cRPG => Suggestions Corner => Game Balance Discussion => Topic started by: Cheap_Shot on May 13, 2011, 04:03:47 am

Title: Suggestions to re-balance throwing.
Post by: Cheap_Shot on May 13, 2011, 04:03:47 am
Update: In light of new information, the suggestions have been altered.

Quote from: Cheap_Shot
Reduce throwing base damage but have powerthrow increase damage by a larger amount per point. Remove the terrible wpf per PT and PD restriction for ranged, instead having accuracy, distance, speed, etc, start off much poorer and increase more drastically in relation to amount invested. Increase stacks, or reduce slots back to 1.

Again, if someone from the balance team could open a dialogue, either in here, or with me personally through PM's, it would be greatly appreciated.

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I am a thrower.

Throwing takes a lot of skill to do properly. Throwing weapons have very little accuracy, and the aim reticule is wide enough to climb through. As anyone who has tried range knows, people in plate can soak up a crazy amount of ammo and come at you for more. They also can move and swing unrealistically fast for people wearing a ton of metal and holding a huge weapon. Most of the time all they have to do is quickly step to the side to dodge arrows, spears, bolts, etc. When you only have 8 or so tries, it gets pretty risky to even engage anyone, especially since you have to get in close because throwing range is so poor. Reducing the stack means you use up everything you have on one person, and increasing the slot amount means you cant carry a backup weapon.

I was fine with this because at least it thinned out the number of throwers. It was annoying when everyone had a stack and it was a chuck-a-thon. A good thrower could still play and even do well and get a few kills. Increasing the number of slots required was a fair balance in my mind. Decreasing all the throwing weapons ammo seemed a little overkill, but I coped. I had enough practice throwing being a pure thrower that I managed to keep up. I put points into the two hander skill so I could pick up a weapon and defend myself once my throwing weapons, very quickly, ran out.

The problem came when I started receiving an angry red text warning at the start of every round.

Or something to that effect. I was confused, since there is very little information released after patches, and being level 30, I couldn't understand what had happened. The annoying message would assault me every time I spawned, no matter what weapons or armour I equipped. I was told that the amount of points I had in throwing was no longer high enough. With 10 powerthrow, I now needed an insane amount of wpf to make use of it. Since I was level 30 and had put points into two hander for the above reasons, I could never correct this issue. I had to struggle to level 31 and retire. Now I am faced with a problem.

I am told that I will need 140 wpf to make use of 10 powerthrow. This is unconfirmed and it could be higher, but I can't find any solid info anywhere. The problem here is that getting 140 wpf with ANY weapon requires 12 agilitiy and 4 Weapon Master. Getting 10 powerthrow requires 30 strength. To get a 30/12 split, you need to give up most of your skill points, and then say goodbye to being able to function after using up your reduced stacks of whatever.

This poster breaks down the amount of investment required vs the amount of gain:,5399.msg92908.html#msg92908 (,5399.msg92908.html#msg92908)

The only way to play the way I enjoy now would be to give up having any other skills besides powerthrow and weaponmaster, and also to have no points in any other weapons besides throwing weapons, which I run out of very quickly. I can't scavenge them from others because no one else uses them now. I can't retrieve the ones I hit people with, they are gone for the round. Since the second to latest patch, a bug causes picking up a weapon off the ground to randomly remove most of your throwing weapons as well, even if you should have room for them.

Please remove the ridiculous requirements to take advantage of powerthrow. Making them multiple slots and reducing the stacks was enough to cut down on the number of people using throwing weapons. The amount that they've been nerfed now is unreasonable and they are completely useless.

My suggested balance would be to keep the reduced stacks and increased slots, but to remove the increased wpf requirement as it's unreasonable and overkill, then make heir looming throwing weapons increase the stack size by 1. Also make more wpf or more powerthrow increase accuracy a little. If you haven't tried using throwing weapons, you dont know how difficult they are to aim. They have become throw and pray weapons after all the accuracy, speed, and distance nerfs. That would make it so that most people wouldn't use throwing weapons since they would take up a lot of room and run out quickly, but dedicated throwers could get the benefits from them over time by retiring at 31 multiple times, as well as being able to pick up a weapon to defend themselves with once they run out.

Pure throwing is a playstyle I really enjoy, that really evens the battlefield. It is an effective anti-cav playstyle, and when working in teams, can often counter people charging around slaughtering entire teams in full plate. Shield builds are already a natural counter to throwers, and throwing itself is very difficult to master. I don't think this playstyle needs to be removed from the game entirely as it has. Please consider making the changes I have suggested. I would like to play the game again.
Title: Re: Suggestions to re-balance throwing.
Post by: San on May 13, 2011, 04:09:03 am
I believe the key lies within utilizing high throwing wpf to help the thrower, not penalize him. Like having higher wpf correlate to holding more slots or something outrageous like that.

I just feel that throwing just needs a separate gimmick that people haven't really thought of, yet.
Title: Re: Suggestions to re-balance throwing.
Post by: Native_ATS on May 13, 2011, 04:18:03 am
throwing is 100% crap, and i was throwing since the start of crpg..... befor all this patchs, since it begain and over time they nerffed alot of things, but throwing was way OVER NERFFED
Title: Re: Suggestions to re-balance throwing.
Post by: Cheap_Shot on May 13, 2011, 04:26:03 am
I would be perfectly fine playing with reduced stacks, increased slots, severely reduced range, and much higher risk then other ranged playstyles, if only the requirements weren't so severe and unbalanced. Removing the increased wpf need, and letting heirlooming increase stacks by 1 is all that is needed. I can cope with the reduced range, speed, and even if need be, the ridiculous accuracy (but you should seriously see how wide the reticule is. It is amazing that anyone can hit anything at all).
Title: Re: Suggestions to re-balance throwing.
Post by: Taggerung on May 13, 2011, 04:49:18 am
Awesome comic.

Yea, the devs nerfed throwing to the point where it's pointless to even bother playing it. Which is super sad because I have fun playing my thrower more so than any other class. Not because it was "OP" (Which is never was, and the only ones who claim it was were too stupid to take a shitty shield) but because I enjoyed throwing war darts at people.

Sadly, the two handers bitching and moaning because something kills them killed an awesome build :(

Good luck fighting the good fight, but chadz is a douche, so good luck.
Title: Re: Suggestions to re-balance throwing.
Post by: 22nd_King_Plazek on May 13, 2011, 04:50:59 am
I feel the real problem is that all of the javelin class weapons use two slots now. They were not particularly powerful before this latest release, but at least in the right situation they were useful. Now with only 3 ammo you have to question whether they have any real purpose at all.

What was overpowered about being able to have 6 javelins?!
(9 if you use a 1 slot weapon and no shield)

Alternatively you could implement a more expensive alternative that had more ammo (x2 at least, with matching but scaled price changes). This would result in a higher level of maintenance for that item discouraging the use of heavy armour or other expensive items whilst using it. This could cause the more dedicated throwers to take this piece resulting in a more plausible light skirmisher class if you thought that was fairer... Similar could be done to other items...
Title: Re: Suggestions to re-balance throwing.
Post by: Cheap_Shot on May 13, 2011, 05:01:38 am
Shh, dont give chadz more ideas. I thought throwing had been nerfed from every single possible angle, but apparently I was wrong and my wallet hasn't been nerfed yet. It will be next probably. The changes I mentioned would be enough. This isn't a situation where removing a nerf in one place and putting one somewhere else will fix it. The problem is overnerfing. It has been nerfed in too many places.

Please please just remove the increased weapon proficiency requirement and bring back the stack increase with heirlooming. Throwing would still be underpowered but at least it would be playable again.
Title: Re: Suggestions to re-balance throwing.
Post by: 22nd_King_Plazek on May 13, 2011, 05:05:08 am
Not for me, I don't like re-grinding my character and have 0 heirlooms and am gen 1 after playing since early versions. So I have no intention of starting the grind now. Every class needs to be viable without optional game mechanics like retirement and three javelins is not viable. I would rather take light armour and pay more for javelins. I would like it best if javelins went back to being one stack again though.
Title: Re: Suggestions to re-balance throwing.
Post by: DrKronic on May 13, 2011, 05:12:09 am
Shh, dont give chadz more ideas. I thought throwing had been nerfed from every single possible angle, but apparently I was wrong and my wallet hasn't been nerfed yet. It will be next probably. The changes I mentioned would be enough. This isn't a situation where removing a nerf in one place and putting one somewhere else will fix it. The problem is overnerfing. It has been nerfed in too many places.

Please please just remove the increased weapon proficiency requirement and bring back the stack increase with heirlooming. Throwing would still be underpowered but at least it would be playable again.

hey was that me in the comic I loved it
Title: Re: Suggestions to re-balance throwing.
Post by: Shablagoo on May 13, 2011, 05:12:56 am
In the short time I've played I don't think I've even seen a thrower before.  I've definitely seen that big guy in plate armor with the 2h weapon in your comic though.  There's like 20 of them on every server and they all have 5:1 k/d ratios.  Glad they fixed those overpowered throwers though. 
Title: Re: Suggestions to re-balance throwing.
Post by: Cheap_Shot on May 13, 2011, 05:16:30 am
Difference of opinion I suppose. I only disagree because the original problem was that throwing got too popular and everyone was hucking things around. Two handers (which make up a lot of the playerbase, including most of the devs and admins) got sick of actually dieing and the nerfs started to get rid of all the throwing. If that's the case, then the objective was to make hybrid classes that use throwing unattractive. Making the better throwing weapons take up more slots was effective, and reducing stack size pretty much eliminated throwing hybrids altogether so I guess mission accomplished. The problem in my opinion is they took it too far and now throwing weapons have no viable place in the game at all. It would be nice if the stacks hadn't been cut down, but I doubt chadz will reverse that change. The only solution I can see is to reverse the weapon proficiency increase so being a pure thrower isn't unreasonable if you decide to be, and bring backing the stack increase on heirlooms, because there should be some form of reward for making the long long grind to 31. I dont mind if being a pure thrower takes more work, as long as I can still be one.
Title: Re: Suggestions to re-balance throwing.
Post by: Native_ATS on May 13, 2011, 05:55:02 am
took me 2 master work throwing lances to kill a bow men in leather
each stack takes 2 slots....and they were nerffed in damg by alot. A master work lance was the same as a nomal lance befor patch -.-
AND you cant pick it up if you wear more then 12lb worth of gear.... the aim is still just as bad and you are forced to wear light to no gear.... you have to have high pt to even do damg and at 10pt it takes 2 lances to kill a bowmen or pony... then your left with nothing.... Ya you can throw jarids but at 9pt it takes 3 jarids to kill 1 man..... ya am not joking it takes the whole stake to kill a good luck and dont miss
Throwing is crap in every way.... i was once voted best thrower in this game and even i cant stand what they did to it, i re-gened and did throwing again to see if it is do able...,
i still toped the score bord but it wasnt fun at all, to do well i had to NOT THROW... i had to just relay on my 9ps and not my 9pt..... soon i was thinking why i even had pt....
alot of the time i would throw both lances into a pony and cry as it ran away with my 26,000$ worth of lances with him -.-

ups about throwing in new patch
war darts! 3xloomed wardart own at 9pt, they do like 30p damg and are so easy to throw, if you bring nothing but war darts you end up with 28 darts and you only need 3-4 to kill most people, they have a high rate of fire as well
can pwn 2 handers all day every day... just dont miss or your toast
.....that is it, there is nothing ells that is ok or good about throwing

bad side to throwing
cant wear gear if you want to throw lances, need high wpf yet cant get it if you still want the throwing item to hurt....
at 9pt (27str) it takes a whole stack to kill a man, (so you have to be way better then me and not miss 1 shot)
all mid to high throwing takes 2 slots
damg nerff on all throwing weapons! even rocks where nerffed? ROCK WHERE NERFFED!
Sheilds will reck your shit.... any sheild pwns lances,jarids,axes....(since u need all your weapons to hit... if u waste one on a sheild your boned)
cav recks throwing hard now... damg nerff and ammo nerff make throwing at cav a hard fight...
bowmen reck throwing, good luck killing that bowmen with ur weak ass jarids, dont miss...

Title: Re: Suggestions to re-balance throwing.
Post by: Rumblood on May 13, 2011, 06:16:53 am
Quite a well done case, you do the throwing community a favor indeed. A very good read and suggestions.
Title: Re: Suggestions to re-balance throwing.
Post by: Classical on May 13, 2011, 06:33:11 am
I support this, what the fuck development team?
Title: Re: Suggestions to re-balance throwing.
Post by: San on May 13, 2011, 06:34:23 am
ups about throwing in new patch
war darts!

Hate to break it to you, but. . .

They're nerfed, too.

Throwing daggers anyone?
Title: Re: Suggestions to re-balance throwing.
Post by: Loki on May 13, 2011, 06:55:56 am
HAHAHA this is hilarious.
Title: Re: Suggestions to re-balance throwing.
Post by: Seawied on May 13, 2011, 07:28:20 am
If I could, I would honestly give you a +10. Perhaps a friendly reach-around instead?

What developer came up with this idea of "balancing" throwing? They should be kicked off the balance team.
Title: Re: Suggestions to re-balance throwing.
Post by: LLJK_Korea1 on May 13, 2011, 07:29:00 am
Sup bro

Love your comics

Feel your pain

Title: Re: Suggestions to re-balance throwing.
Post by: Gamerofthegame on May 13, 2011, 07:43:09 am
The whole thing seems a bit silly.

2 handers and certain pole arms completely supersede everyone else. Bowmen can't really do much damage to people with armor and take a bit before they become accurate, player skill aside. Crossbows do quite a bit of hurting but are pretty damn expensive, however amusingly they don't need much to become 'reasonably' accurate as a throw away weapon, not needing any skills or anything, so the higher level people that have the money to spare use it as a side arm thing if they can and further increase the gap. Throwing, meanwhile... Well. Throwing isn't even a thing anymore.

To even use throwing stuff you need to set some points in power throw, additionally needing WPF to make it reasonably accurate and, now, even work.

Shield users are stuck at a bit of a impasse, where their shield they invested into tends to break apart until they're at later levels and, regardless, don't really have the speed to even manage at all against 2 handers and certain polearms, making their primary advantage being fairly impervious against the weak ranged... Which... Isn't much of a advantage.

It's all weird. I personally believe the balance wagon needs to shift somewhere else - Like making AGI actually worthwhile, for instance, maybe making STR hard hitting, stead fast and AGI actually, you know, swing faster then their speedy STR counterparts. Or something, I don't know.

But throwing? God damn, man.
Title: Re: Suggestions to re-balance throwing.
Post by: Philoctetes on May 13, 2011, 07:52:57 am
I tried throwing for a bit on an old character and compared to archery it was damn hard.  If this new patch made it even worse, they have to reconsider what they consider balance.

As an archer it is damn hard for me to take down full-plate helicopters, and anything able to make them hesitate for a few seconds should not be taken out of the game.  Plus this comic alone should be convincing enough.
Title: Re: Suggestions to re-balance throwing.
Post by: Mannhammer on May 13, 2011, 08:48:08 am
Great comic.

The sad thing about all the "balancing" that goes into cRPG is that it never balances the game. 2H/polearm tincans builds always top the Kill board partly because they are the only build that has never been nerfed.
Or am I wrong on this?
I can't think of one cRPG update that has only affected these builds.
Title: Re: Suggestions to re-balance throwing.
Post by: Native_ATS on May 13, 2011, 09:10:14 am
even if they fixed throwing, you would still have to grind all over again to throw... i wouldnt mind if they fixed throwing but ugh  :(
Title: Re: Suggestions to re-balance throwing.
Post by: Beans on May 13, 2011, 09:30:50 am
I think the best thing for throwing is to reverse the changes to throwing size(increase most throwing stacks) and also slightly increase the requirement for them. Some of the changes are cool, and I like the idea that someone can do a viking style character with some throwing axes for a 3-4 level investment.

The biggest problem before was everyone was picking up 3-4 points in power throw and just chucking shit everywhere and it was insane.  This kind of alternate bonus weapon shouldn't happen without some kind of choice. I think that 1-3 powerthrow should be an acceptable choice as an alternate weapon given the current slot system, but past 3(or maybe 4 or even 5)powerthrow should be a legit build on its own. It is low accuracy, low range, and low ammo even before the current changes.

Part of the patch I do agree with and that is having powerthrow 5 give throwing spears which have 4 per stack which is cool. But at 2 slots you can only have 1 stack without being a joke. Even archers are able to carry an alternate 1 slot weapon.

I think the throwing weapons after powerthrow 5 should give a larger amount of ammo(8 per 2 slots). Thats if we keep the current wpf=pt ratio.

Great comic.

The sad thing about all the "balancing" that goes into cRPG is that it never balances the game. 2H/polearm tincans builds always top the Kill board partly because they are the only build that has never been nerfed.
Or am I wrong on this?
I can't think of one cRPG update that has only affected these builds.

The last few patches increase the cost dramatically on the top end 2h and pole weapons. These types of characters tend to stand out as the bullshit classes because a lot of really good players play them and because they dominate when they roll high end gear.
Title: Re: Suggestions to re-balance throwing.
Post by: PhantomZero on May 13, 2011, 09:49:20 am
Yeah, I agree with beans. Increase throwing weapon capacities, including heirlooms, in fact that could be the only thing heirlooms do to balance it out I guess, carry your dad's extra large bag of spears around, and leave the WPF requirements in.

This way, it forces people to take some weaponmastery to throw as well as more or less balanced str/agi. This will allow pure throwers to be effective anti-armor units, while preventing 2h and others from simply spending a few points into power throw to grab enough for some axes and javelins with their two extra slots.

If throwers want to use some of their weapon mastery to specialize in a different discipline, they can, and be mediocre at each, or become a good thrower.
Title: Re: Suggestions to re-balance throwing.
Post by: Tydeus on May 13, 2011, 10:10:57 am
I really thought the 14 wpf per PT was a cool system to help keep throwing damage in check. I also don't think this requirement is where balance problems lie at all. It seems to me that 6 jarids for 4 slots might be just a little low, considering you'd have to use a zero slot melee to get the 6 jarids.

I like the idea of dedicated throwers being dead. I know a few really skilled people that stopped playing battle altogether because of the range fest that took place before the throwing changes. It removes the enjoyment of melee, not because now melee is left unchecked(which it isn't, thanks to the longbow and fewer cav predators), but before they even get near their opponent they could get double body shot by ranged and die with a build that was meant to take hits. They're body shots, not headshots, it doesn't really take any skill at all to pull off a body shot.
Title: Re: Suggestions to re-balance throwing.
Post by: Mendro on May 13, 2011, 10:42:33 am
Before 0.220 i got 12 javelins with my 2h weapons , now only 3 javelins.
I was happy with 6 javelins , cause nerf throwing was necessary , but now only 3 javelins is useless. A pure 2handers guy pown me in duel , cause i use some skills and wpf in throwing for trying to kill cav or HA. So why this new nerf?

Ps: Sorry for my poor english :p
Title: Re: Suggestions to re-balance throwing.
Post by: Vibe on May 13, 2011, 10:52:57 am
Fantastic comic :D
Title: Re: Suggestions to re-balance throwing.
Post by: PhantomZero on May 13, 2011, 11:04:33 am
I really thought the 14 wpf per PT was a cool system to help keep throwing damage in check. I also don't think this requirement is where balance problems lie at all. It seems to me that 6 jarids for 4 slots might be just a little low, considering you'd have to use a zero slot melee to get the 6 jarids.

I like the idea of dedicated throwers being dead. I know a few really skilled people that stopped playing battle altogether because of the range fest that took place before the throwing changes. It removes the enjoyment of melee, not because now melee is left unchecked(which it isn't, thanks to the longbow and fewer cav predators), but before they even get near their opponent they could get double body shot by ranged and die with a build that was meant to take hits. They're body shots, not headshots, it doesn't really take any skill at all to pull off a body shot.

If they are meant to take hits, why are they able to dish out so much damage? They shouldn't be unstoppable paragons of the battlefield, cheapshot may elect to post his other comic about this. If you are tired of being shot by arrows and being hit by javelins, grab a shield, or partner up with a 1H buddy. Assuming as you say, a double body shot kills, and you have 14 javelins, thats only 7 kills.  A hard maximum of 7 kills assuming you don't miss or waste one into a shield. While 2H tanks can run around and score 10+ in a single round. Cavalry is no different, but if a cavalry is dismounted, he is typically about to be very dead. People like Goretooth and your self can simply shrug off lesser ranged weapons with your triple loomed armors and carry a pike to defend against cavalry.

What exactly are people supposed to use to defend against 2H? More 2h? Swarm tactics?

Why does everyone feel the need to be able to solo everyone else in the game?
Title: Re: Suggestions to re-balance throwing.
Post by: Tydeus on May 13, 2011, 11:11:26 am
If they are meant to take hits, why are they able to dish out so much damage? They shouldn't be unstoppable paragons of the battlefield, cheapshot may elect to post his other comic about this. If you are tired of being shot by arrows and being hit by javelins, grab a shield, or partner up with a 1H buddy.

Why does everyone feel the need to be able to solo everyone else in the game?
Sounds like you're questioning quite a few things, such as the effectiveness of the STR stat which allows people to get BOTH IF and PS, or the weight penalty only reducing roughly 30-40 wpf for full plate(wpf affects damage). I was merely pointing out that even with 10 IF and 80 armor, you could still get 2 shot by jarids with the old patch. I didn't state anything about PS. For all you know, I could have had 0 PS and converted all my skills to attributes so I could get extra athletics.
Title: Re: Suggestions to re-balance throwing.
Post by: Cheap_Shot on May 13, 2011, 11:14:13 am
Throwing isn't "easy". The horrible accuracy and limited ammo mean every shot has to count. I would argue that being a pure thrower is the most difficult playstyle in the game. You cant wear much armor at all, especially since the wpf requirement was increased, but you have to get in close to combat. You cant take a backup weapon to defend yourself with unlike other ranged classes because of the slot increase. You now have to dedicate all your wpf to throwing so when you quickly run out, you cant just pick up a fallen weapon and defend yourself. You cant even put points into polearms and use the higher tier throwing weapons alternate melee mode effectively (if you could ever call any of those weapons effective at melee(no you couldn't)). The risk is much higher then other ranged builds, but the amount of point investment to make it effective is ridiculously higher now as well. It just doesn't make sense from any angle except people throw a tantrum when a throwing weapon kills them.

You may swear at me when my throwing weapon kills you and say "cheap shot", except its the most expensive shot in the game. You don't like dieing when two throwing spears hit you? Well I don't like being destroyed in two hits by a bec or a two hander, half a min into the game, when my throwing weapons have already run out and I'm unarmed and can't do anything. You could still be alive by paying attention. What am I supposed to do?
Title: Re: Suggestions to re-balance throwing.
Post by: Native_ATS on May 13, 2011, 11:16:46 am
chaz said they are working on them in throwing is dead post =]
Title: Re: Suggestions to re-balance throwing.
Post by: Cheap_Shot on May 13, 2011, 11:19:14 am
chaz said they are working on them in throwing is dead post =]

I read. The best rebalance I could suggest would be lower the wpf requirement, increase the powerthrow skill needed, boost the accuracy a touch, and making heirlooming increase stack size by 1. Reasonable and minor changes that would be more then enough. I hope these are the changes that will be made.
Title: Re: Suggestions to re-balance throwing.
Post by: Skeebie on May 13, 2011, 11:20:40 am
Please take another look at the throwers.  I'm still a fairly new player, but it's obvious that throwers are severely gimped.  As an archer, I am able to defend myself in melee combat, but throwers are stuck being just that- throwers, and for a very limited amount of time per game.  Even these 2 hander monsters running around are able to use a crossbow and get some ranged in.  This is not balanced.
Title: Re: Suggestions to re-balance throwing.
Post by: Vibe on May 13, 2011, 11:21:32 am
I read. The best rebalance I could suggest would be lower the wpf requirement, increase the powerthrow skill needed, boost the accuracy a touch, and making heirlooming increase stack size by 1. Reasonable and minor changes that would be more then enough. I hope these are the changes that will be made.

As much as I am against throwers in general, this sounds reasonable enough.
Title: Re: Suggestions to re-balance throwing.
Post by: Tydeus on May 13, 2011, 11:45:38 am
Throwing isn't "easy". The horrible accuracy and limited ammo mean every shot has to count. I would argue that being a pure thrower is the most difficult playstyle in the game.
Throwing before the recent changes, was definitely the easiest thing to do. Currently sure, I'll say it's much harder. As for the actual difficulty itself, in what sense? How long it would take a compltely new player to be able to hold a 1:1 ratio with pure throwing rather than a melee type? I'd argue it wouldn't take nearly as long as 2hand/Polearm would take.
You cant wear much armor at all, especially since the wpf requirement was increased, but you have to get in close to combat.
Athletics melee builds can't take much armor either, not to mention they don't just get close to combat, they have to be IN combat.
You cant take a backup weapon to defend yourself with unlike other ranged classes because of the slot increase.
Or you could take the hammer like every Longbow/Warbow/Heavy Xbow/Arbalest user. It's zero slots, throwers have no more right to complain here than any other ranged.
You now have to dedicate all your wpf to throwing so when you quickly run out, you cant just pick up a fallen weapon and defend yourself. You cant even put points into polearms and use the higher tier throwing weapons alternate melee mode effectively (if you could ever call any of those weapons effective at melee(no you couldn't)).
Surly you can remove 14 wpf and one PT from your build to get 100+ WPF in a melee type. I know several people who would hybrid with zero proficiency in melee, before the patch, and they did just fine in melee(including myself). Sure they couldn't exactly spam people to death, but you're fast enough to fight without a hindrance otherwise.
You don't like dieing when two throwing spears hit you? Well I don't like being destroyed in two hits by a bec or a two hander, half a min into the game, when my throwing weapons have already run out and I'm unarmed and can't do anything. You could still be alive by paying attention. What am I supposed to do?
If you're running out of ammunition 30 seconds into the round and don't have a melee weapon, you're either terrible because you whiffed 28+ throwing weapons, or you were dumb enough not to take the hammer, a zero slot item. Still be alive by paying attention? The exactly does that mean? Are you suggesting "paying attention" is all that is required to avoid a throwing weapon?

