
Does horse archery require a nerf?


Author Topic: Horse archery is too strong  (Read 34037 times)

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Re: Horse archery is too strong
« Reply #285 on: July 22, 2014, 12:36:53 pm »
Did you spectate and check so that they no one on the other team fed them score at the end of the round? its become a thing apparently for clanmates to never attack eachother during battles except in the end where one stands still and feeds valour to the other. Im looking at you barabe scum, i saw you all playing HA's and not shooting a single shot at eachother even when you got switched so you had like 3 HA's on each team. Lazy ass admins didnt do shit to ban when teamworking across teams either.

Seriously, teamworking when on different teams should not be allowed.

I dont attack my clanmates on opposite team, if there are other targets for me or them.

Course, if we meet alone in an alley, or its end of round and we still alive, then its time to get it on. And I wouldn't LET them win, gonna try to end them. Would never feed them valour...

But I will admit that before now I have tripped an archer teammate over with a little nudge when hes aiming at my friends back... What? he's my friend, fight the guy and kill him, or I will fight him and try to kill him once you are dead, but dont shoot a man in the back.

But back on topic: Just remove ranged cav, anyone who complains: permaban. There, fixed, community is richer in two ways: Everyone has more fun and the annoying dickheads are banned. I provide this solution free of charge, you are all welcome.
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Re: Horse archery is too strong
« Reply #286 on: July 22, 2014, 12:50:41 pm »
Are Byzantium the only clan where if we spot a clanmate on the other team everybody gets a raging bloodlust to murder him?

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Re: Horse archery is too strong
« Reply #287 on: July 22, 2014, 12:54:12 pm »
Are Byzantium the only clan where if we spot a clanmate on the other team everybody gets a raging bloodlust to murder him?

Nar, fallen kill each other too

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Re: Horse archery is too strong
« Reply #288 on: July 22, 2014, 01:16:24 pm »
Are Byzantium the only clan where if we spot a clanmate on the other team everybody gets a raging bloodlust to murder him?

Don't missunderstand, I want to kill 'em, but there is no skill in ganking a guy while he is also being shot. I want him to triumph or run, so we can fight each other without archers and other nubs involved, I most like to do my killing like my dieing: face to face, 1v1, gives me a big broner.
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Re: Horse archery is too strong
« Reply #289 on: July 22, 2014, 01:41:10 pm »
Are Byzantium the only clan where if we spot a clanmate on the other team everybody gets a raging bloodlust to murder him?
I tend to ignore every other enemy around me when I see a fellow Black on the battlefield. Most of the times I don't even make it to my target but it's totally worth it... :D
When west germany annexed east germany, nobody moved a finger too.

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Re: Horse archery is too strong
« Reply #290 on: July 22, 2014, 01:50:41 pm »
But back on topic: Just remove ranged cav, anyone who complains: permaban. There, fixed, community is richer in two ways: Everyone has more fun and the annoying dickheads are banned. I provide this solution free of charge, you are all welcome.

BlindGuy president.

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Re: Horse archery is too strong
« Reply #291 on: July 22, 2014, 02:26:31 pm »
Also Mongol and Turkish composite bows, fired from horseback, shot farther and with more force, while still being easier and faster to use, than an English Longbow and similar weapons.

I just read this... and I had to lol. I'm not a britmy old friend, I don't consider any culture inherantly better than another either but: That's bullshit Smoothrich. Despite what hollywood or w/e has made you believe, the longbow used by the english that gained so much fame during the 100-years war period and continued to be used throughout Tudor times were:

NOT a selfbow: it is a natural laminate, so a compound bow, with sapwood resisting tension on the back and heartwood resisting compression in the belly. Yew was ideal for this, to the point where early conservationists complained about deforestation of yew trees.
NOT a flatbow: crosssection of a longbow/warbow will show it is a D shape.
NOT a straightbow: THIS is the biggest misconception you seem to be under, since many portrayals, especially in movies, show unstrung longbows to look a bit like a stave: Longbows were recurve bows. Very many manuscripts from medieval era show this. Unfortunatly, no medieval bows from england excist, of any shape, but hundreds of ones from the Mary Rose, flagship of Henry VIII, were recovered when the ship was raised, and they are ALL recurve bows.
Longbows, or warbows as they were also called, were primarily used on foot, of course, but when the english marched to france for war they took mounted archers with them. These guys would dismount and form up for pitched battles, because military archery is a question of volume of arrows, not the skirmish warfare of the steppe tribes, but there are times when they had to ride and shoot: There is nothing stopping the use of a longbow on horseback. When the English had to cross Somme, at the ford at Blangetac, the mounted archers went first, firing from horseback at the Picardy militiamen on the other side, to cover the foot archers and knights behind(This is documented, I forget the name of the manuscript but it is a French manuscript describing the events, not some britmy old friend propoganda, you could probably find it if you spoke french and check the National Library's website (w/e the French call their national Library)). This was 2 days before the battle of Crecy.

SO we have a reflex, compound bow, that CAN be used from horseback, can shoot between 15 and 20 arrows per minute, and draw weights between 90 pounds (women and children) to the 160-200 pound range.

SO tell me again how the Mongol and Turkish bows of the same design but lesser draw weight were shooting further with more force?

Because it doesn't make sense on any level, to me.
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Re: Horse archery is too strong
« Reply #292 on: July 22, 2014, 02:41:50 pm »
Are Byzantium the only clan where if we spot a clanmate on the other team everybody gets a raging bloodlust to murder him?
As Merc, if the last enemy is a Merc, i'll let him fight to the death against my allies.
But untill the end of the round, i fight and kill any Merc i see.

