Siege at Ibiran - gates of mordor
We have a chance of taking a village deep into the Grey order lands, take it and we will put troops inside to defend it
1525 KALMARS v Grey Order 1758 (500 pop)
Take it, and the clans in this campaign gets a forward foothold
If we dont take it, well we would have at least tried
Mordor is still beeing built, why do you have to interrupt such an masterpiece of architecture?
Well ... have fun. to show/hide)
I wish you pleasant reading :)
I just get back to home from college, and I always find things on diplomacy forums...
Harpag, support this thread - you know you want this fight....or are you getting worried that mercs, Kapis and Shoggies might enter on the opposite side? :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
Mordor is still beeing built, why do you have to interrupt such an masterpiece of architecture?
Well ... have fun.
Grandmom, of course I support you, but also I have a personal request for you. Please don't GTX after upcoming massacre :twisted:
Request granted if you grant me one request - leave the DRZ out of this and take up arms like a man
I can not tell them what they have to do. Factions in UIF are independent ... :D
i'm just saying, surely you should be focussing your attention on drunzinha, considering they're almost twice as big, numerous and rich as the grey order?
Thought you were gonna handle them :shock:
barabe are not on your list? hmm....
apply for greys guys :twisted:
lmao, even if we wanted to handle druzinha, they have 4 times the member count of shogunate, 4 times the territory, how could we possibly handle druzinha lol ...
if you ever wanted a chance in winning this war you should've, from the start, gone after super economy, bum rushed castles, got better equipment than drz/greys and surprise attacked them with more (or at least an equal) economy.
and no it wouldn't have been impossible, UIF controls well less than half the map.
attacking shogunate; who offered to be neutral in your war in order to make strat more fun, and wasting huge amounts of soldiers / money (which could've been better spent taking castles and ramping up your economy), has seriously impeded your chances of winning this strat i think ..
lmao, even if we wanted to handle druzinha, they have 4 times the member count of shogunate, 4 times the territory, how could we possibly handle druzinha lol ...Oh poor naive corsair, first of all getting better economy then the uif would have been almost impossible as they can trade in side their own land safe and get huge bonuses also they control they trade with the NA, so good luck with that.
if you ever wanted a chance in winning this war you should've, from the start, gone after super economy, bum rushed castles, got better equipment than drz/greys and surprise attacked them with more (or at least an equal) economy.
and no it wouldn't have been impossible, UIF controls well less than half the map.
attacking shogunate; who offered to be neutral in your war in order to make strat more fun, and wasting huge amounts of soldiers / money (which could've been better spent taking castles and ramping up your economy), has seriously impeded your chances of winning this strat i think ..
barabe are not on your list? hmm....
apply for greys guys :twisted:
Better? :DWe say yes!Some of you hesitate,
some clans want to settle elsewhere
and get stronger
some say, not all will fight why should we?
Some say its pointless, we cant win
we cant hurt them, we cant do anything
Those of you that hesitate, hesitates because others hesitates
Its not like you are gonna have more of a chance later,
it wont easier when UIF comes knocking on your door,
at that point you WILL be alone.....NOW is the only time
you might actually stand a chance of doing something
Some of us say YES, today we fight - if you start out by helping us get the best rosters possible today.....we would be of to a good start!
I plea for help with rosters today so we can win the two important battles we have - we welcome:
Together, with the best players of these clans - we have a chance to win some battles todayAND FOR GODS SAKE - BRING THE REST OF YOUR ARMIES ASWELL - TODAY
lmao, even if we wanted to handle druzinha, they have 4 times the member count of shogunate, 4 times the territory, how could we possibly handle druzinha lol ...Lets not do anything for months, and just keep our guard up. So that we can get all fiefs and then sit in them for the rest of strategus, like so many other strategus rounds, fun.
if you ever wanted a chance in winning this war you should've, from the start, gone after super economy, bum rushed castles, got better equipment than drz/greys and surprise attacked them with more (or at least an equal) economy.
and no it wouldn't have been impossible, UIF controls well less than half the map.
attacking shogunate; who offered to be neutral in your war in order to make strat more fun, and wasting huge amounts of soldiers / money (which could've been better spent taking castles and ramping up your economy), has seriously impeded your chances of winning this strat i think ..
Lets not do anything for months, and just keep our guard up. So that we can get all fiefs and then sit in them for the rest of strategus, like so many other strategus rounds, fun.Or just quit strat. Its pointless except for xp.
Better? :D
Or just quit strat. Its pointless except for xp.But that's not fun...
And tbh if we let greys earn money faster we can have full plate xpgrinder faster.
But that's not fun...
but but.......always fun to see greys GTX on eu 2 aint it? so lets make them GTX strat too! hur hur :lol:lol
they control they trade with the NA, so good luck with thatI don't consider the desert to be American as long as Gforce is siding with DRZ and friends.
Corsair you cant be neutral :D either a UIF will attack you or the other side with :P
Druzhina have won, strats over!This, so much.
Basically, every other clan except DRZ has had a reduction in active strategus players, so they can win this through sheer zerg goon squads, furthermore Grey's doing the same trick and basically teaming up with DRZ again just ruins start for most people,wwhat's the point in playing if the two largest factions are holding hands. That is what has ruined strat.
This, so much.
I admire how much hope you have left grandmom, but let's face it: Strat is a numbers game and the numbers are 100% in favour of UIF.You can't simply go after those stats as we have taken everything out of our villages to attack with it so we have more a lot troops then that shows
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(Those are the stats of the villages only, the one castle that has been captured yet is not in here)
They own: 54 of 110 villages and 1 castle, 40.9% of the silver, 36.1% of the garrison and 68.1% of the market size.
And that is only what's in the fiefs themselves, everyone can imagine how much else there is left that is not in there.
I told this many times before, but this strat was over when it began and when it was clear that there would be no hostilities between GO and DRZ. They are hoarding members like no other clan does and if you ever visit EU2 without either grey or drz stack on one side, you are a lucky man. 25 members of them on one team is not a rare sight these days.
If anyone from UIF thinks i am just jealous or whatever, bugger off. If you cannot see how you turned strat into a huge zerg fest, you have to take a look again.
The only thing that would save this strat is UIF leaving everyone alone and enjoying their trading simulator or them fighting each other. But that's not gonna happen.
All i wanted for the HRE guys in this strat is to have a nice little war with a clan that is about the size of us but we cannot do that because UIF claims that everyone is acting on their own and you always have to fear to get wiped out within a few days just because one or two guys feel like it.
I admire how much hope you have left grandmom, but let's face it: Strat is a numbers game and the numbers are 100% in favour of UIF.
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(Those are the stats of the villages only, the one castle that has been captured yet is not in here)
They own: 54 of 110 villages and 1 castle, 40.9% of the silver, 36.1% of the garrison and 68.1% of the market size.
And that is only what's in the fiefs themselves, everyone can imagine how much else there is left that is not in there.
I told this many times before, but this strat was over when it began and when it was clear that there would be no hostilities between GO and DRZ. They are hoarding members like no other clan does and if you ever visit EU2 without either grey or drz stack on one side, you are a lucky man. 25 members of them on one team is not a rare sight these days.
If anyone from UIF thinks i am just jealous or whatever, bugger off. If you cannot see how you turned strat into a huge zerg fest, you have to take a look again.
The only thing that would save this strat is UIF leaving everyone alone and enjoying their trading simulator or them fighting each other. But that's not gonna happen.
All i wanted for the HRE guys in this strat is to have a nice little war with a clan that is about the size of us but we cannot do that because UIF claims that everyone is acting on their own and you always have to fear to get wiped out within a few days just because one or two guys feel like it.
Meh, so basically another coalition.Sure then stay out of it, but the thing is you will get dragged it it sooner or later anyway if we don't win this, then don't come to us and cry when UIF knocking on your front door and want to take your fief, you have one chance to beat uif and that's now. After this war if we win it we all could start fighting cause uif wouldn't be that strong. The only way to get rid of this block thing is to beat the uif cause then we don't have any reason to stay in a block anymore
See, this is why i hate this strategus round so much. I don't want to be forced into another big fucking block of players just because UIF are still enjoying their circlejerk. Especially with kinngrimm in there, haha =D
Meh, so basically another coalition.Well UIF does the same thing every strat, so they clearly wont change. So we basicly need to do something to fight it, since it wont ever change.
See, this is why i hate this strategus round so much. I don't want to be forced into another big fucking block of players just because UIF are still enjoying their circlejerk. Especially with kinngrimm in there, haha =D
Meh, so basically another coalition.
See, this is why i hate this strategus round so much. I don't want to be forced into another big fucking block of players just because UIF are still enjoying their circlejerk. Especially with kinngrimm in there, haha =D
Sure then stay out of it, but the thing is you will get dragged it it sooner or later anyway if we don't win this, then don't come to us and cry when UIF knocking on your front door and want to take your fief, you have one chance to beat uif and that's now. After this war if we win it we all could start fighting cause uif wouldn't be that strong. The only way to get rid of this block thing is to beat the uif cause then we don't have any reason to stay in a block anymore
You can't simply go after those stats as we have taken everything out of our villages to attack with it so we have more a lot troops then that shows
I said I would post my full thoughts so here they are.
DRZ and GO quite simply, combined, have ruined strategus. Deny this fact and you would be completely wrong. DRZ and GO (along with kapis, but I'm not sure on their intentions this strat) are the only clans within cRPG that have actually managed to gain active players for both strategus and cRPG, the majority of clans no longer care that much for strategus and just play it to appease their leaders/clannies. And why should they care? DRZ and GO are hand in hand, living off each others trade, they have thousands of troops and a good numbers of fiefs. The fact that combined they almost own half of the map then this is game over for all other clans especially small clans. The only way to combat them would be for everyone (every single clan, bandit, stockbroker, trader, and even tavern wench) to join together and form the Anti-UIF Front or the ADF (Anti Druzhina Front). But this will never happen.
