit like normal archers...Those of us using light armor usually die pretty easily from normal archers....
Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: Ikarus on July 17, 2014, 01:03:22 pm
we are not byz gayvoth!

you are mad for two days....sad!

my bolts and iberian mace never hold for byz when they´re on the enemy team  :twisted:
the only enemies I don´t shoot are people who randomly run around and hug people :>

I don´t know if ha or hx are too strong (currently trying hx, it´s harder than I thought...), but what I´ve experienced is that ranged units barely focus them

to all ranged units: this should be the way what kind of enemies to focus first as ranged:
1. horse archers / horse xbows
2. cavalry
3. archers / xbows
4. throwers / mauls
5. other infantry
6. peasants (they´re not your no1 target, greedy bastards  :D )
Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: Herezy92 on July 17, 2014, 02:34:57 pm

to all ranged units: this should be the way what kind of enemies to focus first as ranged:
1. horse archers / horse xbows Peasants (they are their primary target b'coz EZ kill)
2. cavalry Archers/xbow
3. archers / xbows All Cavalry & infantry
I fixed it.
This is how it is at the moment.  :D
Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: Algarn on July 17, 2014, 02:52:49 pm
my bolts and iberian mace never hold for byz when they´re on the enemy team  :twisted:
the only enemies I don´t shoot are people who randomly run around and hug people :>

I don´t know if ha or hx are too strong (currently trying hx, it´s harder than I thought...), but what I´ve experienced is that ranged units barely focus them

to all ranged units: this should be the way what kind of enemies to focus first as ranged:
1. horse archers / horse xbows
2. cavalry
3. archers / xbows
4. throwers / mauls
5. other infantry
6. peasants (they´re not your no1 target, greedy bastards  :D )

Then give bonus for focusing other characters with PD/xbow wpf. Got more interest at focusing peasants than shooting tincans already, so why should I waste my arrows to shoot some targets that dodge everything and can survive 4 shots ?
Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: matt2507 on July 17, 2014, 03:59:33 pm
Then give bonus for focusing other characters with PD/xbow wpf. Got more interest at focusing peasants than shooting tincans already, so why should I waste my arrows to shoot some targets that dodge everything and can survive 4 shots ?

What about winning the round and get x5 ?
Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: Herezy92 on July 17, 2014, 04:00:54 pm
What about winning the round and get x5 ?
Das ist ein a shit bonus m8. U nub ! L 2 P ! :)
Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: matt2507 on July 17, 2014, 04:06:35 pm
Das ist ein a shit bonus m8. U nub ! L 2 P ! :)

Ja but das ist gut 4 my wallet  :mrgreen:
Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: Sniger on July 17, 2014, 04:59:40 pm
Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: jtobiasm on July 17, 2014, 07:05:37 pm
to all ranged units: this should be the way what kind of enemies to focus first as ranged:
1. horse archers / horse xbows
2. cavalry
3. archers / xbows
4. throwers / mauls
5. other infantry
6. peasants (they´re not your no1 target, greedy bastards  :D )

Not really, It's all situational. If there is a bad HA and a good infatry player alive, both easy shots I know who i'm shooting at.
Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: Donkey_Thrower on July 17, 2014, 08:19:26 pm
It's very easy lol. Riding aroundon a STF +3 yumi, +3 arrows. 70 something arrows, never run out. Kill horses, foot archers and then at the end of the round all the heavy armoured guys that are wounded. Can't even imagine how OP it'd be with tartar/bodkins!

yeah, I call BS.  Please post screenshots of your alleged success at first try ha
Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: CrazyCracka420 on July 17, 2014, 10:05:35 pm
This. To be honest I think HA wouldn't be much to worry about if foot-ranged would actually perform their role as supplementary soldiers. They should be assisting their melee infantry by helping kill the biggest threat. If that's the HA, it's not hard to do so. If it's picking off that group of 7 archers at the top of the hill, that's what they should be doing. Instead, too many (particularly the not-very-great) ranged characters just shoot constantly into the melee battles and are trying to get the most points they can to get that valor mark. The good archers are the ones that shoot me when I'm on my Ranged char.

Actually, this post made me think of a new suggestion (

melee infantry need to help protect their foot ranged then, most are too worried about mindlessly W-keying til they reach the enemy.
Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: Butan on July 17, 2014, 11:18:53 pm
Someone may have said it before (16 pages, wow) but maybe those 2 HA were just very good?

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Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: Joker86 on July 17, 2014, 11:53:33 pm
Funny to see the game is still alive, and it appears so is the forum and the same topics as well. I mean, how old is this HA discussion?

It is true, playing a HA is fun, but fighting one is horrible. I don't think it's needed to point out the obvious concerning the fact that it has the advantages of archers combined with the advantages of cav, and in the process negating the disadvantages of both.

You could always make all bows and arrows "not usable on horseback" and implement another set of ranged gear which are basically the same items but weaker. That way you nerf the class without nerfing archery in general. And you don't even need to program another feature into the game or something like that. Just copy pasta the already existing items, tweak their stats and flags and voila.

It's still a bad solution, because it doesn't really solve the problem. If two infantry players would beat each other, and one needs four hits with the axe to kill the other, whereas the other only needs to hit once with the dildo to kill the first one, while the dildo is comparable in all other regards to the axe (speed, length, etc.) then a nerf would actually solve the problem.

But if the problem is that someone can harm you while he is actually moving away from you faster than you are moving to him, you couldn't care less about the damage. And also limiting the ammo doesn't help a lot, because you don't care if it was his last three arrows which struck you down. (It's the same retarded balance the devs apparently deemed okay after implementing the upkeep system. "You can still ride around on a plated charger, wearing black plate armour!" some people said, and the devs answered "Yes, but only for a limited amount of time". Well yeah folks, enjoy your evening on the server when I unlock my annual minigun to rape your sorry asses... this brackets in short: time limitation is NO FUCKING BALANCING factor.)

I will repeat my mantra over and over again: if the whole game had revolved around capturing a number of flags (right from the beginning of a round, stick your MOTF where the sun don't shine), the horse archers wouldn't even had an impact on the game, people wouldn't be annoyed by them any more because they wouldn't have to fight them in order to win, and everything would be fine.

I ask myself when the devs will stop trying to fine tune the mechanics on the bycicle before they notice the little girl who is supposed to drive it has no legs. You can't fix a gameplay problem by changing the balance.
Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: Adalwulf on July 17, 2014, 11:54:20 pm
melee infantry need to help protect their foot ranged then, most are too worried about mindlessly W-keying til they reach the enemy.

This is how I felt as a foot archer and exactly why I went for HA. 90% of melee infantry don't give 2 shits about helping their ranged help them. They just basically want EU3 in EU1. You guys wanted us archers to not be able to run away so you added weight to our arrows that makes us unable to run from you and now you guys don't even help protect us. So now that there are more HA's around you come back on the forums and whine because you can't "catch" them and they can survive your 2h spam. The problem isn't HA's or archery, it's melee players fault 100% that they refuse to use team play and tactics to counter a threat. GG crpg.
Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: Macbeth3 on July 18, 2014, 01:42:41 am
to all ranged units: this should be the way what kind of enemies to focus first as ranged:
1. horse archers / horse xbows
2. cavalry
3. archers / xbows
4. throwers / mauls
5. other infantry
6. peasants (they´re not your no1 target, greedy bastards  :D )

But I do it like that already.   :3
Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: San on July 18, 2014, 03:56:10 am
At equal skill level, I think an HT with medium to medium-heavy armor (especially helmet) and horse can beat an HA. HT can just outDPS then body/headshot when he dehorses him. HT is a pretty fun HA hunter that isn't *as* aggravating for melee to deal with.
Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: Prpavi on July 18, 2014, 06:27:30 am
Damn reading first 4 pages of the topic made me install the game again, see you in the evening fellas.

HA master race!
Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: Ikarus on July 18, 2014, 11:40:10 am
Then give bonus for focusing other characters with PD/xbow wpf. Got more interest at focusing peasants than shooting tincans already, so why should I waste my arrows to shoot some targets that dodge everything and can survive 4 shots ?
horses can´t dodge bolts that easily, and for the archers: you gotta be sneaky.
You do that for the team, not for the score :x cause in the end, it´s about the team win, not about valour. Your teammates can take those peasants; if you weaken the plated chargers, they won´t play that aggressively anymore and will less bump your team

Not really, It's all situational. If there is a bad HA and a good infatry player alive, both easy shots I know who i'm shooting at.
of course, there are exceptions! If theres still a bad horse archer alife and f.e. Saxon, I´d try my best to get Saxon down, cause he´s cutting through my team like butter

btw fun fact: when I see Saxon, I always have to think about Saxton Hale
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But I do it like that already.   :3
have a cookie, Macbeth :]
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Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: Herezy92 on July 18, 2014, 11:42:29 am
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Well i don't know who you are ingame, or even in which you clan you play.
But some clans defend their archers.
Maybe try to find teammates who will protect you.
@Remember TUTTI

Damn reading first 4 pages of the topic made me install the game again, see you in the evening fellas.

HA master race!
visitors can't see pics , please register or login

Burn Heretic !
Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: Sniger on July 18, 2014, 11:47:51 am
Ive created ranged cav alt as well. Will be good fun.

Also, for years ive played late night cRPG. For me, this was the best time to play, where we got the greatest matches. Not so many online but the class balance use to be pretty nice, a good spread across the board. Last night i played for 15mins. It was duel-haven, 2h/polearm heroes running around with their low requirement steel-weapons they swing as if it was plastic.
Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: Grumbs on July 18, 2014, 11:49:50 am
At equal skill level, I think an HT with medium to medium-heavy armor (especially helmet) and horse can beat an HA. HT can just outDPS then body/headshot when he dehorses him. HT is a pretty fun HA hunter that isn't *as* aggravating for melee to deal with.

So people should go ranged cav to counter ranged cav? This game is just going to get worse and worse
Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: Herezy92 on July 18, 2014, 11:51:24 am
So people should go ranged cav to counter ranged cav? This game is just going to get worse and worse
It's what i desperately tried to explain to Fin.
But i think he didn't got my point. :)
Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: Sniger on July 18, 2014, 11:55:18 am
We need more ranged cav. Only way to open blind eyes.
Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: Herezy92 on July 18, 2014, 11:57:01 am
We need more ranged cav. Only way to open blind eyes.
It's exactly the Fin's point of view.  :D

I have high doubts about this solution.
Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: Sniger on July 18, 2014, 12:00:24 pm
So you think they wont nerf when too many? Its the classic cRPG Dev-Solution® :p
Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: Grumbs on July 18, 2014, 12:26:10 pm
This is how I felt as a foot archer and exactly why I went for HA. 90% of melee infantry don't give 2 shits about helping their ranged help them. They just basically want EU3 in EU1. You guys wanted us archers to not be able to run away so you added weight to our arrows that makes us unable to run from you and now you guys don't even help protect us. So now that there are more HA's around you come back on the forums and whine because you can't "catch" them and they can survive your 2h spam. The problem isn't HA's or archery, it's melee players fault 100% that they refuse to use team play and tactics to counter a threat. GG crpg.

Yes teamwork and tactics is always very important regardless of class.

I spend a lot of time standing in a shield wall, or I have an anti cav weapon near ranged. I think to myself, why don't I just play ranged as well? At least then i'm actually playing a game. I don't have to worry about such things as tactics and teamwork then either. I have uber teamwork/ tactic number 1 - stand on a roof or a hill with other left clickers. Tactic 2 - kite then shoot. Tactic 3 - beat melee with melee.

You have to think about why people join a cRPG server. Do they join just to win rounds? The best way to win a round shouldn't involve not playing your class. People don't necessarily want to stand around all day babysitting ranged because they have no awareness. You mostly need protection from cav, and most of the time you can get up where they can't reach you anyway. Or how about shooting their horses rather than melee?
Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: Sniger on July 18, 2014, 12:42:15 pm
Or how about shooting their horses?

would be great for starters  :lol: :lol: range who target inf and not horses, espeically with this kind of cav amount we have currently, uitterly fail. Range who target the rider and not the horse, cba even commenting on it. (ofc rider should always be targeted if he is charging you. Hold and release the last 1-2sec to hit him and make him fail his attack. Especailly this is great against couching cav who usally prefer to have full speed charge for max damage.)

edit: Maybe if range got same score for hitting horse? I dont think range is getting same points for player-hit/horse-hit...?
Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: CrazyCracka420 on July 18, 2014, 08:24:03 pm
Yes teamwork and tactics is always very important regardless of class.

I spend a lot of time standing in a shield wall, or I have an anti cav weapon near ranged. I think to myself, why don't I just play ranged as well? At least then i'm actually playing a game. I don't have to worry about such things as tactics and teamwork then either. I have uber teamwork/ tactic number 1 - stand on a roof or a hill with other left clickers. Tactic 2 - kite then shoot. Tactic 3 - beat melee with melee.

You have to think about why people join a cRPG server. Do they join just to win rounds? The best way to win a round shouldn't involve not playing your class. People don't necessarily want to stand around all day babysitting ranged because they have no awareness. You mostly need protection from cav, and most of the time you can get up where they can't reach you anyway. Or how about shooting their horses rather than melee?
As other have said over the years, the problem isn't the classes, and nerfing/buffing them endlessly.  The problem is the game mode.

Horse archers wouldn't be much of a factor on the winning or losing of rounds, if it was a zone capture (or conquest) style of game play.  Infantry would be capturing zones/flags while horse archers diddle themselves away from the main combat (because they would be getting shot by foot ranged if they got too close). 
Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: Macbeth3 on July 19, 2014, 02:32:45 am
A thing I do often on my main (Xbow Shielder hybrid) is that I tend to stick around to a few archers. I just shoot at cav or any good targets, but when melee closes in on the archers around me, I just try to engage them and try to give friendly archers a few opportunities to shoot them from behind or the back.

Ofcourse this is less effective when there's a larger group storming us, but if I can distract them for some time, the archers can at least have a fighting chance to either kill a few or run away. Nevertheless, Foot-ranged staying alive = A chance of defeating the Horse-ranged by either killing their horse or the riders themselves.   :3
Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: SkittlesofRivendale on July 19, 2014, 11:21:29 am
All this is is that infantry can't catch someone on a horse. 

It's just a pure rage poll imo. 

They're not strong at all they take about 4-5 arrows to kill an archer alone, nevermind you lot with your 8 IF or whatever you carry around with you.  Plus your heavier armours.

Simple fact is, you can't kill them because they can run away from you on horseback.  You won't be happy until you can catch them and kill them because they can't fight back with a proper weapon.

Same old infantry, want everything easy for them to kill.
Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: Oberyn on July 19, 2014, 11:28:12 am
Khergit were always unofficially banned on every populated/popular native battle server, practically even before release at beta. Now think really, really hard on why that might be. You fucking stupid cunts.
Worthless HA sadist whining about infantry chasing "easy kills", please uninstall the game and forget it exists you moronic hypocrite.
Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: SkittlesofRivendale on July 19, 2014, 11:33:59 am
Khergit were always unofficially banned on every populated/popular native battle server, practically even before release at beta. Now think really, really hard on why that might be. You fucking stupid cunts.
Worthless HA sadist whining about infantry chasing "easy kills", please uninstall the game and forget it exists you moronic hypocrite.

Actually, i'm just an archer.

Before that I was a polearm.  Even then I didn't mind them.  The HA's top of the scoreboard are good at their classes.  I bet you wouldn't complain if a 2h/1hShield/Polearm where at the top...
Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: Teeth on July 19, 2014, 12:27:26 pm
I bet you wouldn't complain if a 2h/1hShield/Polearm where at the top...
Indeed, if I see melee players carrying their team I do my utmost best to hurt their team by trying to take them out. Melee players are quite easily killed if they get focused, by both melee and ranged. I have been a priority target for enemy ranged a few times and it makes it hard to stay alive, usually I have to hide and my ability to influence the round gets greatly diminished. If a melee players is at the top of the scoreboard, that means he got in the face of his enemies and killed them. He put himself in about as much danger as the people he is trying to kill, with his smarts and his skills making him come out on top repeatedly.

A horse archer is only counterable by enemy ranged and they are fairly easy to evade. The horse archer can kill his enemies with zero risk to himself, with his intrinsic advantage in reach and mobility making him come out on top, with most of the playerbase on a server having zero chance to kill him. The nature of the horse archer class is why it should not be able to carry teams and have similar performances as other classes, multiplayer game design 101.
Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: Oberyn on July 19, 2014, 12:38:00 pm
Let's not fuck about, in terms of "realism", a horse archer from a nomadic culture is a superior battle field unit in every single way (horse archers also existed in settled cultures, but weren't as effective for very obvious reasons. They did not live most of their lives in the saddle). A significant factor on why turks and mongols spread themselves out over a huge chunk of eurasia. I've already made the point before, it would be as if firearms were ingame and the utter pieces of shit using it whined they weren't completely invulnerable to a guy rushing them with a stick.
Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: Grumbs on July 19, 2014, 06:08:23 pm
All this is is that infantry can't catch someone on a horse. 

It's just a pure rage poll imo. 

They're not strong at all they take about 4-5 arrows to kill an archer alone, nevermind you lot with your 8 IF or whatever you carry around with you.  Plus your heavier armours.

Simple fact is, you can't kill them because they can run away from you on horseback.  You won't be happy until you can catch them and kill them because they can't fight back with a proper weapon.

Same old infantry, want everything easy for them to kill.

