cRPG => General Discussion => Topic started by: Osakasa on January 06, 2015, 11:25:36 am

Title: Thoughts about "mod is dying and keeping it alive"
Post by: Osakasa on January 06, 2015, 11:25:36 am
I try to give different perspective of views about “why mod is dying and what keeps it alive”.

People are saying mod is old and players change to new games. Yes this is true, those guys are right, mod is old. Then what is the “issue” between new and old games, I try to explain a bit.

When you are playing a new game, it offers something new to learn. New features are discovered which keep players interested and new goals in game are tried to achieve. Only the time shows how long game “survives” and players keep playing it. Whereas old games are for more casual playing. Players already know basic features in game therefore can enjoy just playing it and don't have to put energy on learning new things.

cRPG is a good game/mod, people still playing it after several years. For me, cRPG is the best melee combat “simulator” and I will keep playing it until better one shows up in game market. However, strategus has been dead for +6 months, so players have to choose between EU1 and EU2. Nothing wrong with those game modes but when available choices are either battle or siege, mod unfortunately repeat itself pretty fast. Veteran players have already learned basic combat mechanism and new features are rarely implemented, the interest of playing is lacking. Learning new things and features misses totally. As in new games, goals totally miss and there are nothing to achieve (I like many others have tons of +3 items, more gold than Uncle Scrooge and produce looms points faster than can spend).

When roll and nudges were implemented, there were new things to learn. Yes, things weren't perfect and for example some 1H nudges gave free hit but still, something fresh in mod which players had to adapt.

For me if I had to choose between:
1. well balanced combat simulator without new features
2. somewhat broken balanced combat simulator with new features
I would always choose 2. Some new features, such as stamina, new swing animation etc. surely keeps mod more alive and players interested.

Here are few words for the almighty Donkey Team:
If you are still developing Melee Battleground and want to test some features how they work in action. Put them in test in cRPG. Yes, things and balance will be broken but players have new things to learn and keep interest up (I don't know if this is technically possible to do so). After all, the balance is not everything, it doesn't really matter whether +3 German Great Sword stab damage is 29P or 31P or it doesn't matter whether 1 athletics point gives +3% or 6% more running speed. Those things are trivial and really don't change the game play. It is a human nature to be interested new things and being an explorer.

Thanks for reading if you manage this far.
- Osakasa
Title: Re: Thoughts about "mod is dying and keeping it alive"
Post by: Falka on January 06, 2015, 12:41:32 pm
The problem is bugs which were introduced 3 months ago still aren't fixed. So sure, we can make dozens ingenious ideas which would "revive" mod, but they won't get implemented. Even sth as simple as TDM or DM server would be a breath of fresh air, but the chance that it will be implemented is slim to non-existing.
Title: Re: Thoughts about "mod is dying and keeping it alive"
Post by: Bronto on January 06, 2015, 01:27:49 pm
3 months ago and still no fucking weapon models on a few of the new weapons. Even worse, no pictures on the shop pages. What's this world coming to?
Title: Re: Thoughts about "mod is dying and keeping it alive"
Post by: wayyyyyne on January 06, 2015, 01:33:27 pm
3 months ago and still no fucking weapon models on a few of the new weapons. Even worse, no pictures on the shop pages. What's this world coming to?

chadz pobably od'd on something after the kickstarter campaign failed. RIP.
Title: Re: Thoughts about "mod is dying and keeping it alive"
Post by: Leshma on January 06, 2015, 01:42:01 pm
cRPG in current state is harming image of their upcoming game.
Title: Re: Thoughts about "mod is dying and keeping it alive"
Post by: Bronto on January 06, 2015, 02:13:30 pm
LOL at those quotes. what a bunch of elitist internet nerds...I'd fight them crpg is better than native anyway. who just plays the game?

It's all about dat grind
bout dat grind
those levels...
Yeah it's pretty clear
they are just baby noobs
they couldn't block in crpg, like they're supposed to do
they say that time is skill but i don't see 'em on
and if they are i'll beat them with my goedendag

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Title: Re: Thoughts about "mod is dying and keeping it alive"
Post by: Radament on January 06, 2015, 05:11:38 pm
Okay, sorry, but, I stopped reading here and came up with a great idea.

What if we just change the name and tell people that its a new mod? They'll never know the difference.

reintroduce ladders and call it lRPG
Title: Re: Thoughts about "mod is dying and keeping it alive"
Post by: Switchtense on January 06, 2015, 05:29:54 pm
Okay, sorry, but, I stopped reading here and came up with a great idea.

What if we just change the name and tell people that its a new mod? They'll never know the difference.
reintroduce ladders and call it lRPG

Make people pay 200$ and call it iRPG.
Title: Re: Thoughts about "mod is dying and keeping it alive"
Post by: Utrakil on January 06, 2015, 06:57:09 pm
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Radament which one of them are you?
Title: Re: Thoughts about "mod is dying and keeping it alive"
Post by: andreakarasho on January 06, 2015, 07:10:02 pm
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Radament which one of them are you?
Cameraman. I hope.
Title: Re: Thoughts about "mod is dying and keeping it alive"
Post by: Radament on January 06, 2015, 08:48:17 pm
Cameraman. I hope.

too bad you can't see me fapping
Title: Re: Thoughts about "mod is dying and keeping it alive"
Post by: The_Bloody_Nine on January 06, 2015, 09:45:10 pm
Pretty sure it did that for the entire duration that people were aware of M;BG, the following quotes come from page 1 of the 'Anyone excited for M:BG by cRPG devs?' thread on Taleworlds that we were forced to update for the kickstarter, the thread that was our main source of outreach to the larger Warband community.

The only difference is that the current state is just harming the image of their upcoming game in our eyes, the ones who were previously positive and happy to donate. People outside this community already had their image harmed because they didnt like crpg in the first place. Now enjoy the quotes.

that's about the stupidest post I saw in a while. When cRPG had tons of players and was 2 times more alive than native, native players hated it the most. And what got that quotes to do with anything? They criticize crpg for the same obvious shit since beginning, level --> skill blabla.

Now the state of the mod is reflecting bad on M:BG because of lacks of update and general care at all, but not because of it's core ideas like customization and leveling etc.
Title: Re: Thoughts about "mod is dying and keeping it alive"
Post by: Kato on January 06, 2015, 10:36:24 pm
HESKEYTIME, thanks for this revelation.

It's surely news for devs, that native elitist hated cRPG since 2010. :)
Title: Re: Thoughts about "mod is dying and keeping it alive"
Post by: Falka on January 06, 2015, 11:21:47 pm
Outside of cRPG community noone give a damn about Melee, because either they don't know about it (non existing publicity) or they don't like its ancestor. So devs can not hurt the image of M:BG in the eyes of those ppl. But true is this sentence:

The only difference is that the current state is just harming the image of their upcoming game in our eyes, the ones who were previously positive and happy to donate.

Currently cRPG community is the only source of income for M:BG and for some of us, who in the past donated to maintain the servers, invested in M:BG and pledged on kickstarter, dev's attitude is very... dishearteaning. It's not even about keeping cRPG alive, mod is old and that's obviously the main reason why it's dead, probably nothing would save it and that's okay. But when they try to sell M:BG as a "spiritual successor" of cRPG it's just unprofessional to not fix for 3 months blatant bugs in cRPG - which is after all M:BG ancestor  :wink: Also, it was annonced by devs that Strat 5 would end 15th december...  :wink: Devs inability to keep their word - also in the case of M:BG, lack of care for cRPG, rushed and unprepared kickstarter campaign, all this make me think devs are unreliable. So if they'll start some donation campaign in the future I doubt I will donate again.

PS. It isn't supposed to be some rage rant against devs, I just think they hurt their own project.
Title: Re: Thoughts about "mod is dying and keeping it alive"
Post by: Corsair831 on January 07, 2015, 12:02:39 am
cRPG in current state is harming image of their upcoming game.

fix lag and i have no problem with crpg at all, hell, i'd start playing it again.
Title: Re: Thoughts about "mod is dying and keeping it alive"
Post by: Switchtense on January 07, 2015, 12:14:27 am
fix lag and i have no problem with crpg at all, hell, i'd start playing it again.


I'd start again as well, and I guess some other people as well.
Title: Re: Thoughts about "mod is dying and keeping it alive"
Post by: WITCHCRAFT on January 07, 2015, 12:18:27 am
I agree with Heskey. The TW forum members that hate CRPG don't hate it because of its current state or lack of recent patches. They formed an opinion long ago that they don't like the game for whatever reason and haven't looked at it since.

Pick some random game or mod you haven't played in years. Without looking it up, can you tell me when it was most recently patched? What is the current metagame/balance?  :lol:
Title: Re: Thoughts about "mod is dying and keeping it alive"
Post by: Leshma on January 07, 2015, 12:35:46 am
fix lag and i have no problem with crpg at all, hell, i'd start playing it again.

Lag was especially bad today, not sure why but it was almost unplayable. And lag isn't small issue, it is rather huge obstacle for a new player who's familiar with other online games. They will notice lag right away and getting killed by people much better equipped than them and ten times more skilled isn't helping either. The fact that lag issues can be circumvented in certain ways which aren't familiar to new player and are far from being logical are just nail in the coffin for a chance that new player will stay in this mod for more than 30 minutes.

Some of that was present when I started playing this mod, but back then lag wasn't as bad but the thing that made me stick around was huge population and general atmosphere on servers. Many new players like myself around, true battlefield atmosphere with real peasants and skilled knights in shiny armors.

Right now atmosphere is very bad for a player who came here to play the game (fight the enemy army), amount of brocoding and troll play is staggering. New player can't get into that right away which makes him feel like unwanted, complete outsider who doesn't have any right to be on the server.

Now imagine if said player heard about cRPG during M:BG Kickstarter campaign and wanted to try it out before devs give him more info about further development and early alpha access that is about to come. That player might not be gone for good, but cRPG left an awful first impression on him, which has enormous effect on his opinion about Melee Battlegrounds.
Title: Re: Thoughts about "mod is dying and keeping it alive"
Post by: Switchtense on January 07, 2015, 01:01:21 am
There is nothing devs can do about the general behavior of people. Brocoding is solely based on the mindset of players.
Skill also is only based on players as well as gear.

But the lag really is killing the mod more than any overpowered horse archer ever did.

People are running through you and hitting you in the back, 25% of the stabs are missing completely, another 25% just glance for no apparent reason and another 25% are low damage hits.

