So this is what happens in the long run when one class is overpowered. More and more and more players start playing that class, creating a vicious circle. Since carrying a long-ass spear, particularly against cav is not an option, or a reasonable decision since you most likely will drop it in the first encounter against infantry, cav will reign.
Who will win, a pikeman or a cavalry player? Well, the cavalry can choose NOT TO PLAY, and go for the archer or the unaware tincan or the unaware pikeman.
It has happened many times before in cRPG history that when one class become OP, more and more players start playing this class. Like with archers before, their power increases with numbers until only the most masochistic players choose not to become one, or carry a counter at all times.
Like I said months ago, cav needs a serious HP-buff, they can keep the speed for all i care, but also needs a seriously reduced maneuverability. Then they would have to THINK before they charge, and not feel like paper jets being shot down in no-time. Ain't it retarded that constant avoiding of projectiles is one of the 1st prerequisites for a successful cav-player?
Also, give us back some sheath-able spears capable of stopping cav. Doesn't need to do all the damage in the world, as long as you have a fair chance of stopping most of the lances.
Perhaps I'm jaded but I miss the times when it was possible to do flanking runs without showing to the whole world that you carried a spear.. Even then, if i.e. Bamboo Spear..
was sheathable but not hidden that would be fine with me..
At the end:
Just to list the number of tactical "indirect buffs" cav received lately:
1. Nerfed Throwing (Main short range cav detterant)
2. Long Spears take 2 slots (Fewer players have free slots to carry one)
3. Long Spears are non-sheath-able (Of the few that does, most of them have dropped them after a minute)
4. More maneuverable horses, the arab dancing horse i.e. (Making it easier to avoid problems and choose targets)
So of the cav-counters that are left there are only Archers/Xbows, and a good cav player knows how to deal with those. Archer have no defense available, xbow can never recharge in a 1vs1 situation..
On another note: It is true in theory that good tactics can defend well against cav. But not on an equal numerical basis. I think 10 cav vs 10 pikemen on a field, cav will win. Not if they charge all from the front, but If they surround them, and charge at the same time. Some cav will go down for sure, but so will some pikemen. After the horsies are down, there's still the riders to kill. BUT, perhaps we should install a special class of horses for strategus that are more powerful than the normal ones..
messy post sorry about that :-D