Sigh! And i was hoping things would slow down during the summer. Oh well we are the easiest target of opportunity since we are at war with most of the map - makes sense, occitan or ve would actually have been a real challenge. Good luck.
We're still cool, right? I'm a vassal of BIRD CLAN after-all.
How dare you imply we would attack our Velucan brothers! I would rather impale myself then commit fratricide. Away with you, vile temptress!
Interesting. We come to your aide twice and help remake your lost lands and increase your holdings. In return you attack us. With friends like ours who needs enemies.
We are here and waiting, allow us to introduce you to your Gods and let them judge you for your actions. You have felt the goodness that the Fcc has offered. Now let us see how you endure our anger
The Terror Rises
Yeah, I'm not too impressed overall. I mean, FCC has been faced with overwhelming odds before and as long as we can put a roster together despite being at war with the majority of NA players then we will kill hordes of enemies and hopefully send you all back to your homes; but I do find it pretty disappointing that you guys would be cowardly enough to turn on friends who have helped you previously just because those friends are already so firmly entrenched in other wars that you feel safe sending out your troops with little chance of reprisal in the near future. Stay classy.
Yeah, I'm not too impressed overall. I mean, FCC has been faced with overwhelming odds before and as long as we can put a roster together despite being at war with the majority of NA players then we will kill hordes of enemies and hopefully send you all back to your homes; but I do find it pretty disappointing that you guys would be cowardly enough to turn on friends who have helped you previously just because those friends are already so firmly entrenched in other wars that you feel safe sending out your troops with little chance of reprisal in the near future. Stay classy.
Manufactured reasons are just that, Matey spoke the truth. You guys were on your heels with the hosp. Chinese astralis offensive and lost lands. Ask turbo and arty soon as I saw it I sent them a steam im and said we are on the way. We will support you guys. We were with you every step of the way till your lands were clear. We asked for nothing at all in return. Our armies arrived to help twice. The third time they show up in your lands remember it was your choice.
Please do show up in our lands, would love to see a Uhhun castle siege or even Narra. Weve got the gear all setup and waiting so these battles will be great xp and fun.
To all the FCC 101st fighting keyboardists, I wouldn't take it so personally, it's just a game afterall. I'm guessing they want more strategus fights, and want to do something with their armies aside from paying for upkeep.
Sure, just give us a bit to reach some conclusion with our current war that is requiring all of our attention and we will be happy to send some armies your way; keep on preparing till then.
Right, and it would be too much to ask for them to send those armies against a faction that isn't already at war with damn near everyone.
What's that? March across half the land to Occitan territory (who's been able to barely keep their head above water against VE)? March against VE who's been their friends (if not allies) for most of this strategus iteration (and who's also literally on the far side of the map)? Attack some tiny factions in the Tundra who are just playing the trading simulation game?
It's just a game, I imagine FCC will be fine fighting Chaos/FIDLGB and Fimbul. I don't see anyone else attacking your fiefs or armies. Who does FCC consider to be an actual threat to their lands right now?
Also, Hospitallers had 3K+ troops in each of 2 of Fim's villages they had taken, Astralis had taken their southernmost fief, and the chinese kingdom had marched 3K troops up shiny with thousands more hospitallers troops incoming and the first assault on malayurg castle beginning. Yes, they asked for our help - we came in with 15K troops and incredibly solid merc support and helped them get Kedelke back, gave them back tash kulun after we took it, wiped out the chinese kingdom armies and pushed hospitallers back. The had dahbigha taken from them by occitan and instead of fighting the person that attacked them they declare war on their most solid allies through their desperate war fro survival.
I don't think so Syls...I have no pony in this fight, so I would prefer to sign up for Fimbul, but would sign up for either side that needs mercs (but I'm pretty terrible so take that at face value). I think most people who aren't directly involved via their faction in one of these wars, will suck it up and sign up for whoever needs help. But maybe I'm a big kool-aid drinker.
I really hope so, I really want to mercs for both side since I like both side, and I would really be happy with merc'ing for whatever side that seem to need mercs instead of concentrating on only one.
I have no shame when it comes to these glorious EXP baths - of course I have my preferences but getting accepted is all that really matters.
I'm not one for cheesy one-liners; but I like to keep things...(click to show/hide)
Also I attacked FIDLGB fief by accident. The war is already going well hmmmmssssssssssssssssssssss
I usually follow Desire and Phantasmal's lead (also because I would rather shoot with them then have them shoot me.)
The real question here is whether or not Fimbl feels safe enough in the steppes with 11k occitan (in garrison) 3k LL (in garrison) and 6k hospitallers (in garrison) to leave their steppe holdings lightly guarded while pursuing war with us... of course, if hosp, occ and LL are sending all those troops against FCC then fimbl wont have to guard their steppe fiefs at all! So basically... is it just fimbl coming to visit on their own? or have they teamed up with hosp/ll/occ?
