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Messages - Kafein

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General Discussion / Re: Two Handed Spam
« on: February 28, 2011, 12:29:38 am »
You do realise the only advantage 2h have over polearms is the better stab animation? Otherwise polearms are faster way slower, longer shorter, more usually same or less damage, cheaper and have stun.

And I forgot to mention that many polearms have only two attack directions. And that any four-attack polearm is much slower than its 2h counterpart, due to differences in speed ratings and more importantly left swing animation. The only "fast" polearm is the awlpike used with two hands. Only two directions, and extremely short.

General Discussion / Re: Effective skill maximums as they pertain to melee
« on: February 27, 2011, 05:26:51 pm »
Currently, armor values are so low and people hit so hard with small weapons that everything you are interested into is sheer speed. Strenght build might be succesful, but usually either the player behind is skilled or the char is crushthrough oriented.

-ATH perhaps the better skill IMO. Makes you able to choose fights, to reliably kill groups of enemies (running in and out), to surprise attack and play with weapon reaches
-WM the increase in wpf seems marginal, but the speed given still is a big advantage (feints)
-Shield, probably at the same level as PS, depends on the str/agi ratio and the shield you plan to use (small shield users like me appreciate that skill)
-PS well, good but usually above 4-5 you will two shot most people
-IF I found it the most useless among melee skills. If you have money to spend on armor, why not. But you can be as succesful with a cheap equipment and no IF.

Note: I see shield+1h fighting as, well, fighting. I usually die against shielders with a "turtle" behavior, because my goal is to kill, and their's is not to kill but to survive (or at least they act so). So I use small and fast shields (but not the jedi orange presses, ffs), usually the knightly heather shield. It gives minimal protection to arrows, very few health points, medium armor, but is very fast. This type of shield is succesful when played in an aggresive manner (or at least it's my impression). It's very good for fighting against disadvantaging numbers.

Announcements / Re: How to: remove an admin
« on: February 26, 2011, 12:08:17 am »
I have a question in my mind:
Is it ok, that admins can vote against other admins ?
Don't forget to take also into account, that if (hypothetically :D)
- I am in like Shogunate, I have enough member, to vote out an admin (its conspiracy theory I know)
- I make 15 registration, then I can vote out any admin.
So, the rules need some refinement.

My ideas, think about it:
A) There are a very few über admins (chadz, cmpxchg, etc.), who can insta-kick admins
B) There are reliable players, who are mostly independent from each other.
- To kick out an admin, the 15 player long hate-list have to contain at least 2 reliable players.
- When an admin is about to kick out, other admins have to answer this yes-no question:
  "Do the list have at least 2 reliable players?". We don't need a fix list of reliable players,
  admins can recognize them, and with this step we include some control into the process.
  Again: the question is not "Who are reliable players on this list?", but we ask only yes-no.
- If ~50% of admins accept the list, then über admins have the right to remove the admins.
- ofc., A) point can be used anytime during the process.

I think this little complexity is acceptable, because it wont happen in every week (hopefully)   

There's only one weak spot in that system... Admins can support each other to never say there are reliable players. Maybe it's better if players vote for a limited number reliable players, that could fire admins in the same fashion as every player can currently.

Beginner's Help and Guides / Re: Post Your Character Builds
« on: February 20, 2011, 06:40:45 pm »
Age   45 [30]

Generation   3
Strength   21   
Agility   18   

One Handed   146
Polearm   6

Power Strike   7   
Shield   5   
Athletics   6   
Weapon master  5   

Quite decent build, but i'm not really sure if standard 18/18 isn't better. Playing finished build as lvl31 might be better as 21/18. For lvl30 build i'd rather go for 18/18 with 6 shield, 6wm, 5 ridding/power throw/ironflesh, Heirloomed side sword with it's insane damage do just fine with ps6 or even ps5. 18/21 on the other hand sound interesting, i might try it next time.

I use subpar equipment like Knightly Kite Shield, so it's not ultra competetive. It's awful that there is just one top tier infantry sword (and it's called side sword).

It's true... pretty much everyone either uses the side sword or the spammitar... with 80% of side swords

(Why did I heirloomed my knightly arming sword ? :( )

General Discussion / Re: Best 2H sword
« on: February 20, 2011, 06:37:11 pm »
War Cleaver
weight 3.5
requirement 13
spd rtng 92
weapon length 120
swing damage 43, cut
thrust damage 0 cut
Can't use on horseback

Bar Mace
weight 4.5
requirement 13
spd rtng 92
weapon length 96
swing damage 35, blunt
thrust damage 0 blunt

Lul  :shock:

Suggestions Corner / Re: Hunting/Light Crossbow Moving While Reloading?
« on: February 20, 2011, 11:29:53 am »
We got Horse Archers, why not the Medieval European counter Mounted Crossbowman? It's not logical.

Mounted Crossbowman are in no way as powerful to even call them close to being OP. Annoying? Yes. But that's the same with every single ranged class.

I'd rather have some smaller xbows like they really used in Medieval times, but I can't model/texture :/

Ever seen a mounted crossbowman aiming at an HA ? Not me, that's for sure. I played some rounds with a typical mounted xbow set, and got 2/1 ratio even though I had no wpf in either polearm or xbow, 0 in HA skill and absolutly no player experience of it. Mounted xbowmen have the incredible advantage of stable aiming over HAs. They are even a worse opponent than most HA when you are a cav (well anyway you can't really do anything against mounted ranged apart from waiting a big mistake from them while your horse is loosing all his HP in roughly 3 shots). You can't predict when they will shoot, thus as a footman shield+polearm you can't do anything either (true for HA too, but sometimes they miss their timing, mounted crossbowmen dont). The time it takes to reload is really short and anyway they can flee out of sight/range in a flash.

