how come whenever crpg players hear native mentioned, they go on a hate filled rant about how native sucks and how native players suck?
its kinda funny, i play crpg every now and then, and i constantly find myself at the top of the scoreboard. hell, once i steamrolled a server with a 1h and shield, wearing cloth armor no helm, never once did i raise my shield that game.
dont get me wrong, there are some really great crpg players, mainly the elite duelists running round inclothtin cans withbastard swords and scimmys[INSERT "OP" WEAPON HERE) and [INSERT "OP" WEAPON HERE) (although both are very OP weapons in crpg) but themajoritiymajority of playersdontdon't even know how to block! and those that do areethiereither very bad at it or suck at every other aspect of melee. anddontdon't even get me started on the insanely stupid macros, hacks and shitalota lot of crpg players do.
they say nativers(?) suck, yet most, if not all, native players, would wreck a crpg playeranydayany day.
are they mad that native is what multiplayer should have been for native?becuasebecause we have a large variation of builds andplaystylesplay styles, huge selection of weapons and gear,stratstrategies and generally better combat?
...Crpg is a home to a lot of dicks.
native is easy as fuck to me. everyone is the same speed
Because native takes more skill then this mod.
Because native takes more skill then cRPG. Native there is no high strength builds with plate Armour. Anyone in cRPG can pick up a longsword and spam. Native in battle you have to use shields or you can't play because you get shot by archers.
When I get frustrated by constant deaths or some such thing on c-RPG I'll hop on Native and release all the stress by rolling servers with a few buddies from c-RPG lol. Sure there's a few players who are quite skilled, but generally the population on Native seems quite bad in terms of skill in my experience. :shock:The vast majority of the good players on the NA side burned out a long time ago. Outside of a handful of duelists (most of whom don't play all that frequently), the churn rate of players is too high for the skill level to rise back up in public play. Playing on random NA native pubs right now is almost always a flashback to 2010 Warband.
I've been getting downvoted a lot recently. Maybe I should...
Realize that upvotes and downvotes and post counts are utterly pointless, and express your genuine opinion at all times?
hell, once i steamrolled a server with a 1h and shield, wearing cloth armor no helm, never once did i raise my shield that game.
...but the majoritiy of players dont even know how to block! and those that do are ethier very bad at it or suck at every other aspect of melee. and dont even get me started on the insanely stupid macros, hacks and shit alot of native players do.
they say crpgers suck, yet most, if not all, crpg players, would wreck a native player anyday
Orrrrrr babydick its because the majority of the players in crpg have more "skill" then native players. Its just like NW, nobody can do shit in melee in that bad. Pretty much the same in Native, bunch of people that cant really block and dont know fighting techniques like feinting or holding.Ok Tom. You might do good against pub players in native. But i would love to see you play in a competitive match without your 2hander and plate with a str build.
Well, my biggest complaint with cRPG, and why a lot of people I know who play Native don't come over, is because armor values in cRPG are ridiculously high. You can get around that by playing a high PS build, of course, but that's boring. In general people wear 40+ body armor on a regular basis and I'd venture that most melee wear 50+ on a regular basis.
Whereas in Native the highest armor value available is, what, the Brigandine (plus gloves)?
Ok Tom. You might do good against pub players in native. But i would love to see you play in a competitive match without your 2hander and plate with a str build.
I doubt you would do as good as you think you are.
Simmer child.
Native players hate c-rpg because they can`t abuse completely the broken game mechanics as they do in native, 90% of the native my old friends, when they start c-rpg, they will always pick a 2h sword combined with an agility based build, so they can spam faster than anyone else.
my old friends.(click to show/hide)
Top keked, shemaforash native 2h hero minusing all posts ;D
Native players hate c-rpg because they can`t abuse completely the broken game mechanics as they do in native, 90% of the native my old friends ...It's not really abuse when all duelists have access to the same mechanics.
It's not really abuse when all duelists have access to the same mechanics.
well guess what, some people prefer not to learn how to abuse the broken mechanics, while on the other hand some people try to master them to gain an advantage, most people call them "skilled" players, I call them shit.
