I think those threads really help us in determining what people think of the patch without a lot of emotions. Therefore, another round of:
What's right/wrong with the patch.
What do you think what's wrong and what's better in this version, compared to the last one?
No rage, no real text, no arguments, just opinons. Do it with + for positive lines, - for negative lines.
- Archers got nerfed
- Cav got nerfed
- Infantry got nerfed
- Everyone else's class got buffed
+ upkeep got reduced
+ servers less laggy
Posts not fitting this scheme will get deleted, we really need to be able to skim past the thread and see what people think. There are other threads to release your steam.
It's also perfectly fine, encouraged actually, to post stuff someone has posted before you. Now is your time to voice your opinion (and actually get heard).
Also, vote!