I knew you guys were in the area but you told our diplomats you were headed for wataga. I only arm my caravan to fend off bandits and wasn't aware DRZ was a bandit clan.nah they just crush empires.
I knew you guys were in the area but you told our diplomats you were headed for wataga. I only arm my caravan to fend off bandits and wasn't aware DRZ was a bandit clan.
I was afraid my words had fallen on deaf ears. No matter, you've gotten the drop on us here, we will meet you anywhere you go in our lands. You won't have us on the front lines fighting for you this time on NA. This ought to be fun.
DRZ might have fun if they go to war with the Union/Greys/Empire/Legio- you get the idea anyway- but I guess attacking an NA faction already tied up in a war could be kind of fun too. Enjoy wiping us out and then continuing to be bored with the global trade alliance.
Having an actual war in EU lands would be totally unheard of. It's much easier to hop into an ongoing NA war after sitting on their ass for .... forever.
no one in eu fights yada yada NA is superior because they fight etc etc EU sucks.
now we have that out of the way get a clue ^^ EU has probably had more battles then NA. When a large alliance forms in NA did you seriously expect DRZ to not take that as an attack on their power? Anything that threatens the dominance of a clan is a threat thus war. pretty simple really
Regardless of what anyone says, DRZ waited like vultures for NA to cripple itself before launching its already superior resources and hordes to sweep NA with little to no major resistance. They not only attacked unprovoked, they betrayed a friend and agreements between Chaos and DRZ.
So, NA carebear alliance has proven to be inferior to the EU carebear alliance. What a story.
Awww, come on, don't deny it, Green was a NA carebear alliance. It was quite obvious to everyone but yourself, apparently.
Awww, come on, don't deny it, Green was a NA carebear alliance. It was quite obvious to everyone but yourself, apparently.
yeah there are no EU wars going on at all right ^^
Carebear would imply that we weren't actively at war with anybody.
What was the Green Alliance? We had CHAOS, LLJK, HoC, TkoV and later MB and KUTT. KUTT proved to be very active and dove right into strat, though they were assisted in the beginning. HoC is just goofballs, slow to mobilize god bless em. TkoV was in the beginning more or less inactive due to a crippling loss of stuff due to upkeep oversight, LLJK was a handful of guys actually doing stuff to contribute while the rest were playing ToR or whatever, and MB jumped in fairly late as well.
It might have looked like we had a lot of bodies behind it, but speaking for Chaos and LLJK at least, a lot of the guys in the faction aren't even active in Strat and can barely be assed to log in and click a few buttons once a week, if they can.
Anyway, the claim that we're Carebearing is unfounded. Since the alliance was formed, we've done nothing but fight, and there have been many good, fun battles in the Green v Red conflict.
It seems as though all that blustering about green energy and wind power has merely turned out to be a lot of hot air.
speaking for LLJK we allied with everyone because if we didn't we would of been destroyed by any small faction. we had very few active members and were basically the equivalent of a 10-20 man clan, and out of the active members only 2-3 people did any of the actual important stuff.I hate how you say that 2-3 people did any of the actual important stuff when you had people come forward offering to help out. Just because you refused us, merely on that point alone, you cannot use "inactivity of members in important conjunctures" as an excuse for lljk dying. Whatever, this is about russians.
the green alliance isn't a mega alliance UIF style, it was just inactive clans banding together to not get destroyed.
of course some of the clans aren't so inactive so more and some are even more inactive (rip lljk).
I hate how you say that 2-3 people did any of the actual important stuff when you had people come forward offering to help out. Just because you refused us, merely on that point alone, you cannot use "inactivity of members in important conjunctures" as an excuse for lljk dying. Whatever, this is about russians.
DRZ rip. You're next.(click to show/hide)
we already built Noctivagant statue in the middle of Emirin, and its already covered in the bird poo, there is nothing left to do in strat other then total war :)
bro youre the only guy whowanted more to do and we were gonna give you a fief remember?and one day lljk will rise again.
we just didnt want you talking to other clans or doing decisions on your own because all your ideas were awful (no offense)
You know Nebun, you say the only left thing to do in strat is TOTAL WAR then why don't you declare war on Union, Empire, Grey-Order? All opponents that would put up a good fight. Instead you fight The Mercs with half of EU backing you and then start a war with Chaos who are in the MIDDLE of one at the moment. On your faction page it clearly shows that you have ZERO NAPS and alliances. If that's the case why don't you fight other people not in a war, and can put up an actual fight against you. If you're actually looking for a FUN war why don't you stop nut cupping other EU alliances and fight them for a change? You honestly can't use the excuse "We're just trying to have fun" because declaring war on someone who's already in one is just a pussy way to try to get a win to brag about. Unless your actually allied with Hospitallers and Occitan and are trying to help them out then fine, but to my knowledge you arn't or at least havent said it publicly.
I'd love to see EU clash together and fight but no, you all love your pixels WAY too much to actually do anything to jeopardize that. In the end though, you can wipe out all of NA and claim you've won and you're all strong and mighty when in actuality you are not. Maybe one day well actually see you fight some of the clans I named at the start, then I'll start respecting your clan.