To be fair I think both Native, and c-RPG, have their fair share of broken mechanics to be abused.
Thats why everyone should play Napoleonic wars. There's only shit and giggles there
macros, hacks and shit alot of native players do.
visitors can't see pics , please register or loginyeah uh i laughed pretty hard at that bit.
yeah uh i laughed pretty hard at that bit.
the average native dueler is ten times better than the average cRPG dueler.
It's just how it works. The native competitive scene is much more alive and kicking compared to cRPG's stagnating cess pit of "clan battles".
cRPG isn't a balanced game. Not in the slightest. That's okay though, with so much variety, there must be a price to pay, and that is balance. This makes it a much, much more fun pubby game, but an absolute shit competitive game. While you may say that it's the other way around for Native.
I personally like dueling on Native. Compared to cRPG, it's much more challenging and it takes much more skill. Say what you will, but cRPG's dueling is a hugbox.
yeah uh i laughed pretty hard at that bit.
the average native dueler is ten times better than the average cRPG dueler.
It's just how it works. The native competitive scene is much more alive and kicking compared to cRPG's stagnating cess pit of "clan battles".
cRPG isn't a balanced game. Not in the slightest. That's okay though, with so much variety, there must be a price to pay, and that is balance. This makes it a much, much more fun pubby game, but an absolute shit competitive game. While you may say that it's the other way around for Native.
I personally like dueling on Native. Compared to cRPG, it's much more challenging and it takes much more skill. Say what you will, but cRPG's dueling is a hugbox.
Also one day I will beat Scratch. One day ;_;
Well there's your problem, you dueled in a server that allows armour.
Try duelling in a well known duel server (cough cough nditions cough cough) and 90% of the people here will get their asses kicked and won't boast about "lel top of leader board im so guuuuuud.".
yeah uh i laughed pretty hard at that bit.
the average native dueler is ten times better than the average cRPG dueler.
It's just how it works. The native competitive scene is much more alive and kicking compared to cRPG's stagnating cess pit of "clan battles".
cRPG isn't a balanced game. Not in the slightest. That's okay though, with so much variety, there must be a price to pay, and that is balance. This makes it a much, much more fun pubby game, but an absolute shit competitive game. While you may say that it's the other way around for Native.
I personally like dueling on Native. Compared to cRPG, it's much more challenging and it takes much more skill. Say what you will, but cRPG's dueling is a hugbox.
Also one day I will beat Scratch. One day ;_;
Wait what? Nditions allowed armour?
Holy shit how long ago did you play duel on native?
Also armour encourages you to chill knowing one strike won't kill you. Without armour you need to be attentive. You never know how many hits you'll take. Skilled swingers will one shot you by aiming at the face.
yeah uh i laughed pretty hard at that bit.
the average native dueler is ten times better than the average cRPG dueler.
Because bayonet lolstab isn't broken to hell. HAve anything else stab completely through them, get killed anyways before their animation even starts. GG NW.
The average crpg player is ten times better than the averagecrpgnative player
And what is it with all this, no armor=skill,
Fixed for you m8.
Also it doenst matter how much armor you have. Call someone a STR crutch or armor crutch in this mod, and say that is all of the reason people do good. But if you cant block and cant fight for shit, then all that armor wont help you for shit. If you suck, you suck, doesnt matter what mod its in. Youre still a pleb :P
The average crpg player is ten times better than the average native player
To adress your second point, I have to say that to me, everybody and their grandmothers using invariably a Greatsword to duel even when alternatives are not forbidden just tells how much better it is than everything else, that is, how much imbalanced those weapons are.Yeah uh that ain't true. I've seen bastard swords, and a load of people (mainly people from clans) duel with one handed swords because of the WNL. Yeah sure the majority will be greatswords, but let me remind you of the German greatsword and that type of shit. But arguing with you people is like poking a dead body and expecting a reaction, so I don't even know why I bother.
Why do you even care what native players have to say about cRPG? The mere fact they are talking about this mod at all speaks enough for me.
The average crpg player is ten times better than the average crpg player
Yeah uh that ain't true. I've seen bastard swords, and a load of people (mainly people from clans) duel with one handed swords because of the WNL. Yeah sure the majority will be greatswords, but let me remind you of the German greatsword and that type of shit.