Everyone is welcome to come to New Mechin for a good meal before the war kicks off. Here is the cookbook we use, the ingredients are supplied by Cyranule.(click to show/hide)
Everyone is welcome to come to New Mechin for a good meal before the war kicks off. Here is the cookbook we use, the ingredients are supplied by Cyranule.(click to show/hide)
Pff. More like "hey look! FCC is at war with pretty much everyone but VE and us... Lets change that!"Cries about how no one is attacking them, is one of the biggest factions, whines like crazy the second someone declares war on them.
Bring it on you surly vikings! The only things you could find in our lands was friendship or death; having grown tired of friendship only death is left for you.
Beside the Frisian Hávedling, stood his highest ranking lord, Daruvian. The shamans say he is touched by the gods. That is why he is still alive after taunting so many men. Perhaps.
"You know why we are here, speak to the matter at hand, you long winded spear-fondler." interrupted Daruvian.
Cries about how no one is attacking them, is one of the biggest factions, whines like crazy the second someone declares war on them.
Ah Mr. Zlisch who knows nothing about NA or its players but insists on shit talking lots of people all the same. If you had been paying attention you would know that FCC is already at war with all but 4 (Astralis, FPP, AoW, VE) of the NA factions that have more than 10 members. It can hardly be seen as "whining the second someone declares war on us" when we display annoyance at being attacked by one of the (at the time) 5 groups with 10+ players who wasn't already at war with us and that they chose to make their declaration a few days after we engaged in another war. Anyways, I expect we will see lots of aggressive moves from Hosp/Occ while fimbl leaves all its cities unguarded and sends troops our way.
Ain't gonna fuck around with RP here.
Let's outline our choices with who we could fight:
Hospitaller, who were being rectally-ravaged and aren't likely to put up a fight
Occitan, who are already fighting a faction larger than themselves
Semenstorm, who care little for strat and are not likely to put up a pro-active fight
CHAOS, who are already at war with a faction larger than themselves
FIDLGB, who are already at war with a faction larger than themselves
Astralis, who seem to care little for strat and are not likely to put up a pro-active fight (although they would probably be the second-best choice to fight)
Velucan Empire, who are already engaged with Occitan (who are fighting extremely well, albeit outnumbered). I wished to fight VE initially, but they've given us no reason to. They are generally good sportsmen, and they have a competent opponent in Occitan.
And that's about it.
I've not seen you FCC folks mention the eviction of Cikel from one of your cities in a ploy to get a bunch of duped gear he was attempting to keep out of play. That was fucking dirty, and we haven't forgotten it. Yeah, you guys gave us Rindyar a long time ago, and I appreciate it. You've given us some gold and plenty of advice, and I also appreciate that. However, we've been more than cooperative for long enough; we have paid any debt that could be perceived.
Even without the above provocation, our goal was to engage in a conflict with an enemy that would be proactive on the strat map and difficult to beat in battles. You were the best choice to meet this goal.(click to show/hide)
FCC - already at war with just about everyone.
Stop playing the underdog you knob-smuggling pussy farts.
Honestly who cares if we go to war with each other it's all in good fun don't take it so personally dudes.
Also, got this picture of BlackWhite a couple nights ago when we told him about all of this(click to show/hide)
Good luck
I had to fix one thing. My change is in bold so its easy to find. That was a great R.P post! Good luck out there.(click to show/hide)
You guys gave me 420blazeitweedtoker and I have never even smoked pot in my life... yet Sandy used to smoke every day, and he doesn't have that tag.
The only tag I have in your TS3 that makes sense, coincidentally... is "Downs".
If that is the new banner for yall on the right banner of the OP... I just got a boner.
Great RP Relit
Good luck everyone.
I could make a decent sized post, RP or not, but I think I'll pass and say this:Thanks Artyem we were all dying to know what you and your "clan" was going to do here.
My clan and I are staying neutral, I personally refused to declare war on FCC, merely because I feel as though we're friends. We don't owe them anything, and they don't owe us anything, but they've helped us and we've helped them. Now stay the fuck out of my village and we're cool.
I know I am sexyIdk what happened to the original drunk viking pic but for some reason its gone now, but yeah you're sexy.
Ah Mr. Zlisch who knows nothing about NA or its players but insists on shit talking lots of people all the same. If you had been paying attention you would know that FCC is already at war with all but 4 (Astralis, FPP, AoW, VE) of the NA factions that have more than 10 members. It can hardly be seen as "whining the second someone declares war on us" when we display annoyance at being attacked by one of the (at the time) 5 groups with 10+ players who wasn't already at war with us and that they chose to make their declaration a few days after we engaged in another war. Anyways, I expect we will see lots of aggressive moves from Hosp/Occ while fimbl leaves all its cities unguarded and sends troops our way.You're at war with some factions who aren't actively invaded you, cry more.
You're at war with some factions who aren't actively invaded you, cry more.
