Author Topic: Throwing weapons (need balancing )  (Read 18811 times)

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Re: Throwing weapons (maybe a slight damage reduction?)
« Reply #30 on: January 16, 2011, 05:45:24 pm »
My dedicated thrower has (level 21) PT3 and javs, 18 agility, 100 polearms wpf, 120 throwing: I can run fast, carry 3 stacks and a 1/4staff for defence, get loads of kills at mid to short range: BUT SAME THING APPLIES TO ARCHERS, XBOWS: Shooting an aware target who is taking evasive is NOT easy, and nor is it supposed to be. It SHOULD be impossible. You have to throw/shoot people not aware, if we could all shoot whoever we wanted whenever we wanted, then this WOULD be counterstrike: I wish pure melees would see this: ITS SO EASY to dodge arrows AND axes, they just dont take any measures to avoid, then come here and post about how OP ALL RANGED is. Currently throwing feels OP when your on the recieving end, but its not easy from delivery side of it.

To those who are moaning that they got 1shot by a throwing axe while wearing mail: GOOD, thats SUPPOSED to happen: You caught an axe in your chest: YOUR DEAD. Why is that hard to understand? Its my opinion, and just that: All toptier ranged weapons should 1shot anyone regardless of their armour. Remember, I am on recieving end of all attacks too, AND I support Reflect Team Damage 100%, I dont want the game easier for me, I want it MUCH harder for EVERYONE. Then all the guys who never even played native can fuck off and l2p, THEN come back and be helpful teammembers, not shitty teamhitters who spam in melee and whine that they get shot when they run in straight lines. Stop trying to change the game and make it easier, the harder it gets, the better it is.
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Re: Throwing weapons (maybe a slight damage reduction?)
« Reply #31 on: January 16, 2011, 07:56:22 pm »
I suggest a variety of shooter games, Grey, they might be what you're really looking for.

The thing is, there is a huge variety of FPS shooters. There's really only a few games about medieval combat (which do not entertain the leglolaszz bullshit crowd).

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Re: Throwing weapons (maybe a slight damage reduction?)
« Reply #32 on: January 16, 2011, 08:24:47 pm »
After seeing full throwing specced characters, i must agree with the OP now, throwing can oneshot a full str lvl31 character wearing plate, that's a little too much.

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Re: Throwing weapons (maybe a slight damage reduction?)
« Reply #33 on: January 16, 2011, 08:27:55 pm »
I have a dedicated thrower. A REALLY dedicated thrower. As in EVERY POINT CONVERTED INTO STRENGTH FOR MORE PT thrower.

Thats my build. 1 WM, 1 shield, rest all in PT or converted to strength.

1 Shotting people with jarids is rare.

As for accuracy? I think its actually a bit on the high side right now. I say nerf damage on all throwing weapons above war darts (Axes, javalins, etc) by 15-20%, reduce the accuracy of all throwing weapons, reduce the penalty for throwing while moving (meaning more accurate while moving forward,) but increase the projectile speed by around 5. Currently throwing weapons just float through the air at unrealistically slow speeds. If a baseball pitcher can throw a ball at 90-95 miles an hour consistently, a rock should go faster than 30 miles an hour.

for those who say PT=more accuracy. That used to be the case, but I believe they changed it last patch. Not 100% certain. WPF seems to have an effect on accuracy now and PT doesn't make a jarring difference from level to level. I'll have to experiment some.
So with PT >10 stones become simple too effective

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Re: Throwing weapons (maybe a slight damage reduction?)
« Reply #34 on: January 16, 2011, 08:29:58 pm »
I saw an increase in accuracy on thrower alt but don't expect a X aim it's still very wide.

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Re: Throwing weapons (maybe a slight damage reduction?)
« Reply #35 on: January 16, 2011, 11:19:06 pm »
I won't say throwing is OP, but it should be made less attractive by higher price or higher requirements, cause throwing is a bit overused. Eight out of ten people have a throwing weapon nowadays. Im a shieldless 2h, buying a shield is not an option. It messes with my awesomeness. I accept that i get hit by throwers once in a while, but this is a bit too much.

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Re: Throwing weapons (maybe a slight damage reduction?)
« Reply #36 on: January 17, 2011, 12:26:50 am »
I agree with most that has been said. Throwing is actually one of few things I find imbalanced. It's like a siege xbow melee style with insanely fast reload. What. The. Shit.

I know the aiming reticule is larger, but it's comparable to a bow/xbow while walking and that's easy to pull of in shorter distances as well. If we were gonna go all realistic and stuff - throwing should be probably more accurate, but way less melee-abusable. Right now I feel like it's a melee weapon with the longest reach and way higher damage than the actual polearms.

Im a shieldless 2h, buying a shield is not an option. It messes with my awesomeness.

Made me lol :D But yeah, awesomeness should be respected.

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Re: Throwing weapons (maybe a slight damage reduction?)
« Reply #37 on: January 17, 2011, 01:19:53 pm »
I agree with most that has been said. Throwing is actually one of few things I find imbalanced. It's like a siege xbow melee style with insanely fast reload. What. The. Shit.

I know the aiming reticule is larger, but it's comparable to a bow/xbow while walking and that's easy to pull of in shorter distances as well. If we were gonna go all realistic and stuff - throwing should be probably more accurate, but way less melee-abusable. Right now I feel like it's a melee weapon with the longest reach and way higher damage than the actual polearms.

Made me lol :D But yeah, awesomeness should be respected.

Well as a Thrower who has Power Throw 6 I find the above statements a shame, funny at times though.
I carry 8 Axes (not 50 arrows), I have a shield and a broad axe, wear light chain - I rarely get in the top ten and on average kill as many as the times I die.  So as an average player I think Throwing is not OP.