Plus the russians prime time is slightly different to the rest of EU which means when most EU are finishing work they have just sat down and begun to drink their vodka and zerg rush cRPG. The irritating thing is, is GO are too afraid (yes I said it) are too afraid to go against the DRZ and the DRZ because of this do not recognise the GO as a threat (and wont attack because it would be too much effort and at too high a cost to them), everyone else they just see as ripe targets. The only way this strategus wont turn out like the last is for GO and DRZ to attack one another. But come on, we all know that will never happen :rolleyes:
It's a real shame that strategus (yet again) has turned into one giant carebear alliance, and the GO and DRZ are being as predictable as ever and doing the same thing over and over. I wouldn't be surprised if DRZ conquer most of the map, because frankly people will give up when they see the Druzhina armies on their borders as they know there will be no support that will prevent the inevitable goon rush that will wipe them away. A pity, a real pity.
The clans with the most active members, who care the most about Strategus are winning? Why is this a problem to you?
I'm sure the Grey and DRZ have lots of fun in Strategus as it is now, it's not ruined for them since they are actually competent at the game and enjoy beating all your garbage clans repeatedly every strat. I can only imagine how funny watching you all whine about strategus is to the UIF guys, it's hilarious to me and i'm not even involved so it can only be better for them.
Congrats you Bad Clans, on getting mad every single strategus at the exact same thing. Keep making more excuses on why you are losing when in reality it's because you're all really bad at the game!
If you would all be more together: OdE, Fenris, Kalmars, SB/Templars, Vandals, Mercs, HRE, Eques, Bros, Quncy, Balde and dont know what more ... if you would all be more chained together you can actually beat the UIF , no joke there...
blameYes, blame templar block who did something 3,5 years ago in a Strat of which probably like 5% of the players are still playing, instead of blaming the UIF who has become the new templar block for last 3 years. Strategus is doomed, templar block started ruining it, UIF continued and now this will surely be the last and shortest iteration of Strat.
templar block and yourself.
If i can make my little statement here:Nobody in Western Europe really wants to play Strat like you propose. Simply a cultural thing. Without trying to discriminate or overgeneralize, DRZ and GO come from less individualistic societies that probably allow for more obedience, loyalty to the collective and dedication to making the collective win. What I have seen of GO and DRZ are things that for example my clan would not be able to pull off, because people don't have the mentality for it. I have seen it before by other large clans with mostly Western Europeans, people stop caring and go do whatever they want. Also, uniting all these clans would require someone to talk to people for 200 hours and make himself the leader, are you up for doing that Knitler? No you aren't and obviously nobody else is for this silly little poorly designed game.
If you would all be more together: OdE, Fenris, Kalmars, SB/Templars, Vandals, Mercs, HRE, Eques, Bros, Quncy, Balde and dont know what more ... if you would all be more chained together you can actually beat the UIF , no joke there... i meean it serious. The difference is just that Grey Order and Druzhina are both one clan, which means its by FAAAAAAR easier to manage and see whats happening throughout their lands ~ But if you would get your shit together and operate together and equally you can do something ...
But explaining your carebearing by what templars did 3 years ago...
I dont see how what happened in strat 1 is related to the carebearing of today.
Yes, blame templar block who did something 3,5 years ago in a Strat of which probably like 5% of the players are still playing, instead of blaming the UIF who has become the new templar block for last 3 years.
Declare war on Grey Order, do it. Last chance to salvage this Strat round.Do you have any idea why does DRZ and GO should entertain you, Fips and other blamers?
Do you have any idea why does DRZ and GO should entertain you, Fips and other blamers?Because Strat will cease to exist if you do not entertain us.
I mean forming alliances is OK for this game.Forming alliances is okay yes, though your alliance is like the USSR and the USA becoming best friends in the Cold War. Your alliance is wildly inappropriate and unnecessary compared to any possible opponent. Strat could be awesome with a good bit of power politics, switching allegiances and backstabbery, sadly the current mechanics make these things depend on the player mentality. DRZ and GO mentality has thrown all of this out of the window for all of the players and the only solution is a change of heart on your side or better design in the game. I can't blame chadz though for bad mechanics because I can't see anyway myself to solve these things while still having a low player time input game.
Nobody in Western Europe really wants to play Strat
All of you who blame GO and DRZ for being friendly towards each other miss two things
Since the very beginning of Strat this game is about carebearing
Seems like most of you didn't play Strat1.
There was Templar Block. It has MOST of active EU and NA players, Templars and their allies had ALL the map except east (fallens) and north (ne, drz). AND NOONE FOUGHT EACH OTHER.
NOONE DECLARED WARS, NOONE ATTACKED NEIGHBOOR!!! EVERYONE WERE JUST STARING AT ENORMOUS TEMPLARS. in the end of that round Shogunates, Caravan Guild and irrc formed 100+k tickets army! 100+k tickets they simply farmed tickets all round. and that's what everyone were doing.
Teplars were quite passive. Accepting new members to their block was all they did there.
Then ENORMOUS Templar block attacked 22nd faction. Outnumbering them like 1000 to 1. 22nd had no equip and no tickets, cause all of them were waisted during 3 hours town siege a day before. Enormous block declared war upon smallest faction a day after this faction lost everything.
Templars wiped 22nd.
And that was the very beginning of UIF. Started by FIEFLESS FACTION THAT WAS WIPED BY SUPERPOWER BLOCK.
Another (MAIN) thing you are all missing is YOUR ATTITUDE during strat1,2,3,4
All your whines and tears, all your insults toward DRZ and GO, all the shit about "cheaters", about GO bans, bias game admins etc
You made it happen with your attitude.
Next time
you want to blame UIF
or DRZ and GO for being
that big and friendly
templar block and yourself.
thanks for attention.
And I miss one thing too:
haters gonna hate, whiners - whine, losers - lose.
Go on.
Oh the irony. You basicly became the same exact thing that you hated. You wanted something to fight the big block, so that the smaller clans would stand a chance and actually have fun. Ontop of this you wanted some action in strategus, instead of everyone just farming gold/troops.(click to show/hide)
So, what exactly is second side doing to ruin strat?
(click to show/hide)
I am not talking about Kalmars. They are simply the best
Well, it's their turn to fight UIF.
We did it very seriously at the beginning of strat 4, spending incredible amounts of time on it.
Now when I recall those events I can't believe I could spend so much time in so stupid way, not going to repeat this mistake anymore.
And I really doubt Kalmars will do the same next strat.
lol, just lol
Well, it's their turn to fight UIF.
We did it very seriously at the beginning of strat 4, spending incredible amounts of time on it.
Now when I recall those events I can't believe I could spend so much time in so stupid way, not going to repeat this mistake anymore.
And I really doubt Kalmars will do the same next strat.
Nobody in Western Europe really wants to play Strat
Yeah, it makes me think I'm living in Western Europe :D
They are doing nice, even tho i cant understand what their unarmed armies are doing ... probably backing up cause you dont help them.
And what the heck, its their turn to fight UIF, they are like we start the war just for GO to have a bit more harder time and you dont support them and then say something like: We did it in strat4 .... wtf is wrong....
Don't misquote, lots of us like playing Strat, but we would not enjoy playing in a massive homogeneous block, that's what Teeth was referring to.
You admit it?
...SWITZERLAND...Which is sitting on the trade routes of GO/DRZ, making it tough for others to do something about that trade. I have seen the link within the message to DRZ/Greys, how many goods had been swapped? 26000 for each side then with 350%+ trade bonus?
Lolwut. I never expected to stay in this strat round until the end anyway. Heck, i expected Eques to wipe us out within a few weeks simply by getting support from kinn, but they are being boring.In one threat you complain i would gank on you, now you complain that i dont. This is the same shit as in the talks we had on ts, you switch opinions and stances continiously. I would not want to be with oyu in a block if Grandmom would threaten to attack me, i just dont give a fuck about you guys thats all, you are a dieing clan with no vision so do us all the favour , die faster or get your shit together and stop crying like a little bitch.
... GM launched an attack on GO, so why don't others attack with him?maybe they are new to strat or dont have the ressources to keep up with the tech race in gear, maybe they are not coordianted enough or dont want to instantly lose everything. Maybe nothing of those reasons, but then again why the fuck should there be even a need to do so? Not like the dream of these small factions in the north was always to be david to fight goliath and get all stressed out about a shity game. And while i, as you can ask GO was never condeming them for past mistakes, always reminded my own guys that Kapikulus have ping issues and are not bad players, that DRZ is jsut another clan with people who want to ahve fun, Nords and all other clans i fought in the past there are people i like and get a long with, that i also allways fought against the odds, may it be my first strat in strat 2.0 together with mercs against 16 different clans with 3 months constant hardcore warfare i have never seen afterwards again, in 3 with new friends and new enemies and in 4 the same. In 5 this is the first time i start with the same enemies as i had in 4 and they know it, as this carebear shit makes me sick to my bones. My first goal since strat 2, always had been to get more colors on the map, look north, yeah thats how it should look like all on the map, if strategus would be healthy, look on the NA map, that still is a 1000 times better then the shit you guys pull of over and over again. So with a lot of sugar on top, please fuck off!
Quote from: Zaharist on March 21, 2014, 11:51:31 pm
... GM launched an attack on GO, so why don't others attack with him?