Oh my gawd, Cold Front Alliance at war with half the map mercs declare war on them and bros declare war and stuff *spergs out* so many wars even though most of them aren't being fought against them, gg.
Do us all a favor and just say thanks Fimbs for the battles to come and stop crying about fighting multiple factions or being the one at a disadvantage.
Plus, if we didn't discuss these events on the forums... then what would the diplomacy section even be? It would be totally empty... is that what you want?
FCC - already at war with just about everyone.
Thanks Artyem we were all dying to know what you and your "clan" was going to do here.
No problem, pal, I know you've got a grudge against me for something I probably didn't do two years ago, but you need to calm your shit.Edit: Deleted, sorr y Relit <3
1/3 of the Fimbulvetr leadership not going into a waste of a war is pretty important, for internal internet sword and horsey politics at least.
This is probably going to make it pretty hard for Anders lol
(click to show/hide)
1. any post longer then a paragraph in italics with a "roleplaying" theme I skip over immediately because no one here knows how to write and I'm not wasting my time reading softcore norse erotica fanfiction
2. lol enjoy fighting FCC, all they do is whine bitch and complain about how unfair things are then they will brazenly cheat and exploit at any turn to be "powergaming sperglord bundle of sticks nerds" I think is the best way to describe them. also they are extremely nasally in teamspeak as a general rule. talk with the diaphragm, geeze
3. strat is shit
The best part is that smoothrich blatantly cheated and even went so far as to abuse his admin to try to get an advantage in strat and FCC hasn't broken any rules.
now away with you smoothy! you are BANISHED!
For all the people going "STOP WHINING YOU my old friend" I am trying to state the situation and yeah, I am annoyed by it but I think it is an exaggeration to say I'm super mad and upset. Plus, if we didn't discuss these events on the forums... then what would the diplomacy section even be? It would be totally empty... is that what you want?
Daruvian, the idea to kick Cikel out was completely my idea. And I don't complain about losing that 1k army for not waking up cause it was dirty. But hey, everything I've done in strat was pretty low. And that's why I left AoW. So a good guy like Holiday can take control. All I'm good at is mercing, and that's how I'll keep it.Wesley is in occitan... Better fight em over it :rolleyes:
1. any post longer then a paragraph in italics with a "roleplaying" theme I skip over immediately because no one here knows how to write and I'm not wasting my time reading softcore norse erotica fanfiction
2. lol enjoy fighting FCC, all they do is whine bitch and complain about how unfair things are then they will brazenly cheat and exploit at any turn to be "powergaming sperglord bundle of sticks nerds" I think is the best way to describe them. also they are extremely nasally in teamspeak as a general rule. talk with the diaphragm, geeze
3. strat is shit
Daruvian, the idea to kick Cikel out was completely my idea. And I don't complain about losing that 1k army for not waking up cause it was dirty. But hey, everything I've done in strat was pretty low. And that's why I left AoW. So a good guy like Holiday can take control. All I'm good at is mercing, and that's how I'll keep it.
Smoothrich, why are you still here? You come here just to bitch lately. On any topic. Every single post.
Really, I am trying to understand your motivation, man.
Either stay away from the game and community for good if it's all shit to you
give in to the dark side already, man up (bigplays) and confess you CAN'T actually cure your addiction. Suck it up and get back to giving a shit and being the enthusiastic sperglord we all know you for.
Really, I liked the old Smoothrich better. And that says something about the current trip you are on.
The best part is that smoothrich blatantly cheated and even went so far as to abuse his admin to try to get an advantage in strat and FCC hasn't broken any rules.Best part is you're still in denial about Kesh multiaccounting.
now away with you smoothy! you are BANISHED!
Best part is you're still in denial about Kesh multiaccounting.
Regardless of if this is true or not, it really doesn't matter. Unless kesh comes out and says he is/was multiaccounting, he is not going to be banned for it. IF he is/was, I am sure matey knows about it.
CMP actually investigated him and found him to be clean of multiaccounting. Kesh was banned for several days after Smoothrich's banning while CMP investigated. Now whether people want to believe that CMP actually did it or just said he did in some kind of conspiracy is another matter.Well, he said Kesh still probably was account sharing.
Also, stop being nerds who worry about pluses or minuses. You good people could really stand a walk-through on what propaganda is and what trolling is.
You good people could really stand a walk-through on what propaganda is and what trolling is.
CMP actually investigated him and found him to be clean of multiaccounting. Kesh was banned for several days after Smoothrich's banning while CMP investigated. Now whether people want to believe that CMP actually did it or just said he did in some kind of conspiracy is another matter.
Better watch out smooth, dad is giving you an ultimatum.
