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Messages - Paprik

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Beginner's Help and Guides / Re: Blunt build?
« on: April 13, 2012, 10:53:48 am »
why iberian mace and not the longer military hammer? And doesn't strength increase chance to knockdown/crushthrough etc?

Beginner's Help and Guides / Blunt build?
« on: April 12, 2012, 12:29:27 am »
What's better for blunt damage - 2hers? polearms? And which weapons would be best suited for this task? Probably the mauls, cause they have crushthrough right?

Also, what build should accompany such weapons? (almost) full str?

Beginner's Help and Guides / Re: Best light armor for melees?
« on: April 07, 2012, 03:45:05 am »
well yeah, by light I meant full set below 15kg... I'm having trouble deciding which of the three light tiers should I choose.

At the moment, I'm using studded leather coat cause it seems like there's no real upgrade unless adding a ton more weight. Byrnie adds +6 body ar. -7 leg ar. for 2kg. Not really worth it imo.

And what about the other pieces? Helmet, boots and gloves? Is it worth going beyond Rus Cavalry boots and Lamellar gauntlets?

Beginner's Help and Guides / Best light armor for melees?
« on: April 07, 2012, 03:16:53 am »
So I was wondering what's the best break point for weight and which specific armor pieces fit that break point... Most people seem to prefer (and advise) using light armor cause mobility and speed = win. This would be for a melee character.

Announcements / Re: Version 0.211
« on: January 18, 2011, 05:34:15 pm »
STOP PATCHING AND CONCENTRATE ON YOUR EXAMS -.- could've left things as they were, but noo, listened to whiners again and needed to do sth. again.

that's like telling me to stop playing M&B and concentrate on my exams... meh :D

Suggestions Corner / Re: BARMACE!@$@#%#!@^
« on: January 17, 2011, 11:12:17 pm »
All a competant person playing Crpg with a barmace has to do to get a great K:D is to play in this way:

1.)  Approach an opponent
2.)  Block the first strike from opponent
3.)  Retaliate by an overhead swing
4.)  Repeat as necessary.

Except when this person does 3., you dodge while slashing him. If he repeats, you repeat. Win.

The Extra 24 wpf will not let the agility guy hit you again after his attack turn is over and yours is about to begin. The only thing he can do is try moving or jumping out of the way. If he does that he will forefit his attack phase letting you attack with overhead again.  In this way in 2 to 3 overhead strikes you can chase an agility guy into the grave as long as you keep your head straight and follow him quickly.

Except you can attack while moving/jumping. Also you forgot that the agi build has Athletics at 6-8 which is pretty much enough to win just by clever footwork. If for some reason a player is not skilled enough to face such opponent, then again Athletics comes into play and you can get the fuck out and get some help from teammates.

Any valid arguments?

Well as a Thrower who has Power Throw 6 I find the above statements a shame, funny at times though.
I carry 8 Axes (not 50 arrows), I have a shield and a broad axe, wear light chain - I rarely get in the top ten and on average kill as many as the times I die.  So as an average player I think Throwing is not OP.

Well, sir, while I fully respect your opinion, there's even throwers in this thread that suggest some nerfing changes.

As for accuracy? I think its actually a bit on the high side right now. I say nerf damage on all throwing weapons above war darts (Axes, javalins, etc) by 15-20%, reduce the accuracy of all throwing weapons, reduce the penalty for throwing while moving (meaning more accurate while moving forward,) but increase the projectile speed by around 5. Currently throwing weapons just float through the air at unrealistically slow speeds. If a baseball pitcher can throw a ball at 90-95 miles an hour consistently, a rock should go faster than 30 miles an hour.

This seems very reasonable.

Suggestions Corner / Re: Sieges aren't fun
« on: January 17, 2011, 04:22:26 pm »
sure attackers got faster respawn but usually (not always) longer route to flag ...

The thing is they have an insane advantage even if the route takes exactly the same time as the defender respawn. While attackers spawn at safe positions, half of the defenders spawn at places where they get instagangbanged by several attackers.