If they fixed the lag I am sure there would be quite a few people coming back. I definitely would. But right now the frustration of bullshit moments outweighs the fun part a lot.
Title: Re: Thoughts about "mod is dying and keeping it alive"
Post by: //saxon on January 07, 2015, 01:32:57 am
Legends never die
Title: Re: Thoughts about "mod is dying and keeping it alive"
Post by: WITCHCRAFT on January 07, 2015, 02:40:06 am
The fact that lag issues can be circumvented in certain ways which aren't familiar to new player and are far from being logical

Title: Re: Thoughts about "mod is dying and keeping it alive"
Post by: lombardsoup on January 07, 2015, 03:34:08 am
Uninstalled due to small server population and general lack of interest.  Here's hoping M:BG isn't "balanced" to oblivion and ends up like this mod
Title: Re: Thoughts about "mod is dying and keeping it alive"
Post by: MountedRhader on January 07, 2015, 09:51:33 am
small server population

Title: Re: Thoughts about "mod is dying and keeping it alive"
Post by: The_Bloody_Nine on January 07, 2015, 01:17:40 pm
heskey, your argument makes no sense. I'm absolutely fine with you saying current state of crpg doesn't matter. But why do you think this gets clearer by posting native crpgbashing from 2013 is beyond me. Those hatred opinion was only from Native players, nobody outside of warband would even understand the concept of the criticism. And like I said, it was hated most by native players during the time of highest popularity of crpg.

You are basically criticising that people here confuse bad reputation in crpg community with bad reputation outside of it, but at the same time you are arguing that crpg always had a bad reputation and you are trying to proof that by showing us the reputation crpg got inside the Warband Native community since 2010. ???

On topic I don't think the harm is extraordinarily but it would certainly better if crpg was in better state for those who want to check out what the devs did earlier. And throwing out that revival-patch without any further fixing looks certainly bad in retrospective.
Title: Re: Thoughts about "mod is dying and keeping it alive"
Post by: Bronto on January 07, 2015, 02:18:04 pm
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Please reread the words that Heskey typed and try to understand their meanings.
Title: Re: Thoughts about "mod is dying and keeping it alive"
Post by: Switchtense on January 07, 2015, 03:02:00 pm
heskey, your argument makes no sense.
Other people were quite capable of making sense of it, but i could have been clearer.

Kind of reminded me of our conversation with Cicero :lol:
Title: Re: Thoughts about "mod is dying and keeping it alive"
Post by: WITCHCRAFT on January 07, 2015, 04:19:00 pm
leshma still hasn't explained the cryptic but easy (?) method to circumvent server lag...

im on the edge of my seat here leshy

do you know how painful it is to sit on the edge of a seat for more than 24 hours
Title: Re: Thoughts about "mod is dying and keeping it alive"
Post by: lombardsoup on January 07, 2015, 04:47:23 pm
leshma still hasn't explained the cryptic but easy (?) method to circumvent server lag...

im on the edge of my seat here leshy

do you know how painful it is to sit on the edge of a seat for more than 24 hours

How to alleviate server lag:

Play other games with better servers
Title: Re: Thoughts about "mod is dying and keeping it alive"
Post by: The_Bloody_Nine on January 07, 2015, 08:52:20 pm
mmh, I admit I am a bit nitpicky on a tiny part of your argument and indeed got the impression you enjoyed quoting those idiots. Still I think your post is slightly odd, because the current 'crpg reflects bad on M:BG'-argument isn't about "the people who actively dont like crpg" at all.

Anyway, stupid argument about hot air. Bronto, don't waste your time trying to decipher my way of thoughts, they do make sense but are absolutely meaningless.

And yeah, it's obviously BS to think that current state of crpg was the reason for the Kickstarter fail. Like stated many times before they (we, it) simply failed to make enough people have a glance at it.
Title: Re: Thoughts about "mod is dying and keeping it alive"
Post by: Kadeth on January 08, 2015, 02:56:53 am
Are the official servers really that laggy? I hosted the Australian server on a $20 per month VPS and never had any problems, even with 40 players on which was peak for aus. They must use some pretty shitty servers if they can't handle the average 20-30 players that are on EU/NA battle these days
Title: Re: Thoughts about "mod is dying and keeping it alive"
Post by: Rico on January 08, 2015, 04:51:32 am
Are the official servers really that laggy? I hosted the Australian server on a $20 per month VPS and never had any problems, even with 40 players on which was peak for aus. They must use some pretty shitty servers if they can't handle the average 20-30 players that are on EU/NA battle these days

I think a part of the lag players observe is a consequence of GPU overheating and client-side netlag. When very detailed items such as the new weeaboo armors meet a crappy PC, it's predetermined that the FPS won't stay constant. FPS drops look just like netlag when no FPS counter is enabled. Also, when you are on powerline or wifi, the connection often gets disturbed by various factors, be it adapter overheating, electric interferences or moving objects between the sender and the receiver. If you share your internet with a lot of people, your bandwidth is reduced and the ping goes up. Sometimes, antivir updates, steam updates or malware remain unseen and consume bandwidth. Weather conditions are also a factor for people who live far away from the servers.

I rarely had problems with the servers. I can recall only a few times where mass disconnects or global pingspikes happened because of the servers. Most of the time, when something went bad, it was a mistake on my side. Other than these rare situations, my ping is absolutely stable. The interval of maximum deviation seems to be 3.
Title: Re: Thoughts about "mod is dying and keeping it alive"
Post by: andreakarasho on January 08, 2015, 09:25:36 am
I dont undestand if this is lag:

If i Press R and L of mouse together my pg in a first time blocks and immediatly he attacks.
When i see the attack, the games uses half of animation (i dont see the preparation of the attack, but only yhe swing).
Is it lag?
Title: Re: Thoughts about "mod is dying and keeping it alive"
Post by: The_Bloody_Nine on January 08, 2015, 12:20:54 pm
yesterday evening I played it was not just normal lag as in a delay from action (click) and response on monitor. It is like several frames are cut out once in a while.
Title: Re: Thoughts about "mod is dying and keeping it alive"
Post by: Simon_Belmont on January 08, 2015, 01:38:48 pm
I dont undestand if this is lag:

If i Press R and L of mouse together my pg in a first time blocks and immediatly he attacks.
When i see the attack, the games uses half of animation (i dont see the preparation of the attack, but only yhe swing).
Is it lag?

You can do that without lag as well (it's exploitable), but yea, that's probably due to the lag because I've noticed it much more often as well.
Title: Re: Thoughts about "mod is dying and keeping it alive"
Post by: Switchtense on January 08, 2015, 01:54:07 pm
I think a part of the lag players observe is a consequence of GPU overheating and client-side netlag. When very detailed items such as the new weeaboo armors meet a crappy PC, it's predetermined that the FPS won't stay constant. FPS drops look just like netlag when no FPS counter is enabled. Also, when you are on powerline or wifi, the connection often gets disturbed by various factors, be it adapter overheating, electric interferences or moving objects between the sender and the receiver. If you share your internet with a lot of people, your bandwidth is reduced and the ping goes up. Sometimes, antivir updates, steam updates or malware remain unseen and consume bandwidth. Weather conditions are also a factor for people who live far away from the servers.

I rarely had problems with the servers. I can recall only a few times where mass disconnects or global pingspikes happened because of the servers. Most of the time, when something went bad, it was a mistake on my side. Other than these rare situations, my ping is absolutely stable. The interval of maximum deviation seems to be 3.

Usually I'd agree. But I had massive lags as well lately.
I am running a constant 120fps. GPU runs at a smooth 40°C and I have a constant ping of 24. Not using Wifi or Satellite internet shit.

People warped through me and hit me in the back. I miss 25% of all stabs, even if I see my weapon pierce right through the enemy. Another 25% of my stabs glance, and another 25% are low damage hits, whereas before it was way less. I would get more stabs in with a Long Spear on facehug range than I do now with an Awlpike on normal stabbing range.
Also my kicks are missing a lot more.
Some Eques guy (Can't remember who) was duelling me in EU1, he was standing right in front of me in facehug range (Stationary!!!!). I kicked and seen my foot fly through his body, he just looked at me and slashed me for the kill. While other times I am getting kicked from impossible distances and angles.

And the amount of people that are experiencing the same problems speaks for itself really.
Title: Re: Thoughts about "mod is dying and keeping it alive"
Post by: Gravoth_iii on January 08, 2015, 02:07:37 pm
You can do that without lag as well (it's exploitable), but yea, that's probably due to the lag because I've noticed it much more often as well.

Not exploitable, it looks different for everyone else, only for you its kinda instant but others see the whole animation.
Title: Re: Thoughts about "mod is dying and keeping it alive"
Post by: Mr.K. on January 08, 2015, 02:27:15 pm
others SHOULD see the whole animation.

Fixed. The servers are skipping animation frames every now and then. It has nothing to do with the client side GPU, fps or ping as it's clearly different from what it was half a year ago. It feels like packet loss and it's totally random except that it seems to get a bit worse with more players.

On the actual topic, maybe adding different stuff could keep the mod alive for a little while longer. Maybe we need some events or special items and at least we should get a fix for the previosly added things. Still the first thing I personally would change is the EU1 map rotation which I've complained a lot before but is still the single most annoying thing about current cRPG. That plus the lag has killed the mod for me and I rarely play anymore.

The leveling system needs a small change as well I think. Right now I have two characters at 37 and two at 36 (already retired two of these as the respec system allows me to change builds anyway) and no point to grind. There should be a cap on what you can achieve by leveling up and after that you gain something extra like special items, access to some sexier armor or so on. Level 31 builds should be the maximum to avoid extreme builds. The current retirement bonus isn't enough for me to retire any of my remaining characters and I'll never reach the next levels on them either, so there's nothing to look forward to.

Give more power to people like San and Tydeus and whoever has the skills and is still interested to change and try out things. I disagree with a lot of the balancing done recently, but the mod needs to change every now and then to stay fresh. Just let them experiment - it's not like it can kill the mod any quicker...
Title: Re: Thoughts about "mod is dying and keeping it alive"
Post by: Gravoth_iii on January 08, 2015, 02:37:30 pm
Fixed. The servers are skipping animation frames every now and then. It has nothing to do with the client side GPU, fps or ping as it's clearly different from what it was half a year ago. It feels like packet loss and it's totally random except that it seems to get a bit worse with more players.

On the actual topic, maybe adding different stuff could keep the mod alive for a little while longer. Maybe we need some events or special items and at least we should get a fix for the previosly added things. Still the first thing I personally would change is the EU1 map rotation which I've complained a lot before but is still the single most annoying thing about current cRPG. That plus the lag has killed the mod for me and I rarely play anymore.

The leveling system needs a small change as well I think. Right now I have two characters at 37 and two at 36 (already retired two of these as the respec system allows me to change builds anyway) and no point to grind. There should be a cap on what you can achieve by leveling up and after that you gain something extra like special items, access to some sexier armor or so on. Level 31 builds should be the maximum to avoid extreme builds. The current retirement bonus isn't enough for me to retire any of my remaining characters and I'll never reach the next levels on them either, so there's nothing to look forward to.

Give more power to people like San and Tydeus and whoever has the skills and is still interested to change and try out things. I disagree with a lot of the balancing done recently, but the mod needs to change every now and then to stay fresh. Just let them experiment - it's not like it can kill the mod any quicker...

If the server is skipping animations then its the server, and not clicking both buttons at the same time. So its still not exploitable..
Title: Re: Thoughts about "mod is dying and keeping it alive"
Post by: Mr.K. on January 08, 2015, 02:42:22 pm
If the server is skipping animations then its the server, and not clicking both buttons at the same time. So its still not exploitable..

True. The only thing that I know is exploitable right now is the shield nudge which removes the chamber animation* making instahitting leftswings possible and you can see quite a few players abusing this.

*=not sure about the term, but the animation when you pull your weapon back to make an attack before you release it
Title: Re: Thoughts about "mod is dying and keeping it alive"
Post by: Corsair831 on January 08, 2015, 03:04:34 pm
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When i first started crpg in 2011 it was just a bit of casual fun when i wasnt playing super sirius clan matches in native, and the server population was huge, like 100-150+, so i could forgive the little bit of lag that there was then.

But now, not only is the server population tiny, (like 50 is the max it ever reaches), but the lag is easily way worse than it was in 2011, when the servers were full up. Are the devs even aware that crpg is unplayably laggy, or do they just not care?
(if it's that they don't care, then i have to say that alienating your loyal playerbase when you are planning to release a new game is just ..... *slow clap*)

Go play IG battlegrounds on native for a couple of rounds and then play crpg.. you notice the lag difference IMMEDIATELY. IG usually has the same server population as crpg these days, but the lag difference is HUGE. Shame really, i like crpg :P.
Title: Re: Thoughts about "mod is dying and keeping it alive"
Post by: Simon_Belmont on January 08, 2015, 03:30:09 pm
Not exploitable, it looks different for everyone else, only for you its kinda instant but others see the whole animation.

Not really, I've been able to do it at 60 fps and with a ping of 40-50 and those frames are skipped for everyone. It might only have to do with certain servers tho, but it affects everyone.
Title: Re: Thoughts about "mod is dying and keeping it alive"
Post by: Teeth on January 08, 2015, 03:41:41 pm
There's always periods of increased bugginess of the mechanics due to the servers going a little bad. Dunno how they fixed it in the past, think the servers just got reset or something.
Title: Re: Thoughts about "mod is dying and keeping it alive"
Post by: WITCHCRAFT on January 08, 2015, 04:32:36 pm
There's always periods of increased bugginess of the mechanics due to the servers going a little bad. Dunno how they fixed it in the past, think the servers just got reset or something.

Not enough people have the ability to reset the server.

This is a problem with a lot of mods and community-run servers, not just crpg or M&B.  :|
Title: Re: Thoughts about "mod is dying and keeping it alive"
Post by: Falka on January 08, 2015, 05:18:11 pm
Give more power to people like San and Tydeus and whoever has the skills and is still interested to change and try out things.

As far as I know San prepared another patch long time ago, the problem is only chadz can launch it. And he has "lazy" in his title not without a reason...
Title: Re: Thoughts about "mod is dying and keeping it alive"
Post by: Aseldo on January 08, 2015, 06:03:43 pm
Reasons game is dying: game sucks

Title: Re: Thoughts about "mod is dying and keeping it alive"
Post by: Mr.K. on January 08, 2015, 06:15:59 pm
As far as I know San prepared another patch long time ago, the problem is only chadz can launch it. And he has "lazy" in his title not without a reason...

Which is exactly what I mean by giving them more power. chadz and co are busy with the new game which is understandable, but the old one is going to die within a few months. There's no reason not to let the still somewhat excited devs/balancers tinker with the mod without a need for approval by the original creators. Who knows, they might come up with something good that will be used in M:BG as well...
Title: Re: Thoughts about "mod is dying and keeping it alive"
Post by: San on January 08, 2015, 06:27:29 pm
There's also the item team that fixed the item bugs long ago and continue to bring in/create new ones.
Title: Re: Thoughts about "mod is dying and keeping it alive"
Post by: andreakarasho on January 08, 2015, 06:41:34 pm
There's also the item team that fixed the item bugs long ago and continue to bring in/create new ones.
I started to play 1 year ago and during this time i saw that the team realased patch frequently (for little or big bugs), but not now :(.
Title: Re: Thoughts about "mod is dying and keeping it alive"
Post by: Corsair831 on January 08, 2015, 07:39:03 pm
i approve, give san/tydeus complete control over the mod. at this stage, chadz cmp and co. are too busy to do this stuff, they should just let go of the reins.

also, we need someone who will actually listen when we say fix lag plsx :P
Title: Re: Thoughts about "mod is dying and keeping it alive"
Post by: San on January 08, 2015, 07:56:52 pm
Oh god no, just want a patch to fix some stuff that broke. If things become "balanced" enough for most, there's little reason for a patch outside of new content, outside of what balancers do. Don't think people want random numbers to be switched around too much anyways.
Title: Re: Thoughts about "mod is dying and keeping it alive"
Post by: Corsair831 on January 08, 2015, 08:02:27 pm
Oh god no, just want a patch to fix some stuff that broke. If things become "balanced" enough for most, there's little reason for a patch outside of new content, outside of what balancers do. Don't think people want random numbers to be switched around too much anyways.

buff wakizashi 2k15

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Title: Re: Thoughts about "mod is dying and keeping it alive"
Post by: Gravoth_iii on January 09, 2015, 12:59:07 am
Merge battle, siege and conquest into one server with rotating modes? atleast thered be like 50+ players constant unless everyone would just leave when the mode they enjoy is gone.
Title: Re: Thoughts about "mod is dying and keeping it alive"
Post by: kwhy on January 09, 2015, 01:03:53 am
server has been really laggy lately despite having pretty steady 40-50 ping on NA with low population.

are the server set to auto reboot each day?
Title: Re: Thoughts about "mod is dying and keeping it alive"
Post by: Corsair831 on January 09, 2015, 01:08:46 am
Merge battle, siege and conquest into one server with rotating modes? atleast thered be like 50+ players constant unless everyone would just leave when the mode they enjoy is gone.

even better than that, remove rain. i know that the times i've tried to play recently i've quit as soon as rain has come on; it's no fun whatsoever playing an agility build in the rain, when your only advantage is gone and you are basically nerfed to hell by the rain. i know lots of other people dislike rain and quit when it comes on.
Title: Re: Thoughts about "mod is dying and keeping it alive"
Post by: lombardsoup on January 09, 2015, 03:19:36 am
Can't revive a dessicated corpse.  At some point the plug needs to be pulled on this mod.
Title: Re: Thoughts about "mod is dying and keeping it alive"
Post by: Riddaren on January 09, 2015, 04:34:38 pm
even better than that, remove rain. i know that the times i've tried to play recently i've quit as soon as rain has come on; it's no fun whatsoever playing an agility build in the rain, when your only advantage is gone and you are basically nerfed to hell by the rain. i know lots of other people dislike rain and quit when it comes on.

Playing from horseback when it rains is terrible.
I usually either quit or rejoin with another character on rainy maps and I've done that for years.

Rain has always been the worst thing about cRPG IMO. Then it's the nightime. Then the fog.
Rain/nighttime/fog only ruins gameplay.

Most players ahve agreed with this for years, yet, nothing has really been done about it.
I hope the same mistake is not done with M:BG.
Title: Re: Thoughts about "mod is dying and keeping it alive"
Post by: WITCHCRAFT on January 09, 2015, 06:16:48 pm
Most players ahve agreed with this for years, yet, nothing has really been done about it.
I hope the same mistake is not done with M:BG.

I know I am in the minority, but I like the changing weather. Heavy fog now and then can be really fun (except on featureless plains maps or randomly generated stuff). Rain and night-time are graphically fine to me. The mechanical nerf of rain doesn't bother me one way or another. If I am playing my xbow guy and it starts to rain, I just keep playing him.

Oh god no, just want a patch to fix some stuff that broke.

Imagine the wonderful line of succession if forum posters could elect players to admin/dev positions against that player's will.  :lol:
Title: Re: Thoughts about "mod is dying and keeping it alive"
Post by: lombardsoup on January 09, 2015, 06:26:32 pm
Imagine the wonderful line of succession if forum posters could elect players to admin/dev positions against that player's will.  :lol:

That would kill the mod for real
Title: Re: Thoughts about "mod is dying and keeping it alive"
Post by: WITCHCRAFT on January 09, 2015, 06:36:30 pm
That would kill the mod for real

and yet people post like that on the forum for every game and mod ever

the human brain is pretty fucked up

deep thought for the day thx for reading
Title: Re: Thoughts about "mod is dying and keeping it alive"
Post by: lombardsoup on January 09, 2015, 06:47:24 pm
and yet people post like that on the forum for every game and mod ever

the human brain is pretty fucked up

deep thought for the day thx for reading

NA_cRPG_1: 2 players

So they take turns?
Title: Re: Thoughts about "mod is dying and keeping it alive"
Post by: Homey_D_Clown on January 09, 2015, 06:52:50 pm
bring back ladders and jumpshots and better variety of good maps. Maps that everyone loved that we havent got to play in 2 years. Remove flags from battle!
Title: Re: Thoughts about "mod is dying and keeping it alive"
Post by: Akronus97 on January 09, 2015, 11:12:58 pm
Title: Re: Thoughts about "mod is dying and keeping it alive"
Post by: Utrakil on January 09, 2015, 11:18:48 pm
Comming :D :D
Title: Re: Thoughts about "mod is dying and keeping it alive"
Post by: lombardsoup on January 09, 2015, 11:19:38 pm
59, most with NA ip's

Title: Re: Thoughts about "mod is dying and keeping it alive"
Post by: Algarn on January 09, 2015, 11:29:52 pm
Press the patch button it would bring back like 30-40 players per server, even temporarly. Just don't wait for another month, please.
Title: Re: Thoughts about "mod is dying and keeping it alive"
Post by: StonedSteel on January 09, 2015, 11:34:17 pm
Press the patch button it would bring back like 30-40 players per server, even temporarly. Just don't wait for another month, please.

feb 1st
Title: Re: Thoughts about "mod is dying and keeping it alive"
Post by: Tiger on January 11, 2015, 07:12:19 am
I know I am in the minority, but I like the changing weather. Heavy fog now and then can be really fun (except on featureless plains maps or randomly generated stuff). Rain and night-time are graphically fine to me. The mechanical nerf of rain doesn't bother me one way or another. If I am playing my xbow guy and it starts to rain, I just keep playing him.

Witchcraft senpai is always the best, and I agree :3
Title: Re: Thoughts about "mod is dying and keeping it alive"
Post by: Dionysus on January 11, 2015, 08:03:28 am
Please bring back cRPG 2012 post-xbow cav nerf and reset the servers regularly.
Title: Re: Thoughts about "mod is dying and keeping it alive"
Post by: lombardsoup on January 11, 2015, 08:11:54 am
Those days are gone, though it would be nice.  Forget about it
Title: Re: Thoughts about "mod is dying and keeping it alive"
Post by: Tomeusz on January 11, 2015, 06:06:14 pm
Fault isnt in mod is age, but in mod's ballance. Everytime I enter native ppl say that crpg sux. Warband is older than its mod and still have many servers with pop 30+ and few with nearly 2  hundred ppl playing everyday. Same as napoleonic wars. Mod is just poorly ballanced.
Title: Re: Thoughts about "mod is dying and keeping it alive"
Post by: Teeth on January 11, 2015, 06:20:28 pm
Utter horseshit of an argument. Played ZHG_Siege the other day with 64 players on. It was Vaegirs versus Sarranid and the entire defending team played archer and Sarranids never even set a foot in the castle, much balance, such wow. Team Deathmatch class composition entirely depends on the map and the faction choices, but usually there is one class that gets played by 50% of the server because it functions best. Deathmatch is entirely carried by 2h Swadians. Battle usually turns into a cavalry fest. Half the available weapons never get used, and for good reason.

The only place where Native is balanced is competitive, and even there you notice that the viable classes and viable weapons are only about 25% of what is viable in cRPG. Those 500 people playing Native pub are not playing it because the balance is better than cRPG, try again.
Title: Re: Thoughts about "mod is dying and keeping it alive"
Post by: Tomeusz on January 11, 2015, 06:37:41 pm
Archery is skilless in Native, but native has no faiting and other stuff that makes ppl mad and thats why its more balanced. There is no 35 lvl 2h agi builds that own anything on battlefield. Everybody is even and it only depends on its playstyle how good he is. crpg now is just 2handers, fainting and throwers, all on agi builds. Even ppl that used play crpg for nearly 2k hours said that on forums that native is more accessable than crpg. If its not ballance than what makes this that warband is still overpopulated and crpg not?
Title: Re: Thoughts about "mod is dying and keeping it alive"
Post by: Gravoth_iii on January 11, 2015, 07:01:16 pm
Utter horseshit of an argument. Played ZHG_Siege the other day with 64 players on. It was Vaegirs versus Sarranid and the entire defending team played archer and Sarranids never even set a foot in the castle, much balance, such wow. Team Deathmatch class composition entirely depends on the map and the faction choices, but usually there is one class that gets played by 50% of the server because it functions best. Deathmatch is entirely carried by 2h Swadians. Battle usually turns into a cavalry fest. Half the available weapons never get used, and for good reason.

The only place where Native is balanced is competitive, and even there you notice that the viable classes and viable weapons are only about 25% of what is viable in cRPG. Those 500 people playing Native pub are not playing it because the balance is better than cRPG, try again.

At this point, people will say anything to make crpg look bad. I have no idea why.
Title: Re: Thoughts about "mod is dying and keeping it alive"
Post by: Teeth on January 11, 2015, 07:02:57 pm
Archery is skilless in Native, but native has no faiting and other stuff that makes ppl mad and thats why its more balanced. There is no 35 lvl 2h agi builds that own anything on battlefield. Everybody is even and it only depends on its playstyle how good he is. crpg now is just 2handers, fainting and throwers, all on agi builds. Even ppl that used play crpg for nearly 2k hours said that on forums that native is more accessable than crpg. If its not ballance than what makes this that warband is still overpopulated and crpg not?
cRPG has never had a comparable supporting population to Warband with way, way fewer unique players. Server populations were quite high, but that is because most cRPG players played a lot and did so for a very long time. A side effect of this is that the average player skill has consistently risen and risen fast, making the game less accessible even though the grind got more and more accessible. From the start of 2013 and onwards this mod got hard to enjoy to anyone that isn't a hardcore gamer or a quick learner.

If you play on many of the big population Native servers, you'll quickly notice that the amount of people that does not suck is much lower than on cRPG. Many servers are still at the average 2011 cRPG level. Even new players have fun on those servers though and can get kills. Some Native servers have very high skill, like IG_Battlegrounds, some of the shit that gets pulled there would make a noob very mad. The point is though that they don't have to play there, and they don't. In cRPG the NeoGK_Siege players and the IG_Battlegrounds players have to play together and this has made the mod extremely unattractive for new players for at least the past two years. Yet, the population stayed high, but they were largely the same players throughout 2012-2014. Gradually the mod has become boring for most of the skilled oldmy old friends that have often been playing for 3 years straight, but they have already scared away most of the newmy old friends, leaving the mod without a population.

I agree with the argument that the grind has worsened these problems, but as the grind has been steadily reduced since 2010 while the population has steadily decreased, that in itself can't be the whole story.
Title: Re: Thoughts about "mod is dying and keeping it alive"
Post by: lombardsoup on January 11, 2015, 07:08:35 pm
At this point, people will say anything to make crpg look bad. I have no idea why.

Its no secret that the mod isn't well liked outside of the community, especially on Taleworlds/Warband forums.
Title: Re: Thoughts about "mod is dying and keeping it alive"
Post by: woody on January 11, 2015, 08:36:23 pm
I think people need to just go back to playing for fun and not worrying about balance/k/d whatever. If its a laugh who cares if anything is op/up? Started playing a little bit again and Im enjoying it, lets not take it all too seriously.
Title: Re: Thoughts about "mod is dying and keeping it alive"
Post by: imisshotmail on January 11, 2015, 09:01:00 pm
I think people need to just go back to playing for fun and not worrying about balance/k/d whatever. If its a laugh who cares if anything is op/up? Started playing a little bit again and Im enjoying it, lets not take it all too seriously.

crpg as it is now isn't a fun game to play(for most people i know). it's mostly decently balanced but that does not equate to fun.

every patch has made crpg a generally more balanced game but removed a lot of what made warband fun in the process, limiting turning based on weapon length and size in the long run probably helped for balance between weapons but in doing so it destroyed the fun of actually fighting with those same weapons. the desire for realism and balance has hurt the entertainment value of the game for no real benefits.
the balance changes that effected gameplay mechanics also cut the skill curve on both ends, the game became both easier for worse players, and removed many of the things good players used (or abused if you're a bad and want to call it that) that set them apart from the rest of the pack.

theres no fun left to be had in crpg anymore, and its purely due to bad decisions from the development team. if they can take a game with the most fun gameplay of any i've played and turn it into this, there is no hope their new game to be even close to good.
Title: Re: Thoughts about "mod is dying and keeping it alive"
Post by: lombardsoup on January 11, 2015, 09:04:48 pm
crpg as it is now isn't a fun game to play(for most people i know). it's mostly decently balanced but that does not equate to fun.

every patch has made crpg a generally more balanced game but removed a lot of what made warband fun in the process, limiting turning based on weapon length and size in the long run probably helped for balance between weapons but in doing so it destroyed the fun of actually fighting with those same weapons. the desire for realism and balance has hurt the entertainment value of the game for no real benefits.
the balance changes that effected gameplay mechanics also cut the skill curve on both ends, the game became both easier for worse players, and removed many of the things good players used (or abused if you're a bad and want to call it that) that set them apart from the rest of the pack.

theres no fun left to be had in crpg anymore, and its purely due to bad decisions from the development team. if they can take a game with the most fun gameplay of any i've played and turn it into this, there is no hope their new game to be even close to good.

Will M:BG end up the same way, in that it will start out fun for a few years, get "balanced", and slowly go to shit?  Hoping for the best but have to keep past decision making in mind.
Title: Re: Thoughts about "mod is dying and keeping it alive"
Post by: Corsair831 on January 11, 2015, 09:08:37 pm
Utter horseshit of an argument. Played ZHG_Siege the other day with 64 players on. It was Vaegirs versus Sarranid and the entire defending team played archer and Sarranids never even set a foot in the castle, much balance, such wow. Team Deathmatch class composition entirely depends on the map and the faction choices, but usually there is one class that gets played by 50% of the server because it functions best. Deathmatch is entirely carried by 2h Swadians. Battle usually turns into a cavalry fest. Half the available weapons never get used, and for good reason.

The only place where Native is balanced is competitive, and even there you notice that the viable classes and viable weapons are only about 25% of what is viable in cRPG. Those 500 people playing Native pub are not playing it because the balance is better than cRPG, try again.

you're just bad at native teeth, i played zhg siege the other day attacking a vaegir castle as nords and went 20/1 you just need to get better at native :P

you're completely wrong about the balance as well teeth. archery is certainly easier than infantry for a brand new player, but that doesn't make it overall better. a good player playing as infantry is worth a lot more than a good player as archer on native.
Title: Re: Thoughts about "mod is dying and keeping it alive"
Post by: Teeth on January 11, 2015, 09:14:48 pm
you're just bad at native teeth, i played zhg siege the other day attacking a vaegir castle as nords and went 20/1 you just need to get better at native :P
Wat, I was defending and went 34/0 or something. The point is that the attackers were not able to breach the defense a single round because 32 archers were able to crossfire all approaches, irrelevant of anyone's individual skill, let alone mine as a defender.

you're completely wrong about the balance as well teeth. archery is certainly easier than infantry for a brand new player, but that doesn't make it overall better. a good player playing as infantry is worth a lot more than a good player as archer on native.
How am I completely wrong when I didn't even say that?
Title: Re: Thoughts about "mod is dying and keeping it alive"
Post by: Corsair831 on January 11, 2015, 09:16:39 pm
berry inpresife

thats the thing .. it's not :D .. on those big servers everyone is terrible, brand new players, no one can manual block, you do the double tap feint and people fall for it every time .. archery is the easiest class for a new player, but it's not as effective as you make out there :P
Title: Re: Thoughts about "mod is dying and keeping it alive"
Post by: Corsair831 on January 11, 2015, 09:18:07 pm
How am I completely wrong when I didn't even say that?

It was Vaegirs versus Sarranid and the entire defending team played archer and Sarranids never even set a foot in the castle, much balance, such wow. Team Deathmatch class composition entirely depends on the map and the faction choices, but usually there is one class that gets played by 50% of the server because it functions best.

you said it here
Title: Re: Thoughts about "mod is dying and keeping it alive"
Post by: Teeth on January 11, 2015, 09:23:42 pm
Oh god, your edits after posting and then my edits after posting make this all confusing.

What I said was that a team comprised fully of the best archers in the game, playing on a pub server, while defending a castle, were able to completely demolish another team. Which counters the point that those 64 players there, new as they may be, were playing Native instead of cRPG because of the better balance. That makes my point not even close to your strawman.
Title: Re: Thoughts about "mod is dying and keeping it alive"
Post by: Corsair831 on January 11, 2015, 09:26:21 pm
Oh god, your edits after posting and then my edits after posting make this all confusing.

What I said was that a team comprised fully of the best archers in the game, playing on a pub server, while defending a castle, were able to completely demolish another team. Which counters the point that those 64 players there, new as they may be, were playing Native instead of cRPG because of the better balance. That makes my point not even close to your strawman.

Wat, I was defending and went 34/0 or something. The point is that the attackers were not able to breach the defense a single round because 32 archers were able to crossfire all approaches, irrelevant of anyone's individual skill, let alone mine as a defender.
How am I completely wrong when I didn't even say that?

if you have 32 archers and 1 infantry, the infantryman dies

if you have 32 archers and 32 infanfry .. not so much

the entire thing is literally a case of how good the people are ... a brand new infantry player is not as effective as a brand new archer ... an experienced archer is often not as effective as en experienced infantry .. ^^

lol well that's dumb. you had the best players playing archer on one team and they were winning? .. :D ...

.. best infantry would win as well lol
Title: Re: Thoughts about "mod is dying and keeping it alive"
Post by: Teeth on January 11, 2015, 09:43:19 pm
I said 'best archers in the game' because they were Vaegir archers, as they are balance wise the best archers in the game as far as I know. The players were all random pubbies and were randomly divided across the teams. I am not talking about some hypothetical scenario, I am talking about the reality of a 64 player pub server. That is the relevant type of play in the light of statements such as 'Native servers are full and cRPG servers are dead because Native has better balance'. There were 64 pub players and the balance failed to give half of them an enjoyable experience, in a way that I have never seen in cRPG.

To make it extra clear, this point does not involve my personal skill, the status of competitive Native play or any fantastical scenarios. These are all irrelevant and bringing them up would be attacking a strawman.
Title: Re: Thoughts about "mod is dying and keeping it alive"
Post by: Corsair831 on January 11, 2015, 10:01:28 pm
I said 'best archers in the game' because they were Vaegir archers, as they are balance wise the best archers in the game as far as I know. The players were all random pubbies and were randomly divided across the teams. I am not talking about some hypothetical scenario, I am talking about the reality of a 64 player pub server. That is the relevant type of play in the light of statements such as 'Native servers are full and cRPG servers are dead because Native has better balance'. There were 64 pub players and the balance failed to give half of them an enjoyable experience, in a way that I have never seen in cRPG.

To make it extra clear, this point does not involve my personal skill, the status of competitive Native play or any fantastical scenarios. These are all irrelevant and bringing them up would be attacking a strawman.

yeah, the question is how do you balance, everything regarding balance is totally subjective.

archery is easier for a noob than melee, but not as effective as melee for high skilled players .. would you prefer it to be the other way around? i think native strikes a good balance between pub servers having decent amounts of infantry and decent numbers of archers.

Title: Re: Thoughts about "mod is dying and keeping it alive"
Post by: Teeth on January 11, 2015, 10:17:24 pm
Well, I think Native balance is terrible for pub play as it often creates situations in which certain classes have a large mechanical advantage, aside from generally prohibiting the full awesomeness of the melee combat to shine and making an extremely limited range of playstyles viable. As I am relatively insensitive to the charm of grinding and customization, my choice to play cRPG instead of Native is solely because the pub play is by far more diverse and fun.

I hope Bannerlord finds a way to make pub play more interesting and less cringeworthy to play solo, without compromising the obviously properly functioning competitive play in Native now.
Title: Re: Thoughts about "mod is dying and keeping it alive"
Post by: Leshma on January 11, 2015, 10:30:29 pm
Native is very solo friendly from my perspective. Yes, there are archers. But most of the time reason for domination is bad combination of factions and maps. Some maps are a bitch to conquer, and if there is strong ranged faction then it becomes impossible. Better players being on one side plays a huge role. But it is random and doesn't happen that much.

Unlike cRPG, where banner balance is always on and community works in a way where best players form huge clans (like the clan you're member of, Vanguards). Over time, cRPG has become less and less solo friendly which had effect on player numbers.

Better players tend to be better at archery too. I'll take 10 native machinegunners any time of the day, instead of 10 cRPG archers which come from a strong clan and hardly miss their shots.

Teeth, you were just unlucky. Nothing more. Native is no way less fun to play for a solo player than cRPG.
Title: Re: Thoughts about "mod is dying and keeping it alive"
Post by: Teeth on January 11, 2015, 10:42:33 pm
All I know is that my Warband career nearly ended after 50 hours of Native pub play and that it got extended by 3000 some hours when I finally tried cRPG. I am currently trying to get into competitive Native and I need to play some pub to practice the Native leftswingspammechanics, but the experience gets awful quite often.
Title: Re: Thoughts about "mod is dying and keeping it alive"
Post by: Leshma on January 11, 2015, 10:45:55 pm
IG_Battlegrounds is the better place to practice for competitive matches. Playing on ZHG servers will make you think that you're best Warband player and once you get to play real competitive match, that illusion will fade away. ZHG is more serious than neoGK, there are some semi decent players occasionally but you won't get what you need in there. You need a server where people are skilled at everything and know how to apply proper tactics. Not even IG_Battlegrounds is good enough for that. cRPG won't help you either, it is completely different beast.
Title: Re: Thoughts about "mod is dying and keeping it alive"
Post by: Tomeusz on January 11, 2015, 11:35:03 pm
Well, I prefer a band of skilles archers with skilles archery physx than unbeatable 2h agi builds that a new player CANT beat, because dont know sacred mechanics of crpg fainting. Thats the reason there are 200/200 nativ servers and many 30+ servers and 20/xx and 0 other crpg servers. Bored isnt a reason ppl left crpg. On TW forums one of former merc(i think, dont remember) clan members that playd over 2k hours said he prefers nativ combat and thinks its more ballanced and adjusted for any player, thats why ppl chosing it over crpg
Title: Re: Thoughts about "mod is dying and keeping it alive"
Post by: Teeth on January 12, 2015, 12:02:42 am
New players can't beat the leftswingspam of the good Native players either, and oh boy do they spam often. The good 2h players in Native can do way more retarded feints than in cRPG. The thing is that not meeting any good players is fairly easy in Native, while in cRPG it's impossible outside of DTV. cRPG is dead because there are only servers available with relatively high average skill, aside from the obviously very important accessibility and visibility issues. You can stubbornly disagree with that all you want on the basis that you think using mechanics to their fullest extent isn't 'skill', but the basic idea will still stand and there is no way to fix that and no one to blame for it.
Title: Re: Thoughts about "mod is dying and keeping it alive"
Post by: Algarn on January 12, 2015, 12:20:39 am
The most atrocious idea : take the best crpg archers, put them into a castle defense, and watch the disaster. The fact you have ten times more killing power than in cRPG as an archer is retarded. I don't like cRPG archery, but I truly hate the archery balance in native, because it's fucking over powered : your missile is faster than a bolt from a siege crossbow, with pin point accuracy, regardlessly of the armor worn, deals a shit ton of damage, regardlessly of the armor, plus you can kite for like ... well, forever, since the quivers have no weight and you can also jumpshot. This leads to a massive bullshit : give a portable machine gun to a new player, he'll do fine, give it to someone used to aiming, he'll wipe a lot of guys, give it to a group of guys with similar skill, and you'll not even have to move from spawn, archers will be raping the ennemies, with shields or not.
Title: Re: Thoughts about "mod is dying and keeping it alive"
Post by: Corsair831 on January 12, 2015, 12:36:36 am
[Wall of text. Sorry. It's a fucking great read though so don't be scared  :P]

I'm sorry, but you guys are simply wrong. You're outsiders looking in through a lens, and not seeing what is there.

I'm good at native, i've played thousands of hours with it, played hundreds of clan matches etc, and I have also played thousands of hours of cRPG, so I think I can give you some perspective on this.

In native, every single infantryman should either be carrying a throwing weapon, or a spear. In native, the game is balanced so that archers (less so much crossbowmen), get very gimped armour, and have very low hit points.

2 Javelins, 3 at max, is easily enough to kill an archer. 2 throwing axes certainly will.
The throwing is much more accurate, faster reloading, and faster missile speed, in native, than it is in cRPG.
Archers don't get shields. 3 infantrymen, versus 3 archers, at medium range, will the majority of the time, beat the 3 archers (if the infantry and the archers are of equal skill level, and none are novices).

Shields, in native (the meta shield is always the t3 shield, no matter the faction), can absorb huge amounts of arrows and/or crossbow bolts. Shields, in native, have huge sideways ranged coverage. If you're being shot, either your team is already losing hard, or you're doing something wrong.

Lastly, archers are incredibly bad in melee in native. Not only are their weapons and armours worse, they are slower, they have significantly less power strike, and their weapon proficiencies are frankly pathetic. A common meta for good players to beat archers as infantry in native (if you have ~~35+ armour), is to simply spam and let the archer's swing bounce. Archers are honestly awful in melee combat in native.

Archery in native not this overpowered beast that so many cRPG players seem to think it is, it really isn't. I understand how after palying cRPG and then going to native you could get that impression; it's an easy view to get, you just need to look a little deeper.
Title: Re: Thoughts about "mod is dying and keeping it alive"
Post by: Tomeusz on January 12, 2015, 12:38:28 am
Well, In crpg I have like 3/10 or sometimes 1/1 stats and when playd native as cav got like 27/3 every match. It was easier playing this game, everything wasnt so resistable and slow as in crpg and I just made kills with my direct aiming and predicting enemy movement, not getting dissed by thousands of faints faster than I can block. Maybe thats why ppl prefere it over crpg. It creates immersion of battle, not one man heroes fainting spam;).

I would like something in the middle of native simplicity and replayability and crpg skill factor(without so much faints).
Title: Re: Thoughts about "mod is dying and keeping it alive"
Post by: Teeth on January 12, 2015, 01:04:11 am
Sure Native ranged is not unstoppable, but it sure as hell limits what you can play, here's a list of what you could play on EU1 with Native ranged:
- More ranged
- Cav, provided you have your own ranged that surpresses the enemy ranged or a coördinated charge, otherwise ^ (and we all know cav just avoids good ranged on EU1 until they have no easier targets anymore)
- Infantry with a shield, provided you have your own ranged that is surpressing the enemy ranged and prevents them from kiting or encircling, otherwise ^^

Boom, gone is the four-directional blocking system from relevant play, gone are 80% of the playstyles and weapons from relevant play. Much interesting, such variety. Archery is good in cRPG if you are good, thank fuck that a few dozen other playstyles are also good if you are good.
Title: Re: Thoughts about "mod is dying and keeping it alive"
Post by: Corsair831 on January 12, 2015, 01:23:17 am
Native ranged on EU1? That's a silly thing to say, the rest of cRPG is not balanced for native ranged.

Destriers (hunters) in native can take huge amounts more arrows than in cRPG.
Players with average armour levels can take significantly more arrows in native than in cRPG.
Shields are a lot better in native than in cRPG.

The two games are completely differently balanced lol.

As for the four directional blocking system, again, i think you're on the wrong track.

It depends whether you talk about competetive native or public native, but 2h does have its uses in native, as does polearm. 2h axes are used to smash shields, meaning you can throw people dead, 2h swords are epic for duelling; often someone will carry one as swadia just for that. (m being the obvious example when he used to play for IG, however there are many others).
Polearms are arguably more useful in native than in cRPG. Just watch chase go on to IG battlegrounds as swadia, with his shield on his back, 50 players on, and rape everyone with an awlpike. The pole stagger which people forget about in cRPG is still very present in native; if you stab someone in the back with a spear often he's dead .. it doesn't work if you have a shield because the re-stab time is too slow; you have to be using the 4d thing.

Sure, native uses the 4d blocking system LESS than cRPG, but, firstly i don't think it's used as little as you say, and secondly, look what actually happnes when everyone uses the 4d system in battle mode on cRPG ... you get huge numbers of players spamming with hardly any bother to blocking and turning battles into a chaotic noobfest of mouse 1 thrashing.

Sometimes, the 4d system is better when it takes a second seat to the shield combat, and to a lesser extent the ranged and cavalry combat. Sure, the 4d system is nice, but as you see in cRPG, if you let everyone use it .. well ... it's not so pretty.

Title: Re: Thoughts about "mod is dying and keeping it alive"
Post by: Gravoth_iii on January 12, 2015, 01:51:31 am
Native ranged on EU1? That's a silly thing to say, the rest of cRPG is not balanced for native ranged.

Destriers (hunters) in native can take huge amounts more arrows than in cRPG.
Players with average armour levels can take significantly more arrows in native than in cRPG.
Shields are a lot better in native than in cRPG.

The two games are completely differently balanced lol.

As for the four directional blocking system, again, i think you're on the wrong track.

It depends whether you talk about competetive native or public native, but 2h does have its uses in native, as does polearm. 2h axes are used to smash shields, meaning you can throw people dead, 2h swords are epic for duelling; often someone will carry one as swadia just for that. (m being the obvious example when he used to play for IG, however there are many others).
Polearms are arguably more useful in native than in cRPG. Just watch chase go on to IG battlegrounds as swadia, with his shield on his back, 50 players on, and rape everyone with an awlpike. The pole stagger which people forget about in cRPG is still very present in native; if you stab someone in the back with a spear often he's dead .. it doesn't work if you have a shield because the re-stab time is too slow; you have to be using the 4d thing.

Sure, native uses the 4d blocking system LESS than cRPG, but, firstly i don't think it's used as little as you say, and secondly, look what actually happnes when everyone uses the 4d system in battle mode on cRPG ... you get huge numbers of players spamming with hardly any bother to blocking and turning battles into a chaotic noobfest of mouse 1 thrashing.

Sometimes, the 4d system is better when it takes a second seat to the shield combat, and to a lesser extent the ranged and cavalry combat. Sure, the 4d system is nice, but as you see in cRPG, if you let everyone use it .. well ... it's not so pretty.

Sounds like you are comparing competative native to pub crpg though. The spam is just as real in pub native as pub crpg, if not bigger.
Title: Re: Thoughts about "mod is dying and keeping it alive"
Post by: San on January 12, 2015, 03:10:49 am
I don't really play native, so what are the stats on these items, particularly the shields and horses?
Title: Re: Thoughts about "mod is dying and keeping it alive"
Post by: Corsair831 on January 12, 2015, 04:03:56 am
I don't really play native, so what are the stats on these items, particularly the shields and horses?

both better, significantly
Title: Re: Thoughts about "mod is dying and keeping it alive"
Post by: San on January 12, 2015, 04:14:10 am
Yeah, but I'd like numbers.
Title: Re: Thoughts about "mod is dying and keeping it alive"
Post by: Corsair831 on January 12, 2015, 03:22:57 pm
Yeah, but I'd like numbers.

go launch native then lol.

the numbers are practically uselses anyway; they've changed so much in cRPG that if i gave you the numbers for a shield, or a sword or whatever, it'd be totally out of context .. people move faster ni cRPG, they do more damage, but they also have more armour .. the numbers wouldn't really help you unless you had all of the numbers :P.
Title: Re: Thoughts about "mod is dying and keeping it alive"
Post by: Gurnisson on January 12, 2015, 05:22:09 pm
On shit servers 2h/pole with no shield might work, but in anything competitive you'll not see anything but the occasional lolhammer and pike (which is only acquired by the rhodok infantry). Almost all the kills in native pro play are made by bolts, arrows, throwing weapons and cav. Don't see how native is supposed to be better balanced.
Title: Re: Thoughts about "mod is dying and keeping it alive"
Post by: Corsair831 on January 12, 2015, 05:28:52 pm
On shit servers 2h/pole with no shield might work, but in anything competitive you'll not see anything but the occasional lolhammer and pike (which is only acquired by the rhodok infantry). Almost all the kills in native pro play are made by bolts, arrows, throwing weapons and cav. Don't see how native is supposed to be better balanced.

well, thats just not true
Title: Re: Thoughts about "mod is dying and keeping it alive"
Post by: IG_Saint on January 12, 2015, 05:34:49 pm
Yes, it is.

(m being the obvious example when he used to play for IG, however there are many others).

M never used a 2h in clan matches. He used a 1h, shield, spear and/or throwing, same as the rest of us.
Title: Re: Thoughts about "mod is dying and keeping it alive"
Post by: Sir_Firebus on January 12, 2015, 10:48:41 pm
LoL > cRPG
Title: Re: Thoughts about "mod is dying and keeping it alive"
Post by: lombardsoup on January 12, 2015, 10:49:23 pm
LoL > cRPG

Not playing either of them
Title: Re: Thoughts about "mod is dying and keeping it alive"
Post by: Corsair831 on January 12, 2015, 10:55:12 pm
Yes, it is.

M never used a 2h in clan matches. He used a 1h, shield, spear and/or throwing, same as the rest of us.

fair nuff. never actually seen m fight in clan matches, heard he was awful at it, all i heard was all he knew how to do was get people to one side and duel them. in CoR, and einjerhar we used 2h pretty frequently, and whilst a lot of the kills are ranged and cav, a lot aren't.

back in the day when i used to be a massive duel nerd i know i used to get a significant amount of my kills duelling with war spears etc.

infantry makes up usually ~~ 50%ish of a team in a comp game, and i don't think i'd at all be going out on a limb here to say that at least 1/3 of the kills are melee.
Title: Re: Thoughts about "mod is dying and keeping it alive"
Post by: San on January 12, 2015, 11:52:32 pm
You can easily compare cav stats. I only need shield width for shields.
Title: Re: Thoughts about "mod is dying and keeping it alive"
Post by: kwhy on January 13, 2015, 02:01:45 am
On shit servers 2h/pole with no shield might work, but in anything competitive you'll not see anything but the occasional lolhammer and pike (which is only acquired by the rhodok infantry). Almost all the kills in native pro play are made by bolts, arrows, throwing weapons and cav. Don't see how native is supposed to be better balanced.

I personally like c-rpg more just because there is a diverse range of weapons and play styles on the battlefield usually. 

Native Battle on the public servers typically consists of having to try and hide and kill the archers first and then dealing with cav afterwords.  If you don't carry a shield in Native your screwed because the range reload times are ridiculous.  If you like shield play, cav, and native IMO.  I find it pretty boring except playing on the tdm and dm GK servers just screwing around.

ps: oh yeah and those of you complaining about how crap the c-rpg community is.  drop in on any of the Native servers especially the battle servers and see how un friendly peeps are on there.  I don't know anything about this *competive native* scene in NA tho if it even exists.
Title: Re: Thoughts about "mod is dying and keeping it alive"
Post by: Jona on January 13, 2015, 03:02:28 am
ps: oh yeah and those of you complaining about how crap the c-rpg community is.  drop in on any of the Native servers especially the battle servers and see how un friendly peeps are on there.

^ This.

Try to play in a native duel server and you'll get instantly ban polled for "obvious hacks."  :rolleyes:

(click to show/hide)
Title: Re: Thoughts about "mod is dying and keeping it alive"
Post by: lombardsoup on January 13, 2015, 04:51:48 am
^ This.

Try to play in a native duel server and you'll get instantly ban polled for "obvious hacks."  :rolleyes:

(click to show/hide)

lol the endless polls.  Kicked on a native server today for innocent trash talk (calling someone gay, oh noes).

You want something positive about this mod?  Its that admins were typically lenient about behavior.
Title: Re: Thoughts about "mod is dying and keeping it alive"
Post by: Corsair831 on January 13, 2015, 02:59:59 pm
^ This.

Try to play in a native duel server and you'll get instantly ban polled for "obvious hacks."  :rolleyes:

(click to show/hide)

^well, that's just a lie, i played on the ludus this week several times and never saw anything but people playing duels :/ ... there were some people quite a bit better than me there as well so i certainly wasn't getting ban polled lol!
Title: Re: Thoughts about "mod is dying and keeping it alive"
Post by: Akronus97 on January 13, 2015, 03:21:42 pm
  Kicked on a native server today for innocent trash talk (calling someone gay, oh noes).

I was even banned for saying "I am gay" :(

But seriously, it never happened to me that I saw someone starting ban polls because of hacks. On what native duel servers do you usually go? I am always on the ludus (if I ever play because crpg is just more fun to me than native although I still like it)
Title: Re: Thoughts about "mod is dying and keeping it alive"
Post by: lombardsoup on January 13, 2015, 03:29:52 pm
I was even banned for saying "I am gay" :(

But seriously, it never happened to me that I saw someone starting ban polls because of hacks. On what native duel servers do you usually go? I am always on the ludus (if I ever play because crpg is just more fun to me than native although I still like it)

I'm not very good at dueling/this game in general so I just stick to neoGK siege and tdm.  Would laugh hysterically if I got banned on Native for hacking when I was consistently one of the lowest skilled players in cRPG
Title: Re: Thoughts about "mod is dying and keeping it alive"
Post by: Algarn on January 13, 2015, 04:08:16 pm
Someone said something similar, and it's so fucking true : cRPG is a battle of heroes, both equipment and general skill, while native is a massive battle of cannon fooders wearing rags. There's a difference indeed.
Title: Re: Thoughts about "mod is dying and keeping it alive"
Post by: Corsair831 on January 13, 2015, 04:19:32 pm

"We the cRPG players are so much better than everyone else ololololo"
Title: Re: Thoughts about "mod is dying and keeping it alive"
Post by: Gravoth_iii on January 13, 2015, 04:21:33 pm

"We the cRPG players are so much better than everyone else ololololo"

Go back to skyrim scrub
Title: Re: Thoughts about "mod is dying and keeping it alive"
Post by: Jona on January 13, 2015, 10:46:50 pm
Nah, I wouldn't start lying just to bash native players. It was relatively low-pop, only 9-10 people on at the time, and frankly no one was all that skilled. I've dueled skilled native players in the past, but there just weren't any on at that time. This happened on GK_Duel, for those of you asking, and it's an NA server.
Title: Re: Thoughts about "mod is dying and keeping it alive"
Post by: Leshma on January 13, 2015, 11:05:42 pm
Main difference between good native servers and cRPG is no lag in native. You really have no ground to speak highly of cRPG until developers decide to FIX the mod which is BROKEN atm.
Title: Re: Thoughts about "mod is dying and keeping it alive"
Post by: Jona on January 14, 2015, 01:32:46 am
Main difference between good native servers and cRPG is no lag in native. You really have no ground to speak highly of cRPG until developers decide to FIX the mod which is BROKEN atm.

Which is why native is great. Don't have to compensate for anything. I was actually able to kick butt for once.
Title: Re: Thoughts about "mod is dying and keeping it alive"
Post by: gallonigher on January 14, 2015, 01:40:58 am
Has this mod been abandoned by its current devs?  We've been waiting on some sort of patch for months now-- or at least a reply
Title: Re: Thoughts about "mod is dying and keeping it alive"
Post by: lombardsoup on January 14, 2015, 02:06:29 am
Has this mod been abandoned by its current devs?  We've been waiting on some sort of patch for months now-- or at least a reply

Title: Re: Thoughts about "mod is dying and keeping it alive"
Post by: Dupre on January 14, 2015, 02:49:55 am
This is definitely a poor example of running a "business" and a good way for ruining your reputation. A lot of customers who funded and planned on funding m:bg in the future are losing trust in the c-rpg team which reflects poorly on the donkey crew. Lack of transparency and communication = no trust. One simple post from a developer or someone in charge would be all it took. example:

"yes we are alive and working on both c-rpg patch and m:bg game. our plan is to hopefully release a patch for c-rpg in the next month and for m:bg, we strategizing and organizing a more detailed campaign to set up in the future. In the mean time, we are still using the funds from previous funding to keep development going on the game. New update in the next coming weeks..."

Took me 10 seconds to type that up.... C'MON MAN!

None of you, or the team from what i know have worked in the gaming industry or has ever worked on a title. You guys don't have that reputation like richard garriott, Dave Brevik, or Warhorse Studios. Warhorse Studios may be people you look up to cause of their "Indie game" campiagn success, but if you look at the people who are working on it, they are all veterans in the gaming industry.

"Daniel Vávra (ex-2K Czech - Mafia 1, Mafia II) - game designer, screen writer.[4]
Martin Klíma (ex-Altar Games - Fish Fillets, Original War, UFO trilogy; ex-Codemasters - Operation Flashpoint: Dragon Rising) - executive producer
Viktor Bocan (ex-Bohemia Interactive - Operation Flashpoint, ArmA 1; multiple games for Nintendo DS, XBLA, iPhone etc.) - game designer, screenwriter
Zbyněk Trávnický (Mafia 1, Mafia II; Perfume: The Story of a Murderer, Tristan + Isolde) - animator and CG/FX specialist"

It was easy for them to get funded cause people TRUSTED these developers, designers, producers, animators etc. All of them are well KNOWN game industry veterans with a good track record of releasing fun successful games. Donkey crew or c-rpg team has none of those... so you guys need to make up for that in transparency and communication.

This message is not intended to bash anyone on the team.  :idea:
Title: Re: Thoughts about "mod is dying and keeping it alive"
Post by: Dupre on January 14, 2015, 03:11:13 am
Okay, sorry, but, I stopped reading here and came up with a great idea.

What if we just change the name and tell people that its a new mod? They'll never know the difference.

This actually works perfectly in the gaming industry, example:

"Marvel Heroes originally received mixed reviews; on the aggregate review website Metacritic the game attains an overall score of 59 out of 100 based on 38 critic reviews and 6.6 out of 10 user score based on 675 user ratings. .[16] IGN gave the game a 5.7/10, praising the story but criticizing the combat and limited customization. The game was relaunched later with the title "Marvel Heroes 2015", following various improvements and new content implemented over time. On Metacritic, the game attains a score of 81 out of 100 based on 10 critic reviews and 8.1 out of 10 user score based on 506 user ratings"

Marvel heroes 2015 is also in the lead for most improved mmorpg of the 2014  on 8-)
Title: Re: Thoughts about "mod is dying and keeping it alive"
Post by: WITCHCRAFT on January 14, 2015, 06:31:53 pm
This actually works perfectly in the gaming industry, example:

"Marvel Heroes originally received mixed reviews; on the aggregate review website Metacritic the game attains an overall score of 59 out of 100 based on 38 critic reviews and 6.6 out of 10 user score based on 675 user ratings. .[16] IGN gave the game a 5.7/10, praising the story but criticizing the combat and limited customization. The game was relaunched later with the title "Marvel Heroes 2015", following various improvements and new content implemented over time. On Metacritic, the game attains a score of 81 out of 100 based on 10 critic reviews and 8.1 out of 10 user score based on 506 user ratings"

Marvel heroes 2015 is also in the lead for most improved mmorpg of the 2014  on 8-)

CRPG: 2015 Golden Donkey edition! Free to play! No pay-to-win!
Title: Re: Thoughts about "mod is dying and keeping it alive"
Post by: lombardsoup on January 14, 2015, 06:34:27 pm
CRPG: 2015 Golden Donkey edition! Free to play! No pay-to-win!

If anyone is still around playing
Title: Re: Thoughts about "mod is dying and keeping it alive"
Post by: Corsair831 on January 15, 2015, 01:53:12 am
CRPG 2015: Super Lag Edition!

**Make sure the experience is fun and accessible for new players by chasing away all of the old players with game ruining lag!**
Title: Re: Thoughts about "mod is dying and keeping it alive"
Post by: SixThumbs on January 15, 2015, 04:06:25 pm
Title: Re: Thoughts about "mod is dying and keeping it alive"
Post by: WITCHCRAFT on January 15, 2015, 06:29:56 pm


its just like real life doomsday prophets: you can name the end of days all you want, but if youre wrong then you look like a idiot
Title: Re: Thoughts about "mod is dying and keeping it alive"
Post by: lombardsoup on January 15, 2015, 06:32:26 pm
its just like real life doomsday prophets: you can name the end of days all you want, but if youre wrong then you look like a idiot

EU_cRPG_1   29   
EU_cRPG_2   35
NA_cRPG_1   4

Granted EU has always had double/triple the numbers than NA at peak hours.  The clocks a tickin'
Title: Re: Thoughts about "mod is dying and keeping it alive"
Post by: woody on January 15, 2015, 06:43:19 pm
1 option - a non profit mod for an old game.

2nd option - own game being developed that will make a big difference to you if it succeeds.

Where, if you are not a total fucking retard, do you focus 99% of your effort?
Title: Re: Thoughts about "mod is dying and keeping it alive"
Post by: lombardsoup on January 15, 2015, 06:45:39 pm
1 option - a non profit mod for an old game.

2nd option - own game being developed that will make a big difference to you if it succeeds.

Where, if you are not a total fucking retard, do you focus 99% of your effort?

Shut down option one.  The mod is played out, time to kill the servers and put the money into option two
Title: Re: Thoughts about "mod is dying and keeping it alive"
Post by: HappyPhantom on January 15, 2015, 07:11:22 pm
Shut down option one.  The mod is played out, time to kill the servers and put the money into option two

Established player-base scatters even more, lose test bed for in development game, player-base completely disappears as does majority of support for new game.
Title: Re: Thoughts about "mod is dying and keeping it alive"
Post by: lombardsoup on January 15, 2015, 07:13:08 pm
Established player-base scatters even more, lose test bed for in development game, player-base completely disappears as does majority of support for new game.

That's happening irrespective of any decision made
Title: Re: Thoughts about "mod is dying and keeping it alive"
Post by: SixThumbs on January 15, 2015, 07:25:19 pm
My own personal thoughts on the mod is that it's been dead to me for about a year and a half, but that's after playing it since mid-late 2011 and before that playing the original M&B when it was little more than a tech-demo.

The appeal for me was the persistence and equipment variety that was lacking in Native MP, the simple mechanics matched with a high-ceiling. I had a blast on my integrated graphics playing at ~15 fps if I was lucky, and didn't mind dying repeatedly; playing on lower pop servers and getting ~30 fps I knew if I just had a proper GPU and worked on blocking reliably I could contend with the pub-heroes one day. When that came there were only a couple I wouldn't engage 1v1 of my own volition and I was never near the top but I could hold my own.

I stopped playing simply because after so many thousands of hours and familiarity with the engine the high of combat is still there but it's scarce and although the devs did an excellent job with features and content I don't think the incredibly dated engine could handle the side-stuff in a stable fashion.

Now-a-days I'm not sure how it is on the servers but I'm going to assume it's similar to what I found on Jedi Academy when I played a couple years ago as a noob, you have a small group of well-skilled players who hate that the population of their well-loved game has died but at the same time have formed their own little impenetrable clique, made more daunting by a skill-gap.
Title: Re: Thoughts about "mod is dying and keeping it alive"
Post by: lombardsoup on January 15, 2015, 07:27:49 pm
you have a small group of well-skilled players who hate that the population of their well-loved game has died but at the same time have formed their own little impenetrable clique, made more daunting by a skill-gap.

With said clique now alienating the few legitimately new players to the mod.
Title: Re: Thoughts about "mod is dying and keeping it alive"
Post by: SixThumbs on January 15, 2015, 07:30:18 pm
I think the alienation always happened but yes, when the population is this low it's going to be the only thing you notice.
Title: Re: Thoughts about "mod is dying and keeping it alive"
Post by: njames89 on January 15, 2015, 10:04:03 pm
It's painful to watch you idiots complain about the mod being dead while I enjoy it still being alive and well. There's not much else I can do but keep pointing out that you guys are wrong and inviting people to join us in Strat and NA 1. You can lead a horse to water but you cannot make him drink.

(click to show/hide)
Title: Re: Thoughts about "mod is dying and keeping it alive"
Post by: njames89 on January 15, 2015, 10:09:46 pm
How's the NA strat scene atm? I see many RP threads and posts that entice me, but i dont see too many battles, also RP is confusing when trying to decipher who owns what and who wants to kill who

It is good Strat battles for the most part are even and the leaders of the factions have agreed to honorable combat (for the most part). Last battle gave half a mil xp. May be tough for you to attend though as the best battles occur in primetime for NA.
Title: Re: Thoughts about "mod is dying and keeping it alive"
Post by: Jona on January 15, 2015, 10:32:10 pm
Basically it's the Kingdoms of the North vs. the Wardens of the North, fighting for control of... the North.

Most everyone else is afk at this point.

EDIT: Forgot about the Starks who are slowly but surely taking over the entirety of the afk-stricken desert.
Title: Re: Thoughts about "mod is dying and keeping it alive"
Post by: Dupre on January 15, 2015, 11:26:01 pm
It's painful to watch you idiots complain about the mod being dead while I enjoy it still being alive and well. There's not much else I can do but keep pointing out that you guys are wrong and inviting people to join us in Strat and NA 1. You can lead a horse to water but you cannot make him drink.

(click to show/hide)

It's not dead yet but people are slowly quitting and losing hope for m:bg. I am, that's for sure, and it's only because of the teams not communicating with the community(Donkey crew's customers) or involving the community in development with c-rpg or m:bg. Which then leads us back to your comment and people complaining. Most of the complainers are honestly just trying to help... I'm sure all of us appreciate everything donkey crew has done with this mod and all the time they put into, shit they got 40k for it plus whatever was donated, and it showed on their ks that they could of got another 40k. I personally think the donkey crew screwed up by linking c-rpg to m:bg, especially adding the forums on here. Would of been a good idea if they actually had a team working on c-rpg updating and fixing previous patches, especially after their kickstarter.... This just kind of gives them a bad track record on maintaining/supporting a mod even if they have been working on it for the past 3-4 years. Will they be able to develop and keep supporting their own game? Gotta look at the big picture here...

The "retarded horses" are trying to proactively prevent their favorite mod/game from completely dying. At least that's the case for me.

Title: Re: Thoughts about "mod is dying and keeping it alive"
Post by: njames89 on January 15, 2015, 11:29:03 pm
I agree that more attention to the mod from devs would be great but its still the best game in the world. Eventually they will have more time and will fix the minor problems.

Title: Re: Thoughts about "mod is dying and keeping it alive"
Post by: StonedSteel on January 15, 2015, 11:32:07 pm
james, right now, the game

is bad...i mean really bad. and so i play it, less and less.

that is all.
Title: Re: Thoughts about "mod is dying and keeping it alive"
Post by: njames89 on January 15, 2015, 11:33:57 pm
That is your opinion  :wink:

oh and as for diplomacy. Wardens of the North are fighting the Kingdoms of the North and House Stark is taking the opportunity to make large gains.
Title: Re: Thoughts about "mod is dying and keeping it alive"
Post by: Algarn on January 15, 2015, 11:37:12 pm
I agree that more attention to the mod from devs would be great but its still the best game in the world. Eventually they will have more time and will fix the minor problems.

Best game in the world when you aren't couched at spawn by cavs with great lances, or getting killed by someone with higher tier weapon and armor than you, even thought he can't block a shit. Being 1h no shield is a true challenge considering the lags and the balance, and also the lack of people to cover you (15v15 means there are 10 guys with a 2h/pole/horse weapon in one team).
Title: Re: Thoughts about "mod is dying and keeping it alive"
Post by: njames89 on January 15, 2015, 11:39:34 pm
Best game in the world when you aren't couched at spawn by cavs with great lances, or getting killed by someone with higher tier weapon and armor than you, even thought he can't block a shit. Being 1h no shield is a true challenge considering the lags and the balance, and also the lack of people to cover you (15v15 means there are 10 guys with a 2h/pole/horse weapon in one team).

Getting destroyed by other players isn't a valid reason to complain. Get gud bud.
Title: Re: Thoughts about "mod is dying and keeping it alive"
Post by: Algarn on January 15, 2015, 11:41:08 pm
Destroyed one time out of four, yes. But that time is so ridiculous I don't even want to explain further, since it's all about crutching, lags, etc.
Title: Re: Thoughts about "mod is dying and keeping it alive"
Post by: StonedSteel on January 15, 2015, 11:48:36 pm
Getting destroyed by other players isn't a valid reason to complain. Get gud bud.

actually it kinda is, especially if lag \ ridiculous builds the rest of us arnt motivated to go to are the prime reasons for your failures...and you can say get gud to EU people you dont know, you DO know me, and i have the same complaints.

its not just bad lag and wonky animations, the lvling system has really put off grinding, for me anyway, the new lvl 34 is just far more xp than i care to grind....shieeet, the first time i went to 34, i was like gen 5, did it just for kicks, having the xp requirement higher + bad lag all the way there...just dont feel like it now.

i barely play now, just here and there, mostly keep coming back to the forums to see if lag is fixed \ patch changing lvls back.
Title: Re: Thoughts about "mod is dying and keeping it alive"
Post by: njames89 on January 15, 2015, 11:51:31 pm
Leveling is a joke at gen 16.  Its actually faster now to get to retirement level than before. As for the lag its not bothering me at all but I do see people complain about it, that is a legitimate grief.
Title: Re: Thoughts about "mod is dying and keeping it alive"
Post by: Dupre on January 16, 2015, 12:06:35 am
Best game in the world when you aren't couched at spawn by cavs with great lances, or getting killed by someone with higher tier weapon and armor than you, even thought he can't block a shit. Being 1h no shield is a true challenge considering the lags and the balance, and also the lack of people to cover you (15v15 means there are 10 guys with a 2h/pole/horse weapon in one team).

I don't think they need to balance anything else. I've played most builds(thank you free respect once a week!)besides cav and found that only archery and xbows may need a boost. I think fixes should be #1 on the agenda. Don't release a patch with out a follow up patch...Next should be some new content. I think Stats and Leader boards would be a great addition to this mod and to me it doesn't sound to hard to implement. Keep track of kills, swings, blocks, arrows shot, headshots, DTV kills, DTV boss kills, Couch kills, Fist kills, Kick kills, Kills with weapon, Favorite weapon, etc. Have the stats connected to the website  like the "tavern level leaderboard" and add reward tiers to it. Extra exp, extra gold etc.

Title: Re: Thoughts about "mod is dying and keeping it alive"
Post by: njames89 on January 16, 2015, 12:30:17 am
I'm sure they will get to it when they can.
Title: Re: Thoughts about "mod is dying and keeping it alive"
Post by: HappyPhantom on January 16, 2015, 02:57:08 am
Getting destroyed by other players isn't a valid reason to complain. Get gud bud.

Or just be bad and wear a shit-ton of plate like James..
Title: Re: Thoughts about "mod is dying and keeping it alive"
Post by: njames89 on January 16, 2015, 03:08:28 am
Or give up and admit to yourself that being a forum dwelling downvote scum is all you will ever amount to... Like leshma  :lol:
Title: Re: Thoughts about "mod is dying and keeping it alive"
Post by: gallonigher on January 16, 2015, 05:09:13 am
James would be pretty darn good if he ever bothered to block; he prefers a relentless spin-to-win approach.
Title: Re: Thoughts about "mod is dying and keeping it alive"
Post by: kwhy on January 16, 2015, 12:37:41 pm
James would be pretty darn good if he ever bothered to block; he prefers a relentless spin-to-win approach.

acre'batics combat system OP

Title: Re: Thoughts about "mod is dying and keeping it alive"
Post by: Rico on January 16, 2015, 09:54:53 pm
February patch (!/msg1108944/#msg1108944)
Title: Re: Thoughts about "mod is dying and keeping it alive"
Post by: lombardsoup on January 16, 2015, 10:46:33 pm
February patch (!/msg1108944/#msg1108944)

Temporary bolstering of population, then onwards to the final death
Title: Re: Thoughts about "mod is dying and keeping it alive"
Post by: Dupre on January 16, 2015, 10:49:57 pm
Temporary bolstering of population, then onwards to the final death

It's better than nothing. Panuru for new c-rpg project leader!! :mrgreen:
Title: Re: Thoughts about "mod is dying and keeping it alive"
Post by: Falka on January 16, 2015, 10:57:58 pm
February 2016 patch (!/msg1108944/#msg1108944)

fixed that for you  :wink:

Expect a cRPG update in early February.

Edit2: Yes, this is official and approved by chadz.

ANd this is supposed to make it more reliable?  :rolleyes:
Title: Re: Thoughts about "mod is dying and keeping it alive"
Post by: lombardsoup on January 16, 2015, 10:59:38 pm
Patch TBA
Title: Re: Thoughts about "mod is dying and keeping it alive"
Post by: Gravoth_iii on January 16, 2015, 11:06:22 pm
Title: Re: Thoughts about "mod is dying and keeping it alive"
Post by: WITCHCRAFT on January 17, 2015, 08:38:04 pm

visitors can't see pics , please register or login
Title: Re: Thoughts about "mod is dying and keeping it alive"
Post by: lombardsoup on January 17, 2015, 08:40:11 pm

or perhaps butch

Title: Re: Thoughts about "mod is dying and keeping it alive"
Post by: Simon_Belmont on January 21, 2015, 07:11:04 pm

Kinda sums up the mod right now (and is a cheerful song on its own right), so might as well throw it in here.