I don't think someone should be able to select a class and then have free reign to get kills they don't deserve. I don't believe in pure Rock Paper Scissors, and especially not when there is no decent Rock to someone's scissors. That doesn't make for good competitive gameplay. I do like some pro's and con's to a class, but not this RPG shit

Besides, 4-5 shots is 4-5 shots that the player can't necessarily do anything about. Even if it too 20 shots thats 20 shots that aren't deserved
Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: Screaming Idiot on July 19, 2014, 08:38:40 pm
You also gotta take into account actual medieval tactics into the whole equation. Sure, a bunch of infantrymen going for a beeline after a horsearcher are gonna get shot up, but unmounted archers can easily pick them off provided they have a good position and/or protection from infantry. The mongols dominated the battlefield because nobody could catch up to them. Then people realized they could force the horse archer to become a sitting duck by harassing them with foot archers that were impossible to fire upon due to pikemen and/or shielded infantry. Foot archers can hit horse archers at a much greater range, and the horse archer could not approach the archer due to defensive, stationary infantry.
I agree a nerf needs to be put in place, but I think some players are getting mad because their tactics against foot archers don't work on mounted archers due to their mobility.

I think the range of archery on a horse needs to be reduced, and mobility on horseback too, along with perhaps adding a decrease to speed/maneuv. on horseback depending on the equipment load of the rider.
Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: Glyph on July 21, 2014, 01:14:24 pm
I think HAs shouldn't be nerfed in a way that will give them less damage, or less choice in horses, but by giving them some kind of counter, as stated above, if it takes a HA 20 arrows to kill you, he will be just as annoying and get his points in a way just as unfair, people would indeed not play the class as much but the point of a Nerf should be to annihilate a class, but to put it in a fair position in the game. To do that a counter should be implemented, now the question is how...
Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: Thomek on July 21, 2014, 02:00:22 pm
You also gotta take into account actual medieval tactics into the whole equation. Sure, a bunch of infantrymen going for a beeline after a horsearcher are gonna get shot up, but unmounted archers can easily pick them off provided they have a good position and/or protection from infantry. The mongols dominated the battlefield because nobody could catch up to them. Then people realized they could force the horse archer to become a sitting duck by harassing them with foot archers that were impossible to fire upon due to pikemen and/or shielded infantry. Foot archers can hit horse archers at a much greater range, and the horse archer could not approach the archer due to defensive, stationary infantry.
I agree a nerf needs to be put in place, but I think some players are getting mad because their tactics against foot archers don't work on mounted archers due to their mobility.

I think the range of archery on a horse needs to be reduced, and mobility on horseback too, along with perhaps adding a decrease to speed/maneuv. on horseback depending on the equipment load of the rider.

Afaik no one ever really beat the mongols. Remember, they could always choose where to do battle, just like in c-rpg. They returned home by themselves when their leader died. The only battle I could dig up where they were properly beaten were by Mamluks in the middle east were they tricked the mongol force into the mountains and ambushed them..

Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: Molly on July 21, 2014, 02:03:53 pm
Accuracy nurfed today. 'Tis can be a gud day.
Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: Joseph Porta on July 21, 2014, 02:08:35 pm
Afaik no one ever really beat the mongols. Remember, they could always choose where to do battle, just like in c-rpg. They returned home by themselves when their leader died. The only battle I could dig up where they were properly beaten were by Mamluks in the middle east were they tricked the mongol force into the mountains and ambushed them..

Cool article hmm wasnt there a fellow crpg-er named baybars?
Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: Butan on July 21, 2014, 02:11:56 pm
How I see it, HA isnt going to be removed from cRPG for obvious reasons, so we have to deal with them with what we can: teamplay - awareness - targeting.

Now, and I say this despite the fact I love horse archery and nomadic cultures linked to it, in the future donkey team game, they have two possibilities on the matter:

- tweak horse ranged so that it is more manageable by other classes, if not =>
=> remove most horse ranged classes, give room to only "european" classes

But doing this in a on-going game, with a bunch of nomadic items/weapons/skills available, would be too aggravating. Or would require extremely handsome compensation.

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Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: CrazyCracka420 on July 21, 2014, 04:44:07 pm
Just make the horses much less maneuverable when you're aiming a bow or crossbow.  (Or stop running around by yourself without any foot ranged support  :twisted: )

Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: Mr.K. on July 21, 2014, 06:19:05 pm
The nerf has made my 18/24 HA less accurate, but it's still too strong imo. Wearing heavier armor has a bigger difference in accuracy now, but I still prefer to not die to a few arrows, so I roll with medium armor and heavy horse and try to hunt enemy HA/Cav in the beginning and bumpshoot infantry/archers in the end. It's not as bad as it was, but still lacking actual counters.
Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: darmaster on July 21, 2014, 06:48:20 pm
fun fact: if you read Macropus backwards it actually makes no sense
Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: Joker86 on July 21, 2014, 07:18:42 pm
What? So we have yet another nerf? I cba to read through the entire patch topic to find the spot where the hidden nerf has been discovered.
Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: San on July 21, 2014, 07:37:05 pm
A bug giving certain builds 200-400 wpf (then capped to their own wpf after penalties) that was there for the last 3 years was fixed. Perhaps the other past nerfs only masked this inconsistency that was made more apparent ever since the wpf change last year.
Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: Joseph Porta on July 21, 2014, 07:59:50 pm
A bug giving certain builds 200-400 wpf (then capped to their own wpf after penalties) that was there for the last 3 years was fixed. Perhaps the other past nerfs only masked this inconsistency that was made more apparent ever since the wpf change last year.

L. O. L. Better get used to half that muthafuckaaz  :lol:  :lol:
Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: Vengt037 on July 21, 2014, 08:09:28 pm
Things that counter HA. 
1. Teamwork
2. Other HA
3. Light cav
4. Archers
5. Xbow
6. Situational awareness
7. Having a shield

I don't know what EU servers are like, but we have some highly skilled HA on NA1. However, whenever I play archer my teammates and I make it a priority to "bring them down." Rarely do they see the end of the round, and if they do? Guess what, devs already nerfed HA's ability to delay earlier this year by speeding up flag spawn times.

I realize it sucks fighting against some classes. Sometimes you're on a roll and some bullshit thrower, hoplite, crushthrough weapon, bumpslash, hiltslash, bullshit kills you and you get angry. "This is unjust!" You think. "He killed me so easily, and I'd been fighting so manfully and skillfully."

But to me, this is all part of the masochistically fun learning experience that is C-RPG. The fun of it, for me, isn't trolling the forums demanding a nerf to this or that, but in thinking up new and creative ways to overcome the various challenges the game has to offer. In doing so, you become stronger, smarter, more flexible, and better at communicating w/ your comrades.

That being said, sometimes a nerf is absolutely necessary, but I would consider the faster flag spawning and increased riding difficulties to be sufficient for now.
Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: Grumbs on July 21, 2014, 08:13:58 pm
Things that counter HA. 
1. Teamwork
2. Other HA
3. Light cav
4. Archers
5. Xbow
6. Situational awareness
7. Having a shield

I don't know what EU servers are like, but we have some highly skilled HA on NA1. However, whenever I play archer my teammates and I make it a priority to "bring them down." Rarely do they see the end of the round, and if they do? Guess what, devs already nerfed HA's ability to delay earlier this year by speeding up flag spawn times.

I realize it sucks fighting against some classes. Sometimes you're on a roll and some bullshit thrower, hoplite, crushthrough weapon, bumpslash, hiltslash, bullshit kills you and you get angry. "This is unjust!" You think. "He killed me so easily, and I'd been fighting so manfully and skillfully."

But to me, this is all part of the masochistically fun learning experience that is C-RPG. The fun of it, for me, isn't trolling the forums demanding a nerf to this or that, but in thinking up new and creative ways to overcome the various challenges the game has to offer. In doing so, you become stronger, smarter, more flexible, and better at communicating w/ your comrades.

That being said, sometimes a nerf is absolutely necessary, but I would consider the faster flag spawning and increased riding difficulties to be sufficient for now.

You can apply that to absolutely anything in the game regardless of balance. If you see someone who is a very important target to kill you focus him down or throw more resources at him. Whether someone is high priority or not should be based on their own ability at the game, not the class they choose
Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: San on July 21, 2014, 08:36:29 pm
I tried making the most agi lancer possible at 9-33 to catch HA. It was decent at it, but not great enough, since the squishiness of the build demanded few mistakes against a good one that kept his distance. It was an insane bumping machine against infantry, though.

I found that using an HT in medium armor + medium horse or heavier was much better at actually decimating HA as long as I wasn't being targeted by too many other people at the same time.
Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: Chosen1 on July 21, 2014, 09:00:04 pm
Why are we catering to the minority here? Like 20 people in all of cRPG play HA, why do we have to let them keep ruining the mod?
Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: Macropus on July 21, 2014, 09:29:24 pm
The whole "HAs deal damage without infantry being able to fight back" issue is overrated, there are several other cases when a player can't do anything against another player and dies, for example: an archer without melee weapon can't do anything against agi shielder, a pikeman can't do anything 1 vs 1 against another infantry etc.
Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: Joker86 on July 21, 2014, 09:44:51 pm
A bug giving certain builds 200-400 wpf (then capped to their own wpf after penalties) that was there for the last 3 years was fixed. Perhaps the other past nerfs only masked this inconsistency that was made more apparent ever since the wpf change last year.

Well okay, at least I can't blame the devs of again having tried to fix a problem with a nerf. But only because they get the benefit of a doubt.
Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: Godfredus on July 21, 2014, 10:10:03 pm
Significanlty reduce the shooting angle for HA, like you already did to the attack angle of lancers.
Increase mounted archery penalty so they won't be accurate when riding. Forbid them to drive horse right or left, when drawing a bow.
Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: Grumbs on July 21, 2014, 10:49:16 pm
The whole "HAs deal damage without infantry being able to fight back" issue is overrated, there are several other cases when a player can't do anything against another player and dies, for example: an archer without melee weapon can't do anything against agi shielder, a pikeman can't do anything 1 vs 1 against another infantry etc.

Thats people limiting themselves when they have no reason to. Theres no reason for an archer not to take a Broad Short Sword at least, and even with a hammer they can block indefinately until they get a chance to kite. A pike is at a disadvantage 1v1, but he can also have a backup sidearm or kick/nudge until they can kite a bit. HA's only put themselves at risk when they choose to. Melee on the other hand have nothing to do but hide or hold up a shield and hope the HA doesn't go behind you or bump :D

Do you think melee are pointlessly limiting themselves by not taking a ranged weapon? Maybe, but thats a fault of the game balance imo - I don't think this game should be all about ranged gameplay when we have such a good melee system. I'd sooner play any other FPS in my game library than play this to shoot people, especially if I were shooting people who want to play for the melee gameplay
Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: CrazyCracka420 on July 21, 2014, 10:53:19 pm
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Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: MURDERTRON on July 22, 2014, 12:05:18 am
Reduce maneuverability and speed for HA when drawing/firing.  This will give other cav a chance to catch them if they they don't create enough space first.  This will still allow HA to kite other cav, but not shoot quite as rapidly and then they'll be more likely to make a mistake.
Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: Senni__Ti on July 22, 2014, 02:23:44 am
I tried making the most agi lancer possible at 9-33 to catch HA. It was decent at it, but not great enough, since the squishiness of the build demanded few mistakes against a good one that kept his distance. It was an insane bumping machine against infantry, though.

I found that using an HT in medium armor + medium horse or heavier was much better at actually decimating HA as long as I wasn't being targeted by too many other people at the same time.

There used to be a decent HT on EU with that setup + throwing spears.
Wasn't anything I feared more when playing HA.

It is a lot less accurate post-patch and I'm not sure if I'm doing less damage. Probably just my switch from khergit -> bodkins today.
I did headshot an archer who had a Boerk, he didn't die. (+3 yumi, bodkins and 18:24 build, stationary shot)

Didn't really change how I played, infantry still can't touch me unless I let them. Still need something to allow melee cav atleast to catch up.
Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: Smoothrich on July 22, 2014, 11:49:00 am
You also gotta take into account actual medieval tactics into the whole equation. Sure, a bunch of infantrymen going for a beeline after a horsearcher are gonna get shot up, but unmounted archers can easily pick them off provided they have a good position and/or protection from infantry. The mongols dominated the battlefield because nobody could catch up to them. Then people realized they could force the horse archer to become a sitting duck by harassing them with foot archers that were impossible to fire upon due to pikemen and/or shielded infantry. Foot archers can hit horse archers at a much greater range, and the horse archer could not approach the archer due to defensive, stationary infantry.

"Actual medieval tactics" isn't the same thing as your memory of playing Medieval: Total War against Very Easy AI bots.

edit: the actual strategy was to hide behind walls. Unfortunately for half the world, the Mongols were the first steppe nomads to acquire advanced siege engineering from their Chinese vassals. This led to them killing everyone and everything, until they started to kill each other instead.

Besides that, Chinese and other powers that dealt with nomadic steppe tribes would just employ other steppe tribes to fight them. It is an unparalleled warrior culture with tactical and strategic versatility that nothing until gunpowder could deal with.

Also Mongol and Turkish composite bows, fired from horseback, shot farther and with more force, while still being easier and faster to use, than an English Longbow and similar weapons.

Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: BlindGuy on July 22, 2014, 12:36:53 pm
Did you spectate and check so that they no one on the other team fed them score at the end of the round? its become a thing apparently for clanmates to never attack eachother during battles except in the end where one stands still and feeds valour to the other. Im looking at you barabe scum, i saw you all playing HA's and not shooting a single shot at eachother even when you got switched so you had like 3 HA's on each team. Lazy ass admins didnt do shit to ban when teamworking across teams either.

Seriously, teamworking when on different teams should not be allowed.

I dont attack my clanmates on opposite team, if there are other targets for me or them.

Course, if we meet alone in an alley, or its end of round and we still alive, then its time to get it on. And I wouldn't LET them win, gonna try to end them. Would never feed them valour...

But I will admit that before now I have tripped an archer teammate over with a little nudge when hes aiming at my friends back... What? he's my friend, fight the guy and kill him, or I will fight him and try to kill him once you are dead, but dont shoot a man in the back.

But back on topic: Just remove ranged cav, anyone who complains: permaban. There, fixed, community is richer in two ways: Everyone has more fun and the annoying dickheads are banned. I provide this solution free of charge, you are all welcome.
Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: Teeth on July 22, 2014, 12:50:41 pm
Are Byzantium the only clan where if we spot a clanmate on the other team everybody gets a raging bloodlust to murder him?
Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: jtobiasm on July 22, 2014, 12:54:12 pm
Are Byzantium the only clan where if we spot a clanmate on the other team everybody gets a raging bloodlust to murder him?

Nar, fallen kill each other too
Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: BlindGuy on July 22, 2014, 01:16:24 pm
Are Byzantium the only clan where if we spot a clanmate on the other team everybody gets a raging bloodlust to murder him?

Don't missunderstand, I want to kill 'em, but there is no skill in ganking a guy while he is also being shot. I want him to triumph or run, so we can fight each other without archers and other nubs involved, I most like to do my killing like my dieing: face to face, 1v1, gives me a big broner.
Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: Molly on July 22, 2014, 01:41:10 pm
Are Byzantium the only clan where if we spot a clanmate on the other team everybody gets a raging bloodlust to murder him?
I tend to ignore every other enemy around me when I see a fellow Black on the battlefield. Most of the times I don't even make it to my target but it's totally worth it... :D
Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: Butan on July 22, 2014, 01:50:41 pm
But back on topic: Just remove ranged cav, anyone who complains: permaban. There, fixed, community is richer in two ways: Everyone has more fun and the annoying dickheads are banned. I provide this solution free of charge, you are all welcome.

BlindGuy president.
Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: BlindGuy on July 22, 2014, 02:26:31 pm
Also Mongol and Turkish composite bows, fired from horseback, shot farther and with more force, while still being easier and faster to use, than an English Longbow and similar weapons.

I just read this... and I had to lol. I'm not a britmy old friend, I don't consider any culture inherantly better than another either but: That's bullshit Smoothrich. Despite what hollywood or w/e has made you believe, the longbow used by the english that gained so much fame during the 100-years war period and continued to be used throughout Tudor times were:

NOT a selfbow: it is a natural laminate, so a compound bow, with sapwood resisting tension on the back and heartwood resisting compression in the belly. Yew was ideal for this, to the point where early conservationists complained about deforestation of yew trees.
NOT a flatbow: crosssection of a longbow/warbow will show it is a D shape.
NOT a straightbow: THIS is the biggest misconception you seem to be under, since many portrayals, especially in movies, show unstrung longbows to look a bit like a stave: Longbows were recurve bows. Very many manuscripts from medieval era show this. Unfortunatly, no medieval bows from england excist, of any shape, but hundreds of ones from the Mary Rose, flagship of Henry VIII, were recovered when the ship was raised, and they are ALL recurve bows.
Longbows, or warbows as they were also called, were primarily used on foot, of course, but when the english marched to france for war they took mounted archers with them. These guys would dismount and form up for pitched battles, because military archery is a question of volume of arrows, not the skirmish warfare of the steppe tribes, but there are times when they had to ride and shoot: There is nothing stopping the use of a longbow on horseback. When the English had to cross Somme, at the ford at Blangetac, the mounted archers went first, firing from horseback at the Picardy militiamen on the other side, to cover the foot archers and knights behind(This is documented, I forget the name of the manuscript but it is a French manuscript describing the events, not some britmy old friend propoganda, you could probably find it if you spoke french and check the National Library's website (w/e the French call their national Library)). This was 2 days before the battle of Crecy.

SO we have a reflex, compound bow, that CAN be used from horseback, can shoot between 15 and 20 arrows per minute, and draw weights between 90 pounds (women and children) to the 160-200 pound range.

SO tell me again how the Mongol and Turkish bows of the same design but lesser draw weight were shooting further with more force?

Because it doesn't make sense on any level, to me.
Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: Herezy92 on July 22, 2014, 02:41:50 pm
Are Byzantium the only clan where if we spot a clanmate on the other team everybody gets a raging bloodlust to murder him?
As Merc, if the last enemy is a Merc, i'll let him fight to the death against my allies.
But untill the end of the round, i fight and kill any Merc i see.
Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: BlindGuy on July 22, 2014, 03:33:52 pm
Ah... the Mary Rose... Shitting on 'classic English exaggerating their bow' theorists since that wreck was discovered...