Edit -
You know Nebun, you say the only left thing to do in strat is TOTAL WAR then why don't you declare war on Union, Empire, Grey-Order? All opponents that would put up a good fight. Instead you fight The Mercs with half of EU backing you and then start a war with Chaos who are in the MIDDLE of one at the moment. On your faction page it clearly shows that you have ZERO NAPS and alliances. If that's the case why don't you fight other people not in a war, and can put up an actual fight against you. If you're actually looking for a FUN war why don't you stop nut cupping other EU alliances and fight them for a change? You honestly can't use the excuse "We're just trying to have fun" because declaring war on someone who's already in one is just a pussy way to try to get a win to brag about. Unless your actually allied with Hospitallers and Occitan and are trying to help them out then fine, but to my knowledge you arn't or at least havent said it publicly.http://forum.c-rpg.net/index.php/topic,27567.0.html
I'd love to see EU clash together and fight but no, you all love your pixels WAY too much to actually do anything to jeopardize that. In the end though, you can wipe out all of NA and claim you've won and you're all strong and mighty when in actuality you are not. Maybe one day well actually see you fight some of the clans I named at the start, then I'll start respecting your clan.
Edit -
My butt, she is hurt!
Surprise Frank you contributed nothing as a counter argument. Why would I be butt hurt? I'm in BRD and we quit strategus.
DRZ just do it better. They had there declared territory locked down months ago. Cities, Castles the whole bloody thing. You can't fault them for that, it was just a matter of time before they started crushing things. And the Green Machine failed to get them on side, this thing is as much a politics simulator as it is a war game.
Anyone remember when I said this whole green excrement wouldn't last very long. *bam*! Took you long enough to get to the party Russkies. Lets meet in the middle and have an end of the war party, no build a giant wall this time k.
You guys should have taken Reyvadin. Would have been nice to see a real last stand. Hopefully you can rally enough of your forces together to have a big fat cluster fuck.
It sounds like what should have happened is the active players should have left all the shit bag clans and just made a new clan of active members. There were enough players around that were good and active then there could have been at least 2 active clans in NA.
DRZ just do it better. They had there declared territory locked down months ago. Cities, Castles the whole bloody thing. You can't fault them for that, it was just a matter of time before they started crushing things. And the Green Machine failed to get them on side, this thing is as much a politics simulator as it is a war game.Get them on side? I direct you to:
We didn't come to do diplomacy, we come to kill, rob and rape :Pand
lets not spoil anything with diplomacy and have fun
Regardless of what anyone says, DRZ waited like vultures for NA to cripple itself before launching its already superior resources and hordes to sweep NA with little to no major resistance. They not only attacked unprovoked, they betrayed a friend and agreements between Chaos and DRZ.
They already had more troops/resources than probably all of NA combined. Why would they need to back-stab those who trusted them? If they meant war, they should have been honorable about it and declared war officially. To do anything else, is to forfeit the honor and respect DRZ has fought and died for.
Those who have the most power should be the most fair, as you are the only ones who can afford to be so. Everyone else has to betray each other to survive in most cases. But to have such enormous power, and to still play the role of the betraying vultures, is a god damned shame.
Is there no native honor in Calradia? I have yet to see it.
Anyways, not that my opinion matters. I'm just a foreigner to these lands. However, where we are from, we admire one's honor over one's power.
Heh, id imagine if DRZ was really bored and wanted to have a fun war, they would have fought against one of the other, larger EU clans so they could fight on good pings, at good hours, in a fair war. But who am i kidding, this is the EU side of the map, god forbid some of the super powers actually fought against eachother! Im sure invading a war torn faction on NA pings will be fun for them... kind of. All i can do is laugh at the person who said that the EU side has had more major wars then the NA , keep dreaming!
As to what mala said, it wasnt so much inactivity, more of strategus being strategus and fucking us over with another bug :D.
You must also be new... 2 strat
Not everyone is disloyal to the point where they'd abandon the establishment they're a part of just because it isn't as large as it used to be.
Frank is just some bandit that we killed a few times that likes to post in diplomacy threads when they have nothing to do with him.
As far as "doing bugger all" goes, I highly recommend you look at the KDR of most of the major battles and see who is on top. Furthermore, CHAOS was one of the only factions around to provide this coalition with active, equipped armies for a good time.
Because "Sneaky Fucking Russians" only entails Chaos and Dhruzina. Got it.
NA has nothing to do with it.
"Dark....please....stop....*cough* badly...trying to admin Diplo threads....last wish.......cough....*blood spittle* NA doesn't revolve...around...chaos...."
Because "Sneaky Fucking Russians" only entails Chaos and Dhruzina. Got it. NA has nothing to do with it.
"Dark....please....stop....*cough* badly...trying to admin Diplo threads....last wish.......cough....*blood spittle* NA doesn't revolve...around...chaos...."
It's amazing how similar you two are.
We have no regrets. If we could stomp you guys into the ground all over again. We'd do it in a heartbeat! :)
...Good to know you're thinking of us though. :mrgreen:
O wait ... thats what NA should do lolIn Soviet Russia... :)
sorry for crap in chat from some of our players
Remember, Australia is a country full of trolls. Frank'll support me on this.
So, Frank, when the dust settles in strat 4, Ned Kelly gang?
Hey it happens man, sorry for ours too! This is like fighting The Black Knights or whatever in Native expansion singleplayer, a horde of men in Druzhina Elite! But it's still fun.
Cool beans.