But arguing with you people is like poking a dead body and expecting a reaction, so I don't even know why I bother.
Yeah uh that ain't true. I've seen bastard swords, and a load of people (mainly people from clans) duel with one handed swords because of the WNL. Yeah sure the majority will be greatswords, but let me remind you of the German greatsword and that type of shit. But arguing with you people is like poking a dead body and expecting a reaction, so I don't even know why I bother.
What is skill for you exactly ? In cRPG, the cRPG duellers will beat Native duellers. That even with the exact same build and equipment. In Native, Native duellers will win. Just how much skill it takes to fight any opponent directly depends on the skill of your opponent at the game you are playing.
To adress your second point, I have to say that to me, everybody and their grandmothers using invariably a Greatsword to duel even when alternatives are not forbidden just tells how much better it is than everything else, that is, how much imbalanced those weapons are.
only if M uses a spear! Only time ive ever even won duels was when he had a spear and wasn't being serious ^^ (that was last year when i started to do well on native duel now im total garbage and cant even follow crappy feints :( )
Native pub play is still pretty fun sometimes but if you go to native and join random servers you will roflstomp people because on eu at least there are only a few servers ive noticed with a good skill level.
I dont think it would be that easy for tobi on crpg because his crazy ass feinting just doesn't work with crpg mechanics. it would be nice to see how he adapts (im sure he would still kick ass but it would be nice to see how he changed his style)
believe me these guys are on another level to most cRPG duellists. me and chase were duelling against m and tobi a few weeks ago, chase got his arse kicked, i barely even landed a single damn hitFunny, anytime I tried Native duelling for a prolonged period of time and met the native pro's I'd win like a fifth of my duels against them. It's of course pub duelling and they might not be trying that hard, but I am always surprised at how much mistakes they make, of course much less than I do, but mistakes nonetheless which in Native could mean instant defeat.
Funny, anytime I tried Native duelling for a prolonged period of time and met the native pro's I'd win like a fifth of my duels against them. It's of course pub duelling and they might not be trying that hard, but I am always surprised at how much mistakes they make, of course much less than I do, but mistakes nonetheless which in Native could mean instant defeat.What do you mean with Native pro's?
Funny, anytime I tried Native duelling for a prolonged period of time and met the native pro's I'd win like a fifth of my duels against them. It's of course pub duelling and they might not be trying that hard, but I am always surprised at how much mistakes they make, of course much less than I do, but mistakes nonetheless which in Native could mean instant defeat.
What do you mean with Native pro's?
Tell me names, I'm pretty active in Native myself. I can propably tell you if you're right or not.
Yeah what about it ? It's not considerably better than a glaive or a longsword or a long axe.I...
Arguing with you is like arguing with people that will say something like this out of nowhere because they don't have any argument to make and are not willing to talk about the points the opposition makes because those are actually correct.
yeah that's true.
Overwhelming majority of the top duelists use GS with almost no exceptions like Rhade and the rest of BkS and such. In those "yearly tournies" for native, who is at the top? Big-o-two-handed lol-mechanic swords.
Also it doenst matter how much armor you have. Call someone a STR crutch or armor crutch in this mod, and say that is all of the reason people do good. But if you cant block and cant fight for shit, then all that armor wont help you for shit. If you suck, you suck, doesnt matter what mod its in. Youre still a pleb :P
"Very very good" by which standard.
First off should be determined if Native and cRPG are even comparable?
yeah uh i laughed pretty hard at that bit.
the average native dueler is ten times better than the average cRPG dueler.
It's just how it works. The native competitive scene is much more alive and kicking compared to cRPG's stagnating cess pit of "clan battles".
cRPG isn't a balanced game. Not in the slightest. That's okay though, with so much variety, there must be a price to pay, and that is balance. This makes it a much, much more fun pubby game, but an absolute shit competitive game. While you may say that it's the other way around for Native.
I personally like dueling on Native. Compared to cRPG, it's much more challenging and it takes much more skill. Say what you will, but cRPG's dueling is a hugbox.
