Yay for the glory and honor of the UIF! With 415 members in the TOP 5 ALONE, they've been able to beat all of those big bad Mercs!You forget about 2 UIF members: LLJK & Fallen Brigade :rolleyes:
Fallen Brigade;
Direct vassals:
- Disbanded Militia (were part of fallen 2 months ago)
- Timurids (were part of fallen 2 months ago)
- Kapikulu
- GK
- Byzantium
- Mercs
If you have more clans that have formed out of your demise on strategus let me know. Usually when clans die they split into multiple new ones, much like a Virus.
Instead of getting your shit together you prefer to whine 24/7 on the forums.
Instead of getting your shit together you prefer to whine 24/7 on the forums.
Instead of getting your shit together you prefer to whine 24/7 on the forums.
I'm sorry. It's just pathetic.
Do something.
In fact I'm archer's only hope.
visitors can't see pics , please register or login
Also freja vibe was one of your members for definite, who is now part of disbanded militia.
And I am the last to nerf archery. In fact I'm archer's only hope.Epic line is epic!
Just because you lose one version of strat doesnt mean there is something wrong with everyone else.
No major NA fighting either
Turks - 30 players
HRE - 43
GK - 23
Byzantium - 25
FCC - 43
Mercs - 35
TKoV - 43
Fallen (and our alleged "vassals") - 78
These numbers represent your core members and members that have not left the clan or been kicked out of the strat clan due to inactivity.
98 members is 98 members and members in a faction do not fully represent those that are active. Templars, VR and SB btw are in our strategus clan not just Templars.
Also freja vibe was one of your members for definite, who is now part of disbanded militia.
+ add 30 spies from loki to your ranks straight off the bat.
and your system is flawed :) your counting total numbers yay! but not active numbers. hell apart from alpha and maybe 5-7 others in the Templars no one else plays :D most of our members are inactive on the map with no troops no gold and doing nothing.
But i agree that strat sucks. ;)
I'm the leader of our group, so my job was to attract many players and give them a nice atmosphere inside the clan, preventing abandonment. That's all. By the way, looking at dry numbers do not give a true picture. Among the 126 people enrolled in the fraction, at least half the people are completely inactive. From remainder, barely half is very active. Long ago I should clean up the list of players, but I was too lazy. So there is no reason for excitement. Do not seek to explain the current situation of calculating statistics. Looking for blame in the midst of us, rather than work on your own faction? Start with your own helplessness, because what you write here is buffoonery. Especially in the face of what some of you write in the forum. You're right - Let's take a moment and LOL together :lol:
PS. Do not forget that the UIF in a form which you describe, is merely the product of your imagination. Some factions simply do not fight (so far) between themselves and that's all. Oh, and please write for sure, who you think is in a so called UIF, because as I look at what you write, I no longer believe my own eyes :rolleyes: Templars will be severely pissed off when they see it :wink:(click to show/hide)
Technically hes right, and also those tiny off and on clan members really dont matter. What matters more is long-time devoted skilled players in your clan.
Which, again, makes your point invalid because Grey has alot of them.
the list is:
1. Everybody in North America (because were just that awesome)
2. Grey
3. Risen
4. The rest of Europe.
Deal with it.
FCC - 43
there is no more FCC in strat... If you want to see them they are all playing starwars.
FCC - 43
there is no more FCC in strat... If you want to see them they are all playing starwars.
Instead of getting your shit together you prefer to whine 24/7 on the forums.
Instead of getting your shit together you prefer to whine 24/7 on the forums.
Between the dev team spending their time developing new hats, unplayed game types (rageball, dtv, ctf, stronghold) and new ways to nerf archers AND the massive carebear alliances on the EU side the game is in pretty miserable shape.
is Strat actually a war game? :D As far as i can see its currently a medi sim ^^ you can trade if you wish and fight if you wish. Wars will generally be over trading rights and gaining strategic points for trade much like RL. This is what i think they are aiming by judging by the changes :P its like Europa Uni with actual fights
the rabbit lives Dynamike. I have taken on LLJK tonight with my loyal bunnies. Sign up and see for yourself
I find the level of misinformation in this thread amusing.
Fallen Brigade;
Direct vassals:
- Disbanded Militia (were part of fallen 2 months ago)
- Timurids (were part of fallen 2 months ago)
- Kapikulu
- GK
- Byzantium
- Mercs
If you have more clans that have formed out of your demise on strategus let me know. Usually when clans die they split into multiple new ones, much like a Virus.
Casimir, you're right.Templ-- Crusaders are several smaller clans making a larger one. If it makes you happy for me to call it the Crusaders, so be it- I just know you and yours as Templars, having once been major enemies of my own faction so long ago.
However, nothing within your post makes any argument against my point- only affirming what we all know. You see the big dog, you don't bother fighting. If anything, the Crusaders are the greatest offenders. Why the hell are you helping the UIF with this giant hand-holding peace nonsense? Why the fuck is that fun for you, or anyone, to take the easy path and make a treaty with the strongest faction in the game?
It makes no sense! You get more gold, so you can... win an advantage over already smaller opponents? You're the THIRD largest clan in the game, you big wimps! Why the hell do you need the UIF's trade agreements to win fights? It's a goddamn shame.
Also, didn't you take Tulbuk, then give it to the Hospitallers?
Your forecast is just that, you do not know what may happen tomorrow, war may come to any part of calradia.I'm putting a quarter million down that we will not see any major wars break out in the next 24 hours.
I'm putting a quarter million down that we will not see any major wars break out in the next 24 hours.
I'm putting a quarter million down that we will not see any major wars break out in the next 24 hours.
seller: Harpag_the_Grey, offered item: stones, requestet gold: 250 000
Soon everyone will see how you keep your word.
Check the list of battles today about 21-22 CET.
Waiting for gold :lol:
I'm putting a quarter million down that we will not see any major wars break out in the next 24 hours.
Yes, because that was meant in a literal sense. Anyway, i'd give it a week or two and i imagine there will be some new drama for people to cry over.
My point is...
I said major wars. If it lasts longer then a few skirmishes, and I see factions getting clobbered, then you shall get your 250,000 gold.
Picking on a faction or two and outnumbering them by 8 to 1 or some other rediculous number is not a major war.
My point is, that line of yours has been said far too often by far too many people to be taken seriously anymore.I don't believe i've said it before, so please don't generalise.
Sounds to me like he's talking about attacking an AI town. It'd be kind of a sorry attempt at a joke, but there you are.
I don't believe i've said it before, so please don't generalise.
Come on okiN. I gave my word.
I fail to see what we'd gain by entering a war that'd lead to our defeat. Surely it makes more sense to fight against those who are incapable of defending their vast claims than assaulting those who are active and have a vast number of supporters.
For efficiency it makes sense to trade with the grey order, if you fail to see that you clearly fail to grasp the basics of the system in place. I look back over the history of templars in strategus, we were originally hated for being to large, and forcing people to join us. Then we were mocked and betrayed by people who pretended to support us because we were too small and incapable of harming larger clans. now we have sought out allies,through need, we are accused of being "carebears".
