Author Topic: The steppe winds  (Read 21305 times)

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Re: The steppe winds
« Reply #135 on: May 08, 2013, 03:00:33 am »
And you on my left <3
Dashing through the steppe, on a hundreds horse sleigh, o'er fields we go, laughing all the way. HOHOHO! It's Calamariclause and it's Christmas in April for the Squids.

Offline Keshian

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Re: The steppe winds
« Reply #136 on: May 08, 2013, 04:57:20 am »
From what I have heard, CMP found a single strat battle were kesh and the other account in question were both in a strat battle.

But like I said it doesn't matter.

Lol, actually it was over a dozen battles.  And i think it was when she was practicing a bunch on EU duel server with Rogue while i was playing NA1 among other things that helped clear both our names despite the obsessiveness of smoothrich in spouting any random speculation that popped into his head.  She does still play - less than before, mostly she enjoys doing the trade runs on strategus (she is  civ 4 fan) and slowly working toward retiring again so she can become a shielder - she likes the idea of protecting me  from evil xbowmen :)  But sure make some more random conjectures up oprah.

P.S. The Terror Rises!  - Where middle-eastern meets red-hot and spicy!

"[Strat 5]... war game my ass, tis more like a popularity contest"  Plumbo

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Re: The steppe winds
« Reply #137 on: May 08, 2013, 05:30:45 am »
The council has met... These cRavens want to take Sargoth. Let them come. They think we worship a red haired wench. The Terrortops snorts with derision. We will help you satisfy your insane dreams. The lords of Terror will be giving Sargoth to the Lady Keshian. Incentive to try a little harder!
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Re: The steppe winds
« Reply #138 on: May 08, 2013, 08:20:38 pm »
I touch myself to the amount of butthurt a game like this starts.  It makes me wish someone like Relit would stick his pike in my anus so I too, can feel butthurt.

On a more serious note though I have nothing to contribute to this conversation other then Dracul is a baddie clan full of baddies.   We also smell.

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Re: The steppe winds
« Reply #139 on: May 08, 2013, 10:13:33 pm »
Fantastic war thus far, great battles on both sides
We're all nerds here, so it doesn't really matter.

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Re: The steppe winds
« Reply #140 on: May 09, 2013, 05:34:51 pm »
Havelle strokes his beard in sadness at the news. He coughs twice and puts his felt cap on. He rummages through the pockets of his brigadine. He strikes a fancy oak table he often sits behind. The same table he had shipped from Bulugar after taking a liking to it. Yes, indeed, he missed Bulugar. But all those lives was a small price to pay for such a magnificent table. The table itself had been finely crafted by an Occitan aligned carpenter from Dugan. Shipped all the to whoever the fuck once owned Bulugar. It was a small gift for the lord there, almost a peace offering, but it was a god damn table. He thought for a moment. Of all the wars that might be waged in the name of this table. What if the table fell into FCC hands? I'm sure Occitan would be furious. However, back to the matter at hand. This table had become home to many of Havelle's important documents. Among these documents was the famous war proclamation on Anders, back when Havelle was a sovereign entity. Infact, that document had been written on that table. It was historical, he dreamed of men one day writing about the table, on that very table. It was a table that would never die, immortalized forever in history. Havelle ran his hand along the table. It had beautifal curves, like a women. He imagined the table being a woman. Havelle had his heart broken many times before, but he knew this table would never do it. This table loved Havelle(in this fantasy). He knew he'd never betray the table, and it would never betray him(the table that is). Havelle looked over at Cikel, sitted opposite from himself. He started to sweat. Had Cikel befriended Havelle simply to run off with his table? Havelle laughed once and shook his head at the ridiculousness of it. A fine table like that, running off with Cikel? Poppycock. Havelle opened a drawer in the table, he found many of his possessions neatly organized. "My!" Havelle said silently, "What space this table has, what utter organization," His thoughts drifted toward his dead wife and son. He lamented on not having an heir to pass this magnificent table down to. Oh, what a world where you can't build a boy out of wood. This thought made Havelle chuckle. He had an heir all along. The table. Should he name the table? No, its a being, an entity. Its a higher power like some sort of deity. He pondered on what kind of wood the table was made out of. Surely there wasn't a tree on Earth magnificent enough to craft such a fine table. A tear rolled down his cheek. He was getting old. He knew one day he would leave the table alone in the world. No one to look after it. What if it fell into the hands of some inner city children, and had graffiti carved into it. Havelle turned his attention away from the table, fearing only heartbreak. He looks up at Cikel and raises an eyebrow. "Should I shave my beard into a fancy dancy mustache?" he asks Cikel.

Remember, together we stand, divided we fall, my dear Artyem.

summary... man tries to have sex with a table, wood is unable to be impregnated by human sperms.

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Re: The steppe winds
« Reply #141 on: May 09, 2013, 10:37:00 pm »
Soooo looks like you are giving up on sargoth?  poor zildjian :(  Roleplay dies too quick top practicality.
« Last Edit: May 09, 2013, 10:45:14 pm by Keshian »  - Where middle-eastern meets red-hot and spicy!

"[Strat 5]... war game my ass, tis more like a popularity contest"  Plumbo

Offline Relit

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Re: The steppe winds
« Reply #142 on: May 09, 2013, 11:02:19 pm »
Soooo looks like you are giving up on sargoth?  poor zildjian :(  Roleplay dies too quick top practicality.

