3 months ago and still no fucking weapon models on a few of the new weapons. Even worse, no pictures on the shop pages. What's this world coming to?
Okay, sorry, but, I stopped reading here and came up with a great idea.
What if we just change the name and tell people that its a new mod? They'll never know the difference.
Okay, sorry, but, I stopped reading here and came up with a great idea.reintroduce ladders and call it lRPG
What if we just change the name and tell people that its a new mod? They'll never know the difference.
visitors can't see pics , please register or loginCameraman. I hope.
Radament which one of them are you?
Cameraman. I hope.
Pretty sure it did that for the entire duration that people were aware of M;BG, the following quotes come from page 1 of the 'Anyone excited for M:BG by cRPG devs?' thread on Taleworlds that we were forced to update for the kickstarter, the thread that was our main source of outreach to the larger Warband community.
The only difference is that the current state is just harming the image of their upcoming game in our eyes, the ones who were previously positive and happy to donate. People outside this community already had their image harmed because they didnt like crpg in the first place. Now enjoy the quotes.
The only difference is that the current state is just harming the image of their upcoming game in our eyes, the ones who were previously positive and happy to donate.
cRPG in current state is harming image of their upcoming game.
fix lag and i have no problem with crpg at all, hell, i'd start playing it again.
fix lag and i have no problem with crpg at all, hell, i'd start playing it again.
The fact that lag issues can be circumvented in certain ways which aren't familiar to new player and are far from being logical
small server population
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heskey, your argument makes no sense.Other people were quite capable of making sense of it, but i could have been clearer.
leshma still hasn't explained the cryptic but easy (?) method to circumvent server lag...
im on the edge of my seat here leshy
do you know how painful it is to sit on the edge of a seat for more than 24 hours
Are the official servers really that laggy? I hosted the Australian server on a $20 per month VPS and never had any problems, even with 40 players on which was peak for aus. They must use some pretty shitty servers if they can't handle the average 20-30 players that are on EU/NA battle these days
I dont undestand if this is lag:
If i Press R and L of mouse together my pg in a first time blocks and immediatly he attacks.
When i see the attack, the games uses half of animation (i dont see the preparation of the attack, but only yhe swing).
Is it lag?
I think a part of the lag players observe is a consequence of GPU overheating and client-side netlag. When very detailed items such as the new weeaboo armors meet a crappy PC, it's predetermined that the FPS won't stay constant. FPS drops look just like netlag when no FPS counter is enabled. Also, when you are on powerline or wifi, the connection often gets disturbed by various factors, be it adapter overheating, electric interferences or moving objects between the sender and the receiver. If you share your internet with a lot of people, your bandwidth is reduced and the ping goes up. Sometimes, antivir updates, steam updates or malware remain unseen and consume bandwidth. Weather conditions are also a factor for people who live far away from the servers.
I rarely had problems with the servers. I can recall only a few times where mass disconnects or global pingspikes happened because of the servers. Most of the time, when something went bad, it was a mistake on my side. Other than these rare situations, my ping is absolutely stable. The interval of maximum deviation seems to be 3.
You can do that without lag as well (it's exploitable), but yea, that's probably due to the lag because I've noticed it much more often as well.
others SHOULD see the whole animation.
Fixed. The servers are skipping animation frames every now and then. It has nothing to do with the client side GPU, fps or ping as it's clearly different from what it was half a year ago. It feels like packet loss and it's totally random except that it seems to get a bit worse with more players.
On the actual topic, maybe adding different stuff could keep the mod alive for a little while longer. Maybe we need some events or special items and at least we should get a fix for the previosly added things. Still the first thing I personally would change is the EU1 map rotation which I've complained a lot before but is still the single most annoying thing about current cRPG. That plus the lag has killed the mod for me and I rarely play anymore.
The leveling system needs a small change as well I think. Right now I have two characters at 37 and two at 36 (already retired two of these as the respec system allows me to change builds anyway) and no point to grind. There should be a cap on what you can achieve by leveling up and after that you gain something extra like special items, access to some sexier armor or so on. Level 31 builds should be the maximum to avoid extreme builds. The current retirement bonus isn't enough for me to retire any of my remaining characters and I'll never reach the next levels on them either, so there's nothing to look forward to.
Give more power to people like San and Tydeus and whoever has the skills and is still interested to change and try out things. I disagree with a lot of the balancing done recently, but the mod needs to change every now and then to stay fresh. Just let them experiment - it's not like it can kill the mod any quicker...
If the server is skipping animations then its the server, and not clicking both buttons at the same time. So its still not exploitable..
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Not exploitable, it looks different for everyone else, only for you its kinda instant but others see the whole animation.
There's always periods of increased bugginess of the mechanics due to the servers going a little bad. Dunno how they fixed it in the past, think the servers just got reset or something.