What the fuck do you know of our plans. the only one we had this strategus was to destroy Fallen/HRE, being our oldest of enemies (HERETICS). Kinngrimm was thinking along the similar lines and Hospitallers made an bvious choice for fighting on NA pings against a largly NA clan.
m so sorry if you didn't like the fact that your clan lost all their villages, but you guys weren't exactly all so interested in fighting the biggest enemies you could find last strat. If i remember correctly the few fights i saw being initiated by Fallen were against small, unarmed armies in their lands.
Your forecast is just that, you do not know what may happen tomorrow, war may come to any part of calradia.
Thanks Casimir for actually engaging in this discussion. I disapprove of the trolls, even some of my own, who aren't adding anything. There's a point to be made here, and it's either that massive non-aggression alliances to disproportionately empower one side over the other is either GOOD for Strategus, or it is BAD.Improve your politic skill if you wanna make any progress in strat.
First let's address the accusations. Lost our villages? We gave them up. Fallen never fought a defensive battle for a fief following the downfall of Dusturil. The UIF was on the move against HRE, FCC quit the game, anti-UIF coalition failed miserably (why? - again, look at the numbers) and most of our players weren't interested in a game that was rigged since the start (read: Strategus 1). It's the same shit, every round of Strategus. It's boring and unimpressive.
Now, you use an interesting term. "For efficiency's sake" you trade with the UIF, and vice versa. You both maximize profits.
Why, exactly, do you need to do this? You are the third largest clan in the game. Perhaps you've lost members (like everyone else)?
Paul has a great suggestion. "Get your shit together." Sounds reasonable to me, right? I'm kidding, of course. The numbers just aren't there, for you just as badly as for everyone against you. Paul and those that prescribe to that logic are being foolish by refusing to face the reality. The numbers aren't there. No amount of "shit-gathering" is going to change that. It was tried, it failed, moving on.
So, here we are. First largest and the two third largest clans, scheming together to maximize profits... to fight people that can't possibly outproduce them in troops and can't possibly outproduce them in gold/equipment.
So, ask yourself... if I were in the shoes of smaller clans who don't have the numbers to counter my actions... what would you do in response?
"I fail to see what we'd gain by entering a war that'd lead to our defeat."
Ah! Well, isn't that illuminating. Maybe that's why the wars have stopped, why Strategus fucking sucks. It's gridlock. Nobody can move, because the largest powers are so goddamn big and self-enriched that nobody can play the game with any hope of making progress that won't be immediately reversed. Hence, even when you do win... what is it worth? Nobody gives a shit when you win, because we all see how you do it.
The Mercs? Goddamn! 35 of them held back a group of 600 players' combined economic and troop power for a week or so. Now that's impressive, goddamn legendary. Hats off to you, boys.
So you're able to win. It's not some super-clever tactic or strategy. You made a deal with the UIF, and the numbers aren't there for anyone to change it. No matter what the past has been (not being rude, but your paragraph on history was garbled, I didn't understand it), the facts of today are set. You have PLENTY of members. Only the core-UIF is larger than you. The argument that you "need" those large allies just doesn't impress me. I don't think, aside from some of the UIF players, it impresses anybody else either.
Let's look at the last part of your response, which I think is most telling about your attitude on Strategus. I don't need to know your plans, I've seen your actions and you've confessed a large part of what everyone already knew in regards to your relationship with the UIF- so now, I have your words as well.
"Surely it makes more sense to fight against those who are incapable of defending their vast claims than assaulting those who are active and have a vast number of supporters."
You're a total coward! A weenie! A wimp! You admit that fighting the hard fights, oh, that's not interesting to you. You condemn those who do not or cannot fight your massive web of NAP/allies, but refuse to partake in that fight under the absurd argument that picking on the little guys is more sensible than starting wars with equal powers.
Instead, you make agreements to protect yourself from the only individual clans capable of fighting back.
And that right there is why I think we can all LOL together. Casamir, you're extremely unimpressive and a downright bore. I wanted to refrain from getting personal, but you've admitted it yourself and I realize that you're incorrigible and intellectually dishonest. It's as close to griefing as it gets in the cRPG world. You'll do anything to win, and that includes the sacrifice of fair gaming and fun found in the rigors and challenges of competing against worthwhile opponents.
Harpag, I still hope to hear a full rebuttal on my last response. You're a much finer conversationalist than Casamir, and seemingly upfront and honest thus far. Don't fall for the one-liner trolls. Let's keep discussing this issue.
Improve your politic skill if you wanna make any progress in strat.
Technically hes right, and also those tiny off and on clan members really dont matter. What matters more is long-time devoted skilled players in your clan.
Which, again, makes your point invalid because Grey has alot of them.
the list is:
1. Everybody in North America (because were just that awesome)
2. Grey
3. Risen
4. The rest of Europe.
Deal with it.
I think you show a great ability to add up numbers garem
@ Tears of Destiny - http://www.c-rpg.net/index.php?page=battlesupcoming# & http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OaiSHcHM0PA :lol:
@ Tears of Destiny - http://www.c-rpg.net/index.php?page=battlesupcoming# & http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OaiSHcHM0PA :lol:
I'm putting a quarter million down that we will not see any major wars break out in the next 24 hours.
seller: Harpag_the_Grey, offered item: stones, requestet gold: 250 000
Soon everyone will see how you keep your word.
I said major wars. If it lasts longer then a few skirmishes, and I see factions getting clobbered, then you shall get your 250,000 gold.
Picking on a faction or two and outnumbering them by 8 to 1 or some other rediculous number is not a major war.
You have my word that it will be a solid war
Curiosity satisfied, no surprises to be had.
Sorry, Harpag, but mopping up HRE's last remnants won't be much of a war. :rolleyes:
I don't think taking a single town from an already destroyed faction that has no hope whatsoever to win counts as a proper war by ToD's definition, but who knows.
Im sure he could just sell all the strat gold and get more then 1/4 of a mil tbh.
"The Mercs? Goddamn! 35 of them held back a group of 600 players' combined economic and troop power for a week or so. Now that's impressive, goddamn legendary. Hats off to you, boys."
Damn I must have been sleep fighting again. I didnt realise my economic and troop power for an entire week just went to fight the mercs. guess I missed that part
My offer has almost 21 hours remaining if anyone cares to actually start something.
So that you can talk your way out of paying next time too?
So that you can talk your way out of paying next time too?
Talk his way out? You really consider the whole Grey Order vs last town of HRE a major war? That's interesting, although I think you're underestimating your own faction.
@ okiN - I disagree. Do not insult them because they are tough guys. I think it is still a serious opponent. Just look at the number of tickets condensed in one village and recall Emirin. Druzhina put a huge effort to suppress them.
You seem to have difficulty understanding basic concepts:So you say that your ally HRE isn't a MAJOR and proud clan ? Good to know :P
Major Wars
That doesn't make the outcome any less of a foregone conclusion, so it's still just a one-sided clean-up operation rather than a proper war.
So you say that your ally HRE isn't a MAJOR and proud clan ? Good to know :PI'm saying The Gey order VS what is left of HRE is not a Major War.
