
Does horse archery require a nerf?


Author Topic: Horse archery is too strong  (Read 33925 times)

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Re: Horse archery is too strong
« Reply #30 on: July 12, 2014, 03:43:23 pm »
Just because im good as HA (Zero_SaT) doesnt mean that it should be nerfed? btw teeth, u took 15 arrows before you died so dont complain.. see u in-game. //Zero_SaT and Barabe_Zibart

From what I saw, you would have some trouble on an NA server, as we have a nice population of throwers who would 2 shot your horse.  (I hardly ever see throwers on EU)

That being said, with no offense, I would rather deal with HAs like you than what we have to deal with on NA, where they hardly do well and mostly delay.
Here, dear crpg folk, we have an honest man who doesn't conceal the truth out of the fear of getting nerfed. He surely deserves a round of heartfelt applause.

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Re: Horse archery is too strong
« Reply #31 on: July 12, 2014, 03:44:25 pm »
The damage buff would have to be immense. At the moment I am using a MW Rus Bow and have 6 Power Draw. Some people can take like 6+ arrows and still walk around like nothing happened.
If I had only 10 arrows (Read that you want the 5 Arrow quiver to be 0 slots), even with a reasonable damage buff, I would still need like 4 arrows to take some people down. That is one quiver gone right there assuming I miss only one shot.
The damage buff will be insane, though lower for low tier bows, but an arrow is supposed to hurt! With the bigger damage + reduced total quiver shield walls will finally be usefull, the more arrows are caught by shields the less they hit players.

Shield walls atm are completely useless, because archers will fire 20 arrows at them and still have 50 left for when the charge begins.

Really, this reaches quite far - I think even light horse armor could even be increased to ensure a little more survivability.

I agree that the amount of arrows need to be decreased, but such a huge change to archery is uncalled for.

In the end of the day there would be countless people crying about how OP Archery damage is. Because nobody notices the arrows flying into the middle of nowhere, but everybody notices the arrow stuck in their torso.
And that arrow would deal a lot more damage than it is the case right now.

Again, shield walls will finally have a function, archers will also be far less likely to shoot into the melee when the melee clashes because itll also cause more damage to your friends.  (Btw, I think dmg reduction from arrows on friendlys needs to go aswell, again far too forgiving.)

People would not notice being shot at less often. But they will notice an arrow hitting them and they will cry about it taking 70% of their hitpoints.
People will always cry about archery, but the spam has to end, and actual skill and thought is what archery needs to have. Can you imagine an archer shooting another archer with that damage? They will be punished hard for skirmishing legolas style in the open.

Furthermore only top tier bows will have acces to bodkins and only in a limited supply, with the current metagame armor value of c-rpg atm I doubt that the cut only damage, albeit very very high, will really get 70% of their health, mostly low armored players will feel the extreme buff, and guess what, that is how its supposed to be.

Leave everything as it is, except for reducing the quiver size by 5 arrows or so. (But then you gotta reduce the quiver weight as well)
Then nerf HA a bit more by making Yumi unusable on Horseback, or reducing their angle of firing or whatever is being suggested.

Archery needs a gigantic accuracy nerf aswell, apparantly there is no shit like wind etc in calradia.

Like wtf, it is so unrealistic that its laughable.
« Last Edit: July 12, 2014, 04:00:27 pm by Joseph Porta »
I loot corpses of their golden teeth.
But he'll be around somewhere between Heaven and The Devil, because neither of them will take him in, and he'll be farting loudly and singing a filthy song.

i'll be there at around

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Re: Horse archery is too strong
« Reply #32 on: July 12, 2014, 03:46:27 pm »
80% of their kills are from delaying and shooting peasants. They also charge peoples spawns to kill people who spawn late.

I just think admins need to be more strict on delaying and ban people for spawn killing.

Offline Joseph Porta

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Re: Horse archery is too strong
« Reply #33 on: July 12, 2014, 03:47:04 pm »
I'm kinda sad to hear that something like that happened to you :/
I knew my guys were teamworking when they are not in the same team, but I didn't know that this kind of thing occured, I'm sorry and I'll try to speak to my guys to see if I can make them stop that, eventhough I know that they won't stop giving each others valour.

No worries bro, im not the kind to hold a grudge, but it did strike me as odd. And I thought it was a bit lame.
I loot corpses of their golden teeth.
But he'll be around somewhere between Heaven and The Devil, because neither of them will take him in, and he'll be farting loudly and singing a filthy song.

i'll be there at around

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Re: Horse archery is too strong
« Reply #34 on: July 12, 2014, 03:50:41 pm »
I've screens od the end of the round where you can see like 5 horsearcher killing the last man on the losing team, the problem is that these guys are just untouchable. Especially if you are cav they are hell since horse armour is so shitty now. Sure you can run back to your team to hope they shoot the horse, but you can't hide there forever and even then the horsearcher can still come pretty close without taking any arrows.