We're not bad people,what ever makes you feel better right? Therefor all the banner leecher became GO members, because HArpag, who admittedly doesnt give a shit about personal relatiosn to the single GO member, cant say no when someone asks to join .. because he is so good hearted ... right?
but well organisedwith 90 guys in my faction, i also would be able to get more done, so bravo for your good organisation.
We have ~20 - 25 active playersThat exatly is the problem, others dont. Many others together , still dont. At a time enough clans work together to match your numbers, then there is still DRZ, Shogunate and Kapikulu. Sorry but no respect or sympathy from me for the way your clan interacts sofar this round and i cant really take your arguments serriously.
In one threat you complain i would gank on you, now you complain that i dont. This is the same shit as in the talks we had on ts, you switch opinions and stances continiously. I would not want to be with oyu in a block if Grandmom would threaten to attack me, i just dont give a fuck about you guys thats all, you are a dieing clan with no vision so do us all the favour , die faster or get your shit together and stop crying like a little bitch.
so... ODE securing Gisim is killing phoenix and his 10 soldiers with stones?
Gisim was the first GO fief ever - they will take it from Phoenix whatever they tell me its a GO fief and they will fight for it with teh OdE
I just don't get what Phoenix has to do with it, you want us to join your side, yet OdE attacks one of us
well Grandmom are you gonna pay us? :)
But OdE attacking Phoenix is not a Siege Battle.... he doesn't control Gisim
Sorry if it's really obvious, but I just don't see the connection between hurting Grey Order and killing Phoenix 10 men army.
well why should i as a player care? :P If you guys win then one of your factions or grimmy will attack us anywayWe wont without you, and Kalmars have no interesst in taking you on - if by a miracle all noUIF clans could agree on the color of shit for once (more and more are)- and actually beat the UIF, why would u be next - its not like you pose a major threat with your claims. ANd you could prolly play your merc-role with a future....right now you cant
But OdE attacking Phoenix is not a Siege Battle.... he doesn't control Gisim
Sorry if it's really obvious, but I just don't see the connection between hurting Grey Order and killing Phoenix 10 men army.
The Infinite Horde of Phoenix. Is that faction an extension of Shogunate ?
Anyway, he tried to take Gisim from SB. We have to keep an ally controlling Gisim, not a guy we don't know the goals.
It's not a Siege but we don't want him in that area anymore.
Sorry if it hurts Shogunate.
The Infinite Horde of Phoenix. Is that faction an extension of Shogunate ?
Anyway, he tried to take Gisim from SB. We have to keep an ally controlling Gisim, not a guy we don't know the goals.
It's not a Siege but we don't want him in that area anymore.
Sorry if it hurts Shogunate.
you talk a load of crap kinngrim, anti-uif needs to retreat now (it's losing ridiculous amounts of men with no gain whatsoeever), hide in villages/castles and start running trade simulator.
the weaker side in a war shouldn't be the one to continue the attack after the initial surprise has already worn off.
Agreed, the blitzkrieg on shogunate was fun, it was somewhat effective, but now you guys should retreat and think of a new tactic. Throwing wave after wave against a superior enemy is just a waste of your tickets and therefore time. You should start building armies and take castles yourselves so you will have a chance later on. This is not a lost cause from the start of strat. It's what you guys make of it, some clans obviously don't see the threat so they fight their little wars against each other, but hating on UIF is the wrong thing, you should blame those little clans, because they will make you lose long term.
Well, I guess then strat just isnt for you. Its about diplomacy and UIF diplomacy makes them win, if you cant compete you either deal with it or you stop playing
Yes I am not affiliated with anyone at the minute just mucking about ^^
Well, I guess then strat just isnt for you. Its about diplomacy and UIF diplomacy makes them win, if you cant compete you either deal with it or you stop playing
Kalmar+Quincy+SB+Fenris. Of the big clans OdE hardly ever apply for battles and neither does Eques. HRE don't seem to care and Fallen has very few players that are interested. On the UIF side there are prolly enough players to fill two rosters most of the time. That's a huge advantage and if the Shogunate was truly impartial in this thing they would be taken with open arms to give support in rosters.
Kalmar forced us to side with UIF when they blitzkrieged us, otherwise things might have been different
Kalmar forced us to side with UIF when they blitzkrieged us, otherwise things might have been differentno you forced them, as you didnt take your claims from last round up around Jelkala, instead trying to controll the center and again Shogunate leadership did also say early on them being friends with UIF, but not really with anyone else. So what was Shoguantes plan there? Just be neutral for the remaining game? Or building up, then roflstomp with GO/DRZ together? Or just being the pawns in the game so GO can easily engage everywhere on the map in war without being restricted through the center?
Where exactly did i complain about you specifically? .
..., i expect to be ganked by kinngrimm and his Anti UIF circlejerk.
All i said was that i expected you to push some troops and equip towards Eques to make it easier for themWhere did you say that? Besides just now :rolleyes: Not that it would matter, as it seems i remember more what you said then you yourself.
I am complaining about that nothing is happening, they could have taken Ada Kulun so easily right after we started this war but they just sat in their fiefs after the initial attack. Noone trying to attack the trading caravans, which also could have easily been attacked, taking hundreds and hundreds of crates from us, but meh. I can just send one guy unarmed right along Eques territory and they are not doing squat. That is what i call boring.They are as a clan the first time in strategus and i think they are doing a good job sofar.
I never wanted to talk to you anyway,Then why did you? You could just have said, you dont want to.
I declared a war on Eques and not on Fenris. You're an arrogant asshat who is way too full of himself and i try to stay away from those kinda people. If we didn't have this whole UIF issue i'd make sure HRE would be as much of a pain in your ass as possible.You really need to get a little perspective here, within the talks we had, in the second one, Buba and Rogue had been listening in, in the first one only a drunken ... whoever that was and you, within those talks you said you were allied to Bubbastan(GK/Fallen) as "allways". Bubbastan shortly afterwards did attack Fenris. By what you said and what Bubbastan did, i have a standing Casus Belli against the both of you.
well why should i as a player care? :P If you guys win then one of your factions or grimmy will attack us anywayI told Tuetensuppe at start, aslong Mercs stay out of the north, i have no beef with you. Atm you are hurting friends of me up there by using up the S&D they would need to be able to fight, instead of securing yourself with others like Bros do, new trade areas in GO lands. I also told Tuetensuppe that i can accept you in the complette Dirhimr area which you(Mercs) at first claimed, but then retracted from at the time Shogunate proclaimed their claims onto those. Meanwhile i leave it to my members if they merc for you or not aslong the enemies you are fighting are GO or DRZ. Also if my members have friends in other clans and they at some point want to fight with those together i dont have a beef with that either aslong it would not be against their own clan ^^, like f.e. Shema who is firends with a number of Shugunate, where i wont stand in the way or make him choose or choose for him. So again, aslong Mercs dont give me reason to, i wont have any to go after them. Do i try to help to get people organized, hell yes, but mostly complettly new clans to strategus or smaller clans, so keeping expectations a little lower maybe a good thing versus frustration and stomach pain :mrgreen:.
Well, I guess then strat just isnt for you. Its about diplomacy and UIF diplomacy makes them win, if you cant compete you either deal with it or you stop playingUIF diplomacy:
You guys don't get that they are free to play however they want to play. Them banding together ruins the game for you? Well tough luck. They have every right to do it and you can't call it unfair.where did i call it unfair? Where did i say they have not the rigth to do so?
Gisim was the first GO fief ever - they will take it from Phoenix whatever they tell me its a GO fief and they will fight for it with teh OdEThis
We all together killed 2500 GO tickets yesterday - good work, we lost more ofc but together we have lots more so thats fine.Yesterday we lost exactly 976 troops, if we count 410 from Panos battle at 1:55 am then it's still a much less (1386) than your data.
For me the problem is that the big factions like GO and DRZ should not attack little factions without any war declaration and take their fiefs without announce any claims before it.We only attacked Tahlberl (SwordBrothers). This village has always been in our sphere of influence.!?page=strategusinfobattledetail&id=658:lol:
chadz, could you please fix defenders getting free peasant gear for 500 tickets? That's worth a small clans economy :wink:
Also one thing I've experienced is that our biggest problem is getting rosters, we have the troops and the gear to put up great fights but we don't have enough guys applying for us which is a painYou didn't have enough equipment yesterday at the Ibirian battle and that's why we capped your flags.
You didn't have enough equipment yesterday at the Ibirian battle and that's why we capped your flags.
You guys don't get that they are free to play however they want to play. Them banding together ruins the game for you? Well tough luck. They have every right to do it and you can't call it unfair.Yes indeed, they are free to play however they want, but they are gonna be playing alone. Now that it is clear that the GO and DRZ block is much stronger than anything else on the map combined, there is obviously no point in rewarding their shitty alliance behaviour by trying to put up a fight for months while the gap in economy, troop numbers and roster support only increases. Makes much more sense to try to do a quick early suicidal war and then tell DRZ and GO to fuck off and have fun on an empty strat map.
Also one thing I've experienced is that our biggest problem is getting rosters, we have the troops and the gear to put up great fights but we don't have enough guys applying for us which is a painWell, that's probably because barely anyone gives a toss about Strat any more when you read all the time things like "No point... GO and DRZ got map on lock down anyway." When the regular Strat people don't see the point any more, why should randomers and roster-mercs care? :)
Yes indeed, they are free to play however they want, but they are gonna be playing alone. Now that it is clear that the GO and DRZ block is much stronger than anything else on the map combined, there is obviously no point in rewarding their shitty alliance behaviour by trying to put up a fight for months while the gap in economy, troop numbers and roster support only increases. Makes much more sense to try to do a quick early suicidal war and then tell DRZ and GO to fuck off and have fun on an empty strat map.
i think the only solution would be a strat map that does not contain DRZ or Grey order, let all UIF have their own strat map and see how long they last.
