oh grumbs just try it, placing headshots 1 by 1, and if i miss shot with arb? then comes super reloading, even meow said hs are more luck based, and look for many this hs buf was not needed, i have 100 pierce with arb, i definatly dont need hs buff, so for me it is just nerf, ah btw dont forget that melee has big running speed today, so they dodge easy many shots, and many people are shielders or have some weak shields with, so if you hit some 1- it is allready not easy, but what we got then- shot head it show skill, all other stuff does not matter.
and also this shit pissed me off, that on weapons i have 100pierce dmg, bit some 1h guy with steel pick make more dmg than me, or some 2h guy with 40 cut, ofc he also make more dmg, looks pretty stupid, for new in this mod im pretty sure it is.