How did those battles go?
nah they just crush empires.Exactly
A collective of semi inactive clans joining together to start up an NA war out of boredom
An Empire
Pick one.
The only thing I have to say on this subject:
Kinda hard to get fun battles together if our armies are somewhere else.
They (sic) running into our land now
Ty for that Lemmy but they shuld (sic) have known better then to attack NA while dissing EU
Your leadership took your armys and ran the second the Russians set foot in your land, giving up without even putting up a fight. They running into our land now, seems like a stupid thing to do. The only way they can survive is to fight off the russians, and they plan on doing that by attacking us and losing a large portion of if not their entire army before the russians catch up to them and fight them. We were outnumbered 3:1 or 4:1 in this war and we still fought, and now you guys are running from a fair fight.
maybe we should just play the damn game :)
everything getting twisted and wrong on forum and game chat is full of crap :)My guess ... that is because there is so much effort to get anything done in strat! While it goes easily to waste, by backstabbers like us Nebun ;)
there was no wars so far without a massive hate, Chaos is trying real hard (maybe will be a breaking point soon), but on top of the stress from war there is a lot of shit on forum :)
maybe we should just play the damn game :)
maybe we should just play the damn game :)
If you really believed that I'd be lead to believe that you would have started a war in actual EU lands, instead of ass kissing everyone down there. I mean, it's a game afterall right? Y'all should play it.
SittingBull, yes, but we have to take ur village (if u have it) right now, suddenly there is a great need for that.
Nebun, can we get a actual answer to why you won't fight other EU clans? Why ally with half of them and focus on NA?
You're trying to have fun yet you travel half the world and attack at awkward times in shit ping servers. Not exactly the definition of "fun".
no, you can't get any answers :) u will live in the dark
Well the reason given by Grey Order for attacking us was a.) On request of their friends in he nordmen b.) they were bored.Yeah, poor you.
If both DRZ and Grey Order are so bored, you'd think they might fight each other?
Nebun, can we get a actual answer to why you won't fight other EU clans? Why ally with half of them and focus on NA?Because wipeing NA off the strategus will make it more fun.
You're trying to have fun yet you travel half the world and attack at awkward times in shit ping servers. Not exactly the definition of "fun".
Nebun, can we get a actual answer to why you won't fight other EU clans? Why ally with half of them and focus on NA?Seems like they are having fun to me.
You're trying to have fun yet you travel half the world and attack at awkward times in shit ping servers. Not exactly the definition of "fun".
Seems like they are having fun to me.YEA WELL YOUR SHIRT IS LOOKING FINE AND DANDY TODAY SIR.
The Russians have come to save us from the evil greens, just like in WW2.
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Nebun, can we get a actual answer to why you won't fight other EU clans? Why ally with half of them and focus on NA?
You're trying to have fun yet you travel half the world and attack at awkward times in shit ping servers. Not exactly the definition of "fun".
If the Red faction fell they would control at least a third of the map and would have become unstoppable.
I would imagine it has something to do with Chaos, LLJK, TKOV, and Knights of New all allying together into one faction (green faction) and being so large that they occupied over a quarter of the map, making them the largest and therefore (seemingly) the most threatening faction in strategous. Not only where they big but they where aggressively attacking other factions in an attempt to get bigger. If the Red faction fell they would control at least a third of the map and would have become unstoppable. But with LLJK imploding, and TKOV shitting thier pants at the sight of a real fight and running away as they always do, you can ask fallen about how good of allys they are (ZOMG guys if we change our color back to blue Druz wont think we are green and they wont kill us right?) it seems chaos has been left with just the knights of new, who don't seem to be very strong.lol, seriously you know nothing kid, get the fuck out of here. If you havent noticed, ALL of the people in the green alliance have reverted back to their original colors. Without LLJK, its pointless. We had never allied with fallen, we merced for them because we love beating down hospi trash and they were great friends to us. We had our own war with HATE to deal with. Just because we moved away from your border doesnt mean were running away, our troops are needed elsewhere. And of course it took us long to get to the fight, A. We were fucked over with all the bugs in strat. B. We are quite far away from the Steppes, it would take anyone a while to mobilize and move so far, not to mention how broken these bridges are. You guys sure talk alot of trash for someone who has been saved twice now by the Euros. You should get your facts straight before you post.
And whoever it was that said LLJK wasnt helpful or didnt matter cuase they "had five guys actually playing strat", that is completly meaningless. They sent 3000 well equiped troops at us during their time fighting us, it doenst matter if they didnt have many participating in strat, there were plenty of Chaos to fight in the battles, providing the armies was a huge contribution. In fact it was proabbly best that way, almost all the lljk players sucked and had negitavie k/d ratios in battles that the greens won handily. The green faction was better off having all the battles being fought by chaos regardless of who owned the army.