I remember back when it was scientifically impossible to pull a bow of the dimensions described in the British sources, until they found the bows in Mary Rose and more importantly the skeletons of the men who pulled them, warped and distorted gorillas. Then suddenly it wasnt impossible.

And where's the myth come from that only British had yew technology xD

Warped and distorted gorillas is right...that shit really does bend your spine into funny shapes, and it goes even further towards, in my mind, proving that the bows they used really were the fucking bomb: if you could get better performance from the bows of the turks/steppe tribes/mongols/chinese or ANYWHERE they would have. Sure there was no mass shipping of anything across huge distances unless it was massively economically viable, but it only takes ONE man to see the differences, buy a bow from where-ever and bring it back to England and show them. Commanders and armies are always looking to advance their military technology, they would not have ignored something so amazing as a much smaller bow that was both easier to use and more effective. To think that is ridiculous. Longbow: bestbow. If it wasn't, they would not have sacrificed so much money, time, and the health of so many generations of warriors to its dedicated use.
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Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: Herezy92 on July 22, 2014, 04:02:39 pm
Not just in Britain, but the Frence forces to counter the longbow had to rely on crossbows and also trained a few longbowmen of their own but never got the mass required to be an effective counter. Surely they would have been looking for a viable alternative that didnt require training since the age of 7.
French forces used arbalest because it's require much less training than a longbow, and because feudal France army was clearly a massive amount of peasants.
The lords were afraid to teach to peasants how to fight. (military training)
Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: Gravoth_iii on July 22, 2014, 04:07:16 pm
I dont attack my clanmates on opposite team, if there are other targets for me or them.

Course, if we meet alone in an alley, or its end of round and we still alive, then its time to get it on. And I wouldn't LET them win, gonna try to end them. Would never feed them valour...

But I will admit that before now I have tripped an archer teammate over with a little nudge when hes aiming at my friends back... What? he's my friend, fight the guy and kill him, or I will fight him and try to kill him once you are dead, but dont shoot a man in the back.

But back on topic: Just remove ranged cav, anyone who complains: permaban. There, fixed, community is richer in two ways: Everyone has more fun and the annoying dickheads are banned. I provide this solution free of charge, you are all welcome.

To me this all sounds like brocoding. You arent clanmates anymore if you are on opposite teams, just fucking destroy them like you would anyone else. Nudging archers to save a clanmate should be bannable. Going in to a fight expecting to 2v1 and then suddenly one is just spectating is a horrible sight, i want to win not fucking duel go to the duel server if you want honour bullshit. Duels are boring and tedius, its more exciting on the other part anyways, fighting 2 people at the same time.

Removing ranged cav completely is a shit idea aswell, mod is about variety and theres probably a decent chunk wanting to play mongol horse archer from time to time, some who only want to play it. Removing the entire class could result in people quitting the mod and that is never a good thing with a dying mod anyways.
Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: Herezy92 on July 22, 2014, 04:23:04 pm

Removing ranged cav completely is a shit idea aswell, mod is about variety and theres probably a decent chunk wanting to play mongol horse archer from time to time, some who only want to play it. Removing the entire class could result in people quitting the mod and that is never a good thing with a dying mod anyways.
Keeping HA will let some players in our mod. (great they don't leave ! ....  :? )
But i think you clearly underestimated the amount of players stoping the mod (for a while or completly) because of HA/HX.

And it's even worse when it's a hero.
RIP Tor, we all love you.
Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: BlindGuy on July 22, 2014, 04:36:33 pm
French forces used arbalest because it's require much less training than a longbow, and because feudal France army was clearly a massive amount of peasants.
The lords were afraid to teach to peasants how to fight. (military training)

No, the French didnt arm their commoners at all. They hired italians to do the crossbowing. No peasants in any military positions whatsoever.

Click spoiler for Gravoth sillythings.
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Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: Joker86 on July 22, 2014, 04:38:19 pm
French forces used arbalest because it's require much less training than a longbow, and because feudal France army was clearly a massive amount of peasants.
The lords were afraid to teach to peasants how to fight. (military training)

Weren't the French medieval armies actually known for not conscribing peasants most of the time? As far as I know in France the nobelty had the opinion that it's better to not have the peasants being armed. If you consider the French revolution, they were right in the end  :mrgreen:
Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: Herezy92 on July 22, 2014, 05:01:54 pm
Weren't the French medieval armies actually known for not conscribing peasants most of the time? As far as I know in France the nobelty had the opinion that it's better to not have the peasants being armed. If you consider the French revolution, they were right in the end  :mrgreen:
Yes it's what i'm saying, they had no military training. And they never own their weapons like arbalest.
Moreover, in medieval time, the enemies were often capturing the other army in order to get money in exchange + glory for the nobles
But you guys are all jealous about feudal France because of this mighty right :

Droit de cuissage.

Go google it, you will love it. x)

@BlindGuy The crossbower weren't only italian's mercenaries.
Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: CrazyCracka420 on July 22, 2014, 07:30:16 pm
Are Byzantium the only clan where if we spot a clanmate on the other team everybody gets a raging bloodlust to murder him?

Nope, I always go for clan mates if they're on the enemy team.  Not sure why people feel the need to bro-code.  It's not going to hurt their feelings if you fight a friend/clan mate.  I take it as a compliment when I'm being targeted by people. 

Also the English Long Bow vs Middle East composite bows is ridiculous to argue using re-creations and testing from today.  The thing is, both these cultures had people shooting progressively larger draw poundage bows since they were able to walk.  Nobody today has the muscle strength or muscle memory required to accurately test the poundage that was used on the English long bows (can't say for sure about the composite bows, but I'd guess the argument is similarly silly to make). 
Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: Macropus on July 22, 2014, 07:38:09 pm
Thats people limiting themselves when they have no reason to. Theres no reason for an archer not to take a Broad Short Sword at least, and even with a hammer they can block indefinately until they get a chance to kite. A pike is at a disadvantage 1v1, but he can also have a backup sidearm or kick/nudge until they can kite a bit. HA's only put themselves at risk when they choose to. Melee on the other hand have nothing to do but hide or hold up a shield and hope the HA doesn't go behind you or bump :D

Do you think melee are pointlessly limiting themselves by not taking a ranged weapon? Maybe, but thats a fault of the game balance imo - I don't think this game should be all about ranged gameplay when we have such a good melee system. I'd sooner play any other FPS in my game library than play this to shoot people, especially if I were shooting people who want to play for the melee gameplay
Okay, I have respeced from HA back to melee and therefore I now agree with you (no bias), nerf horse archers.
Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: Sniger on July 22, 2014, 07:46:16 pm
remove ranged cav. ban bro-coders.
Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: Glyph on July 22, 2014, 08:12:37 pm
I just read this... and I had to lol. I'm not a britmy old friend, I don't consider any culture inherantly better than another either but: That's bullshit Smoothrich. Despite what hollywood or w/e has made you believe, the longbow used by the english that gained so much fame during the 100-years war period and continued to be used throughout Tudor times were:

NOT a selfbow: it is a natural laminate, so a compound bow, with sapwood resisting tension on the back and heartwood resisting compression in the belly. Yew was ideal for this, to the point where early conservationists complained about deforestation of yew trees.
NOT a flatbow: crosssection of a longbow/warbow will show it is a D shape.
NOT a straightbow: THIS is the biggest misconception you seem to be under, since many portrayals, especially in movies, show unstrung longbows to look a bit like a stave: Longbows were recurve bows. Very many manuscripts from medieval era show this. Unfortunatly, no medieval bows from england excist, of any shape, but hundreds of ones from the Mary Rose, flagship of Henry VIII, were recovered when the ship was raised, and they are ALL recurve bows.
Longbows, or warbows as they were also called, were primarily used on foot, of course, but when the english marched to france for war they took mounted archers with them. These guys would dismount and form up for pitched battles, because military archery is a question of volume of arrows, not the skirmish warfare of the steppe tribes, but there are times when they had to ride and shoot: There is nothing stopping the use of a longbow on horseback. When the English had to cross Somme, at the ford at Blangetac, the mounted archers went first, firing from horseback at the Picardy militiamen on the other side, to cover the foot archers and knights behind(This is documented, I forget the name of the manuscript but it is a French manuscript describing the events, not some britmy old friend propoganda, you could probably find it if you spoke french and check the National Library's website (w/e the French call their national Library)). This was 2 days before the battle of Crecy.

SO we have a reflex, compound bow, that CAN be used from horseback, can shoot between 15 and 20 arrows per minute, and draw weights between 90 pounds (women and children) to the 160-200 pound range.

SO tell me again how the Mongol and Turkish bows of the same design but lesser draw weight were shooting further with more force?

Because it doesn't make sense on any level, to me.
The warbow can indeed be used from horseback, but not with the same deadly power and speed as it would have on foot. The main advantage of using a really compact bow as the Tartars and Mongols did was that you could easily put your bow away to switch weapons, not only that but also would you be able to move your bow over the horse's neck whilst shooting, which means you have an extra edge over the use of a warbow from horseback because the turn radius of your bow is greater. Another thing which would in my oppinion is really weird about shooting a warbow from horseback is the following: When I shoot a longbow which is at the top end of the draw weight I can handle, yes I do this because I practice archery for the gigs,(and no not those 180lbs ones lol) all the muscle groups in my upper body are helping me to pull that string back, and to do that properly I have to stand very stable on the ground to shoot the thing, so how could one do that from the back of a horse? of course you could stand up in the stirups but I can't imagine being able to stand as steady in those. Anyhow, I guess we'll never really know, because we don't breed those darn gorillas anymore.
ow ow and you are completely right about the yew! it is THE best kind of wood to use for bowmaking, but not only the English had you available to them! Italian Yew is also very good for making bows, but the English were the only ones to see it's value and force every able boy from a young age to learn how to shoot it by law.
Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: Smoothrich on July 22, 2014, 09:46:43 pm
I just read this... and I had to lol. I'm not a britmy old friend, I don't consider any culture inherantly better than another either but: That's bullshit Smoothrich. Despite what hollywood or w/e has made you believe, the longbow used by the english that gained so much fame during the 100-years war period and continued to be used throughout Tudor times were:

NOT a selfbow: it is a natural laminate, so a compound bow, with sapwood resisting tension on the back and heartwood resisting compression in the belly. Yew was ideal for this, to the point where early conservationists complained about deforestation of yew trees.
NOT a flatbow: crosssection of a longbow/warbow will show it is a D shape.
NOT a straightbow: THIS is the biggest misconception you seem to be under, since many portrayals, especially in movies, show unstrung longbows to look a bit like a stave: Longbows were recurve bows. Very many manuscripts from medieval era show this. Unfortunatly, no medieval bows from england excist, of any shape, but hundreds of ones from the Mary Rose, flagship of Henry VIII, were recovered when the ship was raised, and they are ALL recurve bows.
Longbows, or warbows as they were also called, were primarily used on foot, of course, but when the english marched to france for war they took mounted archers with them. These guys would dismount and form up for pitched battles, because military archery is a question of volume of arrows, not the skirmish warfare of the steppe tribes, but there are times when they had to ride and shoot: There is nothing stopping the use of a longbow on horseback. When the English had to cross Somme, at the ford at Blangetac, the mounted archers went first, firing from horseback at the Picardy militiamen on the other side, to cover the foot archers and knights behind(This is documented, I forget the name of the manuscript but it is a French manuscript describing the events, not some britmy old friend propoganda, you could probably find it if you spoke french and check the National Library's website (w/e the French call their national Library)). This was 2 days before the battle of Crecy.

SO we have a reflex, compound bow, that CAN be used from horseback, can shoot between 15 and 20 arrows per minute, and draw weights between 90 pounds (women and children) to the 160-200 pound range.

SO tell me again how the Mongol and Turkish bows of the same design but lesser draw weight were shooting further with more force?

Because it doesn't make sense on any level, to me.

lol, fucking anglophile. Not surprising that Europeans have such an insular, ignorant view of history..  perhaps read a history book not written by some 19th century white male racist imperialist  shitlord?
Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: Tears of Destiny on July 22, 2014, 11:11:58 pm
lol, fucking anglophile. Not surprising that Europeans have such an insular, ignorant view of history..  perhaps read a history book not written by some 19th century white male racist imperialist  shitlord?

Yeah, sperging out on him without any contradictory facts of your own is a solid strategy mate, you done trolled gud.
Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: Kaoklai on July 23, 2014, 02:59:23 am
NOT a selfbow: it is a natural laminate, so a compound bow, with sapwood resisting tension on the back and heartwood resisting compression in the belly.
A selfbow is a bow made from a single piece of wood.  The English longbow is made from a single piece of wood.  You might call it a "natural composite bow" to illustrate the heartwood/sapwood interaction, but it remains a selfbow made from a single piece of wood.  By the way, this is what a compound bow looks like
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NOT a straightbow: THIS is the biggest misconception you seem to be under, since many portrayals, especially in movies, show unstrung longbows to look a bit like a stave: Longbows were recurve bows. Very many manuscripts from medieval era show this. Unfortunatly, no medieval bows from england excist, of any shape, but hundreds of ones from the Mary Rose, flagship of Henry VIII, were recovered when the ship was raised, and they are ALL recurve bows.
Uh, you mean the Mary Rose longbows like these:
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Those aren't recurves, bro.  They're mostly straight and some are slightly curved in the wrong direction (for an unstrung recurve bow) -from heavy use probably. 

Here's a video of a dude using a 170 lb draw weight Mary Rose type longbow.  Notice how the string never lies along the the tips of the bow, i.e. it's not a recurve. 

There is nothing stopping the use of a longbow on horseback. When the English had to cross Somme, at the ford at Blangetac, the mounted archers went first, firing from horseback at the Picardy militiamen on the other side, to cover the foot archers and knights behind(This is documented, I forget the name of the manuscript but it is a French manuscript describing the events, not some britmy old friend propoganda, you could probably find it if you spoke french and check the National Library's website (w/e the French call their national Library)).
The average length of a Mary Rose longbow was 6 and a half feet.  You're saying that you don't see why it wouldn't be viable to use a ~150 pound draw, 6.5 foot tall bow on horseback?  Do you not understand basic body mechanics?  The only "evidence" for English horse archery at Blanchetaque I've seen is a single artist's rendition of the battle.  In the same picture the horse archer is wearing full plate, holding the bow fully drawn on the right side of his horse with his left hand (which we all know is impossible from playing M&B), and charging headfirst into a line of French knights. 

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SO we have a reflex, compound bow, that CAN be used from horseback, can shoot between 15 and 20 arrows per minute, and draw weights between 90 pounds (women and children) to the 160-200 pound range.
The only thing you got right here are the draw weights. 
Reflex bow, notice how it curls into a C-shape unstrung. 
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Compound bow. 
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15-20 arrows per minute is total bullshit.  8 is around the upper limit for usefulness on a high poundage bow.  Anything higher and you simply won't be able to fully draw or aim.  Longbows don't turn you into Legolas. 

SO tell me again how the Mongol and Turkish bows of the same design but lesser draw weight were shooting further with more force?

1) Nobody said they can shoot farther and with more force with lower draw weight.  The post you replied to didn't mention draw weight.

2) They aren't of the same design.  Are you fucking blind, guy?  If you think a Mongol or Turkish reflex, recurve bow is of the same design as an English longbow, you're beyond help.   

3) Mongol/Turkish bows were capable of ranges and "force" similar to English longbows because they could have similar draw weights.  The reason a much smaller bow was capable of similar draw weights to a larger bow is that they used more efficient materials and configurations (horn, sinew, different woods for different parts of the bow; recurved, reflexed). 

There are also a lot of other variables that affect range and power beyond draw weight -arrow wobbling and vibration, smoothness of release, arrow size/weight/head-shape. 

it doesn't make sense on any level, to me.
I suspect that's true for many topics. 

Apparently longbow is to Europeans what katana is to weeaboos.
Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: Sniger on July 23, 2014, 03:07:42 am
in crpg, i think its lame that i can shoot longer with a regular short bow or bow than with a longbow  :lol:  the arrow is dropping very fast when using longbow, i believe this was "a fix" some time ago. IMO it should be reverted.


arrow size/weight/head-shape.

huge impact!

awesome post kaoklai
Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: Herezy92 on July 23, 2014, 09:22:46 am
Herezy, it's the Ius primae noctis. We all know it from the movie braveheart  :mrgreen:
Ah ? it's in braveheart ? lol i don't remember :)
But for sure it's a pretty nice right.
Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: Herezy92 on July 23, 2014, 10:34:46 am
And one of the biggest misconceptions, and i blame films like LOTR and games like Mount & Blade[...]
Fcking Legolas, u besterd stop killing Uruks & Orcs.
Fcking cheater. :)
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Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: Smoothrich on July 23, 2014, 11:13:45 am
And one of the biggest misconceptions, and i blame films like LOTR and games like Mount & Blade, is that people used bows for 'sniping' or even aimed at a single target.

You stand in a line, and you fire as many arrows as you can. We're talking volleys not elven or COD bullshit. With the arrows planted in the ground next to you (not over the shoulder like some my old friendgy elf) and not taking care to aim at a specific target, or see if your shot takes them, that rate of fire is utterly reasonable. The figure was derived from experimental archaeology and testing using high poundage bows, not just blind faith in historical 'Rule Brittania' type texts.

Your concept of 'usefulness' appears to be totally missing the point of a volley, you're not a sniper in any modern sense, you're not aiming for the jugular from 200 yards and you certainly arent any use to your army as a lone archer - that's why the fact the French had longbowmen is rarely mentioned, there were never enough to make an impact. The biggest downside of this style was the historical problem of running out of damn arrows very soon into the battle, particularly when fighting overseas.

