Author Topic: *****Rally against the Grey Order  (Read 40240 times)

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Re: *****Rally against the Grey Order
« Reply #255 on: March 25, 2014, 11:39:27 pm »
I thought this'd be a war to end all wars until i saw 80 Druz appear out of nowhere the day this Strat started, after a regular 4-5 active in the inter-strat period. I was rearing to fight Greys, Kapi, Shogun and Nords if i had to.

Strat 4: The Block Strat

'Fucking blocks'
'Independents have no chance cos of the blocks'
'Blocks are ruining the game'
'Hide behind your allies why dont you'
'Stop camping castles, it's no fun for anyone, fight in the open'

Strat 5: Where's the Anti-UIF Block? Strat

'You guys should make a block'
'Why isn't like 1 of you telling all the independents what to do?'
'Learn to play, make a super-block'
'Why arent you hiding behind your allies?'
'You guys should camp castles, it'd be more fun for everyone'

Have we forgotten the most disappointing aspects of Strat 4 so quickly we dare to be nostalgic? xD I think we were all hopeful for Strat 5 because we hoped it wouldn't be anything like Strat 4.

hey, i liked strat 4

giant blocks are fun when there are 2 of them. when there's just 1 it's just a bit silly.
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Re: *****Rally against the Grey Order
« Reply #256 on: March 25, 2014, 11:59:23 pm »
As it has been said few times before Corsair, people are getting bored of the same shit going on over and over again, basically they have played the single player and they finished it 4 times, either they play a new game or they just leave, no point in finishing the same scenario one more time. There is no antiUIF and there will most likely not be any antiUIF, all the major clans and people left, DRZ and GO won the biggest no lifers on crpg community leading the biggest economies and factions every strat while other people just leave, because lets face it, the game isnt that interesting to spend 10 hours a day on it which is the only way of making at least a challenge for UIF.

For the last few weeks I have been playing almost 24/7, joined every single battle (even the naked ones) against UIF to take at least those 2-3 tickets off their armies, I have joined everyone, did not care about the clan as long as it was fighting Greys or DRZ and just when you think there is actually some progress Kalmars attack Greys territory at the prime time 1.5k vs 1.5k major fight and what do they get for their roster? 3 extra people that didnt get in because of full roster, those people were lvl5s and stuff. The next time completely the same thing, a great battle, expecting lots of exp, turns out we get 20 people for the roster, against twice as much defenders who charge in the middle of the fight we lost 1k because the flags went down.

Kalmars blitzkrieg was absolutely fine, it was the most clever thing to do, sitting in the castle would never give us a better chance than what Grandmom and others came up with, having no way of entering the NA land and being pushed to the last piece of north territory does not leave us with a great economic advantage either right? Everything they have done was correct, we had more tickets, we had better gear, the only thing we are missing right now are people for the roster and the least Byz could do is roll for our rosters so there are some equal chances.
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Re: *****Rally against the Grey Order
« Reply #257 on: March 26, 2014, 12:32:41 am »
Can you finally understand that strat is sandbox war / trade simulator , not tournament?

PS. Basnak, you disappointed me.
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Re: *****Rally against the Grey Order
« Reply #258 on: March 26, 2014, 12:46:42 am »
Can you finally understand that strat is sandbox war / trade simulator , not tournament?

PS. Basnak, you disappointed me.

Fixed that for you. :wink:
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Re: *****Rally against the Grey Order
« Reply #259 on: March 26, 2014, 01:57:57 am »
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i try to make it simple.

If i had 20 fiefs, i could easily have 7 of them making nice stuff, looming and discounts and i still would have an awesome economy. If i then have partners who also have 20 or more fiefs, i then get to talk to them and some variation would round up the gear pretty neatly, from the start. If those partners then are able to make 350%+ tradebonus within their own realm, they are therefor would be never threatened economicly ...

If i but, would have 20 factions, with 1 to 5 fiefs each, whereby 7 factions are totally new to strat, another 7 do what ever the fuck they want and the remaining 6 have overall perhaps 10 to 14 fiefs together, then that results in serrious limitations in terms of equipment and economy. Not to speak about not always perfect trade bonus as those 20 clans operate on a smaller chunk of the map already.