Aside from the pic being outdated, only people really fighting FCC atm are chaos/mates and FIDLGB at 51 members, then you have Fimb coming in with 52. Looking at the FCC side 82 + AOWs 20 makes it: FCC side 102 vs Chaos/Fimb 103. Seems pretty fair, and even then take into account in Fimb that Dracul is not helping in the war, now your at: FCC side 102 vs Chaos/Fimb 102, making this war, perfectly fair. Bring on the battles.
Now you have Kreczor rooting for you, Smooth. See what you did? You reached the pinnacle of the internet. You WON the internet.If everyone was as clever as you we'd be swarming with idiots. Feel free to - all my posts FCC* scum.
Congratulations, my friend. You may keep him.
From what I have heard, CMP found a single strat battle were kesh and the other account in question were both in a strat battle.
But like I said it doesn't matter.
If everyone was as clever as you we'd be swarming with idiots. Feel free to - all my posts FCC* scum.(click to show/hide)
That said, I haven't seen her playing in awhile so I'm guessingsheKesh has lost interest in being banned.
Daruvian, the idea to kick Cikel out was completely my idea. And I don't complain about losing that 1k army for not waking up cause it was dirty. But hey, everything I've done in strat was pretty low. And that's why I left AoW. So a good guy like Holiday can take control. All I'm good at is mercing, and that's how I'll keep it.
If we wanted to fight mates why on earth would we get someone else to do it? Pretty sure we gave them those fiefs. I know we owned most if not all at one point.
Why would we say no to one more war? Actually attacking mates would be a huge help to AoW. and pit mates in a tough spot between us
Well no, the mates have had Radoghir since the beginning of strat, forced to give up Sumbuja to KUTT, then bought it back from you guys. Rebache, we took that on our own against AoW (was teutonic at the time).
From what I have heard, CMP found a single strat battle were kesh and the other account in question were both in a strat battle.
But like I said it doesn't matter.
Havelle strokes his beard in sadness at the news. He coughs twice and puts his felt cap on. He rummages through the pockets of his brigadine. He strikes a fancy oak table he often sits behind. The same table he had shipped from Bulugar after taking a liking to it. Yes, indeed, he missed Bulugar. But all those lives was a small price to pay for such a magnificent table. The table itself had been finely crafted by an Occitan aligned carpenter from Dugan. Shipped all the to whoever the fuck once owned Bulugar. It was a small gift for the lord there, almost a peace offering, but it was a god damn table. He thought for a moment. Of all the wars that might be waged in the name of this table. What if the table fell into FCC hands? I'm sure Occitan would be furious. However, back to the matter at hand. This table had become home to many of Havelle's important documents. Among these documents was the famous war proclamation on Anders, back when Havelle was a sovereign entity. Infact, that document had been written on that table. It was historical, he dreamed of men one day writing about the table, on that very table. It was a table that would never die, immortalized forever in history. Havelle ran his hand along the table. It had beautifal curves, like a women. He imagined the table being a woman. Havelle had his heart broken many times before, but he knew this table would never do it. This table loved Havelle(in this fantasy). He knew he'd never betray the table, and it would never betray him(the table that is). Havelle looked over at Cikel, sitted opposite from himself. He started to sweat. Had Cikel befriended Havelle simply to run off with his table? Havelle laughed once and shook his head at the ridiculousness of it. A fine table like that, running off with Cikel? Poppycock. Havelle opened a drawer in the table, he found many of his possessions neatly organized. "My!" Havelle said silently, "What space this table has, what utter organization," His thoughts drifted toward his dead wife and son. He lamented on not having an heir to pass this magnificent table down to. Oh, what a world where you can't build a boy out of wood. This thought made Havelle chuckle. He had an heir all along. The table. Should he name the table? No, its a being, an entity. Its a higher power like some sort of deity. He pondered on what kind of wood the table was made out of. Surely there wasn't a tree on Earth magnificent enough to craft such a fine table. A tear rolled down his cheek. He was getting old. He knew one day he would leave the table alone in the world. No one to look after it. What if it fell into the hands of some inner city children, and had graffiti carved into it. Havelle turned his attention away from the table, fearing only heartbreak. He looks up at Cikel and raises an eyebrow. "Should I shave my beard into a fancy dancy mustache?" he asks Cikel.
Remember, together we stand, divided we fall, my dear Artyem.
Soooo looks like you are giving up on sargoth? poor zildjian :( Roleplay dies too quick top practicality.
So i guess attacking muki's fief after he quit strategus recently and attacking 2 of our afk members who have been stuck on a river with no gear for 2 months is part of the "noble and brave war?" really confused - are you trying to boost morale after daruvian's fight by attacking afks on the river?
So i guess attacking muki's fief after he quit strategus recently and attacking 2 of our afk members who have been stuck on a river with no gear for 2 months is part of the "noble and brave war?" really confused - are you trying to boost morale after daruvian's fight by attacking afks on the river?
Please make a list of all possible actions that we could take that you will whine/cry/bitch/moan about so that we can avoid forcing your hands into typing and our eyes into reading the literary diarrhea that you insist upon spewing onto the forums. Perhaps attacking castles/cities is the only action that you approve of?