Offline BlindGuy

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Re: Horse archery is too strong
« Reply #293 on: July 22, 2014, 03:33:52 pm »
Ah... the Mary Rose... Shitting on 'classic English exaggerating their bow' theorists since that wreck was discovered...

I remember back when it was scientifically impossible to pull a bow of the dimensions described in the British sources, until they found the bows in Mary Rose and more importantly the skeletons of the men who pulled them, warped and distorted gorillas. Then suddenly it wasnt impossible.

And where's the myth come from that only British had yew technology xD

Warped and distorted gorillas is right...that shit really does bend your spine into funny shapes, and it goes even further towards, in my mind, proving that the bows they used really were the fucking bomb: if you could get better performance from the bows of the turks/steppe tribes/mongols/chinese or ANYWHERE they would have. Sure there was no mass shipping of anything across huge distances unless it was massively economically viable, but it only takes ONE man to see the differences, buy a bow from where-ever and bring it back to England and show them. Commanders and armies are always looking to advance their military technology, they would not have ignored something so amazing as a much smaller bow that was both easier to use and more effective. To think that is ridiculous. Longbow: bestbow. If it wasn't, they would not have sacrificed so much money, time, and the health of so many generations of warriors to its dedicated use.
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Re: Horse archery is too strong
« Reply #294 on: July 22, 2014, 04:02:39 pm »
Not just in Britain, but the Frence forces to counter the longbow had to rely on crossbows and also trained a few longbowmen of their own but never got the mass required to be an effective counter. Surely they would have been looking for a viable alternative that didnt require training since the age of 7.
French forces used arbalest because it's require much less training than a longbow, and because feudal France army was clearly a massive amount of peasants.
The lords were afraid to teach to peasants how to fight. (military training)

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Re: Horse archery is too strong
« Reply #295 on: July 22, 2014, 04:07:16 pm »
I dont attack my clanmates on opposite team, if there are other targets for me or them.

Course, if we meet alone in an alley, or its end of round and we still alive, then its time to get it on. And I wouldn't LET them win, gonna try to end them. Would never feed them valour...

But I will admit that before now I have tripped an archer teammate over with a little nudge when hes aiming at my friends back... What? he's my friend, fight the guy and kill him, or I will fight him and try to kill him once you are dead, but dont shoot a man in the back.

But back on topic: Just remove ranged cav, anyone who complains: permaban. There, fixed, community is richer in two ways: Everyone has more fun and the annoying dickheads are banned. I provide this solution free of charge, you are all welcome.

To me this all sounds like brocoding. You arent clanmates anymore if you are on opposite teams, just fucking destroy them like you would anyone else. Nudging archers to save a clanmate should be bannable. Going in to a fight expecting to 2v1 and then suddenly one is just spectating is a horrible sight, i want to win not fucking duel go to the duel server if you want honour bullshit. Duels are boring and tedius, its more exciting on the other part anyways, fighting 2 people at the same time.

Removing ranged cav completely is a shit idea aswell, mod is about variety and theres probably a decent chunk wanting to play mongol horse archer from time to time, some who only want to play it. Removing the entire class could result in people quitting the mod and that is never a good thing with a dying mod anyways.
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Re: Horse archery is too strong
« Reply #296 on: July 22, 2014, 04:23:04 pm »

Removing ranged cav completely is a shit idea aswell, mod is about variety and theres probably a decent chunk wanting to play mongol horse archer from time to time, some who only want to play it. Removing the entire class could result in people quitting the mod and that is never a good thing with a dying mod anyways.
Keeping HA will let some players in our mod. (great they don't leave ! ....  :? )
But i think you clearly underestimated the amount of players stoping the mod (for a while or completly) because of HA/HX.

And it's even worse when it's a hero.
RIP Tor, we all love you.

Offline BlindGuy

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Re: Horse archery is too strong
« Reply #297 on: July 22, 2014, 04:36:33 pm »
French forces used arbalest because it's require much less training than a longbow, and because feudal France army was clearly a massive amount of peasants.
The lords were afraid to teach to peasants how to fight. (military training)

No, the French didnt arm their commoners at all. They hired italians to do the crossbowing. No peasants in any military positions whatsoever.

Click spoiler for Gravoth sillythings.
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Re: Horse archery is too strong
« Reply #298 on: July 22, 2014, 04:38:19 pm »
French forces used arbalest because it's require much less training than a longbow, and because feudal France army was clearly a massive amount of peasants.
The lords were afraid to teach to peasants how to fight. (military training)

Weren't the French medieval armies actually known for not conscribing peasants most of the time? As far as I know in France the nobelty had the opinion that it's better to not have the peasants being armed. If you consider the French revolution, they were right in the end  :mrgreen:
Joker makes a very good point.
î saved for eternety (without context  :mrgreen:)

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Re: Horse archery is too strong
« Reply #299 on: July 22, 2014, 05:01:54 pm »
Weren't the French medieval armies actually known for not conscribing peasants most of the time? As far as I know in France the nobelty had the opinion that it's better to not have the peasants being armed. If you consider the French revolution, they were right in the end  :mrgreen:
Yes it's what i'm saying, they had no military training. And they never own their weapons like arbalest.
Moreover, in medieval time, the enemies were often capturing the other army in order to get money in exchange + glory for the nobles
But you guys are all jealous about feudal France because of this mighty right :

Droit de cuissage.

Go google it, you will love it. x)

@BlindGuy The crossbower weren't only italian's mercenaries.