Give more power to people like San and Tydeus and whoever has the skills and is still interested to change and try out things.
As far as I know San prepared another patch long time ago, the problem is only chadz can launch it. And he has "lazy" in his title not without a reason...
There's also the item team that fixed the item bugs long ago and continue to bring in/create new ones.I started to play 1 year ago and during this time i saw that the team realased patch frequently (for little or big bugs), but not now :(.
Oh god no, just want a patch to fix some stuff that broke. If things become "balanced" enough for most, there's little reason for a patch outside of new content, outside of what balancers do. Don't think people want random numbers to be switched around too much anyways.
Merge battle, siege and conquest into one server with rotating modes? atleast thered be like 50+ players constant unless everyone would just leave when the mode they enjoy is gone.
even better than that, remove rain. i know that the times i've tried to play recently i've quit as soon as rain has come on; it's no fun whatsoever playing an agility build in the rain, when your only advantage is gone and you are basically nerfed to hell by the rain. i know lots of other people dislike rain and quit when it comes on.
Most players ahve agreed with this for years, yet, nothing has really been done about it.
I hope the same mistake is not done with M:BG.
Oh god no, just want a patch to fix some stuff that broke.
Imagine the wonderful line of succession if forum posters could elect players to admin/dev positions against that player's will. :lol:
That would kill the mod for real
and yet people post like that on the forum for every game and mod ever
the human brain is pretty fucked up
deep thought for the day thx for reading
Press the patch button it would bring back like 30-40 players per server, even temporarly. Just don't wait for another month, please.
I know I am in the minority, but I like the changing weather. Heavy fog now and then can be really fun (except on featureless plains maps or randomly generated stuff). Rain and night-time are graphically fine to me. The mechanical nerf of rain doesn't bother me one way or another. If I am playing my xbow guy and it starts to rain, I just keep playing him.
Utter horseshit of an argument. Played ZHG_Siege the other day with 64 players on. It was Vaegirs versus Sarranid and the entire defending team played archer and Sarranids never even set a foot in the castle, much balance, such wow. Team Deathmatch class composition entirely depends on the map and the faction choices, but usually there is one class that gets played by 50% of the server because it functions best. Deathmatch is entirely carried by 2h Swadians. Battle usually turns into a cavalry fest. Half the available weapons never get used, and for good reason.
The only place where Native is balanced is competitive, and even there you notice that the viable classes and viable weapons are only about 25% of what is viable in cRPG. Those 500 people playing Native pub are not playing it because the balance is better than cRPG, try again.
Archery is skilless in Native, but native has no faiting and other stuff that makes ppl mad and thats why its more balanced. There is no 35 lvl 2h agi builds that own anything on battlefield. Everybody is even and it only depends on its playstyle how good he is. crpg now is just 2handers, fainting and throwers, all on agi builds. Even ppl that used play crpg for nearly 2k hours said that on forums that native is more accessable than crpg. If its not ballance than what makes this that warband is still overpopulated and crpg not?cRPG has never had a comparable supporting population to Warband with way, way fewer unique players. Server populations were quite high, but that is because most cRPG players played a lot and did so for a very long time. A side effect of this is that the average player skill has consistently risen and risen fast, making the game less accessible even though the grind got more and more accessible. From the start of 2013 and onwards this mod got hard to enjoy to anyone that isn't a hardcore gamer or a quick learner.
At this point, people will say anything to make crpg look bad. I have no idea why.
I think people need to just go back to playing for fun and not worrying about balance/k/d whatever. If its a laugh who cares if anything is op/up? Started playing a little bit again and Im enjoying it, lets not take it all too seriously.
crpg as it is now isn't a fun game to play(for most people i know). it's mostly decently balanced but that does not equate to fun.
every patch has made crpg a generally more balanced game but removed a lot of what made warband fun in the process, limiting turning based on weapon length and size in the long run probably helped for balance between weapons but in doing so it destroyed the fun of actually fighting with those same weapons. the desire for realism and balance has hurt the entertainment value of the game for no real benefits.
the balance changes that effected gameplay mechanics also cut the skill curve on both ends, the game became both easier for worse players, and removed many of the things good players used (or abused if you're a bad and want to call it that) that set them apart from the rest of the pack.
theres no fun left to be had in crpg anymore, and its purely due to bad decisions from the development team. if they can take a game with the most fun gameplay of any i've played and turn it into this, there is no hope their new game to be even close to good.
Utter horseshit of an argument. Played ZHG_Siege the other day with 64 players on. It was Vaegirs versus Sarranid and the entire defending team played archer and Sarranids never even set a foot in the castle, much balance, such wow. Team Deathmatch class composition entirely depends on the map and the faction choices, but usually there is one class that gets played by 50% of the server because it functions best. Deathmatch is entirely carried by 2h Swadians. Battle usually turns into a cavalry fest. Half the available weapons never get used, and for good reason.