Spending more of my time being spammed down by 2H Tincans with Massive Sword or Bar Mace, there are little of few pleasures better than the rare Headshot.  On average I throw 3-5 axes before hitting and that does not kill.  If its a person climbing a ladder my hit rate goes up, if the target is a break dancing, lunge leaping cartwheeling tincan its hard to get any hits at all.  If the person carries a shield they are protected for 2-5 axe hits, so they can close, so whats the big complaint?

Occasionally when the stars are in alignment and the luck runs with me not against I might kill a few people, but I have thrown four axes point blank and missed !!

So come on, dont nerf throwing just because people are too poor to always wear tin and PT10+ players can hit often (when do these people get time to get that?).
Otherwise you just adjust whatever looks slighty better while people complain that their normal 55 kills to 2 deaths mega slaughter is reduced

Dont take away the small pleasure of the rare kill, throwing at a tin can running towards me with 2H Mace/Boulder/Axe/Sword over his head confident that he always wins.

Also do note that the chance of killing enemy with single shot is equal to accidental TK's - sorry for those by the way, it happens, but on the whole I never fire into melles, dont have enough ammo to do these things unlike XBow\Archer

All I am saying is give throwing a chance  :D

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Re: Throwing weapons (maybe a slight damage reduction?)
« Reply #38 on: January 17, 2011, 01:54:02 pm »
For information below is a comparison of accuracy between a dedicated thrower with 10pt and 105 wpf and a dedicated bowman with 6PD and 8wm all wpf into archery.

(click to show/hide)

-To get this kind of accuracy a thrower as to have a strength build so he's slow as hell and inefficient in duel (unlike archer).
-Projectile speed is 3 time less for throwing
-only accurate a short range
-You've 5 time less munition
-Weapon are more expensive for thrower
-Archer can 2 shoot with a war bow just like a thrower from way longer ranges (look at archer build topic)
-Almost same firing rate

-reticule doesn't expand as much as archer while moving (but archer might still be narrower didn't check)
-damage (no 2 hits just like archer)
-more hp ?

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Re: Throwing weapons (maybe a slight damage reduction?)
« Reply #39 on: January 17, 2011, 01:57:31 pm »
As for accuracy? I think its actually a bit on the high side right now. I say nerf damage on all throwing weapons above war darts (Axes, javalins, etc) by 15-20%, reduce the accuracy of all throwing weapons, reduce the penalty for throwing while moving (meaning more accurate while moving forward,) but increase the projectile speed by around 5. Currently throwing weapons just float through the air at unrealistically slow speeds. If a baseball pitcher can throw a ball at 90-95 miles an hour consistently, a rock should go faster than 30 miles an hour.


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Re: Throwing weapons (maybe a slight damage reduction?)
« Reply #40 on: January 17, 2011, 03:17:53 pm »
On the paper all your math seems right, my Huscarl hurls axes and I got a Nord Scout, throwing stuff from horses. The "problem" with throwing is, as soon as your target is aware you want to hit him, you won't be able to, people can go get a tea while they wait for the throwing stuff incoming. It's even worse on my Nord Scout, when riding full speed I am scared of throwing infront of me, one day I will kill myself due to overtaking the projectile.

The simple solution would be nerfing PT, buffing throwing wpf and speed (Maybe hack a way into the game to make throwing speed = throwers speed * weapon speed). Similiar to what was done to archery, to reduce the full strenght lol-builds there.
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Re: Throwing weapons (maybe a slight damage reduction?)
« Reply #41 on: January 17, 2011, 04:45:43 pm »
Well as a Thrower who has Power Throw 6 I find the above statements a shame, funny at times though.
I carry 8 Axes (not 50 arrows), I have a shield and a broad axe, wear light chain - I rarely get in the top ten and on average kill as many as the times I die.  So as an average player I think Throwing is not OP.

Well, sir, while I fully respect your opinion, there's even throwers in this thread that suggest some nerfing changes.

As for accuracy? I think its actually a bit on the high side right now. I say nerf damage on all throwing weapons above war darts (Axes, javalins, etc) by 15-20%, reduce the accuracy of all throwing weapons, reduce the penalty for throwing while moving (meaning more accurate while moving forward,) but increase the projectile speed by around 5. Currently throwing weapons just float through the air at unrealistically slow speeds. If a baseball pitcher can throw a ball at 90-95 miles an hour consistently, a rock should go faster than 30 miles an hour.

This seems very reasonable.

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Re: Throwing weapons (maybe a slight damage reduction?)
« Reply #42 on: January 18, 2011, 05:03:01 am »
I can perma stun people with 40-50 armour using throwing knives with 6pt 100wpf :o

The ease of reloading between shots should be decreased but compensated for by an increase in accuracy and a return to pre-patch flight speeds.

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Re: Throwing weapons (maybe a slight damage reduction?)
« Reply #43 on: January 18, 2011, 10:54:19 am »
I can perma stun people with 40-50 armour using throwing knives with 6pt 100wpf :o

The ease of reloading between shots should be decreased but compensated for by an increase in accuracy and a return to pre-patch flight speeds.

pre-patch flight speeds were a bit much in my opinion.

I could be wrong though. I didn't spend nearly as much time on my thrower then as I do now. I think it was stated that throwing moved a projectile faster than a bow did.
So with PT >10 stones become simple too effective

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Re: Throwing weapons (maybe a slight damage reduction?)
« Reply #44 on: January 18, 2011, 02:10:30 pm »
High PT ? I was one hit killed by gnjus's axe when i used heraldic mail.

Rare luck, my PT is 6 and i need more then 1 heavy axe for most of the people out there, even headshots dont kill 'em, they just keep running around with axes sticking out of their heads.  :wink:
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