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« Last Edit: May 09, 2013, 11:09:03 pm by Relit »

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Re: The steppe winds
« Reply #143 on: May 10, 2013, 01:23:24 am »
Alright, I couldn't help it, I wanted to RP too.

But I also couldn't stop it and I wrote enough to fill up a book.  So here's the clippings:

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Sordida asinum latronibus sumus

Offline Relit

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Re: The steppe winds
« Reply #144 on: May 10, 2013, 03:48:40 am »
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The journey had been eventful. The Stratian people, everywhere we passed, were wary. They have endured much suffering in this border dispute but they are a tough people and their ruler resolute. He feared not for them. As they passed burnt out farm houses and salted fields, the landscape turned harsher with dark, dense forests and creeks running in different directions.

"The old maps say we have passed into our forefathers lands, we are near the village Ambean. I believe that Relit's clan came from there." said Vinr Zan, as he glanced at the map in his hands. His pack was full of old maps and books. Zan was becoming something of a expert on our homeland, it may be useful to us on this campaign.

The Chieftain watched as the passing men marched by. This was Relit's warband. He was just traveling with them, as they were first to cross into these lands.

"The stories tell of Ambean being beside a great river, with a old bridge nearby. We can cross it and find Vayejeg. Then from there we can be at Sargoth in a week!" Zan continued. Zan was a optimist, he thinks the Free Companies will just let us march into their lands and do whatever we please. The Chieftain knew different. They would resist every step, harry us from every angle until we forced battle on them. Many of the men marching by, will not go back to the steppe alive.

Walking beside the marching men, was Surtr and Guinness. Brothers they were, and born to fight. It is said that the very first of their clan killed a dragon with a single blow. The men respected them and were glad to have them alongside, just never challenge either to a game of chance or you will ended up much poorer. Damned cheaters.

The Chieftain started walking beside the brothers and gestured for them to keep with him. Up ahead, a horsemen was riding straight for him.

"Farm houses are over the next rise, outskirts of the village, my chieftain." Blackwhite reported. Since leaving the steppe, the man had not dismounted. He is a strange Nord. At the front of the line, a bannermen was waving his flag to the east and west, the men were forming a battle line quickly. The Chieftain walked quickly to the front, he would be in the center, first to fight.

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Cresting the next rise in formation and looking down, was the village Ambean. "The first of many. Follow me." The Chieftain grimly ordered.  All that could be heard in the village, was the beating of drums.

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« Last Edit: May 10, 2013, 03:59:40 am by Relit »

Offline Keshian

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Re: The steppe winds
« Reply #145 on: May 10, 2013, 03:57:45 am »
-20  - Where middle-eastern meets red-hot and spicy!

"[Strat 5]... war game my ass, tis more like a popularity contest"  Plumbo

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Re: The steppe winds
« Reply #146 on: May 10, 2013, 03:59:42 am »
So i guess attacking muki's fief after he quit strategus recently and attacking 2 of our afk members who have been stuck on a river with no gear for 2 months is part of the "noble and brave war?"  really confused - are you trying to boost morale after daruvian's fight by attacking afks on the river?

Please make a list of all possible actions that we could take that you will whine/cry/bitch/moan about so that we can avoid forcing your hands into typing and our eyes into reading the literary diarrhea that you insist upon spewing onto the forums. Perhaps attacking castles/cities is the only action that you approve of?

Thank you.

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the administrator of this forum is the Internet Keyboard man? Can only play "authority" in the virtual world?Can you tell me why?

Offline Relit

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Re: The steppe winds
« Reply #147 on: May 10, 2013, 04:04:03 am »
So i guess attacking muki's fief after he quit strategus recently and attacking 2 of our afk members who have been stuck on a river with no gear for 2 months is part of the "noble and brave war?"  really confused - are you trying to boost morale after daruvian's fight by attacking afks on the river?

We will attack any Free Company member inside our ancestral homelands. You are depraved tyrants of the Nordic people and they will be freed from your clutches.

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Offline Keshian

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Re: The steppe winds
« Reply #148 on: May 10, 2013, 04:05:51 am »
-13  - Where middle-eastern meets red-hot and spicy!

"[Strat 5]... war game my ass, tis more like a popularity contest"  Plumbo

Offline Sandersson Jankins

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Re: The steppe winds
« Reply #149 on: May 10, 2013, 04:08:28 am »
Lol you are sounding more and more like daruvian every day man.  i used to like you but you are starting to be annoying like him, please don't become extremely obsessed with me like he is.  You already lied to my face when i directly asked if you guys were going to be making peace with occitan and attacking us literally the day before you declared war on us even though we saved your guys ass so hard when hospitallers and occitan attacked you and then you bitched out and tucked your tail between your legs as soon as occitan took all your hospitaller fiefs from you and begged peace with arrowaine and decided to attack us who helped you because we were busy fighting 6 other factions because occitan was too much of  challenge for you with no one attacking them in the steppes.

You asked me "Why are you always signing up for chaos, occitan, and fidlgb?"

I said "Because they're my homies and I like them more."

Then it got really awkward because neither of us said anything for about 45 seconds and you left. If you would have asked me if we were attacking, I would have said yes. I'm not a liar. You didn't ask, so I didn't offer up unnecessary information. Perhaps your monitor tan is also frying your memory.

Not even going to address the rest of your shitpost.
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the administrator of this forum is the Internet Keyboard man? Can only play "authority" in the virtual world?Can you tell me why?