Thank you.
Lol you are sounding more and more like daruvian every day man. i used to like you but you are starting to be annoying like him, please don't become extremely obsessed with me like he is. You already lied to my face when i directly asked if you guys were going to be making peace with occitan and attacking us literally the day before you declared war on us even though we saved your guys ass so hard when hospitallers and occitan attacked you and then you bitched out and tucked your tail between your legs as soon as occitan took all your hospitaller fiefs from you and begged peace with arrowaine and decided to attack us who helped you because we were busy fighting 6 other factions because occitan was too much of challenge for you with no one attacking them in the steppes.
Its getting to Sandy's brain...
You asked me "Why are you always signing up for chaos, occitan, and fidlgb?"
I said "Because they're my homies and I like them more."
Then it got really awkward because neither of us said anything for about 45 seconds and you left. If you would have asked me if we were attacking, I would have said yes. I'm not a liar. You didn't ask, so I didn't offer up unnecessary information. Perhaps your monitor tan is also frying your memory.
Not even going to address the rest of your shitpost.
So i guess attacking muki's fief after he quit strategus recently and attacking 2 of our afk members who have been stuck on a river with no gear for 2 months is part of the "noble and brave war?" really confused - are you trying to boost morale after daruvian's fight by attacking afks on the river?Just listen to the song N 2 Gether Now, and Shut the fuck up.
I directly asked you and you said no you were not making peace with occitan. i had asked you several questions, but I started with saying I know you have been mercing for them a lot lately and I was wondering if you were going to make peace with them and attack us. I already knew that you preferred mercing for them over tkov from talking with you before. One of my other questions was asking if maybe you could merc for us occasionally when we were fighting chaos since you described fidlgb as your homies (even though you used to talk so much shit about rhalzo back when you were in the tundra and had left fidlgb). It helps that I have a good memory. So when I say you directly lied to my face, you lied directly to my face and then you try rationalizing what you are doing by saying we didn't really help you guys for 3 months against hospitallers and occitan - you had it in the bag even though you were constantly talking about worrying that you might lose narra unless you got help soon just before we stepped in.
Well there was a good run supporting each other in this recent campaign against Hopsi & friends whom we were both at war with but I don't think we owe you guys anything.
It wasn't quite you riding to our rescue as is being insinuated here. You had just abandoned your SS campaign due to their dubious actions at Almehrra so you jumped at the opportunity to refocus anyway. Their initial attack against us ended up being fairly unserious they took 3 lightly protected villages while we initially pulled back to our strongholds, which they never really attempted to take. They ended all further offensive attacks after a single 1:3 loss siege at Malayurg. We fought them hard to re-take villages, then some more heavy fighting at Dashbigha when they counter attacked us with a bunch of armies, while you guys campaigned in other areas.
In the end I don't think you can complain you got screwed or anything cuz you gained a bunch of fiefs including a city & castle so I'd say you guys made out well enough from our joint efforts.
That is what you said you wanted strat to be all those months ago(on the forum) right? Fun fights with equal sized factions.
I hate fun fights with equal-sized factions.
We then made peace with Occitan, which was a war fought over Rindyar castle. A war which was literally never going to end and be boring for both sides if we continued it.
You really think attacking us is somehow going to have a conclusion amd going to end? Occitan has a conclusion and was no longer over rindyar - they attacked your 3 fiefs you had owned less than 2 weeks ago and took them from you - why would you just bend over and accept that from arrowaine and then decalre war on us who had abcked you for 2 months completely and had promised aid in fighting occitan just like we had aided whenever we could against all the other factions that attacked you. Do you really think occitan was too much for you guys you could never end the war and yet we would somehow be pushovers that you could actually end a war with - or was it because you saw an opportunity based on our trust with you and our already being involved in 5 different wars.
Kesh is looking pretty bad in this thread, someone should probably come Bale him out
What about his Matey?
You may tell me to go fuck myself. But whatever, I will try it anyway, because that's how we (Ravens) play this game. This war is not personal for us. Stop trying to make it out to be.
And then you guys rationalize things and talk like we did absolutely nothing for you guys - so yeah its a little bit like spitting in someone's face after they saved your life. The war itself may not be personal but the way you rationalized it is a little bit insulting.
It is unfortunate it is turning so ugly, but I do find it amazing you didn't expect it to turn ugly seeing as it was frisia's personal vendetta about something most of us FCC never even heard about that apparently lead to this huge change in relations with you guys. We had all seen you guys as being really good friends we could count on and then you guys turned around and sent 10? guys with 1300-2000 troops each at us while we were in the middle of a big war with FIDLGB and Chaos. I will agree that it is a smart tactical move on your part in terms of sneak attacking an opponent who doesn't see you coming at a time when they are weakened, but I think some of us (Kesh especially) didn't expect that kind of thing from people we held in such high regard. That being said; it isn't the first time a clan we considered to be really good friends has planted a knife in our back; it didn't work out well for chaos in strat 2 and I don't expect it to go any better for you here.