Actually, HA are the ideal counter to mounted xbows, not the opposite.

Logical? That's a logic fail right there. There's nothing that would stop person from reloading on horseback and for the sake of gameplay it should remain so in game too.

For the sake of gameplay it should be excluded even if historically accurate IMO.

Scene Editing / Re: Natural Maps
« on: February 20, 2011, 11:19:59 am »
Feedback on "River Delta" : really one of the best maps we have on EU4, keep up the good work !

Suggestions Corner / Re: 50%
« on: February 20, 2011, 11:18:03 am »
I think progressive reflective damage should be implemented (on SIEGES only, where much idiots play, otherwise fully normal TK is good).

By progressive I mean for example each TK you make sets the amount of reflective team damage you will take 25% higher than what it was, and the normal team damage you will inflict to your teammates 25% lower.

That way, it's allmost impossible to make over 3 TK in a round. And it's not very easily abused (trolls still can jump in front of an archer 3 times but well...).

Suggestions Corner / Re: Hunting/Light Crossbow Moving While Reloading?
« on: February 20, 2011, 11:11:15 am »
I have a better solution : remove the "reloadable on horse" flag for ALL crossbows.

That's more logical and balanced. And of course if it's that way, you obviously can't reload while moving on foot.

Beginner's Help and Guides / Re: The Fine Art of Teamkilling
« on: February 20, 2011, 11:07:13 am »
Well, I'd say it's good because he's emphasizing on retaliation when you are threatened to be banned. It will maybe decrease the pro-TK population  :lol:

Suggestions Corner / Re: Second version of Xbows.
« on: February 19, 2011, 01:37:45 pm »
I don't want my hard disk to be used by such BS.

cRPG Technical problems / Re: GOOD FPS/ping, BAD weapon animation
« on: February 19, 2011, 01:35:19 pm »
Even with good fps and ping you get bad animations. It's the same issue as the missing textures thing. Most notably when archers shoot without animation. Sometimes it happens to melee too. Alt-tab to windows and back is only known cure.

Uuurgh, I hate it when archers stand still not even in front of me, then they shoot with the animation coming after. Why on earth does the first thing to be sent on the net is the shot arrow... With those kinds of priorities, I think it's beneficial to use a lagswitch as archer...

Suggestions Corner / Re: [suggestion] longbowmen clan
« on: February 19, 2011, 01:30:25 pm »
I'm using a longbow on my archer alt (Pecores_Cocaine), and I find it very comfortable to use. I usually make more kills with it than with a strong bow.

My build is the following :

Level 30 (4 420 577 xp)

    * Strength: 21
    * Agility: 21
    * Hit points: 56

    * Converted: 14
    * Ironflesh: 0
    * Power Strike: 0
    * Shield: 0
    * Athletics: 3
    * Riding: 0
    * Horse Archery: 0
    * Power Draw: 7
    * Power Throw: 0
    * Weapon Master: 7

    * One Handed: 1
    * Two Handed: 1
    * Polearm: 1
    * Archery: 164
    * Crossbow: 1
    * Throwing: 1

All my stuff is +0

blue gambeson
leather gloves
blue hose

2 slots of bodkin arrows

Even with absolute 0 points in melee, it's not that hard to kill the average light armored shielders 1v1. The longsword is very long, very fast and does a good amount of damage.

I think I correctly fit in the theme described here. This alt is already part of Pecores, but if I see you guys around when I play it, I'll gladly stick with a longbow squad.

Beginner's Help and Guides / Re: How fast are you ?
« on: February 19, 2011, 01:19:58 pm »
Prepatch I had 8 ath. By that time I could kill an enemy mob of 10+ players, just by running in and out, slashing in random directions. But that's (well, I think it's better that way) not possible anymore.

The only classes that can really survive with low athletics are either pure cav lancer (I'm being dehorsed too often as cav to not invest points in ath), or some weird uber roof sniper, or a pure str/crushtru build. Pikeman is maybe the class needing the most athletics, because you'll have to flee very fast if your mates are killed.

I've seen some people that have very low athletics, still managing to make very good kills in melee situations. I really don't know how they do that.

General Discussion / Re: Plate Armour = Bad value for money = Obsolete?
« on: February 19, 2011, 01:12:50 pm »
I don't thin we should make plate armors even more "special" and rare, by increasing their effectivity and upkeep.

I'm not taking realism into account here, but I don't like the idea of suddenly, because you want to spend money on this round, you can have an unfair advantage over others by having a better gear once. Currently, plate offers more advantage than pre patch, but it's still manageable to kill plated people. But if we buff it, light armored rich people will complain and ask for an increase in upkeep, which is absolutlely not what players really interested in plate want.

So I would be for :

More balancing of cheap and expensive items
Less upkeep

For gameplay sake, I don't think it's good you can "choose" wether you will have a big advantage or not, simply by spending money (which is alas there for this only purpose) on a round when others did not. This is decreasing the skill factor, and make the game more like a "strategic planning" game. A change i that direction would also fix the idiotic cloth-plate-cloth-plate-cloth-plate cycle of some players, being (for some) allmost useless, then completely imba. "To have more gold, just stick with the +3 plated charger black armored guy", "ho damn, this turn he'll be an useless leech" that's not really and enjoyable, realistic or immersive game...

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