Author Topic: The steppe winds  (Read 21296 times)

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Offline Relit

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The steppe winds
« on: May 06, 2013, 08:03:48 pm »
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He sat upon a wooden throne, made from the finest and rarest of woods available in the steppe. It was carved with men astride horses using bows against one another, probably one of the legendary battles of the ancient Khergit people, he thought, as he had many times, that they were a silly people. More concerned with horses then with the strength of their shields. As he contemplated these strange people, the discussion raged before him.

"What of our foes to the west? Will they not fight us?", asked BlackWhite. He was a large man with a greying beard, overly fond of horses. Even now, in the Mead Hall of Narra, he smelled of them. Perhaps he would know something of these Khergits...

"Our scouts report little movement and our Frisian allies report that many have even professed no desire to fight us. They would rather feast in their castles and fight the Velucans in the desert." replied Relit the Old. A dark man, this one. He has seen too many winters and the desire for glory has long since waned; no longer burning in his eyes.

A glance around the room showed the Chieftain that all were in attendance, even Vinr Zan, who spends more time reading in his lofty tower at Malayurg than training the men under his command. It was at this moment that the mead hall doors flew open. Men clad in mail and tabards walked in. Armed men, bristling with spears and swords.

"Welcome to you, Sandersson of Frisia and to your men." The Chieftain said softly, as he slowly rose from his wooden throne. There was nothing but silence in the hall. No man may enter the hall so armed, even in times of war.

Sandersson nodded his greeting to the Chieftain. He was a king in all but name; allowances must be made for such great men. "I have come to be privy to this discussion, for it affects us all in the Fimbulvetr Confederacy." He replied.

Beside the Frisian Hávedling, stood his highest ranking lord, Daruvian. The shamans say he is touched by the gods. That is why he is still alive after taunting so many men. Perhaps. Seats and mead were offered to the Frisians, who gladly accepted. It is not a pleasant journey through the forest near Narra. The wind is maddening, the woods teeming with wild beasts. The Chieftain sat back down. A map of the continent was brought forth and placed upon the long table.

"To the far west, our allies of old The Knights...", grumbles from around the table, but Vinr Zan and those around him were silent, with stoney eyes. "The Knights Hospitaller are decimated, stewardship of some of their lands given to Occitan. There is no honor in fighting them anymore. Some among us remember the old friendships and oaths of brotherhood spoken on the battlefields.", recounted Relit.

"To the east, the Stratians and the Bowlers fight together against the Free Companies. A border dispute turned bloody. To the southeast, the Velucans war against Occitan for land and glory.", several of the Ravens present banged their fists on the long table and stomped their feet in a cheer for their Velucan brothers.

"You know why we are here, speak to the matter at hand, you long winded spear-fondler." interrupted Daruvian.

Ignoring the outburst, Relit went on, "To the north and north east, I see the Free Companies and no others. A decision must be made regarding the matter of Cikel and of honor."

All eyes turned to Sandersson, who was in turn staring straight into the eyes of the Chieftain. "We erred greatly by not reacting to this slight without delay. We sit here before you with shame upon our minds. There is but one way to regain our honor; with the blood of the transgressors spilled upon the ground, their heads mounted atop long stakes." he said.

"War? With a people who hold us no ill will. Just weeks ago a Free Company diplomat stood in this hall and thanked us for our help fighting the The Knights and wished to keep coordinating the war effort.", the Chieftain argued, his voice rising slightly the more he spoke.

"The Free Companies say kind words to us while at the same time throw out our man, Cikel, from their city. Kind words and mutual enemies can only excuse so much.", said Sandersson with the desire for violence tangible in his voice. The Chieftain did not immediately respond, he sat and thought.

"There are also the tales from travellers who have recently been to Ambean, Vayejeg, Fenada, and even Sargoth.", spoke Relit the Old. He would be one to hear such tales. Too much time spent among foreigners.

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"Tell me these tales.", the Chieftain simply said. He had heard whispers, but nothing recent.