IE. a Non UIF strat map, that would be the best for all parties
but I guess these players are a different breed of Polish. I guess they would welcome something like the Crimea happening to their country as well.what ? :shock:
Most likely you will have a lot of time to read them over and over soon.Getting bored.
I ask you to show more hatred and arrogance towards "russians"
Would love to read EU2-3 logs, everything that contains word "russian". I bet most of you will like this reading
Hell last strat i even made an agreement/nap with DRZ and GO, I sold you guys Aab, you let me keep saren etc we had decent enough relations so i no hate you <3
But as with any clan that is almost exclusivly one nationality then people will say fucking russians or fucking germans or fucking brits depending on the clan and game its not really a hatred of russians :D always you are much to nice Grandmom, sure they are ruining the game, first for everyone who is not them and afterwards ... duh they would still not fight each other. Not to, as mentioned before, get a crack in the perfect relation history between the all time champions. I say you are a bunch of pathetic handholding trolls, leechers & bullies ... sure it is all within the game mechanics *sigh*.
No, Mr Hetman - we are NOT ruining strat - and I am not claiming that you are either - you are playing it the way you want it to be played - we just disagree......alot
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well imo its not all drz/greys fault, after all the other clans seem to choose to fight each other rather then stand together. I had hoped granny would become the beacon under which people might unite. And I am still hoping for that : )
@All Its as Grandmom says, with their attacks they want to interupt DRZ/GO to get bigger, but when that rush isnt working you should stop and see how you can build the defense.
Why? To entertain you? Hahhahhahahahha
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@Kinngrimm ... seriously stop complaining about everything, didnt you left cRPG cause of stuff like that? Now you are coming back and doing all over again. If you want to do something help the Kalmars!
@All Its as Grandmom says, with their attacks they want to interupt DRZ/GO to get bigger, but when that rush isnt working you should stop and see how you can build the defense.
Huoh, how hard it is to understand this?!?! We dont want to play some lame tower defence against UIF, we dont like, we have done it before, and it sucks, we will continue with these attacks, and if we feel like quit strat after them, we will quit, weve had our fun, and hopefully u can have ur fun if theres someone left to fight after 4 months of trading and laming. Thx, but dont come to tell us how we should play against you god damit.
If we arent big enough to fight the UIF today, we're not going to be big enough tomorrow. A simple fact of you making troops, silver, and gear faster than us is that the longer we wait the less chance we'll stand. I am also skeptical when the enemy gives advice, hearing that suggestion from you guys time and time again now just sounds like a hollow attempt to give you something to stomp later on after we've spent months of stockpiling less troops than you and less silver. At least this way we get to fight back BEFORE we've invested months and months of effort into building a kingdom we know won't last.
Also this way it won't be fun for you after you win, and for some reason depriving the UIF of fun doesn't make my eyes fill with tears since the concept of UIF even existing this strat is Anti-Fun in it's very essence for the rest of us. If i had my way and united every single non-UIF in the map i would have deprived you of even a single battle from day 1 of this Strat till you separated from Druz. Whatever you attacked, whoever, however many troops or gear, i would keep the roster empty and not give you the satisfaction of a battle, have fun fighting the AI. We've all seen that the harder we fight against you guys the more you get scared and shrink into your blocks, the only conclusion i have reached is the best way to stop UIF without making our own gay zerg block would be to deprive you of enemies who'll fight back.
If the UIF disbanded maybe we'd consider having some more fun, and maybe you'd get to have your fun again. But the point is moot since that will never happen.
We're never going to survive a zerg from Druzhina and Greys at the same time, so why even make it look like we're defending our fiefs and giving you troops when you win? To let you pretend you're winning against fair odds? Or just to say, 'Hey, the UIF doesnt care about us having any fun on the map, but lets all play how they want us to play so THEY get to have fun cos we're good guys' lol
But then you have to work together, which u clearly arent doing.
And stop making so much mistakes with your villages with equipment, UIF is punishing them pretty hard...
Only a hero could unite the scums of Caldradia against the OP soviet russia...
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kinngrimm blames us cuz we don't attack GO/ We tried to fight agianst them in the past rounds.There were times that We had to flee to NA cuz our so called "allies" were nowhere. We fought against the uif and we lost.we fought harder.we lost again. one would expect from this "decent" community to appreciate our effort but guess what ?" Nobody did, not even our own allies. As torben said We'd been misstreated by our allies for long time and they gave us no choice but joining UIF.
so those who think we're here cuz we like power. FUCK YOU
funny as fk when people are writing huge paragraphs. Why so serious?????
option 1) Join together maybe lose
option 2) fight each other then lose
see, diplomacy is easy
forgot option 3) watch the world burnSounds good enough option. :)
Sounds good enough option. :)
Thank you Grandmom but I wasn't referring to you anyway. I respect you as a leader and a friend.I tricked Kapis and their alliance buddies in strat 3, in strat 4 i kept my oaths and those who followed me afterwards kept them, too. I told my clan lads always not to troll you, like Mercs and others did continously in the battles. When i was commander of battles where i got to hear that shit i also immediatly stopped it. So while you had bad luck before strat 4, in strat 4 you succeeded. You switched sides at some point when it became clear that a) those who dislike you are not worth fighting for b) kept your words to those who kept it to you and also treated you well c) got new friends with GO which is fine on a personal level as on a strategic one
Sounds good enough option. :)Disrupting trade, attacking fiefs in the north and north east, sounds like a plan you heared before right? :rolleyes:
Disrupting trade, attacking fiefs in the north and north east, sounds like a plan you heared before right? :rolleyes:No I haven´t :oops:, do tell me more about it.
Great, i have now decided that we should all join together...
I must be missing something here
funny as fk when people are writing huge paragraphs. Why so serious?????
Your genius solution of 'work together to win' is where we were 4 months ago, but you cant force people to do what you want. So it is not that u mirin?
...also i type fast lol, i like to be thorough and cover as many angles as i can rather than make brief vague general sweeping statements that look like i've just glanced at the map and decided to share my half-baked musings.
Gonna quote you cos you're that funny
Uh oh, we got ourselves a new Napoleon over here.
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You should write more paragraphs about strat.
Gunna quote my self cos you're that funny.
Basically the whole problem with UIF is that they are too strong (organised, motivated, numerous).
Asking GO and DRZ to go with war at each other because it's not fun to play otherwise is like
- asking Byzantium (or Merc or any other powerful) clan to split up in 2 smaller clans in c-rpg because "you're too strong you bannerstack and kill the whole EU1 and it's not fun to play like that". Someone might even say that "you guys are too good at the game you care too much about it, and I just wanna swing my sword a bit just for fun, but you kill me, and that's why you shouldn't play as a clan", but it doesn't make much sense, does it?
You can't really do anything to prevent strong clans from being strong, except to become just as strong.
..., except to become just as strong.been there, done that, wasnt fun either, just more work. Clans for me now is purely of having some friends i can engage into conversations with and have good game at times on eu servers. I wont go big again, just not worth it. I wont coordinate anymore like i did in strat 3 or in strat 4 till i left, as it is consuming too much energy and takes up to much time. It is not impossible to become big, its just not worth the effort. While we may disagree, i still think this is a problem to be addressed by game mechanics as btw chadz has already stated, read here and afterwards (
"you're too strong you bannerstack and kill the whole EU1 and it's not fun to play like that"Then I would say, ''yes I agree, it isn't fun to just steamroll everybody because of superior numbers'' and then I would leave the server. I find rolling with 20 Byzantium on EU 1 very boring and lame if we are constantly winning easily. Close fights are much more fun, this goes for EU 1 and for Strategus. Apparently DRZ and GO disagree and would rather roll EU 1 for years in a row, winning easy victories and watching the server population drop until it dies.
"Balancing" doesnt allow the 2 strongest clans on the offical server to be on the same side all the time, why would it not be concidered balancing in strat in the same way?Because it would require to have only two teams on Strat just like we do on EU1, seems like most of you guys would hate it.
Because it would require to have only two teams on Strat just like we do on EU1, seems like most of you guys would hate it.please read this ( and tell me if that would be a suitable solution.
please read this ( and tell me if that would be a suitable solution.Ok.
Faction A needs to declare war onto a Faction B, to be able to attack B.What's the point in having to click one more button before attacking?
Singleplayers can attack only other singleplayer, but still can be attacked by any factions.Why? It sucks to be unable to attack something.
Faction C, wanting also to attack B, can delcare war only then, if allied officially through the diplomatic system, to Faction A.Two extra clicks before attacking? What do you mean by "war declaration"?
Disable transfering of troops, gear and silver and goods to other factions, till they are offically allied.[ally]->[transfer]->[un-ally]
Huge Factions and Huge Alliances, which automaticly have also more active members, you can give small movement speed malus, directly dependend on overall playercount give a increaseing rate of taxes onto goods or gear or both.Huge factions and Alliances would just split up into (formally only) smaller clans while still having the same leader(s).
Its up to the devs to fix this not us.
im just going to lobby for a non-uif strat map, far easier than tryingNobody in Western Europe really wants to play Strat
Its up to the devs to fix this not us.
That's it! more QQ. also some bans of DRZ/GO players with tickets, goods and gold will help ;)
Tobias, thanks for your cunning plan though :mrgreen:
What's the point in having to click one more button before attacking?
