Author Topic: Strategus Battles - Respawn timer based on K:D  (Read 11236 times)

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Re: Strategus Battles - Respawn timer based on K:D
« Reply #45 on: January 10, 2011, 02:48:07 pm »
I just noticed that it refers to Strategus... +1 to the idea, no "buts".
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Re: Strategus Battles - Respawn timer based on K:D
« Reply #46 on: January 11, 2011, 06:37:05 am »
i would suggest maps with 5 strategic respawn

each team starts with 1 respawn, then there's 3 strategic respawns on the map at strategic points, like a hill, a bridge, a forest, a building or whatever

each spawn you conquer gives you some seconds less to respawn or gives you an advanced respawn, if you get 4/5 of the spawns you root the enemy who has to retreat, losing some troops and equipment

so no camp, no ninja rush, tactics and real strategy

maybe less spawns for smaller battles

Brilliant!, no more dam camping!
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Re: Strategus Battles - Respawn timer based on K:D
« Reply #47 on: January 13, 2011, 07:17:55 am »
you've got something there; if people kill more they spawn faster; they kill less, they still get a respawn... team cohesion would be at an all time high!

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Re: Strategus Battles - Respawn timer based on K:D
« Reply #48 on: January 13, 2011, 08:58:03 am »
i would suggest maps with 5 strategic respawn

each team starts with 1 respawn, then there's 3 strategic respawns on the map at strategic points, like a hill, a bridge, a forest, a building or whatever

each spawn you conquer gives you some seconds less to respawn or gives you an advanced respawn, if you get 4/5 of the spawns you root the enemy who has to retreat, losing some troops and equipment

so no camp, no ninja rush, tactics and real strategy

maybe less spawns for smaller battles

I support this completly and would add a timer for holding / defending the captured respawn points...
... perhaps 2-5 mins, if the time runs out and the loosing team wasn´t able to recapture at least one of the respawn points the battle is lost and the army routed. (Result: -50% of all remaining troops and -100% of all unused equipment)

Tactical Retreat:
If not all strategic points are captured by one team, every team commander should be able to retreat if he lost 50% of his army. A tactical retreat should result in loosing only 5-15% of the remaing troops and 5-15% of the unused equipment.  An army on retreat can´t  neither attack nor receive reinforcements during the next 24h, cannot be attacked by the enemy army from the last battle during the first 6h and moves automaticly towards the next neutral or own village/castle/town with double movement speed.  But during retreat any other army is able to attack the retreating one.

If all strategic points are captured by one team, the other commander can´t order a tactical retreat.
This would add more strategical depth to battles and prevents the abuse of capturing only 2 of 3 spawn points on purpose and killing the enemy 1by1 because of the increased/decreased respawn time or the advanced respawn position.

« Last Edit: January 13, 2011, 11:52:58 am by andonai »

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Re: Strategus Battles - Respawn timer based on K:D
« Reply #49 on: January 16, 2011, 12:40:23 pm »
I like the previous and a few ideas on the spawn points, as long as you can pick them [Hate spawning onthe walls while I need to defend the flag... can never get there in time]

But I 100% think we need a wave spawn delay, that way we have "waves" of reinforcements [realistically] rather than one guy coming every few seconds.  Would also make for easier team work and help balance spawn times [once one person dies, timer starts, every teammate who dies until timer ends joins that timer and they all spawn together]
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Re: Strategus Battles - Respawn timer based on K:D
« Reply #50 on: January 17, 2011, 01:28:53 am »
Not sure about the K:D respawn thing as it would encourage everyone to buy a small amount of uber-gear to be thrown away at start purely to affect spawn times and gain an immediate advantage.
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Re: Strategus Battles - Respawn timer based on K:D
« Reply #51 on: February 02, 2011, 02:06:23 am »
Not sure about the K:D respawn thing as it would encourage everyone to buy a small amount of uber-gear to be thrown away at start purely to affect spawn times and gain an immediate advantage.

Well all armies should have an elite group of fighters to decide the fight. In RL you sent cannon fodder first, so it'd weaken the enemy when the better soldiers showed up. Here you'll send the elite bersekers first to do as much damage possible before the actual fight begins.

