He's less telling you what to do, more giving you a merciful alternative, a chance to change your wicked ways and prevent the retribution heading your way.
Trust me, you guys will wish you'd accepted Grandmom's noble offer. Oh, if only you knew what was coming, no amount of troops, no amount of gear will save you, just you wait and see. If i were leading a UIF faction i'd be going on TS, Steam, anything to try and get everyone as active as possible cos trust me it'll be better if you do.
Think your castles, troops, gear, roster, allies or hard work will save you? Guess again. I herald the apocalypse of UIF, you will soon be lamenting your wicked ways and begging for mercy, and when that time comes i wonder what we shall say? ;P
i'm just saying, it looks to me like drz / greys have well over half the money on the map between them, and they have solid roster support and organisation.
the first invasion of kalmar / mercs was an utter one sided shambles, resulting in more flag rapes than i've ever seen in strat.
i mean unless you guys have dragons or zombies or jamie lannister or something, i think you're kinda fucked