Mongol/Turkish bow fanboyism is different from Longbow fanboyism how exactly? That just seems like full-on weaboo worship, ''it's from the east so it's better''.

It's like you watched some low budget 90s documentary on the battle of Agincourt and you think you are a master of the global thousands year long martial history of the bow.  It's hilarious.  Vomiting uncited and incorrect wikifacts about the hundred years war does nothing to conceal your profound ignorance of military history or frankly any critical reasoning and common sense at all. You are a testament to the European race being upjumped dark age neanderthals.
Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: Teeth on July 23, 2014, 12:15:59 pm
Brits are like the EU Americans except many Americans actually have the sense of being ironic about their blind chauvinism.
Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: BlindGuy on July 23, 2014, 05:10:57 pm
A selfbow is a bow made from a single piece of wood.  The English longbow is made from a single piece of wood.  You might call it a "natural composite bow" to illustrate the heartwood/sapwood interaction, but it remains a selfbow made from a single piece of wood.  By the way, this is what a compound bow looks like
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Uh, you mean the Mary Rose longbows like these:
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Those aren't recurves, bro.  They're mostly straight and some are slightly curved in the wrong direction (for an unstrung recurve bow) -from heavy use probably. 

Here's a video of a dude using a 170 lb draw weight Mary Rose type longbow.  Notice how the string never lies along the the tips of the bow, i.e. it's not a recurve. 

The average length of a Mary Rose longbow was 6 and a half feet.  You're saying that you don't see why it wouldn't be viable to use a ~150 pound draw, 6.5 foot tall bow on horseback?  Do you not understand basic body mechanics?  The only "evidence" for English horse archery at Blanchetaque I've seen is a single artist's rendition of the battle.  In the same picture the horse archer is wearing full plate, holding the bow fully drawn on the right side of his horse with his left hand (which we all know is impossible from playing M&B), and charging headfirst into a line of French knights. 

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The only thing you got right here are the draw weights. 
Reflex bow, notice how it curls into a C-shape unstrung. 
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Compound bow. 
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15-20 arrows per minute is total bullshit.  8 is around the upper limit for usefulness on a high poundage bow.  Anything higher and you simply won't be able to fully draw or aim.  Longbows don't turn you into Legolas. 

1) Nobody said they can shoot farther and with more force with lower draw weight.  The post you replied to didn't mention draw weight.

2) They aren't of the same design.  Are you fucking blind, guy?  If you think a Mongol or Turkish reflex, recurve bow is of the same design as an English longbow, you're beyond help.   

3) Mongol/Turkish bows were capable of ranges and "force" similar to English longbows because they could have similar draw weights.  The reason a much smaller bow was capable of similar draw weights to a larger bow is that they used more efficient materials and configurations (horn, sinew, different woods for different parts of the bow; recurved, reflexed). 

There are also a lot of other variables that affect range and power beyond draw weight -arrow wobbling and vibration, smoothness of release, arrow size/weight/head-shape. 
I suspect that's true for many topics. 

Apparently longbow is to Europeans what katana is to weeaboos.

First: I made a type, you're right, I wrote reflex once instead of recurve because I was thinking about something else at the time. That's my bad.

Now, let us adress some of the bullshit you have spouted.

You have a modern bow picture: is it a compound? I don't know, you claim it to be, so I will believe you, I have never made nor fired such a bow, I have no interest in it.

The definition of compound is two or more elements combined. So, when I write that a yew longbow is a compound bow I'm pretty sure that I'm factually correct, which is the best kind of correct.

As to some video you linked, I watched it: my hopes for it being anything useful died when I watched them weighing it off center. Then he started shooting by pulling back on the string while hunched then he did some weird aim down then up shit. I don't know who taught him that, but that is gonna do wondrous damage to him and be horribly tiring and inneficient. He really needs to learn to bend the bow around himself not trying to pull back on the string. Anyway, back to your post:

I don't know what or who made that ugly looking POS bow they have there, but even it was an accurate recreation of anything used by soldiers between 1200-1500 in England, why would the string be touching the limbs? Being a recurve bow in no way requires the string to touch the limbs, and while in small bows with extremely pronounced recurves you will see the string sit on the limbs, it isn't a requirement or even desired since it kills a lot of the speed of the release.

Also, you linked a pic of an actual reflex bow unstrung. Like I wrote before, sure I made a typo, never meant to claim a longbow was ever a reflex bow: but that picture, lol: it's labelled turkish bow in the link, but it is clearly a korean bow. Anyway, from your post I am guessing you have little to no experience with bows or archery, and you are trying to make some point. Unfortunatly, except for pointing out my typo, all you have done is present some nice pictures and videos by people who if possible are even less well informed than yourself.

You wrote that noone mentioned drawweight when comparing eastern and western bows before me: well, I guess again this was a communication problem, since clearly smooth wrote that they were "easier", the exact word used. So, to me, to the only thing affecting the "ease" with which I draw the bow is the weight: so by "easier" I assumed he meant less drawweight. If he failed at expressing himself (because I dont know what else could make for more ease of use) then don't jump down MY throat.

As to your katana for weaabos comparison: no, I don't think the longbow was some godlike tool, but it must have been brutally effective or noone would have wasted their time on its use. The true miracle of engineering from the west that FAR outstrips the pretty crappy katana is the longsword. Its a thing of beauty, like the katana, but it is also functional on a battlefield, UNLIKE the katana. Although, it is easily put to shame by the true kings of the armoured battlefield, the Poleaxe.

Oh and "bro" your comment about the photos of the longbows: I am going to reply because I honestly think you weren't trolling: Those aren't bent with use, they are bent the opposite way to their strung shape, making them all recurve bows. Forget your ego, if you know anything about archery at all, look again at those bows, and see the truth there: Most of them have probably never been bent since they were tillered, never used. If they HAD been ben from use, they would have been discarded: They were on a King's flagship. Not some desperate defence somewhere where they had to keep using bows past their effective lifespan.

And last: the speed I quoted of 15-20 APM is accurate, despite your weird point about being effective. A typical armoured charge would take anything from 30 seconds to a minute. Lets take a short average at 40 seconds. Several sources believe this is how long the charge at Crecy lasted. I use this example because it is one of the few I could find several different people agreeing about the time it would take to cover the distance on a well fed and trained horse. Also lets go for the slow side on the APM, so 15 APM, 40 seconds, thats 10 arrows. Now, in GAMES and MOVIES, you aim at a man and shoot him. But that isn't accurate to what we know about archery being used on a large scale: It is believed from the pay records that there were 5.5k archers and 2k mounted archers (on foot of course) at the top of the hill at Crecy, but again we will take a lower number. So, 5000 archers, each firing 10 arrows in that 40 second charge. Thats FIFTY THOUSAND ARROWS. Do you really think that with an arrowstorm of 50,000 arrows each archer needs to pick a target and aim for him? Or would ranging the mass of charging men be enough.

Because I think ranging them would be enough. So, I call it effective.

Any other random pictures about things you haven't understood and points about stuff you haven't though out you want debunking or explaining? Let me know.
Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: Teeth on July 23, 2014, 05:15:47 pm
British people, famously lacking a sense of irony.
Famously lacking the good sense to scrutinize their own country's historical 'achievements' or 'inventions'.

Also Blind Guy when you say compound bow you probably mean composite bow.
Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: BlindGuy on July 23, 2014, 05:31:45 pm
Also Blind Guy when you say compound bow you probably mean composite bow.

Compound: combination of two or more elements.

Composite: made up of several parts or elements.

Yes. And yes. Yes. They are the same. I have no interest in modern servo-assisted archery, I really couldn't care less what they have bastardised the word compound to mean in their lingo. Just as they have no interest in correctly labelling their precursors, since when I read your comment: because you tend to read before you write, I googled modern compound bows, and the first listing read " limbs much stiffer than those of a recurve bow or longbow", and since a longbow IS a recurve bow, I stopped reading, because as usual, it was evident that hollywood knowledge has won out over actual historic evidence. :(

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Well Heskey I'm not British, but I am gonna claim longbows for Britain.... cause they were used mainly by the English, but the first documented evidence of bows of that length with the slightly recurved limbs being used effectively in a military context are of Welshmen shooting Englishmen...
Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: BlindGuy on July 23, 2014, 05:52:08 pm
There's some speculation that the Amesbury archer buried near Stonehenge from the Bronze Age used a war bow of similar proportions, and the stable Strontium isotopes in his teeth and bones show he was born, raised, and spent most of his adult life in the Baltic. But that could just be wishful thinking as the bow doesn't survive, we only have his arrowheads, wrist-guard and deformed shoulders to suggest something more.

They found a yew bowstave with Otzi the iceman also, but apparantly he hadn't finished shaping it, probably to replace the one he had lost while fighting other men. (Cause its believed he had blood of several humans on his arrows and knife, and his coat, and he had arrows and bowstring but no finished bow, but he also had an arrow in his back.. so he probably dropped his bow and ran off when he got shot.) Was it going to be a longbow to be used to get revenge on whoever shot him? Most likely. But was it going to recurved? With no way of tillering besides floortiller, I really doubt he would have been able to.
Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: Teeth on July 23, 2014, 07:57:25 pm
and since a longbow IS a recurve bow, I stopped reading, because as usual, it was evident that hollywood knowledge has won out over actual historic evidence.
Even the historical Mary Rose bows clearly demonstrate that a longbow is not a recurve bow.
Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: Oberyn on July 23, 2014, 11:51:04 pm
Apparently longbow is to Europeans the english what katana is to weeaboos.

There's a reason "Agincourt" is the only stickied thread on this subforum. Also americans saying that is a bit much. I've seen just as much pop culture bullshit myths about the longbow in american media and education.
Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: BlindGuy on July 24, 2014, 12:23:51 pm
Even the historical Mary Rose bows clearly demonstrate that a longbow is not a recurve bow.

I believe they clearly show that they ARE recurve: if a bow of massive poundage starts to bend when unstrung, you discard it, situation allowing, because it is losing weight and release speed. The Mary Rose was a flagship, the best of the best for the king. I dont believe they would have had old, overused, bent bows on board.

I think that they would have had new top quality bows onboard the flagship, for the best archers to protect the King. Yet, we see most of the bow staves they recovered are slightly bent.

I know this is far from an exact science, but I watched this, and Mike Loades agrees with everything I believe, if I am honest. I watched the whole of this program and was fucking jaw dropped: everything I believe, this guy believes, and while that is circular reasoning at best, watch and see for yourself, because I am not the best at making compelling arguments but these guys at least have English a native language and express themselves better.

I really couldn't believe this program as I watched it, I found the presenter etc when I went looking for info on Nordic shield duels, and while everything you watch/read must be seen as someone's opinion or representation, I watched all of this series, and I think this guy Mike Loades has a pretty good head on his shoulders, and doesn't just talk shit but actually tries and attempts what he thinks is possible and doable.

See for yourself what they say about the bows, and see what you think?
Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: Joker86 on July 24, 2014, 02:25:36 pm
Historical tests had the result that a sharpened longbow can cut through a katana.

No really, I am no expert in bows, and I think this topic was derailed heavily, but my personal opinion is that I agree that the longbow probably was the "strongest" bow.

Since I said I have no clue what I am talking about my opinion isn't really of any value, but hear me out anyway:

I guess we agree that for a long shot with a bow you need a lot of energy. The more energy, the longer the shot. That's obvious.

Now if we look at the bows, I think we all agree that the English/Welsh longbows required the highest drawing power of all bows. I mean just look at the backs of the people who used them! And I think it is relatively safe to say that the average Briton was a bit taller and bigger than the average Turk/Arab, I think what is true nowadays wasn't different back then.

I also think it is nice to know with which techniqes the bows were made, be it recurve, composite or whatever. But in the end it is only determining how the bowyers dealt with the materials they had at their disposal. To stick with a similar example: you can lift an object with a wind either directly or by the use of a pulley. One way (with the pulley) feels easier than the other, because you don't have to put that much energy directly into lifting the object, it's rather spent in the "endurance" which you need to turn the wind a few times more than when lifting the object directly. I think it's "maximum power" vs. "endurance power". It's at least how it's said in German, I couldn't find a translation. BUT: once both objects are lifted they both have the same amount of power stored. So in the end I don't think that anything but the final draw weight matters. Every bow offers a certain resistance, and you have to overcome it to put energy into the arrow. The more resistance you have, the more energy can you put into the arrow. And it doesn't matter how that resistance is created, be it the material or the shape or both, in the end it all boils down to how much force you need to pull the string, since for every historic bow it has been done the same way. If there had been a compound bow I already wouldn't be so sure in my theory, since I can't really estimate the shift of power needed, but I think since the drawing length is limited a compound bow would be weaker than a normal bow of the same size, right?

So bottom line is: the Longbow had the higher drawing weight, which means it puts more energy into the arrow.

But here is the point: I think the arrow kicks in, too! My bet is that the arrows for longbows were much longer, thicker and thus heavier than those of the Turk bows. And not only proportionally, but even heavier than that! In Europe I think you had to deal much more with (plate-)armour than in the middle east, and the fighting was different in general. So the heavier arrows lead to the longbow perhaps not having the range of the Turk bow, but his arrows pack a much meaner punch than those of the Turk bow!

I think we can compare it with modern calibers a bit. The Turk bow is a 9mm gun, whereas the longbow is a .45 ACP. While the 9mm has a good range of about 200m or even more, the .45 ACP is so slow, it's subsonic ammunition by default! (In most cases, there is always some special cartridge). With tracer ammunition I could fire my gun and then watch the bullet travel to the target... But heaven forbid you get hit by a .45!

The .45 has a much bigger cartridge than the 9mm, but due to the heavier projectile it's slower and thus has the shorter reach. Still it hits much heavier than the 9mm.

And the same thing happens with the longbow. It was designed to be able to punch through plate armour on short range with the right tip, something which a man with a melee weapon often fails! And of course it was designed to engage the enemy as soon as possible, so they also tried to get the range as high as possible, but it was only secondary to the armour piercing aspect.

The Turk bow on the other hand had the main purpose of having the longest reach possible. In the middle east warfare was different than in Europe, it was more mobile, and they relied much more on ranged fighting than on melee, and in the end a lower percentage of the Saracen troops was armoured compared to European troops, and the armour usually was a bit weaker, as far as I know. (I know about the fact that they often wore cloth over their armour so the Europeans thought their majority was unarmoured, which is wrong). So the main objective was to be able to shoot before the enemy could shoot, and be it only for hitting their usually unarmoured horses first, depriving them of their mobility.

But since I think that in a direct fight of lightly armoured Muslims against heavily armoured Europeans the longer reach of the Turk bow would be negated by the lower stopping power, whereas the longbow has only slightly lower reach but is more deadly, I think the longbow is the more useful tool in general. Edit: but only because I had to consider the armours of the possible enemies, too.
Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: MURDERTRON on July 24, 2014, 02:40:48 pm
Whatever bow Rambo used is the best.  Now stop this stupid thread.
Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: _GTX_ on July 24, 2014, 02:45:38 pm
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There is the Joker we know!

And why did this become some kind of historical discussion?
Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: STR_aD_Sargon_eqv on July 24, 2014, 03:11:03 pm
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remove dose annoyin unkillable bundle of stickss
Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: UnholyRolyPoly on July 24, 2014, 03:42:23 pm
There's a reason "Agincourt" is the only stickied thread on this subforum. Also americans saying that is a bit much. I've seen just as much pop culture bullshit myths about the longbow in american media and education.

Yes because Americans are totally obsessed with their longbows lol. 

Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: BlindGuy on July 24, 2014, 04:10:53 pm

remove dose annoyin unkillable bundle of stickss

Wanna know whats REALLY annoying my old friendgitry? When you do a right swing on right side of your horse, I easily step past to your left side so your horse goes past without even coming close, and you desperatly swing your mouse over cause you realise I have tricked you YET AGAIN. But its ok, 1hcav mechanics and ACS forgive all mistakes: your swing continues, thru your horses head (Dont ask me WHY you cannot hit your own horse, you should totally be able to for 1hcav and HA/HX) and just grazes me at extreme end of your swing, which was right swing from right, so touches me on your left after you have already ridden past: Im running past you and you are riding away, so massive negative speed bonus from the angle of sword, but still 1hits me. THATS fucking gay. Stop whineing about anything else when you play easymode.
Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: Smoothrich on July 24, 2014, 04:15:05 pm
Historical tests had the result that a sharpened longbow can cut through a katana.

No really, I am no expert in bows, and I think this topic was derailed heavily, but my personal opinion is that I agree that the longbow probably was the "strongest" bow.

Since I said I have no clue what I am talking about my opinion isn't really of any value, but hear me out anyway:

I guess we agree that for a long shot with a bow you need a lot of energy. The more energy, the longer the shot. That's obvious.

Now if we look at the bows, I think we all agree that the English/Welsh longbows required the highest drawing power of all bows. I mean just look at the backs of the people who used them! And I think it is relatively safe to say that the average Briton was a bit taller and bigger than the average Turk/Arab, I think what is true nowadays wasn't different back then.

I also think it is nice to know with which techniqes the bows were made, be it recurve, composite or whatever. But in the end it is only determining how the bowyers dealt with the materials they had at their disposal. To stick with a similar example: you can lift an object with a wind either directly or by the use of a pulley. One way (with the pulley) feels easier than the other, because you don't have to put that much energy directly into lifting the object, it's rather spent in the "endurance" which you need to turn the wind a few times more than when lifting the object directly. I think it's "maximum power" vs. "endurance power". It's at least how it's said in German, I couldn't find a translation. BUT: once both objects are lifted they both have the same amount of power stored. So in the end I don't think that anything but the final draw weight matters. Every bow offers a certain resistance, and you have to overcome it to put energy into the arrow. The more resistance you have, the more energy can you put into the arrow. And it doesn't matter how that resistance is created, be it the material or the shape or both, in the end it all boils down to how much force you need to pull the string, since for every historic bow it has been done the same way. If there had been a compound bow I already wouldn't be so sure in my theory, since I can't really estimate the shift of power needed, but I think since the drawing length is limited a compound bow would be weaker than a normal bow of the same size, right?

