Native is more competitive in the sense that there are more "serious" competitions held etc, more activity in leagues etc because without them the 10% of competitive players would either be stuck playing with the other 90% of native players that are retarded and don't know what blocking is or on the duel servers.
That doesn't make native players better, especially not when native is an unbalanced shit fest. Why do you think native duelers all use the same shit with no armour? because it's the only way to make any kind of "balance".
Also don't give me that shit about " with no armour one mistake and you're dead ", that doesn't make it any more skillful than it taking 4 hits to die, because you still have to hit the enemy that many times too, if you suck you will still lose. Longer duels that take more hits to finish will show who in the long run is the better fighter, rather than just getting one native abused broken LOLstab and the fight being over then claiming you're the dogs bollocks.
Yes native does have some really good players, but it's a fact the average C-RPG player is far more skillful than the average native player.