Author Topic: The steppe winds  (Read 21085 times)

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Re: The steppe winds
« Reply #45 on: May 06, 2013, 11:54:18 pm »
Honestly who cares if we go to war with each other it's all in good fun don't take it so personally dudes.
Also, got this picture of BlackWhite a couple nights ago when we told him about all of this

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Good luck
« Last Edit: May 07, 2013, 02:21:10 am by BadooN »

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Re: The steppe winds
« Reply #46 on: May 07, 2013, 12:11:19 am »
Everyone is welcome to come to New Mechin for a good meal before the war kicks off. Here is the cookbook we use, the ingredients are supplied by Cyranule.

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Re: The steppe winds
« Reply #47 on: May 07, 2013, 12:22:26 am »
Everyone is welcome to come to New Mechin for a good meal before the war kicks off. Here is the cookbook we use, the ingredients are supplied by Cyranule.

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What... What is that on the cover? Are those penne noodles standing up... What? What?
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Rhalzo's already in Chaos' cooler older brother clan, he's fine riding his motorcycle around in a leather jacket smoking cigarettes with GIRLS, our little treehouse isn't his speed anymore.


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Re: The steppe winds
« Reply #48 on: May 07, 2013, 12:26:51 am »
Can you guys wait til I get done moving and have time to retire to an archer??????

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Re: The steppe winds
« Reply #49 on: May 07, 2013, 12:37:19 am »
Everyone is welcome to come to New Mechin for a good meal before the war kicks off. Here is the cookbook we use, the ingredients are supplied by Cyranule.

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I just found my Mother's Day present.
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Thanks to all of those who contributed.

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Re: The steppe winds
« Reply #50 on: May 07, 2013, 12:40:09 am »
Jesus Christ, I was hoping that for once my old friendCC could appreciate a RP thread and something in Strategus without having to come to the forum and be whiny, childish nerds.

This is exactly why we wanted to declare war on you. You may be friends with some people but you treat your enemies like shit and try to make the game un-fun for them. That, and you are one of the few competent factions even though you are such obnoxious shits about how you are competent.

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« Last Edit: May 07, 2013, 12:54:55 am by Daruvian »

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Re: The steppe winds
« Reply #51 on: May 07, 2013, 12:43:28 am »
Pff. More like "hey look! FCC is at war with pretty much everyone but VE and us... Lets change that!"

Bring it on you surly vikings! The only things you could find in our lands was friendship or death; having grown tired of friendship only death is left for you.
Cries about how no one is attacking them, is one of the biggest factions, whines like crazy the second someone declares war on them.
1H stab is the fastest, strongest and longest 1H animation. There's no reason NOT to use it in all instances. I don't know if it's OP, but it's boring. 1H used to be fun because you had a fast (left), long (right) and the most devastating attack (stab) and had to choose the best attack for each occasion.

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Re: The steppe winds
« Reply #52 on: May 07, 2013, 12:43:32 am »
His famed courser "Spawnkill" was panting, hot breath steaming out of its nostrils in gushes. dynamike, one of the last Remnant warriors in the lands of Stratradia, jumped from its back before it came to a full halt and landed lightly on the ground. In a fluid motion (he was not a STR build after all) he turned the jump into a full on sprint and in long strides ascended the main stairs to Yruma castle.

"My King, my King! I must speak you at once!" he proclaimed loudly, taking several steps at once as he jumped more than ran up to the highest level of the castle keep. He pushed open the double doors leading to the king's reception chamber in passing and entered the room with a speed that startled the servants scattered across the room. Even the king's own jingle on the harmonica, used to announce his presence, was cut short when the servants saw dynamike's distress.

In full speed, dynamike almost slid across the marble floor and pulled up hard before his king. "Lord Weebo, I have grave tidings to bring forth!" he said, words tumbling out in rapid succession "The Ravens! The Fumbul... not really sure how to pronounce their name! They, they have, both have, I mean together they have, earlier this day... I rode as fast as I could... they have...".

The King of the Remnants only raised a hand, to still his loyal warrior.

"Listen to your King's words, for I know the tidings you will bring. It does not take the council of a Froyoyoyoyoyoyoyoyoyoyodawiz to see current events unfold. We are at war. We have been since we formed a union with the Free Companies, and since long before.

We are Remnants of an ancient civilization. We have been fighting for generations, with old allies, against them. With brothers, against brothers. We have triumphed and we have failed. Yet we remain. Yet we march on, when others fall to the side of the road. Let me ask you, my loyal friend: does it truly matter WHO we are at war with?"

dynamike considered his King's words carefully. He could hear truth ringing in them. Still, he had to be sure: "My King, you say you are not distressed? Have you not heard what the common folk says about our new allies? Their demon woman with her head of fire? Their warleader, resembling an ancient beast with horns upon its skull? Their fearsome man from the sea with but one eye and one wooden leg? It seems our new company brings forth enemies aplenty, inspired through awe or fear. Tell me, my lord, have we chosen our fellowship well?"