So bottom line is: the Longbow had the higher drawing weight, which means it puts more energy into the arrow.

But here is the point: I think the arrow kicks in, too! My bet is that the arrows for longbows were much longer, thicker and thus heavier than those of the Turk bows. And not only proportionally, but even heavier than that! In Europe I think you had to deal much more with (plate-)armour than in the middle east, and the fighting was different in general. So the heavier arrows lead to the longbow perhaps not having the range of the Turk bow, but his arrows pack a much meaner punch than those of the Turk bow!

I think we can compare it with modern calibers a bit. The Turk bow is a 9mm gun, whereas the longbow is a .45 ACP. While the 9mm has a good range of about 200m or even more, the .45 ACP is so slow, it's subsonic ammunition by default! (In most cases, there is always some special cartridge). With tracer ammunition I could fire my gun and then watch the bullet travel to the target... But heaven forbid you get hit by a .45!

The .45 has a much bigger cartridge than the 9mm, but due to the heavier projectile it's slower and thus has the shorter reach. Still it hits much heavier than the 9mm.

And the same thing happens with the longbow. It was designed to be able to punch through plate armour on short range with the right tip, something which a man with a melee weapon often fails! And of course it was designed to engage the enemy as soon as possible, so they also tried to get the range as high as possible, but it was only secondary to the armour piercing aspect.

The Turk bow on the other hand had the main purpose of having the longest reach possible. In the middle east warfare was different than in Europe, it was more mobile, and they relied much more on ranged fighting than on melee, and in the end a lower percentage of the Saracen troops was armoured compared to European troops, and the armour usually was a bit weaker, as far as I know. (I know about the fact that they often wore cloth over their armour so the Europeans thought their majority was unarmoured, which is wrong). So the main objective was to be able to shoot before the enemy could shoot, and be it only for hitting their usually unarmoured horses first, depriving them of their mobility.

But since I think that in a direct fight of lightly armoured Muslims against heavily armoured Europeans the longer reach of the Turk bow would be negated by the lower stopping power, whereas the longbow has only slightly lower reach but is more deadly, I think the longbow is the more useful tool in general. Edit: but only because I had to consider the armours of the possible enemies, too.

Pretty much none of this is remotely accurate, fyi. In fact, it is mostly the opposite of all historical records and modern scientific testing.
Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: BlindGuy on July 24, 2014, 04:20:42 pm
Pretty much none of this is remotely accurate, fyi. In fact, it is mostly the opposite of all historical records and modern scientific testing.

Ok honey.
Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: MURDERTRON on July 24, 2014, 04:26:35 pm
I saw the movie documentary, filmed in real time,300.  It was historically accurate.
Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: BlindGuy on July 24, 2014, 04:43:56 pm
My favourite part was when that black guys went 'Hu Hu Hu' and walked backwards into the shadows and went invisible apart from his big white teeth and eyes.

Classy stuff.

Yeah it's my fav too!

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Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: Viriathus on July 24, 2014, 04:49:29 pm
i think HA is realy cool and i love them, i wish i could be a HA
Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: Joker86 on July 24, 2014, 04:51:19 pm
Pretty much none of this is remotely accurate, fyi. In fact, it is mostly the opposite of all historical records and modern scientific testing.

I can fly.

I am a test driver for Porsche.

I know who killed JFK.
Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: Sharpe on July 24, 2014, 05:08:37 pm
If you ever find yourself wondering what would Benji do? He'd say 'Moar longbows!'.

He'd also say "Fuck all the bitches"
Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: MURDERTRON on July 24, 2014, 06:10:56 pm
I can fly.

I am a test driver for Porsche.

I know who killed JFK.

Everyone knows it was Lee Harvey Birdman. Couched him when his team wasn't looking.  Fucking pure couch builds.
Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: BlindGuy on July 25, 2014, 01:26:55 am
Fucking pure couch builds.

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Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: Joker86 on July 25, 2014, 03:09:14 pm
Koaklie needs to '-' more when he's informed how wet he gets over eastern bows, cos it shows what a weaboo he is

What I especially like about Cloaca and his "-"-spam is that they don't count to your rating at all any more. Since I rarely "-" someone, I especially enjoyed encountering a post of Cloaca I could not only "-" and thus influence his rating, I even meant it because it really was bullshit! What a happy day.
Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: BlindGuy on July 25, 2014, 03:33:43 pm
Holy shit, we have an expert in the room.

He knows SCIENCE. I hope he doesnt make our minds explode by naming a single example.

You'll have the inquisition down on us with your bleatings about science you dog.
Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: Phew on July 25, 2014, 05:47:05 pm
Play siege people. The rare HA on siege is nothing more than a comical distraction.
Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: BlindGuy on July 25, 2014, 05:50:59 pm
Play siege people. The rare HA on siege is nothing more than a comical distraction.

Siege is nice for levelling and stuff but its not Battle, bro.
Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: Phew on July 25, 2014, 06:20:25 pm
Siege is nice for levelling and stuff but its not Battle, bro.

Siege is for people that are after "epic" moments; epic clashes on top of ladders/flag, epic deaths (get a mid-air kill moments before gravity death, for instance), epic kills (nudging people off ledges mostly). No one gives a shit if they die, so people take crazy risks going for that epic moment. And you don't have to spin your camera around nonstop; you know where the enemy is, and they aren't riding a Charger up your ass.

90% of battle rounds are decided by the autobalancer, and you just have to run around with the clump as the round approaches its inevitable outcome. The only epic moments occur in the rare rounds where the last few survivors are well-matched. I do well on battle, but it just feels dull compared to siege at its best.
Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: Jon_Schneebrunzer on July 25, 2014, 11:44:48 pm
It both fun to play.

Duh :D
Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: BlindGuy on July 26, 2014, 12:13:46 am
Siege is for people that are after "epic" moments; epic clashes on top of ladders/flag, epic deaths (get a mid-air kill moments before gravity death, for instance), epic kills (nudging people off ledges mostly). No one gives a shit if they die, so people take crazy risks going for that epic moment. And you don't have to spin your camera around nonstop; you know where the enemy is, and they aren't riding a Charger up your ass.

90% of battle rounds are decided by the autobalancer, and you just have to run around with the clump as the round approaches its inevitable outcome. The only epic moments occur in the rare rounds where the last few survivors are well-matched. I do well on battle, but it just feels dull compared to siege at its best.

Mate I have about five thousand hours of crpg siege, but it is still the lesser of the 2 modes, and you still find people on siege who you could swear are convinced if they die it will kill them IRL, running for miles, and the outcome is picked as much by the autobalancer as battle.

In battle, clutching a round is simply amazing, and yeah unfortunatly for the majority of the community grind is the main aim, so they constantly stick in ganksquad, but smashing the opponents main clump then hunting down the stragglers, or being the last alive and selling your life hard for as many of the enemy as you can is awesome, and each opponent you leave in bloody tatters is not gonna respawn and come back in a few seconds.
Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: Prpavi on July 26, 2014, 02:56:16 pm
Siege is for people that are after "epic" moments; epic clashes on top of ladders/flag, epic deaths (get a mid-air kill moments before gravity death, for instance), epic kills (nudging people off ledges mostly). No one gives a shit if they die, so people take crazy risks going for that epic moment. And you don't have to spin your camera around nonstop; you know where the enemy is, and they aren't riding a Charger up your ass.

90% of battle rounds are decided by the autobalancer, and you just have to run around with the clump as the round approaches its inevitable outcome. The only epic moments occur in the rare rounds where the last few survivors are well-matched. I do well on battle, but it just feels dull compared to siege at its best.

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Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: Ikarus on July 26, 2014, 05:24:55 pm
Siege is for people that are after "epic" moments; epic clashes on top of ladders/flag, epic deaths (get a mid-air kill moments before gravity death, for instance), epic kills (nudging people off ledges mostly). No one gives a shit if they die, so people take crazy risks going for that epic moment. And you don't have to spin your camera around nonstop; you know where the enemy is, and they aren't riding a Charger up your ass.

90% of battle rounds are decided by the autobalancer, and you just have to run around with the clump as the round approaches its inevitable outcome. The only epic moments occur in the rare rounds where the last few survivors are well-matched. I do well on battle, but it just feels dull compared to siege at its best.

yeeah, those epic moments when youre on the defending team and your people defend the walls but not the flag

every. single. round.

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Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: Phew on July 26, 2014, 05:46:22 pm
yeeah, those epic moments when youre on the defending team and your people defend the walls but not the flag

every. single. round.

Siege defense is for valor hunting, not flag defending. /Duh
Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: Grumbs on July 31, 2014, 09:35:06 pm
When will they get a proper nerf? Still too OP
Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: Joseph Porta on August 01, 2014, 02:15:58 am
Siege defense is for valor hunting, not flag defending. /Duh
hmmm true tue

Remove siege valor 2014
Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: Death_Dealer on August 20, 2014, 08:52:09 pm
remove shield skill requirement i thnk it would reduce the whine about all ranged in crpg.
Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: San on August 20, 2014, 09:05:07 pm
Trust me, it won't. It'll be one less excuse to fall back on, though.
Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: Phew on August 20, 2014, 09:13:20 pm
remove shield skill requirement i thnk it would reduce the whine about all ranged in crpg.

I have a 2h char with 1 shield skill and a Plain Cavalry Shield, and it has never been broken by solely arrows. If HA aren't a big enough nuisance that you aren't willing to pay 1 skill point to mitigate their damage, then they aren't worth complaining about here.
Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: Death_Dealer on August 20, 2014, 09:43:35 pm
im not complaining about ha, i support ha. im just sick of people whining about all ranged. my biggest reason to play crpg is i can play classes and builds that i cant in native. and i dont understand those people copying native classes here and complaining about the large scale of builds/classes here. shield skill requirement is a crpg thing it doesnt exist in native. its a nerf to melee causing whine about ranged.
Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: _Tak_ on August 20, 2014, 09:53:25 pm
Zero_Sat is one of the very best HA in cRPG, if a player can do well as a HA it doesn't mean it required a nerf.  All heroes like phase, chase etc do well in their class and those required nerf too? HA is hard as hell and it is one of the most hardest class to play. HA and HX is a great nuisance to lance/sword cav, nerfing them will only end up buffing melee-cav.

with 11/33 build on my best record i can top score with like 26 kills and 6 deaths as a couch-only-my old friend, does that mean couch needs a nerf too just because i am good at it?
Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: San on August 20, 2014, 10:19:26 pm
With HA malus actually working, their power has been toned down by a fair amount. I think I still side with people wanting HA to be AGI * 3 instead of *6 while halving the boost for each point, though. Another few weeks wait may be needed before deeming the class "too strong" or not at this point.
Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: Prinz_Karl on August 20, 2014, 10:39:11 pm
Thing is that HA are annoying for EVERYONE except for themselves. For me it's just an unpopular class that's pulling down the enjoyment for other players. There is so many aspects which state that HA aren't compatible with this mod.

Imagine a new player getting hunted down by horsearchers (they really have no chance and HA love to hunt unexperienced low level players), it's just making this mod unpopular. Being able to use so many classes comes with a very high price imo.

It's not even that HA are op, it's just their playstyle (seriously what can infantry do against them? even if they take can many shots it's still a no-go for a mod).

So, what kind of mod would allow a class no matter how strong that is most of the times UNCOUNTERABLE for other classes?
Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: Prpavi on August 20, 2014, 10:45:10 pm
Well remove the class then since it's "UNCOUNTERABLE" for everyone  :!:
Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: San on August 20, 2014, 10:48:03 pm
If they deal negligible damage against your average melee and only lightly armoured builds or foot ranged have to worry about them, I'll consider that a good thing since HA would then only pose a real threat to those that annoy melee instead of melee themselves. I would like it to be the same with agility ranged and melee with 1-2 points in throwing, too. On that end, HA would need less ammo so infantry with decent armor are no longer as viable as targets.

Chasing other cav is a larger pain than it should be, though.
Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: Molly on August 21, 2014, 10:46:53 am
Hardly uncounterable.
You can see time and time again how - especially xbow - ranged shoots down a HA or at least the horse.
When at the end of the round only melee is left on one side and the other is a HA... well, start dancing at the flag.

Let's be honest, HAs are a pain in the ass but they are hardly match winning nor team carrying.
And most HA nowadays play a different style than they used to. Especially at round end, most tend to stick closer to the enemy team. Only a few refuse to not act like delaying pricks.

Prpavi for example nearly always dismounts when last. Hate_More isn't as bad as he used to be at round end.
Nonetheless, there are still assholes like Smurf_niluK who don't. Annoying but bareable... Let the flag handle him and his fellow pricks... or admins if online.

Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: Protemus on August 21, 2014, 12:07:56 pm
Hardly uncounterable.
You can see time and time again how - especially xbow - ranged shoots down a HA or at least the horse.
When at the end of the round only melee is left on one side and the other is a HA... well, start dancing at the flag.

Let's be honest, HAs are a pain in the ass but they are hardly match winning nor team carrying.
And most HA nowadays play a different style than they used to. Especially at round end, most tend to stick closer to the enemy team. Only a few refuse to not act like delaying pricks.

Prpavi for example nearly always dismounts when last. Hate_More isn't as bad as he used to be at round end.
Nonetheless, there are still assholes like Smurf_niluK who don't. Annoying but bareable... Let the flag handle him and his fellow pricks... or admins if online.

If being "asshole" and "annoying" and "prick" will save my x5 multiplier, than I will gladly be all of those and more if possible. Bring on the hate, feed me.
Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: Nordwolf on August 21, 2014, 12:39:27 pm
If being "asshole" and "annoying" and "prick" will save my x5 multiplier, than I will gladly be all of those and more if possible. Bring on the hate, feed me.
If being an "asshole" and "annoying" and "prick" gives you joy in life, then you're a poor person.
Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: Teeth on August 21, 2014, 12:41:42 pm
If being an "asshole" and "annoying" and "prick" gives you joy in life, then you're a poor person.
This is honestly the mentality that most of the long time horse archers proudly display in chat and on the forums.
Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: Umbra on August 21, 2014, 12:53:49 pm
Horse archery was unbearable when there were no flags spawning, now its still annoying but hardly too strong.
Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: Prpavi on August 21, 2014, 01:13:40 pm
This is honestly the mentality that most of the long time horse archers proudly display in chat and on the forums.

Some polearm users display similar characteristics
Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: Kafein on August 21, 2014, 01:19:22 pm
Some polearm users display similar characteristics

No they don't. Polearm users do not display toxic behavior on purpose just to annoy other players.
Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: Gnjus on August 21, 2014, 01:20:45 pm
Polearm users do not display toxic behavior on purpose just to annoy other players.

You know nothing about polearm users & cRPG in general.
Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: Thomek on August 21, 2014, 01:21:41 pm

Some polearm users display similar characteristics

To be fair here, Prpavi is a nice person among the HA :)
Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: Kafein on August 21, 2014, 01:27:10 pm
To be fair here, Prpavi is a nice person among the HA :)

That would be correct if HA were people.
Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: Molly on August 21, 2014, 01:33:53 pm
Seriously, most hate comes from people playing HA like douche bags and not necessarily from the class itself.
Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: Kafein on August 21, 2014, 01:37:11 pm
Seriously, most hate comes from people playing HA like douche bags and not necessarily from the class itself.

The HA class is attractive for douchebags. The amount of nuisance you can generate as mounted ranged is inordinately higher than with any other class.
Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: Rico on August 21, 2014, 01:39:39 pm
How about this: When you equip a bow, 1 quiver of arrows and a horse, the combination uses 4 slots, even if the individual items take less slots.
Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: Umbra on August 21, 2014, 02:05:04 pm
lol 4 slots for 1 stack of arrows and no weapon, you might as well delete the class
Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: Krex on August 21, 2014, 02:15:25 pm
lol 4 slots for 1 stack of arrows and no weapon, you might as well delete the class

Good idea.
Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: Spleen on August 21, 2014, 05:04:20 pm
The amount of nuisance you can generate as mounted ranged is inordinately higher than with any other class.

we're basically just the spock in a rock-paper-scissors-lizard-spock game
and everyone else is pissed cause they dont want to respec to spock  :rolleyes:
Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: Phew on August 21, 2014, 05:18:20 pm
I don't play much Battle, but it seems like a Hunting Xbow would be a decent counter to HX. Just reload behind a tree/wall.

Incidentally, I have a +3 Hunting Xbow on market...
Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: Vengt037 on August 21, 2014, 05:23:46 pm
Chasing other cav is a larger pain than it should be, though.

Don't chase them. They'll come to you.
Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: Kafein on August 21, 2014, 06:04:25 pm
we're basically just the spock in a rock-paper-scissors-lizard-spock game
and everyone else is pissed cause they dont want to respec to spock  :rolleyes:

No you aren't. rock-paper-scissors-lizard-spock is a perfectly balanced game.
Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: Grumbs on August 21, 2014, 07:19:35 pm
This game isn't and shouldn't be rock paper scissors. Only ranged is rock vs scissors, everything else is largely made up of a type of scissor, be it cav, melee and ranged at melee distance. There are varying degrees of rock and the ones that can deal damage while avoiding taking damage most efficiently from scissors are always going to be OP, just because they have a unique ability that scissors doesn't really do anything to.
Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: Grumbs on August 23, 2014, 03:20:05 pm
Please HA trolls are spoiling the game
Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: darmaster on August 23, 2014, 03:44:30 pm
seriously today smurf fully became a pederast, we gotta stop these people, who knows what they do IRL; we've got to talk with them, they're probably lonely people who're just looking for something to raise their self-esteem in this cruel society.
Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: Grumbs on August 27, 2014, 02:06:45 pm
Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: Algarn on September 04, 2014, 03:17:43 pm
Nothing changed.