I still feel you've failed to understand the situation. Your working under the premise that we were somehow coordinating with theses "UIF" factions.
As I've said our only agreement with the "UIF" is that of trade with the Grey order, their only support has been that. Other than that I fail to see how they were involved in the fight against Fallen/HRE. I do agree that strategus has reached a bit of a stalemate, but the few people willing to actively partake in strategus will always govern to masses who only look to fight.
Most people are not going to plan to go to war, and expect to loose. That is why people cooperate against a common enemy. Having fought the actual UIF in the first strat I'm more than aware of how powerful it is as an entity and realise the problems faced when fighting an overwhelming force.
Last round of strategus we were approached by a number of people involving us with the forces fighting LLJK. We found that unless you take a firm stance and a commanding role you will be vulnerable to treachery. As such we chose to cooperate with those that we trusted and relied upon. our friends in the Wolves were an obvious first choice but some others did not wish to work with us, or simply ignored us. All in all to have the ability to wage wars you have to survive, you need security. You call me a coward for not attacking an enemy which would vastly outnumber us, i just think its sensible. Its not that a hard fight inst interesting, in fact the battles fought against HRE were highly enjoyable and showed excellent coordination by the defenders.
I really don't know who yo think you are to be analysing me personally, i've never spoken to you in person, i believe this thread is the first time i've ever replied to one of your posts. So for you to judge my character and personality on the basis of a few forum posts really makes me question whether your insight is worth listening to. I'm more than willing to have discussion with people who are reasonable and capable of not talking about individuals. If you actually knew anything of how the Crusader alliance worked you'd know that i am not in charge at all, that we work via a council system and that our most active member is ryan. Therefore to assess my character based off the actions of our entire alliance really does seem a little out of place. I also take offence at being called Intellectually dishonest. My only intent when posting on these forums is to express my opinion and hope to allow others to see things from my perspective. I don't expect personal insults because of it.
I think you show a great ability to add up numbers garem, but expressing your opinion of my character really detracts from your points. I'd like to offer the same advice that was given to me after the Templars had been defeated by UIF. Wait for the wipe, or do something about it.
You break the word, you have no honor ... blah blah blah :wink:
Nah, pretty sure my standards have yet to be met :)atop the thousand fallen bodies from the carpet bomb raid too?
Besides, hard to see you Greys from my cloudy and oh-so-lofty pedestal built on the skeletons of your 100 CD Key fiasco.
atop the thousand fallen bodies from the carpet bomb raid too?
Once upon a time the Templars and their bitches held all of Western Calradia, we ended that. Maybe you should act and not whine.Aww, Plazek, people aren't that naive, you CAN'T compare that one to this. Templar "bloc" was big, but they didn't fight. Hell, they just laid down and died, as mercs, then searaiders, then 22nd, then others went and carved up their lands one by one, with most of their "allies" switching sides without much fighting. Disappointing - yes, challenging - no.
As for your nonsensical claims with regards to the size of the Templars I find it hilarious. The Templar clan is nothing compared to the size it was back in its heyday they do not have 100 members anymore. Cut the shit.
...If you want a lot of fight[ing] - cRPG servers are open around the clock. If you are interested in tactics - you're the commander, and if you are interested in economics and politics - Strategus is right for you. I do not feel responsible for the overall picture of the game - my role is to make my faction was powerful militarily and economically. It is very easy, therefore philosophical discussion seems unnecessary...
You're trading with them? If you're trading, you're not fighting.
That's, by very definition, coordination. Casimir, you're making this too easy for me.
ARE the Grey, DRZ, both core-UIF and lackey-UIF (that plethora of clans that refuse to fight a decent war like yourself) the MASSES or not? Goddamn, you flip flop from saying "poor us, we're not that big despite what the numbers clearly say" to agreeing that you and your Non-aggression buddies are indeed as massive as everybody knows you are. You have MASSES of people. MASSES. Even if they only want to fight, they still make troops and trade goods. Stop pretending otherwise. Remember that term, intellectual dishonesty? Stop it.
If you can't beat them, join them? Or just puss out and refuse to fight them? How exactly does your brain justify this nonsense when you argue that those who are significantly weaker than you are inferior for fighting against an enemy you refuse to fight, but they simply cannot defeat (again, look at the NUMBERS)?
Please be more mindful and edit your posts for clarity. Yes, coalitions against larger opponents do work- especially with your coalition can outnumber them with only a clan or two such as the Strat 2.0, the counter-LLJK coalition.
So hear me one more time- LOOK. AT. THE. NUMBERS. Getting bigger than the UIF and its NAP forces is out of the question. Even the Grey Order ALONE is larger than LLJK.
So apply your own fucking logic. Form a coalition, and attack the Grey Order! That's essentially what you're telling everyone else to do. Grow a pair and bust a move you twit. Show me you can do it. I eagerly await to see your glorious crusade coalition fight the UIF. I double dog dare you.
I am marginally regretful for personal attacks. I truly want to talk to you in person. Come over to Fallen Teamspeak sometime, I'd love to chat.
That being said, marginally regretful is all you'll get. I've seen what the Crusaders have done (and not done), and I know that you have strong influence in that circle. Based upon the glowing descriptions of your own logical justifications for your actions, it's still appalling. It's boring. Your "advice" is unabashedly riddled with hypocrisy, "I don't want to lose by fighting them when I know I can't win!", "You should go do 'this or that' and then you'll beat them!"
Do you even realize it? You're so defensive about your actions, you've blinded yourself to the abundant failures of the political maneuvers that have turned a potentially awesome game - Strategus - into a nitwit's bargain of who can shake the most hands and avoid fighting until the numbers are overwhelming. And then, you expect us to be impressed?
We're not. Because that's lame as shit. I stick by my guns, rude as it may have been. You're unimpressive and intellectually dishonest. Prove me wrong.
Again. "Wait for the wipe" is a lot less fun than playing a game where wars and intrigue are abundant. Where power actually SHIFTS from time to time. The UIF was founded in 2010. They've been singing kumbaya together ever since.
When I'm wrong, I'll admit it. Maybe I tip toe the bounds of decency, but I will not yield my honesty to civility.
Besides, hard to see you Greys from my cloudy and oh-so-lofty pedestal built on the skeletons of your 100 CD Key fiasco.
We all have our skeletons http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wfLxHJY0lQI&feature=related
dont judge
We all have our skeletons http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wfLxHJY0lQI&feature=related
dont judge
me hugging Plazek and friends :)
Quit complaining about being too weak to stand up to the people you pissed off. Become stronger and do something about it. Or quit. Nobody really cares what you trolls decide to do.
You imply in wanting to hug me ? :wink:
Ide rather hug TommmYyY instead :-(
Evidently you care...
Most of my issues lie in item costing. GK would have been able to do more if we had been able to afford horses sometime before we were pushed out the area. Fact is the amount of time it took us to get any substantial number of horses, combined with that equipment bug which took waaaay to long to fix, meant that we just didn't want to fight. 1 fight would have meant another month or more saving up again for more horses. The problem with being an all cav clan during a strat version which makes horses an extreme rarity.