And whoever it was that said LLJK wasnt helpful or didnt matter cuase they "had five guys actually playing strat", that is completly meaningless. They sent 3000 well equiped troops at us during their time fighting us, it doenst matter if they didnt have many participating in strat, there were plenty of Chaos to fight in the battles, providing the armies was a huge contribution. In fact it was proabbly best that way, almost all the lljk players sucked and had negitavie k/d ratios in battles that the greens won handily. The green faction was better off having all the battles being fought by chaos regardless of who owned the army.
im sorry i dont remember us sending 3k well equipped troops, i remember us sending troops whose only good gear was lordly cav robes and lordly mail gauntlets and with only enough of them for half the army. you guys got destroyed by people who probably spent less than 1/2 as much gold per troop as you did, deal with it and dont try to twist the facts. and it wouldnt matter who fought the battles considering who our enemies were, your best players are 2-3 occitan and bashibazouk mercs with EU ping the rest of you arent even a challenge to the worst of us.
at the start of this war i was hoping both sides would be amiable to eachother but considering hospitallers (including leaders) tendency to troll and shitpost no point in trying that anymore especially considering Occitan have pretty much bowed out of strat and they are the only likable people in your alliance.
oh the QQ such a shocking amount butthurturage is being emited from this thread.
In all seriousness everyone needs to lighten up :D Its just a game.
oh the QQ such a shocking amount butthurturage is being emited from this thread.
In all seriousness everyone needs to lighten up :D Its just a game.
I would love to see Greys VS DRZ in strat. The two biggest, most organised and well equipped factions would provide some awesome battles but I very much doubt it will ever happen. Both are too happen being in dominant positions and to fight each other would weaken both.
lol, seriously you know nothing kid, get the fuck out of here. If you havent noticed, ALL of the people in the green alliance have reverted back to their original colors. Without LLJK, its pointless. We had never allied with fallen, we merced for them because we love beating down hospi trash and they were great friends to us. We had our own war with HATE to deal with. Just because we moved away from your border doesnt mean were running away, our troops are needed elsewhere. And of course it took us long to get to the fight, A. We were fucked over with all the bugs in strat. B. We are quite far away from the Steppes, it would take anyone a while to mobilize and move so far, not to mention how broken these bridges are. You guys sure talk alot of trash for someone who has been saved twice now by the Euros. You should get your facts straight before you post.
Also, once we have offered support to someone, we will never withdraw it. As long as CHAOS is here, TKoV will stand with them.
To your first point, before all this happened it was Chaos-Green, LLJK - Green, TKOV - Green, Nights of new - Green. Now that lljk is gone its Chaos - still green, nights of new - still green, TKOV - Now blue right after drz attacked, what a coincidence.
He's trolling but god damn. I'm starting to believe he really is this stupid. His leaders told him one thing so he doesn't even care to look at the greener pasture on the other side of the fence. No hard feelings hosps, but what Rikthor and Badplayer is true. I played like shit, butoverall as a team weChaos outplayed you every time. Even Canary's battle at Hanun. We expected to lose within minutes and yet we held out for 90 minutes securing an unbelievable win.
To your first point, before all this happened it was Chaos-Green, LLJK - Green, TKOV - Green, Nights of new - Green. Now that lljk is gone its Chaos - still green, nights of new - still green, TKOV - Now blue right after drz attacked, what a coincidence.Knights of New tyvm
To your second point hmm, you fought for fallen in huge numbers in every single battle in that war, and you considered them to be good friends, sounds alot like an ally to me. And if they where such good friends to you, why couldn't you be good friends to them and help them. It sounds like a cop out, doing everything that an ally does, yet you claim to be "just friends" to avoid retaliation from hospitaller after the war was over for fighting agaisnt us more than BRD or HRE who where offically allied to fallen. Mercing as much agaisnt us as you did is an act of war as far as im concerned.
You also talk about having to fight hate? They have no land no army and barely any players while you have a small empire. The land they did have breifly was so weak that a resurgent fallen could scrounge together enough troops to easily take it, what was your problem. And troop bugs, your a big rich faction losing an army to a bug is nothing, can replace it in no time. You talk alot of trash for somone who doesnt have the balls to get into a fight with anyone who doesn't have both hands tied behind their back. Joining in on a gang bang like you have done twice is a bitch move.
And to the other TKOV guy who said chaos was going to attack you but then decided to attack us because you where too weak. This puzzles me, well not really. A faction tells you they are going to kill you, and then decide to attack someone else for other reasons, and you decide to help them? Your like that guy who stays with his girlfriend after she cheats on him. You have no spine. If a faction was going to attack my faction and wanted help somewhere else id tell them to go fuck themselves, hell id probabbly help the other faction and attack them.
Also how do u expect to lose at hanun in minutes when you have the same amount of people as we do? Cause thats the only way you can really lose quickly, not to mention Hanun is extremely easy to defend. Plus you had much better gear than us shit tons of MW pikes > swords and sheilds.
I do wish you would stop telling lies.
And to the other TKOV guy who said chaos was going to attack you but then decided to attack us because you where too weak. This puzzles me, well not really. A faction tells you they are going to kill you, and then decide to attack someone else for other reasons, and you decide to help them? Your like that guy who stays with his girlfriend after she cheats on him. You have no spine. If a faction was going to attack my faction and wanted help somewhere else id tell them to go fuck themselves, hell id probabbly help the other faction and attack them.
Chaos and HoC/Knights of New were green before the alliance- just not the chosen shade of green as put forth in the Revelations of Ozlam (#00AA00). We both went back to our original colors, same with TkoV, m8.This is true.
