Regardless of what anyone says, DRZ waited like vultures for NA to cripple itself before launching its already superior resources and hordes to sweep NA with little to no major resistance. They not only attacked unprovoked, they betrayed a friend and agreements between Chaos and DRZ.
They already had more troops/resources than probably all of NA combined. Why would they need to back-stab those who trusted them? If they meant war, they should have been honorable about it and declared war officially. To do anything else, is to forfeit the honor and respect DRZ has fought and died for.
Those who have the most power should be the most fair, as you are the only ones who can afford to be so. Everyone else has to betray each other to survive in most cases. But to have such enormous power, and to still play the role of the betraying vultures, is a god damned shame.
Is there no native honor in Calradia? I have yet to see it.
Anyways, not that my opinion matters. I'm just a foreigner to these lands. However, where we are from, we admire one's honor over one's power.