Maybe I should clarify again: Yes I think throwing is currently underpowered, I just want to make sure it isn't put into the place it was before the patch.
Title: Re: Suggestions to re-balance throwing.
Post by: Native_ATS on May 13, 2011, 11:50:14 am
ummm no, most of that is iffy, you cant take a hammer or long dagger... u dont have the space for it, sure its 0 slots but you use all your slots for ur 2 lances, or 2 stacks of javs....
go all wpf in throw? thats dumb, you can do that with bow np because you have like 40 arrows min, 60 arrows for lighter bows... when you throw you get 6 jav? 2 lances... 4 axes.... thats fail
you do run out of ammo super faste cuz unlike arrows and xbolts you cant pick up your missed weapons unless you have high ass wpf... which is  noting going to happen since u need high pt to do avg damg,
at 9pt it took me 3 jarids to kill a man.... if i get 7pt to get enough wpf then i bet it will take me 5-6.... thats still fail
throwing isnt all bad but it isnt good, or even ok, its pretty crappy
throwing 28 darts or daggers is lame.... who stacks up pt and all that jazz to throw wardarts... why are war darts better then lances or jarids
Title: Re: Suggestions to re-balance throwing.
Post by: Tydeus on May 13, 2011, 11:59:10 am
ummm no, most of that is iffy, you cant take a hammer or long dagger... u dont have the space for it, sure its 0 slots but you use all your slots for ur 2 lances, or 2 stacks of javs....
Point taken, but this ONLY stands for dedicated heavy throwrs
go all wpf in throw? thats dumb, you can do that with bow np because you have like 40 arrows min, 60 arrows for lighter bows... when you throw you get 6 jav? 2 lances... 4 axes.... thats fail
Cheap Shot was saying you HAVE to spend all your wpf in throwing, I gave two reasons why choosing to do so or to split your wpf, would both work.
you do run out of ammo super faste cuz unlike arrows and xbolts you cant pick up your missed weapons unless you have high ass wpf... which is  noting going to happen since u need high pt to do avg damg,
at 9pt it took me 3 jarids to kill a man.... if i get 7pt to get enough wpf then i bet it will take me 5-6.... thats still fail
throwing isnt all bad but it isnt good, or even ok, its pretty crappy
2 PT wouldn't force you to hit twice as many times, that's a statement that completely ignores game mechanics. 3 jarids compared to 5 or 6? 6 would mean a TWO PT REDUCTION caused your damage to be cut completely in half. Sounds like you're asking for the WPF restriction to be completely removed what many people think that's the best and most creative change to throwing that they did.

since you added this late:
throwing 28 darts or daggers is lame.... who stacks up pt and all that jazz to throw wardarts... why are war darts better then lances or jarids
Better in which sense? They're definitely more accurate. Depending on damage and accuracy, consistently more hits could mean higher average damage. But that doesn't mean they're better.
Title: Re: Suggestions to re-balance throwing.
Post by: Native_ATS on May 13, 2011, 12:15:25 pm
i like to share wpf with pol-arm and throwing, i tend to do 100throw, 90 pol-arm
i do think the only good throwing weapon left is master work wardarts, 28 or 30p.... you get 28 of them, they dont suck ass when you throw them
i swear it takes me like 3 jarids to kill most people, i worry at 7pt it would take 4-5, i know wpf dosnt add much to any damg,  but its need if you want to pick up ur missed shots.
i think throwing is great in small pt, to help hybrid builds, i think throwing is best at 4pt, with darts and 2 hander, other then that a pure thrower is a thing of the past D:
(i write late cuz am random... and cant spell lol)
ps: am fine with some of the things they did... i like that you need wpf, i like that u have a tad less ammo... i was hopeing it wouldnt go form 12 lances to 2... i was hoping for 4... but with all the combos of nerffs throwing just got killed
i say keep wpf reg, but dont nerff stacks so much... or dagm -.- if anything higher damg... you need it since you cant get as high pt if u want to pick  up you missed shot or wear ok gear... or even aim better lol
Title: Re: Suggestions to re-balance throwing.
Post by: Cheap_Shot on May 13, 2011, 12:27:47 pm
I see you all talking about war darts. You may not have caught it, but wardarts were restricted to 4 per stack in the very latest patch. Even ROCKS were reduced. ROCKS.

Quote from: Tydeus
Throwing before the recent changes, was definitely the easiest thing to do. Currently sure, I'll say it's much harder. As for the actual difficulty itself, in what sense? How long it would take a compltely new player to be able to hold a 1:1 ratio with pure throwing rather than a melee type? I'd argue it wouldn't take nearly as long as 2hand/Polearm would take.
No, as in the current combination of all the risks and downsides to being a thrower makes it a super difficult playstyle. It is easily the most difficult of the ranged playstyles at any rate, and the risk vs reward is no longer balanced. I retired recently to try and repair my build. Holding a 1:1 KD ratio as a dedicated thrower is much more difficult then 2hand/Polearm, you don't become effective until late 20's, and I have been throwing for a long time and am a very skilled thrower.

Quote from: Tydeus
Athletics melee builds can't take much armor either, not to mention they don't just get close to combat, they have to be IN combat.

The two builds aren't comparable. Agility has speed to make up for less armor. Throwers have no speed to speak of, and is one of the slowest builds.

Quote from: Tydeus
Or you could take the hammer like every Longbow/Warbow/Heavy Xbow/Arbalest user. It's zero slots, throwers have no more right to complain here than any other ranged.

Doesn't change the fact that the super high wpf need for throwing means you will be even more useless with that crappy hammer.

Quote from: Tydeus
Surly you can remove 14 wpf and one PT from your build to get 100+ WPF in a melee type. I know several people who would hybrid with zero proficiency in melee, before the patch, and they did just fine in melee(including myself). Sure they couldn't exactly spam people to death, but you're fast enough to fight without a hindrance otherwise.

So you mean "surely you can just stop being a pure thrower and be a hybrid?" No. I don't want to be a hybrid. Throwing is what I enjoy, and what I'm debating is the unreasonable nerfs that have removed a fun and perfectly legit playstyle from the game. There are plenty of other "pure" builds which are able to make use of 10 points in a skill without being useless. My preferred build has been removed from the game for no real reason. If I wanted to play a hybrid character I would roll one up and wouldn't be here.

Quote from: Tydeus
If you're running out of ammunition 30 seconds into the round and don't have a melee weapon, you're either terrible because you whiffed 28+ throwing weapons, or you were dumb enough not to take the hammer, a zero slot item. Still be alive by paying attention? The exactly does that mean? Are you suggesting "paying attention" is all that is required to avoid a throwing weapon?

28+ throwing weapons? What are you talking about? Not even throwing knives give you 28+ throwing weapons anymore. Jarids give you 1.5 throwing weapons per slot. Axes give you 1. Spears give you 2. The deadliest weapon gives you half a shot per slot. A good shield soaks those right up literally without flinching. You easily run out of these weapons, and since the accuracy is so poor, it is almost like gambling trying to hit someone who is aware of you. Yes, "paying attention" and moving around is pretty much all you need currently. If you die while paying attention, it's because the thrower is a very skilled player and the throwing weapon luckily found its target inside the giant aiming reticule.

To clarify, since you are fighting pretty hard and may not know what it is you're fighting against, I am talking about a dedicated thrower build because that is what I like to play and my ability to play one has been removed. Remove the severe wpf requirement, but increase the needed powerthrow for high tier, or all throwing weapons, improve accuracy and make heir looming increase stack size by one. This is very fair in my mind and would balance it so pure throwers would be possible once more, without turning the game into a giant chuck-a-thon again. It seems balanced, and it's really not much to ask so that a lot of players can enjoy playing the game again.
Title: Re: Suggestions to re-balance throwing.
Post by: Native_ATS on May 13, 2011, 12:32:18 pm
Title: Re: Suggestions to re-balance throwing.
Post by: Cheap_Shot on May 13, 2011, 12:41:18 pm
visitors can't see pics , please register or login

visitors can't see pics , please register or login

One I did before all the nerfs. Might as well share it.
Title: Re: Suggestions to re-balance throwing.
Post by: Native_ATS on May 13, 2011, 12:44:36 pm
ugh.... there is no faith....who is nerffing throwing?
who? or what monster is doing this.... who was like you know what 7wardarts is op..... lets nerff the fuck out of throwing more.... who cares about throwing it use to be ok, it killed people lets make sure throwing is useless form this point on.... i mean i dont throw so who cares... frist lets take down the might lance... yet it is the most str reg weapon in the game down form 65p to 56p.... wait we can do better lets nerff all throwing damg.... wait we can do more... let take away how many you get in a stack.... wait  let do more.. let make it so u cant have more then 2 lances... ya form 12 lances to 2.... that seems fair.... ooo lets make it that you cant pick up your missed shots if you dont have enough wpf... no even better lets make it 14 wpf xpt... that way no one can make a real thrower even if you get 9pt it will take all 3 jarids to kill a man... ya that is fair, not like they will get that kill if they miss... not like they will get a kill with lances since it takes 4-5 lances to brake a sheild/or 4-5 axes  but since they got only 2 they will suck...btw let me buff my xbow... seems fair.... i'll nerff ponys too... ya i hate ponys and throwers.... i want to just pew pew with my xbow... ya 100p for free... i wont even put wpf... not like i need it... ya 2 hander and xbow ftw....
this is how it all went down in my head  :wink:
(to be fair alot of people think the +hp and ap is a buff for cav)
Title: Re: Suggestions to re-balance throwing.
Post by: Lorenzo_of_Iberia on May 13, 2011, 01:12:07 pm
This is ridiculous...

1. Throwing was only whined about by people who didnt use a shield... They only  need to take a cheap board shield to absorb 3 javs or so.
2. Throwing was never accurate if you wanted some melee or riding skill (such as myself being an ex- jav cav)
3. At PT5 wpf 140 i still was doing less damage to a horse with BALANCED javelins than my Horse Archer friend with a unheirloomed strongbow at 5 PD 130 wpf and khergit arrows was doing to the same horse if i rode. While the bow had plenty of arrows and more range.
4. Javs now take 2 slots meaning i can take 3 javelins and a war spear :( thats not even enough to kill a player in high end medium armour

Why did my unique build that was my build get nerfed so hard? If i now become a lancer then all the plate armoured guys will complain about me being a lancer. If i become a HA people will whine about me being so annoying. As I said this is ridiculous...
Title: Re: Suggestions to re-balance throwing.
Post by: Tydeus on May 13, 2011, 02:08:14 pm
I'm with him on this. I remember checking the ammunition and slot usage of all the throwing weapons directly after the .223 patch. I guess the website wasn't updated for me to see it's only 4 darts per stack now.

To clarify, since you are fighting pretty hard and may not know what it is you're fighting against, I am talking about a dedicated thrower build because that is what I like to play and my ability to play one has been removed. Remove the severe wpf requirement, but increase the needed powerthrow for high tier, or all throwing weapons, improve accuracy and make heir looming increase stack size by one. This is very fair in my mind and would balance it so pure throwers would be possible once more, without turning the game into a giant chuck-a-thon again. It seems balanced, and it's really not much to ask so that a lot of players can enjoy playing the game again.

You seem to have overlooked a few things, specifically when you stated you wanted wpf because you like to hybrid with poles and that now you HAVE to spend it all in throwing, but you don't. That's not exactly talking about dedicated throwers, now is it?

It seems your biggest complaint is the wpf system which helps to cap how much damage a thrower can do. Increasing PT requirement does nothing to balance high tier throwing, all it does is separates hybrid throwers from high tier throwers, something accomplished already by the WPF system (which also does more to balance throwing). Throwing is already quite accurate, enough to where a low athletics build is going to get pelted with throwing, especially if the thrower is being smart and not prancing around like a jackass. With 4PT and 70 effective wpf I was able to go toe to toe against an archer at mid range with war darts or Javs. I did this several times, even against native. I had pretty damn good accuracy, enough so that it made me want to make a thread about throwing being too accurate(what's the point of an archer shooting at mid range if a thrower can do the same with the same accuracy). That being said, I did NOT test 5/6 PT weapons as I didn't meet the requirement for such, so I have no first hand experience with the accuracy of those.
Title: Re: Suggestions to re-balance throwing.
Post by: Cheap_Shot on May 13, 2011, 02:48:18 pm
It seems your biggest complaint is the damage throwers do, which is already balanced out by having far far less ammunition then the other ranged types. The damage nerf to them just made them useless since it takes entire stacks to kill a single medium armored person now, and that's if you're skilled enough to hit them. I wanted wpf because the current requirement is too high. It doesn't do any "clever balancing" it only makes it too expensive to even consider. Let me give you an example of why this is by explaining the pure thrower playstyle.

A thrower would start the round with all slots filled with throwing weapons. This is because, well, it's the only way to keep throwing since you can't scavenge from bodies or shields, and people rarely are throwing the higher tier weapons at all. You use these to de-horse cav and horse archers so infantry can rush in, and you chuck the rest at people who aren't paying attention as well as two handers in plate so when he cleaves you in half with one or two hits, your teammates have a chance. A good thrower doesn't even look at shields. A shield user will destroy a thrower any day without fail. I have only won against a good shield user a hand full of times and it required them to either be not looking my way, or for my to exert a lot of skill and timing. You will be out of throwing weapons at this point because you only have like 8. If you are good you will have killed two or three people. If you are just ok, you will have killed a horse and some lightly armored dude. You are now unarmed and running for your life. Before, you could pick up a 2 hander and defend yourself for the rest of the turn. With a few points there you had plenty of selection, making you not worthless for the rest of the match. You might even get a kill, again if you are skilled enough at manual blocking. Without the skill in a secondary weapon, you have a hard cap on the number of people you can kill by dedicated throwing no matter how good you are. You are stuck running away because you can't pick anything up. You are swinging your fists at plate armor spammers while people accuse you of leaching without a weapon and call for your banning. That doesn't seem right since all other ranged have enough room for a backup weapon, and enough versatility that they can put points into that weapon. Crossbow for example takes pretty much no wpf to be decent at it, but a good crossbow currently does the same or more damage then a throwing weapon and has quite a lot more shots + takes up less room.
This is not "clever balancing". It doesn't make any sense compared to other builds.

Also are you kidding me? Throwing weapons accurate? Too accurate? What are you on? You have to be trolling because you have no clue what you're talking about. I've tried crossbow and archer before I went pure thrower. Throwing is as accurate as Fox News. It's starting to seem like you're saying whatever you feel like to counter my arguments for the sake of arguing. You are a highly skilled player and have killed me way more then I have ever killed you. Can't you just let me play the way I like playing without trying to ruin it for no reason other then to argue? Your information is not up to date and your experience in throwing is not enough to know what you're talking about.
Title: Re: Suggestions to re-balance throwing.
Post by: Elmetiacos on May 13, 2011, 03:43:52 pm
Well, this has to be some sort of record - everyone but one poster on the thread agrees that throwing has been nerfed too much. I never really understood why people whined about throwing so much; it was all over after a few seconds. The game breaker for me was all those "...and I'll have a crossbow too" hybrids turning a lot of maps into a game more like Call Of Duty than M&B, which seems to be fixed now. Maybe the devs thought they could pre-empt all the crossbow hybrids turning into throwing hybrids with the changes?
Title: Re: Suggestions to re-balance throwing.
Post by: 22nd_King_Plazek on May 13, 2011, 04:28:49 pm
More ammo!

3 javs = 1 slot = fair
3 javs = 2 slot = bullshit
Title: Re: Suggestions to re-balance throwing.
Post by: Tydeus on May 13, 2011, 06:17:53 pm
There's a lot of misunderstanding going on here, especially if you think I'm trolling you or have it out for throwers. I agree completely that throwing is NOW, in all aspects, underpowered and IÂ’ve been agreeing that high tier throwing is underpowered since my first post. IÂ’m simply trying to ensure that it doesnÂ’t go back to how it was.

IÂ’ve never thought you should balance throwing damage by ammunition; it should be balanced for when you actually land a hit. No one benefits from throwing being so inaccurate that itÂ’s completely random. That only frustrates throwers and pisses people off that get hit, thinking that itÂ’s skill-less and random.

Also, it looks like your facts are wrong as well. If you only have 100 effective wpf, even if you have 9 PT, you’re only using 7 PT, as 14*7 = 98 wpf. If you have less than 84, you can’t pick up a PT6 weapon on the field because your effective PT is below 6. So all you need, with the current system (I hear from irc that the wpf per PT will be lowered a bit), is 84 effective PT and you can pick up all the throwing weapons you want. 30 weight seems pretty reasonable for a thrower, so 84+ 30, 114 doesn’t seem that unreasonable, especially when you can hit 116 with zero weapon master. Of course, whether or not 6 PT is enough is a different story, I’m sure for a “dedicated thrower” they’d want much more than that. 9 PT with 14 wpf requirement per PT is impossible with this system. I’ll yield that 14 is too high but that doesn’t mean I think the system should be removed. Any more than 10 PT should be useless, the same way more than 10 PS or PD should be useless. This is why I like the wpf system. It makes going over 10 PT extremely difficult.

As for your statement on the current life of a dedicated thrower, I agree completely with how you said it would go. That's what I was assuming would be the case. But things change when you bring even one throwing weapon that is 2 slots, you now have enough room for the hammer. It seems your statement no longer makes as much sense if throwing ammunition were changed making middle/high tier throwing weapons viable again. This is precisely why I’m arguing, so this doesn’t get overlooked because the only people posting on this subject are saying “buff buff buff” with no one giving any unbiased opinions (at least biased in favor of the opposition). It’s called representing what would be the unrepresented. Democracy if you will.

Tldr; read the whole fucking thing this time before you assholes assume I think throwing is balanced.
Title: Re: Suggestions to re-balance throwing.
Post by: Baggy on May 14, 2011, 12:01:57 am
Great comic.

The sad thing about all the "balancing" that goes into cRPG is that it never balances the game. 2H/polearm tincans builds always top the Kill board partly because they are the only build that has never been nerfed.
Or am I wrong on this?
I can't think of one cRPG update that has only affected these builds.
2 hand got nerfed hard in the patches lately.
Title: Re: Suggestions to re-balance throwing.
Post by: 22nd_King_Plazek on May 14, 2011, 12:26:49 am
Not compared to throwing.

I am a 2h/thrower/cav. Have always been. Now I pretty much don't throw and trying to play throwing on horse is pointless. I am just an underpowered two hander with 3 power throw, 3 horse archery and 90WPF in throwing going to waste because I can only afford to carry three javelins.
Title: Re: Suggestions to re-balance throwing.
Post by: Cheap_Shot on May 14, 2011, 12:43:29 am
There's a lot of misunderstanding going on here, especially if you think I'm trolling you or have it out for throwers. I agree completely that throwing is NOW, in all aspects, underpowered and IÂ’ve been agreeing that high tier throwing is underpowered since my first post. IÂ’m simply trying to ensure that it doesnÂ’t go back to how it was.

IÂ’ve never thought you should balance throwing damage by ammunition; it should be balanced for when you actually land a hit. No one benefits from throwing being so inaccurate that itÂ’s completely random. That only frustrates throwers and pisses people off that get hit, thinking that itÂ’s skill-less and random.

Also, it looks like your facts are wrong as well. If you only have 100 effective wpf, even if you have 9 PT, you’re only using 7 PT, as 14*7 = 98 wpf. If you have less than 84, you can’t pick up a PT6 weapon on the field because your effective PT is below 6. So all you need, with the current system (I hear from irc that the wpf per PT will be lowered a bit), is 84 effective PT and you can pick up all the throwing weapons you want. 30 weight seems pretty reasonable for a thrower, so 84+ 30, 114 doesn’t seem that unreasonable, especially when you can hit 116 with zero weapon master. Of course, whether or not 6 PT is enough is a different story, I’m sure for a “dedicated thrower” they’d want much more than that. 9 PT with 14 wpf requirement per PT is impossible with this system. I’ll yield that 14 is too high but that doesn’t mean I think the system should be removed. Any more than 10 PT should be useless, the same way more than 10 PS or PD should be useless. This is why I like the wpf system. It makes going over 10 PT extremely difficult.

As for your statement on the current life of a dedicated thrower, I agree completely with how you said it would go. That's what I was assuming would be the case. But things change when you bring even one throwing weapon that is 2 slots, you now have enough room for the hammer. It seems your statement no longer makes as much sense if throwing ammunition were changed making middle/high tier throwing weapons viable again. This is precisely why I’m arguing, so this doesn’t get overlooked because the only people posting on this subject are saying “buff buff buff” with no one giving any unbiased opinions (at least biased in favor of the opposition). It’s called representing what would be the unrepresented. Democracy if you will.

Tldr; read the whole fucking thing this time before you assholes assume I think throwing is balanced.

I did read the whole thing. I appreciate your clarifications, but your tone and manner gave the very opposite impression, to the point were that is hard to believe. I will give you the benefit of the doubt in the interests of having a civil and productive discussion about it however. I'm not sure why you're saying that my facts are wrong? I am well aware that 100 wpf isn't enough to make use of anything beyond powerthrow 7 (less if you want to wear anything but peasant armor) and have not said anything to the contrary. It is part of my argument that the wpf hike was too severe. I believe that making the required powerthrow higher and reducing the wpf needed back down is a better way to keep throwing from becoming a cheap and overdone hybrid. Much better then punishing anyone wanting to get the most out of throwing by making a dedicated build. I have a bias yes, but I am not one of those shouting "buff buff buff!" with no care for how it effects the games balance. I have been calmly saying "be careful, just rebalance" and have put a lot of care and thought into my suggestions. One of those suggestions is even a nerf. I think I speak for all the (smart) throwers when I say no one want's throwing to become considered OP again. No class has been hit harder then we just were, especially complete build breaking changes all at once.
Title: Re: Suggestions to re-balance throwing.
Post by: San on May 14, 2011, 06:34:26 am
I wanted to create a dedicated thrower for a twist when playing the game, but it made my life as a peasant horrible, especially since I wasn't used to Crpg at that time.

As a thrower hybrid, I merely wish for the weapons to become an aid in mid-length combat, by either aiding my approach, or hindering others' retreats. And like other weapons, each kind having their own specialty.
Title: Re: Suggestions to re-balance throwing.
Post by: Thomek on May 15, 2011, 12:59:58 am
The dilemma for the devs as far as I can imagine is the following:

How can you make the Pure Thrower as a class viable, without making Secondary Throwers too powerful as well?

Also throwing imo suffers from poor internal balance/imagination/uniqueness of weapons.. They should perhaps have more extreme differences in projectile speed and accuracy etc..

On problem we had was shielders that had 8-12 heavy axes, devastating in close range against their main enemy 2h/polearms/Cav.. This was OP. Some pure throwers were also ridiculous since PT also adds accuracy (and projectile speed??) to projectiles requiring lower PT.

Throwing needed a nerf, bluntly put. But I like the "Pure Thrower" idea even though YOU as a class just took a weapon meant for backup and made it into a whole playstyle..

So I would love to see it become viable again, without everyone and his dog picking it up without serious investment of wpf.

I'd say keep the 2 slots to make hybrids harder, but increase stack size so a pure thrower can have a moderate amount of power.
Title: Re: Suggestions to re-balance throwing.
Post by: Cheap_Shot on May 15, 2011, 01:50:12 am
Yeah, the true problem was and always has been hybrids. It's one thing to be able to pick up a weapon and defend yourself with it, but an entirely other thing to be able to hide behind a top tier shield and huck axes all day. That's why I think increasing the slot need for the better weapons was a good idea, and I think increasing the powerthrow requirement to use them would work well too. There isn't a whole lot that can be done besides making it unappealing for hybrids, but the problem is, hiking the wpf need as high as it is not only made hybrids impossible, it made pure throwing complete garbage too. That wasn't the way to go.
Title: Re: Suggestions to re-balance throwing.
Post by: kongxinga on May 15, 2011, 02:19:56 am
Just posting to say I loved the the summary of the 2 hander/polearm munchkin in plate with crossbow,  especially the lol learn to block at the end. This is especially ironic since a lot rely on glances to save them when their blocks are incorrect. Very nice comic and avatar too.

I see a lot of people have stopped playing throwers and gone off to the next best thing, which will inevitably receive some big nerf. Unless the next best thing happens to be 2 handers or polearm, in which those are safe, old quirk of the mod. Slots hit other classes more than it did 2 hand or dueling polearms, since duelers often carried only 1 weapon to maximize footwork speed.

This is what I think happened to throwers. At first it was just a few people throwing, then throwing got an indirect buff as archery was nerfed, and the munchkins all arrived. This influx of munchkin throwers caused people to whine about throwing, resulting in a nerf, which I don't find very warranted. The ones who get hit are those who want to play as thrower, regardless of the efficiency since they are the only one staying around.

Oh can we clarify the word nerf? Fixing a unwarranted buff is not a nerf, it should be called a fix. So no more lol stab, but hello spin thrust. Does this make 2 hands, duelarms any worse than how they were in native, whether in absolute terms or relative? No.  2 hands are much stronger, whether it is a combination of horrible claustrophobic maps, exotic and buffed weapons, ineffectual cavalry, slower archery, and yes, impossible throwing. If you acted like a 2 hander duelist  from crpg in native, cav, archery and a myraid of things will have you for breakfast. Remember the no 1 cause of death in native is not missing a block or misreading a feint, it is being overwhelmed. Hard to be overwhelmed here when you have inexpensive armour that turn missed blocks into glances instead of deadly hits, crampy cluttered maps preventing flanking, and fewer projectiles. Thus you can roof camp or hide somewhere, duel the enemy 1 by 1 and feel like a stud with yor dueling skills. Thus 2 hands have not been nerfed.
Title: Re: Suggestions to re-balance throwing.
Post by: 22nd_King_Plazek on May 15, 2011, 06:08:06 pm
The dilemma for the devs as far as I can imagine is the following:

How can you make the Pure Thrower as a class viable, without making Secondary Throwers too powerful as well?

Also throwing imo suffers from poor internal balance/imagination/uniqueness of weapons.. They should perhaps have more extreme differences in projectile speed and accuracy etc..

On problem we had was shielders that had 8-12 heavy axes, devastating in close range against their main enemy 2h/polearms/Cav.. This was OP. Some pure throwers were also ridiculous since PT also adds accuracy (and projectile speed??) to projectiles requiring lower PT.

Throwing needed a nerf, bluntly put. But I like the "Pure Thrower" idea even though YOU as a class just took a weapon meant for backup and made it into a whole playstyle..

So I would love to see it become viable again, without everyone and his dog picking it up without serious investment of wpf.

I'd say keep the 2 slots to make hybrids harder, but increase stack size so a pure thrower can have a moderate amount of power.

Except last patch that "problem" was not a problem. Axes were 2 slots for 2 and as a result they sucked. A shielder could take a light shield 2 axes and a sidearm or a heavy shield and two axes. That is anything but overpowered.

Now you can take up to 4 with those two set ups. As they are 2 axes for 1 slot. This I feel is OK as they are a decently powerful weapon.
However they swapped position with the javelins which now take two slots for three javelins. Now javelins suck, hard.