Also speaking of 7 new clans, up in the north, who still try to get all their members informed about game mechanics and yes i am helping them in these things to my best knowledge, they also still need to get trade done ... in a meaningfull amount. While but their S&D is constantly used up by Bubastan and Mercs(yadayadayaday white fiefs are free yada ... get the fuck out of the north)

So please get from your high horse already telling us shit about how things have to be done, 1-2 weeks ago you were still crying at Hetmans shoulder for more reinforcements and would have been clearly wiped without GO, where had there been your strategic genious? Only after your sugar deady intervened, you came back on your feet. You yourself acted more or less on the level of cooperation, whom wonder why ^^ didnt have others helping them or even were prepared in the slightest.
Both you and Cooperation, havent had 1/3 less faction members then your enemies together at the time and both of you were pretty much done after 2-3 days. I dont say i would have done better against DRZ or Kalmarunion, but when i hear talks about strategy being the reasons ... pffff.

Again I myself,
i will not put the same effort into this game as i did before,
i will tutor who wants to be tutored,
i will try to find a place for smaller and/or new factions and try to settle conflicts,
i am not their fucking leader nor their dady solving all their fucked up inmature problems for them.

Guess why i got a minimum age requirement in my clan, my patience with stupid is not that high, but my rage level when the last straw is taken.

So if you are looking for a new sugar dady on the ^^ other side ^^ , dude what fucking other side are you talking about, there is GO/DRZ .... and then ... for a long time .... there is nothing. So stay in your embryo state surrounded by the plazenta of Kapis, Hetman and DRZ, feel nice and cosy and feel slowly the realization growing on you .. you are the winner as part of UIF ... gg cya in 10 months.

or well grow some balls

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i also love RTS games and played them a lot, my guess for quite a bit longer period of time then you have, that but aside. Ask GO about me in strategus 3 and the eco system i introduced back then and my fucking spreadsheats. Since then i became ... even more organized, but we are talking here about a 40 man faction, lots of new guys again in strat in that faction and quite some not that active. Till today i waited for a week to get something done in Rebache as the lord was afk(yeah Callum all good now ;) raaaaaaaaaaaaaaaage ), i was just about to start attacking it today

... bigger factions, higher chance for more active players who do shit
... more active players more eu2 steamrole, more tickets, more XP , better chance in battles
... more tickets more money sooner more troops sooner
... more sooner, more money later, sooner castles
... more active players ... able to controll more area ... results again in more money ... better gear

I am so tired about people pointing out the reason for UIF dominance would be they are better organized, so not true. The thing is due to their former success which where mostly because of big numbers, they have a bigger pool of people staying within their clan playing this shit, because their had been success. I and others need to teach in a higher frequency new participants, as when you would be on the loosing side of things ... oh wonder ... people leave and join the victories side. So there we have the steady growing on one side and the stagnation or decline within other factions.
Can you remember all the factions/clans from strat 1 to 4, how many of these still exist? Why did so many leave? How is it, many of those who are still alife do have so much less members.

Organization is not a magical thing in this, and getting a grib on it is only about not being lazy and getting shit done. The major part is having players, but I dont want to have a fucking huge clan, i want personal contact with my members, actually know them all and get to know them better over time.
The bigger the clan, the more unpersonal things get between most members. I dont like that, so i try not too grow Fenris anymore, I replace now and then, i keep steady for nearly 2 months and will keep that way, till i have the feeling we would be in a state that another 20 would not hurt, then with 70 people this is like the absolute maximum and already far beyond the optimum. The optimum, if these players would be all active you have arround 40 members, that as least is something you can organize rather easy in my experience and still have enough time for all members. So if you would care and try to imagin that that is what is actually what i myself aim for, then you would also perhaps begin to understand why others will not aim for bigger clans, factions or even alliances. Again, this is a problem of the game mechanic as i see it and chadz does too. Out of my view, a clan/faction with 50ish+ members should have never been possible or advantageous in frist place.

Also why would i want to fight against the odds? why would i build up when i know that the outcome is the same? To have a title of castle for a while? Man the level of brain damage i would need to do something only because of a fucking title .. could have had the legendary for over a year.
It boils down to, i am different, you are too. UIF philosphy is good as long there are enemies and a challange, but currently i see none for GO & DRZ. It would need perhaps perhaps you and Kapis together to be able to make a differance and even then nothing is sure.

learn from the past, live the moment, dream of the future

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Re: *****Rally against the Grey Order
« Reply #260 on: March 26, 2014, 02:17:45 am »
Ah I see Harpag, so why dont we just join the GO or DRZ, how would you like that? Would you fight each other then? Because I dont care how you see the game, all I see is that because of you strat has became really lame which is why the majority of antiUIF just left to another game, many people here tried a role-play, many ppl here had great ideas about different play-styles, all of them failed, why? Because of you...admins dont give a shit about strat (srsly starting a new round with new Crime feat and a little higher gear prices), it is the community that creates and enhances the game and as long as you and DRZ are gonna play the pricks, everyone else is slowly gonna leave the game and cg, you have managed to ruin yet another great game, enjoy wanking over each others armies till you bleed out.

