- ???
- More damage. (what pole are you talking about?)
Oh I don't know... maybe Elegant Poleaxe, German Poleaxe, Great Long Axe, Poleaxe, Bec de Corbin. Are these enough?
- Better thrust. (OMG you cant be serious you LolstaberxD )
So, polearm thrust isn't faster and doesn't glance and get stunned nearly as much as the two-handed one does?
- Bonus against shields. (helpful against 2hs ?)
No, but against shields, maybe?
- Hit stun. Stagger effect when hit. (oh yeah i see, evry time i hit i have 1min to hit the poor stuned guy over and over 8D)
Trolling much?
- Weapon stun, polearms are generally heavier. (ye its the weight, neither the length nor the speed. CLEAR )
What are you on about?
- Horse stopping thrust. (evryone can pick up a staff/pike to stop a horse, but wait on duel you fight horses in major right? D: )
What has duelling with this to do?
- Cavalry equipment - lances. (evryone can use lances but lancers need to set points on riding. so we cant tank us like 2h with IF)
This is just in general.
- Anti-cav and support - pikes. Oh and lets not forget that you can thrust-curve around teammates and overhead through teammates on enemies. (ye Mr. Lolstaber the CURVE xD)
Save for the fact that I can't thrust-curve around my team-mates on enemies because I'll hit them. Same with overhead.
Doesn't require a rocket-scientist to understand that two-handed is vastly inferior to polearms.
You dont seem to be a rocket-scientist more a 2h lobbyist. Very weak your "hard facts".
Dont fear the balance Mr. Lolstab!
I've never said I was a rocket-scientist, just that one doesn't need to be one to see it. What does that make you, Lanic0r?
Once again I'm not sure if you're trolling or just being a retard, though this time, I took the bait.
[Edit]: I'm not lobbying for a Polearm nerf, because Polearms are fine and are perfect as they are and should be. All I'm kindly asking for is to have Two-Handed swords, both Great Swords and the bastard-sword variants, to be on the same 'level' as the current and equivalent polearm variants but still retaining it's individual cons and pros.