Last patch I reckon all the throwing weapons were pretty balanced apart from axes which were fail. But then they swapped the axe and javelins positions, instead of just giving a small bonus to throwing axes.
Title: Re: Suggestions to re-balance throwing.
Post by: EponiCo on May 15, 2011, 10:20:20 pm
I agree with this. Just leveling a thrower char with axes, I think they are ok. Javelins seem not very great but maybe it's just my timing, I think they could get a buff.
Throwing lances ... well, I threw the only lance I have into someones chest, regular mail (45 body armor or so with gloves), he survived ... 1 ammo weapon seems bloody useless tbh when you need more than 1 shot to kill. I say make it 2 lances for 3 slots, so he can carry a shield or sword. Otherwise I really like the changes.

edit: There's this other thing, when you pick up anything, even if you have already wasted enough ammo to have the free slots, it often makes your remaining ammo vanish
Title: Re: Suggestions to re-balance throwing.
Post by: Cheap_Shot on May 15, 2011, 10:43:48 pm
Yeah, I offhand mentioned that bug in my summary but It really needs more attention then that.

There is a bug that removes a lot of a throwers ammunition when picking up a weapon. It doesn't even fall onto the ground for you to pick back up, it just vanishes. This even happens if you should have enough slot space for both the remaining throwing weapons and the picked up weapon. For example, this happens most to me when I have one stack of throwing weapons left (half I started with) so about 4 spears. When I pick up a two slot item from the ground, 3 of the 4 spears will vanish leaving me with 1 for no apparent reason. This bug has basically ended rounds for me.

On another note, I thought of a way to prevent OP shield/thrower hybrids. Just have accuracy severely reduced while a shield is out. I think this would make a lot of sense, since holding a heavy shield would arguably effect your balance and free movement, making your throws less accurate.
Title: Re: Suggestions to re-balance throwing.
Post by: Cheap_Shot on May 15, 2011, 10:56:11 pm
Above all else, please, please just reduce the wpf need just a little bit. Doesn't have to be a lot, its just way too high right now. Through every crippling nerf I have continued to be a thrower. It was the only thing that made me stop and say "well fuck this I can't play anymore." Not being able to pick up a weapon to defend yourself with? Getting an annoying red error message all the time saying your wpf is too low, until you retire and build back up out of frustration, then continue to get it every time you try to put on anything but peasant clothes.... That was what killed it for me.
Title: Re: Suggestions to re-balance throwing.
Post by: AlbaTiger on May 15, 2011, 11:44:52 pm
Cheap_Shot you are my there a limit to awesome points I can give?

I've spent days trying to think how to word a proper post on throwing that wouldn't get laughed off as "whining" and you've done it far better than I ever could both in words and pictures.

On another note, I thought of a way to prevent OP shield/thrower hybrids. Just have accuracy severely reduced while a shield is out. I think this would make a lot of sense, since holding a heavy shield would arguably effect your balance and free movement, making your throws less accurate.

Heck if need be just go the full way and flat out not allow throwing while the shield is out, better that than the utter annihilation of the class.

Not to mention that even King Leonidas himself had to put his shield down because it was heavy and threw him off balance and his target was far away.
Title: Re: Suggestions to re-balance throwing.
Post by: EponiCo on May 16, 2011, 12:30:42 am
Ah yes, why not make 1h swords unusable with shield because even Jack Sparrow has no shield.
Title: Re: Suggestions to re-balance throwing.
Post by: kinngrimm on May 16, 2011, 12:46:11 am
Said it before in other posts , i say it again, as a pure thrower in 4 generations on alt and hybrid thrower in 3 generations on main char, i know that they weren't really OP but their numbers increased after the small buff in .200 drasticly. With that patch also came the repair system, tincans often weren't tincans anymore and yes they got oneshoted by lances and Jarrids if they didn't have IF or at least a medium sized armor.

Reducing throwing accuracy while shield equipped  sounds reasonable, if he buts it on his back he would have less protection but more accuracy again.

2 Slots for anything above Javalins, but increase the ammunition.

The wpf requirements to actual use them seems way out of line for a nerf, but perhaps thinking of binding accuracy totally to wpf instead and PT only for damage increase would work. That way if someone wants higher accuracy he needs to go agi and does less damage, works with other classes too.

Heirlooming should also increase ammunition, i don't so much care about damage reduction, but being a thrower without something to throw sucks bigtime and there was really lots of joy when i could carry 1-2 more javallins with me when i reached my 4 generation.
Title: Re: Suggestions to re-balance throwing.
Post by: AlbaTiger on May 16, 2011, 01:08:35 am
Ah yes, why not make 1h swords unusable with shield because even Jack Sparrow has no shield.

See that was what people round my part of the world call a joke...but at the very least you could have countered my point with a character who DOES throw while using a shield rather than making a straw man.
Title: Re: Suggestions to re-balance throwing.
Post by: Thomek on May 16, 2011, 01:56:21 am
Was doing some throwing today..

Got 6PT and 111wpf in throwing on my main.

And 3 jarids pack a serious punch. I get almost as many kills as with my mw kata. The shurikens however are almost useless, and mostly for the lol-headshot you archer or general annoyance.

I'd say don't increase the stack on Jarids, they would be too powerful as a secondary wep, rather keep them at 3.

I'd say 2h+Thrower hybrid is still very powerful and viable as you don't sacrifice much (about 30 wpf and 6 skillpoints in PT  less than a pure 2h)

Buff the shurikens, a bit more accuracy would be cool so they became more of a headshot-skill type wep.

Title: Re: Suggestions to re-balance throwing.
Post by: 22nd_King_Plazek on May 16, 2011, 02:05:57 am
Well with 3 power throw and 90wpf the three javelins I can choose to take assuming I want a melee weapon do not get nearly as many kills as my melee.
Mainly because even if I do get three hits against someone in quality armour it is highly likely that I still will not even kill them. Light and medium armour I may get one kill or two if one is a headshot.

This secondary weapon does not seem even slightly OP compared to if I took a crossbow.

I get more kills by spamming throwing daggers because they are actually accurate enough to hit someone in the head. But they are useless on horseback.
Title: Re: Suggestions to re-balance throwing.
Post by: AlbaTiger on May 16, 2011, 11:53:58 am
Yeah but Thomek were you picking your targets, going for wounded guys and people in light armour?

Against cans and horses they don't really do so much and like you say you are hybrid, when you run out of jarids you still pack a mw katana and the skills to use it, a dedicated thrower on the other hand will have 6 jarids, a 0 slot hammer and no stats to make that hammer any better.

You are right though that hybrid thrower is still pretty viable, which is almost funny considering that all these changes were made to stop hybrid throwers and all they did was destroy dedicated throwing and dent hybrids a little.

Assuming you don't take heavy armour so get hit by a wpf penalty, which as a ninja you certainly wouldn't, you can still take 5 or 6 points of PT, and the prof to use it even though you are main 2hander, or main 1h/shield.

I've seen a number of comments that these changes were mainly made to stop people with high level shields and really hard hitting throwing axes but as long as you wear medium/light armour you can still pack a good 1 slot shield, a good 1h weapon and 4 throwing axes that still hit pretty hard, and the stats to be pretty effective at all of them.

Rather so while dedicate throwers have a little bit more ammo they have no shield and are then left totally naked after losing their ammo, while these hybrids can still wade into the melee or protect themselves if they get targeted for being close enough to make a throw.

So not only did they totally murder dedicated throwing, but the changes failed to actually stop hybrid throwers, they weakened them a lot yes but they are still pretty effective and worse still far FAR better than dedicated throwing.

I just hope the devs don't read these last few posts and see it as a reason to depower throwing even more across the board rather than actually admitting they made a terrible mistake and need to actually focus on changes which reduce hybrid throwers WITHOUT destroying dedicated.
Title: Re: Suggestions to re-balance throwing.
Post by: Thomek on May 16, 2011, 01:00:10 pm
- Yeah but Thomek were you picking your targets, going for wounded guys and people in light armour?
Yes, and no. I was surprised at the number of guys in armor I one-shotted (They may have been hurt before) , but I was also surprised when a guy in black samurai armor took two jarids still standing. Overall it was still surprisingly effective, 3 jarids granting me at least 1 kill every round. Not bad for a backup weapon. Carrying 12 of them like back in the day, was NOT fair, I see that now..

But that's the dilemma. I think the devs was never too annoyed by the dedicated throwers, but the hybrids.

How to make a dedicated thrower viable without making hybrids even better?

Anyway.. the whole discussion can be viewed as a whine from a class that was never meant to exist.. (AKA I refuse to wield a melee wep! I want to be pure thrower, why doesn't it work anymore??!!)

Anyway, I'm a supporter of the idea of a throwing class.. But it does give the devs a headache to balance it.
Title: Re: Suggestions to re-balance throwing.
Post by: AlbaTiger on May 16, 2011, 01:21:26 pm
The same could be said for dedicated archers or xbows on the "I don't want to melee" front. Generally speaking I wasn't a full on thrower for a long time because I dropped a little (50) wpf into poles and a couple of points into power strike so that my backup weapon of choice (quarterstaff) would swing a little better, but I don't think wanting to be able to semi-defend yourself in melee is the same as hybrid really.

That was the main attraction to thrower for me though, aside from going Javalry to take on horse archers, the fact that you weren't built for melee, but you had to be very tactically aware because you had to be so close to the melee to hit anything and even then often had to defend yourself against more powerful melee opponents. It was a challenge.

Really though the most hated hybrid thrower build seems to have been the Shielder/Thrower, and that would as I said before be balanced instantly by not making throwing possible with a shield out, straight away the person would have to open themselves up to any other missile weapon, and if rushed not be able to just bring up their shield instantly after a throw.

That sort of thing in combination with the wpf vs power throw system (though that needs toned down a little bit) would make sure that 2h/throwers would never be able to get to a very high power throw if they wanted to keep wpf in their 2hander high and that 1h/shield/throwers wouldn't be able to hide behind their shield much if they wanted to use their throwing weapon and would also hit their ability to fight back with the 1hander.

The wpf/PT system also prevents heavy armoured throwers, especially not heavy armoured hybrids. Again this wasn't an issue for you as a ninja, but as a 2h in light armour shooting is already there as your main counter, and if you had say an extra couple of jarids that wouldn't change the fact that an archer or xbow man could blow you away long before you got into jarid range.

I do get that balance is hard though especially once you factor in tactical aspects, but to me a build like that which emphasises tactics and awareness because of a large weakness is a good thing.
Title: Re: Suggestions to re-balance throwing.
Post by: Kafein on May 16, 2011, 01:41:13 pm
I was over buffed, now it's over nerfed. Balanced.

More on the topic, they need a SMALL buff now. But please, no more throwing hell.

Your comic is very funny, but also completly one sided. You can draw EXACTLY the same (apart from what the nerfs were) for the exact opposite situation when v0.200 was out and a few weeks later. "Tincans" were whining out loud, and others were saying "That's your problem buddy". Now it happens to throwers, no big deal.
Title: Re: Suggestions to re-balance throwing.
Post by: EponiCo on May 16, 2011, 02:51:18 pm
Really though the most hated hybrid thrower build seems to have been the Shielder/Thrower, and that would as I said before be balanced instantly by not making throwing possible with a shield out, straight away the person would have to open themselves up to any other missile weapon, and if rushed not be able to just bring up their shield instantly after a throw.

Well, you said it was a joke before, but now you say it again.
You know the reason you can use throwing with a shield in this game because many (if not practically all) throwers throughout history used shields (look up peltast for a start).
Why should the devs make realistic classes impossible just so they can balance made up classes?
Not that the full plated thrower who'd kill shields and players with one shot each and pulled 20 axes out of hammerspace wasn't also a problem in themselves.
Like Thomek I have no problem if someone loads out with only javelins and does moderately well, but it's certainly nothing to balance around.
Title: Re: Suggestions to re-balance throwing.
Post by: AlbaTiger on May 16, 2011, 03:13:58 pm
That's fair enough to be honest, though if they were indeed the hybrid thrower that was being seen as a game breaker then realism goes out the window.

Cheap_Shot's idea of making a shield just reduce accuracy a lot is fine and one I would be happy with, I just worry that perhaps that won't be seen by some as enough of a change to warrant throwing getting some of its power back which is why I considered the option of out right dropping the ability to throw with a shield out.

Other factors, on both the realism and in game front would be the size and weight of the shields used by throwers.

Peltast are a great example of that as they were light skirmishers with smaller shields so they could close with more heavily armoured Hoplites, throw their javelins and then retreat if the enemy tried to engage them.

Meanwhile the problematic 1h/shield/thrower hybrids in this game often packed the heaviest shields, best 1 handers, good armour AND could throw at full power just with slightly fewer shots than a dedicated thrower who was next to naked by comparison in every other aspect.

I guess for me I just want dedicated throwing to be playable again that is my main concern, if after that there is room to look at variation in types of throwing build within that, such as skirmishers with light shields and armour, shieldless throwers with more ammo that need to rely on teamwork and team mates to protect them more...etc...then I would be very happy indeed.
Title: Re: Suggestions to re-balance throwing.
Post by: Kafein on May 16, 2011, 04:42:35 pm
I think that using a shield when you throw something logically reduces your accuracy and your throwing power, thus a decrease in damage and shot speed. Furthermore, I think it's harder to pick up your next weapon to throw when you only have one hand available (assuming the weapon doesn't magically appear in your hand, ready to be thrown), thus a decrease in reload speed (speed rating).

For the exact values of these maluses, we can match the idea of shield maluses for polearms and 1/2h. Roughly between -25% and -35% speed and damage could be translated in roughly -15% shot speed, -20% damage, -15% reload speed and -10% accuracy for example.
Title: Re: Suggestions to re-balance throwing.
Post by: EponiCo on May 16, 2011, 05:15:32 pm
Well, I am doing fine with throwing lance + 2* heavy axes or 3* heavy axes and shield (shield skill 3) now.
Only leveled on battle server and have 143 kills 116 deaths on lvl 24. I think that's decently playable, after that it only gets better. I don't hunt peasants (ofc when I see one and can afford it I kill, but just so often I help teammates kill dangerous players who enter the "you just threw an axe in my face" rage).
Title: Re: Suggestions to re-balance throwing.
Post by: AlbaTiger on May 16, 2011, 06:08:27 pm
From my own testing I've come to the similar conclusion that heavy axes are still effective.

Of course they still suffer somewhat from the really low accuracy problem of all throwing, but compared to darts, javelins, jarids and spears they are still useable.

Dedicated thrower with 4 stacks of axes, or maybe 3 and a quarter staff, is very much playable (that was how I got the last million xp or so to reach 31 on my thrower after the latest patch), the only issues there are that axes have a slightly different role to the other throwing weapons.

The main difference being that they are totally useless for if you are mounted and trying to hunt down light cav like horse archers because of the very slow speed in the air axes have. While on foot Axes can cause some serious hurt to a horse coming straight at you, or indeed one that gets slowed while going past,  but if they are a little bit away and actually trying to evade then axes are very hard to hit with.

Just out of curiosity is that character a dedicated thrower Eponi?
Title: Re: Suggestions to re-balance throwing.
Post by: EponiCo on May 16, 2011, 06:30:04 pm
Well, I have 6PS and 60 1h wpf to fight with the axes, I don't melee though as long as I can still throw or pick up throwing weapons.
Title: Re: Suggestions to re-balance throwing.
Post by: AlbaTiger on May 16, 2011, 07:08:48 pm
Yeah sounds a lot like the build I just finished with, cept I had 60 wpf in poles cause it was a pre-patch character who I never expected to have to fight with axes.

I didn't even use the axes that much till all the other weapons got messed with but there is something incredibly satisfying about putting an axe into someones head, especially if you are on TS with people who can cover you while you are close to the fight.

6-8 axes is usually enough if you pick the right targets, light/medium armour. Or hang back a bit and wait for your teammates to wound your chosen target first.

A similar tactic does work for the javelin based throwing weapons, at least to get a couple of kills, but it is very sad when you pepper a horse with them and it just rides away with all your ammo stuck in its arse.
Title: Re: Suggestions to re-balance throwing.
Post by: Cheap_Shot on May 16, 2011, 11:06:21 pm
(buff) 1. Reduce wpf requirement. Had the opposite of intended effect, eliminating pure throwers and leaving only hybrids as viable. (MOST IMPORTANT)
(nerf) 2. Increase powerthrow requirement by around 1-2 depending, for all weapons starting at axes. Would make the better throwing weapons more expensive to work into hybrid builds.
(buff) 3. Make wpf (+ maybe Powerthrow) have more of an effect on accuracy.
(nerf) 4. Reduce accuracy a lot when shield is out. Fair trade for protection.
(buff) 5. Have heirlooming increase stack size slightly again. Reward for those dedicated enough to throwing to actually heirloom throwing weapons.
(buff) 6. Increase damage overall. After testing out a variety of weapons, the damage is terrible. Crossbows do more damage now. With 6 PT and 120 wpf I put 4 spears into someone and they didn't die. They weren't even in plate.
(buff) 7. Increase stack size. Doesn't need to be by much. (Currently a bit ridiculous)
(nerf?) 8. Leave the slots as is. (optional) If the other nerfs I've suggested are implemented then this might not be needed anymore but I never disagreed with it. It puts an end to the chuck-a-thon.

(Neither) 9. Give us some way of telling how much armor will effect our wpf. Currently it's impossible for a powerthrow 10 player to wear any armor with the high wpf requirement. Other then that, it's just a bunch of guessing. "Will I waste my money buying this set of armor? Will I get a big red error message if I try to put on this other set of armor?" We're in the dark here.

There. I have actually listed each step as a buff or a nerf so that you understand that I am not looking to make my playstyle OP again. I am looking to have it reintroduced to the game in a balanced and fair way. This class has already undergone serious nerfs, to the point where it has become impossible to play a dedicated thrower, leaving only hybrids anywhere close to effective. Even with that in mind, I have still listed almost as many nerfs as I have buffs. I hope someone in the position of making changes to the games balance will take me seriously.

I have not been here whining, or screaming. I have been taking this calmly and seriously, and I hope everyone else will as well.
Title: Re: Suggestions to re-balance throwing.
Post by: 22nd_King_Plazek on May 17, 2011, 02:22:41 pm
Your suggestions suck.
What of JavCav?

I need power strike so I can actually hit people.
I need weapon master so I can actually throw and have viable melee.
I need riding so I can actually ride.
I need horse archery so I can actually have some semblance of accuracy (which also by itself forces an agi spec build, limiting my maximum PT)

The best throwing weapon I can use is already only the javelins. The maximum I can take my power throw up to with my build is 5 and I have only three horse archery. Without it trying to throw on horse back is ridiculous. With your suggestions even when I finally reach level 35 and I would have been perhaps able to take a better throwing weapon I will finally be able to take javelins.

Why should we throwers need to have 5 in PT to be able to take a mid range 33 damage weapon with such a low potential damage output compared to even the most basic of x/bows?


At the same time you also say to make the lower tier throwing weapons even worse?! Some dedicated throwers actually have to be a hybrid class to be able to throw in the style they want. You also imply like a dedicated thrower must heirloom his throwing equipment to be a real thrower and get acceptable ammo. Well that is bullshit cause I don't play into this whole retirement waste your life on the same grind again and again crap. It needs to be viable by itself without optional game mechanics like retirement.


Anyone with suggestions worth hearing would surely have addressed the issues regarding the disparity of balance between the throwing axes and every other throwing weapon in the game right now.
Title: Re: Suggestions to re-balance throwing.
Post by: Cheap_Shot on May 17, 2011, 03:35:54 pm
Don't get all touchy on me here. I'm just looking for compromises. As it stands, you can't even get close to being a horse thrower, and I have a feeling whatever "re-balancing" actually happens will be less then ideal. My main lobby, the most important, is getting the wpf need lowered. With a lowered wpf need, you wouldn't require as much weapon master, and it would free up a lot of wasted skill points for you to spend on horse related skills. I don't pretend to know what your build looks like, but I can only assume that it is probably the most expensive build there is. Throwing requires a huge investment, so doing it on horseback seems impossible. If you have any suggestions to add, please do and I can modify mine if possible and hopefully we can put you back on a horse again. I wouldn't get too hopeful, though since I doubt even I will ever get to be a pure thrower again, and I'm on foot.

Post your build + horse and weapon of choice pre-break, so I can educate myself. You may actually find that the changes I'm suggesting would make it a lot more plausible, even if the powerthrow needed for javs is increased by 1.

Edit: I made a few edits adding notes I shouldn't have left out. That will have to do in the mean time.
Title: Re: Suggestions to re-balance throwing.
Post by: 22nd_King_Plazek on May 17, 2011, 04:13:22 pm

(click to show/hide)

To roughly break even. This is a sustainable build, another reason why I never pursued better throwing weapons nd the associated PT. They are too damned expensive!
On occasion I would take heavier amour or a cataphract horse. I prefer the style of the above build though it is more skirmishy :)

Of course I could drop some points somewhere to add it to the power throw but to get javelins, my desired weapon, there was no need to.

That is pretty much it I think. It is primarily an anti light cavalry build. With a little luck I would be able to take out 2/3 enemy light horses with the javelins or maybe one or two heavier horses. I would rarely be able to kill the rider but sometimes I would. Then having spent all ammo trying to lure light cavalry to their deaths I would go and support the infantry in the melee.

If there were massive blobs of enemy footmen all close together then taking a shot would also be viable.

Also the throwers movement speed gives no damage bonus to ranged weapons, so perhaps the largest benefit to cavalry, the speed bonus. Is irrelevant.

The only other person I know with a similar build is bane, he is a horse thrower and also a 2h user. But  have no idea what his specs are I suppose they may be somewhat similar.
Title: Re: Suggestions to re-balance throwing.
Post by: Cheap_Shot on May 17, 2011, 04:19:43 pm
Ok, thanks for posting that. It helped me understand where you were coming from. I have some questions however. What do you need horse archery for? I wasn't aware that it gave any bonus to throwing accuracy, certainly not just 3 levels, but I haven't played a horse archer. Unless it makes the hugest difference I would think you're wasting points there. nevermind, apparently it does effect throwing so keep that. The biggest waste of points id say is easily your 7 athletics. If you can manage to stay on your horse, you'll never even use it, and from what I understand, the increase of footspeed per level of athletics isn't very high. I'd take a lot of points out of there and put it into riding and powerthrow. That would even keep your on your horse longer anyway because you could get on better horses, and you'd be better at riding them. Provided my suggestion that the wpf need be lowered, this build may even still be viable if you do that. The changes I suggested shouldn't hurt you at all really.
Title: Re: Suggestions to re-balance throwing.
Post by: Lorenzo_of_Iberia on May 17, 2011, 06:01:15 pm
@ King Plazek

I have been a dedicated jav cav ever since i played crpg. I used to be able to pull off quite effective  18/18 build with 6 pt, 3ha and 6 riding as well as quite a bit of other useful skills like ps and wm. The only thing holding jav cav back atm is the slot system imo... javelins are barely stronger than arrows (obviously against armour the pierce is good), I used to play with a war spear and 12 javelins before slots. Then I went 1h and 9 javs with the slot patch, this generation I have had to abandon my build that I have always played because of the sheer uselessness of it due to 2 slot javelins. That is the only thing holding jav cav back atm, not the strength, not the wpf. You can get easily 130 throwing / 90 polearm, which is more than enough to throw with some accuracy off horse and also hold a candle against a competent swordsmen in close quarters. Considering you use a 2h as well off horse you could still get kills without any wpf. I know cause i've tried it :P

To improve throwing I would lower the strength of say jarids and throwing spears but keep those two at 2 slots, but with 4 ammo in. Javelins I would resurrect to one slot for 3 javs with a slight increase in accuracy, that would give a 1h 9 javs, a 2h 6 javs which is a fair amount. Also put wardarts up in ammo size, but nerf the damage a bit.
Title: Re: Suggestions to re-balance throwing.
Post by: AlbaTiger on May 17, 2011, 06:11:00 pm
My recently retired Javalry, couldn't remember off the top of my head so had to use the Character Builder but should be pretty close.

(click to show/hide)

Looking back on it, it evolved into a mounted thrower from a foot one so there is room for improvement.

If I was going to stay at 6 Power Throw I would probably write off the power-strike and stick points into Riding and Horse Archery. Trying to stretch up to 7 Power Throw is a bit harder and 8+ is pretty much impossible.

With out doubt though the most crippling changes for my build were the accuracy, damage and ammo reductions.

Having just 8 Throwing Spears, or 6 Javelins/Jarids, when it takes 3+ hits to bring down a single horse usually is unplayable.

Even assuming you hit with every throw (very unlikely with the accuracy of throwing weapons) you can probably only kill 2 horses.

Utterly woeful compared to what any other weapon focus in the game can do.
Title: Re: Suggestions to re-balance throwing.
Post by: 22nd_King_Plazek on May 17, 2011, 07:13:09 pm
Yep, I started as a footman too hence the athletics. It can be pretty useful for a thrower anyway, enabling you to actually skirmish the way such light infantry really would. It is funny in light armour with 6 javelins with 6/7 infantry chasing all bunched up you while you do spinning jump throws and keep fleeing. Try doing that with a "dedicated" throwers athletics skill!

You gotta remember though I have no intention of retiring and grinding all the way back up here! I will have 5 power throw at level 35 or maybe a little sooner but that is quite a way away and I would be pretty miffed if I could not use my javelins until then! That could explain my over reaction  :oops:
Title: Re: Suggestions to re-balance throwing.
Post by: Thomek on May 17, 2011, 07:35:24 pm
When stuff are rebalanced, you may have to retire to get the optimal build again Plazek. That goes for many of us. Also.. I do think speed influence the power of throwing weapons no? Isn't a Javelin thrown from a horse at full speed more damaging than walking backwards and throwing?

I have the feeling that running towards the enemy while throwing gives an extra punch to my snowflakes, but perhaps it's only my imagination.

Anyway, pure throwers and throwing cav are awfully cool "classes" and I want to see them in cRPG! It's somewhat self-nerfing classes for style, and I sympathize and support such people against the min-maxers out there.

Problem is that when something get's nerfed it hits the self-nerfers ( - good masochistic people, looking for a challenge such as us) the most. The ones that could barely get by with some extra skill and thought loose their only inch of advantage. That sucks. ;-)

So what one idealistically would like to do is to keep interesting classes viable, without buffing the min-maxers even more.

It annoys me that wpf doesn't influence throwing accuracy more, as that would be another tool for the purist classes. Throwing cav could save on PT since they get extra punch from speed, and add those points into HA or WPF. Pure throwers could choose more freely between accuracy and power.

