
I like this version (0.241) more than the last one (0.234)

Yes, it's a move forward!
196 (66.9%)
No, it's a move backward!
97 (33.1%)

Total Members Voted: 292

Voting closed: September 28, 2011, 09:38:47 am

Author Topic: [Feedback] What's right/wrong with 0.241  (Read 13548 times)

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Re: [Feedback] What's right/wrong with 0.241
« Reply #45 on: September 21, 2011, 03:07:03 pm »
Very mixed opinions for me. I like the new patch, but also there are aspects that I don't agree with.

+ archers got an animation nerf ~ This has been something that's been long coming to the archers. They've been doing their silly jumpshot thing too long. It's good to see a little less stupid looking things happening across the servers.

+ archers got a damage buff ~ To balance the animations out, they received a damage boost to their arrows. Personally, this doesn't affect me very much; my build and armor were initially designed post-janPatch to counteract the arrow hailstorms that used to frequent the servers. I find myself not cutting swaths through peons anymore, which should be the way this game is played anyway; with a combination of all kinds of infantry

- Cav got some kind of buff ~ I'm not sure what specific values were changed in the new patch, but they are definitely buffed in some manner. I find myself constantly #2 or #3 on the scoreboard. While I don't really care where I sit on the board, what gets me is that a cav player is ALWAYS ranking higher than me. Again, I don't have a problem with that, really, because if someone on my team is killing more of the other guys, that's great. But consistently I find the scoreboard reading obscene numbers like 45-2 for the cav players at the end of the round. I seriously find it hard to think that this is fun for the peasants and mid-grade fighters. I derp around with a long spear and butt armor, so I'm fine. I think it would be really annoying for the others who don't have a similar loadout. Again, this is a rather intangible buff, as far as I can see, but it's definitely there. Buffs are fine, I love balance. But this seems a little too much, if cavalry are decimating swaths of fighters, plate fighters, included.
NA Case studies : BADPLAYER of Chaos, Palatro's alt; BeepBeep I'm a Jeep ATS (these two characters are on opposite ends of the scale, you'll find that Baddie is a perfectly competent fighter, but Jeep is a troll character made for annoying the living crap out of people. Both score well on the leaderboards)

+ Long Spear loses its overhead ~ As a long spear user myself, I'm glad to see this weapon lose its overhead. It gets too tough to fight one of these weapons, given the range we start poking at vs the range they can hit us.

- New hitboxes ~ I cannot agree with the new hitboxes, I'm super stoked that the pikes don't magically go through teammates anymore and connect with the ground and all that, but every single weapon has gained a "lightsaber" effect; I have stabbed out multiple times with my long spear, only to have my teammate who's literally on my immediate right (not ahead of me, directly beside me) eat a full bore spear friendly-fire to the back, stumble animations and "fuck yous" abound. That, at the very least, should be a glance on my end, or better yet, a total miss because - you know - they're nowhere near the hit zone.

- No glances ~ Glance parties are over, and my playstyle with my secondary weapons (bec, axes, whatever) is changed, because part of my playstyle involves stepping into my opponents at an angle that forces a glance (while I take a full on swing at them), archers don't glance unless they're pretty much level fivers. I know there are other fighters out there who use glances in their combat style, and knowing how to force a glance has always been a benefit for my team when it gets hairy.

That's kind of everything I can think of right now. Again, I think this is an overall step in the right direction, but there are elements I may not agree with.


- Lightsaber (last minute turn for full damage) swings are still in full effect
« Last Edit: September 21, 2011, 03:17:50 pm by Dexxtaa »
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Re: [Feedback] What's right/wrong with 0.241
« Reply #46 on: September 21, 2011, 03:07:26 pm »
-cav and archery buffed
-polestun not being removed
+ katana buff (finally!)

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Re: [Feedback] What's right/wrong with 0.241
« Reply #47 on: September 21, 2011, 03:34:06 pm »
-Team balancing is utter garbage. This is not a new problem, it's just that people totally ignore it for some reason.
-I am forced to play in dx7, and it's even laggy there, do the new items have any lods on them? Not everyone can afford a damned NPP to power his gaming needs.
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Re: [Feedback] What's right/wrong with 0.241
« Reply #48 on: September 21, 2011, 03:35:44 pm »
+++ 1hd cav makes sense again (aka reverting the rider bumping)
+ New items
+ Collisions
+ No jumpshots
+ Higher requirements for fast/agile horses

+- Armor changes (more bouncing ok for pierce and blunt weapons, too much bouncing for cut damage weapons)

- Katana buff
- Some high level throwing weapons seem too strong now
- Requirements increase for heavy horses needed as well, battlefield too crowded with elephants
--- No Strat yet!