Also one day I will beat Scratch. One day ;_;
You're right, pin point accurate, speed of light arrows shooting across a whole random plains or steppe map and able to hit my horse (the fastest one in the game) a majority of the time is balanced. Good call.
The only time you're safe on a horse is if you're behind a hill, or the archers have another target they are aiming for.
how are you not getting this, native is balanced for competitive play, as far as public play yes it's not well balanced, but hell, neither's crpg
That's not balanced for competitive play in my opinion. Just because there are more clan matches in native than crpg, doesn't mean it's better balanced for competition. Correlation does not equal causation.
Also laughing at these people discussing duels like that's how you determine how skilled someone is at this game. Warband has never been about duels. It's a team game where you fight in battlefields and sieges.
ok, fine, i'll explain it
'skill' in crpg/native comes down to ability to defend, attack, movement, awareness and ability to work in a team, all to varying levels
defend - is easier in cRPG because the weapons are much much slower and you have a long time to block; as well as having a lot more HP + armour
attack - is easier in cRPG because the weapons are slower and much bigger (making it easier to hit), meaning much more of your successful attacks in cRPG are spams and not feints (spam which is heavily luck reliant)
movement - you have to worry a lot lot lot less about archers and cavalry in cRPG, because whilst cavalry are still a bit of a fighting force for different reasons than they are in native, archers in cRPG are just a joke; also, the longer weapon reach means you have to think much less about being in position in melee as you can hit someone from the other side of the melee
awareness - reduced need because you have a lot more hp / armour, as well as the important fact that the archers are very weak so you don't need to watch out for them anywhere near as much
ability to work in a team - locking down a group of archers in a clan match on native takes a lot of coordination and teamwork; by contrast people go 30-0 on cRPG using a 2h
The point is though that someone's ability to duel, or even to kill the guy in front of you, which many cRPG players consider the most important skill, is just nowhere near as important in native; awareness of what's going on and an ability to work in a team is vastly more important.
cRPG is just a lot more lax in terms of skills required to play the game well; the game is easier at a high level. That does not mean it isn't fun in a public setting! Just that a competitive setting would not work
I read that post, and I don't see how it explains why native is more balanced for competition. Archers aren't a joke in crpg. I think native's weapon speeds set to "fast, or fastest" doesn't make it more skilled, it makes it more reliant on having low ping. Playing on fast/fastest melee speed was always dumb IMO. I would do very well with my normal 25-40 ping, but trying to play with 75-100 ping was nearly impossible on those melee speeds. It was easily doable on normal melee speeds.
Your whole post is just saying "crpg is easier", I don't think that explains how native is more balanced for competition. I don't think crpg is easier at a high level. Even the best players (who can easily go 20-1 or 20-0) on a battle server, will still have rounds where they are going 15-5, or 12-4. The difference between doing very well and doing mediocre in crpg is miniscule.
I've yet to see anyone defend the position that native is more balanced, I wholeheartedly disagree.
Yes I played native competitive matches in the NA community up until spring of 2012. This is like the 4th of 5th time I've said the same thing (which disagrees with your opinion), in my experience, native is not "better balanced" for competitive play. It seems very unbalanced in my opinion. Where as I see crpg has tried to tweak and balanced this game from the beginning, and have a much better balance between classes. That's talking skills/stats of the classes and equipment. But also the game mechanics of crpg that have been implemented have generally all been improvements on the game, and added to the balance between classes.You should try to get in touch with this dude:
You or anyone else saying native is more balanced for competition have yet to explain your reasoning.
You can easily see who is native "hero" and who is not.
the average native dueler is ten times better than the average cRPG dueler.
You're saying that the top 10 Native duelers are 10x better than the top 10 cRPG duelers?No, he is saying AVERAGE duelers are better. I believe that top 10 duelers are pretty much equally skilled in both.
(...found here :
Not sure I believe this claim.
You mean those with big 2h swords? No way, you can guess those are native players at all.talking about the posters in this forum
In native you use a shield if you're an infantry player! So... :)
No, he is saying AVERAGE duelers are better. I believe that top 10 duelers are pretty much equally skilled in both.