I think this is all hardcoded according to cmpx.. BUT! what if you 1.5x throwing wpf behind the website, so the game sees 1.5x the wpf on the site? (For throwing only.. but the same tool could be used to rebalance all the wpf sections)

And Ninjas could finally make their high-agi headshotting snowflakes.. :-) Please make heirloomed throwing weapons gain accuracy!

Title: Re: Suggestions to re-balance throwing.
Post by: Native_ATS on May 17, 2011, 07:56:43 pm
hmm maybe rise pt cost by all throwing by 2? that way not every one can throw.... but since it was nerffed to hard maybe rise the damg back to what it use to be?
maybe add one more ammo for all throwing?
Title: Re: Suggestions to re-balance throwing.
Post by: AlbaTiger on May 17, 2011, 08:06:23 pm
Thomek I was with you up till that last point...shuriken are supposed to be distraction tools not killing tools, if anything they should do much less damage than a throwing knife. The exception of course probably being the shuriken that are just straight spikes of metal but those aren't even in the game.

Native_ATS that does seem like one thing that could easily be implemented however it would also have to be done alongside a reduction or removal of the wpf prerequisite for power throw.

It would also leave King_Plazek in a bad place though, which is a shame as I don't really want to see any thrower left behind while sorting out this mess, especially one who's build is far from min/maxed.
Title: Re: Suggestions to re-balance throwing.
Post by: EponiCo on May 17, 2011, 09:02:38 pm
Accuracy is tied to how much pt you have over requirement. With 5 PT, darts have ok accuracy. So I think the lower requirements (last time I used throwing was when jarids where 6 PT and lances 7, I don't know the others) are also a buff for throwers.
I actually like that, because before it was exactly the other way round, high agi thrower was pointless, now it seems to be best to have a str focused but balanced build.
And yeah, speed doesn't give any damage, the warband physics seem kind of wonky, f.e. shooting sideways it seems that projectiles travel as if you shot them stationary, shooting forward they become faster but keep their damage. I've tested this with weightless axes in a vacuum and stuff (other fun fact ... you cannot kill yourself with your own axe, even if you outrun it).
Title: Re: Suggestions to re-balance throwing.
Post by: Cheap_Shot on May 17, 2011, 09:29:06 pm
I might have to add damage buff to that list of mine  :? I hadn't realized how much the damage had been affected. I'm getting closer to where I was again but throwing a set of heirloomed spears, it takes about 3-4 to kill most people and I only get 8. It's very frustrating when I pull off amazing throws despite the horrid accuracy, and they can just laugh and walk towards me because it takes half my ammo to kill them. You don't understand how frustrating it is to put three-four heavy spears square into someone and then be killed by two arrows. High tier throwing weapons are supposed to be the shotguns of this game. They got way over nerfed in every respect. Every. The nerfs that hit throwers were out of control and I really wonder what the reasoning behind them was. I dont think anything else has ever been nerfed as hard.

Damage, Accuracy, speed, distance, slot number, stack size, wpf need, heirlooms, and all pretty savagely. Forgive me if I'm forgetting anything. I almost certainly am.

Edit: I modified #6 on my list.
Title: Re: Suggestions to re-balance throwing.
Post by: Templar_Ratigan on May 19, 2011, 03:21:51 pm
The nerfs that hit throwers were out of control and I really wonder what the reasoning behind them was. I dont think anything else has ever been nerfed as hard.

So you managed to avoid the massive, atomic bomb sized whining then? Lucky bastard.  :mrgreen:

My point has always been nerf the individual weapons that people have problems with, dont change an entire style of play.
Title: Re: Suggestions to re-balance throwing.
Post by: kongxinga on May 19, 2011, 05:47:33 pm
Javalry and other throwing cavalry need to resign to the fact that they need to rely on riding speed bonus and their higher strength to do damage. In other words, that 5 PS is a waste. For cav, riding replaces athletics, so at this point you are still pure as long as you don't waste points on athletics. You can throw stuff with points in PT and WM, ride and HA. And that is it. Horse ranged need to be wise about spending their points, unlike ground pounders who have more leeway. The only horse ranged that can afford to have spare points is a HC, since he can ignore a power skill, max out WM and HA and riding, and still have 2 points left over. Other horse ranged find it very difficult to hybridize, and don't have the points to spare.

In short, if you add melee or athletics to your horse ranged character, it becomes a hybrid, which are just not that good these days.
Title: Re: Suggestions to re-balance throwing.
Post by: ManOfWar on May 19, 2011, 06:31:24 pm
God, throwing really got shafted,

but another note dam throwing lances, they are retarded
Title: Re: Suggestions to re-balance throwing.
Post by: zagibu on May 19, 2011, 07:19:07 pm
If I were to rebalance throwing, I'd remove bonus to shields from spears/javelins/lances, so that axes become viable again, increase most stack sizes by 1 and increase damage by 10%.
Title: Re: Suggestions to re-balance throwing.
Post by: AlbaTiger on May 20, 2011, 10:01:50 pm
In short, if you add melee or athletics to your horse ranged character, it becomes a hybrid, which are just not that good these days.

Except that that isn't the problem. The issues for Horse Throwers are the same as those on foot, ridiculously poor accuracy, very little ammo and very little damage if you hit.

Not to mention that it is so very much harder for mounted throwers to keep track of where any missed shots land.

Meanwhile Horse Archers can spam away to their hearts content with much greater accuracy, and Mounted Crossbows can put all their wpf and many more skill points into other weapons and wear any armour they want.

If I were to rebalance throwing, I'd remove bonus to shields from spears/javelins/lances, so that axes become viable again, increase most stack sizes by 1 and increase damage by 10%.

Erm, throwing axes are probably the best throwing weapon at the moment.
Title: Re: Suggestions to re-balance throwing.
Post by: Diavolo on May 21, 2011, 03:26:56 pm
As I have mentioned in the other "please return throwing weapons to cRPG"-thread, the main problem with throwing now is that wpf is reduced when powerthrow is increased. This is not realistic at all. If I trained to become an uber thrower becoming super strong in the muscles required etc. I wouldnt become some half blind cripple who cant throw a spear straight just because of that. (perhaps if someone smashed my head in with a halberd repeatedly, yes, but not from training my muscles to throw spears long) However, having reduced amount of throwing weapons is realistic how it is now. The idea of the thrower is that they sacrifice, range, ammo and accuracy, to gain massive damage. Now that throwers cant increase power throw without losing the ability to hit barn doors, they dont even get what they are paying for.
Title: Re: Suggestions to re-balance throwing.
Post by: Cheap_Shot on May 21, 2011, 05:40:18 pm
Or the damage trade off either actually. That was taken away too. The barn door would just shrug it off.
Title: Re: Suggestions to re-balance throwing.
Post by: Cheap_Shot on May 23, 2011, 06:35:42 am
It's not impossible to do well still. You can't really get 1 hit kills anymore like you can with 10 powerstrike, but if you are very very good at throwing you can still land 1-3 kills at high levels of powerthrow and strength. The ammo cap sets the kill cap unfortunatly.

 If all the changes I previously suggested are too much, then I offer a reduced list for consideration.

Listed by importance:
1. Reduce wpf requirement per level of powerthrow.
2. Stack increase, or slot decrease if #3 is included. Whichever.
3. Increase the powerthrow requirement for the better throwing weapons.
4. Have wpf increase accuracy a lot more, especially at levels over 100 if possible.

The major thing is the wpf problem. It's what has made dedicated throwing impossible. I can explain that in further detail if needed but I have already gone over it extensivly. I would be willing to state my reasons again if needed however. If that changed I would keep throwing, even if the accuracy stayed the same. I understand that the balance team is considering reducing slots. That's fine and would help, but you should seriously consider point #3 then, so throwing doesn't return to annoying levels of popularity. People whine enough about ranged as it is, even though throwing hardly counts as ranged.

Another point which I mention if it's needed to keep things fair but have no personal connection to. Consider reducing throwing accuracy while a shield is equipped to ammend what was reported as an OP build, which I can imagine.

Edit: If anyone from the balance team could comment on tthese suggestions, and possibly invite discussion, it would be greatly appreciated.
Title: Re: Suggestions to re-balance throwing.
Post by: AlbaTiger on May 24, 2011, 12:02:24 am
As usual on this topic Cheap_Shot I agree 100% and I'm glad you're there to be posting sensible ideas on how to fix the problem, I don't really know enough about the ins and outs of the game to be making such consice suggestions.
Title: Re: Suggestions to re-balance throwing.
Post by: Cheap_Shot on May 24, 2011, 10:59:35 pm
Still waiting and hoping that someone important will come discuss this a little. To promote the cause, I have continued to draw! Crossposting this here. All my comics are so topical.

visitors can't see pics , please register or login
Title: Re: Suggestions to re-balance throwing.
Post by: AlbaTiger on May 25, 2011, 12:35:11 am
Those tincans look like they are enjoying rubbing against each other far far too much.
Title: Re: Suggestions to re-balance throwing.
Post by: ArchonAlarion on May 25, 2011, 02:56:34 am
Historically, throwing weapons had limited usage. Making an entire class around them and forcing it to be equivalent to the other artificial classes is what you are suggesting. Imo, this will slowly ruin the game until it is no longer recognizable as mount and blade, but instead as a goofy-ass reincarnation of mainstream sock-raper-schizo mmorpg.

I love the comics though  :D
Title: Re: Suggestions to re-balance throwing.
Post by: Cheap_Shot on May 25, 2011, 04:47:35 am
Historically, throwing weapons had limited usage. Making an entire class around them and forcing it to be equivalent to the other artificial classes is what you are suggesting. Imo, this will slowly ruin the game until it is no longer recognizable as mount and blade, but instead as a goofy-ass reincarnation of mainstream sock-raper-schizo mmorpg.

I love the comics though  :D

Historically speaking  a durp a durpa video game, guy wearing samurai armor using medieval European weapons hurp hurp realism.
Title: Re: Suggestions to re-balance throwing.
Post by: Seawied on May 25, 2011, 05:15:51 am
Historically speaking  a durp a durpa video game, guy wearing samurai armor using medieval European weapons hurp hurp realism.

hey! My samurai armor matches PERFECTLY with my bec-de-corbin. The last samurai was white. Its true! Tom Cruise told me so!
Title: Re: Suggestions to re-balance throwing.
Post by: Soldier_of_God on May 25, 2011, 10:12:07 am
Even though i hate throwing... (tossing_salad is a good example of a player i cant stand)  i have to agree that throwing has been nerfed to hell. i think what really ruined throwing was throwing lances. thats what everyone hated, as i do to a point it makes me shake with primal rage :P

however, throwing has always been, and should always be, a secondary ability. no one just carried a santa's bag full of throwing lances into battle, and certainly, noone did just ranged.

keep slot restrictions
bump damage by ALOT
reduce wpf requirements a little.

btw, i like the little cartoons you draw, they are hilarious! you really should do more in your spare time!

also, if you are not in a clan, D'haran Legions is sort of a friend clan of ours, and i think that they would love it if you talked with them about joining, if you are not already. all of them throw, in addition to fighting, and i think you would fit right it. damn good players :)
Title: Re: Suggestions to re-balance throwing.
Post by: Matey on May 25, 2011, 10:52:42 am
your suggestions might fix it for you... but honestly i would make another suggestion... when throwing was super popular it was a problem, definitely. but why was it so popular? because it was super easy to hybrid, thats why! so a possible fix would be... keep the wpf requirment, maybe even make it higher! but give throwers more ammo and more damage. there were never all that many dedicated throwers... it was just a ton of people who put a few points in power throw, 0 throw wpf, and hucked shit everywhere. if hybrid remains difficult, but dedicated becomes viable... you will see a few throwers out there... maybe not a ton, but the ones who really like that play style would be able to do so... they would be at a severe disadvantage in melee, but they could at least kill people at range...
Title: Re: Suggestions to re-balance throwing.
Post by: Cheap_Shot on May 25, 2011, 10:59:26 am
I am. Shockingly I'm in LLJK, but I appreciate the offer and consideration. Thank you. They have my support for continuing to use throwing weapons. Maybe they should come by and give some input since they use them? I'm still hoping someone on the balance team will comment. One did in another thread about throwing, mentioning possible changes still up for discussion. They haven't been back since to discuss them though. :( Still hopeful.

All in all, throwing is just very fun. It's not something people would consider possible as a dedicated build, but cRPG is all about shaping your character and coming up with new playstyles that work for you. As an example, there's a player who runs around shirtless with 10 athletics and a long dagger. He just destroys me. I've never seen such fast attacks, and it made me smile since someone had found a unique and interesting way to play. People try to force you into cookie cutter builds. Be a two hander, be an archer, go cav, and the constant nerfs to everything else punish those who don't. All I want to do all round is throw, and I'm very good at it. I'm nowhere near skilled at melee, my strengths lie in judging distance and timing. I'd like to be able to keep playing the way I want to play, and really my suggestions would let me do that without turning the game upside down. Hell, at this point I'd even settle for just lowered wpf need and increased stack, but I'd prefer if they were all considered. Outside the box builds are the most interesting part of this game in my experience. Getting killed by someone with a confusing playstyle only makes me curious. I wonder how they've managed to make X weapon deadly while riding Y and wearing Z. Without this constant variety, battles will just get tired and predictable. This counters this, that counters that. It's much more exciting when you have to stop because you don't know yet what counters someone. Then it's really a test of skill and a reason to enjoy the battle.

your suggestions might fix it for you... but honestly i would make another suggestion... when throwing was super popular it was a problem, definitely. but why was it so popular? because it was super easy to hybrid, thats why! so a possible fix would be... keep the wpf requirment, maybe even make it higher! but give throwers more ammo and more damage. there were never all that many dedicated throwers... it was just a ton of people who put a few points in power throw, 0 throw wpf, and hucked shit everywhere. if hybrid remains difficult, but dedicated becomes viable... you will see a few throwers out there... maybe not a ton, but the ones who really like that play style would be able to do so... they would be at a severe disadvantage in melee, but they could at least kill people at range...

I did consider that. I can't agree because of how serious the wpf problem is for throwing. Making the wpf so high has the only effect of making it so throwing is ONLY possible as hybrid builds, and no where near effective enough to make it an option over crossbows. Currently the steep wpf need per powerthrow makes PT 10 unreachable unlike PS 10, which is an unfair unbalance. It is very easy for melee builds to incorporate 10 powerstrike and start one hit killing people. They have no such restrictions that throwers have when trying to reach the max PT. Throwing is a strength based style, and 30 strength is needed to get power throw 10. Unfortunately, because of the high wpf need, throwers are unable to wear most armors because it effects their accuracy too much. Any medium armor will knock the effective powerthrow level down, especially at higher levels, and destroy already poor accuracy. Throwers receive an angry reed error message at the beginning of each round to tell them this.
To get to powerthrow 10, you need 140 wpf, which means 12 agi and 4 weaponmaster on top of the 30 str. That means you have to convert almost all of your skills to attributes to raise the wpf high enough, and there is not enough left over to allow you to wear any armor at all, or invest in a secondary weapon to scavenge and defend with. Unlike archers who have high agility and can run away, or crossbow users who can wear heavy armor, throwers are slow strength characters with 0 room for athletics and not enough skill points remaining at level 31 for an amount of iron flesh that would matter. This makes them the equivilant of slow wet paper in a melee battle, which happens often because throwers run out of ammo, as well as have poor range and accuracy, and have to get close to land hits.

This is why the wpf is a problem. It isn't fair or balanced that 10 powerstrike is so easily reachable, yet 10 powerthrow has been made impossible. Even only at powerthrow 8, I am getting the red message occasionally when I get sick of dieing in 1-2 hits and try for better then peasant armor. We don't really need more damage. More shots and accuracy would do. You could even keep the slots as is and increase powerthrow need for some weapons too if it helps. Go ahead and remove the lance like in the proposal, it was a stupid no skill weapon and I never used it anyway. It's been made even more then useless anyway. Just please please, the wpf need is too much and has cut off even the option of high level throwing. 
Title: Re: Suggestions to re-balance throwing.
Post by: LLJK_Korea1 on May 25, 2011, 02:36:51 pm
hands off from Cheap Shot, he's mine.  8-)
Title: Re: Suggestions to re-balance throwing.
Post by: ArchonAlarion on May 25, 2011, 05:20:49 pm
Historically speaking  a durp a durpa video game, guy wearing samurai armor using medieval European weapons hurp hurp realism.

There is a difference between what actually happened and what is physically possible. It is not physically possible for throwing weapons to be as effective as you would wish them.

Throwing weapons do not naturally make a primary "class" so to speak. They are more like pistols or grenade launchers in Call of Duty (I play on occasion); they supplement a melee fighter's combat versatility. It should be possible to be a dedicated thrower, but this should come with the disadvantages of using weapons that have limited battlefield usage/effectiveness.

The other problem is the skill system. The reason my melee chars do not use throwing is not because throwing has been nerfed or anything, but simply because I do not have the powerthrow to use them. The difficulty of all weapons should be based on strength.

Then you will begin to see throwing as it should be; a supplementary weapon that many melee fighters will take to increase their versatility.
Title: Re: Suggestions to re-balance throwing.
Post by: Gorath on May 25, 2011, 06:02:46 pm
Shockingly I'm in LLJK
Explains so much.

It isn't fair or balanced that 10 powerstrike is so easily reachable, yet 10 powerthrow has been made impossible.

One requires skill, the other simply requires a love of penis.
Title: Re: Suggestions to re-balance throwing.
Post by: Lorenzo_of_Iberia on May 25, 2011, 06:44:33 pm
Historically, throwing weapons had limited usage. Making an entire class around them and forcing it to be equivalent to the other artificial classes is what you are suggesting. Imo, this will slowly ruin the game until it is no longer recognizable as mount and blade, but instead as a goofy-ass reincarnation of mainstream sock-raper-schizo mmorpg.

Historically speaking, throwing weapons have been used extensively well up until medieval ages. A javelin for example could pierce heavy armour, you also gotta remember that historically speaking no one was going to survive a javelin to the abdomen, or a 2h sword would not be able to wield a sword over his head rapidly swinging it around (a.k.a feinting), He would lose balance and get killed, they were very much a weapon used for crushing through formations. This is a game and if you want to take throwing weapons down to reality, you'd have to bring bows, 2h weapons, polarms and horses to it too. Then whining would occur. Throwers worked, people whined cause they didnt have the foresight to put a couple of points into shield and then just ran around with 2h's, no shield and whined more because a class had taken advantage of their bad choice :P Sadly there are a lot of 2h's who are very skilled with their weapons, unrealistically swinging it round like a nun-chuck, who can't accept it when players wisely choose to take advantage of their lack of shield :D
Title: Re: Suggestions to re-balance throwing.
Post by: Dezilagel on May 25, 2011, 06:53:25 pm
grenade launchers in Call of Duty (I play on occasion)

Do you happen to be playing a "friendly archer"?
Title: Re: Suggestions to re-balance throwing.
Post by: Damug on May 25, 2011, 07:14:51 pm
One requires skill, the other simply requires a love of penis.
Don't be so hard on people with Power Strike Gorath.  It isn't very nice.
Title: Re: Suggestions to re-balance throwing.
Post by: Cheap_Shot on May 25, 2011, 09:24:06 pm
One requires skill, the other simply requires a love of penis.

I know, I even made a comic about it. ( You don't have to be so self hating though. People are a lot more progressive and open minded then they used to be. You may lash out Gorath, but I accept you for who you are. Also I appreciate that you understand how much skill it requires to be good at throwing. I guess I misjudged you.
Title: Re: Suggestions to re-balance throwing.
Post by: MouthnHoof on May 25, 2011, 09:39:40 pm
Historically speaking, throwing weapons have been used extensively well up until medieval ages.
"Extensively" is not the word I would use. They were common, but no army was built around it. Skirmish throwers were typically lower kind of troops that nobody took seriously. Some front line infantry carried thrown weapons, but the ammo was typically 1-2 projectiles. They were thrown into the enemy mass from short range just before the lines meet and that's it. No need to even aim them at a specific person.

In small scale combat they are nearly useless. Unlike against a line, throwing at an individual who can dodge and maneuver makes hitting a very low probability. Javelins are slow enough that if thrown from more than a couple of meters away, you can move out of their way.

The problem in the game was that EVERYBODY carried some kind of a ranged weapon. The game mechanic allows very little dodging ability (you cannot even bend) which made them effective against an aware person. To top it, the game allows the player to throw and then draw out a big F*ing poleaxe from his back - drawing anything but a short blade is not nearly as fast in real life, not to mention the complete inability to unsheath large 2H weapons or even to carry most of them on your back. This is why in reality, throwers used short, easy to draw weapons, which they can prepare in the 2 seconds between the throw and the clashing of the lines.

I would not want to go back to the constant barrage of projectiles. I do not mind throwing as a minor secondary, but only for troops that use 1H weapons (more "unsheathable" flags to large weapons!) and the number of projectiles is extremely limited (stacks of 1!, so 1H+shield+2 ammo), but allow them to be picked up. On these conditions, throwing can get some buff.
Title: Re: Suggestions to re-balance throwing.
Post by: Diavolo on May 25, 2011, 10:16:22 pm
The romans used throwing weapons very effectively. The legionaires had giant shield, pilum (short spear to stab with and to throw) and gladius (short sword to stab the enemy with while blocking at the same time).

M&B is set in about 1350 A.D. though, a lot later than the romans, but throwing weapons probably was used a bit.

To avoid everyone having throwing weapons, just have Power Throw have a larger effect on damage and speed and not have it reduce wpf of throwing at all. Also reduce the base damage of the throwing weapons to weigh up for this. That way throwers would have to get a decent amount of Power throw to deal good damage, but high power throw should be possible. (unlike now when power throw removes so much wpf that you have to make a tradeoff between wpf and dealing damage at all)
Title: Re: Suggestions to re-balance throwing.
Post by: San on May 25, 2011, 10:24:40 pm
I don't care about that historic mumbo jumbo, especially since most of it will be misinformation and irrelevant anyways. There is no reason to abolish a whole type of weapon and series of styles to uselessness. It is not impossible to make throwing a viable option while maintaining balance. Right now, the game fully prevents this, therefore losing a whole lot of depth.

High wpf in throwing should help you, not harm you. It feels like an extra penalization for no reason.
About actual weapon changes:
Increase damage, keep low ammo/accuracy- People will probably complain about this more. It emphasizes hybridization if it's still effective at low wpf levels
Increase ammo/accuracy- More ammo ensures that dedicated throwers can actually you know, throw and not run out of ammo so easily. Hybrids will still be used, but due to the less damage it's not really going to kill since their effective PT shouldn't be very high. This assumes that dedicated throwers can actually use 10 PT to actually do damage


Throwing should have more accuracy and ammo. Only increase power if you really don't want to increase accuracy or ammo by that much.

Dedicated throwers should be doing much more damage than hybrids- which means tweak or remove the wpf too low nerf.

Hybrid throwers shouldn't do that much damage, so hybrids can throw at mid-close range which helps give 1-2 less swings for the kill as well as all-around versatility.

I had to retire my character fully from throwing, and it will probably remain that way until they bring it back to a reasonable level. Well probably not, since I enjoyed throwing in general, since it was a nice change from 2h/cav/archer single player.
Title: Re: Suggestions to re-balance throwing.
Post by: Lorenzo_of_Iberia on May 25, 2011, 10:32:08 pm
"Extensively" is not the word I would use. They were common, but no army was built around it. Skirmish throwers were typically lower kind of troops that nobody took seriously. Some front line infantry carried thrown weapons, but the ammo was typically 1-2 projectiles. They were thrown into the enemy mass from short range just before the lines meet and that's it. No need to even aim them at a specific person.

You are right that some people didnt took them seriously e.g. At the battle of  the romans didn't take the numidian cavalry seriously, but then they lost all their cav to numidian cavalry (which were primarily javalry) and got flanked, routed and chased down by the same cavalry. Javelins can also be carried in relatively large amounts as they are afterall small spears... for example a roman soldier on top of his armour, large shield and sword would carry two heavy javelins designed for breaking shields, often piercing the man behing. So I think its more than possible to take even 6 javelins on your back, with a small sidearm, though speed would be reduced but as throwers often have low agility we see that anyways. Javelins would still be used in medieval times for the piercing power and cause its a very cost effective weapon.

Throwing weapons are really not hard to dodge at anything over 4 metres or so. Most Players seem to do it just fine if they are aware of you, so for a thrower to make an effective hit, I've found he has to wait for the opponent to close. On accuracy I believe you can find videos of people hitting targets with throwing weapons from quite a distance when trained

if franz ferdinand can do it... Why cant a trained thrower?
Similar speed as in game i reckon :/

I agree on the problem of unsheathing huge weapons and such, but that applies to almost any class tbh :P
Title: Re: Suggestions to re-balance throwing.
Post by: 22nd_King_Plazek on May 25, 2011, 10:57:12 pm
On of the main contributing factors to the difficulty of dodging throwing weapons is their inaccuracy.

"OH look he is aiming ahead of me I will dodge backwards!"

/Axe in the face
Title: Re: Suggestions to re-balance throwing.
Post by: Cheap_Shot on May 25, 2011, 11:06:42 pm
haha that happens more often then you'd think. The best way to dodge throwing weapons is to just run directly toward the thrower without zigging. I can center you all I want, but most of the time my weapons fly wild not even going inside the reticule, but far to the side. I have 130 wpf in throwing too.  :rolleyes:

That suggestion to lower base damage but have powerthrow increase damage and accuracy more is a good one. Do that, decrease wpf need, and boost stacks or lower slots. Done!
Title: Re: Suggestions to re-balance throwing.
Post by: ArchonAlarion on May 26, 2011, 12:55:54 am
Historically speaking, throwing weapons have been used extensively well up until medieval ages. A javelin for example could pierce heavy armour, you also gotta remember that historically speaking no one was going to survive a javelin to the abdomen, or a 2h sword would not be able to wield a sword over his head rapidly swinging it around (a.k.a feinting), He would lose balance and get killed, they were very much a weapon used for crushing through formations. This is a game and if you want to take throwing weapons down to reality, you'd have to bring bows, 2h weapons, polarms and horses to it too. Then whining would occur. Throwers worked, people whined cause they didnt have the foresight to put a couple of points into shield and then just ran around with 2h's, no shield and whined more because a class had taken advantage of their bad choice :P Sadly there are a lot of 2h's who are very skilled with their weapons, unrealistically swinging it round like a nun-chuck, who can't accept it when players wisely choose to take advantage of their lack of shield :D

Throwing weapons should be common enough, but not useful enough to be considered "primary" weapons.