I do wish you would stop telling lies. Do you realize that what I looted from this fight alone probably cost more total gold than the entirety of what my army was equipped with? We had no heavy lordly boots, lordly helmets, masterpiece shields, let alone huscarls, and no horses. I looted a hundred and eighty sumpter horses off of you guys, on top of champion coursers and one plated charger. You had elite scimitars, long hafted blades, great long axes and even things like great mauls and heirloomed ammunition. Our weapons were all much less expensive. Our body armor was even a step down from yours.
Lemmy Winks, I really think you should reconsider saying you were understaffed, outproduced and outgunned when one of your leaders has literally contradicted this opinion.
Because that is what strategus is all about? Fighting each other? You're taking this game way too seriously, maybe you should take a break.
The only reason i'm annoyed with strategus right now is that it's pretty impossible for any clan to have any chances of survival against all the UIF factions who allied with each other giving them a unfair advantage against anyone not part of their group. But then again it's our fault for letting such a huge coalitions happen without us doing anything about it so I guess we'll have to work on that at the beginning of next strat.
This is true.
Congrats to the Russians for hiding in their giant alliance and striking when armies were occupied elsewhere.
If thats the case then why didnt you fight Chaos? If you where looking for a fight as you claim and they threatened you then i would think there would be no reason not to attack them, unless you are as i claimed, cowards.
Also you say your annoyed with the situation in strategous becuase the UIF is a big allied force that no one can survive against? TKOV, Chaos, lljk, and Knights of new did the exact same thing to us and now that its happening to you your mad about it? Karmas a bitch huh.
At any rate Chaos > Occitan > AFK's > you.
Karmas a bitch huh.
Pikes are vastly superior to sword and shield in that situationSo equip your troops properly, diversify.
..and for the few sheilders you had, they had steel sheilds which are better than masterwork huscarls. I use a steel sheild i know.Clearly you don't know, because we had 70 plate covered round shields, not steel shields. You also had the tools with which to deal with them, axes and mauls.
We had a couple of horses that where to a large extent wasted by a certain few people at the start, the sumpters are worthless and you had a shit ton of arhcers that could easily take a sumpter down. At any rate pikes > masterwork swords, pikes > masterwork 2hs, pikes > masterwork mauls. Pikes are better than everything, and you had lots of pikes and we had none, so you where better equiped than us.Pikes, by themselves, are not better weapons, they're merely longer. They're only good in conjunction with other players. You can't keep faulting us for having one kind of gear that anyone has access to (if not at masterwork level), because of your problem with diversity, which is something that you can fix.
very interesting thoughts kinngrimmi didn't and will not explain your thoughts, as with me too, those are your own(whereas others seem to do that job), but interpreting the actions i do and those are fairly obvious :) No hard feelings, from my site at least.
since we not going to write any explanation on forum about our current or future actions, you might as well take this position and explain to all those interested, what we think and do :)
Seems like perfect strategy to me. Maybe the problem isn't their strategy (make lots of friends, try to limit your enemies, attack when it's beneficial to you, defend only what is essential, and only in places that give you the upper hand).I never said it wasn't a good strategy. Obviously it was, but it's shitty.
Maybe the problem is with strategus itself and that there's no penalties for having large fiefdom's (like tax inefficiency in single player). Maybe the problem stems from the fact that there's not a whole lot of incentive for factions to fight over villages and castles and towns. If there was more incentive maybe there wouldn't be such huge alliances.
It puzzles me that hospitaller leadership allows there dumbass 12 year olds (lordark and lemmy) to post in these threads
You have the eu dicks shoved so far up ur ass that they interfere with the ones sliding down your throat
If hanun was such a good place to defend why didnt you guys defend it against us? Go retreat and wait for mother russia to save you
You were stomped in every battle and had way better gear
If you had balls you would have begged drz not to invade
And why we would TKoV attack chaos? By the word of your own diplomats we were still at war after fcc quit
Also we fought hate when they had land when we had less members back when u were yet again taking it in the ass from eu to get ur steppes
Y dont u post the results of all of the green/red battles?
To your first point, before all this happened it was Chaos-Green, LLJK - Green, TKOV - Green, Nights of new - Green. Now that lljk is gone its Chaos - still green, nights of new - still green, TKOV - Now blue right after drz attacked, what a coincidence.
To your second point hmm, you fought for fallen in huge numbers in every single battle in that war, and you considered them to be good friends, sounds alot like an ally to me. And if they where such good friends to you, why couldn't you be good friends to them and help them. It sounds like a cop out, doing everything that an ally does, yet you claim to be "just friends" to avoid retaliation from hospitaller after the war was over for fighting agaisnt us more than BRD or HRE who where offically allied to fallen. Mercing as much agaisnt us as you did is an act of war as far as im concerned.
You also talk about having to fight hate? They have no land no army and barely any players while you have a small empire. The land they did have breifly was so weak that a resurgent fallen could scrounge together enough troops to easily take it, what was your problem. And troop bugs, your a big rich faction losing an army to a bug is nothing, can replace it in no time. You talk alot of trash for somone who doesnt have the balls to get into a fight with anyone who doesn't have both hands tied behind their back. Joining in on a gang bang like you have done twice is a bitch move.
And to the other TKOV guy who said chaos was going to attack you but then decided to attack us because you where too weak. This puzzles me, well not really. A faction tells you they are going to kill you, and then decide to attack someone else for other reasons, and you decide to help them? Your like that guy who stays with his girlfriend after she cheats on him. You have no spine. If a faction was going to attack my faction and wanted help somewhere else id tell them to go fuck themselves, hell id probabbly help the other faction and attack them.