Im actually proud of the rest of us for not lowering to play your game, that HRE and Eques can still have their fun wars, that SB still fight the OdEs just because thats what they enjoy and will keep on doing that until you knock on their doors and say sorry fun is over and they will just leave too, just because you cannot pick an enemy of your size. I hope youre gonna have lots of fun when youre gonna have the whole playground for yourself :))
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Re: *****Rally against the Grey Order
« Reply #261 on: March 26, 2014, 04:11:43 am »
Biggest factions required less activities from regular members and still provide good battles, so sometimes take a book,  or just go for beer with your buddies you nerds and nolifers. You really want participate in every single battle? Have fun pfff... I'm going rafting. Cheers from Thailand.
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Offline Hetman_The_Grey

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Re: *****Rally against the Grey Order
« Reply #262 on: March 26, 2014, 11:06:19 am »
hmm nubs

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Re: *****Rally against the Grey Order
« Reply #263 on: March 26, 2014, 12:29:29 pm »
Cheers from Thailand.

oh you naughty boy, i knew you were into shemales

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Re: *****Rally against the Grey Order
« Reply #264 on: March 26, 2014, 12:44:43 pm »
oh you naughty boy, i knew you were into shemales
When real men's fucking, womens just a burden. But in that case i dont know if this "philosophy" aplies...


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Re: *****Rally against the Grey Order
« Reply #265 on: March 26, 2014, 01:52:15 pm »
This game has the potential to be the greatest game ever in my opinion and according to my taste in games

Fewer and fewer guys play it and soon it will die

It needs a flame, its needs a balanced war between the two titans in EU

Grey Order and Druzhina has the key to unlock it

If you dont, this game will be dead within some weeks

Thats all there is to it, even if you think there are clans able to fight your alliance at this point - there is not

Harpag, Nebun, Sultan Ozan - either you talk to each other and decide you want to make an effort to make an interessting war that will draw the people back into Strategus or you dont and it dies.

And no matter who anyones blames, who anyone says is responsable or who anyone is doing shit wrong or right - this is the fact that cant be argued over.

And I am not saying you arent allowed to play however you want to play the game, and I know you like to be in your comfortzone, and I know that you like to win (who doesnt?) but above all that - Im hoping you like to have good wars and the ability to keep on playing this game.

This game will not exist if you dont make that war happen

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Re: *****Rally against the Grey Order
« Reply #266 on: March 26, 2014, 01:59:58 pm »
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Couldn't say better

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Re: *****Rally against the Grey Order
« Reply #267 on: March 26, 2014, 02:01:48 pm »
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Couldn't say better

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Re: *****Rally against the Grey Order
« Reply #268 on: March 26, 2014, 02:52:16 pm »
This game has the potential to be the greatest game ever in my opinion and according to my taste in games

Fewer and fewer guys play it and soon it will die

It needs a flame, its needs a balanced war between the two titans in EU

Grey Order and Druzhina has the key to unlock it

If you dont, this game will be dead within some weeks

Thats all there is to it, even if you think there are clans able to fight your alliance at this point - there is not

Harpag, Nebun, Sultan Ozan - either you talk to each other and decide you want to make an effort to make an interessting war that will draw the people back into Strategus or you dont and it dies.

And no matter who anyones blames, who anyone says is responsable or who anyone is doing shit wrong or right - this is the fact that cant be argued over.

And I am not saying you arent allowed to play however you want to play the game, and I know you like to be in your comfortzone, and I know that you like to win (who doesnt?) but above all that - Im hoping you like to have good wars and the ability to keep on playing this game.

This game will not exist if you dont make that war happen

i told hetman the same thing on teamspeak but that wont happening mate, i can assure u, i feel bad as well.
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Re: *****Rally against the Grey Order
« Reply #269 on: March 26, 2014, 02:53:45 pm »
i told hetman the same thing on teamspeak but that wont happening mate, i can assure u, i feel bad as well.

Solution: Quit Grey Order