Should there be an "Unarmed" class too (With spiked gauntlets, kung fu, "powerfist", etc), just because we can conceive it as a distinct playstyle? No. Sometimes, weapons have limited uses. Throwing is one of them. It is a supplement to a melee soldier's combat versatility, not an effective style by itself.

Do you happen to be playing a "friendly archer"?

One of my alts (Dirty_Drop) is a low level archer, but I prefer polearm/melee builds.

The cure is to make the difficulty of throwing (and all weapons for that matter) based on strength. That way, throwing will still be realistically limited in effectiveness (as it should!), but more people will take throwing weapons to hurl at the enemy before charging into the fray.
Title: Re: Suggestions to re-balance throwing.
Post by: Cheap_Shot on May 26, 2011, 01:45:02 am
...but more people will take throwing weapons to hurl at the enemy before charging into the fray.

That is actually what no one wants. I think most people would rather have throwers be few and far between and effective, then have throwers be everywhere and TKing inaccurate drags on a team.
Title: Re: Suggestions to re-balance throwing.
Post by: AlbaTiger on May 26, 2011, 02:22:21 am
Yeah dedicated throwers as full blown light skirmishers, as they were used in reality, who would throw then run are how they should work in the game.

It makes sense and is good as an additional style of play and tactical option in the game.

Along with the mounted thrower.

That's always been the main case us dedicated throwers have been making though I guess.
Title: Re: Suggestions to re-balance throwing.
Post by: Gorath on May 26, 2011, 09:36:03 am
I can center you all I want, but most of the time my weapons fly wild not even going inside the reticule, but far to the side. I have 130 wpf in throwing too.  :rolleyes:

You just suck ass then.  Period.

*A point of note:  I do have a semi-long logic based argument about this issue, alas I just don't have the time to spend more than a minute at my puter lately.  I will commence cessation of trollish remarks when I get the chance and discuss the issue reasonably when I have the time.  Until then, stop being a ranged fairy guzzling man juice from the jock strap of ru paul and be a damned man by learning to melee for christ's sake.  Go shoot at people in a proper FPS and stop tainting the ONLY game with good melee combat with your pre-disposition for playing like a taint licker.
Title: Re: Suggestions to re-balance throwing.
Post by: Spawny on May 26, 2011, 10:10:55 am
You just suck ass then.  Period.

*A point of note:  I do have a semi-long logic based argument about this issue, alas I just don't have the time to spend more than a minute at my puter lately.  I will commence cessation of trollish remarks when I get the chance and discuss the issue reasonably when I have the time.  Until then, stop being a ranged fairy guzzling man juice from the jock strap of ru paul and be a damned man by learning to melee for christ's sake.  Go shoot at people in a proper FPS and stop tainting the ONLY game with good melee combat with your pre-disposition for playing like a taint licker.

Who says throwers can't block?
Title: Re: Suggestions to re-balance throwing.
Post by: MouthnHoof on May 26, 2011, 12:26:08 pm
... for example a roman soldier on top of his armour, large shield and sword would carry two heavy javelins designed for breaking shields, often piercing the man behing. So I think its more than possible to take even 6 javelins on your back, with a small sidearm, though speed would be reduced but as throwers often have low agility we see that anyways.
You boldfaced the wrong word. Should have been:
"a roman soldier on top of his armour, large shield and sword would carry two heavy javelins".
I think they more commonly had just one, but that besides the point. Mounted javeliners are a completely different issue - they did not have any real limits on ammo since they could pack a large number of them on the horse (or ride back to get more in a static battle) without impeding mobility. I am talking about foot troops.

Why should there be a "dedicated thrower"? You could build one in terms of the character stats, but I still think that the ammo carrying capacity should be EXTREMELY limited: Either by stacks of 1 or by stacks of 3-4 with #slot requirement of two. So yeah, you have a free slot, you can bring A franciska with you - why should it take less slots than a normal axe? When you get to the javelin/jarid level, these are the tools of what could be considered a "skirmisher" (with a high PT requirement, so it is not for all players). Making them in 1-slot stacks of two, or 2-slots stacks of 3 will allow a skirmisher to have 6 of them (and a 1-slot or 0-slot weapon). After that, yes, you go melee or scavenge for more on the ground.
Title: Re: Suggestions to re-balance throwing.
Post by: zagibu on May 26, 2011, 03:20:31 pm
I always like such statements as "a javelin could pierce heavy armor". Maybe it could. But did it? No, in most cases, it hit at an angle that made it bounce off. Same for arrows, bolts, and other piercing weapons. Yes, they COULD pierce plate armor, IF they hit at the exactly right spot in the exactly right angle, but most of the time, they simply got deflected.

I also like how rotating thrown stuff always seems to arrive with the hurting end at my location.
Title: Re: Suggestions to re-balance throwing.
Post by: Lorenzo_of_Iberia on May 26, 2011, 04:45:58 pm
I got the right word there, but if you want another example, peltasts of greek armies had 2 javelins in their shield which was a shield that covered their whole body. Now I'm gonna assume that a shield is pretty heavy, maybe even heavier than 4 more javelins of a reasonable size.

And yes javelins would be able to pierce plate pretty commonly, definately medium armours, yet even the medium armours still take about 3 javs at a pt of 5 to get a kill... It's not realistic how little damage javelins do, but I'm not arguing that :P I argue that if these javelins with the fair (but not realistic)  damage they do, had a boost in stack size then they should be considered fair.

The only people who have ever complained about throwers are those who just are falling into the same situation again and again (i.e. not taking a shield) and then whine that someone has taken advantage of their own weakness :P Yes i'm looking at you 2h players ;)
Title: Re: Suggestions to re-balance throwing.
Post by: Lichen on May 26, 2011, 05:32:59 pm
Why do some think that throwers don't know how to melee or block? I have a 1h+shield character as well and I regularly wreck many top players. I HAD a polearm character which I absolutely DESTROYED people with (10ps + greatlongaxe) but guess what? It got BORING. Once you kill VARIETY the game will become repetitive and boring. Also how many of you have ever seen a thrower top the scoreboards consistently like a 2h/pole user?

Are we going to play and adapt or just complain forever? Trust me it is much more effective to adapt than to be at the mercy waiting for the devs to nerf something you don't like.
Title: Re: Suggestions to re-balance throwing.
Post by: 22nd_King_Plazek on May 26, 2011, 05:41:03 pm
Yea I know right, the main reason I carry throwing as a 2h user is as a counter to all the archers and X-bows.

So I can at least put a little pressure on them during my approach, which is important considering my C-RPG character has never touched a shield.
Title: Re: Suggestions to re-balance throwing.
Post by: Cheap_Shot on May 26, 2011, 07:26:28 pm
This thread isn't here to argue about realism. We are afterall playing a video game. Also Gorath, I doubt if you've tried throwing recently. I know you like to go into every thread and troll and go "Why are you having problems? I'M pretending that I'M good at it! hurr hurr" so I'd rather you stay out of this one. Some legit balance needs to happen and there is no room for idiots to derail. As much as I appreciate your super advanced and clever trolling methods.  :rolleyes:
Title: Re: Suggestions to re-balance throwing.
Post by: ArchonAlarion on May 26, 2011, 07:51:59 pm
If it isn't based on realism then what is our reference point for determining the nature of any item?

If throwing was (correctly) designed as a secondary weapon, it would naturally find a niche within certain builds (light infantry, cavalry). Shields are a secondary item too; some builds need them more (light to medium armored infantry, heavy cavalry, besiegers). If throwing difficulty was strength based, I think some builds would take throwing and others would not. It wouldn't be a chuck-fest, though.

Builds should arise naturally instead of force fitting some dungeons and dragons class system on the game. Throwing is cool and sometimes useful, but not as a primary class. Once the stats reflect reality, gold cost should be adjusted and throwing can be a cheap option for certain builds to increase their versatility.
Title: Re: Suggestions to re-balance throwing.
Post by: Cheap_Shot on May 26, 2011, 09:14:28 pm
The thing is, throwing wasn't a class, it was always people willing to accept a lot of drawbacks so they could use their own unique and fun playstyle. They were considered back up weapons, but you could put up with the disadvantages to use them dedicated. Melee users complained as they always do, anytime anything ranged interrupts their manly honor duels. Even though thrown weapons always had limited ammo, and required you to trade speed, armor, accuracy, etc just to get the damage where it was. Powerstrike however can easily get to level 10 and one hit kill everything. There are no severe drawbacks to it like there are for powerthrow. Not even minor ones. I for instance just played siege. A guy with a bec jumped out of nowhere and destroyed three people with one hit each. It's ironic that people like that are here saying "SORRY YOU CAN'T HAVE YOUR 1 HIT KILL EASYMODE ANYMORE STOP WHINING". 10 powerstrike with 10 ironflesh melee is as easymode as it gets. Throw on some plate and watch as you cleave through a dozen people before anyone can take you down.

My point is, I'm not asking that the game be changed to fit around my play style. I'm just asking for the game to be balanced and fair. Throwing should get more accurate and powerful in accordance to the amount you invest in it, since that's how everything else works. It stands to reason no one can argue against "more points = more effective". If throwing actually worked like the rest of the game does, I wouldn't be here. This game isn't concerned with realism. You can't say how realistic it is to put on samurai armor and attack a European castle with English weapons. Realism arguments in video games are a joke. The reference point I'm using is the rest of the game mechanics already in place. Throwing has been altered to not follow them even further to put throwing at too much of a disadvantage to be viable.

Reduce throwing base damage but have powerthrow increase damage by a larger amount per point. Reduce the wpf need per point from 14 to 12. Make wpf increase accuracy by a much larger amount. Increase stacks, or reduce slots back to 1. Done.

Nothing game breaking there. That's how it should work anyway when compared to the melee equivalent. Stats are heavily slanted in favor of melee builds and the recent landslide slew of throwing nerfs was unreasonable and unnecessary.
Title: Re: Suggestions to re-balance throwing.
Post by: MouthnHoof on May 26, 2011, 10:10:47 pm
It's ironic that people like that are here saying "SORRY YOU CAN'T HAVE YOUR 1 HIT KILL EASYMODE ANYMORE STOP WHINING". 10 powerstrike with 10 ironflesh melee is as easymode as it gets. Throw on some plate and watch as you cleave through a dozen people before anyone can take you down.
10 PS is slow, as I am sure you know if you played 10 PT character. The point is, if you got your str that high, you will have 10 PS AND 10 PT instead of IF. Now you have a thrower and a sumo wrestler in one character. Also, regarding one shotting, there is a huge difference between one-shotting from range and one-shotting from melee - the latter first has to catch someone and then also takes a higher risk getting hit himself.

My fear is that if throwing is even half decent, or good enough for: "1 free slot? <shrug> OK, I'll grab that javeling bag too", everyone will carry some. Many more "unsheathable" flags and a large #-slot requirement may prevent that. How about a very large bag of javelins that require 3 slots? Either a thrower with a small melee weapon or a thrower with a shield using the alt-mode of the items foe melee? This will prevent just anyone from taking it unless he wants to concentrate on being a thrower. I still think one-shotting with a ranged weapon is a bad idea gameplay-wise.

Just to be clear on the idea, Throwing weapons come in two kind of stacks (two items in the store):
* stack of 1, requiring 1 slot (as a secondary weapon)
* stack of N (to be decided), requiring 3 slots (for the full skirmisher)
Title: Re: Suggestions to re-balance throwing.
Post by: zagibu on May 26, 2011, 10:48:42 pm
I think most everyone agrees that throwing was overnerfed and will most likely be buffed a little next patch. However, it was OP before, as you hopefully agree as well.
Title: Re: Suggestions to re-balance throwing.
Post by: AlbaTiger on May 26, 2011, 10:57:05 pm
It was OP in certain combinations with other equipment but your average dedicated thrower playing for the character rather than some kind of advantage was almost always at a disadvantage.

Specifically before the slot system came in and you had people kicking about with 8 throwing lances or the best shield, best 1hander, fully skilled for shielder but then with some points dumped into PT.

Throwing lances were overpowered, and min/maxing hybrids were overpowered.

Throwing was not.
Title: Re: Suggestions to re-balance throwing.
Post by: Digglez on May 26, 2011, 11:03:22 pm
I'd be fine if the larger/stronger throwing weapons took up 2 slots, but they need more ammo or drastically increase the dmg they do.
Title: Re: Suggestions to re-balance throwing.
Post by: Cheap_Shot on May 27, 2011, 02:36:47 am
It was OP in certain combinations with other equipment but your average dedicated thrower playing for the character rather than some kind of advantage was almost always at a disadvantage.

Yes, this. Being a hybrid thrower was OP, not a dedicated thrower. There were always too many disadvantages, it's just that no one cared. They'd get hit with a spear, die, and then go into a rage calling for throwing nerfs and bans. They never considered that maybe in order to make that kill, the thrower had missed several times because of the poor accuracy, and then immediately died because they weren't able to wear much armor and were slow being an all strength build.

Hiding behind the best shield and throwing axes was op. Wearing plate and hucking a bunch of lances before running in spamming a two hander was what was op.

10 PS is slow, as I am sure you know if you played 10 PT character. The point is, if you got your str that high, you will have 10 PS AND 10 PT instead of IF. Now you have a thrower and a sumo wrestler in one character. Also, regarding one shotting, there is a huge difference between one-shotting from range and one-shotting from melee - the latter first has to catch someone and then also takes a higher risk getting hit himself.

For some insight on just one aspect of what the nerfs did, it is impossible to have 10 power throw and 10 power strike at the same time, let alone 10 PT and any other skills. To get 10 powerthrow, you need 30 strength, and 12 agility minimum (you need more really). You have to convert all your extra skill points to stat points to afford it leaving you without any other skills but powerthrow and weapon master. This is just so you can put 140+ wpf in it, because each level of powerthrow lowers your wpf by 14 points. 10 PT requires 140wpf just to use, with terrible accuracy, and wearing any armor subtracts from that and means you are unable to even use the 10 powerthrow. You are slow, unarmored, and can't hit anything without getting close. The more you invest in throwing, the worse it gets now. That's upside down. If anyone with a shield looks at you, you die.
Title: Re: Suggestions to re-balance throwing.
Post by: Gorath on May 27, 2011, 07:07:41 am
This thread isn't here to argue about realism.

You're right.  However it is to argue about balance, which should be based on LOGIC.  Sometimes logic and realism happen to coincide.

Throwing, out of all the ranged, makes the least logical sense to balance around the idea of a "dedicated" thrower or throwing ONLY character.  Throwing, logically, is purely a hybrid concept and complete shit if used as the sole battlefield tactic of a warrior.  For one, it's extremely cumbersome.  We've gotten rid of most of the illogical shit that melee could do (pulling a pike out your butt magically, flamberge in your pocket, etc) and the slot system serves a more logical purpose of stopping melee from carrying said magical pocket pike + spamberge + board shield + great maul (etc).

Unlike archery, who's arrows fit into a quiver by the bunch, and x-bows who's bolts are even smaller and more compact, throwing weapons are bulky and often times taking as much room as a 1-hander or 2-handed weapon to carry.  Running around with more than 2 throwing lances for example is rediculous.  As is carrying anything BUT those throwing lances and maybe a small shield on your off hand and a weapon on your belt.  Throwing axes?  How many throwing axes logically is someone going to carry?  About as many 1h axes as they can carry.  Daggers, shuriken, darts and hell even the javelins at least have a "quiver" they can be stored in but how many should fit in there?  With the larger ones (javs and such) it's like running into battle with a golf-bag on your back.  You're only going to get one unless you ONLY plan to carry them and not fight/throw at all.

Logically, throwing only makes sense when it's used for infantry hybrid purposes.  A sidearm weapon to hit that runner/archer.  Something to soften up that shield as you approach.  Maybe drop a horse.  But that's it.  Granted I'm against artificial WPF restrictions because they don't make any logical sense either.  Someone can absolutely pick up any weapon without any training (1 wpf) and attempt to use it.  They'll just suck at it.  A more pronounced curve for wpf would be a much better route.  1 wpf and your shot goes randomly into the wild.  100 wpf and it's far more on-target, etc.

Balancing for a "dedicated" thrower is just silly and illogical.  Throwing weapons should be those things that you use if you have an extra slot and figure "fuck it, why not".

I'm all for getting rid of this arbitrary artificial wpf restriction, but the low ammo counts, and high slot requirements should absolutely stay.  Throwing should be balanced for a hybrid sidearm for infantry rather than some silly "dedicated" idea.  A PAIR of throwing axes (two, dos, zwei, ni) to go with your sword and shield, polearm or two hander.  A quiver of maybe 3 javelins on your back if you don't want the axes and want to invest more points.  Throwing lances should go, or remain 2 slots for ONE lance to keep them from being the silly absurd item they were before. 
Title: Re: Suggestions to re-balance throwing.
Post by: Seawied on May 27, 2011, 07:54:38 am
You're right.  However it is to argue about balance, which should be based on LOGIC. 

for the rest of this thread, I will contradict myself and argue about realism... despite the fact that there were entire soldiers in history known as skirmishers that had an armaments based on what cheap shot is describing.

Title: Re: Suggestions to re-balance throwing.
Post by: Gorath on May 27, 2011, 08:06:23 am
"In ancient and medieval warfare, skirmishers typically carried bows, javelins, slings, and sometimes carried light shields. Acting as light infantry with their light arms and minimal armor, they could run ahead of the main battle line, release a volley of arrows, slingshots or javelins, and retreat behind their main battle line before the clash of the opposing main forces. The aims of skirmishing were to disrupt enemy formations by causing casualties before the main battle, and to tempt the opposing infantry into attacking prematurely, throwing their organization into disarray. Skirmishers could also be effectively used to surround opposing soldiers in the absence of friendly cavalry.

Once preliminary skirmishing was over, skirmishers participated in the main battle by shooting into the enemy formation, or joined in melée combat with daggers or short swords. "

Highlighted some important bits.  Shooting implies a ranged weapon and not throwing weapons, though that could be a fail of english (I doubt it).  IE:  The guys throwing shit joined in melee combat once the battle started:  aka - hybrid
Title: Re: Suggestions to re-balance throwing.
Post by: Seawied on May 27, 2011, 08:16:20 am
from your same source

"Alternatively, they could act as ammunition bearers or stretcher-bearers"

the following line. Wasn't always the case that skirmishers actually joined the melee.
Title: Re: Suggestions to re-balance throwing.
Post by: Gorath on May 27, 2011, 08:21:12 am
from your same source

"Alternatively, they could act as ammunition bearers or stretcher-bearers"

the following line. Wasn't always the case that skirmishers actually joined the melee.

Sure.  Let's add that into the game.  I know, we can add water-bearers too.  And corpse clearers.  And anything else that promotes even more lame shit instead of fighting.  I know, after a thrower uses up his ammo he auto-dies.  Oh, he's not allowed to pick up a melee weapon at any point either.  That way he can have his "non-combat" role like what you're talking about above.  Throw shit, then leave the battle.  Yay, that's sure something to put in the game.

I want to fling deseased livestock via catapult at people then leave the battle and collect kills too.  Why not right?

If we're going to build around the idea of non-combat roles, then what's the fucking point of the game anymore?  It's like a crusade to make the game as lame as possible and I just don't understand it.
Title: Re: Suggestions to re-balance throwing.
Post by: Seawied on May 27, 2011, 08:25:33 am
the point of that part is that not all skirmishers carried a melee weapons. In regards to fighting, there were some soldiers who's role was only ranged. Heavy armor and weapons were not used by these soldiers.
Title: Re: Suggestions to re-balance throwing.
Post by: Gorath on May 27, 2011, 08:30:06 am
the point of that part is that not all skirmishers carried a melee weapons. In regards to fighting, there were some soldiers who's role was only ranged.

Right.  Archers. 
Title: Re: Suggestions to re-balance throwing.
Post by: Seawied on May 27, 2011, 08:31:42 am
skirmishers typically carried bows, javelins, slings, and sometimes carried light shields.

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Title: Re: Suggestions to re-balance throwing.
Post by: Gorath on May 27, 2011, 08:40:30 am
You can facepalm all you want, I have never ever ever read or heard about any primary troop in any historical battle being composed of douche's that lobbed shit and then kicked it on the sidelines doing nothing for the remainder of the battle.  I'm doing search after search right now for medieval throwing weapon soldiers in various phrasings and coming up with the closest thing being the roman legionares which were from the wrong time period for one, and specifically said to have rushed in with their GLADIUS after throwing their pilum.
Title: Re: Suggestions to re-balance throwing.
Post by: Damug on May 27, 2011, 08:47:40 am
You can facepalm all you want, I have never ever ever read or heard about any primary troop in any historical battle being composed of douche's that lobbed shit and then kicked it on the sidelines doing nothing for the remainder of the battle.
The Anglo-Saxon term for javelin was france.[7] In Anglo-Saxon warfare soldiers usually formed a shield wall and used heavy weapons like Danish axes, swords and spears. Javelins, including barbed angons, were used as an offensive weapon from behind the shield wall or by warriors who left the protective formation and attacked the enemy as skirmishers.[8]

Many African tribes used the javelin as their main weapon. Typical African warfare was based on ritualized stand-off encounters involving throwing javelins without advancing for close combat. In the flag of Swaziland there is a shield and two javelins, which symbolize the protection from the country's enemies.
Title: Re: Suggestions to re-balance throwing.
Post by: Seawied on May 27, 2011, 08:48:37 am
 :rolleyes: Gorath, your own source described exactly that. I know you get a hard-on for melee characters, but this needs to be put to rest. Even if the wild idea of a soldier that used thrown missiles and retreated back to the main line was a crazy idea that was never ever thought of in the millions of battles and skirmishes fought throughout the world (:hint: this is not the case,) it still wouldn't be a valid argument to not have dedicated throwing in c-rpg. C-RPG is not a historically based game. If it were, we would not have weeabos going up against european soldiers like we do now. They certainly wouldn't be fighting alongside one another either.

Give it a rest.
Title: Re: Suggestions to re-balance throwing.
Post by: Gorath on May 27, 2011, 09:00:39 am
it still wouldn't be a valid argument to not have dedicated throwing in c-rpg.

Fine, buff throwing back to 16 missles per round, all that 1-shot and require no wpf to use accurately.  While we're at it we need to buff fist damage in order to be viable because dedicated boxers are severely underpowered atm.  With 10 PS and athletics it's impossible to injure anyone in armor heavier than mail.  It's a travesty and needs to be addressed as well.  You have no argument as to why the dedicated boxer playstyle shouldn't be a valid and viable one.  Apparently getting rid of the WPF isn't enough of a compromise as I suggested, we have to give throwers back rediculous stacks of ammo as well so to appease the "dedicated" lamersthrowers out there.

Not like there aren't enough runners from the archers that refuse to carry a melee weapon so we have to chase them for 3-5 minutes before the stupid MoF flags show up, if they're even included in the map.
Title: Re: Suggestions to re-balance throwing.
Post by: Damug on May 27, 2011, 10:03:27 am
Not like there aren't enough runners from the archers that refuse to carry a melee weapon so we have to chase them for 3-5 minutes before the stupid MoF flags show up, if they're even included in the map.
Nice hyperbole.
Title: Re: Suggestions to re-balance throwing.
Post by: Seawied on May 27, 2011, 10:05:23 am
Nice hyperbole.

Gorath IS a hyperbole.

Interpret that anyway you like  :D
Title: Re: Suggestions to re-balance throwing.
Post by: MouthnHoof on May 27, 2011, 10:25:56 am
Many African tribes used the javelin as their main weapon.
And this is how they conquered the world.

While we're at it we need to buff fist damage in order to be viable because dedicated boxers are severely underpowered atm.
I have a dedicated boxer alt. He sucks. Probably because I can't heirloom my fist.
Next retirement I'll try a dedicated mounted boxer.
Title: Re: Suggestions to re-balance throwing.
Post by: Ithrael on May 27, 2011, 02:30:21 pm
I'm going to say that previously, around the time of the throwing nerf I was playing a two-hander. Oh how I used to rage at getting killed by those throwers, or on a cav char getting my horse one shotted by an axe. Yet, somehow, after they all disappeared I kind of missed the challenge they presented. They pissed me off to no end, but to say they were overpowered is pure noobery. Just because a playstyle may not be cool does not mean it should not be viable, and throwing looks awesome as a role. (Particularly throwing cav). They put a leash on cav and 2handers that simply has no equal in terms of close range stopping power which really was needed, because although the nerf mainly effected throwers, it also effected the balance of 2handers. (Let's be honest guys, it was too easy + too effective without throwers to occasionally gimp us as we cleaved through 5 pubbers at a time with our germans.) Throwing is cool. CRPG is not based upon realism and therefore it is not a valid argument for throwing to be disregarded as a pure troop choice. Arguing realism is redundant because - it could be used to argue almost any balance change whether it would improve the game or not. EG - Make tincan cavalry a basically unstoppable force on the battlefield, stop flimsily made long spears penetrating thick armour plating on cataphract horses and increase the damage of cav in line with their velocity. Nerf archer accuracy so that you cannot get hit at 100M + (An incredibly difficult feat with an old fashioned bow, all know I can't do it with the more modern makes!) Make tincans move at the speed of sludge and make throwing weapons from horseback shatter through shields + still kill an armoured target.

TL;DR - Using realism for a game not based on realism is ***cking stupid.

Throwing was originally implemented as a viable pure choice, just as much as archery, 2h and shield, and so it should in the future be balanced around that, not a hybrid - which is what players were complaining about in the first place. The current state it is in is just ridiculous and everyone, even those who hate throwing, can see that it was over the top. I've played many games as the role which is considered the "Least viable", but to make throwing "Not viable" was not a good move for anybody. Also, to all the folks who are still bent on hating throwing - learn to strafe.

Just reduce slots from everything except perhaps lances .. maybe spears, reduce wpf required slightly and done. That's it. We could ask for 1,000,000 things but that's unrealistic. Do that and many would be happier for it.
Title: Re: Suggestions to re-balance throwing.
Post by: hyena on May 27, 2011, 02:34:03 pm
I really miss throwing, that was my build before just giving up with the new patch and making an archer.

It never struck me as that overpowered. Sure it could do tons of damage, but then again so could a sniper xbow. Difference is we only got a fraction of the shots and poorer range/accuracy.

But it was fun, and deeply satisfying. Now its just a big pile of arse.
Title: Re: Suggestions to re-balance throwing.
Post by: Cheap_Shot on May 27, 2011, 09:51:57 pm
First off, I believe I remember saying what a joke realism arguments were in a video game discussion? They have no place in this thread. Gorath, you came back in saying it was time to make logic based arguments instead finally, yet it seemed to have devolved into 3-4 walls of text referencing history? Alright then. As Damug cited, it was a completely wasted effort because even in a realism argument dedicated throwers have a place in history. A rather cool one actually. I see you'd rather ignore that however.