Matey, atleast read what I have posted before replying. Calling it a sneak attack is hardly fitting, you were given 48 hours to get your armies/fiefs in order, you have active players, there is no excuse to not be ready for our attack. We even told you the places we were going to attack. Hardly "sneaky".
As for being a backstab, that implies we actually had some sort of agreement that said we were not going to attack you. We did not. Yes we were friendly and working together in the steppe. We made peace. You did not. The dynamic changed and now your our enemy. These things happen in games where there are multiple sides and everybody is trying to fulfill different goals. You did not expect a attack from us and you have no one to blame but yourselves. Example: Raven's have no NAP with Chaos but we are friendly because we now share a common enemy (FCC), am I prepared in the unlikely event that Chaos switches sides or just outright attacks us? Yes. This is a strategy game: never trust anyone whose broken agreements and never fully trust people whom you have no agreements with.
FCC tears are the most delicious type of tears
Grease rolled down the trembling chins of Kesh as news reached him of the attack on Ambean. "WHO DARE DOUBLE-CROSS I, MOST BEAUTIFUL MAIDEN IN ALL THE LANDS!", he bellowed. "My...lor-lady, Ambean lies between Fimbulvetr and Sargoth, perhaps we should have sent a shipment of yawsh-" "SILENCE!" The timid squire Matey recoiled in fear as Kesh raised a sweaty fist. He waved off the old man, "Bring me my boys." "Milady, perhaps now isn't the time for such-" All it took was a look from Kesh for Matey to abandon his folly and summon the child soldiers. Matey gave one last glance at the Blackfist procession into the hall before the doors were shut.
I'm a trusting person; sue me. Also 48 hours to prepare for your 18k~ troops is better than nothing but really, it takes you 48 hours just to reach us and we saw em coming at about the same time you said they were; not that exciting. It was an opportunistic move and as I said it makes tactical sense, it just wasn't the kind of thing I or some others expected from you. Also in regards to your RP about Sargoth being your home... that is based on strat 3 when we gave you Ambean as a home so we could work together in some fashion? I don't know if you guys ended up taking it all over later when we left but I found it a little sad that your RP makes it sound like we are some meanie-heads who stole your land when really we set you up in it in strat 3 D:. Anyways, you guys keep saying to see things from your side and I get it, but it would be nice if you could acknowledge things from our side (or at least kesh's) as well. Is it really so hard to understand why some of us would be upset at your decision?
Or, you know, just don't talk at all. Though that would be too much of a change for u guys.
I have attempted to consider your side and why your upset. If I were in your shoes I would be annoyed but then I would realize that I made the classic grand strategy mistake of forgetting that other people have their own goals that may in fact interfere with yours. I understand you guys are miffed because you thought we were the best of friends fighting Occitan/Hospitaller together. Things changed pretty quickly and its jarring to see friends become enemies over night. Our decision upset you, I acknowledge this and hope one day we can move past that, but it is not my job as Raven strat leader to be friendly with every single entity on the map, without conflict we would all be sitting around doing trade runs.
Now, I know you guys are at war with a few factions, all over the map. Its for that reason I am arbitrarily restricting all Raven action to the Sargoth region (and Narra's area if you come knocking). We will not be organizing any massive effort to hit your holdings near our home region with Hospitaller/Occitan/LL, if they want to do that they can do it without us but make no mistake, we could have and it would have been much easier on us if we had. It is my hope that by only hitting the Sargoth region, FCC will be able to effectively defend itself on the other fronts, while putting up a good fight on ours.
If you are looking for a apology, its not going to happen. I answer to Turboflex and the Raven members, if they feel I am not doing my best they will remove me and select somebody else.
Edit: Strat 3 was a mess for us. We were attacked by allies, defended by enemies, given land then had it taken away randomly. The RP in this thread is purely a creation of this strat, I did say that Ambean was the home of my characters clan, this was done as a funny reference to NH's first village and not a stab at FCC. Honestly the only thing that stuck with me and some of the other Raven's from strat 3 was Hospitaller giving us a lot of advice and help understanding the system.
you guys turned around and sent 10? guys with 1300-2000 troops each at us while we were in the middle of a big war with FIDLGB and Chaos.Big war? What the hell have I been missing? There's been like, 3-4 battles worth fighting if that.
Will you nerds stop having battles outside NA primetime windows? 3pm est yesterday and 4am est today. Lets look at tomorrow evening; Raven, Occitan, and VE all managed to attack at decent times for everyone with except maybe the west coast at the earliest battles. Frisia, Mates, and Chaos; please take notes. tia. nerds.
We know this ain't easy, you meant alot to us. We weren't the perfect significant others.
Look babe, we just need some space.
