lol name me one person you know who was paid 20k+ for doing "nothing"? I only think I like about Labour compared with the Conservatives is at least it has some decent people in it. And yes I do think things wil be better than in the UK if they go independent, but then again I am not a pessimist
As to Europe, well when you have 1% of the EU population in Scotland, 25% of the EU's Renewable energy source in scotland and 60% of the EU's oil source it seems highly unlikely they will be left out of the EU. Perhaps you must read up on it?
I know several in my old village. One guy faked a back problem for years (he would dig in his garden) and said he couldn't work because of it. Walked around with a cane and everything and had a shit ton of money forked out to him. Hardly worked a day in his life.
My wife also works in Whitehawk in a volunteer centre. It's one of the most deprived areas of the UK. Most of the women there readily admit they make their kids fake ADD and actually try and drink + smoke during pregnancy to give their kids disabilities so they get far more child benefit support. And most of them neglect their kids and walk around with nice shiny iphones ect. She also worked at a food bank, you know, the places that people bring up when they bemoan our Government for causing a divide and she couldn't stand to work there any longer because of the people. They had all their shiny new toys, often pets, but could not 'afford' to feed their kids.
She used to think the welfare system was great until she worked with those who use it most and she was ignored when she needed it most. It took about 6 months for her to go from supporting it to despising the system.
It's the plague of the welfare system at it's best and is one of the major things that needs fixing in this country. It usually ends up neglecting those who need it most and helping those who are looking for an easy ride.
Conservatives also have some decent people. But just look at the mess that labour has created every time they've been in power over the last 50 years or so and it makes you want to think twice.
Scotland will be left out of the EU simply because there will be a number of member states that will fight hard against it. Forget what they 'bring' to the EU. That's fluffy stuff that no one cares about in a bitter political game. And to many member states there will be far more at stake if they let Scotland join than oil supplies ect. Scotland will be bullied out of it and left hanging. Combine that with an inevitably weak currency, and the billions of pounds that have already left the Scottish economy due to the uncertainty of independence and they will be in a sticky place in a few years if this goes ahead.