Fine lets go back to logic. As I've said, I'm using the rest of the already in place game mechanics as my point of reference. Putting points in things = get better at those things. Logic. I am suggesting we make throwing fit into that formula. That is as simple as it gets and your resistance only proves that you are here just to be disagreeable. Funny when you say that me being LLJK "Explains a lot". You mean you could have guessed my clan by the fact that I'm so clear spoken and reasonable? I guess I should be nicer to you if that's true. It's rare that someone doesn't decide to spit on us because of our clan tags, regardless of how we play.

I will quote myself once more, because I have compromised a lot of ground in hopes of getting some well needed change.

Reduce throwing base damage but have powerthrow increase damage by a larger amount per point. Reduce the wpf need per point from 14 to 12. Make wpf increase accuracy by a much larger amount. Increase stacks, or reduce slots back to 1. Done.

You could do other things if needed. Increase powerthrow req for some weapons. Give an accuracy nerf while holding a shield. Remove the throwing lances like you were considering (they are awful anyway). There are still some nerfs that were missed.  :wink: Despite all the nerfs that happened, I'm only asking for those few buffs now, even if you tack on the above nerfs with it. They are logical changes and there's no reason not to make them. There is plenty of option and room to add precautionary changes if you are worried about OP builds cropping up, or throwing spam fests. I would be more then willing to give you my time and discuss those possibilities with you. Could someone from the balance team open a dialogue? I have been trying.

Hyena, I like your avatar.
Title: Re: Suggestions to re-balance throwing.
Post by: San on May 28, 2011, 04:30:53 am
That is very much in line with my thoughts on the issue that I posted a few pages back.

A snippet of that post:
Throwing should have more accuracy and ammo. Only increase power if you really don't want to increase accuracy or ammo by that much.

Dedicated throwers should be doing much more damage than hybrids- which means tweak or remove the wpf too low nerf.

Hybrid throwers shouldn't do that much damage, so hybrids can throw at mid-close range which helps give 1-2 less swings for the kill as well as all-around versatility.

Therefore hybrids will still have a nice balance of less effective ranged and close combat, sacrificing a little of both for more versatility.
Title: Re: Suggestions to re-balance throwing.
Post by: Gorath on May 28, 2011, 05:39:36 pm
You mean you could have guessed my clan by the fact that I'm so clear spoken and reasonable?

No, meaning that your facination and obsession with retarded gimmick playstyles requiring no skill and excessive love for cock in ass makes perfect sense now given your LLJK membership.

The fact that you missed where I said I believe getting rid of the silly wpf restriction as a charitable compromise to you throwers isn't all that surprising either.  The point of the post was entirely about the illogical idea of throwers having alot of ammo, period.  Running around with 12 throwing axes makes no logical sense whatsofuckingever.  3, sure.  More than 3?  Fuck no.  Same with the rest of throwing weapons barring shuriken, darts and daggers.

This idea of balancing around your "dedicated" thrower by increasing the ammo count per stack is silly.  Dedicated or not, the idea of carrying many throwing weapons with you while you're on the move makes no logical sense at all.  They're bulky and cumbersome.  I really don't give a fuck if in history there was some troop line of bundle of stickss chucking shit the whole time or not.  That wasn't the point.

Simply put, again, get rid of the artificial wpf restrictions and call it a done.  Throwing would be fine after that one tweak.
Title: Re: Suggestions to re-balance throwing.
Post by: Lichen on May 28, 2011, 07:11:46 pm
^^ Throwing isn't a gimmick playstyle. It also requires skill. If an enemy is aware of you good luck hitting them. You might as well go find another target at that point unless you want to have a showdown that you are predisposed to lose more often than not (which I often do because I like a challenge anyway). You also have to lead targets to hit them taking into account your ping as well as the 'in game' speed of the weapon. So no..not 'skilless'. DIFFERENT skills and tactics needed than melee though.

And about the specific topic (rebalancing throwing). I'd be fine with increasing the powerthrow requirements for all weapons. For example make axes starting with the francesca start at 3pt requirement then go from there. Damages may or may not need to be adjusted to have a reasonable balance of effectiveness. This would make hybrids have to sacrifice more than they do (1 measly point in pt is nothing much to cry over and gets you quite effective weaps. I think there should be more of a 'price' to pay for hybridizing. I don't have any issue with the ammo counts how they are now. I've never used throwing lances so I can't comment if they are too few allowed or not.

One thing though is the weights on some of the weaps seem excessive. I don't see why little ninja stars or knives are so heavy. Sure there are more of them per stack but not enough to justify such weights IMO. Those should maybe be more agile friendly. Unless nobody wears any type of armor then maybe the weights are fine.
Title: Re: Suggestions to re-balance throwing.
Post by: Cheap_Shot on May 28, 2011, 07:16:53 pm
No, meaning that your facination and obsession with retarded gimmick playstyles requiring no skill and excessive love for cock in ass makes perfect sense now given your LLJK membership.

The fact that you missed where I said I believe getting rid of the silly wpf restriction as a charitable compromise to you throwers isn't all that surprising either.  The point of the post was entirely about the illogical idea of throwers having alot of ammo, period.  Running around with 12 throwing axes makes no logical sense whatsofuckingever.  3, sure.  More than 3?  Fuck no.  Same with the rest of throwing weapons barring shuriken, darts and daggers.

This idea of balancing around your "dedicated" thrower by increasing the ammo count per stack is silly.  Dedicated or not, the idea of carrying many throwing weapons with you while you're on the move makes no logical sense at all.  They're bulky and cumbersome.  I really don't give a fuck if in history there was some troop line of bundle of stickss chucking shit the whole time or not.  That wasn't the point.

Simply put, again, get rid of the artificial wpf restrictions and call it a done.  Throwing would be fine after that one tweak.

So the truth is, I've been right all along, and each post you make will agree with me a little more until you are calling for the exact game balancing changes I've suggested. You will continue to inject COCK, and GAY, and bundle of sticks into each post several times to throw people off the scent and pretend you are making some kind of point or proving you are superior in some bigoted offensive way.
Title: Re: Suggestions to re-balance throwing.
Post by: Gorath on May 28, 2011, 07:18:50 pm
It also requires skill.

I abused it all through native play (Ask BkS or ATS from the pre-cRPG days) through the majority of cRPG (even appearing in the mythological thread way back when with my throwing spears).  It requires as much skill as nade spamming:  IE - can you look in the general direction of someone and click lmb really fast?

Throwing, skill?  Unrelated words.  That's why it was fun to abuse.  One of the best in-game trololo'ing methods ever.

So the truth is, I've been right all along, and each post you make will agree with me a little more until you are calling for the exact game balancing changes I've suggested.

No I won't because you're still not reading.

Quote from: Cheap_Shot_LLJGay
  Reduce throwing base damage but have powerthrow increase damage by a larger amount per point. Reduce the wpf need per point from 14 to 12. Make wpf increase accuracy by a much larger amount. Increase stacks, or reduce slots back to 1.
Damage -  No, damage doesn't need to change in any way for throwing weapons.  Pre-nerf damage was always rediculous and you can STILL 1-shot people not in plate with a throwing weapon easily enough.  Headshots are pretty much guaranteed 1-shots with anything down to war darts.  Damage is fine.
WPF - Agreed, except get rid of the artificial limitation on wpf altogether.  It makes no logical sense why I can't pick up a weapon I'm not trained in and use it like a retard (1 wpf).
Accuracy - God no.  They're throwing weapons, not sniper rifles, bows or x-bows.  Good at short range, shit anywhere else is the only logical accuracy.
Ammo (stacks or slots) -  Already said how much I'm against this.  You are not going to carry 12 throwing axes while you run around lobbing them.  Or 16 javelins.  It's just stupid.  Like pulling a pike out your ass, or a flamberge from your pocket.  Those got fixed to be more logical, throwing needs to be the same.  Low ammo counts.
Title: Re: Suggestions to re-balance throwing.
Post by: Cheap_Shot on May 28, 2011, 07:31:06 pm
I abused it all through native play (Ask BkS or ATS from the pre-cRPG days) through the majority of cRPG (even appearing in the mythological thread way back when with my throwing spears).  It requires as much skill as nade spamming:  IE - can you look in the general direction of someone and click lmb really fast?

Throwing, skill?  Unrelated words.  That's why it was fun to abuse.  One of the best in-game trololo'ing methods ever.

No I won't because you're still not reading.
Damage -  No, damage doesn't need to change in any way for throwing weapons.  Pre-nerf damage was always rediculous and you can STILL 1-shot people not in plate with a throwing weapon easily enough.  Headshots are pretty much guaranteed 1-shots with anything down to war darts.  Damage is fine.
WPF - Agreed, except get rid of the artificial limitation on wpf altogether.  It makes no logical sense why I can't pick up a weapon I'm not trained in and use it like a retard (1 wpf).
Accuracy - God no.  They're throwing weapons, not sniper rifles, bows or x-bows.  Good at short range, shit anywhere else is the only logical accuracy.
Ammo (stacks or slots) -  Already said how much I'm against this.  You are not going to carry 12 throwing axes while you run around lobbing them.  Or 16 javelins.  It's just stupid.  Like pulling a pike out your ass, or a flamberge from your pocket.  Those got fixed to be more logical, throwing needs to be the same.  Low ammo counts.

You have not even touched throwing in a long time have you. But by all means keep on embarrassing yourself while you shout bigoted insults and state your firm beliefs about things that your knowledge about is antique. It doesn't damage my standing any, and I hope to get my suggestions considered seriously while you continue going from thread to thread giving your "expert opinions"  :rolleyes:
Title: Re: Suggestions to re-balance throwing.
Post by: Lichen on May 28, 2011, 07:35:02 pm
It requires as much skill as nade spamming:  IE - can you look in the general direction of someone and click lmb really fast?

Throwing, skill?  Unrelated words. 
While they are aware of you and avoiding your throws? While you have 8 of the heaver hitting (or less) ammo to succeed? While they are moving not directly at you waiting to be killed but at different angles? If you can get a hit on them you often still have to get another (or more) to bring them down. You are also usually very close to them to increase your chances as well. Many of the shots will miss a good player then they come over and skewer you for your failure (how it should be).

Title: Re: Suggestions to re-balance throwing.
Post by: Cheap_Shot on May 29, 2011, 01:17:44 am
There does have to be a better way to do this then the wpf restriction method. I've been saying to just decrease the need from 14wpf per PT to 12, but I just found out that the skill limits were raised from 10 to 15. Now I can't say the wpf restriction is fair at all. Out of PD PT and PS, the only people who can take advantage of the higher caps are strength melee users who can just crank up the powerstrike. Archers being agility builds usually, should be able to get above 10 since they can afford the higher wpf, but I can't say that for certain. Throwing flat out can't go above 10. Period.

I'm altering my list of suggestions in light of this new information.

edit: in all honesty, 15 caps are ridiculous. 10 was fine, and 10PS strength melee builds can already 1 hit high medium armor. There wont be much use for the SUPER ADVANCED MELEE COMBAT SYSTEM that people keep touting as a reason to despise ranged. The thrilling back and forth combat is going to dry up once the 15 cap becomes common knowledge, and it just turns into who can sneak a single hit in and move on quickest.
Title: Re: Suggestions to re-balance throwing.
Post by: Gorath on May 29, 2011, 01:30:53 am
bitching about melee

Funny stuff.  However a guy with 15 PS will be redonkulously slow, and easily defeated in a duel against a half-decent melee player with a more balanced build.  Still, would be a funny lulz crushthrough build.
Title: Re: Suggestions to re-balance throwing.
Post by: Cheap_Shot on May 29, 2011, 01:42:54 am
Funny stuff.  However a guy with 15 PS will be redonkulously slow, and easily defeated in a duel against a half-decent melee player with a more balanced build.  Still, would be a funny lulz crushthrough build.

Those gimmick lulz crushthrough builds are actually already incredibly effective at 10 PS. I tried it out myself and was breaking skulls like buttering bread. 1 hit kill city. I'm not even very good at it. There is a very good player I see sometimes carrying a maul. I saw him overhead swing it and break a shield, a tin cans skull, and kill the charger he was sitting on in one strike. He did it twice in the same round too. While I think that is awesome, I don't want to imagine what a 15PS version of that would be. It doesn't seem like it can get any better then that, so maybe he's already figured out the 15 cap.

Also here are my revised suggestions, I'm not 100% sure on them yet but I wanted to change the list asap. I'll sit down and consider it in more detail later but it should do for now as a base. Im going to see if I can invite whats left of the games other throwers in here to post opinions and experiences.

Quote from: Cheap_Shot
Reduce throwing base damage but have powerthrow increase damage by a larger amount per point. Remove the terrible wpf per PT and PD restriction for ranged, instead having accuracy, distance, speed, etc, start off much poorer and increase more drastically in relation to amount invested. Increase stacks, or reduce slots back to 1.
Title: Re: Suggestions to re-balance throwing.
Post by: EponiCo on May 29, 2011, 05:02:16 am
Let's recap throwing mechanics.

WPF increases damage ... but hardly anymore after you have 120.
PT increases damage (lineary) and accuracy for every point above difficulty.
See this pic:
Green - Knives, difficulty 1
Yellow - Wardarts, diff 2
Red - Spears, 5
(click to show/hide)

So in essence, before the patch, your only real requirement to raise was PT, which also caused the broken hybrids - full melee build, 10 PT tacked on and oneshotting players and shields alike with pinpoint accurate axes before switching to oneshot glaive spam. So WPF requirement is good, since it stops those it's-just-a-few-points-hybrids and forces throwers to invest in both skills (anyway, I have trouble believing in "pure" PT 10 throwers, because at level 30 you have had lots of skillpoints left). It isn't the case that it gets worse with every investment (i.e. you get penalties for raising a stat), rather you get punished by lowered PT when you forget to invest into WPF (as evidenced by not being able to pick things up ... you may call that artificial but it isn't more artificial than needing "powerthrow" to carry javelins in the first place). Ofc I might be wrong, I don't have the exact formulas.
So what this means is, dedicated throwers need now more balanced characters instead the pure str stack from before and I like it that way. The only issue is with shields, but this is balanced by shields taking 1 slot or 2 for the unbreakable ones, so it's a tradeoff anyway.

Anyway, for me, axes are nearly fine while javelins are just meh, so here's a few suggestions.
Make throwing weapons able to block while in throwing mode. The x button sometimes doesn't work.
Increase Javelin melee stats (I don't care about speed and it should stay below 96 but the damage is ridiculous should be like a spear), you need a slot for a melee weapon with them contrary to axes.
Increase Javelin accuracy.
Title: Re: Suggestions to re-balance throwing.
Post by: Cheap_Shot on May 29, 2011, 05:37:54 am
I recently retired my thrower to rebuild him after the patches because I was tired of the error messages, and only getting powerthrow 7 when I had gotten my skill up to 10 and put in the required amount of strength. Throwing weapons, especially the higher tier ones like spears and jarids, are useless until powerthrow 7, and only get effective at 8-9.

Someone from the development team can correct me if I'm wrong but I believe one of the changes was that powerthrow no longer increases accuracy but instead subtracts from it? There were a whole lot of changes and almost everything got effected really. Damage, speed, distance, accuracy, slots, stacks, ability to even pick em up. I didn't care for most of them, but it stands to reason that I wouldn't since I throw. As a whole though I think the nerfs went too far.

The wpf requirement is too restrictive because a player who puts 10 points in it quickly realizes that they have to go naked even at level 31, and they are still wildly inaccurate at 140wpf. There aren't many skill points left over either because you require 10 points in powerthrow (obviously), 4 points in weapon master, and 12 points have to be converted to stat points to get the required 30/12 split. This puts you at just enough wpf to reach the minimum requirement for 10PT with confusing unlisted factors dipping you under and presenting you with an error message. This isn't so much a problem for archers since agility is their game, but effectiveness in throwing is all about strength. Adding very high forced agility requirements to a completely strength based set of weapons has completely destroyed it. Not to mention that it gives an unfair advantage to melee strength characters who don't have any such annoying restrictions. They can go ahead and pump up the iron flesh and powerstrike, even past 10, without the same crippling limitation.
Title: Re: Suggestions to re-balance throwing.
Post by: Cheap_Shot on May 29, 2011, 05:44:09 am
Honestly just to sum up. I don't think wpf should be connected to powerthrow at all. I think wpf should be completely responsible for your accuracy, so that you'd pretty much need 100 to hit things, but any more after that is what decides how accurate you get, and dare I suggest, how fast you can throw? It's ridiculous that putting the most wpf I can into throwing, and no other weapons, is just barely enough for powerthrow 10. And at that point I'm still inaccurate as all hell, and I get a crazy error message every time I try to put on clothes. It has to change.
Title: Re: Suggestions to re-balance throwing.
Post by: EponiCo on May 29, 2011, 06:10:42 am
Yeah, I feel the same about spears but for me this is rather an issue of buffing them, instead of just making them useless without str and free str stack again. Because tbh with high str, all the throwing weapons got super effective (2 - 3 wardarts for killing mailed guy).
It's also an issue for horse throwers who have to raise agility who seem really really weak now - they were never very strong in the first place, but needing 3 spears to kill even a sumpter horse from point blanc is kind of silly when you can do that exactly 2 times each round with perfect skill AND luck and then have to raise your empty fists and wait until someone kills you.

(click to show/hide)

edit: There's two problems with the wpf accuracy thing, they'd need to change the hardcoded accuracy formula afaik and throwing into groups. If you just throw from 5m into a tight group you'll usually hit someone no matter how inaccurate you are. I'd rather see the horrible projectile speed and accuracy buffed so you can aim until hoping to luck out.
Title: Re: Suggestions to re-balance throwing.
Post by: Cheap_Shot on May 29, 2011, 07:47:40 am
I know that feeling all too well. I usually do my best to defend myself, but it feels like even though I'm a skilled player, after I get my two kills for the round I might as well throw up my unarmed dukes and just wait to get slaughtered. Certainly I feel like doing that anytime a shielder looks at me even if I have ammo left. There isn't enough accuracy even at 140 wpf to get head shots that aren't 100% luck (and dont deny it throwers, we all know it) There also isn't any throwing weapon that can take out a good shield anymore, not even the ones that say "bonus to shields" right on them. There's that trick move where you stand there and wait for the shielder to get right up against you and strike just as he swings but I can pull it off maybe 1 out of 30-40 times. It requires latent manifestations of psychic ability since you have to release your throw before they drop their shield. Throwing weapons fly pretty slow now.

As for the hardcoded thing, they changed almost everything related to throwing. They must have had to make some code changes when changing the way wpf worked with powerthrow, or powerthrows relation to accuracy. It would be nice to see some positive changes along the same lines, since sure you can almost reliably hit someone when aiming at a group, but the truth is you are just aiming at the group, and groups more often then not contain teammates too. I do my best to take careful aim and I usually veer down and fire into the ground if I think theres a risk of hitting my team, but throwing is slow and very inaccurate. Sometimes it's as simple as an enemy I throw at dieing before my spear makes it to them, and whoever is unfortunate enough to have been standing behind them gets killed.  I forgive and forget if I get teamhit by accident, but many aren't very forgiving. I've received my share of undeserved rage.
Title: Re: Suggestions to re-balance throwing.
Post by: Cheap_Shot on May 29, 2011, 01:00:58 pm
Fun fact: A regular non-heirloomed crossbow with 0 wpf and no points in related skills has a tighter reticule then every throwing weapon there is with 130-140wpf.

Edit: WPF's relation to ranged could use a lot of work in general.
Title: Re: Suggestions to re-balance throwing.
Post by: Mala on May 29, 2011, 02:54:36 pm
But the crossbow has a higher reach, and with 1 wpf most of your hits are luck shots.
You can use throwing weapons while running, yepp this are luck shots as well, try this with a crossbow.
(click to show/hide)
(click to show/hide)

Most of the time i try to hurl my stuff at huge bulks of enemies. If it hit something, then it is mostly heavily wounded.
Title: Re: Suggestions to re-balance throwing.
Post by: Cheap_Shot on May 29, 2011, 03:07:35 pm
I'd say it's the other way around. Most of my throwing kills feel like 50% luck, 100% for head shots. When I picked up a crossbow I felt like when I hit things it was because I was actually aiming at them and timing properly. Throwing has a great deal to it now.

Why is your crosshair so wide on that crossbow? I have 0 wpf and mine is twice as tight as the throwing axe reticule pictured there. I'll go take and post screen caps in a bit. It'd probably be good to have images besides the ones I draw to support my arguments. It might help get things moving. Also, lets be careful. It's fine to make comparisons between ranged types, but this thread is for crying and whining about throwing weapons not crossbow!  :twisted:
Title: Re: Suggestions to re-balance throwing.
Post by: Mala on May 29, 2011, 04:30:22 pm
Why is your crosshair so wide on that crossbow? I have 0 wpf and mine is twice as tight as the throwing axe reticule pictured there. I'll go take and post screen caps in a bit. It'd probably be good to have images besides the ones I draw to support my arguments. It might help get things moving. Also, lets be careful. It's fine to make comparisons between ranged types, but this thread is for crying and whining about throwing weapons not crossbow!  :twisted:

I made this screen shots while i was running. If i stop, then it is a way more thighter.
My point was, with throwing weapons you can run and gun, with crossbows not so much.
Title: Re: Suggestions to re-balance throwing.
Post by: Lichen on May 29, 2011, 07:16:28 pm

The wpf requirement is too restrictive because a player who puts 10 points in it quickly realizes that they have to go naked even at level 31, and they are still wildly inaccurate at 140wpf.

There isn't enough accuracy even at 140 wpf to get head shots that aren't 100% luck (and dont deny it throwers, we all know it)
Sorry man but I have 140wpf exactly and it's plenty accurate enough for me. I can get headshots very often when I try. You just have to be pretty close. I have no issue with the accuracy. Even when my wpf was quite a bit lower it was still very usable for me. If throwing was even more accurate there would be mass bitching by players.  It would be too deadly in the hands of the skilled. It's throwing after all which is not and should not be pinpoint/super accurate.  I don't want any ranged weapon that's super accurate even at the highest wpf levels because a skilled player will exploit that to the fullest and then the whiners will re-emerge. 
Title: Re: Suggestions to re-balance throwing.
Post by: Vammo75 on May 29, 2011, 08:49:05 pm
Sorry man but I have 140wpf exactly and it's plenty accurate enough for me. I can get headshots very often when I try. You just have to be pretty close. I have no issue with the accuracy. Even when my wpf was quite a bit lower it was still very usable for me. If throwing was even more accurate there would be mass bitching by players.  It would be too deadly in the hands of the skilled. It's throwing after all which is not and should not be pinpoint/super accurate.  I don't want any ranged weapon that's super accurate even at the highest wpf levels because a skilled player will exploit that to the fullest and then the whiners will re-emerge. 

How close is close? Cheapshot is right: the spread on throwing projectiles is so wide even at close range that it is only luck that gets you the headshot. I wouldn't really care about the accuracy that much if the stack of war darts (which I used to compliment jarids or spears) was not so low.

My thrower 132/8 throwing without using the mouse:
(click to show/hide)

My other thrower 148/4 (Jav-cav only started recently to test)
(click to show/hide)

Close of course is subjective though...

PS. I do care a lot that they nerfed stones - took some of the fun out of siege (two headshots = 1 dead archer)
Title: Re: Suggestions to re-balance throwing.
Post by: Lichen on May 29, 2011, 09:55:02 pm
How close is close? Cheapshot is right: the spread on throwing projectiles is so wide even at close range that it is only luck that gets you the headshot. I wouldn't really care about the accuracy that much if the stack of war darts (which I used to compliment jarids or spears) was not so low.
I don't see throwing as a long or even medium range style. But also I don't use spears, jarids or javelins which have higher weapon speeds and are probably better for longer range. I usually only go for enemies within 6 meters or closer. Usually 3 meters or less. That close it isn't luck and if you miss you are usually slain quickly thereafter. I guess I like the 'showdown' aspect of playing that way. I don't really lob weaps in mass quantities or at farther ranges trying to score a hit/kill. The exception being on siege or if I'm using throwing knives or similar with a lot of ammo I will since I can afford to miss a lot.  But even if I don't get a kill it causes damage and helps distract enemies or make them react to being hit while a teamate can exploit them while they are stunned.
Title: Re: Suggestions to re-balance throwing.
Post by: Cheap_Shot on May 29, 2011, 09:56:52 pm
Sorry man but I have 140wpf exactly and it's plenty accurate enough for me. I can get headshots very often when I try. You just have to be pretty close. I have no issue with the accuracy. Even when my wpf was quite a bit lower it was still very usable for me. If throwing was even more accurate there would be mass bitching by players.  It would be too deadly in the hands of the skilled. It's throwing after all which is not and should not be pinpoint/super accurate.  I don't want any ranged weapon that's super accurate even at the highest wpf levels because a skilled player will exploit that to the fullest and then the whiners will re-emerge.

Alright, what are you wearing, baby? *wink*

Also what are you throwing, What is your str/agi split, and how much power throw do you have? It would be useful to get more info, because a lot of people like to say "lol stop whining, I'M good at it." and while I'm sure I believe you, sometimes they don't even play the class, they're just trolling.

Since Vammo75 posted what his accuracy is like seemingly standing still while using some of the more accurate throwing weapons, I'll have to post shots of the higher tier throwing weapons in the same manner. For now enjoy this informative and factual graph.
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Title: Re: Suggestions to re-balance throwing.
Post by: Lichen on May 29, 2011, 10:13:00 pm
Alright, what are you wearing, baby? *wink*

Also what are you throwing, What is your str/agi split, and how much power throw do you have? It would be useful to get more info, because a lot of people like to say "lol stop whining, I'M good at it." and while I'm sure I believe you, sometimes they don't even play the class, they're just trolling.
I wear the lightest clothes (various shirts/tunics of the 0.5 weight variety. Same with boots (wrapping or woolen hose). If I get hit by 1 arrow or any semi powerful melee hit I'm usually dead. That's fine with me. I usually use regular throwing axes.