Suggestions Corner / Re: Sieges aren't fun
« on: January 17, 2011, 12:46:14 am »
I agree that the "time's up, flag's not down yet" situation needs a fix. I suggest to limit the time attackers have to still win after time has run out to 10-20 seconds.

I feel this feature should be removed completely. It doesn't make any sense. Why would there be ANY time limit in the first place? Either capture the castle in X:XX or you lost. That's it.

Giving someone infinitely more time just because he has dude standing there is retarded. That's like giving defenders infinite time to recapture just because they are inside the castle :D

Also +1 to the defender respawn scaling. So many sieges are ending up 3:0 with attackers winning that it makes me wanna kill a baby seal.

Suggestions Corner / Re: No upkeep Saturday/Sunday
« on: January 17, 2011, 12:32:30 am »
I replied yes.

It's not circumventing anything because he said there'd be no xp and gold gain. People would just play for fun, no crazy grinding. I say - if that's just one day and one server - make it happen.

Edit: Also you might wanna change the topic title and make it somehow clear that it doesn't make the weekend "free" (if I understood you correctly).

I agree with most that has been said. Throwing is actually one of few things I find imbalanced. It's like a siege xbow melee style with insanely fast reload. What. The. Shit.

I know the aiming reticule is larger, but it's comparable to a bow/xbow while walking and that's easy to pull of in shorter distances as well. If we were gonna go all realistic and stuff - throwing should be probably more accurate, but way less melee-abusable. Right now I feel like it's a melee weapon with the longest reach and way higher damage than the actual polearms.

Im a shieldless 2h, buying a shield is not an option. It messes with my awesomeness.

Made me lol :D But yeah, awesomeness should be respected.

Game Balance Discussion / Re: [Sug] UpkeepĀ“s ONE Problem
« on: January 16, 2011, 11:25:50 pm »
Well what you suggested still sucks dick except less :D

I don't see why there has to be any percentage involved. It just supports people starting the upkeep threads. A simple solution would be to just not take the number of items into account -> total equip cost * 0.009 (simple constant which can be tweaked) and bam.. that's what you pay every round. period. No luck involved.

A constant between 0.009-0.01 would probably keep the current state - 25k gear is the maximum possible to not lose money with 1x multiplier or something like that.

Suggestions Corner / Re: Deployable Pavise Shield
« on: January 16, 2011, 03:03:03 pm »

Looks excellent

Suggestions Corner / Re: Rerolling heirlooms
« on: January 15, 2011, 06:13:30 pm »
This increases the value of heirlooms and forces you to make a well-informed decision.

Well you can't predict what impact will a future patch have. You can think about it all you want, but the next day there might be a patch raping it's stats beyond belief.

I'm not saying rerolling should always be possible but at least after a patch there should be the option (even if for some $$).

Game Balance Discussion / Re: Game balance suggestions
« on: January 14, 2011, 07:28:53 pm »
The thing with boosting people with good K/D ratio is that kills have often zero information value in siege mode - defense usually gets a lot more kills (or at least less deaths cause of the respawn timer) and a key player might be the one cleverly placing ladders, crushing doors, teamplaying or whatever, not the one with more kills.

Like you said though, some people (including me) feel a lack of motivation. Either cause of the upkeep, or for not being able to influence the round result at all - let's be honest, there's times I play like shit, yet I get 5x modifier, other times I play good and stay on the losing team for 4+ consecutive rounds.

Also there's not really that much to do with gold if you actually manage to earn some. You get your best gear (which you might not end up wearing cause of upkeep) and then what? Sure you can waste some of the money by equipping your "best" stuff, but with everyone being in light armor, there's no point in having heavy armor as you'll get outspammed every time. So best weapon is all you really need.

Something could be done about the modifiers though. Maybe making them half ifluenced by K/D ratio, half influenced by the team round result. Maybe have separate modifiers for both, I don't know. But I've seen players like Ozwan leave cause of losing every single round (therefore serious amounts of $$ and less xp) while having K/D > 10.

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