
Split NA and EU for more reasonable battle time?

Some other solution (spliting the continent etc.)

Author Topic: Waking up at 6 am  (Read 18960 times)

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Re: Waking up at 6 am
« Reply #105 on: July 26, 2011, 12:18:38 am »
so when you disagreed with someone he's a tard, nice way of thinking :D insulting people is the last means of stupid people out of arguments

Not the only one who disagreed with you.

Especially since you're arguments make no sense. 'Since when is war balanced'. War isn't balanced. Crpg is. If you want imbalance then stop being a tard and go fight a real war. Otherwise deal with the fact that people here like to play for fun, and as a result enjoy a balanced GAME.

I could make 100000 arguments against everything you've said in this thread. But the fact is it's 11:30pm, and like normal people who have work in the morning, I actually have to sleep. The suggestion that EU/NA should fight in the middle of the night (early am's) is a daft one...this is a game, people have lives to attend to. I know not all players here do, but the vast majority do. And so it would be rather nice to keep a game fun, and not have to worry about sleepless nerds who stay awake all night just to attack my fief or people across the world who, by fortune of timezone, happen to be awake when I'm asleep.

If it was kept the way it was, there would rarely be any big battles in the future between NA/EU anyway. They'd be pointless insta victories for the attacking team. It shouldn't be that way. If it was, then strat would not be fun.
« Last Edit: July 26, 2011, 12:24:49 am by Overdriven »

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Re: Waking up at 6 am
« Reply #106 on: July 26, 2011, 12:28:47 am »
mmh and so the fact that 3-4 NA guys disagreed with me makes me a tard ? nice logic you got there, pop-fashion kid, aren't you ?

A war game can't be balanced, there will always be a side stronger than another. Game or not. Or you'd have to force people to join a side to balance things, just bs. If everything is unbalanced it's because of people's choice and not because of a hardcoded system. If there's more EU than NA it's a player-related fact. If there was more people in some clans than others it's a player-related fact. If some are better than others it's a player-related fact. If some clans wanted to make alliances and some didn't it's a player-related fact, etc.

If you needed a balanced game to enjoy it you wouldn't even enjoy anything.

Better stay quiet than making yourself a fool. Think about it next time.

and once again you're making yourself a fool with talking about attacks during the night whereas the solution that was offered doesn't solve the problems whereas this problem itself could be solved if people wanted to ally with factions from other continents.
« Last Edit: July 26, 2011, 12:31:05 am by Olwen »

Offline Overdriven

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Re: Waking up at 6 am
« Reply #107 on: July 26, 2011, 12:43:58 am »
mmh and so the fact that 3-4 NA guys disagreed with me makes me a tard ? nice logic you got there, pop-fashion kid, aren't you ?

A war game can't be balanced, there will always be a side stronger than another. Game or not. Or you'd have to force people to join a side to balance things, just bs. If everything is unbalanced it's because of people's choice and not because of a hardcoded system. If there's more EU than NA it's a player-related fact. If there was more people in some clans than others it's a player-related fact. If some are better than others it's a player-related fact. If some clans wanted to make alliances and some didn't it's a player-related fact, etc.

If you needed a balanced game to enjoy it you wouldn't even enjoy anything.

Better stay quiet than making yourself a fool. Think about it next time.

and once again you're making yourself a fool with talking about attacks during the night whereas the solution that was offered doesn't solve the problems whereas this problem itself could be solved if people wanted to ally with factions from other continents.

It's people's choice whether they were born in NA or EU? :lol: O wait...I guess life is apparently a choice.

Urr...pretty much every multiplayer game in existance attempts some form of balance. Whether it's class weaknesses/strengths rock paper scissors style, or all round balance. Balanced games are fun game. Unbalanced games are not.

You also seem to forget that this game comes with autobalance in servers. But then I guess if 20 joined one side vs 2 people, to you it's just life eh :wink: Player related fact  :rolleyes:

If crpg was unbalanced, there would be no one playing it. Simple fact. Everyone would be using the one OP weapon. That's not balance.

There were several solutions offered that did solve the problem. Tears solution was a different one. But trying to think of a solution is better than saying 'suck it up, dont have any fun and just deal with the crappy nature of the game, war is unbalanced'.

The suggestion isn't to take away diplomacy ect ect. As it stands there are a lot of cases where diplomatically, it's largely EU vs NA anyway, so if anything splitting it up would cause even more in fighting between each continents clans. Practically everyone has made alliances atm, and it doesn't make a damn difference. There are still empty battles at 3am GMT. Yes some players are better than others, but if those battles include cases where there are 30 vs 2, then something is very wrong.

Unbalance is constantly trying to be ironed out of the game, hence why a large portion of devs choices are based on balance.