Available points: 0
Strength    8    
Agility    27    
Weapon proficiency
Available points: 12
One Handed  134    
Two Handed  1       
Polearm          1    
Archery          1    
Crossbow      1    
Throwing          140    
Available points: 1
Iron Flesh      0    
Power Strike      1    
Shield              0    
Athletics              9    
Riding              0    
Horse Archery      0    
Power Draw      0    
Power Throw      2    
Weapon Master 9   
Title: Re: Suggestions to re-balance throwing.
Post by: Cheap_Shot on May 29, 2011, 10:34:11 pm
Yeah I thought that might be the case. You are a hybrid and have next to no powerthrow, which would have been good to mention beforehand. Honestly I don't know why you bother with the two powerthrow at all because it doesn't make much difference until after PT6. I believe it's just hurting your accuracy with little damage benefit. Also, if you're willing to use throwing weapons in an agility hybrid build, with a lot of wpf, you should actually get something for the damage trade off. Weather you like it or not. It makes sense that your accuracy should be much higher then ours, but god damn your accuracy is no where what it should be for that amount of investment.
Title: Re: Suggestions to re-balance throwing.
Post by: Lichen on May 30, 2011, 12:22:55 am
Yeah I thought that might be the case. You are a hybrid and have next to no powerthrow, which would have been good to mention beforehand. Honestly I don't know why you bother with the two powerthrow at all because it doesn't make much difference until after PT6. I believe it's just hurting your accuracy with little damage benefit. Also, if you're willing to use throwing weapons in an agility hybrid build, with a lot of wpf, you should actually get something for the damage trade off. Weather you like it or not. It makes sense that your accuracy should be much higher then ours, but god damn your accuracy is no where what it should be for that amount of investment.
I only have the minimum requirement pt for the weapons I want to use (axes mainly). When I get one more point in strength then I can go up to heavy throwing axes at 3 pt. I really don't even use any 1 handers so it's a more gimped build than necessary (I thought it'd be more fun running around with a dagger but don't often use it). So if you put all wpf points into throwing it should be even better for an agility based thrower build. Works for me. May not be a build for everyone though.
Title: Re: Suggestions to re-balance throwing.
Post by: Cheap_Shot on May 30, 2011, 02:12:05 am
I've been wanting to check out agility builds, but I've gotten heavily into the swing of strength throwing. I'd like to make sure it doesn't remain ruined forever before I try anything else. Wont abandon ship and let strength throwing sink!
Title: Re: Suggestions to re-balance throwing.
Post by: EponiCo on May 30, 2011, 02:58:32 am
Lichen, how good is your damage (especially when using darts, not axes). How many body shots do you need to kill someone in mail (44 armor)?
Because with my stats 5PT, 90WPF it seems to take 10 darts, 3 spears. Dart accuracy is ok yeah, though the spears is really crappy. Though then I've got some really tight groupings in my tests, twice even all spears directly into the same spot (you could only see one spear so accurate was I) ... something seems to be wonky here.
Title: Re: Suggestions to re-balance throwing.
Post by: Native_ATS on May 30, 2011, 03:34:42 am
I've been wanting to check out agility builds, but I've gotten heavily into the swing of strength throwing. I'd like to make sure it doesn't remain ruined forever before I try anything else. Wont abandon ship and let strength throwing sink!
thing of the  past... just like 300wpf bowmen
Title: Re: Suggestions to re-balance throwing.
Post by: Timotheusthereal on May 30, 2011, 11:32:21 am
+1 Cheap Shot! Very good!


Not an intelligent message but I think.. it's all needed to be said. I am still thrower and since the patch its a disgrace to use throwing weapon
Title: Re: Suggestions to re-balance throwing.
Post by: Lichen on May 30, 2011, 06:54:03 pm
Lichen, how good is your damage (especially when using darts, not axes). How many body shots do you need to kill someone in mail (44 armor)?
Because with my stats 5PT, 90WPF it seems to take 10 darts, 3 spears. Dart accuracy is ok yeah, though the spears is really crappy. Though then I've got some really tight groupings in my tests, twice even all spears directly into the same spot (you could only see one spear so accurate was I) ... something seems to be wonky here.
I don't use darts or war darts but I tried war darts just to see on siege. I 2 (or maybe even 1 shotted) to the chest a guy in a studded leather coat. Don't know how that happened unless he was pre injured but he was fresh from the ramp and had no arrows sticking out of him so..... Also got a 1 shot headshot on a guy wearing a mail coif + sarranid guard armor. Also got a few more kills but there was too much chaos for me to see their condition or what they were wearing exactly. I tried against some heraldic mail guys and hit some of them 2 times but couldn't hit them a 3rd time to see. My impression is that against lower armored targets they are pretty effective but if I wanted to take down more highly armored foes I would get more PT and go with throwing spears or jarids etc. But I would personally only get as much PT as required for whatever weap(s) I wanted to use and make sure to get weaponmaster as high as possible as the 2 main priorities.
Title: Re: Suggestions to re-balance throwing.
Post by: Wallace on May 30, 2011, 08:30:50 pm
Being one of the biggest moan and groaners toward throwing even I agree this is a bit over the top.

My concern was that noobers that couldn't kill me otherwise were one shotting me with throwing lances.

By no means do I think throwing should've been ball tapped this hard. Also give archery back some of its old blood lust
Title: Re: Suggestions to re-balance throwing.
Post by: Cheap_Shot on May 30, 2011, 10:01:06 pm
Thanks for your support everyone, and even thank you to the critics keeping the debate going. The official survey about item power (,5439.0.html) turned up an overwhelmingly positive support to buff throwing! This was even despite all the troll votes, or people not taking it seriously and voting to buff/nerf whatever they used/whatever killed them. I will draw some celebratory comics to congratulate throwers on making themselves heard.

Lets hope some development team members come into the thread now to discuss it with us, now that they know it is in fact a real issue.

Throwing might yet live again!  :D
Title: Re: Suggestions to re-balance throwing.
Post by: Cheap_Shot on May 31, 2011, 12:18:01 am
As promised, another cRPG comic!

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As for throwing. Lets brainstorm. We need to have something replace the wpf limitation. As for what I'm not sure yet. Lets theorize until someone from the dev team shows up to say what will/wont work due to coding issues. There just has to be some reason for every two hander in full plate not to grab a couple axes and chuck them randomly without skill. Thrower hate is on the decline, and an influx of TK's wont be good.

I'll start a list of ideas and add them all up. We can discuss their pro's and cons, and discard the unlikely ones. Someone else can start while I think.
Title: Re: Suggestions to re-balance throwing.
Post by: Beans on May 31, 2011, 02:27:07 am
Give all throwing weapons a fixed damage not influenced at all by either power throw or wpf.

Allow wpf to increase accuracy.

Allow powerthrow to increase number of throwing weapons you get per stack.

Adjust base ammo accordingly.

This way if you want to have a jav or 2 you can put some points into it and have a nice little pre-melee ranged weapon. If you want to really invest into throwing and be a dedicated skirmisher type dude and have a bunch of javs you can do that also.

Just trying to brainstorm here.
Title: Re: Suggestions to re-balance throwing.
Post by: AlbaTiger on May 31, 2011, 02:48:45 am
Yay another comic!

On the throwing front a lot of your previous comments on damage increase, slight stack increase, and importantly from the perspective of making hybrid an idiot proof choice (it should be an option but not more so than any other hybrid choice) making the requirements of the weapons higher.

I know none of that helps the accuracy issues which I would say are the major problem, but those are the easiest changes to impliment I assume.
Title: Re: Suggestions to re-balance throwing.
Post by: Cheap_Shot on May 31, 2011, 03:04:00 am
I think an obvious thing is to have wpf effect accuracy more for sure. There could be secondary effects of raising wpf though.
Title: Re: Suggestions to re-balance throwing.
Post by: Bryggan on May 31, 2011, 03:34:53 am
I like the wpf accuracy deal.  I try take out rogue cav and don't dare throw till he's on me for fear of hitting friendlys until he's gone or running me over.  And one jarid doesn't slow a charging horse down oddly enough.  And then after I throw 2 jarids into a typical mailed fallen cav I get one hit killed by a bolt or arrow through my Novgorod helm.  My guy is a bit of a hopeless hybrid due to a little indecision, but I got to level 30 and I should be able to kill the odd peasant with one hit of my 3 jarids much like an archer can do with one of his 30+ arrows.

I'm 18 str 18 agi, 6 PS, 5 shield, 3 ath, 4 riding (which I'm gawdawful at, BIG mistake), 5 PT and 6 WP.  I got 129 pf one handed and 106 throwing.  Not the greatest build, but I'd like a little more damage for my throws.  At 100 wpf I don't expect good accuracy, but the odd time I do manage to hit that peasant or rouncey it should sink deep.
Title: Re: Suggestions to re-balance throwing.
Post by: San on May 31, 2011, 06:44:56 am
In addition to throwing in general, are there any specific items that people feel needs to be changed?

 I think the throwing stars are kind of useless since they seem to be overshadowed by some of the other low price low difficulty weapons. But I have only used these for a limited number of matches, so hopefully an epic star thrower can set me straight.
Title: Re: Suggestions to re-balance throwing.
Post by: Vammo75 on May 31, 2011, 09:37:13 am
My wish list (although I abandoned having a throwing main after being in a strategios battle, I love playing with my pure throwing alts).

Title: Re: Suggestions to re-balance throwing.
Post by: Cheap_Shot on May 31, 2011, 05:59:09 pm
My wish list (although I abandoned having a throwing main after being in a strategios battle, I love playing with my pure throwing alts).

  • Take away the stupid wpf requirement.
  • I would like all throwing weapons over francisca to be 3 slot but have usefully large stack size: i.e. 12 jarids.
  • I would like the wpf to reflect accuracy and running accuracy more.
  • PT should increase damage, range, shot speed and lower the trajectory of the missile but have no other effect on accuracy.
  • Heavy axes to be replaced by two handed axes (but I have not seen any in any mod yet): any budding animators?.

There's some good ideas in there. I hadn't even considered the possibility of some 3 slot throwing weapons with large stack size. There might be something to that.

edit: I don't know if this is possible, but it would be really awesome if stack size was small for single throwing weapons (which it is, no change needed) but if you equipped the same throwing weapons in three slots, it boosted your stack size. That would be a clear investment advantage.
Title: Re: Suggestions to re-balance throwing.
Post by: Vammo75 on May 31, 2011, 06:24:39 pm
There's some good ideas in there. I hadn't even considered the possibility of some 3 slot throwing weapons with large stack size. There might be something to that.

The whole point of the nerf was to stop hybrids using the top 1h/shield or 2h and the top throwing weapons in quantity. I think this would fix it. If you want to be a Viking you could still take a bunch of throwing axes but you would have to fight in melee with them and use a lower order shield.
Title: Re: Suggestions to re-balance throwing.
Post by: Ronin on May 31, 2011, 11:29:02 pm
I would want throwing lances to cost less slots maybe? 1 ammo per 2 slots, the weapon just shouts DON'T USE ME!

My suggestion would be that power throw skill may also add some slots to rebalance the throwing system.
Title: Re: Suggestions to re-balance throwing.
Post by: Lichen on June 01, 2011, 12:30:56 am
I would want throwing lances to cost less slots maybe? 1 ammo per 2 slots, the weapon just shouts DON'T USE ME!
A possibility is each throwing lance takes one slot (so 4 max). I do think there is a place for a super heavy hitting throwing weap but it needs to be done so that it's not commonplace and sufficient investment is required.
Title: Re: Suggestions to re-balance throwing.
Post by: AlbaTiger on June 01, 2011, 12:42:18 am
It's either that or have them actually be heavy hitting.

At the moment sure if you hit a wounded person or a low level person in a lightly armoured location the throwing lance can one hit kill but that is 1 of your 2 shots gone.

If you hit an unwounded horse or a person with high HP and okay armour the lance will hurt but they can keep going, or worse if you hit a shield it is pretty much totally wasted.

Not to mention if you have 2 lances your back up weapon is 0 slot and you are pretty much useless.

I think as far as all the weapons go the throwing lance is certainly the most problematic, the daggers and stars are okay as distractions or to slow down runners (though there doesn't need to be 3 types of stars imo), the medium sized ones need some tweaks with stack and damage, and the axes even in their current state are pretty good.
Title: Re: Suggestions to re-balance throwing.
Post by: Cheap_Shot on June 01, 2011, 03:36:30 am
Things that should 100% be changed:

Current points of discussion:

Edit: Changed throw speed to projectile speed to clarify. Thanks San.
Edit2: According to Paul, PT does infact effect shot speed. Thanks Paul.
Title: Re: Suggestions to re-balance throwing.
Post by: San on June 01, 2011, 03:59:21 am
Things that should 100% be changed:

    Remove wpf restriction.
-Yes, or highly tweak

    Have wpf have much more of an effect on accuracy.

    Have shields lower accuracy.
-As a shielder, I would be fine with this. Even if you throw with a shield, there is still quite a bit of cooldown before we can shield again.
  Have heirlooming throwing weapons increase stack size again.
- Not really sure what to think of this. First we need stack sized fixed in general.

Current points of discussion:

    If throwing weapons are all made 1 slot, is it even possible for them to receive stack bonuses when three stacks are equipped?
-It depends if the maximum amount that can be carried for that weapon is an acceptable amount. 1slot +1 stack = +4 overall. For weapons with default stack sizes below 5 or 4, that's unacceptable.
 Should base throwing damage be reduced and have power throw increase damage by a larger amount?
-Yes. There should be a decent reward for investing in throwing. Don't invest, and expect a bad payoff.
 Should the powerthrow requirement to use some weapons be increased?
-The high damage weapons needs a higher requirement, definitely. The whole PT spectrum should be used (up to like 8-9 difficulty). Even with crap accuracy, if a high damage throwing weapon is thrown at a group of people, it's bound to hit somebody.
 Should powerthrow effect possible throw distance?
-Never really thought of this before. The throwing distance seems acceptable currently. If we throw at ~ a 45 degree angle, it still goes very far (albeit very slow).
  Should wpf effect throw speed?
-Throw speed as in the delay or the actual speed of the projectile? It would be nice if projectile speed gets increased. Throwing is already very fast compared to other ranged weapons as far as throwing multiple times is concerned, so no problem there.
    How do you deter people from using throwing weapons without point investment? (aka plate 2h dudes tk'ing because they have no throwing wpf)
-There were suggestions for higher difficulty and higher slots. A medium-high slot like 2 and a higher difficulty seems fine. 3 slots seems like it'll work for something like the throwing lances, though.
    Should base stack size be increase, or should slots be reduced? Possible other options?
-Just increase stack size. Higher slots decrease the effectiveness over increasing stack sizes through looms, and prevents slot abuse from hybrids and more dedication to having them as a viable option.
    Other possible ideas.
Title: Re: Suggestions to re-balance throwing.
Post by: Cheap_Shot on June 01, 2011, 04:33:40 am
Some great points. Thanks San. Also I clarified the point about throwing speed, thanks. I intended it as projectile speed. It would be nice if powerthrow effected projectile speed. Drawing, pulling back, and releasing throwing weapons is fair and shouldn't be changed really. After they leave your hand however, they're painfully slow.

I believe that heirlooming should increase stack size again, probably by the smallest amount, maybe +1 per two heirloom points, because currently heirlooming throwing weapons is the most useless thing. There needs to be some kind of reason to heirloom them. Right now they barely change. Adding to stack size also rewards people who invest into throwing. Those who just decide to huck them around before whipping out a 2hander or a polearm aren't going to have heirloomed throwing weapons.

powerthrow effecting distance makes sense in my mind. If you throw something with more power it should go further. Up for debate though.

I don't know what should be done about lances. They were thinking of just removing them but I don't know about that.

Anyways lets keep the discussion going. Lots of good points San.
Title: Re: Suggestions to re-balance throwing.
Post by: Ronin on June 01, 2011, 04:40:50 pm
If the requirement for throwing weapons will go high, they need to be more rewarding in my point of view. But reducing the amount of base damage of throwing weapons does not sound like rewarding at all. I played as a pure thrower in last versions with giving no power strike at all. And I got quite bored because it was just ridiculous. You need to get close to your enemy, you have a few chances to shoot, then you have to face in melee. You have to wait for an ally to save you, before you block in wrong direction. Even if you got saved you won't have many weapons to throw left at all. The range increase buff would be cool, but won't be very significant. Because this is THROWING, not something like crossbow or a bow. A thrower had to be advance in melee like a close-combat-fighter. In native there are 3 types of choice. Cavalry, Archer and Infantry. There is not something like javelin thrower for rhodok, or jarid cavalry for Sarranid. They are included in the weaponry of Infantry and Cavalry as a side weapon. Mostly secondary weapon.

And my point about throwing lances that they are the weapons that attracted me to throwing in cRPG. If they go, there wouldn't be anything interesting for throwers (for me after all). I would rather go to native and continue with my bloodraged throwing without suffering from any stupid nerf.
Title: Re: Suggestions to re-balance throwing.
Post by: Gorath on June 01, 2011, 04:46:07 pm
In native there are 3 types of choice. Cavalry, Archer and Infantry. There is not something like javelin thrower for rhodok, or jarid cavalry for Sarranid. They are included in the weaponry of Infantry and Cavalry as a side weapon. Mostly secondary weapon.

The way they should be.
Title: Re: Suggestions to re-balance throwing.
Post by: Lorenzo_of_Iberia on June 01, 2011, 05:26:10 pm
The way they should be.

Then go back and play native then Gorath :P
Title: Re: Suggestions to re-balance throwing.
Post by: ArchonAlarion on June 01, 2011, 06:25:42 pm
The way they should be.

Title: Re: Suggestions to re-balance throwing.
Post by: Ronin on June 01, 2011, 07:26:39 pm
Then go back and play native then Gorath :P
The problem is we can. This mod is competing with other mods, including native. And since WFAS released, also WFAS.
Title: Re: Suggestions to re-balance throwing.
Post by: Lorenzo_of_Iberia on June 01, 2011, 08:33:53 pm
The problem is we can. This mod is competing with other mods, including native. And since WFAS released, also WFAS.

Well I'm not gonna try and stop anyone :P CRPG seems to be doing better and better these days :D
Title: Re: Suggestions to re-balance throwing.
Post by: DANK on June 01, 2011, 08:43:06 pm
The throwing nerf was the best thing that happened all year. lol
Title: Re: Suggestions to re-balance throwing.
Post by: Ronin on June 01, 2011, 08:46:09 pm
Well I'm not gonna try and stop anyone :P CRPG seems to be doing better and better these days :D
Yeah since crpg uses a very similiar system to drugs, to make people addicted; it won't be at all. But in this case farewell to me, and a few people who are invulnerable to get addicted.

The throwing nerf was the best thing that happened all year. lol
Yes, for robocops cheap shot drew.
Title: Re: Suggestions to re-balance throwing.
Post by: Paul on June 01, 2011, 09:10:03 pm
PT already influences shot speed and thus range alot.
Title: Re: Suggestions to re-balance throwing.
Post by: Cheap_Shot on June 01, 2011, 10:00:53 pm
PT already influences shot speed and thus range alot.

Really? That's good. I haven't noticed it as is though. What's the formula for that?

Edit: Modified the discussion list to reflect new info.
Title: Re: Suggestions to re-balance throwing.
Post by: Shpongled on June 02, 2011, 03:17:26 am

When the patch hit I had mw lances and was having a blast, even if i had to use war darts 4/5th of the time to save up to pay for them. The entire naked wardart grind was fun in itself, and was worth being able to use my lances the occasional round.

Then I log in and instead of a sword and 9 lances which I could re-use, I had a sword and one lance which didn't kill anybody and I couldn't pick up again if I missed. I quit for about a week, then came back and respecced my looms to a sword and light xbow. This was infinitely more effective and fun.

I have now started a 1h throwing + shield character, and I simply do not see how it is feasible. I am going to try, but combination of stack size, slot use and the necessity of low power throw reduces the effectiveness from previous patch by, I would estimate, about 90%.

Halve stack size = 50%

Double slot cost = 25%

Half powerthrow (10 > 5) = 12.5%

Add in wpf restrictions for armor and the lack of any other thrown weapons on the ground.

It is a sorry, sorry day for throwers.
Title: Re: Suggestions to re-balance throwing.
Post by: Tzar on June 02, 2011, 03:20:19 am
Cant remmeber the last time i saw a thrower  :shock:

Anyways good luck  :wink:
Title: Re: Suggestions to re-balance throwing.
Post by: Timotheusthereal on June 02, 2011, 09:53:33 am
Are you some kind of comic worker C_S?

Thus I agree mostly with your points of buffing throwing!
Title: Re: Suggestions to re-balance throwing.
Post by: Paul on June 02, 2011, 03:18:10 pm
Newest research showed that:

actual_shot_speed = shot_speed * sqrt((PT * 0.1) + 1.0) * 1.2

That means a PT 10 thrower has about 140% starting projectile speed compared to a PT 0 weakling.
That means with neglecting friction and with starting+end point of the throw at the same height the maximum throw distance(45 degree angle) would increase by a factor of 2.
Title: Re: Suggestions to re-balance throwing.
Post by: Thomek on June 02, 2011, 11:23:33 pm
and this was always the problem of powerthrow.

It adds:

projectile speed
projectile damage
unlocks higher damage weapons

I dunno if it also adds short time between throws..

At the same time wpf had minimum impact compared to powerthrow.

My suggestion was to do a behind the interface multiplier of throwing wpf, at the same time nerfing throwing weapon damage generally. Then you would be able to choose if you would be a high damage or high precision thrower by choosing an agi/wpf build or str/powerthrow build.

But not both..

Title: Re: Suggestions to re-balance throwing.
Post by: Lorenzo_of_Iberia on June 03, 2011, 01:21:29 am
So by the same logic bows should become less powerful the more accurate you get? :P
Title: Re: Suggestions to re-balance throwing.
Post by: Paul on June 03, 2011, 01:23:42 am
There already is a "behind-the-scenes" multiplier for throwing wpf, just like with crossbow skill.
Title: Re: Suggestions to re-balance throwing.
Post by: victis honor on June 05, 2011, 05:02:09 pm
Sadly since the nerf nuke hit throwing i have not had as much fun playing as before the patch.  I tried staying a thrower a few weeks after the patch hit but i gave up on it even as a gimped i whas not usefull.  I coud understand the reduction in stacks (12 heavy throwing axes + a 2hander is a bit much) but the way throwing whas nerfed is just stupid.  The same thing as archers woud have been enough and whas thus handled by the slot system, the accuracy and range nerf alongside it  whas just to much. In fact the accuracy shoud have been increased looking at the ammount of ammo we have not decreased, using 2 slots will give you 4 shots fo prety good weapon or 8 wardarts, looking at the other ranged it gives you 24 steel bolts or 30 bodkin arrows if using the biggest (slotwise) weapons, if using the standard crossbow or strongbow it also gives then a melee weapon alongside all that ammo even a 2hander....   Throwing also increases the danger to the player that is not involved in crossbows or archery since they can fire from a safe distance, throwers are usually in the thick of it or close enough to it to need good armour and melee to support it, this takes atleast 1slot and most of the time 2 (polearm, 2hander or sword and board).

There are two options to throwing, remove it alltogether (all but done in current state anyway) or give it some love next patch, there are plenty of examples given that will not make it overpowered.

ps. almost exclusively  used heavy throwing axes since i coud use them, i never used lances.


whats whit having a 4 throwing spear stack but only 3 jardis-javelins?

Title: Re: Suggestions to re-balance throwing.
Post by: Joelturuz on June 05, 2011, 07:31:02 pm
whats whit having a 4 throwing spear stack but only 3 jardis-javelins?
Well, all throwing weapons which have a quiver showing the ammo have been made to have only as much ammo as a full quiver shows. The jarids also have 4+ damage and +1 missile speed.

I finally tried throwing myself and I have to agree that it feels quite weak. While I prefer them as sidearms and think that the throwing axes having just 2 ammo is fine as I've used them in melee as well quite succesfully, having a quiver of darts have just 4 is ridiculous. That's not enough to even kill anybody. And don't get me started on 2 slot javelins with only 3 shots.

In my opinion Throwers should have to make a choice (or maybe some kind of mix) about either having good damage and little ammo or more ammo but less damage. Same could apply to accuracy, to a certain extent.
Here's an example:
How things are now
- little ammo (2)
- good damage

- still little ammo (4)
- low damage

How I'd prefer things to be
- little ammo (2)
- good damage

- more ammo (6?)
- low damage

Haven't thought on how to deal with high damage and a bit more ammo having throwing weapons such as the throwing spears. I do understand why getting 4 ammo for 2 slots isn't attractive though.
If the slots would be dropped to 1 for all throwing, including the "better" ones, it'd go a long way. After all, throwing lance only has 1 ammo now and it might not even hit and jarids still need at least 2 shots to kill (if none of those end up in the shield, that is).
Naturally weapon's secondary mode affects how good it's other aspects are. Can't have the cake and eat it too.
Title: Re: Suggestions to re-balance throwing.
Post by: Thomek on June 05, 2011, 10:31:50 pm
There already is a "behind-the-scenes" multiplier for throwing wpf, just like with crossbow skill.

Aha :-)

So it shouldn't be a big deal to tweak it then.. :-) Any chance of telling us what it is?
Title: Re: Suggestions to re-balance throwing.
Post by: Torp on June 05, 2011, 10:36:15 pm
and this was always the problem of powerthrow.

It adds:

projectile speed
projectile damage
unlocks higher damage weapons

I dunno if it also adds short time between throws..

At the same time wpf had minimum impact compared to powerthrow.

My suggestion was to do a behind the interface multiplier of throwing wpf, at the same time nerfing throwing weapon damage generally. Then you would be able to choose if you would be a high damage or high precision thrower by choosing an agi/wpf build or str/powerthrow build.

But not both..

agreed... my 3 pt thrower does no dmg - fair enough, but yet it has no accuracy either! (i have quite alot of wpf)
Title: Re: Suggestions to re-balance throwing.
Post by: dontgothere on June 08, 2011, 04:13:53 am
hi :(

There is probably one build out there that does more throwing damage than I do, but there is probably not more than one.


STR:  38
AGI: 3

Throw wpf: 107

Athletics: 1
PT: 12

After retire, though, I'm going to aim for 13 PT and 0 Athletics.

I haven't played in a couple weeks cuz my pc broke, but before I left the patch definitely hurt.

Before it, my throwing lances would insta-kill 1/2 the time.  Now it's more like 1/6, and harder to aim.
But the worst thing is that the throwing spears and the like take-up two slots in the inventory -- I could live with any nerf besides that, because then at least I still had enough shots with enough damage to make it workable.
Now there's really no point to doing anything but loading-up on war darts and spamming from a distance, which, without any melee stats, is about as effective as being a low-level archer.

I think that "low intensity" throwing needs to be reigned in, but for pure throwing builds these changes are crippling and that's not cool.

p.s. cheap-shot i lurv yer drawrings :)
Title: Re: Suggestions to re-balance throwing.
Post by: Cheap_Shot on June 08, 2011, 11:02:43 am

p.s. cheap-shot i lurv yer drawrings :)

Thank yew. Question. When you begin a round do you get a red message saying that your wpf is too low?
Title: Re: Suggestions to re-balance throwing.
Post by: dontgothere on June 08, 2011, 06:59:33 pm
Yes!  :P  Constantly.  And only since the last patch.