"It is said that in Sargoth and its surrounding villages, that men are being rounded up to fight in the Free Companies wars. That not even freemen and craftsmen are exempt.", mutters erupted along the table. The nordic custom exempts craftsmen and freemen, if they choose, from fighting in the warbands.

"And it is also said the women and children of the men who resist are held in ransom to assure the menfolks behavior.", finished Relit, his voice hard with no emotion. The Chieftain's face turned red with anger. Could these tales be true? Are the Free Companies trying to destroy the nordic peoples way of life?

"It gets worse, my Chieftain. The people are made to swear allegiance to... a woman. A red haired temptress, who wields a bow. She does not even stand in the wall with her shield-brothers!" The room exploded into angry men, questions flying back and forth. No nordic man would swear allegiance to a woman, not without being compelled by sorcery. All became silent when the Chieftain rose from his throne.

"Long have we looked to the northeast. To the coastline and rivers of our forefathers. Back when our great-grandfathers left their homeland, taking their wives and children to a new land, it was a easy choice to colonize these barbaric lands whose people were weak and unworthy of them."

"Now we are faced with a hard path. These Free Companies are hard men, with mighty siege weapons. They have proven their worth on the field of battle many times. But they have never faced the nords! Let us show them the axe and the spear!", the Chieftain yelled to the cheers of his men and Frisian allies. Men were banging their fists on the table and yelling oaths of vengeance upon our new enemy. Sandersson of Frisia remained quiet, all he did was nod his agreement, anticipating the coming conflict.

The Chieftain remained standing, slowly the men became quiet. "I will never sit in this wooden "throne" again. Bring me my axe and shield. We march for Sargoth."

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« Last Edit: May 06, 2013, 10:42:26 pm by Relit »

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Re: The steppe winds
« Reply #1 on: May 06, 2013, 08:10:18 pm »
Awesome RP!

Sigh Now I DO have to modify the war Statics.
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Offline Syls

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Re: The steppe winds
« Reply #2 on: May 06, 2013, 08:12:19 pm »
LOL! Sargoth? There's FCC fiefs all around your land and you pick the farthest fief they own away from you hahahaha. Awesome roleplay, I'm curious to see what will happen now  :mrgreen:.

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Re: The steppe winds
« Reply #3 on: May 06, 2013, 08:18:06 pm »
Maybe that's a ploy and they intend to take Reyvadin area (which would make more sense strategically), but Sargoth is "nord" territory, so I can see the RP reason behind claiming that as the target.

Either way, good luck in your campaign, hope your armies make it up to the Sargoth region.
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 - Stolen from Macropussy

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Re: The steppe winds
« Reply #4 on: May 06, 2013, 08:22:17 pm »
Pff. More like "hey look! FCC is at war with pretty much everyone but VE and us... Lets change that!"

Bring it on you surly vikings! The only things you could find in our lands was friendship or death; having grown tired of friendship only death is left for you.

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Re: The steppe winds
« Reply #5 on: May 06, 2013, 08:45:35 pm »
Call George R.R. Martin. Maybe you can finish the sixth book before I die.
Worst admin ever, horrible person, rude in chat, griefs in game, threatens with kicks and bans if you don't praise him in his admin thread, doesn't worship the goat, and worst of all, uses a crossbow, I suggest instant removal of admin rights and crucifixion.

Offline Espwn

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Re: The steppe winds
« Reply #6 on: May 06, 2013, 09:03:42 pm »
Good luck.

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Re: The steppe winds
« Reply #7 on: May 06, 2013, 09:12:16 pm »
Sigh! And i was hoping things would slow down during the summer.  Oh well we are the easiest target of opportunity since we are at war with most of the map - makes sense, occitan or ve would actually have been a real challenge.  Good luck.
« Last Edit: May 06, 2013, 09:15:55 pm by Keshian »  - Where middle-eastern meets red-hot and spicy!

