Read the abstract of a psychological study about conspiracy theorists a couple of days ago. Yes, there actually are a few studies.
They found out that the more proof for their sources and 'knowledge' about things being flawed or even faulty, the harder they assume you're either some kind of send agent of the big conspiracy or naive, deluded, uneducated, blind 'sheep'.
But of course all those studies either aim at the 'others' or are contract work for government agencies.
On the contrary if anything my accusations of brainwashing, being braindead or deluded only sought to mirror similar accusations laid against myself by a handful of opponents in this thread, including yourself. Now you think after indulging in such name calling you're in a position to try and profile someone for doing the same back? When you make this point, are you talking about yourself? If so well done, you're on the first step to coming to your senses.
Oh and I must have skipped over/missed this article titled. " Thu Oct 22, 2015 3:38 EXCLUSIVE: Israeli Colonel Leading ISIL Terrorists Captured in Iraq" but the news agency is based in Iran, so I guess they're lying because our governments treat them like the bad guys and say they have a nuclear weapons program that we can't prove exists. I guess it's difficult to prove what does not exist to exist though right?
I'd love to know what media you guys consume that's enticed you into adopting the views of our corrupt, morally deficient and law breaking governments. Or were you indoctrinated through the "education" system in your respective countries?