I think we should see other people, FCC.
It wasn't you, it was us.
I hope we could still be friends.
I'm sorry we ran around behind your back with Occitan, baby.
You knew this was over for a long time.
Sorry for the fuck.
I think we're moving too fast.
Its just bad timing.
Big war? What the hell have I been missing? There's been like, 3-4 battles worth fighting if that.
That 4am battle wasn't part of no war, just some rando stealin shit.
I have an excel spreadsheet with everyone in c-rpg so I can track how many times I kill you nerds.
Ohay where did all the puns go?
Still wondering why we have so many forum warriors in a medieval battle game thing, can't we all just be nerds together.
Part 1 of strategy: engage in hostility with groups tangentially related to FCC.
Part 2 of strategy: engage in passive-aggressive hostility with FCC proper by attacking an incidental caravan, for some reason, whose loot will only benefit us in a meager way.
Part 3 of strategy: sit on things for a while/wait and see what happens.
Part 5 of strategy: watch allies make ineffective attacks at neighboring enemy fiefs.
Part 6 of strategy: have members take armies to strike into the heart of enemy territory and lose their fights.
Part 7 of strategy: try to taunt the Keshian until it becomes so cross that it makes a mistake.
Part 8 of strategy: Keep a very lazy eye on our territory. Wait until more people are ready to do a thing.
Part 9 is a work in progress, and it may be the bit that makes the least sense yet.
It's a process so devious and discordant that it can only properly be understood retrospectively, and even then it doesn't quite rightly come to light. It's the energy of chaos incarnate, random acts made manifest by the sheer willpower of people who've got a chip on their shoulder and nothing to lose. Ours is the time of disaffected players turning their backs on everything, while we've got no choice but to do something reckless and crazy. Well, we'll own up to that, alright, even if it's not much of anything.
It's CHAOS for the XP gods, and the only winner here is everyone.
it was only a matter of time before the RP posts turned into homosexual vampire erotica.
Thats it next RP post I do is about us charging into Ambean, throwing down are weapons/shield and stripping off our armor for one gigantic Raven/FCC orgy.
Frisia isn't invited; they aren't as experienced with poles as you guys.
Raven war grinds to a halt due to Mothers day on Sunday. I completely forgot about the day, as my mother has been dead for decades. So yeah. To all you young folks out there, give your mother a nice day. All Raven attacks will recommence on Sunday evening (to be fought on Monday).
Tis a good thing as many poor Calradian mothers will be missing sons and daughters once these battles get going.
You beat me to it you son of a lovely lady.
Go enjoy Mother's Day errbuddy!
Sadly Jesus hates mothers :( Never knew he had a weird hatred of Mary.... or maybe it was an oedipus complex.
Also, i think Anders is jealous that Dach's fief is a better trading castle than his now - he instantly signed up for jesus on this one.
Sadly Jesus hates mothers :( Never knew he had a weird hatred of Mary.... or maybe it was an oedipus complex.
Also, i think Anders is jealous that Dach's fief is a better trading castle than his now - he instantly signed up for jesus on this one.
Happy Mothers Day to all the Calradian Moms! Here is a wonderful song that we can all appreciate today.
Only a cold, heartless, motherless forum moderator would give me a warning for this.
Thats it next RP post I do is about us charging into Ambean, throwing down are weapons/shield and stripping off our armor for one gigantic Raven/FCC orgy.
It's the waiting that is the worst. For two days we have stared across the valley at each other, with nothing but shouting and the banging of shields to occupy the men. The damn Freyjan shamans have delayed this battle long enough with their rituals, thought Vinr Zan.
"Start the drums and prepare the line, dusk has come." he said.
Across the valley Zan could see the Free Company commander, a bearded man wielding a strange curved short sword, who seemed almost as ready to fight as a Nord. This would be a hard fight, the enemy was positioning their forces upon hills and placing barricades to slow his warbands movements.
Zan yelled out to his readying men, "Men of Malayurg! It is time to show these argr how we true Nords fight!", the cheers were almost deafening.
Shields held high and in a wall, they marched into a hail of arrows.
Thanks to:(click to show/hide)
What happened to the orgy?
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The diplomacy forum has its own special rules which are to be followed. Please cease your current posting activities and abide by the forum rules otherwise we will take further action.
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The Heartless, Motherless Melee Gaming Team.
What about the mad nerds on the internet arguing? How do we protect ourselves from that shitstorm?(click to show/hide)
I'm taking it upon myself to post odd and off topic things in strat threads to lighten the mood. I'm a martyr and the green-watch is my cross that I bare for you.
This is pretty funny message though.
Oh..uhh..the steppe is very windy today with a slight chance of rain as well as mad nerds on the internet arguing. Bring heavy raincoats to protect yourself from the rain and spittle.
What about the mad nerds on the internet arguing? How do we protect ourselves from that shitstorm?