The King of the Remnants but smiled. "Let me tell you a story. A story about a faraway place in a faraway time. A place called the Alamo. A story about how some empires, empires that will be truly great, have to be born from fire...

...and forged by people that have fire in their eyes - and hair."

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For while the fire in the heart of a single Remnant still burns... can Stratia truly have fallen?


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Re: The steppe winds
« Reply #53 on: May 07, 2013, 12:51:18 am »
Beside the Frisian Hávedling, stood his highest ranking lord, Daruvian. The shamans say he is touched by the gods. That is why he is still alive after taunting so many men. Perhaps.

"You know why we are here, speak to the matter at hand, you long winded spear-fondler." interrupted Daruvian.

Thoroughly true to reality appearances in this RP post. Also, this:

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Re: The steppe winds
« Reply #54 on: May 07, 2013, 01:11:33 am »
why are people giving us more reasons to claim more of the start map.... u guys want more lands then u attack the wrong people..... were's the logic these days. good luck ur going to need it

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Re: The steppe winds
« Reply #55 on: May 07, 2013, 01:13:09 am »
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Re: The steppe winds
« Reply #56 on: May 07, 2013, 01:21:14 am »
Cries about how no one is attacking them, is one of the biggest factions, whines like crazy the second someone declares war on them.

Ah Mr. Zlisch who knows nothing about NA or its players but insists on shit talking lots of people all the same. If you had been paying attention you would know that FCC is already at war with all but 4 (Astralis, FPP, AoW, VE) of the NA factions that have more than 10 members. It can hardly be seen as "whining the second someone declares war on us" when we display annoyance at being attacked by one of the (at the time) 5 groups with 10+ players who wasn't already at war with us and that they chose to make their declaration a few days after we engaged in another war. Anyways, I expect we will see lots of aggressive moves from Hosp/Occ while fimbl leaves all its cities unguarded and sends troops our way.


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Re: The steppe winds
« Reply #57 on: May 07, 2013, 01:21:54 am »

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Keshian/His FCC Drones:

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« Last Edit: May 07, 2013, 01:32:47 am by Daruvian »

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Re: The steppe winds
« Reply #58 on: May 07, 2013, 01:24:54 am »
Ain't gonna fuck around with RP here.

Let's outline our choices with who we could fight:

Hospitaller, who were being rectally-ravaged and aren't likely to put up a fight

Occitan, who are already fighting a faction larger than themselves

Semenstorm, who care little for strat and are not likely to put up a pro-active fight

CHAOS, who are already at war with a faction larger than themselves

FIDLGB, who are already at war with a faction larger than themselves

Astralis, who seem to care little for strat and are not likely to put up a pro-active fight (although they would probably be the second-best choice to fight)

Velucan Empire, who are already engaged with Occitan (who are fighting extremely well, albeit outnumbered). I wished to fight VE initially, but they've given us no reason to. They are generally good sportsmen, and they have a competent opponent in Occitan.

And that's about it.

I've not seen you FCC folks mention the eviction of Cikel from one of your cities in a ploy to get a bunch of duped gear he was attempting to keep out of play. That was fucking dirty, and we haven't forgotten it. Yeah, you guys gave us Rindyar a long time ago, and I appreciate it. You've given us some gold and plenty of advice, and I also appreciate that. However, we've been more than cooperative for long enough; we have paid any debt that could be perceived.

Even without the above provocation, our goal was to engage in a conflict with an enemy that would be proactive on the strat map and difficult to beat in battles. You were the best choice to meet this goal.

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the administrator of this forum is the Internet Keyboard man? Can only play "authority" in the virtual world?Can you tell me why?

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Re: The steppe winds
« Reply #59 on: May 07, 2013, 01:31:09 am »
Ah Mr. Zlisch who knows nothing about NA or its players but insists on shit talking lots of people all the same. If you had been paying attention you would know that FCC is already at war with all but 4 (Astralis, FPP, AoW, VE) of the NA factions that have more than 10 members. It can hardly be seen as "whining the second someone declares war on us" when we display annoyance at being attacked by one of the (at the time) 5 groups with 10+ players who wasn't already at war with us and that they chose to make their declaration a few days after we engaged in another war. Anyways, I expect we will see lots of aggressive moves from Hosp/Occ while fimbl leaves all its cities unguarded and sends troops our way.

Turboflex may never sit upon the throne of Narra again but it does not mean we will leave our lands unguarded. We have obligations to our people, they will not be left to fend for themselves and travelers in our land must be protected from bandits and roving bands of mercenaries.

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