Native players don't play because they like the game mechanics without the grind. And steam rolling a native server is no big feat seeing as to how most new players come through native. :rolleyes:
When a native player comes to crpg, gets some experiance in, gets some items, thinks its as easy as native, and then(click to show/hide)
I think you might be clinically retardedyo
And when I started out on native I found archery to be a complete joke, it wasn't even that hard. All I did was click and release. Then Boom Headshot. Also I found out how well your team did, depended on what faction your team was.
yoYou have autism.
i would greentext here so hard. but you'll probably not get it.
so uh.
stop being autistic and get a sense of humour.
You have autism.He proprably can't help it though.
He proprably can't help it though.
When a native player comes to crpg, gets some experiance in, gets some items, thinks its as easy as native, and then(click to show/hide)
Native duelling is balanced, quite interesting and has lots of extremely skilled players. cRPG duelling is interesting in other aspects but the fact that it is uneven holds the competitive scene back (I wouldn't trade anything for it though, as uneven duels are much more varied and fun). Native battle/siege is a rangefest and pub servers are populated by noobs and tools. The average cRPG player is going to absolutely rape on those servers, just like any experienced player.
Native dueling is ridiculously boring. everyone is in no armour with a 2h and having seizure fits (sometimes confused with feinting). The fights all end in 1-2 hits and even when both duelists are really skilled you will hardly see any blocking because they are putting all their effort into faking each other out with feints. I was in there not long ago and I did meh with the 2h no armour thing everyone else did but i tried trolling a bit with hoplite and was winning duels, I also was winning duels pretty consistently with 1h/shield (of course i got insulted for using a shield).
Basically... Native duelists are only the best at no armour 2h feint-fests. To be a good duelist in cRPG you have to be able to do so so so much more than just feint wildly with a 2h otherwise you will get shut down hard by shielders or guys with enough armour to take some chances.
I agree Anders, I'd love if some of these native clans came and checked out crpg.
Haven't some already done that? I feel like occationally a new clan pops up in crpg and apparently its some group from native...or another mod.
Native dueling is ridiculously boring. everyone is in no armour with a 2h and having seizure fits (sometimes confused with feinting). The fights all end in 1-2 hits and even when both duelists are really skilled you will hardly see any blocking because they are putting all their effort into faking each other out with feints.'Hardly see any blocking' is such a gross misrepresentation of native duel, that I can only imagine you joined a server full of new players.
That's not making sense. The only difference is going to lvl 30 to be as good as anyone else by stats, at the same time you just need to get used to crpg stuff (ie. slower weapons and get used to your own build and the fact that everyone has different stats). There's not much behind it actually.
Also you can get just as high as armor in native, you just have to work for it in that match. If your a pleb and dont have enough money to get to that higher tier stuff, your own fualt.It is only possible to get high-tier armor in Native battle if the round limits are set way too high (or the starting gold is).
It is only possible to get high-tier armor in Native battle if the round limits are set way too high (or the starting gold is).
as for native being better for competitive play... imagine if all the fighting games for console were released with exactly one character. smash bros with only mario... tekken with only the leopard dude... DoA with only one giant boob chick... mortal kombat with just liu kang... and so on. do you think those games would have any success if they didn't have huge varied rosters to keep things interesting? sure having only one character for everyone to play would be as fair as can be... but it would also be boring and a lot less challenging to master. The more variables the more learning you have to do.
Does native have much going for it as far as different builds/weapons are concerned? Do you get looked down upon for using other weapons? I know ManOWar was using a 1h in a native tournament a while back, but cloth and greatsword only doesn't sound too intriguing to me. It's fun dealing with the stat and gear differences people have in cRPG.You're free to use any weapon you want, but most of the weapons are not nearly as good for 1v1 combat as the greatsword. People generally won't accept duels if you're using anything beyond the default armor.
/// Also lol at Matey/Anders posts about native duelling, result of trying to comment on something you don't have any idea about.