The only place where Native is balanced is competitive, and even there you notice that the viable classes and viable weapons are only about 25% of what is viable in cRPG. Those 500 people playing Native pub are not playing it because the balance is better than cRPG, try again.
you're just bad at native teeth, i played zhg siege the other day attacking a vaegir castle as nords and went 20/1 you just need to get better at native :PWat, I was defending and went 34/0 or something. The point is that the attackers were not able to breach the defense a single round because 32 archers were able to crossfire all approaches, irrelevant of anyone's individual skill, let alone mine as a defender.
you're completely wrong about the balance as well teeth. archery is certainly easier than infantry for a brand new player, but that doesn't make it overall better. a good player playing as infantry is worth a lot more than a good player as archer on native.How am I completely wrong when I didn't even say that?
berry inpresife
How am I completely wrong when I didn't even say that?
It was Vaegirs versus Sarranid and the entire defending team played archer and Sarranids never even set a foot in the castle, much balance, such wow. Team Deathmatch class composition entirely depends on the map and the faction choices, but usually there is one class that gets played by 50% of the server because it functions best.
Oh god, your edits after posting and then my edits after posting make this all confusing.
What I said was that a team comprised fully of the best archers in the game, playing on a pub server, while defending a castle, were able to completely demolish another team. Which counters the point that those 64 players there, new as they may be, were playing Native instead of cRPG because of the better balance. That makes my point not even close to your strawman.
Wat, I was defending and went 34/0 or something. The point is that the attackers were not able to breach the defense a single round because 32 archers were able to crossfire all approaches, irrelevant of anyone's individual skill, let alone mine as a defender.
How am I completely wrong when I didn't even say that?
I said 'best archers in the game' because they were Vaegir archers, as they are balance wise the best archers in the game as far as I know. The players were all random pubbies and were randomly divided across the teams. I am not talking about some hypothetical scenario, I am talking about the reality of a 64 player pub server. That is the relevant type of play in the light of statements such as 'Native servers are full and cRPG servers are dead because Native has better balance'. There were 64 pub players and the balance failed to give half of them an enjoyable experience, in a way that I have never seen in cRPG.
To make it extra clear, this point does not involve my personal skill, the status of competitive Native play or any fantastical scenarios. These are all irrelevant and bringing them up would be attacking a strawman.
Native ranged on EU1? That's a silly thing to say, the rest of cRPG is not balanced for native ranged.
Destriers (hunters) in native can take huge amounts more arrows than in cRPG.
Players with average armour levels can take significantly more arrows in native than in cRPG.
Shields are a lot better in native than in cRPG.
The two games are completely differently balanced lol.
As for the four directional blocking system, again, i think you're on the wrong track.
It depends whether you talk about competetive native or public native, but 2h does have its uses in native, as does polearm. 2h axes are used to smash shields, meaning you can throw people dead, 2h swords are epic for duelling; often someone will carry one as swadia just for that. (m being the obvious example when he used to play for IG, however there are many others).
Polearms are arguably more useful in native than in cRPG. Just watch chase go on to IG battlegrounds as swadia, with his shield on his back, 50 players on, and rape everyone with an awlpike. The pole stagger which people forget about in cRPG is still very present in native; if you stab someone in the back with a spear often he's dead .. it doesn't work if you have a shield because the re-stab time is too slow; you have to be using the 4d thing.
Sure, native uses the 4d blocking system LESS than cRPG, but, firstly i don't think it's used as little as you say, and secondly, look what actually happnes when everyone uses the 4d system in battle mode on cRPG ... you get huge numbers of players spamming with hardly any bother to blocking and turning battles into a chaotic noobfest of mouse 1 thrashing.
Sometimes, the 4d system is better when it takes a second seat to the shield combat, and to a lesser extent the ranged and cavalry combat. Sure, the 4d system is nice, but as you see in cRPG, if you let everyone use it .. well ... it's not so pretty.
I don't really play native, so what are the stats on these items, particularly the shields and horses?
Yeah, but I'd like numbers.
On shit servers 2h/pole with no shield might work, but in anything competitive you'll not see anything but the occasional lolhammer and pike (which is only acquired by the rhodok infantry). Almost all the kills in native pro play are made by bolts, arrows, throwing weapons and cav. Don't see how native is supposed to be better balanced.
(m being the obvious example when he used to play for IG, however there are many others).
LoL > cRPG
Yes, it is.
M never used a 2h in clan matches. He used a 1h, shield, spear and/or throwing, same as the rest of us.