Also you say youll be with chaos as long as they are around. So if/when DRZ finishes off chaos your going to stop fighting DRZ and beg for mercy? But to stop fighting them you have to actually start fighting them, which you havnt done and i highly doubt you will do it.
With HATE, they were just as strong as us at the time, they matched us troop for troop with somewhat similair gear. I love how you talk out of your ass about things you know nothing about, they only started losing players after we had won our war. After taking out HATE, we were in no position to be sending anything down to fallen, we helped them as best we could with mercs, and we gave them a place to craft after they had lost all their villages. As to Chaos planning to attack us, yeah it was a little surprising, but it wasnt for personal reasons or anything, and we understand why they would have needed to do it, if they had just went ahead and attacked you guys or someone else, our "little empire" was a wildcard, and would have fucked them over if we had decided to side with their enemies. And in the end, we like LLJK and Chaos far more then we like you guys. Im sure we could have sat on our peninsula doing nothing, but wheres the fun in that? We would have probably just quit out of boredom. We saw what you guys are capable of last strat, and that's not much, and what we have seen this strat just confirms that, there is no way in hell we would ever have sided with hospi trash. Maybe if we wanted to lose every battle, sure.
Fixed that for you.
This is true, we tell him every day :wink:
They spit in your face and you take it like a bitch, as if you have no backbone or self respect.
It puzzles me that hospitaller leadership allows there dumbass 12 year olds (lordark and lemmy) to post in these threads
You say hate was as strong as you at the time of the war? Here is a battle from your "war" with hate (http://c-rpg.net/index.php?page=battlesparticipated#!?page=battleroster&id=343) (guna have to plug it into the URL) it looks like there is about 23 UKC members in there and 9 members of hate. From the looks of it you guys had more active players than hospitaller did at the time, i cant even find a recent battle that has more hospitaller in it than 23, and we have grown alot recently. The "war" was so small and uneventful i barely knew it was going on, not sure how a small empire can have an actual "war" with a tiny faction with no land, money, or players. But given the kinds of "challenges" you like to undertake (attacking a clan significantly smaller than you, helping other powers gang up on a hopelessly outnumbered foe) i guess you would see it that way.Yes, we were larger then hate, in terms of active members, but not by much. At the time of our war, our faction had 43 members in it, HATE had around the same since HoC was part of it at the time. The battle you linked means NOTHING, that was for odasan, a neutral fief, and we weren't actively at war with HATE at the time. But as far as production goes, we were equal in troops and equipment for most of the fights. They had plenty of DRZ and Hospi mercs as well, so not like it mattered whether or not they had active players, isnt that the same point you guys were bringing up about LLJK? And i dont see how chaos thinking about attacking us is spitting in our face. They found out we were hurting from a bug, and decided not to kick us while we were down, and we respect them for that. And honestly, stop trying to play the victim, you guys invaded LLJKs allies and aggressively marched on their land after a 1 man faction who changed their color to green raided one of your villages. Not to mention at the time, your whole coalition was just as large as ours, if not larger (Hospi, Occiatin, Crusader alliance and the Wolves = 281 members, while ours UKC, Chaos, the 20-30 or so active members in LLJK,Knights of new, KUTT = 245 members) As to us not liking you, it comes from the same feeling we got from you guys every time we tried to get in contact. When you guys went public in wanting NA trading partners, we approached you guys about easing relations between us and setting up trade, and you guys told us to fuck off for helping Fallen. As to us being "fair weather friends" you have absolutely no source/proof of that, seeing as we stuck with the FCC throughout all of last strat, even in the wars where we were hopelessly out numbered, and even this strat we are sticking with the friends we made in the green alliance.
Not sure how what you said about the chaos attacking you thing refutes my point. They spit in your face and you take it like a bitch, as if you have no backbone or self respect. You say you didn't like us? Why, for doing nothing to you while you attacked us twice completely unprovoked. And saying you would side with us if you wanted to lose every battle? It just confirms that you are fair weather friends.
And dynamike, i have a higher strat battle performance rating than you do, and your on the winning team, and im playing as dismounted cavalry with no atheltics or WPF. So i think your fixing was wrong.
Yes, we were larger then hate, in terms of active members, but not by much. At the time of our war, our faction had 43 members in it, HATE had around the same since HoC was part of it at the time. The battle you linked means NOTHING, that was for odasan, a neutral fief, and we weren't actively at war with HATE at the time. But as far as production goes, we were equal in troops and equipment for most of the fights. They had plenty of DRZ and Hospi mercs as well, so not like it mattered whether or not they had active players, isnt that the same point you guys were bringing up about LLJK? And i dont see how chaos thinking about attacking us is spitting in our face. They found out we were hurting from a bug, and decided not to kick us while we were down, and we respect them for that. And honestly, stop trying to play the victim, you guys invaded LLJKs allies and aggressively marched on their land after a 1 man faction who changed their color to green raided one of your villages. Not to mention at the time, your whole coalition was just as large as ours, if not larger (Hospi, Occiatin, Crusader alliance and the Wolves = 281 members, while ours UKC, Chaos, the 20-30 or so active members in LLJK,Knights of new, KUTT = 245 members) As to us not liking you, it comes from the same feeling we got from you guys every time we tried to get in contact. When you guys went public in wanting NA trading partners, we approached you guys about easing relations between us and setting up trade, and you guys told us to fuck off for helping Fallen. As to us being "fair weather friends" you have absolutely no source/proof of that, seeing as we stuck with the FCC throughout all of last strat, even in the wars where we were hopelessly out numbered, and even this strat we are sticking with the friends we made in the green alliance.