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Re: [Feedback] What's right/wrong with 0.241
« Reply #49 on: September 21, 2011, 03:35:53 pm »
- Still no preview pictures on the site for the new Turkish equipment!  :mad: :mad: :mad:
+/- New collision detection (Sometimes I love it, sometimes I think my team are the real enemies)
+ Archery change
(click to show/hide)
+/- What I like to think of as experimenting with ways to prevent riders from slicing/stabbing through their horsies to opponents
+WSE added

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Re: [Feedback] What's right/wrong with 0.241
« Reply #50 on: September 21, 2011, 03:40:49 pm »
- Longspear losing its overhead. Unless the new overhead animations can't be applied. I see no reason too. Why wouldn't you be able to go one on one with a spear? Why should it be a support only weapon?

It makes no sense, other then to satisfy Two Handers.

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Re: [Feedback] What's right/wrong with 0.241
« Reply #51 on: September 21, 2011, 03:48:51 pm »
- Archers got nerfed
arguable if that actually was a nerf, as now all types of bows have pierce,
i would rather give them the "unrealistic" jump/turn/shot" as it was fun for them and a move they needed to master first and reduce overall damage if they keep pierce damage through bodkins

- Cav got nerfed
there should be for every skilllevel a horse, no gaps in between
i liked that they bumped themselves but i see that 1h/cav was nearly unplayable with it, so reverting that was ok. I still would suggest that either horses get damaged slightly when they for example bump tincans, come on what Palfrey gets not a scratch when he just goes against iron and steel.

- Infantry got nerfed
ground detection ... love it, not being able to hit through friendlies ... love it, people will get used to it and therefor the fights i believe get more interesting.
Still the polestun is too harsh, either reduce the time of it or disable it completly. You could make it more depending on armor and produced damage perhaps, so those stuns are not that often produced.

- Everyone else's class got buffed
+ upkeep got reduced
+ servers less laggy
:) nothing to argue here

additional suggestions:
*reduce recovery time from crushthrough and/or make a gradual increase of the abilities of
Maul - knockdown - no chrushthrough - unbalanced
Mallet - knockdown - no chrushthrough - balanced
Great Maul - no knockdown - chrushthrough - unbalanced
long maul - knockdown - chrushthrough - balanced
*add shieldbash as special ability for shielders and remove kickslash of them(there was a whole thread of suggestions for other special moves for the other classes can't remember them all atm, second attack for archers to shoot in the sky like they did in battles in RL)
*add skill tree for xbow !!!!!!!!!
*get rid of skip the fun/respec option completly and allow players at anytime to character respec freely their characters and save special purpose builds => 1 character, no alts, no hustle, would solve soooo much whine you got with any patch and create so much fun with trying out new stuff
*respec of weapons for gold say 200k gold for any loom point you take down of a weapon and want to invest onto another one
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Re: [Feedback] What's right/wrong with 0.241
« Reply #52 on: September 21, 2011, 03:49:53 pm »
+ Horse difficulty. Actually quite like the diversity that now brings.
+ New Items
+ No longspear overheads
+ New strat stuff
+ Arrow/bow damage change
+ New collisions on floor ect
+ Deli Cap

+/- Reverting the bumping the rider. Still can't make up my mind with that one

- Lack of real arrow diversity (bodkins the more obvious choice...even when considering price/ammo)
- Stronger throwing weapons
- Jumpshot removed
- xbows still way to accurate at low wpf, 0 wpf xbow accuracy should be similar to how poor 0 wpf archery is and increase in similar scales.
- Reverting blocking with pike/longspear
- Not adding all new items (I would love that turk mail shirt :( ) Get rid of some of the really horrible looking armours if needed.
- Hitting team mates more than ever on the back swing especially with spears (spear, short spear, red tassled spear)
- Desert horse being 6 riding. I can down it in 2 arrows, it's not that fast. Should be 4-5 riding max.
« Last Edit: September 21, 2011, 03:57:37 pm by Overdriven »

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Re: [Feedback] What's right/wrong with 0.241
« Reply #53 on: September 21, 2011, 03:52:51 pm »
+ archer arrow changes
+long spear lost overhead
+horse riding requirements increased for fast horses
+strategus improvements