"[Strat 5]... war game my ass, tis more like a popularity contest"  Plumbo

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Re: The steppe winds
« Reply #8 on: May 06, 2013, 09:16:16 pm »
We're still cool, right? I'm a vassal of BIRD CLAN after-all.
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Offline Relit

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Re: The steppe winds
« Reply #9 on: May 06, 2013, 09:18:04 pm »
Sigh! And i was hoping things would slow down during the summer.  Oh well we are the easiest target of opportunity since we are at war with most of the map - makes sense, occitan or ve would actually have been a real challenge.  Good luck.

How dare you imply we would attack our Velucan brothers! I would rather impale myself then commit fratricide. Away with you, vile temptress!

We're still cool, right? I'm a vassal of BIRD CLAN after-all.

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« Last Edit: May 06, 2013, 09:22:34 pm by Relit »

Offline Espwn

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Re: The steppe winds
« Reply #10 on: May 06, 2013, 09:19:40 pm »
How dare you imply we would attack our Velucan brothers! I would rather impale myself then commit fratricide. Away with you, vile temptress!

I think he might have meant Occitan/Velucan Empire would be a real challenge if they attacked us.

Offline BaleOhay

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Re: The steppe winds
« Reply #11 on: May 06, 2013, 09:21:38 pm »
Interesting. We come to your aide twice and help remake your lost lands and increase your holdings. In return you attack us. With friends like ours who needs enemies.

We are here and waiting, allow us to introduce you to your Gods and let them judge you for your actions. You have felt the goodness that the Fcc has offered. Now let us see how you endure our anger

The Terror Rises
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Re: The steppe winds
« Reply #12 on: May 06, 2013, 09:26:27 pm »
Yeah, I'm not too impressed overall. I mean, FCC has been faced with overwhelming odds before and as long as we can put a roster together despite being at war with the majority of NA players then we will kill hordes of enemies and hopefully send you all back to your homes; but I do find it pretty disappointing that you guys would be cowardly enough to turn on friends who have helped you previously just because those friends are already so firmly entrenched in other wars that you feel safe sending out your troops with little chance of reprisal in the near future. Stay classy.

Offline Relit

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Re: The steppe winds
« Reply #13 on: May 06, 2013, 09:26:54 pm »
Interesting. We come to your aide twice and help remake your lost lands and increase your holdings. In return you attack us. With friends like ours who needs enemies.

We are here and waiting, allow us to introduce you to your Gods and let them judge you for your actions. You have felt the goodness that the Fcc has offered. Now let us see how you endure our anger

The Terror Rises

Our holdings are the same now as they were when Fimbulvetr formed. Your actions toward the Frisians must be answered for, in blood! We may have fought together on battlefields but never have we been close friends, your ways are alien to us and your treatment of our ancestral lands foul.

Yeah, I'm not too impressed overall. I mean, FCC has been faced with overwhelming odds before and as long as we can put a roster together despite being at war with the majority of NA players then we will kill hordes of enemies and hopefully send you all back to your homes; but I do find it pretty disappointing that you guys would be cowardly enough to turn on friends who have helped you previously just because those friends are already so firmly entrenched in other wars that you feel safe sending out your troops with little chance of reprisal in the near future. Stay classy.

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« Last Edit: May 06, 2013, 09:40:01 pm by Relit »

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Re: The steppe winds
« Reply #14 on: May 06, 2013, 09:32:35 pm »
I don't pay attention to much of the apparently very delicate system that is cRPG strat diplomacy, but what I have noticed is the following.

-Anyone who Fimbulvetr/Raven declares war on is clearly the victim.
-Declaring war on people you are not allied with is an outrage.
-Making policies to stop other factions from interfering with your economy is apparently a cheap, or dick move.
-Doing anything that isn't bending over and letting other factions take you over makes you a war criminal.
-Doing things for the sake of fun is unheard of. The legendary "Fun" is only achieved when your faction owns the entire map and has no competition.

That is just off the top of my head, I am sure there is more. Stop whining when someone declares war on you in a game. Heavens forbid that you realize it is a multiplayer game with conflicting interests across the board. Not a singleplayer game where you can just save/reload until the AI stops declaring war and you can go on your merry way to take over the world.