I love most the ideas around here, +1 to chadz, and +1 to troop size affecting available players, but maybe not so harsh (10000 vs 1000 would give you 100 vs 20 instead of 109 vs 11)
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Re: Strategus Battles - Respawn timer based on K:D
« Reply #52 on: February 28, 2011, 04:50:04 pm »
Like the idea of multiple spawn points as this will stop the spawn camping as astrategy that doesn't match a all with a real life battle but is a game mechanic manipulation.  Don't think the respawn based on k/ds would be good as this would increase the rate of spawn camping as the delayed respawn rate allows the team that intitially does better to spawn rape the rest of the battle.  A soft ratio of troops to mercs hired could be interesting if it only is a slight modification not a direct 1:1 (like 1000 to 100 means 60 v. 6), but more like (1000 to 100 means 80 to 40, 2000 to 100 means 85 to 35, etc.).

Oh and by the way, when is strategus coming out and can we get patch updates/notes soon?  - Where middle-eastern meets red-hot and spicy!

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Re: Strategus Battles - Respawn timer based on K:D
« Reply #53 on: February 28, 2011, 05:12:32 pm »
+1 for retreat/surrender options

+1 for multiple spawn locations: it would be nice if teams can decide where to spawn after some critical positions ( capturable spawn points) have been taken by the enemy. Of course the availability of these "team decided" spawn locations would have restrictions; such as siege attacker team cannot be spawned in the castle :) or siege defender could only be spawned in some rooms ...

-1 for changing spawn time. If I have 100 guys in my clan who recruited 100000 men (tickets) for battle, then its your problem, why reconfiguring my or your time? Try to find a good spot to kill those men, rather than make them wait at the red light. World is not fair in numbers, so would strategus be. So spawn times should stay same for both groups independent of KD or any other ratio

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Re: Strategus Battles - Respawn timer based on K:D
« Reply #54 on: February 28, 2011, 05:17:30 pm »
you would (probably) keep the troops, but lose some/all? of your gear.

I would say keep the armor, people dont drop their armor do they when they route?
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Re: Strategus Battles - Respawn timer based on K:D
« Reply #55 on: February 28, 2011, 05:57:34 pm »
I would say keep the armor, people dont drop their armor do they when they route?

They drop it to run faster :P

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Re: Strategus Battles - Respawn timer based on K:D
« Reply #56 on: March 01, 2011, 12:50:05 am »
im generally against anything that supports the outdated mantra that 'winners get perks to win more'
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Re: Strategus Battles - Respawn timer based on K:D
« Reply #57 on: March 03, 2011, 07:32:34 pm »
They drop it to run faster :P

Run to the forests!

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Re: Strategus Battles - Respawn timer based on K:D
« Reply #58 on: March 18, 2011, 01:30:09 pm »
+1 for retreat/surrender options

+1 for multiple spawn locations: it would be nice if teams can decide where to spawn after some critical positions ( capturable spawn points) have been taken by the enemy. Of course the availability of these "team decided" spawn locations would have restrictions; such as siege attacker team cannot be spawned in the castle :) or siege defender could only be spawned in some rooms ...
Agree with that.

And as for the respawn timer. If team A is taking heavy losses (team B is slaughtering them), the commander of team A would probably send in reinforcements which shouldn't increase the respawn time, but maybe even reduce it (would sound more logical to me, not ingame-balaced way tho, so lets not reduce it at least :P ). 
         From a team A's soldiers perspective rushing into the battle where you'd most likely die like your teammates before you, routing sounds more reasonable. 
So as a result, individual soldiers start routing = increased ticket cost if the enemy team's k/d ratio gets too high, for example:
Enemy team's average k/d ratio is now 2.25/1    your team now loses 1.25 tickets for each respawn.
(enemy's k/d ratio) - 1 =  your ticket cost/respawn 
 Only when enemy has k/d ratio is > 2, so it wouldn't result as reduced ticket cost per respawn

When it starts to look that bad a tactical retreat would be a much better option.

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Re: Strategus Battles - Respawn timer based on K:D
« Reply #59 on: March 18, 2011, 02:55:12 pm »
there was somewhere an idea of deployable spawns, players themselves choosing where to spawn might work well. but for destroying such a deployable spawn the enemy team could get some serious penalty.
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