I thought about it. And yep, you're argument is still a bit foolish.
« Last Edit: July 26, 2011, 12:52:24 am by Overdriven »

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Re: Waking up at 6 am
« Reply #108 on: July 26, 2011, 12:57:47 am »
i'm out lol, if someone wanted to explain him how life works he can go on but prison break on the tv ! xD

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Re: Waking up at 6 am
« Reply #109 on: July 26, 2011, 06:32:00 am »
people are not smart here

splitting up the player base

this is going to be the worse thing for clans that have two user bases NA and EU

your going to split up there Clans

also NA-EU do not have that big of a Player base to split them up

ohh make the map smaller it wont be that fun again if its smaller..

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Re: Waking up at 6 am
« Reply #110 on: July 26, 2011, 08:19:20 am »
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Re: Waking up at 6 am
« Reply #111 on: July 26, 2011, 08:43:25 am »

also NA-EU do not have that big of a Player base to split them up

Yes , both communities do. And while most NA and EU clans agree that separating would be good, so far i  only see the Fallen disapprove the idea. Both sides are biased, but we simply have more biased clans on our side, Fallen.Clans that enjoy their sleep and free time.

P.S. we have one NA guy in the Shogunate atm. He's playing on EU servers with us -).

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Re: Waking up at 6 am
« Reply #112 on: July 26, 2011, 08:57:09 am »
i like the two continents idea, because then we could see who truly wants to fight at 6 am or always have bad ping
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Re: Waking up at 6 am
« Reply #113 on: July 26, 2011, 09:16:01 am »
do ya think that when people attacked others during the night the other guys went like : fu i'm working tomorrow, need to sleep, leave me alone and go fight people who aren't sleeping atm

Yeah goddammit.  They did what they had to in order to protect their data and pixelated land and families!
owait, something is gravely amiss in this comparison.
And I should be nice or polite to anyone.... why exactly?

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Re: Waking up at 6 am
« Reply #114 on: July 26, 2011, 09:56:57 am »
What I'd like to have: 2 continents and hardcore island(s) in the middle. The continents would have a fixed server location and a limited time window for battles. So on the European continent(rich of recources and beautiful people) battles would always been fought on the EU strategus server and could only take place between 17:00 GMT to 0:00 GMT. A similar thing for the NA continent (wasteland with hideous population) with forced NA server and a decent time window for them.

The hardcore island between both continents could retain the current way of handling battles with server location depending on defender and free battle times. That's where inter-conti clans and those with too much free time could have their fun.

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Re: Waking up at 6 am
« Reply #115 on: July 26, 2011, 10:04:07 am »
Lol, Urist makes it sound like this:

NA (any similarity with LLJK Goonies is pure coincidence):
(click to show/hide)

(click to show/hide)
Do you honestly think you have any sort of moral authority, Reyiz? Go genocide some more armenians and deny it ever happened, please, and stay in the middle east.
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Re: Waking up at 6 am
« Reply #116 on: July 26, 2011, 10:07:12 am »
Actually both lack facial symmetry.

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Re: Waking up at 6 am
« Reply #117 on: July 26, 2011, 10:11:24 am »
What I'd like to have: 2 continents and hardcore island(s) in the middle. The continents would have a fixed server location and a limited time window for battles. So on the European continent(rich of recources and beautiful people) battles would always been fought on the EU strategus server and could only take place between 17:00 GMT to 0:00 GMT. A similar thing for the NA continent (wasteland with hideous population) with forced NA server and a decent time window for them.

The hardcore island between both continents could retain the current way of handling battles with server location depending on defender and free battle times. That's where inter-conti clans and those with too much free time could have their fun.

That sounds great. That way, you wouldn't ever have to attack the other continent if you feel like the ping is too high.
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Re: Waking up at 6 am
« Reply #118 on: July 26, 2011, 10:13:56 am »
whats with the QQ about splitting the community??

the community is already split with EU and NA servers and if it werent fot strategnjus it still would be. dont think much tears would fall from EU side if we never played 'mericans again 4 am with 200 ping  :wink:

And now he can't play because of "common sense" and he doesn't understand how this common sense works
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Re: Waking up at 6 am
« Reply #119 on: July 26, 2011, 10:34:32 am »
The problem with your reasoning Olwen: you say its unbalanced i agree, somehow you think it must be that way ("war" bla bla...) but it doesent. Split NA and EU and it will be more enjoyable for both sides. I realy dont see the cons in this system, both communities have enough players to support both Caladrias.

So we have the pros:

Less lag.
Reasonable times.
More fiefs to take.
Less crowd. (this maybe a pro or a con depending on who you ask)

And then we have the cons:

Spliting up clans that have ppl from bot NA and EU

If you want to continue with your war is unbalaced bla bla whatever, feel free to atack at 5 am on EU servers.

I am also in support in a split continent thingy or something, but frankly with the rate of things that get done by the dev team i dont see that happening.... ever
« Last Edit: July 26, 2011, 10:37:46 am by Fluffy_Muffin »
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