I am. Shockingly I'm in LLJK, but I appreciate the offer and consideration. Thank you. They have my support for continuing to use throwing weapons. Maybe they should come by and give some input since they use them? I'm still hoping someone on the balance team will comment. One did in another thread about throwing, mentioning possible changes still up for discussion. They haven't been back since to discuss them though.
![Sad :(](https://forum.c-rpg.net/Smileys/default/icon_sad.gif)
Still hopeful.
All in all, throwing is just very fun. It's not something people would consider possible as a dedicated build, but cRPG is all about shaping your character and coming up with new playstyles that work for you. As an example, there's a player who runs around shirtless with 10 athletics and a long dagger. He just destroys me. I've never seen such fast attacks, and it made me smile since someone had found a unique and interesting way to play. People try to force you into cookie cutter builds. Be a two hander, be an archer, go cav, and the constant nerfs to everything else punish those who don't. All I want to do all round is throw, and I'm very good at it. I'm nowhere near skilled at melee, my strengths lie in judging distance and timing. I'd like to be able to keep playing the way I want to play, and really my suggestions would let me do that without turning the game upside down. Hell, at this point I'd even settle for just lowered wpf need and increased stack, but I'd prefer if they were all considered. Outside the box builds are the most interesting part of this game in my experience. Getting killed by someone with a confusing playstyle only makes me curious. I wonder how they've managed to make X weapon deadly while riding Y and wearing Z. Without this constant variety, battles will just get tired and predictable. This counters this, that counters that. It's much more exciting when you have to stop because you don't know yet what counters someone. Then it's really a test of skill and a reason to enjoy the battle.
your suggestions might fix it for you... but honestly i would make another suggestion... when throwing was super popular it was a problem, definitely. but why was it so popular? because it was super easy to hybrid, thats why! so a possible fix would be... keep the wpf requirment, maybe even make it higher! but give throwers more ammo and more damage. there were never all that many dedicated throwers... it was just a ton of people who put a few points in power throw, 0 throw wpf, and hucked shit everywhere. if hybrid remains difficult, but dedicated becomes viable... you will see a few throwers out there... maybe not a ton, but the ones who really like that play style would be able to do so... they would be at a severe disadvantage in melee, but they could at least kill people at range...
I did consider that. I can't agree because of how serious the wpf problem is for throwing. Making the wpf so high has the only effect of making it so throwing is ONLY possible as hybrid builds, and no where near effective enough to make it an option over crossbows. Currently the steep wpf need per powerthrow makes PT 10 unreachable unlike PS 10, which is an unfair unbalance. It is very easy for melee builds to incorporate 10 powerstrike and start one hit killing people. They have no such restrictions that throwers have when trying to reach the max PT. Throwing is a strength based style, and 30 strength is needed to get power throw 10. Unfortunately, because of the high wpf need, throwers are unable to wear most armors because it effects their accuracy too much. Any medium armor will knock the effective powerthrow level down, especially at higher levels, and destroy already poor accuracy. Throwers receive an angry reed error message at the beginning of each round to tell them this.
To get to powerthrow 10, you need 140 wpf, which means 12 agi and 4 weaponmaster on top of the 30 str. That means you have to convert almost all of your skills to attributes to raise the wpf high enough, and there is not enough left over to allow you to wear any armor at all, or invest in a secondary weapon to scavenge and defend with. Unlike archers who have high agility and can run away, or crossbow users who can wear heavy armor, throwers are slow strength characters with 0 room for athletics and not enough skill points remaining at level 31 for an amount of iron flesh that would matter. This makes them the equivilant of slow wet paper in a melee battle, which happens often because throwers run out of ammo, as well as have poor range and accuracy, and have to get close to land hits.
This is why the wpf is a problem. It isn't fair or balanced that 10 powerstrike is so easily reachable, yet 10 powerthrow has been made impossible. Even only at powerthrow 8, I am getting the red message occasionally when I get sick of dieing in 1-2 hits and try for better then peasant armor. We don't really need more damage. More shots and accuracy would do. You could even keep the slots as is and increase powerthrow need for some weapons too if it helps. Go ahead and remove the lance like in the proposal, it was a stupid no skill weapon and I never used it anyway. It's been made even more then useless anyway. Just please please, the wpf need is too much and has cut off even the option of high level throwing.