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Re: Summer Lovin
« Reply #135 on: June 28, 2013, 08:09:09 am »
I should probably preface this with my views do not communicate those of SS/Jabonra. Infact I have been out of crpg/strat for a month, so I am somewhat out of the loop. And for those interested, I hope to be making my return to mountain blade within the next week or two.

And by your logic LCO could attack HG or Remnant because they are not properly FCC.

The way I look at it is intentions. I think its pretty clear that Remnant is part of FCC as far as strat goes. Absorbing a faction so they get protectio under a NAP is a bit different in my book.

As far as the current situation, it's pretty shitty. I think its pretty blatant that it was a roster drop, consider badplayer even went as far as to send a message to everyone in semenstorm about what we lost. But regardless it certainly wasn't a legitimate seige, and am somewhat suprised that matey/bale are putting up resistance. Maybe its their form of recapturing what they lost at Ahmerrad, or lco/hosp thing, or they just want the castle. It's sketchy to keep it, but its also a video game about capturing land.

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Re: Summer Lovin
« Reply #136 on: June 28, 2013, 08:20:06 am »
Then you are playing naive.

All I will I say on the matter is that people have been banned for cheating wrongly before. Just keep that in mind. We should probably just wait it out and see what the devs/admins dig up on this whole ordeal before we jump to any conclusions.
I'm rock, nerf paper, scissors is fine. Welcome to c-RPG.

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Re: Summer Lovin
« Reply #137 on: June 28, 2013, 08:45:28 am »
Quote from: chadz
No matter how long you guys cry - I will not give in to dumbing strategus down because some people just want battles. If all you want are battles, then play cRPG, not strat. There are other people who like advanced gameplay.


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Re: Summer Lovin
« Reply #138 on: June 28, 2013, 09:19:00 am »
So you intend to break your treaty with LCO for something that some guy in SS did, because of your gut feeling about a guy that has a history of griefing and has now been banned?

And by your logic LCO could attack HG or Remnant because they are not properly FCC.

The treaty we made was with LCO and SS together. Arowaine spoke for SS with their permission; he made clear that any deal with LCO included SS. If SS broke the deal, does that not mean LCO did as well? as for us "intending to break our treaty" it's pretty hard to break a broken treaty, that being said we are already busy enough; of course LCO and SS were planning to jump us July 1 anyways but I guess they couldn't wait that long.

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Re: Summer Lovin
« Reply #139 on: June 28, 2013, 09:24:07 am »
Meanwhile in Dhirim:

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Re: Summer Lovin
« Reply #140 on: June 28, 2013, 10:43:08 am »
Meanwhile in Dhirim:

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You're work gets better every day Jesus. I am seriously impressed.

Edit: Nearly decided not to responed to Matey's nonsense. But don't worry, the drama will continue.

The treaty we made was with LCO and SS together. Arowaine spoke for SS with their permission; he made clear that any deal with LCO included SS. If SS broke the deal, does that not mean LCO did as well? as for us "intending to break our treaty" it's pretty hard to break a broken treaty, that being said we are already busy enough; of course LCO and SS were planning to jump us July 1 anyways but I guess they couldn't wait that long.

So SS reacquiring a fief (on the opposite side of the map from any actual FCC holdings) they lost because of a cheater who just happens to be in your faction constitutes a violation of the treaty?

Sounds to me like you're looking for any excuse to break the treaty early. Wouldn't be to surprised if you put fraichedan up to it.

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« Last Edit: June 28, 2013, 10:49:30 am by Sparvico »
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Re: Summer Lovin
« Reply #141 on: June 28, 2013, 10:59:34 am »
isn't "sheltering a rebel" a hostile act and thus breaking the ceasefire anyways lol

Offline Matey

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Re: Summer Lovin
« Reply #142 on: June 28, 2013, 11:31:55 am »
isn't "sheltering a rebel" a hostile act and thus breaking the ceasefire anyways lol

Occitan sheltered a faction we were still at war with that had recently taken fiefs from us and our reaction was "well played"; then we changed our plans and left the hospitallers alone.

Sounds to me like you're looking for any excuse to break the treaty early. Wouldn't be to surprised if you put fraichedan up to it.

As for putting badplayer up to it... I hardly know the guy, but I'm pretty sure there isn't a person in this game who could put badplayer up to anything; he does what he does. Shik can probably give more insight to how badplayer does things than I can.

As for an excuse to break the treaty early (on our side) we have been using our troops all month and would be happy to take it easy for awhile... I honestly wouldn't mind if the NAP was extended; big offensive campaigns are fucking tiring.
« Last Edit: June 28, 2013, 11:34:57 am by Matey »

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Re: Summer Lovin
« Reply #143 on: June 28, 2013, 12:24:37 pm »
"Lords and ladies of the low court, you have all convened for a simple explanation. As an outsider with knowledge of the unseen, let me proffer you this more digestible summary of the events which brought you here.