- swing animation now hits teammates with backswing that are ridiculously far away
-horse bump damage massively increased - needs jostling of rider added back to balance (cav is completely dominating now, i go 18-2 so easily now with cav alt)
-rider jostled when horse bumped was removed (great new feature forcing real skill)
-long spear got back blocking and still allows jump stabs with 200+ length weapon
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Re: [Feedback] What's right/wrong with 0.241
« Reply #54 on: September 21, 2011, 04:03:44 pm »
  • The earlier active attacks against players, it's horribly unpredictable and everyone teamhits me. I'm fine with it being active earlier, but not this early. Atleast make sure we can only hit people within a 180* degree radius in front of us.
  • No Byzantine helmets
  • Too much variations of the turkish helmet, just pick one or two of those white caps
  • The constant drastic changes, why can't you guys ever perfect a good experience. Everytime the whole battle balance of the mod gets thrown around completely, instead of fixing the little things. These drastic changes always create more imbalance than when you would have fine tuned the old experience.
  • No change in the Str/Agi balance. Strength continous to be the superior attribute by far.
  • Buff of horse charge damage, I agree with this buff, but its a tad bit overdone.
  • Polestun is still there.
  • EDIT: Ladders haven't been removed from battle

  • Katana buff, thanks
  • Community made models being added
  • Nerfing of cav turning speed
  • Removal of long spear overhead
  • Further enhancing of strategus battle experience, good luck with making the new stuff work.
  • No more jumpshots, woohee!
« Last Edit: September 21, 2011, 04:27:00 pm by SgtTeeh »

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Re: [Feedback] What's right/wrong with 0.241
« Reply #55 on: September 21, 2011, 04:10:52 pm »

  • The constant drastic changes, why can't you guys ever perfect a good experience. Everytime the whole battle balance of the mod gets thrown around completely, instead of fixing the little things. These drastic changes always create more imbalance than when you would have fine tuned the old experience.

IMO, this is an excellent point.
I mean, what have you got to lose? You know, you come from nothing, you're going back to nothing, what have you lost? Nothing!

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Re: [Feedback] What's right/wrong with 0.241
« Reply #56 on: September 21, 2011, 04:33:01 pm »
+new armors
+pike changes
+the horsey thingy
+throwing buffed ( its now a real class again )
-archery buffed
-Polestun havnt been removed
-speed of long halfted blade and glaive is still too much
-the bounce off ground shit ( i cant even kill a guy walking up a hill with an overhead, it bounces 50 cm above his head )
-new armor values
-organisation of the patches 1.40 and 1.41 with all that hotfixes and other shit ( and byzantine helmet still doesnt work )
-no heierloom changin and respec like in every other big patch before
-great maul got speed nerf

Even with all that -
i´d say good work, but some changes need to be done soon ;-)
I don't want to give a feedback to molly neither i want to ban him,I wanted to give advise high authorities to take his admin rights.Panos you monkey wrench where would u put this topic enlighten me you cancer fuck.

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Re: [Feedback] What's right/wrong with 0.241
« Reply #57 on: September 21, 2011, 04:44:46 pm »
+ New items
+ New strategus features
+ Arrow type changes damage

- Charge damage buff

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Re: [Feedback] What's right/wrong with 0.241
« Reply #58 on: September 21, 2011, 04:48:31 pm »
chadz the real problem with the mod and the devs is that u rarely play your OWN mod.

I know you have RL and shit like that but how would you expect to do the right moves if you dont spend some time to see what`s going on at the servers and what things need to be fixed and what not.
In this community,if you cheat,which is the ultimate crime to do in a game,you can buy a second cd key and everything is fine,but if you troll you get a permaban and be in danger for a second one,fair isn`t it?

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Re: [Feedback] What's right/wrong with 0.241
« Reply #59 on: September 21, 2011, 05:07:50 pm »
I may be a bit too biased about cavalry being nerfed, but whatever.

As a cavalryman since the beginning days of cRPG:

+ the lance radius (yeah, that's right. I occasionally complain about it, but the idea is good. Overall, much less BS kills from horseback.)
- the lance radius (This too, only because 2hers and most other weapons can easily dismount a rider.)
- the cavalry requirement nerf (not necessary. I retired about a week ago, and I'm level 24 now. I need to be at least level 27 to use my courser again...)
- the cavalry acceleration nerf (not necessary)
+ new items (the one thing I LOVE about the updates is going into each category and seeing a few new items in each.)
- archer buff (I know, but it was just too much. As is, as cavalry it was hell surviving all the projectiles. Now it's damn near impossible. Slight buff is okay, but not allowing ALL BOWS TO HAVE PIERCE. Pretty crazy of a buff there.)
+ Xbow nerf (Thank you for decreasing the amount of xbowmen. A few less projectiles to worry about as cav now.)

In the end, the only problems I have with being cav is:
A) The requirement for the courser
B) The "not being able to take down a guy with a 100 reach weapon" system

Overall, cavalry can get kills, yes. But what type of kills? AFK, peasants, couching kills, backstabs and backcouches, and stragglers without a weapon with 100+ reach. Sorry for the last bit here, but I just felt it needed to be said.
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