There should be 2 seperate discussion for native. Dueling and Team/competitive playing. The two are so different. Dueling Is such a shit fest on native. No armor, feint fests. Flip the coin, though and there we have something to discuss when it comes to competitve games.(click to show/hide)
we tried, it was an easy, abusable joke.
either get everyone packing a crossbow and 70 body armour with a str build + 2h/polearm + tankcav or work around abusing the hell out of whatever rules they put in to stop this abuse
cRPG pub play is about abusing the game to the max to win, competitive play in general is about abusing the game to the max to win, combine those 2 and it's just an abuse of the system fest ... very little skill if everyone's running around in tin can with STR builds just spamming their OP kick button to get all their kills. (welcome to competitive cRPG play, 90% of kills from spam/kicks).
Ok i might agree with that. But tell me than what do you think is fair and what is actually skill in crpg ? and who has skills ?
From your point of view we are all noobs and abuseres and we dont know to play
I love how people are arguing about skill levels and hatred in an obscure video game as if it matters at all.
Nerds will be nerds.
Yes, we should talk about important things like the VMAs.
Like we all know and like Ive said. Armor doenst mean shit if your a pleb at blocking and fighting :PI do agree with this, but i find myself hitting someone more then 4 times and then getting hit once and getting killed because of 1 fail block.
yeah uh i laughed pretty hard at that bit.
the average native dueler is ten times better than the average cRPG dueler.
I never suggested the VMAs anywhere. The fact that you did just seems like you want to.(click to show/hide)
There should be 2 seperate discussion for native. Dueling and Team/competitive playing. The two are so different. Dueling Is such a shit fest on native. No armor, feint fests. Flip the coin, though and there we have something to discuss when it comes to competitve games.(click to show/hide)
we tried, it was an easy, abusable joke.
either get everyone packing a crossbow and 70 body armour with a str build + 2h/polearm + tankcav or work around abusing the hell out of whatever rules they put in to stop this abuse
cRPG pub play is about abusing the game to the max to win, competitive play in general is about abusing the game to the max to win, combine those 2 and it's just an abuse of the system fest ... very little skill if everyone's running around in tin can with STR builds just spamming their OP kick button to get all their kills. (welcome to competitive cRPG play, 90% of kills from spam/kicks).
native clan matches work so well because there are discernible roles; you're either an archer, a cavalry, or a spearman/thrower with 1h - depending on the map (competitive not public, on pub most people go archer), take too many of any class = free loss - because there are discernible roles, the system is very hard to abuse
also, throwing out a facepalm at the first person that says "herder crossbowmen in native can fight as well as infantrymen". they have like 2 powerstrike
Also, btw, Crpg is actually faster, in most cases, than native for weapon speeds. So native is in fact slower game, but servers often(the competitive ones) set speeds to FASTEST(or Fast, whatever that setting actually is) and leave the Pub ones at Medium. At least, on most servers I played on, though that's limited mainly to NA servers.
this, native really does feel slower
Combat speed
Nditions: medium
cRPG: medium
Weapon speed
Nditions: 98 (Bastard Sword)
cRPG: 101 (Bastard Sword, not loomed)
Effective WPF
Nditions: 130 (Swadian Infantry, cloth)
cRPG: 163 (18/21 build, cloth)
Yes, that is so much slower. Have you considered not using a Greatsword maybe?
For proof:
i'm sorry i don't mean to be rude, but you just don't know what you're talking about
cRPG is just definitely slower (with exception to agi build bastard sword, heavy bastard sword & longsword)
and every competitive match i've ever played, has been on medium speed servers, and is definitely faster than cRPG
Lawl. Crpg plays on medium too. Stop trying to say native is faster. In that thread, CMP disproved you THERE too, and I'm bringing it BACK to show that you are STILL wrong. Native is not faster than crpg.
It is, swings are a lot more predictable here, and thats where the uneding block duels come from.
LOL michael...
3 good shielders going up against a good 2her, the 3 shielders are likely going to win 9 out of 10 times in crpg. You're either terrible or talking out of your ass.
Well, you are NA man. I am talking about European players with good combat skills and better internet connection. Its common knowledge that the American skill level in Warband is even worse than the NA football level. Ah wait, you call it soccer, right. Soccer.