The Lord of New Samarra Castle has been usurped via nefarious means. Whether through witchcraft or treachery, we are not certain.

The faction Free Companies of Calradia have taken in the usurper lord of New Samarra Castle at his request, and have been given access to his wartime logistics for the defense of the castle. The lord himself has been banished from the land.

The castle's rightful owners wish to have it under their flag once more, but in taking it back, the Free Companies have put those lords into a position where they would break a pact of ceasefire were they to try and retake what was theirs.

LAY DOWN YOUR THOUGHTS! Let the court know what you think of the matter and let us conclude with it before the first of July."

TL;DR version of circumstances, SEMENstorm lost Samarra Castle through, in the best case scenario, a traitor inside the faction. The player who took the castle applied to FCC, and they accepted him, giving them access to the roster and enabling them to personally defend the castle. FCC is behaving as though the act of putting the castle back into its original faction is a breach of their non-aggression pact with Les Chevaliers Occitan and SEMENstorm, despite having an interest only due to the act of the traitor applying to their faction - and accepting that player into their faction. FCC having been vocally distressed at the possibility of their NAP being broken by the other members come the end date on the 1st of July. Almost as though they want their partners in the pact to break it before its duration has expired.

And that's not even the worst possibility of the events that occurred.

shouldn't the FCC be the last ones to make a big deal out of smaller factions being absorbed by bigger powers?
It's the timing of it that's being argued.

Such as the timing of Remnant attacking Hospitaller after the Velucan Empire declared war on them and winding up in FCC as a result of being outgunned. Such as the timing of the NA Coalition members entering FCC, while in a boring war with Chaos and others who were threatening their last holding, ending the war. Hospitaller joining Occitan is a fair comparison.

However, a more apt hypothetical comparison to what just happened would be the following: Suppose Saxton had, instead of defecting and selling his FCC-owned fief to LL, sold it to LCO or SEMENstorm while they were under the same conditions of this NAP. Or even merely left FCC and applied to LCO or SEMENstorm and got accepted. What would FCC have done, let them hold the fief and protect their defector? Does the fact that someone clicked 'accept' mean nothing in the case of a traitor?

It is not a matter of whether the intention was there from the beginning, one may never know, or even the reaction SEMENstorm has. What matters is that the Free Companies of Calradia are profiting off the misery of others and attempting to force their enemies-turned-pact-mates into a war against them by means they outspokenly decried before (i.e. Saxton). Sheltering a rebel, a defector, a traitor, gaining a fief from a fellow member of your non-aggression pact through malicious means is somehow not an aggressive act?

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Re: Summer Lovin
« Reply #144 on: June 28, 2013, 01:45:09 pm »
isn't "sheltering a rebel" a hostile act and thus breaking the ceasefire anyways lol

get yer logic outta here shik. this is diplomacy, nothing makes sense, and you should be angry about it!

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Re: Summer Lovin
« Reply #145 on: June 28, 2013, 01:45:22 pm »
If it Matters I agree with Dynamike its just bad business. No one spoke to me before the castle became ours. I would have voted against taking the castle.

One point to clear up however. Matey was not lying about what Arowaine said concerning the treaty and hosp... however we basically knew it was all fluff.

I can see both sides of this one. Since we just went thru it with LL buying Saxtons fief. No one said anything to LL however about how bad it was and were happy to get the exp from the fight that was born from it... They focused on Saxton. Sort of funny how that same thing is not passed to the FCC. We had nothing to do with the event in question, but we can maybe have an exp filled night out of it.

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Re: Summer Lovin
« Reply #146 on: June 28, 2013, 03:54:40 pm »
I can see both sides of this one. Since we just went thru it with LL buying Saxtons fief. No one said anything to LL however about how bad it was and were happy to get the exp from the fight that was born from it... They focused on Saxton. Sort of funny how that same thing is not passed to the FCC. We had nothing to do with the event in question, but we can maybe have an exp filled night out of it.

There is a major difference, LL payed cRPG shit for the fief, meaning that they would've lost their looms instead of just not recieved a present here, they also weren't aware that FCC didn't agree with deal.

1H stab is the fastest, strongest and longest 1H animation. There's no reason NOT to use it in all instances. I don't know if it's OP, but it's boring. 1H used to be fun because you had a fast (left), long (right) and the most devastating attack (stab) and had to choose the best attack for each occasion.