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Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: Mr.K. on September 04, 2014, 03:19:29 pm
Just go heavy armor, heavy horse HA and chase him for a couple of rounds. The first time you kill him, he'll rage quit.

HA is OP as hell and has been for a while. Riding a heavy horse I can fight basically any class on the field without being threatened much. Only longbows and heavy crossbows are worth avoiding.
Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: polkafranzi on September 04, 2014, 03:22:17 pm
When some infantry my old friendhero goes 24-1 with his agi/str greatsword/shield build, nobody bats an eyelid.

HA does good, I believe it's skill. Or i'm just useless at HA, all my STF ones always have at best 1:3 kdr, and that's using all MW shit from Krems armory  :mrgreen:
Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: Mr.K. on September 04, 2014, 03:24:15 pm
When some infantry my old friendhero goes 24-1 with his agi/str greatsword/shield build, nobody bats an eyelid.

Because it's counterable by almost anyone, while HA isn't.
Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: _Tak_ on September 04, 2014, 03:30:40 pm
Nothing changed.
(click to show/hide)

You are an archer correct? Nerfing HA will nerf Archers as well. Unless they only nerf Horse archery.

In my opinion HA required skills and is hard, it was very tough when playing as a HA. Posting a screenshot of someone topping score as HA isn't really helping. How about those 2h / polearm/ Cav heroes? They always top the score board, do those required nerf too?

not Cav/ranged here but i believe HA is fine as it is. Before the archery buff HA was near to useless.

Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: Kirman on September 04, 2014, 03:33:03 pm
How about those 2h / polearm/ Cav heroes? They always top the score board, do those required nerf too?

They can counter each other easily.  While ranged is the only counter for HA. For me the problem is Yumi on horseback.
Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: _Tak_ on September 04, 2014, 03:38:51 pm

They can counter each other easily.  While ranged is the only counter for HA. For me the problem is Yumi on horseback.

Ranged and fast riding cav can counter HA. Lancer with courser can take down HA by surprise and ranged can shoot down their horses, once the horse is down HA basically dead

Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: Strudog on September 04, 2014, 03:50:09 pm
Yumi is the only problem, the other bows deal negligible damage, where as the Yumi is like a longbow on horseback.
Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: Algarn on September 04, 2014, 03:53:54 pm
You are an archer correct?

Not anymore. Praise the "bug" removal.
Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: vipere on September 04, 2014, 03:54:09 pm
Lancer with courser can take down HA by surprise and ranged can shoot down their horses

Charging HA with a courser will result in running away from HA without courser.
Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: _Tak_ on September 04, 2014, 04:02:02 pm
Charging HA with a courser will result in running away from HA without courser.

Which is why i said Lancer with courser can take down HA by surprise, i've played as Cav for over 20 gens (with 10 riding) and i have no problem dealing with HA at all. (Not a Cav anymore now). Direct engage with HA as Cav is just silly unless you can outspeed them or hit them by surprise. let them ranged deal with them.
Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: Algarn on September 04, 2014, 04:08:25 pm
I don't think you realize how OP horse archers are when they are high level. Niluck reached the level 34 today, I don't even want to see his k/d, because I perfectly know he was completely over powered at level 33, delaying EVERY round he was alive to farm valour. This valour farming is too wrong to stay imo.
Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: _Tak_ on September 04, 2014, 04:27:52 pm
I don't think you realize how OP horse archers are when they are high level. Niluck reached the level 34 today, I don't even want to see his k/d, because I perfectly know he was completely over powered at level 33, delaying EVERY round he was alive to farm valour. This valour farming is too wrong to stay imo.

If you are going to talk about OP then i would say Lancer Cav and 1H Cav is definitely more OP than HA. HA have to shoot 4-7 times to kill someone in 55+ armor, 2 shot to people with low armor. Not to mention there are chances where HA can miss while Lance/1H Cav can kill someone in 1-3 hits and hit pretty hard.

Lance/1H Cav can carry the game pretty easily while HA not. Everyone knows how good Niluk is as a HA but can you name any other good HA beside him and zero_sat? There aren't that many HA who can top score nowadays. Every class and every weapon in cRPG can be OP in the right hands.

Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: imisshotmail on September 04, 2014, 04:41:13 pm
Horse Archer isn't overpowered at all, it's just really annoying to play against.

Which is probably worse really, but if that is enough to have it nerfed please nerf throwing, crossbows, archers, shields and every other sort of cavalry.
Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: Algarn on September 04, 2014, 05:25:59 pm
If you are going to talk about OP then i would say Lancer Cav and 1H Cav is definitely more OP than HA. HA have to shoot 4-7 times to kill someone in 55+ armor, 2 shot to people with low armor. Not to mention there are chances where HA can miss while Lance/1H Cav can kill someone in 1-3 hits and hit pretty hard.

Lance/1H Cav can carry the game pretty easily while HA not. Everyone knows how good Niluk is as a HA but can you name any other good HA beside him and zero_sat? There aren't that many HA who can top score nowadays. Every class and every weapon in cRPG can be OP in the right hands.

I never said 1h/lancers weren't OP to be honest, I always wanted to see that nerfed.
Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: Donkey guy on September 04, 2014, 05:26:24 pm
Buff donkey!¡!¡!¡!¡!¡
Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: Mr.K. on September 04, 2014, 05:39:25 pm
If you are going to talk about OP then i would say Lancer Cav and 1H Cav is definitely more OP than HA. HA have to shoot 4-7 times to kill someone in 55+ armor, 2 shot to people with low armor. Not to mention there are chances where HA can miss while Lance/1H Cav can kill someone in 1-3 hits and hit pretty hard.

Again, those classes are counterable by pretty much every class nowadays after overbuffing the 1H stab. I rarely die to cav on EU1 (on occasion I get surprised ofc like everyone), but there's absolutely nothing I can do against a HA unless I'm playing as a HA or an archer bunched up with other archers. At best HAs are annoying and at worst they are gamebreaking. And it doesn't help that even though they deal zero damage on heavy infantry, they still interrupt their attacks, leaving them open for attacks when fighting in groups. Having a HA in your team significantly improves the chances of winning, even when they may not be topping the KD-charts.

Strudog keeps bringing up Yumi, but that's not the problem with HA. The problem is the ability to kite everything while shooting accurately. Yes, a Yumi makes a difference when shooting at something like a heavy armored two-hander, when it deals about 30-50% more damage than a horn bow. However against lower tier armors, like the ones on horses, it doesn't make much difference if you have a Yumi or a Tatar bow. At long distances the faster and more accurate bows are far superior to Yumi, which is why no one uses it on foot.
Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: Prpavi on September 04, 2014, 09:33:22 pm
There aren't that many HA who can top score nowadays.

I can, u mad?

all you guys bashing HA, just a simple questions, what class do you play and have you ever tried horse archery?
Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: Algarn on September 04, 2014, 09:40:50 pm
I can, u mad?

all you guys bashing HA, just a simple questions, what class do you play and have you ever tried horse archery?

I played archery for two years, I play inf for a month, and yes.
Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: tisjester on September 05, 2014, 07:15:56 pm
Any class that 2h heroes can't smush = OP!
Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: Grumbs on September 05, 2014, 08:17:38 pm
Zero risk playstyles make the game boring to play. To add insult to injury they are easy valour farmers too, just kiting and left clicking just outside range. Then add that they counter the only things that do damage to them, IE other ranged and the QQ is justified.

No skill, no risk, shitty counters
Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: Voncrow on September 05, 2014, 08:49:51 pm
Play siege
Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: Macropus on September 05, 2014, 10:54:35 pm
Zero risk playstyles make the game boring to play. To add insult to injury they are easy valour farmers too, just kiting and left clicking just outside range. Then add that they counter the only things that do damage to them, IE other ranged and the QQ is justified.

No skill, no risk, shitty counters
So much overstating...
Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: Algarn on September 06, 2014, 02:48:35 am
So much overstating...

Even if it hurts me to be agreeing with Grumbs point of view, I must say that Niluk is still owning a server, killing lonely archers/crossbowmen, and delaying every round to literally farm valour. As a shielder, you get bumped, then shot with a 180° angle (BS) until you die, and being two or more persons will simply create a bigger target to shoot (= less chances to miss, more points since people cannot dodge something with almost the same accuracy as foot archers). I've been playing archery for two years, and I even find cavalry being generally less OP than horse archery, because even if I get one hit, or anything like that, I still land a good stab in the horse/rider that ruins the round for him. It doesn't happen on horse archers. I personally got more chances, as a melee player, to win a fight against shoko, soldier and legolas_rus reunitted than even hitting once a kiting prick.

To sum up :

- They can farm valour easily, with a gamebreaking and annoying playstyle
- they got more drawing speed than regular archers, more mobility, the ability to bump, etc...
- they cannot be countered decently by any class on 1v1, regardlessly about being melee and ranged (except horse archers themselves), since you get bumped, shot, bumped again, shot, etc ...

That's why I agree for once with Grumbs, since all points he stated were right.
Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: Butan on September 06, 2014, 03:46:04 am
Zero risk playstyles make the game boring to play. To add insult to injury they are easy valour farmers too, just kiting and left clicking just outside range. Then add that they counter the only things that do damage to them, IE other ranged and the QQ is justified.

No skill, no risk, shitty counters

I could semi-agree before the accuracy patch, but now to have a good aim on a moving horse you have to be close to your target = taking risks.

Of course you can always take high evasion horse and avoid all incoming attacks if you're very aware, taking some sniper shots from a distance while not moving, then moving in on not prepared/ not aware targets at closer range and deal reasonable damage at reasonable speed, but I dont see how OP it is except in very careful hands.

The great problem is always the "delaying" capacity of HA, which is akin melee cav/infantry willing to hide/run until end of the round to play hero.
Both are kicked if admins are around.
Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: Gurnisson on September 06, 2014, 10:14:40 am
Yumi is not much, if any, better than horn bow
Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: jtobiasm on September 06, 2014, 10:24:55 am
Niluk might get good scores but he does fuck all to help his team, i'd rather have an archer who focuses good players like chase teeth atze than niluk anyday. Couldn't give a shit if the archer only went 6-5 every map as long as he kills a good player each round.

The community some how thinks you need to top eu1 nearly every map to be considered a good player.
Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: Sagar on September 06, 2014, 10:42:37 am
So much QQ here that is ridiculous. Ok lets nerf HA because Niluk is skilled player.
I have solution. Lets have only "Niluk patch" - which will nerf him only.

Omg what a QQ community, what a crybabies.
And how much he and other HA delay round - 20 - 30 seconds, until flag is raised?
Every HA dismount if flag is bugged - so how much they delay - until flag is raised?
Ok. One more solution - if HA is last player from one team - autoban him from server.

There is nothing to see here, you can go back and play, all is fixed now ...
Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: jtobiasm on September 06, 2014, 10:48:05 am
So much QQ here that is ridiculous. Ok lets nerf HA because Niluk is skilled player.
I have solution. Lets have only "Niluk patch" - which will nerf him only.

Omg what a QQ community, what a crybabies.
And how much he and other HA delay round - 20 - 30 seconds, until flag is raised?
Every HA dismount if flag is bugged - so how much they delay - until flag is raised?
Ok. One more solution - if HA is last player from one team - autoban him from server.

There is nothing to see here, you can go back and play, all is fixed now ...

You must be still pissed up from last neet
Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: Sagar on September 06, 2014, 10:53:48 am
Actually Im not pissed at all. Just making some points here.
They are HA for fuck sake. I cant remember when I get killed from HA or HX (low damage), they can be just annoying - that's all.
And it is not true that they delay.
Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: Prpavi on September 06, 2014, 11:21:44 am
Niluk is just showing you all what's wrong with the mod, it's not the HA class, it's high levels, thousand+ hours of nolifing, loomed gear. All that experience, gold and stats give you too big of an advantage compared to regular lvl 30 builds.

 If you are lvl 34+ and not doing well maybe it's time you switch games, every player here with 4 years of playing this game can do very well with any class and build.

Oh and get a shield.
Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: Macropus on September 06, 2014, 11:34:24 am
Niluk is just showing you all what's wrong with the mod, it's not the HA class, it's high levels, thousand+ hours of nolifing, loomed gear. All that experience, gold and stats give you too big of an advantage compared to regular lvl 30 builds.
Well if among all the lvl 34 classes with loomed gear it is still HA that provides the biggest problems, then there's something wrong with the class, no?
Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: Protemus on September 06, 2014, 11:53:57 am
Calm yourself pansies, I can assure you it's all my skill and has nothing to do with my fully loomed gear and level and hours of grinding to get on that level.

Now stop wasting your time on forum you melee plebs and get back on EU 1 and arrange a date with my Tatar beauties, there is 72 of them and they're all horny and looking for your face.
Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: Molly on September 06, 2014, 11:57:58 am
Calm yourself pansies, I can assure you it's all my skill and has nothing to do with my fully loomed gear and level and hours of grinding to get on that level.

Now stop wasting your time on forum you melee plebs and get back on EU 1 and arrange a date with my Tatar beauties, there is 72 of them and they're all horny and looking for your face.
There is your problem.
I am riding around with 21 (I think) arrows on my DonkeyArcher and I rarely use them all. 72 is just ridiculous...
But it has been said so many times that less ammo for archers would force them to pick shots instead of spam them, and possibly solve several issues with ranged, why beat the dead horse once more, right?
Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: darmaster on September 06, 2014, 12:16:44 pm
21 is probably too little but 72 or 81 is definitely too much, yumi needs to be 2 slots, still don't get why it is only one
Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: Molly on September 06, 2014, 12:24:40 pm
Yea, I am retarded. 21 doesn't make sense with 2 stacks of anything really - mi stupid.
Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: Mr.K. on September 06, 2014, 12:27:59 pm
Actually Im not pissed at all. Just making some points here.
They are HA for fuck sake. I cant remember when I get killed from HA or HX (low damage), they can be just annoying - that's all.
And it is not true that they delay.

Just because HAs cannot kill your high level, high strength, armor crutching two-hander doesn't mean they can't kill other people. Also headshots are devastating from any ranged class and you're unlikely to surive more than two unless using a bevor. I rarely if ever die to a HA when playing two-hander, but try cavalry or medium light build for example and it's a whole different story.

Darmaster, making Yumi 2 slots changes nothing, other than the balance of the bows. And again, it's not the darn Yumi that's OP, it's the class.
Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: F i n on September 06, 2014, 02:23:44 pm
Niluk might get good scores but he does fuck all to help his team, i'd rather have an archer who focuses good players like chase teeth atze than niluk anyday. Couldn't give a shit if the archer only went 6-5 every map as long as he kills a good player each round.

The community some how thinks you need to top eu1 nearly every map to be considered a good player.


And: removing valor for HA would at least remove the reward for playing that BS class... I mean if you're HA, it's quite easy to get valor and/or top the scoreboard - so why the hack shudd a HA help his team if he gets his X anyway? (And don't even start blubbering "nah it's very hard. Very skillful class." - cus it's not. I've got a stf HA, and it's easy (and boring) as fuck.)

HA is the Singleplayerclass of crpg.

Which is stupid.
Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: Sagar on September 06, 2014, 03:11:13 pm
Just because HAs cannot kill your high level, high strength, armor crutching two-hander doesn't mean they can't kill other people. Also headshots are devastating from any ranged class and you're unlikely to surive more than two unless using a bevor. I rarely if ever die to a HA when playing two-hander, but try cavalry or medium light build for example and it's a whole different story.

Darmaster, making Yumi 2 slots changes nothing, other than the balance of the bows. And again, it's not the darn Yumi that's OP, it's the class.

It is just a picture on my avatar  :)
I didn't play with my main more than a half a year. I play with my alt in Mail shirt with fur to lvl 31, then retire.
So I'm not high lvl - armor crutching - high strength ... play mostly xbow, archer, 1h, polearm - 18/21; 15/24 ....
Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: Protemus on September 06, 2014, 03:58:57 pm


And: removing valor for HA would at least remove the reward for playing that BS class... I mean if you're HA, it's quite easy to get valor and/or top the scoreboard - so why the hack shudd a HA help his team if he gets his X anyway? (And don't even start blubbering "nah it's very hard. Very skillful class." - cus it's not. I've got a stf HA, and it's easy (and boring) as fuck.)

HA is the Singleplayerclass of crpg.

Which is stupid.

I'm sorry Fin but I simply can't take posts seriously from a unibrow baldy with pubic hair below his lip. I guess I'm the weirdo here.
Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: F i n on September 06, 2014, 04:01:38 pm
I guess I'm the weirdo here.

Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: Mr.K. on September 06, 2014, 04:25:12 pm
It is just a picture on my avatar  :)
I didn't play with my main more than a half a year. I play with my alt in Mail shirt with fur to lvl 31, then retire.
So I'm not high lvl - armor crutching - high strength ... play mostly xbow, archer, 1h, polearm - 18/21; 15/24 ....

Okay. I just know your main and that's a high level, high strength, heavy armor 2H hero (like mine is as well) and assumed that's what you meant when you said HAs cause you no problems. :)
Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: Molly on September 06, 2014, 04:38:23 pm
I still think that limiting the ammo with special HA arrows down to 30 arrows max would solve the issues with the class... :3
Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: vipere on September 06, 2014, 05:41:40 pm
as a dedicated horse archer im totally fine with the removal of the class.
Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: Sagar on September 06, 2014, 05:53:12 pm
Okay. I just know your main and that's a high level, high strength, heavy armor 2H hero (like mine is as well) and assumed that's what you meant when you said HAs cause you no problems. :)

 8-)  But I think also on my alt.