I am merely having an intelligent debate with you all.
No it wasnt the point i was bringing up about lljk, i said lljk and others, even a small clan like kutt collectivly provided several armies to Chaos even though they didnt have alot of players didnt matter cause theres plenty of Chaos to fight in the armies. I wish it would have been LLJK members who were fighting in the armies they were all bad except for Billgod and Lockt, smooth and bad where kind of good but only as cav they couldnt do much as infantry and have crappy strat battle performance ratings despite being on the winning team. To say there were 20 players in lljk and knights of new is a gross exaderation, lljk had over 100, and nights of new has like 70 now. Knights of new is growing fast and is a relativly new faction, they have plenty of active players, ive seen lots of active lljk, 5 people could not have made and supported so many troops and so much equipment, and kutt has atelast 10 active members alone and they where the smallest and most insignificant part of your faction. Crusader allinace and wolves helped us some financially, but gave no real military support as all your allies did, which is what helps most. Ya crusader alliance sent one poorly equipped army at chaos but it dindt amount to anything.I didnt say Knights of New only had 20-30, i was only talking about LLJK. And as to what i said about your point with LLJK, its that they had the inactive player base to produce stuff, with the friends/allies to fight in the battles, which is essentially what HATE did with all the mercs from Hospi/Occ/Druzhina. From what iv heard/been told, there were 104 in the LLJK faction, but only like 15-30 people crafting in a fief
Wait, what?
To say there were 20 players in lljk and knights of new is a gross exaderation, lljk had over 100, and nights of new has like 70 now.
Tknights of new is a gross exaderation, lljk had over 100
In other news, you should probably stop talking Lemmy_Winks.
P.S - I like your name.
And Hobb that whole dick and balls thing your talking about w/e applies to you and chaos too. Now your on the reciveing end of the dick and balls or however you put it and your mad about it? Again karma is a bitch.
If my logic and arguments are so sound and impeccable that all you lot can do is attack my grammar and spelling, then i think my work here is done.
If my logic and arguments are so sound and impeccable that all you lot can do is attack my grammar and spelling, then i think my work here is done.
If my logic and arguments are so sound and impeccable that all you lot can do is attack my grammar and spelling, then i think my work here is done.Oh, you mean the logic and arguments that we repeatedly point out that even you constantly contradict in your own various statements and ramblings? :rolleyes:
No it wasnt the point i was bringing up about lljk, i said lljk and others, even a small clan like kutt collectivly provided several armies to Chaos even though they didnt have alot of players didnt matter cause theres plenty of Chaos to fight in the armies. I wish it would have been LLJK members who were fighting in the armies they were all bad except for Billgod and Lockt, smooth and bad where kind of good but only as cav they couldnt do much as infantry and have crappy strat battle performance ratings despite being on the winning team. To say there were 20 players in lljk and knights of new is a gross exaderation, lljk had over 100, and nights of new has like 70 now. Knights of new is growing fast and is a relativly new faction, they have plenty of active players, ive seen lots of active lljk, 5 people could not have made and supported so many troops and so much equipment, and kutt has atelast 10 active members alone and they where the smallest and most insignificant part of your faction. Crusader allinace and wolves helped us some financially, but gave no real military support as all your allies did, which is what helps most. Ya crusader alliance sent one poorly equipped army at chaos but it dindt amount to anything.We have 70 members?
I wish it would have been LLJK members who were fighting in the armies they were all bad except for Billgod and Lockt, smooth and bad where kind of good but only as cav they couldnt do much as infantry and have crappy strat battle performance ratings despite being on the winning team.
Whoa, say what you like about Strategus but i'm not gonna have a pubstar like you call me out for being bad.
a few things:
- HATE lost Vezin and Udiniad to TKoV about a week after burning ~1k troops to take both fiefs. We then ended up being outnumbered 1850 to 1300 troops between the two battles. So we both originally had similar troop totals but it was a matter of TKoV waiting for us to be hurt after the capture to take advantage of our weakness. Still good fun and I don't blame TKoV for jumping in when they did, but not exactly even gear/troop ratios for those battles as was made to believe earlier.
- I'm pretty sure Lemmy Winks is trolling
- This thread started awesome but sucks now
TBF Strat scores mean very little. If Bad was running a shield wall or keeping people in formation he might get no kills and get nailed a bunch of times by range or what have you but be instrumental as a unit leader in the out come of the battle. Not to mention scores can be wiffed by people sitting on a flag at the end killing the tickets and screaming like girls "I haz teh high score!"
TBF Strat scores mean very little. If Bad was running a shield wall or keeping people in formation he might get no kills and get nailed a bunch of times by range or what have you but be instrumental as a unit leader in the out come of the battle. Not to mention scores can be wiffed by people sitting on a flag at the end killing the tickets and screaming like girls "I haz teh high score!"I'm impressed, this is the first post of yours I have read in a while that seemed neutral and made sense.
Heh. Amusing thread so far.