The fact that neither we, nor any of our allies (or most of the clans this strat) could afford horses, just meant we lost interest as soon as things started going badly. Because without horses all of our players are near useless in a fight. Now the only ones of us left playing strat are in bandit groups.
There is just no reason to for all of us to fight each other when whiners and cheaters are still on the map.
When fallen gets booted out of there claims there is one thing certain.
They QQ ;(:::::
When fallen gets booted out of there claims there is one thing certain.
They QQ ;(:::::
I think I'm the only FCC member still moving around the map that hasn't dropped faction. My One Man Army will put fear into anyone traveling with 3 troops or less! (can't attack someone unless you have 33% of their army after all)
I said 1 year ago that we should give up all our fiefs, become true fallens (bandints), make raids only for fun and leave big wars for others (not that i'd believe any real big war would ever happen) :o)
Strategus just needs to be faster(3x - 5x?) and reset every 2 months or so. Would also make it easier to see some trade caravans and bandits and both still be profitable without support of a big faction. More Sieges, More huge field battles (like in the old days). Also I don't think it would be that much work to just change the speed.
We became Bandits for exactly the same reason and my idea of us in Strat was raiding & pillaging for fun without any excessive diplomacy but unfortunately the game mechanics don't permit such gameplay yet. Can't play without fiefs, can't play without sufficient numbers on your roster & can't play if you don't have allies.
If there is problem with numbers, maybe it would be worth it to reduce number of players in strategus battles a bit. Not that I'd like the fights with less people, but if it causes problem for those that don't have that many people, maybe it could work.
Problems is with the amount of people who can craft/farm gold/troops, not the people in battle. Ofcourse most of the carebears don't see/don't care about that since they have the number advantage and are playing easymode.
Most of the idiots in here ofcourse believe that this is all baseless QQ or just generally have no clue what the whine is about. Osiris is the most recent example ^.
considering the size of your clan in recent strat versions then your QQ about numbers is just funny
considering the size of your clan in recent strat versions then your QQ about numbers is just funny
so in the past the fallen have never been massive and have never attacked smaller clans? I call BS on that
so in the past the fallen have never been massive and have never attacked smaller clans? I call BS on that
Oh like you guys haven't QQ-ed at all when we were at war? :lol:
There was massive QQ and silly excuses every time you lost from you guys pretty much every day then. RETARD THE SERVER. lmao
Atleast we have a real reason to whine. Many agree. The others are socially retarded people like DRZ, Grey, Hospitaller with a few monglos like Paul, Fluffy_Muffin and so on, who are simply too blind to see the flaws of this game and would rather play easy mode (or idle apparently) all the time. Fuck the community, right?
Have your Strat, I have my Rageball. /pats Wilson
How can u be so stupid :) Idiotic comments like yours making clans u piss off get closer together so they could wipe u over and over :)
Can you hope for diplomacy reset after next strat wipe? :)) I don't think Mercs, Fallen or FCC will ever get their diplomacy reset with us.
Respect to HRE for not crying.
I don't think Mercs, Fallen or FCC will ever get their diplomacy reset with us.
Templars have been massive and attacked smaller clans and done so with great pompousness and all, what does it matter now?
so more people shouldnt be able to produce more?
Doesn't make any sense. I see your point, but the suggestion with caps on troop numbers would be a good solution. Also gief moar speed.
so more people shouldnt be able to produce more?
More people SHOULD produce more but not THAT MUCH MORE that it means an automatic win for 'em just because of numbers. A tricky one, yes but maybe there's a solution. Let's have faith in our dear developers and help in the only useful way:(click to show/hide)
More ppl SHOULD produce more, and numbers should always get wins. This isnt Final Fantasy, its a game based in reality. Maybe your super-superior attitude and your lack of social graces SHOULD mean noone wants to help you?
Realism doesnt matter in c-RPG, never has done and never will do :P
Strat 1.0 fallen repeatidly attacked smaller factions who established near their borders ir their allies. E.g. Hospitallers.
Strat 2.0 fallen ally with FCC and TKoV to attack the NE, which basically became a mopping up operation considering the force of numbers. Fallen then only continued to do war by proxy iirc.
Strat 3.0 fallen are defeated by alliance of Crusaders, Wolves, Hospitaller and Occitain.
More ppl SHOULD produce more, and numbers should always get wins. This isnt Final Fantasy, its a game based in reality. Maybe your super-superior attitude and your lack of social graces SHOULD mean noone wants to help you?
Listen asshole, we're talking about balance here, not about having friends. I'm one of the loudest realism lobbysts around here but in Strategos there needs to be some kinda of a numbers over time balance because if there isn't any then we don't even need to enter it, just proclaim the winners (clan or alliance with biggest numbers) and cut the crap.
Other than that - i don't need a fresh random moron to tell me about my social skills & attitudes in this game, crawl back to your shithole and bugger off.
so in the past the fallen have never been massive and have never attacked smaller clans? I call BS on that
Oh like you guys haven't QQ-ed at all when we were at war? :lol:
There was massive QQ and silly excuses every time you lost from you guys pretty much every day then. RETARD THE SERVER. lmao
Atleast we have a real reason to whine. Many agree. The others are socially retarded people like DRZ, Grey, Hospitaller with a few monglos like Paul, Fluffy_Muffin and so on, who are simply too blind to see the flaws of this game and would rather play easy mode (or idle apparently) all the time. Fuck the community, right?
Have your Strat, I have my Rageball. /pats Wilson
IF you want smaller clans to have the same power as bigger clans then erm strat isnt for you. go and play more 5 vs 5 tournaments or something. In war games numbers count. you cant get rid of that.
Its the way of all war games like this. Bigger Kingdoms/Clans/Countries have more power and small ones use diplomacy and trade and opportunity/back hand deals to gain power and land.
i agree, this is the 1st reasonable comment from you :o)
IF you want smaller clans to have the same power as bigger clans then erm strat isnt for you. go and play more 5 vs 5 tournaments or something. In war games numbers count. you cant get rid of that.
Its the way of all war games like this. Bigger Kingdoms/Clans/Countries have more power and small ones use diplomacy and trade and opportunity/back hand deals to gain power and land.
i agree, this is the 1st reasonable comment from you :o)
Guess you dont read much then...
who the fuck are you?
who the fuck are you?
The guy that rolled over you like a fat dog on a weak puppy when were learning to play.
Although it would be nice to have some "lawless" places for bandits to raise troops, it would also make it unfair if you COULD do that, in that you could raid and retreat there without fear of reprisal.
Ofc It wouldn't be fair to have a "sanctuary" for Bandits, I never asked for it and i wouldn't want to see it as we're just throwing some general ideas here that need some extra thinking and solutions but you can't deny that smaller clans should exist in any form and have a chance of surviving at least on some smaller scale if they prefer so ? Or if not then at least Strat should have a notification so all those people with such ideas don't even enter it ?
You've got the core UIF (Legio, DRZ, Bashi, 22nd, Grey Order, Raven?) then you've got the UIF sympathizers (wolves, templars, etc) Anyway, that's how I look at it. Loosely 85% of the strat factions have non-agression pacts or are directly working together.