They really need couple of arrows to kill. I guess lots of players don't invest in IF.
Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: Prinz_Karl on September 06, 2014, 06:17:14 pm
When will devs make a step towards fixing HAs? There are many good ideas in this thread.

I especially like ideas like limiting their arrow stock and removing valour for being a solo fight class.

Also removing it completely wouldn't harm the mod at all (on contrary), thought I could mention it, though a simple fix is fine for me.
Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: San on September 06, 2014, 06:33:43 pm
Devs are extremely busy with something else. Balancers are trying to accept more people in so that matters could be more easily discussed. I personally lean towards a riding penalty for increasing HA, special HA ammo so they can't pick up more from dead archers, and/or HA skill as Agi/3 as possibilities.

8-)  But I think also on my alt.

They really need couple of arrows to kill. I guess lots of players don't invest in IF.

Or a shield :)
Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: Prinz_Karl on September 06, 2014, 06:37:26 pm
I know they're busy but I think there have been like 2 patches passed with no change for specially HA and most of these fixes are simple ones as it seems to me.
Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: San on September 06, 2014, 10:23:51 pm
I made a thread about it a few days after this thread was created to possibly discuss something but it remains empty for the most part.
Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: Andswaru on September 06, 2014, 10:28:09 pm
HA is fine imo as long as your not a balanced build or agi high which is 95% of the server these days. People hate making tradeoffs personally I can take about 4 normal arrows and 2000000 HA arrows to my 80hp guy wearing a mailshirt and scale gauntlets. People just need to accept that a bendy agi my old friend cant take arrows unless of course were gonna totally cater to the agility club then i demand a free respec as my I hate archer build will have been made null and void.
Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: BlindGuy on September 06, 2014, 11:45:55 pm
I got an 18/21 1hander, with 6 shieldskill: if you take a sword with some reach then HA aint really a big bother, but as anyone without a shield or a ranged weapon, they are just so irritating I would understood if this thread ran to triple digit page count.
Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: Macropus on September 07, 2014, 02:20:03 am
I still think that limiting the ammo with special HA arrows down to 30 arrows max would solve the issues with the class... :3
Sorry, it wouldn't solve anything. With a mobility HA has, its very easy to find an archer's corpse (or make it yourself using an alive archer) and loot the arrows.
The ammo has never been a problem for a HA and will never be.

I like a lot what San suggested. Melee cav can kill HA quite easily if taken by surprise, would be nice if they could chase them regularly with a fair chance to kill.
Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: Molly on September 07, 2014, 09:19:14 am
Sorry, it wouldn't solve anything. With a mobility HA has, its very easy to find an archer's corpse (or make it yourself using an alive archer) and loot the arrows.
The ammo has never been a problem for a HA and will never be.

I like a lot what San suggested. Melee cav can kill HA quite easily if taken by surprise, would be nice if they could chase them regularly with a fair chance to kill.
Special HA arrows means obviously that he would need to pick up those special HA arrows. Good luck finding them on the ground between the regular arrows when they look the same :rolleyes:
Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: Prpavi on September 07, 2014, 10:54:55 am
Special HA arrows means obviously that he would need to pick up those special HA arrows. Good luck finding them on the ground between the regular arrows when they look the same :rolleyes:

Utter bullcrap, make them so they can't walk while dismounted while you're at it  :rolleyes:

If you gonna gimp already a gimped class then just remove it, give free respec and have it over with because soon this thread will reach "Meanwhile in Ukraine" level of retardation.
Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: Molly on September 07, 2014, 11:31:23 am
Utter bullcrap, make them so they can't walk while dismounted while you're at it  :rolleyes:

If you gonna gimp already a gimped class then just remove it, give free respec and have it over with because soon this thread will reach "Meanwhile in Ukraine" level of retardation.
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Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: Prpavi on September 07, 2014, 11:35:48 am
thx for proving my point
Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: Molly on September 07, 2014, 11:37:42 am
thx for proving my point
Maybe you should read the thread before going full retard.
I've been actually one of the few voices of reason in this thread. And limiting the amount of arrows with simple measures down to 40 or 35 is the best compromise that is going to come out of this thread if you wanna keep your precious asshole-class.
Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: Prpavi on September 07, 2014, 11:42:41 am
I did follow the whole thread but thanks for the assumptions Holly Mother of reason

Remove the class I couldn't give a crap less
Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: Molly on September 07, 2014, 11:49:35 am
You show a lot of butthurt for not giving a crap but go on, keep posting non-constructive nonsense.

I play 15/24 Mounted Archer on a Donkey (unloomed), wearing some Lady Dress (unloomed), holding a Horn Bow (unloomed) and shooting Barbed Arrows (unloomed) and when I actually focus, I easily manage to get in the top 10 of the team, even have my piece of valor once in a while. And I am generally bad at this game.

But yes, mounted Archery is badly gimped so hard. :rolleyes:

I have no issues with HAs the way they are right now. I never complained. But before they fiddle around with other classes to counter HA, making them OP in the process (once more) which leads to changes to more classes - the well known circle of balance in crpg - I rather have them do something simple for once and just LIMIT THE FREAKING AMMO.
I ride around with 36 arrows in my pocket and run out of ammo 1 out of 10 rounds... hardly game breaking for any HA. But might just be enough of a change to get the arrow spammers out of the picture and put HAs in their proper spot (wherever that might be).
Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: Prpavi on September 07, 2014, 12:00:41 pm
So riding on a donkey at snail speed barely shooting 30 arrows per round you see yourself playing the class properly and knowing what's wrong with it?
Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: Molly on September 07, 2014, 12:48:51 pm
Point is, even when using crappy items, it still does point wise way better than a lot of other "classes". That simple fact makes it hardly "gimped" and may make complains about it understandable.

But you playing it as high level character dedicated and probably fully loomed, stating several times it's the only class you would play since "melee is broken", makes you the better judge? :lol:

Raising upkeep would be silly - nobody cares about gold anymore. A damage nerf is equally silly since it ain't that high already. Buffing other classes to counter HA will just break more than fix - experience taught us that lesson.
Making HAs look out for their arrows, making them aim rather twice than just spam arrows, force them to aim for the head since hitting 5 times the same guy is a waste of precious ammo... well, I think it's worth the try.
Certainly a better suggestion than just to swoop in here, call everyone a retard and end with "just remove class, I dun care fgts"
Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: Prpavi on September 07, 2014, 01:10:21 pm
It is gimped, 0 ath, 0 ps, shit accuracy off horse, without a horse you can't do anything. Add maps you can't play the class how is it not gimped?

I am not fully loomed, only my horse and armor and I'm playing this class for a year now, I'd say I know a thing or two about it.
Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: Prinz_Karl on September 07, 2014, 02:11:30 pm
It is gimped, 0 ath, 0 ps, shit accuracy off horse, without a horse you can't do anything.
With horse WE can't do anything. Good point.
Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: Kafein on September 07, 2014, 02:54:24 pm
It is gimped, 0 ath, 0 ps, shit accuracy off horse, without a horse you can't do anything. Add maps you can't play the class how is it not gimped?

Oh and get a shield.

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Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: Butan on September 07, 2014, 03:28:35 pm
I agree with Prpavi on the matter that HA has already been nerfed (bow accuracy, wpf, effective wpf, heavy horse riding req) and that it doesnt require much more to be perfectly. balanced

Except very minor tweaks like reducing arrows per quiver, reducing accuracy bonus of the horse archery skill and balancing the "horseback able" bows to take into account the evasive power of horse archers (reducing draw speed, increasing slot usage), most of the suggested modifications could be replaced by "remove the class" and even horse archers would agree, so far its going.

Most of the complaints seems geared toward "end round annoyance" that doesnt take into account HA who fight using a risky playstyle and dies a lot.
Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: Prpavi on September 07, 2014, 04:58:08 pm

I was being ironic about the shield but I'm glad to see you closely follow my posts :*

@Butan: I made suggestions where if you lose on flags you don't ger valor no matter how well you do, just because of all the HA delaying and valor farming. I wouldn't mind it at all.

About the nerfs suggested, the reason why I asked people did they ever play the class is because putting enought time in it you understand pros and cons and it's not that unbeatable and really easy to counter. Ask Macro, he fucking raped me with good gear and +3 Courser and that one inch polearm stab, I'm gone in one or two hits depending on the speed bonus, same with Royanss and his gocart Arabian and Arab cav sword, one hit all day baby. Same goes for good archers and arbalesters, I don't require more than one or two hits. At the same time i need many arrows to kill a person, I mostly focus on cav because of that, I'm sorry but it's not my fault most of the people decided to whore agi, have med/light gear and no IF, I can't even touch anybody with a decent build besides bumps. Get a few pikes, protect a few good archer and I'm gone, but hey this is much easier.
Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: Kafein on September 07, 2014, 05:05:08 pm
About the nerfs suggested, the reason why I asked people did they ever play the class is because putting enought time in it you understand pros and cons and it's not that unbeatable and really easy to counter.

I play 15/24 Mounted Archer on a Donkey (unloomed), wearing some Lady Dress (unloomed), holding a Horn Bow (unloomed) and shooting Barbed Arrows (unloomed) and when I actually focus, I easily manage to get in the top 10 of the team, even have my piece of valor once in a while. And I am generally bad at this game.
Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: San on September 07, 2014, 05:10:41 pm
That's why I would prefer a buff to the risky playstyle and add incentives against playing safely all the time. That's why I think a riding penalty per HA so it takes skill to be able to avoid everything consistently and returning the ranged speed bonus to reduce kiting damage and increase charge shot damage would be good changes that won't necessarily destroy HA, but weaken the safe playstyle and high levels.
Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: MURDERTRON on September 07, 2014, 06:31:09 pm
That's why I would prefer a buff to the risky playstyle and add incentives against playing safely all the time. That's why I think a riding penalty per HA so it takes skill to be able to avoid everything consistently and returning the ranged speed bonus to reduce kiting damage and increase charge shot damage would be good changes that won't necessarily destroy HA, but weaken the safe playstyle and high levels.

Riding penalty + old HA speed bonuses would really prevent HA running away while shooting backwards.  And they'd have to be moving towards the enemy to do any real damage.

Now if only you could find a way for lancers to do any damage to HAs that are running away, we might have some sort of balance.
Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: Andswaru on September 07, 2014, 07:03:28 pm
That's why I would prefer a buff to the risky playstyle and add incentives against playing safely all the time. That's why I think a riding penalty per HA so it takes skill to be able to avoid everything consistently and returning the ranged speed bonus to reduce kiting damage and increase charge shot damage would be good changes that won't necessarily destroy HA, but weaken the safe playstyle and high levels.

San, stop been such a people person and focus on been a balancer who sees HA for a stupidly underpowered class against anything except horses and agi my old friends, the very class/playstyle they SHOULD be strong against.
Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: San on September 07, 2014, 07:42:17 pm
Murdertron, that is an unfortunate issue that the game probably can't fix.

I have a ton if threads that are pretty inactive in the balance forums so I just post some of that stuff here sometimes to get a general idea of how it will be received.
Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: Molly on September 07, 2014, 07:51:24 pm
Yes San, please edit complex things instead of just reducing arrows on HAs (only) which could be done in something like 5 minutes - probably.
Oh well...
Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: San on September 07, 2014, 08:07:55 pm
Yeah, a few lines of code vs either screwing up foot archer ammo or creating new HA only arrows that may not directly solve the problem, since HA can just bide their time for a few minutes and still be just as problematic late in the round.
Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: Molly on September 07, 2014, 08:16:56 pm
...and completely annihilate my Donkey Archer in the process.
Oh, and hitting HX too.

Edit: Less ammo, less chance to score points, less likely valor. Most rounds on EU1 end below the flags any way, with or without HAs. People are just pissed about the constant valor they get.
Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: San on September 07, 2014, 08:42:24 pm
The reason why I'm leaning towards this change is because HA already has pitiful damage and (compared to foot archers) accuracy, but the complaints are still there. To me, it doesn't seem like a band-aid will really fix much of anything. Donkey is already painfully slow, so I can't imagine it changing that much outside of having a cheap HA option with massive Riding attached. HX and HT are nerfed, yet buffed at the same time since charging shots and shots against cav charging at you will deal great damage again.

They would need to use the fastest/most maneuverable horses to compete. HA vs a light cav can dehorse them quickly at the risk of being overrun. HA vs a heavy cav will endure a more drawn out chase where the heavy cav with good riding may slowly catch up. Since weight doesn't affect cav, this is the exact same ideology for foot archers. A high level HA can still take 9 riding, 3 HA, and a good horse. They'll just have to sacrifice some damage and accuracy to kite more players.

I'm not really against limiting ammo should the above idea not work as great as I had hoped, but I think there are a few issues with it. HA would need their own arrows so they can't loot corpses. Even if ammo was reduced to 10, fully loomed would be ~14, so 28-42 arrows per HA. They can't shoot nonstop the entire round, but I think the average HA won't have ammo issues. They would need their own special imodbits for looms or something.
Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: Jack1 on September 07, 2014, 08:44:16 pm
The problematic thing about HA is that a good one will target any horses who can catch him and ranged. As an arbalister you have 1 shot. If you miss you are screwed. We all know the process. If you are a high rank bow you have a slower draw speed and are usually slower so easier to bump.

Also this should be looked at in a 1v1 perspective if you honestly want to talk balance. ANY class can and will get screwed over by another team guarding their ranged.

Edit for San: I've found a HA using a nomad bow and wearing kuyak(murchad) to be more accurate then me when I was on the doc while he would kill me in less arrows. Same with bullet.
Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: Kafein on September 07, 2014, 11:33:48 pm
San, stop been such a people person and focus on been a balancer who sees HA for a stupidly underpowered class against anything except horses and agi my old friends, the very class/playstyle they SHOULD be strong against.

HA is underpowered against classes that are unable to harm HA at all.

Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: BlindGuy on September 07, 2014, 11:45:29 pm
And as we go round again, I will point out that nerfing the bows horsebows would fix this. By nerf I mean remove. Done. Your all welcome.
Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: San on September 08, 2014, 12:30:54 am
I think I understand what you mean. Murchad and Bullet are quite good and is high level as well, and I assume the same for most of the HA that cause grief on EU, but I mostly meant exact comparisons of reticule sizes. High level = possible +14% damage, Riding that propels them farther away from the average, and vastly increased accuracy with more wpf and 4-5 HA gets you really close to foot archer performance on horse while keeping that safety.

I think HA are in a decent spot as far as damage is concerned, but I think the playstyle should have pros and cons that others (including HA) can utilize. Higher risk = more reward, low risk = low reward. Unique HA ammo may still be needed, but I think people will still have problems if nothing else is done. I think horse ranged needs to be slowed down in some way to match the disadvantage that foot ranged endures. Riding penalties for the HA skill helps fight off the highest level HA with the greatest efficiency. High level HA would need to choose between a normal PD boost, normal WM boost, or a great power/accuracy boost from HA at the cost of speed/maneuverability. There may be a better implementation, but I think this is simple enough and I hope it can be accepted. Right now, there's no real discussion lol, so it's currently just wishful thinking on my part.

Armor, IF, and Shield already helps avoid damage for infantry. Melee cav would be disadvantaged from afar and gain the advantage as they get closer, and HA would have to be more careful to approach incoming projectiles and less damage while kiting -> easier on melee. Chasing would still be difficult with the speed bonus change, but heavy cav actually has a chance to catch up and light cav can blindside them much more easily. I hope this results in horse ranged being more demanding without neutering it. I'm on the side that thinks that it should just be removed if it's going to get nerfed to that effective level anyways.
Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: MURDERTRON on September 08, 2014, 12:58:52 am
Give lances bonus damage to horses.
Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: Grumbs on September 08, 2014, 09:52:45 am
HA is the new camping on a roof archer, except now they take the roof with them. That passive playstyle needs to be fixed. I don't really care how. Very average/mediocre players that get mid table with anything else are topping the scoreboard and getting valour, its not right

I'd take a bandaid hotfix while you think about how to deal with it, but for now my interest in playing this game is pretty low
Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: Spaceplayer1 on September 08, 2014, 10:08:07 am
Not bothering to read through 31 pages (I read the first page :D), I suggest that Tydeus or whoever does this stuff just make it so that Horse Archery skill is per 9 agility instead of 6. This would make level 30 horse archer builds have 3-4 Horse Archery which would make them more inaccurate.

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Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: Protemus on September 08, 2014, 10:33:57 am
I'd take a bandaid hotfix while you think about how to deal with it, but for now my interest in playing this game is pretty low

Oh but you see my interest in this mod is constantly rising, because finally I can annoy the fu*k out of melee macro 360° sppining stabs trough the wall ( I'm looking at you Teeth) max mouse sensitivity hashtag yolo 420 blaze it swag get rekt kuyak hero's.

For to long I've been suffering, bullied by your 2handed it's time for vengeance, time for you to feel the anguish I felt by being stabbed, cut, smashed, crushed, poked.

And guess what...
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Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: Dionysus on September 08, 2014, 10:40:03 am
I would like to direct an appeal to the United Nations for crimes against humanity conducted by horse archers during a late night session of cRPG on the Official North American cRPG Battle Server.

I joined the server to witness this abomination:
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These dickweeds were denying all participating members the right to enjoy the most engaging aspect of the game (the multi-directional combat, for the socially-challenged/ranged in this community) with the pure intent of "killing" the server.

As soon as the server population had dropped to seven, the multipliers ceased and the terrorists (Namo and Zylo) left the server post haste (but only after desecrating my mustard-scented corpse):
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If we do nothing, the terrorists will win.
Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: Grumbs on September 08, 2014, 10:40:27 am
Oh but you see my interest in this mod is constantly rising, because finally I can annoy the fu*k out of melee macro 360° sppining stabs trough the wall ( I'm looking at you Teeth) max mouse sensitivity hashtag yolo 420 blaze it swag get rekt kuyak hero's.