Not with each attack, but once a status is safed in a database once, only then attacks can be launched.
The point is that the database knows by that, who is at war with whom and accordingly balancing routines can influence the factions.
Why? It sucks to be unable to attack something.
The point is, if people would not join a faction or leave a faction they can undermine the system, with this rule they cant.
Two extra clicks before attacking? What do you mean by "war declaration"?
A third faction can attack another faction which is already at war, only then, when the thrid faction allies offcially(database status) with the already oposing faction. Again by this then the database will know who is working with whom together and is how big in form of memerbs and fiefs in comparison to whom they combined go against.
- cooldown to be able to ally again of 1 week afterwards counting towards all faction members even if the would leave the unallying faction. Not being able to join a faction you have unallied aswell.
- loss of renown when a treaty is broken, deminishing troop ticket recruitments
Huge factions and Alliances would just split up into (formally only) smaller clans while still having the same leader(s).
You are missing the point, they would not be able to attack the same targets or share ressoruces, aslong they are not using the diploamtic system activly. So let them split up into singleplayer and teh ntehy can attack otehr single palyer but they still wont be able to attack factions which they havent declared war upon. In then people are forced to either declare war, which the database then knows how many actually are fighting each other adn is able then to balance out the economy, or when treaties are broken it would eat up the recruitment rates.
etc, should I continue? My point stands - you can't regulate players' relations or playstyle by rules or game mechanics. If there are a hundred people of GO and DRZ who have good relationship and have time and motivation to play, yet having smart leaders to organise them - they WILL be a big force just as they are now.
Feel free to continue, though every game ever created, which has a set of rules is making my point. The game designer can tell us and implement rules. When those are implemented, the game in this case has status and number counts availabel, which can be used to get a balancing attempt done. Will it be perfect? Possibly not, but hell it owuld be ebtter tehn doing nothing at all.
The only thing you can do is blame them for being "lame", although for them it's just a way to win the Strat.
The simple answers are not always the correct answers or those who satisfy, sometimes you need to climb a mountain to get the best view. I really dont blame GO or DRZ of becoming huge factions with huge member counts, i am of the opinion they are lame as they stick together even though noone else could already compete with them, so having a rule against such a behaviour and hardcoding it into the game i prefer to just hoping for the maturity of some clan chiefs whose epen needs stroking.
Why don't you have a maintenance tax on fiefs. The more fiefs you have the more money you have to spend to maintain them. You will have to use a geometric multiplier to have a real affect: number of fiefs x cost of maintenance. And also it must vary for the type of fief: towns should cost more to maintain etc.
Therefore, more thought will have to go into taking fiefs which would limit the mindless rampaging and the advantage of very large factions over small factions.
Just a thought.
I would also like to see that if crime reaches 100% in a fief than that fief has a rebellion and the faction relinquishes all control over that fief and it goes back to being an AI fief.
Well start is over anyways, you can't move out of your fiefs without being attacked by Druzhina. GG I'm done for this round
Only at Jelbegi last night roster was really good and chalenging, and defenders manage to hold the village.
As far i noticed , this game need to be played in blocks. Because of roster system.
I love how greys and drz are playing the tough guys now, while just a few months back they were whining about almost everything in the strat, greys claiming to leave several times because admins werent fair and now theyre acting like heroes :D Im up for another banwave of multiaccs to see how many of those miracle new active strat uif players are actually "new" huehuehue....
Anyway I, for myself, trust the Kalmarunionen and its leadership and my sword and shield is theirs as long as there will be any invaders to bounce back off to their little corners. I dont care what colour I wear, white or blue, I will fight proudly for those who need to protect, even for those who are not decided yet what colour they fancy.
Yes Corsair, I am talking to you, last strat you have joined the uif because they had less people and you wanted to help the weaker one to make the strat balanced and fun again, now I challenge you to raise with the same cause back on your feet, be the hero of this strat and protect those who are in need with your shield, I challenge the whole Byzantium Empire to take all the courage once again, turn their mighty spears and spill the blood of those who dare to turn this realm into a complete massacre, to defeat those who do not care who you are or what you stand for, who have no diplomacy and take what they want, who will not be satisfied until the whole world will be under their command.
anti-UIF has way more ticket production capability than UIF
We play strat to attack and fight not sit in a castle and wait for 10 months
What castle?Your? Oh forgot you don't have any either :P
What castle?
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Corsair, i love you man, i find you very attractive but that's not just an option for us. We don't want to build up and get destroyed later so UIF can have more fun. We rather do it now and either bring them down or fail anduninstall the game and get a life. Haha, just kidding, we won't do that. But as it is right now, i would not call it fun which is the entire reason we all play. UIF can dominate the map for all i care.
Alburq! :D
Thats what I did last strat, I sat in Alburq Castle and waited out strat, I later conquered Ruvar.
Long Live the Independent State of Alburqia and the Liberated Lands of Ruvar!!!!!
i mean this is strategus, what do you expectYou have a point with the weapons and we where thinking about that too, we wanted to be aggressive and attack but we hadn't planned to do it like this he wanted to have the Narra area and do operations for there. It kinda worked till wait for it...DRZ!
strat is just like most other 4x rts games, you need to tech, if you attack it gives you a disadvantage, it seems pointless going straight for a do - or - die peasant rush ... not really any point in playing strat if you rely solely on equipment you can acquire in the first month .. :3
also, is it just me or was shogunate the only bloody clan to loom early/mid game gear ?! i saw kalmar had some mail shirt with fur +3 which was nice but i've not seen any decent mid tier weapons from ANY OTHER FACTION lol
does no one realise that +3 pitchfork is 26 pierce damage and 92 speed for 3 gold ?!
that +3 falchions have 33 cut and 0 slots
hell, even +3 leather gloves i would've expected everyone to get
i mean every none-shogunate/kalmar battle i've fought in it's been utter rubbish lol, UIF is using SIMPLE SWORDS (+0) for god's sake lol
gimme a break lol .. :D
i do actually have a point here. when you heirloom a weapon to +3 it gets a fixed 3 damage increase and usually some speed. that means that heirlooming the cheaper weapons is giving you a higher % increase vs. higher cost weapons.
now i'm not saying a +3 falchion is going to be as good as a +3 soldier's cleaver, but 33 cut 98 speed 80 length vs. 36 cut 98 speed 92 length isn't such a big difference that you can't beat an army that has 3 x your gold. (falchion is 1/3 the price)
what i'm trying to say is that even if DRZ/GO have 3x your econ, just heirloom some weapons and armours that are inside your price range and fight back!!
take castles, heirloom some weapons within your price bracket, and kick their ass! :) :) :)
(pls, i dont want strat to be finished within 2 months :3 )
You have a point with the weapons and we where thinking about that too, we wanted to be aggressive and attack but we hadn't planned to do it like this he wanted to have the Narra area and do operations for there. It kinda worked till wait for it...DRZ!
To bad our mail shirt is gone, drz respeced uhhun rip +3 mail shirt with fur :cry:
perhaps it's because i grew up on RTS games rather than FPS games but i love the economy side of this stuff, i find it more engaging than the battles
DRZ and GO are good at economy but it's not like they're unbeatable :P
they just have a guy in their villages who buys the goods and takes them to a center point then do a few big caravans a week / month, it's what we did last strat and i'd imagine most clans did, if you do that you can be rolling in money in no time :P
Strat is not a strategy game, its a grind fest, whoever has the most active members wins.
Okay guys, we need to plant evidence on Nebun so he will get banned for mulit-accounting or something and then get an inside man to slowly crumble Drz from the inside by buying in high price fiefs and selling in low price... my evil plan is genius muhahahaha
for only 100k rubles i will destroy Druzhina from inside :twisted:
Make a Kickstarter
I thought this'd be a war to end all wars until i saw 80 Druz appear out of nowhere the day this Strat started, after a regular 4-5 active in the inter-strat period. I was rearing to fight Greys, Kapi, Shogun and Nords if i had to.
Strat 4: The Block Strat
'Fucking blocks'
'Independents have no chance cos of the blocks'
'Blocks are ruining the game'
'Hide behind your allies why dont you'
'Stop camping castles, it's no fun for anyone, fight in the open'
Strat 5: Where's the Anti-UIF Block? Strat
'You guys should make a block'
'Why isn't like 1 of you telling all the independents what to do?'
'Learn to play, make a super-block'
'Why arent you hiding behind your allies?'
'You guys should camp castles, it'd be more fun for everyone'
Have we forgotten the most disappointing aspects of Strat 4 so quickly we dare to be nostalgic? xD I think we were all hopeful for Strat 5 because we hoped it wouldn't be anything like Strat 4.
Can you finally understand that strat issandbox war/ trade simulator , not tournament?
PS. Basnak, you disappointed me.
i try to make it simple.(click to show/hide)
i also love RTS games and played them a lot, my guess for quite a bit longer period of time then you have, that but aside. Ask GO about me in strategus 3 and the eco system i introduced back then and my fucking spreadsheats. Since then i became ... even more organized, but we are talking here about a 40 man faction, lots of new guys again in strat in that faction and quite some not that active. Till today i waited for a week to get something done in Rebache as the lord was afk(yeah Callum all good now ;) raaaaaaaaaaaaaaaage ), i was just about to start attacking it today(click to show/hide)
Cheers from Thailand.
oh you naughty boy, i knew you were into shemalesWhen real men's fucking, womens just a burden. But in that case i dont know if this "philosophy" aplies...