On shit servers 2h/pole with no shield might work, but in anything competitive you'll not see anything but the occasional lolhammer and pike (which is only acquired by the rhodok infantry). Almost all the kills in native pro play are made by bolts, arrows, throwing weapons and cav. Don't see how native is supposed to be better balanced.
ps: oh yeah and those of you complaining about how crap the c-rpg community is. drop in on any of the Native servers especially the battle servers and see how un friendly peeps are on there.
^ This.
Try to play in a native duel server and you'll get instantly ban polled for "obvious hacks." :rolleyes:(click to show/hide)
^ This.
Try to play in a native duel server and you'll get instantly ban polled for "obvious hacks." :rolleyes:(click to show/hide)
Kicked on a native server today for innocent trash talk (calling someone gay, oh noes).
I was even banned for saying "I am gay" :(
But seriously, it never happened to me that I saw someone starting ban polls because of hacks. On what native duel servers do you usually go? I am always on the ludus (if I ever play because crpg is just more fun to me than native although I still like it)
"We the cRPG players are so much better than everyone else ololololo"
Main difference between good native servers and cRPG is no lag in native. You really have no ground to speak highly of cRPG until developers decide to FIX the mod which is BROKEN atm.
Has this mod been abandoned by its current devs? We've been waiting on some sort of patch for months now-- or at least a reply
Okay, sorry, but, I stopped reading here and came up with a great idea.
What if we just change the name and tell people that its a new mod? They'll never know the difference.
This actually works perfectly in the gaming industry, example:
"Marvel Heroes originally received mixed reviews; on the aggregate review website Metacritic the game attains an overall score of 59 out of 100 based on 38 critic reviews and 6.6 out of 10 user score based on 675 user ratings. .[16] IGN gave the game a 5.7/10, praising the story but criticizing the combat and limited customization. The game was relaunched later with the title "Marvel Heroes 2015", following various improvements and new content implemented over time. On Metacritic, the game attains a score of 81 out of 100 based on 10 critic reviews and 8.1 out of 10 user score based on 506 user ratings"
Marvel heroes 2015 is also in the lead for most improved mmorpg of the 2014 on mmorpg.com 8-)
CRPG: 2015 Golden Donkey edition! Free to play! No pay-to-win!
its just like real life doomsday prophets: you can name the end of days all you want, but if youre wrong then you look like a idiot
1 option - a non profit mod for an old game.
2nd option - own game being developed that will make a big difference to you if it succeeds.
Where, if you are not a total fucking retard, do you focus 99% of your effort?
Shut down option one. The mod is played out, time to kill the servers and put the money into option two
Established player-base scatters even more, lose test bed for in development game, player-base completely disappears as does majority of support for new game.
you have a small group of well-skilled players who hate that the population of their well-loved game has died but at the same time have formed their own little impenetrable clique, made more daunting by a skill-gap.
How's the NA strat scene atm? I see many RP threads and posts that entice me, but i dont see too many battles, also RP is confusing when trying to decipher who owns what and who wants to kill who
It's painful to watch you idiots complain about the mod being dead while I enjoy it still being alive and well. There's not much else I can do but keep pointing out that you guys are wrong and inviting people to join us in Strat and NA 1. You can lead a horse to water but you cannot make him drink.(click to show/hide)
I agree that more attention to the mod from devs would be great but its still the best game in the world. Eventually they will have more time and will fix the minor problems.
Best game in the world when you aren't couched at spawn by cavs with great lances, or getting killed by someone with higher tier weapon and armor than you, even thought he can't block a shit. Being 1h no shield is a true challenge considering the lags and the balance, and also the lack of people to cover you (15v15 means there are 10 guys with a 2h/pole/horse weapon in one team).
Getting destroyed by other players isn't a valid reason to complain. Get gud bud.
Best game in the world when you aren't couched at spawn by cavs with great lances, or getting killed by someone with higher tier weapon and armor than you, even thought he can't block a shit. Being 1h no shield is a true challenge considering the lags and the balance, and also the lack of people to cover you (15v15 means there are 10 guys with a 2h/pole/horse weapon in one team).
Getting destroyed by other players isn't a valid reason to complain. Get gud bud.
James would be pretty darn good if he ever bothered to block; he prefers a relentless spin-to-win approach.
February patch (http://forum.melee.org/suggestions-corner/alex%27s-daruvian%27s-and-rico%27s-item-workshop-give-us-feedback-and-join-us!/msg1108944/#msg1108944)
Temporary bolstering of population, then onwards to the final death
February 2016 patch (http://forum.melee.org/suggestions-corner/alex%27s-daruvian%27s-and-rico%27s-item-workshop-give-us-feedback-and-join-us!/msg1108944/#msg1108944)
Expect a cRPG update in early February.
Edit2: Yes, this is official and approved by chadz.
Patch TBA