For to long I've been suffering, bullied by your 2handed it's time for vengeance, time for you to feel the anguish I felt by being stabbed, cut, smashed, crushed, poked.

And guess what...
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AKA you aren't good enough to hack it in the real game so you try to spoil it for everyone else. I get it
Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: Protemus on September 08, 2014, 11:41:47 am
AKA you aren't good enough to hack it in the real game so you try to spoil it for everyone else. I get it

I was thinking about what you said Grumbs, wow you're right, my only purpose is to destroy this mod. Camping enemy spawn so I can kill those poor souls who first time entered cRPG and make them GTX and uninstall the mod.
You can call me cRPG Illuminati, my intentions are to decrease the population until it's unplayable.

You got me there, now everyone knows my secret.
Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: Prinz_Karl on September 08, 2014, 12:03:07 pm
I hope this class gets finally fixed and asshats like this guy ^ will leave the game forever.

It's not just a battle for fixing a class it's also a battle against players who are against the multi-fun aspect of a multi-player game.
Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: Utrakil on September 08, 2014, 12:34:51 pm
Let me bring in a new Idea.
This will not fix the whole problem but may help a litle.
In discussion about ranged it is common to say 'get a shield'. Unfortunately this is of no use in combat against HA. They keep the bow drawn until you try to swing or until they bump you. So maybe it would give some edge to meleecav and infantery if the HA or (all archers) have to lower their bow after a certain time of keeping it drawn. This would give a short timewindow to savely attack them.
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Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: _Tak_ on September 08, 2014, 12:59:38 pm
An idea that will definitely make all Cav less powerful as well as making HA become a very risky playstyle.

+ Dmg to horses when they bump someone.
Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: MaHuD on September 08, 2014, 01:31:54 pm
There is a reason why Khergits were almost never allowed in Competitive tournaments...
Even now that they have been re-balanced, they are still banned.
The horse archers in cRPG are even stronger than the khergits, with more damage, much faster turn rates - allowing them to dodge all sorts of missiles and keep bumping down the same person whilst shooting them.
At the very least, I would say that Horse archers and mounted crossbows shouldn't be able to release, load or draw their arrows/bolts whilst bumping someone.
Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: Algarn on September 08, 2014, 01:37:00 pm
Oh but you see my interest in this mod is constantly rising, because finally I can annoy the fu*k out of melee macro 360° sppining stabs trough the wall ( I'm looking at you Teeth) max mouse sensitivity hashtag yolo 420 blaze it swag get rekt kuyak hero's.

For to long I've been suffering, bullied by your 2handed it's time for vengeance, time for you to feel the anguish I felt by being stabbed, cut, smashed, crushed, poked.

And guess what...
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(click to show/hide)

You suck too much at melee, so, you can't be arsed to improve a bit and instead do a horse archer to piss off everyone ? You don't even play a class for the class itself, you just play the most annoying class just to annoy as much as you can. You should be banned for extended and repetitive delaying.
Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: darmaster on September 08, 2014, 02:11:05 pm
CCleaner is niluk? wtf? oh god i can't breathe oh god help plea- i can't do this, i can't. this is something that needs to be told progressively, you can't burst in with "zhe QQleaner aka Smurf Niluk" it's not allowed. i thought he was dead :l
Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: matt2507 on September 08, 2014, 02:13:52 pm
An idea that will definitely make all Cav less powerful as well as making HA become a very risky playstyle.

+ Dmg to horses when they bump someone.

1st: i'm not a ha.

My arabian horse can be stoped by one guy standing in front of me and you want that guy also give damage without doing nothing ?
Sorry but, It's stupid.

You want to nerf ha ?

Firstly, remove them the ability to use armored horse, because it's realy stupid and anoying.
They have 3 tons of riding points making those fat horses fast, accurate and immortal.

A good solution to that could be to add a weight to the horses and make it a wpf penality like the armors.

Also, use my suggestion here:
Or duplicate the bow usable on horse and make two version of each: one only usable on foot and another one usable on horse with reduced stats.

Their is many simple suggestions like that befor fucking all the cavalry for somes abusers.
Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: Butan on September 08, 2014, 02:32:11 pm
At the very least, I would say that Horse archers and mounted crossbows shouldn't be able to release, load or draw their arrows/bolts whilst bumping someone.

Interesting idea that bumping would cancel drawing bows (same for throws, crossbows?), and certainly quite realistic.
Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: Algarn on September 08, 2014, 02:40:37 pm
CCleaner is niluk? wtf? oh god i can't breathe oh god help plea- i can't do this, i can't. this is something that needs to be told progressively, you can't burst in with "zhe QQleaner aka Smurf Niluk" it's not allowed. i thought he was dead :l

CCleaner is dead, some prick replaced him. RIP.
Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: Macbeth3 on September 08, 2014, 04:21:15 pm
I don't really have a problem with HA's. With medium armor they already do small amount of damage (unless a headshot).
And finding a place to hide behind is ususally easy to find. The sole problem comes when the flags pop up and you have to get out of that cover x3

The only thing that can save you then is trying to dodge them.

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Unless you have a shield :3
Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: Admerius on September 08, 2014, 04:52:02 pm
Here's some crazy ideas on how to "nerf" ha, they would need some "counter" buffs after this to make it somewhat blalancd.

Suggested nerfs:
-Change aim-rate(turn speed of character) from horseback to -75+(15*Horse archery skill)%
-Multiply turn rate(maneuver) on horse "while xbow aimed"/"bow drawn" by 0.25+(0.15*horse archery skill)

Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: Mr.K. on September 08, 2014, 05:10:50 pm
I don't really have a problem with HA's. With medium armor they already do small amount of damage (unless a headshot).
And finding a place to hide behind is ususally easy to find. The sole problem comes when the flags pop up and you have to get out of that cover x3

So in a map with cover for ranged (99% of the maps on EU1 highly favor hiding xbows and archers) a cat with a xbow and a shield is safe from horse archers. Well surely that means everyone else is as well. :rolleyes:

Offtopic: Someone show me in which topic I can complain about 1H+shield(+xbow) being OP. Cuz it is. QQ
Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: Macbeth3 on September 08, 2014, 05:17:39 pm
So in a map with cover for ranged (99% of the maps on EU1 highly favor hiding xbows and archers) a cat with a xbow and a shield is safe from horse archers. Well surely that means everyone else is as well. :rolleyes:

Offtopic: Someone show me in which topic I can complain about 1H+shield(+xbow) being OP. Cuz it is. QQ

As I said; Me PERSONALLY, I have no problems with HA. Ontop of that, the longer I stay alive, the more time and chances I have to shoot enemy Cav/HA's :3
Also cover FOR ranged also counts as cover AGAINST ranged. Just wanted to point that out.
Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: Mr.K. on September 08, 2014, 06:08:44 pm
Also cover FOR ranged also counts as cover AGAINST ranged. Just wanted to point that out.

Yes, but unlike a xbower, a 2H or polearm hero hiding in a building because HA would shoot him the second he steps our makes some pretty horrific gameplay. Thus any class that you can't avoid without hiding should be nerfed to the ground. That already is the case with cav, now we just need the same for horse archers.

I wish we'd have more open maps where the deciding factor would be keeping your ranged teammates alive and not just the autobalancer deciding the outcome. That would eventually change the way people view ranged. I had plenty of fun the other day with my two-hander protecting Steevee and it worked really well. On less open maps archers don't need my help anyway and I'm rather pointless standing next to them with a big ass weapon while I could be soloing around the map. We tried to do some Kalmar archer stacking as well the other day, but as we were low levels and all-around shit at archery, it didn't work as well as protecting Steevee :oops:
Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: MURDERTRON on September 08, 2014, 06:35:04 pm
I'd probably take a minute to think of these game play mechanics from the eyes of a new player.  There is no doubt that we have a dwindling community.  We had a surge of new players during the last steam sale, only to have that horribly derailed by the fucked up valor patch.  In my opinion, we now stand worse as a population than before the steam sale, sadly enough.  I think that a new player who gets killed in melee, at least, in the back of their mind, thinks they had a chance, or will one day have a chance to kill that player once they have the stats to do it.  However, a new player getting shot to shreds by an HA near his spawn, especially because they are targeted first due to their low armor, is going to find that even more discouraging to continuing playing this mod.  Keep in mind, he may not even know where its coming from. Worse yet, he's going to have to sit out the rest of the round as spectator, which is almost guaranteed to run long because the HA will probably be the last one alive at the end.

This is an issue outside of the balance issues.  Although I would tend to agree that both are big, outstanding issues that need resolution.  There's no question about it, HA is bad for server population and for number of returning players.
Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: Protemus on September 08, 2014, 07:27:10 pm
CCleaner is dead, some prick replaced him. RIP.

Dead ? More like transcendent, I've found the truth, you puny melee fighters keep developing and prolonging dying skill, you cannot escape the inevitable, you cannot change the future.

I had a vision, I've been given this sight, terrible sight EU_1 was full of range, there was no melee's, weather was rainy. Just imagine server full of Shoko's, Steevee's and fegits (literally) like Macbeth, arrows and bolts flew everywhere. And then I saw on the hill, a creature half donkey, half human and it had a sign on the forehead - werC yeknoD 999
When it spoke, earth trembled, players turned into donkeys and their weapons into pile of shit...then I woke up disturbed by this nightmare.

END IS NIGH, I've embraced the range, so that I can live a bit longer and see the end of days, you cannot survive chadzPOCALIPSE.
Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: Kafein on September 08, 2014, 10:32:15 pm
I was thinking about what you said Grumbs, wow you're right, my only purpose is to destroy this mod. Camping enemy spawn so I can kill those poor souls who first time entered cRPG and make them GTX and uninstall the mod.
You can call me cRPG Illuminati, my intentions are to decrease the population until it's unplayable.

You got me there, now everyone knows my secret.

Why don't we just ban these guys and be done with it. Nobody would miss them.

Maybe not this guy precisely, as he seems way too self-conscious to not be doing this sarcastically.
Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: Jesse0 on September 08, 2014, 10:42:51 pm
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Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: Butan on September 09, 2014, 02:50:39 pm
Why don't we just ban these guys and be done with it. Nobody would miss them.

Maybe not this guy precisely, as he seems way too self-conscious to not be doing this sarcastically.

We should ban all cRPG players then.
And nobody will miss all of us!  :P
Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: Oberyn on September 09, 2014, 03:23:24 pm
Make a server where the only class playable is HA and ban them from all other servers. Call it "steppe wars" or something. Use one of the dead servers no one ever uses.
Or you could just go the short route and eliminate the class outright, same outcome.
Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: darmaster on September 09, 2014, 03:47:21 pm
Seriously, very few people are playing these days, just make a no HA/HX (bannable) server and we're done with this thread
Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: Kafein on September 09, 2014, 03:53:59 pm
Make EU_2 melee only. Melee only doesn't work in battle due to self-preservation bundling of sticks, but it would in siege mode.
Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: darmaster on September 09, 2014, 04:56:22 pm
I'm fine with ranged, just no HA
Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: Angantyr on September 09, 2014, 05:16:36 pm
Make EU_2 melee only. Melee only doesn't work in battle due to self-preservation bundling of sticks, but it would in siege mode.
Siege is already the game mode where ranged have a more natural role and actually seem balanced enough, at least in my opinion. I don't think I've ever truly cursed ranged in siege, the reason I mostly play EU2 these days.
Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: Teeth on September 09, 2014, 05:20:20 pm
Make EU_2 melee only. Melee only doesn't work in battle due to self-preservation bundling of sticks, but it would in siege mode.
Yes, making the server where nobody ever plays horse archer melee only, will definitely fix any horse archer issues. Thanks for contributing.
Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: Corsair831 on September 09, 2014, 05:43:38 pm
Yes, making the server where nobody ever plays horse archer melee only, will definitely fix any horse archer issues. Thanks for contributing.

i don't think it will fix it, people usually play horse archer on eu 1 not eu 2
Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: darmaster on September 09, 2014, 05:58:41 pm
have to agree too with corsair, teeth how could you possibly come with such a stupid idea?
Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: Algarn on September 09, 2014, 06:35:46 pm
have to agree too with corsair, teeth how could you possibly come with such a stupid idea?

I think you didn't get the sarcasm.
Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: darmaster on September 09, 2014, 06:42:26 pm
sure? :mrgreen:
Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: vipere on September 09, 2014, 06:45:58 pm
bad idea teeth, HA mostly play on Eu1 and dtv
Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: Molly on September 09, 2014, 07:03:06 pm
I really wish Teeth would take this a bit more serious if I'm honest :?
Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: Spleen on September 09, 2014, 07:18:07 pm
Yes, making the server where nobody ever plays horse archer melee only, will definitely fix any horse archer issues. Thanks for contributing.

Make EU2 Conquest only so HAs can join EU2 more often.

Sounds fair to me  :rolleyes:
Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: Kafein on September 09, 2014, 08:20:10 pm
Siege is already the game mode where ranged have a more natural role and actually seem balanced enough, at least in my opinion. I don't think I've ever truly cursed ranged in siege, the reason I mostly play EU2 these days.

That's true, but siege is also the mode where the removal of ranged would have minimal undesirable side-effects.

Yes, making the server where nobody ever plays horse archer melee only, will definitely fix any horse archer issues. Thanks for contributing.

It will fix horse archer issues because all the people willing to have a good time playing cRPG will play EU_2, and all the ranged (mounted or not) dickwads will play somewhere else. After some time there won't be any ranged remaining at all because none of them enjoy shooting at things that can shoot back.
Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: Prpavi on September 09, 2014, 08:53:35 pm
It will fix horse archer issues because all the people willing to have a good time playing cRPG will play EU_2, and all the ranged (mounted or not) dickwads will play somewhere else. After some time there won't be any ranged remaining at all because none of them enjoy shooting at things that can shoot back.

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Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: MURDERTRON on September 09, 2014, 09:05:24 pm
NA 1 currently has a population of 13.  Two are horse archers.  Looks like I won't be playing now.

The whole killing server population thing, its not a joke.
Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: MURDERTRON on September 09, 2014, 09:58:19 pm
Honestly, if you don't think HA are a problem, you may as well allow ladders on Battle and reduce quiver weight, so archers can kite again.
Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: Prinz_Karl on September 09, 2014, 10:20:57 pm
After reading all this, there's one question coming into my mind, why do we keep horsearchers in this mod?

1. Their playstyle is annoying to EVERYONE
2. They are reason of dying popularity
3. They are delaying, not helping team, playing solo style
4. HAs pick on low armored troops which are usually new players, which is fucking discouraging for them and makes them leave
5. Everyone who plays this class is usually a dickhead

No harm would be done removing this class, or do you really want all this bother, in order to keep this mod a tiny bit more diverse and realistic?
Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: Corsair831 on September 09, 2014, 10:45:41 pm
After reading all this, there's one question coming into my mind, why do we keep horsearchers in this mod?

4. HAs pick on low armored troops which are usually new players, which is fucking discouraging for them and makes them leave

can confirm, just started a new character went full peasant gear for like an hour and most of my deaths were to horse archers. they were literally following me around the entire time looking to get the free peasant kills. seeing as i've played a while i know that the peasant phase will be over in a few hours and i'll be able to kill these bastards, but a brand new player is going to join, get spawn killed by horse archers for 30 minutes, and think "fuck this i'm off to play age of chivalry/war of the roses/warband".

for a class where it is so easy to kill players who are brand new to be so powerful .. not exactly going to do wonders for increasing the size of our community :/
Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: Macropus on September 09, 2014, 11:12:17 pm
I think you didn't get the sarcasm.
I think you didn't get the sarcasm.
Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: Bittersteel on September 09, 2014, 11:16:35 pm
I think you didn't get the sarcasm.

I think you didn't get the sarcasm.
Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: jtobiasm on September 10, 2014, 12:06:30 am
I think you didn't get the sarcasm.
I think you didn't get the sarcasm.
Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: Kafein on September 10, 2014, 12:12:29 am
Was that sarcasm?

fuck yo combos
Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: Protemus on September 10, 2014, 12:35:35 am
1. Their playstyle is annoying to EVERYONE
2. They are reason of dying popularity
3. They are delaying, not helping team, playing solo style
4. HAs pick on low armored troops which are usually new players, which is fucking discouraging for them and makes them leave
5. Everyone who plays this class is usually a dickhead

Where do I sign because that's me, do you need my signature for future posts where you will cry ? I will gladly help you.
Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: Teeth on September 10, 2014, 12:35:36 pm
Was that sarcasm?

fuck yo combos
No, it's irony.
Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: Corsair831 on September 10, 2014, 06:20:29 pm
No, it's irony.


Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: darmaster on September 10, 2014, 08:35:35 pm
stand steel-y, we might have found the worst jesters in c-rpg community
Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: lombardsoup on September 10, 2014, 08:42:45 pm
Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: Kalp on September 11, 2014, 01:37:56 pm
lol 36 pages  :lol:

Is there anyone here like me who does not care about this class ?

You have several possibilities to counter them, yet you still like more complain on forum.
Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: Rebelyell on September 11, 2014, 02:37:05 pm
lol 36 pages  :lol:

Is there anyone here like me who does not care about this class ?

You have several possibilities to counter them, yet you still like more complain on forum.
tell me about that
Title: Re: Horse archery is too strong
Post by: Prpavi on September 11, 2014, 03:24:33 pm
After reading all this, there's one question coming into my mind, why do we keep horsearchers in this mod?

1. Their playstyle is annoying to EVERYONE
2. They are reason of dying popularity
3. They are delaying, not helping team, playing solo style
4. HAs pick on low armored troops which are usually new players, which is fucking discouraging for them and makes them leave
5. Everyone who plays this class is usually a dickhead

No harm would be done removing this class, or do you really want all this bother, in order to keep this mod a tiny bit more diverse and realistic?

Serious lvl: over 9000!!!!