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Couldn't say better
This game has the potential to be the greatest game ever in my opinion and according to my taste in games
Fewer and fewer guys play it and soon it will die
It needs a flame, its needs a balanced war between the two titans in EU
Grey Order and Druzhina has the key to unlock it
If you dont, this game will be dead within some weeks
Thats all there is to it, even if you think there are clans able to fight your alliance at this point - there is not
Harpag, Nebun, Sultan Ozan - either you talk to each other and decide you want to make an effort to make an interessting war that will draw the people back into Strategus or you dont and it dies.
And no matter who anyones blames, who anyone says is responsable or who anyone is doing shit wrong or right - this is the fact that cant be argued over.
And I am not saying you arent allowed to play however you want to play the game, and I know you like to be in your comfortzone, and I know that you like to win (who doesnt?) but above all that - Im hoping you like to have good wars and the ability to keep on playing this game.
This game will not exist if you dont make that war happen
i told hetman the same thing on teamspeak but that wont happening mate, i can assure u, i feel bad as well.
i try to make it simple.
If i had 20 fiefs, i could easily have 7 of them making nice stuff, looming and discounts and i still would have an awesome economy. If i then have partners who also have 20 or more fiefs, i then get to talk to them and some variation would round up the gear pretty neatly, from the start. If those partners then are able to make 350%+ tradebonus within their own realm, they are therefor would be never threatened economicly ...
If i but, would have 20 factions, with 1 to 5 fiefs each, whereby 7 factions are totally new to strat, another 7 do what ever the fuck they want and the remaining 6 have overall perhaps 10 to 14 fiefs together, then that results in serrious limitations in terms of equipment and economy. Not to speak about not always perfect trade bonus as those 20 clans operate on a smaller chunk of the map already.
Also speaking of 7 new clans, up in the north, who still try to get all their members informed about game mechanics and yes i am helping them in these things to my best knowledge, they also still need to get trade done ... in a meaningfull amount. While but their S&D is constantly used up by Bubastan and Mercs(yadayadayaday white fiefs are free yada ... get the fuck out of the north)
So please get from your high horse already telling us shit about how things have to be done, 1-2 weeks ago you were still crying at Hetmans shoulder for more reinforcements and would have been clearly wiped without GO, where had there been your strategic genious? Only after your sugar deady intervened, you came back on your feet. You yourself acted more or less on the level of cooperation, whom wonder why ^^ didnt have others helping them or even were prepared in the slightest.
Both you and Cooperation, havent had 1/3 less faction members then your enemies together at the time and both of you were pretty much done after 2-3 days. I dont say i would have done better against DRZ or Kalmarunion, but when i hear talks about strategy being the reasons ... pffff.
Again I myself,
i will not put the same effort into this game as i did before,
i will tutor who wants to be tutored,
i will try to find a place for smaller and/or new factions and try to settle conflicts,
i am not their fucking leader nor their dady solving all their fucked up inmature problems for them.
Guess why i got a minimum age requirement in my clan, my patience with stupid is not that high, but my rage level when the last straw is taken.
So if you are looking for a new sugar dady on the ^^ other side ^^ , dude what fucking other side are you talking about, there is GO/DRZ .... and then ... for a long time .... there is nothing. So stay in your embryo state surrounded by the plazenta of Kapis, Hetman and DRZ, feel nice and cosy and feel slowly the realization growing on you .. you are the winner as part of UIF ... gg cya in 10 months.
or well grow some balls
i also love RTS games and played them a lot, my guess for quite a bit longer period of time then you have, that but aside. Ask GO about me in strategus 3 and the eco system i introduced back then and my fucking spreadsheats. Since then i became ... even more organized, but we are talking here about a 40 man faction, lots of new guys again in strat in that faction and quite some not that active. Till today i waited for a week to get something done in Rebache as the lord was afk(yeah Callum all good now ;) raaaaaaaaaaaaaaaage ), i was just about to start attacking it today
... bigger factions, higher chance for more active players who do shit
... more active players more eu2 steamrole, more tickets, more XP , better chance in battles
... more tickets more money sooner more troops sooner
... more sooner, more money later, sooner castles
... more active players ... able to controll more area ... results again in more money ... better gear
I am so tired about people pointing out the reason for UIF dominance would be they are better organized, so not true. The thing is due to their former success which where mostly because of big numbers, they have a bigger pool of people staying within their clan playing this shit, because their had been success. I and others need to teach in a higher frequency new participants, as when you would be on the loosing side of things ... oh wonder ... people leave and join the victories side. So there we have the steady growing on one side and the stagnation or decline within other factions.
Can you remember all the factions/clans from strat 1 to 4, how many of these still exist? Why did so many leave? How is it, many of those who are still alife do have so much less members.
Organization is not a magical thing in this, and getting a grib on it is only about not being lazy and getting shit done. The major part is having players, but I dont want to have a fucking huge clan, i want personal contact with my members, actually know them all and get to know them better over time.
The bigger the clan, the more unpersonal things get between most members. I dont like that, so i try not too grow Fenris anymore, I replace now and then, i keep steady for nearly 2 months and will keep that way, till i have the feeling we would be in a state that another 20 would not hurt, then with 70 people this is like the absolute maximum and already far beyond the optimum. The optimum, if these players would be all active you have arround 40 members, that as least is something you can organize rather easy in my experience and still have enough time for all members. So if you would care and try to imagin that that is what is actually what i myself aim for, then you would also perhaps begin to understand why others will not aim for bigger clans, factions or even alliances. Again, this is a problem of the game mechanic as i see it and chadz does too. Out of my view, a clan/faction with 50ish+ members should have never been possible or advantageous in frist place.
Also why would i want to fight against the odds? why would i build up when i know that the outcome is the same? To have a title of castle for a while? Man the level of brain damage i would need to do something only because of a fucking title .. could have had the legendary for over a year.
It boils down to, i am different, you are too. UIF philosphy is good as long there are enemies and a challange, but currently i see none for GO & DRZ. It would need perhaps perhaps you and Kapis together to be able to make a differance and even then nothing is sure.
This game has the potential to be the greatest game ever in my opinion and according to my taste in games
Fewer and fewer guys play it and soon it will die
It needs a flame, its needs a balanced war between the two titans in EU
Grey Order and Druzhina has the key to unlock it
If you dont, this game will be dead within some weeks
Thats all there is to it, even if you think there are clans able to fight your alliance at this point - there is not
Harpag, Nebun, Sultan Ozan - either you talk to each other and decide you want to make an effort to make an interessting war that will draw the people back into Strategus or you dont and it dies.
And no matter who anyones blames, who anyone says is responsable or who anyone is doing shit wrong or right - this is the fact that cant be argued over.
And I am not saying you arent allowed to play however you want to play the game, and I know you like to be in your comfortzone, and I know that you like to win (who doesnt?) but above all that - Im hoping you like to have good wars and the ability to keep on playing this game.
This game will not exist if you dont make that war happen
i told hetman the same thing on teamspeak but that wont happening mate, i can assure u, i feel bad as well.
Whoops, posted too early. More to come...
I heard "this mod is dying" many times over few last years. Yet it is still here, and you are here.
What I read here is: "GO is big, Druzhina is big. We stand no chance. So we will not play. And it is their fault." Hell no. It is YOUR fault. It is you who are lazy, unorganized whining pussies. We just do our job. We collect resources, and try to capture our claim. It is not done yet. We try to play in organized, planned manner, as the STRATEGIC game deserves.
Last strat GO was one of the more active clans. Did we capture whole map? No. Did we want to capture the whole map? No. Did we have fun? Yes. Nothing have changed since then.
[More 2]
This threads's topic is "Rally against the Grey Order". Very good. I expected, somehow, that it is going to be a real rally on the map. Clearly it turned out to be a "forum rally". The first quick round of attacks failed so it's over, right? Sad. FFS this Strat was started 2+ months ago!!! And the first month was spent on earning itty bitty amount of cash to start decent economy. What do you expect? That we will suddenly start mindless wars with everyone? Hell no. This is Strategus, not Moronus.
Knitler wrote it some time ago, and I agree: it is doable to wipe us off the map. You just need to WANT. And work for it. We do work hard, we constantly strive to get stronger. Do you?
... we constantly strive to getnostrongerbigger. Do you?
Cause everyone wants to play this game the way HE/SHE likes it (but not the way someone wants him/her to
+1 for Ben Franklin quote on EU
And i love how organised and planned Greys are, i was really looking forward to fighting you for that reason. But the way you fight now you can't claim you're winning through good planning, right now you're winning through numbers. Beating us at the grind-game.
If you don't want to capture the whole map, why are you playing like this? Your approach this map seems determined to wipe the rest of us off the map so you have nothing to fight later. Call us whiny pussies now, but if you succede in killing all competition we all know who'll be crying about it months later.
No, we attacked Shogun and the first round of attacks went well, then Greys and Druz came to bail out Shogun and capture their fiefs for safekeeping before re-transferring. We couldn't fight Shogun alone with Greys looming over it. So we attacked Greys, and then Druzhina come in from behind. We can't commit fully against Greys with Druzhina looming over us. And guess what, even if we managed all your factions, Kapi haven't even committed yet, so guess who's gonna attack us/bail you out in the ridiculous scenario where we begin winning vs Greys and Druz?
You do work hard, you do strive to be organised and strong, i know it, i've seen how incredibly organised and good at the game you are, but you'll never ever get any recognition for it because you're just seen as Druzhina's bitches. Your hard work is wasted, because you have no reason to work hard when you outnumber us as much as you do.
Well I think it is clear that nobody is autistic enough to form a mega-block to fight DRZ and GO again, so I think it is safe to assume that Strategus 5 is over. Congratulations on the win and congratulations on killing Strategus.