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Re: Summer Lovin
« Reply #147 on: June 28, 2013, 04:50:00 pm »
Sheltering rebels has been a hostile act since the dawn of time. Even recently NATO declared war on Talaban Afghanistan because they were sheltering Al Qaida.

Offline BaleOhay

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Re: Summer Lovin
« Reply #148 on: June 28, 2013, 07:05:19 pm »
They had to know something was up with that sale. I do not believe for a minute that they thought we were ok with it.

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Re: Summer Lovin
« Reply #149 on: June 28, 2013, 07:31:15 pm »
New Samarra Castle

Lord Joe stood behind his Champion Courser on the stairs leading into the dungeons. "My love," he said, "It's two fucking steps."

"B-but I have four legs. I'm not sure how this is supposed to work." She put a leg forward, then hastily brought it back.

She was a good horse, but vertical movement could be a problem.

Joe squeezed past her sweat-coated flank . "Just let me know when you're ready, alright?"

He walked into a long, stone hallway. It was dark and cold, despite the flickering torches. Waiting for him was the leadership of the Free Companies. Great lords, all of them, in glittering mail and finely woven heraldry.

Bale muttered something about "nutcase" and "horse". Kesh, her hair lighting up the dungeon with it's glory, seemed worried.

Also present, much to Joe's surprise, was Lord Tydeus. Tydeus hadn't been present during their seizure of the castle, and shortly thereafter the armies of SEMEN STORM had surrounded the place, yet somehow the warrior had gotten in. Joe smiled at the dour group before him. "What'cha need?"

Gristle stepped forward, he seemed less angry than he was sad. He fiddled his little plate-shaped hat. "Joe, we need you to, uh, interrogate a political prisoner. BADPLAYER. He has resisted us, but perhaps you can do something to get him to talk." He glanced over Joe's shoulder. "You and your, erm, maiden."

Kesh cleared her throat, and a man's voice came out. "He glitched the fucking castle, and we need to know how... So we can do the same. This wizardry could help us defeat Hospitaller and their vassals: Occitan and SEMEN STORM, once and for all"

Joe nodded. "I'm gay."

"I knew we could count on you."

Joe and Champion Courser strode into the interrogation room. BADPLAYER hung from the wall by chains, his sweating, shivering, form shocking to behold. His neckbeard hung to the floor, devoid of its usual luster.
"BADPLAYER--sorry for shouting that--you've been a naughty boy."

"Joe? Is that a horse? Oh God, what the fuck are you going to do to me now?"

"We," Joe said, "Are going to talk."

"I've got nothing to say to you. I thought you were going to protect me." He sounded breathless. The Terrortops must have had his way with him.

Joe looked to his horse, smiling. "Honey, I think it's time for the Halibut." He strode to a chest in the corner and retrieved a large fish.

"Are you talking to your horse? Jesus Christ."

Joe put on his fish-beating face and leapt across the room. He fell upon BADPLAYER, smiting him with savage blows.

In a room next door, the leaders of FCC sat in a circle. They could hear the sound of wet fish-slaps through the wall.

Gristle was pacing. "He's going to kill him. We can't do this. Not when BADPLAYER came to us in friendship."

Tydeus spoke, "We need to know. I can't just ban him on a hunch."

WITCHCRAFT said, "I could try some potions. They don't work, but BADPLAYER--sorry for yelling--doesn't know that.

Kesh frowned. "They work sometimes. Remember that siege and the necromancy?" She looked suddenly worried. "Wait. What if--?"


Joe's cry filled the dungeon, along the neighing of his triple-loomed Courser.

The leaders of FCC and Tydeus leapt to their feet, drawing swords and rushing into the hall. Gristle fumbled with the keys to the interrogation room. The sound of scuffling feet and grunting could be heard on the other side. The door clicked, and the brave lords rushed in.

What the saw was terrible.

Joe and his horse were locked in a deadly struggle with BADPLAYER'S neckbeard. It had grown to twice its normal length, and had a life of its own. Joe wrestled desperately for control of his Halibut.

The lords of FCC and Tydeus fell upon the dread neckbeard with fierce battle-cries, hacking and grappling. BADPLAYER was laughing, cackling, his beard growing more and more.

Suddenly, the fell neckbeard was on fire, a torch caught in its Mountain Dewy tangles. Somebody yelled "GOTTEM COACH!"

It was over. BADPLAYER was consumed by the flames, his last utterance an angry shriek.

Tydeus, panting, sheathed his sword. He looked at the confused faces around him. "I'll, uh, talk chadz about that. Let's... Let's just say I banned him, for now." This was met with muttered agreements.

Bale shook his great, horned head. "Why did we fucking do this in the first place?"

((This is how I spend my days off now))
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