I'm pretty close to being done with strategus. Between the dev team spending their time developing new hats, unplayed game types (rageball, dtv, ctf, stronghold) and new ways to nerf archers AND the massive carebear alliances on the EU side the game is in pretty miserable shape.
In fact I've been playing this last year hoping that things would be improved upon but so far the game is worse now than it was a year ago.
I'm sorry. It's just pathetic. Instead of perma-QQ try getting active politically. Try to break this alliance if it exists in the form you think. Personally I'd have nothing against a Grey vs DRZ war, maybe some of the clans involved think the same. Try to making contacts, plan something big. Find secret NA allies to support your cause economically. Do something. Plazek got his shit together in the past and served his revenge cold while providing some of the best Strat battles for the players that I can remember. I hope Mercs are planning something similar tbh.
And I am the last to nerf archery. In fact I'm archer's only hope. At the moment I am working out a system that gets rid of the simple damage reduce on body hits, creating a more sophisticated one that gives full damage for torso hits while letting limb hits give less damage.
(click to show/hide)
@ Garem :You answered the 1st part of my post out of context, but i kinda had a feeling you would do that, so ill just copy paste the important part you missed, if you care to reply on this i would apreciate it:
I dont get it, i seriously dont get it. What is this all about. Why do you whine so much? Lets say you won and wiped wolves, hospitaller. More land for you and YOUR allies. Then you, and your allies would expand even more, because as we all agree more battles more fun yes? Then you would wipe some more factions. OFCOURSE you wouldnt attack your fucking friends, so not atacking your allies and expanding you would be the biggas fucking carebears, THE REASON START IS BROKEN. Dont you understand this??? The only reason you arent the ones branded carebear biggass unbeatable alliance is because you got beaten by a bigger one. So stop being a fucking hypocrite already and prepare for the future battles instead of GTXting from strat
Casimir - This response is to your comments on page 8. The rest have been fluff; I will ignore them.
In no way, shape, or form do I promote aimless aggression over cautious competence. What I specifically condemn is incompetent cautiousness. By suing the UIF for peace, and gaining it, you've created a system where the two largest powerblocks are working against an at-the-time non-existent alliance. For Strategus to work so that wars never cease, you cannot have two sides as you've created. Had you refrained from such treaties, you would see (1) the core UIF (~475 players), (2) the Crusader bloc (~325), and (3) a myriad of independent eastern factions (HRE+Fallen, FCC, Mercs, etc.) (~325 players). If someone wants to run those numbers and calculate them more precisely, I'd appreciate that.
The Eastern factions did come together, or attempted to at least. Instead of an interesting tug of war between the three de facto power groups, it became a gang-up scenario with one side having over half the potential power as the other half's potential power. West won't attack the South, the South won't attack UIF, and with the way trading works both the West and the South sides became richer at a rate that the Easterners couldn't even dream of.
For all the fits and raging that goes on over game balance in regards to archers, cavalry, shields, polearms, on and on and on, your statement in regards to balance for Strategus is... "All in all, strategus is strategus. There's probably gunna be a big bad guy, who holds most of the land and other people wont like him."
But that's contrary to your very actions! You LIKE the "big bad guy"! You make the UIF rich! You're aggravating the problem you have (begrudgingly) accepted exists! Hypocrisy, indeed.
My assertions are no weaker than before. You've foolishly made imbalanced diplomatic choices in order to "win" (at least in the short term) as easily as possible. Instead of challenges and fun (call me crazy, but if it's not challenging, what's the fun in it?), you want to do it the easiest way possible for the quick victory.
Until the Crusader bloc stands up on its own goddamn legs, they're not worthy of respect. Same damn thing goes to the UIF. If you're not interested in fun, not interested in a fight worth fighting or a victory worth keeping, good riddance. I've no use for that foolishness. This is a game. Play it for fun or stop pissing away the opportunity for the rest of us. The independent Easterners are the only ones fighting the real fights, the only ones with a real challenge.
Not to mention I've seen so many fucking good suggestions to help fix strategus and deter the carebear alliances, but none have been acknowledged, let alone implemented.
+1. I also remember fallens did try to exploit as mad this strat, were ready to stomp whatever poor little clan tried to take their big OP claims, and tried to form a real big badass alliance byz wolves crusaders pecores fcc mercs fallens hre etc etc much larger then your hipotetical uif that really doesn't exist.(click to show/hide)
@ Garem :You answered the 1st part of my post out of context, but i kinda had a feeling you would do that, so ill just copy paste the important part you missed, if you care to reply on this i would apreciate it:
I dont get it, i seriously dont get it. What is this all about. Why do you whine so much? Lets say you won and wiped wolves, hospitaller. More land for you and YOUR allies. Then you, and your allies would expand even more, because as we all agree more battles more fun yes? Then you would wipe some more factions. OFCOURSE you wouldnt attack your fucking friends, so not atacking your allies and expanding you would be the biggas fucking carebears, THE REASON START IS BROKEN. Dont you understand this??? The only reason you arent the ones branded carebear biggass unbeatable alliance is because you got beaten by a bigger one. So stop being a fucking hypocrite already and prepare for the future battles instead of GTXting from strat
+1. I also remember fallens did try to exploit as mad this strat, were ready to stomp whatever poor little clan tried to take their big OP claims, and tried to form a real big badass alliance byz wolves crusaders pecores fcc mercs fallens hre etc etc much larger then your hipotetical uif that really doesn't exist.
This strategus is not over yet there are still things to test for me :) , some wars to fight, actions for mucik kinngrimm.
I dont get it, i seriously dont get it. What is this all about. Why do you whine so much? Lets say you won and wiped wolves, hospitaller. More land for you and YOUR allies. Then you, and your allies would expand even more, because as we all agree more battles more fun yes? Then you would wipe some more factions. OFCOURSE you wouldnt attack your fucking friends, so not atacking your allies and expanding you would be the biggas fucking carebears, THE REASON START IS BROKEN. Dont you understand this??? The only reason you arent the ones branded carebear biggass unbeatable alliance is because you got beaten by a bigger one. So stop being a fucking hypocrite already and prepare for the future battles instead of GTXting from strat
Exploit. Check (autoattack bug followed by the funny devs carpet bombers raids :mrgreen: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wfLxHJY0lQI)(click to show/hide)
The amount of ignorance you show from your posts is hilarious. Start by thinking why the alliance you're referring to was created.
you fail to comprehend that either we would destroy you, or be destroyed by you. There was no possibility of us ever working with the Fallen brigade, infact it was the failure of our friends to include us in their plans with you that resulted in their ultimate defeat. now the fallen territory, and the potential power that comes with it is in our control.
I also don't remember ever suing for peace with the UIF, probably because it never happened. All in all for you strategus may be over, for me its just beginning. Now we have the potential to make large armies, using the actual equipment we want to use, rather than being forced to use peasant gear. Tthe simple fact is there isn't enough space on the map for all factions to play strategus, so some people will have to be wipped out earlier than others, before they really get a chance.
We had a choice, declare war against a UIF faction and attempt to grab their land which would be highly contested and most likely result in our defeat. or destroy you with little effort and have the potential to defend ourselves and act as we like. Obviously we going to pick the easier option.