Yes, I also would prefer complete freedom in sandbox game. However that is what we have now, and we see obvious problems from it.
On other hand idea with GM also need some thinking because it could destroy fun as well - what's point in doing your best when you can't kill your enemy - evil GM will prevent it.
The only idea that comes to my mind is rewarding it with more XP and probably some crpg gold or even heirlooms.
Like faction A succesfully pushed to lands of faction B capturing town and two castles. GM arranges peace agreement by which faction A get only 1 castle, returning town and second castle to faction B, but also faction A get 1 heirloom and 100k crpg gold reparations.
I was thinking something along the same lines. Sandbox is good but if there was an optional endgame and optional elements of feudal structure it might help keep more players interested and mix things up a bit each round.yeah this idea (has been proposed numerious times over the years) has always intrigued me the most for strat, i really hope such a model would finally be implemented for strat, cus the only new stuff we have gotten in the last versions is more micromanagement, wich hasnt really improved the mode gameplay wise, but to the contrary made strat even more tedious for new/small clans or random players.
Instead of a couple GM leading factions though, I think it'd be fun to have a round where you could create your own faction just like now but could only choose from 6 colors that represented kingdoms or white to represent no kingdom. Then the endgame would be to have your color control the entire map. No big reworking of the game as far as coding and it would still be a sandbox where you could fight anyone even those with the same kingdom color.
It would also give new players the option to become a part of something right away and have a goal to work toward. Then they might join a clan within that kingdom at some point. It'd be up to the players to name their kingdoms, vote or fight for leadership and control of fiefs within a kingdom, create drama, etc.
Maybe there could even be a reward for players at the end of the round and it would be higher or lower depending on how long you were in the kingdom that won, to lessen the benefit of mass switching to the winning faction at the end.
Except that then imagine (in SP terms), DRZ dominate the Sarranid Sultanate (desert faction), Grey Order dominate Swadia (their lands), and by chance those two kingdoms never go to war with each other. Does that start ringing a bell now?
You cannot force them to go to war, if they do not wish to, they will never do it. And that's fine, it adds to the complexity of the situation...
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Except that then imagine (in SP terms), DRZ dominate the Sarranid Sultanate (desert faction), Grey Order dominate Swadia (their lands), and by chance those two kingdoms never go to war with each other. Does that start ringing a bell now?you can force them, by disallowing war with other, them then being the only once they are allowed to attack. But you will need to make a randomized joiing of faction/colors, otherwise teh buttbuddies join all the time the same color. You may go sofar to get one clan complettly into one faction color, but randomize overall the colors which clans are being put into. The randomization only restricted through balancing issues and who was with whom the last time in the same faction/color.
You cannot force them to go to war, if they do not wish to, they will never do it. And that's fine, it adds to the complexity of the situation...
But you will need to make a randomized joiing of faction/colors, otherwise teh buttbuddies join all the time the same color
fck! HRE is coming!
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I em tired of this bulshit,bunch of morons,when the entire map like (12 clans)arrived to destroy Greys on the last strategus did I cry?hmm i think not.
the point is that you play in this game already 5 years,and you not learned anything.
it's not my fault that the defeated clans leave the game ,because they got too small balls to fight on,(Cicero lose one battle and ran off to mom )And yes we will be alone with Drz on the map,I dont care,we will have a lot of xp battles for all of the players in this game.Only because all of the rest of you dont know how to play in'' Strategy Games'' gl hf take care.It's not about balls hetman,some clans just get bored after looking at screen,organizing people just to one ?
just one thing: learn to block!
Learn to think ! :)nah, i was born with that ability :*
It's really fascinating how ignorant the grey leadership is, though.
I em tired of this bulshit,bunch of morons,when the entire map like (12 clans)arrived to destroy Greys on the last strategus did I cry?how would i know, you rushed in your room and shut the door :lol:
They had 5 times more players resources and land,delusional? a lot? I remember 3-4 factions attacking GO whereby one was called back to Yallen as they got backstabbed and another one was already afking a lot, the other 2 where making attacks on Uxhal ... omg that place :|
but they did not succeed,the point is that you play in this game already 5 years,and you not learned anything.Write what you want,but it does not change the fact that you ar all nubs,the only thing you guys do is QQ and cry cry cry on the forums yes in that u ar all the best(pro)maybe uncle chadz will listen to you and ban all of the greys(great victory)I recommend to all of you to play in single player,and I am very sure that the computer will defeat you,but do not worry it will be just another reason to write another QQ topic.carefull or you become what you complain about.
dont say that ! Hetman is my HERO
it's not my fault that the defeated clans leave the game ,because they got too small balls to fight on,(Cicero lose one battle and ran off to mom )And yes we will be alone with Drz on the map,I dont care,we will have a lot of xp battles for all of the players in this game.Only because all of the rest of you dont know how to play in'' Strategy Games'' gl hf take care.
omg Kingrim plz su,the only thing you can do on the strategus is writing a books on the forum,you never accomplished anything.Ahhhh no wait,you deleted your character says that this is the end and all of this drama. I hate this forum heros.
The thing is brothers and sisters,everyone will play this game as they want. UIF won't get bored if they don't see any defenders on rosters, they like to play the game no matter who plays this game or not. Although i don't understand how they enjoy it, i respect it.
I'll defend against UIF if it is fun, if it's not, i won't. Simple as that.
I dont rly care who and what will write about the greys,today I told my players that will do a few posts,to see how much dogs will bark.I think I deserve for that fun,after all of this shit that people write about greys.I did not want to offend anyone,most of the players in this game I like and respect,and I knew that I write one word and you will write thousand.So gl hf forum heros write moreeee moreeeeeeeeeee moreeeeeeeee.
You want us to fight Druzhina? Maybe you will see that one day, who knows. But explain me - why should we fight with the guys that are friendly to us, loyal, dependable, and never spit on us, while we have a whole bunch of distrustful, aggressive haters at hand? Hm? To ensure that everyone else, who rage on us, and jump on us, have an easier life? Well...
Ok, guys, so what do you expect GO (and DRZ probaly as well) to do exactly? Quit? Kick out half of our guys to make your life easier? Precisely which half? How do you expect us to explain anyone in GO the reasons for being kicked? "We have to kick you cause other guys cry on forum that they can't win this game"? They all signed up to GO voluntarily, they all make effort for us to win.
You want us to fight Druzhina? Maybe you will see that one day, who knows. But explain me - why should we fight with the guys that are friendly to us, loyal, dependable, and never spit on us, while we have a whole bunch of distrustful, aggressive haters at hand? Hm? To ensure that everyone else, who rage on us, and jump on us, have an easier life? Well...
Besides, can't you really hear what you are saying? "We can't counter you, cause we do not like each other and we do not trust each other. So instead you, GO and DRZ, being big and successful, should fight each other because you are best friends and it would help saving this game for us". Duh..
And do not get me wrong - I agree that current situation is not easy for anyone. But it is not fatal (Bjarky will save you!). And beyond anything else it certainly is not our fault. What did we do in this Strat round that justifies this amount of rage, except for mere existence? Hetman isragingtrolling about it cause he sees how unfair it is - and I am not surprised.
I see the problem of lack good opponents, that's why I'm able to accept change of balance based on tics.
1. Tics only from strat battles, no more from cRPG.
2. More XP from strat battles.
3. 100% of every tic only for members from smallest factions ( 1 to 25 members ) 75% for 26-50, 60% for 51-75 and only half of every tic for players from factions biggest than 76 members or something like this.
balancing based only on XP can't work cuz a lot of players don't give a fuck about XP anymore.
its only like a mosquito bite, but the more often you get bitten the more it will start to itch and when they will start scratching it they might even bleed
and maybe they will catch some tropical disease and have to go to the doc and we can get their fiefs in the meantime! Glorious idea! Send the mosquito squad their way!
I em tired of this bulshit,bunch of morons,when the entire map like (12 clans)arrived to destroy Greys on the last strategus did I cry?hmm i think not.They had 5 times more players resources and land,but they did not succeed,the point is that you play in this game already 5 years,and you not learned anything.Write what you want,but it does not change the fact that you ar all nubs,the only thing you guys do is QQ and cry cry cry on the forums yes in that u ar all the best(pro)maybe uncle chadz will listen to you and ban all of the greys(great victory)I recommend to all of you to play in single player,and I am very sure that the computer will defeat you,but do not worry it will be just another reason to write another QQ topic.
Seems like DRZ are taking quite a beating atm, dunno what all of you are complaining about. And it's only HRE and mercs fighting them atm, so if others joined in, it would very well be possible to beat them
Seems like DRZ are taking quite a beating atm, dunno what all of you are complaining about. And it's only HRE and mercs fighting them atm, so if others joined in, it would very well be possible to beat them
Seems like DRZ are taking quite a beating atm, dunno what all of you are complaining about. And it's only HRE and mercs fighting them atm, so if others joined in, it would very well be possible to beat them
Like you?Stop dreaming granny, you know they don't got balls for that :lol:
Stop dreaming granny, you know they don't got balls for that :lol:
Like you?
Nope.Told you Granny, they like to suck Hetmans dick too much, as they can't accomplish anything on their own they become a bitch of someone who can, take a bit of their glory and call themselves tragic...
but you can attack us again, it s a nice way to make allies
It's a party train
I checked strat last nite before i went to bed and i just saw about 12 or more Mercs in a big conga line and it made me laugh. :lol:
Fuck is banned in Turkey. I'm missing the precious drama
I will write a short story for ya'll later on tonight, feeling in the mood again ;)
What if I pay you to not?(click to show/hide)
Told you Granny, they like to suck Hetmans dick too much, as they can't accomplish anything on their own they become a bitch of someone who can, take a bit of their glory and call themselves tragic...