You are not that good, when your bow can kill a giant with a single arrow.
I like his quote below his name. "Don't Take me Seriously."
(click to show/hide)
I'm telling you guys, we need to all make native characters with cRPG_NameHere tags and just go roll servers and troll like the little idiots we are.
Would be fun :)
Usually when I'm playing on a Native server and a group of dudes come in and allude to cRPG, they play as a group of archers. Could you imagine a group of 15-20 archers who could also kick ass with their scimitars or what have you? haha.Archer melee capability got nerfed pretty hard in the last Native patch (ath reduced to 0 (incorrect, see below), and Vaegir archers no longer get scims). They are still obnoxious as hell in public play, though.
Archer melee capability got nerfed pretty hard in the last Native patch (ath reduced to 0, and Vaegir archers no longer get scims). They are still obnoxious as hell in public play, though.
Mind you my Native knowledge is very limited and my "info" is drawn from posts in this thread, so this is by no means an expert analysis, just an observation from a bystander.
On speed:
Simple example: Three skilled shield warriors attack a single two-hand/ polearm-hero. Assuming the shielders know what they are doing, what will happen:
In native: The guy with the greatsword/ pike will backpedal, focus on parry, but if he doesnt get any help very soon, he will die, for sure.
in crpg: the guy with the greatsword with good armor runs through/ around them, randomly spamming, and kills all three of them, maybe blocking once.
in crpg the guy with clothes stands on s-key and continues swinging his greatsword and kills all three of them without using right mouse button a single time.
in crpg, the guy with polearm, ah wait, in crpg no shielder is crazy enough to attack a polearm.
People like crpg because they like the illusion that they are good with 2h/pole, but actually its more like TES V. You are not that good, when your bow can kill a giant with a single arrow. Its the bow thats that good. Same here, take a 1h, try to master nudge.
From my (skip the fun) experience, when I cant kill a guy with greatsword or poleaxe, I cant with 1h.
Tactical level is definately higher in native,
Yup that's we noticed.
lol this is a rather amusing circular discussion, talking to about 8 different crpg players here, half of them trying to say crpg is faster than native (lol), another half of them not understanding the difference between pub / duel / clan match
i think the funniest thing is people crying about native who've never
a) played a clan match or
b) played native at all :D :D
Native was easy-mode when I played and barely any changes made since that
Well Native is really boring cause all you have to do is play the same maps over and over again.
What do you mean with Native pro's?Tobi and M, which are the only two I really heard about. It's not about me being right or not, it is a simple observation I made that even though they were clearly better than me, a somewhat capable cRPG dueller, they weren't untouchable gods as some people here make them out to be. As I said, maybe they had a bad day or something, but just saying.
Tell me names, I'm pretty active in Native myself. I can propably tell you if you're right or not.
wowClassic Shema, even though I really tried to carefully shade my argument to get my actual point accross, the only thing you extracted from it is that I am bragging. Says more about you than about my statement.
such skill
I dont know too many native players, but if youre asking about native pros, i met one guy named Ordyn who was probably one of the best m&b players i had seen, although i was (and still am) relatively new so maybe im not the best judge. Theres a few vids of him on youtube i believe from duel tourneys. I'd say the average c-rpg player is far better than the average native player, but i dont think that applies to the pros/competitive players at all really
GTX best duelist. if he didnt have lags n shit he would rape native and crpg
STAB + SPAM ??? Okocha would eat him in 3 secs. Maybe I wouldn't beat him in cRPG but I remember when he was once on Nditions and fought with me. He really sucks on native ...
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no.. lol .. when gtx gets killed he always saying luck lag omg opened window i had no keyboard warband crash etc etc ...
GTX best duelist. if he didnt have lags n shit he would rape native and crpg
Exactly why I think this post :
Was sarcasm. And you didn't catch it.
Why do native players hate cRPG?
Well after today and Panos getting us all kicked i can now see why they hate us :lol:
Names like anus/anal or whatever it was that I saw doesn't really go well on IG_BG, neither does delaying or glitching.
(I'm not saying you did this but it's a difference between native and cRPG afaik)
edit: (i wasn't there either)