What's the fucking point in entering a war we're bound to loose when we can reach the same goal with a much higher chance of success. If the roles had been reversed, and you were the UIF and we'd done this to your closest rival, i'm sure yo wouldn't mind.
Why on earth should we seek to destroy the UIF when clearly their numbers are superior to ours, when we can have a good old fashioned holy war against some steppe dwelling heretics.
You accuse me of being intellectually dishonest, but you are as biased as i am. You felt the need to create a thread simply to discuss how badly you were crushed. I'm sorry if your factions choices made them unpopular, in the end your not going to do well in strategus unless you've got friends. Whether the system is fair or not doesn't matter, but if you choose to play the game in a way which isn't as effective as it could be, you have no right to complain when your beaten by those who do. In future if you don't like strategus, don't play it. No-ones saying you have to.
@ Garem :You answered the 1st part of my post out of context, but i kinda had a feeling you would do that, so ill just copy paste the important part you missed, if you care to reply on this i would apreciate it:
I dont get it, i seriously dont get it. What is this all about. Why do you whine so much? Lets say you won and wiped wolves, hospitaller. More land for you and YOUR allies. Then you, and your allies would expand even more, because as we all agree more battles more fun yes? Then you would wipe some more factions. OFCOURSE you wouldnt attack your fucking friends, so not atacking your allies and expanding you would be the biggas fucking carebears, THE REASON START IS BROKEN. Dont you understand this??? The only reason you arent the ones branded carebear biggass unbeatable alliance is because you got beaten by a bigger one. So stop being a fucking hypocrite already and prepare for the future battles instead of GTXting from strat
+1. I also remember fallens did try to exploit as mad this strat, were ready to stomp whatever poor little clan tried to take their big OP claims, and tried to form a real big badass alliance byz wolves crusaders pecores fcc mercs fallens hre etc etc much larger then your hipotetical uif that really doesn't exist.
You count us as "uif lackey" for example, but did we send tickets against you, did you see any army or do you really think we would just gift our tickets to greys or drz to make wiping u easier? Why should we want that? :?
I say all this not to trow shit on you, you did exatly as most of the clan did in every strat round, you just didn't succeed in your plans this time. So this moralistic rant it's really wierd from you :?.
As in every strat clans with a poorer diplomatic position were wiped at start. Now it's neutral castle and towns battle time, after that there will definitly will be war if it will be an interesting thing to do (if strat will be fixed)
I know you don't like posts being split, but the general issue is too complex to be bundled. Sorry, but topic-by-topic is for clarity's sake.
I understand that. I wasn't asking for you to work with Fallen. I don't want that either! What I want is for you to realize that it is to the detriment of the game for you to choose to make the game two sided. You've willingly chosen a grand imbalance of the game for the easy win. If it weren't so foolish and frustrating, I'd find it amusing.
Say the UIF had decided to attack the Easterners. Who would stop them?
It is entirely advantageous to your group to counterattack the UIF. They're the "big dog", after all. But you don't, because you're afraid of a challenge.
At the very best, you'll get your chance to fight the UIF now (although I doubt it). But your numbers aren't there.
Well. This is fun. =D If you have 3/5s as many players as them, and 3/5s the ability to make gold (probably worse than that, considering the positive impact of territory size on economic growth), how the flying fuck do you think you're going to do this? If you didn't get it before, you'll sure as hell figure it out soon (assuming this war happens, which is suspicious). Remember- territory is only as valuable as you have players to work it.
It ALL comes down to numbers.
Indeed. Obvious that you want to play with as little challenge, and in the least interesting way imaginable. You're unimpressive and boring. Nothing new. More on this below.
You weren't "bound to lose" against the UIF. If the roles were reversed, and the collection of factions that I in no way even speak for decided to do what they've never done because they find it atrociously boring and allied with the UIF, I'm sure you'd be pretty peeved about the idiotic choice this existent-because-you-forced-us-to (thus, non-existent in this hypothetical circumstance to begin with) group made as well.
Let me parse that out. You're were never "bound to lose". You're just a coward.
Taking land doesn't matter if you can't use it. This is about the numbers.
If the shoe was on the other foot- wait, it's not, never has, and there's no reasonable indication that it ever would be.
You're a bigger weenie because your coalition is as big or bigger than the fragmented eastern powers anyways.
The UIF could crush you at will, because you act like you don't have a clue what a "balance of powers" is. You're either ignorant or a fool. Until the mechanics change, if the UIF comes for you, you're fucked because the Eastern Powers won't be there to keep the UIF in check.
Destroy? Who said destroy? I'm saying you shouldn't be such a bitch that you and your faction refuse to fight the UIF, make trade agreements to that end, and so royally fuck up the already meager balance of power that it screws everyone over. The UIF will have no challenge fighting you now that the Easterners are gone, which won't be fun for them. You'll have no chance, which won't be fun for you. A few hundred players are now on essentially on the sidelines and that isn't much fun either. Do you think we're just going to wait around doing fuck all while you and Team Carebear just sit on your troops and see who can rack up the high score? Fuck no. That's why you either need to (1) change your policies or (2) find a solution to fix Strategus.
Bias and intellectual dishonesty are two different things. I'm absolutely biased. I'm bored, I see a broken system. I want to find solutions that we can all appreciate so we all have more fun.
You're denying facts that are not particularly obscured, making baseless assertions and assumptions, all the while finding no solution to problems you have yourself accepted exist. That's intellectual dishonesty, not bias.
Your bias is in your defensiveness. You've admitted a problem, but refuse any solution to it. You pretend that the game is going to get better, but base this only on fiction; the facts (the NUMBERS) show otherwise.
ATS in the northern alliance had an equal amount of members that we did, if not more, not even counting the rest of the alliance nor our helping allies. It was pretty well matched at first.Deciding factor was not the numbers but the leadership.
Deciding factor was not the numbers but the leadership.
I agree.I could get kicked out for saying that oh wait
Garem you should be writing books for a living & for hobby, instead of playing cRPG. :wink:
I gave a long list of cheats I've seen to developers a while ago multi accounts, real money transfers for items, exploits etc. I just hope these things will be dealt soon and game will return to normal. Thats all I care.
poor gingerpussy, you gave away all his keys?
right before he sold his masterworks for 100$:shock: Sociopath. If it's true that you are selling items for real money, then the public flogging is for you a small penalty.
Sry forgot to answer to this. It's funny because we never traded with anyone of the former UIF members, they are too close, we prefer na clans or the sudeastern desert :D.
Sharky, I know English is a second language, but similarly to Muffin, I'm struggling to understand you. Please do what you can to edit so we can have a good dialogue.
Exploit? The only issue I'm aware of was the locking down of a fief from an incoming attack. It's also arguable- there was never a rule against it.
Do you know who tried to get this fixed ONE MONTH prior to its happening? Fallen_Mannhammer. He wants this game to be better. We brought attention to the issue, we suffered (in a unique occurrence of Dev Team attention) for it. Hopefully, this will be fixed as a result of the attention we intentionally brought to it.
What other "exploits" have the Fallen done? Enlighten me.