Like I said, heavy Yawshawns. (Heavy armor makes me so sad)I finally understand why FCC has so many Yawshawns. It makes so much sense now! (Fuck Yawshawns, way too heavy to fight properly)
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Pirates win cause gunpowder. Get shot vikings!
Ye dirty neckbeards have left us no choice. We shall put peasants in your shitty heavy armor. Yes, they are still peasants, but they shall wear the dirty shit you all have made so common and available. With the gold from our bear meat, bear bile, bear sweat, and bear semen, we shall use this gold to our advantage. What else is there to do? No more glancing off of your dirty try hard armor. The worst part of it is that you only need 15 str to wear nearly the heaviest armor. What peasant has the arms of a female (maeday) and can't wear such armor?
Either way, a peasants neckbeard armor will deflect a blade as easy as your others. Though you will not have the fervent testicular constitution that real peasants have while wearing such armor. We will train, we will overcome, we will defeat the neckbeards. There is no other way.(click to show/hide)
Matey Is victorious!!! He severs the head of the enemy general....grabs the head of Zan and begins to mount it..... Bale and his honor guard walk away while muttering... You raise a stake to mount a head not lower you pants, you scurvy pirate....
The terrortops is pleased.
These Norse have come to our homelands claiming that they belong here, The joy they must have had with the homecoming. I do not know what they thought they would find, but we are given them death. Their war machines and camps now lay abandoned. The war council will meet again tonight to say the words. The Terror is Rising. You can hear the chants from the walls of Sargoth. They are nearly out of armies and generals to lead them. The time for planning is upon us. The lords and Ladies of the FCC bring out the maps. One more great battle and it will be our turn to march.
Hear the drums, feel the fear, know the truth! The Terror is Rising!
Your homelands? Bah! You are not Nords. The shamans say that the Gods are pleased with all this bloodshed and that over six thousand Nords have gone to Valhalla already, to feast with Odin in the Great Hall; We will keep fighting and may all the men who die meet there and feast together til Ragnarok comes.
We are FREE men! Our founders began as honest mercenaries and vagabonds who attracted others to their noble ideas of equality! I joined during these times; we later attempted to take some lush green land of our own around Dhirim but after fighting another battle hardened band of mercenaries we eventually made our peace with them and ceding what land we hand gained in exchange for gold and hundreds of battle hardened troops who shared our ideas; we then took on the infamous northern empire and secured their lands for our own! The treacherous dogs of Chaos who called themselves our friends (and lived around Sargoth) then teamed up with viscous bearmen from Wercheg and tried to destroy us! We pushed them back though and took much of the chaos lands before the 2nd great sundering of Calradia scattered everyone to the winds... We regrouped many moons later and returned to Sargoth and made it our home! We stayed there for awhile but our fighting spirits grew dull as the new Calradia was a land of peace and carebear-love. Our men grew tired and old and eventually we simply dispersed... I do not even remember who settled in our lands after we left them... but eventually... the third great sundering of Calradia occurred and suddenly Calradia had more land and we returned to our homes in Sargoth and have enjoyed fierce battles ever since! You have no true claim to Sargoth! You claim you are vikings but have no port cities from which to viking! you claim you are Nords but have never lived in the snow! Your history is weak when compared to ours! your men our weak when compared to ours! and your forum sperglords are weak when compared to Kesh! You may send as many brave fools to their deaths as you like, but you shall never take OUR home from us!(click to show/hide)
(click to show/hide)
Fourth to last line: are*
The Tundra will seize to exist...
The Tundra will seize to exist...
I think cease was the word you were looking for wesley
So close to another OCD, thank god for this cracker that has gone mentally disterbed.
On another note, damn you for attacking mah feif, you shall repent to Jesus and give partyboy a castle or else!
It's easy to make typos on a little phone
So close to another OCD, thank god for this cracker that has gone mentally disterbed.
On another note, damn you for attacking mah feif, you shall repent to Jesus and give partyboy a castle or else!
To jesus.
I imagine you think we control AoW and the strat movements of the faction.. You would be wrong on both accounts. If that were the case we would be helping them fight Mates. AoW is its own clan and can handles itself just fine without FCC meddling.
To Relit,
We see a kindred warrior spirit in your troops. This is not war it is needless slaughter. Your gods may hold the fallen in high regard but they do not have love for the commanders who throw those troops away. Frisians got you into this war, they are followers of Loki. Look into the hearts of our warriors and see the spirit within. We earned these lands with deeds and blood. We shall hold them. Once we were friends, it can be again. To glory together?
There was an awful lot of chatter during that battle, but it seemed to mostly come from one group. Why do Frisians like to talk so much while the rest of their side dies?Wrong, I died many times in that battle alongside my teammates.
There was an awful lot of chatter during that battle, but it seemed to mostly come from one group. Why do Frisians like to talk so much while the rest of their side dies?
This guy with the hard hitting questions no one else has the balls to ask