Edit -

I know I suck, but I hadn't read about the WPF/PT thing in your OP until just now.  :P  That is total bullshit - so all my PT over a certain amounted is totally wasted?  Why would they kill-off high-end PT when so few of us were there and really not getting that far with it in terms of K:D?  If they want to force melee and archers, why have throwing at all?  Weird stuff.  Guess I'll have to totally respec.  :P
Title: Re: Suggestions to re-balance throwing.
Post by: Cheap_Shot on June 09, 2011, 12:14:46 am
Yes!  :P  Constantly.  And only since the last patch.

Edit -

I know I suck, but I hadn't read about the WPF/PT thing in your OP until just now.  :P  That is total bullshit - so all my PT over a certain amounted is totally wasted?  Why would they kill-off high-end PT when so few of us were there and really not getting that far with it in terms of K:D?  If they want to force melee and archers, why have throwing at all?  Weird stuff.  Guess I'll have to totally respec.  :P

I respeced. I mean I respeced and ended up going pure throwing again, but I pretty much haven't spent points since level 24 waiting to see what the verdict is. I'd recommend you grab some axes or spears instead of the lances for now and not respec until after the next patch.

 My guess is that you are probably only running with an effective PT 7 or 6 even though you have 12 points in it. The damage on every weapon was reduced, especially the lances, so you are getting hit with the huge lance damage nerf as well as a huge damage drop because you're not getting your full powerthrow.

Just try out a different throwing weapon for a while until the patch. Pretend you are a mid 20's level character like I am. Or you could pick up a crossbow and actually get some kills while you wait. No need to change your character for that.  :lol:
Title: Re: Suggestions to re-balance throwing.
Post by: dontgothere on June 09, 2011, 12:19:13 am
Full inventory of rocks until next patch.   :twisted:

Thanks for drawing attention to this nerf -- I had no idea it was so severe.  :o
Title: Re: Suggestions to re-balance throwing.
Post by: Cheap_Shot on June 14, 2011, 09:07:27 pm
Bumping this thread in hopes of dev discussion or even an idea of what is currently being considered. I feel like I've been putting a lot in, and wasting my breath here. It's an odd business model to ask for donations but to also not care about player confidence in the projects development. Why is there even a game balance discussion forum if you don't actually use it for game balance discussion?
Title: Re: Suggestions to re-balance throwing.
Post by: Paul on June 15, 2011, 01:27:50 pm
It has already been said over 9000 times that throwing is gonna get buffed next patch.
Title: Re: Suggestions to re-balance throwing.
Post by: krampe on June 15, 2011, 01:42:10 pm
It was obvious as soon as i saw okinleaks with throwing spears on his back ;D
Title: Re: Suggestions to re-balance throwing.
Post by: Miahn on June 15, 2011, 03:47:54 pm
PErsonally? I believe you SHOULDNT TRY TO BALANCE MOUNT AND BLADE. .. SEriously. Some weapons are Strong, some aren't. but WHY the hell would you nerf these Throwing weapons when you've already made it so that Shields that SHOULDNT block, can block something 2ft away from the shield?
Title: Re: Suggestions to re-balance throwing.
Post by: Gorath on June 15, 2011, 03:51:22 pm
you've already made it so that Shields that SHOULDNT block, can block something 2ft away from the shield?

Title: Re: Suggestions to re-balance throwing.
Post by: Miahn on June 15, 2011, 11:38:30 pm
When you get into tier 4 shields, you'll aim above their head, about a foot above their head. And it'll still catch the arrow. Same with stuff like the metal buckler. It's a tiny thing. It really shouldn't be able to block the arrow that came at your head unless it moves.
Quite a few of these, like the plated shield have wider physics than they do graphics, or it's that they 'cover' more than the shield can.
Title: Re: Suggestions to re-balance throwing.
Post by: AlbaTiger on June 16, 2011, 12:05:07 am
It has already been said over 9000 times that throwing is gonna get buffed next patch.

Yes but there is a MASSIVE difference between that and actual constructive discussion between the devs and players which is the point Cheap_Shot was making...

Bumping this thread in hopes of dev discussion or even an idea of what is currently being considered. I feel like I've been putting a lot in, and wasting my breath here. It's an odd business model to ask for donations but to also not care about player confidence in the projects development. Why is there even a game balance discussion forum if you don't actually use it for game balance discussion?

A post a fully agree with. It is a very odd course of action and one which seems to have been specifically chosen rather than a simple case of forgetfulness, other examples being things like there never being patch notes.
Title: Re: Suggestions to re-balance throwing.
Post by: Cheap_Shot on June 16, 2011, 12:21:09 am
Yes this is about the size of it. /\/\/\

It has already been said over 9000 times that throwing is gonna get buffed next patch.

So lets discuss it. What changes will you be making? The only definite thing I've heard is that you're removing our best weapon from the game.
Title: Re: Suggestions to re-balance throwing.
Post by: EponiCo on June 16, 2011, 12:30:47 am
Yeah, Miahn, I know what you mean but that's really no big issue. Can be even good, if you just want to chuck throwing axes at his shield to make it break.

After playing a 2h/javelin hybrid to lvl 30 (100 2h wpf, 140 throw wpf, 5ps, 5 pt) I can say it's still certainly viable if you use your shots tactically. I.e. throw if you have enough time and want to play save, or throw into big groups - this often kills one giving you a big advantage when outnumbered. It is also great at defending vs. cavalry. This is actually one of the things I dislike. Thanks to their slow projectile speed (probably) they get a huge damage vs. charging horses and it's a guaranteed oneshot, but you throw from pikerange actually (*). And they aren't great at defending teammates from cavalry, you can stick the two shots you have (yes you have 3 but no way are you fast enough to hit 3) into a paper horse and rider that's going sideways/away to you and still see him kill your teammate (and sometimes run around for the entire round making 10 more kills because it were just scratches) - nevermind that hitting the maneuverable horses with that speed and accuracy is quite hard in the first place. So yeah, add more accuracy and shot speed to javelins, but keep other buffs really small. The idea of a dedicated ranged who has to get nearly into 2h range to hit reliably is kind of broken anyway. If he is strong you dodge 10 shots and then move in to kill him and get shotgunned. A dedicated range user should use it from some range. But yeah, I've been lobbying for that for ages, so call me biased.

(*) And it's exactly the same for melee and axes. I've killed many people in 2vs1 with an axe, but in all of these instances I waited and moved close to throw the axe at them in the right moment. I always thought, well, great, but I could just have used a halberd with unlimited ammo for that. From longer range it is a terrible risk your teammate steps into the shot when you can't do nothing about it.

edit: Also, instead of reducing all stacks to 1 slot, rather make axes and javelins 2 slots, with more ammo. No huscarl shield rambo immune vs. cav please.
Title: Re: Suggestions to re-balance throwing.
Post by: Team_Jacob on June 16, 2011, 12:35:17 am
Yes this is about the size of it. /\/\/\

So lets discuss it. What changes will you be making? The only definite thing I've heard is that you're removing our best weapon from the game.

Title: Re: Suggestions to re-balance throwing.
Post by: Gorath on June 16, 2011, 05:28:27 am
When you get into tier 4 shields, you'll aim above their head, about a foot above their head. And it'll still catch the arrow. Same with stuff like the metal buckler. It's a tiny thing. It really shouldn't be able to block the arrow that came at your head unless it moves.
Quite a few of these, like the plated shield have wider physics than they do graphics, or it's that they 'cover' more than the shield can.

Funny.  I have 5 shield skill, and use the brown heater shield or elite cav shield and notice that I get shot all the time both above and below the damned thing.  ManofWar has said the same, even Balb has mentioned this since the shield nerf along with many other shielders.  With my archer and my xbowman I shoot people above and below their shields as well, even (especially) the buckler shields.

Of course haven't used the plated shield so perhaps that one is broken, though I really wonder because the guys with heavy board shields are getting shot through/around their shields as well nowadays.
Title: Re: Suggestions to re-balance throwing.
Post by: Native_ATS on June 16, 2011, 11:10:46 am
Funny.  I have 5 shield skill, and use the brown heater shield or elite cav shield and notice that I get shot all the time both above and below the damned thing.  ManofWar has said the same, even Balb has mentioned this since the shield nerf along with many other shielders.  With my archer and my xbowman I shoot people above and below their shields as well, even (especially) the buckler shields.

Of course haven't used the plated shield so perhaps that one is broken, though I really wonder because the guys with heavy board shields are getting shot through/around their shields as well nowadays.
ugh, go play native its the same there
bord sheild dont cover your feet... but other then that you are right as far as i know
Title: Re: Suggestions to re-balance throwing.
Post by: Fluffy_Muffin on June 16, 2011, 11:22:21 am
8 PT 148 WPF and trowing knives. Try it, its epic
Title: Re: Suggestions to re-balance throwing.
Post by: AlbaTiger on June 16, 2011, 03:20:26 pm
Throwing knives were always great fun.

The only thing is that I always felt really bad when being charged by someone with no shield and I am sticking knife after knife into their chest, I almost want them to get to me and kill me.

Don't like PT8 so much though...cause that means a 24/12 build maybe 24/15 if you push it a bit.

I am waaay too used to playing as a skirmisher so athletics 4 or 5 really just never feels like enough to me.
Title: Re: Suggestions to re-balance throwing.
Post by: Cheap_Shot on June 17, 2011, 05:46:41 pm

Suggested Changes To Throwing

While making powerthrow agility based might sound crazy, if you can do it, it would actually cut down on the amount of spam, since the power strikers wouldn't be able to put points in power throw easily anymore. Ranged characters like x-bowers and archers would get more out of just sticking to their chosen invested weapons as well.

The only people who would take throwing would be agility based melee skirmishers, and pure throwers, which is how it really should be.

A man can dream...
Title: Re: Suggestions to re-balance throwing.
Post by: Spawny on June 17, 2011, 08:40:13 pm
I haven't gotten anywhere as far as I know, so I'll just make my probably final list of suggested balances and hope for the best.

Suggested Changes To Throwing
  • Increase stacks slightly, more for lower damage weapons.
  • Have wpf effect accuracy more.
  • Have heir-looming increase projectile speed.
  • Remove the wpf limiter, or make powerthrow agility based if possible. (Discussion point)
  • Have shields reduce accuracy moderately.
  • Increase powerthrow requirement for higher tier weapons.

While making powerthrow agility based might sound crazy, if you can do it, it would actually cut down on the amount of spam, since the power strikers wouldn't be able to put points in power throw easily anymore. Ranged characters like x-bowers and archers would get more out of just sticking to their chosen invested weapons as well.

The only people who would take throwing would be agility based melee skirmishers, and pure throwers, which is how it really should be.

Agility based PT is a baaaad idea. I appreciate the thought, but you can create a 10 PT, 10 WM, 10 athletics pure thrower with that change. 190 wpf AND really high damage. They get close? Run for it.
I wouldn't mind the change, but it would make pure throwing too powerful.
Title: Re: Suggestions to re-balance throwing.
Post by: EponiCo on June 17, 2011, 08:49:03 pm
Well I think keeping the requirements but making a behind the scenes switch with a complicated formula could work.
PT increases accuracy and WPF does not but both raise damage? Well fine, make it so that raising WPF increases PT instead and PT WPF with proper scaling and it's done. Well, ok, some day someone finds out that 110 wpf is 5 PT and 130 is 6 and noone goes for 120 wpf anymore, but you could add the wpf inbetween to your real wpf.
Title: Re: Suggestions to re-balance throwing.
Post by: AlbaTiger on June 17, 2011, 10:40:00 pm
Agility based PT is a baaaad idea. I appreciate the thought, but you can create a 10 PT, 10 WM, 10 athletics pure thrower with that change. 190 wpf AND really high damage. They get close? Run for it.
I wouldn't mind the change, but it would make pure throwing too powerful.

The thing is that character would still not be that powerful.

It would have the massively reduced ammo limits (compared to other ranged), far from high damage compared to the likes of the top crossbows or 2handers, you would be unable to have much armour as the wpf would quickly drop below the 150 requirement for the 10 Power Throw, no wpf in another weapon for the same reason, you would have no powerstrike, and you would still have a very low range compared to other ranged.

Having agility 10 means nothing at all when you've got no strength, no power strike, no wpf in melee, no armour, and most importantly NO WEAPONS after a few hits on flesh or shields or simply having ammo going missing or being out of reach.

So yeah quite simply put I doubt a full AG dedicated thrower with 10 PT, 10 WM and 10 Ath would be overpowered. Yes it would probably kill someone who runs straight at it with no shield (much like most ranged do) but in doing so the thrower would use maybe a quarter of their ammo.
Title: Re: Suggestions to re-balance throwing.
Post by: Cheap_Shot on June 18, 2011, 12:13:08 am
Had a talk with Paul and he shined some light on a few things. When I suggested agility based throwing, I assumed it could be limited but apparently there's some hard coding problems in the way so that idea is probably out. I love the sound of it though. Maybe one day when the devs can change hard coded stuff but not today.

Also I think they've made up their minds about what they're going to do, but feel free to continue the discussion. Maybe you can all put your heads together and come up with a brilliant idea to replace the wpf limiter with. I can't think of anything right now and I haven't been at my computer much the past week.

Maybe just chant "LOWER IT LOWER IT URRGHG!" until you're all muted. Maybe. Always an option. Might work? Who knows these things. I'll be out of town and unable to participate sadly. I swear.

Edit: Edited list. See above for details.
Title: Re: Suggestions to re-balance throwing.
Post by: Brutal on June 18, 2011, 09:09:16 am
The wpf requirement is such bullcrap considering that the class than needed it the most xbow did evade it.
You don't have to invest skillpoints so you don't have to have wpf logic !!!! :rolleyes:

If you get punish you get punish even more and if you have an advantage well here's another...  :shock:

Mission unbalancing: 100% success
Title: Re: Suggestions to re-balance throwing.
Post by: cmp on June 18, 2011, 07:57:17 pm
The wpf requirement is such bullcrap considering that the class than needed it the most xbow did evade it.
You don't have to invest skillpoints so you don't have to have wpf logic !!!! :rolleyes:

This makes no sense whatsoever. How can you apply a malus when there is no skill to apply it to?
Title: Re: Suggestions to re-balance throwing.
Post by: Ronin on June 19, 2011, 01:12:13 am
Maybe add a different skill besides Strenght and Agility such as Throwing, in which power throw and thwoing wpf are based on. Not realistic but maybe such a surrealist action will solve the problem.
Title: Re: Suggestions to re-balance throwing.
Post by: Team_Jacob on June 19, 2011, 01:51:20 am
This makes no sense whatsoever. How can you apply a malus when there is no skill to apply it to?

Make them really inaccurate and really slow to reload without wpf? Enough so that it is extremely cumbersome to use them without 75+ wpf, but not so much that someone with 100+ wpf will be penalized.
Title: Re: Suggestions to re-balance throwing.
Post by: Gurnisson on June 19, 2011, 08:11:08 am
To people who complain about Devs not talking about it:,5372.msg99529.html#msg99529

Like Fasader said in the post, it's not final, but you can see it's being worked upon. Let's wait and see. :)
Title: Re: Suggestions to re-balance throwing.
Post by: Cheap_Shot on June 20, 2011, 02:07:20 am
To people who complain about Devs not talking about it:,5372.msg99529.html#msg99529

Like Fasader said in the post, it's not final, but you can see it's being worked upon. Let's wait and see. :)

He posted that on may 19th. Said it was up in the air and could change, but didn't respond to any questions suggestions or requests. The only recent comments he's made have been sarcastic jabs.

Paul on the other hand was a pleasure to talk to, and responded to my pm recently with plenty of information. Cleared up a lot of questions I'd been trying to get answers from Fasader for weeks. So thanks Paul, good on you man. Thanks for offering back a little hope.
Title: Re: Suggestions to re-balance throwing.
Post by: YourLord on June 20, 2011, 08:55:30 am
When is the goddamn item patch coming? I am tired of paying insane repairs for 4 axes which can be used to kill 1 person if you actually manage to hit all of them which is borderline impossible, unless you only use them in doorways or stairs (still the accuracy is laughable).
These things cost me as much repair as my main weapon with efficiency ratio of about 1(axes) to 10(any 2H/Polearm)

The only satisfaction I get is one in a million random headshot which is oh so epic and satisfying, but has no skill involved and is pure luck.
Oh and btw my throwing charracter is so assraped by the new changes, I have 8 PT on my thrower and 50wpf from previous patch... now whats wrong with that with the new patch...?
Title: Re: Suggestions to re-balance throwing.
Post by: Team_Jacob on June 20, 2011, 09:53:57 am
When is the goddamn item patch coming? I am tired of paying insane repairs for 4 axes which can be used to kill 1 person if you actually manage to hit all of them which is borderline impossible, unless you only use them in doorways or stairs (still the accuracy is laughable).
These things cost me as much repair as my main weapon with efficiency ratio of about 1(axes) to 10(any 2H/Polearm)

The only satisfaction I get is one in a million random headshot which is oh so epic and satisfying, but has no skill involved and is pure luck.
Oh and btw my throwing charracter is so assraped by the new changes, I have 8 PT on my thrower and 50wpf from previous patch... now whats wrong with that with the new patch...?

For a level 30 build 8 PT is really the max even if you're a pure thrower. 9 PT puts you at 3 athletics with no IF, shield, riding, or PS. 8 PT allows you to have more athletics, a shield, maybe some PS, and/or riding.
Title: Re: Suggestions to re-balance throwing.
Post by: Native_ATS on June 20, 2011, 09:56:19 am
i read dev post saying that trowing lances where not gonna get removed then some saying it is, am so lost
all i want to know is if they remove it can i get the loom points for it, if the lances says sweet!
if not i can live with out top teir throwing, i'll just use throwing as a side weapon..but i would like to reloom something ells
Title: Re: Suggestions to re-balance throwing.
Post by: YourLord on June 20, 2011, 01:51:08 pm
For a level 30 build 8 PT is really the max even if you're a pure thrower. 9 PT puts you at 3 athletics with no IF, shield, riding, or PS. 8 PT allows you to have more athletics, a shield, maybe some PS, and/or riding.

Huh? Why are you even telling me this? I was pointing out that with 8PT and 47WPF I am only using 3PT because 3*14=42 , cant even use Kuyak or I am no longer able to pick up my axes back when I throw them... or i have to take off the helmet
47 * (1 - 0,008 * 16,3)~40
Title: Re: Suggestions to re-balance throwing.
Post by: Team_Jacob on June 20, 2011, 02:18:15 pm
It was an addendum to what you were saying to inform people that may not have known that 7 PT is the norm with 8 PT as the absolute max.
Title: Re: Suggestions to re-balance throwing.
Post by: YourLord on June 20, 2011, 05:25:06 pm
It was an addendum to what you were saying to inform people that may not have known that 7 PT is the norm with 8 PT as the absolute max.

Ohh... ok haha, I just thought it was a bit random and out of the blue :D
But yes 6-7 PT if you're Hybrid is max you should be getting, don't know about pure though.
Title: Re: Suggestions to re-balance throwing.
Post by: AlbaTiger on June 20, 2011, 06:09:00 pm
I really just can't play with more than 6 PT on my dedicated thrower.

I've been trying but strength builds just don't work for my style of play, I need at least 6 athletics preferrably 7.

Sure higher power throw gives some advantages, but for me freedom of movement and the increased tactical options that brings far out weigh those.

Could push for 21/18, but that would leave me as a dedicated foot soldier (no enough skill points for Riding and HA) and athletics 6 is still not THAT fast.
Title: Re: Suggestions to re-balance throwing.
Post by: Team_Jacob on June 21, 2011, 12:20:52 am
I really just can't play with more than 6 PT on my dedicated thrower.

I've been trying but strength builds just don't work for my style of play, I need at least 6 athletics preferrably 7.

Sure higher power throw gives some advantages, but for me freedom of movement and the increased tactical options that brings far out weigh those.

Could push for 21/18, but that would leave me as a dedicated foot soldier (no enough skill points for Riding and HA) and athletics 6 is still not THAT fast.

I just retired my spartan style thrower that had 6 PT, 6 PS, 4 shield, 4 riding, 5 WM, 5 athletics. I had 100ish wpf in throwing (I wore a barbutte, so I needed more wpf) and 120ish wpf in 1h. I am now going to go for a 21/15 build where I get 7 PT, 7PS, 5 riding, 5 athletics, 5 WM, 2 HA, 100 wpf throwing, 120 wpf polearm and I will use either 2 throwing lances or a throwing lance and a bag of throwing spears. I find that in light armor, 5 athletics is good enough. Javcav is really fun because you can actually chase down HAs fairly easily, just have to be careful cause I am going to wear very light armor.
Title: Re: Suggestions to re-balance throwing.
Post by: Cheap_Shot on June 21, 2011, 10:02:47 pm
The current wpf per powerthrow requirement is 13, not 14. I know we were told 14 by someone, but there is a lot of misinformation going around. Same with the lances. Some of the devs like to troll. I don't understand why since it probably makes their jobs harder when people are pming them yelling about lances and wpf. Oh well. 1*13.

Edit: took out my question after finding info about it in the RIP throwing thread. Posted question there.
Title: Re: Suggestions to re-balance throwing.
Post by: YourLord on June 22, 2011, 09:26:00 am
The current wpf per powerthrow requirement is 13, not 14. I know we were told 14 by someone, but there is a lot of misinformation going around. Same with the lances. Some of the devs like to troll. I don't understand why since it probably makes their jobs harder when people are pming them yelling about lances and wpf. Oh well. 1*13.

Edit: took out my question after finding info about it in the RIP throwing thread. Posted question there.

Weird, then how come when I wear my 16,3 armor I can throw, but not pick up HeavyThrowing Axes from the ground?

Barbutte(3), Kuyak(13), Leather Boots(0,8), Mail Gauntlets (0,5)
(3 * 3) + 13 + 0,8 + (0,5 * 2) - 7,5=16,3
3 * 13=39

My WPF 47
47 * (1 - 0,008 * 16,3)=40,8712
Title: Re: Suggestions to re-balance throwing.
Post by: Team_Jacob on June 22, 2011, 09:34:52 am
Weird, then how come when I wear my 16,3 armor I can throw, but not pick up HeavyThrowing Axes from the ground?

Barbutte(3), Kuyak(13), Leather Boots(0,8), Mail Gauntlets (0,5)
(3 * 3) + 13 + 0,8 + (0,5 * 2) - 7,5=16,3
3 * 13=39

My WPF 47
47 * (1 - 0,008 * 16,3)=40,8712

A quick estimation way of doing it is to take helmet x3, hands x2, chest, and feet. Add those together, subtract 7, and that's how much WPF you lose. I round up to make everything easier and just to be safe. In your case that is (3*3)+(.5 *2)+13+1-7=17. So that leaves 47-17=30, which is 9 less than you require.
Title: Re: Suggestions to re-balance throwing.
Post by: YourLord on June 22, 2011, 09:45:38 am

A quick estimation way of doing it is to take helmet x3, hands x2, chest, and feet. Add those together, subtract 7, and that's how much WPF you lose. I round up to make everything easier and just to be safe. In your case that is (3*3)+(.5 *2)+13+1-7=17. So that leaves 47-17=30, which is 9 less than you require.

Hmm.. does that mean this thread is innacurate or did I make a mistake somewhere?,2722.0.html
Title: Re: Suggestions to re-balance throwing.
Post by: Paul on June 22, 2011, 09:46:29 am
Hint: chadz likes his exponential functions.

Edit: I just derived the formular for the needed minimum throwing skill from the code, with armor pieces weights and powerthrow as parameter so I don't have to rely on trial and error like you commoners. I should probalby get a nobel price for that. Too bad I can't share it because of chadz' strict "no transparency" agenda.
Title: Re: Suggestions to re-balance throwing.
Post by: Templar_Ratigan on June 22, 2011, 05:51:43 pm
^Probably not a bad policy, people tend to twist any factual information they recieve to meet their own ends.
Title: Re: Suggestions to re-balance throwing.
Post by: Cheap_Shot on June 22, 2011, 07:42:17 pm
chadz' strict "no transparency" agenda.

What? ugggh.
Title: Re: Suggestions to re-balance throwing.
Post by: 22nd_King_Plazek on June 22, 2011, 10:04:35 pm
You know how he refuses to make patch notes or inform people of how he edits game mechanics.

Title: Re: Suggestions to re-balance throwing.
Post by: Cheap_Shot on June 22, 2011, 11:00:19 pm
You know how he refuses to make patch notes or inform people of how he edits game mechanics.

Yup. "Howwe to playe thee gamee."
Title: Re: Suggestions to re-balance throwing.
Post by: yumi_cheeseman on June 25, 2011, 04:58:41 am
I just started recently, am on my first character who is a throwing/2H character, and I really enjoy the throwing (so much that I often wade in with a pack of only heavy throwing axes), and even though I've become quite accurate with them, the wpf limit means I have to carry light armour and so die rather quickly (specially to archers), and any enemy with shield or heavy armour make my shots useless.

I definitely think that a small increase in stack, and a small decrease to the wpf requirements is needed. In addition I'd like to see a bit more given to heirlooming, as I plan to heirloom a throwing item, but at the moment, I can't see it being worth it. Perhaps a 1 point increase of missile speed on 1st and third heirloom (second has speed increase)
Title: Re: Suggestions to re-balance throwing.
Post by: dontgothere on June 26, 2011, 02:46:23 pm
Good ideas Yumi!

Don't forget maybe a boost to accuracy upon looming too?  Although what I'd like best would be a return to an increase of the number of weapons in a stack.
Title: Re: Suggestions to re-balance throwing.
Post by: Cheap_Shot on July 02, 2011, 10:20:43 pm
Good ideas Yumi!

Don't forget maybe a boost to accuracy upon looming too?  Although what I'd like best would be a return to an increase of the number of weapons in a stack.

From what I was told, it sounds like they're more interested in having heirlooming increase projectile speed, and sticking to wpf for the accuracy changes. Which is great. It was one of my suggestions, and if the info is straight, then that's a few problems taken care of.

The only things I'm unclear of is how the reduced wpf from powerthrow currently effects accuracy. If wpf gets changed to effect accuracy more, will it not matter because powerthrow reduces our wpf substantially?

That and when the patch is coming are the only two things on my mind anymore. Otherwise things are fine, as long as nothing terrible has happened in the last week or two to change their minds on everything.