What "poor little clan" did we stomp on? Enlighten me.
Yes, we attempted to counteract the UIF. There's an important word to look at.
We didn't do it because we wanted to have a two-sided war. We've been complaining about this for over a year now. We've been looking for solutions ever since. Why the countercomplaints? Do you really like the system in place? You admitted you're bored with it.
Do something about it. Make it better.
What has Legio done this Strategus? Maybe my information is wrong. All I'm aware of is trading with the UIF. "Walks like a duck, talks like a duck- it's probably a duck."
You can call it or not call it whatever you want. You're adding to the power of a group of individuals that refuse to go to war. For the sake of ease, I'm calling this the UIF. Even if you're not- you might as well be.
Get Legio off of the UIF tit, do something impressive, and I'll change my opinion. Until then you're just another bored and boring clan that sits on fiefs and makes the UIF and her lackeys richer and stronger instead of making this a game of battles and multi-faceted diplomacy.
I wish I knew what your brain was saying, either (1) I can't, or (2) I won't. If it's #1, I assure you, you can. If it's #2, then don't act surprised when Strategus gets boring.
:shock: Sociopath. If it's true that you are selling items for real money, then the public flogging is for you a small penalty.
Who are these Easterns you refer to? Fallen and Friends, or those that now control their lands?
If Fallen were attacked by UIF why would i want to stop the UIF. It doesn't make sense at all.
Numbers wise what heard from you own ToD was that many members of the Fallen clan were inactive and not taking part in strat at the beginning of our war, seems to me you didn't have the numbers for your lands. Now two clans occupy your lands who do have the numbers. All in all the removal of your influence over the area is beneficial for us in every way.
Anyway, afraid of a challenge i am not. I prefer to have the capabilities of launching a sustained attack upon an enemy with decent equipment than fighting in rags with stones and sticks. Force of numbers has a much greater impact earlier in the game, hence why your smaller alliance was crushed by our larger one. now we hold your lands and more, we are just as capable of resisting these fictitious UIF attacks as you are. If your analysis is correct if we hadn't taken your lands and chosen the easy option of beating you guys then we'd have less players than UIF and less land than you and UIF.
I think you've taken a far to narrow approach to the subject, you do not know the integral working sof the faction relations you tlak about with supposed authority. The UIF is not a single entity that always works together for a single purpose. each faction within it has its own goals and ambitions, it may support one another to achieve this but since the removal of the Templar block in strat 1 the UIF has had no single goal, as such they have fragmented and powers have shifted.
I also fail to see why it should be my responsibility to improve the game, i enjoy it as it is.
My faction is currently doing well, we have many options for expansion and gain. why would i want to change the way things work.
At the moment the ball is in your court you don't have to worry about managing fiefs or if your going to get attacked in strat. So go off and brainstorm some ideas rather than being so burthurt that things didn't go the way you think is best.
My aim is not to impress you either, it is to defeat you. My aim has been reached, you are landless, me and my associates sit happily atop our piles of troops ready to move them as we wish.
If you really want to find a solution to your perceived problems with strat your best of making a post under that premise, rather than one of condemning the actions of others. We simply use the system the devs have created. If you don't like it, talk to them.
I'd also like to discuss what you keep referring to as Intellectual Dishonesty, a term which I must admit I've come across rarely. I believe this means one of two things, all though please correct me. A.) I am lying, in the face of some overwhelming and condemning evidence that ultimately means that my points are whole heartily flawed and as such all things i say are to be disregarded. You however must clearly be speaking always a 100% accurate truth or you two should be disregarded. b.) In contrast to yourself i am attempting to deceive readers by putting forward elaborate and compelling evidence which has been selected subjectively to support my statements. While you of course put forward a completely neutral statements which hopes only to enlighten the innocent readers to the great injustice done towards your faction.
To redress these points i'd like to say that the forces tht attacked your faction were obviously overwhelming, we had greater number than you allies hence why we won. As i've stated before our two options were to attack the UIF, which would likely result in an early defeat. Or attack you, which would likely end in an early victory. If war is to come between UIF and us, holding your lands puts us in a much stronger position than if you held them.
Sry forgot to answer to this. It's funny because we never traded with anyone of the former UIF members, they are too close, we prefer na clans or the sudeastern desert :D.
Things about wars and exploits, it didn't mean to be an attack on you. I think chadz could just fix that issue instead of doing the carpet bombers raid, we are here also to test it after all and you just spotted a major problem. Anyway is kind of a big exploit when you make your village not attackable you can't deny it xD.
About the stompig of little clans, it just sounds logical for me that if you claim an area you imply you will kill anyone that comes in that area without your permission.
The fact i didn't fight any of UIF members doesn't means i'm allied with every one of them. Am i allied with you because i never fought you in this strat?
Also yeah i don't like current strat but for different reason then yours. You think OP alliances is the issue, i think is other things i mentioned, i can't see how fighting anyone would solve this little issue (that fighting isn't fun XD).
Has anyone bothered doing the math for the NA carebear alliance?
(goons, knights of New(reddit), Chaos from what i hear. Don't know if UKC is in it)
Anyway is kind of a big exploit when you make your village not attackable you can't deny it xD.
Find me at http://rusmnb.ru/
I'm sorry but I don't think Garem would make a good writer. He might write pages and pages of text but those pages are still essentially empty.
I'm sorry but I don't think Garem would make a good writer. He might write pages and pages of text but those pages are still essentially empty.
So he will be like George R. R. Martin after 2000?
Look paul, we all know you and the other devs can't even muster the competence to write a change log for newranged nerfspatches or any basic technical documents for this game. When your writing evolves beyond 2-3 sentence troll posts then you'll have the gravitas critique someones writing. Until then, try to keep it civil. You are a dev after all, and should be setting a good example for all the other children.
Before you critique anyone's writing, you should have a sit down with English Grammar for Dummies, available from amazon.com.
I just started to learn basics of Russian and the only line i can say so far is "Меня зовут Gnjus" so i would be grateful if someone could tell me where to i need to click to show that page in English. :wink:http://translate.google.ru/translate?sl=ru&tl=en&js=n&prev=_t&hl=ru&ie=UTF-8&layout=2&eotf=1&u=http%3A%2F%2Frusmnb.ru%2Findex.php%3Fboard%3D80.0
Somebody needs to get got.
I'm sorry but I don't think Garem would make a good writer. He might write pages and pages of text but those pages are still essentially empty.
So a Feast for Crows was not any good? Have you read it more then the one time you skimmed through it?
Viva la resistance
I'm not against a nation but if most of the exploits coming from a specific nation I cannot ignore it and call it "some people" I have reported even my own allies in the past.Ban all Slavs! :rolleyes:
I'll try and write a more thought out reply tomorrow evening. At the moment the way I see it is that I, as the single leader of my faction (which is completely inaccurate for a start), have created a chain of eents that means the entirety of HRE/Fallen/GK/FCC/TKoV/Mercs are now completely removed from strategus. In doing this i have ultimatly caused my faction and my allies to be doomed for destruction at the hands of the UIF.
I agree with you on the numbers, but the politics wouldn't have worked any other way.