Kirsten Dunst and Megan Fox in the same movie? Why have i never seen this before?
You will DIE because of the word LOOSE!!! Grammar chocolate chip cookie! :evil:(click to show/hide)
looseLOSE(click to show/hide)(click to show/hide)
Well. I am calm :) Good luck, have fun and let the battles be interesting for both sides. :rolleyes:(click to show/hide)
Who are you and what have you done with the UIF? xDNaduril is one of the heros of DRZ , third or fourth man on command and playing since first strategus or second.
that i suspect an imposter...visitors can't see pics , please register or login
I think something was lost in translation
i'm sorry grandmom it was a nice post and all but the word is "lose" not "loose" :3
loose is what a rope is when it's not tight enough :D
edit: oh i see someone already managed to out-grammar chocolate chip cookie me already :(
Isnt strat about get better gear then the enemy? And get a better roster? Attack one for drz unnecessary village with the standard gear should be a really win or? Nice thinking calamari :D where is your village to attack?
Grinding is all you need to do to win. No skill in anything else. The only "skill" in a strat battle is a successful flag cap during the battle.
I'm somewhat familiar with the strat map part of the UIF/anti-UIF thing, but I have not been keeping track of the battles at all.You've never fought in a battle against 20+ nofog DRZ snipers.
Anti-UIF has been down 10+ mercs every battle? I understand that on the map they are an extremely organized and well-entrenched group but in the battles you can't fill 10 or more spots each battle? That really sucks, strat is dead on 2 continents if that is true.
Even so, at least you actually HAVE battles. We have ones above 500v500 about once every 4 days, or even a week. You guys seem to have plenty of battles, in NA it seems to be a sin to want to fight unless you're just protecting your S and D
Grinding is all you need to do to win. No skill in anything else. The only "skill" in a strat battle is a successful flag cap during the battle.
We play on EU1 and EU2 ;d
Defend castle is easier and small cost of gear,
Attack castle is harder and generating big cost of gear, construction sites and other
I think the secret might be something to do with numbers of troops and gear.I ask you (and all anti-uifers) not to think, even don't try to. All you need is just ask GM, he knows the secret.
I ask you (and all anti-uifers) not to think, even don't try to. All you need is just ask GM, he knows the secret.
Without him you wouldn't have even half of your battles and wins even with twice more ppl, troops and gear :wink:
In a fair fight, troops, gear and rosters, UIF would have a very hard time winning any one field battles
sarcasm "of course, fighting a clan that have the most players archers, 2h pole and shielder who also play all day on siege server in the open ist not as good as let them attack your castles"
The truth is that you have little chance to beat us,but you can at least try to do this in smart in smart way.
In a fair fight, troops, gear and rosters, UIF would have a very hard time winning any one field battles
Last strat, both sides in heavy gear with UIF pretty much always doing better in field battles than their enemies.
Last strat, both sides in heavy gear with UIF pretty much always doing better in field battles than their enemies.
I always want to upvote your posts, but only because of your signature...
that's actually gurnisson's sister in his avatar she's a model i've got him on facebook this is all trueyou'd better get her on facebook then :lol:
I heard models are attracted to cows now-a-days.
Good job Grandmom we got one whole village! We sure showed the UIF scum who's the boss!
so does that imply DRZ has again a free trade zone ? :shock: :lol:
unused selling s/d in the desert,
DRZ a bit busy with chasing us and getting their fiefs back in the eastern desert
No border patrolls
Yes, please, listen to Grandmom, come to the Desert, a warm welcome awaits you. :wink:
Btw, the Mercs have fully appreciated our welcome. You can consult with them what beautiful places in the Desert are worth visiting! :D
... and left the fiefs after respeccing it and taking everything inside.
... and left the fiefs after respeccing it and taking everything inside.I'm sure you know that a respec needs 7 days to be complete and sure we left a lot of stuff in our empty villages. :D
so does that imply DRZ has again a free trade zone ? :shock: :lol:
sure we left a lot of stuff in our empty villages. :D
Of course we didn't find a lot of things, but we did take the gold for sure. And good luck with the 100 % crime rate on 8/6 (?) fiefs ?
We were contracted in to take some fiefs and attack a few DRZ, a job well done by the Mercs i should think.Oh you corrupted bastards! How could you???
Hopefully more contracts to come in the future
:shock: If the Kremlin suddenly and mysteriously spends lots of gold and i see a Merc coming for me i think i might run for it lol, before Cyrmo ravages me with my own sexy gear.
All but me (though i love your +3 leather gloves!!!), nah, i've been cruising in +3 Saracen Lamellar Cuirass' since before Druzhina even had it, getting rekt and involuntarily giving Shogun +1 Lamellar Cuirass' in Ushkuru if my memory is correct.
Cymro has my sexy armour and some other.... sensitive weapons of mass destruction atm. It was situationally important for reasons i now forget.
For the record i keep a ledger and charge interest on troops, silver and gear Cymro :P
How were they buffed?
i notice that everyone is currently using shogunate gear, and you all look absolutely FABULOUS darlings.
on that note, ushkuru will soon be selling katanas with a 30% discount; we already have yumis 20% and hafted blades 25% in reindi, light strange 25% in yalibe, bamboo spears 25% yalibe, falchions 20% in yalibe, and leather gloves in ushkuru; all items either +2 or +3
(with the recent patch buffing +2 weapons, +2 are actually really nice :) )
Grandmom, of course I support you, but also I have a personal request for you. Please don't GTX after upcoming massacre :twisted:
lol, loving all of this shit talking, great neutral switzerland republic of shogunate will observe the upcoming massacres with lots of popcorn, and cop porn
edit: by the way we're not above selling weapons to both sides, so greys, druzinha, fenris, kalmar, hell, anybody, if you want to buy weapons from us everything's +3 and heavily discounted;
light strange, leather gloves, dadao, fighting pick, bamboo spear, yumi bow, hafted blade, plain board shield, the list goes on
like i say, anyone is welcome to buy our weapons! :D
noone will rage quit, but you wont like it either what we are preparing. Give it a a week then we can say more on this.Invading NA?
Invading NA?
We are colonizing the moon, Kerbal Space ProgramOk then. :)
Request granted if you grant me one request - leave the DRZ out of this and take up arms like a man
noone will rage quit, but you wont like it either what we are preparing. Give it a a week then we can say more on this.
And what about my my request woman? :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
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lol, no - i don't give a fuck about any crown omg
I know you dont 8-)
lol, loving all of this shit talking, great neutral switzerland republic of shogunate will observe the upcoming massacres with lots of popcorn, and cop porn
edit: by the way we're not above selling weapons to both sides, so greys, druzinha, fenris, kalmar, hell, anybody, if you want to buy weapons from us everything's +3 and heavily discounted;
light strange, leather gloves, dadao, fighting pick, bamboo spear, yumi bow, hafted blade, plain board shield, the list goes on
like i say, anyone is welcome to buy our weapons! :D
How can you even imply you are neutral? You have shown that at the first instance of losing a war you will ask the UIF for help, its a bit silly calling yourself neutral when we all know you are not.
of course we asked the UIF for helpYea sure mate...
when our choices were
"ask the UIF for help who you are on very good diplomatic terms with"
"die to half the factions on the map, who are attacking you because you are on very good diplomatic terms with the UIF"
we chose to survive
now, however, we are neutral, so if the mercs want to continue buying weapons from us, they can.
of course we asked the UIF for help
when our choices were
"ask the UIF for help who you are on very good diplomatic terms with"
"die to half the factions on the map, who are attacking you because you are on very good diplomatic terms with the UIF"
we chose to survive
now, however, we are neutral, so if the mercs want to continue buying weapons from us, they can.
Are you calling me a liar? Harpag never lies. Never.
The answer to your question is no, I am calling you a pussy :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
Cos the bitching against Shogun is unjustified and boring?
Are you calling me a liar? Harpag never lies. Never.BEST JOKE EVER
Is this what your trying to say Grandmom?
Is this what your trying to say Grandmom?
hahaha Grandmom, are you drunk, crazy, or idiot :D?So break up the UIF and seek new allies
You write us what do we do?
you disgust me
He's less telling you what to do, more giving you a merciful alternative, a chance to change your wicked ways and prevent the retribution heading your way.
Trust me, you guys will wish you'd accepted Grandmom's noble offer. Oh, if only you knew what was coming, no amount of troops, no amount of gear will save you, just you wait and see. If i were leading a UIF faction i'd be going on TS, Steam, anything to try and get everyone as active as possible cos trust me it'll be better if you do.
Think your castles, troops, gear, roster, allies or hard work will save you? Guess again. I herald the apocalypse of UIF, you will soon be lamenting your wicked ways and begging for mercy, and when that time comes i wonder what we shall say? ;P
He's less telling you what to do, more giving you a merciful alternative, a chance to change your wicked ways and prevent the retribution heading your way.
Trust me, you guys will wish you'd accepted Grandmom's noble offer. Oh, if only you knew what was coming, no amount of troops, no amount of gear will save you, just you wait and see. If i were leading a UIF faction i'd be going on TS, Steam, anything to try and get everyone as active as possible cos trust me it'll be better if you do.
Think your castles, troops, gear, roster, allies or hard work will save you? Guess again. I herald the apocalypse of UIF, you will soon be lamenting your wicked ways and begging for mercy, and when that time comes i wonder what we shall say? ;P
Shouldn't you try to focus on UIF?