Shine your forgetting that right after we took vezin we were attack by a third party.(Fury_Blade_Azion_VIII)
literally wasting all of our troops and equipment we had left over from taking the village. For a clan who is so grateful to their overlords/masters(whatever you wanna call em.) "not kicking them while they were down" you sure as hell kicked us while we were down (then HoC became sellouts) ;) but hey, that's war.
Shine your forgetting that right after we took vezin we were attack by a third party.(Fury_Blade_Azion_VIII)
literally wasting all of our troops and equipment we had left over from taking the village. For a clan who is so grateful to their overlords/masters(whatever you wanna call em.) "not kicking them while they were down" you sure as hell kicked us while we were down (then HoC became sellouts) ;) but hey, that's war.
When we had talked to sittingbull, he said you guys were at your strongest after taking udiniad, in your prime and that if we attacked we would lose =) doesnt sound like we kicked you while you were down. (btw according to anders and Tyrell there were only population and like 100 staffs in the battle against the Fury Blades)
I wasn't paying any attention to this tread. How the hell did this digress to a war that happened months ago? Lmao
Not for nothing but most of us in CHAOS have jobs. How about attacking us at a decent fucking time? All this 12:30 / 2:30 pm stuff is horse shit.You do understand the concept of time zones?
Sorry, Chestaclese, but we have to attack in our good time. :(
I have to give it to brave Chaos who stand alone from all ex Green Alliance. Big respect! Too bad you didn't get support from other clans.
And we hope, after you rebuild, you will be even bigger and stronger.
Good job and good luck!
PS: We would prefer FCC and TKOV lands to be burning :) But that may yet to come.
FCC doesnt exist on the strat map and havent for quite some time now Nebun.
FCC doesnt exist on the strat map and havent for quite some time now Nebun.
I have to give it to brave Chaos who stand alone from all ex Green Alliance. Big respect! Too bad you didn't get support from other clans.
And we hope, after you rebuild, you will be even bigger and stronger.
FCC doesnt exist on the strat map and havent for quite some time now Nebun.
Now now, they've been doing what they can. They aren't out of the picture just yet.
Sorry, Chestaclese, but we have to attack in our good time. :(
I have to give it to brave Chaos who stand alone from all ex Green Alliance. Big respect! Too bad you didn't get support from other clans.
And we hope, after you rebuild, you will be even bigger and stronger.
Good job and good luck!
PS: We would prefer FCC and TKOV lands to be burning :) But that may yet to come.
Im sure you would be raging as hard if you had won right :D
And we hope, after you rebuild, you will be even bigger and stronger.
Nebun can you tell me good EU fighting times so i know when to set my night time?
This thread = NA players whining because Drz didnt leave them in peace + All defeated factions raging about how broken strat is. Im sure you would be raging as hard if you had won right :D
This thread = NA players whining because Drz didnt leave them in peace + All defeated factions raging about how broken strat is. Im sure you would be raging as hard if you had won right :D
This thread = NA players whining because Drz didnt leave them in peace + All defeated factions raging about how broken strat is. Im sure you would be raging as hard if you had won right :D
I know :)) otherwise we'd be in ur lands long ago. But there still TKOV :))
Like I've said, I'm not upset about the UIF attacking us, but I am disappointed that when we asked DRZ about their intentions they lied to us. I thought that after we were bros last Strat they'd at least be straightforward with us if they were planning to attack.
hahaha! I'm sorry... but this just makes me laugh... a lot. 8-)Hey Matey u here!! Some one kick ur ass in Star Wars: The Old Republic ? :P
welcome to strat.
Seriously though, lets be honest. Factions in general don't handle getting wiped from strat very well. If it's one thing this community is good at, its chalking up their own misfortunes in game to how shitty or unbalanced the mod is in one way or the other.
I suggest you retreat your army so we can continue on friendly terms before this turns into Rocky IV all over again.i lol'd , like you could tell druzhina what to do :mrgreen:
If it's one thing this community is good at, its chalking up their own misfortunes in game to how shitty or unbalanced the mod is in one way or the other.
a few things:
- HATE lost Vezin and Udiniad to TKoV about a week after burning ~1k troops to take both fiefs. We then ended up being outnumbered 1850 to 1300 troops between the two battles. So we both originally had similar troop totals but it was a matter of TKoV waiting for us to be hurt after the capture to take advantage of our weakness. Still good fun and I don't blame TKoV for jumping in when they did, but not exactly even gear/troop ratios for those battles as was made to believe earlier.
- I'm pretty sure Lemmy Winks is trolling
- This thread started awesome but sucks now
Shine your forgetting that right after we took vezin we were attack by a third party.(Fury_Blade_Azion_VIII)
literally wasting all of our troops and equipment we had left over from taking the village. For a clan who is so grateful to their overlords/masters(whatever you wanna call em.) "not kicking them while they were down" you sure as hell kicked us while we were down (then HoC became sellouts) ;) but hey, that's war.
I just want to say about that war is that we actively (in terms of players) supported the village you attacked and the bandit clan that attacked you after that. So it was more of a prepared invasion than us attacking you when you were in a bad spot. I went 110:46 in the village defense 8-). I also remember clearly remember that the majority of the people defending the villages we were attacking were Hate members so it was more about returning the favor at the beginning than a full-blown war.