The desert alliance formulated this plan many months ago. I agreed with our plans entirely and will see them through to the end. If that means fighting an overwhelming force then so be it. If it means obvious defeat, then so be it.
I have fought many wars, against overwhelming forces my friend and made peace afterwards, why should this one be any different. Each round of strat brings new potential, new opportunities. This time round we tried this tactic, we shall see how it develops for all else is mere prediction. However, i speak for many members of my coaltion when i say that working with Fallen is not an option we'd consider.
I personally don't care much what the UIF does, wether they continue to be friends, or decide that making war at a later time would be more fun. Strategus is a long term game, and with each round it gets longer. People have to wit loger before they are interested in making wars with each other. People want to secure their own territory before expanding. We are only now seeing factions secureing their territories.
I wholeheartedly believe that a large war will come to strategus, if its left long enough.
Whether that is by the vast forces on the NA side, (which you fail to include in many of your calculations), or from the UIF. Patience is a virtue, i frankly don't care if the war is winnable, as long as i get to fight for a while i'm content. If i must fight, i'll do it with the gear i like, not some peasants cloth.
Having been the diplomatic representative for my faction over three separate strategus rounds i can tell you for sure that each faction within the UIF operates under its own terms. If you took some time to go and actually talk to the leaders of other clans, rather than basing your arguments of what you see in public and what is written on forums, you may learn something more.
Im sure if you did go and talk to these people they'd tell you strat can be quite fun for them. and indeed, if they are enjoying it and are willing to dedicate time and effort to it, equal to your contribution and others why should they not be allowed to do what they find fun?
If strategus changes, it may well be for the better, i will continue to persevere for as long as i am around. Remember, this is just one round of strategus, the wipe may come tomorrow and it'll all be kicking off again. For now i'm content to sit easy for a while and build up some forces for the next wave of operations.
On a further note, if the Fallen would have had their way, the whole of the Templars, Hospitallers and Occitain would have been wiped out from this round of strat, throw that into your calculations and see just how long you could of held out.
Ban all Slavs! :rolleyes:
Changing craft & recruit system is the only good solution.
Edit: BTW - I'm disgusted with informers, it is so pathetic and embarrassing. Job perfect for stinking nits. Disgusting attitude, stigmatized in any honorary society ... I want to vomit ... bleee
Yes! Really! Completely another thing is when someone reports a fraud, and quite another thing when someone does this to achieve personal gain. Bleeeeeeeeee! A worm! Do not mix different concepts. Spying in the game is an entirely different matter than denounce own colleagues from school or work the the boss. Mende. You do not know what it is decency. Bleeeeee! Damn now I regret that I do not know the language...
is anyone still wondering why Harpag suddenly gets all defensive?I'll tell you why. Because I consider you a sociopath. You are an intelligent person with a distorted mind. So you very well simulates a decent person, but you can not fool me, because I know your true motivation. You put too much effort into tracking other people.
This is sick.
- Multi accounting : I gave a long list of accounts to devs more than a month ago, its never been taken care of. List contains more than 60 accounts.
- Selling cRPG items for IRL money
I'll tell you why. Because I consider you a sociopath. You are an intelligent person with a distorted mind. So you very well simulates a decent person, but you can not fool me, because I know your true motivation. You put too much effort into tracking other people.
This is sick.
For example : Druzhina_Antip
http://www.c-rpg.net/index.php?page=battlesupcoming#!?page=battleroster&id=927 Antrit is Antip
http://www.c-rpg.net/index.php?page=battlesupcoming#!?page=battleroster&id=962 Artrit is also Antip
http://www.c-rpg.net/index.php?page=battlesupcoming#!?page=battleroster&id=1047 Whenever you see Antip, you never see the other two
EDIT : change the last digits of battle ids to 927, 962, 1047
Another example : STR_Han_Hanich : says that Dubiena is his wife. Very well, Kittiya is Gingers wife this is legit. Then who the hell is Dubina and what the hell he was doing on defenders side when STR attacked a castle?
An annecdote to prove Noc's goodwill in this. Noc probably doesn't want to write about it cause they were friends of his, but I don't give a fuck. Some Russian guys who were very friendly to Mercs (yes, they exist XD) offered him a 3 month old character that was gen 40. Gen 40. Noc could have not only used the character, but used the cheating method they used to do the same thing to other characters. He didn't. He got them banned, because they were cheating cunts. THAT's morality. Not cronyism, not covering for people's disgusting crimes because they're your friends, but respecting the rules and the rest of the non-cheating community.
But but but Nocti is the ultimate anticheater crusader Meow! He didnt even keep the stuff in strat he gained by the bug! Oh wait...
That is not exactly true, he wanted to use that account until i checked the char and saw it was Level34 Gen40, after that we launched an investigation and had all accounts involved banned.
He was obviously not involved in the exploiting himself.
Just to make sure it doesn't sound like that.
What i am trying to say is if you think abusing the system to get an advantage isnt acceptable you shouldnt do it yourself
Edit: actualy i got a better idea, lets do a simple metaphore with a gun and shooting someone (and by no means am i saying that cheaing/bug abusing is as severe as this, its just a metaphore)
Scenario 1:
John wakes up one day and says: im gonna kill someone
He goes to gun shop and buys a gun
He goes over to Jakes house and shoot him
Jake dies.
Scenatio 2:
John is walking on the street minding his own buisness.
John finds a gun in the bush and picks it up.
Instead of going: hey this is dangerous i should probably get rid of it, he sees Jake and shoots him
Jake dies.
Conclusion: John shot Jake. Jake is dead wheater John planned it or not.
But but but Nocti is the ultimate anticheater crusader Meow! He didnt even keep the stuff in strat he gained by the bug! Oh wait...
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Ill edit your analogie a bit if you dont mind. An assiailant tries to rape the victim but the victim rapes him instead. They are both the rapist and the victim...
No :!: This is a job for real "detective" from Devs team, and not for people with a double morality, or for fundamentalists. When you do not have professional tools, then it may be empty accusations. It can be very unfair for honest people. He can not be sure. This is a type of lynching. Therefore, I repeat once again - this is nasty attitude and I do not change my opinion.
No, that's because you're trying to equate a clan who's policy is straight up exploiting everything they possibly can and one guy refusing to give up (cheated) equipment due to a bug caused by bad code. Let's finetune the analogy even more then. It's a serial rapist, who's already claimed dozens of victims, who ends up getting raped by one of his victims. Then goes to the police, and tries to bring the girl who raped him on trial, and has the nerve to throw around words like "honesty" and "honor".
Or how the UIF is actually a transcontinental calradian conspiracy sect. Plox.
Anyway this thread really is not so lolzy anymore, I am disappoint. I want more entertaining comments about how the eastern factions were the balancer to the UIF when the easterners were not even able to kill a few smelly templars and their chums. Or how no UIF members ever got attacked in their claims. Or how the UIF is actually a transcontinental calradian conspiracy sect. Plox.
Where is Kesh when you need him?
the game is full of bugs, cheaters, and devs that don't give a shit about either. it's time to move on.
bloo bloo bloo
Solution : don't play Strat and enjoy life.
Don't go Loki D: