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My contribution:(click to show/hide)(click to show/hide)
Can be stylised, it's only a concept for the moment.
*I could maybe try a cartoon type, if you are interested.
Why do you make the 2h hero in supergear and the 1hander peasantlike :O I call conspiracy vs 1handers.
Why do you make the 2h hero in supergear and the 1hander peasantlike :O I call conspiracy vs 1handers.
Looks like Guild Wars 2 logo. :lol:
Anyway, IMO best so far.
You should make a vector and simplify the 3D text too, BTW.
Can i has looms now?(click to show/hide)
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but as someones already said I'd prefer to see the other colour, bronze isn't cool enough :wink:(click to show/hide)
visitors can't see pics , please register or loginI like the first one with the mixed colors.
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I like this. ^^
modified:Add a scimmy and all the greys will vote for you.
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visitors can't see pics , please register or loginAwesome, i like this very much!
If someone could do something like...mmnt
too bad my photoshopping skills are too bad to make some from scratch :D but anw, if anyone skilled enuff could try to make a cRPG text being slashed in two by a sword? I mean, like, sword put into the text, some of the letters damaged by it (like cut in half and stuff)...also, could be good if there is some reaper with this scythe of its and the letters are below the blade of his to the left/right of his head :)
I got them ideas in my head, but i cannot make it work in any graphic editor :(
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I like it BUT I ask myself if that would look any good comparing it to the theme of the main website.
Put a hammer, and more red.I knew the c meant communist!
I like it.. :) But perhaps a bit cold? Remember the target players are 14 year old boys right? Where are the emotions?
If you want 14 year old boys, go for boobs. And cod. lots and lots of cod.
Can only attract german players.(click to show/hide)
i dont get it
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visitors can't see pics , please register or loginFTFY
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While this looks cool for people who are already playing the game/mod, I think it does not appeal to those who are seeing it for the first time.
Like I said before, I think that common medieval elements along with simplicity should be primary thing when considering design.
Also, it would be interesting to see someone making a logo without the crpg letters. It would be harder, but more interesting in my opinion...
To be honest, it didn't appeal to me at all. Why is no one giving Elindor more feedback? His is by far the most qualitative so far. The others are quick 10 minute efforts(no offence, but that's what it looks like).
Because it is just text.While torben has a cool idea, I personally prefer Elindors.
Torben has a cool idea with his banner.
Glorifies ranged, denied.(click to show/hide)
Here an essay :
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Elindor's is definitely more appropriate for a logo.
If I may suggest him to embed some kind of "battle scars" into the letters and/or some pieces of armor like mail or plate somewhere into it.
To be honest, it didn't appeal to me at all. Why is no one giving Elindor more feedback? His is by far the most qualitative so far. The others are quick 10 minute efforts(no offence, but that's what it looks like).Disagree, heavily, and while Elindors may have slightly more quality than Torbens, Torben got a far better idea over all and it got far more potential, as cool as Elindors letters may look they're just letters, always just will be letters...
A last one then I leave you alone :Definite improvement, like this very much.
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Oh, I love this one! But why arrow? Exchange it for a sword!(click to show/hide)
But why arrow? Exchange it for a sword!For realism ofc, but I'll try with a Cookie. :wink:
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Oh, I love this one! But why arrow? Exchange it for a sword!
shit i guess mine woulda been good enough for a 1999`s game, haha. fucks sake, how do you guys do these things?
I doubt that they will just copy/paste work. They will probably redo the whole thing.
Here a last :
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I must admit this is not really a logo, Elindor and Kulin_ban are right.
Mine is too complicated to be implemented in a web page, except for LOTR or something like this,
but at least I had fun to working on it.
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Make it happen!
No, no, i mean, make the C fit the shields edge, as if the shield was burning. That would be totally awesome.
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+1 for the felt hat
Made in logistics class out of boredom*(click to show/hide)
*admittedly, I did a few touch-ups once I got home.
Text only:(click to show/hide)
So I heard you like cutted up shit and fire?(click to show/hide)
Remove the sword and fire (so the basic 6 designs) and i love it as a logo. Logo should be simple like that, and i love the trowing axe in the hat.
Most of the other designs here are not logo's, they are way to detailed for a logo.
Most of the other designs here are not logo's, they are way to detailed for a logo.
Then again cRPG isn't a company. :D
Do we really know that, DO WE REALLY
Look at the size of the cRPG logo on the website....does the logo in question work there at that scale? That is what needs to be thought about. Does it work in black or white? Etc....
LORD OF THE RINGS!!!!!!!!!cRPG, you shall not pass!(click to show/hide)
I wonder can a non crpg player(or anybody) make out anything out of this:I can see a C an R, a P, and a G, but no, a none crpg player wouldn't be able to see anything.
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I can see a C an R, a P, and a G, but no, a none crpg player wouldn't be able to see anything.Well it's a logo, you don't have to know what's this mean.
listen add some shit like this on your shield and win contest.
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Damn completly forgot about the native singleplayer faction icons.
The cRPG logo should kinda look like one of those IMO.
it needs to be visually appealing and flexible in terms of usability
btw I'm not sure Harald is looking for a pro sober logo but probably for a tiny banner/logo like this (sorry) :(click to show/hide)
I only think one of the submissions makes the cut.
its very much personal preference, you like this , he likes that etc, and in the end it comes to what do devs like.
Chillax Gazda. Bjord is just on his (daily) PMS trip.(click to show/hide)
Chillax Gazda. Bjord is just on his (daily) PMS trip.
What happened to this thread?
I hope you win, Elindor.
btw I'm not sure Harald is looking for a pro sober logo but probably for a tiny banner/logo like this (sorry) :(click to show/hide)
Im not really doing this for the loomYeah, as a ninja, I have all the money I will ever need(none) and I also have all the looms I'll ever need(Lamellar and Katana). If I win, I'll probably donate the loompoint to a clan member if anyone wants it, or create an MW katana at some point and put it in the clan bank.
Yeah, as a ninja, I have all the money I will ever need(none) and I also have all the looms I'll ever need(Lamellar and Katana). If I win, I'll probably donate the loompoint to a clan member if anyone wants it, or create an MW katana at some point and put it in the clan bank.
Anyway, some examples of how my logo can be utilized. Though about adding a border and background similar, but too lazy at the moment.
Why is that? I can't argue for my preference or that is seen as "PMS trip"?Because you have been posting 90% whine, rage and shitposts the last couple of days. Stop it.
I also find it interesting how you're always commenting on stuff, but you never argue, you never debate. I have a hard time respecting people like that.
I just want to mention an insane idea I just had: how about inventing a new name for cRPG
Fuck seriuz bizzniz, pick this logo, away with you corporate looking logos.
I just want to mention an insane idea I just had: how about inventing a new name for cRPG? I find the name actually a little bit clumsy to pronounce, and it doesn't sound very well. Something more "atmospheric" perhaps, which can be abbreviated better? Like "The Rise of Warriors" (really bad example, 5 sec. thinking time) which would be abbreviated "Trow". Easier to pronounce, and the full name sounds more epic. (Or in this case, it tries harder to sound epic).
Just an idea, please don't kill me folks!
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cRPBYeah, I can't help but agree. I'll mess around with it a little later and see if I can't make it a little more distinct.
So I heard you like cutted up shit and fire?
For the record Teeh...I have supported Thovex's logo from the beginning...For the record. I'm sorry if it might have sounded like I didn't appreciate your logo, which I really do. It's just that your ass is probably still sore from Bjord's willing tongue.
It's not about "fun" or not - it's about it being well designed.
Mine is (hopefully) well designed and serious toned. Thovex's is well designed and more jovial in tone.
I fully support Thovex's logo and would be happy if it won.
Here mine!rofl(click to show/hide)
Close enough :mrgreen:
For the record. I'm sorry if it might have sounded like I didn't appreciate your logo, which I really do. It's just that your ass is probably still sore from Bjord's willing tongue.
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Here mine!(click to show/hide)
Close enough :mrgreen:
You should have an archer instead of Gandalf quoting that.
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Not to be mean or anything but that's kinda the idea :lol:. At first glance it will look only just as you described "a cluster of figures". Now look at the small one in the banner, then look back to the bigger one. I even ripped out all the small details from the fighters so the thing is easier to spot :(.(click to show/hide)
Not to be mean or anything, but that looks more like a cluster of figures than actual words :mrgreen:
gosh darnit, I like a lot of them!Yeh me too... Hard to decide if I had to do it. Luckily I don't have to :mrgreen:.
a quick concept i thought up today, everything can be changed, stuff can be added
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Concept I've been working. Trying to find a font and stuff that would look good and improve texture and shading on the text.Nice! Yeh add some cool steel texture and blood dripping from the blade and voila! I'm still happy I'm not the one who has to pick the winner :D.
Highly WIP:(click to show/hide)
Sword is entirely self-made ;)
Feedback is welcome and stuff.
Like this, you mean?Yeh starting to look awesome! Maybe needs some work on the letters and the overall contrast/brightness/ or lights/shadow things can't really tell what it is but something that makes the sword fit in with the letters better. Maybe it's the shadows. Looks great even now tho :).(click to show/hide)
my upload: a simple logo from a simple spineless geezer(click to show/hide)
A(click to show/hide)
B(click to show/hide)
C(click to show/hide)
D(click to show/hide)
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What the fuck is that supposed to be?
What the fuck is that supposed to be?
What the fuck is that supposed to be?
Say what you see, literally it'll spell what you need.
Some fantastic stuff coming out of this thread, I didn't really expect this level of enthusiasm. I'm really quite jealous of your skills...
Why did you use the exact same font as Elindor?
Anyway, Don't really dig the drop shadow(and you use it a bit too much for everything you do).
It is, but you used it first, so I think it's pretty cheap by Khorin.Bjord, your stand on using models without permission is "if they don't give you permission just use it anyway, fuck them and their hard work." please stop sucking Elindors dick for a second and think about things, maybe you'll realize this ain't that different.
I mean, by principal you do not use something someone already used as it is... well -- lame?
It is, but you used it first, so I think it's pretty cheap by Khorin.Did not know it was the same font as Elindor. Just browsed through my fonts in Gimp and tried a bunch of different ones, and most are way too ornamental for my taste or not medieval-ish enough, this striked a nice middleground.
I mean, by principal you do not use something someone already used as it is... well -- lame?
Well, I assumed he did(even wrote that I assumed), so whatever.Heh. That happened originally by mistake, but it kind of grew on me, because it reminded me of CRPG(computer role-playing games) game logo's of old.
Anyway, one thing that bothered me are these speckles of "dirt" on your logo. I would highlight them, but I think you know what I mean. It would look better if you cleaned that up.
Bjord tell me what I should do to my hand drawn logo. Is it something I should keep polishing/taking another angle on or is it just a waste of time? I might have gone too much outside the normal comfort zone of gaming logos with it...
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Fixed :mrgreen:
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This is my take on new logo it is still a work in progress but I thought it would be nice to have some feedback. What you guys think? flipped "G" too much?(click to show/hide)
This is some nice work!
Some thoughts:
- On a darker background some decent rim lighting may come in handy.
- I don't know if it'll need the texture so badly, maybe a less heavy textured version for the new trailer, but for the website it won't need a texture I'd say.
- I like the flag. but I personally would change it in a way that you can read the letters even without the flag being transparent. I like the effects though, I'm not against it. Like I said, the logo version for a trailer should have some more action, imho.
- About the typography, will you do anything about the lower part of the R letter? I think it should be adjusted so that it goes along with the P more smoothly. Maybe like this:
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(but if i were you I would actually try find another solution to that ... heh)
Anyway, best luck with this entry!
I did some doodling yesterday night and this is the best concept i could come up with. The idea is that the c would be used as the tip of a sword or arrow or some other weapon in a fancy version, in a plain version it would just be a distinct looking c. It might even work for an animation where the RPG is stabbed by a sword or hit by an arrow (but that is way beyond my skills, doing a clean version of my doodle will already be a challenge).Great idea! It's more than a fancy font and couple effects. That with animated shit would look awesome.(click to show/hide)
Inverted letters, not my cup of tea. My first thought was CRPD aswell.
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Quick and dirty concept.(click to show/hide)
Hmm when talking about animations... I just thought that wouldn't it be goddamn cool to add animated intro when the game launches? Like the current Taleworlds and Paradox intros. It throws in the logo and stuff. Just thinking it would be cool.
I have 0 knowledge about this, but that sounds like a lot more work than just one image.Yes it is a buttload more of work. One heirloom point might not cut it anymore :D. Still I think it would be cool if we could do it.
Yes it is a buttload more of work. One heirloom point might not cut it anymore :D. Still I think it would be cool if we could do it.
I really like Juhanius's.
Hmm when talking about animations... I just thought that wouldn't it be goddamn cool to add animated intro when the game launches? Like the current Taleworlds and Paradox intros. It throws in the logo and stuff. Just thinking it would be cool.
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while it would look cool, everyone just skips those anyways so its not worth the coding work(assuming its even possible)Hey I see what you did there! That's the old "requires some work, not probably worth it" argument!
Hey I see what you did there! That's the old "requires some work, not probably worth it" argument!
Just make a code that disables the skipping for the first run of its implementation. Everyone has a nice look and in the future you skip if you want.I like those. Always nice to get time to make yourself a cup of tea.
Some devs do this for their games, to force people to watch the company logos etc.
I like those. Always nice to get time to make yourself a cup of tea.Interesting how you have to be forced to wait to have time for such a thing. No animated intro please, few care about those things.
Interesting how you have to be forced to wait to have time for such a thing. No animated intro please, few care about those things.Sarcasm. I don't actually like those long annoying intros, so I pointed out that they are so long I have time to go make myself a cup of tea.
Interesting how you have to be forced to wait to have time for such a thing. No animated intro please, few care about those things.
No, his argument is "everybody skips intros, so it's not worth it". He's right.
Yeah but, as stated people barely ever watch intros, some watch 'em the first time (me included if the intro isn't getting shitty and long as hell) and then some watch 'em the first time and then another time ten years later for nostalgia.Amen.
Instantly mash all buttons on keyboard trying to skip intros unless its a game's story intro... habit.
well i cant make a logo but i thought id give people who can some creative idea's
axe being thrown at the letters crpg?
man being stabbed blood splatter makes crpg letter's
Please take note that this is only idea/concept and should be used only to motivate professionals:
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I am only trying to present idea because compared to most guys in this thread, I am a total noob when it comes to image editing.
I made this yesterday but was hesitant to upload it because lack of good idea...but anyhow here it is.(click to show/hide)
Here is also some variations...(click to show/hide)
I made this yesterday but was hesitant to upload it because lack of good idea...but anyhow here it is.(click to show/hide)
Here is also some variations...(click to show/hide)
I made this yesterday but was hesitant to upload it because lack of good idea...but anyhow here it is.Simple, yet elegant. Me likes!(click to show/hide)
Here is also some variations...(click to show/hide)
I made this yesterday but was hesitant to upload it because lack of good idea...but anyhow here it is.This, is a logo. I love the second and third one.
Here is also some variations...
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I made this yesterday but was hesitant to upload it because lack of good idea...but anyhow here it is.(click to show/hide)
I made this yesterday but was hesitant to upload it because lack of good idea...but anyhow here it is.(click to show/hide)
Here is also some variations...(click to show/hide)
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I made this yesterday but was hesitant to upload it because lack of good idea...but anyhow here it is.Thx for feedback...reason I wasnt sure about this logo is that sword as symbol is overly used in medieval themed logos etc.
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Here is also some variations...
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Thx for feedback...reason I wasnt sure about this logo is that sword as symbol is overly used in medieval themed logos etc.
By the way is tip of blade too blunt? I think it could be sharper.
One other thing, tried fit this on red banner and it seems to be difficult because long width of the logo. Problem could be avoided positioning sword on top of letters like I did in one of my logo variations.
The top row of the variations you posted would fit better since they are not so horizontal - they also do not rely as heavily on the sword icon. For that reason I personally think those 2 are the best....even the one without the sword at all.
I made this yesterday but was hesitant to upload it because lack of good idea...but anyhow here it is.
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Here is also some variations...
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Give him the loompoint!
Cmon dude :wink: there is still three full days before deadline.
All of those are great, all should be used but randomly generated everytime ^^ covers many classes n stuff! Variation is guud :mrgreen:
That NA guy who used to make brilliant comic strips, forgot his name :(
Along with yours and Elindor's, there is no other logo I can imagine to represent. I don't even know you, but man, you deserve a round of applause for that.
What I also really like is that you included variations, I think the devs are really digging that fact.
Again, pat yourself on the back.
We have a lot of talent in this community;
That NA guy who used to make brilliant comic strips, forgot his name :(
I'm sure there are many more, will be nice to see more great talent. :)
Didnt you say if elindor doesnt win you will rip your arse off and shit ice cubes?
Didnt you say if elindor doesnt win you will rip your arse off and shit ice cubes?
He just enjoys doing so and is looking for an excuse to do it without having people thinking he is weird.
Reward: 1 of those precious pointsI bet it's an extra wpf point.
this one
with a leaf on the and of lance
and different font ;)
Do you mean something like this?(click to show/hide)
On a more serious note Juhanius's logos are great. Axe no 2 is the best....a cut above everybody elses.
I bet it's an extra wpf point.
I found this on google images, do i win anything?
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A bit late.
I like the second one best : )
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2.This one!(click to show/hide)
This one!^
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