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Re: Horse archery is too strong
« Reply #35 on: July 12, 2014, 03:51:05 pm »
teeth, u took 15 arrows before you died

And it does not occur to you that being able to pump 15 arrows into a highly skilled player such as Teeth requires some kind of nerf to HA?
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Re: Horse archery is too strong
« Reply #36 on: July 12, 2014, 03:54:36 pm »
We may be byzcuntium abusing whatever we find enjoyable, but atleast we dont break the auto balance by not attacking eachother, we do the complete opposite, the one who gets switched is the one who dies first.
we didnt break any rule and im sorry i didnt know you guys never breake a rule!!!

And it does not occur to you that being able to pump 15 arrows into a highly skilled player such as Teeth requires some kind of nerf to HA?

will you get a kiss by teeth for this?  :lol:
« Last Edit: July 12, 2014, 03:58:42 pm by Perverz »
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Re: Horse archery is too strong
« Reply #37 on: July 12, 2014, 03:58:45 pm »
There are some very good horse archers in game, like SaT and Otto Knight, but still the class is OP as hell and has been for a while. I'm a terribad archer and still do quite well as a horse archer, often topping the scoreboard and getting valour for my arrowspam.

The ease of the class comes from the fact that it has no real counters. Yeah a xbow might be able to kill my horse with three hits, but it's not like I'm going to let him reload. I can select my targets far better than any other ranged class; If I want to concentrate on enemy cav, they can't do shit and if I go for a ninja squad, they'll be fucked even if they bring Jarids. Headshots will wreck guys in plate even, but I'm not good enough to pull those off. Hell, I can even take on a group of mediocre archers as my movement is far superior to theirs. Even Bagge has problems hitting me when I'm fighting him one on one. I'll lose in the end, but it's not easy for even the best archers to hit a horse archer. The best and prolly the only real counter is a better HA/HX.

And it's not the Yumi that's OP, you can do the same shit with nomad, tatar or horn bow. And it's not the speed bonus either, it makes a slight difference on damage, but even with the low missile speed Yumi it doesn't matter much if I'm riding towards the target or standing still - it still deals pretty much the same damage, go and test it out.

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Re: Horse archery is too strong
« Reply #38 on: July 12, 2014, 04:01:25 pm »
And it does not occur to you that being able to pump 15 arrows into a highly skilled player such as Teeth requires some kind of nerf to HA?

Highly skilled / getting hit by projectiles doesnt make sense, switch. :P
I loot corpses of their golden teeth.
But he'll be around somewhere between Heaven and The Devil, because neither of them will take him in, and he'll be farting loudly and singing a filthy song.

i'll be there at around

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Re: Horse archery is too strong
« Reply #39 on: July 12, 2014, 04:05:24 pm »
Teeth has more points than the HA.

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I don't want to give a feedback to molly neither i want to ban him,I wanted to give advise high authorities to take his admin rights.Panos you monkey wrench where would u put this topic enlighten me you cancer fuck.

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Re: Horse archery is too strong
« Reply #40 on: July 12, 2014, 04:09:27 pm »
I think the problem comes from the fact that he can pump 15 arrows in a person (and probably teeth wasn't the only that round) without danger for his own life.

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Re: Horse archery is too strong
« Reply #41 on: July 12, 2014, 04:11:33 pm »
Like I stated in previous HA threads, the ability horse archery, should effect the speed and manuverability of a horse archers horse, this would make them easier to shoot And easier to hunt down as cav, so many times I find myself chasing an HA and never being able to cAtch him because he is faster and able to shoot my horse without any risk.
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Re: Horse archery is too strong
« Reply #42 on: July 12, 2014, 04:11:51 pm »
You can't judge if a class is op or not by looking at individual player's performances.

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Re: Horse archery is too strong
« Reply #43 on: July 12, 2014, 04:16:07 pm »
The problem is that HA should not be a class to carry a whole bloody team.

It should support the teams cavalry or infantry. Causing somewhat of a disturbance in the enemy lines.

Being able to kill everything that moves, without ever getting into danger of being hit is completely wrong and this needs to be changed.

Wanna be a threat to the enemy team? Go take a risk!

If you don't wanna take the risk of being hit/killed you should not be able to farm lots of points/kills every round.
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Re: Horse archery is too strong
« Reply #44 on: July 12, 2014, 04:19:37 pm »
Like I stated in previous HA threads, the ability horse archery, should effect the speed and manuverability of a horse archers horse, this would make them easier to shoot And easier to hunt down as cav, so many times I find myself chasing an HA and never being able to cAtch him because he is faster and able to shoot my horse without any risk.
I don't know a lot about history and I know skilled horsemen should be able to steer without reigns, but what about less maneuverability while drawing the string of your bow?

Maybe it's a bit egoistic, but I would be very happy because this would mean cav can escape from HA's.